INQUIRER Student Voice of Diablo Valley College
Volume III No. 7
Thursday, Dec. 10 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016 www.DVCInquirer.com
journalists shall not pass
Student protesters block media from entering their safe space. See page 15.
Student success ratings by T he numbers The Inquirer analyzes student success statistics See Page 2.
A Tearful Return To The Past Photo story of student-directed play ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ See Page 7. JESSE SUTTERLEY / The Inquirer
news 2
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
The numbers don't lie
Data reflects harsh reality for students of color SEAN ROSS Staff member
45% DVC transfers to UC and CSU schools in 2011-2012 Black students account for 6 percent of the student population at DVC but only 3 percent of the student who transferred. If every group in the school improves, but a gap between demographics still exists, it has failed the state’s standards for allocation of funds.
Transferred to UC or CSU Population at DVC
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disparity in student success Student Equity Committee of DVC said, rates between racial groups “the trends that you see are representative of at Diablo Valley College has not only an institution problem, but a syspersisted for over a decade; tem problem.” faculty and administration Andrew Barlow, professor of Sociology have only begun to take data-driven steps to at DVC, confirmed and expanded on Akiaddress it in the past year. yama’s point: “it’s not just DVC, but even DVC has the 7th largest achievement gap worse it’s the whole public school experience in the state, according to a recent report by from K-12 as well. the Student Equity Committee. A very high proportion of our students, 70 Latino and black students struggle to pass percent, come to us without the English and their classes and transfer while Asian/Pacific math skills they need for college level work”. Islanders, white, and international students From this perspective, the “achievement succeed in those areas, according to com- gap” would more accurately be described as prehensive studies performed by the Contra an “opportunity gap”; focusing exclusively Costa Community College District. on the end result of “achievement” does not Black students are underrepresented in sufficiently encompass the scope of the issue. transfer preparedness relative to the student Student equity programs have only been body. According to a District Office of Re- funded by the state since 2014, when their search and Planning report, black students— inception was mandated by the state back in who accounted for 6 percent of the student 1996. As a result the first two equity plans, body from 2003 to 2009—represented only written in 1996 and 2006, were both shelved 3 percent of transfer-prepared students. and left unread. In recent years, that deficit has only widEven with federal funding, from the time ened. Black students made up just 2 percent the institution receives the funds—approxiof all of DVC’s transfer-prepared students mately $700,000 dollars in 2014 and $1.4 from 2009-2012. million in 2015—it has only three weeks to DORP defines transfer preparedness as submit a detailed, specific proposal outlin“the percentage of first time students with ing targeted improvements in student equity, a minimum of 6 units not success. Meaning, if earned who attempted “The trends that you every group in the school any Math or English in improves, but a gap bethe first three years, and see are representative of tween demographics still completed a minimum not only an institution exists, it has failed the of sixty transferable units state’s standards for allowith a minimum GPA problem, but a system cation of funds. of 2.0 within six years of With regards to the problem.” entry.” achievement gap in the Asian/Pacific Islandclassroom, the question ~DR. MARK AKIYAMA ers, Filipino and internaof developing specific Chair member of tional students were all fixes is a complex one. the Student Equity Committee slightly overrepresented Not only do different disin transfer preparedness. ciplines necessitate their Accounting for 14 percent, 5 percent and 13 own approach to equity, but the individual percent of the student population respective- teaching styles and practices of the profesly, they represent 16 percent, 7 percent and sors within those disciplines create an almost 18 percent of all transfer prepared students. immeasurable amount of variation between When looking at transfers to the UC and courses. CSU system, the same report demonstrates This problem has historically been exacerthat Asian/Pacific Islander students are also bated by the fact—as noted by Akiyama— overrepresented, accounting for 21 percent that until very recently “DVC has not been a of all transfers compared to their 14 percent ‘data driven’ institution. share of the student body. In other words, decisions were not made These trends are also apparent in course based on data, but based upon other ‘facsuccess rates—defined as receiving a passing tors’. What those factors were, I couldn’t grade in the course. Black and Latino stu- tell you.” As a consequence, DVC’s previous dents pass their classes at much lower rates. attempts to close the achievement gap have In 2015, the CCCCD Center for District been largely ineffective. Research reported that across all disciplines, With the data from the recent reports, the the success rates of black and Hispanic stu- Student Equity Committee has developed dents significantly lag behind those of Asian/ new solutions to attempt to promote stuPacific Islander and white students, with dent equity, which sociology professor and rates of 58.16 percent and 67.00 percent Student Equity Plan co-writer Sangha Niversus 73.17 percent and 74.14 percent re- yogi notes “...entails a change in the mindspectively. set of everyone involved...to see how differThe gap is even wider when measuring ent students bring different strengths to the success rates in basic skill courses such as classroom, and not necessarily identify these math and English. From 2009 to 2014, the students as ‘students’ with problems.... We’re average success rates of each demographic investing a lot in professional development were: and student services so we can meet the students where they are.” “Cohort programs,” such as those run • Asian/Pacific Islander: 66.8 percent by Umoja and Puente clubs, aim to bridge the gap by fostering the growth of support• White: 66.0 percent ive communities for “at risk” demographics by leading a group of students through the • Hispanic/Latino: 58.7 percent same path of courses. Another proposed solution is the devel• Black: 46.5 percent opment of a First Year Experience, or FYE, program. This would create a more focused Furthermore, the success rate of black stu- and guided college experience, cutting down dents in basic skill courses reached 34 per- on “wasted credits” that do not actively help cent in 2013; 23 percent lower than the low- students move towards accomplishing their est performance of any other demographic goals. throughout the six year period. Contact SEAN ROSS at SRoss@DVCInquirer.com Dr. Mark Akiyama, chair member of the
news 3
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
The deafening sound of silence Discomforting quiet surrounds sexual assualt reporting
NIK WOJCIK Staff member
Rape is like a silencer at the end of a gun. The damage is devastating, even if there’s no noise to be heard. Nobody wants to talk about sexual assault. And nobody wants to talk about it less than the victims themselves. But it is a thing that happens, and far too frequently. Sexual assault occurs “every 107 seconds” in the U.S. alone, according to the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Survey. That’s an average of 293,066 victims each year. Recent analysis of Clery Act data seems to contradict that survey, stating that 91 percent of college campuses were free and clear of rape cases in 2014. That sounds like wonderful news on the surface, and would be were it not a complete “load of crap,” as described by WEDVC President Andrea Corrigan. Unfortunately, such a sudden and dramatic decline is about as likely as spotting a leprechaun riding a unicorn to the top of a magic beanstalk. “Any institution that has a zero report rate is just false,” said Corrigan. As it turns out, The Association of American Universities agrees. The AAU conducted an independent survey at a select few universities of women who claimed to have reported a rape, and the numbers, as contrasted to the Clery Act data, are startlingly high. Still, the DOJ estimates that 68 percent of victims never report their attack – making been raped and having no recollection of sexual assault one of the most unreported how it happened or who attacked them. crimes in modern society. Diablo Valley College psychology profesPleasant Hill Police Detective Chris An- sor, Jennifer O’Neal, believes that the goal derson explains that victims are often reluc- in these types of assault is to dehumanize tant or unwilling to report assaults, causing the victim. “If a victim is drugged and passes a “huge discrepancy between crimes that out and no one knows their name, the assailhave actually occurred and crimes that are ants can justify their illegal behavior,” said reported.” O’Neal. “It’s a long For many, process – it’s silence is a dehard on vicfense mechatims,” said “It is through not silencing the vic- nism, a means Anderson. “It survive and tims of sexual assault, but encourag- to could be that live another the family dis- ing them to tell their truth that this day. But today’s suades them… victims have far issue will slowly change.” they get second more than the thoughts, or perpetrator to ~Jennifer O’Neal blame themfear – now they DVC Professor of Psychology selves.” Those have the whole things have tra“manosphere” ditionally made to contend it difficult for victims to speak up and for with. perpetrators to be held accountable, which In 2009, Paul Elam founded A Voice contributes to the fact that only 2 out of 100 for Men website, dedicated to men’s rights rapists will be convicted and serve time. activists. According to the site’s mission Disturbing developments, such as an in- statement, they believe that “the efforts to crease in drug-facilitated rape and a rapidly enhance the rights of women have become rising anti-feminist movement, have made toxic efforts to undermine the rights of men.” the reporting problem more daunting than Supporters, predominately white men, now ever before. have the ability to easily communicate and In 2011, the United Nations issued guide- commiserate through the internet. lines (for forensic analysis of drugs used to The men’s rights movement originated in facilitate sexual assaults) due to the “signifi- the ‘70’s as an opposition to feminism and cant increase in reports of DFC [drug facili- has gained momentum in recent years. The tated crimes] worldwide.” women’s movement, like any other effort, This new era of drug-facilitated assaults has been plagued at times with brazen exbrings with it new challenges. People report tremists and has incurred severe and some“waking up” with evidence that they have times violent backlash.
Photo illustration by NIK WOJCIK / The Inquirer
Corrigan strives to understand that these men “truly believe that their cause is right and that’s probably because they’ve felt some kind of pain or oppression themselves.” “I think that white males in particular are the most privileged group in our society…and it [women’s progress] feels like a direct attack on them,” said Corrigan. “Why would you want to give up any of your rights or privilege if you’re sitting at the top?” The men’s rights movement has taken on a life of its own through Reddit and 4chan threads dedicated to trashing women with nearly unspeakable misogynistic rants (see “The Red Pill“) A new low was reached when a subreddit group of men’s rights activists took to advocating sexual assault as a means to “correct” women on a thread they creatively named “The Philosophy of Rape.” Mainstream movement leaders have tried to publicly distance themselves from such extreme ideologies. However, Elam himself promoted the 2011 launch of Register-her. com, which provided a public space to register “individuals who have been known to make false allegations of rape.” Although he may not go on the record as condoning the rape-to-correct philosophy, Elam well-defined his position on rape prosecution in an article he wrote: “I make the following pledge as an activist, and as an American that believes fully in the rule of law. Should I be called to sit on a jury for a rape trial, I vow publicly to vote not guilty, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that the charges are true.” Both the “Philosophy of Rape” thread and Register-her.com have since been taken offline, but followers definitely have not. They can be found harassing feminist writers
into silence and retirement, as Michelle Goldberg examined in a Feb. 20 article for The Washington Post: “Once a woman is singled out by a men’s rights group such as A Voice for Men…she is deluged with hatred. The barrage, in addition to scaring its target, serves as a warning to onlookers.” Female writers are not the only onlookers heeding the warnings. The most vulnerable in our society become even more powerless as they witness the most commanding voices become diminished under the thumb of intimidation. Even in the face of these new challenges, both Corrigan and O’Neal hope victims will begin to speak up more often and more loudly. Corrigan, also a sexual assault survivor, has used her experience “as a tool” to help others “know that it’s okay to talk about it.” “It is through NOT silencing the victims of sexual assault, but encouraging them to tell their truth that this issue will slowly change,” said O’Neal. Increased use of memory-inhibiting drugs and a dangerously vocal misogynistic fringe have empowered perpetrators with convenience and a twisted sense of righteousness. It’s been a long and complicated path of systemic issues that led to today’s troubling new reality. The path to a real solution may prove to be as complex and take far too long. The truth is that taking away the gun may not be so simple, but removing the silencer is the best first step. Until then, keep your friends close and your drinks covered. Stay safe. Contact NIK WOJCIK at NWojcik@DVCInquirer.com
news 4
Thursday, Dec. 10 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
calendar Tuesday, Jan. 5-7: Online registration by appointment beings for non-matriculated students (During Admissions and Records office hours) Friday, Jan. 8: DVC Basketball home games; Women’s game: 5:30pm - 8:30pm / Men’s game: 7:30pm - 10:30pm Monday, Jan. 11: Open registration for all students (During Student Services Center office hours) Friday, Jan. 22: CLASSES BEGIN (all day) Thursday, Feb. 4: Last day to add classes for spring semester of 2016 (all day)
police beat Tuesday, Nov. 24 DVC Library Complex As reported, a student was sleeping in the library when his backpack was stolen from beneath his feet. Tuesday, Dec. 1 DVC Parking Lot 2 A police report was filed after a vehicle was broken into on campus. Stolen property included an in-dash stereo, an iPod and wallet. There were no witnesses present. Wednesday, Dec. 2 DVC Library Complex A student’s bicycle was stolen from the library-area bike rack. Wednesday, Dec. 2 DVC Parking Lot 8 Bus Stop An unidentified subject was transported to County Hospital in Martinez for intoxication. Wednesday, Dec. 2 DVC Liberal Arts Building, LA 218 A student was given a Conduct Referral for pushing another student and taking their cell phone. The altercation was reportedly spurred on by a $2.00 debt. Monday, Dec. 7 DVC Music Building, M121 A student reported that a trumpet was stolen from the music building.
Millions march for change
Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders said in an interview with Yahoo’s Katie Couric in June that “If a million young people march on Washington they [say] to the Republican leadership, we know what’s going on, and you better vote to deal with student debt. You better vote to make public universities and colleges tuition free, that’s when it will happen.” Sanders also emphasized a need for a movement led by student activists calling for a plan to end the debt. The Million Student March was inspired by this comment and left college students all over the coun-
try wanting to make a difference in the student debt. Marchers focused on three economic goals: the right to free education, the elimination of current student debt, and the creation of better-paying jobs on campuses. The United States, had a total student debt of six-hundred million, according to a U.S. Consumer Protection Bureau figure reported by Reuters. March organizers say 58 percent of that is held by 25 percent of poor Americans. The average college graduate of 2015 has over $35,000 in debt. Average students should not have to be penalized by debt in order to improve their lives through education. Two weeks later, across seas the
Conference of Parties 21 (COP21) met in a highly anticipated gathering of all the nations to discuss regulations for climate change. Unfortunately the COP failed to find a solution to the on-going on issue. According to Bron Taylor, professor of religion and nature, environmental ethics and studies, University of Florida, “The United Nations Climate Change Conference will be held in Paris, France... the goal is a legally binding agreement by all the nations of the world to reduce and adapt to anthropogenic (human caused) climate disruption.” As the conference was occurring, members of Brandalism, a revolt group against corporate
control of the visual realm, took to covering Paris street’s in subversive artwork that call out the corporate takeover of the Conference. This is of course leading to the Billion Person march on Dec. 19. One in seven people in the world will be taking to the streets together as one movement orld War or Financial meltdown. Being primarily linked through the internet the objective of the Billion Person March is to focus on causing a power to shift the global narrative towards a sane sustainable future.
Contact ERICK MUJICA HERNANDEZ at EMujica@DVCInquirer.com
Chancellor Harris’ last meeting in Contra Costa JESSE SUTTERLEY News editor
In his final year as chancellor of the California Community College District, Dr. Brice W. Harris is still working tirelessly to find the shortcomings in the Community College System. In a lecture hosted by the Community College of California Leadership Imitative (4CDLI) Harris covered the challenges facing the system and how they are faring. The room was packed with 150 staff members from across the Contra Costa Community College District and the lecture was live streamed for those that could not attend. Helen Benjamin, who is in her eleventh year as the Chancellor for the Contra Costa District, introduced Harris and said he has “set us on a path to righteousness.” Harris began the lecture by discussing his optimistic outlook on the challenges that have been facing the Community College system since he has been at his position. “This system is really a quite healthy one, in spite of the challenges we face. We now enroll about 2.1 million students, and thankfully that number is up over last year,” Harris told the group. Harris also noted that the numbers have steadily risen since the economic crash in 2010 and 2011. “From our high water mark back in
THE INQUIRER Diablo Valley College 321 Golf Club Road, ATC-103 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 The Inquirer is published Thursdays during the school year by the Diablo Valley College journalism students. Unsigned articles appearing on the opinions page are editorials and reflect a two-thirds majority opinion of the editorial staff. Signed columns and cartoons are the opinions of the writer or artist and not necessarily those of The Inquirer, Diablo Valley College or Contra Costa Community College District.
2008-09 at about 2.6 million students, down to lower than 2.1 million students, was really a tragedy for all of us at community colleges,” Harris said. ”We got in this work because we believe in open access. If someone wants to benefit from an education, there ought be a place for them to go.” Making a point to talk about the necessity for a diverse teaching staff, he said, “A diverse faculty is a leader in success.” Harris also pointed out that the teaching staff will not be able to fully catch up with the diversity of the student body due to the higher rates of diversity in the K-12 student body. He believes that hiring someone based on their ability to effectively work with students from all different backgrounds should be a high priority. However, Harris made sure to end the lecture on a high note as he spoke of the success coming from Skill Builder Indicator. Harris mentioned that in the past two weeks a group working on a project developed a new tool to help make students become more successful. The data capture by the indicator is about 70 percent of the entire student population in California and 90 percent of the courses that are offered by community colleges. That leaves 30 percent of students outside the scorecard, and up until now they have all been considered failures. Those from the 30 percent that fit into the
Alejandro Ramos Katharine Hada Jesse Sutterley Fidel Ontiveros Marcel Scott Jacob Judd Cooper Mead Sarah Carr
Chancellor Harris addresses 4CDLI and DVC staff members in Martinez on Dec. 4 criteria for a Skill Builder program were students that were not seeking a degree or a certificate for transfer. They are generally older and in the workforce and are usually taking one or two Career Tech courses. Harris said, “What they found were 92,000 students that fit the bill and the average wage gain for taking one or two courses was 4,500. That’s a 420 million plus shot into the California economy.” Harris thanked the audience for attending, and told them that it’s “people like you who attend these leadership events that are shaping the future of California.” Contact JESSE SUTTERLEY at JSutterley@DVCInquirer.com
Staff SENIOR STAFF WRITERSMelanie Calimlim, Austin Lemak, STAFF MEMBERS Madeline Berry, Julianna Cardinale, Emily Fishbaugh, Soohyum Kim, Jung Min Lee, Pamela Levin, Erick Mujica, Tyler Newhouse, Sean Ross, Allison Roullier, Nic Wojcik, Erin Smith, Randy Taylor INSTRUCTIONAL LAB COORDINATOR Julius Rea ADVISER Mary Mazzocco
• Phone: 925.969.2543 • Email: inquirer@dvc.edu • Website: www.dvcinquirer.com • Printed seven times per semester •
news 5
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
New regulations may ground drones JESSE SUTTERLEY News Editor
registered once they reach the consumers hands. In a statement published in October, the Department of Transportation stated: “Without increased awareness and knowledge of The buzz of drones flying over neighborhoods may become the statutory and regulatory requirements for safe operation, common sooner than later. A Federal Aviation Administra- the risk of unsafe UAS (Unmanned Aircraft Systems) operation task force will recommend a basic set of requirements tions will only rise.” and a process for the registration of civilian drone users on The FAA website offers a tool kit for civilians who would Nov. 20. like to signify a “no drone zone.” The The FAA is responding to public condigital kit includes signs and logos for “By some estimates, cern about “hobbyists,” or civilian drone individuals to place on their home or to 700,000 new aircraft post on their website. Jake Allred, the operators, to register with the government due to privacy issues. The group could be in the homes of Environmental and Community Relatask force discussed the several issues tions department contact for Buchanan with civilian drone usage last week, in- consumers by the end of Airfield in Concord, told the Inquirer cluding a potential requirement to have in an email that “FAA has jurisdiction the year.” drone operators be educated on basic over an aircraft once they have left the safety rules during the registration proground, including drones or UAS.” ~MICHAEL HUERTA cess. Safety and proper use of unmanned FAA Administrator Throughout the country, individuals aircraft are of recent concern on DVC are worried about privacy issues regardcampus. At DVC, individuals can see ing drones, as reported by The Los Ansmall aircrafts fly over the campus almost geles Times. The potential of someone being able to fly up to every hour and, at the moment, it does not pose a problem residential windows with a camera or look over a backyard for students or staff. According to the FAA, decreased awarefence is very real. During the Nov. 3rd FAA Registration ness of drones could lead to a collision in a matter of time. Task Force Meeting regarding unmanned aircraft, FAA Ad“The County Airport has received some calls from UAS ministrator Michael Huerta addressed this issue. users about who they should contact to comply with new “By some estimates, 700,000 new aircraft could be in the rules, as well as a few calls from concerned residents about homes of consumers by the end of the year. This means un- drones being flown nearby,” Allred said. Similarly, DVC manned aircraft could soon far outnumber manned aircraft filmed a commercial over the summer on campus using a operating in our nation’s airspace,” said Huerta.With prices drone; the commercial made some of the staff uneasy. dropping and camera qualities rising, it seems that more “I’m not aware that we have a drone policy. If we did, I drones may be purchased in the coming years. In fact, the think I’d know about them, maybe we should. Consumer Electronics Association estimates that the global But they are new enough that there is not anything yet,” market for consumer drones will be $300 million by 2018. Chrisanne Knox, DVC’s Director of Marketing and ComBut all of those drones leaving the factory will have to be munications said.
A drone hobbyist takes a DJI Phantom out for a test flight on Nov. 10 in Martinez. According to Knox, even though there are not rules against it, a student shouldn’t be flying a drone on campus; the commercial was an exception because it was official school business. She also said that, if a new drone law passed, DVC would enforce it as soon as they heard about it. Contact JESSE SUTTERLEY at jsutterley@DVCInquirer.com
California bans concealed carry on college campuses PAMELA LEVIN Staff member
California added a new layer to its gun control laws last month when the governor signed legislation banning permitted concealed firearms on college campuses. Previously, California law made it illegal to have a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school or college campus, but had an exemption for those with concealed carry permits. In California, a county sheriff or police chief may issue a permit to a resident allowing him or her to carry a concealed weapon when certain requirements are met, including a background check and proof of 16-24 hours of training. Most of the 4,400 colleges and universities in the U.S. do not allow students to carry firearms on campus. There are 20 states that have adopted the “campus carry” ban. However, eight states allow carrying concealed weapons on college campuses and 23 states allow individual colleges and universities to make their own policy on this issue. Utah and Wisconsin stand alone with laws requiring colleges and universities to allow concealed carry, according to an article written by the National Conference of State Legislatures, Oct. 5. Since the Virginia Tech shooting in 2007, there has been an increase in the number of states allowing concealed carry on campuses. Just this year, lawmakers in 15 states have proposed 22 bills seeking less gun re-
strictions on campus. So far, only Texas has joined eight other states that will allow guns on campuses in 2016. Those who oppose conceal carry bans on college campuses argue that such laws violate Second Amendment rights, make law abiding citizens more vulnerable to armed criminals and permitted concealed weapons on campus are likely to deter violent crimes and reduce death and injury in mass shootings. Ann Mobley, a small business owner in Martinez and a member of the National Rifle Association criticizes the new law as “encroaching on our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.” She worries that colleges are “sitting ducks if they don’t have armed citizens with concealed carry permits.” Supporters of the new law contend that the dangers of guns on campus warrant restrictions on Second Amendment rights; at least one study shows that a person carrying a gun for self defense was 4.5 times more likely to be shot during an assault than someone without a gun. It is imprudent to introduce guns into college life, which typically includes alcohol, drug use and mental health issues. DVC’s Acting Director of Police, Safety and Emergency Services Chad Wehrmeister joins with other college police chiefs in supporting the new law. He reported, “Numbers have shown that less guns and dangerous weapons on campus generally make for a safer campus.” While the debate over gun laws rages,
PAMELA LEVIN / The Inquirer
Administration of Justice Department Chair Matthew Morrissey discusses the new ban on concealed carry on college campuses at his office on the DVC Campus on November l0, 2015. DVC Administration of Justice Department Chair Matthew Morrissey has concluded that laws alone may not be the answer to gun violence. In addition to addressing the root causes such as mental illness and drug and alcohol addiction, he suggested “the solution is that citizens have to take action,” citing the violent incident on the train in France thwarted by U.S. soldiers who hap-
pened to be passengers on the train, and the recent knife attack at UC Merced that was stopped by bystanders. At least one pro-gun organization, the Firearms Policy Coalition, has vowed to file a federal civil action challenging California’s new concealed carry law. Contact PAMELA LEVIN at PLevin@DVCInquirer.com
news 6 Will the smoking policy ever change? Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
Diablo Valley College has a standard campus smoking policy, which is not currently being enforced. – The Contra Costa Community College District Board Policy 2045, which states that smoking is prohibited in enclosed spaces, has not been revised since July 1999. The DVC smoking policy states that smoking will only be allowed in the (student) parking lots, in the hopes of “recognizing the rights of non-smokers to a reasonably smoke-free environment.” The state law also forbids smoking within 20-feet of all doorways and windows. Neither of those policies are currently being enforced. Acting Lieutenant of College Police and Safety, Kathryn McDonald commented, “The smokKATHARINE HADA / The Inquirer ing policy is not enforced by the DVC police, but is more of a code Students enjoy smoke break in designated area between the math and music buildings on DVC campus in Pleasant of conduct. Hill, Dec. 7.
“Smoking on campus has gotten out of control.” ~ADRIAN PADUA Biology major
If we were to see a student smoking in a non-designated area, we would ask them to put it out and remind them of the DVC policy,
like any school employee would do.” Students, however, have begun to speak up in protest. “Smoking on campus has gotten out of control,” Adrian Padua, a DVC biology major, told the Inquirer. “As a non-smoker walking to and from the parking lot, I don’t enjoy being followed by a huge puff of either a tropical scent or the smell of cigarette smoke. I understand people enjoy doing it,
but when it comes to other people’s health, smoking areas should be moved.” Similarly, Victoria Del Bino, DVC biology major said, “There should definitely be designated areas farther away from campus. I get that people sometimes need to smoke, but at least have the courtesy not to do it around busy sections around people who aren’t smoking.” The primary goal of our campus
smoking policy is to recognize the wishes of non-smokers, and give people who smoke the opportunity to do so without effecting those who do not. In 2013, the Associate Students of DVC President-elect, Sam Park, said that ASDVC had voted for a plan to moved the smoking areas and ashtrays farther away from campus, making the school smoke-free. Two years later, this plan has not
been pursued and nothing more has been done. These lines will continue to be blurry until the policy is acted upon in a stricter fashion. Until then, campus police and faculty will continue to enforce their code of conduct, and ask that any affected student do the same.
Contact ALLISON ROULLIER at ARoullier@DVCInquirer.com
College ensures accommodation after disability complaints ment are subject to a confidentiality agreement, Heiftez’s lawyer, Monica Castillo, confirmed that the settlement requires the Two legal settlements are requiring cam- District to add braille signage and adjust pus adjustments for disabled students at stair areas and doors. DVC. The Heifetz settlement requires that the This year, the Contra Costa County Com- agreed upon modifications to the buildings munity College District settled two federal at DVC be completed within five years. lawsuits alleging noncompliance with the The Griffin settlement calls for some of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) on the agreed upon work to be done within the DVC campus. eight months from the date of settlement Each of these settlements requires pay- and other parts of the work, which require ment of monetary damages to the plaintiffs state approval, to be completed within five and modifications to campus structures and years. classrooms. According to Tim Leong, the Need to Know District Director of Marketing Irving Griffin, who is Courtesy of MONICA CASTILLO wheelchair bound, filed his and Communications, the DisBoth lawsuits were action against the District trict is adhering to this timeline legal settlements, and has spent approximately Lawyer Monica Castillo a partner at law firm Sarrail, Castillo and Hall. in 2012 claiming that he was meaning that parties $75,000 on the work, so far. denied full and equal access the defendant operates a place of public able legal paths: 1) file an internal complaint reach a resolution to various campus facilities. The ADA requires colleges to accommodation and that plaintiff has been with the institution; 2) file a complaint with instead of the deci- make reasonable accommoda- denied that public accommodation by de- the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. DeThe settlement agreesion being left to the tions to provide students with fendant due to his or her disability. ment requires the District partment of Education or the Department court. to perform work to improve disabilities equal opportunities The defendant can lawfully refuse to of Justice; 3) attempt an informal resolution wheelchair access on camSome of the work to participate in academic pro- make the requested accommodations if they with a private mediator; or 4) file a lawsuit in pus. agreed upon by both grams and other college activi- would create undue financial hardship for the federal district court. The specific work required the institution, fundamentally alter the instiDVC’s Vice President of Student Servicparties in these cases ties. is outlined in a 55 page atThose accommodations can tution’s academic program or the requested es, Newin Orante urges the approximately need to be completed tachment to the settlement be academic adjustments, such accommodation is of a purely personal na- 1,500 students who are in DVC’s Disabled within five years. agreement. as longer time to take tests, ad- ture, such as assistance with eating. Student Services programs each semester, Shelby Heifetz, who is ditional services, such as providEnforcement of ADA requirements is “not to be afraid to ask questions so that we blind, filed her action against the District ing notetakers or interpreters, and making strictly “complaint driven” because there are can help them.” in October 2013, alleging inadequate braille physical changes to the campus. no government officials monitoring implesignage and resources, unsafe stairs and In order to make a claim under the ADA, mentation of the law. doors that shut too quickly. the plaintiff must show that he or she is disIf one wishes to file an ADA complaint, Contact PAMELA LEVIN at PLevin@DVCInquirer.com Although the specific terms of the settle- abled within the definition of the law, that he or she may follow any one of four availPAMELA LEVIN Staff member
features 7
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
‘Diary of Anne Frank’ continues to compel Photos by KATHARINE HADA / The Inquirer
Anne Frank, played by Tamara Hurwitz, writes in her diary in the DVC production of “The Diary of Anne Frank”.”
iablo Valley College’s drama department is prepared to leave the audience with wet eyes, reaching for tissues in their final fall production. “The Diary of Anne Frank” is entirely student directed and produced, weaving together the newly discovered documents from Anne Frank’s diary, as well as survivor accounts in a poignant two hour long dramatization. Tamara Tiner shines in her titular role as Anne. Her happy-go-lucky attitude and tenacity highlight the young girl’s ability to find light even in the darkest of situations. Director and DVC student, Jeremy Dorado, has been acting with DVC Drama for several semesters and was nominated for an Irene Ryan award in 2014 for his portrayal of Polonius in Hamlet. This will be his directorial debut for the drama department. The show, which is set in the DVC Arena Theater, draws audience in, fully embracing the circular stage, even extending the stage out into the audience in an effort to include viewers in the production. “The Diary of Anne Frank” opened Dec. 4 to a sold out crowd and will continue to run until Dec. 13. For ticket information, call the box office at 925-969-2358 or visit the website at dvcdrama. net. Contact KATHARINE HADA at KHada@DVCInquirer.com
“The Diary of Anne Frank,” above, cast shares an on stage hanukkah drink during a dress rehearsal at DVC in Pleasant Hill, Dec. 3. Right, Jessica Dahlgren and Cesar Garcia share a tender moment as Petronella and Hermann Van Daan.
features 8
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
ERIN SMITH / The Inquirer
City shines during holidays ERIN SMITH Staff member
With the holidays just around the corner it’s time to get into that good old holiday spirit. And what better way than heading out to San Francisco to behold the magic of the season.
$105. A Christmas Carol is running at the A.C.T. Geary Theater from Dec. 4 – Dec. 27. Come see Ebenezer get acquainted with all the various Ghosts of Christmas and revel in the lively performances and costumes. Tickets range from $25 – $115.
For the budget conscious: The Westfield Centre features a 3-D animated show under the 102 foot dome of the SF Ballets “Nutcracker,” all for free. It runs from Nov. 19 – Dec. 31, 5 p.m. to closing. Illuminate: SF Festival of Lights is a collection of 27 art installations by world renowned light artists that will bring the city to life from Nov. 26 – Jan 1. Free guided tours run through Dec. in various SF neighborhoods. It’s a great way to welcome back the Bay Bridge lights which return Jan. 30.
For the theater geek: The classic holiday tale of young Ralphie Parker and his quest for a Red Ryder Carbine 200-shot Range Model air rifle comes to life in A Christmas Story: The Musical. The show is playing at the SHN Orpheum from Dec. 9 – Dec. 13. Times and tickets are limited and tickets are priced at
The kiddos can tell their Christmas wishes and snap a photo with the big guy from Nov. 22 – Dec. 24 at The Westfield Shopping Centre on level 4, under the dome. Pre-order your photo package online and receive a fast pass to expedite your way to Santa’s lap.
For the eccentric: For the foodie: A definite stop during the cold winter months is the Buena Vista. They have been pouring out a perfect Irish coffee since 1952. With a rich history and breakfast served all day, it’s a great place to break away from the cold. The Fairmont Hotel erects a life sized gingerbread house in the main lobby. And while the enormous treat is not for eating, the annual “Gingerbread Tea Time” runs through Dec. 30, reservations are recommended.
SantaCon will be returning to the streets of S.F. to torment bartenders throughout the city for a day. Whip out that Santa suit and get your drink on as thousands of Santas and elves bar hop through the city. The meet-up is in Union Square, Dec. 12 at noon. The Cow Palace is transformed into Victorian London as Dickens’ novels come to life with elaborately costumed actors who interact with patrons. Several pubs, dining halls and shops are ready to be explored. The Dickens Faire runs for five weekends from Nov. 21 thru Dec. 20, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Tickets for weeks one thru three are $25, weeks four and 5 are $30. Children aged 5 – 12 are $12, while kids under 5 are free.
For the family friendly: Union Square ice rink is already open from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. with 90 minuet skating session starting on every even hour. Tickets are $11 for adults, $7 for children eight and under, and skate rentals are $6. The rink is to remain open through Jan. 18, 2016.
Contact ERIN SMITH at ESmith@DVCInquirer.com
features 9
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
MARCEL SCOTT/ The Inquirer
Briones Regional Park on a rainy day makes for the perfect hike. This trail begins at the Twin Canyon off of Pleasant Hill Road.
Fight cabin fever with scenic hikes Marcel Scott Opinion editor
inter: Traditionally a time to be holed up in a claustrophobic house with your family, while you sip your hot chocolate, and wear warm cozy festive sweaters. Fun, right!? No. Winter is the time to get outside, stick your face in the rain, snow or mud, and say, “I’m cold and dirty, but this is exquisite!” So to inspire your inner yeti, here’s a list of five Bay Area places, which are awe-inspiring and hopefully alluring enough for you to get on your mittens, and get outdoors this winter break. Also, they’re free! And don’t worry, that hot chocolate will be waiting for you when you get back home. Maybe. The Muir Woods A perfect place to go during the winter time: less foot traffic, surprisingly warm conditions, and a curious adventure of your own. It’s a perfect place to go on a rainy day, because the dense forest also makes a pretty good roof and insulator. You can thank the redwoods and valley, that the Muir Woods lie in between, for keeping you warm and, for the most part, dry, as you explore a precious California ecosystem full of unexpected paths. Personally I like to take the Dipsea Trail, which extends all the way to Stinson Beach. This trail gives you a little bit of everything:
a little elevation gain, a bit of forest, a strip of coast, and hopefully a couple of laughs in between. The Dipsea Trail is a seven-anda-half mile hike, so make sure to come prepared: water, food, rain jacket, sweater, and anything else you need for comfort. Mickey’s Beach Mickey! Mickey man, it’s been awhile since the last time we’ve crossed paths. You’re a prime rock-climbing spot for both routes and bouldering, but do you know what else you are? A nude beach…yeah…you’re a nude beach. So that’s the thing Mickey, you’re great, you have a lot of climbing routes ranging in difficulty, but what’s up with the old naked dudes constantly playing frisbee? Which, by the way, is fine because it’s their place to do as they please. But the positions they get themselves into! AHH! Anyways—I actually haven’t attempted this idea yet—but what usually keeps me away from rock-climbing at Mickey’s Beach is the amount of old naked guys. Which, if you’re into that, then it’s the perfect place for you, but if you’re not, then here’s the plan: go on a cold, relatively gloomy day, maybe a slight drizzle or chance of rain, and either explore, or rock-climb. If you rockclimb, you should absolutely go. Now if you don’t climb it’s also a pretty cool place to explore the California coast, and watch the wonders of erosion.
Warning: This plan might not work, and you may see naked old dudes…but if you’re into that, which is totally fine, you’ll feel right at home. Also, please do not climb the rocks if you don’t have the correct equipment, rock-climbing is inherently dangerous enough. Castle Rock State Park, Santa Cruz Sandstone boulders, beautiful Douglas firs, redwoods, and dense madrone forests are just some of the things you’ll see exploring Castle Rock State Park. A perfect place for rock-climbing, hiking, backpacking, and camping—regardless of what you do while you’re there, the Santa Cruz mountains are a great place to forget about your troubles for a day or two and have a mystical adventure. The Santa Cruz mountains, which rise up to 3,786 ft, are a Bay Area gem during the winter. Dense fog creates an illusion of mystery while hiking through the otherworldly trails of your choosing. They’re all great. Briones Regional Park A gorgeous place to explore anytime of the season, but winter is personally my favorite time. Less people, lush green grass, and oak trees that riddle the hilly slopes make for an amazing landscape. Rain also brings the chance for some much needed mud-sliding. Briones adequately satisfies your mud-sliding needs. Find any hill that has little vegetation on it—you don’t want
to kill any plants while doing this—bring a box and a change of clothes, and enjoy being a child again while sliding down your hill of choice. Gazos Creek Beach Right off of Highway one, Gazos Creek Beach sits overlooking the famous Pigeon Point Light Station off in the usually foggy distance. The beach makes for a great little stop and explore adventure while traveling along the historic Californian highway. I personally like to make a day excursion before ending up here. Usually I’ll spend the day in Santa Cruz getting into untold shenanigans, and then I’ll make my way back home, but stop to catch the sunset at Gazos Beach. It’s a scenic place already, with a tide pool, and an overlook that dramatically drops into the ocean—but with a good sunset on the ocean horizon—there’s really nothing better to end your day. Plus with a little cloud coverage overhead, you’ll spot orange and purple hues as the sun sets over the horizon. Bring a jacket, sweater, good friends, and your imagination. Have fun on your winter break, and I hope you enjoy some of these adventures. Please be safe while doing these activities, and embrace the rainy weather. Contact Marcel Scott at MScott@DVCInquirer.com
features 10
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
Grammy U comes to DVC SARAH CARR Staff member
The Recording Academy wants special events for Grammy U Diablo Valley College music ma- members in the Bay Area that help jors to get on board with Grammy offer education and insight on the U, a program designed specifically inner workings of the music infor ambitious students that are se- dustry. rious about working in music. “Soundchecks” are an example. Michael Winger, executive di- They are events that allow memrector of the San Francisco chap- bers to gain access to a specific ter of the National Academy of concert or show ahead of time to Recording Arts and Sciences, meet the artists and fire away any spoke with the Inquirer about the questions they want to ask them, Grammy U program and what the and witness the process of setting San Francisco chapter of the well- up a performance. renowned academy has in store for Sarah Lanning , the San Franpotential DVC members. cisco student representative for “Grammy U is a program, first Grammy U, also visited the camand forepus to speak most, to DVC stu“Grammy U is a program, to bring students about dents up to first and foremost, to bring the opporprofessional that students up to professional tunities level, and attending level...” everything the events that we do at offered to the academy DVC stu~MICHAEL WINGER is designed Executive director of the San Fransisco National dents if they Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences to keep peowere to beple, as far as come memour profesbers. sional development programming She explained the important is designed, to give current knowl- benefits of attending a Grammy U edge about the industry. We always event such as Soundchecks. try to find the folks that are doing “Soundcheck events are a way the most relevant, career-oriented to get the artist perspective of the work for our GU members,” he performance and allows them to said. attend part of their soundcheck Shelby Fabianac, the DVC before the show. It gives us all a Grammy U ambassador, helped chance to interview the artist bedirect the exclusive campus visit to fore the show, or the band. We ask help inform the music students of our GU members for any questhe program, and also encouraged tions they hope to have answered students to join. during the soundcheck Q&A, and The recording academy hosts we pull a list of the questions that
SARAH CARR / The Inquirer
Grammy U program presents in the DVC campus music building, Nov. 12 appeal the most to all the GU members and the artists answer right in front of us. It’s like an open forum. It’s a fun event.” The most current Soundcheck event is being hosted at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in SF, with the electronic music duo Odesza. “It ties together all of the available careers in the industry into one event,” Lanning said. The Grammy U program is specifically for music students, majoring in a music program that ranges from any field. All music-related areas are welcomed to the program such as be-
ing a music industry studies major, audio engineering, music business, and beyond. Lanning explains “We really want to try and get members who are studying music.” The music industry is a confusing, fast-paced, and competitive industry that can be intimidating if attempting alone. Success is more difficult to achieve within the field than many others. Michael Winger provided advice to the DVC students when asked by the Inquirer, proving that when joining forces with passionate and skilled peers, the music industry is
far more manageable. “Joining Grammy U is a really great start. It’s very much based on who you connect with. Whether that’s finding fellow artists to perform with, or it’s people who are more experienced and know the industry well. All of those connections are very easily made with the Grammy U program. Besides from that, just get out there and do something. Find out whatever it is that you are trying to do, and try it. Don’t be afraid to fail,” said Winger. Contact SARAHCARR at SCarr@DVCInquirer.com
Fashion provides relief for assault victims Spa. Prizes included jewelry, wine, spa packages and movie passes. The grand prize was an Apple watch. One Bread, a non-profit organization Faith Alpher, a radio personality on that aims to help victims of sex and hu- KKIQ and KKDV, filled in as Emcee. man trafficking, partnered with Oak Park She kept the audience engaged throughChristian Center to put on a fashion out the event as it shuffled from fashion show benefit, Saturday Nov. 21. show to awarding prizes. “It really is to get awareness of our “We want to get people involved,” said organization. It’s not about making mon- Bernal. ey,” said David Bernal, One Bread’s CEO, He emphasized the need for volunthis past Saturday teers and people Nov. 21 at the first “It really is to get awareness willing to spread Annual Fashion of our organization. It’s not the anti humanShow Benefit. trafficking mesabout making money.” It was a lightsage. “We need to hearted event focus on introduc~DAVID BERNAL showcasing curing and rehabilitatOne Bread CEO rent fall fashions ing children back and trends courinto mainstream tesy of Francesca’s, a women’s boutique society.” located in Lafayette. Bernal also spoke about the organizaThe outfits ranged from casual wear tions unique shopping model. One Bread to dresses worthy of a night out on the doesn’t ask for donations out right, rathtown. Fall trends such as layering, flannel er they primarily use internet marketing. and deep jewel tones were wonderfully For example, the companies online showcased by the models. store can be accessed through Amazon’s Raffle tickets were available for pur- website, provided on One Bread’s web chase ranging from $1 – $15. People who page, where all purchases contribute to purchased $15 worth received a row of supporting the victims. tickets as long as they were tall. Alpher commented, “It is truly exThe prizes won were supplied by gen- traordinary for a company to not ask for erous vendors such as BevMo, Lafayette donations. That’s a big deal. It is a great Farmers Market, and TJ’s Salon and Nail way to help the cause.” ERIN SMITH Staff member
NIC WOJCIK / The Inquirer
Model shows fall fashion from Francesca’s of Lafayette at Oak Park Christian Church, Nov. 22
NIC WOJCIK / The Inquirer
Rosalba Reutzel, treasurer of One Bread, highlighted how it was all possible with the help of the community. “We’re so grateful for all of the help.” One Bread hopes to continue bringing the community together through events like the fashion show in order to help people in need. Contact ERIN SMITH at ESmith@DVCInquirer.com
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Exploring journalism? – Sign up for JRNAL 124, Fundamentals, or JRNAL 128, Portfolio Development Majoring in journalism? – Sign up for JRNAL 120, Newswriting Techniques, and JRNAL 126, News Production
sports 12
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
Women’s lacrosse program will start in spring ALLISON ROULLIER Staff member
Ravazza, 20, said, “Calen is a very strongwilled and motivated person that can convince anyone to join while still having fun Women’s lacrosse has now made an offi- with it at the same time. Even though she cial mark on Diablo Valley College, courtesy doesn’t think of herself as a leader I know a of current student and player, 19-year-old lot of the girls look up to her, including me.” Calen O’Neill. Susan O’Neill, Calen’s mother, said, “I am DVC has tried in the past to create a so proud of Calen for deciding to take acwomen’s lacrosse team, but attempts were tion and make a difference. When she found never accepted until this year, when O’Neill out there was no Women’s Lacrosse program created an organizational meeting and booth at DVC, she was both disappointed and inin the quad to encourage women to sign up. censed. That combo has turned out to be a “What changed good one.” was the amount of “Calen is a very strong-willed O’Neill showed girls we got to beand motivated person that interest in lacrosse come interested in when she was a freshcan convince anyone to join man in high school, the program. On Viking’s Day while still having fun with it and played Defense we got around 50 and Defensive-Wing. at the same time. ” girls to sign up, and Sophomore year she enough of them was brought up to ~MICHELLE RAVAZZA stuck around to varsity after only Lacrosse teammate prove that there was playing for one year a big enough interest prior. in lacrosse,” said O’Neill. However, beginning of the season her juAccording to O’Neill, the lacrosse pro- nior year, O’Neill sprained her left knee. gram will have an experimental class on how She was out for the entire season, unable to play the sport, which will begin in the to return until the finals in North Coast Secspring. tion, when she unfortunately injured the The class is currently providing stick work same knee again with an ACL tear. and conditioning practices a few times a She was out for most of her senior year as week, and on weekends to prepare for the well due to this injury. Even with all these upcoming season. obstacles, she still decided to stay by her Friend and fellow teammate Michelle teams’ side and support them. Advertisement
Calen O’neill is on path to starting up the Women’s Lacrosse team at DVC. “I am amazed at how much initiative and maturity she has shown during her journey with this sport up until now to bring Women’s Lacrosse to DVC. She has been the driving force behind all of it and I am just blown away,” said O’Neill’s mother.
O’Neill’s future definitely looks bright, and whatever she decides to do, she will do it with determination, passion, and strength. Contact ALLISON ROULLIER at ARoullier@DVCInquirer.com
Athletic teams rallying for spring semester JULIANNA CARDINALE Staff member
Spring sports at Diablo Valley of 9-27. DVC men’s swimming College are looking forward to a expect to continue their dominew season to showcase nance from last season their skills. after winning the Big 8 After losing only five and coming in 2nd at games the whole seathe State Championson and finishing fourth ships. in the state last season, Women’s swimming women’s basketball looks also did well in the Big to show the Big 8 that 8 and came in 3rd place they can continue to be at the State Championa dominating force. ships last season. Men’s basketball is Having good seasons Coach Steve striving to have better last year, men’s tennis Coccimiglio finished with a record results this season after finishing last season with of 8-6 and women’s fina record of 17-13. They are off to ished at 10-5. a good start so far with a record Hoping to continue their winof 5-3. ning mentality, both teams qualiVikings softball ended last sea- fied for the CCCAA Team Reson at 32-11, and hope to make gionals last season. Coming off a it past round two of the Super Re- great season, track and field look gionals after being eliminated last to reach the State Championships season. once again. These teams will use Vikings baseball look to bounce the previous season to motivate back from having a down year, them into all star winners this upfinishing last season with a record coming spring. Contact JULIANNA CARDINALE at JCardinale@DVCInquirer.com
opinions 13 Red, white and blahh Thursday, Dec. 12, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
Buzz What are some of your holiday traditions?
BIANCA ROCHE, 19 Theology
“Just family. I hang out with family and skiing, making gingerbread houses.” Graphic illustration by JESSE SUTTERLEY
CASEY RIGGA, 19 Broadcasting
“I eat food for sure. Go to grandma’s house and spend time with family and party.”
KYLE SERAME, 24 Media & Cultural Studies
“I spent thanksgiving with family. I go to L.A. for Christmas to visit family.”
PATRICK WONG, 24 Biochemistry
“There’s this thing called a fire gift. Every year someone gives a gift that symbolizes fire, like a lighter or flint. And the person that gets it gives it next year.”
NATHAN HAWKE, 19 Music and Psychology
“Every two years I go to the Philippines to visit my moms side of the family.” Interviewed by: Erin Smith Photographed by: Julianna Cardinale
Let’s make this very, very clear. around the world use it! Just We are one people—one planI hate social media. In some ways because you and your friends et—we need to remember we it represents the fall of intelli- wouldn’t have used the Lebanese are more alike than we want to gence and critical thinking. flag does not mean it doesn’t acknowledge. It is definitely the beginning need to be offered as an option Claire Bernish sums up the of a monoculture and the great for those who would. misguided solidarity in an article hive mind of 20-somethings You wouldn’t see me sitting written for Antimedia saying, watching seven second Vine vid- here complaining if they offered “Without question, I mourn for eos, posting everything they are every flag just in the world as a Paris’ recent victims and their doing to a wall default so that families... besides victims in Paris, where no one you can show an incomprehensibly astronomic really cares to support for number of people have been read. any country grieving loss of the highest order Social Meyou would like. for some time—in places whose dia is the Although names roll off our tongues as if death of origplacing the it’s accepted that violence simply inal thought flag over your happens there—and a majority and I can’t face on a web- likely couldn’t guess the colors stand it. site does noth- on these victims’ flags.” I’m sure ing for anyone. Terrorism and tragedy affect many of you I have people all over the world, but it are sick of seen count- seems as though it is only when it hearing your less posts happens in the West that anyone Facebook with someone pays attention. JESSE SUTTERLEY friends, that claiming their But as Bernish points out in News editor you haven’t boyfriend’s her article, the problem is in the held a conyounger sis- stereotypical assumption that versation with ter’s best car bombings and mass shootfor months, claiming you’re rac- friend spent a semester in France ings happen in the Middle East ist because you don’t care or and so they feel connected to the everyday. know about the events that are people of France. Please, just Although it may happen more happening outside of Europe stop. frequently than in western counand the United States. tries the lives of those But I am not here to affected are not any less “I’m sorry, Kelly, shame you for that. Do important. but in case you were not aware: your own research and If you really want to inform yourself. That do something to help Facebook is a is not the point of this the people of Paris, doglobal website. Therefore people nate money to help! article. Rather, I am lookThe three separate all around the ing at those that have Kickstarter profiles for world use it.” plastered the french families of the Paris flag across their profile attacks are looking for pictures and post “Pray contributions totaling for Paris” which equates to “I Are they really posting the flag $18,000. am literally doing nothing for the to show support? However, the largest donation people affected.” Or to prove to their 200 Face- I have seen is $25 made by two In an article written on Me- book friends that they care, backers! dium.com, Emma Kelly wrote, shouting, “Hey look at me! That’s only two people who “I have noticed several stories Guys! Guys look at me, I care are actually trying to do someon sites, including national news and know about stuff going on thing to help in the wake of the site, Metro, asking why Mark in the world!” attacks. Zuckerberg didn’t offer a LebaNow, it’s not that showing And you sit there with the flag non flag profile pic filter....But support for a tragedy that’s the on your profile claiming that it be 100 percent honest with your- bad thing. Attending memori- raises awareness. self—would you have used it? als or candle light vigils can be a One flag filtered profile Of course not.” very humbling experience. photo=one prayer? Give me a I’m sorry, Kelly, but in case But by putting the flag over break. you were not aware: Facebook is your profile picture, you are only a global website. focusing on one small portion of Contact JESSE SUTTERLEY at JSutterley@DVCInquirer.com Therefore, people from the world.
Rethink your period From crocheted tampons to bulky pads and menstrual cups, women have always had to be careful with what menstruation products to use during their time of the month. With the current issues of manufacturers not disclosing all of the materials used in making their tampons because they are considered “medical products,” there have been qualms as to what women are actually putting inside of their bodies. Alternatives to tampons can get a bit messy. Pieces of a menstrual sponge can remain in the vagina and cause the growth of bacteria resulting in Toxic Shock Syndrome, a rare but fatal bacterial infection. Menstrual cups are complicated, and pads are bulky and unaccommodating for all underwear types.
MELANIE CALIMLIM Senior staff member
Now there is a more modern invention for women: Period panties called THINX. This underwear looks just like any sleek panty a woman would wear, available in a range of styles. There are pairs for lighter and heavier days, which can hold up to two tampons worth of blood. According to the THINX website, depending on the underwear that best fits your flow, it isn’t necessary to change throughout the day because of an ultra thin absorption layer that retains the liquid, keeping you dry. THINX panties may be a bit more hygienic, because they do not have to be inserted inside, decreasing the risk of an infection. They contain an anti-microbial application of silver thread and other fibers which fight bacteria. THINX underwear are also quite manageable, just put them in the cold wash and hang dry just like any other panty. Although they are a bit costly, ranging around $30 or so, the pros of buying a pair are plentiful. With the taxes women have to pay for necessary monthly menstrual products, investing in a pair of THINX underwear may be a beneficial alternative in the long run. Contact MELANIE CALIMLIM at MCalimlim@DVCInquirer.com
opinions 14
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
Lack of diversity in news brings the blues I’ve noticed that a certain trend Lebanon as much as Paris. While there was certainly an is on the rise. It’s troubling that I see it happening all over social element of bias (especially in the media and yet no one seems to be case of corporate news organizatalking about it. What’s worse is tions like Fox News and CNN), there was also the fact that most the media isn’t covering it either! of us found out Okay, I’m “We take in what our about these atjust going to come out and friends like and share tacks through social media, say it: I’m tired as the only news instead of by of people saying accessing news “the media isn’t that’s happening in sites. covering (insert the world.” The problem issue here)!” is that we’ve It happened after the recent terrorist attacks gotten so used to having the news that happened in Paris and Leba- come to us – via status updates non. We saw an abundance of and shared posts on social media posts and articles about Paris flood – that we don’t look for it ourFacebook and Twitter but very few selves.When big events happen, about Lebanon. As a result, posts we wait for updates to show up on started popping up shaming news Twitter and Facebook. We take in organizations for not talking about what our friends like and share as
the only news that’s happening in hand, we end up discussing why the world. What it comes down the media is biased and untrustto is the fact that we are illiterate worthy – which, for the most part, are untrue statewhen it comes ments. So we to the readchange the story ing for news and talk about sources, and so the wrong thing we blame the when we say, news for not “The media isn’t giving us the talking about news, instead of ourselves for Lebanon!” It’s not seeking the disgraceful and real news out in disrespectful to the first place. the victims and It’s a statethe journalists. ment that I won’t be the holds back acfirst or the last ALEJANDRO RAMOS tual conversaperson to tell you Editor-in-Chief tions on curthat the media rent events that is, in fact, coverare happening around the world. ing the issue you’re worried about. Instead of focusing on the topic at There are thousands of journalists
Graphic illustration by WESLEY IHEZUE
working hard out in the middle of things to make sure the people know about the issue they’re in charge of reporting on. Otherwise you wouldn’t know about it in the first place. I understand we live in a confusing time. There is so much information being pushed on us through so many different channels that it is hard to sit down and “read the news.” What news organizations should you trust? What issues should you focus on? How much is enough news for one day? It’s a lot to think about. But it’s important we break out of this undereducated cycle and become active consumers of the news again. We need to get out of our newsfeeds and read the news. Contact ALEJANDRO RAMOS at ARamos@DVCInquirer.com
Too much repetition in nihilist media News sucks. I don’t know if I just made a prediction, Every week, top-stories sound the same— or if that’s just the mundane order of top the writer or report’s news articles—caught in name being the only a riptide of perpetual rething that differs. petitiveness. Mass shootings, terEven this article is sturorism, ISIS, Trump, pid...it’s, like, totally been Carson, Gun Control, done before. Police brutality, Climate I’m also cashed, just Change: Are all topics like the news. I’m sick of that dominate the headrepeating myself, I’m sick lines. of the news repeating itIt’s becoming prediself. cable. I feel like there’s no Here’s next week’s point in saying my stance news for you: Trump says on gun control, even something racist, Carthough that’s front page MARCEL SCOTT son says something stunews right now, because Opinions editor pid, ISIS are dicks, Gun I’ve already talked about Control argument, tragic my stance on gun control. mass shooting, Climate Change is causing Trump isn’t worth even a fraction of time, polar bear’s to lose their penile bones...seri- and the same goes for Carson. ously, that’s a thing...look into it… Police brutality is maybe worth a thought,
but what’s the point when I can’t solve anything? What am I going to add that hasn’t already been said a million times. I’ve already spilled my two cents on mass shootings, but look what good that did. Essentially, what I’m saying is, I’m useless talking about these topics. I can’t add anything that hasn’t already been said a million times—neither can CNN, Newsweek, Fox, MSNBC, Vice, The New Yorker, NPR, PBS, BBC, Al Jazeera, The New York Times, etc. It’s all becoming the same thing anyways. As the Opinion editor, I feel an obligation to discuss these topics. They’re important issues. But the real news is that nothing is being done to solve any of these issues. So, if nothing gets done, then what’s the point of protesting against them anymore. My voice is already out there. And now, at this point of my article, I’m supposed to give you some solution, some thought or idea, to resonate with you, to help you feel a little better about a subject.
But guess what? I got nothing for you. I’ll leave you, until I come back in the spring, with a few words on topics that I could’ve written on: • • • • • •
Mass Shootings: Damn-it. Terrorism: Really? ISIS: Stop dude. Trump: Nice hair, bad teeth. Carson: You make no sense. Gun Control: Nationwide isn’t on your side. • Police brutality: Stop abusing power. • Climate change: Shit’s happening. • Racism: Still a thing. • Islam: Keep doing you. • Radicals: Stop doing you.
Contact MARCEL SCOTT at MScott@DVCInquirer.com
editorial 15
Thursday, Dec. 10, 2015 - Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2016
Journalists not welcome
Student protesters muddle their message with ban
ore than 50 years ago, Malcolm X criticized the media, saying, “It will make the criminal look like he’s the victim and make the victim look like he’s the
far to the opposite extreme, shutting all media out, and thereby eliminating coverage altogether. Footage from the #ConcernedStudent1950 protests at the University of Missouri shows a journalism faculty criminal.” member angrily telling journalists they This fall, students concerned about the can’t be in public spaces and can’t exercise treatment of minorities on campus re- their First Amendment rights. visited this critique, shutting the media Calls for a “safe space” to have a public out of protests at University of Missouri, discussion of important issues shouldn’t Loyola University in Chicago and Clare- come with demands that deny those mont McKenna Colrights to anyone, in“Theoretically, protesters lege in Southern Calicluding the media. It fornia, among others. and media should have sets a nasty precedent Borrowing ideas that that would lead to a symbiotic relationship. refer back to the Stumedia coverage that is Students create news dent Nonviolent Coeven more biased. ordinating Committee Theoretically, prostories, media covers it, of the 1960’s, protesttesters and media everyone is happy. ers have begun taking should have a symbiTheoretically.” matters into their own otic relationship. Stuhands. dents create news stoBy choosing to photograph and tweet ries, media covers it, everyone is happy. about protests themselves—they take Theoretically. matters into their own hands—eliminatRealistically, the relationship between ing the media all together. They have be- protester and media has become much gun demanding answers to a simple ques- like a game of chicken. If neither side is tion: Why should we allow the media in willing to find common ground, the situif they distort our image and reduce us to ation will only get worse. cultural clichés? The media need to achieve racial balSome facts are on the students’ side. ance both in the workplace and in news According to the annual census conduct- coverage, and protesters need to acknowled by the American Society of News Edi- edge our credibility and respect our right tors, minority groups represent a measly to cover public events. 10.4 percent of US journalists, which But until one side makes the first move, could contribute to minority issues being we will be stuck perpetuating the same underrepresented or misrepresented. racial issues as those that have come beBut the protesters’ response pushes too fore us.