1 minute read

Save lives by doing only three things

Writer: Hedda Mittner.

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to cut a blazing path through our communities, we are now at the point where many of us know people who have contracted Covid-19. Some of us even know people who have died. They are not just statistics, but people with names, faces, families and friends.


After months of relative calm and a slow increase in new daily cases, the numbers are soaring all over the country and the reality is sinking in that we are all at risk. Now is not the time for ‘Corona fatigue’. It is easy for us to pretend that the danger has gone away because the shops and restaurants have reopened and people are back on the streets.

While this is a welcoming sight, we need only look at what is happening in the US to see the dire consequences of reopening businesses and getting back to our ‘normal’ lives, while ignoring the importance of safety measures such as social distancing and the wearing of masks. It is possible to engage in more activities – and vital for our local economy that we do so – but only if we continue to be vigilant.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 8)

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