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Diecieventincinque International

Amsterdam (NL) - Bologna (IT), Netherlands

10:25 International is an online magazine, which mainly focuses on worldwide issues, such as illegalities, world economy, bad politics and international mafias. Nonetheless, 10:25 International is a group of people, before of any label, before of any name. As people, we live our desire of creating something: maybe a word, a picture, sometimes an idea, and why not an article. We are just people like you. We feel that our society can be improved, can be bettered. We base our ideas on the meaning of words like ʻopportunity, respect, equality, and justiceʼ. And you know what? We run guys! We run our ideas! We do it, in simplicity, sharing them, writing them within the intent of a different journalism. 10:25 International is a group of writers, researchers, photographers, and students, who have simply decided to share knowledge.
