1 minute read

Dissatisfaction over Onrus ablution plan

Writer: De Waal Steyn.

A second public meeting has been called for this week in Onrus after residents expressed their dissatisfaction with the proposed new ablution block at Onrus beach.


This comes after a public meeting was held on 1 October to try and find answers to the many questions concerned residents had. The meeting was adjourned after no consensus could be reached on the proposed plan and Cllr Jean Orban promised a second meeting.

The dissatisfaction comes after architect’s drawings of the proposed development were published on social media in August by Orban. In the post he said the sketches were the culmination of much planning and hard work.

“The total project cost is R1.5 million, which is additional to our ward specific funding of R500 000. Since Onrus beach was included as a pilot Blue Flag beach last year, we have to make sure that our facilities are on par and suitable. Our beach is very busy and the tiny facilities next to the Milkwood Restaurant just didn’t cut it anymore. They will remain in place as facilities for the disabled only.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 5)

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