1 minute read

Matt Helmus, Maria DeLugt Ed Peters, Arend Art Wurfel Esther Wurfel, President Kocsis Secretary Vander Pols, Treasurer Vice President

d.i.s. magazine

VOLUME 52 NO. 1 Summer 2020


Our cover: Statue of Fanny Blankers-Koen that stands in Rotterdam. 2010 Photo by FaceMePLS on Flickr.

Time to Renew Your Support for the Dutch International Society ........ 4 Statement from the Board of the DIS ................................................ 5 From the Editor .............................................................................. 5 In Memoriam: Dr. Martin Bakker (1933-2020) .................................... 6 Bier Distillery: Hollandse Hapjes on the North Side ............................ 8 “Carl the Clown” Angelo, the Winningest Amateur Pitcher in Baseball History...................................................................................... 12 The Flying Housewife ............................................................................... 14 Dutch American Ambassadors to the Netherlands ................................. 16 From Our Members ................................................................................. 20 News in Brief ........................................................................................... 21 The Dutch Connection Calendar .............................................................. 22 Taalsplinters ....................................................................... 23

Introducing our new DIS Facebook group (under construction): https:// www.facebook.com/groups/ dutchinternationalsociety

Published quarterly by

Dutch International Society P.O. Box 7062 Grand Rapids, MI 49510

ALL CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING THE D.I.S. Magazine: For action by the Editor:

Dr. Arend Vander Pols 1742 Cambridge DR SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506-4424 editor@dutchinternationalsociety.org

For information on advertising and other information:

Dutch International Society P.O. Box 7062 Grand Rapids, MI 49510 info@dutchinternationalsociety.org

Periodical postage paid at Grand Rapids, Michigan (USPS #103690) POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: D.I.S. Magazine P.O. Box 7062 Grand Rapids, MI 49510

© Dutch International Society 2020

Opinions expressed in the articles appearing in the magazine are not to be construed as an endorsement by the Board of the D.I.S.

Printed in the United States of America.

Dutch International Society Board Members

Matt Helmus, President Maria DeLugt Kocsis Ed Peters, Secretary Arend Vander Pols, Vice President Art Wurfel Esther Wurfel, Treasurer

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