We are told in the Torah that after the year of Shemittah, the year when we proclaim complete and absolute trust in Hashem, we will merit an abundance of Brocha. Hashem will command his blessings on us and His goodness will overflow upon us.
Here at Bnos Brocha, we are fortunate to witness this great Brocha. With tremendous growth, unlimited potential in learning and unbridled Simcha in the very walls, we are Zoche to Hashem’s Brocha in our midst. This is a privilege - and an obligation to strive ever higher.
Thank you for joining us at this year’s Annual Dinner as we pay tribute to those who have helped us reach this point. It is their dedication, as parents, grandparents and educators, that has laid the groundwork for 19 years of successful Chinuch and we are deeply grateful. How meaningful it is to celebrate together.
With best wishes, and a heartfelt Tefila for continued Brocha,
The Powerful Legacy of Morah Sara Murik Scion of Yerushalmi greatness, builder of תונבה ךוניח in post-war America, Morah Murik created a powerful legacy that continues to impact thousands of Bnos Yisroel.
Morah Murik founded Bnos Brocha when she was 70 years old, after “retiring” from an already illustrious career in chinuch.
She built Bnos Brocha into a school where the halls resound with song and dance, and where every talmidah is a precious diamond who knows just how much she is cherished and loved by her principal.
She cried with her talmidos through their challenges; celebrated their simchas with them. She was a part of their lives long after they graduated Bnos Brocha.
With her passion for Torah, her unbridled love for every talmidah and her joyous energy not dimmed through the years, Morah Murik’s powerful force formed the foundation of Bnos Brocha.
They live by the values she instilled within them; their hearts still sing with the joy of Torah and joy of life that she infused within them. And they know without a doubt that in Morah Murik they have found a Morah for life.
Her talmidos look at the homes they have built, and see that Morah Murik’s lessons are still evident everywhere in their lives.
Mrs. Toby Alpert
Mrs. Zivah Altman
Mrs. Nechama Sima Auerbach
Miss Sarah Benarroch
Mrs. Devori Berger
Mrs. Rochel Berkowitz
Mrs. Baila Birnbaum
Mrs. Henna Rivka Blumenthal
Mrs. Tzippy Borchardt
Miss Peri Censor
Mrs. Esther Cohen
Mrs. Sarah Denan
Mrs. Sara Dickstein
Mrs. Mirel Donath
Mrs. Rochel Ehrenfeld
Miss Shaindy Eidelman
Mrs. Chaya Rochel Fass
Mrs. Sarala Feinzeig
Mrs. Hope Felsinger
Miss Blimie Friedman
Miss Miri Friedman
Mrs. Tzivi Friedman
Mrs. Sori Gartenhaus
Miss Goldie Gleiberman
Mrs. Chanala Gold
Mrs. Blima Goldbaum
Mrs. Sarala Goldberg
Mrs. Yuta Gorelick
Mrs. Dini Greenberger
Mrs. Ruth Gruber
Mrs. Gitty Halberg
Miss Shifra Chana Harpaz
Mrs. Yocheved Heiman
Mrs. Bashi Hess
Mrs. Malky Indich
Mrs. Yehudis Jutcovich
Mrs. Raizy Kanner
Mrs. Yocheved Kaplovitz
Mrs. Esti Keller
Miss Perela Kerpel
Mrs. Idy Kessner
Mrs. Nechama Kirzner
Mrs. Chany Klein
Mrs. Shana Knopf
Mrs. Nicha Konig
Mrs. Miriam Krausz
Mrs. Batsheva Kushner
Mrs. Chani Lerner
Mrs. Zisi Lev
Mrs. Faigy Levin
Rabbi Levovitz
Mrs. Hudy Lichtenstein
Miss Esty Mandel
Miss Tzivie Mandel
Mrs. Yocheved Miller
Mrs. Chaya Esther Moldofsky
Miss Chaya Moskovitz
Mrs. Cyna Neumann
Mrs. Ahuva Neuwirth
Mrs. Leah Pekier
Miss Shoshana Pereira
Mrs. Chana Malya Plonczak
Miss Esti Pollack
Mrs. Sima Privalsky
Mrs. Devorah Rabinowitz
Miss Shani Rabinowitz
Mrs. Nechama Raitzik
Mrs. Basya Rosenberg
Miss Malky Rosenberg
Miss Ruchy Rosenblatt
Miss Gitty Rosenman
Miss Devorah Schepansky
Miss Leah Schuster
Mrs. Mazal Schweky
Mrs. Sheva Seliger
Mrs. Nechama Sender
Mrs. Faiga Leah Shayovich
Miss Ariella Shlomowitz
Mrs. Esther Smith
Mrs. Chana Merla Sofer
Miss Esti Stefansky
Miss Simi Steier
Mrs. Suri Tabak
Mrs. Rochel Ullman
Mrs. Rivka Malka Waldman
Mrs. Ettie Wegh
Mrs. Avigail Weinberg
Mrs. Tzipori Weitman
Miss Fraida Werner
Miss Bracha Dina Wikler
Mrs. Suri Winkler
Miss Tamar Yakubov
Mrs. Sheryl Zelmanowitz
Nurse Bubby Sue
Nurse M Rosenblum
With a founding principal who served the dual roles of educational leader and beloved bubby, it comes as no surprise that her husband is the school’s beloved Zeidy. Rav Mordechai Murik zt”l was an illustrious םכח דימלת and ben Torah, but to the students of Bnos Brocha, he was known as “Zeidy Murik.”
He was a familiar figure in the halls of Bnos Brocha, coming every year to perform kaparos on the entire school.
He would linger afterward, drinking in the nachas together with Morah Murik.
His quiet wisdom and gentle warmth still reverberate through the halls of the school. We miss our beloved Zaidy Murik
Few Bnos Brocha girls can forget the sight of Zaidy Murik standing on the porch, chicken in hand, as they all gathered in the schoolyard.
ורכז יהי.
The unparalleled Chinuch imbued into Bnos Brocha girls by Mrs. Murik and her daughter, Mrs. Malinowitz, is the bedrock of the school, and is evident on the smiling faces, and content neshamos of each and every student, from kindergarten through eighth grade. Rabbi Zalmon Malinowitz zt”l was a pillar of the Bnos Brocha education as well.
The Chinuch of Jewish children in general, and the talmidos of Bnos Brocha in particular, was very near and dear to Rav Zalmon Malinowitz zt”l, and he was extremely involved in many aspects of the method of Chinuch, as he really cared about the future of Klal Yisroel.
Rav Zalmon’s imprint on Bnos Brocha’s development and success throughout the years will be felt for all eternity, as the girls become mothers and raise children of their own with the pure influence that he put in; a true legacy of his Hashkafa and
Bertram Families
Yanky Brenner Family
Yehuda Dachs Family
Yoel Dohany Family
Yossi Ehrman Family
Eli Feitman Family
Yaakov Forchheimer Family
Chuny Herzka Family
Gedalia Klein Family
Adam Kushnir Family
Leiby Lench Family
Binyomin Murik Family
Dovid Murik Family
Yaakov Nusbaum Family
Yitzchok Rokowsky Family
Boruch Yechiel Schreiber Family
Simcha Foods
Yaakov Tyner Family
Reuven Wolf Family
Shimon Zeldes Family
For constantly being there for us. Whatever we need, whatever the time all your work is done graciously
Bnos Brocha Dinner OfficeWishing you continued success in your Avodas Hakodesh.
Yossi and Esti EhrmanThank you for the Kochas that you put into Henny each and every day.
Shloime and Suri HellerWe are so grateful to
Thank you for all your hard work and dedication on behalf of our daughters
Eli and Devorah FeitmanFor his non-stop dedication to the entire Bnos Brocha family. We can never survive without you!
Zeldesfor giving our daughters a great experience in
For all she does for the Bnos Brocha Talmidos on a daily basis
May you continue to have much Hatzlacha in your Avodas Hakodesh
As Miss Felsinger you began your career
The students couldn’t wait for you to appear
Each lesson original and a new creation
Exciting ideas and much imagination
Then Morah Neuwirth you became
Every day a contest and a new game
Each bulletin board a work of art
Your creative plays giving each girl a part
Teaching motions so perfectly
Singing and dancing so happily
Each student you teach and guide
Enabling them to stand with pride
'ה should bentch that you continue to inspire
With many years to come, never to tire
Bnos Brocha wants to thank you
Much תחנfrom your תודימלת and family too.
Bnos BrochaChanie and Baila's wonderful teachers who go above and beyond in all areas to give our daughters a memorable year
Leiby and Malky Lench
In recognition of tonight’s honorees
With much Hakaras Hatov for all you have done for Bnos Brocha.
May Hakadosh Baruch Hu bentch you with much Hatzlacha in all of your endeavors, good health and Nachas from you families.
Yanky and Shira Brenner
In honor of our daughter Devora’s dedicated teachers
We appreciate the Kochos you invest in helping Devora to succeed, and wish you much continued Hatzlacha in all that you do.
Whose devotion and care are unparalleled
We have much Hakaras Hatov for all you have done and continue to do for our girls
Thank you to
And the dedicated office staff (especially Blimie!)
For all your hard work on behalf of Bnos Brocha.
In honor of
for their dedication and devotion to make sure that each student shines
Gedaliah and Elky KleinIn honor of for the wonderful Chinuch our daughters Aliza, Fraidy, Dassi and Shana receive Moshe & Rivky Hildeshaim
In Honor of our Dear Sister
Excellence who works tirelessly on behalf of all the talmidos of Bnos Brocha. We are in awe of all her accomplishments.
May she continue to always see much hatzlacha in all her endeavors
Shimon and Gittie ZeldesThey left a tremendous legacy
In recognition of their dedication, support, involvement and effort on behalf of Bnos Brocha. May they continue to serve as role models of Chessed and Torah.
Hashem should grant them much hatzlacha, brocha, and kochos to continue in their Avodas Hakodesh
Thank you to all of our daughter’s special teachers who devote themselves to the success of each and every student
Meir S. & Blimie GanzWith much Hakoras Hatov to
The outstanding chinuch and devoted Hanhala makes Bnos Brocha such an amazing school
Moshe and Yehudis Zussman
You are an inspiration to all Dovid
Chaim Lowinger
With much admiration,
A heartfelt Mazal Tov on the 19th annual dinner. As Bnos Brocha parents, we are truly zoche to experience the stellar Chinuch imparted to our daughter Miri. May you be zoche to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh inspiring Yiddishe Doros for many more years.
Zevi and Malkie WulligerWishing you much continued Hatzlacha in your Avodas Hakodesh; setting up the next generation of Yiddishe Mothers.
Zevi and Malkie WulligerWe are so proud and privileged to share in this momentous occasion
דמוע םלועה םירבד השולש לע”
We are in constant awe as you continuously thrive in your true dedication to הדובע ,הרות מגו םידסח תולי
In your quiet & unassuming manner, you give tirelessly to your family & the rest of the klal
Your selfless commitment has made a tremendous difference in the lives of so many
Thank you for giving us the tools and ךוניח to go ךרדב ׳ה
May ‘ה continue to grant you the strength to persevere, the ability to achieve & the will to share your success with others
תווצמבו הרותב םיקסוע תונבו םינב תוארל וכזתש ןוצר יהי”
Love, Eli & Rochi, Yaakov & Hindy, Moshe, Ephraim & Sari, Avi, Shana, Aliza, Solly, Chaim, Racheli, Ari, Yitzy, Moshe, and Michal
We are so grateful to for the excellent Chinuch that they instilled in our children
Adam and Joy Kushnir
Thank you for all you do to make Bnos Brocha such a special school!
Shragy and Hindy Zeldes
We appreciate your efforts every day
In honor of all the amazing teachers and staff at and special thank you to for all that you do!
Rivky Hildeshaim
ast and present who have so selflessly given of themselves with their tireless work and efforts on behalf of our daughters Gitty and Malky.
With heartfelt thanks for everything you do for our family
Yoel & Beila DohanyIn honor of our Dear cousins
May the Ribono Shel Olam give you strength to continue to do all the wonderful work for the klal that you do
Yeruchem and Chayele Bertram
Thank you for all that you have done and all that you continue to do for Bnos Brocha. ךרכש
Thank you for all the Nachas!
What a pleasure to see Blumie so happy!
With much appreciation and hakaras hatov we would like to thank
and the rest of
for all their tireless kochos and sincere dedication that they put into our daughter's chinuch. May Hashem give them koach to continue their wonderful שדוקה תדובע.
Your smile and warm welcome are a special pleasure. Thank you for everything you do.
Yoel & Beila DohanyYou should have continued Hatzlacha in your Avodas Hakodesh
Chaim GrossFor all you have done and continue to do daily for our daughter's
Much wishes for continued success,
And all the great Bnos Brocha Teachers
A special thank you to Devorah's teachers Mrs. Alpert, Ms Werner, Ms Steier, Mrs. Gold
Sendy and Chanie Hartstein
Hashem should continue to give both of you strength and Siyata Dishmaya to continue doing the beautiful work you do for Klal Yisroel
Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Yechezkel Kushner
of our daughters Leah, Pessy and Toby
Our בוטה תרכה to you knows no bounds. May Hashem repay you with all brochos in the Torah. We are extremely grateful to be part of such a special school
Menachem Stern and Family
Thank you to the wonderful staff for giving my daughter beautiful experience in Bnos Brocha.
all the principals and teachers and the amazing work they do all day every day!
May ׳ה continue to give you strength to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh
Dani & Esti SternbuchIn memory of our dear mother ה"ע דוד תב הביבח
I hope you are watching down on your namesake and shepping tremendous nachas.
Thank you and
For instilling a love for Yiddishkeit into our children
Hirsch FamilyKeep
For the time and effort you invest in
You couldn't have picked a better chairman Moshe Straus
for all their devotion
Best wishes, Rabbi and Mrs. Sternbuch
In honor of our dear son in law
Dinner Chairman
In the Zechus of always being רוביצ יכרצב קסוע may you and Shira see much Bracha and Nachas from your wonderful children in good health.
Yasher Koach to all the honorees
for all that you do on behalf of Bnos Brocha.
Zev and Susan Munk
For instilling in our granddaughter Devorah Brenner wonderful Middos and Simchas Hachaim
and Susan MunkIn Recognition of of our daughters, Rachi and Baila and the leadership provided by the hanhala
Tzvi & Hinda Friedman
With much Gratitude to for providing our daughter with such an outstanding chinuch
Yitzchok and Dina OrtnerYour dedication to Bnos Brocha is amazing and your commitment to each yachid is inspiring May Hashem grant you the koach to continue all your Avodas HaKodesh for many happy and healthy years to come
Elliot Zaks and Itche RosenbaumWhat you do for so many, and how you do it, is truly inspiring. May HKB"H give you the Kochos to continue your tremendous Avodas Hakodesh for many more, healthy years.
Shloimy LonnerFor all you give to Bnos Brocha
With a deep feeling of hakaras hatov to Miss Mandel, Mrs. Keller
Mrs. Kirzner, Miss Glieberman
Mrs. Malinowitz
for all that you have done in helping Miriam grow to become a true bas Yisroel
The genuine care and interest displayed for Miriam P. is greatly appreciated Duvy
and Blima PerkowskiA special shout-out to Mo and Chava Adams and Mrs. Newirth
On this well deserved honor
You give the greatest Chinuch to our beloved granddaughter Dassa Kahan on a daily basis! May Hashem grant you Siyata Dishmaya and Koach to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh!
Thank you
Mendy and Toby
Tesslerתרכה תואל בוטה
to our esteemed תלהנמ 'יחתש
whose תוחוכ and תוליפת that you put into each and every student is truly a continuation of Morah Murik ה"ע legacy in building the next generation of לארשי תונב. ה"בקה should always give you the תוחוכ needed in order to continue guiding הכרב תונב for many, many years
תמשנ רכזל Rabbi Malinowitz ל"צז who has helped shape the החלצה of our extended family in הדובעו הרות
Mo & Chava AdamsYou inspire us all as your dedication and devotion to Bnos Brocha is exemplary
לכ דובכה for all the time, effort and energy you put into assuring Bnos Brocha’s success
The countless hours you invest behind the scenes does not go unnoticed
Mo & ChavaAdams
With much admiration for all that you do for the ללכ
Moshe and Rochel Zeldes
You should always have only nachas from all your תורוד In honor of
Mazel Tov and this well-deserved honor as teacher of the year. You are truly a great role model
May ה"בקה continue to give you the תוחוכ in your שדוקה תדובע Mo & Chava Adams
The chinuch instilled in our children builds the foundation for them to grow to tremendous heights
In particular this year, a heartfelt בוטה תרכה to Zehava’s teachers
Miss Mandel, Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Kirzner, Miss Gleiberman
Mo & Chava AdamsFor the exemplary chinuch she give over to Bnos Brocha Talimdos
Always thinking of others and how to help Klal Yisroel
Your dedication to Bnos Brocha is truly amazing Shloime and Mindy Zeldes
In Honor of
Mazel Tov to all honorees!
Thank You to the entire Bnos Brocha Family for taking the best care of our girls!
All the best, Yanky and Dini Nusbaum
you for all your hard work on behalf of the klal!
With admiration for all you do for the Klal
With tremendous hakaras hatov to the entire Bnos Bracha addministration and to our daughters teachers Mrs. Alpert, Mrs. Gold, Miss Werner, Miss Steier, Morah Mazel, Morah Grubner
Avi and Nami Safer
for all they do for Sima on a constant basis
Mordechai and Deena Goldnerfor the exemplary chinuch they give Sara every day
Thank you for the constant care and concern you show our daughter
With overwhelming בוטה תרכה
In recognition for instilling the fundamentals of Yiddishkeit into our dear girls
Mordechai and Deena GoldnerThanks for all you do for our girls
Much appreciation, Yechiel and Chany Weiss
for the chinuch they give our granddaughter Yerachmiel and Shoshana Percal
Thank you for all that you do for Bnos Brocha!
As well as every member of the indescribably helpful, kind and efficient office staff
We are enriched and humbled every day as we learn from you in every interaction
May HKBH repay all of your efforts!
Shragi and Pia Malinowitz
In endless love and appreciation to for your endless and unconditional supply of water bottles.
They aptly represent the endless and unconditional love through which you nurture in us the life giving waters of Torah.
We and our friends drink from you eagerly and are more strengthened and empowered each day.
May your fountains of wisdom and oceans of mesiras nefesh bring everlasting nachas to you and to HKBH.
Kaila, Nechama, and ChayalaIn honor of my dear cousin
And…. my dear chavrusa
HKB”H should repay your efforts kiflei kiflayim!
In honor of Kayla’s and Hudi’s devoted תורומ
Morah Neuwirth
Miss Censor
Morah Ullman
Morah Pekier
Mrs. Shayovich
Mrs. Privalsky
And the exceptional Bnos Bracha Staff
We appreciate all the hard work and dedication towards the ךונח of the children in Bnos Brocha
May ה״בקה give you the strength to continue in your שדוקה תדובע
Eli & Shani Blumenthalwe would like to congratulate the honorees as well as pay tribute and give thanks to the entire Bnos Brocha leadership, faculty, and teachers. They, who give tirelessly of themselves for the noblest of goals; educating our daughters to be the N’shei Chayil of tomorrow.
With great thanks and HaKaras HaTov, Avi and Chanie
SchreiberThere’s a man behind the scenes always on call
Working tirelessly, seeing to it all
Planning ahead to foresee what needs to be done
Making sure the busses all do their run
Correct time on every clock is set
There’s nothing that R’ Levovitz would ever forget
Tasty lunches and snacks galore
Only the ones that our girls adore
We are so grateful that everything gets done
Even the jobs that are not such fun
Keep up the work, Bnos Brocha needs you
Much hatzlacha in all that you do
Bnos Brocha
of ה"בקה come to His children
It’s an honor to be counted amongst your friends
Danny and Blimi Lemberg
For all that you do for Ita and making first grade an exciting place to learn and grow
We are so grateful
Eliezer and Esti Morgenstern
In Tribute and with Much Gratitude to the
for the devoted chinuch of our precious granddaughters Rachel Liba and Ahuva Raizel
Friedman Menachem and Leah Lipton
Hashem should give you many years to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh
Thank you for everything you do to make each day at Bnos Brocha memorable
For the care and outstanding chinuch they give on a daily basis
Who guides this amazing school with so much love
Thank you for giving Adina such an amazing, fun, enjoyable and learning packed year
Thank you for taking care of Hashem’s children
Best Wishes, Sender
Thank you to all of the wonderful Bnos Brocha Hanhala for all the efforts you put into our children every day
Shaul & Malkie Hoffmanfor all their devotion to Bnos Brocha
Best wishes, Shloimy
KaufmanThanks for all you that you do
As well as every member of the indescribably helpful, kind and efficient office staff.
We are enriched and humbled every day as we learn from you in every interaction.
May HKBH repay all of your efforts!
Shragi and Pia Malinowitz
With much gratitude and admiration to for your wisdom and outstanding ךוניח which makes Bnos Brocha the best school to teach in. It is a pleasure and privilege to teach for you
Thank you
for your encouragement and support
With tremendous בוטה תרכה to all the Bnos Brocha staff and teachers for making Bnos Brocha the wonderful place that it is
In appreciation to
for all you do for Bnos Brocha
Tzvi and Huvie NeuwirthThank you very much for all that you do for the Klal!
Tzvi and Tobi RosenThanks for all you do for our girls. Much appreciation, Yechiel
and Chany Weissand Bnos Brocha staff for the chinuch they give our granddaughter
Yerachmiel and Shoshana Percal
With much appreciation and admiration, Yosef
for the wonderful chinuch they give over to our daughter Rochel Rus.
We really appreciate all your devotion and hard work.
Zevi and Fraida PortnoyWishing you continued success in everything you do
Abraham GutnickiKeeping
For giving our daughters a reason to smile every day
For the excellent chinuch you give our grandaughters
Yoel and Sari WeissWho always goes above and beyond for the Klal
Noshi ZelikovitzWith much gratitude and admiration to for your wisdom and outstanding ךוניח which makes Bnos Brocha the best school to teach in. It is a pleasure and privilege to teach for you.
Thank you
for your encouragement and support.
With tremendous בוטה תרכה to all the Bnos Brocha staff and teachers for making Bnos Brocha the wonderful place that it is.
In appreciation to
for all you do for Bnos Brocha.
Tzvi and Huvie NeuwirthThank you for taking such good care of our Adel the past nine years in Bnos Brocha! We are very proud to be part of the Bnos Brocha family!
A big Yasher Koach to the backbone of Bnos Brocha
for all he does behind the scenes!
Special mention to Adel Krohn for giving us so much nachas!
Yisroel Meir and Zipporah Krohnand her extraordinary children (Y”BL)The Zeldes, Malinowitz and Murik families
We salute your selfless devotion and tireless efforts in perpetuating her legacy
In honor of our beloved יוליעל תמשנ Harav Shlomo Zalman Malinowitz ל"צז
In honor of the הלהנה בושח
In honor of
For her love and dedication she gives to her students in and out of school. We are grateful to have had the zchus of having our Kaila under her care In honor of Kaila and Chani’s teachers Morah Wikler, Morah Klein, Miss Moskowitz Miss Mandel, Morah Keller, Mrs. Kirzner and Miss Gleiberman
With much בוטה תרכה to
for giving
We are proud and thankful to Hashem
us the zchus to be part of the Bnos brocha family
Yitzchok and Esti Kops
In Honor of our Dear Mother/Grandma
For your constant love and support you give to us and all the Bnos Brocha Talmidos
May Hashem give you the חכto continue doing your שדקה
A Special Thank You to For all you do for Bnos Brocha and for all the amazing דסח you do!
To the wonderful Morahs
Morah Ullman
Mrs. Shayovich
Morah Pekier
No words can thank you for everything you put into our daughter Esther!
To the amazing
Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor!
We are proud to know you!!
Yehuda Leib and Hudis LopianIn honor of this evening’s Dinner Chairman
Who personifies Learning Torah as well as Supporting Torah Learning
Bnos Brocha is fortunate to have you as the dinner chairman for one night a year
However, it is our pride and honor to have a son and brother of your caliber all year long
May the םלוע לש ונובר bestow upon you the ability and resources to continue in all your noble endeavors
We salute you for making us proud
Babi Bitterman
Aba and Ima Brenner
Dovi and Eynat Blonder
Daniel and Tally Weinstock
Bnos Devorah Shagas Aryeh
Bais Rivka Rochel Magen David Yeshiva
Tiferes Chaya YDE
Bnos Sarah Gesher Yehuda
Bnos Tzippa Yesodei Bina
Shiras Ruchama Ichud Mosdos Hachinuch
Ne'emas Bais Yaakov Lamplighter Hebrew Academy
The ךוניח and םייחה תחמש that קירומ הרומ Ingrained in us, is still alive in Bnos Brocha every day
The walls still talk and sing her motto
These foundations that she built for all of us Moros, we hope to continue to instill in our
In Honor of our Administrative Moros
Whose professionalism and broad knowledge enable us to help each child succeed
Much appreciation to our dedicated and outstanding Office Staff
Whose unlimited patience and positivity permeates our school
Your care for each child is immeasurable!
Whose guidance and expertise in educating us Moros each day, is only surpassed by her love and devotion to each and every הדימלת
A true תכנחמ that ensures the growth of each הדימלת
Morah Malinowitz is our inspiration!
In honor of
Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor
You are role models to all of us and we are honored to call you "our friends"
Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Hiller and the Camp Malka Family
Morah Malinowitz and all of our daughters wonderful Morah's, Teachers and staff. As parents of students at Bnos Bracha we wanted to take a moment to express our appreciation and gratitude for all that you do. Your tireless dedication to our children's chinuch and wellbeing is truly remarkable! We are constantly amazed by the creativity, passion, and commitment that you bring to your work each day. We feel blessed to have you as our partners in our children's chinuch! Thank you for all that you do, and may you be gebentched with health, happiness, and success in all that you do.
Yoel and Elisheva WhitehouseWith much appreciation to the most wonderful Principals, Teachers, and Staff at Bnos Bracha
We couldn’t be more grateful for the experience our dear daughter, Frady, is getting in this amazing school.
החלצהו הכרב
Suchi and Toby Waldman
In honor of the teacher we wish we had
A dedicated, passionate Morah who cares deeply about her students. She makes learning fun, drawing on their knowledge and creativity to bring the subject to life. Her enthusiasm is contagious, inspiring students to strive for excellence and reach their full potential while always eager to offer guidance and support.
Above all the best teacher is an exceptional human being and true inspiration to those around them.
May Huvi together with her husband Tzvi continue making a positive difference in all they do and stand for keep on holding up the world!!!!!
All Our Love, Tatty and Mommy Neuwirth
Yehuda and Brocha
Akiva and Chayala
Ari and Laya
Yecheil Nosson and Aleeza
It's always a "good time" with R' Shragy!
Thank you to Bnos Brocha for the wonderful Chinuch they give our daughter Shaindy
A special mention to Morah Klein
Ari and Chaya Klein
In honor of A couple who are role models
In the quiet chesed they do Inside and outside the home
In their warmth, generosity and genuine avodas Hashem
In being the kind of parents we all aspire to be
Not just parents of the year But parents of a lifetime
We are honored to be related
Morah Zivah, Morah Rivka Malka, Morah Zelmanowitz, Morah Rosenblatt, Morah Moldofsky
Aryeh and Chani Caplan
You exemplify and carry on the Derech of Morah Murik A'H in the fullest sense. The spirit of warmth, caring, and excellence is obvious to all who enter the school.
We would also like to recognize the Teacher of the Year
Our daughter Peri י''נ is having a year of tremendous growth thanks to her untiring efforts devoted to the Chinuch of her Talmidos. May she continue to see החלצהו הכרב in all her endeavors Avrumi
and Esti LeitmanWith much hakras hatov to Mrs. Malinowitz, Morah Gold, Morah Alpert, Miss Steir, Miss Werner, Mrs. Neuwirth, Miss Censor, Morah Ullman and Mrs. Shayovich. Thank you for all that you continue to do for our precious daughters Bracha, Ahuva and Elisheva
and Hennie WeimanWe really appreciate your devotion and dedication Bnos Brocha
Mo and Chava personify what it is to live life as bnei torah. We are proud to be associated with you and your family.
Azi and Chavy MindickWe would like to take this opportunity to thank the
for all that they have done for Hindy, Tzivia, and Chavi. We wish you continued hatzlocha in your avodas hakodesh
Berish and Malkie GoldbrennerHonor
May you continue to see nachas from all your children.
Betzalel Sosne
and amazing teachers and staff for investing endless amount of Kochas in our daughter
יתכרב תא יתיוצו
The תוכרב of ה"בקה come to His children
Who do His הנומאב הדובע
Shragy Zeldes
Shragi Malinowitz
טנוזעג טימ and החמש!
Bnos Brocha
We thank the mothers and Morahs
Who honored us
By coming to speak to our girls before ללה on the שדח ישאר of the year.
Your words were inspiring!
You made our singing of ללה so meaningful!
Mrs. Hartstein
Mrs. Rotenberg (Kessner)
Mrs. Kops
Mrs. Zussman
Mrs. Brenner
Mrs. Hershkovitz (Gluck)
In Honor of our עבושח Honorees
Grandparents of the Year
Parents of Bnos Brocha
Who are now esteemed Zaidy and Bubby
Parents of the Year
May the
Teacher of the Year
of the םיבר stand with you always! Bnos Brocha
To ensure that our Talmidos have library experiences that enrich their enrich their days at school
You are an important participant in their Chinuch!
From the weightiest questions to the most miniscule details
Takes care of everything related to The needs of the תודימלת of Bnos Brocha
With clarity and speed
He is truly a builder of our school
With endless gratitude, Bnos Brocha
דובכה ןמ חרובה
For many years
Without fanfare
Our בוטה תרכה is so great!
Bnos Brocha
The hours are long And the job is great The responsibility of this undertaking
You certainly didn’t anticipate!
The lessons aren’t learned only here
All over are the growing, shining faces
As Bubby’s unique ךוניח
Is found in faraway places. Continue your שדקה תדובע!
You are a part of the grandchildren’s team
As you stand up each day to Continue the Bnos Brocha dream Bnos Brocha
In honor of the Parents of the Year
We are so proud of you!
May you continue to go m’chayil el chayil
And see everlasting Yiddishe nachas from your children
Bubby Bresler
Babby And Zeidy Pfeffer
Tatty Adams
And all the wonderful teachers that give Sarah such an amazing experience in Bnos Brocha.
Wishing you and Bnos Brocha much Hatzlocha Chesky Dershowitz
You have shown by example what it means to live a torahdik life. Your dedication to Hashem your family and all of Klal Yisroel has made us so proud of you.
May you continue to give us much nachas
In Honor of
David and Shira Liebermantremendous בוטה תרכה for the wonderful education our daughters have received at Bnos Bracha.
Dear Mo and Chava, We want to take a moment to extend our heartfelt congratulations to you on this special occasion. Your dedication to Bnos Bracha is truly inspiring, and it is an honor to be your friends and neighbors. Mazel Tov on this well-deserved recognition, and may you continue to be blessed with health, happiness, and success in all that you do. Yoel and Elisheva Whitehouse
Tante Rena and the wonderful staff of Bnos Brocha. ליח לא ליחמ וכלת.
Dovid and Ahuva Hollander
May Hashem give you many healthy years to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh
Dovid LaxIn Honor of Mazel Tov & Best Wishes to all the honorees. A special Mazel Tov to our granddaughter, Rena Hutman, who is IY"H graduating in June.
Hashem should give you many happy and healthy years to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh.
Your strength empowers us
Your knowledge and expertise guide us
Your devotion, dedication, and לארשי תבהא inspire us
We daven that we live up to the high standard you have set for us
and DevorahYour dedication to every individual’s success has become the standard
We thank you for teaching Chaya to be a true תב לארשי
Ephraim and Devorah RabinowitzIn honor of all the
With deepest respect and appreciation
We are happy to Support Bnos Brocha in recognition of the outstanding chinuch they provide for our grandchildren. We also lovingly support our children, Rivkah Leah and Yubie Richt in all of their endeavors on behalf of Klal Yisroel.
Thank you for bringing out our childs full potential in such a beautiful way.
With Tremendous Gratitude to ,הבקה Morah Malinowitz and the the Bnos Brocha Family ;
For Enveloping our Precious Rochelle Lea, יחתש with the Aura of הרות Through Love and Wonder.
A Special חכ רשי To the Unforgettable Morah Neuwirth. Morah Mandel, Morah Keller, Mrs Kirzner & Miss Gleiberman.
We would like to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude for the incredible effort that you continuously invest in our daughter Chavy's chinuch. May Hashem give you the Kochos to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh.
the Quintessential Askan. Thank you so much for your endless devotion to Bnos Brocha and the entire klal
Heshy and Nechama Bergerthe Morahs and the entire staff at this wonderful mosad for all the work and chinuch engraved into our daughters Naami& Michali
Karmit & Raphael badouchMazel Tov to Ozer & Chana Goldberg on this well deserved honor. Your exceptional Chessed & tzedakah that you give forth to the community is an inspiration to all. May you have continued nachas from your beautiful family!
The chinuch you gave over to your family, with endless patience and love, is an inspiration and example to us all.
All of us, in some way, do things that "Mo and Chava" do when dealing with our own family (aside from the chocolate on the teeth) because we see that it works!
May you continue to be shining role models for us and all of Klal Yisrael.
Love, Gadi and Nechama,Yehuda and Ahuva,Moishe and Yocheved,Shlomo and Adina,Eliyahu and Dasi,Nesanel and Hadassah
We are so proud of you!
In honor of
You are true role models to all of us. We are so proud of you.
Yisroel and Devori
Yanky and Avigayil
Nisanel and Devora
Doniel and Kayla
Chaim and Adina
With tremendous בוטה תרכה to our daughters wonderful morahs and teachers
Menachem and Nechama JacobsonIn Honor of all the Teachers and the Hanhalah. We really appreciate all you do! Menachem Landau and family.
In Honor of all the past and present ﬨוכנחמ of our daughters Chani, Esther, and Shifra who each leave a lasting impact on the students they teach.
With much hakaras hatov
Mendy and Miriam Weisz
We have much hakoras hatov for providing our daughters with an environment where they feel the warmth of yiddishkeit and develop into true Bnos yisroel! Thank you for the love and dedication you show to each one of our girls!
Wishing you much continued hatzlocha and nachas!
To the dedicated principals and devoted Moros & teachers of Bnos Brocha, we express our heartfelt appreciation for your continuous efforts in the Chinuch of our daughters.
Moshe & Miri Friedmanwe express our heartfelt appreciation for your continuous efforts in the Chinuch of our daughters
Moshe & Miri Friedmanmorah Malinowitz, Morah Kushner and Mrs. Lichtenstein?
Thank you for your endless dedication and hard work you do for our Batsheva!
In Honor of the selfless teachers who inspire our daughters.
Mrs. Gartenhouse
Miss Glieberman
Mrs. Kirzner
Mrs. Seligar
Miss Pereira
יהי& Motty & Yael Gottlieb
and all the amazing Bnos Brocha staff for the chinuch they provide our granddaughters Toby, Pessy and Leah.
who devotes heart and mind to the hatzlacha of this wonderful mosad bnos brocha in honor of R' Levovitz the most amazing adminstarador and lechvod all the staf and honorees
Mr. and Mrs. Shlomie Kaufman
Thank so much to all the wonderful and devoted at Bnos Brocha
We feel grateful to be a part of such a special school and parent body!
With much Hakoras Hatov, Nosson Tzvi and Bracha Brejt
In Honor of Sarala and Miriams's wonderful teachers and the whole Bnos Brocha staff
In Honor of
for their tireless work on behalf of Bnos Brocha
A big thank you to the entire devoted staff Shimee and Hindy Braun
And, in honor of all the dedicated, caring and talented michanchos and the loving menahalos who stand at the helm for all they do on behalf of our daughters and all the talmidos
Shlomo and Bassie OrnsteinWith much Hakoras Hatov to Esther Rochel and Malky's Teachers!
In honor of our cousins
Mazel Tov to
on this well deserved honor!
Shmuel and Shani Yablonsky
Powerlutions Solar
In Honor of Daddy and Mommy Zeldes thank you for all that you do!! We look forward to continue with the next generation in such a wonderful school
We are in awe of everything that you do! Wishing you continued Hatzlacha!
Sholom and Yehudis PekierThank you for all the kochos you put into each and every talmida. May you continue to go mchayil el chayil.
Your dedication and devotion to Bnos Brocha is legendary. Your hard work is so appreciated!
Sholom PekierWe would like to express our tremendous HAKORAS HATOV to for creating a warm and loving atmosphere for the CHINUCH of our daughter
Shuie and Raizy Eisen
With tremendous appreciation to and the extremely devoted teachers and staff of Bnos Brocha
Thank you so much for your tireless efforts and endless dedication and devotion to the Hatzlocha of our daughters
Devorah & Toby
May Hakadosh Baruch Hu give you the Koach to continue your inspiring Avodas HaKodesh!
Simcha and Rochel BlaneyYour selfless dedication as a Morah and as parents is truly amazing. May you be zoche to continue your avodas hakodesh in good health and see much nachas from your mishpacha.
Stanley and Hope Felsingerwe feel privileged being in the same הרובח as you every night. Your insights and enthusiasm is an inspriation to us all!!
May you be הכוז together to continue in your שדוקה תדובעfor many years to come! We wish you בוט לזמ on this well deserved honor.
In Honor of all of Zaide Yankele's Einiklach
May we see much Brocho V'Hatzlocho The Pester's
On this well-deserved honor Keep saying Ein Od Milvado
The team at JayMo Holdings, Shore Transfer, Power Apparel
We are beyond proud of your tremendous growth, success, and midos you show us each and every day
It is our honor to be a part of the Bnos Brocha family.
May you continue bringing us tons of yiddishe nachas.
Mazel Tov to all the well deserved Honorees
Tzvi and Shifra Hilsenrath
In honor of our wonderful neighbors May you continue your unbelievable klal work.
Thank you
for your selfless work as librarian and for always making yourself available for our school.
Hakaros haTov to
and ALL the unbelievable dedicated teachers of Bnos Brocha throughout the years.
Thank you for your special attention to our children throughout their years of growth in Bnos Brocha. And thank you Shragi Zeldes for your wide shoulders, selflessly carrying this school.
who is the Ladies Auxiliary, no one realizes how much you actually do for the school. From schlepping rowboats across town to the classiest Melave Malkas. Bnos Brocha sure is lucky to have you.
Tzvi and Sori FrankWe are so very proud of you and your accomplishments. May you continued to be a great source of nachas to ה"בקה and to the entire family
Proud great-grandparents of Yocheved Aliza
To our dear
Your love for learning is outshined only by yur love for your students. We feel fortunate that Nechama and Goldy had and have you as teachers and wish you continued החלצה in your holy work בטימד ילימ לכב וכרבתיש ןוצר יהי
With much appreciation, Yisroel Meir and Rochel Reznik
Yaakov and jenine shwekey
Yaakov and Jenine Shwekey
Thank you Bnos Bracha for giving our girls, Miri and Rikki, such a beautiful Torah environment that they can grow in. The staff and curriculum are superb. The positive attitude can be seen when our girls go to school with a big smile on their faces!
Yaakov & Dena GoldwasserOur Deepest בוטה תרכה to
for their tireless devotion and dedication to the chinuch of our children Hudie and Esty
May Hashem grant you continued Hatzlacha and Nachas
Yisroel and Toby Greenberger
Thanks to all you do, keep up your great work!
Yitzchok DeutschFor the Kochos invested in our daughters throughout their years in Elementary school. as our youngest daughter graduates this year, we can truly say how proud we are of the young ladies they became under the guidance of their mechanchos, menahalos, and Blimie in the office!
תורוד לע עיפשהל וכזתו םכישעמ לכב הכרב הרשתש ר"הי לארשי םע תלשלשב לארשי תונב לש.
In Honor of In appreciation to the moros of our dear daughter Brocha
Thank you to you
and the rest of the wonderful Bnos Brocha staff for all your great work!
May Hashem bentch you with continued hatzlocha!
and Nechama StavskyIn Honor, in Recognition, in Appreciation and in Admiration of our dear sister
Yossie and Fraidy
Menachem and Miriam
Aaron Shlomo and Leah
Elie and Chaya
Binyomin and Sheera
Ephraim and Esti
For giving Henny such an amazing experience in Bnos Brocha. Hatzlacha, Zaidy and Bobby Heller
We are so proud of you! May you continue to be a source of nachas to the whole family!
Zaidy and BubbyWe
you for everything you do for my Einiklach
on their well deserved honor. Thanks for being such good neighbors and friends!
Zevi and Esther FriedIn Honor of
for all they did for my granddaughters
Elisheva, Kayla and Sara Klien
Zeidy and Bobby Snyder
Mazel Tov
Your dedication and love for your family and your community are evident in all that you do. You are a true example to all who know you.
Yona and Mariasha
Yosef and Esther
Ahron and Aviva
Mayer and Chaya Laya
In honor of my beautiful daughter
who continues to accomplish amazing things, I'm so proud of you.
Mazel Tov to my daughter's teacher
on this well deserved honor.
Sponsored L'iluy Nishmas Bas Sheva Basha bas Baruch A"H
Sholom Rand & Family
In honor of our wonderful granddaughter who brings us incredible nachas and who puts a constant smile on our face. In everlasting memory of our beautiful daughter Bas Sheva Basha Bas Baruch who is forever in our hearts.
Shira, may you continue making your parents, grandparents and all those who love you dearly proud and may you be a constant source of nachas to us all.
May we merit the coming of Moshiach soon where we will all be reunited with our loved ones.
With much love and admiration,
Saba & Savta BenjaminTo watch your grow in Torah and learning and your business dealing with ehrlichkeit is truly inspiring
Rabbi Nochum MalinowitzWe cannot help but to be amazed at the warmth, the professionalism and the enthusiasm that is poured into our daughter Chaya’s Chinuch each day
Avrohom and Esther FishmanPeople often say, “I don’t have the תעצילפ for this or that.”
Shouldering responsibility for the children of our school the way you do shows how much you care
May the תוירחא that you take stand by you and yours always Bnos Brocha
With much hakoras hatov to for the wonderful chinuch provided to our daughters over the past 18 years, we gratefully salute
and the exemplary staff of moros and teachers for their tireless devotion to chinuch habanos al pi mesoras avoseinu.
Congratulations to all the worthy honorees and patrons who devote their time and resources for the benefit of the talmidos of Bnos Brocha.
May you all see continued hatzlacha in your Avodas Hakodesh!
We are so grateful for all the effort being put into our daughters chinuch
Aaron and Miriam Arem
With much Gratitude to
Thank you for all you do for the Talmidos
Shmiel and Chaya MarcusFor all the years of exemplary Chinuch you provide our daughters
Moishe and Frayda FriedmanWe are so Grateful to
Who ensure the happiness of their students every day
Yitzchok and Rachel Gronstein
Your never ending dedication to your students is truly incredible Yisroel and Miriam Konigsberg
We wish you continued החלצה in your שדוקה תדובע
Meir and Ahuva OrzelHas the most remarkable staff who devote each and every day to make sure their talmidos shine
Yochanan and Devori Raitzik
you for all the תוחוכ you put into your talmidos
Dovid and Shoshana Rex
With much Hakoras Hatov to
For making each day of learning so exciting Avrumi and Shani Wallach
You are all a constant source of Yiddishe nachas to us
And in Honor of our Children
It is beautiful to watch how together you are both teaching by example
We are so proud of you all
Totty and Mommy Weiss a.k.a.
Zeidy and Savta Weiss a.k.a.
Moishe and Mindy Weiss
It is with great appreciation that we extend our heartfelt thanks to the
at our daughters' school for their tireless efforts in providing a safe, nurturing, and enriching environment for our children to learn and grow.
and all those who contribute to their education, deserve our utmost gratitude and recognition. Thank you for your dedication, tireless efforts and unwavering commitment to our children's growth and development.
Your hard work and passion for teaching have not gone unnoticed, and we are forever grateful for the positive impact you have on our daughters' lives.
Yaakov and Chaya ForchheimerOur family would like to extend our warmest Hakoras Hatov to who has been a constant source of love, guidance, and chinuch for our three daughters.
With her unwavering commitment to nurturing a warm and supportive school culture, Mrs. Malinowitz has created an environment where our children can thrive both academically and emotionally.
We are truly fortunate to have her as the principal of our daughters' school.
Yaakov and Chaya ForchheimerThank you for giving our daughter the best chinuch. We are proud to be part of such a wonderful school.
Mr. andMrs. Yossi
BlauIn memory of Morah Murik’s impact on our family is immeasurable, as her joy of life and Torah teachings continue to resonate in our home. We are forever grateful for the time our daughters spent under Morah Murik’s guidance, we are honored to have known such an inspiring educator and individual.
Yaakov and Chaya ForchheimerIn honor of For all your tireless work on behalf of Bnos Brocha! Wishing you much continued Hatzlocha!
To our dear aunt
May you continue your avodas hakodesh in good health!
In recognition of You did again! Job well done!
Yossi and Estie Privalsky
In memory of Morah Murik’s impact on our family is immeasurable, as her joy of life and Torah teachings continue to resonate in our home. We are forever grateful for the time our daughters spent under Morah Murik’s guidance, we are honored to have known such an inspiring educator and individual.
Yaakov and Chaya ForchheimerIn Honor of our Dearest
May you continue to be a source of Yiddish nachas to Mommy and Daddy and all of us Love, Zeidy and Bobby Wachsmanns
How proudly, you represent the idea of לא ךרשבמ םלעתת!All of our family knows, whether far or near, that whenever there is any need for someone to step up to the plate to take תוירחא for a project, from the organizing to the implementing and the eventual follow-through, you are the headquarters! This דסח is not only done when convenient but תריסמב שפנ !
Not merely taking out a checkbook but דסח םפוגבש!
And the results of your efforts have put people on their feet and ensured that they have a roof over their head.
May Hashem give you the םייח and תלוכי to continue to be true ידומע דסחה !
Wow! Keep shteging!
Your Friends from Boston
For all the care and devotion, they give to our daughter Faigy.
Hashem should give you many happy and healthy years to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh.
With much appreciation, Betzalel and Rochel Link
For all the care and devotion, they give to our daughter Malky.
Hashem should give you many happy and healthy years to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh.
With much appreciation, Betzalel and Rochel Link
For all the care and devotion, they give to our daughter Rikki.
Hashem should give you many happy and healthy years to continue in your Avodas Hakodesh.
With much appreciation, Betzalel and Rochel Link
And enormous gratitude to all the teachers, Morah Malinowitz and Blimi!
You keep Klal Yisroel going, Hashem should give you the strength to keep it up
Thank you for all that you continue to do Asher Fried
We are so proud to be
Thank you to all the wonderful and devoted Morahs and staff. Ayala and Esther Berger are lucky to be Bnos Brocha girls! We are especially grateful to Shragy Zeldes for everything he does for the Klal
Avi and Malky Berger
Mrs Neuwirth, Thank you so much for everything you do! Chana is having an amazing year and loves coming to school every day. We appreciate all of your skill, talent and effort. It is immensely appreciated Warmly,
Avrohom Simcha and Shani LefflerIf Azi asks, you don't say no Ben Tyberg
We couldn't have asked for better neighbors!
Chezky and Raizy Maierovits
I learn from you to be a better Yid, more torah, more Chesed, more smiles.
It’s an honor to be your friend
Dovy MeiselsIn appreciation of and all of Rena's teachers from primary through eighth grade channeled by the mesorah of Morah Murik a"h. May you have continued hatzlacha with all your talmidos.
Eli & Raizel Hutmanfor their input towards our Bnos Yisroel. And our dear children Avi & Nami Safer and our precious grandchildren, attendees of Bnos Bracha; Malka, Tikva & Chaya
Elliott and Miriam SaferWith much בוטה תרכה to our עבושח Principals
and Outstanding Teachers, Morah Gartenhaus and Miss Pereira and the Entire Staff of Bnos Brocha, for all you have done and continue to do for our daughters ה םעמ המלש ךתרכשמ יהתו ךלעפ 'ה םלשי'
With much Hakaras Hatov to Joel Fisch
In memory of a true mechaneches.
Thank you to
And her
for all that you do for Shoshana and all that you did do and continue to do for Rivka and Leah
With much gratitude, Michael and Sara Tal
With much thanks to and especially
for providing our girls with the tools and positivity toward Yiddishkeit that will guide them through life
Moshe and Nechama Dena LevyFor the wonderful chinuch they are providing to our beloved Granddaughter
Miri KohnWith much appreciation
In Honor of with tremendous Hakaras Hatov to Morah Mazal and Morah Gruber for all you do for our Miri.
Thank you, Chaim and Sara Leah Diamond
With Gratitude for the exceptional chinuch lovingly and wisely transmitted to our beloved granddaughter
Sara MalkaAnd special mention to the best Nieces in the world Mazel, Yael, and Batsheva Miriam
Shaya and RochelaWe are proud to call this incredible school home. Mazel tov on this momentous occasion!
Shimmy and Esty Blum, & the Funtastic Lakewood Team
Thank you to Morah Malinowitz, Morah Tzippy, Morah Sarala and Morah Chumi for taking such great care of our Bella!!
Shmully and Hindy Zand
Mo! Does this mean you're a grown up now?
Sholom PattersonFor the chinuch you give every day to Sury
Thank you to the for the wonderful job you do teaching my granddaughters: Chava, Ayala, Avigayil, and Tova Samet
Mrs. Tobi L. SametPassaic, NJ
With בוטה תרכה to for all the years of chinuch you give our family and continue for the next generation
Thank You to all the Incredible for their dedication to our daughters
Yaakov and Chani FarkasThank you for all you do for our girls and ALL your girls.
YM and Sara JudowitzIn Honor
a true friend and a real baal chesed
May you see continued success in all your endeavors and much nachas from your family
Zalman and Ruthe BranderNo words can describe our appreciation for all you do! Thank you!
A special thanks to all the staff for making it a very comfortable environment to work in!
Yaakov and Batsheva KushnerFor all they do for their incredible school
for all that you devote and give to your children and students.
Much appreciation,
Yehuda Leib and Yehudis LopianFor the exemplary chinuch that you give Bracha every day
Yehonasan and Nechama Stavsky