1 minute read

Let’s hand it to you this Valentine’s!

Writers: Lindi Prinsloo & Dr Michelle Emett, Refine Clinic Hermanus.

Have you ever heard the saying, “If you want to really know a woman’s age, look at her hands”? The hands are often amongst the first areas of the body that show off old age.


They are also highly visible in almost everything we do in daily life. One can hide a few extra kilograms with clever clothing and well-applied make-up can make you look years younger, but neglected hands will certainly give away your age. In fact, your hands should get as much attention as your facial care to help prevent the tell-tale signs of ageing.

Hand ageing is characterised by a loss of tissue volume and elasticity of the skin, which can increase the visibility of tendons, veins, and bones on the back of the hand. Additionally, years of exposure to UV rays and other free radicals cause the skin on the hands to appear spotted, dull, wrinkled, and/ or crêpey.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 19)

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