1 minute read

Is your glass half empty or half full?

Writer: Hélène Truter.

Yes. It's a shitty situation. Try saying that when you're drunk (which probably includes about 80% of the population.) In retrospect, 2020 has been a unique Leap Year. It had 29 days in February; 100 days in March; with April, May and June spread over five years. How many more weeks in the month of July?


I don't know, my brain can't compute the numbers being thrown around these days. One hundred billion stolen... Three trillion in debt... How many zeros are we talking here? Nevermind, it's a rhetorical question.

However, there's hope, folks. We may be living in unprecedented times (I so hate that overused word) but three fundamental truths will never change: 1) A buttered slice of bread will always land on its buttered face. 2) Incompetence has always been the ‘new normal’. 3) There is no vaccine for Stupid (Sorry, Donald). If you can accept these three truths, your life will be so much easier.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 6)

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