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Pundits trade punches

Women’s water polo drowns Pirates Page 3


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INQUIRER S tudent V oi ce

Volume 80 No. 2 Copyright © 2012 The Inquirer - Diablo Valley College www.TheInquirerOnline.com


D iablo Val le y C ol le g e

Thursday, Oct. 11 - Wednesday Oct. 24, 2012

November tax measure affects public schools ANDREW O’CONNOR-WATTS Managing editor

An upcoming tax measure, Proposition 30, which will raise income tax for Californians earning more than $250,000 a year will be voted on in the upcoming November election. Proposition 30, which would cause massive trigger cuts to California public education if not passed, would raise state sales tax by 1 cent per $4 spent and would go to fund K-12, colleges and universities and other programs according to a San Francisco Chronicle article. DVC professor, Glen Appell, gave his opinion on the ballot, “If Prop. 30 does not pass we are truly in trouble. Thousands of classes will be cut at Community colleges statewide and the K-12 school year will be cut by three weeks. We absolutely must pass HAKEEM MONTES/ The Inquirer this measure.” Gov. Jerry Brown’s budget Lan Bui, left, has been elected as the new head of the Inter-Club Council. Cruz Conrad, right, is the already assumes the passage of newly elected Vice President of the ICC. Proposition 30. In effect, the measure would prevent further cuts to education and would not restore any programs lost in previous rounds of cuts. “Without this additional revenue our HAKEEM MONTES educational system will be left in little unusual, but it is not un- demic year. done with our board...” Editor in chief precedented…Basically you The ICC Chair election was Conrad is interested in rais- shambles. The cost to the averjust make the rules about con- delayed for one week due to ing the freeze of new clubs, age taxpayer will be 25 cents on The student leadership at flict of interest very clear to the ICC representatives vot- revising the ICC constitution a one hundred dollar expense. I the college has undergone think we can all afford to chip in everyone and everyone does ing for additional time to re- and creating a joint board a few cents to save education in several recent later-than-usual their best to follow them.” view the candidate’s creden- with the Associated Students California.” semester changes. The Inter-Club Council, tials. of Diablo Valley College. The proposition states that the On September 10, the AsAn additional week long A restriction was imple- temporary tax revenues would be sociated Students of Diadelay was caused due to the mented by the student life of- allocated 89% to K-12 and 11% blo Valley College elected ICC meeting agenda not be- fice staff at the beginning of to community colleges. Jae Chang (Eric) Lee as the However, concerns over the ing posted within the three- the fall semester which prenew student body president day Brown Act requirement. vented new clubs from being wording of the measure have through an internal voting arisen from various factions like Lan Bui was confirmed as able to be created. process. Lee was selected by StopProp30.com, among others. the new ICC Chair at the SepFormer Dean of Student According to an article posted the ASDVC board and not tember 27th ICC meeting. Life Bill Oye stated, “We are on their website StopProp30. the student body due to the “I feel that I can make a hoping to work with the ad- com feels voters will, “Oppose formerly publicly elected lot of changes…and help im- ministration to restore some (the) seven-year, $50 billion tax president resigning at the beprove the student life on this staff capacity spring semes- hike, including billions in higher ginning of the semester. campus,” states Bui. ter…if we can get some re- sales taxes and huge increases in ~Lan Bui Lee is also a member of the ICC chair Cruz Conrad, the ICC rep stored staff this spring we income taxes targeted to MomInquirer newspaper where he of the sociology club, was hope to able to approve new and-Pop small businesses, most serves as the advertising manof which file their taxes as indielected as the Vice President clubs in the spring. ager. viduals and not corporations.” the organization on campus of the ICC. “I’m really exAppell is not convinced howIn response to the ASDVC which oversees the policies cited and also humbled that ever, “The proposition requires President working on the Infor the all student clubs, elect- so many…have entrusted me that the money be used for eduContact HAKEEM MONTES at quirer staff, Inquirer adviser ed Lan Bui as the new ICC with being the assertive voice HMontes@TheInquirerOnline. cation. Don’t be fooled by any Mary Mazzocco, states, “It’s a Chair for the 2012-2013 aca- in things that we need to get propaganda that says otherwise. com

Student leadership elected “I feel that I can make a lot of changes…and help improve the student life on this campus.”

Tension arises at antiabortion event RYAN PETERS Staff Writer

Tempers flared when Project Truth set up shop outside of the Media Center on Tuesday to promote their pro-life agenda. Things came to a head when a DVC student, Aaron Low, rushed to the six foot displays of graphic aborted human embryos and threw them to the ground. Low was chased by campus police and was briefly handcuffed before he was let go when the Project Truth leader, Ben Reeves, decided not to press charges. Reeves said he preferred to have a few words with Low to explain to him Project Truth’s right to demonstrate, and the group’s

focus, than to press charges. Afterwards, Low said, “I disagreed with their views, and I think it violates our rights when they display pictures like that on school grounds.” He did believe that he was treated fairly by the police, and he was thankful that Project Truth decided not to press charges. According to their website, Project Truth is an off-shoot of the “Sanctity of Human Life Network” (Sohlnet), a “volunteer staffed Christian pro-life educational organization which promotes the sanctity of human life.” They are based in Sacramento, and they call their demonstration the Fall Project Truth College Campus Tour. There was a long, and sometimes loud, argument between Sasan Kasravi, a 21 year old DVC student, and Don B. of Project Truth. Kasravi and Don traded their view points for close to 30 minutes on the topic of abortion, philosophy and biology. It seemed they were not able to come to an agreement, but they walked away with civility and respect. A question brought up about abortion for rape victims elicited this response from Reeves,

Its in the text of the long form.” DVC student David Rogers, sophomore political science, said of the measure, “In a word I agree with it, however it is not free of faults. 89 percent of the tax revenue provided via this bill goes to K-12 and only the remaining 11 percent will be allocated to community colleges, and apparently the CSU and UC systems will not benefit from this proposition at all.” Rogers expressed a general concern for the position California community colleges have been forced into stating, “11 percent of $6 billion per year for seven years is nothing to sneer

“If Prop. 30 does not pass we are truly in trouble. Thousands of classes will be cut at Community colleges statewide and the K-12 school year will be cut by three weeks. We absolutely must pass this measure.” ~GLENN APPELL Music Professor

at, however, it seems that the proposition is unfairly weighted to K-12 education and given the state of tuition hikes in the California community college system and the ever-increasing reliance California residents have on it. This distribution doesn’t seem fair.” Appell is not the only DVC

PROP. 30, Page 2

Fulfill civic service while saving time JULIA KINKELA Staff Writer

HAKEEM MONTES / The Inquirer

Aaron Low was detained by the campus police for throwing abortion posters to the ground. “Rape is an act of violence, but you cannot fix it with another act of violence.” He believes that all

pregnancies should be brought to full term, and that adoption is the


It can be difficult for college students to find the time and the willpower to register to vote between classes, work and a social life. Since Sept. 12, a new online voting registration system introduced in California has been making registering for voting much easier. Daria Beigni, a 19 year old psychology major, admitted that she had not registered to vote due to “...not feeling compelled [and] laziness.” Once she realized that online registering was an option she concluded that it would be quick so “...why not?” Beigni said that her registration was “... extremely easy and simple” and didn’t take even five minutes. Californians can now register to vote on their iPad, tablet or smartphone according to California Secretary of State Debra Bowen who states the requirements and steps to vote, as well

as the link for the online application on Ca. gov. According to Shelbi Resseger, a dental hygiene major from Fairfield, a link for online voting can be found on Tumblr. com, a popular blogging website. It surprised Ressegar to see a link for voting on a non-political website. She says “...I went on the website and there was a link. If it’s there, why not?” Those who are serving in the military overseas can register to vote online, making the process much simpler and easier. Although actual votes still need to be mailed in by both civilians and soldiers abroad, US citizens who are also living outside the U.S. now have the luxury of registering online as well. Opposition to the new online system is occasional. A concern which was expressed by the Michigan Election Reform Alliance according to Wm.edu is that online voting cannot secure a

ONLINE, Page 2




CALENDAR Thursday Oct. 11

Thursday, September 13 - Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Inquirer - Diablo Valley College

Ward 2 District Elections

Brown Bag Workshop - ‘Coming Out Day’ 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Student Union Friday Oct. 12 Open Garden and Plant Sale 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM DVC Garden Tuesday Oct. 16 College Success Workshop 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM Student Union Football vs. Reedley 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM Viking Stadium Thursday Oct. 18 Brown Bag Workshop - Health Relationships 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM Student Union Piano Ensemble Recitals 2:00 PM Music 101 Friday Oct. 19 Grapes of Wrath Through Nov. 11 Fridays and Saturdays 8:00 PM Sundays 2:30 PM Performing Arts Center Monday Oct. 22 The Night Jazz Band 8:00 PM at Yoshi’s in Oakland

Police Beat

HAKEEM MONTES / The Inquirer

Tom Cleveland and Vicki Gordon discuss the issues. AIDAN HERRICK News editor

As excitement and tension for the presidential elections begins to ramp up, local elections are also taking place, and many of them will directly affect Diablo Valley College. On October 3rd, a forum was held in the DVC Trophy Room between two candidates, Vicki Gordon and Tom Cleveland, who are running for the College Board directly governing our educational district. Gordon, a DVC alumnus and long-time Martinez Education Foundation board member, and Cleveland, a Stanford graduate and professor at Saint Mary’s College in Moraga, participated in a low-key Q&A to explain their positions and platforms. The candidates both agreed on several issues, such as having a large reserve in case of fiscal emergencies and in borrowing the practices of districts performing better than ours. They also agreed

that the current board was not as hands-on as it could be, and that budget cuts should be a last resort. Gordon even went so far as to say that “Sacramento’s priorities are misguided” when it comes to the education budget. “We need to make them make (education) a priority.” Gordon said. On the subject of a college’s accountability for the success of its students, Cleveland posed the question “what is success?”, elaborating that measurements for success tend to be “quantitative rather than qualitative”, and Gordon touted DVC as a college that provided an education, as compared to some private institutions where graduating is merely a matter of paying tuition. The forum also addressed the large influx of international students at DVC, and whether or not they posed a threat to the education of local students. Gordon claimed that international students help the college and over time are key to “bring(ing) back

Online From Page 1

“...valid signature inperson.” Another concern is that citizens of the 13 states who have implemented online registration who are blind cannot use the new system. Caitlin Maguire, an associate with Rockthevote. com, a youth voting advocate website which also has links for online and paper voting registration, points out that since 2004 the number of college kids registering to vote has increased each year. California may hopefully

see a tremendous jump in the number of votes cast due to, in part, the help of new online voting registration. For more information on how to register online or in person, visit http://www. sos.ca.gov/elections/elections_vr.htm

JULIA KINKELA at jkinkela@TheInquirerOnline. com

the economy”, though she at the same time condemned caps on local students put in place by Sacramento. “The government makes demands of us that we can’t meet without funding”, Cleveland said. The candidates were at ends however on matters like how to raise money from places outside of Sacramento, Gordon wanting to raise funds through energy conservation and management and Cleveland supporting local bond measures and local donations, feeling that community colleges have a strong base in East Bay that they don’t enjoy in other parts of the state. Tomi Van de Brooke, another candidate for the position who unfortunately could not make the forum, was contacted but was not available for interview.

TENSION From Page 1

full term, and that adoption is the best solution in these cases. Dr. Tom Bielejeski, 73, Sacramento added, “We will always keep the mother’s health and life a top priority in the case of rape, but we would also like to save the baby as well.” DVC student Navid N. felt what Project Truth was doing had nothing to do with education and was not helping anybody with their “shock tactics.” John F. of Project Truth said, “When I was your age, I felt the same.” He explained that his wife had an abortion years ago, and later in life, she had a stillborn. This opened his eyes to the truth, and the sanctity, of human life. John said people try to justify abortion by saying it is “a blob of tissue,” but in his view the embryo is a future human being and should be thought of as such. Campus Police Lieutenant Chad Wehrmeister explained to a student that the group had a right to be there. “If we try to stick them in a

Contact AIDAN HERRICK aherrick@TheInquirerOnline. com

Prop 30

corner, or put them in an out of the way area, they can sue,” Weh-

“If we try to stick them in a corner...they can sue.” ~CHAD WEHRMEISTER Lieutenant

rmeister said. He said the job of the police was to keep the peace and mediate civilly if problems arise. Project Truth plans on being on campus again tomorrow to continue their pro-life campaign. To learn more about Project Truth visit their website at http://www.sohlnet.org.

Contact RYAN PETERS at RPeters@TheInquirerOnline. com


Odds of a child becoming a professional athlete: 1 in 16,000 Odds of a child being diagnosed with autism: 1 in 88

From Page 1

professor in favor of the measure, “If Prop 30 fails, we face cutting approximately 515 classes,” said Political Science professor, Dorene Mazzone. “That will be devastating for students who are trying to enroll in the courses they need to complete their certificate or major, and transfer to four year institutions.” The measure comes after several rounds of budget cuts resulting in 485,000 fewer students attending community colleges since 2008, more students than currently attend the community college system. Mazzone gave parting words of advice, “Accessible, public education is what helped to make California a great state. We need to reinvest in public education. Your future demands it.” ANDREW O’CONNOR-WATTS at aoconnorwatts@TheInquirerOnline.com


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Cal State East Bay

Student reported a lost wallet near the music building. It was discovered that his credit cards had been used in multiple locations.

Now Accepting Upper-Division Transfer Applications for Winter 2013

10/01/12 Student was skateboarding in the parking lot near the parking meters. As she rounded the aisle, she was almost struck by a vehicle because she could not see the vehicle over the tall bushes. 09/27/12 R/P requested a report for property damage from a vehicle accident

Apply now through November 1 for upper-division transfer student admission to Cal State East Bay for Winter Quarter 2013 (classes start in January). Apply online at www.csueastbay.edu/apply. Admission requirements, application and document deadlines can be found at www.csueastbay.edu/deadlines. To inquire about Hayward campus tours or pre-admission advising, please contact 510.885.2556 or e-mail: admissioncounseling@csueastbay.edu. To inquire about Concord campus tours or pre-admission advising, please contact 925.602.6399 or e-mail: cctransfercenter@csueastbay.edu.

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Thursday, October 11 - Wednesday, October 24, 2012



The Inquirer - Diablo Valley College

Water Polo: Beneath the surface

Vikings sweep a pair against Modesto JOSH “GRASSY” KNOLL Arts & Features editor

On Wednesday Oct. 3, in the midst of a Northern California Indian summer, the Diablo Valley College water polo program scored a pair of decisive wins over the Modesto Pirates. The women shut down the opposition with overpowering defense, that led to a lopsided victory for the Vikings, with a final score of 10-3. The men fought hard in the second half of the doubleheader in a much more competitive contest, ending the day with a 10-6 victory. “(The team) took control early,” women’s water polo

assistant coach Zach Roberts noted after the game. “We’re starting to play together well at the right time of the season.” Roberts went on to cite the team defense as the most critical component in the win, crediting the rest of the coaching staff for rigorous leg conditioning which he believed gave their defense the edge. That “push” from busy legs under the water was evident when Modesto entered the fourth quarter, facing a shutout loss. Players Nadeen Nassar and Taylor Henry filled out the stat sheet on both ends of the pool, each responsible for vital first-half takeaways, as well as combining for five of the Vikings’ seven first-half goals. The Pirates were able to make a surge in the fourth quarter, scoring three times in a late game rally following a mass substitution from the

DVC bench, but by then the game was well out of reach for the determined visiting squad. The men faced a daunting defense themselves as both teams swarmed the middle, countering any and all cross passes with double coverage and a storm of white water. There were far more penalties called in the second contest, much to the dismay of the coaches on both sides. Each college’s bench received a yellow card for arguing with one call or another. Many of the infractions occurred under the water, evidenced only by the facial expressions and body language of the players. There was a lot of action taking place below the surface during the men’s game, and not all of it was legal. The undefeated Vikings battled back and forth with the highly competitive Pirates


DVC’s Ori Raz, winds up for the shot against Modesto’s goalkeeper. Raz scored the goal in the men’s 10-6 victory. throughout the rough and often penalized first quarter, which left both squads deadlocked in a 1-1 tie. In the second quarter, the undefeated Vikings took con-

trol, outscoring the opposition start of third quarter play. 4-1 to build a lead of 5-2 goBoth squads continued to ing into the half. The Vikings trade goals throughout the continued the push into the second half. Despite fightsecond half, adding another WATER POLO, Page 4 score within moments of the

Offense puts up 40+ points in victories

the Viking defense to shine as they forced five fumbles, three of which were recovered by DVC and held Monterey to under 50 total yards in the game. DVC had 12 team sacks with three interceptions, one of which was returned for a touchdown which would have made the score 53-3, before

Football team wins three straight games


Vikings’ long-stick midfielder Hunter Bonny, left, and defender Jared Malin, right, near their own goal as goalkeeper Alec Hamlin, center, looks on.

Lacrosse team brings home international victory SAMANTHA CHIU Sports editor

The DVC Vikings treated its fans to a thrilling 9-5 win last Friday against Canada’s Simon Fraser University (SFU), reasserting their standing as a stellar lacrosse team. Tension was high before the game, with the pressure of a win clear on the players’ minds. While the Vikings had dominated against St Mary’s College the previous week, the loss against Sonoma State forced the team to realize their weaknesses, motivating them to work even harder in preparation for this much anticipated match. “We knew we had a very fierce opponent ahead of us,” explained captain and attacker Devon Bahary. “This week we practiced at the level we needed to in order to meet that challenge… and we really hit that challenge head-on. This (win) definitely showed us a lot of our potential.” Not only is the SFU Lacrosse team the only collegiate field lacrosse program in British Columbia to play in a U.S. league, but the team is ranked second in the Division I Pre-Season Coaches’ Poll. A shaky start and a quick goal from SFU spurred the Vikings defense into action. Not only were they able to save attempted SFU goals, but they forced turnovers which allowed DVC to score three hard-earned goals in the first quarter. The rest of the game would prove to be intensely physical with both sides fighting until the very end. The second quarter was wrought with more turnovers, brutal tackles and cross-checking, and penalties for both sides. A fierce goal attempt from SFU was saved

by Viking goalie Michael Schleicher at a cost; the ball slammed into his collarbone, forcing coach Wallahan to sub him off in favor for Alec Hamlin. Midfielder John Soloman launched into an impressive offensive play where he scored almost single-handedly within twenty seconds of winning the following faceoff. The defense continued to shine even without Schleicher, with Hamlin saving three of

“We didn’t play to their level; we played above their level.” ~DEVON BAHARY, Lacrosse team captain

the attempted goal attempts from SFU. “Defense played a stellar game,” said coach Wallahan when asked what ultimately won them the game. “Faceoffs were awesome – we won almost 80 percent of the faceoffs so that was really good. Offense struggled a little bit, but they got it together in the fourth quarter.” The coaches used the halftime break to revitalize the Vikings’ offense. Despite the 4-1 lead, the coaches felt that the offense were unable to retain possession and take advantage of opportunities their defense was offering them. The defense continued to shut down SFU’s barrage of goal attempts until midfielder Octavio Martinez scored the Vikings’ fifth goal, leading to a 5-3 lead. Just as the Vikings’ offense

began to gain momentum, they were struck with a crucial injury to Bahary. Following the subsequent man-down, SFU scored again to close the gap to 5-4. Undeterred, midfielder Cory Callahan answered SFU’s offense with a goal of his own, ending the third quarter 6-4. The final quarter marked a change of pace for the Vikings, with both the offense and defense playing “smart lacrosse” to take complete control of the match. Three goals by Calhoun Boone, Michael Wells, and Jarret Hassfeld brought the score to 9-4. A late turnover allowed SFU the rare opportunity to slip through the Vikings’ defense and score a goal, but by then it was too late as the Vikings were able to hold on to their 9-5 lead until the end of the game. “We were definitely ready for competition,” added Bahary. “And I think we brought it to them. We didn’t play to their level; we played above their level… I think they saw us as a lesser opponent. Towards the fourth quarter, we disciplined their defense a little more and that opened up a lot of opportunities for our players.” The 9-5 result clearly illustrated the dangers of underestimating the Vikings. Their ultimate motivation? Proving their worth, clearly - but the promise of free pizza certainly didn’t do any harm! The Vikings’ next home game is on Wednesday Oct. 17 where they will play Sierra College. You can also watch them play live by visiting www.ustream.tv and searching for “Diablo Valley Lacrosse.” Contact SAMANTHA CHIU at SChiu@TheInquirerOnline.com

The DVC football team put another giant win in the stat column on Saturday against Monterey to give them a three-game, 40-plus point winning streak after starting the season 0-3. Despite the slow start, offense was never the problem, with the Vikings averaging 32 points per game in their first three starts and 38 on the season. “We had those tough (losses) early so it’s nice to get it done,” said football head coach Mike Darr. “It seems like each week we’re eliminating mistakes. They’re becoming more comfortable in offensive and defensive schemes allowing them to play confident and play fast.” Saturday‘s game allowed

“They’re becoming more comfortable in offensive and defensive schemes allowing them to play confident and play fast.” ~MIKE DARR, Head coach

being called back on holding. Even more testament to the defensive proficiency of the Vikings was when the offense fumbled the ball which

Contact ANDREW O’CONNORWATTS at AOConnorWatts@ TheInquirerOnline.com



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SAMANTHA CHIU / The Inquirer

was recovered by Monterey and brought to DVC’s two yard line. The defense repelled Monterey back to the seven yard line and held them to a field goal, Monterey’s only score of the game. Sophomore wide receiver, Diante Jackson, had four touchdowns against Monterey and continues to lead the state in receptions after Saturday’s match. The Vikings’ next game is Friday, Oct. 12, against Reedley College. Coach Darr said of this week’s match, “(Reedley) is a scary team. Their record isn’t great but they’ve got maybe 8-10 kids from California, the rest from all over the country. They’re big on the offensive line and athletic everywhere else.” The Vikings’ second win of the season came against Merced on Sept. 29, leaving the contest with a 41-17 victory. The Vikings are currently 3-3 on the season.

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Thursday, October 11 - Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Inquirer - Diablo Valley College

Women’s soccer team finds redemption Vikings prove their worth against Modesto Pirates MATT EMMANUEL / The Inquirer

Nadeen Nassar scores a goal against a floundering Modesto defense at DVC

Water Polo From Page 3

-ing hard and competitively until the very end, Modesto was ultimately unable to make a substantial comeback against the powerful DVC Vikings. The DVC women’s team

hold a record of 16-1 on the season. They are ranked ninth in the current Coaches’ Poll, behind teams like Long Beach CC (12-4), Fullerton (12-3) and Orange Coast (10-5). The DVC men’s team is undefeated, 11-0. They are still ranked third in the polls, behind West Valley (9-2) and Golden West (5-0). In spite

of what their rankings suggest, both teams are polopowerhouses this season. Their next games are on Wednesday Oct. 17, where they will play against American River College at Sierra. Contact JOSH KNOLL at JKnoll@TheInquirerOnline.com

Graphic Illustration by MATT EMMANUEL

Hear more from Zach Roberts, the woman’s water polo assistant coach, online with INQUIRER TV at TheInquirerOnline.com

SPORTS SCORES AND UPCOMING GAMES SCORES Tuesday Oct. 2 Women’s Soccer vs Sacramento W: 3-0 Wednesday Oct. 3 Women’s Volleyball vs San Joaquin Delta W: (3-1) 25-17, 2517, 24-26, 25-21 Friday Oct. 5 Cross Country: Toro Park Invitational Men’s 4 Mile Run: 3rd overall, 1:51:08 Women’s 3 Mile Run: 3rd overall, 1:46:30

at Spring Lake Park, Santa Rosa 3:30PM: Women’s Soccer vs. Sierra, at Sierra 6:30PM: Women’s Volleyball vs. American River College, at Sacramento 7PM: Men’s Football vs. Reedley College at Home

Saturday Oct. 13 M AT MILLS COLLEGE. Friday Oct.5 – Saturday Oct. 6 Women’s Water Polo Pasadena Tournament vs Cerritos L: 5-13 Saturday Oct. 6 Men’s Water Polo WVC MiniTournament, vs. West Valley W: 12-6

UPCOMING GAMES Friday Oct. 12 2PM: Cross Country: Pat Ryan Invitational

All day: Men’s Water Polo: WVC MiniTournament at Saratoga

7PM: Lacrosse vs. Sierra College at Home Friday Oct. 19 3.30PM: Women’s Soccer vs. American River at Sacramento Tuesday Oct. 23 3:30PM: Women’s Soccer vs. San Joaquin Delta at Home

RYAN PETERS Staff writer

The Vikings blew the Pirates out of the water 3-0 in a conference match at home on Friday. Last year, the Modesto Pirates knocked DVC out of the playoffs, so for the returning players this was a chance for redemption. DVC knew that winning this game would not only put them in a good position for the rest of the season, but also boost the team’s morale. Coach Sam Liubicich said, “This is the best way to start the weekend.” The respect the teams held for each other was evident. With the first half ending in 0-0 with few breakout plays by either team, it looked like it would be a tight game until the end. Coach Mullins had different plans. “In the first half, the team played tentatively,” said Mullins. “We talked about finding grit and determination at half time, and that the team that wants it more will win the game.” The pep talk worked. Within two minutes of the second half, Kaity Echols provided a through ball that led to a goal by Lindsey Parscal. DVC struck again quickly, with another goal in two minutes by Bizzy Driscoll, assisted by Mariah Rodriguez. Finally, with less than 15 minutes left in the game, Alicia Palma scored a goal from a Katarina Gentry pass to secure the win for the Vikings. The difference between the two halves was night and day. Haley Paxton set the tone for the second half by getting in some early solid tackles and breaking up any-

RYAN PETERS / The Inquirer

Alicia Palmer shoots one of three goals from the outside 18-yard box at Viking Field thing that came her way. That tough play was contagious.

“We talked about finding grit and determination at half time, and that the team that wants it more will win the game.” ~Cailin Mullins Head Coach

“When someone goes in hard like that, it spreads throughout the whole team,” said forward Wendy Magarin, who attributed Paxton as one of driving forces behind the team’s new enthusiasm in the second half. After the game, assistant

coach Alex Lobban told the team that they were doing the simple things right. Lobban stated, “For a 20 minute period, they (Modesto) couldn’t even get near you.” Coach Mullins felt that there were no big standout plays or players in the game. Instead, she felt like Friday’s win was a true team effort, with even the players who did not get much playing time contributing to the win. “Because we have such a deep squad, our practices and training is much more competitive,” Mullins explained. This factor is starting to clearly starting to show - especially during the later moments of the game. The Vikings have a long stretch of away games, playing Santa Rosa, Sierra, and American College before returning home on Oct. 23 to take on San Joaquin Delta at 3:30 p.m. Contact RYAN PETERS at RPeters@TheInquirerOnline. com



Wednesday Oct. 17 3:30PM: Men’s Water Polo vs. American River College at Roseville 3:30PM: Women’s Water Polo vs. American River College at Roseville 6:30PM: Women’s Volleyball vs. Consumnes River College at Home

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Thursday, October 11 - Wednesday, October 24, 2012



Who do you think was most effective during the presidential debate and why?

TIANA LIBBY, 25 English

“I’m independent, but I feel that Romney was more effective in the debate. Hypothetically, if I was voting purely on what I saw in that debate, I’d vote for Romney.”



The Inquirer - Diablo Valley College

Editorial Vote Prop. 30 Several propositions are on the state-wide ballot this year that will greatly affect the future of California. The main contender, which involves education and will directly impact DVC students following the vote, is Proposition 30. This proposition is already affecting students at DVC who plan to transfer to a CSU in Fall 2013. According to CSUMentor.org all application decisions will be postponed until the end of November, when Proposition 30 is voted on. If this Proposition does not pass the CSU system will have to significantly restrict the amount of people they are able to accept due to an estimated $250 million in cuts to the CSU system. In addition to that $338.6 million will be cut from California Community Colleges. Our college district would be facing a $9.2 million cut. If we were to endure these cuts DVC could lose an estimated 4,000 students. This ballot initiative proposes increased tax brackets for the wealthy who earn an income of more than $250,000. These increases will

start at 1% and will be at a maximum of 3% for the highest amount of earned income. The taxes would be adjusted according to inflation in future years. This new income tax collects revenue for a seven year period. Along with the new income tax there would an increase in the state sales tax, which would be an extra quarter cent on every dollar over a four year period. . Once passed the total revenue produced annually would amount to $6 billion. These temporary tax increases would take the additional revenue that they have earned and allocate some of those funds to the public education system. According to the attorney general funds would be distributed as follows, 89% would go to K-12 and the remaining 11% would go to community colleges. This revenue would give us the vital funds necessary to keep DVC afloat.

Artist: Kellyn Borst


Gun violence: nothing to see here onry. Not because this sort of tragedy is uncommon, or even rare in a nation that averages 87 shooting deaths a day (TheDailyBeast.com). Rather, the nation was stunned because of the sheer theatricality of the shooting. Everyone who has ever sat amongst strangers in a darkened movie theater can relate to the victims, whose only crime was attending a movie premiere unarmed. Actions had to be taken, but the mainstream media outlets were quick to remind the public that this was not the time to discuss national gun policy, regulations or laws. It was a time to mourn the victims, their families and turn our collective ire on the real culprits. AMC theaters were quick to take action. As soon as they were finished condemning the action itself, they amended their policies and rules to ban and strictly regulate costumes, imitation weapons and movie themed makeup. Surely that would settle things. I personally would even go one step further, banning mascara, lip-gloss and all forms of blush from movie theaters. Perhaps that’s a little extreme, but I’m a hard-liner when people’s lives are at stake.

Josh “Grassy” Knoll Arts & Features Editor

Jukari Richardson, 17 Undecided

“Romney, due to the fact he commanded the debate and dictated the way he wanted the debate to go.”

DAVID HYDE, 20 Undecided

“Definitely Mitt Romney. It was effective for the viewer who doesn’t know any politics, but ineffective for those who are aware of the current political situation.”

Near the end of July, in Aurora Colorado, at a midnight premier of the latest “Batman” movie, a gunman (now known as Caucasian, 24 year-old, University graduate James Eagan Holmes) walked into a movie theater, wearing a gas mask, black trench-coat “costume” and armed with automatic and semiautomatic firearms. Though the full extent of his artillery is still largely unknown, it has been reported that James utilized an assault-rifle, a 12-guage shotgun, a pistol and more than a few smoke grenades in his attempt to take a theater full of movie fans hostage. Though the numbers tend to vary from source to source, between twelve and twenty people were killed that night, or died later from injury. Over sixty were wounded. The Nation was stunned. Not because of the lack of regulation that allowed a mentally unstable and reactive youth to buy, register and legally own an entire arsenal of “anti-personnel” weap-

“I’m super anti-Romney, but I felt that he scored more points. He had everything to gain and Obama had everything to lose.”

Jorje Barajas, 18 Political Science

“I felt Obama was more passive because he’s ahead in the polls - almost as if he didn’t try as hard.” Interviewer: Samantha Chiu Photographer: Sebastian Rene

Riley Shingler Staff writer

The 2012 Presidential Election is right around the corner and excitement has filled the DVC campus. English Professor Glenn Willis understands the importance of this election and the current state of America. In his book, “Dear America: Do You Hear What I Hear?”, Dr. Willis asks first time voters to listen. “It’s good to listen to your parents, but you’re going to have to make your own decision. Listen, read, ask questions and then make your decision.” The book, which is required reading in Dr. Willis’ critical thinking class is not an academic book, as the author himself stresses. Instead, this book serves as Dr. Willis’ way to combat the “racism and hatred” that he has seen everywhere from his television to his own classroom in regards

Editorial Board


supremacist ideology, groups and music. The music of the Hammerskins, the sort of music that Page wrote and produced, advocates and glorifies violence and killing of anyone considered “Non-White”, homosexual and/or “Non-Christian”. One doesn’t have to look very hard to spot current events (Much more recent than 2001), that likely send outspoken members of the “Hammerskin Nation” into a murderous rage. It’s clear from the media coverage of this senseless tragedy that Page took these ideals and biases seriously, even having a tattoo of the Roman numeral for 14- as reference to the fourteen word motto of the Hammerskins. Certainly, we can’t stop closed-minded, prejudiced, uninformed individuals from existing, nor can we censor their right to preach their backward, hateful politics. If we also can’t discuss gun control, what can we do to stop history from repeating itself again? The Brady Campaign reports that only twenty percent of gun owners in America own over sixty-five percent of American

guns. Over 4.5 million guns are sold each year in the United States, including two million handguns according to the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms. Can’t we at least talk about why anyone would need an assault rifle that can fire 650-750 rounds per minute? Shouldn’t we at least be free to disagree over what measures should or shouldn’t be taken to reign back the level of gun violence, while unanimously agreeing that something should be done? Or should we sit back, follow the selective coverage and mourn without thinking? Maybe someday, irresponsible haberdashers will stop cutting coats that reach the floor, and maybe the attendance rates for Hammerskin events will fall to zero. Until then, however, I intend to get a head-start- mourning the next tragic, senseless, mass killing- in advance. So that then, maybe it will finally be a time to put the mourning on hold, just long enough to have a frank and informed discussion about guns.

Contact Josh Knoll at jknoll@ TheInquirerOnline.com

Dr. Willis encourages questioning



On Sunday August 5th, in a small suburb of Milwaukee Wisconsin, a gunman invaded Sunday Service at a Sikh Temple, with a 9mm. semiautomatic pistol, clips for reloading and enough directionless, uninformed hatred to claim the lives of six worshipers. How could this happen? Why? Many were quick to draw parallels about the act, deemed a retaliatory expression of lingering rage over the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001, already over a decade past. “While we are still learning the motivation of the attacker, his actions—singling out and killing Sikhs with turbans—match a broader pattern of post-9/11 bias in our country.” Supreet Kaur, Ph.D. told FoxNews.com. Similar to the coverage of the Aurora, CO shooting, the coverage from most media outlets reminded us that this was “not the time” to talk about gun control. It was a time to mourn the victims and reassert the differences between Sikhism and Islam (because hate crimes against Muslims would be less senseless somehow). The Shooter became the story once more: A 40-year old U.S. Army Veteran involved in white

Hakeem Montes Andrew O’Connor-Watts Kellyn Borst Aidan Herrick Brenan Peterman Josh Knoll Karin Jensen Samantha Chiu Sofia Putri


to this election. No.” If Romney is elected, Dr. Willis, a graduate of Dr. Willis says he will publish Rutgers University, served in a book entitled “Buyer’s Rethe United States Air Force morse”. and has been a teacher at “Now, I’m not gonna say DVC since 1998. Dr. Wil- Obama’s the black Jesus belis does not consider himself cause no he’s not,” Willis a Republican or a Democrat, muses, “You want miracles, but instead an independent you pray to God.” However, and states that he has voted he defends the president. He for candidates from both par- believes that Obama will lead ties. In his book, he outlines America away from the hatred a political landscape that de- and racism that is detailed in presses him. his book. He fears a nation that will He sees racism and divibe separated. “It feels like we sion, but he also sees hope. are going back 180 degrees,” “I believe in this country,” Willis says, offering the fact he says, “In 50 years, it’ll be a that “Last year over 1100 laws whole new ball game. There were passed against women in may not be hope for my genred states.” In the presiden- eration or the next generation, tial campaign of Mitt Rom- but there is hope.” ney, Willis sees someone who Dr. Willis will be publishwill raise tuition and make it ing a Science Fiction novel harder for Americans to get entitled “Terror in Oaktown” an education. As a wounded in early 2013. veteran, Willis draws a pension every month, and he questions Romney’s 47% re- Contact Riley Shingler at rshinmarks, “I was wounded in the gler@TheInquirerOnline.com Air Force, so am I on welfare?

Staff STAFF WRITERS Gabriel Agurcia, Thalia Avila, Anthony Camacho, Samantha Chiu, Jamieson Frazier, Julia Kinkela, Josh Knoll, John Michaelson, Celeste Milina, Ryan Peters, Erika Peterson, Riley Shingler, Jessica Trimmer, David Vargas, Colleen Wallace, Brandon Zaeni PHOTOGRAPHERS Matthew Emmanuel, Sioban Flynn, DESIGNERS Jack Dillion, Ransom Fulgham INSTRUCTIONAL LAB COORDINATOR Ann Stenmark ADVISER Mary Mazzocco

Artist: Kellyn Borst

THE INQUIRER Diablo Valley College 321 Golf Club Road, H-102 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 The Inquirer is published Thursday mornings during the school year by the journalism students of Diablo Valley College. All unsigned articles appearing on the opinions page are editorials and reflect a two-thirds majority opinion of the editorial staff. All signed columns and cartoons are the opinions of the writer or artists and not necessarily those of The Inquirer, Diablo Valley College or Contra Costa Community College District.

• Phone: 925.685.1230 ext. 2313 • Fax: 925.681.3045 • Email: inquirer@dvc.edu • Website: www.TheInquirerOnline.com • Printed Every Two Weeks •


Thursday, October 11 - Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Inquirer - Diablo Valley College

Letters to the editor The impact of organ donation Raising Awareness: Peer Pressure Peer Pressure is a funny yet dangerous thing. It is when people are influenced and usually forced to act or believe what their friends are telling them. According to Dictionary.com, peer pressure is “The social influence a peer group exerts on its individual members, as each member attempts to conform to the expectations of the group.” With this in mind, we can only imagine what our friends may want us to do in the future. It is up to the individual if he/she is able to respond correctly to the situation, whether it may be a good or bad thing. When I was a sophomore in my high school back in 2007, a few friends that I was associating myself with were becoming more corrupted. In

the middle of the school year, a few of my friends within my group started using marijuana. They smoked this drug during lunch-time within the school, but this was only the beginning. Eventually, they brought alcohol and certain “pills” to school. This was when peer pressure came to confront me. Those friends who started using drugs tried to persuade me to use them as well. Almost everyday, they wanted me to smoke, drink, or swallow a certain “pill”. Of course, I declined their offer every time because my beliefs and personal values would not let me give in. By junior year, I started to work in the cafeteria during lunchtime at my high school. I already knew that I would rarely get to see those friends

who would use drugs for their own pleasure. It was a sacrifice that I needed to take. With this experience, my views on peer pressure had changed. Peer pressure is a real issue that needs attention, especially for teens. As a community, we must show the public, especially the young that peer pressure can sometimes be destructive but can also be worked with. More importantly, as a community of the world, we must share common sense, personal values, and the experience of work. It is because of this mindset that I chose to work, rather than smoke or drink, back in high school. –Phillip Cordero

Designer labels and Luxury goods Has anyone ever considered the main rea- brands include Tiffany & Co., Hermes, Burbson why the majority of us like to buy pricey, erry, Gucci, Armani, Chanel, Prada, Christian high-end products? Many people couldn’t re- Dior, Louis Vuitton and so on. Special design, sist the lure of extravagant goods and design- fancy style, superior craftsmanship or maybe er labels. Some agree that it is a way to prove gimmick limited edition goods are the reatheir social status and feel more superior in sons why people like these designer brands. our modern society; the more According to a research by they put on, the more they are Global Industry Analysts, the “Extravagant proud of themselves. They are global luxury goods industry goods are so narcissistic. is expected to grow 65% beWait a second! Does the popular because cause of the huge demand of price printed on the price tag developing countries such as really reflects the item’s worth? of idolization and China, India, Russia and BraEckhart Tolle mentioned in his blind adoration by zil. The more luxury items book, “A New Earth: Awakproduced, the more chances [the]majority of consumers have to buy them; ening to Your Life’s Purpose” that “Designer labels are priwhich inspired luxury brands people;” marily collective identities that to produce a large variety of you buy into. They are expenproducts to fit different class~ALICIA HOI sive and exclusive. If everyone es and attract new customers, could buy them, they would ranging from small accessories lose their psychological value and all you to huge home appliances. would be left with would be their material valThe next time you shop for luxury goods, ue, which likely amounts to fraction of what you should better evaluate their true value you paid.” Extravagant goods are so popular before purchasing them. Money has different because of idolization and blind adoration by meanings to everyone, but to many people, the majority of people; high price and good they weren’t born with a silver spoon in their quality doesn’t have an equal sign in between mouths, which is why we have to spend wisely. them, the amount of money we pay for luxury Let’s start becoming smart consumers! goods are actually not worth it. There are 42% of items in our overall market that are luxury goods, some leading –Alicia Hoi

Wait list warrior An academic tragedy happened when a waitlisted student was rejected from enrolling in a class that had available seats. In face, the professor of the class neglected the school policy and gave out add-codes to students who were not on the waitlisted while there were waitlist students desperately wanting to enroll in the class. Some students ended up with no similar classes to take. Although the waitlist system is designed to prevent tragedies described above, ignorance of the waitlist system prevails among DVC instructors. Thus, since the waitlist system is chaotic and confusing, waitlisted students are the victims, and hopelessness drag these waitlisted students to a state of apathy. In DVC, students register classes through a system called “Web Advisor.” Each student has a period of time to enroll in classes before a new semester starts. Since every student has registration dates to enroll in classes, several popular classes will be full almost at the first day of enrollment. In addition, when a class has too many students enrolled, the waitlist system allows a few extra students to stay in an active status in the class. However, there are professors who misunderstand how the waitlist system works and reject waitlisted students from enrolling in classes. Thus, DVC should ensure that every instructor understands how the waitlist system works and follow the school policy, otherwise it will violate students’ rights and cause injustice. In August 2012, Fall semester, a professor rejected one waitlisted student from enrolling in an (required) English class. On the first day of the class, the professor gave out several add-codes to students who were not on the waitlist. The waitlisted student was rejected and told not to wait

because the professor decided not to add more students. The waitlisted student persisted to continually attend the class and did all the homework just like other officially enrolled students. However, until the last day of registering classes, the professor gave out one last add-code, which allows a student to officially enroll in the class, to a student who was not on the waitlist. The late-added student refused

“...waitlist students are the victims, and hopelessness [has] dragged those waitlist students to a state of apathy.” ~TSUNG HSUN LEE

to explain how he got permission from the professor. There must be a reason why the professor chose him over other waitlisted students. Therefore, the waitlist student waited until every student left the classroom and questioned the professor why he allowed one more student to enro ll in his class. The professor responded, “because he is in the DVC swimming team, and his coach called me to let him enroll in my class.” The waitlisted student was not satisfied with the response, so he asked, “If I join the DVC swimming now would you allow me to enroll in your class?” The professor replied “yes, go ahead.” Hence, the professor failed to keep his promise of not letting more students to

register, and he also violated the school policy by allowing one non-waitlisted student to register while there were other waitlisted students who wanted to be a part of the class. The irresponsible response provoked all the waitlisted students, and they felt betrayed and humiliated. According to the vice-president of instruction at DVC, if there is a space available in a class, the instructor should give the available seat to waitlisted students first. Walk-in students who want to enroll in the class must wait until all waitlisted students get into the class, unless the waitlisted students give up their chances. It is not up to the professor’s preference to choose his or her favorite students, or some swimming team coaches making phone calls to arrange underground requests; there are rules that ought to be followed, not only for students, but also for instructors. This incident greatly affected the waitlisted student’s academic goal. He planned to apply for TAG, a transfer agreement between colleges and UC universities. In order to be qualified to the program, students must complete or currently enrolled in the English critical thinking class. However, now he is taking classes that are not relevant to his major, and he also lost the chance to apply for the TAG program. Thus, instructors should start paying attention to students in the waitlist because one simple mistake can potentially ruin a student’s future. Every student is potentially a waitlist student, so next time when you’re in the waitlist, remember that you have the rights to argue for the priority when there are too many students competing for limited available seats.


It can save a family member, a friend, someone gan not by choice but by necessity. I had a close you don’t know or it can even save your life. As re- family member who required a liver transplant and ported in the Contra Costa Times, was fortunate enough to receive one. California Highway Patrol officer The fact is that without a willing donor, Kenyon Youngstrom was slain while my family member might not be alive on duty. His final act of giving gave today. More donations mean a better four people a chance to live. Two match for the recipient and a more sucwomen received kidneys, one womcessful transplant. It is a gift that generan received a pancreas and a man ates such gratitude not only from the with four children received a heart. recipient but also from his or her family This is the impact of organ donaand community. Pledging your organs tion. The Department of Health & will be the most important gift you will Human Services website statistics on ever give. You don’t have to be a docorgan donations state, that your ortor to save someone’s life, all you have ~DONNA MESSINA gan donation can save 8 people and to do, is decide to become a donor beimprove 50 or more lives through cause without your donation a doctor organ/tissue donation. Each day, an won’t be needed. Never underestimate average of 78 people receive an organ transplant. your impact as an organ donor. The websites for By not making a decision to donate leaves 105,000 registering are: CA Department of Motor Vehicles Americans waiting for a transplant and 18 people @dmv.ca.gov or US Department of Health and dying on average each day because of a lack of Human Services @ www.organdonor.gov. available organs. Organ donation costs the donor‘s family nothing, and most world religions support –Donna Messina organ donation. My interest in organ donation be-

“Pledging your organs will be the most important gift you will ever give.”

Truths about ASDVC When it is about the time when a new semester begins, you may run into students asking for signatures on an ASDVC petition form to be a member of ASDVC. ASDVC is a very helpful student government. It works to benefit DVC students financially, academically, and environmentally. However, most DVC students are not aware what it is and what exactly they do for students. Indeed, ASDVC is making a lot of contributions to its students invisibly and should get more attention and credit for them. Thus, I would like to inform what ASDVC is and what exactly they do for students. ASDVC stands for the Associated Students of Diablo Valley College, who are representatives of the DVC student body. ASDVC consists of DVC students and contains eight committees; activity, budget oversight, constitution, diversity, legislative, public relations, student union building,

technology committee. Students must be officially enrolled in DVC and maintain at least five units and an average GPA of 2.0 at each semester to be an ASDVC member. What does ASDVC do exactly? Firstly, it helps financially. ASDVC provides scholarships for financial aid and it allocates funds to clubs and organizations so that they can operate. It also tries to keep the government of California to maintain current student’s tuition fees. For example, ASDVC promoted the March in March, a protest which a lot of California college students participated in to oppose the government’s college budget cuts, by gathering students for it. on the campus Secondly, it helps academically. ASDVC provides funding for many academic programs and festivals. Not only that, ASDVC also extended library hours for final exam weeks for students’ academic success. Lastly, it helps environmentally.

ASDVC takes care of the DVC environment. They seek environmental problems on the campus and remove them. For instance, they removed some smoking areas on the campus and only allowed them in parking lots. They also found that DVC restaurants were using Styrofoam for their containers, which is harmful to the environment as well as students’ health; so they worked together with faculty members and removed them from campus. In other words, ASDVC works invisibly but effectively for DVC students. ASDVC has worked and existed only to benefit its students but it is regrettable that most DVC students don’t even know what it is. Thus, I believe that ASDVC is very helpful and should get more attention. Thus, The Inquirer, which is the DVC newspaper, needs to inform what ASDVC does for students.

Parking pains There are hundreds of faculty members and students coming in and out of Diablo Valley College daily. There have been many complaints on how limited the parking spaces are. Students are often late to class because of their search for parking that may not even be there. While others, risk their chance of being raped or kidnapped late at night when walking home from school. Some of the DVC students have to go home by foot or by buses at night while taking risks to be victims of a crime. Most of the students don’t have a choice (and what are the situations that leave them without an option?) With the lack of parking spaces, they have no other choice than to leave their cars at home. If they, who leave their cars at home, have a night class that ends at 9:45 or later, they are in danger. With crimes such as robbery, kidnapping, and rape, rising, it is more risky to be walking or taking the bus alone in the dark than to drive.

Many of them, who try to park at the DVC parking lot, are often late for their classes because they spend so much time finding parking spots. It is a tragedy to get lower grades because of the wasted time spent trying to find parking spots. Last semester, my friend Ellen, who spent hours looking for a parking spot, could not attend her class because of this. To quote her, “I came to school 15 minutes before my class started… I spent hours searching for a parking space. By the time I had parked, the class was over!” Why can’t the school solve this problem? It is because, instead of looking at the current problems, they are more focused on improving the school grounds. Students want to have enough parking spaces. Some of the students have to take risks and students are often late for their classes because they spend so much time finding parking spots. –Kyung Seok Kim



Arts & Features The Inquirer - Diablo Valley College

Thursday, Oct. 11- Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012

The wine must taste of its own grapes Rumble

Photo courtesy of DVC.edu SOFIA PUTRI Copy editor

In the midst of a Speech 120 class in DVC with Professor Patrick Moe, he mentioned that the book title “Of Mice and Men” by John Steinbeck is an allusion to a line from a Robert Burns poem, which is titled “To a Mouse, on Turning Her Up in Her Nest with the Plough”. In the poem, Burns stated that “The best laid schemes of mice and men go often awry”, paralleling George and Lennie’s plans that went awry in the book. Inspired by Professor Moe’s revelation in the Speech class, this article would encompass the themes that are present and dominant in Steinbeck’s two primary works — “Of Mice and Men”, and “The Grapes of Wrath”. In the Burns’ poem, the field worker reflects on his regret after destroying a mouse’s nest, serving as a parallel to Lennie’s accidental harming of animals and finally murdering Curley’s wife whom he had no intention of killing. From “Of Mice and Men”, avid Steinbeck fans or readers would be able to discern the overarching themes present in his books, in

which would be encapsulated in this review of “The Grapes of Wrath” by tying them back to the themes present in “Of Mice and Men”. An evident theme that is present in both books is hope that diminishes and is eventually lost. Firstly, the loss of the American Dream is illustrated in the Joads’ family migration to California, where they expected prosperous jobs in a flourishing country. Equipped with what ostensibly seemed to be the best laid plans for their family, the Joad family ran into multiple tribulations such as death within the family, separation of family members, and the birth of a stillborn child. Once they arrived in California, the deceitful image of California as a thriving city with multifarious jobs is unraveled, representing the extinguished American dream that portrays ambiguity and false hope. This loss of hope is also evident in “Of Mice and Men”. Curley’s wife used to envision herself becoming a movie star, but her aspirations for fame and fortune are an enormous contrast with her desolate living circumstances in a farm and entrapped within a failed marriage. Crooks and Candy also fantasized along with George and Lennie on the dream farm they would someday live in. However, with Lennie’s death, the American Dream of freedom, liberation and success is tragically destroyed. The dreams of George and Lennie to own a farm that would navigate them towards financial stability and independence are permanently shattered. In “The Grapes of Wrath”, Rose of Sharon’s pregnancy represents a burden that has to be endured by the family members. Encountering various hardship and tumultuous occurrences in their lives, the Joad family demonstrate a strong sense of fortitude, resilience, and solidarity. This sense of togetherness is also present in “Of Mice and Men”. Despite Lennie’s mental disability — which can be paralleled to the stillborn nature of Rose of

“The best laid schemes of mice and men go often awry.”

Sharon’s baby — George is loyal towards From Page 8 their friendship and protects him from the consequences of his own actions. Unfordry and sardonic wit to tunately, the latter book ends with a tragic counter attack, even in the ending of George killing his own friend in most conversational of tones. order to protect him from the inevitable “There’s always been sort punishment that he would have to face; of a rule that if you capture therefore epitomizing on the nature of somebody, you don’t torture loyalty, courage, and dignity. ~ROBERT BURNS them. But that’s a whole other “The Grapes of Wrath” also saliently Author/Poet thing…” underline the avaricious nature of profitmaking industries and the injurious effects Overall, the Mock Debate on lower income families. When Tom arbetween anchors was indicarives back at home from the prison, he witnesses a tive of a greater trend in political punditry that barren state of his abandoned housing vicinity. The I hope gains momentum. Educated people who wealthy landowners had ordered an evacuation and feel strongly about the issues, disagreeing and everyone was expected to move out from the city, and a tractor proceeds to demolish houses. The tac- holding one another accountable for the claims tile and visual imagery of the demolishment sym- they make. Perhaps Barack Obama and Mitt bolize the destruction of hopes and dreams of the Romney could take a cue from these outspoken poor inhabitants. Similarly, in “Of Mice and Men”, characters in their next debate. the death of Lennie illustrates the unattainable naIn the end, it was Bill O’Rilley who made the ture of George and Lennie’s dream farm. With his most memorable quote of the night when he death, the farm that the two men plan to live on admitted “We should not have gone into Iraq, will forever remain as an illusion, an unachievable Afghanistan we had to.” It was a side of Bill dream that was destroyed with the aural impact of O’Rilley that this reporter had never glimpsed the gunshot that ended Lennie’s life. Following the themes that have been discussed, previously, and perhaps broadened his respectthe DVC Drama will perform “The Grapes of ability among younger viewers. O’Rilley also poigniantly replied to the quesWrath” from October 19 to November 11. Directed by Ed Trujillo, tickets cost $10 for students; $15 tion about the flaws in current public discourse. for faculty, staff and seniors; and $20 for general “You can make a lot of money being an asadmission. Tickets may be purchased at the DVC sassin… They don’t even believe half of the Cashier’s office, or at the Box Office outside the stuff they say… Capitalism drives that, there Performing Arts Center an hour before the show, are Americans who want to hear hate and they tickets may also be ordered online, or purchased by hear it.” calling (925) 687-4445. SOFIA PUTRI at sputri@TheInquirerOnline.com


JOSH KNOLL at jknoll@TheInquirerOnline.com

Thursday, October 11 - Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Inquirer The Inquirer - Diablo Valley College

From animated to reanimated ANDREW O’CONNOR WATTS Managing editor

“Frankenweenie” is the new black-and-white, stopmotion animation film directed by Tim Burton, featuring performances by Martin Landau, Winona Ryder, Catherine O’Hara, and Martin Short. The film is based on a short film written and directed by

Tim Burton in 1984 by the same name that kicked off his career. “Frankenweenie” is a parody of science fiction horror films of the 30’s like “Frankenstein” and “The Bride of Frankenstein”. The film tells the story of a brilliant young boy named, Victor, and his dog, Sparky. Victor is an inventor, and the favorite to win his upcoming science competition. Despite

Photo courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures.

Gourmet from ’The Dormet’

offers to be partners from his disfigured and hunchbacked classmate, Edgar Gore, Victor tells “E” Gore he prefers to work alone. After Sparky is hit by a car, the boy and his family must bury the beloved dog. Victor is miserable after the accident until his comically brash science teacher, Mr. Rzykruski, gives the young boy an idea of how he can bring Sparky back to life using a lightning bolt. Victor digs up Sparky’s body from the cemetery and conducts his reanimation experiment with success. His canine friend is back and he is happy, until Edgar finds out about the little dog’s reanimation and threatens to tell others about it unless Victor shows Edgar how to complete the experiment himself.

As one might expect, before long the entire class knows about the reanimated Sparky and it is only a matter of time before the reaction to this news causes a series of reanimation attempts, leading to the destruction of the town fair and causing panic throughout the city. There are several references to the Frankenstein story aside from the fashion in which Sparky is resurrected (the dog’s body is hoisted up through the attic’s moon roof during a thunder storm). For example, the neighbor’s poodle that sports a whitestreaked beehive hairdo after being shocked by Sparky, Victor’s tall, flat-topped classmate quite reminiscent of the original Frankenstein monster, and one of the character’s pet turtle named Shel-

children-oriented films, not “Apocalypse Now”. The best children’s animated films are the ones that have a message accessible to adults and children alike. “Frankenweenie” was a witty spoof of the classic horror stories that seemed to do little more than parody without reflection. There were no original themes or messages missing from the original novel and films but kept to the messages of, “people are scared of science who don’t understand it” and “science can be used for bad and good”. While an entertaining family film, ultimately the film offered little we have not already seen from Hollywood hundreds of times over. ANDREW O’CONNOR WATTS at aoconnerwatts@TheInquirerOnline.com

The Rumble JOSH “GRASSY” KNOLL Arts & Features editor

BRENAN PETERMAN Opinions editor

Hot plate almond toffee.

-1 stick of unsalted butter -1 cup of white sugar -¼ tsp salt (or more if you like it salty) -almonds (I use about two cups but you can use more or less or none) -chocolate chips (about a cup depending on how thin you spread your toffee) Hello, I am here to tell you toasted when you catch a how to cook toffee in your very powerful almond fradorm. Yes toffee, that brittle grance and the almonds are and buttery delicious treat light brown in the center. sometimes crushed over ice You can toast the almonds cream. darker if you want, it’s all First, you will need a rub- kind of a personal preferber spatula, a whisk, a skillet, ence. a small sauce pan, a sheet Set aside your almonds in HAKEEM MONTES / The Inquirer pan, parchment paper and a your sheet pan with parchBrenan Peterman poised to break up his cooking thermometer pref- ment on the bottom, put toasted almond toffee. erably one specially made for your sauce pan on the hotcandy. If you’re doing this plate on medium-low heat, in a dorm you will probably put in your stick of butter, also need a hot plate. melt it and add the salt, then To start, put your skillet the sugar. on the burner and heat it Immediately begin whiskto a medium heat and then ing and keep whisking to pour in your almonds (don’t incorporate the sugar and overcrowd the pan, a single butter, keep whisking on and layer of almonds at a time off, occasionally checking you may have to do it in mul- the temperature if you have tiple batches). While cooking a candy thermometer. Then your almonds, make sure to the hard crack stage should shake the pan occasionally be marked, if not, as soon as so they don’t burn on the your toffee hits 300F, dump ula to spread the chocolate bottom and stay raw on top. it over your almonds (which sheet pan). Now take all your lovely out. Now put your toffee in You know your almonds are should be set aside in your chocolate chips and sprinkle a fridge or on a cold window Advertisement them over the top of the tof- and wait till it hardens. Once fee and put another piece of its hard, break it apart with parchment down on top of the handle of a knife. BRENAN PETERMAN at bpethat. Wait about 10 minutes terman@TheInquirerOnline. and use your rubber spat-

to a career in nursing.

ley (the novel “Frankenstein” was written by Mary Shelley). The film works well in black-and-white and makes the characters eerier and adds to the 30’s feel. It also serves to give the characters a gauntness that adds a specific aesthetic to their world characteristic to many of Burton’s movies. The film, however, relies on character stereotypes (a heavily accented Japanese classmate and his unintelligent and morbidly obese science partner) rather than substance, possibly leading to two fellow moviegoers loudly departing the theater about halfway through the film. I understand it might seem silly, accusing an animated Disney movie of lacking substance but I’m attempting to analyze it against other animated



Two powerhouses of political punditry squared off in the George Washington University Lisner Auditorium on Saturday, only a few days following the first presidential debate of 2012, for the first in a series of “Mock Debates” that will tour the country, as well as streaming live to subscribed viewers across the nation. It has become known as “The Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium,” and throughout the litany of social media sites hosting the event, much was made of the comparatively low ambient temperature of the venue. Perhaps the most significant event of the night took place when, even before the debate began, an influx of last-minute traffic managed to crash the hosting servers and completely overloaded the stream. For the first thirty minutes of the debate- few, if any, subscribers who had paid the five dollar fee to watch the live event had access. The mock debate was fraught with all the snide remarks and personal jabs that one might expect from such a format, Jon Stewart even made reference to the technical difficulties at Bill O’Rilley’s expense. “Right now, Bill’s audience is calling my audience on the phone to try and figure out how to download this thing.” Throughout the night the two anchors traded jabs, Stewart even going so far to bring up Bill’s father who received dis-

Courtesy of therumble2012.com

ability payments from his company when he developed colitis. It could certainly be said that Stewart possessed something of a home field advantage, as behind his podium Stewart had a remote operated riser platform, to compensate for the disparity in the two men’s height. Naturally, Stewart used this device quite liberally when he felt the need for gravitas. The topics ranged from Federal spending to media bias, accentuating the forethought of moderator E.D. Hill, in opposition to her moderation counterpart, Jim Lehrer. Bill brought with him an assortment of poster cards to express what he viewed as his principal arguments, containing phrases like “Iran: Not Frightened” and “Drones, Yes! Waterboarding, No!” Though Bill clearly conveyed his points, Jon did an excellent job of using his RUMBLE, Page 7


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