1 minute read

How food impacts your pet’s health

Writer: Hilldidge Beer.

Pet food can take a significant chunk out of your monthly budget and many pet owners are having to tighten their belts now more than ever. However, abandoning your usual kibble in favour of cheaper, lower-quality brands may not be the smartest option right now. Here’s why:


The health risks

Food plays a significant role in your pet’s immune system, his bones and growth, and the health of his organs. Feed him poor quality food and you increase the risk of diseases and ailments like skin allergies, bladder stones and growth abnormalities. Skin allergies, for example, are often food-related and the more your pet scratches the more susceptible he becomes to secondary bacterial infections which in turn, lead to a severe skin infection known as a ‘hotspot’. This can be very frustrating for an owner to treat.

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