Penalties You Will Face For a Domestic Violence Penalties In Nevada.
Domestic Violence Penalties Nevada Domestic Violence penalties are based on a minimum-maximum system and become more severe based on the nature of your Domestic Violence offense. For instance, the penalties for your first Nevada Domestic Violence offense are not as severe as the penalties you would face for a second or third Domestic Violence offense. Additionally, Domestic Violence charges and penalties become more severe if your offense involved a weapon, strangulation, substantial harm or obviously death.
Penalties You Will Face For A Domestic Violence Conviction In Nevada. • Domestic Violence Penalties – First Offense (Misdemeanor) • Domestic Violence Penalties – Second Offense (Misdemeanor) • Domestic Violence Penalties – Third Offense (Category C Felony)
Domestic Violence Penalties – First Offense (Misdemeanor) Minimum 2 Days in Jail 48 Hours of Community Service
Maximum 6 Months in Jail 120 Hours of Community Service
$200 Fine $1,000 Fine Domestic Violence Counseling (one class per week Domestic Violence Counseling (one class per week (at least 1½ hours) for 6 Months) (at least 1½ hours) for 12 Months)
$35 Administrative Assessment Drug/Alcohol Abuse Counseling (Court’s discretion)
Domestic Violence Penalties – Second Offense (Misdemeanor) A DV Charge is enhanced to “second offense” if a prior DV conviction was received in the preceding 7 years. Minimum 10 Days in Jail 100 Hours of Community Service
Maximum 6 Months in Jail 200 Hours of Community Service
$500 Fine $1,000 Fine Domestic Violence Counseling (one class per week (at least 1½ hours) for 12 Months) $35 Administrative Assessment Drug/Alcohol Abuse Counseling (Court’s discretion)
Domestic Violence Penalties – Third Offense (Category C Felony) A DV Charge is enhanced to “third offense” if 2 prior DV convictions were received in the preceding 7 years.
1 Year in Prison
5 Years in Prison
No Fine
$10,000 Fine
$35 Administrative Assessment Drug/Alcohol Abuse Counseling (Court’s discretion)
CONTACT US Domestic Violence Lawyer Las Vegas Dale A. Hayes Jr Call :- (702) 656 0808 Address :- 4735 S Durango Dr, Las Vegas Nevada 89147 USA