FineHomes Regina Spring 2011

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FineHomes REGINA

Regina’s Official Home and Renovation Magazine

Ken Beattie Canada’s Favourite Gardener On The Set With


Candice Olson

Largest Local Home Builder Member Regina & Region Home Builders’ Association


We Can Build Your Dream

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Custom Homebuilding / & &ŽƵŶĚĂƟŽŶ Electrical, Plumbing Green Building Energy Star &ůŽŽƌŝŶŐ ĂŶĚ dŝůĞ Drywall Granite Countertops ƌĐŚŝƚĞĐƚƐ Interior Designers Plumbers DĂƐŽŶ ĞĐŬ ĂŶĚ WĂƟŽ

ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ

Stucco and Stone ZŽŽĮŶŐ ĞĐŬƐ ĂŶĚ &ĞŶĐĞƐ ZĞŶŽǀĂƟŽŶƐ Basement Development Landscaping WŽŶĚƐ ͬ ^ƚŽŶĞ <ŝƚĐŚĞŶƐ džĐĂǀĂƟŽŶ ͬ 'ƌĂĚŝŶŐ Concrete Repair ĂďŝŶĞƚ DĂŬĞƌƐ /ŶƐƵůĂƟŽŶ Painters ZŽŽĮŶŐ


Rockman Construction Consulting

ϰϳϭ Ͳ ϯƌĚ ǀĞŶƵĞ t͘ DĞůǀŝůůĞ͕ ^< ǁǁǁ͘ƌĐĐŚŽŵĞďƵŝůĚĞƌ͘ĐŽŵ ϯϬϲͲϲϰϭͲϮϰϰϰ dŽůů &ƌĞĞ ϭͲϴϴϴͲϳϳϮͲϲϯϲϵ ƌĐĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶƉƌŽΛůŝǀĞ͘ĐŽŵ ZĞŐŝŶĂ ϯϬϲͲϱϲϵͲϯϯϲϴ zŽƌŬƚŽŶ ϯϬϲͲϳϴϮͲϯϯϲϴ ^ĂƐŬĂƚŽŽŶ ϯϬϲͲϲϲϱͲϯϯϲϴ




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Spring 2011 Editor Thom Barker

Graphic Design and Layout Joni Gaudette

In-house Design Audrey Roskewich

Cover Photography Shawn Fulton

Photography Calvin Fehr John Morell www.johnmorellphotography Vienna Di Ruscio

Contributing Writers Carol Todd Ken Beattie Ryan Holota Daria Coneghan Lee Parent Tobie Hainstock G.H. Lewmer Mackenzie Brooks Trilby Henderson Jennifer Semesock Meagan Thomas

Advertising Consultants Brooke Watson Courtnay Miller Dan Malmberg Kaitlyn Stoliker Randy Glascock

Office Manager Tracy Shaw 306.539.8779

Publishers Randy Liberet 540.3320 Wayne UnRuh 541.3365 3440 Balsam Grove Regina, Sk. S4V 2S4 Fine Homes Regina is published four times a year by Fine Lifestyles Regina, Ltd. We reserve the right to edit any materials chosen for publication including photographs. We reserve the right to reject or accept any article, photograph, image or advertisement. All contents of Fine Lifestyles Regina, Ltd., publications are copyrighted 2011 with all rights reserved, except for original articles submitted to Fine Lifestyles Regina, where copyright resides with the author. No other part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of Fine Lifestyles Regina Ltd. or its writers. The name Fine Homes Regina, its logo and material cannot be reproduced without the written consent of the publishers. The views and opinions expressed in the expert advice columns herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Fine Lifestyles Regina Ltd. or the companies they represent. The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.



20 96

121 FEATURE STORIES 16 Buying A New Home - CHBA (Sask) 20 Cover Story: Crawford Homes 14 SHOW HOME LOCATOR MAP


There’s An App For That

97 Floored by Nature 105 Growing Healthy Lifestyles - Ken Beattie 122 Candice Tells All -Candice Olson 8

FineHomes REGINA

192 Take It Outside

31 16 97 122

102 191 105



Homes and Properties

96 Condo Living 102 Luscious Landscaping 121 Inner Beauty/Interior Design 132 Renovations and Improvements 191 Cottage Country 201 Dream Kitchens

FineHomes REGINA


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FirstWord FirstWord By Thom Barker Fine Homes Editor

By Thom Barker Fine Homes Editor


FineHomes REGINA

The earliest known artificial shelters were constructed by humans more than half a million years ago. To call these lean-tos in northern Japan rudimentary might be an understatement, but even then they showed signs of the reasoning and innovation of their inventors with posts sunk into the ground for stability. The earliest known artificial shelters were constructed by humans more than half a million For the next several hundred thousand years, progress in construction was incremental and years ago. To call these lean-tos in northern Japan rudimentary might be an understateexceedingly slow and the décor of human dwellings would have been utilitarian at best. But ment, but even then they showed signs of the reasoning and innovation of their inventors by 50,000 years ago, evidence exists that our ancestors had started aesthetic activities in with posts sunk into the ground for stability. the form of crude carvings. Art was born. For the next several hundred thousand years, progress in construction was incremental and The first interior decorators were already at work 32,000 years ago painting the walls and exceedingly slow and the décor of human dwellings would have been utilitarian at best. But ceilings of caves—although experts would likely take umbrage with this characterization of by 50,000 years ago, evidence exists that our ancestors had started aesthetic activities in the artists theorizing that the cave paintings were not so much an aesthetic undertaking as the form of crude carvings. Art was born. communicative and/or ceremonial. The first interior decorators were already at work 32,000 years ago painting the walls and In any event, from then on, human ingenuity exploded roughly coinciding with the advent ceilings of caves—although experts would likely take umbrage with this characterization of of agriculture. It’s not that earlier humans did not have the same capacity for abstract the artists theorizing that the cave paintings were not so much an aesthetic undertaking as thought, but it was cumulative knowledge that allowed our technological development and communicative and/or ceremonial. self-awareness to accelerate. In any event, from then on, human ingenuity exploded roughly coinciding with the advent And it is cumulative knowledge that now makes it possible for us to live in places like Sasof agriculture. It’s not that earlier humans did not have the same capacity for abstract katchewan. If by some miraculous breakdown of the laws of physics we were able to transthought, but it was cumulative knowledge that allowed our technological development and port one of our early ancestors to Regina in 2011, he would undoubtedly find our progress self-awareness to accelerate. in construction and aesthetics awesome—in the true sense of the word, not in the parlance Andofithis is cumulative knowledge that makes it possible forits usmeaning to live in being placesthe likestandard Sasmodern-day successors fornow whom it has all but lost katchewan. byevery sometrivial miraculous breakdown of the laws of physics we were able to transresponseIfto tweet and Facebook post. portHaving one of the our perspective early ancestors Regina in 2011, he would undoubtedly of ato21st century human, I cannot say I am find our progress in construction and aesthetics awesome—in the true sense of the word, not in the parlance awestruck by our building prowess—I tend to reserve that kind of inof his modern-day successors for whom it has all but lost its meaning being the standard credulity for more esoteric reflections on time-space and the origin of response to every trivial tweet and Facebook post. life itself. I will say, however, that I am truly impressed by some of the Having perspective a 21st centurywho human, I cannot workthe being done hereofand the people are doing it. say I am awestruck by our building prowess—I tend to reserve that kind of inIn these pages, you will find some of those stories. I hope you enjoy credulity for more esoteric reflections on time-space and the origin of reading them as much as I have enjoyed editing them. life itself. I will say, however, that I am truly impressed by some of the work being done here and the people who are doing it. In these pages, you will find some of those stories. I hope you enjoy

Featured Contributors Tobie Hainstock

Trilby Henderson

Tobie Hainstock started in media in 2001 as a sales representative and feature writer for a small Saskatchewan newspaper. Later, Hainstock went to work as a Certified Radio Copywriter at Rawlco Radio in Prince Albert. In 2006, she moved to CTV Regina and worked as a writer/producer. From 2008 to 2010, Hainstock worked in film production during which time she was nominated for a SaskFilm Showcase Award. Since leaving film, she has been freelancing for various newspapers and magazines throughout Saskatchewan. Hainstock provides creative services to newspapers, magazines and businesses including writing and proofreading.; 306-525-3609

Trilby Henderson completed her BA in Journalism at the University of Regina in 2005. She spent the next several years working in corporate communications and media relations, where she mastered the art of business writing. In 2009, Henderson embarked on a full-time freelance writing career by launching Captive Ink Freelance Writing and Editing Services.

Ryan Holota

Vienna Di Ruscio

Ryan Holota is a freelance writer and marketing consultant in Regina, SK. In addition to his work for Fine Homes and other magazines, Ryan works with businesses to help them improve their writing, marketing, and communications. Most importantly, he is a husband and father.

Vienna attended the Red Deer College Visual Arts program before going on to Applied Photography at SIAST in Regina. She felt that a thorough background of understanding art, design and art history would be an important asset a a photographer. Her subject matter includes everything from products to pin-ups to editorial photography. She currently operates a Regina-based photography business out of her home. Vienna Di Ruscio Photography 306-351-9345

To learn more about Ryan, to read his blog, or to find his contact information, visit You can also find him on Twitter at @ryanholota.

Henderson’s work has been featured in several magazines, newspapers and trade publications. She also provides writing and editing services to businesses and individuals to meet their specific needs, such as the development of a company newsletter or content for a website. 306-543-1566;

Shawn Fulton

Ken Beattie

Shawn Fulton’s passion for photography began in high school with darkroom developing and printing techniques and evolved at the University of Regina while he was acquiring his BFA in film production. Since, Shawn has all but abandoned the darkroom for digital photography, but still likes to play with antique and Polaroid cameras at social events to give his “party photos” a timeless quality.

Ken’s roots are firmly planted in the world of horticulture. Graduating from the prestigious Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture, his career path has taken him to the four corners of the earth fueling his passion for all things green and growing. Focused on improving the way people manage the earth’s resources, Ken proves that the smallest changes can make a world of difference.

Shawn has a remarkable talent for lighting, which he attributes to his extensive background in stage and film. His work as a director, cinematographer and animator has been screened at film festivals nationally and he was recently featured on the cover of Saskatchewan Filmpool’s Splice magazine.

Ken has spent the past 25 years celebrating those things in life we sometimes take for granted. His engaging, playful personality takes gardening out of the dirt and into our hearts. “It’s not rocket science, it’s gardening,” Ken says to one caller during his live television show Get Growing. Currently, Ken is the Director of Horticulture for Assiniboine Park in Winnipeg, one of North America’s largest urban parks.

Shawn lives in Regina’s cathedral village with his wife, Kendra, and their two children, Rosco and Suki.

FineHomes REGINA


Homes and Properties Member Regina & Region Home Builders’ Association

FineHomes REGINA

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4 Devonshire Dr


15 Pasqua St

Wnelan Dr Rochdale Blvd

Sherwood Dr


9 Ave N

Argyle St N

9 Ave N

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12 Ave N Ring Rd

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Courtney St





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6 Ave N

1 Ave N

Park St

7 Ave

13 Ave


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Wascana Parkway

Massey Rd


Assiniboine Ave




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Jim Cairns Blvd

Albert St

Parliament Ave

Hillsdale St

Rae St


25 Ave

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Argyle Rd

23 Ave


Township Rd 170

1 6



FineHomes REGINA

LAKERIDGE DUNDEE DEVELOPMENTS 347-8130 HOMES BY DUNDEE 4538 Brass Cres. 347-8100 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm

WINDSOR CROSSING Preston Place #1 - 1401 Preston Cres. 525-9801 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm


Emerald Park (5 km)



Regina Ave

rg h




Victoria Ave


ail CP R ve 3 1 A

Dewdney Ave E

Wa les



First St

Ross Ave




Winnipeg St

Elphinstone St

Dewdney Ave

Broad St

Albert St

Lewvan Dr

4 Ave


4 Ave







MUNRO HOMES 4649 Malcolm Dr. 596-2727 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm CLOSED HOLIDAYS

DEVELOPMENTS INC. 789-0891 GILROY HOMES 7022 Maple Ridge Drive John Grundy 527-3772 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm

NORTHRIDGE DEVELOPMENTS 4657 Hames Cres. 352-5900 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm

STHAMANN HOMES 7014 Maple Ridge Drive Brad Gregg 591-1736 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm

4. 5.


RIPPLINGER HOMES 4641 Malcolm Dr. 533-9698 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm


HARVARD DEVELOPMENTS 777-0650 PARADE OF HOMES ARTISAN DESIGN BUILD 202 Brookview Drive 546-8030 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm

YAKOBOVICK HOMES 105 Oxbow Cres. 546-5353 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm VARSITY HOMES 213 Brookview Dr. 525-2329 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm





GILROY HOMES 3304 Valley Green Way Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm


DAYTONA HOMES 3601 Greenbank Rd. Julie Green 501-9693 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 3-5:30 pm & 6:30 - 9:30 pm Sat. & Sun. 12-5 pm

HOMES BY DUNDEE 4413 Padwick Rd. 347-8100 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm

CRAWFORD HOMES 3305 Valley Green Way 525-9801


EMERALD PARK WHITE CITY GREAT PLAINS LEASEHOLDS 525-9516 CRAWFORD HOMES 525-9810 2 Lott Rd., Bower Estates Hours: Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm GREAT PLAINS 10 Christopher Place 525-9516 Hours: Call for Appointment REIMER HOMES 368 Fairway Road Ingrid Rudd 535-0374 Hours: Wed. & Thurs. 6:30-8:30 pm Sat. 1-4 pm TRITHART HOMES 347-7747 \ 536-5993 TRADEMARK HOMES 14 Emerald Hill Dr. Nathan Cressman 205-2502 Hours: Mon. & Wed. 7-9pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm


3566 Evans Court Hours: Tues. - Thurs. 2-4 pm 3501 Evans Court Hours: Tues. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 2-4 pm

CRAWFORD HOMES 4657 Malcolm Dr. 525-9801 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm


NORTHRIDGE DEVELOPMENTS 8226 Wascana Gardens Bay 352-5900 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm 789-0891

FIORANTE HOMES 2319 Tuscany Way Dianne Leib 537-8022 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 2-4 pm

2102 Heseltine Rd. Rory Clark 790-3638 Mark Cullen 790-3695





KRATZ HOMES 4810 Sandpiper Cres. 791-9696 / 536-0903 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Weekends 1-4 pm

CENTURY WEST HOMES 3316 Valley Green Way 522-1062 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat., Sun. & Holidays 1-5 pm



FIORANTE HOMES New Showhome Now Open 4830 E. Sandpiper Cr. 569-3456

CRAWFORD HOMES 209 Brookview Dr. 525-9801 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm

NORTHRIDGE DEVELOPMENTS 4002 Lepine Rd. 352-5900 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat., Sun. & Holidays 1-5 pm


HOMES BY DUNDEE 4834 E. Standpiper Cr. 347-8100 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Weekends & Holidays 1-5 pm

GILROY HOMES 117 Oxbow Cres. 789-6080 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm


12. 522-2300 GILROY HOMES 4010 Goldfinch Way Ron MacDonald 539-4568 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Weekends & Holidays 1-5 pm


HOMES BY DUNDEE 101 Oxbow Cres. 347-8100 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 7-9 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm












KENSINGTON DEVELOPMENTS 1910 - 12 Ave. Lana Harrison 790-1843 Hours: Sat. & Sun. 1-4 pm

TRADEMARK HOMES 565 Elphinstone St. 205-2502 Hours: Tues. & Thurs. 5-7 pm Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm

SANDSTONE HOMES 359-0644 237 Tuwale Trail Randy Johnson 351-1725 Hours: Sat. & Sun. 1-5 pm

#VZJOH B IPNF Who you need on your team Home buying: A real estate agent will help you find a home, write an Offer of Purchase, negotiate a purchase on your behalf and save you a considerable amount of time. When choosing an agent you want to work with, ask for references and don’t be afraid to ask questions or call your local real estate association for advice.

Buying a home is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever make. So when it comes time to sign on the dotted line, make sure you don’t make that decision alone. To help you put together the right team of professionals, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) offers the following who’s who list of experts and what they should bring to the table:

t 3FBM FTUBUF BHFOU Among other services, your real estate agent will help you find a home, write an


FineHomes REGINA

Offer of Purchase, negotiate a purchase on your behalf and save you a considerable amount of time. When choosing the agent you want to work with, ask for references and don’t be afraid to ask questions or call your local real estate association for advice.

t -FOEFS PS NPSUHBHF CSPLFS Many different institutions lend money for mortgages, including banks, trust companies, credit unions, caisses populaires, pension funds, insurance companies and finance companies. It can

be a good idea to shop around and speak with more than one lender before you make a choice. Many Canadians choose to work with a mortgage broker because they don’t represent any specific lending institution. They can often help you find a mortgage with terms and rates that will suit your needs.

t -BXZFS PS OPUBSZ JO 2VĂ…CFD You need a lawyer to protect your legal interests by ensuring the property is clear of liens, charges or clean-up orders and will review all contracts before you sign

t "QQSBJTFS An appraiser will assess your property’s worth and help protect you from paying too much.

t -BOE TVSWFZPS You may need the services of a land surveyor if the seller does not have a current Survey or Certificate of Location.

t #VJMEFS $POUSBDUPS If you are buying a newly constructed home, you will have to hire a builder or contractor. If the house you are buying needs renovations, you may also require a builder or contractor.

them and your Offer (or Agreement) to Purchase. Make sure your lawyer or notary is a licenced, full-time professional who understands the local laws and regulations, has reasonable fees and can explain things to you in plain language.

t )PNF JOTQFDUPS When considering purchasing a home, you should consider hiring a knowledgeable and professional home inspector. He or

she will be able to tell you if something in the home is not functioning properly, what repairs need to be done and whether there may have been any problems in the past.

For more information on putting together your home buying team and on other factors associated with buying a home, visit, and search Homebuying Step by Step or call CMHC at 1-800-668-2642. For more than 60 years, CMHC has been Canada’s national housing agency and a source of objective, reliable housing expertise.

t *OTVSBODF CSPLFS An insurance broker can help you purchase property and mortgage life insurance. Your lender can also help you with mortgage life insurance.

FineHomes REGINA


Dakine Home Builders Your Builder, Your Ideas, Your Home BY RYAN HOLOTA Todd Bodnar, founder and president of Dakine Home Builders, knows firsthand how important it is to choose the right builder. Many years ago, a member of Bodnar’s family had a bad experience building a home. As a tradesperson with years of experience, Bodnar was confident that he could provide a much better product and service than what was currently available. After researching the industry, he set out to expand his education and earn the certifications that would afford him the opportunity to build the quality homes he builds today. In 2005, Dakine Home Builders dug the foundation for their first home and they have been building quality homes ever since. Bodnar has never forgotten the feelings he had that day. “I wanted to build


FineHomes REGINA

the perfect home. I’m really picky about the way things should be done.” Indeed, even the name of the company reflects his passion. Dakine is a Hawaiian Pidgin word that means “the best.”

lifestyle. Moving a wall on an existing set of blueprints doesn’t make it a custom home; having an entire home designed around your needs makes it a custom home.”

Your House, Built For You

Quality Over Quantity

“For most people, a home is the largest purchase they will ever make and they should have it built the way they want it,” Bodnar says. “Besides, it’s no fun building the same house over and over again. We love what we do, we love building quality homes, and we get excited about each new design and family that we work with.”

“We are proud to build each home using standards that exceed code requirements,” Bodnar says. “While we realize this isn’t typical within our industry and that our standards are often considered extras for other builders, we will not compromise our own measure of quality. For example, all of our homes include piles under the foundation, insulation under the basement slab, spray foam insulation, and Energy Star certification.”

“We start by sitting down with you and talking about the kinds of things that you would like to see in your home. We then design a home that will fit with your

Choosing to build a maximum of 12

homes each year affords Dakine the opportunity to produce homes of the highest quality. Because volume is low, Bodnar takes responsibility for every step of the process. “If you stop by a project while it is under construction, I’ll likely be there. Also, all the framing and finishing is done in-house to ensure our standards of quality are met.”


Dakine is staffed by a group of professional tradespeople. While many builders employ general labourers, Dakine feels that only experienced professionals have the skills necessary to face the challenges that arise in creating custom homes; a philosophy that has proven itself time and again. Dakine Home Builders also has a strong commitment to building communities that future generations can be proud of. They have a firm environmental policy in place, ensuring that raw materials are used to the fullest, and waste is recycled whenever possible. Bodnar notes that Saskatchewan produces an estimated 1.2 million tonnes of building-related construction waste per year, making it the largest single source of waste in the province. Dakine recognizes the substantial impact that sustainable construction and waste management can have on business and the environment, and continues to look for ways to reduce waste and divert disposal to landfills. Building an energy efficient, custom home that includes functional design, superior construction and attention to detail doesn’t need to be costly. Protecting your investment, each new home is backed by the best new home warranty program available, Progressive Home Warranty. For more information, please visit Dakine’s website at www.

Dakine Home Builders Inc. Regina, Sk. 306.924.1576

FineHomes REGINA


What makes us #1 What makes us #1 PHOTOS BY SHAWN FULTON

Quality, care and satisfaction, home after home, year after year, with Crawford Homes A discussion at many sales meetings at Crawford Homes and Homelife Crawford Realty is new homes versus resale. The new home idea seems to rule; there is far less chance of disappointment in buying new; you know what you are getting; the exact price; and no renovations or repairs are necessary to make your home liveable.

Our #1 Sales Team But that’s not to say the real estate professionals at Crawford are not very well qualified to find you your perfect resale


FineHomes REGINA

home. Most of the sales team members are licenced MLS agents belonging to the Regina Real Estate Association. In many ways, they are more qualified to find you a good previously lived-in home. Their exposure to new homes, as well as, viewing used homes for the Crawford guaranteed trade program, makes them well aware of what will make a good match for your needs and how to avoid many deficiencies with a view to maintaining resale values.

Our #1 New Homes When it comes to new homes, however,

Crawford Homes is undoubtedly the leader, offering the most standard floor plans plus great design advice for homebuyers who require customizing. Crawford’s vast experience will ensure we keep you on track to avoid overbuilds and give you solid advice on what you should and should not do so you maintain good value. Rarely will a Crawford home go over a realistic budget, but our policy remains, “the customer is always right,” and if extras are added we ensure our customers get good value for their money.

Crawford’s excessive attention to quality is exemplified by the fact that all Crawford Homes are R2000-certified. The company has built more R2000 homes than any other builder in Canada and each one is tested by an independent third party. First it is computer-modelled to ensure eligibility, paying special attention to insulation levels, energyefficient furnace type etc. Then each house gets a blower-door test to make sure the building envelope is airtight to a degree above standard homes built by our competitors. Third party quality assurance and verification is a strong indication of the confidence we have in our properties. And nobody provides more features that exceed industry standards than Crawford. With our Signature 2010 Specification, homebuyers receive more than 80 premium upgrades as part of the package, including many energy saving features.

Our #1 Sub Trades and Suppliers At Crawford, we strive to provide a top quality home. We employ only the most qualified tradespeople and use long-term, quality suppliers and provide homes that are second to none. In order to ensure the best in the business, we hand pick our contractors and suppliers based on five criteria: Experience Quality Value Service Sense of humour You might be surprised how far that last one goes when you’re building a home.

Our #1 Warranty “Because we build them better, we can warranty them longer.” All of our homes


5 Year

Door to door workmanship and material protection

Furnace parts Windows Cabinets Foundation water and leak protection

10 year

Cabinet hardware Window hardware Silent floor system Weiser doorknobs Wrisbo waterlines Fireplace and furnace heat exchanger

Sealed units Water heater Major structural defects


include: two years total protection; many five-year items such as basement water penetration; and many lifetime items (for details see chart on this page). With a Crawford home, you can feel safe about your investment.

Our #1 Lot Selection As the #1 Builder, we have built relationships and buying power for more than three decades. We have the best selection of lots, and will find what you are looking for in the development that best suits your needs. We have in excess of 100 lots to choose from at all times, in Regina’s finest communities and in neighbouring areas. We are currently building in: Lakeridge; Fairways West; Harbour Landing; Greens on Gardiner and Bower Estates.

Our #1 Show Homes Show homes have always been a high point for Crawford Homes. We strongly believe in showing people what they will get. In order to accomplish this we have

had as many as 20 show homes in a single year and always participate in most of the major new home parades. Currently, we have four show homes covering all of our communities.


Our #1 Commitment Crawford Homes has a great staff and great salespeople who are some of the most experienced in the industry. Combined with long-term sub tradespeople who work almost exclusively for us, or who certainly make Crawford their number one priority enables us to offer possession dates in the four to five month range as compared to the nine to 23 month offerings of our competitors. That seems like a long time to keep the dream alive. A quality home in an appealing community is what makes a Crawford home a sound investment. Building a home is an exciting project, one you want executed with no margin of error. Crawford Homes is #1 because we deliver quality, caring and satisfaction, home after home, year after year.

1. Harbour Landing 4670 Malcolm Crescent 2. Greens on Gardiner 3305 Valley Green Way 3. Fairways West 209 Brookview Drive

4. White City (Bower Estates) 2 Lott Road E.

533 Victoria Avenue Regina, Sk. 306.525.9801

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Norma Deck 306-536-1249

Janine Wilson 306-537-3200

Mike Toth 306-536-3560

Doug Gold 306-591-7874

Jaimey Midtdal 306-209-4212

Charmaine Luscombe 306-535-3948

Danielle Wilson 306-536-0027

Dallis Franklin 306-581-9498

Dennis Galandy 306-522-6683

Ajit Matharu 306-581-3130

Buying or Selling...Let the Professionals at Homelife Crawford Realty Help You. 306-525-9801

EXPERTAdvice Hire professionals for professional results

Make no mistake: brick and stone construction adds value and beauty to any home. Do it right, it will last a lifetime. Do it wrong, however, and your new exterior brick or natural stone fireplace could become a candidate for one of Mike Holmes’s renos-gone-wrong shows. Masonry is a booming trade in today’s home construction industry. Masonry companies are popping up like mushrooms after two days of rain, hoping to cash in on the boom. Their gain could be your loss, and your loss could be in the tens of thousands—too high a price to pay for disappointment. By all means, make an investment in your home with beautiful stone, brick or manufactured stone features, but before you sign on the dotted line, get some insight into the products and the professionals you’ll be investing your hardearned dollars in. Product: You want to change the look of your home and have decided that some type of masonry is what you want. There are a few different options, with three being the most popular ones available— natural stone, brick and manufactured alternatives.

Cliff Kobelsky

Frontier Masonry Ltd. Regina Sk. 306 533.6070

Brick is one alternative because it lasts beyond 100 years. Brick is made out of fired clay with a variety of different colours available. Brick may be more expensive than other non-masonry exterior finishes but it is LEED friendly, low maintenance, and adds timeless beauty and grace to any home. Brick is a true masonry product that comprises a cavity wall system, and nothing beats it for weathering the elements. Manufactured stone, also known as faux stone or artificial stone, is engineered from a specifically formulated blend of Portland cement, aggregates, and carefully selected pigments. Lighter than natural stone, it eliminates the need for structural reinforcing of foundations and footings. It can be installed on any stable interior or exterior wall surface, facing, or elevation; including those where natural stone would be impractical. Natural stone is unmatched for its beauty and durability and can be an extraordinary accent for everything from new homes to century homes.

There are just as many options for getting any of the above installed, but in this case there’s only one option worth choosing, a Red Seal certified tradesman. Like my father before me, I’m a professional bricklayer. I’ve been a journeyman bricklayer for more than 20 years and in that time I’ve seen it all—from sound, extraordinarily beautiful work to work that is sloppy, unsound and unsightly. Working with brick and stone is a real craft. An abiding interest in tile or two summers of stucco work just aren’t appropriate qualifications. If you’re not the kind of person who lets backyard mechanics tinker with your European sports car, you’re not the type to let eager amateurs experiment with thousands of dollars in fine materials either. Contractors should have plenty of after shots of their projects and by all means check them out. Contact their clients too if they offer past customers as references. Don’t be shy; start with the customers who had projects similar to yours, then call several others for a well-rounded view of the company. If you’re looking to stretch your dollar, get the very best product in your price range, but the one thing you can’t skimp on is quality craftsmanship. Cliff is a Red Seal certified bricklayer and masonry professional. He sits on the Apprenticeship Board of Saskatchewan, which oversees professional competencies in the trade. He is a member of the Canada Red-Seal Inter-provincial Standards Program, which develops the National Exam for the bricklayer trade. He is the owner of Frontier Masonry Ltd. and has done commercial and residential masonry work for more than 20 years.

FineHomes REGINA


This family loves building homes History

“Daytona has developed a corporate philosophy sensitive to the importance a family’s home plays in its overall well-being. It’s a philosophy that serves us well and instills lasting confidence and satisfaction in each of our valued clients.”


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The Daytona Group is comprised of Daytona Homes Master Builder and Daytona Land Corporation and operates as an integrated company dedicated to building new homes and developing land. Daytona Homes Master Builder has been building single family homes throughout Alberta since its inception in 1993 and currently operates in the greater Edmonton area, Grande Prairie and Lethbridge. In 2008, Daytona Homes expanded to Regina, and has quickly established a formidable presence here.

Daytona Homes Daytona Homes Master Builder is recognized as one of Alberta and Saskatchewan’s largest family-owned new home building businesses. Formed

in 1993, Daytona Homes has made the dream of owning a new home come true for more than 4,000 families. Currently building in excess of 500 new homes annually in communities across the two provinces, they specialize in single and multi-family dwellings (since 2004) for first time buyers, growing families and empty nesters alike. President Tally Hutchinson, who succeeded his father, Ralph Hutchinson, the company’s founder, in February 2008, continues to lead Daytona Homes with the same traditions and values that have contributed to its award-winning success. Satisfying customers by listening to their needs and then building with experience, attention to detail, cuttingedge technology and a keen eye on a safe workplace.

A great source of pride is their comprehensive full service warranty program that includes scheduled visits and inspections at three to four weeks, four months and one year. Daytona Homes greatly values their customers and referral business and many customers have chosen to build their second and even third home with Daytona. The true mark of customer satisfaction is repeat referral business! As an accredited Master Builder, Daytona Homes is constantly improving its product line up with added value. They carefully choose dedicated trade and supplier partners who share their vision, ensuring that the end result is something everyone involved can take great pride in.

Professional Memberships The Master Home Builder designation is a distinction granted only to the finest technical builders. Stringent requirements and on-going training must be met prior to attaining and maintaining this prestigious accreditation. Daytona Homes Master Builder complements this designation with long-standing memberships in Alberta’s and Saskatchewan’s New Home Warranty Program, the Professional Home Builder’s Institute of Alberta, and local chapters of the Canadian Home Builders Association. Their active affiliation with these associations keeps them on the cutting edge of construction technology and everchanging building codes and standards, to provide the best possible home and home-buying experience to their valued customers.

Awards The strong foundation so carefully developed and nurtured by Daytona Homes over the years has resulted in many industry awards and peer recognition in every centre. The crowning achievement for Daytona came in 2010 when they were honoured as the 2010 Ralph Scurfield Builder of the Year in the Alberta Awards of Excellence in Housing. Daytona Homes is a participant each year in the Regina Master Awards, recognizing excellence in the new home building industry. At the 2010 Awards Gala, Daytona took home honors for both the Best Marketing Campaign and the Top Volume Sales Consultant Award, as well as being a finalist in a Best New Home

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The Daytona Group, their family working for your family

Professional, Community-Minded, Value Driven 28

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Design category for “The Eclipse�. In 2009, Daytona took home the Provincial Safety Award and Best Showroom Award for “The Austyn.�

Other Awards Include: t "MCFSUB /FX )PNF 8BSSBOUZ :FBS Service Award t +% 1PXFS T )JHIFTU JO $VTUPNFS Satisfaction Award for Edmonton MultiFamily 2008

significant funds and support for Hope’s Home in Regina, an organization that provides medically fragile children with a safe environment to build coordination, mobility and strength, develop socialization skills, and, ultimately, prepare them as they enter the school system. Throughout the organization, The Daytona Group also contributes significant funds and time to organizations such as: t &ENPOUPO %PXO 4ZOESPNF 4PDJFUZ






t *OEJWJEVBM IPNF NPEFM BXBSET JO Edmonton, Grande Prairie and Lethbridge


As well, Daytona’s Sales Consultants have been recognized for outstanding yearly sales volumes and customer service on a consistent basis.


Community Involvement As a family owned and operated business, the Daytona Group has always stressed the importance of family and been an active participant in the communities in which they are privileged to do business. Working together to create a better world today and tomorrow, Daytona takes great pride in giving back to the community and is a proud sponsor of the Saskatchewan Roughriders Football Club. Through an annual golf tournament, and a children’s Christmas party, they raise


Regina Subdivisions Daytona Homes is currently building in three vibrant communities across Regina: the award-winning Greens on Gardiner in the desirable southeast side, Harbour Landing in southwest Regina, and in Fairways West on the northwest end of the city. From character style to move up, there is a broad selection of awardwinning single family home models to choose from. No matter which Daytona community you prefer, you are sure to find the perfect home to fit your lifestyle!


VISIT A SHOWHOME TODAY! Eclipse/Concorde dual showhomes 3501 Green Bank Road in the Greens on Gardiner

Odyssey showhome 4417 Padwick Road in Harbour Landing

Benz II showhome 101 Poplar Bluff Crescent in Fairways West **OPENING APRIL 2011 Mon – Thurs 3-9 p.m. DMPTFE Q N

Saturday, Sunday and Holidays 12-5 p.m. Closed Fridays For more information about our showhomes, please visit

Daytona Homes Regina Ltd. #200-1112 Winnipeg St. Regina, Sk. 306.779.2288

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Dover Renovations Inc. has completed hundreds of projects in interior renovations over the past 5 years ranging in both scope and size. We specialize in specific aspects of interior renovations and are committed to providing our customers with quality workmanship, clear timelines, outstanding project management and competitive pricing. %SZXBMM t 5BQQJOH BOE NVEEJOH t #BTFNFOU GSBNJOH t *OTVMBUJOH t 1BJOUJOH t 5FYUVSF DFJMJOHT t #BUISPPNT )BSEXPPE nPPSJOH t -BNJOBUF BOE DFSBNJD UJMF t 4VTQFOEFE DFJMJOHT t *OUFSJPS EPPST t #BTFCPBSET BOE DBTJOHT t 8PPE GFODFT



There’s an app for that Home improvement and design enthusiasts can add a versatile tool to their toolbox: a phone. Software programs available for cellphones can help homeowners with everything from selecting paint colours to finding artwork to determining their favourite decorating style.

Mark English, a San Francisco architect, uses an application on his cellphone to help clients visualize projects and plans. English creates “idea books,’’ or files of images, for his clients to review with Houzz, a free phone app that contains more than 70,000 photos of rooms, homes and landscape projects. Having the images to refer to helps clients articulate more clearly their likes and dislikes, he said. “We can develop a language where we all know what these adjectives mean,’’ he said. “We get to that point where we know what the goal is much more quickly.’’ Many apps are meant to provide inspiration for people looking to redecorate. The Dream Home app allows users to search thousands of photos sorted by style, room and colour. The app, which ranges in price from $1.99 to $4.99, is like having thousands of design magazines at your fingertips, said Peter Melnikov, vicepresident of Apalon, the company that created it.

Apps mean users can carry their inspirations and ideas wherever they go, said Bridget Sandquist, editorial director for holidays and entertaining at, Better Homes and Gardens’ website. The magazine released an app, which costs $3.99, over the holidays that offered tips on entertaining and hosting parties. Readers could consult their phones in the kitchen for recipes and in the store when shopping, she said. Decorating a room and looking for just the right colours? Sherwin-Williams’ free ColorSnap application lets you take a photo of an item and then find the name of the paint hue that is closest to it. You can fine-tune the colour by making it brighter or lighter, and also find complementary colours. Homeowners with freshly painted walls can determine what to hang on them with an app from The free program lets users upload photos of the wall and digitally fill it with various pieces of artwork. The resulting images can be sent

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With new apps for smartphones consumers can have mobile access to tens of thousands of images of rooms, homes and landscapes to help them articulate their vision or shop for materials for a project.

to friends and family to get their opinions, too. Once the perfect piece of art is located, a level app can help you hang it straight. Stanley Bostitch offers a free app that turns iPhones into picture levellers. The Good Housekeeping app offers advice on a variety of issues ranging from “how to remove mustard stains’’ to “inspiration for a bathroom renovation,’’ said Sara Lyle, the magazine’s lifestyle director. Good Housekeeping launched its free app last year with the intention of putting lots of advice and articles in readers’ hands at once, she said. The app includes step-by-step instructions for many home improvement and craft projects.

The portability of an app means do-ityourselfers can take their phone with them to the store when shopping for materials for a project, Lyle said. After looking through photos on the Houzz app, Sharon Glazer of Baltimore decided her style lies somewhere between contemporary and modern, with a touch of Mediterranean flair. Glazer, who is house hunting, uses the app to organize her ideas for decorating her next home. She has even created files to share with a designer once she buys a house. “We’re trying to design out what we’re going to do and how the rooms will look and flow before we physically move,’’ she said. Of course, it’s not just consumers who are benefitting from the proliferation of

smartphones. Closer to home, companies like deBruyn Design and Marketing out of White Rock, B.C. and Saskatoon’s Point 2 Technologies are hoping to cash in by developing customized mobile-friendly apps for real estate agents looking for a marketing edge. By tapping into Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) data, deBruyn not only allows agents to provide their listings, but can guide potential homebuyers right to the door. “Mobile real estate technology is just emerging, however we are very proud to have developed what we feel will be an extremely useful mobile real estate tool for home buyers and sellers in the Cochrane area,” wrote Dave deBruyn with the launch of the Morris Reynar and Associates of Calgary app for iPhone and Blackberry, its first in Canada. With files from Associated Press

Photo courtesy of Rob Vida Photography

Your home is your largest investment. The staff at Sandstra Construction Ltd. understands this. Home owners who are seeking to do improvements to their home expect Integrity, Value & Quality. Sandstra Construction can and will deliver. Specializing in: Interior renovations Window and door supply & install Exterior renovations House additions & garage packages

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Company earns respect of customers and industry Harmony Builders recognized by RRHBA with two awards BY MARK CLAXTON

Katrina Stettner and Matt Rogina of Harmony Builders are building more than just beautiful homes. They are also constructing a stellar reputation with clients and within Regina’s home-building industry. While ecstatic customers continue to spread the word about their experiences with Harmony Builders, Katrina and Matt were both honoured at the Regina and Region Home Builders Association Awards. Harmony Builders earned a nod for Best New Show Home (15001799 sq. ft.), while Matt was recognized


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with the Beaver Award for outstanding contributions to the industry. “We’re changing this industry,” Katrina says. “Our word means our word. People are sometimes so afraid of building their own home, but it’s not a scary thing when you trust your builder.” When you build with Harmony, you can adopt or customize one of their plans, or create a new one from the ground up: and where others will bill their clients for every extra cost incurred during construction, Harmony goes the extra mile to save clients

money, with numerous no-charge services such as modification of home plans and a free interior design consultation. While Matt oversees construction, Katrina looks after virtually every other detail on behalf of her clients, including home design and financing. As a licensed real-estate agent with the Sutton Group, Katrina can even help clients sell their current home. With Matt managing the construction, Katrina managing the process, and a terrific sales and construction team

behind them, Harmony has a great track record of getting clients into their new homes on schedule. While that often means long days of looking after clients’ needs, Katrina and Matt both find satisfaction in the joy with which customers greet their finished homes. “Our dream is building your dream,” Matt says. To start dreaming about your new home, give Katrina a call at 591-0631, stop by any time to marvel at the Harmony Builders show home at 3617 Green Cedar Court, or visit them online at Harmony Builders Regina, Sk. 306.205.7313

Regina & Region Home Builders’ Association

“We chose Harmony as our builder because we were continually hearing so many good things about them; word of mouth references are the best! They started our house in August 2010 and we will be moving in later this month (February 2011). Their communication with us has been exceptional, from beginning to finish, no matter if you emailed, texted, or called Matt or Katrina you always get a very timely reply! Matt and Katrina made us feel included in every step of the process; there were never any surprises, or any obstacle that couldn’t be discussed together and overcome! “Even though they have numerous houses being built at once, they always made us feel like we were the most important and never hesitated to make time for us! When choosing a builder, it is important to make sure that you have thoroughly researched their work, references, and determined that they are somebody that you are able to work with throughout your project. I would not hesitate to recommend Harmony Builders to anyone that is looking to build a new home!” --Megan S “When we met Katrina, we were looking to buy a house; we weren’t planning on building at all. We were really uneasy about the whole process. But everything worked out really well. Katrina is full of enthusiasm and makes it a really positive experience for you. Matt is so knowledgeable; he takes time to think about your request and finds the best way to give you what you’re asking for. “Katrina and Matt are unique, they’re fun to work with, they’re hard working, and what they say they’re going to do, they do.” --Tracy S.

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A Rare Gem in the Heart of Regina’s South EVANS

COURT Built by Evans Development Group

on Wascana

BY TOBIE HAINSTOCK When presented with the opportunity to develop the 23rd Avenue property in South Regina, Merna Evans, president of Evans Development Group Inc., knew she was fortunate.

A Treasure in the Community Beautiful, bright, comfortable, prime location... those words only begin to describe the remarkable new Evans Court development located just across from Regina’s beautiful Wascana Park.

This carefully planned and skilfully designed community consists of dwellings and décor to suit families, singles, young couples and empty-nesters alike. There is truly something here for everyone. Opportunely located in a well-developed neighbourhood, residents of Evans Court enjoy the attractiveness of mature landscaping plus the convenience of being within walking distance of a number of desirable and necessary amenities including, schools, shopping, medical clinics, Wascana Park, the Conexus Arts Centre, Mackenzie Art Gallery, the Legislature and so much more.

The classic craftsman-style architecture emulates the look and spirit of the community of which Evans Court is now a member. Evans Development was honoured to receive the Regina and Region Home Builder award for Best Subdivision in 2009. With a variety of well thought-out plans to choose from, including townhomes, single family dwellings and apartment style condominiums, it’s easy to see why these stunning homes are the talk of the Regina.

FineHomes REGINA


Ramsgate Hall Imagine yourself living with a spectacular view of our beautiful city every day. Ramsgate Hall is a stunning 36-unit apartment style condominium that overlooks Wascana Park. Condo living is a carefree lifestyle enjoyed by many different people from diverse walks of life. Evans Development has taken this into consideration by offering a variety of options for residents including six attractive and functional models to choose from ranging in size from 1,120 square feet to 1,563 square feet. These spacious, open concept condos have many characteristics worth boasting about including large balconies, nine-foot ceilings, an abundance of windows, six appliances, security and plenty of storage. Choose your cabinetry, flooring, paint colours, and flooring. According to Evans, residents of Ramsgate Hall also enjoy the use of an enclosed, heated main floor parkade featuring a storage room for each unit. She goes on to state that the library lounge and fullyequipped exercise room is available for owners to use at their convenience. “We had our new home built in 1976 in University Park by Venetta Evans Homes Ltd,” says Doreen Light, one of the new owners of an apartment in Ramsgate Hall at Evans Court. “We raised our family in an Evans-built home. The Evans Group has always worked with quality tradespeople, and with locally-owned suppliers like Alford Floors and Interiors, Fries Tallman Lumber, and Richardson Lighting to build their homes, and it shows. Our home is 35 yearsold, and it’s still in excellent condition. Now that our family has grown up and started their own families, it was easy to choose Evans Development Group to build my new condominium apartment in Ramsgate Hall,” says Light. Occupancy for these stylish, comfortable units is available within two to three months from the time you select your unit. Evans encourages interested parties to act with some haste in order get the apartment they desire.

Single Family Homes The single family homes at Evans Court come with large scenic lots. All homes are custom designed with a number of

desirable features such as a six appliance package, nine-foot ceilings on the main floor, high efficiency furnace, triple pane low E windows and more. With a variety of floor plans available, home buyers are able to select the plan that best matches the needs of their lifestyles. Customers are also given décor options. Choices of flooring and cabinetry are among the many ways that these lovely homes are customized to the taste of the owner. “We are thrilled to be living at Evans Court,” state Glen Rolfe and his wife Carole Doyle. “Our custom, single-family home is a dream come true. I was a student at Campion Collegiate,” adds Glen, “and my dream was to have a home built on this property. Working with Robinson Residential Design, Cindy Rogan, Design for Living, and our builder, Merna Evans, and her staff has truly been a pleasure.”

Covent Garden Townhomes “We couldn’t be happier with our decision to buy at Evans Court,” express Ed and Twyla Meredith. With two striking, open-concept models to choose from, these charming homes

come equipped with double attached garage, six appliance package, granite countertops, large decks, which overlook the courtyard, and much more. Choice is important here too; homeowners are given a choice of kitchen cabinets and a selection of flooring, including hardwood. “What attracted us was the excellent location, unique townhome design, and the reputation of Evans Development,” say Dorothy and Oliver Off.

Join the Community Show home hours at Ramsgate Hall are Tuesday to Thursday 7 to 9 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 2 to 4 p.m., and Covent Garden Tuesday to Thursday 2 to 4 p.m. For more information about Evans Court contact our sales executive Bruce Evans at 306-581-7740 or 306-5845378, or visit the website www. Discover your own rare Regina gem.

Evans Development Group Merna Evans 306.584.5378 Email:

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Margarita Parisone of Royal LePage Regina Realty

Margarita Parisone loves helping people. A lifelong resident of Regina and member of the Greek community, she has always been active in making people’s lives better as a former member of the council at St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church and a canvasser for noteworthy causes such as Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and Canadian National Institute for the Blind. So, going into real estate was a natural for Margarita. Over the past seven years she has helped hundreds of people buy and sell homes, specializing in residential, condominiums and relocations. “I love what I do,” she says. “I pride myself on providing customer service second to none.” Margarita comes by that customer service passion honestly having worked in her family’s restaurant since she was 12 years old. And having a nine-year background in banking certainly does not hurt when it comes to navigating the financial labyrinth that the mortgage industry can sometimes be. As the Regina housing market enters its spring upturn, Margarita invites you to give her a call. She can do a free market evaluation of your home and help you determine if the time is right for that upgrade, downsize or relocation you’ve been thinking about.


FineHomes REGINA

Margarita Parisone Royal LePage Regina Realty 3889 Arcola St. Regina, Sk. 306.535.3133 email:

The Greens on Gardiner

RRHBA 2010 Best Subdivision Award

Love Where You Live

Artist rendering based on approved landscape design drawings of entrance to Main Park- located at Green Bank Road and Green Pine Gate

BY MACKENZIE BROOKS Committing to a new home is a big decision. The numerous details that go into the process of buying a new home require attention, decision-making and dedication to working hard with your family to create your space. The team working to develop and create community in the Greens on Gardiner is no exception. Yagar Developments has combined the skill sets of its team to build a company that will deliver what you and your family are looking for in a community. Your family’s search is over, with the Greens on Gardiner.

What sets the Greens on Gardiner Apart? Built on the original Gardiner homestead, and entering its third year as a neighbourhood in Regina’s east end, the Greens on Gardiner is proving to be a strong competitor in the city’s housing market. The area’s success lies in the development team’s achievement in working with clients and builders, and by promoting two crucial philosophies: attainability and sustainability. “We don’t want to build a neighbourhood where every house looks the same and where

the streetscape is dominated by garages and residents stay in their houses,” said Lorne Yagelniski, president of Yagar Developments. “A community is only as strong as its residents. In the Greens on Gardiner, we have ultimately created a neighbourhood where people can proudly say ‘I love where I live.’” The Greens on Gardiner is a distinctive neighbourhood. With widened and separated sidewalks, eco-friendly concrete streetlights and landscaped boulevards, this neighbourhood is purposefully

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Praise for the Greens on Gardiner Jessica Reese is a young professional with Associated Engineering who recently purchased a two bedroom condo unit in the Greens on Gardiner. Jessica’s purchase was not only a chance to own her own home, but also the opportunity to live in a space that she had a hand in designing. She is especially excited about assisting in the creation of a storm water management system that functions as the major park. The park will be an aesthetically pleasing educational feature as well as recreational


Jason and Shannon Skolney are hardworking parents with a young family who are happy to call the Greens on Gardiner their home. “When we started looking for a home, we liked the area right away and decided to look only here,” said Jason. “We loved the design of the neighbourhood and when we moved to our two-story home last September, we immediately felt comfortable. Our transition to life here was easy. We are happy with our decision.” Like other residents, the Skolneys love the diverse neighbourhood population and the area’s potential. “One of the main reasons we chose this area is exactly because it’s a green neighbourhood and is working towards an environmentally smart future. We are really looking forward to getting out to the park.”


area. For her, the decision was simple. “I know and trust the developers, and appreciate the process of designing the area,” she said. “I’m very proud to live where I have helped to create something beautiful.”

Phase II lots in the Greens on Gardiner are now available. Contact Yagar Developments and the Greens on Gardiner team to jump-start your active lifestyle in an up-and-coming neighbourhood. Make the informed choice to love where you live today, in the Greens on Gardiner. www.


The Greens on Gardiner is attracting a wide cross-section of residents from young families, busy professionals, empty-nesters and retirees by providing an equally varied housing product. New residents can expect a wide choice of single-family homes and condo units that will satisfy the needs of this diverse neighbourhood’s budgets and community values. Yagelniski describes the Greens on Gardiner best: “This isn’t a neighbourhood that you outgrow, because the Greens on Gardiner’s housing options grow with you. Your family’s first home just might be on the same street as your dream home and the home where you will eventually want to retire.” How’s that for client satisfaction?

with attached garage in July 2010. “We decided to move here because of our home’s style, because it suited our present needs and also has room to grow. The area is family-oriented and green spaces are important to us,” said Mike. As a young couple, the Nowosads are looking forward to raising their children in the area and giving them the opportunity to make lasting friendships with their neighbours. “We are extremely happy with our decision.”


planned to keep residents happy and healthy. “Because of our innovative use of green space, native shrubs and grasses, diverse tree species and storm water runoff strategically rerouted for use as an amenity in the neighbourhood, residents are encouraged to become more active,” said Mary Bermudez, project manager and landscape architect. “Our team has worked in partnership with the City of Regina to implement new ideas about what it means to create community,” said Delaney Bonish, project manager with a background in civil engineering. “Our goal is to maintain the connectivity of the Greens on Gardiner with the city’s existing Devonian Pathway to encourage residents to become more active, use their vehicles less often and explore the city while maintaining safety and a friendly atmosphere where neighbours form solid relationships with one another.”




The Greens on Gardiner

Yagar Developments Inc. 3249 Eastgate Drive Regina, Sk. 306.789.0891

Mike and Janelle Nowosad also just moved to their new Oxford style, two-story home CREATING COMMUNITIES

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When you say yes to Harmony Builders, you are also saying yes to your dream home, not a home that comes from a factory and looks like your neighbor’s. If you want a particular floor plan, closet design or bathroom fixture, Harmony Builders will make it happen for you. Harmony Builders uses only the best trades and has a fantastic design and draftsperson, all of whom are committed to do excellent work for you. If you have any questions about customizing your home, we can give you answers. We will always work out a solution for you and your family because we want you to be truly happy with your home. To start building your affordable dream home today contact Harmony Builders and experience the joy of having a home constructed to meet your needs and desires. From our sales team to construction workers to home owners we all work in harmony to produce a dream come true. Come visit our new show home in The Greens on Gardiner at 3617 Green Cedar Court.

Regina & Region Home Builders’ Association


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Regina, Sk. | 306.591.0631


The award-winning showhome that has Regina talking is


3316 VALLEY GREEN WAY - GREENS ON GARDINER For more information, give Dustin a call at 306.522.1062 Watch for our new showhomes opening in Harbour Landing and Fairways West

REMEMBER THIS NUMBER: 18 Still got it? Good. You’ll be glad you did. (And you might win an iPad to boot.) If you are reading this, then you’re likely considering a new home. Or maybe your brother or pilates instructor is looking. And if it’s Greens on Gardner you’re thinking about (and why wouldn’t you if you like the sound of birds chirping in the park, not to mention ready access to Regina’s best in leisure and shopping) then you should also remember to call us at Spring Green Homes. Why would you have Spring Green build your house on Green Apple Drive in Regina? 3 reasons: 1. Because of our access to tradespeople as well as our innovative, cutting-edge construction methods, we can build your Energy Star™ home in as little as One-Third to Half the Time of what others may quote (about four to six months, which means you are enjoying it much sooner). 2. We will build you a high value and affordable new home with Standard Features that are commonly called Upgrades in other homes (such as 9-foot ceilings, Loewen metal-clad windows, James Hardie siding, spray foam insulation for max R-value in the attic, and rear garages). 3. Finally (remember that number?) there are only 18 coveted Park Facing Lots available in the next phase of Greens on Gardiner, and they are exclusively offered by Spring Green Homes. (Think: Location. Location. Location.)

Respond quickly – don’t miss this unique opportunity... Contact us now at 306-719-1444 or and ask us for our Information Package on these 18 special lots (which will also enter you into the draw for that iPad) !

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*Enter to win an Apple iPad when you inquire with Spring Green Homes. No purchase necessary. One entry per person. Some conditions apply. For contest rules, see www.springgreenhomes/contest. We value your privacy.

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Builder invites you to judge future results by past performances Emerald Park Homes: a jewel of the Regina home industry BY TRILBY HENDERSON Everyone wants to live in a home they can be proud of, but they may choose different paths to get there. For instance, if you adore the view from your backyard deck, but now find the outdated siding, draughty windows and peeling paint too distracting, a total facelift may be exactly what you need to get your home back on track. If, however, you find that the neighbourhood you once loved no longer suits your lifestyle and your current home leaves a lot to be desired, a fresh start may be the thing for you. Whether you choose to construct a new


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home or renovate an existing one, Emerald Park Homes Ltd. is the best place to start your journey toward loving the home you have, or building a home you love.

Now is the Time to Build New Saskatchewan’s current housing market has created a great opportunity for longtime homeowners to cash in on their equity and invest in the new home they’ve always wanted. Not only will a new home maintain its value longer than their existing home, it will enable them to spend

more time enjoying life and less time on maintenance and repairs. Of course, not all homeowners are ready to cash in on their equity by selling their home. In this case, renovating is a great way to retain or even increase a home’s value, although if the market drops in a few years, homeowners may not be able to get the same amount that is possible today. Emerald Park Homes has the technical, business and interpersonal skills needed to successfully manage any home building or renovation project. The company, owned by Garry and Lorena Sawchyn, has

in the White City area. The couple had spent the past year planting hundreds of trees and shrubs and designing the landscaping for their five-acre parcel. They had reached the stage where they were ready to begin planning their new house and dropped into the Emerald Park Homes office to see what the company had to offer and ask for professional advice. During the meeting, it became clear that the Brandvold’s absolutely loved their neighbourhood and the layout of their existing two-bedroom, two-bathroom bungalow. The home featured an attached triple garage; a fabulously landscaped yard complete with fishpond; and a finished basement with a built-in bar, two additional bedrooms and a large recreation room; all on a quiet bay lot with a spectacular sunset view backing onto Emerald Park’s Aspen Links Golf Course. “We loved our neighbourhood. We loved our yard. It was just that the house needed major changes,” Carie said. Unfortunately, the direction the home faced allowed in too much sunlight during the summer, making it unbearably hot. It also needed interior updates, including new flooring, new painting, new window and door trim, and new granite countertops in the kitchen, bathrooms and basement bar. Garry visited the Brandvold’s home to look for a way to address the home’s west exposure and drew up a preliminary plan to add a covered deck along the full width of the home, deflecting the sunshine and giving the Brandvolds outdoor living space. The plan included an eating area on one side and a cozy sitting area with a fireplace, screened to provide privacy, on the other. The maintenance-free deck would be constructed of stucco walls and a composite decking floor.

served hundreds of customers in Regina and area over the past thirty years. “Our experience backs an extensive knowledge of the materials, tools, techniques and trends available in this industry,” said Garry. “When homeowners approach us with a project, we know the steps we need to take to get their desired result and are able to solve any problems

that arise along the way.”

A Real-Life Renovation Success Story When Roger and Carie Brandvold first approached Emerald Park Homes last spring, they were intending to build a new home on a large acreage lot they had purchased

With this new proposal, the Brandvold’s found themselves with three different options: they could buy another used home in the area, which would also require extensive renovations; start from scratch with a new build; or renovate their existing home. “Through discussions with [Garry and Lorena], we realized that this is where we wanted to be,” said Carie. “We really needed to depend on the builder because we’d never gone through anything like this before. We felt really confident with

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effective communication throughout the project, said Garry. This means explaining the project step by step, discussing any problems that may arise, and working with the client to refine their plans where needed to make sure they get the most desirable, cost-effective results. The process of completing and obtaining plans, paperwork, and permits can take almost as long as the actual construction. For those considering a renovation or a new build, the sooner they start to put their ideas on paper and the more information they can bring to the table about what they want, the sooner Emerald Park Homes can get the job started. Remember, in order to start construction in the spring, plans must be in place and permit applications submitted well ahead of time. “Our customers will tell you that the quality of our work and their overall experience with our company was second to none,” said Garry. “If you’re looking to renovate your home or build new, why not let us do the same for you?”

Garry.” “When the house was finished, it was so much better than we thought it would be,” Carie said. “I can’t even explain how we felt when it was done. We were just so impressed that this house could turn into what he did with it.”

Trust Emerald Park Homes’ Proven Results When it comes to choosing a homebuilder, the best way to predict future results is by looking at past performance. Emerald Park Homes invites all prospective clients to speak with their past custom-


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ers about their experiences working with the company. They also encourage clients to contact the Saskatchewan New Home Warranty Program, Regina & Region Homebuilders Association, local building inspectors, and other sources to validate their commitment to customer service. Finally, Garry and Lorena invite future clients to judge for themselves by meeting with Emerald Park Homes to discuss any potential project. “Our goal during the initial meeting is to get to know the customer and provide them with honest, straightforward information about what we can do to address their needs,” said Garry. The first meeting also sets the stage for

Emerald Park Homes 64 Great Plains Road Emerald Park, Sk. 306.781.3383

Taking a closer look at Canada’s homes. When you have questions about your home, AmeriSpec has the answers. As a homeowner, it’s important to know your home inside and out. AmeriSpec can help you learn more about the condition of your home with energy evaluations and home inspections. Our energy evaluations can help you devise a plan to cut down on energy use and costs, while making your home more environmentally friendly. Our thorough home inspections examine over 400 items in and around a home, and keep you informed of necessary repairs or upgrades.

As an additional service, we can help you discover structural or energy-efficiency issues with thermal imaging. Whether you’re a buyer or a homeowner, get all the facts. AmeriSpec of Regina is proud to be locally owned and operated.

Call us today at (306) 565-1703 or visit us at

Ripplinger Homes Award-winning in the eyes of industry and the hearts of customers BY RYAN HOLOTA When the time comes to shop for a new home, most buyers start by looking at show homes. Walking through show homes by a variety of builders is a great way to see the options that are available. One of the best parts of touring a Ripplinger show home is that the level of detail you see in the show home is the level of detail you will see in your own home. “We feel that it is important to deliver the


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best quality products to our home owners,” says Ken Ripplinger, president and founder of the company. As a result of this, many of the things that are upgrades for other home builders are standard equipment in a Ripplinger house. “We believe that extra touches like extra deep kitchen drawers, ceramic tile, and hardwood flooring are the types of things that really make a homeowner feel comforted in their house. We could list them as upgrades, but then

our prices wouldn’t really be reflective of the quality that we deliver.” “It is important that our customers enjoy their home building experience,” says Leanne Ripplinger. “We work very closely with our home owners to discover their needs and then we use our experience and knowledge of the industry to build them the perfect home.”

“Our client homes are built to the same high standards as our show homes,” adds Ken. “We often see “a Ripplinger built home” in for sale listings, and it makes us proud that our customers want to mention that.”

New Ripplinger Show Homes 4401 Padwick Road

The houses that Ripplinger Homes builds are recognized for their quality and beauty not just by the people who live in them, but also by the industry at large. Ripplinger Homes has received the New Home Buyers Choice Award. This award is given by the Saskatchewan New Home Warranty Program to the builder who receives the highest ratings from customers in the areas of customer service, warranty service, quality of workmanship, and their overall recommendation. In addition, Ripplinger has received several awards for Best Custom Home and Best Show Home from the Regina and Region Home Builders Association. Of course, the employees at Ripplinger Homes also play a large part in delivering quality and satisfaction to home owners. Vance Brehmer, the company’s site supervisor, is the man who coordinates the various tradespeople and home owner meetings to ensure that everything goes according to plan. It helps that they have built long-term relationships with their trades. “Dealing with the same craftsmen, the same suppliers for a long period of time really helps us to control the quality of our houses. They know what we expect from them, and we know that we can count on them to deliver the best.”

Now building in the Landings Affordable lots starting at $72,900 Come check out our new show home NOW OPEN

New Home New Design Watch for our new show home in Harbour Landing OPENING SOON!

4715 Glass Street

To learn more about Ripplinger Homes, visit them on the web at www.ripplingerhomes. com or contact their sales consultant Carolyn Zaryski at (306) 533-9698 or by email at

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“An Awesome Experience.” - Lyle and Debra Ulrich “I have no doubt that Ripplinger Homes is the top builder in Regina,” says Debra Ulrich. “We love to tour show homes on weekends, and over time it became apparent when we were in a Ripplinger house. There was something about them, even without the sign out front. The craftsmanship, the quality, and the kitchens, were always well above the other builders in the area. From the hardwood floors to the granite that was used throughout, you could just tell. When it came time for my husband and I to build again, we knew immediately that we would choose Ripplinger Homes. “Everything was handled perfectly. Initially we dealt with Carolyn who sold us the house and walked us though the process. She really understood what was going on, and how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Once construction started, Vance became the person who we spoke to most often. He coordinated everything on our house, kept us informed of the schedule, and made sure we moved in on time. Now that the construction is finished and we are living in our home, we sometimes talk to Dean. He handles any of our questions now that we are living in the house, not that there are many of those. Still, it’s nice to know that there is always someone that we can phone if we have any concerns.”

“We would absolutely do this again.” – Scott & Jackie Fedec “When we started this process we were told that our house would be ready in 12 months from the time that the basement was dug out. They finished the house almost a month early,” Jackie Fedec beams as she talks about their experience with Ripplinger Homes. “Originally we didn’t want to build, just to find a house that was a little bit bigger. But the more houses we toured, the more things we saw about Ripplinger houses and when we found a lot that we liked, we knew it was time.” “The whole process was so easy, and everybody was so good at communicating with us. When we had questions, the answers were explained to us, and when we were unsure about a choice Ken worked with us to really make sure that we understood our options and to give us his recommendations. There are many things that we were initially hesitant about, but Ken convinced us to do the right thing, and now they are our favorite things about the house. He has great taste and is a really talented builder.” Ripplinger Homes 1825 Mackay St. Regina, Sk. Office: 306.596.2204 Sales: 306.533.9698


Skyline 1938 Dewdney Ave. Regina

home decor

Our Trademark...Your Home BY SHAUNA BAILEY When you think of your dream home what comes to mind? Do you see visions of dark hardwood floors, the warmth from a gas fireplace, or a walk-in closet that showcases your shoe collection? These visions can all come true when you build your dream home with Trademark Homes Inc. A house is just a house until you make it a home. When it comes to purchasing your next house you have the choice of buying a house that is already built, and will likely require renovations to make it your own,


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or you can build your dream house from the ground up knowing that when you get the keys you are moving into a house that is a reflection of you and your family. There are many things to think about when you build a home. Where do you want to live? What style of house do you prefer? What is your budget? What is on the wish list and what is on the musthave list? When you build a new house you need to be sure that you are building with someone that you are confident in and comfortable with. With Trademark

Homes you will not need to worry and the staff and sales associates will guide you through the house build and make sure that every stage is explained. From contract to keys you are part of the process. Trademark Homes Inc. is a young and entrepreneurial builder in the Regina new home market, but they have already made a positive name for themselves. Trademark Homes Inc. is a local builder who takes pride in delivering a quality product and providing each client with

professional service even after your house is complete. Trademark Homes Inc. is a member of the Regina Home Builders Association with a great reputation, skilled trades, and proven track record. On top of this, many of the Trademark Homes Inc. sales associates are also licensed REALTORS ® with Royal LePage Regina Realty. Their sales associates know the local market inside and out and can even help you with the sale of your existing home. One thing that sets Trademark Homes Inc. apart from the crowd is the two different products that they offer. Trademark Homes Inc. can help you get into a new home regardless of your budget. Trademark’s Lifestyle Homes allow you to build a new home in a mature area. The next time you drive through Broder’s Annex, Highland Park, Church Hill Downs, or Coronation Park keep your eye out for a Trademark Home. The advantage of building in a mature area is that it is an already established neighbourhood and many of the homes qualify for a property tax abatement. You can get into a Trademark Lifestyle home starting at $260,000! If you see yourself living in a new development then the Trademark Executive line is what you need. You will see Trademark Homes in many of the new areas like Harbour Landing, Lakeridge, Greens on Gardiner, Stone Point Estates, and White City. These homes are constructed with luxury in mind, and Trademark includes many features as standards so you don’t go over budget with upgrades. Options like hardwood and tile flooring, air conditioning, gas fireplaces, and corner jetted tubs are items that come standard. Trademark Homes Inc. is a custom home builder and will build you the house you envision at no extra cost. Whether you bring them an idea on a napkin, or plan you found on the Internet, they will make it work. You can also choose from one of the many plans that Trademark Homes Inc. has in its inventory. There are many layouts to choose from in both the Lifestyle and Executive Lines. Trademark Homes Inc. has two Show Homes that you can visit! There is a Lifestyle show suite located at 565 Elphinstone Street. This house is an up/down duplex that is built to Trademark Lifestyle specifications and shows

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you that quality and luxury are affordable and can even be income-producing. You can also visit their Executive show home that is situated at 14 Emerald Hill Drive in White City. This is 1,390 square foot bi-level with a triple garage. This house is also built to spec and you will see quality and attention to detail. Before you buy a new house, call Trademark Homes Inc. where from concept to completion their professional staff will make your experience an enjoyable one.

Trademark Homes 1750 McAra Street Regina, Sk. 306.205.2502

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It’s Time For Another Look Behind the peaceful and relaxing attitude present in The Creeks, there has been a lot going on at the southeast end of Arcola Avenue. Since The Creeks was awarded the RRHBA Best New Subdivision Award in 2008, more than 86 houses have been completed or are currently under construction and more than 100 people are now living in the community. Many improvements have been made to the community in the past three years, but the best are still to come.

Updates For 2011 This year is an important year for The Creeks. Lots have now been released in Phase II of the development, allowing 66 more families to call this wonderful place home. With The Creeks Parade of Homes set to open on June 1, new show homes are opening regularly, with five new show homes available for viewing as of this writing and more opening soon. “If you haven’t been to The Creeks for some time, you really deserve to go back and take another look,” says Kevin Reese, general manager of The Creeks. “The whole community is now filled out, and you can really see all of the detail that has gone into the planning of the area.” Also scheduled to be completed in 2011 is the first of two spacious parks. While the entire development is surrounded by beautiful untouched prairie, these parks are going to be developed complete with children’s playgrounds, multipurpose fields, trees, shrubs, and flowers to provide more opportunities for you and your family to play and explore. Phase III of the project, set to start in 2011, will connect The Creeks to Wascana View, improving access and convenience further for those who have chosen to live in The Creeks.


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The Ideal Location To Live Located just 90 seconds past Prince of Wales Drive, The Creeks is very much a part of Regina. However, because it is bordered by Chuka Creek and the McKell Wascana Conservation Project, it is secluded from the hustle, bustle, and noise of a busy and growing city. Instead of sirens and traffic, sounds of crickets and birds fill summer evenings. Designed with wide, curving streets, The Creeks has a gentle and organic feel even when driving in and out. Antique style street lamps and grass lined sidewalks highlight the feeling of peacefulness and natural beauty. Carefully planned landscaping offers seamless transitions between the carefully manicured green spaces and the natural, untouched beauty of the prairie landscape.

“It’s like a little community on its own, quiet...and more relaxed than living in other areas of the city. “ ~Mike & Tracy Zurowski

Sthamann Homes, Gilroy Homes, Fiorante Homes, North Ridge Development Corporation, Homes by Dundee, Munro Homes, and Kratz Homes. These dedicated companies have all exhibited excellence in their trade and were invited to be a part of The Creeks as a way of ensuring that all of the homes in the development would be of the highest quality.

Prestigious Builders

These builders have all embraced the spirit of The Creeks to protect the values of the land and the houses that are built there. Further, each builder has agreed to a level of architectural standards to preserve the beauty and value of the community for all of its residents. These standards are not designed to limit your creativity; rather they are intended to allow you the flexibility to create exactly the home that you want while ensuring that all of your neighbours also build a stunning home.

The Creeks has recently welcomed Munro Homes into its family of select builders. This group now consists of Varsity Homes,

The time has come. You have waited and dreamed and wished for a development like The Creeks. Now it is here.

Only minutes from the east end’s shopping and restaurants, living in The Creeks provides the best of city life combined with peace and quiet. And your favorite pizza place will still deliver to you.

“We were attracted to The Creeks because the lots were bigger than lots in other parts of the city. We also loved the style of the streetlights and the decorating on the exteriors of all the houses. We feel like we are a little removed from the city, but still part of the city. It has been exactly what we expected it would be like; it’s a very friendly neighbourhood.” ~Keith & Ila Hill “Our builder recommended The Creeks to us because we wanted a larger lot than what was available in other areas of Regina. The streets are wider, and there is a real small town feel. We know everyone in the neighbourhood already, and they are all friendly. We are outdoors people, and we are really looking forward to exploring the area and looking forward to the new park being built this year.” ~Rodney & Donna Schoettler or phone the office 522-2300

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Neighbourhood Park

Pocket Park


































Imagine living next to the inviting allures of natural prairie habitat, with all the benefits of city life in-hand. The Creeks, one of Regina’s newest and innovative residential developments offers the best of both worlds—city convenience, amenities, and a lifestyle connected to nature. Located adjacent to Wascana View in south-east Regina, The Creeks presents quiet residential crescents and cul-du-sacs, as well as prestige lots next to a natural habitat reserve for prairie plants and nesting waterfowl. Whatever the season, this residential area will inspire your spirit and enhance your new home experience. New homes in The Creeks, built by several of Regina’s finest builders, feature contemporary designs to fit your unique tastes and a wide selection of spacious lots, several of which back onto green spaces or the environmental reserve.



Discover your new home inThe Creeks

PHASES 1&2 Now Available

Contact a participating builder for more information about building a new home in The Creeks, or call the developer at 306-522-2300. Tel: 306-522-2300

Contact a participating builder today!


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From Our Home To Yours Kratz Homes BY CAROL TODD The Kratz family believes in more than just building houses—they believe in building homes and community—a community of which they consider themselves an active part. For more than 50 years, Joe Kratz and now son Ralph and daughter-in-law Pam have been constructing quality homes for Reginans. The patriarch of the clan set the high standard back in 1960 and, since then, the Kratz Homes commitment to quality and service has fostered a successful, healthy, family-owned and operated business with a dedicated clientele. Every step of the home building process, from design and engineering, to architecture and construction, is carefully planned and maintained to deliver superior homes.


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“We’re known for quality craftsmanship and workmanship,” says Pam. “When someone sees a Kratz home listed for sale, they know it’s a quality-built home.” Trends and technology may have changed since the early 1960s, but the Kratz Homes commitment to quality remains the same. Home designs and styles have evolved over the years-the ubiquitous bungalow is no longer the norm for families-and the Kratz family takes care to ensure their homes are of the latest design and incorporate all the modern features and finishing touches consumers need or want. For example, a beautiful home currently featured on the company website boasts more than 2,000 square feet over two stories, with attached garage and family

room on the second floor. But, the focus is always on quality says Ralph, who is proud to carry on the tradition, and standards, set by his father. “We’ve been doing this for many years. Our commitment to quality is well known,” he says. That has translated into a clientele of satisfied homeowners, some who have bought not just their first, but their second, homes, from Kratz. “Quality sells the first house,” says Ralph, ”customer service sells the second.” Part of that commitment to service and quality is attributable to the knowledge and extensive experience of the staff, many of whom have been with the company for more than 30 years. And, father Joe, still going strong in his 70s, continues to keep

an eagle eye on the operation. Kratz Homes uses the most current and up-to-date architectural designs and exceeds most of today’s structural and environmental requirements, using the highest quality materials to build strong, structurally sound homes. Standard features include acrylic stucco, hardwood floors, custom cabinets, and stone countertops throughout, as well as steel beam construction, rebar in the floating basement floors, and high efficiency furnaces and PVC windows for environmental efficiency. The staff at Kratz Homes is the solid foundation of the operation. Many have been working with the family for years, like office manager Bernie Boos, who has more than 30 years under his tool belt and who also has his real estate licence and can help with all the legalities. Pam, too, is in the process of obtaining her licence and will also help with all aspects of home sales. A former teacher, she enjoys working with the staff and contractors to give Reginans the quality homes they want. “We have an excellent relationship with the sub-contractors and trades we work with,” she says, stressing that the relationship contributes to the quality of the work.

Along with keeping up with the newest trends and maintaining good working relationships, it’s the commitment to their kratz homes clients that drives the family and staff. The clients’ needs come first, even to what some may consider extremes. At least twice on record, in the 70s and again in 2001, Kratz Homes has built homes that incorporate living trees into the structure. It is a European tradition to have a tree on the roof of a home. “It’s a symbol of youth, happiness and health in the house,” Joe Kratz was quoted as saying about the special addition, which is hoisted up along with the last rafter. Not a chi-chi roof garden, the tree comes down once it has brought its blessings to the home, usually after a few days. But, it’s an indication of the lengths—and heights—the Kratz family will go for their customers. The philosophy underlying that sentiment remains consistent year after year, regardless of the vagaries of the economy, with Kratz Homes continuing to build 10 to 12 houses annually, always ensuring quality control and customer satisfaction. The company focuses on one customer at a time, and resisted the urge to ride the upswing in the housing market that hit Regina a few years ago. Demand exceeded supply and prospective homeowners were

willing to pay any price to get a house within a given timeframe, sometimes sacrificing quality along the way. Kratz Homes didn’t add staff or ramp up its construction schedule, but carried on as it has always done—working with its clients to give them quality homes. “You always know what you’re getting with a Kratz home,” says Ralph. “We want to ensure that each and every one is a quality home: built with pride and with customer service and care our top priority,” says Pam. Kratz homes can be found throughout the city—they have, after all, been building homes here for many years. Recent work has focused on construction in some of the city’s newer subdivisions, such as Harbour Landing, Lakeridge and the Greens on Gardiner. They’re even building out in Emerald Park and White City, east of Regina. Ralph and Pam live where they work, with recent homebuilding efforts focused on their own area, The Creeks subdivision in east Regina. “Our clients are, in many cases, our neighbours,” says Ralph, “We’re a part of the community.” The family and staff are very excited about the future, and look forward to carrying on the Kratz family tradition of high standards in home construction for their neighbours

and the broader Regina community for the foreseeable future. “We want to continue building quality homes at a fair price,” says Ralph. “It’s tried and true,” he adds regarding the workmanship and care that goes into building a Kratz home. “You know the structure is going to be there for years.” If the first half century is any indication, the company, too, will be around for many years to come. The Kratz Homes family and staff looks forward to working with you to build a custom quality home for you and your family. “From our home, to yours,” says Ralph. Their commitment to you, their customers, will ensure your new home meets all your needs, whether they include construction in a newer subdivision or on an existing lot. Watch for the Kratz Homes show home in The Creeks Parade of Homes, coming later this spring. In the meantime, check out the newest Kratz show home in The Creeks at 4810 Sandpiper Crescent or click for more information.

Kratz Homes Ltd 175 Hodsman Road Regina, Sk. 306.536.0903

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Making Dream Homes a Reality HTH Custom Homes | Lumsden, Sk. | 306.541.9190 |

MacKenzie Lane Townhomes Now selling in White City Contact Blair at 306.539.1027


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Award Homes Ltd.


From the Foundation, Up! BY MACKENZIE BROOKS Tracy Gusway is a man who is passionate about home and landscape design, innovative products and, most importantly, working side-by-side with customers to create personalized dream homes. As the owner, project manager, designer and general contractor of Award Homes, Tracy is a man who wears many hats. Proficient in all his roles, his dedication to his customers’ dreams shows in the quality of the Award Homes product: solid homes, innovative design and quality workmanship for more than 20 years. “When Award Homes was created in 1985, its founder had solid principles of building quality from the foundation up,”


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said Tracy. “When I made Award Homes my own, I made sure to carry on those same principles that Award Homes had worked hard to establish and that we continue to maintain today. We are very proud of our hard work, and are grateful to our customers for choosing us.” Tracy and Award Homes have every right to be proud. As a 20-plus year Gold Star winner in the New Home Warranty Certification program, Award Homes is literally in a class by itself. The program has designated Award Homes a Platinum Star winner, a class reserved for builders who have maintained their gold star status continuously for more than two decades.

Well done, Award Homes! Award Homes focuses on their clients’ needs and delivers a quality build because Tracy makes it a priority to do things properly. “Because we choose to build, at most, five houses a year, my customers benefit from personal attention,” he said. “We make planning and design a critical component of building your home and the quality of workmanship is apparent in everything we do.” With Award Homes, you are guaranteed a builder who will give you options to suit your budget and who gives consideration to planning your home’s pre-programmable electrical (with raceways for future wiring), borrowed

lighting and home theatre needs, cost-saving and efficient appliances, mechanical room staples like the tank-less Navien hot water heater and furnaces that will save you money. “We give you options so you can make informed decisions,” said Tracy. “Building these options into your home’s mortgage now, saves you out-of-pocket costs in the future.” Award Homes is also pleased to provide its customers with landscaping services through Award Landscaping, a division of Award Homes. “Fences, decks, concrete patios, underground sprinklers and sheds all need consideration in home planning,” continued Tracy. “With many new builds, landscaping is an afterthought and consequently, a major expense. Award Landscaping offers you the opportunity to see immediate and gratifying results that not only accentuate, but become an extension of your home.” Watch for Award Homes’ newly renovated website and information about their upcoming landscaping seminars to inspire and create your own oasis. Tracy also offers his services at Award Landscaping outside of new home construction. If you are looking for a partner in planning your current home’s landscape renovation, Tracy is full of creative ideas to optimize your home’s architectural features, reduce your watering costs or create a lower maintenance schedule for your outdoor space and maximize enjoyment of your yard. Stop by Award Homes’ exceptional show home at 2419 Jameson Crescent on Regina’s east side to witness true craftsmanship, innovative use of new products and options to suit your family’s requirements. Marvel at the plumbed indoor gas grill and the traditional wood-burning fireplace. Revel in this home’s four season atrium! Call Tracy Gusway at Award Homes at (306) 539-3948 for creative and informed quality design and execution. That atrium could be yours!

Special show home hours will run in conjunction with the Regina Spring Home Show weekend. Saturday, March 26 and Sunday, March 27 from 1 to 4 p.m., Monday, March 28 to Thursday, March 31 from 7 to 9 p.m., and Saturday, April 2 and Sunday, April 3 from 1 to 4 p.m.

Award Homes- Tracy Gusway Regina, Sk. 306.539.3948

FineHomes REGINA


Remember When Furniture Was Made From Real Wood? BY RYAN HOLOTA There is a reason that antique furniture is still around today—it was made from solid woods such as oak, maple, and pine—just like the new furniture you can still buy from Fanny’s Furniture and Kitchens. Solid wood with rich finishes and handcrafted joinery, the heavenly pieces at Fanny’s will last you for a lifetime. Fanny’s Furniture and Kitchens has been in business since 1984, always going out of their way to provide the very best in customer service, selection, and price. The methods they use have sometimes


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been unconventional, but they obviously work. And keeping the store small, instead of expanding as much as possible, means they can build relationships with their clients.

store is cozy and comfortable, and our staff is extremely knowledgeable. They have been with us for a long time, and they understand our values and the way we want our customers to feel.”

“It’s really all about customer service for us,” says Debra Huber. “We have purposely decided to structure our business in a way that allows us to treat our customers like family. We could open a larger store, hire more sales staff, and lower our quality, but that’s just not the way we want to do things. Instead, our

The Same Philosophy Now Extends To Cabinets In the company’s never-ending quest to provide high quality, handcrafted Canadian goods to its customers, Fanny’s Furniture and Kitchens launched a new line of home

cabinetry: Kekuli Bay Cabinetry. “So many of our furniture customers came back to us and said: ‘where can I get cabinets that are built as well as your furniture?’” Greg Huber, the kitchen design consultant, didn’t have an answer for those customers. “We wanted to do something to fill that gap in the market.” Kekuli Bay cabinets are 100 per cent handcrafted in the Huber workshop. Need a 25 or 17 inch cabinet? It’s no problem for the craftsmen at Kekuli Bay, and there are no additional charges. Because Kekuli Bay cabinets are built by the same people who build all of Fanny’s furniture, you can be sure they are built with care. The factory uses the same furniture quality wood, joinery techniques, and finishing methods to create their cabinets as they do to build elegant, heirloom quality furniture. Kekuli Bay cabinets are readily available in seven species of wood and an impressive number of finishes, although the customization options are limitless. There are now more than 17 completed kitchens in the Regina area fitted with Kekuli Bay cabinets. “Most of our projects have been renovations,” says Debra, “it just makes sense to reinvest in the home that you already have when house prices are so high. However, we have also done some new home projects, and they have turned out beautifully. Some would think that having truly custom cabinets would be expensive, but because we control every step of the project, from design to delivery, we can deliver exceptional value.”

Furniture So Beautiful The Angels Use It From solid wood bedroom furniture to end tables and coffee tables, from dining room tables to china cabinets, Fanny’s Furniture and Kitchens offers everything that you need to furnish your home. Each piece is available in a wide variety of wood species and finishes, although the decision is never complicated. John, Kent, Sandra and Marlin are all experts in the home furnishings business and can help


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you identify the pieces and finishes that will serve you best. A walk through the showroom reveals a lot about the quality. Drawers are solid, but slide freely. Tables don’t rock back and forth when you lean on them, and cabinet doors shut with a thud instead of a clank. Everything you touch has a different feel to it. When you produce furniture out of real wood, you can subtly contour the edges for comfort and beauty, rather than leaving sharp, square edges. Get a ding in a piece of solid wood furniture? It’s a small dent that adds character, instead of a big chunk that flakes away leaving particle board exposed. “We provide our customers with furniture that will last for a long time,” Debra says. “In terms of value, it is really hard to beat

what we offer. Sure, you can buy cheaper furniture, but that often means that you will have to replace it down the road. We are just a little bit more, and the furniture will stay with you for a lifetime.” Whether you are looking for quality kitchen and bath cabinets, solid wood furniture, or a little bit of both, stop by the Fanny’s Furniture and Kitchens showroom at 1217 Broad Street in Regina, or online at and www.

Fanny’s Furniture and Kitchens Kekuli Bay Cabinets 1217 Broad St. 306-545-9818

EXPERTAdvice Is your home’s foundation a strength or weakness? Find out with a quality home inspection.

Whether you’re looking to buy a new home or you’re happy staying in your home for awhile, a home inspection is an invaluable tool at your disposal. If you’re considering purchasing a home but you are feeling uncertain about what condition it’s in, a home inspection can give you all the facts about any necessary repairs or upgrades. On the other hand, a home inspection is great if you simply want to get to know more about your own home and if there are any potential issues affecting anything from the roof, attic and furnace to the foundation and drywall. As a buyer, seller or homeowner, a home inspection can help you get a home assessed and ease any concerns you might have about its condition.

homes where stone/rubble or brick masonry is common. However, since these areas are more sensitive to moisture infiltration, both honeycombing and flaking could cause the wall to potentially fail if there is enough deterioration. Bowing or leaning of a foundation wall is usually a potentially

One of the most important components of a home is the foundation. The entire home depends on the structural integrity of the foundation system, and so it should not offer any significant concerns. A home inspector can inform you of its condition during an inspection. However, the inspector cannot offer a conclusive opinion on whether the problem will worsen based on a visual examination alone.

Dave Novak

Certified Home Inspector AmeriSpec of Regina (306) 565-1703

Most newer Canadian homes have poured concrete or concrete block foundations. Although it is common for these foundations to have small cracks, they are typically not structural concerns. However, sealing the cracks could help prevent water leakage to the basement’s interior, and all cracks in a foundation should be monitored for further movement and possible water infiltration into the home. Some other concerns that can arise with a home’s foundation are honeycombing, flaking or bowing. Honeycombing is a term used to describe a condition in a poured concrete foundation where the aggregate (small stones) in the concrete is exposed. It typically occurs when the concrete is not sufficiently vibrated and compacted after placing into forms. Flaking can occur on poured concrete foundations, on the mortar of stone foundations and on the surface of bricks on brick foundations.

more significant structural problem. When it comes to your home, it’s important to speak to a home inspector who is both knowledgeable and experienced. They should be able to answer all your questions in an objective, professional manner and provide you with valuable tips and information about your home. To learn more about the benefits of a thorough, professional home inspection and to get in touch with a certified home inspector in your community, visit

Due to the age of the foundation, flaking is more likely to cause leaks in older FineHomes REGINA


Control costs and problems with a pre-fab from Nu-Fab BY G.H. LEWMER

Anyone who has ever picked up a hammer knows the challenges that come with every building project. Whether it be a garage, cottage, home, shed, or any building project, costs can quickly escalate to a point where that “easy-to-do-build” that you thought was a piece of cake has now become that “nightmare build,” that comes complete with endless headaches and a never-ending money pit. Knowing that so many things could—and usually do—go wrong, wouldn’t it make sense to find a company that could get you started on the right foot with all the right supplies and professional advice from someone who’s familiar with your project?


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Regina based Nu-Fab Building Products understands the challenges that many contractors and owners face and that explains why they have become the industry leader in prefabricated buildings. Working in the construction industry since 1970, Nu-Fab has developed an excellent reputation for innovation and dependability, offering a wide selection of building materials to the contractor or homeowner that includes, prefabricated garages; home and cottage packages; engineered wood products; roof trusses; floor trusses; windows and doors; and wall panels. Through continuous improvement practices and dedicated employees

Nu-Fab is committed to providing their customers with top quality, high value building materials and unparalleled services at a competitive price. Nu-Fab’s prefabricated garage package, the Weekender, comes with everything you need to make your build as efficient and quick as possible. By using the Weekender package you’ll soon realize huge time and cost savings as opposed to traditional do-it-yourself framing. Each Weekender package comes equipped with prefabricated wall panels; three-plate system; engineered roof trusses; 30-year asphalt shingles; insulated overhead door,

soffit and siding packages; blueprints; and paperwork for the building permit. You can view pictures and results at their website, where you’ll see how quick and easy it is to assemble your own garage. With 16 different prototypes to choose from, prefabricated cottages are the perfect solution to ensure a worry-free build on that private piece of paradise. Nu-Fab can and will custom design any of your ideas so that all the important building elements are ready to go when you begin your project. The experienced staff is more than ready to sit down with every customer to ensure that the only limit to your cottage design is your imagination. As a member of the community, Nu-Fab prides itself on being committed to ethical business practices. All of their garage and cottage packages use fabricated and engineered wood products to help reduce waste and ensure environmental stewardship. For the independent contractor or homeowner, Nu-Fab also offers a wide range of engineered floor trusses and engineered roof trusses made to order. They can build to spec in an endless range of sizes with the promise that your components will be delivered on time and on budget including all the information you need about handling; installing and bracing; and terminology and technology. With every project Nu-Fab is associated with, 100 per cent customer satisfaction is their number one concern. Nu-Fab specializes in offering a superior quality prefabricated cottage, home, garage or shed that can be assembled in little time at a great price. You can learn more about Nu-Fab by calling (306) 7218131 or visiting the website at www.nufab. com. Better yet, come on down to the store at 610 Henderson Drive in Regina. You can see for yourself how simple it can be to realize your dream—the perfect build at the perfect price. Nu-Fab Building Products 610 Henderson Drive Regina, Sk. 306.721.8131 FineHomes REGINA




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Finishing in



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Personalizing Home Design

Robinson Residential BY RYAN HOLOTA When Sarah Richardson of Sarah Richardson Design in Toronto, Ontario looked for a designer for the house on Season Three of her television show “Sarah’s House,” she chose Regina design firm Robinson Residential. On her show Sarah remarked: “What excites me about the idea of working with John [Robinson, owner] is that he seems to think about the project in the same way that I do. While he is thinking about the existing structure, he is also thinking about how

the new structure can be efficient and cost effective. Knowing that from the minute of starting this project that he and I are on the same page gives me a sense of calm and relief that this isn’t going to spiral out of control.” Founded in 1996 by John Robinson as a one person operation, Robinson Residential has grown to incorporate 10 architectural engineering technologists. Together they produce about 300 home

designs a year in the Regina area and more than 100 designs for homes in other parts of Canada and the United States. A website offering plans for sale over the Internet was set up in 1999 and offers approximately 100 plans in a variety of styles. More designs are planned for release in 2011. The styles are a mix of Craftsman, Urban, Narrow Lot, and selections from the Weekend Warrior series—modular homes designed to be

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set up in four weekends by four people. The narrow lot homes are a particular point of pride with Robinson Residential, as they feature unique floor plans and historical architectural features, while intended to complement existing heritage homes on narrow 25 foot lots. Having a new home designed for you may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. According to Robinson the best course of action is to know what you want, but to leave the details up to them. “A lot of times, people will bring us sketches of houses that they think they want and ask us to work around them. In reality, it’s much better to just bring us your ideas and let us figure out the details. There are countless factors that must be considered, such as wall thicknesses and ducting and utility spaces, when you plan a house.” The team at Robinson Residential is well-trained and does this type of thing all the time. Come with an open mind, and they will show you new ideas, help you maximize your space and design and excite you with concepts you hadn’t thought of. Education is the key to excellence at Robinson Residential. The staff engages in constant learning activities to push the bounds of what is possible. They recently returned from Oak Park, Illinois and Frank Lloyd Wright’s rural estate Taliesin where they studied the work of the architectural master and discovered the keys to his distinctive and much-loved style. The staff also participates in quarterly research projects where the elements of one particular housing style, such as the

Prairie Style, is researched, critiqued, and then presented to each other. Another popular training exercise is a two day challenge where the designers are given a set of conditions (home size, budget, number of family members, etc.) and are asked to design a completely unique home within two days. At the end of the second day, the houses are all presented to show how obstacles were

turned into opportunities for creativity. All of this education leads to a final product with a difference. Something that Robinson is becoming known for in the Regina area is minimizing the impact of the garage on the front of the house. “We see these large houses all the time that have very prominent two or three car garages set in front of them and the entrance door set way back into the shadows. We like to bring the rest of the house forward, making the front door the feature of the home instead of the garage. Not only do we feel that this looks better, it really increases the amount of usable yard in the back of the house.” Robinson has designed homes ranging from small weekend cottages to multimillion dollar homes. Budget is not the deciding factor in who should hire a firm such as Robinson Residential Design. “A successful design is often able to use less square footage than what was originally planned, thus the design fee can be offset


FineHomes REGINA

by reduced construction costs.” Robinson adds. Sometimes creating beauty in new ways is cheaper than doing things the old-fashioned way. Eyebrow windows along the roof were very popular from an architectural standpoint, but are traditionally very expensive to build. In their popular I-series, Robinson was able to create this timeless and beautiful look with roof trusses, saving their clients considerable expense. “When we design a house, we always try to keep the structural elements as simple as possible to get the look that you desire. This means that you spend less money on having the structure built, leaving you more money to spend on the details inside the home.” Having certified designers can save you money in other ways too. While many draftsmen simply draw up the plans to code, a designer who truly understands the

materials can do much more. Appropriate roof overhangs for example, can protect windows from the hot summer sun, reducing air conditioning costs but still letting in natural light. Perhaps more important than cost is usability; houses are expensive, so why would you want to build a house that was designed to meet the average needs of an average family? “So many house plans out there are designed for a generic family. We design houses for your family, for the way that you live your life. Not everybody is the same, and your home should reflect that. We also look at Lifestyle Costing— that is, what will this house cost you over the length of time that you will be living in it? It doesn’t make sense to use cheaper materials that will wear out in 10 years if you will be in the house for 20 or 30.” All initial meetings between the designers and clients at Robinson start the same

way; with an intense discovery session that challenges the client to think about what they are really looking for in their new home, and the style elements that they would like to include in the house. From there, the design team makes those ideas come to life on paper. When you are ready to build a home that you can be proud of, call Robinson Residential Design Inc. at (306)3526617 to discover what is possible on your budget. If you are still in the browsing mood, stop by to see dozens of sample homes and floor plans and to take a questionnaire that will help you uncover what you are really looking for in your next house. Robinson Residential Design Inc. 2343-A Broad St. Regina Sk. Phone: 306-352-6617

Ask anyone who’s done it: building your lakeside getaway home can be a dream, or a nightmare, and sometimes both. For many, there will never be a bigger, more complex or costlier project. The journey to your dream cottage, from first sketch to first stretch out on the deck, can be fraught with delays, complications and escalating costs. For Regina-andarea residents with visions of weekends on the water, there is an option well worth considering: modular lakeside homes. “There are a lot of misconceptions out there about modular homes,” says Allan Hall, who with his wife, Bonnie, has owned and operated Sherwood Modular Homes in Regina for 10 years. “Some people associate them with mobile homes, others have no idea what they are.” Unlike the traditional mode of house construction, modular homes are built almost entirely in a factory and then transported to the owners’ site. As the modular home industry has grown more sophisticated, so has its ability to customize homes with nearly any feature desired by the owners. For first-time homeowners and others who must be conscientious about costs, modular homes can be an excellent choice.


Square footage: 1112 sq. ft. Dimentions: 30’ x 40’ Bayview 1- 1112 sq. ft 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom

Optional fireplace makes for a warm and inviting living area Kitchen features spacious cabinets and pantry Spacious bath features his and hers sinks Exceptional living area traffic pattern Optional cedar and log siding for rustic look

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Specializing in new residential, commercial and renovations

Bar-T Construction is a family-run business that has been serving Regina and Southern Saskatchewan since 1983. At Bar-T Construction we understand that building a new house or doing a renovation can be a stressful time, so our knowledgeable staff will help you through the process of choosing the right exterior package for you. Please visit our showroom at 1150 Park Street and let us help you, whether you are looking to update your curb appeal or make your home more energy efficient. We are the exterior people. t 3PPรถOH t 7JOZM 4JEJOH t $FNFOU 'JCSF 4JEJOH t &YUFSJPS *OTVMBUJPO t 1BQFS 8JSF t "DSZMJD 4UVDDP t %SZWJU &YUFSJPS *OTVMBUFE 'JOJTI 4ZTUFNT


1150 Park Street Regina, Sk. 306.789.9777

Saving money and the Environment One Spray at a Time One-of-a-kind, made-in-Saskatchewan company leads insulation industry BY PETER PARKER As the number one installer of Canadian Construction Materials Centre (CCMC)certified medium density Walltite-Eco insulation for your home or business in the entire province, Spray Jones is a one-of-akind, made-and-stayed in Saskatchewan success story. The creative force behind Spray Jones is 33-year-old CEO Michael Dynna, who actualized a dream by creating a company that allowed owners of residential and commercial property the opportunity to substantially increase the property revenue potential by maximizing the energy efficiency at a minimal price. By

combining the principles of environmental conservation with the fiscal prudence of intelligent structural design, Michael has created a growing and prosperous multiprovince enterprise whose primary goal is to save you, and your home or business, a substantial amount of money throughout your lifetime by reducing energy costs. For anyone who has ever tasted success, they know it’s never as easy as it looks. For Michael, it was a combination of hard-work, vision, and intelligence that propelled Spray Jones to become the

industry leader it is today. “I started Spray Jones in 2004 because I came to the conclusion that there was a far more efficient and cost-effective manner to make a home, or building, energy accountable and affordable than what traditional insulation suppliers led you to believe. In my previous line of work, I worked in close proximity with innovators and visionaries. Through close observation of their work ethos and ethics, I had the foundation of the principles that I wanted Spray Jones to be.”

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Michael is especially proud that, six years later, Spray Jones has retained the integrity of expanding innovation that was one of the founding principles the company was built upon. “When you’re the ‘original company,’ as opposed to a copycat ‘me too company,’ you have an obligation to the community that everyone who attempts to imitate your success follows the highest degree of standards and professionalism that we set when we single-handedly created the industry. We took it upon ourselves to educate provincial and city officials, the builders, and especially the homeowners about the financial and environmental rewards of Walltite-Eco insulation. Due to all the effort that we put into communication and building practices, our work is recognized as the best by a mile in the province by builders and property owners.”

Replacing traditional and wasteful fiberglass insulation, Walltite-Eco is a self-adhering, self-sealing structurallycontributing insulation that is custom applied on site to fit the exact needs of a project. Filling gaps and transitions, Walltite-Eco ties the building together like no other product. “The focus of our work is on conservation and utilization of the existing property by using minimal new resources and producing minimal waste,” says Michael. “We retain what is working within the foundation of the building while replacing the elements that reduce maximizing gain. Our goal is for the customer to reduce heat loss within the building, reduce electricity costs by as much as 60 per cent along with improving indoor air quality. “The immediate cost saving is what initially stands out, but what for us is equally as

important, is educating the customer and dedicating ourselves to improve the building science so that the owner can realize a lifetime of savings. We can assist in either the residential, commercial, agriculture or industrial sectors. We can handle jobs from smaller homes all the way up to large-scale industrial ‘shut downs’—size doesn’t matter to us! Spray Jones will always make sound decisions based on the needs and long-term goals of our customers and their projects. We’re only there to deliver what the customer needs as opposed to trying to convince them into accepting something they don’t need. “For every new home or commercial building, we have a standard two-year warranty on the material, as well as, a one year warranty on the installation. We’re also a member of the elite Foam Master

program by BASF. Our policy is that our chief people in charge of a spray rig must have a minimum 2,000 hours spray time. Unfortunately, the current trend in the spray foam industry is to certify people and companies with little to no previous experience. Spray Jones values and dedicates itself to professionalism by employing smart, innovative trustworthy individuals of all backgrounds, ensuring

an experienced and knowledgeable team is on the job site that are at the top of their trade and profession. On our website ( you’ll be able to find CCMC reports, code facts, 3-D wall detailing, Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation reports, as well as, numerous other bits of factual information that can assist the customer in making an informed and educated decision before

purchasing. “In essence we’re in the problem solving business for both the builder and the building owner. We want the best product for the customer that will maximize cost savings and allow them the comfortable setting they desire. We want homeowners to understand that it is possible that a 5,400 square foot house can cost as little as $200 a month to heat by using Walltite-Eco insulation. We want all of our customers to understand that it is possible that we can cut their heating costs on their existing home by as much as 70 per cent compared to conventional insulating methods. We want to assist our residential and commercial customers realize a lifetime of savings and reduced waste, helping not only their pocket book, but also the environment and the future well-being of their children.” With Spray Jones, personal success for the home or commercial building owner is much easier than it looks. Realize a lifetime of potential savings by calling Spray Jones at (306) 359-3626 or visiting their website at

Spray Jones 2241 Albert Street Regina, Sk. 306.359.3626

FineHomes REGINA



Natural surfaces are classy, beautiful and done right by CNG Stone BY TRILBY HENDERSON Professional, accommodating, innovative, knowledgeable, and friendly… These are just a few of the words that customers commonly use to describe CNG Stone Products Ltd. and it’s easy to see why. From the diverse selection of natural and man-made products they carry to the bar-raising level of customer service they deliver, the Regina-based


FineHomes REGINA

custom granite company has built an incredible reputation as one of the best all-around businesses in their industry.

Innovation Meets Experience at CNG Stone Products At CNG, working with stone is more than just a job; it is a craft that each member

of the company’s experienced staff takes a great deal of pride in perfecting. In fact, in each project they complete, both management and staff hold themselves to a personal standard much higher than the general industry. “Our guys love their jobs and it shows in the quality of work we do,” said owner Scott Tresek.

The company combines traditional hand cutting and finishing methods with innovative processes that allow them to stay competitive. One of these innovations is the way CNG prepares its stone. Scott said the diamond blades used to cut the stone often leave small chips along the edge. When two pieces are joined together, the chips become more visible; however, by profiling the edges to remove the chips before the pieces are joined together, CNG is the only business in Regina able to create a virtually invisible seam. This is a huge advantage on any project, but it becomes even more important when tackling the massive kitchen islands that have become popular in many new homes. Ken Kraushaar, owner of Cougar Custom Cabinets, is known for building the beautiful, large-scale island cabinets that more and more customers are seeking. He and his wife, Sherry, have worked with

the staff at CNG on many unique, and often challenging, projects, including their most recent endeavour to create a kitchen island that will span more than 54 square feet and feature a countertop weighing nearly 1,100 pounds.

way the company stands out above the competition. They offer a large variety of stone products and are often the first to introduce new materials, such as onyx and vetrazzo (a dazzling recycled glass surface), to the local market.

“It’s nice to have a stone company that is so willing to take on these challenges and work with us on them,” Sherry said. “They are very responsive and they seem to care what the customer thinks. That’s very important to us. In the end, you want everyone to be happy and they really strive towards that.”

“Other granite companies have sent customers to look at our stone,” said Scott. “We’re not afraid to try something new.”

As a custom company, Sherry said they appreciate CNG’s enthusiasm for trying new products and techniques. “Some of the jobs we’ve worked on have very unique edge profiles and sizes,” said Sherry. “We’ve put some really beautiful, different things out there.” CNG’s ability to meet each customer’s unique aesthetic preference is another

Kurtis Dmuchowski, owner of West Dee Construction Ltd., selected CNG to create the countertops for his new Canterbury Lofts real estate development largely because of the array of products they carry. Dmuchowski’s project entailed converting St. Chad’s gymnasium in Regina’s upscale Canterbury Park into nine self-contained condominiums, and he wanted each unit to have its own distinct style. “My condos are all very unique. I wanted them to all have different countertops, different surfaces, so a good variety was PHOTO BY JOHN MORELL


very important and CNG had that,” he said. CNG Stone Products completed the work in eight of the nine condos, including Dmuchowski’s personal suite. Here, he chose the trendy Zebra granite for his bathroom and kitchen island countertops, complementing the bold design with a more classic Absolute Black granite countertop on the remaining kitchen cabinets. “I’ve been very happy with the product, the installation and everything else,” he said.

A Great Experience From Start to Finish CNG’s team is always ready to answer a question or offer a word of advice. In fact, an important part of the customer experience they offer is the information they provide on the products they carry, and the extra mile they go to address any product misperceptions customers have. “Our job is to educate the consumer on the pros and cons of the different products, as well as, how to maintain that product so it looks just as good thirty years down the road as it did the day after it was installed,” said Scott. The knowledgeable advice offered by CNG employee David Gray, combined with his friendly demeanour, caught the attention of Carla and Ron Delaurier while they were browsing for ideas at the Spring Home Show in Regina last year. When they realized the company had the experience, product selection and value to back up their positive first impression, the Moose Jaw couple decided to trust CNG with the considerable job of installing granite countertops throughout their new house. Countertop installation is one of the final steps in a new home build. Unfortunately, the often unpredictable nature of the construction business can leave homeowners frustrated and weary by the time they reach this stage. CNG works hard to make its part in the homebuilding process as smooth and painless as

possible by accommodating scheduling changes, and finishing each project within a maximum of ten days of the cabinets being installed. “With all of the headaches that arise from building or renovating a home, we like to make things easier for our customers by getting the job done right and on time,” said Scott. “We know we stand out when we deliver.” For the Delauriers, working with CNG’s staff was a great way to finish their homebuilding experience. In fact, Carla said she was particularly pleased with the care CNG took to ensure the job was completed to the final detail, including the clean-up. “It was the experience you want to have but never quite get. We got it with them,” she said. On the rare occasion when a problem does arise and the customer’s experience isn’t what they expected, CNG is quick to

take action and do whatever is required to fix the issue. This was the case for Jill and Lloyd Boutilier, who had hired CNG to install granite countertops throughout their home as part of a renovation. The unique design of the Boutilier’s kitchen cabinets meant the granite counters had to be cut to a number of different angles. But once they were installed, the couple could see that things simply didn’t line up the way they should have. Jill said they contacted CNG first thing the following morning and Scott was at their home within the hour, ready to take the necessary steps to address the problem. In the Boutilier’s case, this meant removing the mismatched granite overhangs and starting the project from scratch. Yet even with this setback, CNG still managed to have the project done within their original time frame. “Customer service seems to be a thing of the past, but not with them,” Jill said. “Mistakes happened, but they

stepped up to the plate.” “Each job we take on will be done right. If something does go wrong, we take care of it right away,” said Scott. “We do everything we can to make our customers happy.” Scott encourages anyone considering a new home build or renovation to visit CNG’s showroom and talk to the staff about the different products and techniques available. CNG Stone Products is open six days a week, and customers who aren’t able to visit the showroom during regular hours can always call to set up an appointment.

CNG Stone Products 1445 Scarth St. Regina, Sk. 306.585.9876

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Condo Living Member Regina & Region Home Builders’ Association

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FLOORED BY NATURE Old is new again as home owners opt for natural materials underfoot By Meagan Thomas Floors set the tone of a room—the look and feel of a room—but beyond appearance, the ultimate decision on which flooring material will be installed should be based on how a room is used. For example, a room in which there is heavy foot traffic needs a hard wearing floor, whereas a bedroom floor needs to be soft and cozy on the feet. Here’s what industry insiders predict will be some interesting trends in flooring in 2011. Most notable is the increasing popularity of ethic flooring choices. Smooth, hard surfaces from laminate to concrete offer low maintenance and enduring beauty, an irresistible combination for those who want to look without the looking-after. Carpet has never really been ‘out’ but it’s not the universal go-to it used to be. Rugs are making a comeback, and retro rugs in funky colours and even funkadelic shag textures make lively focal points in any room. Here’s a closer look at this year’s hot flooring choices.

Treading with care—Ethical options It’s pretty tough to ignore how postWWII consumer habits have been changing the world as we know it. Al Gore certainly drove home that point with his documentary Inconvenient Truth, but he wasn’t the first out of the gate on this trend. Consumers have been trending to green or greener options in everything from food choices to car choices, and all consumer products in between—including flooring. The hot trend in ethic flooring is, no sur-

prise, recycling. Environmentally friendly flooring includes reclaimed wood, linoleum, cork and bamboo, which are distinctive, beautiful and come in a huge range of textures and forms. Like many things of real beauty and value, reclaimed flooring does come with a price. You're looking at buying the Mercedes of floors here after all, not the Yugo, so budget extra green for financing a greener choice. Bamboo and cork are both natural and renewable resources but not all bamboo and cork flooring is ethically sourced. Many hardwood flooring products from China contain formaldehyde, an extremely toxic substance.

Woodn’t you?— Hardwood’s enduring appeal Hardwood flooring was, is, and remains popular for fine homes but competitive pricing and easier DIY raw materials make it an affordable luxury for any handy homeowner. It’s hard to beat hardwood. It’s got peerless natural beauty, hypoallergenic qualities and if you get it from certain manufacturers, you’re supporting Canada’s forest industry. With beauty comes a little pain however. Hardwood, especially dark hardwoods, has a low abuse threshold. Scratches from even normal wear and tear stand out like clowns at a funeral. Lighter coloured blonde and ash tones are, however, much more forgiving in terms of visible wear and, as such, require less maintenance. There’s a seemingly inexhaustible array of finishes, grains, textures, plank widths FineHomes REGINA


Oak Cork Tree in Portgual

Modern Cork Floor

There's a gorgeous selection of marble, granite, limestone and slate, so you can go as light or dark as you please. And you can also devise patterns and captivating designs according to how you lay the stones, for example, create a central pattern or trim with mosaic tiles.

and exotic woods to in the hardwood floor market today.

Faux fabulous—Lovin’ the laminate Laminate is the new, groovy European kid on the flooring block. Originally created in Sweden in 1977 it didn’t hop the pond to the North American market until 1994. Some early laminate looked laughably fake, and was prone to chipping, scuffing, fading etc., but a lot can change in 15 years or so. Some of today’s top laminate floors are indistinguishable at first look from hardwood. Some top-end laminate can even cost more than hardwood, although hardwood is still tops for longevity. Laminate has come a long way and is still evolving, but because it’s manufactured in batches, woe is you if don’t buy enough to finish an expansive reno project. On the upside, it’s easy-peasy to install, is suitable for nearly any room, cleans up in a snap


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Bamboo Floor

and looks trés chic without the trés chic price tag.

Hard choices—Stone, tile and concrete Until recently, stone wasn't used in North American homes except in the bathroom and kitchen. But times have changed and travel has brought many style ideas into our homes.

Everyone’s seen a concrete floor or a stamped concrete patio surface, but few have seen the surprising beauty of stained concrete. Concrete floors in stained, coloured, painted, and acid-dyed glory are popping up in retail stores, trendy restaurants, offices and homes. It’s allergyfriendly, easy to maintain, long lasting and easy to change up if you want to shift to carpet or hardwood down the road. Tile has graced homes for millennia. The Romans spiffed up their digs with elaborate mosaic patterns, even scenes of daily life. And talk about durable; plenty of those floors are still around and many are tourist attractions. Tile went in and out of vogue through the centuries, but it’s back

to beautifying just about every room in the house. Tile composition isn’t limited to stone, ceramic or glass anymore either. Rubber, vinyl, wood, marble and even carpet come in tile form these days.

Comfort zone—Cozy

natural fibre products, and prices don’t necessarily include installations or underlay. In Canada, carpet is still the number one choice in flooring. More than one third of consumers opted for carpet over wood flooring (22 per cent), and ceramic/stone/ tile (14 per cent) according to recent sales figures.

up to carpet Although carpet's popularity has fallen in recent years, it is still one of the most popular floor coverings in the world. Carpet offers everything from rich, multi-level textures and floral old world European designs, to rustic sisal-look ribs, friezes, and soft looped geometrics. Carpets are a practical flooring choice for many reasons. They're easy on the feet, prevent slips and cushion falls, can reduce noise levels and, because of their natural insulating properties, can help reduce the cost of heating and air conditioning. Among the most affordable flooring options, carpets can vary in price from a few dollars per square yard to $30 for top-end

Ancient Tile Floor in Greece

The look of 2011 Streamlined, uncluttered and Asianinspired looks are popping up in fabrics, blinds and, of course, flooring. Exotic woods and muted tones can be anchors for a serene or dramatic space when harmonized with other elements. The simple, yet theatrical, look of Art Deco is thundering back onto the scene with highly textured carpeting and wood veneer flooring. Sustainability and eco-design are evident in the array of green-sourced products and the rising consumer interest in supporting Earth-friendly consumer products.

charcoals are turning up in domestic hardwoods. Natural-inspired neutrals, tone-ontone and monochromatic colour schemes are timeless classics that are back in vogue. So is turning up a drab room’s volume to 11 by tossing in vibrantly-coloured accents. Without a doubt, flooring is one of the most important surfaces in a room and the only architectural structure of the room you directly interact with. Material, finish, floor-laying method, colour and acoustic properties influence the atmosphere and appeal of a room. Like dressing for the weather, it’s all about layers. Flooring is one of many layers of elements that bring the look of a room together. Fine Lifestyles gratefully acknowledges and attributes information in this article to the following sources and organizations: Interior Design Association of Canada; Colour Marketing Group; Statistics Canada; Encyclopedia Brittanica; Design Quarterly.

Colour forecasts are down to Earth, literally. Rich browns, warm blacks, honeys and

Modern Tile Floor

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Condo living takes on a new meaning with Windsor Crossing Developments and 46 Forty BY LEE PARENT What does the phrase “condo living” mean to today’s homebuyer? Primarily it means freedom from snow shovelling, lawn mowing and other maintenance chores. There’s usually the added benefit of a safe place to park your vehicle within a complex, and security for your home should you have to be away for any length of time. In today’s busy world, those features appeal to many people, from first time, single homebuyers to empty nesters, and to many family configurations in between.

Landing, and view Janine Wilson’s latest condo development which offers several options in condo living, none of which resemble the picture I had envisioned.

Based on minimal experience, I had a “condo concept” in mind, an image of a suite several stories off the ground, with a small kitchen and smaller closets, and limited access to the outdoors. It was a true eye opener to visit 46 Forty in Harbour

Within the complex, there will be a variety of units, including 12 luxury bungalows (backing onto green space), four buildings comprising two or three bedroom twostorey townhouses, and over a dozen structures that offer three condos each,


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Situated on the corner of Gordon Road and Harbour Landing Drive, this complex is close to all the best new shops and services in Regina. Bordered by a municipal green space and an environmental reserve, the development will offer serene views to the south and west, yet is easily accessed off main arteries.

one above the other in a triplex formation. Show suites of each design are open to the public and offer an enticing glimpse into a luxurious lifestyle at very affordable prices. There will be a total of 75 units within the condo community complex of which 25 per cent are already sold. The show homes at 46 Forty are decorated in an eclectic style but would adapt to almost any taste in furnishings. There’s a solid feel to the building, cosiness not often found in brand new construction, almost a “lived-in” feeling that can be linked to Janine Wilson’s spirit and instinct. Wilson knows what people want in a home and sets out to offer that, from starter units to luxury builds.

Hosting the show suites at 46 Forty is Paulette Robinson, Wilson’s right hand salesperson for the past six years. A career in customer service has honed Robinson’s skills to a fine edge, and her philosophy mirrors that of her boss. “Everyone wants to meet their customers’ expectations,” she pointed out, “but our goal is to exceed those expectations.” Follow-up is crucial, she believes, but consummate customer service begins the moment she meets a potential buyer. “You need to ask the correct questions to discover the customer’s desires,” Robinson explains. “Then you need to really listen to the answers.” It’s important to get a realistic picture of that customer’s circumstances. There is no sense in guiding a homebuyer toward something he or she can’t afford, or showing a home that doesn’t fulfill the client’s wants or needs. Robinson’s enthusiasm for the 46 Forty development was evident as she guided a prospective buyer through. Explaining the basic package and describing the upgrades available, she was sincere, knowledgeable and attentive. Offering consummate customer service, her sales philosophy is another fine example of Janine Wilson’s concept of doing whatever it takes to put people into the home that suits them perfectly. My visit gave me a new point of view regarding “condo living.” If you’re considering such a lifestyle, viewing these show homes is a must, and for a preview, check out on the web for all the specs and floor plans.

Janine Wilson Homelife Crawford Realty 100-533 Victoria Avenue Regina, Sk. 306.537.3200

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Luscious Landscaping Member Regina & Region Home Builders’ Association

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Regina Designer creates green foundations using Nature’s Canvas BY CAROL TODD

Houses need a solid foundation. Plants require strong roots. And, a good landscape design needs both to provide attractive and functional outdoor living spaces. Recently transplanting her own roots back to Saskatchewan, Bonnie Martel of Nature’s Canvas can create a landscape design that will provide a solid basis for your yard and all that live and play there, people, pets and plants—from the roots up. Martel has years of hands-on experience, coupled with an education in design and studies in horticulture. Regardless of the size of the project, she can bring balance and artful flow to your exteriors by blending nature’s beauty with man-made structures.

Martel works side-by-side with her clients using computer software to give them an actual vision of their yard. “I like to bring life to my designs by using the latest technologies that help the homeowners visualize their yard with true-to-life 3D imaging so they can better understand the concepts, colours, sizes, shapes and textures of plants and hardscape elements,” she says. The software gives the client views from all angles, even a bird’s eye view, as well as walk-throughs and a look outside from inside the house. “Once the fundamentals are in place, changes are very quick and easy, so alternate plants can be set in or paving stone colour choices can be made to complement existing home features,” Martel adds.

But, don’t go thinking Martel stays behind the computer. The Emerald Park resident loves to get her hands dirty and will work alongside her clients to ensure they get the yard they need and want. “It doesn’t have to stop with just the design planning. I like to help with plant selections and installations, and to work with the contractors at every stage of the project,” she says. The final product blooms into delight for her, and her clients. “I enjoy seeing the whole job transform into fruition,” she says.

Nature’s Canvas Emerald Park, Sk. Bonnie Martel 306.596.2940

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Growing Healthy Lifestyles Gardening from behind the glass WITH KEN BEATTIE The sun sits low in the winter sky casting long and somewhat dreary shadows on the landscape making it difficult to conjure any notion that this space will offer respite and solace within a few months. Unrivaled prairie pragmatism prevails and is quite frankly necessary as we muse, dream and long for our seasonal landscapes. Lifestyle, the word, has risen to almost cult status in our society blanketing everything from personal appearance to the landscape and oddly enough there is a strong connection. The landscape or garden associated with

your dwelling plays a critical role in your personal well-being and therefore your general approach to life. Not to be underestimated is the garden and the plant selections that you have made as they play a considerable role. At this time of year, most of us are anxiously gardening from behind glass, peering out from the patio door as we snuggle up with a cup of hot coffee and create our virtual green space. We judiciously place those new containers, position the furniture and scheme on what type of shrub might look best in that bald spot. Half the fun of gardening

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is actually in the planning. You might consider incorporating some of the common sense approach to your 2011 rendition of your garden.

Add Interest to the Landscape One of the most common situations in prairie urban landscapes is that with one glimpse you can see the entire backyard. Characterized with regimented rows of evergreens, perfectly positioned beds, the requisite containers with the spike and of course a feature of interest, typically a large boulder. No doubt for securing a perimeter or your daily perusal, this landscape style is useful, however somewhat, dare I say, flat. Dividing up your garden space or backyard to add interest is an easy and relatively inexpensive way to add interest and intrigue to your landscape. Curiosity for the eye tends to draw you into the landscape as opposed to simply viewing it.

Understand Functions of the Landscape A great many homeowners seem to have not asked themselves “how will I use my landscape?� Every room in the home has a purpose, so should the landscape. Maybe you are hot tub folk, therefore this function may dominate the landscape. Contrarily, your lifestyle may dictate a cozy corner for reading and respite from a busy schedule. The key point here is to understand your lifestyle and design, build and use your landscape accordingly. Time and time again I hear and see people who simply slap a landscape on their property because, well after all, you need one right? Landscapes are not drapes, light fixtures or granite countertops they should be reflected as the underpinnings of your home like the foundation or roof trusses. That is how critical a good reflective landscape is to the home. A good landscape will also absolutely increase the value of your property

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Growing Healthy Lifestyles (cont’d) many times over the initial capital investment.

Choose Plants That Suit You The borrowed landscape or paint by numbers garden may work to a degree, but the landscape, like the interior of your home, affords an opportunity to be creative. Reflecting your personal style and taste is easily accomplished in the garden with the help of competent garden centre personnel and your own experiences. A total novice can still approach the garden centre well-armed with colour schemes, a decent layout of the landscape space to be and please, please understand that plants actually grow. Many a new gardener will landscape their space so that it appears finished the first season. Years two through whenever, they are constantly pruning, moving or removing plants that were not necessary in the first place.

Tickle All the Senses Colour or visual representation is the easiest of the senses to satiate in the landscape. However, do not forget texture. The natural prairie landscape tends to be slender grasses and willowy plants in marvelous combinations, but plant contrasting dense foliage or larger leafed plants for punctuation. Rhubarb should not be shunned as it offers a marvelous foil for brightly coloured

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flowers, dense evergreen foliage and looks spectacular against water. Scent is easily accomplished using foliage and/or flowers. Seasonal herbs such as rosemary, thyme, basil and many of the zillions of scented geraniums have the ability to fill your landscape with botanical fragrances as well as spice up the barbecue.

Whimsy and Punctuation Garden kitsch comes in many forms from the elegant hand-crafted copper weathervane to the abysmal concrete gnomes. Not to be scoffed at, these objects d’art afford you the ability to express your lighter side as well as your creativity. Punctuation points within the landscape are used to draw the eye to specific zones of the garden as well as to evoke reaction. Treasures collected from travel or special memories always have a place in the garden. Containers brightly planted in colours and textures are similarly excellent punctuation points for the landscape. Portability and inconsistency in container shape affords you the ability to change your overall look whenever you wish. Personally I prefer to use an eclectic mix of containers: metal, terra cotta, fibreglass and found containers; this way I can transform my space to suit my mood. As the days start to lengthen and your anxiety for the warmer weather heightens, remember that the lifestyle you craft is critical to the success of your landscape as well. Express yourself, live in your landscape and chuckle just a bit as your quests muse at the whimsical punctuation points of your garden.

Ken Beattie, affectionately known as Canada’s Favourite Gardener, is a graduate of the prestigious Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture and is currently Director of Horticulture for Assiniboine Park, one of North America’s largest urban parks, in Winnipeg. As a TV host, radio contributor and author, his easy exuberance and playful personality are well-known to gardening enthusiasts from Regina to the Philippines.

SYNLawn Grass Without the Headaches BY TOBIE HAINSTOCK With summer practically on our doorsteps, it’s easy to drift into daydreams of spending beautiful sunny days walking in the park, mowing the lawn, going fishing, fertilizing the lawn, heading to the beach, weeding the lawn, spending time at the cabin, watering the lawn, ...mowing the lawn...fertilizing the lawn...watering the lawn... With vivid memories of last year’s wet weather so fresh in our minds, and the toll it took out on our lawns, it leads one to think; perhaps your summer isn’t going to be quite the fantasy you had hoped. David Herbison of SYNLawn knows that

you’d rather spend your precious summer days enjoying yourself than having to work and fuss with lawn care. “We believe that work is for work and home is for home and for some, SYNLawn may bring you closer to that quality of life that you are looking for,” states Herbison.

True Brotherhood at Work A few years ago, James and David Herbison went to work for their brotherinlaw Kevin Zalinko of Saskatoon after he had obtained the SYNLawn distribution rights for Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

After spending time learning about the business and the SYNLawn product, the Herbison brothers decided to branch out on their own and bring the business to Regina.

Full Service Landscaping David Herbison explains that SYNLawn is a full service landscaping company that specializes in synthetic grass. “We can do your yard from start to finish, from synthetic grass to real grass, from paving stones to retaining walls and sprinkler systems. We will deliver the quality that you deserve in a timely fashion.”

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He goes on to say that the team loves to make people happy. They really enjoy working with customers and creating the perfect outdoor space.

Nylon Fibres – the SYNLawn Difference SYNLawn is a division of AstroTurf, which has more than 45 years of product development behind it. As not only the leader of the synthetic turf industry, but the originator, the SYNLawn/AstroTurf family has the leading edge in synthetic lawn technology.


This technology has lead SYNLawn to use nylon fibres as opposed to other materials, such as polyethylene and polypropylene, to produce a product that is more attractive, longer lasting and more environmentally friendly. Nylon fibres are 40 per cent more resilient and 33 per cent stronger than alternative synthetic lawn material. This means that with SYNLawn, customers get a longer lasting product which is more environmentally efficient.

A Technological Leader SYNLawn goes the distance in ensuring it is environmentally responsible. Herbison points out that there are two factors distinguishing SYNLawn as a green product. By weight, 60 to 70 per cent of the product backing comes from recycled material. Secondly, your water consumption in the summer is reduced by up to 70 per cent because you no longer have to water your lawn. Because of its cutting edge green technology, SYNLawn is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified. “You need to know what you are paying for and what you are paying for is leading edge technology. Nobody has better synthetic grass technology than SYNLawn,” says Herbison, “We are the most recognizable brand in the synthetic grass industry with reason. We have been around the longest and we have the most advanced synthetic grass in North America.” The brothers have found over the last few years that there are three types of home owners who tend to prefer synthetic grass; home owners desiring low maintenance, those who have pets, and golfers.

Low Maintenance t 5PEBZ UIFSF JT EFmOJUFMZ B NPWFNFOU UPXBSE MPX maintenance products. SYNLawn fits this trend as it requires no irrigation, fertilizing, weeding, aerating, or cutting.

SYNLawn unique is that we are the only vertically integrated company in North America,� says Herbison. Being a vertically integrated company, SYNLawn manufactures their own product, which means that their experts are involved at every level ensuring only the highest quality leaves the factory. From manufacturing to distribution to installation, SYNLawn makes certain that customers get the best possible product at the best price. SYNLawn also has the only manufacturerbacked warranty in the business. With SYNLawn, you know you’ll get superior product with impeccable customer service.

How to Find Out More

t .BOZ QFPQMF UPEBZ BSF BMTP UVSOJOH UP rock gardens as an alternative to grass, leaving their yard lacking colour. A small patch of SYNLawn really adds an accent of colour to your yard.

The Pet Solution t 1FU PXOFST PGUFO TUSVHHMF UP HSPX OBUVSBM grass due to higher traffic and urine burn. SYNLawn has products designed specifically for pets offering an alternative to natural grass. These attractive lawn alternatives are durable, easy to clean, pet friendly, and easy on the eyes.

Pelz-Approved Putting Greens t *G HPMG JT ZPVS HBNF IBWJOH ZPVS PXO putting green is a great way to put in extra time improving your stroke. SYNLawn, in collaboration with short game guru, Dave 1FM[ IBT HPOF UIF FYUSB NJMF UP SFTFBSDI and develop the ideal golf turf. t 4ZOUIFUJD MBXO XBT DPNQBSFE XJUI UIF natural grass found on traditional golf courses. Both surfaces were analyzed CZ %BWF 1FM[ BOE UIF 1FM[ (PMG *OTUJUVUF

Studies were done to test the SYNLawn (PMG QSPEVDUT BOE JOTUBMMBUJPO UP DSFBUF the most realistic golfing experience possible. t 8JUI B CSPBE TFMFDUJPO PG HPMG QSPEVDUT SYNLawn has the turf that will suit the needs of any golfer, regardless of their experience level.

Other Popular Applications t 4:/-BXO JT B TVQFSC BMUFSOBUJWF UP growing natural grass around backyard pools, as it will resist damage from chlorine and other chemicals. t 4ZOUIFUJD HSBTT JT BO JEFBM BMUFSOBUJWF GPS problem areas such as shady spots, high traffic areas and tight spaces.

The Herbison brothers encourage homeowners considering synthetic lawn to visit the SYNlawn website. The website provides a wealth of information to customers no matter what type of turf they are looking for. This comprehensive and easy to get around site has enlightening and detailed write ups about product history, quality, and design, as well as an in-depth gallery of photos. Be sure to visit

Enjoy a Carefree Lawn Don’t spend your treasured few summer days mowing, weeding and fertilizing. Enjoy your summer with a beautiful, worry free lawn from SYNLawn. Call 570-9888 or email dherbison@ for more information about how you can start enjoying your SYNLawn.

t 8JUI PQUJPOBM GBMM QBET VOEFSOFBUI UIF grass, SYNLawn provides hours of fun for kids, while creating peace of mind for parents.

Top of the Line Quality “One of the many things that makes

SYNLawn Regina, Sk. 306.570.9888

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Having a lush lawn is as easy as hiring Lush Lawn BY CAROL TODD Building your dream home? Has your newly-built home, surrounded by a sea of dirt, left you wondering what to do? Have you just moved into a house with overgrown plants and no clear path to the front door? Maybe you just feel it is time for your yard to have a fresh, new look. Whatever the reason, Lush Lawn will help you evaluate your property, design the landscaping plan you’ve been dreaming


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about, take a practical approach to problem areas, and create outdoor living areas that suit your family’s needs. For more than 25 years, Lush Lawn has provided expert design and installation of quality lawn and garden irrigation systems for commercial, residential, industrial, and recreational landscapes to ensure that your lawn is being watered when needed.

Curtis Sim, president of Lush Lawn, purchased the company four years ago, and continues to provide the quality irrigation services the company built its reputation on, while adding landscaping, landscape maintenance and other services. “Businesses and residents of Saskatchewan are busy, but our customers can depend on us to save them time with their landscaping needs, so they have more time to enjoy,” he says.

Lush Lawn offers customized services to meet the clients’ needs and create curb appeal. “We know that a successful landscape involves creative ideas, horticultural knowledge, and experience,” he says. “We have the knowledge, technology, and equipment to plan and construct a beautiful landscape that you can be proud of” Lush Lawn can help plan, build and maintain all elements of your landscape. Regardless of the project, Sim and his experienced staff, blend craftsmanship with organizational skills and teamwork to create landscapes of lasting beauty and real value. They pride themselves on quality work and distinctive landscape features. “We want your yard to be unique and different from the other yards on your block or in your community,” says Sim. He is especially committed to offering the newest designs in water features such as pond-free waterfalls and streams. As part of their experience and extensive knowledge, Sim and staff also understand

Regina climate and conditions, including how to work with our heavy clay soil. In the winter, Lush Lawn has 10 employees that ensure their commercial and industrial clients have safe and clean parking lots and sidewalks. In the summer, Lush Lawn employs 20 people to help homeowners and commercial customers with their landscaping needs. Lush Lawn is committed to providing timely, efficient, expert follow-up service and maintenance. “We pride ourselves on our quick response times and our ability to solve problems if they arise,” Sim says. As part of that commitment, Lush Lawn offers professional services to those who want help maintaining healthy surroundings for their families. These include service packages for residential clients that will ensure their irrigation system provides optimal performance, and a proper lawn maintenance program, tailored to your lawn’s specific needs. Together these services will create that green, lush lawn that you have always wanted. Lush Lawn

will also customize packages for condo, commercial, recreational or industrial clients. Sim ensures that irrigation installations and maintenance will continue to be a major part of the company’s business, but they will expand into other landscaping services and continue to grow. He enjoys the work and looks forward to continuing to meet the needs of Regina and area clients, whether they are residential, commercial, industrial or recreational. With spring just around the corner, Sim recommends that clients start planning for landscaping now. To see what Lush Lawn has to offer, and to see a sample of their service agreements, check out

Lush Lawn 1140 Rose St. Regina, Sk. 306.522.4999

More Outdoor Living Screen enclosures make Saskatchewan outdoors more enjoyable BY RYAN HOLOTA We’d all choose to spend more time outdoors if we didn’t have to fight the bugs and the wind. Well, good news! There is a local company that offers the perfect solution: DGL Suncoast Screen Enclosures. Owner Don Larwood lives in Regina and operates his company throughout Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northwest Ontario regions. He began his company nine years ago after being in a Suncoast Screen Enclosure at his sister-in-law’s house in Winnipeg. Since he worked in the construction business, Larwood could appreciate how unique and practical Suncoast Screen Enclosures are, and in a short time contacted the manufacturer and headed off for training.

The Neatest Things “I thought they were the neatest things and immediately knew that I had to bring them back to Saskatchewan,” says Larwood. With continued success and increased demand, DGL expanded to the other provinces and still continues to grow while maintaining and providing the top-notch quality Larwood believes in. DGL Suncoast understands the challenges


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of outdoor living in Saskatchewan. “Being able to enjoy all the outdoor benefits, without all the nuisance, is something we actually need to engineer,” says Ken MacMurchy, sales and marketing manager. “We create the room so that it has a real open feeling, and not a sense of being enclosed in an outdoor space.” DGL Suncoast’s Screen Enclosures offer effective protection from the wind. “One of our customers had a magazine sitting

on a table in her screen room and although the wind reached 106 kph, the magazine stayed intact,” MacMurchy notes. Screen enclosures allow homeowners to leave their patio furniture out without the worry of it being blown around or sunbleached: the screens can cut ultraviolet rays by up to 80 per cent. Sun blockage is very appealing to those with children, as is protection from the threat of mosquitoborne diseases such as West Nile Virus.

“I did not proceed to do this earlier because I thought the screening would ruin my view of the pool, the trees and flowers. One does not even notice there is a screen. It is the most important home improvement that I have ever done.” John B (South Regina) The temperature within the screen enclosure can be kept ideal as well. MacMurchy says that on hot days the temperature is not like sitting in direct sun. People can monitor the room by installing a ceiling fan for extra air flow, or patio heaters for evenings and the cooler months. “Some of our customers make them into a complete living space, adding kitchen systems, furniture, TV, lamps, etcetera. It makes a perfect area for entertaining or spending quality family time playing board games or enjoying a nice meal.”

Add-ons or freestanding DGL Suncoast offers enclosures as both add-ons to a house or as free-standing structures over hot tubs or pools. They are very helpful in minimizing the debris that can get into the water. Less cleaning means more relaxation time and enjoyment. Gazebo-style standalones work well when you have a special place in your yard where you like to spend time. “Unlike other companies, our product is custom-built on site,” MacMurchy says. “We retrofit, because all homes are completely different with deck sizes, roof lines and posts. There are so many variables. Screening walls to a building with an existing overhang is very popular as well.” For those customers wanting a “threeseason room,” says MacMurchy, “we have incorporated into our design the Vertical Four-Track window system. These windows can be fitted to an enclosure when it is constructed, or anytime in the future. The window panels slide up and down to expose the screen on the other side, thus opening the entire wall to the outside. They can slide back into place to

provide a three-season room, allowing a more controlled room temperature even on those extra-cool days. “These rooms are an excellent storage space in the winter because all the outdoor furniture can simply remain in it,” MacMurchy adds. “This eliminates all the hassle of trying to pack it in storage sheds.”

Lifetime Warranty All of the structures are made of powdercoated aluminum framing, which comes with a lifetime warranty. In addition, homeowners have a choice of three options for their roofs: a screen roof, a Lexan roof (a transparent roof made of polycarbonite), or one that completely blocks the sun. “The quality of the work is first class.” Gordon W (Winnipeg, MB) “The Lexan roof is a top option,” says MacMurchy, “because it can withstand hail and it allows a soft light in that gives an effect almost like a greenhouse.” It is available in three different tints and has a 10-year warranty. Customers sometimes wonder about the

durability of the screen enclosures because they have pets. MacMurchy says that this is definitely not a problem, because the screens are made of fibreglass; pets can’t scratch through them. “We have a client whose cat loves to climb up and soak in the sun.” Customers can even have a doggie door installed, allowing their pets freedom to roam without disrupting their owners’ lives. “I would highly recommend DGL Suncoast Screen Enclosures to anyone interested in expanding their living space and bringing the outdoors in.” Dannette T (Weyburn, SK) “Not only does the wonderful, well-built structure block the sun, but the wind and the rain and the BUGS!” Mervin and Victoria G (Springside, SK) Homeowners who are interested in obtaining a quote for a DGL Suncoast Screen Enclosure are advised not to procrastinate: during the busy season a typical turnaround is six to eight weeks. For an estimate call DGL Suncoast Screen Enclosures. DGL Suncoast Screen Enclosures Regina, Sk. 306.761.1801

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Inner Beauty Interior Design Member Regina & Region Home Builders’ Association

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Candice tells all: Rushing from one shoot location in Toronto to another for her new W Network show Candice Tells All, celebrity designer Candice Olson took some time out to talk to Fine Homes Regina editor Thom Barker on her mobile phone. PHOTO COURTESY OF BRANDON BARRÉ

FHR: Can you tell us what episode you’re taping right now? Candice: I wish I could tell you. With the new show, it follows me along through the process and unlike our old show, where we were really doing one project at a time; we’re doing five or six. We just wrapped up a child’s bedroom, which is no ordinary child’s bedroom. It’s a room all about designing to grow and a room that will grow with the child, showing that design is an investment and it’s not about a room that’s here today and gone tomorrow. Now, I just arrived on the set here and we’re wrapping up another project where the couple has purchased a new home. They love colour and they love colourful


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art and they’ve brought their colourful art collection into a house that was perhaps too colourful for their art. So we’re doing a whole project about making art work in your home. FHR: It seems to outsiders, and sounds like you are confirming, that taping a TV show is gruelling. Is that true? Candice: That’s the toughest part of the whole process. [When] I went to design school, many moons ago when the earth was cooling, and got into this business, I never planned on doing a TV show that would follow along the process. The TV side is hard. Design for me is instinctual at this point in my 25-year career, but throw

the TV side in and try to just keep the old girl together, holy crap! FHR: What is the premise of the new show? Candice: We’re showing viewers the inspiration of the projects. Every week we dive into a principle that’s fundamental to the success of a project. A lot of times, what I’ve seen in this genre of television is there’s a lot of “oh I love this, it’s beautiful, love, love, love…” but why? Why does it work? We’re really trying to show viewers that side of it; that whether it’s fashion design, architecture or graphic design, there are fundamental principles of design at play and that’s what makes a room work.


FHR: Were you always artistic or did your interest in design come later? Candice: Truth be told, I ventured into the world of science. I was always thinking I would be a doctor or a vet or something along those lines, but I minored in fine arts. You know, back in the day, if you were artistic it meant you were going to be painting black velvet Elvises by the side of the road and panhandling. I was the only child of a single mom and I wanted to do mom proud so I thought, “oh, I’ll be a doctor.” Then one day I said to mom, “I’ve applied to design school,” and she said, “oh, fantastic,” and I said, “there are 3,500 applicants and only 35 get in so that’s probably not going to go anywhere.” But I got in, and look at me now. FHR: Do you use much of your science background in the work you do now? Candice: Always. I do a lot of bigger renovation work and there is a lot of science and, unfortunately, math—if it wasn’t for the really smart guy in front of me in high school I probably wouldn’t have gotten into university because he was really short and I was tall so I could see over his shoulder. But, a lot of that side of the work comes into play all the time. It’s a very technical world, that world of commercial design and residential design and the construction side of it and all of the materials. I love that part of it. Years ago when we were trying to come up with an idea for a show I always thought, “I want to have a design show that’s Bill Nye the Science Guy meets interior design. FHR: It says on the Internet that you were scouted out of university by a top design firm. Scouting of students is not something people usually associate with professions like interior design. How did that come about? Candice: It’s funny, they do it in the financial world, but I was really fortunate. The university I went to (Ryerson) was one of the few that offered a degree program in interior design and it was very tough to get into and there was a real strong alumni support and incredibly successful graduate companies that had been a product of the

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Candice tells all: (cont’d) program. I was really fortunate that in the third and fourth year you always did a year-end show and graduates who now had companies—large companies—would come and see the student work and it was a great way of flaunting your stuff FHR: You now have your own design company, a line of fabrics and other materials, you’re an author, a TV star and a mom. How do manage it all? Candice: (Laughs). I wish I had some kind of mind-expanding, Oprah Winfrey-type of phrase I could say. Probably the person who knows me best is the makeup artist who has to follow me around literally from dawn to dusk as I go from being a mom at soccer practice, to catching up on some other scenes, to getting to set, dropping off kids—this week I had a kid who was throwing up so I had to bring her to set. The only way I can describe it is: it’s a total gong show. It’s pandemonium. All I can say to people, especially women—

Designer Candice Olson says lighting is the most important of the fundamental design principles.

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The right combination of natural and artificial lighting can have dazzling effects on a room.

who want to look to me and say, “how does she do it?”—is, well, I’m just barely hanging on. FHR: The new show is about principles of design. If you had to pick one fundamental as the most important for our readers, what would it be?


Candice: Lighting. I’ve done a couple of episodes, even at this early stage, on lighting. It’s one of the things that people really blow. I’ve told clients for years, it doesn’t matter how much time, or energy, or money that we spend on this project, if we do not put the time, energy and money into a good lighting plan; good quality lighting; good planning and positioning of lighting; the right lighting; layers of lighting; then we’ve completely wasted that time, energy and money. FHR: What is your most-prized design piece? Candice: It might sound kind of corny, but for both of our kids we did these castings of their feet from birth to year two. They’re threedimensional sculptures, really, that we have as a collection of both my son and my daughter that no artist could replicate. They have terrific personal meaning; they look beautiful; they’re interesting; they’re a conversation piece; and I would never trade them for anything in the world. And their feet will never be that size again. I’m size 11 and my husband has size 14. We’re like the big foot family. FHR: Candice, it’s been a real pleasure talking with you and good luck on your new projects. Candice: Thanks, I’m going to need it.

FineHomes REGINA


Designing, redesigning or renovating an interior space often involves a significant investment of time, money and effort. Having an interior designer working alongside is the best way to ensure you get the most value for your investment.

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CK One Design & Consulting Corrie Krzysik Phone: 306.351.8425 Email:

Create Superb Looks with Superblinds PHOTOS BY SHAWN FULTON

BY TOBIE HAINSTOCK Nothing says more about the ambience of a room than the windows and window coverings. The proper window treatments can turn the dullest room into something spectacular. They can transform a room, making a statement about you and your personal style.

Dedication and Hard Work Superblinds has been building relationships and impressing clients since it was founded in 1997 by Anita Lalonde and Bev Daniel. Lisa Millar joined Superblinds in 1998 and has since become a partner in 2007. Over the past fourteen years, the team at Superblinds has built an impressive clientele through hard work and an overwhelming dedication to the satisfaction of their customers. Together,


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this team of professionals has established a strong relationship with not only its clients but also with a great line-up of local designers, builders and contractors.

A Trusted Friend Choosing the window coverings that best speak for you, your personality and your needs is something that is best handled by a trusted friend. Someone who has taken the time to sit down with you and get to know your likes and dislikes; values and priorities; lifestyle and family. The experts at Superblinds make it a point to get to know each client and assist them with choosing the window coverings that best fit their needs and lifestyle.

Artwork of Your Own There are so many important things to consider when choosing window

coverings. “Whether you choose the softness of silhouette; the energy effiency of a duette; or the rich warmth of a woven texture; Superblinds has unlimited options to choose from,” says Lalonde. Millar agrees adding: “Other things to consider, if a client is a shift worker, they will want something that darkens their bedroom, or if they have children, they will be looking for child safety and durability.” According to Millar, the new home designs feature larger windows and less wall space. “Your windows have become your artwork,” she states emphasizing the importance of taking the time and care needed in choosing the right look.

of colours and textures. Made with quality fabrics, this line of bedding is as durable as it is attractive. You’ll have plenty of sweet dreams nestled snugly in this fine, comfortable bedding.

Talk of the Town Daniel’s enthusiasm about the products and services provided by Superblinds & Draperies is infectious. “Superblinds has expertise, creativity and superior workmanship combined with a large library of stunning fabrics to meet any decorating possibilities,” she states.

Hunter Douglas Collections Lalonde and Millar encourage clients to come and view their beautiful show room. No need to be shy around these experts, they strongly urge their clients to touch and operate the displays to find what products best suit their needs. The tasteful showroom at Superblinds & Draperies features stunning drapery designs as well as the full line of Hunter

Douglas window fashions including the Alustra Collection. This beautifully designed, luxurious collection comes in a diverse selection of fashions, materials and colours.

Eastern Accents Bedding Superblinds’ stunning assortment of home décor items doesn’t stop at window coverings. Be sure to ask them about their line of Eastern Accents Bedding. This striking, high end line of bed linens is traditionally designed in a broad range

With so many beautiful designs and a truly dedicated team of experts behind you, you’re certain to find a fresh look that will make you the envy of your friends. So whether you’re building new or redesigning an existing home, talk to the team who will make your home the talk of the town.

Superblinds & Draperies 1142 Broad St. Regina, Sk. 306.757.1331

Kids Stuff


How to keep the fun in functional BY JILLIAN BILAWCHUK- JILLIAN’S DESIGN ELEMENTS When it comes to a well decorated home, we strive for flow and harmony. We make choices regarding building materials, furniture and paint to complement one another creating rhythm and repetition in our space. But when it comes to kids rooms, the same rules don’t apply. It is all about fun, creativity and allowing them to express their own little personalities. However, just because it’s a kid’s room doesn’t mean it can’t be design-savvy and stylish. We have come a long way since my own peach Raggedy Anne and Andy wall border and mom’s homemade ceramics. Don’t get me wrong, wallpaper has made a huge comeback, but it’s more about tone on tone patterns with great texture, not so much about cartoon character boarders. Like adult bedrooms,


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I suggest choosing paint last. It is far easier to match one of four hundred paint colours than to find a quilt to match your wall colour. Start with some great bedding or funky wallpaper and build your space from there. Wallpaper is best left to just one wall, such as your feature headboard wall or to divide the wall with chair rail and keep to the bottom portion to ground the space as pictured in our featured nursery. Wallpaper on all four walls is too overwhelming and will visually shrink the square footage of the space. In choosing wall colour, determine what your child’s favourite colours are. Next, visit your local paint store and choose a variety of paint chips in those hues. Then present your child with a handful

of colour options. This allows for the child to participate, express creativity and personality, while creating some boundaries. You can still have a fun coloured room without colour sensory overload. When using lots of colour especially saturated colour, I love to pair it with something neutral to cleanse the pallet and give more appreciation to the main colour. Black, white, cream, brown and linen are always nice to incorporate, but the trend this season is grey. I feel that a warm grey can complement any colour and it is timeless in any home. My two favourite greys are Benjamin Moore Escarpment CC-518 and Ashley Gray HC87. Even with today’s medical technology, a

lot of parents are still choosing to keep the sex of a new baby a surprise. And even if you are not, sometimes it is better to be safe than sorry. Choose a gender neutral colour scheme as your base. In the nursery featured with this article, we started with some funky silver and grey polka dot wallpaper with soft, lime green paint for the top portion of the wall. We then accessorized once the baby was born. It was a girl! So, we chose to use the always timeless little girl colour, pink. It was going to be accented with turquoise if it was a boy, but purple or orange would have also worked as an accent colour. There are so many great products that, with some imagination, there are endless possibilities. Check out products such as magnetic or chalkboard paint to incorporate into your room design. Personalize the space with vinyl or wood wall decals spelling your child’s name for a sense of belonging. Use picture frames with multiple openings to change as your child grows. Cover a tack board or two with designer fabric to display artwork, mementos and pictures. Revitalize old furniture with a new coat of paint in a fun or metallic colour. The Brentwood rocking chair pictured in the featured nursery was originally mahogany and used by the mother for both her children. We gave it new life with a coat of metallic silver paint making it both a beautiful and sentimental piece for the nursery. Take inspiration from your child and put your own designer touch on the space. Have fun creating a space with personality and style. For more creative design ideas visit Jillian’s Design Elements on line at www. or in person at 14 High St E Moose Jaw. Watch for our new location opening this spring at 621 Main St N Moose Jaw.

Jillian Bilawchuk, Interior decorator and certified Benjamin Moore colour consultant; Owner Jillian’s Design Elements, Moose Jaw

Benjamin Moore Colour Pallet Nursery Color Suggestions: Chelsea Grey HC-168 with Pale Avocado 2146-40- add Wild Pink 2080-40 for a girl or Ash Blue 2057-40 for a boy

Ivory White CC-130 with Corn Silk yellow Cc218- add Wild Orchid purple 2072-40 if its a girl or Aegean Teal 2136-40 if its a boy.

Chelsea Grey

Pale Avocado

Wild Pink

Ivory White

Corn Silk Yellow

Wild Orchid Purple

Chelsea Grey

Pale Avocado

Ash Blue

Ivory Whte

Corn Silk Yellow

Aegean Teal

Kids Room Color Suggestions Girl: Escarpment grey CC-518, Cloud White CC-40 and Autumn Purple 2073-20 Boy: Escarpment greyCC-518, Cloud White CC-40 and Blue Naples 2057-30 Gender Neutral: Whitall Brown HC-69 with split pea 2146-30, Naples Blue 2057-30 and Bronze Tone 2166-30

Jillian’s Design Elements 14 High St.E. MooseJaw, Sk. 306.693.0673

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Home Improvements and Renos Member Regina & Region Home Builders’ Association

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SOLVING YOUR PROBLEM IS OUR BUSINESS WE HAVE THE RIGHT RENTAL FOR ALL OF YOUR RENOVATION, BUILDING AND LANDSCAPING NEEDS * Aerating a Lawn * Automotive repairs * Building a fence * Carpet cleaning & repairs * Compaction * Concrete work * Concrete drilling * Decorating & Painting * Demolition * Insulation Blowers * Lazer Leveling * Moving Supplies * Nailing & Fastening * Paving Stone Installation * Power Raking a Lawn * Pumping

* Refinishing Hardwood Floors * Roto-tilling * Sanding & Sawing * Scaffolding * Table & Chairs * Trailers for Hauling * Trenching * Wet and Dry Vacuuming * Drywalling * Finishing the Basement * Garden & Lawn Equipment * Home Improvement * Landscaping * Sod Cutting * Tents REGINA 840 Winnipeg St 789-RENT (7368) Fax: 359-1624

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WARMAN 521 South Railway St 1-306-373-RENT (7368) Fax: 1-306-934-2714

Arrow Plumbing & Heating celebrates its 40th year! BY DARIA CONEGHAN

Since 1971, Regina and surrounding area residents have been able to count on professional service and quality products from Arrow Plumbing & Heating. With 40 years of experience, Arrow Plumbing & Heating is a full service heating, plumbing, air conditioning and electrical company that offers 24-hour emergency service.

A half century of experience Don Beingessner actually started in the trade in 1961 and obtained Interprovincial Journeyman status, including commercial gas, in 1967. Arrow Plumbing & Heating Ltd. had actually originated in the late 1950s. Don Beingessner and a partner purchased the company in June, 1971 and hired their first service technician in 1972. He remains with the company even today.


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At that time Arrow did plumbing in new homes, existing homes and provided hot water and steam heating service. The 70s were boom and bust for the fledgling partners. At times, work was so plentiful they had to turn it away, but then, around 1977 one of Regina’s major home builders declared bankruptcy

causing Arrow to sustain heavy losses. But with diligence and a reputation for professionalism, they managed to recover. From that time forward Arrow has operated successfully and expanded, branching out in several areas including in-floor heating, furnace installation, air conditioning, duct work, duct fabricating, gas connections, filtration and electrical


work. Currently, Arrow’s plumbing division does plumbing service, as well as, bathroom and kitchen renovations. They also pride themselves on offering the Toto line of plumbing products, which they have handled for more than seven years. The most recent addition to the Arrow service expansion has been complete residential electrical services. When they decided to get into that line of business, however, they didn’t want to be a reseller, or subcontract electrical work so Arrow is now one of the only plumbing and heating companies that actually has a journeyman electrician on staff. Having a certified electrician on staff allows Arrow to provide start-to-finish electrical services from upgrades, to renovations, garages and more.

The electrical division also allows Arrow to provide a full line of LED lights from Enduralite LED, one of first CSA-approved brands on the market. The LED technology is not only good for the environment, it’s good for the pocketbook.

Family-owned, community-oriented Arrow Plumbing & Heating Co. Ltd. is also members of the Better Business Bureau, Chamber of Commerce and the Regina Home Builders Association. Their staff of 17 professionals is there to help meet the needs of the community. After a couple of partnership changes, son Curtis Beingessner has joined the ranks of ownership. He brings with him 18 years of experience in the Air Conditioning and Heating trades.

A not so secret secret The secret to Arrow’s success is their commitment to giving clients the highest quality of service. You can trust that they will work hard to resolve your plumbing and heating problems as quickly as possible without any hidden costs. Your technician must be trustworthy, skilled, experienced, and principled. Dedicated to protecting the safety and well-being of their clients, Arrow Plumbing & Heating bears the Technician Seal of Safety, which requires their employees to be drug tested, have background checks and to be professionally trained. This ensures their customers are provided with professional, expert and courteous service, to give them the peace of mind they deserve.

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Arrow Plumbing & Heating are proud of their track record of honesty and integrity. Chances are they have done work for a friend or neighbour of yours. Ask them about their experience. Arrow Plumbing & Heating’s EPA registered and certified technicians provide expert troubleshooting and diagnosis as well as service and install state of the art supplies and equipment from companies such as Lennox, Aprilaire, Sanuvox and Toto which means your job is performed in a professional and efficient manner. Qualified technicians are able to install and repair energy saving central cooling systems; detect Freon leaks; service and replace all cooling and heating systems; and provide preventive maintenance. Arrow Plumbing & Heating is committed to making you and your family as comfortable as possible and provides a variety of accessories to achieve that goal. Up to 100 times more pollutants can be found indoors than outdoors making indoor air quality a cause for concern in most homes. Arrow Plumbing and Heating will install either The Heat Recovery Ventilator, or the Energy Recovery Ventilator to ensure your home has the proper ventilation to guarantee a continuous flow of clean, fresh air as well as the removal of stale, polluted air.


FineHomes REGINA

These are key factors in optimal indoor air quality and good health. Arrow Plumbing & Heating uses Sanuvox Ultraviolet Air Purifiers to destroy biological and chemical contaminants such as mold, bacteria, spores, viruses, allergens, cigarette smoke, cooking and pet odors, diesel fumes, VOCs and thousands of other airborne contaminants. Sanuvox Technologies uses ultraviolet (UV) technology which effectively and efficiently treats moving air with UV energy to destroy contaminants before they are distributed throughout the ventilation system. Arrow Plumbing & Heating’s Bio-Clean, a blend of natural, non-poisonous bacteria and enzymes, attacks organic wastes like grease, hair, food particles, paper, cotton and sewage. Bio-Clean cleans your drain pipe completely by eating the waste and changing the particles into water, carbon dioxide and mineral ash which run harmlessly out of your waste system. These elements are then available for plant life. Offering a wide range of Lennox heating products and services including the installation and service of furnaces, energy-saving boilers and burners, radiant heaters, fireplaces, sheet metal fabrications, and humidification and filtration systems, as well as, providing carbon monoxide detection, violation

corrections and expert troubleshooting and diagnosis for both warm air and hydronic (hot water and steam) systems, Arrow Plumbing & Heating is able to meet your every need. Repairs are notoriously expensive, but the good news is they don’t have to be. Don’t wait for an emergency before you decide on a quality company with fair rates. In a crisis you won’t have time to ask for estimates or calculate costs. Arrow Plumbing & Heating bill by the job, not the hour. And with a 100 per cent satisfaction guarantee; a variety of systems and equipment to fit your budget; and attractive financing alternatives; you can be sure that they will provide you with the best solution available so you don’t end up suffering from recurring problems with a system that was never properly fixed. If you value your time, your home and your sanity, choose the company that can reliably handle all of your plumbing and heating needs. Choose Arrow Plumbing & Heating Ltd.

Arrow Plumbing and Heating 1377 McIntyre Street Regina, Sk. 306.525-2324

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Come On Baby, Light My Fire BY RYAN HOLOTA

Fireplaces have been an integral part of homes for centuries. As human beings, we have a natural tendency to gather around fires, to feel safe and secure in their presence, and to entertain close to them. Few items in a home convey the sense of warmth, serenity, and peacefulness that a warm, glowing fire can bring. Whether natural gas or wood fueled, the gentle flickering of a fire is one of the surest ways to create a sense of happiness in a home. What have changed are the styles of fireplaces that we gather around. Where once we looked for massive fires central to the home, today’s discerning homeowners are increasingly turning to sleek modern designs. These linear fireplaces are low and wide, like an HDTV compared to the wooden television of yesteryear, today’s newest fireplaces provide high efficiency, and incredible beauty. Indoor fireplaces are always popular, but as Saskatchewan’s collective thoughts turn toward warmer weather, Northern


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Fireplace continues to dominate the imaginations of those looking for comfort and convenience. Outdoor fire pits are a controversial topic in the summer, with opponents worried about the smell and smoke produced by burning wood. Those side effects are completely eliminated with the natural gas and propane outdoor fire pits that are in the showroom at Northern

Fireplace. These fire pits provide the heat and beauty of a wood pit, but without the inconvenience of dealing with a wood fire. Simply turn a valve to turn it on, and then turn it again to shut it off. Northern Fireplace also carries a full line of Weber and Broil King gas grills to help you entertain and feed your friends and family

throughout the summer. Available with natural gas or propane burners to suit your needs, Weber and Broil King offer high quality and affordability for those looking for new grills.


A Saskatchewan company, Northern Fireplace has showrooms in Regina and Saskatoon, as well as one location in Edmonton. May of 2011 marks the company’s 16th year in business. The success of the company led to expansion of the Regina store four years ago. After running out of space in their old location, Northern Fireplace moved much bigger space. The space, located at the Corner of Ross Avenue and Fleury Street is highly accessible and convenient and features 30 to 40 burning fireplaces in the showroom. The rest of the building is devoted to warehouse space to ensure that the fireplace or grill that you want is in stock when you need it. Working with the majority of home builders and renovation contractors in the Regina, the staff at Northern Fireplace is well-versed in helping people select fireplaces and grills to enjoy. They also deal directly with the public offering advice and information to everybody. Northern Fireplace employs WETT certified installers for wood appliances (fireplaces, wood stoves) and has a licenced gas fitter on staff to hook up natural gas units. In addition, Northern Fireplace has a full complement of mantles and fireplace surrounds, as well as, fireplace accessories such as broom and poker sets. The best way to get the feeling of what Northern Fireplace can offer is to stop by their showroom and say “Hi.” You can also call them at (306) 781 8007 or visit their website at www.

Northern Fireplace Ltd. 824 Fleury Street Regina, Sk. 306.781.8007

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A gold standard of quality, from Start to Finish BY MEAGAN THOMAS Start To Finish Construction was founded by Stephen Lucyk. As a journeyman with more than 15 years of professional construction experience, Lucyk knows Regina’s homebuilding market inside and out. By hiring only the best in the industry, Lucyk has built a homebuilding team like no other: their combined professional experience totals more than 200 years of industry excellence. Owned and operated right here in Regina, Start To Finish Construction is always humbled at being invited into the homes


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of our clients. “We understand that your home is your castle, and we give every project, large or small, our complete attention,” said Lucyk. “We pay special attention to the little details because those details are the difference between a good job and a great job, between meeting expectations and exceeding expectations.” Start to Finish Construction takes a very hands-on approach to every aspect of home construction. While some homebuilders are content to buy most or all of their accents and components

from a manufacturer, don’t be surprised to find that the millwork and cabinetry in your home was done by the Start to Finish craftsmen themselves. “Because we have a dedicated office and workshop, we have the space to handle big projects,” said Lucyk. “When we need to work with a tradesperson from an outside company, we call on one of the trusted experts that we have built relationships with in the past. Our tradespeople work with us regularly, and they always deliver the high level of quality that we demand.” Whether yours is a new home under

construction or a turn of the century home in urgent need of restoration or masonry work, Start to Finish Construction has the right experience, the right tools, and the right price for your budget.

The Inside Story Many home owners are turning to interior renovations to add value and beauty to their living spaces. Renovations to kitchens and bathrooms, arguably the two most important rooms in the home, are major undertakings. Flooring, painting, tile, ceilings—it might all come into play in a top-to-bottom overhaul. Because Lucyk understands the needs of today’s families, he goes to work on these critical projects with an eye for functionality as well as aesthetics. “Kitchens aren’t just anymore,” Lucyk said.



“More than more, they’re an entertainment space and an extension of the dining room.” Modern finishes, subtle tones, contemporary cabinets with ample drawers and easy-to-access storage spaces, flooring so elegant you’d never know it was heavy traffic-rated, elevate the kitchen to the food-and-comfort centre of the home. Bathrooms are the new frontier in comfort and luxury living. Spa-like looks and spa-quality showers and tubs are more affordable than you think—and faster to install than you’d believe. The professionals at Start to Finish Construction pride themselves on speedy, satisfaction-guaranteed service and can turn a bathroom into your own personal salon in a matter of days. It won’t add as much dollar value to the home as a new kitchen, but the value and enjoyment you’ll get out it will be priceless. Recreational spaces are high on the musthave lists of homeowners. It’s hard to beat the simple pleasures of a renovated downstairs space. The possibilities are endless. Wire some rooms for sound to create a theatre-quality entertainment room. Cancel your fitness club membership and open your own gym in the new spare room instead.

Home, Sweet-looking Home Everyone knows that first impressions

are lasting impressions, but nothing beats feeling wowed every time you pull into your own driveway. What you choose to do with your home’s exterior is every bit as important as the choices you made for the interior. It may not be a scientifically proven fact, but eight out of 10 grill aficionados agree that barbecue simply tastes better when it’s cooked up on a spacious patio deck with lots of room for friends and family. Because he’s Regina born and bred, Lucyk knows just how much our short summer season makes us appreciate the outdoors. Decks aren’t just an elevated platform tacked onto the back of the house. They’re an extension of the home and the hospitality found there so it has to tie in to the home’s character in addition to being a practical entertaining space.

Manufactured stone looks amazing and has infinite applications, from creating subtle accents to commanding floor-toceiling walls. Old-school looks with a contemporary feel are in high demand. Start to Finish Construction has the skills and craftsmanship to install these products to perfection so that they last through any wear and weather. It may not be as sexy as adding a hottub or sun room, but functional upgrades like a new roof or adding (or extending) a garage are sound investments that will pay dividends for decades to come.

Top To Bottom, Start To Finish

Never before have there been so many high quality and surprisingly affordable options for facing your home’s exterior.

Some people want to renovate and tweak (or overhaul) the look of their home. Others look at a new home project like an artist looks at a blank canvas: the possibilities are limited only by the imagination.

Brick is timeless with a grace and elegance that adds real value (and R value) to any home. Stone is strong, elegant, and unmatched for its durability and beauty.

Quite literally, Start To Finish can build you the new home of your dreams right from the ground up. Lucyk’s staff of qualified and highly skilled tradespeople construct

each home as it though it were their own. “We take pride in our work because you take pride in your home, even if you haven’t had the chance to live there yet,” said Lucyk. “The same quality we would expect for ourselves is exactly the same quality we provide to our customers.” Large or small, Lucyk tackles each job the same way. It starts with a conversation with the homeowner and ends with a clear plan for achieving the renovation, retrofit or refurbishment desired. “I’m honoured to be invited into someone’s home and given the opportunity to make it an even more pleasant one,” said Lucyk. “As a homeowner myself, I know just how much my quality of life depends on feeling good in my home. We’re not just renovating rooms or building homes. We’re building happiness and comfort.

Start to Finish Construction Regina, Sk. 306.531.4438

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New owner carries on a 30-year tradition of quality wood products at The Shake Shop BY G.H. LEWMER Sometimes inspiration occurs when you least expect it. That’s the discovery Ted and Shirley Corman, original owners of The Shake Shop, made one sunny summer day in 1979. Shirley remembers it fondly. “Ted had recently retired and was outside working in the yard. He noticed that the neighbors across the street were doing renovations and using cedar shakes for their roofing. He walked over and started talking to them, and soon discovered that there was no store in Regina at that time that stocked cedar shake roofing. If Ted had not crossed the street that day, we never would have created the store.”


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Ted Corman Founder, The Shake Shop

Brian Sinclair Owner, The Shake Shop

Thirty years and thousands of satisfied customers later, The Shake Shop is still the number one independent provider of top quality wood products and solutions for your construction needs in the Regina area. Specializing in cedar and pine building materials, fir joisting, and hardwood flooring, The Shake Shop offers a wide selection of goods and services at competitive prices.

as owner in 2008. He is honoured to continue the tradition of excellence for which The Shake Shop is renowned. Brian retained the majority of Ted and Shirley’s staff, including manager Dan Crosby, who understands why the store is so popular with customers. “The reason why we’ve been so successful all these years is that we care enormously about the quality of our products and services.

Sadly, the original owner, Ted Corman, passed away in 2007. The family decided to sell the business and neighborhood businessman Brian Sinclair took over

“We decided that instead of selling a little bit of everything, we would specialize in what we knew was needed and valued most by the customer. Cedar happens to

be the longest lasting building material to use in this region, and since it is not available just anywhere, we feel that we are the best supplier of this product in town.” The list of products that The Shake Shop offers is truly staggering. Upon entering the 35,000 square foot warehouse at 1500-5th Avenue in Regina, you will find everything that you could possibly need for your next building project, including cedar products such as: roofing shakes and shingles; decking; siding; and lumber of all sizes. They also manufacture the best quality lattice and 100 per cent cedar fence panels and gates on the market. All panels are fastened together with screws and have drainage holes in the bottom rail. Furthermore, pine lumber, stain, and satin finish, high quality hardwood flooring are also available. If cedar isn’t what you want for your deck, they carry the Latitudes line of premium quality composite decking and railing materials. ”We’re very conscientious about offering the best quality products and services,” says Brian. “That’s why we have such a diverse, yet specialized, selection so that the customer can take their time and examine all the different building materials that go into any project. We also offer free estimates of materials and building costs for decks, fences, roofs, and hardwood and laminate flooring. All you have to do is bring in a blueprint or sketch and we’ll determine the best values for the price you want to spend.” Brian also rents landscaping machinery such as Bobcats, mini excavators and jackhammers to help facilitate your building project. He may be reached at (306) 529-6500 for this service. If you don’t own a truck and have concerns about

transporting your purchases home, The Shake Shop has courtesy trucks available to you, free of charge. ”Our custom millwork shop is equipped to do custom planing, sanding, re-sawing, ripping, cutting and building,” Brian says. “Our most experienced wood craftsman is Henry Dykow. He’s 78 and has been doing it all his life. He calls himself ‘a wood butcher,’ but if you have seen his work you’ll know otherwise. He can pretty well help design or build whatever you need. Henry has had countless opportunities to work for different companies, but has preferred to stay with us because he can work one-on-one with the customer— getting it right. That’s really what the store is all about. If you want cedar planters, tables, deck furniture, custom mouldings, or anything else made out of wood, Henry’s the man for the job.” The store is also about overcoming adversity, as Brian recently discovered after an arson fire damaged the building last April. “There was extensive damage to a portion of the building, but we were able to open again after only three days. It took a lot of work and commitment by many people, but we were able to make it work. We sincerely appreciate the services provided by the Regina Fire Department and are proud to say that we’re still here for our customers. The Shake Shop is a place where ‘Quality really matters and you always get a good shake!’” You can contact the Shake Shop at 306. 352.4485, or visit their website at www. The Shake Shop 1500 5th Avenue Regina, Sk. 306.352.4485

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Zarkor Construction


Attention to detail sticks out Before


Building a house is not just about choosing a floor plan and paint colours, it is about creating an oasis, a personal space designed to match your needs and style. Shaheen Zareh, founder and owner of Zarkor Construction has recreated his renovation company based on this concept. “A home is the biggest investment most people will ever make,” he claims, “and our goal is to make sure every customer who walks through the door of their new home is one hundred per cent satisfied.”


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A Renovation Beginning

a new build site, it is a new challenge. And I wanted to try it,” Zareh states.

In December of 2009, Zareh opened the doors to Zarkor Construction, specializing in home renovations. Working as a real estate agent, he is well aware of the needs of the Regina homebuyer. “From working in the business, I noticed that I had a lot of customers ask if I knew someone to renovate and paint before listing the house.”

Timing is everything

Since then, he has decided to introduce new home builds into his company. “With

“Our goal,” states Zareh “is not to build hundreds of standard homes in our first year. We want to build twenty to thirty

With three new builds nearing completion, Zareh is getting ready to launch Zarkor Construction Homes, and he is certain that homebuyers of Regina will love what they see.

stick out.” For example, Zarkor Homes pride themselves on their nine-foot ceilings throughout the kitchen, dining and living rooms, as well as in their vaulted ceilings in their master suites. Though the heightened ceilings do not add square footage, they create the illusion of space - something all homeowners seek. In addition, you will see galley style kitchens, upper level laundry rooms, and an open-concept flow throughout all their homes. Due to his experience as a real estate agent, Zareh is well aware of the needs of customers. “For example, a lot of houses have stairs in the middle of the house, chopping up the basement,” he explains. “This is a common complaint among potential homebuyers. Rather, we put the stairs in the side of the house, giving the basement just that much more space.” It’s the little details that make the huge difference.

Affordability made Luxurious

great homes this year.” The key to creating great homes that customers love is taking the time to come up with the perfect plan. Zarkor employees will work hard with their customers, ensuring that every detail has been covered, from window placement, to where you think your furniture will be placed, and how you want your electrical outlets organized. “I want every client that comes through our door and builds a home to give it a 10 out of 10 because they were able to take the time and not be rushed while building.” Not only does taking the time to build the most efficient home benefit the customer,

but it ensures that the next buyer will be happy with the product as well.

The Fine Details Zarkor homes are being built to exceed expectations through fine details. Before setting foot through the door of one of their homes, buyers are sure to be impressed by the curb appeal on the walk up the driveway. From large windows, cozy verandahs, and stacked stone exteriors, these homes cover every detail, small and large. “I put a lot of time and energy into the design,” says Zareh, “and we focus on the little things that people can easily take for granted, but when done right, they

At this time, Zarkor Construction has 15 in-fill lots that they plan to develop over the next year with prices that will attract nearly 70 per cent of the buyers market. Among their spacious 1,400 to 1,600 square-foot, two-story homes, they will be building duplexes. These are appealing to the new homeowner who wants the luxury of living in a brand new home while generating revenue by having a rental suite attached. Zarkor is selling new homes on lots in mature neighborhoods, such as Churchill Downs, Washington Park, and Broders Annex. “I see more and more first time home builders in these areas,” says Zareh, “and I want to be a part of that activity.”

The Difference is in the People Zareh was very clear that the success of Zarkor Construction and its move toward the future can truly be attributed to the

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amazing people that he has working for him. “My biggest goal at this point is to have the right people working for Zarkor,” he states. Hiring the best, most qualified people who take pride in their work is the key to building successful homes and giving home buyers complete satisfaction in their purchase. The many helpful faces you will see when you decide to build with Zarkor who, Zareh claims, “without them there would be no Zarkor” are: Shaw, the vice president and Zareh’s right hand man; Tiffany, director of public relations and designer; Yashar, mentoring trainee; Gabriel, the financing manager; and Tom and Jason, both construction managers. “I really genuinely owe everything to these people,” remarks Zareh.

Style at 368 Ottawa Street Zarkor is doing the first official launch


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of their show home on March 15, 2011. Located at 368 Ottawa Street, its two stories, three bedrooms and two-anda-half baths, are certain to impress all homebuyers. At 1,458 square feet, the house features an impressive master suite complete with vaulted ceilings, master bath and walk-in closet. Throughout the galley style kitchen and open concept dining and living room, the nine-foot ceilings boast space and luxury. Off the front door there is a stunning verandah and off the back door is a multi-functional mud room. Finished with hardwood throughout, carpeted bedrooms, and a stunning fireplace, the design of 368 Ottawa Street is certain to become a dream home for many. In addition, March 1, 2011 is the official launch of three duplexes built by Zarkor. Watch for more homes by Zarkor Construction to follow.

Shaheen Zareh, Owner, Zarkor Construction Zarkor Construction 2337 McIntyre St. Regina, Sk. 306.351.2596

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With a sharp eye for detail, renovation company enters the new home construction segment BY RYAN HOLOTA

“I started dealing with SharpTooth when they did my bathroom in 2008. I was really impressed with the quality of the work that they did, and the fact that they took the time to do everything right. My bathroom was stripped right down to the studs, and a little bit of mold was discovered. Instead of rushing to finish the job and covering everything up, SharpTooth made sure that everything was dry and properly treated before finishing the project. Now, my bathroom is beautiful. It has a jet tub, heated floor, and a tiled tub surround. I just love it. “I was so impressed with the way that the bathroom renovation was handled that I


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had them back to do even more work. I had SharpTooth remove a wall from my kitchen and completely redo everything. I also had them replace all of my windows and doors with better looking, more energy efficient replacements. “SharpTooth has been great to work with. They’re very dependable and reliable, and they are excellent communicators. I always knew exactly where they were and what the status of my project was. I would recommend them to anybody.”

~Karla Kemaldean, Regina There are millions of dollars spent on

renovations and new home construction in Regina every year. When your customers are willing to say kind things about you, without being paid, that says something about the quality of the work that you do and the levels of customer service that you deliver to them. Founded in 2006, SharpTooth Homes and Renovations decided right from the start that customer service was going to be the focus of their business. Jason Collie, the founder, says, “We really try to make sure that all of our clients are up to speed on the work that we are doing and how long everything is going to take. We don’t cut


any corners when we take on a project. We know that what happens at the framing stage will affect what happens at the finishing stage, so we spend a lot of time on the items that you don’t see so that the items that you do see look and perform the way they are supposed to.

build complete homes for them. This was an opportunity that Collie embraced. “We built our first house in 2010, a 1,700 square foot bungalow in White City. It really turned out great, and we look forward to the new homes that we are going to be building in 2011.”

“Doing things to the minimum code is not enough; it’s been proven time and time again. If you want to invest in your property and a healthy home, call us, because we will make sure your home is safe for you and your family because we really do care. We will complete any project in a timely manner with updates, realistic budgets and timelines to meet our clients’ needs and expectations.”

Because SharpTooth provides complete home design and construction services, they also like to promote completing the basement on their houses. “We provide discounts to our customers when they finish their basement along with the rest of their house. It’s much less expensive to do it now, because all the tradespeople are already coming to the house. In addition, there is no mess to deal with, and you don’t need to worry about having to do it later.”

After developing a loyal following in the Regina area, it was only natural that clients started to call on SharpTooth to

While SharpTooth is expanding its services

to include new home construction, they are not abandoning their current clients. SharpTooth will continue to offer complete renovation, development, and repair services to the Regina area. You can learn more about SharpTooth Homes and Renovations by visiting their website at, or by calling Jason at 530-9607.

Sharptooth Renovations- Jason Collie Regina, Sk. 306.530.9607

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EXPERTAdvice Real estate should be your target

Saskatchewan is leading the nation in economic growth and the evidence is right here in Regina. With so many job opportunities and still one of the most affordable housing markets in Canada, it’s no surprise that so many people are moving to Regina from all over Canada and the World!

Kristen Reed

Re/Max Crown Real Estate 306.501.5419

Regina is flourishing thanks to Saskatchewan’s growing economy, which is due, in part, to the abundance of natural resources including, but not limited to: uranium, potash, oil, gold, kaolin and diamonds. The Potash mines located in southern Saskatchewan provide one third of the world’s demand. Our oil production is second in the country, providing 20 per cent of all Canadian production and what may be the largest discovery of sweet, light crude oil is being extracted less than an hour away from the Queen City. The province is also the leader in uranium production. Refining these resources has helped to sustain job growth and attract migration. Saskatchewan led the country in population growth at 1.53 per cent for 2010 and is also expected to lead the nation in economic growth for 2011 projecting an increase of 3.7 per cent. Unemployment rates in the province are among the lowest in the country. Regina is expected to create an additional 1,600 jobs annually. Experts are predicting a population growth in Regina at around 1.12 per cent, per year. Immigration to Regina is a key component of that growth taking into account current labour shortages and projected retirement due to the aging population.

Jessica Brittner B.A. Top Producer Re/Max Crown Real Estate 306.791.4715

It’s a very exciting time to be living in Regina. Everywhere you look there are large projects and repairs to infrastructure. Our cityscape and the downtown area are getting a facelift! Harvard Developments’ latest project, the

Hill Centre Tower III is set for completion in 2012. The 20-storey office building will be located on the corner of 12th Avenue and Hamilton Street. The Capitol Pointe Condominium and Hotel project going up on the corner of Albert Street and Victoria Avenue will be the new tallest building in Regina. Downtown is in the midst of a revitalisation to make the area more attractive to businesses, residents and social events. And in the southwest corner of the city in Harbour Landing on 90 acres of land is the one million square foot retail facility called the Grasslands Regional Shopping Centre. New homes are also popping up everywhere you look, take a drive around the city and you will notice that we are expanding in every direction. In 2010, there were 1,347 foundations poured for new homes. In Regina, 3,565 homes changed hands and the average price was $258,069. In 2011, house prices are expected to increase by another 5 per cent to an average of around $270,000. Affordability will be a major draw for those moving into Regina. Immigration is going to continue to push prices up and keep sales steady in the years ahead due to scarcity of land as housing intensifies in urban areas. Rental vacancy rates are still extremely low at around 1 per cent, which is keeping rental costs high and is driving many first time buyers into the market. Regina’s market is once again changing and will continue to for the next few years. So, whether you are finding your first home or looking to upgrade or downsize, take the opportunity while the interest rates are still low and prices are affordable. Real Estate should be your target. This is the time.

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Dependability, Durability and Style come standard with Jay’s Installations & Carpentry and Duraco Storm-Tite Windows and Doors BY MACKENZIE BROOKS For more than 12 years, Jason Zaphe and his team at Jay’s Installations & Carpentry have been outfitting Regina homes and businesses with quality construction and renovations. They have been professionally maintaining our homes and offices with the team’s knowledge, solid construction backgrounds and, most


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importantly, a consistent record of client satisfaction. J.I.C. has always been a local and dependable source of hard working professionals and Jason has been steadily building the business and its reputation for quality and success. “This team is a hard working group,” said Jason.

Because of J.I.C.’s reputation for quality workmanship and installation, as well as their ability to serve customers on a tight schedule, Jason’s team (which has grown to six employees) was hand-picked by Duraco Storm-Tite to be an up-front dealer of their products in Regina. “We had an opportunity to advance in a new

direction,” said Jason. “We wanted to expand our scope of services so when Duraco approached us, we knew the quality of their product matched with our personal expectations of ourselves and J.I.C. It’s a good fit for both of us.” Zaphe’s new showroom has also given them a means to showcase their product (and their abundant personality) to their customers. If you are considering new doors and windows, Jason and the team will make J.I.C. and Duraco Storm-Tite Windows and Doors top of mind. The Duraco product is superior for many reasons. Duraco Storm-Tite products are “100% Canadian Prairie Made” to suit our extreme climate and are shipped directly from Winnipeg so J.I.C. can get and install your order without delay. All Duraco Storm-Tite windows are made from nonrecycled PVC, low emissivity glass and are argon filled to ensure thermal efficiency and durability. Duraco Storm-Tite’s entry, patio and storm doors come with many window options and 26 factorycoated colour choices to complement your home’s style. Every Duraco StormTite door has solid core construction, finished edges and comes directly from the factory with the brick mould attached for a seamless installation. An investment in Duraco Storm-Tite’s products and J.I.C.’s personality means customers are guaranteed a low maintenance and beautiful upgrade to their home by true local professionals. J.I.C. and Duraco Storm-Tite Windows and Doors is also proud to announce that this year, exclusively in Saskatchewan, customers can earn AIR MILES reward miles with every Duraco Storm-Tite window or door installed by J.I.C. Every Duraco Storm-Tite product also comes with the Duraco Storm-Tite Unlimited Lifetime Warranty which is fully transferrable should you ever decide to sell your home. In this way, present and future customers are guaranteed to benefit at both installation and when it comes time to sell. New buyers can be assured of a warranty that will be honoured after they purchase a home with J.I.C.’s Duraco Storm-Tite windows and doors pre-

installed. Should you ever have a product concern, Jason and his team will solve it. Not only are the products dependable, so are the folks at Jay’s Installation & Carpentry. As spring returns, and we begin our seasonal maintenance schedules and planned upgrades to our homes, consider J.I.C. and Duraco Storm-Tite Windows and Doors for peace of mind; for lower energy bills; for a solid and stylish investment in your home; and for the eager smiles, big personalities and hearty handshakes of

the team at J.I.C. Contact Jason Zaphe and his team of professionals at J.I.C. Windows and Doors at (306) 359-6987, and drop in to the showroom at 3041 Saskatchewan Drive (directly across from Mosaic Stadium.) For product knowledge, a free in-home estimate and for exceptional service, J.I.C. is ready to meet with you today. JIC Duraco Windows 3041 Saskatchewan Dr. Regina, Sk. 306.359.6987

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JS Basement Works Built on a foundation of Quality, Trust and Customer Satisfaction BY JENNIFER SEMESOCK

After six years in the industry, JS Basement Works prides itself in being the largest basement company in Regina. When opening in March of 2005, owner Jamon Selinger made the business goal for his company to build JS Basement Works on the qualities of trust, quality, affordability and customer satisfaction. Staying true to his goal, Selinger’s company has grown to be able to provide structural repairs, foundation stabilization, waterproofing, concrete work and basement renovations for both commercial and residential


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basements. “We can perform a high level of workmanship without breaking homeowners’ bank accounts,” says Selinger. With a list of references going back six years, JS Basement Works is still welcoming new clients who require topquality materials and services.

Prevention When it comes to ensuring a safe and long-lasting basement, “prevention is the key,” claims Selinger, “Much like cars, foundations require maintenance to

perform well.” There are many different measures to take in order to enhance the lifespan of a basement. Selinger suggests something as simple as grading around the perimeter of the home or cleaning the eavestroughs and extending the spout. For new home builds, Selinger suggests, “spending the extra few dollars at build time to save in the future.” By upgrading from a tar foundation coating to a membrane application, building on piles rather than footings, and backfilling your excavation around the new foundation

factors to basement problems such as tree roots, insufficient steel in concrete, water from leaky plumbing, mud-jacking and poor drainage. To tackle sloping and settling issues, they recommend foundation underpinning as a strong, safe, and long lasting solution. Selinger explains the underpinning process: “Foundation underpinning is an engineered design that uses heavy-duty steel piers or concrete piles that are driven into the ground beneath your home, and then used to permanently lift it back into its original position.” In addition to the many foundation repairs and basement renovations that JS Basement Works does, they also do concrete jobs, such as removing and relaying concrete basement floors that have suffered from force and heaving. Among their many concrete jobs is the laying of driveways, patios, sidewalks, slabs, garage pads, grade beams, and new foundations in concrete. They also provide bobcat, excavator and dump truck services.

Quality, Satisfaction, and Affordability

with sand instead of clay, you could save the integrity of the foundation, adding years to a home’s structural life.

Foundation Repair Solutions As homeowners in Regina are well aware, some foundation issues are inevitable. JS Basement Works provides services to fix any kind of basement issue, whether it be with a leaky basement, bowing and cracking foundation walls, heaving floors, sinking foundations or basement renovations.

“The longer water problems are put off, the worse they get and the more it will cost you to fix them,” Selinger says. Through their engineered waterproofing solutions, JS Basement Works can fix any water issue in a home’s basement. Due to the soil conditions in Regina, many houses experience the cracking of their foundation walls, as well as the bowing of basement walls and sloping of the entire home. To protect homes, JS Basement Works uses engineered structural designs that guarantee a home from further movement. This will also protect a home from other contributing

As a member of the Better Business Bureau, JS Basement Works is able to ensure quality and satisfaction at a reasonable cost. “We have the right people who we work very hard with to educate about the best products and services we can provide,” says Selinger. To help keep customers’ costs down, they also own and operate all the necessary equipment to do almost any job and they also support local supplier relationships, ensuring trusted products at a reasonable cost. “We know that we are getting the products at the best price, letting us pass the savings on to our customer.” To talk to a specialist about treating any foundation or basement needs, call JS Basement Works at 337-1850 (office), or 596-1703.

JS Basement Works Regina, Sk. 306.596.1703

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In the Company of Good Men Kelturn Drywall Ltd. puts attitude and integrity first BY MACKENZIE BROOKS Experience. Quality. Reliability. Kelturn Drywall is a team with heart. With nearly a decade of experience under their tool belts, the men of Kelturn are who homeowners and builders alike are looking for in the drywall sub-trade. “When we turn up at your door or your building site, you are getting honest and reliable men who will work hard for you,” said Dean Kelso, owner of Kelturn Drywall. “Our guys are trained in-house, and know when we put our quote on a job, that is what’s expected of them. They work hard for you because they are professionals with personal integrity at the core of every job, no matter the size.” How refreshing!


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Meet the Team On first meeting the owner of Kelturn Drywall, it is clear that Dean Kelso is a man who knows his business. “I’ve been in this business a long time,” said Dean. “I know that it’s not just the drywalling itself that makes the business move forward. Personality is a big part of what makes clients happy, not just the outcome of their job. I choose every employee based on personality and their ability to perform on the job, as well as their ability to learn. I don’t just want to hire someone with aptitude. I want someone with the right attitude.”

With almost 500 drywalling jobs a year, Kelturn Drywall is a busy and continually expanding company. “Right now we do about 80 per cent residential work and 20 per cent commercial work,” said Dean. “Residential work from private homes has been our fastest growing area of business, and most of our contracts have come through word of mouth. Every one of my employees continues to build Kelturn’s good name and reputation. We do the work of an 80 person company with 20 guys,” he continued. “I’m proud of every one of them.” What makes Kelturn a great company

is good for everyone in the business. Kelturn deserves the good recognition.” Katrina Stettner and Matt Rogina of Harmony Builders also love working with Kelturn. “These guys are wonderful people and hard workers. They’re honest and very respectful. Their quality of work is unparalleled and they will go out of their way for us and our clients. This crew works evenings and weekends to complete jobs on time without compromising quality.” Tom Moore, president of Westmount Homes’ had this to say about Kelturn: “Kelturn Drywall has been doing my drywall installation at Westmount Homes for nearly seven years,” said Moore. “They are a terrific company to work with. They are very accommodating, provide superior service and their after service follow-up is excellent. I know that Dean, who himself is a very good businessman, hand-selects and trains all of his employees himself. They are taught very well; Kelturn is an excellent company to work with.” is the people and their workmanship. Dean trains all his employees himself to properly miter all corners and to seam round, off-set and square beading together properly. Their office doubles as a training facility and warehouse, which has allowed Dean’s team to research and perfect new ways of patching knock-down ceilings. Every home owner knows that when undertaking a structural renovation, ceiling considerations are a major concern and without proper attention, can leave an otherwise beautiful renovation marred by an unsightly ceiling patch. “I’m so proud to be able to say that we’ve been able to work on this as a team to get it right. It’s a skill that’s not easily acquired, but we’ve done it.” Choose Kelturn Drywall for 100 per cent satisfaction in a job well done; for an established company that is continually available to you both on the job and after completion; and for a team who respects that your home is your castle. “Our guys will always leave your home properly cleaned up,” said Dean. “Your room will be ready for paint when our work is done,


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and you’ll be able to cover it with a single millimetre of paint.”

What Folks are Saying about Kelturn Kelturn Drywall works with an extensive list of homeowners and builders in Regina and area. No matter who you speak to, everyone has something to say to commend Kelturn on their impressive skill set and amiable nature. Jack Sinclair, General Manager of Kenroc Building Materials Company Limited, and the supplier for Kelturn Drywall has the highest regard for Dean’s crew. “They have a professional demeanor and an established good image. The employees are proud of their company and of working for Mr. Kelso.” said Sinclair. Kenroc has been working with Kelturn since its inception, and Mr. Sinclair admits to no regrets. “I really enjoy our business relationship. The folks at Kelturn are very hard working and refuse to cut corners. Dean raises the bar for others; he has high expectations for his own company which

Kelturn’s employees are also communityminded folks with big hearts. Kelturn Drywall has been active in community initiatives for years and regularly works to raise public awareness and funds for the Alzheimer’s Society. “Good karma is important in business,” said Dean. “It’s also important for our company and for our community.” For your free estimate; for top quality workmanship; and for a job quote that will always be honoured, choose Kelturn Drywall. Contact Dean Kelso at (306) 539-2121, e-mail the team at and stop in at their shop at 1344 Cornwall Street. Your next project deserves the quality workmanship of Kelturn Drywall Ltd.

Kelturn Drywall Ltd. 1344 Cornwall St. Regina, Sk. Phone: 306.539.2121

Bringing Your Ideas To Life ƚ > ,ĞŝŶ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ͕ ǁĞ ĂƌĞ ĚĞĚŝĐĂƚĞĚ ƚŽ ƉƌŽǀŝĚŝŶŐ LJŽƵ ĂŶĚ LJŽƵƌ ĨĂŵŝůLJ ǁŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ ďĞƐƚ ǁŚĞŶ ŝƚ ĐŽŵĞƐ ƚŽ ƌĞŶŽǀĂƟŶŐ Žƌ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ Ă ƉůĂĐĞ LJŽƵ ĐĂůů ŚŽŵĞ͘ > ,ĞŝŶ ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƟŽŶ ŝƐ Ă ƐŵĂůů ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ƐƉĞĐŝĂůŝnjĞĚ ƚŽ ŵĂŬĞ Ăůů LJŽƵƌ ŝĚĞĂƐ ĐŽŵĞ ĂůŝǀĞ ǁŚĞƚŚĞƌ ŝƚ ďĞ ƌĞƉůĂĐŝŶŐ ŽůĚ ŇŽŽƌŝŶŐ Žƌ ďƵŝůĚŝŶŐ Ă ŵĂƐƚĞƌ ďĂƚŚƌŽŽŵ LJŽƵ ŬŶŽǁ LJŽƵ ĂůǁĂLJƐ ǁĂŶƚĞĚ͕ ǁĞ ĂƌĞ ƚŚĞƌĞ ƚŽ ƐĞĞ ƚŚĂƚ ǀŝƐŝŽŶ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ͘







Fashion for your floors and windows BY JENNIFER SEMESOCK

With 30 years in the flooring and window treatment industry, Mengel Floor and Window Fashions have built a reputation in Regina for providing excellent products with outstanding service to their customers. “The whole business began with window fashions when Ann Mengel started the business 30 years ago, and from that, business in the flooring industry grew as well,” say owners, Don and Deborah Lillie. Mengel has built their reputation on quality products and installations. “Our installers are an integral part of what has made Mengel what it is today,” says Don. Don and Deborah are proud to say they have used the same group of trusted installers for many years. Currently, their business, which has succeeded due to their reputation, provides flooring and window fashions for everyday households to large businesses.


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Window Fashions Whether building a new house, renovating, or simply updating the window treatments in your current home, finding a balance between style and function is important. Through the latest addition to their team, Mengel Floor and Window Fashions are certain to provide expert advice through this process. Jody Kallichuk, designated interior designer, joined Mengel in July of 2010. Her designation from the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, combined with 13 years experience in the window fashion industry, is a proven asset to the team. “Jody is so good at her job and has so much experience,” says Don. Through her attention to detail and profound knowledge in the industry, Kallichuk is able to assist homeowners with ease, ensuring that they are completely satisfied with the style and function of their new window treatments. Kallichuk advises that, when choosing the right window treatments for your home, it is important to choose those that accommodate your life. “It is really a personalized experience,” she claims, “What works in one house, may not be right for the identical house next door to it.” It is important to take into consideration what your lifestyle is like when choosing treatments. Whether or

not you work shift work, have children, or enjoy the natural beauty of the view outside determines what kind of window treatments would work in a home. For instance, if a bedroom window features a beautiful landscape view, Kallichuk suggests using something that is less obstructing. “A silhouette would be great because you can see through it, as would a top down/bottom up or screen. Both provide natural light without obstructing the view.”

in flooring as well. Currently in their showroom is the Mohawk Smart Strand carpet, the industry’s leading brand in sustainable flooring. Another great product featured throughout their showroom is their Mannington Product Adura luxury tile. This product offers the exceptional look of wood, tile or stone, with the durability of luxury vinyl flooring. Other brands around the show room are Armstrong, Muskoka, Richmond and Kraus, to name a few.

As trends in interior design grow, so does the variety of options there are for choosing window treatments. At Mengel Floor and Window Fashions, you will find a variety of selection throughout their two brands, Hunter Douglas and Graber. “Between the two brands, there is something for everyone in every price range and style,” says Deborah. Some of the latest trends currently are top down/bottom up shades, wood products, and screen roller shades. “They have so many different innovations with window fashions now; fabrics are totally different and they come in so many different colours,” says Kallichuk.

The first step to making any changes in the home, whether it be in flooring or window treatments, is to go down to the Mengel showroom and speak with the experts. “Communication is extremely important when it comes to providing excellent customer service,” says Don. From beginning to end, customers will be satisfied with the experience provided by the friendly and efficient staff. Visit their showroom at 1438 Lindsay Street in Regina to speak to one of the Mengel Floor and Window Treatments team members.

Flooring Customers at Mengel Floor and Window Fashions will continue to see a variety of top quality brands and new innovations

Mengel Flooring and Window Fashions 1438 Lindsay St. Regina, Sk. 306.352.4098

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A Successful Twist of Fate for Greg Grill BY TOBIE HAINSTOCK It’s funny where life takes us. When we are young, idealistic teenagers we have our lives planned out. Seldom do our dreams from our youth unfold in the manner we expect. However, when asked if we could go back to those days, would we change things to what we wanted then? Very few of us would do so. We have spouses, children, friends and careers that we would not want to give up. This is also true for lifetime Regina resident, Greg Grill. As a young man leaving high school, it was his plan to follow in his father’s footsteps and become an accountant. Grill applied at the University of British Columbia and was accepted. His father told his son that he would pay the tuition for university but that he was responsible for his own living


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expenses. After graduation, young Grill went to work making cabinets for Pyramid Construction, which was owned and operated by Hans Fitzel and Henry Henkel. The plan was to work at cabinet making to earn enough for living expenses at university. Grill’s application at UBC was accepted but he couldn’t afford to go. A disappointment? Perhaps slightly. But according to Grill, he had fallen in love with the cabinet making business and decided to stick with it. Grill remained with Pyramid for four years. During that time he obtained his Interprovincial Journeyman Certificate. In 1979, Grill stepped out on his own and started Greg Grill Contracting. His interest

in accounting is still strong and Grill enjoys spending time in the office going over the bookwork, but it’s the woodwork that is his true love. Over the course of more than three decades, Grill and his wife Cindy have remained in Regina, raised a family— Marina (Grill) Fox who is a nurse and Tyler Grill who works in automotive sales. They have seen many changes in the community, but Grill’s love for Regina and for what he does has never waned. “There’s a lot to be said about the pride you have in a job well done,” says Grill. Grill’s pride in workmanship was very evident for Kevin Daniel and his wife Bev of Regina. Daniel, who was building

a new home last year, hired Greg Grill Contracting to do the woodwork, which included installing a bar, building cabinets and more. “We had some unique things done and [Greg Grill Contracting] took the time to go through everything closely,” states Daniel who goes on to say that the care and attention that Grill’s team put into the job was impressive. “We had them put in our waffled ceiling; there was a lot of fine detail and they did a phenomenal job,” Daniel continues. Presently located at 2301 7th Avenue, Greg Grill Contracting includes a staff of five woodworkers and cabinetmakers aside from Grill himself. They specialize in all types of interior woodwork including customized curved staircases, railings, trims, closets, custom-built cabinets and more. So, what has kept Greg Grill Contracting going for so many years? Grill credits the longevity of his staff and the strong commitment to excellence possessed by everyone on his team.

“I have a great staff,” notes Grill. “We’re like a family and you don’t get that kind of dedication very often.” Grill explains that it is important to everyone that the customer is happy with the outcome of a project. This satisfaction is achieved through strong communication between the customer and the contractor. “We are very hands-on customers,” states Grill.


they can see what it will look like ahead of time,” says Grill. Grill also states that they are committed to offering a fair price and meeting their production schedules. With so many satisfied customers during the past 30 years, Greg Grill Contracting looks forward to many more years of doing what they love best.


According to Grill, when first sitting down with a customer, he notes their preferences for style, wood species and so on. Grill then does a preliminary drawing of the project using KCD, an innovative software program. The KCD program makes it easy for the client to visualize the final look of the job upon completion. This allows the customer the opportunity to make changes and see what things look like before the job begins. There are no unwanted surprises this way. “If a customer wants spice drawers, different countertops, pull-out sections, or whatever, we can do that for them and

“It gives you a real sense of purpose to build something and be proud of it,” says Grill. It is the combination of old-school craftsmanship and attention to quality and detail with modern looks and innovative techniques that creates a beautiful masterpiece that homeowners will enjoy for a lifetime. For more information about Greg Grill Contracting call 757-2116 or visit www. . Greg Grill Contracting 2301 7th Ave E. Regina, Sk. 306.757.2116

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With the experience of our company, we are knowledgeable about what our customer wants and needs and capable of ĚĞůŝǀĞƌŝŶŐ ƐŽůƵƟŽŶƐ ƚŽ ŵĂƚĐŚ͘ dŚĂƚ͛Ɛ ǁŚLJ ǁĞ ŚĂǀĞ Ă ƋƵĂůŝĮĞĚ ĚĞƐŝŐŶĞƌ ŽŶ ƐƚĂī͘ KƵƌ ĚĞƐŝŐŶĞƌ ŝƐ ĨĂŵŝůŝĂƌ ǁŝƚŚ ŽƵƌ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ͕ ǁŚŝĐŚ ŝƐ ŝŵƉŽƌƚĂŶƚ ǁŚĞŶ ŝƚ ĐŽŵĞƐ ƚŽ ƉƵƫŶŐ Ă ƉƌŽũĞĐƚ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ͘ We have heard all the complaints and confusion when dealing with out-of-house landscape designs, plans and drawings; problems ranging from crowding, to wrong dimensions, to lack ŽĨ ŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞ ŝŶ ƉĂǀŝŶŐƐƚŽŶĞ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ ƚŚĂƚ ĚŽŶ͛ƚ ĐŽŝŶĐŝĚĞ ǁŝƚŚ ŽŶĞ ĂŶŽƚŚĞƌ͘ tŝƚŚ ƚŚĞ KůLJŵƉŝĐƐ ^LJƐƚĞŵ ŽƵƌ ĐƵƐƚŽŵĞƌ ǁŝůů Ɛŝƚ down with our designer to go through and create the design ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞŝƌ ƉƌŽũĞĐƚ͖ ƉŝĐŬ ƚŚĞ ƉĂǀŝŶŐ ƐƚŽŶĞ ĐŽůŽƵƌƐ͖ ůĂǁŶ͖ ƚƌĞĞƐ͖ ĂŶĚ Ws ĨĞŶĐŝŶŐ͕ ŝĨ ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ͘ &ƌŽŵ ƚŚĞƌĞ͕ ŝƚ͛Ɛ Žī ƚŽ ŽƵƌ ŝŶƐƚĂůůĂƟŽŶ ƐŝĚĞ ƚŽ ĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞ ĂŶŽƚŚĞƌ ŽƵƚƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐ ŽŶĞͲŽī ŵĂƐƚĞƌƉŝĞĐĞ͘ On the retail side, for the do-it-yourselfer, we have a wide range ŽĨ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ ĂŶĚ ĞdžƉĞƌƚ ƐƚĂī ƚŽ ŐƵŝĚĞ Ă /z ƉƌŽũĞĐƚ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ ƚŽ ĐŽŵƉůĞƟŽŶ͕ Žƌ Ăƚ ůĞĂƐƚ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞ ŚĞůƉĨƵů ŚŝŶƚƐ͕ ĞĂƐLJ ĂĐĐĞƐƐ ĂŶĚ ƐĂŵĞͲĚĂLJ ĚĞůŝǀĞƌLJ ďĂĐŬĞĚ ďLJ ĨƵůů ŝŶƐƵƌĂŶĐĞ ĂŶĚ ǁĂƌƌĂŶƚLJ͘ tŚĞŶ ŝƚ ĐŽŵĞƐ ƚŽ ƉĂǀŝŶŐƐƚŽŶĞ ƉƌŽũĞĐƚƐ͕ ŶŽƚŚŝŶŐ ŝƐ ďĞLJŽŶĚ ƚŚĞ ƐĐŽƉĞ ŽĨ ŽƵƌ ŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞ ĂŶĚ ĞƋƵŝƉŵĞŶƚ͘ ŶĚ K>zDW/ products are made on a state-of-the-art, $30 million GermanĞŶŐŝŶĞĞƌĞĚ ĐŽŵƉƵƚĞƌŝnjĞĚ ƉĂǀŝŶŐƐƚŽŶĞ ďůŽĐŬ ŵĂŬĞƌ͘ KůLJŵƉŝĐ WĂǀŝŶŐ ^ƚŽŶĞ ŝƐ ďĂĐŬĞĚ ďLJ EŽƌƚŚ ŵĞƌŝĐĂŶ ůĂŶĚƐĐĂƉĞ ŵĂŶƵĨĂĐƚƵƌĞƌ džƉŽĐƌĞƚĞ Ͳ ůĞĂĚĞƌ ŝŶ ƚŚĞŝƌ ĮĞůĚ͘

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306-545-6242 ǁǁǁ͘ŽůLJŵƉŝĐƉĂǀŝŶŐƐƚŽŶĞƐ͘ĐŽŵ

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Passion and Artistry: The Sculpted Wood Company BY TOBIE HAINSTOCK Your home is many things to you; shelter, an investment, your castle... Whether remodelling, renovating or repairing your home; you want to hire someone who will respect the amount of time and money you have devoted to your home.

with wood.

Colin and Cheryl Ellis of The Sculpted Wood Company are conscious of how important your home is to you.

Born and raised in Winnipeg, Colin grew up undertaking all the building projects and odd jobs around his parents’ home. After high school, he worked in the furniture manufacturing industry for several years before studying computer programming and later becoming a Certified Project Manager.

“I want to know that our end product is equivalent to the quality that I would expect in my own house,” explains Cheryl as she describes Colin’s talent for working


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“Colin is very creative and artistic,” Cheryl continues, “he can hand draw a concept and then build the structure to look exactly like the drawing.”

Over the years, the Ellis’ have built a life in Regina, raising their four children (Terrin, Braden, Bailey and Liam) here. Colin’s love for working with wood never diminished as he continued to build furniture and work on projects such as: designing and building their own customized fencing, outdoor buildings and built-in bookcases; installing their own beautiful hardwood and tile flooring; and more. The Ellis family’s home has become a testament to the couple’s dedication, quality of work and attention to detail. Although The Sculpted Wood Company

Adam Smith of Regina has hired The Sculpted Wood Company on more than one occasion. “You can tell that [Colin] puts time into the job,” Smith states, “it comes out looking fantastic.” Smith, who hired The Sculpted Wood Company to re-do his bathroom just before leaving town for a week, was pleased to get regular email updates from Cheryl with photos of the progress. “They installed a new tub, tile surround and floor tiles,” says Smith, “they completed it within the time frame and it looks great.” Smith goes on to say that The Sculpted Wood Company is very easy to deal with, “they gave me a quote up front and in the end, they were bang on with price.” Having a home of their own, Colin and Cheryl empathize with homeowners who are looking for competent and affordable contractors - people who will do a quality job and care about how it looks in the end. They encourage customers to educate themselves by asking lots of questions, researching options and by getting multiple quotes for a project. Customer input throughout the various phases of the job is also always welcomed and encouraged. One of the most important things for them is customer satisfaction. is a relatively new business, it has already gained a reputation for excellence. With the completion of projects for friends, family, colleagues and clients, word has begun to spread about the care and craftsmanship that The Sculpted Wood Company puts into every job. “We’re not afraid of going that extra mile to make it right,” says Colin, “I want to be able to sleep at night knowing the job is done right and that people are happy with my work.” Offering a wide variety of services including installing hardwood and heated tile floors, building fences and out buildings, decks, cabinetry, tile back splashes and more, the Ellis’ emphasize that no project is too small and every project is built to last.

“At the end of the day, it’s nice to have that sense of accomplishment; to be able to stand back and look at what you’ve done with a sense of pride. Knowing you’ve created something for the customer that they are happy with,” states Colin. “Yes,” nods Cheryl, “and that pride and passion is why we started The Sculpted Wood Company.” For more information about The Sculpted Wood Company, call 539-0979 or visit their website at

Sculpted Wood Company Regina, Sk. 306.539.0979

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Family Means Everything at Timberstone The success of our business is, in large part, the fact that without exception our customers, our masons, our homebuilders and our architects, become family here. We work with them on their timeframe, with their needs being our first priority. Last summer we opened this family business as we saw the need for superior products and service in an industry that was booming as our province grows. A family business brings passion to our work that many companies just don’t have. Our customers may walk in the door as strangers, but they leave as friends. We are committed to the same goals. They need superior products and people, who know the value of the skill and the time they commit with the work they do. The fact that TimberStone can provide what they need keeps them coming back. TimberStone has both natural and manufactured stone from Enviromental Stoneworks with many different profiles in an array of colours to suit any home or business. From Ledgestone to Flagstone, from pillars to mantels and from columns to ornamental panels, we have both the stone and accessories to make your home or business a showplace. The long lasting and carefree beauty of stone makes your life worry free. It stays consistently beautiful for decades, improves the value of your home or business and maintenance is limited. TimberStone has both Canadian and American clay brick product lines in a variety of colours and sizes. We have the only Canadian brick product line available in the metric sizes which is user friendly to both architects and masons. TimberStone also has on staff, a 25-year veteran mason whose experience with the industry can help you with any project you have on the go. Our customized showroom and our understanding of dedicated service come hand in hand with the high standard of materials we offer. Darrell and Kim Kennedy along with Darrell’s mom Tracy and her partner Luke bring 25 years combined experience in the sales and service industry. They understand the importance of the relationships that are built through honest and reliable commitments. Our customer service is the key to our growth. Recognizing the needs of the industry and being able to adapt to fill those needs with quality products is the path to success for both the industry and us. TimberStone stores all our products indoors, providing a consistent and quality product every time.

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You will likely meet Tracy when you walk into the showroom or Luke when you walk into the warehouse. They know the products and their customer’s needs. Even though we are still a young company, we are so grateful for the support and the relationships we have developed within the industry. They have become friends and they can rely on us to be there to make their work easier. We have a great time; working with our customers is lots of fun. We have a lot of referral customers coming into the store. Many people telling us the reason they come to us is because their friends enjoyed doing business here. That means the world to us. Building a family business is important to us. We have three generations working at TimberStone and most of the time, the fact that we know each other so well is advantageous. We as a family have the same goals and the same belief in commitment to our customers. Darrell believes: “Building a company that my sons will be proud of and they will grow to become part of is important to me and I feel we are doing just that.� TimberStone, a family built on the foundation of dedication to offering only the best.

Timberstone 515 - 6 Avenue East, Regina 584-2990

New floor and window showroom boasts world-class selection and professional service BY G.H. LEWMER

With more than 29 years of quality service offering premium quality brands you know and trust, Parkland Carpet One Floor & Home® has rightfully been recognized by thousands of satisfied customers as the number one stop for all your carpeting and flooring needs in southern Saskatchewan. For the majority of businesses, being number one is cause for celebration, but for Robert Grain, owner and manager of Parkland Carpet One in Regina, being the best was just the beginning. “Even though we were successful, I knew that we needed to offer something more to our customers. When that opportunity arose to make this need a reality, I immediately

knew it was the right thing to do.” That “something more” Robert refers to is the brand new 13,000 square foot Parkland Carpet One location at 1600 8th Avenue (at the corner of 8th Avenue and Halifax Street) in the heart of the Regina Warehouse district. With the largest selection of beautiful, stylish carpet on sale, plus brand-name hardwood flooring, laminate and tile, you’ll find everything you need at Parkland Carpet One to make your home or business look its best—all at great low prices. Equipped with a complete full-service

showroom and featuring a staff of experienced and knowledgeable designers and installers ready to assist you, the new location offers the trademark Parkland Carpet One quality that you’re familiar with. “From the increased and diverse selection, to the award-winning staff of consultants and installation technicians, it’s all there,” Robert says. “We’re lucky to have one of the leading window fashion consultants in Saskatchewan, Nancy Mercer, available to offer her knowledge and experience. With the move, we were also able to dramatically expand our window coverings area, where we feature a wide selection of leading brands such

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as Hunter Douglas. We wanted to offer a world-class facility where people could shop in comfort, knowing that we could have all the elements they need for their purchase under one roof. I’m very proud that we’ve reached that goal.” Parkland Carpet One’s commitment to 100 per cent customer satisfaction is one of the many reasons for its continuing success. Matching lifestyle and fashion by offering the largest instore and custom order selection of flooring in Saskatchewan ensures that the needs of every customer will be met. “It’s imperative for us to understand and recognize the specific requirements that every individual has,” Robert says. “Whether you’re a couple just starting, or a family with children, or retiring to that new condo, our designers and installation technicians will understand the perfect fit that you’re looking for. With thousands of styles to choose from, their priority is to find the right flooring or window coverings that will work for every individual need.” This commitment to quality stems from being an important part of a co-operative of more than 2,600 stores throughout North America. Every customer representative you’ll meet at Parkland Carpet One is Carpet One University-trained by the company’s own educational services. “It’s mandatory that all our staff receives the best training available in their chosen field,” explains Robert. “The importance of product knowledge is paramount. Whatever questions the customer has, our staff can answer, offering a variety of options for the customer to choose from. That technical expertise guarantees that the choices offered by our staff will be the right choices.” Many purchases through Parkland Carpet One come with the exclusive Beautiful Guarantee—a guarantee that means the customer can shop with the confidence of knowing that the select flooring they’re buying will look absolutely stunning in their home or business. If for any reason you’re not happy with the way your new floor works, simply contact the store. Parkland Carpet One promises you’ll love

how your new floor looks, or they’ll replace it for free. Robert strongly stands behind these words. “Having such a guarantee means we’re serious about getting it right. It’s important the customer knows he or she will be treated with the utmost respect.” Along with the Beautiful Guarantee, Parkland Carpet One also offers you the Healthier Living Carpet Installation System. This cleaner, healthier installation practice helps to minimize allergens, dust, mould, mildew and odours, encouraging better air quality in your home. “It’s important for us to make people aware of the environmental factors involved when replacing an old carpet,” Robert says. “We want to make sure that when we install your new carpet, we’re doing everything

we can to protect the health integrity of your living environment. It offers a superior level of care and well-being for your home or business.” For Robert, it’s just one more way the store goes above and beyond customer service in everything they do. “I feel that with this new location comes an even greater responsibility to our customers. It’s about knowing how to fulfill the desire of each and every individual who enters our store. Our priority is to bring out the lasting beauty and value of your home. We want to ensure that every purchase you make will look exactly the way you thought it would look. We want every customer to be 100 per cent happy knowing that the flooring we’ve created together is as beautiful as you dreamed it to be.”

To receive a taste of this happiness that dreams are made of, visit the Parkland Carpet One website at www., or to enjoy the feast of fine flooring in person, visit their brand new location at 1600 8th Avenue. When you walk through those doors you’ll discover a place where everything and anything is possible. All that you need to bring is an open imagination.

Parkland Carpet One 1600 8th Ave. Regina, Sk. 306. 525.9125

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DEFUSING A TIME BOMB Installing Liquid Backfill during the building of your new house can save a lifetime of aggravation and money BY TRILBY HENDERSON Your new home is sitting on a ticking maintenance time bomb when the backfill installed around its foundation has not been compacted to pre-excavation standards necessary to ensure compliance with the National Building Code, which states: Backfill shall be graded to prevent drainage towards the foundation after settling

important in the expansive clays of Regina, where an average 18 inches of progressive backfill consolidation settlement around a foundation is commonplace. Even though your new home may appear properly graded to prevent drainage toward the foundation, there is no assurance the builder compacted the fill material used in order to eliminate the “void content,” to prevent subsidence of your grade over the next 20-plus years.

Despite being one of the most critically important elements of any new home, backfilling is generally an area overlooked and neglected by new home builders.

Two decades of Liquid Backfill history

Proper backfilling is important throughout Saskatchewan. However, it is especially

Over the past two decades, Gunner Ltd. has been putting its unique, innovative and


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highly effective product, Liquid Backfill, to work helping home and business owners prevent foundation seepage and settlement problems caused by poor backfilling methods. Clint Kimery, president of the Reginabased company, says Gunner Ltd. developed Liquid Backfill, a special lowshrink impervious clay-based material combination, in conjunction with the Canadian Research Council in the early ‘90s. Since then, Liquid Backfill has proven to be a cost-efficient universally compact fill material, used in such places as the entire backfill of new foundations, utility

trenches, and in place of porous water retaining sand as an impervious clay base under driveways, walks and patios where it is important to prevent water from collecting and causing freezing, thaw shifting and crack damage. “There is zero settling with our material,” says Kimery. “It’s equal to an undisturbed ground condition, providing maintenancefree landscaping over the lifetime of your home.” Liquid Backfill prevents structural and cosmetic maintenance costs because it preserves the existing moisture condition of the bearing soil in a stable environment, similar to the original preconstruction moisture condition. “Liquid Backfill provides maintenance-free grade stability, therefore the homeowner is not required to annually chase a settling grade with a wheelbarrow of dirt and a shovel,” Kimery says. Water runs downhill and free water does not run through clay. These are the two guiding principles that Liquid Backfill is simply based on in respect to maintaining a dry and stable basement condition.

Don’t rely on weeping/ drainage tile While weeping/drainage tile installed along the foundation footing may handle the bulk of run-off water, it is not a reliable system a homeowner should count on. Keep in mind that weeping/drainage tile is never installed on a slope to drain, so water is allowed to be retained in every dip of the tile, which facilitates a thin membrane of softened clay directly beneath the concrete spread footings. The natural character of Regina clay, when in contact with water, creates a thin self-sealing surface membrane that seals off and prevents additional moisture from deeply saturating any further down into the bearing soil clays causing foundation heaving.

Typically this thin horizontal membrane that forms directly along the bottom of the footing concrete is far too thin and soft to support the weight of the concrete foundation. As a result, the structure

fractionally settles on each occasion that runoff water is allowed into the weeping/ drainage tile to create this membrane condition below the footing.

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Foundation heaving is an extremely rare condition while progressive foundation settling is a common problem in Regina relative to the problem of negative grade conditions initiated by improperly backfilled foundations. Eventually the progressive fractional settlement is being measured in inches, which is accompanied by the notorious cracking of Regina foundations and deterioration of interior finishes. Liquid Backfill sets up the conditions that avoid this problem by simply controlling water runoff away from the foundation. Basements not only stay dry, they are less prone to mildew, mold and various insects. Your sump pump is a detector, a monitoring device not unlike your smoke detector. You would not be thrilled to have your smoke detector go-off nor should you be joyful in hearing your sump pump start up. Your sump pump is warning you that you have water/grading problem undermining your foundation that requires quick attention. Too often, topsoil or sand is mistakenly used as a re-grading material. While both are easy to handle and, after installation, look better than the pre-fill condition, problems arise when these types of materials become saturated and find the water simply running straight through and down toward the foundation following the underlying negative grade and into the weeping tile, continuing the settlement and wet basement cycle. With proper backfilling practice, Regina, with its expansive clays, “should have the reputation for the driest foundations in all of Canada,” Kimery says. “Instead, the city is best known for its unstable foundations. “New home owners place far too much reliance on their builders to initiate innovative options in the marketplace and fail to appreciate the importance of specifying backfilling standards until it is


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too late.” Certainly in this subject area the onus is on the new home owner to take the lead in order to protect their long term financial investment, without gambling and without having to accept compromises a few years later when the time bomb is imploding around you. At that time you are on your own, the builder is fully paid and out of the picture while you are being told: “Well, that’s Regina for you!”

Specify Liquid Backfill New homeowners must insist on proper backfilling standards and then hold their builder legally responsible to provide them with this insurance. Liquid Backfill provides this foolproof proper backfilling assurance to the homeowner. Once Liquid Backfill flows into an excavation, it solidifies, equaling an original undisturbed ground condition. The key component of Liquid Backfill is clay, and the important characteristic of clay is that it doesn’t get wet very easily and it doesn’t get dry very easily. It actually creates a “control grade” that preserves the pre-construction ground moisture condition, which is so critical to long-term foundation stability. How much does it cost, to annually re-landscape your yard, to realign, to replace or support a settled and shifting foundation, or to replace or mudjack your driveway, patio, steps or sidewalk? All of this can be avoided, along with the disappointment, worry, tens of thousands of repair dollars and long hours of backbreaking work, by simply insisting on Liquid Backfill. “Liquid Backfill not only protects your investment, it is a prized sales feature to future buyers,” says Kimery, adding, “With the price of homes nowadays, the cost of a Liquid Backfill installation is miniscule.” Liquid Backfill can be applied to improve existing grades around older homes, under existing hard-to-access decks and concrete steps, to fill washout cavities

under concrete slabs, and to fill utility line trenches. It also provides a firm base for new concrete slabs or new paving stone installations. It is flexible to work with, can be installed in a matter of hours and can be molded into a variety of landscaping contours—and, if necessary, can be easily re-excavated. Go ahead… don’t install proper backfill around your new foundation, let your grade settle 18 inches, let your driveway settle, let your sidewalks settle, let the water run down your foundation wall and into your weeping/drainage tile to progressively settle your foundation. Hey, your sump pump will handle it all… right? We can guarantee you that the following pictures show the type of conditions you can expect to progressively develop relative to your new home over the next few years should you fail to specify proper backfill standards with your builder.

holes just through the concrete at approximately 4 to 6 feet apart. Over a number of passes our special clay-base material is incrementally pumped through each hole, dispersing the weight of the concrete slab and permitting the slab to rise accordingly until the desired elevation has been attained.

with our special blend of grout material.

The Mudjacking process does not create hydraulic lateral pressure that could damage an eight- to 10-inch foundation wall while raising a thin three- to fourinch concrete slab. To further explain, it is important to understand that there is no confined space under a concrete slab and the injection nozzle is not mechanically anchored to the slab, which may just push out, while a thin slab could crack and the clay-base mud being pumped will exit an adjacent hole at the same rate. Furthermore, there is generally only dirt packed along the leading edge of a slab or other joint spaces.

It is important to note that along with the vertical lift of the foundation there is generally unavoidable collateral damage relative to raising any rigid structure by any method, due to the condition and history of every structure, which the owners should have a miscellaneous repair contingency in place.

While Mudjacking can realign a concrete slab back to its original elevation and fill voids and cavities under that slab, Mudjacking cannot alter the underlying ground condition that may still contain a void ratio compounded by the ground drying once the runoff is redirected. There is a possibility the slab may again show signs of settling. Keep in mind that the same propensity for settling affects a newly replaced slab.

Under these circumstances, we want you to know that a large part of our business over the last 30 years involves the raising of settled concrete slabs originally constructed on an improper base and settled/wet foundations not property backfilled. Generally, the slabs have numerous cracks and the foundations have settled at least 2 to 4 inches, often more.

Mudjacking Mudjacking is the process of raising settled concrete slabs such as driveways, sidewalks, slab garages and slab houses. This process involves drilling two inch

The injected material displaces the underlying ground and as the grout bulb enlarges the ground mass under the foundation footings begin to heave and the foundation follows the vertical movement upwards.

Gunner has the years of skill and experience behind its quality work, along with the right equipment to address any remedial issue, residential, commercial or industrial. Although the company primarily works in and around Regina, it does accept projects throughout the province, in other provinces and internationally.

The beauty of Mudjacking is that it can be re-Mudjacked indefinitely using the same configuration of holes, until such a time as the underlying ground has returned to its pre-excavation state of compaction.

Compaction Grouting Compaction grouting is the process used to raise settled foundations. It is an acknowledged structural engineering process that involves having to install injection pipes below the concrete spread footings or concrete piles supporting the structure. Depending on the degree of settlement as determined by an elevation survey, these injection pipes are spaced accordingly and are incrementally injected

Gunner Corp. 682 Adams St. Regina, Sk. 306.775.2626

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Romancing with Stone BY JENNIFER SEMESOCK When it comes to style and elegance, the owners and staff at Woodridge Flooring on Dewdney Avenue are the experts at introducing classic and trendy looks into their customers’ homes. Whether enhancing the exterior of a house through a stacked stone wall, or adding texture to the interior through a custom fireplace or bathroom, stone accents are a unique way to maximize these features in your home. “It is a great way to create an exotic atmosphere,” explains Erin Capp, coowner of Woodridge Flooring. Capp has helped homeowners design and renovate their spaces for years and is excited to be introducing something new for the interior and exterior of homes. She states, “natural stone and tile can be put anywhere inside or outside of your home.” By using it strategically and finding balance between the stone and other interior or exterior details, homeowners are able to create a


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sanctuary through natural elements. Introducing stone into your home is like using any other product to create a design. Capp says, “there is never too much stone in a house. Feature walls, headboards, fireplaces, custom bathrooms and showers, outdoor steps, walkways and patios all look great in stone. Balance it off with another texture and you are sure to have the home of your dreams.”

Introducing stone into your home Regardless of the size or style of your home, stone adds a timeless beauty that is certain to survive the ever-changing trends in home design. The natural elements of stone create a fresh look, introducing Zenlike features such as strength, warmth and tranquility. By balancing the look with

the right colour scheme and other natural elements such as hardwood, it is easy to create a peaceful oasis in any room of your house. Until recently, stone was not widely used in North American homes besides in the bathroom and kitchen. “Times have changed,” explains Capp. “It is a completely natural look and a feature that homeowners absolutely love.” So why not use it in all other areas of the home? The benefits of using stone are numerous; one being that it is a completely sustainable resource. It is also resistant to heat and moisture, making it ideal to use in places of high-moisture and temperature change, such as an exterior wall.

Design Decisions When designing with stone, there are many

decisions to make within design schemes, such as colour, placement, and type of stone. “We carry a gorgeous selection of marble, granite, limestone, travertine, slate and ledgestone,” says Capp. They are all different from each other, each creating a unique look. Besides ledgestone, each of these stones can be used on a floor or wall design. Being that they are natural stone products, each can be utilized both indoors and outdoors. Ledgestone, specifically, is utilized for indoor and outdoor wall design. Most stones are available in a honed finish and can be polished to a high shine or finished in a matte, allowing the texture to come through. Woodridge also carries stone that is available in a tumbled or natural finish. Depending on whether you want a glossy-clean finish in your kitchen, or a natural, textured fireplace, the possibilities are endless. Another option for stone design is choosing between real or faux stones. “Our showroom offers all types of stone; real stone and manufactured replicas,” says Capp, “finding the right balance depends on your budget and the overall look that you are trying to create.” Faux stone is a manufactured stone created to resemble natural stone. Capp admits, “budget is a big part of the decision-making process, as is style and what catches your eye. You can achieve an ultramodern design, traditional or somewhere in between.” The experts at Woodridge work hard to help you find that balance.

Creating the “Wow” factor, room by room Displaying stone throughout your home is very simple. “We’ll work with other elements in your home to create a design style that you will fall in love with,” Capp assures her customers. Beginning with the exterior, there are many options on how to incorporate stone into any home. Add curb appeal by enhancing your walkway with flat stones. Build an inviting entrance by doing a tumbled or natural finish to the stone front steps. Create a dramatic style by re-facing an


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exterior wall, or even just a half wall. “Ledgestone and slate on the exterior of your home is stunning,” claims Capp. Paired with beautiful vinyl, wood or stucco siding, the mismatch of materials and colours create a dynamic difference. Another option is to frame the exterior door and garage with stone to create an instant focal point when walking up the curb. There are a lot of options in the interior of any home for stone as well. In the living room, custom stone fireplaces are beautiful focal points. If a home does not have room for a fireplace, try doing the feature wall in stone. By adding a wall-mounted TV and floating shelves, the wall will be instantly transformed. Stone has been used in bathrooms for many years and continues to be a growing trend. “You can achieve a sanctuary with a complete spa-like custom bathroom,” Capp claims. Ideal for either the master bath or the family bathroom, using stone will certainly create a comfortable oasis in either of these rooms. Another unique idea is to use stone to create a headboard for the bed in the master suite. By customizing it to the colours of the room, the simplicity and natural beauty of the stone will certainly bring warmth and comfort to this room.

Installation When adding stone to any part of a house, whether the interior or exterior, proper installation is important in maximizing the natural look of the stone. The skills of a professional installer are worthwhile to ensure that the finished project turns out perfectly. “Our store can provide qualified installers for all your installation needs,” says Capp. The benefits of proper installation are as important as choosing the right stone to accentuate the style of any type of home. Whether renovating, building, or simply deciding to add a new style into your home, stone is a creative and beautiful design choice. Its natural beauty adds warmth and texture, turning any house into a comforting home. “Love the natural elements,” says Capp. Create a fresh look through the use of a design element that has been around for as long as the Earth. Woodridge’s showroom at 435 Dewdney Avenue in Regina has an incredible array of stone styles. Complete the look by matching the stone to their beautiful selection of flooring samples. For more information, visit their website at:

WoodRidge Flooring 435 Dewdney Ave. Regina, Sk. 306.352.4639

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When you need it done right; anytime, anywhere and just about anything: Certified Plumbing and Heating BY G.H. LEWMER

Proudly assisting customers in the Regina area for more than 15 years, Certified Plumbing and Heating Ltd. is a fully licensed company specializing in residential and commercial plumbing, heating, air conditioning, service and new construction. For the owners and management of Certified Plumbing and Heating, it’s especially gratifying for them, and all their employees, when customers discover the diversity of products and services that they offer. As one employee explained: “It’s natural to think when you see our truck pull up to your door that we’re experts only in plumbing and heating, but once the customer starts talking to our certified technician, they quickly discover that we’re specialists in so many different areas. It’s not unusual that we’ll end up being hired by the customer for a completely different job after we complete the service that we


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were called out to do. That’s how we built our reputation.” The reputation that Certified Plumbing and Heating is renowned for is based on the fundamental tenet of always providing dependable, superior, quality products and services to the customer at competitive prices. By being on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, you’ll be assured that Certified Plumbing and

Heating Ltd. will always be available for those times when emergencies occur at the worst possible moment. All Certified Plumbing and Heating employees are experienced technicians, performing their work in a conscientious and professional manner, dedicated to treating your property and your equipment with the care and respect it deserves. With all the advances in technology that

equipment that they work with. That’s why we’ve always aligned ourselves with the best manufacturers in North America. We value the importance of quality education in our technicians and see the results of their training in all of our satisfied customers.” Certified Plumbing and Heating technicians are seasoned, experienced and licenced in the residential and commercial maintenance and installation of boilers, furnaces, water softeners, water heaters, in-floor heating and fireplaces, along with their on-going maintenance of all your indoor air quality, plumbing and electrical needs. As a member of the SaskEnergy Network, the Mechanical Contractors Association, the Regina Construction Association and the Saskatchewan Construction Association, Certified Plumbing and Heating is committed to the highest quality of workmanship and 100 per cent customer satisfaction, which are prerequisites for membership in all of those organizations. It has taken years of hard work to garner the highest level of respect that Certified has within these organizations, but for them it was worth it. “The criteria of excellence are the overriding principles of being involved with these different associations. All of these associations would not allow us to be a member unless we took the responsibility of quality service seriously. It’s a badge of honour that we wear quite proudly, and it’s additional insurance for the customer knowing that we’re held in high regard by our esteemed colleagues.”

have occurred over the past fifteen years, Certified still feels the secret behind the success of the company is quite simple. “It all comes down to actualizing the needs of our customer and the quality of service that we have to offer. We always work hard to ensure that the safety, comfort and satisfaction of our client are met. It makes no difference if we’re working at

3:00 p.m. or 3:00 a.m.; we’re 100 per cent professional all the time! Each certified installer and service technician has to meet our highest standards in order to provide the safest and most efficient services to all of our customers. Every member of our technical staff goes through extensive training and is always kept up to date with the constantly evolving nature of the

Everyone at Certified Plumbing and Heating is acutely aware of the importance of quality of purchase for every home or business owner. “That’s why we work with and carry Tempstar products. Their level of excellence is second to none. Every Tempstar home comfort product is backed the way it’s built—to be the best.” Tempstar systems come with the confidence of long-lasting warranties whereby the customer can extend their coverage through participation in the Cornerstone extended warranty program. Certified carries Tempstar furnaces and air

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conditioners, as well as, boilers, fireplaces, water heaters and water treatment filters along with Custom HVAC systems designed with and for homeowners. By being specialists in heat loss prevention and duct design, Certified will help you save money and improve energy efficiency in your home or business.

business. We’re more than happy to sit down and discuss whatever your needs or requirements are to try to find the best solution at the right price. Experience is our specialty along with an ongoing commitment to educating our customer on everything they need to know about the products we’re installing or servicing.”

“We want to be certain that every customer that becomes a part of the Certified family knows that we’re doing everything we can to help them maximize the safety and efficiency of their home or

With such a history of excellence and commitment to excellence in service, it’s easy to understand why Certified Plumbing and Heating is your number one choice for all your residential and


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commercial heating and air conditioning needs. They’re located at 320 Hodsman Road, open Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on-call 24 hours a day, seven days a week in case of emergency. You can reach them at (306) 352-7554 in Regina or in Indian Head at (306) 695-2080.

Certified Plumbing And Heating 320 Hodsman Rd. Regina, Sk. 306.352.7554

Cottage Country Member Regina & Region Home Builders’ Association

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All the comforts of home


by Carol Todd

“The number one reason people build an outdoor room is to enhance the usability of the space that’s available in the yard. And many people are also using them to help unlock the value of their homes,”

No longer limited to a simple patio or deck, upscale homeowners are increasingly broadening the scope of their imaginations—and their yards—to incorporate outdoor kitchens and recreation areas that are extensions of interior spaces. There is no hard data, but a stroll through any of the major box stores, with their numerous displays of canopies, modern outdoor furniture and massive barbecues, offers a glimpse into the growing trend in exterior design—the outdoor room. More and more people are putting down major coin for outdoor kitchens, spas and living areas to provide elegant exterior focal points for family and friends. An outdoor room can be any area that includes cooking and eating spaces, often combined with a hearth or outdoor fire feature, like a fireplace, fire pit or chiminea. Some outdoor rooms even resemble indoor kitchens, with counter space and food


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preparation areas, complete with sinks and plumbing. It's even possible to add a dishwasher and a refrigerator. Whether it is a basic umbrella-topped area on a deck or patio or a major structure, there is a growing movement to make outdoor living spaces more like those inside the house. The sky is almost literally the limit, with outdoor rooms incorporating hardscape features like brick or stone columns, louvered wood privacy panels, stone or other flooring and more. Amenities such as draperies, rugs, lighting, a heating component for cool evenings, upgraded landscaping/gardening features, pools or spas, and full kitchens with countertops, storage and plumbing, even hard-wired electrical features, like overhead fans and built-in stereo systems, are becoming commonplace. Luke Remple, owner of City Gardens Landscape Construction, says outdoor rooms

not only increase the homeowners’ useable living area, they also add to the value of the home. “The number one reason people build an outdoor room is to enhance the usability of the space that’s available in the yard. And many people are also using them to help unlock the value of their homes,” he says. Remple says that people are also weighing the cost benefit of owning a cottage in Saskatchewan versus spending money on an outdoor room. For example, he points out that lakefront cottages can run up to $300,000, and are often used only a few weekends each summer. “When you get there you have to do a lot of work on upkeep rather than relaxing. Spending $100,000 on your back yard may seem like a lot of money, but once you start shopping around, you’d be impressed with what you can get for $100,000, and that’s a space you can use every single day,” he says. The size of the yard is largely irrelevant when considering an outdoor room. Large yards can be broken up into different areas: one for cooking and another for relaxing and visiting with friends and family, a pool or spa area, or any combination the homeowner desires. Small yards can become complete outdoor retreats, with all the ele-

ments under one roof, so to speak. The first step in developing an outdoor room is to decide where it is going to be located within your yard. Make sure to take into account the direction of the sun, the prevailing wind, existing buildings and/or trees or shrubs, and your need for privacy. You’ll want the room where it won’t be continually blasted by the wind or seared by the sun; and you’ll want to make sure you, and your neighbours, can both enjoy the space in peace. The area can be set apart from the rest of your yard in any number of ways, from stone or brick columns, to statuary or potted plants at the corners, or simply defined by the supports for an awning. In most cases, these surrounding features will also form the base for whatever cover you decide upon, one of the other key components, and essential to keeping the rain, or sun, off. In addition to corners, walls or other elements to define the space, and the cover to protect it, and you, the other main elements of an outdoor room can include, but aren’t limited to: Privacy features like lattice or louvers to, not only help define the space, but keep it yours alone.

High Quality, Timeless Kitchen Cabinetry Schulz Cabinets are crafted by hand, gentle sweeping curves and rich details create a comfortable, contemporary environment. We will work with you during the design, construction and installation phases to ensure your job gets done on time and on budget. Color consultations available. Servicing Fort Qu’Appelle and area for over thirty years.

Schulz Cabinets & Interior Design

297 Boundary Aveune N Fort Qu’Appelle 306-332-6272

Flooring can be anything from paving stone to decking to concrete. The new outdoor carpets have come a long way from the old green plastic. More than just a cover for the flooring, a beautiful rug can also help define the space and form the basis for the room’s decor. Potted planters can also help define the space and bring the garden into the outdoor room, adding texture and colour. A glazed ceramic pot with citronella or lemon balm with colourful lemon gem marigolds will add colour and help keep the mosquitoes away.

Do you know the difference between cement and concrete? VISIT OUR WEBSITE TODAY TO FIND OUT!

Outdoor furniture has also come a long way. The list is almost endless and encompasses both man-made and natural products. Consider not only comfort, but durability, maintenance when choosing furniture for your outdoor room. Draperies and cushions reflect your personal taste and add drama and colour to your outdoor space. The new outdoor fabrics have excellent stain and fade resistance, and are available in a wide variety of colours and patterns. Lighting also helps define the area, and adds emphasis, drama and colour. From simple candle arrangements all the way to hard-wired fixtures, lighting can do more than just illuminate. Statuary or other accents like fountains can help make your outdoor room a reflection of your personal taste. In addition to the barbecue or other cooking means, a heat source is considered an integral part of an outdoor room, and can be anything from a simple fire pit to a natural gas fireplace built in as part of the room’s “walls.” It can provide a focal point for the area, as well as the means to take the edge off a cool summer night. Big or small, extensive hardscaping or just a few extra cushions and matching umbrella, an outdoor room can add value to your home and enjoyment to your summer, offering an enjoyable alternative to a cottage or destination vacation, all with the comforts of home.


Newest Division CONCRETE driveways, garage pads & patios

Capital Modular Structures THE VERMILLION

The Capital Modular Structure Advantage:

Engineered Construction for the Modern Era BY FHR STAFF

- 30% less of total building cost - 30% faster completion time than traditionally built homes - Easier, build-green process - Custom design flexibility - 10-year limited warranty - Code compliance - Financing and insurance are no different than site-built - Complete turnkey service

Today’s homebuyer is smart, budgetconscious and has a keen eye for design. In keeping with the needs and wants of this modern and forward-thinking homebuyer, a company new to Regina is well-situated to provide the city, and the province, with much needed housing options. Philip Rossignol, Chief Executive Officer of Capital Modular Structures originated his business in New Brunswick and after working in the eastern provinces and markets across the United States, made the move to the growing province of Saskatchewan in 2009.

Rossignol says it was a perfect choice for his company, which also includes Capital Foundations and Capital Hospitality. “Our focus is on high finish modular homes and cottages; we’re offering an affordable alternative to on-site builders.” Capital’s pre-engineered building system can be used for traditional or contemporary homes, cottages, apartment buildings, assisted living or mixed-use commercial complexes, as well as hotels and town homes. With more than 15 years of industry experience, the leadership at Capital Modular Structures understands the importance of your investment.

A complete design-build service guides you through the construction procedure. Modern, energy-efficient designs and closely managed projects are tailored to meet your needs resulting in an efficient and eco-conscious building process. The company’s newest cottage designs are perfect for the lake or homeowner wishing to downsize. A variety of floorplans and design options are available and are an appealing alternative for the budget-conscious buyer who wants an attractive second residence. THE NIKANASSIN


Capital Modular is a member of the Canadian Home Builders Association (CHBA) and builds structures that meet or exceed the national building code. They comply with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) requirements and are CSA (Canadian Standards Association) certified. Building projects can also be designed and engineered to meet green building standards. A Capital Modular home can be completely customized and Rossignol says if you have blueprints of a home you love, bring them in and they’ll make it work. And don’t forget about the interior: “There’s nothing we can’t do,” he says. “We’ll take care of everything from custom cabinetry to flooring and fireplaces for you.” The house begins to take shape as construction and production start at one of three partner plants chosen according to type of project. The assembly process typically takes as little as 10 to 15 weeks, depending on the size and design of your home. And if building green is important for your project, than a Capital Modular Structure may be just for you. Once your home is ready, the components are shipped to the final destination: your new home site. Prior to the home arriving, Capital’s team will dig the basement and install their exclusive-to-Saskatchewan TitanWall™ Foundation system.


After the modular components are

FineHomes REGINA


secured in place the final finishing work happens. About two to three weeks from the date it arrived on-site, you can expect to move into your gorgeous new home, which has been customized to suit your family’s needs.

off-site. We have to provide an extremely high-quality product so people aren’t concerned that it’s modular.” Capital Modular Structures offers additional services (website development, marketing brochures and floor plans)

uses magnesian board- a fire, mold and insect-resistant sheathing that is easily finished on the exterior and interior of buildings. TitanWall™ EPS insulated core outperforms competing insulation materials and eliminates air infiltration. TitanWall™ offers superior fire resistance, a draft-free living environment and will not rot or mold. Engineered in Edmonton, TitanWall™ has been used in North America for close to 10 years but never before in Saskatchewan. Rossignol says it’s a perfect choice for homeowners and builders alike because “it offers an extreme savings compared to overall housing packages. Using this system, developers can build faster and more efficiently.”

Choosing the modular building system over an on-site build offers immeasurable value. This option is “cost-effective, because employees on a payroll and in a quality-controlled environment build structures in a plant,” explains Rossignol.

for developers in order to complete a subdivision pre-sales marketing package.

Building with Capital Modular Structures eliminates the need for a subcontractor. By building with this concept, it eliminates 60 per cent of the licensed tradespeople’s scope of work. Because a Capital Modular home is pre-fabricated indoors, the weather is not a concern until the building is erected at the site and even then, the time period is considerably shorter than the time required for a traditional build.

Imagine how much easier it would be to build a residential or commercial structure if you could eliminate site labour costs for framing, insulating, vapour barrier and sheathing.

Capital Modular structures need to be built strong enough to sustain the move from the plant to the final building site. “We always need to build stronger homes than traditional, on-site built homes because ours need to be transported,” says Rossignol. He feels his company is able to offer a service exceeding that of traditional housing developers: “Our goal is for people to walk into one of our homes and be unable to tell it was manufactured


FineHomes REGINA

Capital Foundations, proud supplier of TitanWall™ Building Systems: A Saskatchewan first

Until recently, there was no way to eliminate these construction costs. Capital Modular Structures is now proud to announce the arrival of the TitanWall™ Building Systems to Saskatchewan.

The benefits of TitanWall™ to homeowners will be seen immediately in monthly energy bills. Rossignol says to expect a significant reduction on utility bills, as homes require smaller, less costly heating and cooling systems. “And your basement will be warm!” he adds. Another bonus of using TitanWall™ will come when you decide to finish your basement. The need to frame, insulate and drywall the space will be eliminated, further reducing your out-of-pocket costs and speeding the project along that much quicker. Capital Foundations installs the TitanWall™ building system in all of Capital Modular’s projects. TitanWall™ is also available for purchase by individuals or developers. For more information, visit:

An exclusive supplier of the building system, Capital Modular also offers exclusive installation and distribution services for the province. Company CEO, Philip Rossignol, explains that it can support up to three storeys and has been approved by the City of Regina. Capital Modular Structures also has a Saskatoon office to better serve those interested in the TitanWall™ Building System. The structural wall, roof and floor system

Capital Modular Structures 100-310 Emerald Park Road Emerald Park, Sk. 306.522.0650 Email:

Living where you play The Cabin Lifestyle at Your Fingertips BY TOBIE HAINSTOCK Day in... day out...week in...week out... it’s the same thing. Get up. Go to work. Come home. Go to bed. Get up. Go to work. Come get the picture. You work hard every day and with one primary goal in mind...heading to the cabin and enjoying your vacation. Summer, winter, autumn or spring, the cabin is always a great place to go unwind and enjoy life. Whether you are a fisherman, swimmer, hiker or sunbather, there’s always something to do at the cabin. It’s just too bad you can’t be there

all the time and really enjoy living your life to the fullest...or can you? Living at the cabin year round, wouldn’t that be a kick? You could come home from a busy day at work and go for a long bike ride down the trail that winds around and ends up down by the lake and then go for a relaxing swim. In the evening you could sit out on your deck with a glass of your favourite beverage and watch the sun set. The soft rustling of the wind through the leaves on the trees can gently sing you to sleep.

Quite a different lifestyle from the hectic city isn’t it? No matter what stage you are at in your life, young single professional, raising a family or an empty nester, there’s nothing like cabin living to add some balance to your life. There is plenty of fresh air and exercise for the entire family to enjoy. The peacefulness and security of small town and rural living are also desirable characteristics that most people look for. So why just visit a few times a year when you can move right in? According to Jocelyn Hanson of Hanson

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Home Hardware in Fort Qu’Appelle, the cabin lifestyle you’ve been longing for is right at your fingetips. Whether you are wishing to build new or renovate your existing cabin, Hanson Home Hardware can help make your dreams a reality. Located less than 45 minutes from Regina, Hanson Home Hardware is situated in the scenic town of Fort Qu’Appelle. This friendly and attractive community is in the heart of the beautiful Qu’Appelle Valley and only minutes from Pasqua, Echo, Mission and Katepwa lakes. “We deliver city style and quality, with a small town service approach,” says Hanson. Hanson adds that the Home Hardware team will assist you with your plans regardless of what stage you are at in your home development. She encourages

customers to come in and talk to the renovation manager and discuss various options available for upgrading your cabin or home. A walkthrough of the affected areas with the Hanson experts will assist you in determining the cost, timeline and feasibility of the project. If building your dream cottage home is more to your liking, Hanson advises that a consultation with the new home construction manager will assist you in making informed decisions. Whether you have your own blueprints or wish to choose from the many resources that Hanson Home Hardware has to offer, the Hanson team will guide you through the building process. Strong communication between builder and customer is essential. The Hanson

team will keep you informed of the various stages of development by whatever means is most suitable for you. “We can accommodate the customer’s preferences,” says Hanson, “whether it is email, phone or whatever they are comfortable with”. With trusted and experienced builders at the wheel, you can be confident that your dream lifestyle can come true sooner than you think. Why wait, enjoy your life today. Visit Hanson Home Hardware to change your lifestyle. Fort Qu’Appelle: 45 minutes and a world away from city living. Hanson Home Hardware 190 Broadway St. W. Fort Qu’Appelle, Sk. 306.332.5212

Dream Kitchens Member Regina & Region Home Builders’ Association

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Introductory Pricing for a Limited Time Only WellnessMats, the latest in anti-fatigue mat technology. WellnessMats are medically proven to promote proper circulation and reduce fatigue. They are perfect for any place you find yourself standing: the kitchen, vanity, laundry room, home gym, shop, or even garage use. s 5NMATCHED COMFORT s %DGES WILL NEVER CURL s .O TRIP BEVELED EDGE s .ON SLIP SURFACE s !NTI MICROBIAL BY DESIGN


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Wood Master Ltd

1408 Ottawa Street Regina, Sk. Phone: 306 721.6366 Email:


Generations of Style BY JENNIFER SEMESOCK “At Creative Kitchens, we provide cabinetry and countertops for any room and everyday function, from kitchens and baths to entertainment such as wall units and bars,” says Gerry Kirzinger, one of the owners of Creative Kitchens. Kirzinger, alongside his business partner, Joe Hoffman, opened their company in Regina 18 years ago. They met while working in their trades and decided that they could offer a unique service by forming a partnership in their specialty. “We knew that we had a lot to offer the people of Southern Saskatch204 FineHomes


ewan. By establishing a partnership and forming Creative Kitchens we knew we could provide a better service and have the flexibility to change and grow to match the needs of our community.” Creative Kitchens, currently providing service to both retail customers and builders, has evolved over the last 18 years by staying on top of the ever-changing trends. Through their success, word of mouth has been an important means of advertising their business. “A major factor in the

Most designs fit into one of three categories, appealing to all types of styles and preferences: classic, contemporary and urban. “Classic styles are all about elegance and sophistication,” says Lynnea. Typically done in oak, maple and cherry, classic kitchens pay attention to detail with old world charm. Often, these kitchens feature raised panel doors and staining to accentuate the rich beauty of the wood or hand finishes. The designs can be enhanced with luxurious mouldings, pillars or corbels. Contemporary kitchens offer a more sleek and sophisticated design with classical elements. “We take elements from classic designs, such as the appreciation for detail, wood material and stain colour and combine it with more modern designs,” claims Lynnea. The styles are very functional and stylish, with elements such as shaker doors and simple, clean lines.

growth and success of the business has been through referrals. Getting a referral is like a big pat on the back and reminds us why we take such pride in our work and why we continue to strive to provide our customers with the best the industry has to offer.”

Already a success in their industry, Creative Kitchens is excited to be moving forward with the growing development of Southern Saskatchewan.

Cutting Edge Style – Something for everyone Creative Kitchens is focusing on its future. Alongside Hoffman and her father, Lynnea Kirzinger is on board to help the company with its transition to the next generation. “We offer a wide range of products and trends,” she states. “We want to be able to design a kitchen to suit the style of a young, first-time homeowner, and then be able to design a kitchen to suit their parents and grandparents tastes as well.”

The urban style is considered ultra-modern and minimalist. The inspirations are diverse and the wood species and design trends are exotic. “It’s the latest in style,” says Lynnea. The urban designs often feature the use of aluminium and glass and use species such as bamboo, zebrano, wenge and walnut.

Destination Inspired Style Destination inspired kitchens are extremely unique in their function and style. With unlimited choices in travel, people are beFineHomes REGINA 205

coming aware of new trends and options when designing a kitchen. “We want people to dream a little when designing their kitchen,” says Lynnea, “and know that when they go away on vacation and see a style or trend that they like, they can have it here too.” Destination kitchens include trends from Asian-inspired woods, chic Manhattanstyle lofts, and cozy London flats. “We recommend that customers search through magazines and see what styles they like before coming in to see us. If you like a design that is unique, we will find a way to make it for you.” The owners and designers at Creative Kitchens are very enthusiastic about current trends and designs in cabinetry, and want the rest of Saskatchewan to be as well. “We take pride in bringing the best to the people of Saskatchewan. With the current growth of the province, and expansion of Regina in particular, we are excited to be a part of that development.” Regina is a thriving city, and Creative Kitchens is excited to be a part of that. “Our goal is to grow Regina to the same calibre as centers like Vancouver and Toronto,” says Lynnea. Through their unique options and designer lay-outs, Creative Kitchens has the tools to do so. Creative Kitchens stays ahead of the trends by sending their designers to Canada’s National Design Expo Conference, also known as the IIDEX show, in Toronto. “We are able to see what trends are upand-coming in cabinetry,” says Lynnea. By participating in training experiences such as this, they are able to bring back new ideas and products to Regina.

Mass Customization – your kitchen, for a great price Over the last 18 years, Creative Kitchens has been able to perfect the production, customization and process to create the greatest efficiency for their customers. As the exclusive dealer of AyA Kitchens and Baths for southern Saskatchewan, Creative Kitchens works closely with the supplier to better serve the ever-changing trends in cabinet design. AyA, which translated means “design” specializes in mass customization orders. This Canadian-based company has an extremely efficient plant that allows for Creative Kitchens to offer high quality at a reasonable price. Every piece that AyA 206 FineHomes


produces is constructed for a specific order. That means that all your cabinets are going to be built the same and age the same. “We have the best of both worlds when it comes to customization,” says Hoffman. Not only does Creative Kitchens have the benefits of placing orders through AyA, they also have their own custom shop in Regina. This gives customers unlimited options in style and design. “We don’t want our customers to have to pick their cabinet pieces out of catalogues and have no other options,” Hoffman states, “we want to be able to work with our customer’s and give them a product that they will absolutely love.” Creative Kitchens assures a high quality product with a competitive price point. “We are proud to offer the same quality

to our customers regardless of the size of their budget.” The difference is in the details, and the designers are committed to providing the best quality and design for every budget and projects of all sizes. Creative Kitchens uses AyA Design Studio (ADS), a computer-aided drawing system designed specifically for their product line. Through the use of ADS, Creative Kitchens provides free computer-aided drawings so their clients can see their designs before they are manufactured. ADS is not an “off the shelf” design program, but rather has been developed by AyA for its clients. AyA continues to update ADS to push the boundaries of cabinet design so their customers can always get the best of what the industry has to offer. This program is an extremely helpful resource in ensuring that every client ends up with the designs

that best suit their needs functionally and aesthetically. The program is connected directly to the high tech machinery that operates in the AyA plant. This allows the designers to send off a design to the plant with the push of a button, creating efficiency in production time. Also, it aids the plant in maintaining its high standards of environmental responsibility.

Environmental Sustainability AyA Kitchens and Bath’s commitment to being a leader in environmental responsibility is another one of many reasons why Creative Kitchens is proud to be an exclusive distributor of the AyA product line. AyA is a proud member of the Canadian Green Building Council, offering a product line that is eligible for Canada and U.S

Green Building Council points in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System. AyA cabinets are made from 100 per cent recycled EPP certified (Environmentally Preferable Product) post-industrial wood fibre particleboard. AyA’s own recycling and waste reduction programs are cutting edge in the kitchen industry. AyA uses the latest computerized technology to optimize material utilization in order to keep waste to a minimum. Any waste that is produced during the production period is recycled. AyA has initiated a company-wide energy conservation initiative with the goal of ongoing reductions of its carbon footprint. In addition to cabinets being Woodmark Certified Quality, they are also FSC certified by the SmartWood Program of the Rainforest Alliance and have achieved certification from the KCMA Environmental Steward-

ship Program. Creative Kitchens is sure to see a continuation of its success in the years to come. Hoffman states: “We are proud of our achievements over the last 18 years, but our focus is on the future. We feel like there is tremendous potential in our industry and we look forward to growing and developing our business for decades to come.” Creative Kitchens works efficiently in ensuring that they are ahead of the trends when it comes to designing and selling top-of-theline cabinetry, not just for kitchens, but for vanities, entertainment centres, bars, offices, closets, laundry and custom laminate countertops. Creative Kitchens 1142 McDonald Street, Regina 306-569-4699 FineHomes REGINA 207

�t �ekuli Bay �abinetry,

we are committed to brin�in� your vision – to li�e.

We value the idea that we can have a small share in your families’ memories as they’re made around the center of your home in your dream kitchen. The Kekuli Bay Cabinetry experience always starts with you. A discussion centers on you and your specific needs. Our team of designers and our master craftsman then work to manufacture those dreams in our state of the art facility; our goal is to be part of your family and will continue to be our benchmark. Kekuli Bay Cabinets 1217 Broad St. 545-9818

A lifetime of memories start in your kitchen. Begin yours today.















530 Henderson Drive Regina, SK, S4N 5X2


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P. 306-721-2220



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Avoid the time, expense and hassle of conventional renovations with our spray-on resurfacing! KITCHEN COUNTERTOP AND TILE RESURFACING













RAMSGATE HALL APARTMENT CONDOMINIUMS 6 Spectacular Floor Plans 1 Bedroom Plus Den 2 Bedroom 2 Bedroom plus Den 1115 sq. ft. to 1563 sq. ft. Heated Parkade Elevator access to All Floors 6 Appliances, Library Lounge & Games Room Security & Sprinkler Systems Air Conditioning and much more Choose your cabinetry, paint colours, ooring, kitchen granite counter top

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on Wascana

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