July 2014

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Summer Horse Shows Spotlights

2 & 3 Year Old Incentive Program

On the Cover Summer Horse Shows………..……………………11 Spotlights …………………..12

In This Issue Newsletter…………………………...…………………………2 Business Directory………..…..……………………………..2 Meet A Member: Jill Labrowski…....………………......5 MApHA Youth Update……………………………………..9 Board Meeting Minutes………………………………….13 MApHA Incentive Program……………………………..16 Current 2014 Board of Directors………………….…...18 General Membership Minutes………………………..19 Become A Member TODAY!...................................21

Newsletter Greetings, with continued excitement , I bring you the July edition of The MApHA Magazine. We want to apologize for taking some time to get more issues of this out, but we had some difficulty that we had to wait for IT to fix to change editors. However now all is well and we are back in action!

ber (or potential member) need to know.

Please take a moment and share this issue and the following issues on all of your social media sites! Get the word out there and support your local Appaloosa! If you would like to continue to receive a “printer This is my first time doing this online friendly” of the newsletter and newsletter, so please bare with me as meeting minutes, that option I learn all the features available and is still available. fancy buttons I can add. If you have anything you’d like Occasionally, I will be calling on you to submit, please contact to be apart of this growing online Amanda Kutchey (586)855publication. As always we’ll continue 8712 or kutcheys@gmail.com, to share show related news and ways or I created an email just for the magUntil next month, you can support our club and it’s azine at members and continue to get all gen- miappaloosahorsclub@gmail.com Amanda eral information that you as a mem-

If you are interested in placing a business card in our monthly newsletter, contact me using the information provided on the Board of Directors page for information.

Showing - Lessons - Training - Sales Mason, MI - 517-256-6548

Jill Labrowski Tell us a little about yourself ( where you are from, horses name, etc.) I have lived in and loved Michigan (especially when it’s not -15 degrees) my whole life. Armada has been my home for the past 16 years with my husband Paul who some of you may or may not have seen at the shows. In addition, we have our dog Marty, cat Charlotte and 2 horses Sly and Guinness, oh and I can’t forget our resident pony Annie. My love and admiration for my horses has been there my entire life with a focus on hunt seat events thanks to Mary Luther. Currently I show Sly Assets, a.k.a. Sly in non pro events and have had the pleasure of introducing my niece Morgan Binkowski to Viejos Dunn Tattooed, a.k.a. Guinness who has just started in the novice youth gaming events.

Whats your astrological sign? I am a May baby, Taurus…

What originated your love of the breed? The individuality and versatility of the breed, it’s great to see these horses perform in a vast number of disciplines in and out of the show ring. In addition to the horses, the people I have met in this association are truly dedicated to their families and their animals. It’s just a great association to be a part of.

How did you get started with Appaloosas? Over the past 33 plus years I have had the privilege to have had some amazing trainers, coaches and friends in my “horse” life along with some wonderful horses. Jim Malburg, here in Michigan has been one of those trainers for me over the years with my horses. His wife Colleen and I have been great friends for many years and as I got to know his group of clients and attend some of the shows I quickly found I wanted to be a part of the association. I am glad to be a part of it and to start sharing it with my niece Morgan.

What brings you to show with us? Enjoying my horses, family and friends.

What is your biggest goal for this year? As far as the horses go, introducing my niece Morgan to showing, it’s great having company in the truck now on the way to shows!

Favorite things to do outside of showing horses? You can always find Paul and me at home working on something. We both travel a lot with work so spending time around the bonfire with family and friends is great.

What is your favorite class at the shows and why? Hunt Seat Equitation, it’s always been favorite, love the patterns!


M ASO N, M I - 51 7 - 2 5 6 - 6 54 8


Cut the proof of purchase from any Tribute bag and turn in to a youth member or advisors. TRIBUTE will generously donate a portion of their proceeds back to our organization. If you’re interested in purchasing TRIBUTE Feeds to help support MApHA Youth, please contact Cathy Wood using the information provided in our Business Directory. Thank you TRIBUTE for this wonderful program.

MApHA Youth Update June Mason Show – Strawberry Shortcake fundraiser on Saturday. The Kline family will coordinate. May & June Mason Shows – coffee and donuts. The Maiville family will coordinate. The youth agreed to buy a new coffee maker as the old no longer works well. If anyone has a large coffee maker they would like to donate to the youth please contact one of the youth advisors before April 1.

The youth also agreed to support the Incentive Classes at the MApHA shows. A $25 cash prize will be awarded to the August 23 Show – Pulled Pork Dinner. highest placing youth in the class, as long The Simpkins family to coordinate. as there are at least 3 youth exhibitors in the class. If there are fewer than three August 2 Show – Celebrating Home and The MApHA Youth held their annual Yankee Candle Fundraiser Forms availa- youth exhibitors in the class there will be meeting on Saturday, January 26 in con- ble. The Denham and Ekovich families to no payout. The 8 incentive classes injunction with the Annual Banquet. coordinate. All youth should pick up sales clude: Aged Gelding, Aged Mares, Junior Hunter Under Saddle, Senior Hunter Unmaterials at this show. The Celebrating The officers for the 2014 year include: Home fundraiser ships direct to the Emily Savedes, President, Ally Brown, Vice President, Katherine Maivelle, Secre- “sellers” location so delivery of this product is very easy for all youth to particitary; and Kristeena Wright, Treasurer. pate. Fundraisers for the year were discussed Again this year the youth will be coland following are the details. lecting Tribute Feeds proof of purchase. May Spring Show – Chili and Baked Please remember to cut and save your Goods Sale. The Wright family will coordiTribute proof of purchase and turn in at nate. All families to bring chili and baked any MApHA event or to any youth memgoods. ber. This is a great fundraiser for the youth.

der Saddle, Junior Western Pleasure, Senior Western Pleaaure, Open Camas Prairie Stumps and Open Nez Perce Stakes. For more information about any of the MApHA Youth activities contact advisors: Cathy Wood (cwoodshowhorses@aol.com) or Kelly Bristle Ekovich (ekovichka@aol.com).

Five Myths of Horse Show Judging

With show season just around the corner, like most of you, I’ll be changing gears as soon as the weather gets warmer than 40 degrees. For most of my life the “gear change” was to get back into the show ring, and in that regard, not much has changed. The last several years, however, I have been showing my horses less and less, and judging more and more. Over the years, I have been blessed with some nice horses, and some great trainers, but I can honestly say that judging was the “missing link” in my horse show education, if you will. I never really knew what showing horses was about until I started judging…and in light of that, and in honor of show season, I’m going to share what I have found to be (my) top five myths of horse show judging, in no particular order. Others probably have their own list (and are free to start their own blog). 1. If you win, it means the judge really “likes” you and your horse. Sometimes. But not always. Occasionally when you win, you were the best of what was out there, so don’t let it go to your head. Actually, you’d be better served to develop the ability to self evaluate your own performance and decide how happy to are with it. It’s better for everyone. And sometimes you get to see horses and riders that take your breath away. Those are the best days. 2. Judging is just “someone’s $5 opinion”.

like to be an exhibitor, show a Morgan, etc.. That would be tough. I don’t know any judges who have never shown a horse. Now, I will admit that some open horse show judges may have classes or breeds that they are more well versed in than others, based on their background. I would get extremely frustrated, for example, when an older gentleman who probably hadn’t done a great showmanship pattern…well, maybe ever, didn’t appreciate the obvious skill of my superhorse and I. But eventually I figured out that said gentleman probably had more years working with and evaluating western horses, or cow horses, or Morgans, than I’d ever dreamed of. So when I became a judge, I told myself that I’d be a judge that truly appreciated showmanship and pattern classes, and the effort that goes into them. Because I’ve been there. I also told myself that I’d be a judge who learned to appreciate a great horse regardless of breed, color, or discipline. I think most judges try to do the same. 5. Judges want people to fail Absolutely not. Judges want to see people do their best, and treat their horses well, and work very hard to sort out talented horses and riders. That is what makes it fun. Going back to number two, I’d much rather sort horses and riders based on positive things, as opposed to who had the fewest problems. If you’ve ever wondered what goes through many judges heads it’s probably something along the lines of “Come on kiddo, nail that turn. Come on horse, lift your back and lope like I know you can. Listen to your little girl, do what she asks.” I want to see those horses that take my breath away…and those riders who obviously love what they are doing…just like I do when I show.

Sometimes. But not really. There are specifications to each class and carded judges spend a lot of time learning those specs, honing their craft, and developing a system whereby they can make decisions fast enough for everyone to get through 150 classes by 6:00 pm. There may be some opinion involved in separating close pairs, but usually that opinion is based on class specifications and not much else. 3. Judging is really easy. If you’ve shown, you can do it. Wrong again. Judging is one of the most physically and mentally demanding things I’ve ever done, with the possible exception of running the Detroit Marathon (and I use the term “running” loosely, but I did finish before they took down the finish line, which was my goal). Back to judging horse shows. It’s hot. The days are long. The potty breaks are few. And every judge I know is dedicated to doing the best job possible based on the class specs mentioned above. I’d agree that often times finding the first, second and third place horses is pretty easy, but after that it can get messy, and that is probably where opinion comes into play more than anywhere else. In pleasure, for example, do I want to use the horse that lopes true, and drives hard off the hock when its because he’s running off, or do I want to use the one that listens to his rider, but maybe isn’t as high quality a mover Want more? You can visit outoftheboxas some of the others? (Again, this deci- stall.wordpress.com and read more from sion has to be made in about 3 seconds, Karen Waite. taking all other gaits into consideration as well, in 90 plus degree heat, and 200 % humidity. Ok that’s an exaggeration I guess.) 4. Judges don’t understand what it is

February BOD Minutes Spring Show – Bob Clark asked for confirmation that the Grand and Reserve Ribbons had been purchased. Lee Fischhaber reported that she had purchased them for all of the MApHA shows for 2014. Summer Sizzler – Nothing to report. Classic Show - Lee Fischhaber was working to get sponsorship for the high point awards and wanted to know if the Board would allow some sponsor advertising in exchange for their donation. This definitely would be acceptable. Judges – Nothing to report. Non Pro – Nothing really to report. The Tack Sale for last weekend didn’t bring in much. Youth – Nothing new to report. MICHIGAN APPALOOSA HORSE ASSOCIATION Board of Directors Meeting February 8, 2014

The Board of Directors meeting was held at the Michigan State University Pavilion beginning at 12:07 PM on Saturday, February 8, 2014. President Bobbie Best called the meeting to order. Those present were: Bobbie Best, Cathy Wood, Amy Zeigler, Kay Bowen, Amy Schweiger, Bob Clark, Lee Fischhaber, and Dustin Boehmer. Kari Klein arrived at 12:10 PM. Unexcused absences were: Dean Wintjen. Frannie Wintjen, and Jennifer Schulte. Also present was Dave Best and Judy Biber. Agenda – No changes to the advanced agenda Minutes – Minutes for the January 11, 2014 meeting were presented. Being no corrections, Bob Clark made a motion that the minutes be approved as presented, seconded by Amy Zeigler. The motion carried by a majority vote.

and checking has $8,572.33, for a total of $71,953.52. The General Fund is at its lowest point but this is typical for this time of the year. We have had expenses but no income coming in because show season hasn’t started. The Youth and Non Pro funds are in good shape. There was a question asked about the insurance for the Sizzler Show. This is a joint show with WMAR and MApHA and Bobbie wondered if it would be possible for the two clubs to contract for one show and split the cost, rather than both clubs having their own policy. This insurance does not cover any member that is injured during the shows, so the coverage is limited to general public/nonmembers, or damages to the facility. A committee of Tami Vickery, Judy Biber and Lee Fischhaber was assigned to look into this question and report back to the Board. There being no other questions about the Treasurer’s Report, Amy Schweiger made a motion to accept the report as presented, seconded by Dustin Boehmer, and the motion carried by a majority vote of the Board.

Correspondence – There was no correspondTreasurer’s Report – Judy Biber presented the ence. financial statement as of February 8, 2014. Reports – The following reports were given. The money market savings has $63,381.19

Games – Nothing to report. Banquet – Kay Bowen reported that meal subsidy was about $450, which can be contributed to the reduced numbers for lunch. There were no complaints about the food this year, even though we did run out of mashed potatoes. Judy Biber brought up that we might want to check out catering services from her son-in-law for next year. Kay will check out cost for a proposed menu for next year. Awards – Nothing to report. Website – Bobbie Best reported that she has information that needs to be posted and will do this soon.

February BOD Minutes Pointskeeper – There was nothing to report.

Judy Biber suggested that we should investigate how we can do more direct marketing. Member Services – Nothing to report. Could we send information about our shows Show Approval – Nothing to report. The and our new incentive classes to trainers and membership had voted to accept the recom- exhibiters to encourage them to come to mended show schedule and the General Michigan shows. We have never done anyMembership meeting on January 25th. thing like this. We could brainstorm to come up with names. Bobbie Best asked Dustin OLD BUSINESS whether he would be willing to pick up this Scholarship - Jackson Fitzgerald did not come idea to see what we could do. Dustin agreed to the Banquet to receive her award because to work on this. Dustin suggested that we do it was her mother’s birthday. Do we want more than just mailing of show bills. We her to come to a Board meeting to receive need to do things to follow-up, i.e. phone the award or do we want to just mail it? calls, with the recipients to ask them to show After much discussion Dustin Boehmer made at our shows. A committee of Dustin a motion that we mail the check to Jackson Boehmer, Cathy Wood and Bobbie Best was Fitzgerald, seconded by Amy Schweiger. The assigned to develop a list of possible direct motion carried by a majority vote of the marketing recipients. Kari Klein also suggestBoard. ed that the local tack stores should be includAppaloosa Journal Advertising – Bobbie Best ed in the direct marketing efforts. reported that Dustin Boehmer has been lookThe question was whether we still wanted to ing at new ways to advertise about our advertise in the App Journal. After much shows. He has a copy of “InStride” available discussion, a motion was made that Dustin for us to review as a possible option. He hasBoehmer explore the costs of alternate adn’t checked out prices yet but will explore this vertising vehicles such as InStride, Go Horse option further. He also has researched a Shows and direct marketing, as well as the website called “Go Horse Shows” that has a cost to increase our ad size in the App Jourprint and on-line option. Their pricing is nal, and report back to the Board via e-mail $130 for a single page but if you purchase by February 15, 2014. The motion was sefour pages, it would be $120 per page. There conded by Amy Schweiger and carried by a was discussion whether we should use these majority vote of the Board. Ribbons for Clasoptions instead of the App Journal. We need sis Show – Question was raised about whethto make certain that the word gets out about er we should explore purchasing ribbons for our new Incentive classes. the Classic Show that would have both club names on the ribbon rather than two separate ribbons. It would acknowledge the joint front of both Clubs and would save costs to both Clubs. There is an initial cost to creating a new template. Lee Fischhaber was assigned to look more into the cost and discuss with WMAR. 2013 Open Show Ribbons – The invoice for the ribbons has been paid. Expo – The raffle colt is in good shape and volunteers to help sell tickets are always welcome. Just get in contact with Sharon Clark.

New Business Patterns for Classes – Bobbie Best reported that she was approached by individuals at the Banquet about trying to keep the pattern equipment set-up the same for all classes. This is normally handled by the Non Pro and they tried to do this last year but also wanted to use more complicated patterns. They will work to select patterns with this request in mind for the 2014 show season. Performance Halter and 2 Yr Longe Line Classes – Question was raised about whether these classes, because it is not a Nationally approved class, should count for year-end high point awards. Based on by-laws, this class is only offered at the Sizzler and Classic shows so as it stands now, the points would not be counted but then is there any incentive for members to participate? The incentive would be the fact there are no national point fees. After much discussion, Bob Clark made a motion to stay with a $20 class fee for showing under all four judges, seconded by Kari Klein. The motion carried by a majority vote of the Board. If the participation is high, then the Board can choose at a later date to offer a high point award if it so chooses. Because the national point fee was discussed, Cathy Wood asked if we have actually discussed Show Office arrangements for the 2014 show season. Judy Biber reported that she has had verbal discussion with Brad and Kyle and they have agreed to do the show office for the same fee in 2014 as was charged in 2013. Judy, however, will confirm and report back to the Board. 2014 Banquet – It was suggested that we consider going to a one-day banquet schedule that would include the MApHA and WMAR awards presentation on the same day. This may be advantageous to members who do not wish to tie up both days of the weekend to receive awards. The proposed schedule that was distributed prior to the Board meeting was:

Incentive Class $100.00 Added To Each Class For All Three 2014 MApHA Shows

Classes Eligible For Incentive Money

$ $



Pays National Point Fee Non-Pro and Youth members only in the following classes: Rules:  $100

Aged Gelding, Junior HUS, Senior WP

added to each class listed above and paid to the top four placing's.

 Additional

Money for the highest placing MApHA youth exhibitor. Must be three youth exhibitors per class to be eligible for payout.

 Additional

Money for the highest placing MApHA Non-Pro exhibitor. Must be three Non-Pro exhibitors per class to be eligible for payout.

 Incentive

class will run concurrently with regularly scheduled class on show bill.

 Exhibitor &

Owner of the Horse must be MApHA members to be eligible for payout.

 Class

will be placed under a “Call Judge” determined at random immediately prior to beginning the class.

 No

added entry fee to be eligible for the incentive money.

 Payout


are to be made in Cash, USD cur-

February BOD Minutes 10:30 AM – WMAR Board meeting 11:00 AM – WMAR General membership meeting

and investigate whether there would be any cost changes with the hotel.

Postage Costs – Judy Biber brought up the recent increase in the cost of a postage 11:30 AM - WMAR Youth/Open Awards stamp to $.49. She questioned whether we 12:00 PM – LUNCH coordinated by WMAR should continue to mail membership cards banquet committee - Youth Pizza Party if they out. It’s her understanding that WMAR want. does not mail them, and instead, distributes them at their first show. After discussion on 1:00 PM – WMAR Non Pro and High Point the pros and cons, Amy Schweiger made a Awards motion that all new memberships be mailed 1:30 PM – MApHA Non Pro meeting followed out along with the information that goes in by set up of Silent Auction items the membership packet. Any renewal will be held for distribution at the first show of 3:00 PM - MApHA Youth Meeting. the season. The motion was seconded by 4:00 PM - MApHA General Membership Dustin Boehmer and carried by a majority Meeting vote of the Board. 5:00 PM - MApHA Non Pro and Youth awards. Bond Policy Renewal – As usual, the bonding 6:00 PM - Dinner coordinated by MApHA ban- policy renewal is due. This is to bond the quet committee. check signers, Judy Biber and Bobbie Best. Amy Zeigler made a motion that we renew 7:00 PM - Live Auction and closing of Silent our bond policy and pay the invoice of $187, Auction. seconded by Lee Fischhaber. The motion 7:30 PM - MApHA Scholarship Awards and carried by a majority vote of the Board. Open and High Point Awards. Bob Clark asked whether the Board was going 8:30 PM - DJ and Dancing to have a meeting on March 8, 2013. This is After much discussion, Bob Clark made a mo- during the Expo weekend and we need as tion that we plan for a one day banquet agen- many people as possible to sell tickets on the Yearling Gelding Raffle. Lee Fischhaber made da. The motion was seconded by Kari Klein a motion that we cancel our March meeting, and carried by a vote of the Board present. Kay Bowen, as Banquet Chairperson, will con- seconded by Amy Schweiger. The motion carried by a majority vote of the Board. Judy tact the hotel to book it as a one-day event

Biber will confirm that our April meeting will be held at the Okemos Fairfield Inn. Bob Clark also asked the Board to keep it in the backs of their minds that adding the weanling halter class at the Classic Show this year could be the start of more futurity type classes in 2015. We need to be thinking about it over the year so we can find ways to encourage breeding and build a strong futurity program in the future. At 1:45 PM, Lee Fischhaber moved that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Kari Klein. The motion carried by a majority vote. Respectfully Submitted,

Kay Bowen, Recording Secretary

Board of Directors Bobbie Best—President 25401 Dunning St Cassopolis, MI 49031 Home: 269-445-3357 Cell: 269-214-0097 Email: Best Farms Term Expires: 2016

Jennifer Schulte—Classic Show 1760 Ranch Drive NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 Cell: 616-826-8004 Email: jennifer.schulte3@gmail.com Term Expires: 2016

Cathy Wood—Vice President/Youth Advisor PO Box 173 Mason, MI 48854 Cell: 5172566548 Email: cwoodshowhorses@aol.com Term Expires: 2016

Lee Fischhaber—Summer Sizzlwer/Trail Coordinator 22341 M Drive N Marshall, MI 49065 Home: 269-781-3453 Cell: 616-403-1073 Email: Jlee4140@gmail.com Term Expires: 2014

Judy Biber—Executive Secretary/Treasurer 28328 Dixboro Rd South Lyon, MI 48178 Home: 248-486-0695 Email: Judybiber@comcast.net Term Expires: 2016

Dean Wintjen 3234 Moryer Rd Williamston, MI 48895 Home: 517-655-2763 Email: deano327@aol.com Term Expires: 2016

Kay Bowen—Banquet/Minutes Keeper 9245 N Wyman Rd Barryton, MI 49305 Home: 989-382-8952 Cell: 231-3577366 Email: c4amile@dishmail.net Term Expires 2016

Kari Klein—Youth Advisor/Website 415 N Gould St Owosso, MI 48867 Cell: 989-382-8138 Email: Kariklein@hotmail.com Term Expires: 2015

Dustin Boehmer—Newsletter/Summer Sizzler 6466 McCue Rd Holt, MI 48842 Cell: 269-420-1242 Email: boehmer3@msu.edu Term Expires: 2014

Amy Zeigler—Open Awards/Show Bill 10327 W Grass Lake Rd Barryton, MI 49305 Home: 989-382-8138 Cell: 989-600-9922 Email: Appy_pharm06@hotmail.com Term Expires: 2015

Frannie Wintjen—Classic Show/Show Approval 3234 Moyer Rd Williamston, MI 48895 Cell: 517-719-8941 Email: dsfancy499@aol.com Term Expires: 2014

Amy Schweiger 1805 Riley Center Riley Twp, MI 48041 Cell: 810-602-8998 Email: amyschweiger@yahoo. Com Term Expries: 2016 Bob Clark—Spring Show 2776 Bellevue Road Leslie, MI 49251 Home: 517-589-9711 Email: clarkappaloosas@yahoo.com Term Expires: 2014

January General Membership Minutes The General Membership meeting was opened at 2:00 PM with President, Bobbie Best, presiding. A membership sign in sheet was passed around and found thirty seven (37) present, which included the following Board members—Bobbie Best, Amy Schweiger, Bob Clark, Frannie Wintjen, Dean Wintjen, Kari Klein, Amy Zeigler, Kay Bowen, Jennifer Schulte, Dustin Boehmer and Lee Fischhaber. Board members absent were Cathy Wood.

by Tami Vickery . The motion carried by a majority vote of those present.

Frannie explained that the Hoosier Appaloosa Association was offering two other shows in Indiana and had requested that the MApHA Expo - Bobbi reported that we have a geldapprove them for our 2014 Show Schedule. ing that will be raffled off at this year’s StalThose shows were in April and August. The lion Expo on March 7, 8 and 9, 2014. Anyone Board had reviewed them and decided not to who would like to help with selling tickets recommend the two additional shows beshould sign-up on the list at the registration cause April is extremely early in the season table. You can also take tickets to sell prior for Michigan members, and the August show to Expo, as long as all tickets are returned would make three shows in the same month. prior to Expo. We need to have all tickets However, if the membership wanted those available on that weekend to make certain shows to be added, it was up to the general Bobbie Best opened with comments about we don’t run out of tickets at the event and membership to vote to include them. After the make-up of the current Board of Direcso we can account for all unsold tickets for discussion, Sharon Clark made a motion that tors. The Board is a combination of longthe Lottery Commission. the 2014 Show Schedule, as presented and term members and new members. This By Law Changes - The By-Law change that recommended by the Board, be approved. brings stability to the Board because you was submitted at the General Membership The motion was seconded by Susan Ogier. have the past experiences of the long-term meeting on November 9, 2014 by Amy The motion carried by a majority vote of the members and the new ideas of the new Schweiger was reviewed by the Board at their members presented. members. With those comments she then January 11, 2014 meeting and was approved. introduced each of the Board members. 2014 Class Changes – Bobbie Best explained This rule change to Section 14.6(A) assures that the Board has also approved some Minutes – The November 9, 2013 general that a Youth or Non Pro High Point, or a Rechanges in the classes offered in 2014. Those membership minutes were read by recording serve High Point, award would only be given changes include: secretary, Kay Bowen. A motion to approve if there are at least two nationally approved the minutes was made by Dean Wintjen, se- classes used in the tabulation. This is in line  Added Performance Halter Class – conded by Jennifer Schulte and approved by a with the requirements for the open High Any participant in this class must also majority vote of those present. Point and Reserve High Point Awards. participate in one other performance Financial Report– Judy Biber distributed financial reports detailing that we have funds as follows:

$2,455.89 in the Scholarship Fund

Proposed 2014 Show Schedule – Frannie Wintjen presented the 2014 show schedule  that was approved by Board of Directors at their January 11th meeting for presentation to the General Membership. The schedule recommended was as follows:

$1,072.32 in the Breeders’ Futurity Fund

Spring Show – May 10 & 11, 2014 at Mason

$59,148.10 in the General Fund

Disabled Rider Class – We are reaching out to disabled rider groups to offer this class at the Classic Show.

Weanling Halter Class – We are going to offer a weanling halter class at the Classic Show.

Eliminated Foundation Classes due to lack of participation.

Added a new Incentive Program for payment of Incentive money to the top four placing Michigan members

Quadarama – May 17 & 18, 2014 at Findley, $355 in the Pleasure Incentive Class Fund OH

$5,732.30 in the Youth Fund Total cash balance is $75,578.44, with money market savings of $73,372.87, and the checking account has $2,200.37. The remainder of the report provides the breakdown of revenue and expenses for each of the funds. A motion to accept the financial report as presented was made by Julie Mayer, seconded

WMAR – June 7 & 8, 2014 at Mason WMAR – July 19 & 20, 2014 at Centreville, MI Summer Sizzler – August 2 & 3, 2014 at MSU Classic Show – August 22 – 24, 2014 at MSU Freedom Classic – September 13-14 at New Castle, IN

All Breed Pony Class - This class is added as a fun class for our little tikes who bring their ponies for the weekend. No fees required.

$93 in the Jr Game Class Fund

$6,721.83 in the Non Pro Fund


January General Membership Minutes classes. The Youth have agreed to contribute bership reaction was very receptive and we $25 of additional money to be paid to the will continue to use this avenue in the future. highest placing Youth in each of the eight Regional Club Report – Judy Biber presented incentive classes. that the Regional Club Report, as required by In addition, the MApHA will pay the national the National Club, has been completed by the point fees for any Non Pro or Youth Michigan Board of Directors and is available after the member who participates in the following meeting for anyone who cares to review it. It classes: will be mailed to the National Club after this meeting.

 Aged Geldings

 Junior Hunter under Saddle  Senior Western Pleasure Newsletter – Dustin Boehmer presented a new idea for getting our newsletter to members. This is an on-line magazine called “Issu”, where we have our own pages with news about the Club, and it will provide exposure to non-members as well as members. There is no cost to the Club to use this website. Dustin showed the sample pages that he in eight classes offered at all three has developed and posted for our Club. We MApHA shows. This incentive program is being implemented in order have already had 800 reads and this has only been up since the Board of Directors meeting to encourage individuals to particion January 11, 2014. We can also offer use pate in these classes. The Club will of our pages for advertising by members for pay $100, paid to the top four placing free and non-members would pay a $20 fee Michigan members, for each of the to our Club for use of our pages. The mem-

following classes: o

Aged Geldings


Aged Mares


Junior Hunter under Saddle


Senior Hunter under Saddle


Junior Western Pleasure


Senior Western Pleasure


Open Stakes


Open Camas Prairie Stumps

The Non Pro have agreed to contribute $50 of additional money to be paid to the highest placing Non Pro in each of the eight incentive

Kay Bowen, as Banquet Chairperson, asked the membership to offer suggestions that would make this Banquet more successful and rewarding in the future. There being no further business, a motion was made by Frannie Wintjen to adjourn, seconded by Jennifer Schulte. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 2:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Kay Bowen, Recording Secretary

Become a Member Today Why? MApHA offers a unique opportunity for those owners and enthusiast to engage in relationships and competition with fellow members of similar interests. For years MApHA has been considered a great family organization and though we may not be related by blood we do share a undeniable common interest in the horses that we care for dearly. Aside from the companionship gained from our wonderful organization are many other opportunities. Annually we award our top showmen at the MApHA Banquet, held in conjunction with our friends at WMAR. MApHA provides it’s youth members the chance at a yearly scholarship for educational purposes and provides youth with many other unique opportunities to grow relationships and responsibility. We also provide absolutely free advertising to you members in our monthly magazine, which in it’s first month reached 1000 viewer! While we remain proud of our Michigan residents, competitors come nation wide to enjoy the professionalism and proficiency of our shows. Time and time again, we here that we have some of the best shows and our national standings annually only prove the satisfaction rate! We also engage in community events to help grow friendships and interest by attending tack sales, encouraging open shows via an annual high point award and supporting other organizations such as the Michigan Horse Council. At the Stallion Expo & Trade show MApHA hosts an information booth and raffles off a gelding to help promote the breed, engage the public and grow our organization. Whatever reason you choose, we hope that you choose MApHA and all the wonderful people that make us great. Thank your for your consideration. We hope to be having a great 2014 with you, whether it be in or outside the show pen!

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