1 minute read

Support sula bag project

Writer: Anina Lee.

On any day of the week the Youth Café in Zwelihle is a hive of activity. Volunteers are helping to provide meals for the needy and a group of ladies is busily sewing ‘sula bags’. The name comes from the fact that the bags provide ‘inSULAtion’ of the contents, either hot or cold. The principle is the same as the ‘wonderbox’ of the 1970s.


If used for cooking, the pot is brought to the boil and then placed in the sula bag where it works like a slow cooker and stays hot long enough to completely cook the food in the pot. It is especially suitable for stews, soups, samp, rice, curry and offal. Not only can the food not burn or start a fire, but the greatest advantage is in cost saving. Using the sula bag saves around three hours of cooking fuel, whether it be electricity, paraffin or gas – all of which also contribute to climate change.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 11)

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