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Dv8 Sussex aims to create an environment in which students and staff feel safe and protected. We have a duty to safeguard our students from a number of risks which include: sexual abuse and inappropriate relationships, physical and emotional abuse or neglect, domestic violence, bullying, self-harm and victimisation due to race, sexual orientation, faith,gender, gender identity, age, marital status or disability If you are affected byany of theseissues, or are concerned about someone else, we recommend you speak to you tutor or a member of the student support team


Please note, members of staff will not be able to promise to keep something confidential or a secret if they feel your safety is at risk and there may be times where we have to tell someone else about what you have told us We will discuss this with you first however This will happen if we think or are told that:

1You, or other(s) are experiencing (or at risk of experiencing) emotional harm, sexual harm, physical harm or neglect.

2If we think that something you have told us may compromise, threaten or undermine the safety or security of learners, Dv8 staff or property.

If you ’ re worried about your safety or the safety of a friend call Student Services team or email n.lombardo@londonlc.org.uk who on of the Designated Safeguard Leads.


Scan here to report a concern you have for yourself or another student

If you’re worried about your own or another person ’ s immediate safety and you think you/they may be significant risk of harm, please speak to any member of staff straight away.

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