The Village NEWS 23 Dec - 5 Jan 2021

Page 7


23 December 2020

Hermanus has talent! H

ermanus is known for its whales, wines and its beaches, but on Wednesday night the audience at the ‘Hermanus Has Talent’ competition, held in the amphitheatre at the Hermanus Waterfront, discovered something else. There is a depth of artistic talent hidden amongst the young people in the Overstrand and it needs to be nurtured. Chad Hendriks, an alumni of Hermanus High School, is a talented music producer and Beat artist and his passion in life is to encourage the youth in Hermanus to develop their creative gifts.

Dep Mayor Elnora Gillion, Levi Levels Lewis (3rd), Producer Chad Hendriks, Rudairo Mudarikwa (1st), Maryke Hoogenboezem, Cllr Charmaine Resandt (judge), Janine Neethling (judge), Kerwin Baatjies (judge). Front: Starlieto (special prize), Undeground Kings (2nd). PHOTO: Earl Maree

Together with his partner, Maryke Hoogenboezem, they produced their first talent competition last week under strict Covid-19 protocols. Judging by the positive feedback received they will definitely be repeating this competition next year. The judges, Janine Neethling, Kerwin

Baatjies and Cllr Charmaine Resandt were delighted with the youthful talent in our region. The bulk of the contestants wrote their own music, lyrics and poetry, and choreographed their own routines. There were 10 finalists and the winners were: 1st: Rudairo Mudarikwa (Praise Poet). She won a Reel Productions video shoot, a Sorbet Voucher and 2 x movie tickets. 2nd: Underground Kings (Rap). They won a recording session, a Spur voucher and 4 x movie tickets. 3rd: Levi Levels Lewis (Beatboxing). He won a Performance Coaching session with Ian von Memerty, a Mugg & Bean voucher and 2 x movie tickets. A special prize was awarded to Starlieto, who won a photoshoot from Delight Photography and 2 x movie tickets. “As a member of the judging panel, my greatest joy was sharing knowledge and giving input to the contestants during the auditions and then seeing on show day who had implemented that input,”

said Janine Neethling, a multi-award winning musical director, pianist and composer for South African theatre and television. “As part of their prizes, the top 3 contestants are receiving professional input, whether it is an online coaching session with Ian von Memerty, a studio recording session or the creation of a video of their original work. The hunger and need for training and constructive input is huge.” At the end of the prize-giving the judges expressed the hope that ‘Hermanus Has Talent’ will grow to such a degree that workshops will be held leading up to the competition, led by industry professionals who would help these youngsters grow as artists. In years to come this show could reveal South Africa’s next performing sensation. The organisers would like to thank the following sponsors: Food Lover’s Market, Creation Wines, Sorbet Salon, Spur, Mugg & Bean, Whale Coast Theatre, Reel productions, Curro Hermanus and Earl Imagery. - Ann Wright


Of banana trees and Christmas

Thank you for supporting Hospice

Forty odd years ago I knew nothing about bananas. Moving into a new home in Amanzimtoti I was thrilled to find young banana trees in the garden.

The Hospice Shop is happy to report that as we approach the end of this historic year, we have survived and have safely kept our doors open for the Hermanus community. Our customers have generally been most patient while waiting in the queues, which have now become a regular feature. Depending on how the pandemic develops, this Covid-19 protocol could be with us for some time. We thank our customers who wear their masks and who attempt to keep a safe physical distance whilst in the shop.

They produced splendid purple flowers at the top of their stems and magnificent bunches of delicious bananas. We had bananas for breakfast, lunch and supper, baked banana bread, gave bananas away… we went, well, bananas. Then, horrors! The banana trees began to lean over and wilt. I propped them up with wooden poles, weeded all around them, watered them, treated them with fungicide. I pleaded with them not to die. But they died anyway. Devastated, I asked an agricultural friend: “How do I stop my banana trees dying?” “Cut them down.” “What!” “While they are dying, new shoots come up at the base, then you chop the old trees down.”

righteousness and praise to spring up. Remarkably, this verse was composed in the rubble of Jerusalem, ruined by Babylonians decades before, its inhabitants exiled to Babylon. Their children, now returned, asked, “Do we rebuild the past, or something new?” Isaiah chose the new: Good news for the oppressed, healing, liberty, gladness, restitution. Fast forward 500 years to Thessalonica in Macedonia. The locals think the world is ending; things can’t go on as they are. That may be, writes St Paul (1 Thessalonians: 5), we don’t know; it will be like “a thief in the night”. So what to do? St Paul says, “Let us not fall asleep...let us keep awake...we belong to the day... we arm ourselves with faith, love and hope...encourage one another and build each other up.” Every ending contains the green shoots of new beginnings.

That’s what I did. New shoots appeared. Saying goodbye to the old trees, I cut them down. The next season we ate bananas again.

John (John 1: 19ff ) was known for baptising people preparing for renewal. If John the Baptist had lived in KZN he might have said: “Don’t look for new bananas on old banana trees… look for new shoots.”

The book of Isaiah, Chapter 61 vs 11 says: For as the earth brings forth its shoots, and as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring up, so the Lord will cause

For Christians at Christmas the new shoot is a baby. Rev Tim Attwell, Betty’s Bay

Our donors have continued to support

us and each day the shop is blessed by somebody dropping off a bag of goods for resale. We will still be able to collect donations by prior arrangement with Petro in the shop (Tel 028 313 1884). Please note the shop will close at 11:00 on Thursday 24 December and will reopen on Monday 4 January at 09:30. The Board and staff of Overstrand Hospice wish all our benefactors, donors and customers a blessed Christmas and healthy 2021. To all our patients and their families, may the New Year be filled with peace, love and hope. Overstrand Hospice Shop

Overstrand Whale Boxing Club Raffle After many months of delay due to lockdown restrictions our raffle for the 2-seater canoe was drawn by Natalie Munroe (Food4Love) at the Hermanus Country Market on 19 December. The lucky winner was Pennie Wieffen, a local resident. Many thanks to the donor of the canoe who prefers to remain anonymous. A total of R3 120 was raised and thanks go to all those who participated. Dave Worrall, Overstrand Whale Boxing Club

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