1 minute read

The importance of public participation

This is the good NEWS – Ed

The controversy surrounding the planned new ablution facilities at Onrus beach is a textbook example of the importance of proper public participation.


This issue is but one of many examples in the Overstrand of the extent to which residents choose to be part of the planning processes of local government. Other examples that spring to mind include the Fernkloof Management Plan, the safari park near Kleinmond, the De Mond development and the Hermanus Bypass, to name but a few. Residents need to familiarise themselves with the public participation policy of the municipality. It can be found under the Policies tab on www.overstrand. gov.za.

One of the cornerstones of this policy is the Ward Committee system, which has proven to be successful if properly run by the local government, with the buy-in of civil society organisations such as homeowners’ and ratepayers’ associations and business chambers.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 6)

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