Db 13(6)1991

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Steppe Buzzard morphs at migration and their separation from Long-Iegged Buzzard Hadoram Shirihai & Oick Forsman


Imost the enti re world population of Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus is migratory. It crosses the Middle East twice a year on route between its extensive breeding grounds (north ern Europe to Siberia through c 96°E) and its winter quarters (eastern and central Africa to the southern most part of the continent). Buzzard B b buteo inh abits most of the western and centra l parts of the Western Palearctic and is either resident or a shortdistance migrant, not wintering beyond the limit of the subspecies' breeding range. Between the two subspecies, there is an extensive intergradation zone across eastern Europe from Finland to the Balkans. On migration, Steppe Buzzard follows well-defined routes, with spectacular concentrations at some traditional 'bottlenecks', such as Borçka in north-eastern Turkey and Djibouti in autumn and Eilat, Israel, in spring. Being at one of these places on a peak day, with thousands of birds streaming by, is one of the ultimate birding experiences. Steppe Buzzard is one of the commonest species along this 'raptor route' (for spring- and autumn routes and seasonal counts, see Shirihai 1987 and Shirihai & Christie in press). Maximum numbers counted on single days in spring and autumn were 130 000 at Eilat on 2 Apri l 1986 and 135 000 at Borçka on 28 September 1976, respectively. This paper describes the var ious co lour morphs of Steppe Buzzard and Long-Iegged Buzzard B rufinus, based on field study, photography and trapping during the springs of 1980-89 at Eilat. In Steppe Buzzard, three main plumage types can be recognized: the 'fox-red morph ', the 'grey-brown morph' and the 'blackish morph' ; in Long-Iegged Buzzard, four main plumagetypes, the 'pa le morph', the 'intermed iate morph ', the ' rufous morph' and the 'b lackish morph ' .

Steppe Buzzard Fox-red morph (rufous morph) Th is morph cha racterizes Steppe Buzzard but many

[Ou/ch Birding 13: 197-209, december 1991[

individua ls of the fox-red morph strongly resembi e some Long-Iegged Buzzards in plumage (see the section on Long-Iegged Buzzard) . Thefox-red morph is found in the eastern part of the subspecies' range, mainly east of 30 0 E. It comprises c 60% of the total Steppe Buzzard population migrating through Eilat in spring (Shirihai 1987, Shirihai & Christie in press). Typical adult (uniformly rufous) BELOW (plate 183)

Undérparts, hea d, med ian and lesser underwing-coverts, and carpal joint (Iesser and med ian under-primary-coverts) almost uniform ru sty-o range. Greater underwing-coverts and greater under-prim arycoverts barred black or brown, forming dark frame bordering remainder of underwing-coverts . Remiges pale w ith fine barring, mainly on secondaries, with broad sharply defined black tra iling edge. Tail pale pinkishorange w ith black subterminal band. Many individual s of fox-red morph show same pattern but also w ith most of plumage barred, including lesser and median underw in g-coverts, underparts, remi ges and rectri ces (more closely resembling plate 184). Some also have pa ler Ushaped breast-band. ABOVE (plate 185) Rectrices deep rusty-orange or rufous-brown with black subterminal band. Uppertailcoverts also rusty. Back, mantie and upperwing-coverts usually showin g dark-brown centres w ith sa nd y or ru sty edges, forming pale upperparts with slight rusty tone.

juvenile to first-summer BELOW (p lates 186 and 187) Rese mbles adult but streaked or mottled over most of body-feath ers with longitudinal streaks on breast and lack ing wide black subterminal band on taiJ. Dark trailing edge to wing is narrowe r and less distinctive (not solid black) than in adult (for more details, see section on agein g).

Grey-brown morph This plumage is most similar to th at of Buzzard. Adults can be divided into three submorphs: the 'dark grey-brown morph' which is closest to Buzzard and can be very diffjcult to distinguish from it; the ' normal grey-brown morph' (plates G B1 and GB2) which always has little rust to the underparts and the base ofthe tail ; and the ' rufous grey-brown


Steppe Buzzard morphs at migration and their separation from Long-Iegged Buzzard

183 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vu/pin us, adult fox-red morph showin g uniform rufous underparts, Eilat, Israel, March 1989 (Pau / Doherty) 184 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vu/pinus, typical ad ult fox-red morph showin g barred body-feathers, Eilat, Israel, March 1989 (Pa u/ Doherty) 185 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vu/pin us, adu lt fox-red morph, Ei lat, Israel, March 1989 (Pau / Doherty) 186 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vu /pin us, ju ven i Ie fox-red morph, Eilat, Israel, March 1989 (Pau / Doherty)


Steppe Buzzard morphs at migration and their separation from Long-Iegged Buzzard

187 Steppe Buzzard 8uteo buteo vu lpinus, ju ven ile fox-red morph, Eilat, Israel, March 1989 (Pa ui Doherty) 188 Steppe Buzzard 8uteo buteo vu lp inus, ad ult norma l grey-brown morph, Eil at, Israel, April 1987 (Pau l Doherty) 189 Steppe Buzzard 8uteo buteo vu lpinus, ad ult normal grey-brown morph, Eil at, Israel, March 1989 (Paul Doherty) 190 Steppe Buzzard 8uteo buteo vulpinus, ad ult rufou s grey-brown morph, Ei lat, Israel, April 1987 (Pau l Doherty)


Steppe Buzzard morphs at migration and their separation {rom Long-Iegged Buzzard

191 192 193 194


Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vu/pin us, adu lt rufous grey-brown morph, Eilat, Israel, March 1989 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vu/pinus, ju venil e grey-brown morph, Eilat, Israel, May 1989 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vu/pin us, ad ult bl ackis h morph, Eilat, Israel, March 1989 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vu /pinus, adult bl ack ish morph, Eilat, Israel, March 1989

(Pau / Ooherty) (Pau / Ooherty) (Pau / Ooherty) (Pau/Ooherty)

Steppe Buzzard morphs at migration and their sepa ration from Long-Iegged Buzza rd morph' (p lates 190 and 191), an intermed iate plumage between the fox-red and grey-brown morphs, w h ich always shows rusty tones to the tai 1and some in the wing but the gene ral impression is more brown than ru sty. The grey-brown mo rph inh ab its mainly the western part of the subspec ies' range. Some indi v iduals seen o n migration in eastern Europe and the Middle East strongly resembi e Buzzard; it is 1ikely that they ori gin ate from the zone of intergradation between the two subspec ies. Th e total of grey-brown morph compri ses c 35% of th e total Steppe Buzzard population migratin g through Eilat in sp rin g (c 15% rufous greybrown morph and c 20% normal grey-brown morph; Shirihai 1987, Shirihai & Chri stie in press). Typical adult BELOW (p late 188)

Norma l grey-brown morph always shows paler U-shaped breast-band and distinct barring on body-feathers and underwing-coverts, and most of its tones are greyish-brown . Some ind iv iduals show sli ght ru sty tone at base of undertail-coverts. Rectri ces and remiges usually w ith distinct var iabie barring as we il , and w ith broad black subterm in al tail-band and broad dark trailing edge to w ing. ABOVE (p late 189) Lacks rusty tonรง' in upperwingcoverts, back, mantie and uppertail-coverts althoug h some individuals show sli ght rusty tone at base of uppertail-coverts.

juvenile to first-summer (p late 192) Grea tl y resem bles Buzzard of same age and can be difficult to separate except by more slender silh ouette and on average more ye ll owish-buff underparts. Differs from fox-red morph of same age by lack of deep ru sty tone in undertail-coverts and body-feathers (cf plates 186 and 187).

Blackish morph This is the rarest morph of Steppe Buzza rd ; it inhabits the easternmost part of the subspec ies' range. It compri ses o nl y 2-5% of the total Steppe Buzzard population migratingthrough Eil at in sprin g (S hirih ai 1987, Shirihai & Chri stie in press).

Typical adult BE LOW (p late 193) Lesser and median underwing-covertsand underparts verydark, uniform ly blackish-brown; onl y greater underwing-coverts sli ghtly pa ler grey. A ll remiges and rectri ces shin y-w hi te w ith fine barring and w ith contrasting broad black ish trailing edge to w ing and broad subtermin al band to tai l. ABOVE Upperparts appearin g nea rl y b lack, except for barring on tail and, in some indi vidua ls, grey at base of prim aries. This plumage strongly resembles that ofblackish morph of Long-Iegged Buzzard (see section on Longlegged Buzzard).

juvenile to first-summer Si mil ar to adu lt but possible to age in the field by greyer and less distinctive dark trailing edge to w in g (p late 201) . From above, very dark b ird, like ad ult, w ith va ri abie amou nt of w hite or grey at base of primaries. Uppertail heavil y barred b lackish, so metim es w ith broad blackish subte rmin al band, resembling adu lt.

Additional and intermediate morphs Some paler, almost whitish birds have also been record ed, probably representing a rare morph and an extreme of the variation found amongst juveniles. It should be stressed that the three abovementio ned morphs refe r to typical birds - a wide va ri ety of interm ed iates occurs, eg, many individuais show a plumage w hi ch is intermediate between the ru fo us grey-brown and fox-red mo rph s and often ca nnot be assigned to either category. Th ere are even interm ed iates between the unifo rm fox-red and blackish morphs in which some of the latter are more slaty-brow n w ith a faint rusty-brown wash. Ageing When identify in g plumages of Steppe Buzzard, it is preferab ie to concentrate on ad ults whose co loration and pattern are more distinct; the juvenil es of the three morphs are more simil arto eac h other and are often difficult, if not imposs ibl e, to separate. A combin ation of feather patterns and state of moult usuall y permits ageing.

Adult In all plumages, very clear broad black tra iling edge to wi ng, sharp ly contrastin g w ith w hiti sh bases of rem iges. Tail w ith dark brown or black subtermin al band, broad or narrow, depending on indi vidu al variation. Underparts either uniform in co lour or with barring at side of body and w ing-coverts. Iri s dark brown.

Subadult (seco nd-winter to second-summer) Similar to adu lt but body-feathers often interm ed iate between ju ven ile and ad ult. Iris not vet dark brown but interm ediate between th at of ad ult and ju venile.

juvenile to first-summer Differs greatly from ad ult in havin g tail evenl y barred, lack in g broad subtermin al ba nd . Underparts more st reaked and less barred. Dark trailin g edge to w in g narrower and greyer and somewhat diffuse basa ll y . Iris pale grey to pale brown. A ll first-winter birds show uniform remi ges and rectri ces of sa me generati on. Some sp rin g migrants, however, may have replaced one or two inner primaries.

Differences from Buzzard In general, Steppe Buzzard shows less plumage variation than Buzzard. However, the latter rarely


Steppe Buzza rd morphs at migration and their sepa ration from Long-Iegged Buzzard

195 Lo ng-Iegged Buzza rd Buteo rufinus, adult pa le morph, Eil at, Israe l, Ap ril 1985 (Pekka Komi)

196 Lo ng-Iegged Buzzard Buteo ru fin us, adult intermedi ate morph, Eilat, Israe l, March 1989 (Pekka Komi)

shows ru sty-brown o r fox-red tones w hi ch Steppe Buzza rd has in th e fox- red and often also in the grey-brown morp hs. The bl ac ki sh mo rph is also not fo und in Buzza rd. Thus, th e separatio n pro bl em is limi ted to the da rk grey-brow n morph w hi ch has no rusty to nes. Juveni les of the two subspec ies in suc h plumages are bas ica ll y indi stin guish ab le. Good features di stin guis hing adult Steppe Buzza rd of thi s mo rph fro m Buzza rd are the former's fa irl y unifo rm underpa rts, the complete U-shaped breast-ba nd and the greater underw in g-coverts and primary un derw ing-coverts w hi ch are di stin ctl y da rkerth an the remainder of the underw ing-coverts. In Buzza rd, th e U-s haped breast-band is obsc ured by a pa le area o n the be ll y in most indi viduals, separati ng the da rker flanks and j o inin g w ith th e U. Most Buzzard s also tend to have a darker head and breast th an the rest of the underpa rts, and less contrast between th e greater underw ing-cove rts and the med ian and lesserun derw ing-coverts. Steppe Buzza rd's tail tends to be paler and to have less consp icuous or fi ner ba rri ng than Buzza rd 's and , on the uppe rw in g, it also has a larger, paler and mo re distinct patc h at th e base of the primari es. Buzzard is, moreover, a heav ier bird w ith broader

w i ngs and heav ier fl ight, w h ic h, however, requ i res prev ious experi ence to assess .


long-Iegged Buzzard As stated in the introd uction, in Long-I egged Buzza rd fo ur main plumage types ca n be recogni zed: the 'pa le morph ' w hic h, fro m below, is rather pa le and sparse ly pattern ed o n body and un derw ingcoverts; the 'i nterm ed iate morp h' w hi ch is deepe r in co lour and shows mo re pattern ed body and underw ing-coverts; th e ' rufous morph', w ith bodyfea th ers unifo rml y deep rufo us-brown; and the 'b lac ki sh morph ' w hic h shows mo re or less blackish body-feathers and often coa rse and dense da rk ba rrin g to remi ges and rectri ces. The two fi rst mo rph s are overl app ing and interm edi ates between them occur freq uent ly. Th ere is a seri ous identificati o n problem betwee n Steppe Bu zza rd and Lo ng- Iegged Buzzard in places w here both occ ur, such as the M idd le East and Asia Mi nor. The pro bl em arises mainly in th e fox-red/rufo us and black ish morphs as they often are almost identi ca l in plumage (cf plate 183 w ith plate 202 and p late 193 w ith plate 200); onl y suf-

Steppe Buzzard morphs at migration and their separation (rom Long-Iegged Buzzard

197 Lang-Iegged Buzzard 8uteo rufinus, juvenile pale marph, Eilat, Israe l, Janu ary 1986 (Hadoram Shirihai) 198 Lang-Iegged Buzzard 8uteo rufinus, juvenile (same as plate 197), Eilat, Israe l, January 1986. Nate great simi larity ta typical secand-ca lendar-year spr in g Steppe Buzzard 8 buteo vulpinus in plate 199 (Hadoram Shirihai)


Steppe Buzzard morphs at migration and their separation from Long-Iegged Buzzard

199 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus, ju venile, Eilat, Israel , Apr il 1988 (Wil/iam 5 Clark) 200 Long-Iegged Buzzard Buteo ru fin us, juvenile blackish morph, Eilat, Israel , Apr il 1984. Note irregu lar barring of secondaries and primaries found in many dark juveniles (Wil/iam 5 Clark)


Steppe Buzzard morphs at migration and their separation (rom Long-Iegged Buzzard


201 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vu lp inus, juven il e blackish morph, Eilat, Israel, April 1984. Note regular barring of secondaries compared w ith irregu lar barring in many juvenile blackish-morph Long- Iegged Buzzard s B rufinus. Note also less clearly defined trailing edge compared w ith adu lt Steppe Buzzard in plate 193 (Wi lliam 5 Clark) 202 Longlegged Buzzard Buteo rufinus, juvenile rufous morph, Eilat, Israel, May 1984. This morph, together w ith blackish morph, is most difficult p lum age to separate from Steppe Buzzard B buteo vu lpinus (William 5 Clark)


Steppe Buzzard morphs at migration and their separation from Long-Iegged Buzzard

203 Steppe Buzzard 8uteo buteo vulpinus, adult, Eil at, Israel, April 1984. Note unu suall y spa rse ly barred tail resembling that of adu lt Long-Iegged Buzzard 8 rufinus in plate 204 (William 5 Clarkj

204 Long-I egged Buzzard 8uteo rufinus, adult-type, Eilat, Israel, Janu ary 1987. Note paler and more oran ge tail in co mpariso n to rufous-b rown tail of Steppe Buzzard 8 buteo vulpinus in plate 203 (William 5 Clarkj

ficient experi ence with both species allows for them to be separated.

and hence li ghter appearance in flight, all oth er characters mentio ned under (nom inate) Long-Iegged Buzzard also app ly to B r cirtensis which, moreover, seems to lack a blackish morph .

Structure Important features to look for are bod y stru cture, silhouette, flight and how w in gs are held w hen soa ring and glidin g. Long-Iegged Buzza rd is larger and more co mpact than Steppe Buzzard. Body broader and stouter and head larger and more co nsp icuous, appea rin g longernecked; w in gs long, broad and rounded (their stru cture more resembling an eagle) . Tail full, appea rin g long co mpared w ith round ed w in gs . Active flight heav ier, w ith slower and more majesti c wing-beats co mpared w ith Steppe Buzzard.ln structure, most resembling Roughlegged Buzzard 8 lagopus but heavier than latter or any Steppe Buzzard. When seen gliding head -on, arms slightIy rai sed and hand s held hori zo ntall y; w hen soa ring and circ/ing, w in gs held in deeper V than in Steppe Bu zzard (eve n recalling w in g position in Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos) .

Note, however, th at th e res ident northern African subspec ies of Lon g-Iegged Buzzard B r cirtensis is mu ch smaller than the Eurasian B r rufinus and actually overlaps in size with Steppe Bu zza rd (cf measurements in Cramp & Simmons 1980, Forsman 1984) . However, apart from the smaller size



Oifferences between Steppe Buzzard in fox-red morph and Long-Iegged Buzzard in pale, intermediate and rufous morphs BELOW (pl ates 195, 196 and 197) Most Long-Iegged Buzzards have pale head w ith noticeable dark moustache and eye-stripe. Pale head, throat and upperbreast contrasting strongly w ith sharpl y dema rcated dark brown lowe rbreast, flank and belly. In very many birds, all underw ing-coverts rather uniform ly ru sty or evenl y patterned w hile in Steppe Buzzard more marked difference between darkish greater underw in g-coverts, pale median and ru sty lesser underwin g-coverts (cf plates 186 and 192). Carpal patch (under primary-coverts) black, contrasting with remainder of underw in g w hereas in Steppe Buzzard black in ca rpal area usually more limited to greater underw in g-coverts. ABOVE (p lates 198 and 204) Upperwin g of both spec ies quite simil ar but paler patch at base of primaries usuall y larger and more distinct in Long-Iegged Buzzard than in Steppe Buzzard, espec iall y in ju ve nil es. Long- Iegged Buzzard's tail in adul t plumage tending to appear c/ear

FIGURE 1 Steppe Buzzard Buteo buteo vu lpinus (1-4): 1 adult fox-red morph, 2 adu lt grey-brown morph, 3 adu lt blackish morph, 4 juvenile; Lon g- Iegged Buzzard B rufinus (5-8): 5 ad ult pale morph, 6 adult rufous morph, 7 ju ven ile pale morph, 8 juvenile blackish morph. Also show n is Rough-Iegged Buzzard B lagopus, adult (9), ju venile (10) and a bird of unknown age (11) (Lars jonsson)


Steppe Buzza rd morp hs at migration and their separation from Long- Iegged Buzza rd pa le orange, clea ner than Steppe Buzzard 's tail , show ing in most ind iv iduals more den se and di st inct barrin g. Tail of many ju ve nile Long- Iegged Buzzard s, howeve r, pal e grey ish-brow n w ith regu lar fine barrin g, as in ju venile Steppe Buzza rd but w ith more freq uent te ndency to show largely w hitish base to ce ntra l ta il .

Rufo us Lo ng-Iegged Buzza rds are often identica l in pi umage to adu It fox -red Steppe Buzza rd s (cf pl ates 183 and 202, and fi gure 1-6). In th e most diffi cult ind ividu als, o nl y th e uppe rta il see ms to differ between th e species, bein g more o r less ' norm al' . In th ese d iffic u It bi rds, characters as size, proportion s, w i ng actio n and w i ng pos itio n are im portant for th e identificatio n. Oifferences between Steppe Buzza rd and Longlegged Buzza rd in blackish morphs Separation of the bl ack ish morph s of Steppe Buzza rd and Long-I egged Buzzard is the most diffi cult of al/ , th e identification relying mainl y o n size, profil e and fli ght (see 'Stru cture' under secti o n of Lo ng-I egged Buzza rd ), as th e birds are almost identi ca l in all other aspects. The o nl y majo r difference seems to be the coa rse and pro min ent and often also irregul ar dark ba rri ng of remi ges of underw ing and upperta il seen in most blac ki sh-morph Lo nglegged Buzza rd s, espec ial/ y first-w inter birds (pl ate 200). O n th e other hand, black ish-morph Steppe Buzza rds always see m to show the typ ica l underw in g ba rr ing w hic h al/ Steppe Bu zza rd mo rphs have in co mmo n, w ith a w ider subtermin al band (blac k and c/ea r-c ut in adults) and fin e regul ar ba rrin g basa l/ y to the second ari es and uppertail (p lates 193 and 201). Distribution and migration D ata from th e breedin g ground s (Vauri e 1965, Dement'ev & G lad kov 1966, G lutz vo n Blotzheim & Ba uer 197 1, Cramp & Simmons 1980) show th at the grey-brow n mo rphs are fo und in th e western most part of th e subspec ies' range; further east, th e bird s gradu al/ y become ru sti er-toned (differin g deg rees of the fox-red morph ) and in th e easternmost part of the subspec ies' di stribution, th e unifo rml y rusty fox-red morph and th e bl ackish morph occur. Exa min atio n of skin s in the Briti sh Mu seum (Natural Hi sto ry) (BMN H) atTrin g, UK, also revealed th at bi rd s from th e western part of the subspecies' range are ri cher in pattern and many resembi e Buzza rd. The fact that so many birds of th e uniform fox -red and black ish morph s appea r at Eil at during sprin g mi gration, shows that extremely eastern pop ul atio ns of Steppe Buzza rd, w hose o ri gin may be even east of 60 0 E, m igrate thro ugh Eil at. Spring migrati on of ad ults of the va ri o us morph s at Eil at is


un synchro ni zed . The first spring mi grants (March) are of th e grey-brown morphs; birds of th e fox-red morph appea r primarily in late M arch and th e first half of April and birds of th e bl ackish morph mainly during th e second w eek of April. A simil ar sequence of passage w as observed at Suez, Egypt, durin g M arch-May 199 0 (Meininger & de Roder in prep, Han s Schekkerm an in litt) . App arently, as in many other w idely di stribu ted Palea rcti c spec ies, Steppe Buzza rd s breeding in the w estern and south ern parts of th e subspec ies' range migrate early in spring whereas birds of more eastern and north ern ori gin migrate later. Acknowledgements The British Museum (Natural History) atTrin g, UK, is ac kn owl edged fo r giv in g permi ssio n to study skin s. W e th ank Bil/ Clark fo r hi s help in th e fi eld, for looking at th e many slides and fo r commenting on th e text, and Paul Doherty for al/ owin g us to use hi s exce ll ent photographs . W e are grateful to Lars Jon sson for al/owing us to use hi s painting fo r thi s paper. Samenvatting KLEURVORMEN VAN STEPPEBU IZERD TIJDENS TREK EN ONDERSCHE IDING VAN A RENDBU IZERD In voo r- en najaa r trekken in het Midden-Oosten en Tu rkije grote aantall en va n de oostel ijke ondersoort va n de Bui zerd Buteo buteo, de zogenaamd e Steppebui ze rd B b vulpinus doo r. Dit artikel beschrijft ve rsc hill ende kl eurvo rmen va n Steppebuize rd zoa ls die tijd ens de trek in Eil at, IsraĂŤl, zijn waa rgenomen en er wo rdt een vergelijking gemaa kt met kl eurvormen va n de A rendbui zerd B rufinus. Tevens wo rd en ve rsc hill en met de westelijke ondersoort va n de Buize rd B b buteo behandeld . Binn en de Steppebui zerd kunn en dri e kl eurvo rmen wo rden ondersc heiden: de rosse vo rm , de grij sbruine vo rm en de zwa rte vorm; en binn en de A rendbuizerd v ier: de li chte vo rm , de intermedi aire vo rm , de rosse vo rm en de zwa rte vo rm . Deze indelin gen hebben betrekking op typische exemplaren; er ko men ec hter ook vee l voge ls voor die niet eenduidi g tot een va n deze vorm en zijn te determin eren. Dit geldt met name voo r juveniele voge ls. Ook het onderscheiden va n de rosse en zwa rte vo rmen va n Steppe Bui zerd en A rendbui zerd is moe ilijk en soms onmoge lijk op grond va n het ve renkl eed all een. Versc hill en in stru ctuur, silhouet, vli egbeeld, vleugelpositi e en manier va n v li egen z ijn dan belangrijke aa nvul lende determi nati ekenmerken .

References Cramp, S & Simm ons, K E L 1980. Th e bird s of th e W estern Palearcti c 2. Oxford . Dement'ev, G P & G ladkov, N A 1966 . Bird s of the Sov iet Uni on 1. Jeru sa lem. [First Ru ss ian edition publi shed in 195 4, at M oscow.]

Steppe Buzzard morphs at migration and their separation (rom Long-Iegged Buzzard Forsman, D 1984. Rovfagelsguiden. Helsinki. Glutz von Blotzheim, U N, Bauer, K & Bezzel, E 1971. Handbuch der Vägel Mitteleuropas 4. Frankfurt am Main. Meininger, P L & de Rod er, FE in prep. The mi gration of bird s of prey at Suez, spring 1990. Courser. Shirihai, H 1987. Eilat - an intercontinental highway for

mi grating raptors. In: Eilat - an international highway for migrating birds, pp 22-80, Eilat. Shirihai, H & Christie, D A in press. Raptor mi gration at Eilat. Br Birds. Vaurie, C 1965. The birds of the Palearctic fauna. NonPasseriformes . London.

Hadoram Shirihai, PO Box 4768, Eilat 88702, Isra el Oick Forsman, PO Box 25,02427 jorvas, Finland

Brieven Citroen kwikstaart te Harchies in april 1987

Summary ClTRINE W AGTAIL AT HARCHIES IN APRIL 1987 The ed itors of Dutch Birding wish to repo rt that the reco rd of a C itrin e Wagtail Motaci//a citreo/a at Harc hies (= Hensies), Henegouwen, Belgium, in April 1987 (Verro ken & Verroken 1988) has been rej ected by the Belgian rariti es committee . Furth ermore, with reference to a letter by Bert de Bruin & Enno Ebel s to th e ed itors, Luc and Dirk Verroken have changed some elements of their original description (Verroken & Verroken 199 1 ab). Under these circumstances, the editors co nsider further discussion not very useful and, therefore, refrain from publication of both the letter by Bert de Bruin and Enno Ebels and the received rep ly by Luc and Dirk Verroken.

Luc en Dirk Verroken schreven voor Dutch Birding een artikel over het eerste geval van de Citroenkwikstaart Motacilla citreolavoor België (Verroken & Verroken 1988). De vogel verbleef van 11 tot en met 13 april 1987 te H archi es (= Hensies), Henegouwen. De red actie van Dutch Birding hecht eraan mede te delen dat de waarneming inmiddels is afgewezen door de Belgische zeldzaamhedencommissie (van der Eist et al 1990). Bovendien zijn bepaalde elementen van de in Dutch Birding gepubliceerde beschrijving gewijzigd (Verroken & Verroken 1991 ab). Dit werd onder meer gedaan naar aanleiding van een aan de redactie gezonden brief Verwijzingen van Bert de Bruin en Enno Ebels die stelden dat de van der Eist, D, Lafontaine, R-M & Lafontain e, D 1990. Rapport de la Commission d' homologation. Année zwavelgele kleur van anaalstreek en onderstaart1988. Aves 27: 15-26. dekveren een Citroenkwikstaart uitsluit. De redacVerroken, L & Verroken, D 1988. Citroenkwikstaart te tie kan bijgevolg niet meer instaan voor de juistheid Harchies in april 1987. Dutch Birding 10: 78-80. van het artikel in Dutch Birding en de determinatie Verroken, D & Verroken, L 1991 a. Citroen kwikstaart te van de vogel, en is bovendien van oordeel dat Harchies in april 1987: beschrijving van de vogel en verdere discussie over deze waarneming door het behandeling van de veld kenmerken . Belg Birding Mag publiceren van de brief van Bert de Bruin en Enno 2: 1-8. Ebels en het daarop ontvangen antwoord van Luc Verroken , D & Verroken , L 1991 b. Citrine Wagtail at en Dirk Verroken onder deze omstandigheden niet Hensies in April 1987. Belg Birding Mag 2: 13-14. zinvol lijkt. Outch Birding, Postbus 756 77, 7070 AP Amsterdam, Nederland

Yellow-Iegged Culls in Po land It is quite reasonable that Chylarecki & Sikora (1991) link the misidentified gull in plate 9 in Dubois et al (1990) (cf Eigenhuis 1990) and the poor defence by Dubois afterwards (Dutch Birding 12 : 193, 1990) with doubts aboutthe knowledge of the literature and the working methods in general gull identification .

IDutch Birding 13: 209-210, december 1991/

Although the misidentification has been admitted, these doubts are strengthened by new statements about four breeding birds on Wloclawek Reservoir that were trapped in 1991 (Dubois & Stawarczyk 1991). 'Dark yellow legs and a dark orange orbital ring' do seem to be characters of a Baltic popu lation, cal led Larus cachinnans omissus by Glutz von Blotzheim & Bauer (1982). Black markings on six or even seven outer primaries do 209

Brieven not excl ude birds of the Leningrad population (eg, Mierauskas et al 199 1). Again, Dubois & Stawarczyk (1991) did not substa nti ate a (recent) southeastern origin. Th e use of the term 'omissus-type Herring Gull ' sho uld be exp lained by a thorough definition beca use it becomes more and more clear th at 'omissus' is used for a variety of gull populations . Also, Glutz von Blotzheim & Bauer (1982) and Cramp & Simmon s (1983) fail to give unequivoca l descriptions, eg, with rega rd to winter head-streak ing (Eigenhui s 1986). Ofcou rse, theoccurrenceofYellow-legged Gulls L c cachinnans in Poland is correct (even if it were onl y th ree recoveries of ringed birds from the Black Sea area) but I feel that the summary by Chy lareck i & Sikora (199 1) in its much wider meaning is also correct.

References Chylarecki, P & Sikora, A 1991. Ye llow- Iegged Gu lls in Po land: a comment. Dutch Birding 13: 145-148. Cramp, S & Simmons, K E L 1983. The birds of the

Western Pa learctic 3. Oxford . Dubois, P j, Skakuj , M & Stawarczyk, T 1990. Occurrence of Ye llow- Iegged Gu ll in Pol and. Dutch Birding 12: 14-17. Dubois, P j & Stawarczyk, T 199 1. Yell ow-Iegged Gu ll s in Poland : a reply to Chy larecki & Sikora. Dutch Birding 13 : 182-183. Eigenhuis, K j 1986. Hyb ridi satie van de Geelpootmeeuw Larus cachinnans in Nederl and in 1985. O ri olu s 52: 55-58. Eigenhuis, Kj 1990. Occurrence of Ye llow-I egged Gu ll in Poland. Dutch Birding 12: 193-194. Glutz von Blotzheim, U N & Bauer, K 1982. Handbuch der VĂśgel Mitteleuropas 8. Wiesbaden. M ierauskas, P, Greimas, E & Buzun, V 1991. A comparison of morphometrics, w ing-ti p pattern & voca lizat ions between yellow- Iegged Herring Gu ll s (L argentatus) from eastern Balti c and Larus cachinnans. Acta Orn itho l Li tu 4: 3-26.

K/aas 1 Eigenhuis, SeringenstrĂ at 6, 1431 Bl Aa /smeer, Netherlands Discussion on thi s subject closed. EDITORS

Mystery photographs _ __ _ __ 43

Duringthe Dutch Birdingmystery-bird competition in October 1989 held o n Texe l, Noordholland, last issue's mystery bird was mi sidentified by more than 80% of the participants. Spectacled Warbier Sy/via conspicillata 22%, Subalp ine Warbier Scantillans 16% and Whitethroat S communis 20% were most often mentioned. Th e grey head , the lack of supercilium and white in the o uterta il show that it is an adu lt Sy/via warbier. Fema le Subalpine Warbier would show at least a hint of a red orbital rin g, no or ill-defi ned whitish eye-rin g, and more uniform upperparts with narrower pale fr inges to the terti als . Male Spectacled Warbier would have a brighter rufo us-brown colour to the fringes of the wing-feathers. Both Subalp ine and Spectacled Warbier would have shorter wings, resu lting in a sho rt primary projection of about half the length of the exposed tertials. Whitethroat, however, is the correct identifi cation since ad ult males of that species show a grey head, a white eye-rin g, co ntrasting broad fringes to the secondari es, tertials and greater coverts, and a primary projection of about two-thirds of the tertials' length. Why did it appea r so tricky to identify this photograph ? Th e main reason could be that the bird 210

be lo ngs to the eastern subspecies S c icterops which has a slightl y darker grey head, with a more consp icuous white eye-rin g than the western subspec ies S c communis, w hi ch may reca ll the head-pattern of male Spectacled Warbier. TypicalIy for S c icterops, though, the bird shows pale sa ndy brown fringes to the secondari es, tertials and greater coverts w hi ch not on ly differs from the rustier colo ur of S c communis but even more from the bright rufous of Spectacled Warbi er (cf Dutch Birding 7: 102- 104, 1985). The bird was ringed and photographed on 17 April 1987 at a coasta l migration point south of Yumurtalik, Turkey. Another photograph of a Whitethroat rin ged in the sa me week and at the same place caused even greater identification problems d uring the sa me mystery-bird competition: 92 % of th e answers mentioned the wrong species, of which a surprisi ng 37% Barred Warbier S nisoria. It was a female because of its brownish head , the lack of w hi te in the tail and the pale brown iri s. Again, the pale sandy (instead of rusty) colo ur on the wing might exp lain the confusion. .

Arnoud B van den Berg, Duin/ustparkweg 98, 2082 EG Santpoort-Zuid, Nether/ands lDu /eh Birding 73: 270-212, december 199 11

Mystery photographs

205 Whitethroat Sy/via communis icterops, male, Turkey, 17 April 1987 (Arnoud B van den Berg)

Mystery photograph 44. Solution in next issu e


Mystery photographs

206 Whitethroat Sy/via communis icterops, fema le, Turkey, 22 April 1987 (A rnoud B van den Berg) 207 Wh itethroat Sy/via commun is communis, first-year, Bloemendaa l, Noordholl and, 10 September 1985 (Arnoud B van den Berg)


8irds in the USSR Birds of Russian forests The Russ ian fo rest is th e largest in th e world . Most of it is compri sed of ta iga (c 80% of th e tata I area) w here the bird spec ies co mpos it ion and di stri butio n is relati ve ly unifo rm due to th e yo un g age of thi s hab itat. The end less sea of co ni fe rs, cons istin g mostl y of Siberi an Larix sibirica and Da huri an larc hes L da hurica and Siberi an fi rs Abies sibirica, was formed after the most rece nt glac iati o ns. M ost characteri sti c spec ies of the Siberia n forest av ifauna pro bab ly evolved in the co lder reg io ns of eastern Siberi a w here many typ ica l representati ves, for i nsta nce, Black-bi li ed Cape rca i Ii e Tetrao pa rvirostris and Siberi an Spruce Grouse Falcipennis falc ipennis, ca n still be fo und. A ll in all, there are c 50 spec ies mo re or less assoc iated w ith the Siberia n forest habitat. However, th e total number of breed ing b ird spec ies is much hi gher due to th e

influence of surrounding areas li ke tundra and steppe and intrazonal wetlands. The mixed forests, in pa rtic ul ar those of Ussuril and, in the southern part of the Sov iet Far East, are mu ch ri cher in typ ica l dendrop hyl ic spec ies. Approx imately th e size of Bri ta in, Ussuril and has more than 400 bi rd spec ies recorded (slightly mo re than 800 have bee n recorded in the USSR as a w ho ie) . Ussuri land is q uite uni que in the va ri ety of its fo rests, ranging fro m lush li ana-cove red ri verine forests to the majestic co nife ro us ta iga o n the mo untai n ranges of Sikhote-A li n. Birders visiting thi s reg ion would be fasc in ated by the incredib le mi xture of southern , subtropi ca l and eve n tropica l bird spec ies li ving side by side w ith northern and Siberi an spec ies . Thi s reg io n hosts an impress ive num ber of forest bird s, same of w hi ch are shown here.

A lgirdas J Knysta utas, Russ ian Na ture Tours, Achterom 3 7, 762 7 KR Hoorn, Netherlands

208 G rey-faced Buzza rd Butastur ind icus, Ked rovaya Pad NR, Ussu ril and, USSR, July 1985 (A /g irdas J Knystautas, Yuri B Shibnev & A Sok%v)

[Dutch Birding 13: 213路216, december 1991)


Birds in the USSR

209 Siberian Spruce Grouse Falcipennis fa lcipenn is, northern Ussuriland, USSR, May 1984 (Algirdas) Knystautas, Yuri B Shibnev & A Sokolov) 210 Brown Hawk Owl Ninox scutulata, Bikin river va lley, Ussuriland, USSR, June 1982 (Algirdas ) Knystautas, Yuri B Sh ibnev & A Sokolov) 211 Daurian Redstart Phoenicurus auroreus, Kedrovaya Pad NR, Ussuriland, USSR, May 1985 (Algirdas ) Knystautas, Yuri B Shibnev & A Sokolov)


8irds in the USSR

212 Forest Wagtail Dendronanthus indicus, Kedrovaya Pad NR, Ussuriland, USSR, Jul y 1985 (A /girdas J Knystautas, Yuri B Shibnev & A Sok%v) 213 Pale-Iegged Leaf Warb ier Phylloscopus tenellipes, feeding yo ung Oriental Cuckoo Cucu/us sa turatus, Kedrovaya Pad NR, Ussuriland, USSR, June 1984 (A /g irdas J Knystautas, Yuri B Shibnev &

A Sok%v)


8irds in the USSR

214 Bull-hea ded Shri ke Lanius bucephalus, Khasa n region, so uthern Uss uril and, June 1987 (A lgirdas j Kn ystautas, Yuri 8 Shibne v & A Soko lov) 215 Meadow Bunt ing Emberiza cioides, male, Bikin ri ver va ll ey, Ussuril and, USSR, June 1982 (A lgirdas j Kn ystautas, Yuri 8 Shibnev & A Sokolov)

2 16

ICBPnews _________________~ Tragopa~s in trouble Survey work in Pakistan in June 1991 has revealed c 100 more of the threatened Western Tragopan Tragopan melanocephalus. The genus Tragopan cons ists of five species of large heavi ly built but truly spectacular pheasants that live at altitudes of 3000-11 000 ft in moist Himalayan forest. Their shy nature and remote habitats make them notoriously difficult to see and knowledge of the genus in the wild is scant. What is known is that forest destruction throughout the tragopans' range (from Pakistan's North-West Frontier Province in the west through the Himalaya and Burma to centra l China) has adverse ly affected populations of these birds and three of the five species, Blyth's Tragopan T blythii, Cabot's Tragopan T caboti and Western Tragopan are now considered threatened. Populations of Cabot's Tragopan in forests in China have been severe ly reduced by habitat destruction and persecution . The status of Blyth' sT ragopan, known historica lly from Bhutan, north-eastern India, Burma and adjacent regions of Ch in a, is large ly unknown. The spec ies that is cause for most concern, however, is the Western Tragopan. Known from Pakistan, India and China, Western Tragopan numbers have been drastically reduced and habitat destruction has divided populations into sma ll isolated groups. Estim ates for the total world population are 1600-4800, more probably at the lower end of th at range . In Pakistan, the spec ies, though under threat, still has a chance if appropriate conservation action is taken . Pakistan was once 20-25% forested but it now has only 3.4% tree cover, less than a third of which is Himalayan forest. Pakistan's population has grown from 32 .5 million in 1947 to over 110 million today, and an increased demand fortimber and fuelwood has accompanied this. However, two areas offorest retain significant Western Tragopan populations. One, in Machiara Game Reserve in Azad Kashmir, is estimated to hold 100 birds and was until1989 thought to be the largest population left in the country. But in 1989, a joint ICBP!Worid Pheasant AssociationjNWFP Wildlife Department survey team led by Guy Duke discovered a previously unknown population of an estimated 400 Western Tragopans in the Palas val ley, Indus Kohistan. In June 1991, Guy Duke and co-wor kers found a further estimated 100 birds in contiguous forest in the Palas valley. Both the Palas valley and Machiara have the

ICBP vertica l continuity of undisturbed habitat (from temperate forest through suba lpine forest, alp in e pastures, to rock and permanent snow) that is essential to spec ies, such as the W estern Tragopan, that perform seasonal altitudin al movements. Both forests also conta in more or less the full comp lement of western Himalayan forest av ifauna, the globa ll y vu lnerab le Himalayan musk deer Moschus chrysogaster, nationally threatened brown bear Ursus arctos, wo lf Canis lupus and leopard cat Felis bengalensis, and a rich diversity of other plants and an imais. Both forests, however, face degradation. The Pa las forest is schedu led for commercia llogg ing from 1992-93. This will be catastrophic for the Western Tragopan and will serious ly undermine local subsistence economies, adverse ly affecting agricu ltural yields and income from forest products. Increased soi l eros ion is also inevitable. The problems in Machiara arise more from pressure from a rapidly growing local population who clear the forest for agri cu lture, use timber for fuel and building and graze their li vestock in the forest. Although the area is a Game Resereve, rights bestowed on the local peop le more than a century ago permit them to do this. Nomadic shepherds also pass through with their. flocks, often numbering many hundreds. In April 1991, ICBP launched Pakistan's Himalayan Jungle Project, run in conjunction w ith Pakistan's federal and provincial wildl ife departments and WWF Pakistan, with support from the World PheasantAssociation, British Airways, WWF International, the US Fish and Wi ldlife Service and the US Agency for International Development. Led by Guy Duke, the project aim s to secure adequate protection for both Palas and Machiara and to promote sustainab le use of forest resources by the loca l inh abitants. The provincial Forest Department for Palas have indicated a wi llingness to consider a delay in, or moderation of, the planned logging. Re-classification of the forest to change the priorities from commerc ial felling to watershed and wi ldlife protection will be sought. For Machiara, the goa l is to upgrade the status to Wildlife Sanctuary and to develop ways for the loca l people to take pressure off th e forest. If the future of these two areas of forest can be safeguarded, one member, at least, of the spectacular tragopans shou ld be secure.

Georgina Green, International Council for Bird Preservation, 32 Cambridge Road, Girton, Cambridge CB3 OP}, UK IOu/ch Birding 13: 217, december 199 11


RecensÎes ________________________ K MILD 1990. 8ird songs of /srae/ and the Midd/e East. Krister Mild bioacou stics, Kopparvägen 23,17572 Järfälla, Zweden. Twee cassettes (182 min) en boekje (84 pp). ISBN 91-87912 -00-7. SEK 210. Na de publicatie van twee cassettes met Siberi sche en Aziatische voge lgeluiden onder de titel Soviet bird songs (cf Dutch Birding 11: 181 , 1989) is inmiddels van dezelfde hand 8ird songs of /srael and the Middle Eastverschenen. Op de twee cassettes staan 114 soorten. De meeste soorten zijn in Israël opgenomen maar sommige zi jn aangevu ld met Zuideuropese, Turkse of Noordafrikaanse opnames van andere personen. In het begeleidende boekje staan van iedere opname gegevens verme ld over plaats en datum, eventueel de betreffende ondersoort, een goede beschrijving van wàt er te horen is, duur van de opnames en soorten die op de ach tergrond hoorbaar z ijn. Iedere soorttekst wordt afges loten met een korte notitie over status en voorkomen in Israël. Verder wordt van een aanta l soorten (lee uweriken, piepers) de balts- of zangv l ucht beschreven en geïl lu streerd. Het geheel wordt gecompleteerd met een check- li st/streeplij st van de Israëlische voge ls. Uiteraard een 'must' voor iedereen die z ich op een voge ltrip naar Israël of het Midden-Oosten voo rbere idt. ANDRÉ J VAN LOON

M AVERY & R LE sLIE 1990. 8irds and forestry. T & AD Poyser, London. 299 pp. ISBN 0-85661-058-5. CBP 18.00.

8irds and forestry deviates somewhat from the typical Poyser book mould by consider in g an issue rather than, for examp le, the eco logy and biology of a sin gle spec ies or family of birds. The issue concerned is the confli ct between the interests of w ildlife and blanket afforestation whic h has developed rapidly during the last decade o r so into a gritty problem in the UK. The book is sp lit into chapters discussing the birds that can be found in conife r plantations, the management of forests, th e effect of afforestation on upland birds, four case stud ies, the economic and political forces driving the creation of new forests, and future considerat ions. Some of the chapters are not as libera ll y punctuated with figu res and photographs to the extent that many other Poyser books are, and some readers may be less enthusiastic about reading through relatively long unbroken blocks of text. The reason for thi s lay-out is not so much a fault of the authors as the nature of the subject. One of th e points emphas ized by the book is the lack of hard data ava il ab le to assess the impact of conifer plantations on birds. A good examp le of this was highlighted by the events th at thrust th e conflict between conservation and forestry firmly before the publi c eye: the afforestati on of the Scotti sh Flow Country. The few stud ies that have been carried out on birds in and around conifer plantations have indicated that seve-


ral species are closely associated with these forests, both young (eg, Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus, Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus, Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus, Woodlark LuI/uia arborea and Crasshopper Warbier Locustel/a naevia) and more mature (eg, Redwing Turdus iliacus, Firecrest Regulus ignicapil/us, Siskin Carduelis spinus and Crossbill Loxia curvirostra). Indeed, many spec ies have extended their ranges cons iderably as a result of con ifer planting and, perhaps surprisingly, many upland species do not appea r to have suffered as much as one might expect in the face of blanket afforestation. On the w hoi e, 8irds and forestry is an exce ll ent book, although I found the substa nti al chapte r on forest management sli ghtl y tedious. It is, however, important to appreciate the criteria that the forester has to meet in o rder for the reader to gain a balanced view of the issu e. After all, th at is w hy the book has two authors (an ornitho logist and a forester). The arguments are persuasive ly laid out and suggest that w hen created sympathetically with wi ldlife in mind con ifer plantations should be seen as an asset rather than a conservat ioni st's nightmare! It also highlights the political power strugg les that often ensue in order to conserve large tracts of land. All the more reason to become or remain members of conservation bodies such as the RSPB (UK) or 'Vogelbescherm in g' (The Netherlands) to swe ll memberships and in crease political clout. CRAHAM J HOLLOWAY

J E LOYE & M Z u K (EDITORS) 1991. 8ird-parasite interactions: ecology, evolution, and behaviour. Oxford ornithology se ries. Oxford University Press, Oxford. xv i + 406 pp. ISBN 0-19-857738-9 . CBP 37 .50. Hardly any pictures of birds wi ll be found in this book. Nevertheless, it is primarily a book about birds and only in the second place about parasites. The impact th at parasites have on the life of birds is the main theme. Various parasites are dea lt with, ranging from viruses, protozoans and helminths to ectoparasitic mites and insects including haematophagous mosqu itoes. However, no attempt was made to systematica lly cove r all groups of parasites . Fleas, for instance, are only mentioned occasionally. Most of the chapters are basically original research papers wh ich co uld have been published just as weil in a sc ientifi c journ al. The arti cles ca n very weil be read independently. A conseq uence of this is that the information given in the introduction o r discussion of one paper often reappears in some others. The majority of the contributin g authors are North Americans. Therefore, it is no su rpri se th at many articles, eight of the 21 , concern North American birds. Even stud ies on th e House Sparrow Passerdomesticus, Star/ing Sturnus vulgaris and the Rock Dove Co lumba livia were carried out in the USA. An exce ll ent study on the Swallow Hirundo rustica and one on the Red Crouse Lagopus

[Outch Birding 73: 278-279, december 19911

Recensies lagopus 5coticU5 are the only truly European co ntribution s. The remaining chapters concern tropical avifaun as and seabird s. But the phenomena treated in all chapters are of genera l interest to every ornithologist. Every species of b ird has its parasites. Parasites may sometimes provide a plausible explanation for certa in aspects of avian biology that are difficult to understand otherwise. Examples are the incorporation of fresh green plant material in the nests of birds breeding in tree cav iti es, and the fact that many passerines build a new nest for every clutch. Other exa mpl es are the sync hroni zation of breedin g in co lony breeders and the occas iona l mass desertion of nests and yo ung. The supposed advantages of co lony breeding mu st at least outwe igh the hazard s ca used by 1000s of ectoparasites wa iting for them at the nest site. The disadvantage of this is quite conv incingly demonstrated by experim enta l as we il as obse rvation al evidence. The book is divided in four pa rts. The first part is an introduction to w hat is com in g. The second part is on

ecology and co ntains nine papers dealing w ith the question ' How much of a burd en are pa ras ites to birds and what are the ecologica l consequences?' The third part is on behaviour; changes in behaviour due to internal parasites, evasion of mosq uito b ites, protection aga in st nest parasites and the effect of preening agai nst chew ing lice are among the subjects dealt w ith in this part. The last part of the book is entitled 'Evolution' but the scope of the subjects treated here is more limited than the titl e suggests. Each one of the six articles deals w ith the H am ilton & Zuk hypothesis w hich attempts to exp lain the evo lutio n of bright co lours in connection with the res istance aga in st parasites. The evidence in favour of this hypothesis may not be co nclu sive but the demonstrated co rrelations between brightness and parasite load are certainl y fascinating and ca ll for an explanation. Thi s is an important book for ornithologists but also for parasitologists an d those w ho are interested in ecology and (co)evo luti on. ROB DE BOER

BSP-niet-broedvogels _ _ _ _ __ Introductie Het door SOVON en DBA opgezette Bijzondere Soorten Project-niet-broedvogels (BSP-nb) is bijna 2 jaar ge leden va n start gegaan. Na enkele aanvangsprob lemen loopt het project nu voo rtvarend. Ruud va n Dongen is intussen als coördi nator opgevo lgd door Ward Hagemeijer. Ruud en Ward z ijn begonnen aan een eva lu atie van de waa rn em in gen tot nu toe. De hier gepresenteerde rapportage is de eerste afl everin g van een nieuwe rubriek waa rin behalve jaaroverzichten ook artike len over het voo rkomen va n bepaalde BSP-nbsoorten zu llen worden gepubliceerd. SOVON en DBA roepen alle lezers van Dutch Birding en andere voge laars op hun waarnemingen in het kader van dit project op de daartoe bestemde form ulieren in te (b lij ven) sturen. Project-formulieren zijn ve rkrij gbaar bij het SOVON kantoor te Beek-Ubbergen maar ook bij de DBA-contactpersoon en de SOVON-districtscoördinator. Meer in fo rmatie betreffende het project is te v inden in de handl eiding die op aanvraag bij SOVON verkrij gbaar is.

Het BSP-nb kent als doel het vastste llen en vo lgen van de aantalsontwikkel ingen va n versc heidene sc haarse en ze ld zame soorten niet-broedvoge ls. In deze hoeda ni gheid is dit project een onderdee l va n het geheel aan projecten waa rmee SOVON probeert de aa ntalsontwikkelingen va n all e Nederl andse voge ls te vo lgen. Somm ige soorten niet-broedvogels z ijn zo ze ldzaam dat ze bij systematische tellingen, bijvoorbeeld Punt Transeet Te llingen (PTT) en wate rvoge ltellin gen, onvo ldoende uit de verf komen. Het samenvoegen va n zo vee l mogelijk losse waarnem in gen van uit alle delen van het land kan wè l vo ldoende materiaal op leveren om een goed beeld va n het aanta lsve rl oop en versp reidin g va n deze soorten te krijgen. Dit is de gedachte waarop het

IOuteh Birding 13: 219-221, december 19911

BSP-nb is gebaseerd. H et soortenspectrum van het project is voora lsnog beperkt tot een aanta l van 58 soorten (tabe l 1). De 'echte' ze ldzaam heden, dwz de 'beoordeelsoorten' blijven va llen onder de verantwoo rding van de Comm iss ie Dwaalgasten Nederlandse Av ifauna (CDNA). Voor de organi satie va n het project is same nwerk in g gezocht met de Dutch Birding Assoc iation, de meest gespec iali seerde organisatie op het geb ied van ze ld zame voge ls in Nederland. SOVON is het centrale aanspreekpunt voo r het project. De organisatiestructuur weersp iegelt nog eens de samenwerk in g tussen DBA en SOVON. In de regio spa nnen een DBA-contactpersoon en een SOVON-districtscoördinator z ich gezamen lijk in om zovee l mogelijk waarnemingen boven wate r te krijgen. Er is een begeleidingscommissie bij het project bestaande uit vertegenwoordi gers van SOVON en DBA. Beide organisaties z ijn gezamen lijk vera ntwoorde lijk voor het bijeenbrengen en co ntro leren van de gegevens. Per juni 1991 , het BSP-nb is dan 1.5 j aar onderweg, telt de database c 17 000 waarnem in gen, die in totaal een kleine 60 000 waa rgenomen voge ls betreffen. In tabel 1 is te v inden hoe de ve rdelin g va n de waa rn emingen over de jaren en de soorten is. Over 1989, het eerste jaar waa rva n waa rnemingen kunnen worden in gezonden, heeft tot nu toe Zee land (SOVON -Di stri ct 14) de meeste waa rnem in gen opge leverd (meer dan 1000), gevolgd door Noord ho ll and Noord (Dl), Fri es land (D2) en Noordholland-Zuid (D8) met 700-800 waarnemingen. Over 1990 is een kl eine 20% meer meldingen ontvangen waarb ij nu alleen Noordholl and-Noo rd boven de 1000 uitkomt. Zee land, G roningen (D3) en Fri es land scoren ook hoog met 800- 1000 waa rn em i ngen. Overi gens blijken er nog steeds waarnem in gen van


BSP-niet-broedvoge/s TABEL 1 Stand van zaken BSP-nb per 1 jun i 1991. Per jaar is weergegeven aanta l b innen gekomen waarnemingen (W) en aanta l gemelde exemplaren (n). Bij interpretatie van weergegeven aantal len moet terdege rekening worden gehouden met dubbeltellingen van exemplaren en groepen; hiervoor is in tabe l niet gecorrigeerd. Met name voor soorten waar vee l mensen naar gaan kijken kan dat een vertekend beeld opleveren. 1989 Bladkoning Phylloscopus inornatus Buidelmees Remiz pendu/inus Casarca Tadorna ferruginea Draaiha ls jynx torqui/a Duinpieper Anthus campestris Dwerggans Anser erythropus Europese Kanarie Serinus serinus Geelpootmeeuw Larus cachinnans Grauwe Franjepoot Pha/aropus /obatus Grauwe Kiekendief Circus pygargus Grauwe Klauwier Lanius co//urio Grote Burgemeester Larus hyperboreus Grote Pieper Anthus richardi Grote Zilverreiger Egretta a/ba Hop Upupa epops Ijsduiker Cavia immer Ijsgors Ca/carius /apponicus Ijsvogel A/cedo atthis Klapekster Lanius excubitor Kleine Alk Alle alle Kleine V liegenvanger Ficedu /a parva Kleine Z il verreiger Egretta garzetta Kraanvogel Crus grus Krooneend Netta rufina Kuifaalscholver Pha/acrocorax aristotelis Kwak Nycticorax nycticorax M iddelste Jager Stercorarius pomarinus Morinelp levier Charadrius morinellus Notekraker Nucifraga caryocatactes Ooievaar Ciconia ciconia Ortolaan Emberiza hortu/ana Papegaaiduiker Fratercu/a arctica Pestvogel Bombycilla garru/us Raaf Corvus corax Reuzenstern Sterna caspia Rode Wouw Mi/vus mi/vus Roodha lsgans Branta ruficollis Roodpootva lk Fa/co vespertinus Rosse Franjepoot Pha/aropus fu /icarius Rouwkwikstaart Motacilla a/ba yarrellii Sl'echtva lk Fa/co peregrinus Sme lleken Fa /co co/umbarius Sneeuwgans Anser caeru/escens Sneeuwgors P/ectrophenax nivalis Steltk luut Himantopus himantopus Strand leeuwerik Eremophi/a a/pestris Temm incks Strand loper Ca/idris temminckii Velduil Asio f/ammeus Visarend Pandion ha/iaetus Vorkstaartmeeuw Larus sabini Waterspreeuw Cinclus cinclus Witbuikrotgans Branta bernicla hrota Witoogeend Aythya nyroca Witv leugelstern Chlidonias /eucopterus Zeearend Ha/iaeetus a/bicilla Zwarte Ooievaar Ciconia nigra Zwarte Wouw Mi/vus migrans Zwartkopmeeuw Larus me/anocepha/us TOTAAL










37 39 168 75 55 1 65 111 73 50 44 38 55 130 14 37 235 701 378 58 13 8 183 122

54 58 148 87 59 19 104 113 58 83 48 51 57 59 31 48 321 1110 458 125 21

101 88 23 3 243 35 25 53 258 74 180 55 97 24 106 497 674 72 421 108 63 135 330 278 21 48 7 36 39 43 42 112 252

42 106 384 79 77 2 101 300 128 63 51 38 61 131 14 37 827 820 424 95 13 14 10047 228 28 111 126 38 3 576 37 28 369 690 179 185 67 155 32 313 541 724 156 5854 268 353 418 660 319 28 54 9 41 80 53 61 126 365

64 118 436 99 83 46 148 247 82 111 60 50 63 59 31 49 1459 1380 538 3834 23 25 3048 201 89 71 171 148 9 814 115 91 1193 819 179 212 123 158 32 300 556 824 231 5476 140 621 318 441 318 82 14 23 35 62 45 87 167 481

1 1 10 4 2 5 19 5 1 0 1 26 0 13 2 1 11 142 136 49 0 0 26 41 25 0 0 2 1 33 4 8 35 93 1 52 19 1 0 14 65 104 20 82 0 11 1 20 14 0

1 1 14 4 2 7 73 10 1 0 1 28 0 13 2 1 32 153 142 335 0 0 1900 141 36 0 0 3 1 45 5 11 460 567 1 57 27 1 0 21 76 110 31 1300 0 117 1 27 14 0





22 150 93 72 56 115 49 3 365 76 72 151 281 80 189 90 103 32 126 482 735 141 448 43 90 111 288 287 70 14 16 29 34 41 56 146 79




6 7 1 2 1 4 24

28 7 1 2 1 5 39



8SP- niet-broedvogels voo r 1990 binnen te komen. Daa r is het oo k nog niet te laat voo r. Laa t iedereen d ie nog waa rn emingen va n BS Pnb soorten heeft die nog niet zijn in gestuurd, d it alsnog doen ! A ll e BSP-n b soorte n z ijn in 1989 en 1990 gez ien. In het eerste jaar is de Dwergga ns met slec hts één meldin g (twee exempl aren) tot nu toe het min st vertegenwoo rdi gd; waa r blij ve n de ove ri ge waa rn emingen? Voor 1990 is de Notekraker voo rl opi g de hekkes luiter, met drie waa rn emin gen. De meest gemelde soorten z ijn zowe l in 1989 als in 199 0 Ijsvoge l en Smelleken.

Wa t betreft aa nta llen z iet de lij st er anders uit. Soorten d ie vaak in (grote) groepen worde n gez ien voe ren nu de boventoo n zoa ls Kraanvoge l en Sneeuwgo rs en in 1990 oo k de Kl eine A lk (!) . De meeste soorten wo rd en zowe l voor 1989 als 1990 ui t de noo rdelij ke di stri cten (0 1-3) en Zee land (0 14) gemeld . AI deze distri cten ko men boven de 50 soorten (va n de 58 op de lij st). Voor in formatie ove r het project kun t u altijd terecht b ij: W ard Hagemeijer, SOVON , Rijksstraatweg 178, 6573 DG Beek- U bbergen, Nederl and, telefoon 08895 43753 .

DBA-nieuws _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ Betaling van abonnementsgeld voor 1992 Bij gevoegd bij dit nummer va n Dutch Birdin g treft u een acceptgirokaa rt aa n waa rm ee u het abonnementsge ld voo r 1992 kunt vo ld oen. Namens de pennin gmeester verzoe ken w ij u om di t per omgaande te doen. Jaarlijks kost het versturen va n heri nnerin gen vee l ti jd èn ge ld die beide beter besteed kunn en wo rden, bij voorbeeld aa n verd ere verbetering va n het tijd sc hrift. A ls u de acceptgirokaart va nd aag nog in vult ve rstuurt, heeft u er geen omkijken meer naa r. Dat komt zowe l Dutch Birdin g als uze lf ten goede!. DBA-vogeldag op zaterdag 22 februari 1992 t e Utrecht De lezer wo rdt er aan herinnerd dat op zaterdag 22 fe bru ari 1992 de j aarlijkse DBA-voge ldag pl aats v indt, ditmaa l in het gebouw Trans 3 aa n de Pad ualaan in de Uithof, Utrecht. De dag begint om 11 :00 (zaa l open 10:00) en duurt tot c 17:00 . De toega ngsprij s bedraagt NLG 7.5 0. Voor het prog ramm aoverz icht wo rdt verweze n naar Dutch Birding 13: 5. Iedere geïnteresseerde voge laar is va n harte we lkom . Eerste 'Euro Bird Week' op Texel in oktober 1991 Va n 12 tot 19 oktober 199 1 we rd op Texel de eerste 'Euro Bird W eek' gehouden. De co mb in ati e va n een b ij eenko mst voo r genodi gden va n dwaa lgastenco mmi ss ies uit heel Europa en A merika en een uitgebreide versie va n de 'normale' Du tc h Birdin g-voge lweek, met vee l b uitenland se voge laars en elke avond lez in gen, b leek een groot succes . In totaal hebben c 250 voge laars de week op Texel doo rgebracht. W at voge ls betreft, was voora l de herkomst va n de gevonden ze ld zaa mh eden opmerke lijk; ze kwa men letterlijk uit alle w ind streken. Hoogtepun ten uit het noo rden wa ren een Roodkeelp ieper A nthus cervinus in zo merkl eed die z ic h de eerste 2 dagen goed liet bekij ke n op een stop pelve ld, een tweede-w inter Kl eine Burgemeester Larus glaucoides die op 17 oktober op een akker zat en een zeer tamme Notekraker N ucifraga caryocatactes di e z ich va n zee r nabij liet be kijken bij De Koog va naf 14 oktober. U it het zuiden kwa men een Hop Upupa epops (de derde in de afgelopen 4 Texel-weke n) die

IDutch Birding 13: 221-222, december 7991)

enke le dagen ro nd het Loods mansdui n zat en, al ee rd er aa nwez ig, een Kleine Z il ve rre iger Egretta garzetta in het O ttersaat. U it het (ve rre) oosten kwame n een Humes Bl adkoning Phylloscopus humei d ie va n 12 tot 14 oktober in de Tuintj es en bij ca mpin g De Rob bejager zat (en die aanleid in g gaf tot vee l d isc uss ie; gelu kk ig was Per A lström aanwez ig om de knoop te n gun ste va n Humes doo r te hakken) en twee eerste-w in ter Az iati sc he Roodbo rsttapuiten Saxicola to rquata maura, respectievelij k op 14 en 15 oktober bij de noordpunt en op 15 oktobe r bij het Loodsmansduin. U it het weste n, te nslotte, kwa m een adult mannetj e A merikaanse Smi ent A nas america na dat, na ontdekking door Peter Barthel op 16 oktober, twee dagen bij boerderij Zeeb urg verbl eef. Daa rnaast brac hten de w in deri ge dagen in de tweede helft va n de wee k een aanta l meer en minder overtui gende Klein ste Jagers Stercorarius longicaudus, een Vo rkstaa rtmeeuw L sabini, minim aa l één Rosse Franjepoot Phalaropus (ulicariusen een paar Kleine A lken A lle alle. Opvallend was het vri jwel ontbreke n va n een aanta l 'vaste' Texel-gasten zoa ls Bl ad konin g P inorna tus (één) en Grote Pi eper A richardi (a ll een enkele ove rvli egende exempl aren). Een heuse 'kl appe r va n de week' bleef helaas ook dit j aar ui t. Het ma nnetje Witkopgo rs Emberiza leucocephalos dat op 14 oktober (te) ko rt gez ien werd b ij het Loods mansduin had deze eretitel zeke r gekregen als de vogel had bes loten om z ich wat beter en langer te laten bek ijken. De zeve n lez ing-avonden boden, voo r een goed tot zee r goed gevulde zaa l van het N IOZ, een keur aan afwisselende onderwerpen. De eerste avond presenteerde Lasse Laine z ijn nieuwste 'mystery- bird ' -co mpetitie. Hier lieten de buitenl andse gasten z ich nad ruk kelijk gelden. W in naa r we rd Lars Jonsso n met 137 va n de 150 p unte n, tweede was Per A lström en derde Killi an M ull arn ey. Enn o Ebe ls was met 103 punten de beste Nederlander. De vo lgende avonden wa ren minder in spa nnend maa r zeker niet minder leerzaam . Met name de twee A merikaa nse sprekers, Paul Lehm an en Don Robe rso n, too nden z ich een meester in de kun st va n het ve rte llen. De 'k leine meetin g' voo r de genodi gden bestond uit een sa menkomst va n c 45 (ex-) Ieden va n dwaa lgasten-

22 1

OBA-nieuws commissies uit 14 Europese landen en de VS, alsmede redactieleden van Dutch Birding, met als doel te praten over het werk van dwaalgastencommissies. De eerste twee dagen z ijn voora l besteed aan technisch-procedurele aspecten, de rest van de week werden in halve-dag sess ies diverse actuele determ in atieproblemen (soms letterlijk) onder de loupe genomen. Belangrijke resu ltaten van deze bijeenkomst zijn oa het opzetten van betere informatie-uitwisseling over (mogelijke) 'escapes' en de oprichtin g van een Europese check li st-commissie d ie z ich bezig gaat houden met het beoordelen van in Europa nieuw vastgeste lde soorten. Over deze comm issie za l in de nabije toekomst nadere berichtgeving vo lgen. Ondanks het grotere aanta l voge laars op het ei land was er nergens sprake van overbevolkin g. Gelukkig bleven inc identen vrij wel uit, al mag het confl ict met al te gretige fotografen bij een Aziatische Roodborsttapuit niet onve rmeld blij ven. Het is de bedoeling dat deze bijeenkomst over bijvoorbee ld 2 jaar een vervo lg krijgt in een ander Europees land, vo lgens een verge lijkbare formu le als deze eerste Euro Bird Week. Het DBA-bestuur wil hierbij graag alle (vrij wi lli ge) medewerkers aan de Euro Bird Week (c 40 mensen!), het NIOZ, Jeugdherberg Panorama, Restaurant De Toren, Staatsbosbeheer en, niet in de laatste plaats, de sponsor van deze week, Nuts Ziektekostenverzekering, hartelijk danken voor hun hulp en inzet. First Euro Bird Week on Texel in October 1991 Th e first international Euro Bird Week took place on the Dutch Wadden is land of Texel, Noord ho ll and, from 12 to 19 October 1991. The week co nsisted of a smal l meeting for invited guests representing European and American rarities comm ittees and a public meeting for bird ers from all over Europe, with da il y birding on the island and lectures in the even ings . The week was attended by c 250 birders and can be cons idered a great success. During the week, rarities com in g from v irtu al ly every globa l direction we re discovered on the island. A confiding summer-plumaged Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus, a second-winter Ice land Gu ll Larus glaucoides and a very confiding Nutcracker Nucifraga caryocatactes came from the north, a Hoopoe Upupa epops and a long-staying Little Egret Egretta garzetta came from the south. An adu lt male Amer ican Wigeon Anas americana came from the west and a H ume' s Yellow-browed Warbier Phylloscopus humei and two first-winter Siberian Stonechats Saxicola torquata maura had made it from the east to attend thi s ornithologica l event. The Hume's provoked

a lot of discussion but fina ll y Per Aistrรถm th at the ca ll was definitely more like P humei rather than Ye ll ow-browed Warbier P inornatus. During the second half of the week, rough weather prevailed, brin gi ng severa l pass in g Long-tailed Skuas Stercorarius longicaudus, a Sabine's Gu ll L sabini, a few Grey Phalaropes Phalaropus fu/icarius and several Little Auks A lle alle. Remarkab ly, 'regu lar' autumn vagrants such as Ye ll ow-browed Warbier and Richard's Pipit A richardi were relatively scarce this year. The week also failed to produce a real mega-star: a male Pine Bunting Emberiza leucocepha los tried to w in this ti tie but showed him se lf too briefly and cou ld not be relocated, despite intens ive search in g. The seven even in g lectures brough a wea lth of subjects and in formation. Lasse Laine opened w ith a new mystery-bird competit ion in wh ich the foreign birders proved to be superior. Lars Jonsson, Per A lstrรถm and Ki lli an Mu ll arney ended on first to third places. During the other evenings, identificat ion of Thayer's Gu ll L g thayeri, birds of the USSR, Nearctic vagran ts on Ice land, birds ofthe post-war Persian Gu lf, Phylloscopuswarblers and birding in the USA all received a thorough treatment. The sma ll meeting was attended by c 45 present (and former) members of rarities commi ttees from 14 European countr ies and the USA, with the aim to discuss the wo rk of such comm ittees. The first 2 days were devoted to techn ica l matters and during the rest of the week, current identification top ics were discussed in half-day sess ions (the rest of the time was spe nt birding). Agreement was reached on the formation of a European check li st comm ittee (dea lin g w ith all b ird s new to Europel and on the improvement of the registration and exchange of news concerning escapes and possible escapes . A ll participants agreed that this meeting had been of great importance and a stimu latin g even t for all those in vo lved with the work of rarities com mittees. We hope and expect that this first Euro Bird Week w ill befollowed by a comparab le event in the nearfuture. We alraedy heard rumours about sp ring 1993 on ร land, Sweden ... The board of the Dutch Birding Assoc iation wou ld like to thank all parti cipants of the sma l I meeting and al l other fo reign birders for com ing to Texel (and thus ri sk ing to miss good birds in the ir home country), all the vo lunteers (c 40!) in vo lved wi th the preparation and practical arrangements of thi s week, the youth hostel 'Panorama', restaura nt 'De Toren' (dur in g bad weather comp letely taken over by comfort- Iov in g sea-watchers), the Department of Forestry and, last but not least, the sponsor of the Euro Bird Week, Nuts Ziektekostenverzekering (an in surance company!).

Aankondigingen & verzoeken _ _ _ European Migrant Birds in Africa The 'European M igrant Birds in Afri ca' EMBA is a new organizati on set up to study and help protect European bird s in their Afri can


winter quarters. Each yea r, millions of 'our' b ird s migrate across the Sahara desert from their northern breed in g grounds. A lthough these birds have been stud ied and are

[OU/eh Birding 13: 222-224, december 1991[

Aankondigingen & verzoeken protected in parts of Europe many aspects of their life in Africa are still unkn ow n. EMBA's aim s are 7 Research; mu ch still needs to be lea rn ed about the ecology of the birds and the prob lems (natural as we il as man-induced hazards) th ey face, 2 Conservation; work ing w ith loca l authorities and other intern ati onal orga ni sation s, EMBA w ill assist with co nservati on measures w here appropriate and 3 Edu ca ti on; training in id enti fication and survey sk ilI s w ill be given in Africa and key perso nnel w ill be offered the chance to v isit Europe for furth er training. Membership of the EMBA supporters sc heme is enco uraged. Supporters receive two news letters per year, one in the summer w ith some res ults of th e past w inter's fie ld wo rk and p lans for the future, and one in the winter w ith hot-of-the-press news of 'our' bi rd s in Africa. An annu al report w ill also be sent to each supporter. It is possible to become ' indi v idu al', 'famil y', 'business' or 'corpo rate' supporter at rates of GBP 10.00, GBP 12.00, GB P 25.00 or GBP 200.00, respecti ve ly. For more info rm ation, please w rite to: EMBA, Fen Cottage, Creeting St M ary, Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 8QE, UK.

Forktail/Leica Award results Th e Relict Gull Larus relictus, one of th e least know n gull s in the wo rld , has recentl y been th e object of a study ca rri ed out by He Fenqi and Zhang Yin-sun of the Department of Zoo logy, Academ ica Sini ca, Beijin g, Chin a, and funded by the Forktail/Leica Award . Rema rkabl y, until the breeding ground s of the Relict G ull we re di scove red in 1968, over a century of orn ithological in vesti gation s in centra l and eastern As ia had failed to apprec iate th e ex istence of thi s species. Only a few breeding sites fo r thi s spec ies have been found, it is li sted as globally threatened by the International Counc il for Bird Preservation and the ir breeding ecology is ve ry poorly known. In spring 1990, He Fen-qi and Zhang Yin-sun di scovered one of the largest know n co loni es at TaolimiaoAlashan N ur at Ordos in Inner Mongolia. This yea r, th ey set out to study the ecology of thi s colony and search for new sites. Th e orig in al co lony was sli ghtly small er this yea r, 491 nests as opposed to 581 last year. This was compensated for by an increase in ave rage clutch size, 2.S2 as opposed to 2. 19, meaning th at the co lony produced alm ost the sa me number of eggs. Disturbance by Upland Buzzard Buteo hemilasius delayed the hatching, the rate of which was substantially decreased this year, 67% as opposed to 100%. Th ere was also a high mortali ty of chicks w ith at least 250 be in g found dead. Thi s was apparentl y caused by human di sturban ce. A survey of other suitable sites in the Mausu desert, eastern Ordos, revea led anoth er breed ing co lony of 624 nests an d nea rl y 500 non-breeding indi vidual s. Th e Oriental Bird Club is grateful to Lei ca Camera for providing the funding th at has made thi s important work possible. For further informa ti on please co ntact: N igel Lind sey, Flat 2, 6 Parkers Road, BroomhilI, Sheffield Sl 0 1 BN, UK, telephone +44-742-671889 (home) or +44-742-434343, extension 4905 (work).

Peter Grant Memorial Award In ce lebration of the li fe and wo rk of the late Peter Grant, who was chai rm an of the Briti sh Rarities Committee and a member of the editorial boa rd s of Briti sh Birds and Birding World , the Tru stees of the Peter Grant Memorial Trust have announced Th e Peter Grant Memorial Award wh ich aimes to stimulate birders to produce articl es of a high sta ndard on matters of bird identificati on. Annual prizes wi ll be awa rd ed to the author(s) of th e best bird identifi cation paper or article written in Engli sh publi shed during the yea r. A pri ze of USD 1000 w ill be awarded for the best wo rk concerned w ith Nearctic bird s and GBP 500 for the best wo rk on Pa lea rctic bird s; there w ill also be runners up prizes of USD 300 and GBP 150, respectivel y. To be eli gibl e, the w ork ca n be of any length and should be appropriately illustrated, either w ith photograph s or artwork. Entri es w ill be submitted on the author's beha lf by the ed itors of the journ als in w hich the papers or articl es are publi shed. Th e first awards wi ll be made in M arch 1993 re lating to papers or articl es publi shed in 1992. Th e award is sponsored by the American bird-tour company Wings with which Peter Grant was associated. For further information and for a copy of the gu id ance notes fo r prospecti ve authors and ed itors, pl ease w rite to: Mrs D Grant, 14 Heathfield Roa d, Ashfo rd , Kent TN24 8QD, UK. Vogeljaar Vogelkalender 1992 De traditionele voge lkalender van de Sticht in g het Vogeljaar is weer verschenen, wederom zowel in een Nederl andse als in een Fran stali ge editie. Zoals altijd is de kalender 14-daags, in kl eur en met afscheurbaar kalendarium zodat aa n het eind va n het jaa r een mooi voge l boekj e overblijft. U kunt de Voge l kalend er 1992 bestellen door overmaking van NLG 15.00 op postrekening 4325, tnv de penningmeestervan het kal enderfond s, Boterbloem straat 20,5321 RR Hedel, Nederland . In België kan de ka lender besteld wo rden door overmaking va n BEF 300 op postrekening 0000 29653 0-01 , tn v Koninklijk Bel gisch Verbond voo r de Beschermin g va n Vogels, Veeweidestraat 43, 1070 Brusse l, Bel gië. De Fran stali ge editie va n de kalender is te verkr ij gen door hetze lfde bedrag op één van de bovenstaande rekenin gen over te maken, onder vermeldin g va n ' Franstali ge kalender'. World conference on birds of prey and owls From 10 to 17 M ay 1992, the 'IV World co nference on birds of prey and owls' w ill be held in Berlin, Germany. Th e scientific programme w ill address the following themes : 7 Systematics and taxonomy of raptors w ith emph as is on modern methodology, 2 Aspects of longterm changes in numbers and distribution of raptors and owls, 3 Dec lining raptor popu lations: their biology and conservation, 4 En v ironmental contaminants and raptors, 5 Trapping, marking and radio-tagging tec hniques, 6 Tropi ca l rain forests and raptors, 7 Biology and conse rvation of the large falcons in the subgenus Hierofa lco, 8 Reintroductions of eagles, vu ltu res and other raptors, 9 Popul ation ecology of owls, and 10 Bio logy of extirpated, rare or lesser-known owls. All participants are free to submit contributions wh ich


Aankondigingen & verzoeken may consist of oral presentations, posters and film s. Proposa ls for co ntribution s mu st be submitted to th e co nveners of the relevant sess ion not later than 15 january 1992. For a more deta il ed informati on leafl et, registrati on farms and further inquiri es, p lease co ntact the Wo rld

Work in g Croup on Bird s of Prey, 15b Bolton Ca rd ens, l ondon SW5 OAl, UK, telephone +44-713701896; or Wangenheimstrasse 32, 1000 Berlin 33 , Ce rm any, te lephone +49-308254131 o r +49-308818525, te lefax +49308928067 .

Recent WP reports Thi s review of recent reports of rare and interesting bird s in the Western Palea rcti c refers mainl y to July and August 1991. Th e reco rd s are largely unchecked, not authenti cated. A Soft-plumaged Pet rel Pterodroma mol/is passed St john 's Point, Down, Ireland, on 20 A ugust. At Tynemouth, Tyne and Wear, Britain, a dark-rumped petrel was netted in the ea rl y hours of 31 jul y. Surprisin gly, it was th e same bird rin ged there on 7 jul y 1990 (cf Birdin g World 3: 224( 1990) . A Sandhill Crane Crus canadensis was present on the Shetlands, Brita in, from 17 to 27 September. Presumably, the sa me bird turned up in th e Bandpolder, Fri es lan d, Netherl and s, on 28-29 September (cf pl ate 219). O n 2 August, two adult Demoiselle Cranes Anthropoides virgo we re reco rd ed near Bu lanik, Turkey. A n adu lt Greater Sand Plover Charadrius/eschenau /tii moulting out of summer p lum age was on th e Don

Estuary, C rampi an, Britain, on 18-19 A ugust. Immature

Caspian Plovers C asiaticus were identified near BuIkanik, Turkey, on 3 August (two) and nea r Hurghada, Egypt, on 10 August. Along the C ulf coast, between Tanaq ib and AI jubayl, north -eastern Saudi Arab ia, 120 Whitetailed Plovers Chettusia /e ucura we re co unted in Jul y. Israel's first long-toed Stint Ca /idris submin uta was trapped at Ei lat on 25 A ugust. Two ad ult least Sandpipers C minutil/a we re recorded in the UK: one at Beacon lane Pond s, Ki lnsea, Humbersid e, on 28-29 jul y and another at l andulph Marsh, Co rn wa ll, on 25 A ugust. This 'peep' remains a great rarity on the Continent (' Europe') . The first record of Sabine's Gull Larus sabini fo r the UAE and Ara bi a occ urred at Sharj ah fro m 25 june to late jul y. (Initiall y, th is (ad ult) bird was identified as a first-summer littl e Cu li L minutus.) With the record of six chicks of Sandwich Tern Sterna sa ndvicensis in a tem co lony near Tan aq ib in jul y, Saudi Ara bi a added a new breeding bird

216 Caspian Plover Charadrius asiaticus, Bu lani k, Turkey, 3 August 1991 (Martin Renner)


IDutch Birding 13: 224-226, december 7997 1

Recent WP reports

217 Sandh ill Crane Grus canadensis, Shetland s, Britain, september 1991 (Rob in Chittenden)

218 Long-toed Stint Ca lidris subminuta, Eilat, Israe l, 25 August 1991 (Hadoram Sh irihai)


Recent WP reports to its li st. A Bridled Tern 5 anaethetus stayed arou nd th e Isles of Sc ill y, Britain, from 7 Jul y to at least 13 August. Finland 's first Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus was at Sod ankylä, Lappi , on 9 Jul y. Two Rollers Coracias ga rru/us reac hed Britain: one at Holkham Pin es, Norfo lk, on 29 Jul y and another between Panteg and Mathry, Dyfed, on 2-11 August. A male Pied Wheatear Oenanthe p /eschanka at Skagen, Nordjyll and, on 14 June was the first for Denmark. The records of mal e Pied Wh eatea rs at Isikli, c 23 km north-west of Gaz iantep, Turkey, on 26 Jul y (two) and at East Van Hills, Turkey, on 1 August are wo rth mentioning. Belgium's first Black-eared Wheatear hispanica (adult mal e) remained at Bastogne, Lu xembourg, from 24 to 29 July. A Paddyfield Warbier Acrocepha/us agrico /a was rin ged at Skagen, Nordjylland, on 10 June, const ituting th e second reco rd for Denmark. Three Upcher's Warblers Hippo/ais /anguida we re reported at Sharm el Sheikh, Sin ai, on 24 August; so far,


th ere are no acceptabl e record s for Egypt (cf S M Goodman & P L Meinin ger, Th e birds of Egypt, Oxford, 1989, p 488). Th e record of an adult ma le Narcissus Flycatcher Ficedu/a narcissina trapped at Falsterbo, Skane, on 2 June has been considered to be an escape by the Swed ish rariti es committee. A pair of lesser Grey Shrikes Lanius minor bred successfull y in eastern Steiermark, Austria (the onl y regul ar breed in g site in Austria is at Seewinkel, Burgenl and). The reco rd of a Fan-tailed Raven Corvus rhipidurus at Sharm el Sheikh, Sinai, Egypt, on 23 August was the first in 8 yea rs. On 30 Jul y, more than 5000 Rosecoloured Starlings Sturnus roseus we re at Tatvan, Turkey. Belgium's second Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureo /a was trapped at Het Zw in, Westvlaanderen, on 19 A ugust. I wish to tha nk Arnoud va n den Berg, Hauke Kah l, Martin Renner, Peter Symens and Ruud Vlek for th eir help in compilin g thi s review.

Gera ldJ Oreel, Postbus 57273, 7007 EG Amsterdam, Netherlands

Recente meldingen _ _ _ _ _ __ Dit overz icht van recente meldin gen va n ze ld za me en interessante voge ls in Nederland beslaat voo rnamelijk de maanden september en oktober 1991. De vermelde geva llen z ijn merend eels niet geverifi ee rd en het overz icht is niet vo lledi g. A lle voge laars die de moeite namen om hun waa rn emingen aan ons door te geven wo rden hartel ijk bedankt. Waarnemers va n soorten die worden beoordeeld door de Commissie Dwaal gasten Nederland se Avifauna wo rdt ve rzocht hun waa rnemin gen zo spoed ig mogelijk toe te ze nden aa n: CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA SantpoortZu id, Nederl and . Hiertoe gelieve men gebru ik te maken va n CDNA-waarnem in gsformulieren die eveneens verkrij gbaar z ijn bij bovenstaand adres. PIjLSTORMVOGELSTOTVALKEN Grauwe Pijlstormvogels Puffinus griseus en Noordse Pijlstormvogels P puffinus werd en voorname lijk gemeld tijdens de overgang van september naar oktober, waa rbij de G rauwe Pijlstorm vogel min stens tweemaal zo algemeen was. M eldin gen va n Storm vogelt jes H ydrobates pe/agicus kwam en va n Terschelling Fr op 23 september, Westkape lle Z en Campe rduin Nh (v ier) op 19 oktober en van Kijkduin Zh op 24 oktobe r. c 100 Vale Storm vogelt jes Oceanodroma /eucorhoa werden doorgegeven, voorname lijk op 2 oktober en rond 19 oktobe r. Kuifaalscholvers Pha/acrocora x aristote/is werden gez ien bij Katw ijk aan Zee Zh op 3 oktober, op de Maasvlakte Zh op 14 oktober (twee), b ij Scheveningen Zh op 19 oktober, bij Ijmuiden Nh op 20 oktober en bij Egmond aan Zee Nh op 27 oktobe r. Een onvo lwasse n Kwak Nycticorax nycticora x za t op 14 september in Vatrop op W ierin gen N h. Een Kleine Zilverreiger Egretta garzetta w ist het aardi g vo l te houden op Texel N h i n het Ottersaat ten noorden va n Oudesch i Id van 5 september tot ve r in oktobe r. Grote Zilverreigers


E a/ba werden in september nog sporadisch gezien langs de Oostvaa rdersdijk FI (ma ximaa l twee). Op 12 ok tober zat er één in het Soerendonks Goor Nb en op 16 oktober v loog er één lan gs V li ss ingen Z. In de G rote Peel Nb/L werden tot 4 september de in de vorige ru briek genoemde vier Zwarte Ooievaars Ciconia nigra gezien. Verder wa ren er waa rnemin gen langs de Oostvaardersd ijk op 1 september, in de Ooypolder G ld op 4 september (twee), 14 september (één) en 15 september (dr ie), over Hoevelaken G ld op 5 september, in de Grote Peel op 8 september, bij Beunin gen G ld van 8 tot 11 september (twee) en langs de Ki evitsweg Fl op 12 september. Sneeuwganzen Anser caeru/escens wa ren aanwezig in de Lauwersmeer Gr va naf 14 september, bij St Kruis Z op 26 en 27 oktober (twee), bij Sondel Fr op 29 oktober (zeve n) en lan gs de Wu lpweg Flop 31 oktober (twee). De Ross' Gans A rossii va n Stellend am Zh was wee r aanwez ig vanaf 29 oktober. Een Witbuikrotgans Branta bern icia hrota we rd vanaf 12 oktober gemeld op Texel in Pold er de Eendracht. Ook werden al Roodhalsganzen B ruficollis gemeld bij Gron in gen Gr op 9 september en bij Parrega Fr op 29 oktober. Een Amerikaanse Smient Anas america na werd op 16 en 17 oktober gez ien op Texel in Pold er de Eendracht. N iet mind er dan 21 Krooneenden Netta rufina we rden op 11 oktober geteld in De Botshol U. Een Witoogeend Aythya nyroca was op 12 oktober aa nwez ig op de Zevenhu izerpl as Zh. Tot 12 september werden nog vie r Zwarte Wouwen Mi/vus migrans doorgegeven en op 11 oktober vloog er nog één over Hoeve. laken. Verspre id over de periode werde n ook nog 10 Rode Wouwen M mi/vus gemeld. Vanaf 12 september was een Zeearend Ha/iaeetus a/bicilla aa nwez ig in het Oostvaardersp lassengebied. Op 5 oktobe r v loog er tevens een lan gs het Muiderzand FI en op 6 oktober zat er een bij de D intelse Gorzen Nb. Vanaf 14 oktober was er

[Dutch Birding 13: 226-232, december 7997 [

Recente meldingen

219 Canadese Kraanvogel Crus canadensis, Bandpolder, Friesland, 29 september 1991 (Arnoud B van den Berg)

220 Kleine Geelpootru iter Tringa flavipes, nabij Flaauwersinlaag, Zee land, oktober 1991 (Henk Harmsen)


Recente meldingen

221 Kleine Zilverre iger Egretta garzetta, Texe l, Noordholl and, september 1991 (Piet Munsterman)

222 Grote Grijze Snip Limnodromus scolopaceus, Oudega, Friesland, september 1991 (Koen van Dijken)


Recente meldingen één aa nwez ig in de Lekuiterwaa rd en ten noorden van Cul emborg G ld . Naast de twee hi ervoor genoemde pl eisteraars werd en op 27 oktober Zeea renden gez ien bij Bud el-Dorplein Nb, in Hoevelaken, ove r M eijendel Zh en over W agenin gen Gld en nog één exempl aar zat op 29 oktober te Duurswoude Fr. Een Steppekiekendief Circus macro urus we rd waa rgenomen en gefotog rafeerd in Vli ss ingen op 5 september. c 35 Visarenden Pandion ha/iaetus we rd en gemeld, voorn amei ijk rond de 2e wee k va n september. Roodpootvalken Fa/co vespertinus we rden gemeld op 13 september te Wi ssen kerke Z, op 20 september te Oud ega (gemeente Smallingerl and) Fr, op 21 september te W estkapelle, op 4 oktober te 's-H ertogen bosc h Nb en op 5 oktober bij Schiphol Nh en bij W assenaar Zh. Van de 40 gemelde Slechtvalken F peregrinus kwa m de helft uit de laatste 2 we ken va n oktober. Een Klein Waterhoen Porzana parva we rd gezien op Tersc helling op 10 september. Enkele 1OOen Kraanvogels Grus grusli eten z ic h tellen va n 19 tot 28 september en va naf 26 oktober. Een onvoorzi ene, doch w elkome aanvulling op de Nederl andse av ifaunisti sc he lijst vormd e de Canadese Kraanvogel Crus ca nadensis die va n 28 tot 30 september bij Pa esens Fr verbl eef. Hoogstwaa rsc hijnlijk betreft het hier een exempl aa r dat kort daarvoor op de Sh etl and s in Groot-Brittannië we rd waargenomen (cf Dutch Birdin g 13 : 196, 1991, en plaat 217). De twee voortvluchti ge Amerikaanse Steltkluten Himantopus (himantopus) mexicanus ove rv ielen op 7 en 8 september de Mokkebank in Zuid westFri es land. Morinelplevieren Charadrius morinellus we rden gezien op de Strabrechtse Heide Nb op 3 september, bij het Vee rse M eer Z op 7 september, bij Castri cum Nh

rond 12 september (va ngst), in de Kennemerduin en Nh op 13 september, op Texe l op 20 september, op Tersc helling van af 23 tot 28 september (twee) en va n 2 tot 5 oktober (éé n) en bij de Dintelh aven Zh op 1 oktobe r (twee) . Een langverwac hte 'ti ek' vo rmd en de twee Kleine Goudplevieren P/uvialis fu/va di t najaar. W as er nog eni ge tw ijfel over het exempl aa r dat va n 13 tot 18 september in de omgevin g va n Middelburg Z verbl eef, het exempl aar dat va n 20 september tot 5 oktober op Texe l in de omgevin g va n de Mokbaa i zat, was eenvoudi ger te determin eren. Een woeste meldin g door een anders zo voo rzichtige voge laa r, betrof die va n een 'dode' Grote Kanoet Calidris tenuirostris in de midd ag van 19 september lan gs de O ostvaa rdersdijk. Gelukki g bl eek de vogel springlevend en was daar aanw ez ig tot 25 september. Tot ieders verbaz in g werd dit exempl aa r herontdekt in De Putten bij Camperduin op 29 september. Tot 6 oktober was de voge l hier waa r te nemen. Uiteraard betrof het hier een ni euwesoort voor Nederland. Gestreepte Strandlopers C me/anotos w aren aa nwez ig in Oo stmahorn Fr tot 1 september, bij de Mokkebank op 10 september, langs de O ostvaa rdersdijk va n 21 tot 25 september, bij Li sse Zh op 21 en 22 september, bij Spaarn w oud e N h van 21 tot 24 september en bij Zw oll e o op 15 oktober. Een Poelsnip Callinago media we rd op 13 oktober gemeld in de HW-duinen Zh. De Grote Grijze Snip Limnodromus sc% paceus van Oud ega bl eef aa nwezig tot 5 oktober. Poelruiters Tringa stagnati/is w aren aan wez ig tot 4 september langs de Philipsdam Z (twee), tot 8 september langs de Oostvaa rd ersdijk en op 28 september wee r een exempl aa r langs de Philipsdam. De tweed e aa nva ardbare w aarn emin g va n een Kleine Geelpootruiter T f/avipes voor Nederland betrof een

223 Kl eine Goudplev ier P/uvialis fu/va, Texel, Noord-

224 Kl eine Goudplev ier P/uvia/is fu/va, nabij Middel-

holland , september 1991 (jaap van 't Hof)

burg, Zee land, september 199 1 (Hans C ebuis)



Recente meldingen

225 Kleinste Jager Stercorarius longica udus, adul t, Tersc hellin g, Fri es land, september 199 1 (A rie O uwerkerk)

226 G rote Ka noet Ca lidris tenuirostris, De Pu tten bij Campe rduin , Noordh oll and, 1 okto ber 199 1 (RenĂŠ va n Rossum)


Recente meldingen

227 Noord se Bosza nger Ph ylloscopus borea lis, Bl oemendaa l, Noordh olland, 9 september 199 1 (A rn oud B va n den Berg, VRS Cornelis va n Lennep) 228 Radd es Bosza nger Ph ylloscopus schwarz i, Tersc hellin g, Fri es land, 10 oktobe r 199 1 (Arie O uwerkerk)

23 1

Recente meldingen exemp laar dat van 7 tot 11 oktober bij de Flaauwers Inlaag Z verb leef. Hiermee was het kwartet spectacu laire 'stelt' lopers compleet en werd het relatief slappe voo rjaar snel vergeten. Grauwe Franjepoten Pha/aropus /0batus waren er op 1 september nog in de Lauwersmeer (v ij f) en langs de Oostvaardersd ijk (twee), op 6 september te Lauwersoog G r, op 7 september lan gs de Philipsdam, op 14 en 15 september te Noordwijkerhout Zh en op 22 september weer langs de Oostvaardersd ijk samen met een Rosse Franjepoot P fu/icarius. Verder waren er Rosse Franjepoten in Ijmuiden op 28 september en 18 oktober, in Scheven in gen op 2 oktober, bij Lauwersoog op 19 (één) en 25 oktober (twee) en nog eens langs de Oostvaa rdersd ijk op 20 oktober. C 140 Middelste Jagers Stercorarius pomarinus v logen, voorname lij k in oktober langs de kust. Het verme ld en waa rd is het aanta l va n meer dan 30 Kleine Jagers S parasiticus op 7 september langs Diemen Nh. Ook werden 28 Kleinste Jagers S /ongicaudus langs de kust gemeld, met een p iek in de 3e week van oktober. Ook nog eens 25 Vorkstaartmeeuwen Larus sabini werden opgemerkt, vooral rond 2 en 19 oktober. Een tweede-winter Kleine Burgemeester L g /aucoides was aanwezig op Texel op 17 oktober. Grote Burgemeesters L hyperboreus zaten langs de Brouwersdam Zh vanaf 18 september, in Scheveningen op 19 en 20 september, op Schiermonnikoog Fr op 16 september en in Katwijk aan Zee op 24 oktober. lachsterns Ge/oche/idon ni/otica werden nog gez ien op Terschelling op 8 september, op Texel op 22 september en bij Lauwersoog op 19 oktober. Reuzensterns Sterna caspia werden nog de gehele maand september gezien, vooral langs de Friese Ij sse lmeerkust. Witvleugelsterns Ch /idonias /eucopterus zaten bij de Houtribhaven Flop 7 september en langs de Oostvaardersdijk op 24 en 25 september. Vanaf 19 oktober werden 45 Kleine Alken A lle alle gezien. Papegaaiduikers Fratercu/a arctica werden gemeld op 21 september vanaf de boot voo r de kust van Ijmuiden, op 6 oktober op Terschelling, op 19 oktober bij Lauwersoog, op 25 oktober bij Camperd uin en op 26 oktober bij Ijmuiden . GIERZWALUWEN TOT GORZEN Op 13 oktober werd een vrij late Gierzwaluw Apus apus gemeld bij Harderwijk Gld. Een Alpengierzwaluw A me/ba werd op 29 septem ber door enkele gelukki ge voge laars waargenomen bij de Mokbaai op Texel. Een Scharrelaar Coracias garru/us vloog op 5 oktober ove r tel post Parnassia b ij Bloemendaal Nh. Hoppen Upupa epops waren aanwezig op Schiermonnikoog van 11 tot 13 september en op 16 oktober en op Texe l op 5 oktober en van 13 tot 15 oktober. Grote Piepers Anthus richardi werden de gehele periode gemeld (c 40) met een lichte voorkeur voor de 3e week va n oktober in tegenstelling tot Duinpiepers A campestris waarvan de doortrek in de loop van september geheel afneemt (16 meldingen). Niet minder dan 20 Roodkeelpiepers A cervinus werden tussen 21 september en 12 oktober doorgegeven. Een onvo lwassen ei-

troenkwikstaart Motacilla citreo/a werd op 1 september gemeld van Texel. Een vroege Pestvogel Bombycilla garru/us werd op 29 september overv liegend gez ien bij Vli ssingen . Een Waterspreeuw Cinc/us cinc/us werd op 21 oktober geringd b ij Castricum. Twee eerste-winte r Aziatische Roodborsttapuiten Saxico /a torquata maura zaten op Texel op 14 en 15 oktober. Ook dit jaar konden de ringers weer een soort aan de Nederl andse lijst toevoegen. Een Siberische Snor Locustella certh io /a hin g op 5 oktober in het net b ij Castricum. Een Waterrietzanger Acrocepha /us pa/udico/a werd op 7 september gemeld bij de VIi nderbalg in de Lauwersmeer. Een Kleine Spotvogel Hippo/ais ca /igata werd op 30 september gec laimd bij de Dintelhaven.lndeAW-duinen N h en de Kennemerduinen samen werden in september zeven Sperwergrasmussen Sy/via nisoria gevangen. Waarnemingen waren er op 4 oktober in Katwijk aan Zee, op 5 oktober op het Kornwerderzand Fr en op 7 oktober bij De Cocksdorp op Texel. Ook Noordse Boszangers Phylloscopus borea/is belandden in hei net: op 9 september in de Kennemerduinen en op 5 oktober te Oosterend, Terschelling. De en ige Pallas' Boszanger P proregu/us zat op 9 oktober te West-Terscheil ing Fr. Een vroege Bladkoning P inornatus werd op 14 september eveneens in de Kennemerduinen gevangen. Daarna vo lgden nog c 40 waarnem in gen tussen 23 september en 27 oktober. Een Humes' Bladkoning P humei zat van 12 tot 14 oktober b ij De Cocksdorp . Raddes Boszangers P schwarzi waren er op 10 oktober op Tersche lling en op 12 oktober in Meijendel (vangst). Op het Kornwerderzand werd op 14 oktober een Bergfluiter P bonelli gemeld. Tussen 21 september en 16 oktober werden een 1O-ta l Kleine Vliegenvangers Ficedu/a parva gezien. Er waren meldingen van Taigaboomkruipers Certh ia fam iliaris op 6, 9 en 22 oktober (vangst) op Schiermonnikoog, op 27 oktober bij Roggebots lui s FI en op 29 oktober op Texel. Na een doortrekpiekje rond 20 september is er nog een late Buidelmees Remiz pendu/inus op 5 oktober bij Deventer O. Grauwe Klauwieren Lanius collurio wo rden nog gemeld op Schiermonn ikoog op 11 september en op Texel op 27 september. Tussen 27 september en 12 oktober trok de hoofdmacht van een invasie Notekrakers Nucjfraga caryocatactes Nederland binnen (c 60 meldingen). Hierna werden nog sporad isc h pleisterende exemplaren gemeld. Er waren meldingen van Roze Spreeuwen Sturnus roseus op 15 september in Ijmuiden, op 16 oktober in Rockanje Zh en op 21 oktober in Leeuwarden Fr. De derde en v ierde Roodoogvireo Vireo o /i vaceus voor Nederland eind september op V lieland Fr maakt het rijtje leuke ringvangsten voor deze rubriek af. Een serieuze claim van een Witkopgors Emberiza /eucocepha/os was er op 15 oktober op Texel. Tot eind september werden nog 20 Ortolanen E hortu/ana gezien en een laat exemp laar werd gevangen op 25 oktober b ij Castricum . Een Bosgors E rustica werd gecla imd in V li ss ingen op 16 oktober. Vanaf eind september werden niet minder dan 12 Dwerggorzen E pusilla gemeld.

Eugène van der Burg, Vliestroom 147,2401 VD Alphen aan den Rijn, Nederland Ruud M van Dongen, Albertusstraat 4, 5261 AD Vught, Nederland Peter WW de Rouw, Warande 23, 3705 ZB Zeist, Nederland


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r, .Jaarlijks onderbreken duizenden vogels hun trek om in het voedselrijke waddengebied hun veren te verwisselen. Rustverstoring in die 'kleedkamer' betekent verstoring in het ruiproces. Hierdoor verliest de vogel z'n weerstand en wordt een gewillig slachtoffer van kou en infekties. De Waddenvereniging doet alles om rustverstoring tijdens die kwetsbare perioden te voorkomen en houdt daarom het waddengebied nauwlettend in het oog. \\,ij signaleren elke verandering, zoeken de oorzaken en komen in aktie wanneer dat nodig is. Met uw hulp kunnen we ons werk voortzetten. En krijgen miljoenen planten en dieren de kans om te overleven.

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- -


DOE OOK WAT VOOR HET WAD! • Advertenti eruimte aan geboden door Dutch Birding




Postal address Dutch Birding, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Netherlands Fax address Dutch Birding, c/o IVN (Pau l Böhre), Amsterdam, Netherlands, +31-206266091 Editorial secretariat Gerald Oreel (+31-206730710)

Editors Arnoud van den Berg, Tom van der Have, Gra ham Holloway, André van Loon, Gera ld Oreel, Frank Rozendaal and Hans Schekkerman Photographic editor René Pop, Floris Burgwal 54, 2907 PH Capell e aan den Ijssel, Netherlands (+31-104508879) Production and lay-out André van Loon (+31-206997585) and René van Rossum Advertising Roy de Haas (+31-324062819) Editorial assistants Klaas Eigen hui s, Ted Hoogendoorn, Edward van Ijzendoorn, Karel Mauer and Hans van der Meulen

Subscriptions 1991: NLG 45 (Netherlands) or BEF 900 (Belgium) annually; NLG 50 (other countr ies inside Europe) and NLG 55 (countr ies outside Europe). G iro account (Netherl ands) 4 1 48 343; giro accou nt (Belgium) 000159246819; bank account 54 93 32 065 of Algemene Bank Nederl and (Amsterdam). Accounts are in name of Dutch Bird in g Association, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Netherlands. Payment mayalso be made by Access, Eurocard, MasterCard or Visa credit card. Please indicate account number and expiry date and append signature. Note: This method of payment is not app licab le to subscribers resident in the Netherlands and Belgium. For subscriptions, information and changes of address, please write to: Dutch Birding, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Netherlands. Dutch Bird in g is a bimonth ly jou rna I with issues in February, April, June, August, October and December. It publishes articl es and notes on morph ology, systematics, occu rrence and distribution of birds in the Netherlands and Europe and elsewhere in the Palearctic region. It also publishes contributions on birds in the Asian-Pacific region. Manuscripts shou ld be typewritten w ith double line-spacin g and w ide margins on both sides. A schedu le of payment rates for authors, photographers and artists is avai lable from the editorial secretariat.

Dutch 8irding Association Address Dutch Birding Association, Postbus 75611, 1070 AP Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dutch Birding Association is sponso red by Nuts Ziektekostenve rzeke ring NV

Board Paul Knolle (president), Enno Ebels (secretary), Arnold Veen (treasurer), Paul Böhre (publ ic relationsl, Arnoud van den Berg, Roy de Haas, Peter Meijer, Gera ld Oreel and Frank Rozendaal Board assistants Eugène van der Burg, Ron van den Enden, Leo Heemskerk, Ferry Ossendorp, Wim van der Schot, Kees Tiemstra, Dieuwke van der Veen and Peter van der Wolf Travel-reports service Dirk de Moes, Postbus 94, 3956 ZS Leersum, Netherlands (+31 -343457501)

Dutch Rarities Committee Address CDNA, Postbus 45, 2080 AA Santpoort-Zuid, Netherlands Members Arnoud van den Berg (cha irman), Pieter Bison (secretary +31-2067 15783), Rolf de By (archiv ist), Klaas Eigenhuis, Cock Reijnders, Kees Roselaar, Hans Schekkerman and Gerard Steinhaus

© 1991 Stichting Dutch Bird in g Associati on . The copyri ght of the photographs and drawings remains w ith the photographers and artists. ISSN 0167-2878.

Printed by A lbédon/Klop BV, Postbus 3211,2220 CE Katwijk, Netherlands



Jaargang 13 nummer 6 december 1991 Volume 73 number 6 December 7997 Artikelen 197 Steppe Buzzard morphs at migration and their separation from Long-Iegged Buzzard Hadoram Shirihai & Dick Forsman Brieven 209 Citroenkwikstaart te Harchies in april 1987 Dutch Birding 209 Yellow-Iegged Gulls in Poland Klaas} Eigenhuis Mystery photographs 210 Mystery photograph 43: Whitethroat Arnoud B van den Berg Birds in the USSR 213 Birds of Russian forests Aigirdas } Knystautas ICBP-news 217 Tragopans in trouble Georgina Green Recensies 218 Bird songs of /srael and the Middle Eastdoor K Mild AndrĂŠJ van Loon 218 Birds and forestry by M Avery & R Leslie GrahamJ Holloway 218 Bird-parasite interactions: ecology, evolution, and behaviourby JE Loye & M Zuk (ed itors) Rob de Boer BSP-niet-broedvogels 219 Introductie


DBA-nieuws Betaling abonnementsge ld 1992; DBA-vogeldag op zaterdag 22 februari 1992 te Utrecht; Eerste ' Euro Bird Week' op Texel in oktober 199 1; First Euro Bird Week on Texel in October 1991

Aankondigingen & verzoeken 222 European Migrant Birds in Africa; Forktail/Leica Award results; Peter Grant Memorial Award; Vogeljaar Vogelkalender 1992 ; World confe rence on birds of prey and ow ls Recent WP reports 224 Recent WP reports : July and August 1991 GeraldJ Oreel Recente meldingen 226 Recente meldingen: september en oktober 1991 Eugène van der Burg, Ruud M van Dongen & Peter W W de Rouw

Abstracted/indexed in:Auk, Ecological Abstracts, Emu, GEOBASE (GeoAbstracts Database), Ibi s, Wildlife Review, Zoological Record

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