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Guidelines for the reopening of schools

The Western Cape Minister of Education, Debbie Schäfer has confirmed that the following plans for the reopening of schools are being implemented, adding that “some are still being finalised, and some may change as we learn more”.

Preparation of school premises In preparation for reopening, the WCED placed orders for school safety and hygiene packs that will be received by principals at all public schools. These include two masks for every learner and staff member, hand sanitiser and liquid soap, cleaning materials and non-contact digital thermometers.


Principals will also oversee the thorough cleaning of schools in preparation for the arrival of school staff and learners. The cleaning materials being delivered to schools include bleach, which is recommended by both South African and international health authorities for disinfecting surfaces.

According to the NICD, the virus does not live longer than 72 hours on a surface, and is not airborne. Simply put, if there have been no people in the buildings, the virus cannot be there.

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