Students participated in a national school walkout to end gun violence on March 14, 2018 in the commons.
inquirer Wednesday, April 11 - Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Volume VIII, No 4
Preliminary investigation into board member found sexual harassment allegation valid DANNY YOEONO Asisstant editor
A preliminary investigation corroborated allegations that a former Contra Costa Community College District governing board president, Tim Farley, had sexually harassed someone at a conference three years ago. “It is reasonable to believe that approximately three years ago, Mr. Farley did engage in unlawful sexual harassment” and that he violated multiple district and board policies in the process, the conclusion of the investigation summary stated . The initial investigation summary was compiled by the district Chief of Human Resources and Vice Chancellor Dio Shipp and delivered on Feb. 20 to Chancellor Dr. Fred Wood, the district’s lawyer Todd Gol-
uba and the governing board vice president John Marquez. Farley seems to have been aware he was under investigation for sexual harassment when he submitted his letter of resignation on Feb. 26, though his letter cited his reason for resigning from his position as president of the district governing board as “personal family issues.” An anonymous letter, dated Jan. 24, was sent by mail to the Wood and Shipp and received Feb. 2. The letter brought to light rumors of sexual harassment by Tim Farley that occurred “at a conference in Monterey,” and said Farley “acted in a sexually aggressive way toward a women at the conference in front of many witnesses.” The letter also alleged an unnamed member of the board had seen the incident but
Former governing board president Tim Farley had not yet come forward to report or address it. That sparked an internal preliminary investigation that was led by Shipp as head of district human resources. The summary goes into detail of the sexu-
al harassment incident. The incident apparently happened at a vendor sponsored dinner that occurred during the 2015 Community College League of California Annual Trustees Conference in Monterey. The sponsor of the dinner was believed to be the law firm of Garcia Hernandez Sawhney & Bermudez. Mary Hernandez, a partner of the firm, was sitting next to Farley. Hernandez said in an email, “Because I never filed a complaint and was unaware of any investigation, I don’t have anything to confirm or deny in your story.” It is said there were 30 people at this dinner that took place at a restaurant not far from where the conference was taking place.
Continued on Page 2
DANNY YOEONO / The Inquirer
Tim Farley’s resignation was announced at the Feb. 28 regular governing board meeting. From left to right: Greg Enholm, Vicki Gordon, John Marquez, Gary Walker-Roberts, Fred Wood and Jessica Cisneros.
ASDVC OK’s Inter-Club Council meeting meals HALIE SPOL Staff member
four remaining meals of the semester, and all the food will be purchased from DVC’s cafeteria. “Everyone likes food and I have a feeling this will The Associated Students of Diablo Valley College boost (meeting) attendance,” said Swenson. voted “yes” on a proposal to provide meals to the Council meetings are a requirement for any club four remaining Inter-Club Council meetings of the on the DVC campus. The clubs must send one repsemester. resentative to go to the meeting each week. “We’ve had a lot of reSwenson had to defend quests for snacks or meals “Everyone likes food and I his budget that was based at meetings because there is the amount of food for have a feeling this will boost on a lot of people there and it 75 council attendees and is long, so we figured that not based on previously low (meeting) attendance.” the last couple meetings of attendance. He said, “I’ve ~PETER SWENSON the semester we would try never seen food here go to President of the inter-club council. to oblige them,” said the waste.” president of the council, The council will be the Peter Swenson. first organization on the Swenson asked ASDVC DVC campus to have an for $886.25 to help pay their total of $2,386.25 actual provided meal time at their meetings and it needed to provide these meals to the council meet- will take place before the meetings start. ings. The remaining $1,500 will be paid for by the Inter-Club Council themselves. Continued on Page 3 Swenson presented a set meal plan for each of the
GLENNA HERBERT / The Inquirer File
Copyright © 2018 The Inquirer - www.dvcinquirer.com
Wednesday, April 11 - Tuesday, April 24, 2018
calendar Thursday, April 12 Student Union Brownbag Workshop Sexual Assault Awareness 12:30 p.m. Friday, April 13 Community Conference Center Social Justice Series: Abolishing Mass Incarceration 10 a.m. April 13 to April 14 Greenhouse April Plant Sale 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 17 BFL 103 College Success Workshop Managing Stress Before Finals 5:30 p.m. Thursday, April 19 Commons Earth Day Celebration 10:30 a.m. Music-101 Piano Concert Series 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, April 23 Student Union Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Art Against Assault 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 25 Music Building: M-101 Music: DVC Accapella w/ LOVE 8:00 a.m. Student Union Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Community Violence Solutions 12:30p.m. Thursday, April 26 Student Services Building Transfer Workshops and Labs: UC TAG/ Transfer 101 10:00 a.m. Student Union Brown Bag Workshop: Communication 101- Using the Platinum Rule 12:30 p.m. Thursday, April 26 Music Building 101 Music: Vocal Jazz 8:00 p.m.
DANNY YOEONO / The Inquirer
Farley received the the Edwin Crawford award in October 2017 which recognizes excellence in state government relations with higher education institutions.
The conclusion of the investigation summary talked about the difficulty of getting a complete account of the incident because no complaint Continued from Page 1 of sexual harassment was brought to the district human resources at the time. There, Farley “arrived at the dinner early and In an email memo, district lawyer Goluba seemed to have been drinking wine heavenly. mentioned that the rules the district follows for (sic)” sexual harassment reporting may not apply to A portion of the investigation summary reads the anonymous letter allegations because the as follows: “...There was a conversation between incident happened three years ago. Sexual hatrustee Farley and possibly (Ventura Commu- rassment policy, however, do fall under other nity College District governing board member district and board policies that do apply. Dr. Larry Kennedy) which were of a sexual That memo also laid out options for governnature (e.g. women’s breast) ing board (sic). During the coarse of “(Farley) would have been aware member this discussion, or right after, to that I, as chancellor, made the Marquez Trustee Farley started leaning pursue. Opdetermination to do the over into Hernandez with his tions like arms wrapped around her, or talking to preliminary investigation.” at a minimum, or her chair the board, and tried kissing her on the exclud~FRED WOOD mouth.” ing Farley, District Chancellor “When Ms. Hernandez forming an pushed him back, he then ad-hoc comtried putting his head in her lap and contin- mittee and hiring an outside investigator to “make ued to heavily stare at her breasts. Ms Her- factual findings and whether there was a violanandez began to laugh nervously and trustee tion of district policy.” Gordon tried to get trustee Farley’s attention Marquez said in an email sent to Shipp, from Ms. Hernandez by pulling him away from Wood and Goluba, in response to the investigaMs. Hernandez and begin to talk loudly to him tion summary, “While I’m saddened bout the about his wife and kids. Trustee Farley then incident, I believe a thorough investigation by turned around to everyone at the table and said an outside investigator is warranted. And I’ll loudly, ‘I LOVE MY WIFE BUT SHE’S NOT recommend it...this incident will not go away HERE!’” without a clear finding.” “Then he proceeded to turn back around to The governing board was supposed to take attempt to hug Ms. Hernandez. Ms. Hernan- up the issue of Farley in closed session at dez’ significant other was present at the dinner, the Feb. 28 general meeting, but Farley rebut was not sitting at this table and did witness signed two days before and no trustee except Trustee Farley’s behavior, and was very upset at Marquez was made aware of the findings from the him.” preliminary investigation.
THE INQUIRER Diablo Valley College 321 Golf Club Road, ATC-103 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 The Inquirer is published Wednesdays during the school year by the Diablo Valley College journalism students. Unsigned articles appearing on the opinions page are editorials and reflect a two-thirds majority opinion of the editorial staff. Signed columns and cartoons are the opinions of the writer or artist and not necessarily those of The Inquirer, Diablo Valley College or Contra Costa Community College District.
“(Farley) would have been aware that I, as chancellor, made the determination to do the preliminary investigation,” Wood told the Inquirer. “He was aware that we done the investigation and that we would be discussing it with the board.” Now governing board president Marquez said in an interview that he no longer felt indebted to pursue an outside investigation once Farley resigned. Governing board member Greg Enholm, who was at the dinner, told the Inquirer that the dinner in question was very long ago and doesn’t remember anything other other than that he did go to the dinner. Farley was repeatedly contacted but did not respond but a Feb. 21 email from Goluba to Marquez, Shipp and Wood, Goluba mentioned “I understand Tim doesn’t have a memory of that evening.” Student governing board member Jessica Cisneros, after seeing portions of the preliminary investigation summary, said “I am disgusted by it and I am glad that he is no longer working for the district.” Gordon did not respond to our request to comment. The Inquirer received a copy of the preliminary investigation summary and email correspondence around it as apart of public records request from executive vice chancellor of administrator services Gene Huff at the district office. Upon being questioned, Huff said the summary and the surrounding documents were sent “inadvertently.”
Contact DANNY YOEONO at DYoeono@DVCInquirer.com
Frank Guitron Shannon Richey Danny Yoeono Aaron Tolentino
STAFF WRITERS Jessica Gillis, Casey Riggs, Nicole Sims, Tyler Skolnick, Halie Spol, Catherine Stites, Kamal Taj, Lauren Thomas SENIOR STAFF WRITERS Chris Core, Courtney Donahoe, Frank Guitron, Luis Lopez, Deandra Procassini, Shannon Richey, Camille Schwartz, Aidan Sparks ADVISER Mary Mazzocco
• Phone: 925.969.2543 • Email: inquirer@dvc.edu • Website: www.dvcinquirer.com • Printed five times per semester •
Wednesday, April 11 - Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Susan Lamb addresses drone flight issues at council meeting CHRIS CORE Senior staff member
Diablo Valley College president, Susan Lamb, hopes to have a new policy in the near future to regulate the use of drones on the DVC campus. Lamb brought the idea up briefly at a College Council meeting on March 7, but there was no discussion as to what the policy would be. Diablo Valley College currently does not have any sort of policy for drone use but follows the Federal Aviation Administration guidelines. The FAA states on their site that “operators must secure approval from the agency to operate in any airspace controlled by an air traffic facility.” DVC currently resides near Buchanan Field Airport in Concord, making it a possible concern for the area. Lamb, however, said that there has been no complaints regarding the drones yet. Los Medanos College as well has been looking into a drone policy, according to Lamb, with both LMC and DVC hoping to model a policy off of Pasadena City College’s drone policy. The policy would cover three areas, students in class, contractors and individuals using the drones for recreational Coutesty of Andew Turner/CC by-2.0 purposes. Drones like this would be flying around campus. Michael Quinn, a geography professor at DVC who uses drones in his class, agrees with the school’s decision to make Quinn emphasized that student interest has been high in “We have not yet had any incidents regarding the safety of a policy. these classes and safety is the number one thing on his mind our students, and because of our safety procedures, I do not “There should, absolutely, be a drone policy on campus when teaching a subject like this. anticipate any safety issues in the foreseeable future,” said and the most important factor is public and student safety,” “We take student safety very seriously and enforce strict Quinn. said Quinn. safety procedures before and during each flight,” said Quinn. Quinn teaches Introduction to Remote Sensing where As of now the policy does not seem to be an urgent necesstudents use the drones to create “high resolution mosaic sity with both Lamb and Quinn stating that safety has not Contact CHRIS CORE at images, digital elevation models and point clouds.” yet been an issue. CCore@DVCInquirer.com
ASDVC goes to nation’s captial to voice concerns NICOLE SIMS Staff member
For the first time in history, Associated Students of Diablo Valley College sent members to the National Students Advocacy Conference in Washington D.C. to advocate for issues affecting college students. “The significance of this trip is the fact that it is our first legislative presence on the federal level. We have been increasingly aware of the imperative need to make our voices heard on not only the state level but also the national level so that we can make a true and noticeable difference, as we are always committed to do,” said ASDVC President Kevin Zhang. ASDVC worked with the Director of Communications and Government Relations from Contra Costa Community College District, Tim Leong, to come up with four key issues to address at the conference. “During these visits, the student advocates discussed the importance of sustaining and increasing the Pell Grant and making it avail-
able year-round and reauthorizing ASDVC was able to talk to Rep. the law that governs all student aid Mike Thompson, who is currently which has been delayed for more serving as the chair of the Gun than four years,” according to the Violence Prevention Task Force press release written by Zhang and in the U.S. House of RepresentaVice President Arvito Soebiakno. tives. ASDVC board member Sophia According to Zhang, ThompBayatmakoo, who is half-Mexican son’s staff said that “they will and lived in Mexico for part of continue to push comprehensive her life, spoke to gun control The four finalized the congressmen legislation in and their staff issues were a solution the House about DACA. and Senate “It was a great for DACA, the exten- and advocate opportunity to responsive sion of Pell Grants, for defend the Mexcommunicaican people that campus safety and in- tion system on live here,” said creasing mental health campus.” Bayatmakoo. “Being able services. Trey Dao, who to directly chairs DVC’s communicate Food Pantry, said they were able with our representatives and advoto relay specific examples of men- cate for what students need at our tal health issues affecting DVC college, that was the most rewardstudents to the congressmen. ing part,” said Dao. Zhang says the representatives Bayatmakoo says the opportuthey spoke with acknowledged nity to speak with the congresstheir research and expressed sup- men was very unique. port for all of the issues but they received especially positive feedContact NICOLE SIMS at back on the issue of gun violence. NSims@DVCInquirer.com
Continued from Page 1
Also, at the meeting, Diversity conclusion that campus needs Affairs officer Michael Gaetos let more water bottle refilling staASDVC know about their plans tions and we need more money for the upcoming Diversity Day. for clubs, club requests or other Gaetos said, “Diversity Day organizations on campus, such as will be a cultural awareness event speech and debate.” and will take place in the comTo deal with the $11,553 budmons, give all the clubs opportu- get excess, the budget oversight nity to table, celebrate diversity committee increased the fundand everyone will be welcome.” ing for on-campus clubs from Lastly, because it is near the $20,000 to $25,000 and changed end of the spring semester, the the budget for ASDVC water DVC Budbottle re“The income we have fill stations get Committee pre- calculaed for the next se- from $0 to sented their $6,553. mester will be 225,800.” If you proposed budget for are curious the 2018-19 about AS~SOPHIA BAYATMAKOO Student representative school year. DVC or the Student Inter-Club representaCouncil, tive of the their meetcommittee, Sophia Bayatmakoo, ings are always open to the public said, “The income we have calcu- at the Margaret Lesher Student lated for the next semester will be Union conference room. You $225,800, and we have calculat- can attend ASDVC meetings on ed that we will spend the whole Tuesdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. entire amount, which would be The council meetings are on great.” Thursdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5 ASDVC’s budget of $225,800 p.m. is used in a variety of ways on the campus from funding club needs to improving campus quality. Bayatmakoo said, “We first calculated that we would get Contact HALIE SPOL at HSpol@DVCInquirer.com ($11,553) left but we came to the
Wednesday, April 11 - Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Lt. Ryan Huddleston of Police Services at the Safety Committee meeting on Wednesday, April 4.
Safety Committee revitalized CASEY RIGGS Staff member
The newly formed Diablo Valley College Safety Committee moves forward with revamping their campus safety and security plan. After the threat that caused DVC to shutdown on March 22, many students and teachers have become concerned with the plans that the campus has in place. On Wednesday, April 4, the newly formed committee held their first meeting in hopes of revamping DVC’s safety plan. The committee consists of many heads of different departments such as Disability Student Services, Police Services, Maintenance and Operations, the Student Life Office and CARE Team, which will be led by three tri-chair members: Lisa Martin, Toni Fannin and Michael Colson. “We didn’t think particular people, we thought particular positions should be represented...it is atypical in that is not one of those committees where we have three faculty, three classified, and three students,” said Fannin. “This a group that is more about functionality and getting things done.” The committee is purposing some new safety measures
that could possibly help the school in a crisis situation. One of the most notable measures is to start employing safety monitors in every building and department. The other safety measures that the committee would like to put in place would be having safety helmets and first aid kits in staff and professors’ offices. The committee would like to put radios wherever they can, just in case of an emergency. The purposed place would be places like teachers’ offices, classrooms and administrative offices but the committee will have to go through another council. “We will not actually be making those right decisions ourselves, we will be making recommendations to College Council,” said Fannin. The safety monitor will not be an emergency medical technician or an emergency medical responder trained, it will only have the training of a safety monitor, according to Chrisanne Knox, DVC’s Public Information Officer. The training for the safety monitor is also not fully determined, the training could be in house or outsourced to another agency. “If it’s a department within the school, it would be the
police department, but we might explore hiring an outside agency,” said Knox “We are taking on a certain level of the training, but sometimes we have to outsource...such as we may have somebody that comes in and does first aid and CPR training,” said Lt. Ryan Huddleston of Police Services. “Now the police department help facilitate that but we weren’t the ones that trained them... so we are linked to it, but we may not necessarily one hundred percent be the trainer,” said Huddleston. According to Huddleston, the possible outsourcing agencies would be American Medical Response because they live in the medical world, compared to the police, which is mostly law and legal expertise.
Contact CASEY RIGGS at CRiggs@DVCInquirer.com
Children’s Center gets new head NICOLE SIMS Staff member
Alayne Stieglitz always knew she wanted to work with children. As the new Director of the Children’s Center and a new professor in the Early Childhood Education Department, she gets to do just that. “I believe they hold the potential for us as a people, so it’s worth investing everything we can in their upbringing,” said Stieglitz. “I think children are born to make social contact and they are born to learn and it’s our responsibility to give them the tools to make that happen,” said Stieglitz. “Every day there is new compelling evidence that the early years are the most critical period for optimal development. The genetic potential a child is born with can only be fully reached within relationships and an environment that is supportive of that child’s physical and mental health. This is what motivates me to work with young children and their families,” said Stieglitz. Stieglitz said that one of the rewarding parts of her job is seeing children coming every day and being in a place where they know they are truly loved and taken care of. Stieglitz also now teaches the Early Childhood Education classes that parents who have a child at the children’s center are required to take. She said that it’s also very rewarding to get to know the families as well by having the students participate in their child’s time at the center. “(I) make sure that families feel welcomed and that we are their partners in their child’s education,” Stieglitz said. Stieglitz started as an assistant teacher when she was in
college almost 40 years ago, earned her Bachelor of Science in psychology at UCLA, got her master’s degree in education and was a director for several other children’s centers. At this stage in her career, she’s ready to pass on her knowledge to the teachers at the center and the students who want to be teachers. “This seemed to be the best of both worlds where I knew a lot about how to run a center and be a director and wanted to start learning about teaching at the college level, so this was the perfect opportunity,” said Stieglitz. When Stieglitz was looking for a new position, she knew she was ready to start a new phase in her career by teaching college students. Stieglitz said, “Personally, what I get out of working with young children is joy. I would like nothing more than for every (Early Child Education) student to experience that joy in their careers and to pass it on to the children and families that cross their paths.” “As a director, my focus is always on the children, but as a teacher, my focus is now on the adults too and how adults learn,” said Stieglitz. Stieglitz’s goal is to continue to create a wonderful place for her students to do their fieldwork and for them to learn how to be teachers from some of the best teachers that she’s ever known, while continuing to provide the highest quality childcare for the children. NICOLE SIMS / The Inquirer
Contact NICOLE SIMS at NSims@DVCInquirer.com
Alayne Stieglitz, new Director of the DVC Children’s Center.
Wednesday, April 11 - Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Outside Lands aims to please loyal fans with lineup release JESSICA GILLIS Staff member
Just as festival season approaches, so does comeback season for Outside Lands Music Festival in its 11 year at Golden Gate Park. This year the line up contains three main headliners including The Weeknd, Florence+ the Machine and Janet Jackson also joining are sub-headliners Bon Iver, Future, Beck, Odesza and DJ Snake as well as many more. Compared to last year’s underwhelming lineup and scheduling conflicts that angered many a festival goers, this is quite the turn around. Fans were disgruntled at last year’s festival because it strayed away from the typical essence of the festival that it first started with. Four years ago, a ticket was around $325 for a three-day and now it’s $422 for a threeday ticket including fees. People were not happy about that change especially when they didn’t believe the lineup is worth it. They also struggled with selling out the festival last year. It did not sell out until the day before it started. Some conflicts that the festival contained but were not limited to included, A Tribe Called Quest rescheduling twice and then canceling, only one rap artist preforming the entire weekend as well as the lineup being very heavy in alternative older bands like Metallica and The Who. This differing from the festival lineups in the past which typically gave a well-rounded balance throughout all genres. It seems like Outside Lands heard
Twin Peaks stage at Outside Lands Music Festival on August 13, 2017. the message loud and clear because this year they delivered with the lineup stacked from top to bottom. With good mixes of Electronic Dance Music (Illenium, Gryffin and Whethan), alternative (BØRNS, CHVURCHES and Mac Demarco), rap (SOBxRBE and Future) and a lot more newer founded artists. The lineup this year is also mirror-
ing some of Coachella’s lineup later on this year, which is common for some festivals, but the fact that there are at least seven big names being repeated from the Coachella lineup on the Outside Lands lineup is a great thing for anyone who won’t be able to attend Coachella. Outside Lands certainly delivered this year and is always a great time no matter
how old you are or what kind of music you like. Regular tickets will be on sale starting April 5 at 10 a.m. going for $375 plus fees for three-day tickets.
Contact JESSICA GILLIS at JGillis@DVCInquirer.com
Tips and tricks for succeeding in college DEANDRA PROCASSINI Senior staff member
It is no secret that being a college student can become a full-time job. With all the classes comes the homework, ten-page papers, midterms and the dreaded finals at the end of the semester that causes stress. On top of all the responsibilities that come with being a college student, it may seem close to impossible to have a job or have a social life. The idea of being a perfect student is unrealistic, but here are some tip and tricks for success. The most important advice is the one that all our professors say on the first day; that students attend all classes. Attending class is very important because lectures take place and the things discussed in those lectures can show up in the future test. Another big tip is for students to write out all the notes by hand. Many people know that it is easier just to type the letters into a computer, but when student write out the notes, they retain more information. Even though writing out all those notes can cause massive hand cramps it is worth it. According to an article by National Public Radio, a study was published by a Psychological Science program that states that “The thinking is if students have time to study their notes from their laptops, the fact
A student’s notebook showing handwritten and highlighted notes. that they typed more extensive notes than their longhand-writing peers could possibly help them perform better.” To achieve a passing grade on any test or exam flashcards are college students best friend. They are a cheap but useful tool to help students succeed in classes. College students can make a stack of flashcards based on the notes given in class or maybe possible study questions and review them as many time as need to feel prepared. Another tip for reaching success is forming a study among other students in the
class. Study groups are easily made all students have to do plan a day and a time and get together with all the tools for the class necessary. College students can use study groups to quiz one another on the topics that may come up on future tests. The final tip is going to professors’ office hours. It may seem intimidating to go to office hours, but if a student has questions on a particular topic or is reaching for a way to receive more help, there is no better option
than going and talking to the professors. Going to the office hours are beneficial because all questions could get answered by the one person who knows the subject better than anyone. Being a successful college student can be frightening, but it doesn’t have to be that they if college students follow those few tips and tricks they are sure to reach success.
Contact DEANDRA PROCASSINI at DProcassini@DVCInquirer.com
Wednesday, April 11 - Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Courtesy of WARNER BROS.
Left, James Halliday played by Mark Rylance and Parzival (the avatar of Wade Watts) played by TYE Sheridan discussing why the Oasis was created.
‘Ready Player One’ out of lives CATHERINE STITES and FRANK GUITRON Staff members
“Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline was a fantastic book that engages the inner nerd in everyone, but the movie fell into a pop culture garbage fest more than anything else. To readers, you will rarely find a movie as good as the book when you compare the two. Ready Player One is no exception. The novel is chocked full of 80’s pop culture references in which the characters, Art3mis, Wade Watts, Aech and the rest of the world try to learn as much as they can to gain control of the Oasis, a virtual reality world created by James Halliday. With Halliday’s passing, he opens up the challenge of finding three keys to get to the Easter egg that would give the entire virtual world to the user who won. Cline sets up the first challenge to be on the planet Ludus, a planet where online school is held. This is where the first gate is discovered, first by Art3mis who fails the challenge of an old school Atari Joust game and then Wade, who ends up beating the challenge. The movie opens up, diverging with the book, with a race scene where each player has their own vehicle of choice to go through a city with various obstacles and has King Kong blocking the finish line. This giant gorilla is one of the first show stoppers that director Steven Spielberg put into the movie that rivets the audience.
The opening racing scene, while impressive visually with its CGI, shows a bit of a weak point in the script in terms of understanding the gamer mentality as pointed out by Rich Evans from Red Letter Media. If you’re nitpicky or elitist it can come off as a disingenuous respect for gaming. Aech and Wade meet in a chat room of Aech’s, and that’s where readers of the book discover I-r0k, an annoying hunter for the egg that the game’s creator put in. In the film, we meet I-r0k in the Oasis. Functioning as a pet and magical henchman for the head of an evil corporation called Innovative Online Industries, or IOI. I-r0k is sent to kill Wade’s avatar Parzival, to remove competition for the head of IOI Nolan Sorrento. Sorrento wants to take over the Oasis so he can fill it with advertisements and a pay wall. Spielberg tries to make heavier scenes humorous, decreasing the seriousness that Cline originally sets forth in the book. The full scope of Wade’s determination is not fully grasped by the movie, shown by the reference that Halliday uses in the riddles being easily found out through Anorak’s Journals, a space in the Oasis where any member can peruse through Halliday’s life. However, in the novel, Wade and the other hunters have to research and familiarize themselves with every bit of 80’s culture and beyond that Halliday associated with in order to try to understand what each challenge and riddle entailed. A major shift from the book is the way Spielberg portrays Wade as a love crazy boy who drowns Art3mis in his affec-
tion from the beginning. This quick romance on screen is a lot more understandable when it was over a period of months in the novel. Art3mis also gives herself up to IOI headquarters, playing the damsel in distress for Wade, while in contrast, Wade puts himself into IOI headquarters on purpose, with a plan to expose IOI and all their lies. Spielberg instead plays into the trope of helpless woman, putting Art3mis into a weak position where she needs to be saved. Another weak point is that the message of the book and movie, about ads becoming super prevalent in the Oasis as a bad thing, were shown heavily throughout the movie and during the climax of the film. Overall, Spielberg succeeds in creating a fun, alternate world that with the help of CGI transporting you into the Oasis and turning this movie into a classic, suspenseful, action packed movie that Spielberg created and that we all have come to love.
Contact CATHERINE STITES at CStites@DVCInquirer.com and Contact FRANK GUITRON at FGuitron@DVCInquirer.com
Why ‘Grown-ish’ is must for DVC students COURNTEY DONAHOE Senior staff member
You know that one class that you take in college, but don’t necessarily need? Well, that’s how a group of college students, who are wondering why they’re taking a drones class, become a very close-knit group that you call friends. Zoey Johnson, the protagonist of the TV series “Black -ish” is a freshman in college, learning how to be and do all things adultish. With her group of friends she makes in the drones class, she conquers her fears and learns what college is really all about. “Grown-ish” is a TV series that takes place at UCLA in the modern day. With all of the relatable stories and the lingo that they use on the show, you feel as if you personally
know who these characters are and you can relate to their life stories. We see the characters go through reallife problems that us college students go through everyday. Within this group of friends, each student has their own problem that they struggle with. From living off of financial aid, being open about their sexuality and talking about how people appropriate certain cultures. It also talks about what’s going on in the political climate. That’s what makes this show so awesome to watch, they’re talking about things that are actually happening within our society and they’re getting it right. When I watch this show, I feel like I’m watching me and my friends talking about things that are happening in today’s world.
One of the big topics that me and my friends generally talk about is social media and how it could have such a big impact on your life. The things you do and say on social media not only represent you, but also represent your internship or your job that your working for. Zoey on “Grown-ish” has an internship with her dream job Teen Vogue. Her boss gives her a lifetime opportunity of following her around and sitting in on big time meetings. All that gets taken away from just one social media post. Scenarios like these on “Black-ish” is what correlates to college students lives. We can relate because we’ve been there before, we’ve gone through that tough situation that these characters are living on the show. What we can also get behind this show is the lingo, it has also scored an A+ on how
the Millennial and Generation Z talk. Certain words like “woke” and “on fleek” are phrases that are used in the character’s vocabulary almost every episode. While watching the show, you’ll laugh more than you do regularly in a day, and also yell “preach” when the characters are giving out straight facts. Since the episodes are only 20 minutes long, it’s a total binge-worthy series to get behind. Other than this show being totally relatable for the younger generation, “Grownish” is renewed for a second season, so we’ll get to see even more life lessons and shenanigans from Zoey and her group of friends.
Contact COURTNEY DONAHOE at CDonahoe@DVCInquirer.com
Wednesday, April 11 - Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Silicon Valley’s moving too fast for it’s own good
It’s time to start using and creating social media and new This doesn’t scratch the surface of all the data that Google technology in a more and Facemindful way. book colThe progress made in lects. If But by surrendering and clicking you want Silicon Valley over the past decade has caused a to see for that “agree” dangerous decline in our yourself, button we are signing away our privacy standards. Tech you can companies need to take download rights to privacy. accountability, and users an file of must tread lightly when your ar~TYLER SKOLNICK giving up personal inforchived perStaff member mation online. sonal data. These companies Facebook swamp us with lengthy provides terms and agreement contracts knowing that we won’t take this option with a link at the bottom of the general settings the time to read something so mind-numbingly dull. But by page. Google offers it at “google.com/takeout” with the surrendering and clicking that “agree” button, we are signing words “Your account, your data,” displayed nonironically at away our rights to privacy. the top of the screen. This is particularly scary because it is increasingly eviPersonal data has become the cost one pays to participate dent that our we are the product. That is, our personal data in the social media ecosystem. is the product, not the platform itself. The amount of privacy we sacrifice has increased at an Social media companies rely on an advertisement model alarming rate. By doing so, we leave ourselves open to mato turn a profit. Both the information we input, as well as nipulation. We have to draw the line somewhere, and take what we search, like or click on, is stored by companies like some control of the technological revolution we’re swept up Facebook, Twitter, and Google. They sell this data to adver- in. tisers, who in turn make hyper personalized ads just for us. In the past month, Facebook’s more relaxed policies on Similarly, they can track our whereabouts. personal data access have gotten the company in a lot of If you have a Google-equipped device, it’s highly likely trouble, rightly so. Data firm Cambridge Analytica was disthat you’ve allowed them to maintain a location timeline of covered to have broken Facebook’s policy on data collection. your device. When I first discovered this, it was a disorientCambridge Analytica used data on Facebook likes to build ing moment in my relationship with Google. complex personality profiles to be sold to political campaigns My nap on the beach at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk in for use in creating personalized political ads. 2014? Yes, that’s documented, I was on the beach for 53 The algorithm they developed was eerily accurate. With minutes. The night I stumbled back into my dorm room an average of 68 likes it could predict skin color and sexual from a Halloween Party in 2015? Yes, that time stamp exists, orientation with 95% and 85% accuracy, respectively. With in all its glory. 150 Facebook likes, the program could know your personal-
ity better than your family. Cambridge Analytica’s collection of data was epidemic. If just one of your Facebook friends was affected, your data was collected as well. Facebook released a statement on April 4 that the number of users who had their data improperly and involuntarily shared with Cambridge Analytica has reached, “up to 87 million people — mostly in the US.” We’ve opened ourselves up to this type of manipulation, our willingness to hand over personal data ushers in opportunities for exploitation. Campaigns can push targeted posts and ads towards populations they’d like to affect. With the scale that these ads reach, people’s perception about the world outside of social media are be molded by this propaganda. How much of the content I come across on social media has been targeted and pushed in my direction? Are the issues I spend my day thinking about a product of my own curiosity or the algorithms and companies that pry for my attention? To me, these questions go beyond Zuckerberg and Facebook. This is about how fast the online world is changing. It’s about the decisions we make online and the real changes they can have on humans in the real world. The exponential rate of growth in Silicon Valley is too fast for its own good. The benefits of social media are pushed to the front of the conversation. The pitfalls are not brought into the public eye until it is too far to turn back. The dismantling of the relationship between profit and user data is the next challenge in making these programs into the benevolent entities we need them to be. Users and creators alike must move forward with caution.
Contact TYLER SKOLNICK at TSkolnick@DVCInquirer.com
Students need a plan to change gun laws Students and staff gathered last March in out loud.No one spoke out against gun viothe Commons for a walkout honoring of lence and what happened. We gathered, stood the 17 victims of the Parkland shooting. in silence, and went back into our own lives. Some students held simple signs with What is the point in a display of togethernames of the victims forming a sort of circle. ness if it is not used to further the agenda the “Fear has no place in school” was written on whole walkout was designed for? the only poster in the area. The united feeling that emerged from the Seventeen minutes of silence ensued, one silence we all shared down in the Commons minute for each victim murdered. After the was immediately lost as most people dispersed allotted time of silence, students and teachback to classrooms and cars. ers said the name of the student who was on There were no big speeches, displays of CATHERINE STITES their piece of paper. This was probably the emotion, words about the victims, shared fear most moving part of the short 20-minute that we could be next or worry that it could Staff member display, but I don’t think it was enough. have been us. The DVC students and faculty Everyone scattered after the names were need to band together if they want anything said. Seventeen minutes of silence is powerto happen. 17 minutes of silence is an encourful, and I’m surprised so many kept it up. aging start, but a fire will not come of a spark if nothing The only emotional display was when a women walked fuels it. We need a plan, just like the kids from the school around to each person holding a person’s name and said it in Florida have.
The kids in Florida have created a platform to speak out and make a difference through Twitter. That little blue bird of a logo is doing more for the argument of guns than our 17 minutes of silence will ever do. If DVC wants to make a change, members of its community have to talk about what they need. We need to talk about how we can make our classrooms safer in case of a mass shooting of our own. We need to mobilize to change our laws to make guns harder to get to stop something like Florida dealt with not happen to us. We need to capitalize on everyone’s attention on guns and make a change.
Contact CATHERINE STITES at CStites@DVCInquirer.com
Buzz How do you think DVC handled the shooter threat? Interviewed and photographed by Chris Core and Camille Schwartz
Aziz Sadat International relations
Haley Burr Communications
“It’s a horrible thing to happen... DVC should increase security with more cops.”
“The threats should be taken seriously. I think the school communicated it well.”
Victoria Genicot Undeclared
Huyoung Jeong Psychology
“I didn’t feel threatened or “(School safety) gets more serianything...They did everything ous day by day.” they could anything.”
NBA playoffs preview Over the past several NBA seasons, the playoffs were mainly looked at as a four-round formality for superteams like the Miami Heat and Golden State Warriors. While the San Antiono Spurs and Clevland Cavaliers made sure every year didn’t go down like that, the non-superteams were just looked at as a pedestal for the contenders. The 2018 NBA playoffs won’t allow that. This year’s superteams have taken quite a hit, and the certainty of another Golden State versus Cleveland matchup in the NBA Finals remains a question. The playoff race for both conferences has seen an unprecedented level of competitiveness. LUIS LOPEZ Perhaps the biggest Staff member shift in power revolves around Golden State following their mountain of injuries. The loss of star point guard Stephen Curry for at the first round has the Warriors looking vulnerable for the first time in a while. This year, the real title contender is Houston. The Rockets have managed to get the number one seed in the West, and after beating a healthy Warriors squad multiple times this season, they are primed to contend. Houston has torn through the competition this year, being the number one ranked team in both offensive and defensive efficiency. The Warriors will likely give the Rockets all they can handle in the West, but after seeing a lack of urgency from Golden State, along with their pile of injuries, Houston should take that matchup in seven games. In the East, the Cavaliers’ dominance doesn’t look to be the same as years past, even with LeBron James at the helm. With teams like the Toronto Raptors and Philadelphia 76ers playing so well, James’ streak of seven straight NBA Finals appearances may be in jeopardy this year. Toronto has worked their way up to the thirdranked offense in the league, while holding opponents to 104.2 points per game, good for ninth in the NBA. Toronto will need to look to their star backcourt of Kyle Lowry and DeMar DeRozan to finally push them over the edge. As of April 8th, the duo is averaging a combined 39.3 points a game, a number that should only improve come playoff time. The Raptors have always been considered a dark horse in the East, but the 76ers are a -particularly intriguing team this year. The Sixers’ promising duo of Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons has led Philadelphia to the fifth best defensive ranking in the NBA and ninth in offensive ranking in the league. “The Process” could finally be coming to fruition. Last year’s lopsided playoffs were an absolute bore, consisting of a clear discrepancy between the Warriors and everybody else. This year, however, there are plenty of storylines to follow, so the playoffs are set to be one of the most entertaining ever.
Contact LUIS LOPEZ at LLopez@DVCInquirer.com
Wednesday, April 11 - Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Chemistry off the field translates on the field AARON TOLENTINO Sports editor
If you look at the history of team sports, having talent and good players is simply not enough to be successful. It is important for the players to have chemistry and actually want to play with each other. The Diablo Valley College softball team exemplifies all those things and then some. The chemistry the team has built started last fall when they went on an all-day retreat in Sacramento. The team went to Peak Adventures, a ropes course facility, where the ladies participated in rock climbing and other risky activities that required a level of trust among team members. Trust is the key aspect in all of this. That same trust the team had in the ropes course, months before the season even started, translates to trust on the softball field. “It just helps a lot because it puts trust in each other,” said sophmore catcher ElAARON TOLENTINO / The Inquirer via Alvarado. “Say we’re down a run, I can Vikings softball players gather in a game against Sacramento City in trust that person to get somebody in and Pleasant Hill on March 31, 2018. . get on base.” At DVC softball games, one of the big think positively of each other and just pick this year, the ladies look to propel each other to the next level. things anyone will notice is how loud that each other up.” The entire coaching staff also sees how As of April 9, the Vikings have a 19Viking dugout gets during its games. much the girls play for each other and 12 record and an eighth place ranking in All game, every at-bat, the ladies are genuinely like being around another. Head Northern California for rating percentage constantly cheering each other on. coach Dennis Luquet recognizes that the index, which ranks teams based on their “It motivates us more,” said outfielder off-field bonding ultimately benefits the wins against quality opponents. They look Alexis Esparza. “It gives us more energy Vikings on the softball field. to build upon their success and reach the because we’re really into the game... we “You know when you like each other, State Super Regionals like they did last play really well.” you’re gonna pick each other up,” Luquet year. The team cheers and encourages each “Hard work beats talent any day,” said other on in good times and in bad times said. “‘Somebody’s doing something bad, they say, “hey don’t worry about it.” It’s Alvarado. “That communication that we as well. huge.”’ have on the team, the bond that we have Alvarado said that a lot of the girls dwell It was a great idea by the coaching staff helps a lot.” on an error they just made, but the rest of the team is always there to help erase that to set up team building activities prior to Contact AARON TOLENTINO at mistake. She added that they consistently the season. Last season, no team bondATolentino@DVCInquirer.com ing activities were planned, and now that tell each other to “go on the next play, just Twitter:@atolent2 foundation of team chemistry was built
Viking football schedule released AARON TOLENTINO Sports editor
Diablo Valley College football released its 2018 schedule with kickoff times and locations for all the games. The Vikings open up their 2018 campaign with a three-hour bus ride to Coalinga on Aug. 31 to play West Hills College, a team they haven’t faced since 2005. According to linebacker Tuineau Pulu, the fact that DVC hasn’t played this team in over a decade makes the first game a challenge due to the unfamiliarity. Then, the Vikings have their home-opener on Sept. 7 against Feather River, who they beat 33-14 last September. For the next couple of weeks, Sacramento City City and Sierra College present as opponents DVC did not face last year. They play Sacramento City at home on Sept. 14 and Sierra on Sept. 22 in Rocklin. The Vikings then play a stretch of four familiar Bay 6 Conference opponents they played last year. The schedule is set up to essentially switch the venues of the home team from last year’s matchup. On Sept. 29, they face San Joaquin Delta College at home and head to Hayward to play Chabot College on Oct. 13, both teams in which the Vikings pulled off dramatic late, game-winning drives in those games last season. The Vikings’ next two games are against Bay 6 powerhouses, City College of San Francisco on Oct. 19 and College of San Mateo on Oct. 27. DVC suffered big losses to these teams last year, 59-7 against City and 45-14 against San Mateo. These two teams spotlight the Bay 6 Conference, which is one
of the toughest community college football conferences in the nation. Then, the Vikings host the Bay 6’s newest member school, Laney College, on Nov. 2, a team they haven’t played since 2013. DVC will play their regular-season finale on the road against Santa Rosa Junior College, the team that beat them on a heartbreaking 24-20 loss last season. Contact AARON TOLENTINO at ATolentino@DVCInquirer.com/Twitter: @atolent2
2018 DVC Football Schedule »» Friday, Aug. 31 -- at West Hills, 6 p.m. »» Friday, Sept. 7 -- vs. Feather River, 5 p.m. »» Friday, Sept. 14 -- vs. Sacramento City, 7 p.m. »» Saturday, Sept. 22 -- at Sierra, 1 p.m. »» Saturday, Sept. 29 -- vs. San Joaquin Delta, 5 p.m. »» Saturday, Oct. 6 -- BYE »» Saturday, Oct. 13 -- at Chabot, 6 p.m.* »» Friday, Oct. 19 -- vs. City College of San Francisco, 7 p.m.* »» Saturday, Oct. 27-- at San Mateo, 1 p.m.* »» Friday, Nov. 2-- vs. Laney, 7 p.m.* »» Saturday, Nov. 10-- at Santa Rosa, 5 p.m.* *Bay 6 Conference opponent