FineLifestyles Parkland Spring 2013

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february/march 2013 VOLume 2 ISSue I

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Montana Friskie reFlects on her Modelling career

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Adriatic Gardens Where I want to live.

FineLifestyles WITH FINE LIFESTYLES EDITOR Nykea Marie Behiel


s winter drones on, we’re all looking for a way to escape, whether that means a hot holiday or a new way to enjoy the outdoors. The Parkland area is bustling with new growth, and, as always, full of warm and welcoming faces. There are some exciting events past and more on the horizon, and we’re proud to share your stories in this winter edition. This issue, Yorkton model Montana Friskie talks about how her career got started and what’s next. The Parkland Outdoor Show gets ready to kick off for the second time and is excited to welcome some new guests and attractions. Former NHL player Brian Propp, retired Roughrider Bob Poley and Olympian Kelsie Hendry provide inspiration at Melville’s Sports Gala Dinner. Propp emphatically explains that growing up in Saskatchewan was a major factor leading to his success. Rather than dreaming of escaping winter, consider enjoying some family time at the Duck Mountain Ski Area, only a scenic hour drive from Yorkton. While you cozy up to flip through this book, I hope you’ll enjoy seeing the successes of friends and neighbours painted on the pages. When winter is about to round the corner, we will have a new issue in your hands.

Susan Gellert


February/March 2013 VOLUME 2 ISSUE I associate editor Nykea Marie Behiel

Staff Writers Jamie Fischer Julie Mushynsky Brook Thalgott Nykea Marie Behiel Doris Wang

Graphic Design and layout Deanne Bell

Susan has worked in the Parkland area since 1995, first in counselling and training and later in sales. She loves working with people to highlight their business and to help them get results. Susan lives near Margo with her husband Shawn and their five children Dylan, Spencer, Alexis, Tanner and Courtney 306.641.5616 |

in-house Design amber Moon Danielle austin elisa Malfitana lisa redden

Photography Todd kulscar lori Trost Carol Gillis Jackie herman

Chelsea Fernwalt FiNe liFeSTyleS advertising Consultant

Chelsea comes from a small farming community north west of Yorkton known as the “Hockey Factory.” She moved to Yorkton in 2006, and fell in love with the city. Chelsea joined Fine Lifestyles magazine in October. Her excitement to meet new people, learn what drives them to succeed, sense of adventure, love for Yorkton, and small town farm girl background make Fine Lifestyles a perfect fit for her. 306.621.2878 |



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KIA Forte Koup Fine Lifestyles Parkland is published six times a year by Fine Lifestyles Regina, Ltd. We reserve the right to edit any materials chosen for publication including photographs. We reserve the right to reject or accept any article, photograph, image or advertisement. All contents of Fine Lifestyles Regina, Ltd., publications are copyrighted 2013 with all rights reserved, except for original articles submitted to Fine Lifestyles Regina, where copyright resides with the author. No other part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of Fine Lifestyles Regina Ltd. or its writers. The name Fine Lifestyles Regina, its logo and material cannot be reproduced without the written consent of the publishers. The views and opinions expressed in the expert advice columns herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Fine Lifestyles Regina Ltd. or the companies it represents. The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation

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22 living, their life long dreams through sport,” says Streelasky in his brief and gracious introduction.

22 Ski the Duck


uck Mountain Ski Area has been in operation since 1978 because of dedicated volunteers who have committed much time and energy to the worthy project. Through the years, the hill has become known to beginners and professionals alike for its immaculate conditions and professional staff. “It was formed by a group of volunteers, and it continues to operate because the board and a core group of volunteers continue to help,” explains Warren Todd. Warren has been on the board for 15 years.


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The Secret of Foam Lake





By Nykea Marie Behiel

Nestled on the Saskatchewan and Manitoba border, this 21-run ski hill is only an hour-long scenic drive from Yorkton. Offering something for every level of skier, Duck Mountain Ski Area boasts three lifts, long runs, the highest

Kelsie Hendry told the crowd what it takes to be an Olympian. The first woman to ever represent Saskatoon at the Olympics, Hendry’s drive is moving. As a child, she told her mom she’d be at the Olympics one day. “I was really inspired by the Olympics. I was committed to two things—gymnastics and the Backstreet Boys,” Hendry jokes. “I love representing something bigger than myself,” she says of sporting the maple leaf at competitions. “For athletes, sport is all about making moments happen. We need to take our victories in stride, and really celebrate these moments,” she encourages. “These grassroots programs really do make a difference in kids’ lives.” With the goal of becoming a teacher one day, Hendry is proud to encourage kids to get into sport. Sport provided her with amazing experiences and opportunities, and she wants those afforded to other children.

TOP photo by Kennedy Todosichuk

37 37

Next up, Bob Poley, who played a total of 15 years in the CFL for both Calgary and Saskatchewan. He helped the Riders capture the Grey Cup for the second

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to be successful in life,” says is proud of his Saskatchewan told the crowd that it was a m FineLifestyles 7 that affected his values and a parkland

Hair-Is-Ma is the only salon in Yorkton that specializes in the Goldwell product line. A client favourite, Goldwell is a high-end colour line dedicated to colour perfection. Clients benefit from the product’s healing properties and the increased colour longevity it provides. They are also exclusive to Moroccan Oil, which helps repair damaged hair, leaving hair soft, smooth and shiny. The salon carries the famous Schwarzkopf line of products and Color Proof. Color Proof is a 100 per cent vegan, sulfatefree, paraben-free and BPA-free product designed exclusively for colour-treated hair. On the esthetics end, Hair-IsMa has recently introduced the award winning CND Shellac nail polish that lasts longer with zero drying time. The stylists at Hair-Is-Ma are well educated. “We receive colour and retail education at least every three months to make sure we are not only up-to-date, but also keep our clients educated on what they are buying, how to use the products, and how to maintain their colours,” explains Meghan. Meghan herself recently attended the Schwarzkopf Academy in Toronto.

Back Row L-R Linda Goodman, Jessica Fleury, Kellee Kerr, Meghan Lindgren, Sarah Machushek FRont Row L-R Danica Laurent, Ashley Patron

AffordAble Style for every fAmily

With the new takeover, clients are noticing positive changes at the salon. The staff are friendly and work together as a team, happily assisting each other and clients. With a high percentage of returning clients, the salon seems more like a regular home, as many come for the comfort and relaxation the salon provides and are always greeted with a smile and a cup of coffee. Hair-Is-Ma is open Monday through Saturday at 9 a.m., and open until 9 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Call to book your appointment. FLP

by Julie Mushynsky photoS TJk Divisional services - ToDD J kulcsar


air-Is-Ma in Yorkton is under new ownership. The trusted salon has been in operation under the same name and at the same location for over 25 years. When Yorkton-born Meghan Lindgren had the opportunity to purchase the salon in 2011, the trusted reputation made for an easy decision. On September 1, 2011, Meghan became the new owner of Hair-Is-Ma salon, adding a new found energy and warmth.




Growing up in Yorkton, Meghan decided to go into the Hair Stylist and Esthetician program at SIAST in Melville, completing the program in 2006. Following that, she became a journeyman stylist and esthetician working in a number of salons in Estevan and Calgary. With seven years of work under her belt she moved back to Yorkton to do business her way. Catering to all ages and styles, Hair-IsMa specializes in all things hair, offering

unique cuts, colours and textures to best complement your look. They also offer esthetics including manicures and pedicures. What makes this salon so unique is the diverse experience of the staff. There are seven stylists at the salon whose experience ranges from two year apprentice to 27 years. This means that not only do they offer the top trendy looks, but there are people who remember those classic cuts.

Hair-Is-Ma Bay 20-385 Broadway Street East Yorkton 306.782.4247 306.620.9691




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Montana 10






the first day, everyone learns about the industry from designers, health people, and others. There’s also a walking clinic where you learn how to walk the runway,” explains Montana. This year, the competition also had a video shoot. The shoot was creating a commercial for the Cornwall Centre, which is posted on its Facebook page. The final event in 2010 was a gala with a runway show and a silent auction. “At the gala you had to walk down a spiral staircase. I thought I was going to be really nervous at the first one because I had only started walking in heels for the competition a month earlier.” But when the time came, Montana wasn’t nervous. After finishing in the top seven in 2010, Montana was signed with Edge Agency. A photographer from Toronto facilitated her first professional photo shoot. The photographer, who was also a talent scout for an agency in Japan, offered Montana a modelling contract for the fall. “It was all a really big learning experience,” Montana reflects on the month she spent in Japan. “It wasn’t just about the modelling, but about going across the world, meeting a bunch of people in the same situation as me, and travelling a new country. I am so thankful for the experience,” says Montana. Since she was only 15 at the time, her mom went with her to live in the bustling metropolis of Tokyo. “It was a life-changing experience. It was exciting to go, have a fresh palette, and basically rebuild yourself, find out who I was. When I got back, I really came into my own style, really connected with who I was. Basically, I found myself.” Having always been physically small, Montana struggled with self-esteem early in life. “I became pretty insecure at a young age. As I grew older, I started not caring what other people thought about me. When the competition came along, I realized it didn’t matter what other people thought. I developed my own style. Whatever anyone else thinks truthfully doesn’t matter, only what you think of yourself.” This sentiment has rooted in Montana and grounded her.

“I met a lot of new people, made a lot of friends, people I can generally connect with. I’ve learned more about the industry and how it works, and I’ve been able to work with many different people,” says Montana about the competition.

After returning from Tokyo, Montana won the 2012 Discovered competition. “The best thing about winning is the publicity. I won a contract with Next Models out of Toronto, Prairie Mobile gave me a phone, Coda Clothing in Regina provided a $100 gift certificate and I got a package of MAC makeup. I also built my portfolio of pictures. Even if I had never won, the experience was amazing.”

At first, her parents were hesitant about her entering the industry. “My parents were a little sceptical at first, but after meeting my agent, they warmed up to it. They know I’m very passionate about it, and they’re glad to see me enjoying it. They’re just happy to see me happy,” says Montana.

This will be a year full of opportunity for Montana. In addition to being the face of Prairie Mobile, she’s heading to Toronto in February for another shoot. After graduation she plans to go overseas to travel and model. “I’ll likely head to an Asian country. It’s a good place to build my book, start my career.”

Edge Agency and Sara Lindsay Makeup Artistry put on the competition, which takes place over a month, with all proceeds going to the Children’s Wish Foundation. Last year the event raised $40,000 for the worthy charity. Models, both experienced and new to the scene, go through rounds of eliminations. “On

Her global ambitions are rooted here at home. “Being from Yorkton, it’s really neat to experience an industry and culture many people haven’t had the opportunity to experience. I get a lot of questions from people and I’m always happy to answer. I feel like I brought something back here with me.” FLP

By Nykea Marie Behiel


hile the dream of a model being discovered in a small prairie town seems like a scene out of a Hollywood movie, that is exactly what happened to Montana Friskie. Walking along the beach at Madge Lake with her mom, Montana was approached by Lisa Marie Schwartz, co-owner of Regina’s Edge Agency. “That was the first time I ever considered modelling,” says Montana. This 2010 encounter piqued Montana’s interest and led her to participate in the Discovered model search. At the age of 14, Montana finished in the final seven. At the 2012 competition, Montana came home the winner. “Modelling came really naturally to me. Most people say that they get really nervous, but I never had that anxiety. I love the runway and being pampered to do a photo shoot. I really feel in my element.”







Standing L–R Francine Nordal, Gena Cross, Virginia Lomenda Sitting L–R Valerie La Rocque, Charles Lomenda

A PlAce Built By love By Doris Wang Photos TJK Divisional services—ToDD J Kulcsar


n November 2, 2012, Sagebrush Studios opened its doors at its new location in the small town of Churchbridge, Saskatchewan. Owner Virginia Lomenda describes her shop as a “quiet, reflective place where everyone can relax and just enjoy beautiful giftware and decors.”

Started with Open Houses TiTle page phoTo kiriako iatridis Photographer & art Direction (Discovered 2013) page 12 tJk Divisional Services todd J kulcsar, location provided by B3 extreme page 13 Top kiriako iatridis Photographer & art Direction (Discovered 2010) BoTToM alkan Photography (toronto) page 14 Top aNd BoTToM lefT tJk Divisional Services, todd J kulcsar location provided by B3 extreme Middle tyler Yuhasz Photography (Discovered 2012) righT Look Matters Photography by Mike Phillips (Discovered 2012)




Sagebrush Studios is a unique home décor, giftware, clothing and footwear shop. Each item is handpicked by Virginia for her customers. The idea for Sagebrush

Studios was conceived over a decade ago by Virginia, who also works as a hair stylist and wanted to show appreciation to her clients by holding an open house at her home in the countryside. Virginia’s daughter, Tamara, assisted her in buying items for the event, especially giftware. Virginia was also introduced to many different companies from which she could purchase items to put on display for guests at her open house. The first open house was on November 27 and 28, 2001. Guests came for a visit, refreshments, and to take a look through

her selection of jewellery and giftware. The attendance of 283 people surpassed Virginia’s expectations, and their comments were all very encouraging. “It’s nice to hear people say they were inspired by my displays, and that they purchased non-traditional items they didn’t think would fit into their home,” says Virginia. The attendance more than doubled the next year when it was held at the Churchbridge Hall. “I was completely astonished by the number of people,” effuses Virginia. “My clientele just started growing from then on.”




Current location and its importance Virginia isn’t only interested in selecting items for her customers; she is also dedicated to everything about Sagebrush Studios. She and her husband Charles poured their passion and energy into renovating the new shop. Sagebrush Studios’ current location has sentimental value to Virginia. The building was the home of she and her husband’s close friends, who approached them about purchasing the building before they passed away. Virginia and her husband finally decided to purchase it from their friends’ daughter five years later. The building was in dire need of repair, and Virginia’s husband did almost all the work in rebuilding the place to what it is today. “It is truly a labour of love. It was a creation of many ideas, and my husband put the ideas to work. He did a beautiful job” Around the same time, Virginia also took a trip to Toronto for a gift show with her daughter. “At that time, I just let my desire for beautiful things go, and brought back pieces that I loved, and that my customers would enjoy.”

Exploring new adventures and avenues Virginia had been working as a hairstylist for almost 20 years when she started organizing her first open house. She wanted to use her creative energy to do something different, and found her passion in home décor. From lamps to vases to mirrors, Sagebrush Studios has a variety of items, and each one is different. Virginia has many items that are either made locally or within Canada. “Made in Saskatchewan and in Canada appeals to many of my clients,” says Virginia. “They are really drawn to anything made within the country.” She has various items including locallymade soaps, jewellery, cards and scarfs. However, she is very meticulous in selecting items to be sold in her shop. “I would not purchase giftware for the shop I wouldn’t have in my home.”

Sagebrush Studios receives a lot of support from the community as well. Everyone was looking forward to the grand opening, and they all came on the first weekend. “Everybody just loved the store. One customer even said that it was like a touch of heaven.”

The happiest place in the area Known as the happiest place in the area, Sagebrush Studios is truly a place where everyone can escape and feel welcomed—that’s what Virginia and her staff strive to do. “When people come in, they want to feel our pleasure in having them. We want to make every effort to make their visit to our store pleasant.” Refreshments are often served to clients who step into the shop. Virginia still holds open houses. She organizes one every year in November for her clients and guests to express her gratitude and appreciation. Sagebrush Studios is open from Tuesday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Clients can also make appointments on weekends and evenings. Virginia looks forward to meeting new clients and old friends at her new location. FLP Sagebrush Studios Churchbridge, SK 306.896.2744







deep interest in the craft. When she started a family, she made clothes for her husband and all her children. “I made all their winter jackets and shirts for my husband,” says Colette. “It’s a very relaxing and soothing activity.” tHe store

After her children left home, Colette decided to open her own business. She started with 500-square feet of rented space in a fabric shop on Seventh Avenue. Colette only carried sewing machines, sergers and a few notions. As her business grew, she moved to another location which was 1,200 square feet. In 2002, Colette moved into her current location with plenty of room to showcase all her products.

A Sewing SucceSS

Colette’s Sewing Machines Plus currently has over 2,000 bolts of quilting cotton, numerous notions, and the largest selection of threads in the province, with many different brands and purposes. You can also find a large inventory of Creative Grid rulers and DMC embroidery floss. Over the years, the shop has expanded to carry different brands of yarn and other sewing accessories. If you can’t find

what you need in the store, Colette will order it in for you. The store’s main retail products are, of course, sewing machines and sergers—Colette carries Baby Lock and Janome. “They are both superior brands of machines made by the finest manufacturers in the world.” Lessons

At Colette’s Sewing Machines Plus, not only can you find various products for your sewing needs, you can also sign up for sewing lessons. The classes are geared towards everyone who wishes to learn to sew—from beginners to experienced quilters.

popular event where she invites all her customers and students to socialize and interact with each other. Whether you would like to learn how to put a zipper in or you’re shopping for a new sewing machine, Colette and her staff are always ready to help you. FLP Colette’s Sewing Machines Plus 206 Smith ST E, Yorkton 306.782.3520

Colette says she is a hands-on person, and shows her students how to sew rather than giving them lectures about the craft. The classes are always full and Colette likes to bring in special guests once in a while to give a different perspective on sewing. She also enjoys holding social events at her store. Twice a month, she organizes nights where she showcases and demos new sewing gadgets on the market. Nifty Notions Night is another

By Doris Wang Photos By Lori TrosT


ith multiple selections of threads and yarn, high quality sewing machines, and a collection of sewing accessories, Colette’s Sewing Machines Plus is a haven for sewing and quilting lovers all over Saskatchewan.


Located on Smith Street East in Yorkton, Colette Salyn opened up her store in 1998 to share her passion for sewing with the people in town. Unlike many people who learned the craft of quilting and sewing from their mother or grandmother, Colette was selftaught. Her only lesson was from home economics class and through trial and error. She was inspired by her aunt who she recalled was “always sewing and knitting.” Colette decided to follow in her footsteps. When she was 11 years old, her mother bought Colette her first sewing machine. As she grew up, Colette developed a ABOVE L-R Colette Salyn and Tammy Bartel









ith a salon full of dedicated staff and a passion for high standards, Shear Bliss Salon offers guests outstanding quality and unmatched customer service.

History Jocelyn Roy opened Shear Bliss Salon in 2002 on Smith Street. The salon is now situated in the trendy new Husdon Square Building, conveniently located in the heart of Yorkton. Trials and triumphs have led Shear Bliss Salon to its ideal location.




The search for inspiration and change led Jocelyn and her daughter, Trina, to Florida for a four day Summit Salon Leadership Course. Now a proud graduate, the salon has expanded their product line to include Redken’s award winning programs and products. “I’ve spent 30 years in the business and wanted to create an environment that blends exceptional quality and service to better understand the customers needs,” says Joceyln.

Staff Shear Bliss Salon has a dedicated staff with over 72 years of combined

experience, and is actively looking for new talent through its mentorship program. “We want to help develop talent in our community and teach them that this is a career they can be proud of.” Jocelyn Roy, Kim Wilson, Trina Roy, Terry Hurry and Crystal Russell are trained in all aspects of hair—cuts, colours, facial waxing and extensions. Their staff is constantly upgrading their skills by attending several seminars and classes, offering guests new and upcoming trends and constant change. “I am proud to say that our team delivers a quality unseen before in our community,” says Jocelyn.

Jocelyn has implemented a new program to benefit both staff and clientele. The program includes a level system offering variable pricing to suit anyone’s budget, while providing staff the opportunity to grow their careers. From giving complimentary consultations to recommending at home maintenance programs, Shear Bliss Salon’s goal is to offer guests a unique and professional experience. “We love sharing our knowledge and values with fellow associates by providing a dynamic and challenging environment for our employees.” Shear Bliss is open Monday to Saturday, staying open until 9 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Soon appointments will be able to be made online or via text. FLP Shear Bliss Salon Suite 104–19 Broadway Street East Yorkton 306.782.7500 Shear Bliss Salon Clockwise Kim Wilson, Terry Hurry, Jocelyn Roy, Trina Roy, and Crystal Russell




Ski the Duck

vertical drop in Saskatchewan and the largest ski-able area. They have now added the Wonder Magic Carpet to their two T-bar lifts. The magic carpet is an easy way to get new skiers up the hill and avoid frustration. “Grandpa and grandma can even go up the hill in snow boots,” says Warren. They also have various beginner, intermediate and advanced runs. The terrain park includes a series of obstacles and jumps for the most adventurous, including a ramp over a car. For the nonskiers in the crowd, Duck Mountain also offers some downhill tubing.

By Nykea Marie Behiel


uck Mountain Ski Area has been in operation since 1978 because of dedicated volunteers who have committed much time and energy to the worthy project. Through the years, the hill has become known to beginners and professionals alike for its immaculate conditions and professional staff. “It was formed by a group of volunteers, and it continues to operate because the board and a core group of volunteers continue to help,” explains Warren Todd. Warren has been on the board for 15 years. Nestled on the Saskatchewan and Manitoba border, this 21-run ski hill is only an hour-long scenic drive from Yorkton. Offering something for every level of skier, Duck Mountain Ski Area boasts three lifts, long runs, the highest




The hill also offers food and beverages at the T-bar Café and the Lookout Lounge, so you and your family can break for lunch or end the day with a drink. The Kamsack Ski Club also operates on the hill, offering lessons for youth. Warren Todd is the president of the club.

TOP photo by Kennedy Todosichuk

“We just hosted a three day entry level coaches course for people who want to learn how to coach. We had five locals and five people that came from further away. All of them were impressed with the hill.” Wendy Lumby, a winter Olympian, came to the hill to facilitate

the clinic. She said it was very similar to Calgary’s Olympic Park ski area. Over the years of his involvement, Warren has come to love skiing. “I have two daughters and a wife, and we’ve all learned to love to ski. It’s a family sport; we’re not standing around and watching each other. We are out there as a family, enjoying time together and being active. We travel at Christmas and ski together—it has become our family activity,” explains Warren. “I believe that it will be forever. It’s something you don’t grow out of; you can do it when you’re 75. It’s the best family activity that I’ve ever found.” Skiing or snowboarding is a great way to spend time with friends and family while getting some fresh air and staying active. It’s an activity everyone can do at their own pace, whether that means slowly making your way down the bunny hill or showing off your moves in the terrain park. There’s no pressure—everyone is out to have a good time and get some exercise. As one of the least used ski hills in the province, the Duck also boasts

affordability and no wait times. “It’s an amazing hill that’s been around for almost 35 years, but many people don’t know about it yet.” Although it’s fun to be part of the pristine secret, Warren wants everyone to experience the joys of Duck Mountain Ski Area. Enjoy the winter with a fun, outdoor activity that you can do with your family. Take the short and scenic drive to the hill—you’ll be glad you did. FLP






points on the feet and hands. Also unique to Revive is therapeutic and relaxation massage treatments for couples.

in Luxury By Nykea Marie Behiel photos carol’s photography


wners Les and Chris Dionne bring a unique spa experience to the people ofYorkton and area. Along with their close friend, Lindsay O’Quinn, previously Faryon, they recognized the need to address the industry with both innovative technology and traditional customer service. With those beliefs in mind, ReVive Spa & Supplements opened their doors on June 1, 2011. “We want to make every customer feel special the moment they walk in the




door, able to relieve the stress of the day, pampered and revived. Our professional staff greets every customer in a warm, inviting and comforting atmosphere, settling them in to await their session,” says Chris. The enthusiastic team consists of Lindsay O’Quinn and Tara Brown, both registered massage therapists, and Amanda Lauer, an esthetician. Lindsay O’Quinn has 12 years of massage therapy experience providing therapeutic, pregnancy and infant

massage. Tara Brown has over two years of experience and provides therapeutic massage, eliminating tension and stress, along with hot stone massage that is a must try! Amanda Lauer has been practicing esthetics for 14 years. She provides customized facials and body treatments for both men and women. Amanda also offers relaxation massage, hot stone massage and reflexology. Her reflexology treatments relieve pain and alleviate discomfort by stimulating pressure

ReVive is proud to now offer Bio Sculpture Gel Nail Care. This organic, healthy, breathable, no-chip, long-wear nail colour is easy to remove and doesn’t lift or crack. Exclusive to ReVive is the Body & Skin Rejuvenation Booth. They are excited to provide red light therapy paired with a vibration platform to create the ultimate skin rejuvenation and muscle toning treatment. Red light therapy will reduce the side effects of damaging environmental factors, smooth fine lines, tighten wrinkles and heal acne. The vibration platform tones all muscles, increases circulation, helps reduce cellulite and promotes weight loss.

If you’re down from the cold weather, try their Infrared Sauna. The infrared technology helps to detoxify the body, relieve arthritis and stress, and decrease joint stiffness. Aside from their services, ReVive carries a range of unique products and supplements to promote health and beauty. They are the exclusive carriers of Eminence Organic Skin Care, Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics and MVP supplements. Eminence Skin Care products are handmade in small batches using ethically grown ingredients. Only Eminence products are used in their facial and body treatments to provide the most amazing results. The new Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics at ReVive will rejuvenate, hydrate and moisturize the skin while protecting you from the elements. All products are formulated with 100 per cent pure

luxurious minerals to make your skin look and feel luminous. MVP supplements are made in Canada and have no fillers or additives. Treat your body well, treat yourself well. Visit ReVive Spa & Supplements to feel rejuvenated, refreshed and relaxed. FLP

ReVive Spa & Supplements 75 Broadway Street West Yorkton 306.783.3344

Middle right, reViVe staff l-r Dale Otto, Chris Dionne, Amanda Lauer, Lindsay O’Quinn, Tara Brown, Sarah Douhaniuk






I never thought of myself as someone who would be interested in breast augmentation, but after I turned 40, I noticed things were starting to look different. Over the course of losing weight, getting older and competing in body and figure competitions, my breasts changed. I just wasn’t satisfied with that part of myself any more.


t my heaviest, I was 321 pounds. I was sluggish, it was hard to move, and getting motivation was really difficult. My back hurt, my knees hurt, my ankles hurt—I was very uncomfortable all the time. My self-esteem was really low. I always felt like people were staring at me, talking about me, making fun of me. I was afraid to eat in front of people, and many wouldn’t give me the time of day.

Weight Loss Forever sponsored a figure competition I took part in, which is how I became aware that that they did plastic surgery as well. I began doing some research and talking to surgeons. The more I considered my options, the more I leaned toward WLF. I liked everybody at the office; they just gave me a good feeling. As a nurse practitioner and through my work in health care, I had no qualms about travelling for surgery. Having a fair bit of experience in plastic surgery, I felt very comfortable with the standards. Not only was the decision to go with WLF easy, but it was financially the best option as well.

Now, not only do I feel completely different, but people treat me differently. I’m down to 205 pounds; I look great and I feel great. I have tons of energy, and every day is like a new experience. Weight Loss Forever has been amazing. Even going for surgery was a terrific experience. The facilities are phenomenal; the clinic is clean and the staff is kind. When I got there, they were waiting on the stairs to welcome me. I’ve been through many surgeries, and this was by far the best encounter. I have so much faith in the staff, I’m going to go back there for follow-up plastic surgery because I trust them and the facilities more than I do my health care here at home. Now, I don’t miss any support group—I look forward to them. I can call my facilitator any time, text any time. Whenever I have a question, she has the answers for me. If she doesn’t have the answers, she finds them for me.



I couldn’t be happier with my decision. I was so impressed with everything—the organization, the clinic, the staff, the accommodationseverybody was so kind and informative.





I’m currently training for the Canadian National figure competition. It’s my third show and I’ve won the other two. I look fantastic and I am so thrilled with the way things turned out. I let the surgeon guide me with size and he nailed it on the head. He was so knowledgeable and experienced, I was able to put my trust in him completely, and he did an amazing job.



“I feel great!”

What sets Weight Loss Forever apart is that they go the extra mile to make sure you’re happy and their work is top notch. They’re absolutely fantastic.

Dr. Pompa was recognized as a World Leader in Bariatric Surgery by Newsweek Magazine

Brian, After losing 116lbs

Having seen me go through this process, watching me get happier and healthier, my brother is following in my footsteps. He’s in line to get the surgery too. That’s the best endorsement I can give.

Change. Your. Life. Call Julie today: 306.352.8446 or Toll Free 1.877.306.8891 136-1621 Albert Street, Regina SK

view gical eight was ernational one and ements in geon,

O of wned high and is at well dedication of the orld,” Mayo Ph.D, United world

Their hospital and medical staff are held to rigorous standards and unannounced, independent inspections. WLF’s patients include doctors, specialists, government officials, lawyers, teachers, mechanics, farmers. Obesity is the #1 preventable cause of death in Canada. WLF’s award winning support program gives patients the tools they need to achieve long-term success – surgery is just one part of the solution.

Andrea Clinton, BA RN(NP) BSN MN

“I couldn’t be happier!”

Nurse and Athlete Andrea Clinton, BA RN(NP) BSN MN Over the last four years, over 800 after Breast Augmentation with WLF Cosmetic

patients received surgery and support through WLF’s program. There are offices in Saskatoon, Regina, Calgary, Lethbridge and Fredericton, NB, with specialists throughout the country. Take a video tour of the hospital here. Take a tour of the hospital here

Weight Loss Forever

Change. Your. Life. Call Julie today 306.352.8446 or Toll Free 1.877.306.8891 136-1621 Albert Street, Regina SK

Cosmetic Photo Heather Fritz

body of the toxins of everyday life, as well as a Facial with E-Power and Electronic Reflexology. These HTE machines are Health Canada approved and licensed. Good Earths Shop’s friendly staff are extremely knowledgeable about their products, and they’re continually being trained on new trends in the industry by sales representatives and naturopathic doctors. If they can’t answer a question right away, they’ll be sure to find the answer for you.

l-r Al Dobko, Rose Neilsen, Karen Sperling, Laura Kachur, and Chris Kachur

Living a HeaLtHy LifestyLe good eartHs sHop, WHere HeaLtH Comes first By Jamie Fischer Photos TJK Divisional services - ToDD J Kulcsar


or over 34 years, Good Earths Shop in Yorkton has been supplying the Parkland area with quality products for a healthy lifestyle. Two years ago, new owners Chris and Laura Kachur purchased Good Earths Shop, and they truly live by the philosophy of healthy living. The store specializes in natural health remedies and supplements; vitamins, minerals, herbs, weight loss and body building supplements, brain and heart health, digestive care, cleansing, organic and gluten-free groceries, bulk herbs and flours, health based accessories, and personal care items. Good Earths is also the exclusive carrier of Health First products in the Yorkton area. Health First works with many vendors, including popular brands like Natural Factors,




Prairie Naturals, Preferred Nutrition, Flora, Body Plus, Purity Life, Atrium, Now, and Renew Life, to mention a few. To learn more about Health First, visit Good Earths shop is pleased to offer seniors (60+) 25 per cent off regular priced tablets and capsules every Wednesday. For everyone else, there’s a stamp card program to earn extra savings, to make staying healthy more affordable. If you’re looking to lose weight and get in shape, Good Earths also has a great selection of pre- and post-workout products, protein powders, electrolytes, meal replacements and amino acids. Many of their products are featured on prime-time afternoon talk shows.

Where possible, they bring in as many local products as possible. “We think it’s important to support our local farmers and distributors,” says Laura. “This way, you pay a fair price for excellent quality. For example, we carry local quinoa, beef, garlic and herbs.”

Check out the new look, as the store will be modernizing its appearance. Website development is also in progress, as Good Earths works to make everything more convenient for their customers. To see how the team at Good Earths Shop can help you put your health first, visit the store in Linden Square Mall in Yorkton. The friendly staff will also ship out of town and place special orders. Put your health first with Good Earths Shop! FLP Good Earths Shop Linden Square Mall, Yorkton 306.782.5300 | 1.800.310.6458

Good Earths Shop doesn’t only offer healthy living products. The store also has a clinic room available for a variety of services. Their far infrared therapy bed can be used for a variety of purposes including pain, weight management, stress reduction and insomnia. The bed helps with oxygenating and alkalizing the body, and is a relaxing and spa-like experience. IonCleanse Foot Detox is also available in the clinic room to help clear the





Pharmacy Diabetes Care Centre Surgical stockings and medical supplies Sports medicine products Ostomy and wound care supplies Compliance packaging services


Mon. to Fri. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. • Closed Sundays 41 Broadway Street West (Parker Quine Building) • Yorkton, SK • 306-786-6636



February 2013 - March 2013 February 13-16, 2013 ladies curling bonspiel Churchbridge

March 9-10, 2013 parkland Outdoor Show Gallagher Centre

February 18, 2013 Family day

March 18, 2013 Stars for Saskatchewan Jesse peters Trio Anne Portnuff Theatre, YRHS

Bringing a touch of class to Yorkton and area for 15 years

February 23, 2013 Third annual prairie Sun Seed Festival Dr. Brass School, Yorkton

In 1997, Judie Bernat and Gladys Potzus did a buying trip for the Health Region for the Festival of Trees. The ladies were inspired to open a temporary Christmas store in Yorkton. What began as a seasonal store has expanded and evolved into the Parkland area’s destination for all things Christmas. For exquisite and unique home decor all year round, stop in and choose from the large selection at the Plum Tree in the Linden Square Mall, Yorkton.

March 22-24, 2013 Melville and area chamber of commerce Spring Trade Show Merv Moore Sportsplex, Melville

February 23-24, 2013 yorkton Gun and hobby Show Parkland Agri Pavillion

March 25, 2013 david Myles Canora Composite School

February 24, 2013 battlefords north Stars at yorkton Terriers Farrell Agencies Arena

March 27, 2013 real Film club Yorkton Public Library

From Christmas store to so much more…


Plum Tree

385 Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.786.5006 FineLifestyles



L–R Ken Kohlert, Brett Skaluba, and Landon Wonchulanko

Friendly neighbourhood Music store By Doris Wang Photos TJK Divisional services—ToDD J Kulcsar


or almost a decade, Fuzztone Music has been helping professional and amateur musicians in Yorkton to find high quality instruments at competitive prices.

The friendly and inviting music store on 2nd Avenue opened in November, 2004. Owner Ken Kohlert has been teaching guitar lessons in the city since 1989, and was looking for a new teaching space when the place he used became unavailable. After finding their current space, he realized it was more than they needed and decided to add a retail component to complement the lessons.




Having worked in the music business, both retail and wholesale, since the mid-1970s, Kohlert said opening the store seemed like a logical extension of what he was doing at the time. “There was a definite need in Yorkton for a truly professional musical instrument store, and our goal was to fill that void.” The store is a haven for music lovers. At Fuzztone Music, customers can find guitars, basses, drums, keyboards, PA systems, home recording units, and all the accessories including everyday items like guitar picks, reeds, strings, drumsticks, or valve oil for school band instruments.

Fuzztone constantly consults with their suppliers in Canada and the United States to add new lines and products to the store. However, careful thought is put into product selection. “We provide topnotch quality instruments,” says Kohlert. “When you are committed to offering the best brand names available, it takes work and a lot of time, but a commitment to quality is worth the extra effort.” When deciding which products he is going to sell at his store, Kohlert considers all aspects—from prices, to features, to the aesthetics of the instrument. “We want to present great value for all of

ABOVE Ian Kohlert, Pat Tracy, Jeremy Hillier, Missing: Nick Bloodoff

our customers, and that means every instrument is going to be a professional rate instrument.” Before putting the instrument on the floor, the staff at Fuzztone Music will make sure everything is tuned and ready for you to try out. Their attention to detail combined with their carefully chosen products is something that sets Fuzztone Music apart from many of their competitors. Pricing is very important for Kohlert. All products are aggressively price matched with their competitors in chain stores across Canada. “When comparing us to our competitors, you will find that our quality is high, our prices are fair, and our services and follow up are both long-term and professional.” Customers at Fuzztone Music range from beginners to professionals. Kohlert and his staff are always ready to help and give advice. They will spend as much time as

necessary to find the right instrument or item to suit each customer. “We encourage customers to try more than one brand of an instrument to compare what’s available. It’s especially hard for beginners to know exactly what they’re looking for, so we are here to make the process a lot easier for them.” Customer service is something Kohlert and his staff pride themselves in. “People want great price and quality customer service and they can get both when they come to Fuzztone Music,” he says. “Our staff is knowledgeable and would be happy to answer any questions or concerns. We will go the extra mile to make our customers happy.” FLP Fuzztone Music 34, 2nd Avenue North Yorkton 306.782.5355




staff who are waiting to escort you to your table. Mano’s contains the two key components to a successful restaurant: good food and customer service. The modern restaurant is proud to offer a wide variety of foods to please every palette. They serve up Greek ribs, pasta, fish, chicken and of course, steak. Their steak is Canadian AAA Angus beef, ensuring superior tenderness and flavour from their inhouse dry aging process. Everything is fresh and made on site by experienced chefs. The idea is simple—quality equals value. They are always looking to try something new and welcome any novel ideas from staff. While some dishes are tried and true, customers’ tastes are always changing, and Mano’s works hard to set the trend.

For the Love oF Good Food By Kevin Lee Photos TJK DivisionaL services—ToDD J KuLcsar


eed an option for lunch with friends or family? An evening out for a quality dinner? Mano’s in Yorkton is the perfect destination. Mano’s has been serving Yorkton and area since 2001, and anticipates many more great years. The Stamatinos family have an impressive history in the food industry, dating back to the early 60s when George and Cimos’ father moved to Canada and opened his first café in Churchbridge, the Central Restaurant. The following year, the rest of the family moved from




Greece to Canada as well. In 1969, the whole family moved to Yorkton, and then in 1971, George and Cimos’s father purchased the Mediterranean on 3rd Ave in downtown Yorkton. Eventually George and his wife Irene bought the business from his father and operated the Mediterranean for many years until they decided it was time for a change. Sinking all their finances into a new venture was risky, but they opted to take that chance, joined by George’s brother Cimos. It was in 1987 that they decided to open a new restaurant in the Parkland Mall, and Georgio’s opened its doors that year.

It turned out to be a risk worth taking as customers gave it a sound endorsement. Still, despite their success, the winds of change would flow once again. In 2001 Mano’s opened for business in the Parkland Mall. The change went over favourably and has become a popular place for young and old alike. Even with the success that Mano’s has enjoyed, the one constant is change. In 2010 they renovated the interior to focus on a classier and upscale atmosphere. The new look of Mano’s is impressive, accompanied by the friendly

To maintain their top level of customer service, Mano’s always keeps an open line of communication with their staff so they can inform customers of new menu items and daily specials. Staff members are thoroughly trained to achieve the high standards set by the Stamatinos. George and Cimos try to be a positive influence on their staff, always striving to provide an enjoyable work environment. Their hope is that when the employee leaves, they will take with them a positive work ethic. Previous staff members often stop by to visit. “[They] always have good things to say about what they learned while working here,” says George. Mano’s has served its customer base faithfully, as many come back again and again, and with Yorkton’s evergrowing population, there are always new customers discovering the delicious food and outstanding customer service. George and Cimos invite you to drop by and have a look and taste for yourself. “We appreciate all of our customers, past, present and future,” say both George and Cimos. “A big thank you to Yorkton and surrounding area for fantastic support through all these many years, and many more to come.” FLP Mano’s Parkland Mall 119–277 Broadway Street East Yorkton 306.786.7555 Top L–R George Stamatinos, Irene Stamatinos, Cimos Stamatinos, and Ria Stamatino Below Top L–R Cimos and Linda Stamatinos




DEALER FOR: Howa Precision Rifles (unique recoil reduction stock) • Wheatherby, Remington, Savage, Marlin, Ruger, Tikka, Sako, Browning, Winchester, Thompson and Center • Benalli, Mosssberg Escort and Beretta Shotguns • CVA Traditions and T/C Muzzleloaders • Full line Federal, Hornady and Barnes ammo

Outdoor Adventure Begins

Where Your

A CAnAdiAn TrAdiTion:

Teaching OuTdOOrsmanship in The parkland regiOn By Ashleigh MAttern PhoTos peter bArAn


OPTICS: Quigley Ford, King Optics, Scorpion Optics, Leupold, Redfield and Nikon Optics • NC Star Mount and Bore sight scopes as well

as firearm repais ARCHERY: Darton, Middleton and Barnett crossbows with all accessories • Alpine, Hoyt, Mathews, Bear, Darton and Bow Tech bows plus accessories • Easton, Beman and Carbon Express Arrows • Set up by staff ATV ACCESSORIES: Runva lifetime warranty winches, helmets, Kolpin gun boots, J-Wheels and TJD ATV tracks, Full Line Bugling Bulls and Primo • Hunting Calls • Moultrie and Wild Game cameras • Canadian distrubutor for Hook A Rack FISHING: Full line summer and winter • Ugly Stick, Shimano, Rapala, ABU and Garcia CLOTHING: Arctic Shield Camp and Blaze clothing • Muck boots • Prois women’s camo clothing • Wilderness Dreams camo for her

unting has been a part of Darren Wandy’s life since he was a boy growing up in Roblin, Manitoba. “[Hunting] was a source of food for us,”explains Darren. “I grew up in a hunting, fishing and outdoor pursuits lifestyle.”

Darren says the support they’ve received since launching the show has been beyond their expectations. “I knew it would be popular in our area,” says Darren. “Where we are situated is some of the best hunting and fishing area in the country.”

Darren and the POSE team want to ensure the show covers every aspect of outdoorsmanship. They have speakers talking about fishing, archery, trapping, hunting and even a husband and wife team talking about how to get your kids involved.

Perhaps it’s no surprise, then, that Darren is now president of the Parkland Outdoor Show and Expo.

Birds, deer, moose, elk, fishing—all of the different aspects that make a good outdoor show can be found in the region. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that Yorkton is a trading hub; it’s a good place for people to meet.

“We want to teach people how to become better hunters and fishers and trappers,” says Darren. “How do you become a better outdoors person?”

The second annual Parkland Outdoor Show runs March 9 and 10 at the Gallagher Centre in Yorkton. At the inaugural show last year, they saw 4,500 people visit over two days. This year, they expect to see 7,000 visitors.

The event is a fundraiser for youth archery in schools or clubs within the Good Spirit School Division and towards building a world-class archery building.

For his part, Darren is most looking forward to hearing from keynote speaker Les Johnson from Predator Quest. “I’m a big fan of his; I watch his show every time it comes on Wild TV,” he says. “He’s just a down to earth, regular guy.”

306.542.3911 • 500 NICHOLAS ST, KAMSACK







He’s also looking forward to Brad Fry from The Canadian Guide Life. Fry works as a hunting guide, and his presentation is going to give attendees a special taste of what it means to be a guide. He’s going to bring everything he takes on a trip— including a horse—and have an audience member take his pack for a spin so they can learn what it takes to be an outfitter. Other exciting speakers include Cody and Kelsey Robbins from Live 2 Hunt, Pat Reeve and Nicole Jones from Driven TV, and Eva Shockey, Jim Shockey’s daughter and part of the Jim Shockey’s Hunting Adventures Team. They have more than a dozen speakers, and Darren hopes people will take the time to listen to speakers outside of their interests. “What our show does, it introduces you to something you might not know you’re interested in.” The speakers will also have booth space at the expo, so fans will have a chance to talk one on one with them. The speaker booths are always a popular draw at the expo, but Darren says some of the most popular displays are the taxidermists. “They’re artists,” he says. “Some of the work they’ve done is absolutely phenomenal.” Al Bohn with Country Taxidermy in Ebenezer, Saskatchewan, will be showing a particularly impressive specimen that Darren knows will be a crowd-pleaser. The “Thor” buck is the eight largest white-tailed deer ever taken down in Saskatchewan. There are also two competitions at this year’s event. The first is a shed competition, where competitors can bring in white-tailed deer shed antlers they’ve found to be judged in a variety of categories. The top prize in that competition is a gift package from Cabela’s, though each category has its own prizes. And a new competition this year is the preliminaries for the Call of the Wild 2013 Canadian Elk Calling Championship. The winner will head to the championship in Edmonton on March 17.




Many local sponsors have gotten together to make the event happen, and Darren says he owes a special thanks Doug Arnett at their major sponsor, Yorkton Dodge. As much fun as the Parkland Outdoor Show and Expo promises to be, in the end, Darren stresses that the drive

behind the show is to raise money for youth archery and to build an archery building. “We’re trying to bring kids back to a Canadian tradition,” says Darren. “Hunting and fishing and trapping is part of what Canada is about, and Saskatchewan is about.” FLP




back to the forefront, and with a dream to move his camp into reality, he packed up and headed back east. Trevor already had ideas and a vision for where he might be able to purchase a starting point for his dream. The Sanftleben family and good friends have worked hard to bring a camp that had been in operation for 40 years a newer, fresher touch, and now he has developed a treasure worth searching for. Eagle West Resort is continuously being changed, upgraded and refined into a perfect place to create family memories. Eagle West Resort, located on Eagle Lake, is a great way to experience Northern Ontario with the whole family. Eagle lake is well-known in angling circles as trophy fishery with the most popular gamefish being musky. The best way to describe this fish is to think of a northern pike on steroids with a miserable disposition. Eagle Lake is also home to northern pike, small-mouth bass, trophy walleye, lake trout and whitefish. Trevor gets real enjoyment when he takes youngsters out fishing. “When kids laugh it’s a natural reaction. They aren’t trying to impress anyone and there’s nothing like the sound of a kid when there’s a fish on the line.”

A Fishing PArAdise By Darcy Gross


n the middle of a typical Saskatchewan winter, one’s thoughts always turn to summer. In an area of the world where vehicles need to be plugged in, people long for a day near the water, whether it be relaxing with a favourite book on a white-sand beach or wetting a line, two activities families and friends have always enjoyed on the prairies. In a fast-paced life, the summer vacation is perhaps the best method for slowing things down, detaching from the work environment and enjoying the important things in life, stress free. For many people, a fishing trip is the best way to unwind. Originally from Melville, Trevor Sanftleben has done plenty of moving around during his life and always had a vision of the place he would call home, a




special place where people could come and enjoy themselves. He didn’t find it in the mountains of Alberta or the southern flatlands of Saskatchewan, rather his family’s version of paradise was found in the rocky Canadian shield area of northwestern Ontario, where he and his wife Phyllis first settled after they were married. Their daughter Jessica learned to walk and fish on Eagle Lake. Last summer, the Sanftlebens became the owners of a resort on the West Arm of Eagle Lake, just a hop, skip and a jump east of Winnipeg. Some folks will scoff at the idea of a trip to Ontario to fish, but facts are facts: Eagle West Resort is as close or closer than a number of sport fishing destinations in northern Saskatchewan and to get there, the

highways are immaculate. “One of the misconceptions people have about Eagle West Resort and Ontario in general is that it’s a long way to go, but the reality is that for the kind of vacation we can offer, it’s a very short trip, especially when compared to fly-in trips and even to parts of northern Saskatchewan,” Trevor explains of the scenic drive past Lake of the Woods on the Trans Canada Highway. “It’s not a ‘are we there yet’ kind of trip at all.” The decision to take on ownership of a resort had been brewing in Trevor for a couple of decades, and anyone who knew him would often hear him say, “One day, I’m gonna own a camp.” When his daughter Jessica graduated high school, Trevor’s plan for a camp came

Add the crystal-clear water and a natural sand beach to the mix and you have everything required to make a day of it. While the home-base is Eagle Lake, there is no shortage of untouched wilderness close by, as the camp includes six outback lakes and 15 boat caches with the feel of a fly-in fishing camp without the expense or time constraints of a flight. Have a picture forming in your mind about some family memories that you want to create? Visit Trevor at the upcoming Parkland Outdoor Expo Show in Yorkton and the Melville Trade Show going on the third weekend in March. Catch his excitement about this piece of paradise his family calls home and wants to share with you. FLP

Eagle West Resort Vermillion Bay, ON 1.807.227.5292




ABOVE RIGHT Windy Acres Bed and Breakfast.

Terry Ross and Paul Pedersen

Terry’s CabineTs: “We Don’t Just Build Cabinets, We Design Kitchens.” By Doris Wang Photos ToDD Kulcsar


or over 35 years, Terry Ross has been designing and building cabinets for homeowners in Yorkton and surrounding area. Ross, a journeyman carpenter, started his own custom made cabinet business, Terry’s Cabinets, in 1975. This was after years of experience building homes, during which he became interested in cabinetry. Always eager to learn new things, Terry found the transition between building houses to building cabinets quite easy.

“When I was building houses, I would go talk to the cabinet makers and see what they were doing,” says Terry. From




there, Terry learned the basics of how to make cabinets, and was given his first set of cabinets by the company he worked for. By 1978, he moved his business to 16 kilometers north of Yorkton at the junction of highways 9 and 309. A year later, he started to work exclusively out of his shop. Terry’s clients are from both urban and rural Saskatchewan. Paul, a professional painter and now a journeyman cabinetmaker, joined him in 1998. Paul lent his artistic talent and helped Terry to expand his business. “Cabinet styles were changing at that time and I would have to completely revamp how I build cabinets,” says Terry. “It wasn’t

something that I could have done on my own so when he came, we did it together.” With Paul’s help, Terry’s Cabinets started building their own cabinet doors. Paul also supplied new and fresh ideas for designs. “Paul is a natural artist with a very creative mind,” says Terry. Their motto is: “We don’t just build cabinets, we design kitchens.” Terry and Paul will help clients design a functional kitchen with good work triangles, and a balance of ergonomics and aesthetics. They will come to your home for consultation and take clients through the building process, from conception of ideas to installation of the finished products.

Terry and Paul break down the process into easy steps. When clients come to them for consultation, they will take a basic measurement of the room. Next, they have a meeting with the clients to decide on the cabinet colour, door styles, and the styles, materials and colour of countertops. Terry and Paul go back to the home for more detailed measurements afterwards and design the cabinets to match the area without any wasted space. “The advantage of working with a custom cabinet shop is the product is made to fit the specific space in the kitchen or bathroom,” says Paul.

quartz, and granite countertops, as well as soft close drawer slides are also available to clients. Terry’s Cabinets offers affordable pricing to its customers, and sometimes the cost is even less than off the shelf units.

They build everything in the shop and the installation usually takes one or two days. Paul and Terry always make sure the customer is satisfied with every minute detail of the cabinets. “The little things are not little, they all add up to the end result,” explains Terry.

Some people have even become repeat customers, returning to Terry’s Cabinets when they need to renovate their homes. Many customers have referred Terry and Paul to their friends. According to Paul, the majority of their new work comes from referral by past customers.

Paul and Terry are always open to new ideas and update their inventory almost every month. Aside from cabinets, Terry and Paul have also constructed fireplace surrounds, wall units with columns, and entertainment units. Customers often come to them with new ideas for cabinet designs and their suppliers update them on new trends in the market.

“Our bottom line is that our customers have to be satisfied,” says Terry. “And when we’re done, they’re not just our customers, they’ve become our friends. The quality of our work and our customer relationship will always be an important part of our business.” FLP

Terry’s Cabinets has a huge inventory of high quality woods, stained glass, and hardware to make every cabinet unique. Special features such as LED lighting,

For Terry and Paul, customer satisfaction is their number one priority. “We don’t leave unless the customer is happy,” says Paul. “If they want something changed, we’ll change it for them.” Terry finds the relationship with his customers to be a significant aspect of his business, and a friendship is often formed with his clients.

Terry’s Cabinets P.O. Box 87 Ebenezer 306.782.7147 terryscabinets




TreaT Your WindoWs Well By Brook ThalgoTT Photos lori TrosT


omenic and Lina Rampone moved to Yorkton from Kelowna just over a year ago, and saw a growing city with plenty of opportunity for their business to flourish. Domenic, a former building manager, and Lina, with many years of real estate experience, brought Budget Blinds to Yorkton 13 months ago, and haven’t looked back since. “We opened Budget Blinds in Yorkton just over a year ago as a mobile business,” says Lina. “We also service Melville and Melfort areas, and this past November, we opened our on-site location on 2nd Avenue North.”




Budget Blinds, a locally owned and operated franchise, offers you custom window coverings at competitive prices, and everything comes with a fiveyear, no-questions-asked warranty. The company provides up-to-date window treatments in fashions, styles and colours from all over the world. In fact, one person from Budget Blinds literally travels the globe looking for the most interesting and stylish design ideas to create beautiful looks for your home. The company offers blinds, shutters, drapery, shades, rollers and accessories in all types of materials. With a wide selection of manufacturers at their fingertips, no job is impossible.

Domenic and Lina Rampone

Dealing with Budget Blinds is easy. Domenic and Lina will come to your home for a free consultation. They will measure your windows, ensuring that any window treatment you select will fit the first time, and they will install them for you. Lina has a great eye for what will suit your home and personal style. She can look at your window and just know what will look fabulous while staying within your budget. “There’s no commitment with the consultation,” says Lina. “If you are thinking about something new for your windows, give us a call or stop by. We’d

be happy to show you what we can offer you, for your lifestyle and your budget.” Budget Blinds, serving Yorkton, Melville, Melfort and surrounding areas. The showroom is now open. FLP Budget Blinds 44 2nd Ave N Yorkton Yorkton – 306.783.1699 Melville – 306.728.4575 Melfort – 306.752.3570




PossiBle side effects

Making Real Estate Dreams A Reality

of Your Home energy upgrades By shell busey


Draft Proofing is done before the insulation upgrades are complete by caulking and sealing around electrical house wiring coming up through partition and exterior walls of the home, and sealing around vent stacks, light fixtures, plumbing stacks, chimney stacks and exhaust ventilation ducts. When draft proofing is overlooked, a sign would be the dark stains on the underside of roof sheathing in the attic cavity. This movement of air containing moisture is pushed into the attic cavity by the forced air furnace when in operation, pressurizing the home and pushing air anywhere there is a weakness in the envelope.

our energy efficiency upgrades may be causing havoc within your home when the cold weather shows up, and here is why. The three major upgrades include the furnace, windows and insulation and draft proofing in the attic. The havoc I relate to is condensation on the inside of your new windows, even though you replaced your old aluminum framed windows with vinyl framed windows. 1. Your new high-efficient furnace. Your new furnace no longer takes combustion air from the basement or furnace room area, removing moist air which has settled in the furnace area through the combustion process, thus reducing the moisture in the home. New high-efficient furnaces draw the required combustion air through plastic pipes from the outside directly to the combustion chamber, as well as having a continual-flow furnace fan to maintain a balanced ambient temperature. 2. Windows. New vinyl windows, if installed properly, are tight and sealed to the house envelope to stop drafts, as well as any excess high humidity (moisture) from being exhausted out around the old aluminum or wood frames. 3. Insulation and Draft Proofing. Many home owners had insulation upgrades in their attics with no draft proofing.

Dehumidistat: This is a device to operate a ventilation system, such as a bathroom fan or an HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilation), to exhaust the excess humidity out of your home. The setting of this unit is determined by the outside air temperature (see chart below). FLP

Living Temperature Inside

Relative Humidity (Inside Home)

Above 0°C















for more information on moisture and how your home works as a system watch my webcast by visiting or email me at FineLifestyles


strives to provide its clients with the highest level of business standards, serving

Taking all three upgrades into consideration and reviewing your home as a system, the question now becomes: what do you do about the high humidity building up inside your home if you didn’t address the exhaust ventilation in the bathroom, kitchen and any moisture created within the home?

Outside Temperature


CORE Real Estate Inc.

you with knowledge, professionalism, trust, integrity and skill.

shell busey


the customer make selections from a variety of woods, cabinet finishes and options like soft closes, drawer pulls, and sinks to complete the look. Premier Cabinets knows that cabinets have to be functional and stylish. “With the new trend toward open concept living space, the kitchen cabinets are generally visible from the living room and entry,” says Peter. “Therefore, the cabinets have to fit well with the rest of the home.” And no cabinet is complete without a countertop. Premier Cabinets can supply granite, laminate and quartz. They have many take-home samples so you can find the right countertop to complete the overall look you are trying to achieve. Premier Cabinets works closely with suppliers and contractors to help you find the quality materials, products and people you need to finish your living space.

The CabineTs Make the kitchen

Customers Dwayne and Connie Reeves can attest to the work of Premier Cabinets. “Our experience with Premier Cabinets was great,” says Connie. “From the time we entered the showroom until the day our new kitchen was installed, Peter and his team were accommodating, helpful and professional.” This collaborative approach from initial concept to design and installation ensures that the customer gets the kitchen of their dreams. Serving Yorkton and area for 15 years, Premier Cabinets can create your dream kitchen or cabinetry for any room in your home. Visit their showroom at 15, 8th Avenue North in Yorkton from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. FLP

by Brook ThalgoTT phoTos lori TrosT


ince 1998, Peter Fedorchuk at Premier Cabinets has been transforming kitchens into stylish, beautiful, functional spaces with the cabinetry they design, finish and install. They proudly stand behind their work, ensuring that every customer gets the cabinets they desire. Whether you’re building a new home or renovating your existing kitchen, Premier Cabinets can make your ideas reality.

cabinetmaking trade. Peter and his wife Kathy settled in Yorkton in 1998, and Peter started Premier Cabinets as a one-man operation. Today, the company has three full-time staff and three experienced contractors that handle all cabinet installations. This team of professionals shares the same passion for the woodworking industry, and it reflects directly on their customer service and the quality of their products.

Peter has been in the house construction industry since 1980, primarily in the

Peter’s years of experience in cabinet and kitchen design help him start with




the customer’s vision and grow it into a reality. No matter your style, they work hard to match your design ideas to your product choices and budget. “When a customer comes in with an idea, we collaborate to make the customer’s ideas come alive.” After the initial concept is discussed, Peter creates a 3-D virtual design so the customer can see how their finished kitchen will look. “The 3-D design lets the customer visualize their kitchen and decide if everything is where they want it to be before we start.” Once the design is complete, the team helps

Premier Cabinets 15 – 8th Avenue North Yorkton 306.786.6607

staff picture l-r Bruce thiessen, Darren Fuchs, tracy Meadows, Graham kardynal and Peter Fedorchuk, owner





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offers a wide variety of floorplans in travel trailers, fifth wheel, toy haulers and park models. We can customize the options and accessories to fit both your lifestyle and budget.

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AUTO EX T R A S 465 Broadway Street East | Yorkton, Sk. | 306.786.2886 | Toll free: 1.866.787.2886

The Secret of Foam Lake By FLP StaFF

Adriatic Gardens Where I want to live. FineLifestyles



Today Foam Lake is home to a community of approximately 1,200 proud people, including a number of famous ones. The Breast Friends, a group of 10 “seasoned” women from Foam Lake, raise funds for cancer research from the sale of their own national best-selling cookbooks. You’ll discover more than cookbooks as you peruse these very popular, comprehensive grassroots products which are sold across Canada and in many centres in the United States. Incredibly, in a few short years these unique cookbooks have generated well over a million dollars. The funds raised go to support patient needs, equipment, research, prevention and cancer agencies.


s you drive into Foam Lake, you feel a difference in this prairie town. To start with, there is a sign that boasts “Best Place in the World to Live,” and who are we to argue.

Foam Lake’s first settler, Joshua Milligan, arrived in the late 19th century and named Foam Lake after the foamy shores of a small local body of water northwest of the present town. Ever since, Foam Lake has been a melting pot of cultures. Attracted by the inexpensive land made available to all immigrants by the Canadian government, Foam Lake became home to many Europeans, primarily British, Icelandic and Ukrainian newcomers.




When Ukrainians first came to Saskatchewan in the late 1800s, they primarily settled in the parkland belt. Foam Lake’s population is representative of that, with almost half of its population being of Ukrainian ancestry. The Veselka festival is a celebration of this heritage. Foam Lake hosts the Veselka every April and prides itself on being the largest rural Ukrainian festival in Canada. Two days of food, entertainment and parades reminds you of how fun it is to be a Foam Lake Ukrainian. The Icelandic community also puts on two big annual celebrations: Thorrablot, a spring festival which rotates between Foam Lake and Wynyard, and the June 17 Icelandic Independence Day Picnic, which rotates between Foam Lake and Elfros.

The town boasts many resources built for and by the community, including a multi-purpose hall that seats 500 people, a curling rink and skating facility, a swimming pool, outdoor parks and sports fields, a golf course, nature trails and more. Built in 1975, the swimming pool is now nearing the end of its hearty lifespan. A group of local volunteers have come together to build a new facility that will cost about $1.3 million. While it sounds challenging, this amazing community has come up with over $200,000 for the project in less than six months with the “Make the Credit Union Pay” campaign. This heart and dedication is central to the volunteerism that has built Foam Lake.

Bright, booming and synonymous with progress, Foam Lake has a growing agriculturally driven economy. Milligan Bio-Tech is a world leader in the manufacture of bio-diesel fuel additives, road dust suppressants, penetrating oil and other biodegradable products made from non-food grade canola. This hidden gem is also home to three of the oldest recreation dealers in the province—Northside Leisure, Reel Marine and Edfield Motors. The people of Foam Lake know how to enjoy the natural world around them while being conscientious of the environment. While enjoying resources, this community is full of culture as well. The community theatre is a cinema treasure, and another indication of a thriving community. In Foam Lake, the air is fresh and the water is calm. The town and its surrounding area is a popular location for all things outdoors. With excellent deer and bird hunting, it attracts sportspeople from all over the world. It is also a perfect camping and resort location where many city slickers have built or purchased cabins and cottages to call upon for that holiday retreat. Perhaps it really is the “Best Place in the World to Live.” FLP




Become HealtHy, Become Informed, Become the Best you can Be text and photos By SuSan Gellert


hile driving through Foam Lake, be sure to stop and check out this business. Foam Lake Home Health Care Limited, FLHHC, is a one stop location for all mobility products, natural products and other aids to daily living. John Riberdy opened FLHHC in December 2009 in response to increasing requests about these products by local and area customers. John has a passion for helping people live healthy lives, apparent in the products he chooses to carry. He has a great ability to research product lines and select quality companies to do business with.




“When putting this business together, we decided to focus on three things: providing only the best product lines, providing the best prices on the products we sell and providing the highest standard of customer service,” says John. One part of the business provides aids to daily living and mobility products, while the other provides a large selection of natural health products, vitamins, minerals and health foods. They are in the process of expanding this part of the business to include more food products including gluten free, low carbohydrates, low sodium and other healthy choices.

Often the choices available in supplements and natural health products can be overwhelming. At Foam Lake Home Health Care Limited you will find literature on the available products and their uses as well as knowledgeable people to help you choose the right products for your needs.

recovery. We can also help provide safe and natural supplements which may help with healing.”

“The supplements we choose to bring in are top quality, made with raw ingredients and no fillers, and this helps to provide the customer with both value and satisfaction.”

Foam Lake Home Health Care Limited is an authorized dealer for Merits and Drive medical supplies, and they stock a variety of electric scooters, power chairs, wheelchairs, bath lifts, nebulizers, walkers, canes, anti-slip bath mats, bath bars, medical sheepskin and more.

FLHHC carries a wide range of products that will help you function in your home with short term mobility issues such as after a fracture or surgery, and longer term mobility issues like arthritis or other debilitating diseases. They offer products that promote ease and comfort including seating cushions, leg positioning pads, long handled shoe horns and adaptive eating utensils. Post surgery kits are also available.

John Riberdy, owner

“Planning before surgery can help ensure quick recovery when you come home by making it safer for you during your

The staff at FLHHC takes pride in helping you select the right products and believe in ensuring that their customers get what they require to function at their best.

There is truly a great selection in every area of this store, along with exceptional customer service and some unique gift ideas. Products are currently being shipped throughout Canada. Visit their website at FLP Foam Lake Home Health Care Ltd. 314 Main Street, Foam Lake P: 306.272.4443 C: 306.269.7252




REEL MARINE Serving the Parkland Area Since 1985

Princecraft—Dominate the waters A truly Canadian made aluminum boat

We are a full line Arctic Cat dealer, offering sales, service and accessories for snowmobiles, ATVs, Prowlers and Wildcats. Always offering top notch service from our Cat Master Gold Technicians, we work hard to meet the needs of every unique customer. Aside from the big ticket items, Northside Leisure is proud to offer Aftermarket parts, accessories, clothing, gifts and collectibles. We also carry a variety of products by STIHL, Simplicity, Ferris lawn and garden products, and snowblowers.

Check us out at

“We are a stand alone marine business. We do not sell cars, we do not sell snow machines, we sell and service boats and motors. This gives us the ability to dedicate one hundred percent of our time to the marine industry.” Rob and Evelyn

South Service Road, Highway 16, Foam Lake 306.272.3776

Rob Holowaty started Reel Marine in 1985 and continues to own and operate the business today. This makes him the oldest original Mercury marine dealer in Saskatchewan, and also the first Saskatchewan dealer to attain Premier status. Reel Marine continues to attain this level of recognition with continuous training and certified technicians, including a master

technician in both outboards and sterndrives. Whether you are buying a new boat or want your motor fixed so you can get back on the water, make Reel Marine your first choice. Check out their website at www., or stop in just off Highway 16 at Foam Lake to get your boating, fishing, camping and hunting supplies. Anything marine, find it at Reel Marine.




Choose from gas engines up to 60 HP, a 30 HP AC electric motor or a fuel-efficient high-torque diesel. Choose from 2- and 4-passenger mid-size models or 3- and 6-passenger full-size models All models feature On-Demand True All-Wheel Drive (AWD) to maximize traction Detailed customization with hundreds of rugged and reliable Polaris accessories




HWY 310 N Foam Lake 306.272.3832

Warning: The Polaris RANGER and RZR are not intended for on-road use. Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license to operate. Passengers must be at least 12 years old and tall enough to grasp the hand holds and plant feet firmly on the floor. All SxS drivers should take a safety training course. Contact ROHVA at or (949) 255-2560 for additional information. Drivers and passengers should always wear helmets, eye protection, protective clothing, and seat belts. Always use cab nets. Be particularly careful on difficult terrain. Never drive on public roads or paved surfaces. Never engage in stunt driving, and avoid excessive speeds and sharp turns. Riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix. Check local laws before riding on trails. ©2012 Polaris Industries Inc.

Computer troubles? We have answers Foam Lake Credit Union Exemplifies Corporate Social Responsibility Catch a virus on the internet highway? Are you having “slow” computer issues? Is your computer past its prime? CLD computing specializes in fixing computer issues and in new computer sales. Come in or call and let us help before your frustration gets the better of you. CLD Computing 410 Cameron Street, Foam Lake | 306.272.3702 |

Foam Lake Savings and Credit Union’s most important asset is its people. Visionary leadership and dedication have lead the organization down its path of success. Comprehensive human resource policies focus on the well being of employees, creating a positive atmosphere and respectful work environment.

Chris Divel and Pauline Verity

Kitchen, decor, flowers and more. . . Open Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Golden Ocean

A healthy work setting leads to a motivated and engaged team—employees at Foam Lake Savings and Credit Union volunteer more than 2,000 hours each year to local charities, non-profit organizations and service groups within the community. In addition to time and energy, Foam Lake Savings and Credit Union is a financial supporter of sport, culture and recreation, local education and health care services. This includes a donation of $100,000 to the Foam Lake swimming pool, and paying out nearly $4 million in equity to members since 1995. They advocate working together for the betterment of the community.

Giftware and Flowers

432 Main Street, Foam Lake


306. 272.3534

402 Main Street, Foam Lake | 306.272.3385 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM | 24 Hour ATM Access FineLifestyles



living, their life long dreams through sport,” says Streelasky in his brief and gracious introduction. Kelsie Hendry told the crowd what it takes to be an Olympian. The first woman to ever represent Saskatoon at the Olympics, Hendry’s drive is moving. As a child, she told her mom she’d be at the Olympics one day. “I was really inspired by the Olympics. I was committed to two things—gymnastics and the Backstreet Boys,” Hendry jokes. “I love representing something bigger than myself,” she says of sporting the maple leaf at competitions. “For athletes, sport is all about making moments happen. We need to take our victories in stride, and really celebrate these moments,” she encourages. “These grassroots programs really do make a difference in kids’ lives.” With the goal of becoming a teacher one day, Hendry is proud to encourage kids to get into sport. Sport provided her with amazing experiences and opportunities, and she wants those afforded to other children. Next up, Bob Poley, who played a total of 15 years in the CFL for both Calgary and Saskatchewan. He helped the Riders capture the Grey Cup for the second Brian Propp and Mayor Walter Streelasky enjoy the gala with community members

SportS CelebritieS Help raiSe Money for Melville Minor HoCkey By Nykea Marie Behiel Photos SiMple ShotS By Jackie


s the lights dimmed on the second annual Melville Minor Hockey Sports Banquet, the room of more than 460 people quieted. The coveted silent auction prizes, including many signed jerseys, pulled people away from a scrumptious dinner of sausage, cabbage rolls, salads and other home-cooked sides. In its inaugural year, the event brought in over $25,000, which was used for facility




improvement and to keep Melville’s minor hockey league active. Jeff Kohnen, chair of the event, was thrilled to get this year’s event rolling. “There’s no head table, the special guests and dignitaries are seated all around so they can spend some time with the people who support the event. People have full access to them all evening,” says Jeff. His passion for hockey and community betterment is obvious

and inspirational. “It’s a great way to showcase our community.” This year, Olympic pole-vaulter Kelsie Hendry, former Roughrider Bob Poley and former NHL player Brian Propp are here to promote local sports involvement for youth. Melville Mayor Walter Streelasky took the stage to express his gratitude. “These speakers have lived out, or are

time in 1989, which stands out as one of the most momentous occasions in his football career. “I’m from Saskatchewan, so I try to do my part to help out,” says Bob. His speech, while perhaps a little politically incorrect, has the crowd roaring in laugher. Headliner Brian Propp took the stage next. Fifteen seasons in the NHL, and nine with the Philadelphia Flyers, provides him with plenty of stories and motivation. “You never leave this province without thinking about it,” says Propp. From Saskatchewan, he now resides in Philadelphia with his family. “I believe growing up in a small town taught me leadership. Honesty, integrity and hard work were drilled

into me. Growing up in Saskatchewan taught me how to deal with pressures in life, how to deal with other people and to be successful in life,” says Propp. He is proud of his Saskatchewan roots, and told the crowd that it was a major factor that affected his values and altered the course of his life. “We were all raised the right way. This is my home. People from Saskatchewan aren’t quitters.” The atmosphere at the new Horizon Credit Union Centre is light and enjoyable, and the auction brings in plenty of money for a good cause. The night has clearly been a success—good food, interesting speakers, lots of laughs and many dollars for Melville Minor Hockey. FLP




Penguin RefRigeRation Ltd:

Back l-r Brad Schmidt, Bob Rusnak, Joel Berrecloth, Barry Edel, Scott Drotar, Robbie McDougall, Doug Harper, Tyson Barrowman FronT l-r Dave Carlaw, Pam Moldowan, Grant Dutchak, Ellie Zulyniak, Larry Harris MissinG Lawrie Anderson

You Can Have Confidence in a Company with Years of Expertise By Julie Mushynsky PHOTOS TJk Divisional services - ToDD J kulcsar


enguin Refrigeration Ltd. has been in business for over 40 years, and with locations in Yorkton and Canora, services a large part of the parkland region. Owners Larry Harris and Brad Schmidt can be found at the Yorkton location, and Grant Dutchuk in Canora. These three have all worked as employees at Penguin for over 25 years, and have owned the company for just over a decade. The loyalty and longevity of these three owners makes for a company that really knows their stuff. The company employs 14 staff members, including journeymen refrigeration




technicians, gasfitters, apprentices, and support staff. Their technicians are fully qualified and continuously attend industry training and updating courses. Penguin Refrigeration specializes in residential and commercial HVAC and refrigeration. Penguin can supply and install residential furnaces, boilers, and central air conditioning systems, primarily with Bryant units. They can also service, order parts for, and repair all makes of furnaces. Penguin also supplies and installs walkin coolers and freezers, commercial roof top HVAC units, and split system air conditioning for many applications.

Customers appreciate that Penguin is always there to assist and go the extra mile to identify and rectify problems. People come back to Penguin because they are reliable, have a long record of successful results, and a trusted reputation in the community. Additionally, Penguin has 24hour service available for their customers. Penguin Refrigeration is also a SaskEnergy Network Member. This means that Penguin is recognized as a partner with SaskEnergy, providing customers with the opportunity and tools to increase the energy efficiency of their heating systems. As a network member, the staff at Penguin

can discuss with you how energy efficient natural gas equipment can meet your specific needs. You can also speak with them about energy efficiency incentives, including the boiler, heating, and air conditioning programs. If you require bottled water, Penguin bottles their own water using reverse osmosis and distillation methods. They provide home delivery within the city. When you need to cool things off with ice, Penguin also has ice in various bagged sizes.

Penguin Refrigeration Ltd. 5 Assiniboia Avenue Yorkton 306.782.1577 217 Railway Avenue East Canora 306.563.5527

For all things hot and cold, call the friendly staff at the Penguin location nearest you.FLP




Thurston beamed with pride when asked about his staff. “We have the best staff in the world,” effuses Thurston. “We have 200 of the most dedicated individuals working for us, and every day they come to work ready and willing to serve our members.” In a very tight recruitment market, Yorkton Co-op is able to attract and retain quality individuals who are looking for a career. Strong benefit programs along with high quality training programs, both in-house and online, keep staff informed on what is happening at their Co-op, as well as the Co-operative Retailing System across western Canada. Yorkton Co-op is celebrating 73 years in business in 2013, and they are stronger than ever. New and upgraded facilities along with great staff ensure they are ready to take on whatever challenges may come their way. FLP L-R Ron Mailman, Deb Schmidt, Bruce Thurston, Linda Mailman, and Tom Campbell

Yorkton Co-op: Moving AheAd by giving bAck


orkton Co-op is a unique business compared to more traditional businesses. In 1940, a small group of Yorkton residents incorporated the Yorkton Co-operative Association Limited, for the purpose of livestock marketing. Those early members soon realized that they could get greater purchasing power by buying as a group. By the end of the first fiscal year, the Co-op was delivering fuel in drums to 70 members, and had accumulated $347 in capital. The business realized a net profit of $101 in its first year. From this humble beginning, the Yorkton Co-op has grown into one of the largest and most successful businesses in east central Saskatchewan. Its annual sales volume has placed it on the list of Saskatchewan’s top 100 companies for many, many years.




Expansion over the years has seen added commodities and locations, and the association now operates a food store, an agro centre, two gas bars and two cardlock fuel outlets in Yorkton, a food store and gas bar in Kamsack, an agro centre, gas bar and cardlock in Theodore, an agro centre in Ebenezer, a cardlock outlet in Rhein, and a keylock in Dubuc, Saskatchewan. The association is currently constructing a new food store in Kamsack which will be open in the summer of this year. Yorkton Co-op boasts sales of close to $90 million dollars, 15,000 members, and more than 200 employees. The aim of the Yorkton Co-op is “to improve the economic position of its member-owners through a democratically owned and controlled organization.”

When you become a member of the Yorkton Co-op, you are making a sound business investment in a community organization that provides both economic and social benefits. Your Co-op is an attractive alternative to chain stores and private business because you are the owner, and the profits belong to you. This is why Co-ops refer to their profits as “savings.” Savings are distributed to each member-owner based on his or her patronage. In April of 2012, more than $3.97 was allocated back to Co-op members in equity and cash back. It certainly does pay to be a member of Yorkton Co-op. Another important element of the Co-op’s annual business plan is to provide support within our trading communities. Funds are budgeted each year for support of major projects, as well as smaller fundraising activities.

This year alone Yorkton Co-op will help more than 200 groups and organizations with donations of cash, and gifts-in-kind of more than $60,000. Some of the larger donations over the past years have included $50,000 to The Health Foundation, $10,000 to Habitat for Humanity Yorkton, and an annual donation to The Soup Haven. A special December promotion to help out The Soup Haven generated more than $6,000 in donations to help the group with their programs. In 2012 another special promotion, Fill up for the Health of It,— where 10 cents per litre of fuel sold at the gas bars was donated to The Health Foundation during their Radiothon,— generated more than $5,100 in just one day. In December, Yorkton Co-op teamed up with Deb Schmidt of Royal LePage Premier Realty and Tom Campbell of Leland Campbell LLP and donated 159 turkeys to the Salvation Army for Christmas hampers. These initiatives demonstrate that Yorkton Co-op partners with other local business folks to build a better community. Yorkton Co-op will not rest on their laurels—growth and expansion opportunities are always on the radar. “If an opportunity makes sense and will

benefit all members of the association, we will look at it,” says Bruce Thurston, general manager of Yorkton Co-op. More than $10 million dollars has been projected for expansions, new construction and upgrades over the next five years. “We continually need to examine our facilities and keep up with the current trends and standards,” states Thurston. “We will be upgrading facilities in Yorkton, Kamsack, Ebenezer and Theodore in the next couple of years, and this is significant investment in these communities.”

Above LeFT First office of Yorkton Co-op Above Les Gardiner

Yorkton Co-op Gas Bar and Convenience Stores 305 West Broadway, Yorkton 110 Palliser Way, Yorkton 695 Railway Street, Kamsack




Building a or Portfolio TFSA RRSP? for Income

retirement, you should be taking a total return approach that considers both income and capital appreciation. Also, your tax situation will come into play. Remember, it’s not what you make but what you keep after tax that counts. Tax treatment of investment income, which can vary greatly depending on what you own and your overall financial situation, needs to be discussed with a Tax Professional. Diversification is as important for the income portion of your portfolio as it is for the equity portion. As with equities, you cannot predict which type of investment is going to outperform in a given year. By diversifying your sources of investment income, you can help reduce the volatility of your portfolio overall.

PennySandercock Sandercock Penny NationalBank BankFinancial Financial National 89 Broadway Street 89 Broadway Street YorktonSK Yorkton, 306.782.6456 306.782.6456


ith interest rates still near historic lows even as inflation emember when lifebuilding was simple? fears persist, an To save andportfolio invest for income-producing hasretirement become you opened an What RRSPto do? and more challenging than ever. contributed as much as you could each Do you stick with “safe” GICs and their year. Sure, saving part was yields tough. low yields or the reach for the higher And, of course, investing always has and the risks that come with them? Or its challenges. But at least we all knew do you consider non-bond incomethat an RRSP was the way go. . . or so generating investments liketo dividendeveryone said. yielding stocks or real estate investment trusts? Are you better off with Then in 2009, alongfunds, came annuities, the TFSA. individual securities, Suddenly, a second option to contribute managed accounts, or a combination of our retirement dollars to. What to do? these investments? Which is the priority? There is no one right answer—it depends us goals, to put time the maximum onMany yourcounsel individual horizon, allowable amount into both our RRSP’s and risk tolerance. If you are saving for




Investors looking for safe havens often turn to Guaranteed Investment and our TFSA’s. For big-income, Certificates (GICs), but in manychildless cases people living rent-free in their they do so without realizing thatparents’ these basements, products that’s unquestionably solid investment can also have advice. The restwith of usthem; are probably risks associated but theygoing do to have to prioritize. serve a purpose, offering a guarantee of principal and a fixed rate of return When you make an RRSP eliminating guesswork in contribution, relation to fluctuating you get tointerest deductrates. that amount from your taxable income. The investments You may be RRSP concerned about inside your grow free of inflation, tax while which presents the the greatest they stay in the one plan.ofDown road, threats to any income portfolio. In this however, when money is withdrawn case, you might consider an incomedirectly from the RRSP, or from the RRIF oriented in types to whichportfolio the RRSPthat hasinvests been converted, ofit will securities that historically be taxable. It is alarminghave how performed well do during inflationary many Canadians not fully grasp the periods. Some include: mechanics ofofa these registered vehicle. You may have a $110,000 RRSP but you also have a partner, the government, waiting patiently for its share. The TFSA is the mirror image of an RRSP. With a TFSA, you contribute after-tax dollars. You don’t get a deduction for your contribution, but once the money is in the plan, it not only grows free of tax, but also comes out free of tax. No tax ever! If you don’t love TFSA’s, you’re nuts. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you should love them more than RRSP’s.

• Real Return Bonds are very useful pay for the most essential living expenses for several reasons— government guarantee, capital preservation, long-lived investment, and inflation protection.

We specialize in:

• Investment-grade Corporate Bonds carry a higher risk of default than Treasuries, but as a result, tend to offer higher rates of interest than government bonds. • High-yield bonds are issued by companies and governments, and reward investors with higher rates of interest than investment-grade corporate bonds to compensate for their significantly higher risk of default. • Preferred Shares provide a predictable income stream in the form of taxefficient dividends. first thing to understand is that • The Dividend-Paying Equities offer anif the marginal is lower at to the income streamtax andrate are less sensitive time of withdrawal than at the time interest rate fluctuations than bonds. of contribution, the RRSP will win. Conversely, the building marginala tax rate is Your strategyif for portfolio higher at the time of withdrawal than out of various income-producing at the time of contribution, the TFSA assets will depend on your situation, will goals, win. Easy, right?investment You just need your and your risk to guess your marginal tax rateneeds at the tolerance. While each individual of potential totime decide what mixwithdrawal is right forand himbase or your decision on that. Sadly it’s not that her based on his or her own situation, Many of us cannot can predict what ansimple. Investment Advisor guide our marginal tax rate will be 20, 30 you through the process, structuringor 40 yearsasset in theclasses future. for you with an different eye on growth, capital preservation, or Personally, I like them outpacing inflation. FLPboth for different reasons and see both registered vehicles as part of your investment portfolio. The TFSA is better for short term goals (1-10 years), like saving for a down payment, a car, that future baby, or saving for that big trip. If you are able to invest well with the TFSA, those goals can become reality due to tax efficiency. However, we must not forget about the RRSP. Because compound interest and time are on your side, once you start making some money, contribute annually to your RRSP. You need to ensure that you have enough money for a fulfilling retirement. FLP

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and pre-wired entertainment centre in the rear. The 39FKDS is one of the largest single bedroom units available with the potential sleeping space for six people. Its features include a large king size bed with a double door closet and built-in dresser in the rear. In addition, there’s a built-in breakfast bar with large front windows, spacious entertainment area in middle, large built-in faux brick fireplace with an entertainment centre, and washer and dryer prep. “These destination trailers offer the best of two worlds,” explains Warren. “They allow customers to experience the joys of cabin life without the expense of owning and maintaining a cabin.” Many of the lakes near the dealership’s location offer full-time spots for year-round rent, allowing the campers to be parked and the lots around them to be customized to the trailer owner’s preference.

L–R Debbie, Myles, Warren, Cody

Providing You with the Comfort of outdoor Living By Doris Wang Photos simple shots by Jackie


ith warm weather fast approaching, Canadians across the country are eager for the chance to enjoy the great outdoors. And what better way to make your outdoor living more comfortable than by camping out in a high standard and dependable RV.

Located in Kamsack and Swan River, Todd RV has been providing quality RV to people in Saskatchewan for seven years. The dealership was opened in 1978 by Al and Carol Todosichuk—Todd for short. Their son, Warren, took over the dealership in 1997 and added Todd RV Sales in 2006.




“It was a natural addition in my mind as we are located so close to many prime campgrounds,” says Warren. “Our location in the small town of Kamsack allowed the inexpensive acquisition of extra land for parking our inventory. My dad always taught me to keep the costs down as compared to the city dealers and pass the savings onto customers.” Not only are the RVs affordable, they are also of high quality. Coachmen RV Catalina trailers are especially popular among campers. This is the third season that over a dozen models of Catalina and other Coachmen trailers will be available at Todd RV. Increasing

in popularity are “destination trailers.” Two of the most desired models are the 39FKDS and 39BHTS: luxury RVs with extra length and multiple slide outs. The trailers come with stone cast sinks, which are chemical and stain-resistant and easy to clean, and a residential full size refrigerator. A heated and enclosed underbelly stretches the camping season well into fall.

Customers have given their approval for the destination trailers as well. Many clients have had positive experiences with them on holidays. “With Coachmen Catalinas, we’ve found an affordable product that goes down the highway and is rarely seen back at our dealership,” says Warren. “That’s a great thing. It means trouble-free camping for the customers.” The success of Todd RV is the result of a hardworking owner and staff. It remains a small dealership, and the staff takes the customer concerns personally, making sure everyone is satisfied with their RVs. FLP Todd RV 401 Queen Elizabeth Boulevard Kamsack 306.542.4255

The 39BHTS is a large model with enough sleeping space for multiple families. It has triple super slides and dual ceiling fans. Other features include washer and dryer prep, exterior camper kitchen, and a double bunk bed with a Coa Cube futon




parkland area

parkland area





The York House Dining and Lounge

Saskatchewan’s Best Kept Secret

Enjoy a romantic evening with delicious food, a cozy and relaxing atmosphere, and great service at the York House.

Located 13 kilometers east of Canora in the Hamlet of Mikado there is a wonderful surprise to be found.

Join the Evolution of Dynamic Martial Arts

Parkland’sLargest Parkland’s Largest DJ DJ Sound Sound Company Company

Saddles & Steel Music Productions 182 Broadway Street, Yorkton ||306.738.4397 306.738.4397 ||

We offer a variety of martial arts programs to suit everyone ages 3 to 93. Five different styles, eleven programs, eighteen classes per week, five days a week.

The York House Dining and Lounge 12-4th Avenue North, Yorkton | 306.782.4333

Zeke’s Grill & Lounge Located in the former curling rink, Mikado, SK | 306.563.4955

Yorkton Martial Arts Training Center 306.621.1555 | 50B Broadway St. W, Yorkton (1 block east of McDonalds) | | |

Reserve Angus Steak at Mano’s or it’s a Mistake

Amazing Menu. Amazing Atmosphere. ARIGATO SUSHI & RAYZR’S PUB

Featuring Tattoos by Adam Paton & JG

Canadian AAA Angus Beef infused with Mano’s exclusive in house dry aging process, ensuring superior tenderness and flavour.

Fresh and authentic Japanese recipes located in the Yorkton Hotel. AMAZING MENUS – AMAZING ATMOSPHERES!

At Tantalize Tan you’ll find the Arigato Arigato Sushi Sushi Japanese finest inJapanese premium sun beds and 14 Avenue N parkland 14 Second Second Avenue North North Yorkton Yorkton, SK S3N 1G2 306.783.8282 professional skin care products. 1 306.783.8282| | Our professionally trained staff will ensure that you will achieve your tanning goals. By Nykea Marie Behiel Photos By Jessanna Jones

ew and old come together to create a dynamic business duo WInTEr 2012 in downtown Yorkton. The VOlUME 1 ISSUE IV 110-year-old Yorkton Hotel on Second Avenue has a long history of serving people, and has recently been revitalized to better suit the needs of its clientele. The renovations have brought the Yorkton Hotel to life. First time visitors come out of curiosity, then return for the great food, relaxed atmosphere, and friendly customer service.

Mano’s Restaurant & Lounge 119–277 Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.786.7555

Japanese Restaurant and Rayzr’s pub. Although separate, these two businesses work together to address the growing demand of their sophisticated customers. These two establishments have heard the needs of the community, and provide what the citizens of Yorkton seek.

This unique old building houses two special businesses—Arigato Sushi




RON SKINNER C: 621-7700





Yorkton Hotel 14 2nd Avenue Yorkton Hotel N. Yorkton Yorkton,|SK 306.782.2947 | 306.782.2947 21 14 2ndCENTURY Avenue N. Yorkton | 306.782.2947 Ask About Our BROADWAY PARK REALTY 180 Broadway Street West Yorkton, SK S3N 0M6 OFFICE: 306.782.2253 FAX: 306.786.6740




Referral Program


SHELBY WILK C: 621-9074

Great Food...Excellent food, excellent value. Value...Come Come relax. relax...Life Life is good. is good. Good!

WInTEr 2012

Rayzr’s Pub Yorkton Hotel

Tantalize Tanning Studio 77 Broadway Street West Yorkton, SK S3N 0L9 1 306.782.5757

FineLifestyles parkland

Broadway Park Realty

Oh Jin Kwon and his brother Kai came to Yorkton with plenty of experience from cities around the world. With over 10 years of experience, they have worked in Toronto, Vancouver, Japan, and Australia before coming here to open Yorkton’s first sushi restaurant. Although they have only been open six months, Jin has already had positive feedback and return customers. Everything is freshly made from high quality ingredients. Their focus on excellence and authentic Japanese recipes sets them apart from any other restaurant in Yorkton.

FineLifestyles Subscriptions

Simply email Saskatchewan’s Own

to inquire about your subscription to FineLifestyles magazine.


Music Store, store, special Special events, Events, DJs, DJs, professional Professional production. Production

The YORKTON HOTEL For the Love of Sewing

Art from traditionalin tattooing to portraits. Walk-Ins services welcome Baby Lock and Janome sewing machines and sergers available. Free Two businesses working tandem providing for each other. The pub provides beverage (time-pending). Best service and the best style. Come visit us, user lessons with purchase. We also service any brand of sewing Sat. 12-7pm,restaurant or check us out on Facebook. machines and sergers. service for theTuesJapanese and the restaurant provides food services for the pub. Skin City Tattoos 44 Second Avenue, Yorkton | 306.782.8288 |

Fresh and authentic Japanese recipes. Arigato Sushi Japanese 14 Second Avenue North Yorkton, SK S3N 1G2 1 306.783.8282 Home of the $18.88 Roses

Fresh flowers and arrangements for every occasion.

Colette’s Sewing Machines Plus 206 Smith Street East, Yorkton | 306.782.3520

Rayzr’s exceptional meal and beverage value. Offering a unique lounge experience from ribs to sushi. Rayzr’s Pub 14 Second Avenue North Yorkton, SK S3N 1G2 306.782.2947 Think Spring Freshen up your space. Come and explore the unexpected in home decor.

FineLifestyles Magazine Subscriptions FUnny Girl GetS real abOUt | | MOvieS and liFe

All About Flowers #6–146 Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.782.4222

The Frozen Cactus 37 Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.783.0313

Melville’S MayOr On HOrizOn Credit UniOn Centre FeStive HOliday drinkS inSide yOrktOn FaMily payS it FOrward FineLifestyles



parkland area



Locally Owned, International Quality

Indescribable Fashion

One Stop Bridal Shop

Personalized Quality Service

Fabricland 32 Betts Avenue, Yorkton | 306.782.5544

Sagebrush Studios 102 Vincent Ave, Churchbridge | 306.896.2744

Memories to Last a Lifetime 33 Broadway Street East, Yorkton ||306.782.3424 306.782.3424

Parks Jewellery 26 Second Avenue North, Yorkton | 306.782.2927

Whole Body Antioxidant Protection

So Much More Than Just a Western Store

House of BBG Cosmetics

Put the WOW in Your Decor

Good Earth’s Shop Linden Square Mall, Yorkton | 306.782.5300 | 1.800.310.6458

Hitching Post 17 Betts Ave, Yorkton S3N 1M1 | 306.783.5629

Pretty Face Makeup Studio 102 - 19 Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.783.6253 |

The Plum Tree 385 Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.786.5006

Hopping from Tot to Tween

Dress Trendy for Less

Perfect Style for Every Occasion

LosaChic has the look of an upscale boutique with affordable prices and small town personalized service. Come see our style!

Tracy’s Ladies and Bridal Fashions. Come in for a full selection of ladies wear, travel clothing, formals, bridal, and accessories.

More Than Just an Adult Store

Losa Chic Boutique 29 B Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.621.2127

Tracy’s Ladies and Bridal Fashions 2 - 84 Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.783.6360

Beautiful home decor materials in stock as well as quilting materials and fabric for all occasions.

PhytoBerry® is a highly concentrated whole food supplement that offers whole body antioxidant protection with over 40 high ORAC value fruit concentrates, phytonutrients, EFAs, essential oils and herbal extracts.

Clothing for infants through to youth, as well as some for expecting and new moms; educational toys and special gifts for all the children in your life. Joey Children’s Apparel 14–3rd Ave North, Yorkton | 306.782.1332 |




An absolutely amazing display featuring home decor, art, giftware, classic ladies fashion and accessories to complement your unique and exclusive style.

Hitching Post has something for everyone—great selection of mens, ladies and childrens clothing, boots, hats, jewellry, home decor, tack and so much more. Check it out.

One Stop stop for all your wedding needs. From dresses and planning to rentals and decorations. Simplify your wedding with a stop at Memories to Last a Lifetime.

“Come get your Pretty Face on” in Yorkton, SK.

Parks Jewellery has it all—wedding and engagement rings, Canadian diamond jewellery, watches, giftware, marriage licenses, trophies, and engraving.

Want the WOW factor in style, sophistication, clean lines or your own look? Shop The Plum Tree for ALL your decorating needs.

A gorgeous range of specialty sizes and styles of brassieres, lingerie, adult merchandise and more. Book your bachelorette party today. Mail order catalogues now available. Under the Covers 30 Betts Avenue, Yorkton | 306.782.7982 | 1.866.585.7982




parkland area

parkland area


tRades and seRvices



Customize Your Space

Our Style, Like Yours, Is Always Changing

Full Body Rejuvenation

Sales, Service & Installation

Wagner’s Flooring Ltd. 46 Myrtle Avenue | 306.783.8392

Uptown Casuals 9C Broadway St East, Yorkton | 306.783.0303 |

ReVive Spa & Supplements 75 Broadway Street West, Yorkton | 306.783.3344

Penguin Refrigeration 5 Assiniboia Avenue, Yorkton | 306.782.1577 217 Railway Avenue, Canora | 306.563.5527

Our Members Matter

Let Us Inspire You

Everlast Your Home

The Hottest Fashions for your Windows

Yorkton Co-op 30 Argyle Street Yorkton

Welcome Home Gift Shop and Grower Direct 113 Smith St E Yorkton | 306.786.7673

Everlast Eaves & Exteriors Ltd. 130 Livingstone Street, Yorkton 306.786.7055

Budget Blinds 44 Second Avenue, Yorkton | 306.783.1699 |

Your Friendly Neighbourhood Music Store

Your Full Service Jeweller

Designing Kitchens

Full range of gold and silver jewelry featuring Canadian Diamonds. In store repairs and custom casting. Getting married? Stop by for engagement and wedding bands.

Specializing in custom cabinetry from traditional to modern contemporary, quartz and granite counter tops, LED accent lighting.

Serving Yorkton for Over 53 Years

Gifts of Gold Jewellers Suite 2-23 Broadway Street E, Yorkton | 306.783.5550 |

Terry’s Cabinets Jct Hwy 9 & 309, Ebenezer | 306-782-7147 16 km North of Yorkton |

Service goes beyond the provision of quality products and sound advice.... Come design your unique space with us at Wagner’s Flooring, Where Friends send Friends.

Become a member of Yorkton Co-op. Food stores, gas bars, convenience stores, agro centres and cardlocks. Membership Pays!

Guitars, basses, drums, keyboards, PA systems and all the accessories.

Fuzztone Music 34–2nd Avenue North, Yorkton | 306.782.5355 | |




Fashion boutique offering the best in designer fashions, premium denim, footwear and accessories for men and women. Located in the heart of downtown Yorkton.

Planning a wedding, anniversary or celebrating another big moment? February through April is the perfect time to book a consultation for your bouquets and floral decor.

Exclusive to Yorkton we offer the Body & Skin Rejuvenation Booth— red light therapy. See increased flexibility, reduction of cellulite and skin rejuvenation.

Quality service, quality products and quality workmanship. Everlast is your best choice for maintenance free exterior products for your home.

Serving the Yorkton & Canora area for over 40 years. Specializing in refrigeration services and in residential, commercial, industrial heating and cooling.

No limits on design, colour, or style to dress up your windows.

Three generations of heating, plumbing and cooling services.

Hancock Plumbing Ltd. 71 Broadway Street East, Yorkton | 306.783.3028




parkland area

tRades and seRvices


A Prairie Success Story

Discover all the Possibilities

Amazing Customer Service, Outstanding Quality

Cupcake Spa HabitTherapy?

EMW Industrial Bay H 132 Broadway Street West, Yorkton | 306.782.4945

Sveinco Developments 24 Stilllwater Bay, Yorkton | 306.621.2140 | |

Shear Bliss Salon Suite 104-19 Broadway St E, Yorkton | 306.782.7500|

Spa Habit 3 - 84 Broadway Street E, E. Yorkton ||306.786.3388 306.786.3388 | |

Indulge Yourself

For All Your Electrical and More

Your Premium Tan Headquarters

Your Hearing is Our Concern

From the Inside Out Beauty Salon 17 1st Ave North, Yorkton | 306.783.1054 |

RH Electric Ltd 657 Broadway St. W Yorkton | 306.782.5592

EMW Industrial offers world class quality, design, fabrication, installation and maintenance of equipment for agri-business and industrial clients.

We encourage you to feel beautiful from the inside out. Come in and let us help you create your own definition of beautiful.

Custom cabinets and millwork in every build.

Call us for residential, commercial, and industrial electrical and data/com services, in town and rural. Services include renovations and underground trenching, fibre optics, home automation, and surveillance camera systems.

Shear Bliss Salon is proud to boast a first class customer experience while providing outstanding quality in trends and styles for their clients.

At Tantalize Tan you’ll find the finest in premium sun beds and professional skin care products. Our professionally trained staff will ensure that you will achieveTan your tanning goals. find the At Tantalize you’ll Tantalize Tanning Tanning Studio finest in Studio premium sun beds and 77 Broadway Street West Yorkton Yorkton, Sask professional skin care products. 306.782.5757 || Our professionally trained staff will ensure that you will achieve your tanning goals.

Tantalize Tanning Studio 77 Broadway Street West Yorkton, SK S3N 0L9 1 306.782.5757 Skilled Workmanship, Quality Product Let us design and build your dream kitchen.

Premier Cabinets 15 8th Avenue North, Yorkton 306.786.6607




Cupcake Relax in the therapy? welcoming Relaxenvironment in the welcoming of Spaenvironment Habit and then of Spa take home Habit and then signature take home spa products or orderto spa continue signature your products spa online to treatmentyour continue at home. spa treatment at home.


Honest, professional service, reliable products,in all tandem at an affordable Two businesses working providing price. Services provided by Marina Walls, Master’s Degree Audiologist.

serv service for the Japanese restaurant and the restau

Yorkton Hearing Services #12-3rd Avenue North, Yorkton | 306.782.1793

Fresh and authentic Japanese recipes. Arigato Sushi Japanese 14 Second Avenue North Yorkton, SK S3N 1G2 1 306.783.8282

Creating a Truly “You-nique” Interior

Quality Work, Friendly Service

A fresh set of eyes makes all the difference. Talk to me for your 2013 decorating needs.

As a NAPA Auto Care Service Centre, full service automotive repair shop, and SGI inspection centre, we can get you back on the road.

This multi-time award winning motorcycle shop is a single line genuine Harley-Davidson® Dealership. Staffed with friendly, knowledgable staff that live what they sell.

Truly You Interiors 306.621.9473 |

Sharp Automotive Repair Ltd. 278 Myrtle Avenue, Yorkton | 306.782.2396

Harley-Davidson‰ of Yorkton 86–7th Avenue South, Yorkton | 306.783.1999

Enhancing Lifestyles for Nearly 30 Years




parkland area

tRades and seRvices


Making Your Health and Fitness Goals fun

The Friendliest Staff In Town

Photography for Yorkton

Lori Trost Photography

Forever Fit Ltd. 79 Broadway Street West, Yorkton | 306.621.5585

Kahkewistahaw Gas and Convenience Store 500 Broadway Street West, Yorkton 306.786.8832

TJK Divisional Services Todd Kulcsar, Yorkton | 306.316.0130

Lori Trost Photography 306.783.0284 |

Forever Fit is dedicated to helping you find the healthier and more fit version of yourself. Enjoy gym access, unlimited group fitness classes and gym orientation in one very affordable membership.

Kahkewistahaw Gas and Convenience Store has won numerous awards for outstanding service and commitment to employee development and is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day.

Providing Yorkton and area with photographic services for commercial work, weddings, engagments, graduation, portraits, photo booth rental and more.

Doing my best to capture the loveliness of God’s beautiful creation. My desire is to have the “real you” shine through. Book now for all your 2013 photographic needs. . . grads, weddings, family portraits and more.

parkland area


DIRECTORY Providing Financial Services for all Life Stages

Body, Mind & Soul

Horizon Credit Union Branches in Melville, Grayson, Grenfell, Neudorf and Wolseley |

Luna Experience Body, Mind & Soul 42- 6th Avenue N Yorkton | 306.782.7685 | 1.877.782.7685 toll free |

Capture the Moments

Making Memories

Everyday our team of experts are making a difference by helping you with all your financial service needs. Today, Tomorrow, Together.

You are the peanut to my butter, flip to my flop, hokey to my pokey, salt to my pepper, beat of my heart, the love of my life.

See what clients are saying. Wedding: Portrait:

Simple Shots by Jackie Jackie Herman | 306.621.7913

Carol’s Photography | 306.783.4922




Spring iS Coming!

Come in for a spa experience and take a little bit of Luna Home with you. Visit our on site retail store with a wide selection of Ossetra® Organic Skin Care and Dermalogica® products.

Turning your dream into an address Nancy Johnson Re/Max Blue Chip Realty


Spring Edition Watch for it this April. . .




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feBruAry / mArCH 2012 || Volume 1, iSSue 2


Friday Saturday Sunday

9:30 – 9:00 9:30 – 5:30 11:00 – 5:00


The best shopping in Saskatchewan with over 130 stores and services.


SPECIAL WEDDING 201 – 1st Avenue South, Saskatoon 306.653.8844 FEATURE



RON SKINNER C: 621-7700





180 Broadway Street West Yorkton, SK S3N 0M6




Q & A with Hip Hop Star ClASSified OFFICE: 306.782.2253 CHef Gordon rAmSAy recipies FAX: 306.786.6740 Ken BeAttie Canada’s favorite Gardener oil And GAS Column with Geologist Jennifer Cugnet entertAinment Calendar


Referral Program

SHELBY WILK C: 621-9074


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FUnny Girl GetS real abOUt MOvieS and liFe



Profiling many of Estevan’s and Weyburn’s CENTURY 21 Ask About Our FineBROADWAY Businesses PARK REALTY

Wednesday 9:30 – 9:00 In Her Beverly Hills Mansion Thursday 9:30 – 9:00

Century 21 Accord Realty offers you a team of professionals, and we’ve got what you need


Dichotomy in Denim





WInTEr 2012

FALL 2012

SHOPPING HOURS Monday 9:30 – 5:30 Tuesday 9:30 – 5:30


Broadway Park Realty

W. BrEtt Wilson



FineLifestyles parkland


Saskatchewan’s Own



FALL 2011 || VOLUME 3, ISSUE 3

The latest looks in cabinet woods, mouldings, hardwood floor, laminate floors and beautiful door options


Accord Realty

Accord Realty 163 1stOn AvenueHOrizOn NE, Swift Current, SK Melville’S MayOr 306-773-2933 UniOn Centre

FeStive HOliday drinkS inSide yOrktOn FaMily payS it FOrward




High-quality, International feel. Cover: card stock; perfect–bound. Attractive layout, quality photos. The medium is the message. A high-quality medium reflects a high-quality association with your company, products and services.

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Broadway Park Realty




CENTURY 21 BROADWAY PARK REALTY 180 Broadway Street West Yorkton, SK S3N 0M6 OFFICE: 306.782.2253

RON SKINNER C: 621-7700






Ask About Our Referral Program

SHELBY WILK C: 621-9074

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