1 minute read


By Stuart Cohen CabinCare Property Management & Project Specialists

Reflection is one of the greatest abilities of mankind, especially after a year like 2020 where everything went pear shaped in a matter of weeks. All the best laid plans for literally every person in the world took a tumble and many of us were like the proverbial deer caught in bright headlights. Daily livelihoods were suddenly threatened in a way most of us could never have imagined – and what lay ahead was the great unknown.


Looking back on my monthly ramblings from earlier in the year, it becomes apparent that we have endured a tsunami of unimaginable proportions in a region that is so reliant on tourism for survival. Nothing could have prepared us for what transpired and from April until October, each and every one of us involved in the tourism industry, directly or indirectly, experienced waves of bewildered emotions, frustration, concern and panic, as we watched our incomes waning in an alarming way.

We have seen shifts in the property market the likes of which may never be experienced by other generations in their lifetime. Every aspect of the market, whether shortterm or long-term, residential or commercial rentals, sales, builds and renovations… you name it, it took a beating. Nightly and monthly rental rates took a complete dive and whilst this had a huge impact on many hosts’ ability to survive from month to month, it was a cleansing process which served many purposes.

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