FineLifestyles Parkland November/December 2012

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JARRET STOLL Comes Home With The Stanley Cup



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FineLifestyles PARKLAND



y now everyone in the Parkland area is noticing the briskness in the air while out clearing the autumn leaves from their yards and driveways. It is time to start thinking about gathering your winter mittens, scarves, and boots from the closet in preparation for Saskatchewan’s colder weather.

In this issue, we are sharing some stories that will help you to stay warm, at least in your heart. First, we had the honour of speaking with hometown hero, Jarret Stoll. We found him to be not only committed to his career on the ice but also committed to his family and giving back to his community. Jarret is one of those people that you just want to be successful because of who he is. He is living his dream and bringing home a legacy. We are also pleased to share an inspirational story about a mom’s joy and love for her exceptional child that brought her dream of an accessible playground to reality. With help and support from the community, she and a small group of parents raised over $100,000 in two years, and on October 1, Everybody’s Playground was opened in Preeceville. Remember that a smile will go a long way to warm up a friend or neighbour you pass on the street this season.

November/December 2012 VOLUME 1 ISSUE III editor Maryann yeomans

staff Writers Brook Thalgott Jamie Fischer nykea Marie Behiel shawna Common

Graphic Design and Layout amber Moon

In-house Design annalisa raho Deanne Bell

Cover Photography The art of Life - Photography by Mitch

Photography Todd Kulcsar Jessana Jones Dan stumph Carol Gillis Mitch Hippsley

Contributing Writers Jack Dawes Jennifer Tatton

shell Busey Marian Bendeth

advertising Consultants susan Gellert

Creative Director

Susan Gellert FIne LIFesTyLes advertising Consultant

Susan joined finelifestyles magazine in July as one of two advertising consultants for the Parkland area. She has worked in Yorkton and area since 1995 and looks forward to working with people in the area to showcase their businesses and tell their stories. Susan lives in the Margo area with her husband Shawn and their children Dylan, Spencer, Alexis, Tanner and Courtney. 306.641.5616 |

Like us on Follow us on Twitter: @finemags

Maryann yeomans

Publisher Wayne Unruh 541.3365 3440 Balsam Grove regina, sk. s4V 2s4 Fine Lifestyles Parkland is published six times a year by Fine Lifestyles Parkland. We reserve the right to edit any materials chosen for publication including photographs. We reserve the right to reject or accept any article, photograph, image or advertisement. All contents of Fine Lifestyles Parkland publications are copyrighted 2012 with all rights reserved, except for original articles submitted to Fine Lifestyles Parkland, where copyright resides with the author. No other part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of Fine Lifestyles Parkland or its writers. The name Fine Lifestyles Parkland, its logo and material cannot be reproduced without the written consent of the publishers. The views and opinions expressed in the expert advice columns herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Fine Lifestyles Parkland or the companies it represents. The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

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mmunication. Leaders initiate. they know, like, and trust. The were exchanged was simply an wasn’t time or space to make a .



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44 22

The Key Collision C

Mrs. Canada in her National Costume, designed by Wildman and featuring a red maple leaf train

FEaTurE SToriES 8 Lucian Matis Winter Collection 32 Mark Tweksbury 38 Classical Music

facility. With approximately 8000-square in the various stages of body and paint re

Firstly, Key Collision Centre invested in th Weight Loss Forever’s Melanie Wildman

increased quality on finished repairs. Mo done in an environmentally friendly man health of the employees and the commu

MAKES AT MRS. 44 JarretTOP Stoll 3 Cover Story GLOBE Also wins coveted Dr. Tracy Kemble Award


50 Everybody’s PlaygroundSecondly, given the expansion of the faci the increased space and production capa provide better service for the customer. 72 Business Cards BY KARIN MELBERG SCHWIER PHOTOS JOEPIER.COM

n August, Saskatoon’s own Mrs. Canada, Melanie Wildman walked confidently into the Mrs. Globe International competition, “the pageant with a purpose,” in Palm Springs. A “thrilled”

Wildman placed second runner up out of 40 countries. The prestigious pageant strives to empower women and through it’s Women In Need (WIN) Foundation, raises funds for programming for abused women

world-wide. Beauty is just one element of

this rigorous contest, but it’s a critical one. Its quite an achievement for Wildman who

Finally, the new facility has started a “lean new way parts are ordered and organized cut down on delays in the repair process. increase cycle time resulting in a timelier

had bariatric weight loss surgery in 2009.

An investment in the facility, equipment, state-of the-art body shop in the Parkland environmental emissions, leaner product


most likely to meet by accident

82 38


Centre is the Parkland areas’ newest body and paint repair

feet of space the new collision facility can handle more vehicles epair. There have been a number other improvements as well.


he latest paint technology, which more efficient work and ore importantly, our technology ensures that the paint process is nner with the use of waterborne paint. This paint is better for the unity compared to the previously used solvent-based paints.

8 Style 22 Health & Wellness 38 Dining & Entertainment 44centre. Sports n management� system for the collision Given the & recreation

ility, the staff at the collision centre has essentially doubled with acity. This includes both production and management staff to

d during the body repair and paint processes, we are able to . By implementing a lean management system we are able to repair.

and people has made the Key Collision Centre the most d area. This puts the Collision Centre ahead of trends in cleaner tion methods, and better quality repairs for the customer.

54 House, Homes & Properites 72 Business 77 retail Directory 82 Wheels

& Haunting Collection by Lucian Matis Photos GreG SwaleS


ucian Matis sits down with close friend, award-winning writer and fragrance expert Marian Bendeth for a little one-onone to find out the true fabric that makes up the designer’s personality and his latest accomplishment – the Lucian Matis Fall/ Winter 2012 campaign. What is more important: the cut or the print? LM: Most definitely both! I pay attention to all details and they are all equally as significant. What is your favourite fabric of all time to work with? LM: I love gabardine and brocades. I think they are both very luxurious fabrics. Do you ever follow other designer’s work and if so, who? If not, why not? LM: I wish I would have the luxury of time to do that. I do admire the work of a few designers but cannot say that I am following them. Do you envision art in everything you see? Is that a good thing or a curse? LM: Beauty and art can never be a curse but a blessing. I do see art in most everything, as most everything requires an art to be created. You like to give credit to your mother, Viorica. [What kind of impact] has she been in your life? LM: I am fortunate to have such a gifted woman as a mother. My mom made me believe that everything is possible and when in hardship never to forget to smile. To her everything is an experience worth living. If you could describe your life as a colour, what was it before and what is it now? LM: Before 1999 is was white. Then just after I arrived in Canada it became blue. At this very moment it is gold.




You love jewelry. Would you feel naked without it? LM: I do love jewelry, and yes I do feel funny when taking them all off at night. However I cant wear any jewelry when on vacation or with family . . . not sure why. What is the best comment you have received from a client? LM: “You made me feel so special� is one that I get most and never seem to get tired of hearing it. What kind of art moves you the most? LM: One that has a story to tell in the most impactful way. How do you feel about guys wearing skirts? Cool or not? LM: I think it is cool if they have the right legs and balls to do it! How much patience should a designer have? LM: Infinite. It never goes as planned. Was becoming a Fashion Designer worth all the work and risk? LM: Most of the time it seems like a good investment. My time is divided between worry and creativity.

How can you make those feathers so shiny? What is the process? LM: It is all in the works of photographer Greg Swales and his magical lighting. Also, Photoshop might have helped a tad. What is the significance of the owl? Is there a story there? LM: The photographer and I wanted to create a magical space with mystery in it, and the owl seemed to be a perfect fit. I wanted the theme of nature to continue throughout the campaign and haunt the imagery. Where did the original concept for macrame lace originate from? Is it hard to create? LM: The macramé is a very old way of creating fabrics in Eastern Europe and highly prized due to the workmanship in the detail. This technique idea was

brought back to me when I saw one small element on a friend’s blouse and immediately fell back in love with it. I wanted to enlarge this small element and create an entire collection based around it.

Where do envision a woman wearing

The sleeves and front of this dress look like Joan of Arc . . . like a female warrior. Was this any part of your vision?

to create a piece of art in this outfit.

LM: Yeah, that does look armor-like. It is due to the use of the crocodile leather and the dropped waist. Frankly, that is one of my favourite images we crated in this campaign.

be a collection I will be proud of. All that

There is a lot of symmetry in your work.

woman? What does it mean to you?

LM: I find symmetry something very hard to achieve, and it always gives so much beauty to whatever the object might be. I do believe that two halfs make a whole.

LM: I think peplums are such a trendy

this body hugging artwork? Where would be your ideal location? LM: With the risk of sounding overly confident I do believe we managed Minutes before the show and seeing it on the model I realized that this would work paid off that very moment. How do you see the return of the ‘40s peplum impacting the 21st century

element and they are a classic element at the same time. It contours a woman’s body beautifully. FLP




Dress TrenDy for Less By Jamie Fischer PHOTOS Dan stumph


ashion savvy for as long as she can remember, Sarah Jakubiec has taken her passion and years of retail experience and transformed it into Yorkton’s newest downtown ladies wear destination, Losa Chic Boutique. “I’m just so excited. It’s a great feeling to be open and see all of that time and energy pay off,” said the boutique’s proud owner. Since first opening its doors in September 2012, the boutique has had a wonderful reception from the community, and Sarah said she’s been




flooded with compliments on the store’s unique fashions. The store is an extension of Sarah’s personal taste and shopping style. Sarah, like many young women, has always loved to shop, and she’s put her years of experience to use stocking the store. Every item in Losa Chic Boutique is carefully chosen by Sarah herself and she aims to keep all of her fashions unique, trendy, and affordable. Sarah has searched near and far to find the perfect pieces. She carries items from LA, New

York, Vancouver and Montreal. The search paid off, and the store is now full of trendy, creative, and affordable items. “I don’t want people to just blend in,” Sarah said, “I want them to stand out.” Sarah might have searched the world for her merchandise, but she knew the store was meant for Saskatchewan. Sarah said the reason for choosing Yorkton to house her business was simple – its home. “It’s where my family is and I’m so thankful for their support,” she said, “Yorkton is a smaller city, so the more stores the

better. It’s great to have more options so the women here don’t have to leave to bigger centres to get what they want.” And more options is precisely what Losa Chic Boutique has. Besides clothes by Blu Pepper, Black Sheep, Request Denim, Angie, Second Denim Yoga Jeans, and Only, and New York’s eco-conscious Thread for Thought, the store also carries hand-made jewellery from Whitehorse, scarves, and a selection of boots and shoes. The store also has a selection of plus size fashions available. Losa Chic Boutique strives to offer fashion forward trends at an affordable price. “You don’t have to wear designer names to look and feel beautiful,” Sarah said. Losa Chic Boutique has made every effort to make your shopping experience memorable and comfortable. The spacious store has a guest lounge where shoppers can rest their feet, have a drink of coffee, or wait for their friends and family to show off their success in the fitting rooms. Sarah can almost always be found behind the counter, tidying the racks, or offering a warm cup of coffee to her customers in the store. She’s always eager to help style her customers with looks that compliment their personalities and their budgets. To see Yorkton’s latest trendy clothes, accessories, shoes and boots, stop by Losa Chic Boutique at 29B Broadway Street E Monday to Friday until 6, open late until 8 p.m. on Thursdays and Saturday from 10-5 or give Sarah a call at 621-2127 or email FLP

Losa Chic Boutique 29B Broadway Street E 306.621.2127 riGht Sarah Jakubiec




One stOp shOp fOr any OccasiOn by Jamie Fischer phOtOs Lori TrosT


ocally owned and operated by Tracy Bender, Tracy’s Lady and Bridal Fashions (Tracy’s on Broadway) has been helping women of all ages look and feel beautiful, no matter the occasion.

by Joseph Ribkoff, Frank Lyman, Simon Chang, and more. From denim and casual wear, to cruise wear, dresses, Grad gowns and Bridal fashions, the store has the selection you need.

Tracy’s interest in fashion began early, and she’s been in the business for 30 years. For the last 17, she’s been the owner of Tracy’s. She credits her passion to her mother. “She’s a fashionista,” Tracy said.

The 2,000 square foot shop is divided in to three departments: ladies wear and graduation, which are housed on the main floor of the store, and a private Bridal room. Tracy is always looking for the newest styles to keep the store up to date with the fashion divas.

Now, nearly two decades after originally opening, Tracy’s on Broadway carries everything a fashion-loving woman could want. The store has collections




“All women are beautiful. I take a lot pride in dressing my customers,” Tracy said, “I want to see them feel good

when they leave the store.” Tracy’s attitude is found in the carefully chosen fashions in the store that meet her high standard of quality. Tracy’s girls pride themselves in customer service that keeps women coming back to the store. Honest and sincere, they truly want to see everyone leave feeling good about their new fashions. No matter your shopping style, they’re available to offer you expert advice to ensure you find the right outfit for work, play, or the most special of occasions.

(l-r) Linda Serdachny, owner Tracy Bender, Irene Nehring, Pat Bischop

(l-r) Kristyn Hollinger and Teegan Ratushniak

Graduation is an exciting time, and to guarantee that grads get the best selection, Tracy’s is having their Grad Showcase 2013 from Nov. 15 to 19, 2012 at the store. You can find some of the grad 2013 collection in store now, with more dresses arriving soon. Tracy’s already has gowns by Alyce, Engaging Prom, and Terani Couture, as well as the Paris, LeGala and Evenings collections by TONY BOWLS. In 2006, Tracy’s expanded into the bridal world, creating the Bridal Room. Brides-to-be shop by appointment to make sure they get the one on one attention they deserve. Tracy’s carries premiere bridal designers including Alfred Angelo, Sophia Tolli, Justin Alexander, and more. Bridesmaid dresses by Alfred Angelo, Bari Jay, and Sophia Tolli are also available. And for

(l-r) Corrine Pearce, Karah Barwell, Amber Barwell, Jennifer Braun

you moms, Tracy’s carries a beautiful collection of mother of the bride and groom fashions. Tracy said she owes the success of the store to her family, and of course, her customers. “Without them, I wouldn’t be here.” To see how Tracy and her team can help you find the perfect outfit for home, work, your next vacation, or the next big event in your life, drop by Tracy’s on Broadway at 2-84 Broadway Street East in Yorkton. FLP

Tracy’s Ladies and Bridal Fashions 2-84 Broadway Street East Yorkton, SK 306.783.6360




Bailee Blair Graves, owner with her daughter

PF Studio EMPOWERING PEOPLE TO FEEL AS GOOD AS THEY LOOK By Bailee Blair-Graves PhotoS Dan stumph


rowing up, I wanted to be nothing but a stay at home mother to three boys. It wasn’t until I had experienced in motherhood that I realized I wanted one of each - a boy and a girl. With the birth of my daughter, I learned that becoming a mother to a daughter is a totally different ball game.




It is for my daughter that I do what I do. It is said that the parent of the same sex as a child has the most influence on them. Having an amazing husband, I was never worried about how my son would turn out. But, from the first day of my daughter’s birth, I felt the pressure of figuring out a way to empower, educate,

and mold my little girl for the future. I stayed at home with my kids as I didn’t want to miss a single moment of when they were little. During that time at home, I thought about what I would do in the future. I decided it was best to go back to what knew, and the only thing I

was educated in was modeling. I loved the modeling industry, but always loved being behind the scenes in hair, makeup and wardrobe rather then being on stage and in the spot light. I’d always known that I would work in the field, and it was a way I knew that I could help my daughter as well as other people. For me, modeling was about the feeling of empowerment. So, when I took on Ottawa at 18, I went blazing . . . I made a lot of mistakes and learned a lot about myself in the process. One of the things I learned is that looking good and feeling good is powerful. Accepting your flaws, working on yourself and being a good person will get you far in life. When you look good, you feel good and when people feel good there is a sense of power and confidence about them. To empower those around me is one of my main goals, and that is why Pretty Face exists today. The Studio educates and empowers all types of people. I want to help people, not only with looking good but feeling good about themselves as well. In the years I spent home looking after my children, I tested and researched a ton of products, and found that many were not good quality. With a large amount of time and investment, I worked to create and brand our own line of BBG Cosmetics. BBG cosmetics are quality products. The brand was created for the small town girl with a big city attitude. BBG is me, but it is not all about me: it is a life and a future. Pretty Face MakeUp Studio is much more than just cosmetics. Our services include makeup application, lash extensions, spray tanning, teeth whitening, tinting, waxing and IPL laser. We also offer a full line of products such as Hempz lotions and Skincerity Skin Care, and our exclusive line of BBG Cosmetics. Our online store is prettyfacemakeup Come into PF and Get your Pretty Face on today. FLP Pretty Face Makeup Studio 102 - 19 Broadway Street E Yorkton, SK 306.783.6253

Owner Bailee Blair Graves with her children






hen the Walsh family purchased Hitching Post, a western wear shop in Yorkton that’s been in business since the 1970s, it supplied local cowboys with all things western – boots, hats, saddlery, and tack. Leap ahead to 2012, and Hitching Post is not your typical western store anymore. The Walshs – Lyle and Brenda,




Tom, his wife Cindy and new son Bo; and Lori – have brought a fresh and vibrant perspective to the once traditional western business on Betts Avenue.

saddlery, tack, traditional cowboy boots, hats and belts, they have taken what people traditionally think of as “western” and really turned it on its head.

The family owned and operated shop has expanded to include fashion and accessories for men, women and children, and home décor. In addition to

Western wear is no longer just “jeans and plaid shirts” anymore. The store is quickly becoming a popular destination for shopping with more than twelve

brands of jeans in 60 different styles. Hitching Post has jeans for every member of the family - in styles from cowboy to fashionista. No outfit is complete without the right pair of boots, and the store has over 800 pairs of cowboy boots– from traditional styles to modern looks. The store offers many of the most recognizable brands in Western wear, including Wrangler, Cinch, Cruel Girl, Roper, Rock ‘n’ Roll Cowgirl, Boulet, Twisted X, Brahma, Montana Silversmith, Serratelli, Carhartt, and Tony Lama. They have plenty of stylish accessories like jewellery, belts, handbags, and wallets for everyone in the family. The Walsh family haven’t forgotten about dressing the home either, and offer beautiful home décor. They are particularly pleased to carry a fun line of typography signs offering messages that are straight from the heart to downright hilarious. While the Hitching Post has undergone a makeover, it has not forgotten its roots. The store still offers saddlery and tack, just like it always has. There is a great selection of merchandise for the horse lover and cowpoke, and saddles are still bought, sold and consigned. There is always something new to see. There is also a variety of harnesses, for miniature to draft horses – they have it all. The store is still focussed on providing personalized customer service to everyone who stops by just as it traditionally has. And, as a family owned and operated business, there’s usually a Walsh in store ready to help whenever you need it.

(L-R): Lori Walsh, Cindy Walsh, Tom Walsh, Brenda Walsh, Lyle Walsh. Sitting: Bo Walsh.

So much more than just a western store, Hitching Post has it all. They can dress you, your family, your house, and your horse – regardless of where you hang your hat, they have something for everyone. Hitching Post is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm, and Saturdays from 10am to 5pm, with extended hours in December for holiday shopping. FLP

Hitching Post 17 Betts Avenue, Yorkton 306.783.5629




LocaLLy owned InternatIonaL QuaLIty by Jamie Fischer Photos Todd J Kulcsar, TJK PhoTograPhic services


hopping at Fabricland in Yorkton combines the best of both worlds – the store has the international buying power expected from large retailers, but the Yorkton store is also locally owned and operated by Coreen Fahrenschon, making it unique to the community From quality fabrics, to patterns, trims, and embellishments, Fabricland’s 5,000 square foot Yorkton location carries an extensive selection to enable you to comlete a variety of sewing and crafting projects.. With the popularity of shows like Project




Runway, Design Inc., and Candice by Design, creating unique items for your wardrobe and home is more popular than ever. These programs are introducing sewing to a new generation who are choosing to sew not out of necessity, but out of a desire to be creative and own truly unique clothing and décor. For those who are interested in starting a sewing project for the first time, Fabricland has an entire set of patterns designed to introduce beginner sewers to do-it-yourself projects. Of course, Coreen and her helpful staff are also there to help get you started. Everyone at Fabricland in Yorkton has a

passion for sewing, and they truly want to see you succeed. Many customers have brought in half-completed projects and left again with the advice and tutorials from staff they needed to get to the next step. With years of sewing and quilting experience, they’re available to offer expert advice to make your project run smoothly. When the Yorkton community expressed an interest in knitting, Coreen responded with great enthusiasm. She brought in Red Heart Yarn, Patons Yarns, and many other knitting notions. The store also carries Michael Miller’s Kryrstal collection of quilting colours.

This collection consists of 187 colours and is a regular stock item to ensure you always have the fabric you need for your next quilt. Other design collections such as Bennatax, Moda, and Henry Glass are also available. Fabricland’s retail buying and design teams travel the world to industry hubs in China, the Middle East, and Europe to find the best quality fabrics for their customers. However, the Yorkton location is a franchise and is therefore able to cater their stock to the specific needs and requests of the community. The Yorkton store has a wide variety of carefully selected quality leather, suede, sequins, beads, and other materials needed to create stunning regalia and other traditional items. Fabricland in Yorkton is also now the home of the Yorkton Sewing Centre. If you’re having trouble with your sewing machine, the staff at the sewing centre will be happy to fix it for you – just drop in during business hours Monday to Wednesday or call Barb Mehling at 783.6966.

Coreen Fahrenschon, owner

Memberships are available in one or three year terms, with all details found at our website, www. To see how Coreen and her staff at Fabricland can help you with all your crafting, sewing, upholstery, drapery, knitting, and quilting needs stop by the store at 32 Betts Avenue in Yorkton. FLP Fabricland 32 Betts Avenue Yorkton, SK 306.782.5544 www.




Mrs. Canada in her National Costume, designed by Wildman and featuring a red maple leaf train

Weight Loss Forever’s Melanie Wildman



n August, Saskatoon’s own Mrs. Canada, Melanie Wildman walked confidently into the Mrs. Globe International competition, “the pageant with a purpose,” in Palm Springs. A “thrilled”




Wildman placed second runner up out of 40 countries. The prestigious pageant strives to empower women and through it’s Women In Need (WIN) Foundation, raises funds for programming for abused women

world-wide. Beauty is just one element of this rigorous contest, but it’s a critical one. Its quite an achievement for Wildman who had bariatric weight loss surgery in 2009.

Wildman wearing a MacDuggal original in the Evening Gown Category

“I’ve lost over 100 pounds from my heaviest weight, so to be competing with women who’d never had a weight problem was definitely a challenge,” says Wildman, President and CEO of Weight Loss Forever, an International Bariatric Centre of Excellence.

Over the last four years, over a thousand patients from across Canada received surgery and support through WLF’s award winning program.

We gain strength and courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face . . . we must do that which we think we cannot.

“My obesity was something I shared with other contestants, and is part of my history and background as Mrs. Canada Globe,” explains Wildman. “In fact, on stage when I said I had once weighed 225 pounds, there was a collective gasp and then a cheer from the entire audience so it was a special moment.”

~ Eleanor Roosevelt


“I need to be open and public Dr. Pompa was recognized as a World Leader about my treatment for obesity. Pageants are not new to Wildman’s in Bariatric Surgery by Newsweek Magazine Surgery is not the easy way out, family. Her grandmother was an and being private about it does a active pageant organizer in Prince disservice to people who struggle Edward Island; her mother, aunt, Their hospital and medical staff are held fter a grueling two-year review and cousins have all held titles. to deal with their weight,” Wildman to rigorous standards and unannounced, by the American Surgical But as she got older, Wildman’s says. She recalls an emotional independent inspections. WLF’s patients Review Corporation, Weight weight became a barrier. “For me encounter during the pageant with include doctors, specialists, government Loss Forever (WLF)’s hospital was to compete was a challenge that I one contestant whose17-year-old officials, lawyers, teachers, mechanics, recently designated as an International never would have undertaken before daughter was Center obese. ofWildman farmers. Obesity is the #1 preventable Bariatric Excellence, one my surgery.” Since her dramatic found herself mid-pageant meeting weight loss and maintenance, she cause of death in Canada. WLF’s award of only 18 in the world. WLF met and with exceeded both mother and daughter, won the Mrs. Canada title in 2011. winning support program gives patients stringent requirements in counseling them both about taking the tools they need to achieve long-term three areas: the hospital, the surgeon, “Taking on a challenge that seems control emotional triggers success – surgery is just one part of andofthethe bariatric program. impossible is inspiring,” says that made the situation seem the solution. Wildman. She adds that the key hopeless, and Wildman, guiding them toward& CEO of Melanie President message she wanted to bring to possible solutions. Over the last four years, over 800 WLF, says, “We’re a world-renowned the pageant as a healthy, confident patients received surgery and support bariatric hospital with exceedingly high mother of three who took her life It was that kind of selflessness through WLF’s program. There are standards, excellent patient care and back is two-fold: “For me, weight that compassionate brought another accolade. offices in Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, support. What is at loss surgery is a tool, a stepping Wildman “stunnedhealth and and well Lethbridge and Fredericton, NB, with stake iswas our patients’ stone that gives you the freedom to humbled” receive the Dr. change your life. My personal story specialists throughout the country. being,to and our license. It’sTracy our dedication is living proof. The second important Kemble Award, named for us theone of the to our patients that make message is that I am the face of founder WIN Foundation and topof10the bariatric hospitals in the world,” Take a video tour obesity. We’re not the stereotypes she adds.As organizers spoke of the hospital here. the pageant. people think we are: we are brilliant, with the contestants, the name they we’re beautiful, we’re hard workers, ChiefinBariatric Surgeon heardWLF’s most often connection with is Mayo Take a tour of the we’re mothers, we’re sisters, we’re hospital here Clinic-trained Dr. Liza Pompa, MD, Ph.D, the phrase “if I don’t win, I hope she businesspeople. And we’re people AFACS. Sheshe’s is board-certified in the United Weight Loss Forever because so inspiring” you may have dismissed because By Karin Melberg Schwier does States Weight Loss Forever and is the first female in the world Head Office 15 - 901 1st Avenue N Saskatoon was Wildman’s. society often isn’t able to see 136-1721 Albert St, Regina, SK to be awarded Surgeon of Excellence and 306.665.8891 beyond that first glance.” 306.352.846 Toll Free 1.877.306.8891 recently by Newsweek “I’m was proud that recognized I had bariatric Branch Office 136-1621 Albert Street Regina Magazine as aI’ve leader bariatric The Weight Loss Forever (WLF) surgery and that beenin able to surgery. 306.352.8446 hospital was recently designated maintain my weight with healthy Branch offices also in Calgary, WLF encourages people to do careful as an International Bariatric Center lifestyle,” insists Wildman. “Is it Lethbridge and Fredericton research and has developed the guide of Excellence, one of only 18 in the hard work? Absolutely, but it’s the world. WLF has a world-renowned How to Research Your Surgeon. Patient Toll Free 1.877.306.8891 mostsafety rewarding hard primary work thatconsideration. you bariatric hospital with exceedingly is the can do. It’s the best gift you can give high standards, excellent patient yourself.FLP care and compassionate support.



A Canadian First, Weight Loss Forever Achieves Center of Excellence designation By Karin Melberg Schwier





was overweight since childhood. It runs in my family. Luckily it never kept me from doing sports, being involved in actives or having a social life. It was more of a private insecurity. I’m the typical bubbly, funny, laugh-about-anything personality,

so no one really knew my weight bothered me. But there I was, 33, married with two kids, 5’4”, and 268 pounds. I was starting to feel it. I lacked energy. My feet hurt. As a hairstylist I stand all day. Weight Watchers, L.A. Weight Loss; you name it, I tried everything. Then I saw Weight Loss Forever in Fine Lifestyles magazine. I read about it, called, and the next thing I knew, I was booked to have surgery within a month! I had no second thoughts. I knew this was a permanent decision, and I was ready for a life change. I’ve lost 85 pounds since surgery a year ago and have still another 25 to go to reach my personal goal. I can’t even say I’m a different person, as I always had confidence and a love of life. I am just so happy to have control over my weight now that I now have that “full” feeling, which I never had before. My coworkers say I haven’t changed one bit, but I have a way better wardrobe! The huge difference is that I’ll be here longer and can run and keep up with my kids. I can be a healthy example for them. The first thing people notice is my smile now, not my size.

Dr. Pompa was recognized as a World Leader in Bariatric Surgery by Newsweek Magazine

review urgical Weight al was ational e, one et and nts in urgeon,

CEO of owned ly high re and is at nd well ication of the world,”

Mayo D, Ph.D, United e world nce and wsweek

Their hospital and medical staff are held to rigorous standards and unannounced, independent inspections. WLF’s patients include doctors, specialists, government officials, lawyers, teachers, mechanics, farmers. Obesity is the #1 preventable cause of death in Canada. WLF’s award winning support program gives patients the tools they need to achieve long-term Carly Schell is just one part of success – surgery the solution. before WLF Over the last four years, over 800 patients received surgery and support through WLF’s program. There are Weight Loss Forever offices in Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Head Office 15 - 901 1st Avenue N Saskatoon Lethbridge and Fredericton, NB, with 306.665.8891 specialists throughout the country. Branch Office 136-1621 Albert Street Regina Take a video tour 306.352.8446 of the hospital here. Branch offices also in Calgary, Lethbridge and Fredericton Take a tour of the hospital here

Weight Loss Forever 136-1721 Albert St, Regina, SK 24 FineLifestyles 306.352.846PARKLAND Toll Free 1.877.306.8891

Toll Free 1.877.306.8891

Photo Heather Fritz


am a 43-year-old nurse practitioner and national calibre Figure bodybuilding competitor. I have been a Registered Nurse for over 20 years and I have firsthand experience working with people who have had plastic surgery. I first learned of WLF offering cosmetic surgery services when they were the title sponsor for the 2011 CBBF National Figure, Bikini and Fitness Championships here in Saskatoon. As a volunteer, I spent time with Melanie and Blair and liked them immediately. I was thinking of having a breast augmentation then, but was training for my next competition so I decided to revisit it later. After winning my next show and taking the overall title, I contacted WLF to find out more. My facilitator was amazing and everyone at the office was so warm, friendly and genuine. I was very impressed. After consulting with another surgeon out of province, I chose to use WLF’s services. The hospital facilities were beautiful and modern, the staff were outstanding, and the results are gorgeous. As a nurse, I was very impressed with the entire process. I was taken care of very well and no detail was overlooked. I am now training to compete at the 2013 Nationals and I am thrilled with my new body. I couldn’t be happier. I highly recommend the cosmetic surgery services through WLF. I feel like WLF is family and I’m still in touch with my facilitator. I would definitely choose WLF again in the future.

Dr. Pompa was recognized as a World Leader in Bariatric Surgery by Newsweek Magazine

ter a grueling two-year review y the American Surgical Review Corporation, Weight rever (WLF)’s hospital was designated as an International Center of Excellence, one 8 in the world. WLF met and d stringent requirements in eas: the hospital, the surgeon, bariatric program.

Wildman, President & CEO of ys, “We’re a world-renowned hospital with exceedingly high s, excellent patient care and ionate support. What is at our patients’ health and well d our license. It’s our dedication atients that make us one of the ariatric hospitals in the world,” .

hief Bariatric Surgeon is Mayo ined Dr. Liza Pompa, MD, Ph.D, he is board-certified in the United d is the first female in the world arded Surgeon of Excellence and

Their hospital and medical staff are held to rigorous standards and unannounced, independent inspections. WLF’s patients include doctors, specialists, government officials, lawyers, teachers, mechanics, farmers. Obesity is the #1 preventable cause of death in Canada. WLF’s award winning support program gives patients the tools they need to achieve long-term success – surgery is just one part of Andrea Clinton the solution.

before WLF

Over the last four years, over 800 patients received surgery and support through WLF’s program. There are offices in Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Lethbridge and Fredericton, NB, with specialists throughout the country. Take a video tour of the hospital here. Take a tour of the hospital here

Weight Loss Forever Heather Fritz 136-1721 Albert St,Photo Regina, SK 306.352.846 Toll Free 1.877.306.8891




What You Need to Know About Cosmetic Surgery Research Your Surgeon

Not all surgeons are are created equal or have the same level of training or experience. Think about the game of golf – a weekend golfer will never make the PGA. Plastic surgeons are the same – the more procedures they have done with excellent results, the better their overall outcomes will be. It is also critical that you know their credentials. Verify that they have the training they are claiming and ensure your plastic surgeon is Board Certified. Seeing a certificate is not enough – always check directly!

See Real Examples of Their Work

If you are thinking about a facelift, ask for pictures of facelifts that your surgeon has actually done. If you are thinking about breast augmentation, ask to see pictures of breast augmentations. Be thorough in your research, after all – this is your body we are talking about!

Talk to Real Patients

It’s one thing to see beautiful before and after photos – but what do the people who have actually been through it have to say about their experience? How was the care? How well did the surgeon explain the procedures, risks and outcomes with them? How did they feel about their follow up care? Would they do it again? Would they recommend their surgeon to their own family?

Be Prepared

Leading up to your procedure, take extra care to eat healthy, fresh, low sugar foods that are high in protein. Make sure to drink lots of water and exercise – the healthier you are, the faster your recovery and the better your results will be. And read everything you can about the procedures you are considering. Knowledge is power!



Carol Caron’s


After Caro l’s Facelift

“Meeting Dr. Rodas in person to discuss my concerns and my hopes helped me relax and completely trust him,” says Carol. “My husband, Lloyd was with me and he was so impressed with everyone and how they all responded immediately to any questions or concerns he had, too. Dr. Rodas included him and asked his thoughts when options were outlined.” Any regrets? Not one! “Lloyd says he can't believe that he is lucky enough to hang out with such a young sexy chick,” laughs Carol. More importantly, she says, “I think I look and feel so much younger - a smaller version of myself at 40.”

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Put YOU First!

This is your time to pamper YOU! Have someone else cook for you, relax and take it easy. You just had surgery – and your body needs to heal – Doctors Orders! This is a wonderful opportunity to slow down your busy life and find some balance, serenity and ‘you’ time.

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Brittini Beebe, Owner of Spa Habit

It’s Not Your Average Mani-Pedi



pen since 2010, Broadway Street’s Spa Habit brings to Yorkton a new kind of spa experience. Brittini Beebe, owner of Spa Habit, was determined from the start to make her spa something special. Studying at Avant-Garde College in Regina, and spending five years working in spas in the city, Brittini worked on creating her own spa vision. “I have always wanted to own my own spa, and knew that I wanted to




make my spa a unique place” says Brittini. “I think we have created something very special for Yorkton.” Spa Habit offers customers a different experience than a traditional spa. Instead of a hushed atmosphere of small rooms and nature sounds, Spa Habit is a modern lounge with offering lattes and magazines alongside mani-pedis and facials. “We have four manicure stations

and four pedicure chairs. Our pedicure chairs are also human touch massage chairs – so you can have a massage and a pedicure at the same time” adds Brittini. “Plus, we do facials, waxing, and body treatments.” There are three estheticians at the spa, and Spa Habit also offers group bookings for bachelorette parties, weddings, and even staff parties. Not only the spa itself unique, but so are

the products used and sold there. “Spa Habit is the only place in Saskatchewan offering 100% Pure facials. They are natural, vegan and organic. We offer them in the spa or to purchase for at home” says Brittini. Also exclusive to Spa Habit are Cheeky Monkey nail polishes, a 3-Free product made in Canada that contain no Formaldehyde, Toluene and DBP; and Hurraw lip balms that are organic, all-natural, raw and vegan. Brittini has also ventured into creating her own line of bath and body products. Spa Habit offers bath bombs, Epsom salts, shower scents, solid bubble bath, lotion, body butter, scrub and Brittini’s exclusive Bubble Cupcakes. A Bubble Cupcake is a deliciously scented solid bubble bath that looks just like its name. Available in yummy scents like pink sugar, satsuma, and vanilla bean, Bubble Cupcakes are $6 each and very popular. “After looking for interesting products to carry in the spa and nothing meeting my expectations, I decided to make my own. It’s taken a long time to perfect the recipes, but Spa Habit’s bath and body products are something special” says Brittini. The entire line is available in-store and online starting in October at “We’re so excited to launch our website” adds Brittini “Not only can customers purchase our products at the spa, they can also order them online and we ship across Canada”. To have your own Spa Habit experience, book an appointment at 306.786.3388 or visit Brittini and her team at #3 – 84 Broadway St E. Spa Habit is open 10am to 6pm on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, with extended hours (10 am to 8 pm) on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Spa Habit 3 - 84 Broadway Street E, Yorkton 306.786.3388




Dwayne Reeve, Director of Education, putting the final touches on the house built on-stage. The house was built piece by piece showing how the renewed mission, vision and values statements connected very strongly with the strong foundations of a home. Thanks to Yorkton Concrete and Source Embroidery, both local Yorkton businesses, for their donation towards the house materials.

CHALLENGE AND CHANGE Key elements for new 5-year Good spirit school division plan by Jack Dawes PHotos Lori TrosT


mbrace change or watch the world pass you by,” was the message from Olympian Mark Tewksbury to the Good Spirit School Division (GSSD) on August 29. And that, notes GSSD Director of Education Dwayne Reeve, is an observable fact within the division. When former school divisions were amalgamated into GSSD six years ago, school enrolments were in decline. But, said Reeve, the division will be experiencing its fourth successive enrolment increase with the 2012-2013 school year.




The GSSD includes 28 schools with over 6000 students. Reeve told 1000 teachers and other division staff that within 10 years GSSD enrolment is expected to grow by more than one thousand students. “Our communities are becoming larger. We’re becoming more diverse and absolutely our future is one of extreme optimism,” Reeve said. He noted, too, that staff composition is also changing rapidly, with an estimated one-third of staff now different from that of the GSSD 2006 formation year.

Echoing comments from Minister of Education Russ Marchuk, Reeve said expectations also have changed. “Even though it’s only been six years, terms like accountability, measurement—they were terms we didn’t hear much in 2006—they’re now an absolute part of a reality. And put quite simply, we need to make sure we look at those, and measure and remain accountable if we are going to be valued and relevant. And we must, absolutely must, meet that challenge.” Reeve said the new strategic plan was drawn from feedback gathered in 19 focus groups, including staff, students and the general public. In addition, about 1000 people completed written surveys. Reeve said the development process was “one of the most intriguing pieces of work” in his administrative career. Feedback focussed on six key areas: instruction and learning, programming, facilities, transportation, financial

accountability and communication. On a scale of 5, ratings ranged from 3.13 to 3.49 overall. “So we have room, without a doubt, for improvement,” Reeve stated. “We’re on the positive side and that’s extremely important for us to realize. Many, many wonderful things are happening, but we also know there is room for improvement.” Overall satisfaction rating was 5.52 on a 7-point scale. “But our number one strength, clearly, was our staff. When we get it right, we get it right because our people care. They’re committed. They’re dedicated and we thank you for that.” Reeve noted many of the replies during the process said, “Don’t stand still . . . make sure that we’re working and pushing forward, because we owe that to our children.”

“We’re not going to come in and knock down all that we’ve built. In fact, our structures are relatively strong.” He promised that the changes would be more than cosmetic. “Not only to keep some of the old, but yes indeed we’ll be moving some walls, tearing up some carpet, and while it might be a little messy and inconvenient, we’ll be renovating.” The Good Spirit School Division Strategic Plan is detailed at FLP Good Spirit School Division 63 King Street East Yorkton, SK 306.786.5500

Top left: Raymond Sass, Board Chair, welcoming everyone to what promises to be an inspiring day. Middle: Honourable Russ Marchuk, Minister of Education, explaining to attendees their important role in upcoming education department changes Top right: Mark Tewksbury, Keynote Speaker, illustrating an important point during his ever-lively presentation. Bottom left: Board members Lois Smandych, DJ Cairns, Carla Pelechaty and Bonnie Rushowick ensure that staff are welcomed back on this first day of work; their key role on this day was to ensure that all staff members signed the banners that now line two halls of Fairview Education Centre. Bottom right: Kerry Linsley, Heather Giroux during Mark Tewksbury’s presentation.

(l-r) Dwayne Reeve,Director of Education, Raymond Sass,GSSD Board Chair, Mark Tewksbury,Keynote speeaker, Greg Ottenbreit,MLA Yorkton Constituency

BUILT TO REALIZE SOMETHING GREAT Olympian COnneCts with GOOd spirit sChOOl divisiOn By Jack Dawes PHOTOS Lori TrosT





recognizable symbol of Canada’s Olympic success story was an instant hit with teachers and support staff of the Good Spirit School Division, as the division launched its five year action plan at Yorkton’s Gallagher Centre on August 29.

An overview of just some of the over 1000 people in attendance at the Gallagher Centre FlexiHall in Yorkton.

Mark Tewksbury was just two weeks into his triumphant return from the London Olympics as Canada’s Chef de Mission. It’s easy to recall that not long ago the six foot one inch Tewksbury was himself an Olympic swimmer and he appeared in competitive trim. “Energy begets energy,” Tewksbury said. He is proof of that: the crowd was with him as he interspersed anecdotes of his 1992 climb to the gold medal podium for the 100 metre backstroke in Barcelona. In the same year, he was a bronze medallist in 4x100 metre medley. Tewksbury also owns a silver medal in the 4x100 metre medley from Seoul, South Korea in 1988.

Terri Parsons from Esterhazy High School signs one of two “Building Our Future Together” banners. Everyone in attendance signed the banners as a way in which to show that they are an important part of the future of GSSD. These banners are now hung at the Administration Office for everyone to find their name and say “I was there and part of a very important day”.

Mark Tewksbury had signed copies of his book on hand for attendees interested in purchasing them and finding out more about “The Great Traits of Champions”.

Clearly, to be a great public and motivational speaker, you must be a performer, and, like a well-seasoned Frank Sinatra would have done in his day, Tewksbury plays the part like the virtuoso he is. The division staff loved his story of the Canadian women’s bronze medal soccer team. Who wouldn’t? Tewksbury’s formula for success point is to “generate enthusiasm.” Unfortunately, the TV cameras never captured the moment for us, but it turns out the soccer players urged Mark to join them for the Canadian “beaver call” after their August 9 medal win at Coventry. It was a team yell Tewksbury had resurrected from his University of Calgary Dinos Swim Club days. He had used it in previous Olympic “pep talks.” As the 2012 Chef de Mission told the tale, it was one of those near-spontaneous additions to Olympic preparation that everyone embraced. Taking on a life of its own, the yell became a sort of “team insider” non-secret. It was, after all, just a crazy team yell, but somehow it captured the spirit and enthusiasm of the historic Canadian women’s soccer victory. And though the television public never saw it, it was an unexpected triumph for Mark to perform it “in the pit” with Canada’s soccer champions. But, for the lesson of the day, Tewksbury explained his own conviction that, in a way, enthusiasm can be learned. He asked his audience to find their own point of enthusiasm and to find a way to spread and ignite it in others. “There’s no wrong or right answer,” he insisted, “but if you can find a way to connect to that . . . to share that with others, to bring them along for the ride, it’s amazing how powerful that can be and it will pop up in places you maybe never imagined.” Tewksbury draws on his 2008 book The Great Traits of Champions: Fundamentals of Achievers, Leaders and Legacy Leavers (Great Traits), which he co-wrote with swim coach and mentor Debbie Muir. As one reviewer wrote, the book’s principals apply “even to those of us who don’t aspire to change the world but just want to behave like a champion in our own small corner of the world.”

Never one to stay still for long, an animated Mark Tewksbury had the crowd immersed in his stories throughout his keynote address. The crowd showed their thanks for an amazing presentation through their hands and feet ... a standing ovation! FineLifestyles



It’s kind of like that with the swimmer’s approach to his school division audience. One senses that even the jaded or sceptical may be responding to his message with enthusiasm.

record holder, Jeff Rouse of the USA, and other world swim leaders. He finished second, 6/100 of a second behind Rouse—a fingernail behind the winner. But the next 18 months is where the lesson lies, says Tewksbury.

He led by talking about the sports culture language of being a champion, or “the idea being that whatever it is you do in life you want to be the best you can be at it, the top of your game, be a champion in your own right.”

In agreement with his coach of the day, Tewksbury said they “consciously” changed nothing in his training regime. Now that he was swimming among the best in the world, “We’ll just fine-tune what we are doing but don’t change a thing.” Wrong.

The second aspect is leadership, he says, “creating the environment for others to excel, which is very much what your profession is about.” In the end though, says the swim champion, success is about legacy. “It’s great to achieve things and lead people to great things, but what kind of impact are we making while we’re doing it? Is it positive and is it sustainable?” The book documents 24 traits. He focused on five of them, beginning with “continually evolve. By creating a dynamic environment the bar is constantly being raised, excellence is fostered and winning results happen.” But Tewksbury also provided the school staff with a whole new way to look at a well-worn success-talk cliché. It’s that one which gives the definition of insanity as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” His example is drawn from the leadup to the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. At a world championship swim meet 18 months before Barcelona, Tewksbury was pitted against world backstroke

Six months later in Edmonton, at another international meet, he again faced Jeff Rouse—and again finished second to the American, who set a new world record, Rouse clipped 1.2 seconds from his previous win over Tewksbury. Mark‘s time remained unchanged. That result, said Tewksbury, was devastating. If he was to win an Olympic gold medal he would have “to face the music. To win it was going to take more than an evolution. It was gonna have to take a revolution.” “Let my story be a cautionary tale of what happens when you keep doing the same thing the same old way. You get the same results, but in the meantime, the world passes you by.” Launching into the new 5 year plan could be opportunity to “renew, on a personal and professional level, a commitment to the idea of raising the bar. If we try new things our brain re-wires itself, neurons make new connections and we actually stay younger and stay fresh and we connect to the world in a different way.” FLP

Top: Members of the Yorkton Speed Swim Club, introduced Mark Tewksbury talking about his amazing achievements. They did a great job considering the massive audience they had before them! Middle: As Dwayne Reeve unveiled the strategic plan to staff in the afternoon session, members of the Yorkton Speed Swim Club helped to build a house depicting the foundational statements and values upon which the division will base future operations.

Passing The Torch Olympian Mark Tewksbury threw out a challenge to staff at Good Spirit School Division: “What is one new activity, exercise, or person you are going to meet, that is going to challenge you, and that you’re going to commit to doing . . . that’s going to help raise the bar on your professional game, to continually evolve?”

there are different ways to measure success . . . Act effectively: be responsive and open to opportunity in the 5 year plan . . . Exemplify excellence: incorporating the values stated in the plan . . . Generate enthusiasm, share it, continually encourage.”

From his book The Great Traits of Champions: Fundamentals of Achievers, Leaders and Legacy Leavers (Great Traits), Tewksbury offered this advice: “Have purpose and realize

The teachers and other staff of the division answered with a standing ovation.




His conclusion, “If not you, then who, and why not you?”



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ExcEllEnt sErvicE by you for you by Shawna Common PHOTOS Carol GIllIS


he Yorkton Co-Op is locally owned by more than 13,000 members. Business decisions and concerns are addressed locally by the board members who understand the area and its customers. The Yorkton Co-Op has been in business since 1940, and features two full-service food stores, three gas bars, three card locks, and three agro centres. The Yorkton Co-Ops has branch locations in Yorkton, Ebenezer, Kamsack, Theodore, and the Rhein/Dubuc area. The Co-Op has memberships in Yorkton Chamber of Commerce and the Yorkton Business Improvement District (YBID). The Co-Op is projecting sales of over $90 million this year from all of its combined locations. Savings from operations are distributed to the members, based on their purchases throughout the year. In April of 2012, $3,970,000 was distributed to the Co-Op members in equity and cash back.




The Yorkton Agro Centres provide products for farmers, truckers and ranchers that need products and services such as bulk petroleum, lubricants, farm hardware, fencing supplies, livestock, feed, cattle handling equipment, post pounder rental, propane, propane bulk delivery, and card-operated gasoline, farm and clear diesel fuel at two locations in Yorkton. The Yorkton gas bars each have touchless car washes as well as traditional offerings such as beverages, snacks and oils. The Yorkton Marketplace Food Store has a full selection of products, as well as an excellent selection of gifts and Rider gear for fans of the Saskatchewan Roughriders. The Marketplace has all of the traditional food store offerings at competitive prices, and it has the only grocery delivery service in town. Customers rely on the friendly, knowledgeable service they receive

when placing their orders, and staff are able to assist customers with choices without customers having to attend the store. This is especially helpful to elderly or busy customers that find it difficult to find time to complete the shopping themselves. “It’s like they have their own personal shoppers that are committed to providing the best customer service experience,” explains General Manager Bruce Thurston. “Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are eager to assist customers with their purchases by also suggesting products and brand names to customers that are unsure of the exact products they want.” Customers appreciate the service they receive from the over 200 knowledgeable and experienced staff at all the Yorkton area Co-Op locations. Members also appreciate being a part of such an established co-operative that continues to flourish and provide

them with a share of the prosperity. “We have been doing this for a long time, and we pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service. We are always striving to raise the bar for our customers, so we are always enhancing our practices to ensure we are providing the best possible service,� says Bruce. Visit the Co-Op offices at 30 Argyle Street in Yorkton, call (306) 783-3601, or check out the website at www.yorktoncoop. com for more information on the many exciting products and services available from your local Co-Op. FLP

Yorkton Co-op 30 Argyle Street Yorkton, SK







Music for the soul An EvEning of ClAssiCAl MusiC by Jennifer TaTTon


hat do you get when you pair four talented women from Toronto with one gifted man from St. Petersburg, Russia? A wonderful evening of music, that’s what. On September 21st the Cecelia quartet paired up with Georgy Tchaidze to give Yorkton a musical treat. Debbie Hayward, the current Performing Arts Coordinator and Cindee Massier, the former Performing Arts Coordinator and currently Administrative Assistant for the Arts Council were there to greet me when I arrived and answer my questions. Both knowledgeable women with a passion for the Arts, they were able to introduce me to the artists and explain to me why it is so important to have events like this one in Yorkton. People would have to drive to Regina or Saskatoon to see performers of this caliber and that is not always an option for everyone. This way, people can get a chance to attend these events without having to travel a long distance and the events are much more affordable. The Yorkton Arts Council, teaming up with Prairie Debut worked to make this evening and so many like it a reality. This concert is part of the Stars for Saskatchewan Series which brings in talented artists from all over the world to perform. I got a chance to speak to Margaret Cugnet who is the Chair of the Performing Arts Committee for the Yorkton Arts Council. She tells me that this is the 38th year for Stars for Saskatchewan. I have seen many of these performances over the years and I have yet to be disappointed.

The Cecilia Quartet and Georgy Tchaidze are sponsored by Prairie Debut whose goal is to bring Canadian classical music talent to the Prairie Provinces. The Yorkton Arts Council teams up with Prairie Debut each year to bring in talent for Yorkton residents at an affordable cost. Cindee Massier says that Prairie Debut always provides them with high quality performers and Friday evening was no exception. Tchaidze is the First Laureate, Honens International Piano Competition (2009) and the Cecilia Quartet is the First Place Winner in the Banff International Quartet Competition (2010). I had the privilege of meeting Georgy Tchaidze, Sarah Nematallah, Min-Jeong Koh, Caitlin Boyle, and Rachel Desoer before their performance. The ladies spoke openly and candidly about their musical talents and all the performers are very down-to-earth and friendly. They tell me they are thoroughly enjoying their journey through the Prairie Provinces. With the exception of Tchaidze who is from St. Petersburg, Russia, all the artists are from Toronto and say it is nice to be able to see the golden fields and scenery of the prairies in the autumn. They all affirm how fortunate they are in Canada that organizations like Prairie Debut exist so that performers can make a living sharing their music with communities that would otherwise not get a chance to experience it. The evening began with Tchaidze playing Beethoven after giving a short but impassioned speech about the piece he was about to play. It gave the audience

a better understanding of the meaning behind the music and then there was nothing to do but sit back and enjoy. Sarah Nematallah, Min-Jeong Koh, Caitlin Boyle, and Rachel Desoer who make up the Cecelia Quartet were very endearing and composed. Nematallah acted as their spokeswoman and clearly conveyed the group’s passion for the music which was a more modern piece entitled “A Little Piece of My Heart” by Kelly Marie Murphy. Cugnet had also earlier commented on how it is much more common today for the artists to speak before their performances and to engage the audience more fully in their performance. It helps the audience to connect more to the performers and understand the story behind the music they are hearing. I thought it was wonderful because I learned more about the pieces I was hearing and it allowed me to enjoy the music on a deeper level. After the intermission, the quartet teamed up with Tchaidze to play Dvorak’s Piano Quintet in A major which is one of my favorite pieces and it was not hard to understand why the artists had teamed up. I never cease to be amazed at how classical music can evoke such strong emotions in me without the use of lyrics. All five artists are incredibly talented and clearly love what they do. This evening truly was an experience to remember. For more information on upcoming events sponsored by the Yorkton Arts Council please contact 1.306.783.8722 or by email at FLP




Ray and Nadine Sharp

Ray Sharp and Nadine Jennett, Owners



ay Sharp bought the old Yorkton Hotel in 2006. Prior to this he was running an electronic repair shop, but began to look for other work when he saw his business becoming increasing irrelevant. After looking at the Yorkton Hotel several times but deciding it was out of reach in regards to time and finances, he tried to put it out of his mind. Eventually, there was an opportunity. Though the 110-year-old building was on its last legs, Ray saw potential. Through steady and constant renovations since he purchased it, the building has been transformed. The renovations have




revitalized the character building, and returned it to its past splendour. The work has been hard and the hours have been long both renovating and building a business simultaneously. Ray says he couldn’t have done it without his partner in business and in life, Nadine Jennett. “A crucial piece of the puzzle, supporting and helping me in all aspects of the business even though sometimes she probably questions my sanity.” Their hard work did not go unnoticed as they won the 2012 property restoration award from the Yorkton Chamber Celebrate Success Awards. “It was nice to get formal

recognition for all the hard work. It helps one mentally to strive to continue and push forward to completion,” says Ray. Along with reviving the pub and renovating the restaurant, Ray and Nadine have redone 35 rooms upstairs, changing them into apartments. Having redone the carpet, plumbing, boiler room, and many other additions, the rooms are now cozy and practical character homes that can be rented on a short term or long term basis. The spring, summer, and fall of 2012 has been devoted to refurbishing the exterior of the entire building. Ray and Nadine have tackled

this huge undertaking on their own and hope to have it completed before the snow flies. The tavern and the sushi restaurant are fully operational and busy, with a hobby shop and hair salon in the lower level. Ray’s crazy dream is coming to fruition, and other businesses are taking advantage of the new perspective on an old space. You can sit in Rayzr’s pub and order some traditional pub and comfort food, or even have sushi from Yorkton’s first sushi restaurant, Arigato. Their full menu is available for order in the pub. For whatever reason people come, they all stay for the welcoming atmosphere. Wednesdays is wing night, and the bar is always serving up the biggest and best wings in town to a full pub. Steak nights are on Fridays, and are always bustling with a hungry after work crowd. Every weeknight offers a different mouthwatering food special that is simple but prepared to perfection. Rayzr’s is also known for their exciting Halloween party, this year will be the fifth annual “Host for Ghosts” and will take place on Saturday, October 27th. Everyone comes to the full costume party to have a good time and enjoy the live band. This party is something the pub has become rather well known for. Long time and new staff members add to the inviting atmosphere, and make everyone feel welcome, from regulars through to newcomers. Aside from the staff and the environment, Nadine says it’s really the customers that create the wonderful atmosphere that can always be found in Yorkton’s most convivial pub. “Seeing the positive outcome of all the work has been rewarding,” says Nadine. “The people, the community, have really come together.” Both Ray and Nadine hope that all the hours of hard work will result in the Yorkton Hotel thriving in downtown Yorkton for many years to come. FLP

Yorkton Hotel 14 2nd Avenue, Yorkton 306.782.2947

(L-R): Maureen Graham (Office Administrator), Shelly Ross (General Manager), Kelly Stoll (Owner), Jonathan Ross (Administrator), Dustin Krepakevich (Field Operations Manager).



ecurity is serious business – don’t trust the protection of your home, your family or your business to just anyone. Do your research well before choosing your home or business security company. Be wary of home security companies that have no local presence in your community. Any company can sell you equipment and monitoring services, however, companies with no local presence usually offer poor and very costly service and mileage fees to do repairs. Don’t get caught up in free




install, free this free that, bottom line is you pay for those things with rates that can exceed $50 per month and long service contracts. Gardon Securities monitoring rates start at $20 per month and will never exceed $26.95 per month. Before you buy test how you would be treated if you bought the system. Dial into the tech support line or call the monitoring center. Call it a test drive or a trial run either way you will get a better idea of how the company will serve your

needs down the road. At Gardon there are no recorded messages, you get a person in Saskatchewan who cares about your security. “Somewhere along the line the personal experience has left the security industry” says Gardon Securities owner Kelly Stoll. “We all experience frustration contacting service providers: press one for this, press two for something else and then wait . . . Home and business are personal and people deserve to know and trust the people who provide them, their


and fam Kelly Stoll

loved ones and their staff with that most crucial service”. Gardon Securities does not solicit business door to door and doesn’t try to reel you in with gimmicks and bells and whistles. They offer the same features as their competitors wrapped up in good old fashioned friendly customer service and local presence. There is something to be said for the ethics of a small business owner in a community – Integrity has to count because it is your home. Check the

Better Business Bureau or local yellow pages before choosing a company. “In 30 years of business we have a clear history with the Better Business Bureau and we are very proud of that” says Shelly Ross – GM at Gardon Securities. Companies with no physical presence in your community are not invested in your community. At Gardon we believe in giving back with gifts of time, donations and service to the community. This is our home and we are here to help protect

yours. When it comes to security choose wisely . . . count on someone who will be there . . . Choose Gardon Securities. FLP

Gardon Securities 35 Betts Avenue, Yorkton 306.782.0211




Photo Baran Photography

Jarret Stoll:

From Yorkton to L.A. And BAck BY FLP StaFF


here are nearly 1,800 kilometres between Neudorf, Saskatchewan and Los Angeles, California, but Jarret Stoll made it, with a lot of stops in between, despite the distance. Born in Melville, the Stanley cup champion spent most of his childhood in the Yorkton area. In typical Canadian fashion, Stoll’s spare time was spent at the local rink, where he and his friends had the key and could come and go to practise and play hockey as they pleased. Both Jarret’s brother and sister played hockey as well as his school mates. Jarret’s family even made a rink in their back yard. Maybe his parents instinctively knew they were laying the foundation for one of their children to become an NHL sensation.




By 1997, Jarret was a force of nature on skates and helped Yorkton’s Bantam AAA Terriers win the Western Canadian Championship. At the end of that season, Stoll made it to the Western Hockey League’s Edmonton Ice. When the franchise moved to Cranbrook and became the Kooteney Ice, Stoll followed and spent his entire junior career with the team, eventually becoming captain and leading the team to a Memorial Cup victory in his final season.

But, like any young hockey player, the goal was always to reach the show. Stoll finally got his chance, but not after a few bumps. Stoll was originally drafted by the Calgary Flames, but when that franchise was not able to sign him, Stoll was traded to Toronto. The bad luck continued. The Leafs sent a fax to the NHL head offices, but the communication did not make it in time for the deadline, voiding the deal. Stoll decided to re-enter the draft, and he was scooped up by the Edmonton Oilers as their 36th overall pick.

During his junior hockey days Stoll also represented Canada for the World Junior Hockey Championships in 2001 and 2002, helping the team win bronze and a silver respectively.

Stoll spent four full years with the Oilers. In 2006 he experienced his first Stanley Cup game but the team lost the Carolina Hurricanes 3-1 in game seven. The next season, Stoll was second on the team

Photo Baran Photography

The Stoll family, Ashley, Kelly, Sherri, Tim and Jarret. ,

Photo By Mitch

naughty greeting cards for birthdays, office parties, anniversaries, stocking stuffers, or just because.

All About the Children

He is a wonderful young guy. For Jarret, A few months back, Under the Covers it was always bras about tothethe kids.line That’s added specialty of why we had the parade in Yorkton – he products offered. Fantasie, Elomi, wanted itWacoal, for the children. Goddess, Pleasure State, FitFully Yours, Van Elle, Q-T, Affinitas, He Burke, does and a lot of work witharethe Delta Marilyn Monroe a children’s’ hospitals and he few of the bra brands carried, andwanted while theis parade so children could bras, come there a good selection of in-stock and get a picture and wanted us new ones are added each month. to be sure to let people know children were welcome theenough banquet he was “Our goal is toathave of a–selection adamant about that. so really that every woman who walks in the door will have a choice of bras that fits this lifestyle,” event – herAll wellthe andproceeds is suited of to her everystates. cent of it –areright downfrom to the Phoebe Bras available A theand pictures (with to N$10 cup,charged 30 to 58for band, the friendly Jarret and the is going staff at Under the Stanley Covers Cup) can measure youtoif Yorkton you are Kid unsure of what Sport – andsize he you was should be wearing. adamant that it be Yorkton. Penny Sanderstock, Investment Advisor,

Under the Bank Covers alsoandhas great National Financial lead aorganizer for the Jarret Stoll Tribute in Yorkton.




selection of casual loungewear and with eight powerBlush, plays and led the robes—Kayanna, Wild Bleu,team withChang, a 55.1 and faceoff win percentage. Simon Montelle, to name a His gotare him noticed the Losfibers Angeles few.skills Many made fromby bamboo on September thatKings, absorband moisture and wick5,it 2008 away he signed a four-year traded from the body, making deal themand a great fix his orange for for anyone thatblack likes atowhite. stay dry and cool. The life a professional Lingerie is of offered in sizeshockey small player to plusis not also takes commitment 6X.all about Baby glory; dolls,it chemises, teddies, and striving forbelts, improvement. Jarret says shelf bras, garter body stockings, on a typical day his arrives at the rink corsets, bustiers, andteam undergarments ranging frombreakfast crotchless, to ruffles, to At and eats prepared by a chef. barely there, full-on grannies, 10 a.m. theyto all hit the rink for a twoand to twomuch more. hour Costumes, wigs, gloves, and-a-half practise. They practise boas, andsingle tutusday arethat alsois stocked year day. every not a game round, asthe arepractise women’s slips and shaping After they have lunch together garments. then go to the gym to work out. Most of the Kings live in the Hermosa Beach area A big boost in so men’s undergarments of Los Angeles the practise rink and gym is are scheduled for the upcoming close by. Later in the afternoon, some months; kinky and justtoplain will goslinky, play golf or go home catchold up on everyday wear,toplus robes andforbamboo some sleep compensate jet lag from loungewear, making Under the Covers a all the travelling to away games. place for everyone to shop. While Jarret has been celebrated by local

Make under the Covers your go-to hockey fansBook for hisa play with the Stanley place today! party, shop, or many(that Vancouver Canucks evenCup justChampions, ask questions you may the man havefans no will oneremember else to him ask!).as They are who finally sankto thediscussion, Canucks’ 2012 always open andStanley want cup hopes you withfeel a series-clinching first round to make comfortable finding whatovertime you goal. need. Discretion assured. Mail order catalogs available soon and the Kings, hasout continued you With can also checkStoll them online to at lead the franchise face offs and dominate the ice with power plays. In 2012, Stoll reached theout ultimate dream YOUR for anycovers prairie boy Come from under and with skates. The LA Kings defeated the New come into OURS. FLP Jersey Devils 6-1 in game six to win the Stanley cup. As a member of the winning team, “Stolly” had the opportunity to bring the cup home. He was greeted with a tremendous amount of home-town pride. Under the Covers A parade was held with Jarret beaming at 30 Betts Avenue the crowd who drew out young and old Yorkton, SK to catch a glimpse of the cup and the 306 782-7982 hometown hero who brought it home. 1 866 585.7982 A brief video clip on the LA Kings website may tell you everything you need to know

School Days Jarret was the kind of student you wished you had a whole class of. He always had his schoolwork done, was never late for class and always had a positive attitude. Jarret was polite and friendly and of course was a great athlete. Mike Malayney, school principal and teacher

Family Life We are all extremely proud of Jarret and its not only a dream come true for him but for our entire family. He devoted his whole life to hockey, worked so hard and sacrificed so much and to watch him reach his ultimate goal has been amazing! Ashley Wilson, sister

Scouting Jarret There is no doubt in my mind that Jarret Stoll was the best bantam in all of western Canada. Stoll was the complete package, a good size, great puck skills, and strong skater. He could shoot the puck like a cannon. At the time of Jarret’s bantam draft to the WCHL his father said, ‘He will not disappoint you.’ He didn’t say ‘I don’t think he’ll disappoint you,’ he said, ‘Jim, he will not disappoint you.’ Jarret raised the Memorial Cup in 2002. He raised the Stanley Cup in 2012. There’s not too much disappointment there at all.

Photos: Bright Tree Photography

Jim Nadon, retired RCMP officer and long-time junior and professional hockey scout about the character of our hometown hero, Jarret Stoll – the video shows the LA Kings’ centre man carrying the Stanley Cup into his grandmother’s garden at Neudorf, Saskatchewan and bear-hugging his grandmother, Doreen. Later, in front of close to 1200 people jammed into the multi-purpose room of the Gallagher Centre Complex in Yorkton, Stoll would be meticulous in paying tribute to the organizers, support staff, his family and even the caterers (for supplying his near-by home town “Grayson sausage” for the meal.) But for his Grandmother, Stoll gives the highest praise. “There was a moment there I will never forget. To take the Stanley Cup to my Gramma’s house and to her garden is one of the best things I’ve done in my entire life,” he said. “My Gramma puts on that 28 Jersey

(Jarret’s number which was chosen for his Grandfather Wilbert’s birth year) and she sits in Grampa’s old chair and she watches, and she watches, and she watches . . . sometimes, she’s by herself but she never misses a game,” Jarret continued “And I really appreciate that Gramma and I love you very much.” Stoll also paid tribute to his parents Tim and Sherri, and his brother Kelly and sister Ashley, whom, he said, sacrificed mightily for his career. “Everything started with my mom and my dad sacrificing so much for me and my brother and my sister,” Jarret said, “Spending money they didn’t have on equipment, sticks, and gas. My dad coached me all the way up; he taught me how to skate, to shoot, and how to challenge myself and get better. He also taught me to face adversity head on and to get up when you fall down, and get up pretty quick.”

Commitment In choosing team Canada players, the rule of thumb is to choose players of character. Although Jarret was team captain, he played the power play and killed penalties with Kootenay. When he was asked to centre the third line for team Canada and asked if he could be a “special player’ he responded ‘yes I can’. Barry Trapp, long time NHL hockey scout and coach

On Being Great I feel that Jarret has something in common with the greats “a throwback’ to people like Bobby Orr, Gordie Howe, Larry Robinson and Wayne Gretzky himself. It was and is and always should be an honour to play hockey. The game we all love at any level. Jarret Stoll believes that. The greats all care about their team and their team mates, their families and friends, and just as importantly they care about the fans. Ran Rimmer, former broadcaster




Photo: Bright Tree Photography

The Stoll family has strong roots in the area and both Kelly and Ashley have opened businesses in Yorkton. Kelly is the owner of Gardon Securities, which provides home security systems and surveillance services, and Ashley owns Uptown Casuals, a trendy upbeat fashion boutique.

Photo Baran Photography

Besides literally bringing home the Stanley Cup, Stoll puts his spare time and big name to use for his charity, the Jarret Stoll Patient Comfort Endowment Fund, which raises money to provide comfort to children in Saskatoon’s Royal University Hospital. Since 2005, Stoll has hosted the Jarret Stoll Celebrity Golf Classic to raise funds for the endowment. In 2011, 20 NHL players came out to the tournament, and the day raised $1 million. Jarret’s shared this advice for the rising hockey stars of tomorrow: “If you love it and you love playing, you should stick with it. Keep improving your skills and work hard--don’t ever let yourself go the other way. And hopefully, with a little luck something good will come your way. Sometimes it comes along later in life. Just don’t give up what you love.” At 30-years old, Stoll has had a life most can only dream of. He has played professional hockey and won its biggest prizes, raised money for those in need, has been romantically linked to some of the most beautiful women, and brought a piece of history to his home town. In June 2012 Stoll signed a $9.75-million, threeyear extension with the LA Kings; so while he has accomplished what many can only dream about, Jarret Stoll is not planning on hanging up his skates any time soon. FLP

Photo: Bright Tree Photography

Ashley Wilson and Jessica Hull

Uptown CasUals:

our style, like Yours, Is always Changing Young entrepreneurs Jessica Hull and Ashley Wilson have something for everyone at Uptown Casuals. Although the name of the store changed in May, the service and in store deals that you love have stayed the same, but they have also added more lines. Carrying current labels such as J Brand, 7 For All Mankind, Hudson, Scotch and Soda, Maison Scotch, Steve Madden, Hunter, 3 Stones, La Mer watches, Bjorn Borg underwear, and Co Lab bags, Uptown Casuals is a fashion forward boutique in the heart of Yorkton.

Stop by Uptown Casuals to find quality, stylish clothes and accessories at various price points—premium denim and footwear, affordable tops and dresses, fall and winter jackets, and even scarves and underwear. Uptown Casual has also recently expanded their offering to include menswear as well. Men and women of any age can find unique core wardrobe pieces and fashions for any occasions. Since the boutique only orders small quantities of each item, you don’t have to worry about having the same piece of clothing as everyone else. The store is as unique as you.

Uptown Casuals | 19 C Broadway St E, Yorkton | 306.783.0303 | |

Uptown Casuals

Kim and Ian Sandager

EvErybody’s Playground Where All Kids CAn PlAy by Devin Pacholik


ne day, Kim and Craig Sandager took their son, Ian, to a park in Saskatoon. The family, from Preeceville, Saskatchewan, had never been to a park like it before. You see, Ian, now kindergarten age, was born with a congenital defect, arthrogryposis. This means Ian has multiple contractions in his joints and relies on a wheelchair for mobility. The park in Saskatoon was handicap accessible. That day, for the first time, the mother and father watched their son play in a playground alongside other kids. Kim says, “It was amazing to see the joy on his face. I quickly decided I would do whatever I had to do so that my child could play alongside his friends.” The Sandagers wondered why they had never seen such a park in Preeceville. For them, all children have the right, not




the privilege, to play. At that moment, watching the joy in their son’s face, Kim and Craig decided their hometown needed such a park, so that children like Ian have somewhere to grow. Kim describes the importance of accessible playgrounds, which she believes are a basic right, “That’s where kids make their memories. Children remember being left out.” For the next two years, Kim and Craig scraped together their community’s resources to build Everybody’s Playground, a play area and structure that is suited for children with or without special needs. On October 2, 2012, Everybody’s Playground opened. The area consists of about 3000 square feet of a special rubber cushion material on the ground, and the play structure in the centre

of the space has wheelchair ramp access and a variety of activities for kids to enjoy. of the space has wheelchair ramp access and a Craig, with members ofenjoy. the community, varietyalong of activities for kids to had a major hand in helping build it all. “This place for everyone,” the of father says. “We Craig,isalong with members the community, wanted to givehand kids like Ian a chance.” had a major in helping build it all. “This place is for everyone,” the father says. “We The journey haskids beenlike difficult due to what Kim wanted to give Ian a chance.” and Craig believe is an oversight in this province: aThe lackjourney of funding for such hasavailable been difficult dueprojects. to whatKim Kim says, “There’s no additional funding. are and Craig believe is an oversight in thisThere province: grants available, but the processes of waiting a lack of funding available for such projects. Kim and can no be additional hard.” Kimfunding. summarizes says,denial “There’s Therethe are last two years of work, “Money and time were grants available, but the processes of waiting secondary the be emotional factor.” and denialtocan hard.” Kim summarizes the last two years of work, “Money and time were Kim expands on emotional the financial challenges the secondary to the factor.” project faced from the start, “I brought up the to theon school division challenges to check their Kimneed expands the financial the commitment contribution vision. project facedorfrom the start, to“I my brought up They quickly let me knowdivision that it was a project the need to the school to check their for the community and that any commitment or contribution to assistance my vision. they a division gave would be feasible. Theyasquickly let me know thatnot it was a project I for learned that most playgrounds were paid for the community and that any assistance with grant money and fundraising. We have they as a division gave would not be feasible. started to that research apply forwere grants I learned most and playgrounds paidbut for found ourselves ineligible for manyWe duehave to with grant money and fundraising. certain startedrestrictions.” to research and apply for grants but found ourselves ineligible for many due to One of the ways Kim and Craig raised funds certain restrictions.” was the Run for those Who Roll fundraising and awareness worked One of thecampaign. ways KimThe and fundraiser Craig raised funds by community sponsoring runnersand to was the Run formembers those Who Roll fundraising raise money to build Everybody’s Playground. awareness campaign. The fundraiser worked by community members sponsoring runners to “Run thosetowho Roll” created an opportunity raisefor money build Everybody’s Playground. for our community to come together to raise money onlywho forRoll” my created child, but for all the “Run fornot those an opportunity children our community,” Kimtogether says. to raise for our in community to come money not only for my child, but for all the Now thatinthe is completed, children ourpark community,” Kim Kim says.and Craig are using their story as an example. Kim says, “Hopefully we’ve some part raising Now that the park had is completed, Kiminand Craig awareness. All story kids want play with are using their as an to example. Kim their says, friends.” Craigwe’ve adds,had “Everything in ourinfamily’s “Hopefully some part raising life can be a challenge. Here, to I think awareness. All kids want playwe’ve with done their the right thing.” friends.” Craig adds, “Everything in our family’s life can be a challenge. Here, I think we’ve done With the attention the right thing.” the Sandager family is getting, Kim makes sure to mention her friend Andrea Lavallee is looking into building With thewho attention the Sandager family ais similar getting, accessible park for Meadow Lake. “A park for Kim makes sure to mention her friend Andrea special we into havebuilding to builda itsimilar with Lavalleeneeds who means is looking different standards,” says. “It can “A be difficult accessible park for Kim Meadow Lake. park for tospecial find support.” needs means we have to build it with different standards,” Kim says. “It can be difficult Meanwhile, watching Ian play, like every kid to find support.” should, the Sandagers’ effort was well worth it. FLP Meanwhile, watching Ian play, like every kid should, the Sandagers’ effort was well worth it. FLP

Participants of the Run for those Who Roll fundraiser Participants of the Run for those Who Roll fundraiser

Everybody’s Playground Everybody’s Playground






Winter 2012





November 1, 2012 Yorkton Arts Council Stars for Saskatchewan

November 18, 2012 Yorkton Newcomer Welcome Centre Yorkton Festival of Cultures

November 4, 2012 Murdoch University Deepavali Festival

November 23, 2012 Horizon Credit Union Yorkton Terriers vs Melville Millionaires

November 7-10, 2012 Yorkton Exhibition Grain Millers Harvest Showdown

November 24, 2012 Gallagher Centre Melville Millionaires vs Yorkton Terriers

November 11, 2012 Remembrance Day

November 24, 2012 Ardross Street, Melville Applecross Rotary Club Jacaranda Festival

DECEMBER December 2, 2012 Kishorn Road, Applecross Christmas at Canning Bridge Arts Markets

December 25, 2012 Christmas Day

December 8, 2012 Ukrainian Orthodox Auditorium, Yorkton Let it Snow Shopping Blitz

December 26, 2012 Boxing Day

December 8, 2012 Hanukkah December 8, 2012 Piney Lakes Reserve Love Community Christmas Event

December 30, 2012 Gallagher Centre Melville Millionaires vs Yorkton Terriers

December 16, 2012 Yorkton Arts Council Stars for Saskatchewan

December 31, 2012 New Year’s Eve




Walk in With a problem anD Walk out With a solution By Shawna Common PHOTOS Todd kulSCar


ome Hardware Building Centre in Yorkton is a locally owned and operated store that has everything you need for your home and much more including the best lumber, Ready-To-Move homes, and hunting and fishing selection in town. The 50 staff members, who possess many years of service, can assist you with your projects by providing their expert advice. The store has a complete selection of everything you need for your home. The store features a unique hunting and fishing section, which is like a store within a store. It including the largest selection of guns and ammunition the Parkland area. Staff are highly qualified, and they are able to assist customers with all their hunting questions. The store is the only retailer in Saskatchewan that carries Christensen Arms, and also




carries many popular brands of guns, ammunition and scopes such as Savage, Browning, Remington, Winchester, Ruger, Mossberg, CZ, Benelli, Bushnell, Scorpion, Leupold and much more. The professionals in the department will also mount and bore-site scopes. There is also a PK Lure pro-staff fisherman on staff, and he can help you with your fishing equipment purchases and questions. The Home Hardware and Building Centre also features the largest Shimano selection in Yorkton. Hunting and fishing staff regularly attend international trade shows to ensure they are current on the all latest information and trends in hunting and fishing. The store carries the largest selection of ammunition in eastern Saskatchewan, and it also offers a complete selection of game licences.

Commercial, contractors and do-ityourself customers appreciate the lumber section of the store, and the Home Hardware Building Centre is a member of the Western Retail Lumber Association (WRLA). The lumber section has one of the best selections of lumber and supplies in town, and it employs expert staff. For a simple, economic solution to for property development, check out Home Hardware’s Ready-To-Move homes (RTM). Their wide selection of RTM homes are industry-leading for their durability and customizable craftsmanship. Anything you need for your project whether you’re building a hotel or a shed in your backyard, the professionals at Home Hardware Building Centre

can help, and they will always be there to provide expert advice. “Many staff members have been here for years, and they are committed to providing the best customer service to each and every one of our valued customers. We are proud to offer our customers expert advice from our highly qualified and experienced staff,� say store manager Curtis Danyluk and owner Alex Myrowich. Visit the Yorkton Home Hardware Building Centre at 145 Broadway Street East to discover what the professionals can do for you. Check out their website at for a complete list of products, or call (306) 783-3608 for more information. FLP Home Hardware Building Centre 145 Broadway St E 306.783.3608

Evan Johnson



van Johnson can place his interest in real estate as far back as his teens. “When I was 15 my family purchased some properties and I remember watching our realtor and thinking ‘I want to do that.’” Evan said. After initially starting a media career in Saskatoon, it didn’t take long for Evan




to realize it wasn’t for him. “I wanted something more fulfilling,” he said. In 2007 Evan made a huge life change and became a licensed realtor. The next two years in Saskatoon were big for the young professional as the area was one of the busiest in the country, but in 2009 he decided it was time to be closer to his family and the community he grew up

in and joined the Remax Yorkton team. “I really care about Yorkton,” Evan said, “I’m a community minded person. I like to be involved, and it takes that level of involvement to know what’s out there so you can give your clients the best service.” And, as anyone who’s bought a house since the Saskatchewan boom

knows, a realtor who’s connected the community market is essential. For Evan, one of the biggest advantages of working for the community of Yorkton is that he’s able to take the time to get to know his clients and find them a home that fits their exact needs. One way Evan finds you the home of your dreams is through his work as one of two exclusive Blue Chip Homes realtors. Building a brand new home is a lot of work and requires meticulous attention to the details. By buying a new home through Blue Chip Homes, you get someone to help with organizing and decision making from the start. “I like working with a client from the blueprints to possession,” Evan said of his work with Blue Chip, “After the six to eight months it takes to for the client to get the keys, you really have built a relationship with them that will last a lifetime.” For those who aren’t looking to build a new home, Evan has years of experience finding clients the perfect pre-existing home. Before the first showing, Evan takes the time to sit down with all of his clients and get to know them in order to find out exactly what they’re looking for. Taking the time to show you carefully chosen homes, Evan understands that selling real estate isn’t like any other sales job out there. “You can’t convince someone to buy a home,” he said “People usually know instantly if it’s for them or not. It’s my job to find that home they immediately connect with.” The world of real estate is constantly changing, and therefore, so is Evan. New classes and courses, and mentoring from senior agents have helped him ensure that he gives his clients the best service possible. Evan would like to encourage you to contact him for your next transaction. Given him a call at (306) 620-7977 to see how he can help you find or build your next dream home. FLP

Evan Johnson - Remax 269A Hamilton Road, Yorkton 306.620.7977




(L-R): Sheryl Byczynski, Jeff Kaspick, Jacqui Friesen, Meme Koch, Nadine Wagner, Dave Kluk



agner’s Flooring Canada offers service based on the premise that customers should enjoy their home design and renovation experience. But it’s not just an individual experience - it’s a family venture. From its beginning as a small “Mom and Pop” outlet in the 1960s, Wagner’s Flooring has evolved into a secondgeneration family owned and operated business with 14 employees.




“Family means everything to us,” says Nadine Wagner, head of sales and operations. “And by ‘family’ we mean everyone who works and shops at our store.” For many customers, a great design experience means having the opportunity to bounce ideas back and forth with experienced staff. “Consumers have wonderful ideas,”

says Wagner. “Sometimes they are inspired by floors they’ve seen in magazines or other homes. We look at those examples and work with them to achieve a similar effect, but we help them to make it their own.” On the other hand, Wagner says some customers have done their research and know exactly what they want. “In those cases we show them what we have and what the possibilities are. But some

people ask us to ‘just do it.’ Then we ask questions to identify colour preferences and style, and offer options in both design and installation.” Wagner’s Flooring also provides helpful service for do-it-yourself consumers. “If you have installed your own flooring before or if you have not, we can provide you with the information you need,” Wagner says. “Together we can create a memorable experience and a personalized outcome that truly works for your whole family.” Despite the best planning, renovations and new construction projects may not always run smoothly. “In a perfect world, there would be no delays, but the reality is that hidden structural problems can appear in a renovation. Products and tradespeople can be delayed. Sometimes the prep work involved is more than customers anticipated or simply aren’t ready for. By working with customers ahead of time, our experienced staff can prepare them to deal with potential problems, or guide them through any challenges that do arise.”

Serving the community Wagner’s Flooring has a commitment to service that extends well beyond the walls of the store on the corner of Smith Street and Myrtle Avenue in Yorkton. Wagner and her husband, Gary Wagner, who co-owns the business with his brother Garth Wagner, are actively involved with various service groups - as are many staff members. “This (community) is truly where it all begins,” Wagner says. “We believe this city rocks! It has so much to offer and we want to do our part to give back to the people.” Personally, Wagner is an active member of the Yorkton Lions Club where she previously served as President. She spends much of her spare time engaged in related activities that serve the Yorkton district.

A changing, growing industry Since Wagner’s Flooring Canada was founded more than 4 decades ago, styles have changed frequently - and so has flooring technology. Wagner says that

one of the most critical changes to their operation has been their membership in the Flooring Canada buying group. With U.S. partner, Flooring America, Flooring Canada provides access to leading edge industry news and information, a wider variety of suppliers and qualitytested products from across North America, and buying power, resulting in lower prices. In addition, Wagner’s staff and do-ityourself customers can find “how-to” advice on the Flooring Canada website. As well as a wide selection of floor coverings, Wagner’s provides Beam Central Vacuum Systems and window coverings from one of the most recognized custom blind manufacturers in the marketplace, Hunter Douglas. Recently, they have ventured into the outdoors with Dec-king deck solutions.




Service goes beyond the provision of quality products and sound advice. Between them, Wagner’s Flooring coowners Gary and Garth have more than 80 years of installation experience in both residential and commercial settings. To bolster their workforce, Nadine Wagner says, “We work with some very talented independent contractors.” Wagner’s Flooring has served Western Manitoba and Eastern Saskatchewan from in its current location since 1974, but plans to move into a new, larger facility in 2013. Wagner says the new location at 464 Broadway St. East promises to be consumer-friendly, with a spacious and inviting area of display systems, a strong selection of family-oriented products and even a space for children to play while their parents browse. “Our business is about more than

helping people with their living or work space,” Wagner says. “We want to ensure Wagner’s Flooring is a place where people feel at home, and where friends will send friends.” Visit Wagner’s Flooring at 46 Myrtle Avenue, on their website, or on Facebook.

Wagner’s Flooring 46 Myrtle Avenue Yorkton 306.783.8392

L-R Jake Gross, Linda Gross, Stephen Bewcyk, Rob Kryski, Jake Bailey, Paul Snooks, Joshua Edlin

GCL ConstruCtion of yorkton A LeAp of fAith to A firm foundAtion by Jack Dawes photos ToDD J kulcsar, TJk PhoTograPhic services


n 2000 Jake and Linda Gross took a major leap of faith. Since 1983, a concrete/construction business which had begun with a few driveway, patio and sidewalk jobs, had blossomed into a major commercial venture, including concrete work for well known local businesses, such as Linden Square, Silverwood Enterprises and All Season Rentals. But now the time had come to jump into the world of concrete pumping, and that meant an investment of over threehundred-thousand dollars in a machinevital to modern concrete application.




The investment was strategic and successful. Today Gross Construction Ltd – GCL for short – serves eastern Saskatchewan with two concrete pump units capable of pushing concrete up to 90-feet high.

swinging cranes of times past. GCL also uses laser-guided and mechanical levelling devices, producing beautifully finished concrete in much less time than the old manual “bull float and two-by-four” method.

One of GCL’s recent major projects was to pump thousands of yards of concrete for the construction of two Yorktonbased canola crush plants.

For concrete piling work, the company can also custom drill holes up to 56inches in diameter and 20-feet deep.

Modern concrete placement employs a truck-mounted pair of huge hydraulic cylinders, which push concrete wherever it is needed, replacing chains of wheel barrow-laden workers and bucket-

Efficient, modern equipment is vital, but Jake and Linda Gross remain convinced that experienced operators and dedicated staff is their real “secret weapon.”

Concrete Beginnings In 1976, Jake was hired in Yorkton as a welder. As a shift worker, he was parttime at a local concrete supply company where he learned the trade. Linda says GCL remained literally a home-based business until the current business and shop site at 350 6th Avenue North, Yorkton was constructed in 2007. You might say Gross Construction is what happens when two entrepreneurial minds team up. Jake was Manitoba - born, but he learned welding and to work with machinery as a farm kid in Alberta. His wife and business partner, Linda, grew up on a dairy farm near Melville, Saskatchewan. As well as being a wife and mother, for 15 years Linda ran a sewing and alterations business and “did the books” for GCL. But as GCL grew, she closed the sewing business to be full-time office manager and dispatcher for the rapidly expanding business. GCL now finds its main niche is commercial concrete work, including foundations. Currently, GCL is building a large commercial building (with concrete of course,) adjacent to their home site – a “sort of retirement project,” jokes the couple. Jake and Linda say GCL has been fortunate to have dedicated and experienced employees, who share their own commitment to quality workmanship. What are the secrets to effective concrete work? “Very simple,” says Jake. “Slow down, do it right and don’t do it twice!” FLP

GCL Gross Construction 182 7th Avenue North Yorkton, SK 306.783.8162

Owners, Jake and Linda Gross

Crusader drilling: in Pursuit of oil field exCellenCe By Jack Dawes Photos ToDD kulscar


on Rae might be said to have “oil in his DNA.” It shows in his passion for the industry and in the people he works with. The Rae family farm, near Carievale, in south east Saskatchewan, is in sight of many oil rigs, and Don’s dad often worked those rigs. Seeing the rigs always excited the young




Rae, and that excitement never left him. At age 16, Rae began as a “roughneck,” but he worked his way to rig manager, drilling consultant then, oil and gas company owner and CEO. “The dream was always there. It was something I really wanted to do.”

Rae came to Yorkton in 1999, formed an oil and gas company in 2003, and in 2008, he founded Crusader Drilling. Horizontal drilling is very popular. “It will be for years to come because the vertical wells test up the play and the horizontal wells drain it,” says Don.

Crusader’s five-year plan was “a rig a year if we could.” Rig one was delivered in 2009, rig two in 2010, rig three arrived on February 2012, still leaving the possibility to be “on track” for the five year plan. The economic pull-back delayed rig rig four. Crusader’s plan was accepted immediately by the Cornerstone Credit Union in Yorkton, which remains a valued supporter of the company. Other capital was raised through SaskWorks, and private investors. Rig one required 6.2 million dollars. Controller (and company investor) Joanne Perkins says it was “very scary” writing that first million dollar cheque. Rae notes, “It’s always scary. We were in a tight market then too, and a lot of people said we’d never raise this money, but we did.” Rae credits his personal relationship with the industry for its willingness to invest in Crusader. “Each time you build one of these rigs you make improvements and the price increases as well.” explains Joanne. “Once funds are in place, it takes seven or eight months to build and assemble the unit.” Rig two was 7.5 million, and rig three came in at 9.3 million. Crusader rigs stand out in the field. In true prairie fashion they are painted John Deere green and yellow. One is currently located in Alberta, and two are in Saskatchewan, but designed for quick relocation. While it may sound cliché for a company to credit its employees with success, it’s clear that Don Rae really means it when he says he merely “steers the ship” and he is truly appreciative of everyone “from the office staff to the roughnecks.” Rae says he learned the success of managing people early. “I decided that if I was the one to make the decisions and give the orders, I would treat people very well. Then they’ll want to go the extra mile for you and stay loyal.”FLP

Crusader Drilling Corp #5 - 76 7th Ave South Yorkton 306.786.2970

l-r Joanne Perkins, Linda Pelletier, tracy Dewar, Don Rae

L to R: Brian Hancock, Jeff Hannotte, Wray Ransome, Chris Leis, Jean Verhelst, Trent Holland, Don Baluk, Verne Trowell, Jackson Tetreault, Ron Crandlemire, Kelly Hancock

Hancock Plumbing Three generaTions have proudly served yorkTon for over 50 years by Brook ThalgoTT PHotos lori TrosT


ancock Plumbing Ltd. has been a steadfast presence on Broadway Street E. since 1959. Three generations of the Hancock family have run the business since then and offered Yorkton heating and plumbing services for more than five decades. The eldest Hancock, Richard, moved his family from Brandon to Yorkton in 1954, taking a job with Lang’s Plumbing. In 1959, Richard bought out Lang’s and hung his own name over the door. Richard’s son Brian joined the family business in the early 1970s, buying the company from his




father in 1983. In 2011, Brian’s son Kelly became the third Hancock to run the family business. Brian’s wife (and Kelly’s mom) Joy, is a spare hand at the shop when she’s needed. Brian plans to fully retire this winter and hopes to spend more time golfing, fishing, and travelling with Joy. Hancock Plumbing is a full service heating and plumbing company, serving both residential and commercial customers. They are also pleased to be Yorkton’s only Lennox dealer – and have been for 42 years. “It’s not easy

to become a Lennox Premiere dealer. They are very selective about who can sell their products, and my grandfather secured that for us a long time ago” says Kelly. “Lennox offers great products, and we’re pleased to supply them to the Yorkton area.” The Hancock storefront at 71 Broadway Street East is also home to a showroom, featuring many of the products that they sell and install. They offer a selection of Moen and Delta faucets; Toto, American Standard and Coroma toilets; and Kindred & Blanco kitchen sinks.

Brian and Kelly Hancock , owners Richard A. Hancock, founder (inset)

In addition to bathroom and kitchen fixtures, Hancock carries hot water heaters, including Rinnai, Bradford White and John Wood. Not only do the Hancocks pride themselves on offering good quality products to their customers, they are also very proud of the level of customer service they provide. Handling insurance claims are part of their business, as well as servicing all types of competitor’s equipment. Even if you don’t have a Lennox furnace, they’re qualified to service whatever furnace you have. They are happy to provide free estimates for their work, and offer financing through the SaskEnergy Network. “We believe in providing our customers with the guidance and expert advice they need to get the right piece of heating or plumbing equipment, that’s within their budget” adds Kelly.

through the trade” says Brian. The Hancocks are quite proud of their employees, and some have been with them for more than 35 years. “All in all, we’re about serving our customers the best way we can. We pride ourselves in being honest, reliable members of the community” says Kelly. “You don’t stick around for 53 years if you aren’t any of those things.” FLP

Hancock Plumbing Ltd. 71 Broadway Street East Yorkton, SK 306.783.3028

The company employs 12 trained and committed staff members, ready to help their customers whenever they need it. “We have put many Journeyman Plumbers and Sheet Metal workers






rom its Mexican import roots to the high class store it is today, the Frozen Cactus has been a fixture on Broadway Street in Yorkton since 1996. The Frozen Cactus was born out of love for Mexican products by the owners Leah and Merv Cushman. It started out as a small storefront in Esterhazy to bring the Mexican products they enjoyed back to Saskatchewan to share with others. They quickly outgrew their space and expanded by purchasing what was the oldest pharmacy in Saskatchewan from Mr. Fletcher in 1996. With much renovating and redecorating the historic pharmacy became the Frozen Cactus as it is today.

When you walk in the door you are entranced by the home décor groupings that highlight different colour schemes and decorating themes for your home.




If it is unique and different you are likely to find it at the Frozen Cactus. They specialize in some well-known brands such as Pandora, Lug and Lampe Berge, but they also carry Sunpan furniture and cowhide rugs. If you are a food or wine connoisseur you will delight in the collection of wildly delicious gourmet and foxy gourmet products which provide a treat for your palette. If you love wine – then you will have to try Brix chocolate for wine tasting.

Cactus has accessories to compliment any style and taste.

Looking for a perfect gift for a lady in your life or an “it’s great to be me gift” for yourself? The choices of silver and semiprecious stone, and costume jewellery and fashion accessories like handbags, scarves and even Spanx are endless. Do you need something to enhance your new outfit? The Frozen

The staff takes time to get to know you and what you like. Over time they develop an eye for your tastes and preferences allowing them to customize your shopping experience. The staff is very knowledgeable and experienced, so they are happy to provide you with expert advice for your home décor. If you

Make sure you have a few minutes when you make the trip to Frozen Cactus, as their walls are covered in unique and trendy wall art with something to match everyone’s taste and style including framed prints and original canvases. They endeavour to always find new and interesting items so that each trip into the store is a one of a kind experience.

are looking for beautiful things for you and your home – look no further than the Frozen Cactus in Yorkton. Customers often visit the store simply to relax and enjoy the welcoming atmosphere of the heritage building, and explore the many unique products the store showcases. Visitors to the store are often treated with samples of the many unique gourmet products available, as well as frequent draws for gifts. Take a vacation from the ordinary by visiting the Frozen Cactus at 37 Broadway Street East across from the City Centre Park in Yorkton, or call (306) 783-0313 for more information. FLP The Frozen Cactus 37 Broadway St E Yorkton 306.783.0313 Standing L-r Gail Vaughan, Lois Squire, Laurene Jemieff, Carla Onslow Sitting L-r Leah Cushman , Marilyn Sheppard FineLifestyles







etworking is an important activity when it comes to marketing and building a business. It can produce potential clients, it can also be a great way to meet other like-minded people, and business resources. While women have natural tendencies to connect with each other, without a plan aligned for business, networking can be a dead end. Chances are you have been to a social gathering that was a great platform for networking. You met lots of fabulous people, shared in delightful conversation, and exchanged several business cards, maybe even offered to do coffee one day soon. You left feeling wonderful, feeling like you made some connections with people and have some hot leads. A couple days pass by with no phone calls, no emails. A week goes by, still nothing. The enthusiastic high is gone, and so is your hope.

The real networking starts after the exchange of business cards. Have you ever heard the phrase, the magic is in the follow up? Whether you’re in sales, business building mode, or recruiting high potentials, the rubber hits the road when you take that business card and initiate communication. Leaders initiate. People do business with people they know, like, and trust. The stage where the business cards were exchanged was simply an introduction; chances are there wasn’t time or space to make a meaningful or fruitful connection. Take the next step in building rapport by sending an email or a hand-written note. My personal preference is a hand-written note – it’s personal and it stands out from the flood of daily emails people get. But an email will work as well because it shows thoughtfulness. If you promised one of those network introductions a coffee meeting, then don’t wait for them to initiate, call that person to set up a date and time. When you finally meet face to face without the constant interruptions or distractions of the original function then be prepared to get to know the other person. Make a point of learning about what matters most to them. Not sure what to say or ask? Here’s a great formula to help you: FORM. Ask questions about the other person’s Family, their Occupation, what they enjoy for Recreation, and their Market (who is their ideal client or referral). These questions demonstrate genuine interest in the other person, and no matter what you’re selling or looking for chances are good that you’ll uncover the information you are seeking to determine a fit or not. Getting to know the other person is a high priority in the follow up meeting, it’s also equally as important to talk about yourself and your business. People can’t get to know you unless you share, this builds credibility and trust. Along the way try be likeable, it’ll get you further in your networking. Networking requires some effort; it calls for more than handing out or collecting business cards. Networking is about meeting people and getting to know them so that they’ll want to get to know you and your business. Win over their hearts and you’ll win more business. Jill Poulton ( is President of the Regina Women’s Network and coaches business women to higher levels of success. You can contact Jill at or 306-585-2123. FLP




A Different Way to Travel!

cruising, which attracts 15 million annually. But river cruises are growing in popularity and for many good reasons.

Gwyne Farrow and Tammy Biblow Agency Owner & Agency Manager 86B 7th Ave South Yorkton, SK 306.782.3707


ave you ever thought of travelling to Europe? Russia? China? Are you confused as to what would be the best way to see these parts of the world? Let me make a suggestion. River Cruising! Have you heard of it? It is basically a hotel on water. Attracting 325,000 passengers each year, river cruising is still a relatively small phenomenon compared to ocean




The ships are small. There are only a couple of hundred passengers on board, which means you won’t find line-ups in the restaurants, at the buffet, or when you’re getting on and off the boat. There’s more personalized service too. You get to know the crew and they get to know you. You get to know other travellers, too. On ocean ships, there are many passengers you’ll never see twice, while river cruises provide a much more intimate atmosphere. With river cruises, you’re often able to pull right into the centre of many towns and be just steps away from top attractions. Best of all, for those of us who don’t like the constant motion of a ship, on a river cruise ship there’s no motion sickness. In fact, you barely feel any motion at all. For many travellers, the slow sail along a river is just the right pace for taking all the surroundings in. Picture yourself sitting on the top deck of a luxurious ship under the brilliant blue European sky as you gaze upon the landscapes that seem to have been taken right from a book;

with castles, villages and vineyards. River cruises manage the logistics of moving from one city to another for you without you ever having to repack a bag. It is an elegant and peaceful way to see the world. Of course one concern of some travellers is the cost of a river cruise. So the old saying goes “you get what you pay for.” Included in your price are all meals including beer and wine with those meals and the best part is that shore excursions are also included. Can you go off and explore on your own? Of course! But know that each port you stop in has top of the line guided tours included in your cruise price, so there is not a need for any out of pocket expenses. Well, with the exception of wonderful shopping of course. Tired of hopping in and out of motor coaches or checking out of hotels at 6 a.m. on traditional land tours? A river cruise offers the convenience and luxury of a deep-ocean cruise combined with the in-depth experience of a land tour and the personal freedom of a river cruise. Step aboard. Unpack once. Explore, and enjoy. FLP

Let The Mortgage Broker Work For You

Paul Kuntz AMP Mortgage Associate License Number 316045 89 Broadway Street E Yorkton 306-783-4460

Principal Broker 315812


s the leaves start to turn and the nights get cold, we begin to spend more time in our homes. That’s when we start to think about redecorating or perhaps a renovation. It wasn’t too many years ago when a renovation did not do much to our home values. Our markets were flat for many years in this area. Now, as we experience a buoyant economy, investments in our homes are real investments.

So the first question is, where do we get the cash from to do the reno? Well the easiest place to get the required funds is the equity in your home. I do not recommend a 2nd mortgage. If you have a mortgage on your home right now, the most economical choice is to re-do that mortgage and add to it. First mortgages have much lower interest rates than a second. So how much can you borrow? Well as of April 2012, the maximum amount you can borrow is 80% of the value of your home. (Don’t get confused about buying a home. You still only need 5% down to purchase a home.) There are few different ways you can get equity out of your home. One way is to increase your mortgage. So if you owe $100,000 and you need $25,000, you simply take out a new $125,000 mortgage. You are free to select your repayment option. If you have 15 years left on your mortgage, you can keep that amortization with higher payments, or you can increase the amortization and keep your payments the same. Another option is to set up a home equity line of credit. This is a separate borrowing facility that is separate from you regular mortgage. So if you owe $100,000 and need an extra $25,000, you can keep your $100,000 owing separate and keep paying it as you normally would. Then you would have a line of credit authorized up to $25,000. The lender would ask you to pay the interest monthly. You can

pay the principal whenever you like. The benefit of this borrowing facility is you can re-borrow as often as you like. So you can use that $25,000 line of credit to renovate, pay it off and re-borrow to buy a car if you like. It is always there for you. One downfall is that the interest rate is a bit higher than a regular mortgage, but it is very flexible. From a property value perspective, if you owe $150,000 on your home and you are thinking of spending $50,000 on a renovation, your home will need to be worth $250,000. Then the lending value of your home will be $200,000 allowing you to payout your first mortgage and give you $50,000. If your home is worth $250,000 before the renovation, that is an easier street to go down. You will get your $50,000 and you do not have to account to the mortgage lender as to what you are doing with the money. If you need the renovation in order to get the home value to the required amount, that makes the process a bit more complicated. You will need to have a detailed plan as to what you are going to spend and will need to stick to that plan. You will also have to prove to the mortgage lender that the work is done so they will require inspections. Whatever your renovation situation, we can help get you the money you need. Get the answers to your mortgage question by calling Wheatland Financial. FLP




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YORKTON and Area

Retail marketplace Imagine What You Would Do With A Few Extra Hours Every Week


Amazing Menu. Amazing Atmosphere. ARIGATO SUSHI & RAYZR’S PUB

Fresh and authentic Japanese recipes located in the Yorkton Hotel. AMAZING MENUS – AMAZING ATMOSPHERES!

At Tantalize Tan you’ll find the Arigato Sushi finest inJapanese premium sun beds and N 14 Second Avenue North Yorkton, SK S3N 1G2 professional skin care products. 1 306.783.8282 | Our professionally trained staff will ensure that you will achieve your tanning goals. By Nykea Marie Behiel Photos By Jessanna Jones

ew and old come together to create a dynamic business duo in downtown Yorkton. The 110-year-old Yorkton Hotel on Second Avenue has a long history of serving people, and has recently been revitalized to better suit the needs of its clientele. The renovations have brought the Yorkton Hotel to life. First time visitors come out of curiosity, then return for the great food, relaxed atmosphere, and friendly customer service.

Japanese Restaurant and Rayzr’s pub. Although separate, these two businesses work together to address the growing demand of their sophisticated customers. These two establishments have heard the needs of the community, and provide what the citizens of Yorkton seek.

This unique old building houses two special businesses—Arigato Sushi

Oh Jin Kwon and his brother Kai came to Yorkton with plenty of experience from cities around the world. With over 10 years of experience, they have worked in Toronto, Vancouver, Japan, and Australia before coming here to open Yorkton’s first sushi restaurant. Although they have only been open six months, Jin has already had positive feedback and return customers. Everything is freshly made from high quality ingredients. Their focus on excellence and authentic Japanese recipes sets them apart from any other restaurant in Yorkton.

Tantalize Tanning Studio 77 Broadway Street West Yorkton, SK S3N 0L9 1 306.782.5757 Locally Owned - International Quality

Come in to choose from a large selection of quilting cottons in a full rainbow of colours.

Would you spend more time with your family, read a book, volunteer for a good cause or simply relax?

Fabricland 32 Betts Avenue, Yorkton | 306.782.5544 www.

The possibilities are endless

Get your time back and call

Perfectly Clean

Commercial and Residential Cleaning Treena Dudar 306.621.4758

So Much More Than Just a Western Store Stop by to see for yourself!

The Hitching Post 17 Betts Avenue, Yorkton 306.783.5629 |




YORKTON and Area

Retail marketplace


Put the Wow in Your Decor

Want the WOW factor in style, sophistication, clean lines or your own look? Shop The Plum Tree for ALL your decorating needs. The Plum Tree 385 Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.786.5006

Your Premium Tan Headquarters

At Tantalize Tan you’ll find the finest in premium sun beds and professional skin care products. Our professionally trained staff will ensure that you will achieveTan your tanning goals. find the At Tantalize you’ll Tantalize Tanning Tanning Studio finest in Studio premium sun beds and 77 Broadway Street West Yorkton Yorkton, Sask professional skin care products. 306.782.5757 || Our professionally trained staff will ensure that you will achieve your tanning goals.

Tantalize Tanning Studio 77 Broadway Street West Yorkton, SK S3N 0L9 1 306.782.5757 Featuring Tattoos by Adam Paton & JG

Tues. - Sat. 12 - 7 pm. Art from traditional tattooing to portraits. Walk-Ins welcome (time pending) Best service, and the best style Come visit us or check us out on Facebook!

Look of an upscale boutique with affordable prices and small town personalized service - Come see our style!

Skin City Tattoos 44 Second Avenue Yorkton, SK | (306) 782-8288 | Skin-City-Tattoo

Losa Chic Boutique 29B Broadway Street E Yorkton | 306.621.2127

Parkland’s Largest DJ Sound Company

House of BBG Cosmetics

Saddles & Steel Music Productions 182 Broadway Street, Yorkton | 306.738.4397 |

Pretty Face Makeup Studio 102 - 19 Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.783.6253 |

Music Store, Special Events, DJs, Professional Production


Dress Trendy For Less

FineLifestyles FineLifestyles PARKLAND PARKLAND

“Come get your Pretty Face on” in Yorkton, SK.

One Stop Shop for Any Occasion

We cater to women of all ages in all stages of life. Call to book your one on one bridal fitting with Tracy, Irene, Linda or Pat. Don’t forget to bring all the other special ladies in your life with you.

Beautiful Things For You And Your Home Everything from Sunpan furniture and cowhide rugs to greeting cards and gifts for every occasion.

Tracy’s Ladies and Bridal Fashions 2 - 84 Broadway Street East, Yorkton 555.783.6360

Frozen Cactus 37 Broadway St E Yorkton | 306.783.0313

More than just an adult store

Spa Habit

Under The Covers 30 Betts Avenue Yorkton | 306.782.7982 | 1.866.585.7982

Spa Habit 3 - 84 Broadway Street E, Yorkton | 306.786.3388 | |

Rayzr’s Pub Yorkton Hotel

Truly You Interiors

Yorkton Hotel 14 2nd Avenue N. Yorkton, SK | 306.782.2947

Truly You Interiors 306.621.9473 Kimberly Patzer, Certified Interior Decorator

A gorgeous range of specialty sizes and styles of brassieres and lingerie, adult merchandise, & more. Book your bachelor/bachelorette parties today.

Great Food...Excellent Value...Come relax...Life is Good!

Cupcake therapy? Relax in the welcoming environment of Spa Habit and then take home or order spa signature products online to continue your spa treatment at home.

Interiors are as unique as the people dwelling in them. Creating a truly “younique” interior just for you!




YORKTON and Area

Retail marketplace


Join the Evolution of Dynamic Martial Arts

The Friendliest Staff In Town

Yorkton Martial Arts Training Center 306.621.1555 | 50B Broadway St. W, Yorkton (1 block east of McDonalds) | | |

Kahkewistahaw Gas and Convenience Store 500 Broadway St W, Yorkton 306.786.8832

Wagner's Flooring

When you look good, you feel good.

Wagner's Flooring 46 Myrtle Ave, Yorkton | 306.783.8392

Forever Fit 79 Broadway Street West 782.7770

We offer a variety of martial arts programs to suit everyone ages 3 to 93. Five different styles, eleven programs, eighteen classes per week, five days a week.

Hunter Douglas is your first choice for style and innovation. Don’t settle for anything less than our truly distinctive designs. Ask us how you can receive a Hunter Douglas Manufacturer’s Rebate. Valid Sept 1-Dec 19/2012.

At Forever Fit, they know that a healthy lifestyle can help you look and feel your best. Forever Fit’s expert staff and first class gym can provide you with everything you need to achieve your health and fitness goals.

Your Full Service Jeweller

Photography for Yorkton

Gifts of Gold Suite 2-23 Broadway Street E, Yorkton | 306.783.5550 |

TJK Photographic Services Yorkton | 306.316.0130

Full Range of Gold and silver jewelry featuring Canadian Diamonds. In store repairs and custom casting. Getting married? Stop by for engagement and wedding bands.


Kahkewistahaw Gas and Convenience Store has won numerous awards for outstanding service and commitment to employee development and is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

FineLifestyles FineLifestyles PARKLAND PARKLAND

Providing Yorkton and area with Photographic services for commercial work, weddings, engagments, graduation, portraits and more.

Locally Owned - International Quality

All About Flowers

Fabricland 32 Betts Avenue, Yorkton | 306.782.5544 www.

All About Flowers #6 146 Broadway Street East Yorkton | 306.782.4222

Come in to choose from a large selection of quilting cottons in a full rainbow of colours.

Join a great team!

All About Flowers is now carrying home decor, jewelry and purses. Home of the $18.88 Roses. Owner Stephanie Buckle.

We are expanding and looking for sales staff, editors, writers, designers and more. If you have what it takes to work in the dynamic publishing industry, we’d love to hear from you:

YORKTON and Area



Everlast Your Home

For all your Electric Needs

Everlast Eaves & Exteriors Ltd. 130 Livingstone Street, Yorkton 306.786.7055

RH Electric Ltd. 657 Broadway Street W, Yorkton | 306.782.5592

Serving Yorkton for Over 53 Years

Bright Tree Design & Photo

Hancock Plumbing Ltd. 71 Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.783.3028

Bright Tree Design & Photo 306.521.0700 |

Quality service, quality products and quality workmanship Everlast is your best choice for maintenance free exterior products for your home.

Three generations of heating, plumbing and cooling services.

Call us for Residential, Commercial and Industrial electric services in town and rural. Services include everything from Renovations and underground trenching to home automation and fibre optics.

Graphic Design and Photography in the Parkland area. Book now for your 2013 wedding!

Season’s Greetings from the staff at FineLifestyles Parkland




Fifty Shades of Grey. . . How Much Do We Need to Retire?

you make that decision when you don’t know how much it will cost? Are your dreams of Southern climates and Travel realistic? Or should you be planning for Saturday night dinners out and the occasional Sunday drive? I have some good news and bad news. First the good: Retirement day to day A bare-bones retirement costs between $20,000 and $27,000 in five major Canadian cities, according to a 2010 study called Basic Living Expenses for the Canadian Elderly conducted by University of Waterloo researchers. According to the study, most people can achieve this retirement income without saving a penny thanks to a combination of full Old Age Security (OAS) and the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) program for lowincome seniors. If you’ve worked most of your life, you should also be entitled to Canada Pension Plan payments. Sounds okay, right? Well . . .

By Penny Sandercock Investment Advisor National Bank Financial Sapara Wealth Management 89 Broadway Street, Yorkton 306.782.6450 1.877.782.6450


The not-so-great news is that the lifestyle a government-sponsored retirement affords just barely exceeds the poverty line. You won’t starve, but you won’t be enjoying any luxuries either. Of course, most people want a much better lifestyle than just ‘getting by’. At minimum, most people want to be able to live much like they did when they were working full time, complete with house, cars and a regular vacation.

veryday I am asked the same question: ”How much money do I need to retire?“ And to every client I must respond with the same vague comeback:” It depends. You tell me!” Exactly how much you need varies based on your lifestyle now, where you live and the goals and changes you have planned for your retirement years. How much wealth have you accumulated to date? What does your future finances portray and what disposable income is available? But one thing is clear - that final number is bigger than most people think. Time for a reality check!

Middle of the Road Retirement So how much is that worth? According to Statistics Canada, Canadian couples over the age of 65 spend an average of $51,000 per year. As such, in order to enjoy a middle-of-the-road retirement, you need to save enough so that you’ll have at least $10,000 to $30,000 more per year than what you’ll get from the government. In order to have enough money to make this work, you need to save about 25 times your yearly expenses in retirement – or in this case, $250,000 to $750,000.

The amount you’ll need to save depends on what kind of retirement lifestyle you want or can afford. Some people want a low key normalcy to their Retirement; where some want to do all of the things they have been saving for. But how can

Now, here’s the real kicker. We have all seen the little graphs in the Banker’s office - If you are 25 and have a little diligence and invest $6,000 per year (invested at 5 percent) will get you to the $750,000 goal. If you’re 40, it’ll

Standing (L-R): Shannon Thorley, Mike Peterson, and Penny Sandercock. Sitting: Kim Sapara, and Kris Sapara.

take $15,000 per year to hit the same goal. And if you’re in your 50s and you haven’t saved a penny, you’ll need to save nearly $20,000 per year just to scrape together $250,000. Far cry from the $750,000 you had imagined! Life of luxury If you have plans to pursue hobbies, travel and enjoy a retirement that’s more like the one you see in brochures, it’s going to involve saving enough money to make up the gap between what the Canadian government provides and the lifestyle you expect to live. And that’s a big gap to fill. In fact, if you’re looking to maintain a lifestyle that’s currently costing you six figures, you’ll need to be a millionaire to afford it. Even if you qualify for $30,000 per year in CPP and OAS, you’ll need to save enough to provide an additional $70,000 per year during your retirement to maintain a $100,000 per year present lifestyle. That adds up to a nest egg of – wait for it - $1.75 million. Even for highincome earners, that’s a lot of money to put away. A strong investment portfolio can help, but saving the money will still involve financial discipline for most people . . . which starts well before the actual retirement date. Remember a higher income also tends to mean higher standards and higher expenses. For many people, retirement is a beautiful dream that their savings just can’t support. Despite the pictureperfect lifestyle portrayed in glossy brochures not everyone will be spending their senior years on a cruise ship. But that doesn’t mean you have to resign yourself to just getting by either. When it comes to retirement savings, something is always better than nothing but starting early can only produce more. Finding an Advisor you can trust to help guide you through the process is the first step to establishing a “realistic” Retirement Plan. FLP




We’re most likely to meet by accident

The Key Collision Centre is the Parkland areas’ newest body and paint repair

facility. With approximately 8000-square feet of space the new collision facility can handle more vehicles in the various stages of body and paint repair. There have been a number other improvements as well. Firstly, Key Collision Centre invested in the latest paint technology, which more efficient work and increased quality on finished repairs. More importantly, our technology ensures that the paint process is done in an environmentally friendly manner with the use of waterborne paint. This paint is better for the health of the employees and the community compared to the previously used solvent-based paints. Secondly, given the expansion of the facility, the staff at the collision centre has essentially doubled with the increased space and production capacity. This includes both production and management staff to provide better service for the customer. Finally, the new facility has started a “lean management” system for the collision centre. Given the new way parts are ordered and organized during the body repair and paint processes, we are able to cut down on delays in the repair process. By implementing a lean management system we are able to increase cycle time resulting in a timelier repair. An investment in the facility, equipment, and people has made the Key Collision Centre the most state-of the-art body shop in the Parkland area. This puts the Collision Centre ahead of trends in cleaner environmental emissions, leaner production methods, and better quality repairs for the customer.

415 Broadway Street East Yorkton 306.782-2268 | |





The All-New

“Best New Family Car” (over $30,000)

Overly equipped from $30,595* T:20.858”

The All-New Overly equipped from $21,995*

“Best New Family Car” (under $30,000)

With available 2.4-litre 200 HP GDI engine or Hybrid engine choices that deliver class-leading horsepower, world-class design and a slew of other industry awards, the all-new Optima is more than just a car. It’s the best in its class. Follow us on Optima SX and Hybrid models shown.*Starting MSRP for 2011 Kia Optima (OP541B)/2011 Optima Hybrid (OP74AB) is $21,995/$30,595 and excludes delivery and destination fees ($1,455), government levies, PPSA, licence, registration and applicable taxes. Optima LX horsepower claim is based on non-turbo gasoline 4-cylinder engines in its class. 2011 Optima awarded: 2011 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration five-star safety rating – visit for details/2011 reddot design award for best of the best – visit for details/2011 iF Product Design Award by the International Forum of Design – visit for details/2011 Top Safety Pick by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety – visit for details. 2011 Optima Hybrid awarded: the Guinness Book of World Records for the Lowest Fuel Consumption, for the lowest fuel consumption in a hybrid gasoline vehicle while driving through all 48 adjoining U.S. states. KIA is a trademark of Kia Motors Corporation.

K231_AJAC_AWARD_FP4C_TS.indd 1



11-11-07 4:28 PM

134 Broadway St. E, Yorkton | 306.783.2772 | K231_AJAC_AWARD_FP4C_TS ROUND

[ JOB INFO ] Job # Client Project


[ MECHANICAL SPECS ] Live Trim Bleed

None 10.5” x 20.858” None


[ ACTION ] Delia Zaharelos

_____ Art Dir.

Zac MuirVavrina

_____ Producer

_____ Copywriter


_____ Account MGR Michelle Strauss

_____ PDFX1A to Publication _____ Collect to Ad Planner

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