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The magical world of fireflies

Writer: Dr Anina Lee.

October brings firefly magic. No matter how often you have seen their fairy lights, they never fail to delight. It is now the fourth year that I plan to go and see them and to take with me anyone who would like to share the spectacle and learn more about the lives of fireflies.


In The Village NEWS editions of 16 and 23 October 2019 I wrote about the life cycle of these little beetles and explained what bioluminescence is and how fireflies control their light flashes. (These articles are also on the Whale Coast Conservation website under CHAT.)

Flashiness vs substance

Fireflies are the flashy stars of the insect world. At night, each little beetle shines like a lamp – and, appropriately, they belong to the family Lampyridae.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 10)

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