FineLifestyles Saskatoon Fall 2011

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FineLifestyles SASKATOON

FALL 2011 || VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3

Saskatoon’s Own

In Her Beverly Hills Mansion


BEST of the BEST Businesses


Marketing Saskatoon’s Finest Properties

Dan Bader 371-7760

Clark Dziadyk 227-2036 Ron Baliski 221-0421

Reagan Baliski 290-7377

Ron Baliski Realty Inc. 250-1820 8th Street East 306.242.6000

fashion for (f)all

Brianne’s Lingerie | Caswell’s, The Store For Men l Dr. John S. MacPherson, Dentist Ethos Salon & Spa l Fashions Sixth Avenue | Gentries | Klassique Designs Long Tall Sally | Merle Norman Cosmetics l Point Optical | SaskTel | 2nd Ave. Grill Sheila’s State of the Art Flowers l Bon Appetit | Grandma Lee’s Bakery Cafe

Downtown 123 - 2nd Avenue South | 665-6120 HOURS: Monday to Saturday 9:30 a m - 5:30 pm, Open Until 9:00 pm Thursday

FeaturedContributors Suzanne Huber

Suzanne Huber began her career in her fourth year of business school at the U of S selling software to hotels. After growing the local company throughout Canada and into the US, she decided it was time to branch out and start Couture Business Development Inc. with coowner and friend Candace Fox in August 2009. Couture Business Development today provides marketing, public relations and sales consulting services to businesses in various industries. Suzanne is an avid traveler and spent time living in London England and has traveled to 18 countries. She also volunteers as the Vice President of the Saskatoon Opera and as a big sister with Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Saskatoon.

Ashleigh Mattern Ashleigh Mattern is a freelance writer and editor, born, raised and living in Saskatoon. A recent graduate of the University of Saskatchewan, she spent four years working for the student newspaper the Sheaf, first as arts editor, then as copy editor, and finally as editor-in-chief. Last year, her experience as a representative on the Canadian University Press board of directors gave her a new appreciation for non-profit governance. She currently sits on two non-profit boards. Having worked as a freelance writer for the past three years, she has written for many local publications. She also enjoys creative writing and continues to pursue a career in that field despite many warnings not to.

Karin Melberg Schwier Karin Melberg Schwier is a Saskatoon writer, author and illustrator whose most noted works are about people with disabilities. She has written several books and many articles for home renovation and lifestyle magazines, and is currently completing her eighth book, Flourish: People with Disabilities Live Life with Passion (Inclusion Press, 2012). A recently completed novel manuscript is in search of a publisher.

Heather Fritz “When I am invited into people’s homes, I am always drawn to the photos they have on display,” says Heather Fritz, nationally published, Saskatoon-based photographer. “I was inspired by Shannon Tweed’s collection of small-framed family photos on display in clusters around her home. While her house is large and elegant, each display acted like a piece of art while acknowledging the importance of family in this home.” Heather has been shooting professionally for over seven years. She grew up in Alberta and has lived in the Yukon Territory, British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario. Heather is the official photographer for the Saskatoon Opera and is the co-chair/founder for Saskatoon’s “The High Tea” fundraising benefit tea.

Candace Epp Candace is a vibrant visual designer with a specialty for interpreting her clients’ expression while showcasing the emotion, place or event. Her passion for photography began as a child with a single stunning photograph. When she was given the opportunity to study visual arts at the University of Saskatchewan she jumped at the chance, and soon after began lifestyle and wedding photography. With her talent and entrepreneurial skills, Candace has seen her company grow from a single vision. Candace’s work has taken her to many faraway places, creating images for herself and others, she has made it her life’s goal to be as creative as possible toward everything she endeavours to do.

Christine Engel Christine Engel is co-owner of Black Bench Productions, a Saskatoon photography and multimedia company. In the last two years she completed her MFA at Ryerson University and created a documentary that has screened at festivals worldwide. Christine’s passion for photography is based on the documentary-style, and she is always experimenting with new approaches to images in her home-based studio.

A message from

SHANNON TWEED Saskatchewan was my adopted home for my impressionable years. Saskatoon was home for me and my mother who struggled to care for her seven children. It was the adopted home of my great grandparents who were pacifists fleeing Russia. Canada offered religious freedom, schools and land in return for working that land. Saskatchewan is the birthplace of my grandmother, my parents and older siblings. It continues to be their residence today. The prairie will always be a symbol of home to me. She holds the lessons of my youth and the hope of my ancestors. I hope to make her proud... and someday, maybe a new house on Shannon Tweed Lane?

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FirstWord By Thom Barker, Fine Lifestyles Saskatoon Editor We are who we are.


Fine Lifestyles Saskatoon Volume 2 Issue 3 Fall 2011

This issue of Fine Lifestyles Saskatoon marks my one year anniversary with the magazine. If I’m being honest, there have been times I really wondered if I would make this milestone. It’s no easy feat to get one of these issues to print and in the heat of deadlines it sometimes feels like I’m on the brink of cracking.


Editor Thom Barker

FineHomes Graphic Design and Layout Joni Gaudette

In-house Design REGINA Lori Gallagher Cover Photography Heather Fritz


When I look back on it though, it’s been a fun ride. I’ve read a lot of great stories and I’ve gotten to know my home province better in a year than I might have in a decade doing something else.

Photography Candace Epp SASKATOON Christine Engel Lisa Landrie Contributing Writers Alexandra Walld Ashleigh Mattern Braden Dupuis Candace Fox Carol Todd Daniel Dalman Ian Goodwillie Karin Melberg Schwier Ken Beattie Linda Epstein Lissa Robinson Meagen Thomas Michael MacDonald Nolan Hand Penny McKinlay Ryan Holota Rebecca King Sheena Koops Suzanne Huber Tammy Caeser Tammy Robert


I’ve also had the opportunity to interview some really amazing people. For this issue, I got to meet and talk to Shannon Tweed. Rarely have I met an individual who is as comfortable in her own skin as Shannon seems to be. It can’t be easy being under constant public scrutiny. Granted, she has brought most of that on herself, but still, I don’t know that I could endure that kind of attention. There are, of course, many different strategies for dealing with fame. Tragically, all too often, and all too publicly, we see celebrities succumb to substance abuse problems. Of course, it’s arguable that these are the result of underlying issues and not directly attributable to fame, but there is enough anecdotal evidence to suggest a link. In the case of Shannon Tweed, she seems to have adopted a ‘we are who we are’ kind of attitude. She quips that her life is an open book because she has a bad memory and wouldn’t be able to keep track of her lies if she tried to hide from her past. And she’s insightful about her movie career saying, “People ask, ‘why didn’t you do this?’ or ‘why didn’t you do that?’ but that’s not up to me. I didn’t get offered a lot of things, so I took the best of what I got offered and tried to make a career out of it.” This is why I love interviewing people. I’m almost always able to pull a page out of their books and apply it to my own life. Not that I have a lot of skeletons in my closet, nor do I have any illusions that I may be or become famous, but Shannon helped me become a little more accepting of the stupid things I’ve done and the opportunities I may have missed.


Advertising Consultants Cathie Watson Crystal Reich Jason Booker Meagan O’Flanagan Mike Birkland Patrick Barker Publishers Randy Liberet 540.3320 Wayne UnRuh 541.3365 3440 Balsam Grove Regina, Sk. S4V 2S4 Fine Lifestyles Saskatoon is published four times a year by Fine Lifestyles Regina, Ltd. We reserve the right to edit any materials chosen for publication including photographs. We reserve the right to reject or accept any article, photograph, image or advertisement. All contents of Fine Lifestyles Regina, Ltd. publications are copyrighted 2011 with all rights reserved, except for original articles submitted to Fine Lifestyles Regina, where copyright resides with the author. No other part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of Fine Lifestyles Regina Ltd. or its writers. The name Fine Lifestyles Saskatoon, its logo and material cannot be reproduced without the written consent of the publishers. The views and opinions expressed in the expert advice columns

We are who we are.

herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Fine Lifestyles Regina Ltd. or the companies it represents. The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.



14 19 40

FEATURE STORIES 10 Cover: Shannon Tweed 19 Fashion World: Rebecca King 29 Chef Michael Smith (plus recipes) 36 Entertainment Calendar 42 The Healing Power of Soup 56 The Tornado Hunter 68 Ken Beattie 75 The Man Behind the Porsche


56 42 63



29 Arts, Entertainment and Dining 42 Health and Wellness 54 Sports, Recreation and Travel 63 House, Home and Properties 75


79 Business 83 SPECIAL SECTION: Best of the Best

59 68 75

Shannon Tweed has appeared in dozens of movies and television shows including her current hit reality romp Gene Simmons Family Jewels. She is a devoted mom and an outspoken supporter of the Saskatoon SPCA. She is many things, but still best-known for, and frequently referred to as a former Playboy playmate, even though that was 30 years ago and almost didn’t happen at all.


It was 1978. Tweed, then a waitress and aspiring model in Ottawa had been talked into competing for the title of Miss Ottawa Valley, which she won. Miss Canada was not an experience she remembers fondly.

overs. They turned my hair into, I don’t know, it looked like a poodle or something and I was mortified because they did a perm on me. I was so self-conscious about it, I wanted to cry. I was so nervous and I did one of those, you know where you answer the question and you go ‘um… which… were… how… you… are… like… a…’ kind of cadence, and then you go ‘world peace’ and can’t wait to get off the stage.”

“I really have terrible stage fright, which is funny because I can do almost anything as someone else, but as myself I can’t do a whole bunch,” Tweed explained. “The night before, I think, was the sponsored hair-cuts when they decided to do make-

She finished third runner up, but won the talent competition. “I don’t know how that happened because I was horrible,” she recalled. “I sang an Olivia Newton-John song (“I Honestly Love You”) and I know Miss

“If I had won Miss Canada, I probably wouldn’t have done Playboy,” Tweed told Fine Lifestyles Saskatoon from her home in Beverly Hills, California.


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Niagara Falls (Denise Matthews) later on became Vanity, who sang with Prince and she was in the competition as well.” Despite the negative memories of the pageant, Tweed says she would have gladly traded the talent title for the crown. “Then my life probably would have gone in a completely different direction. Because I think it was a different road to maybe endorsements and commercials, and so on, where I probably would have been making a decent living.” Instead, she was back to struggling to make ends meet waitressing and doing model-

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ling on the side, until Hef came a-calling. “There was a photographer scouting in town for Playboy and he was shooting one of the girls from our agency,” Tweed said. “I asked my agent if he could get me in to see him and I wouldn’t have done that if I had been Miss Canada, probably. I was still waitressing, and at that time you really couldn’t make a living just modelling. All the girls were doing something else as well.” Tweed managed to get in to see Playboy’s scouts twice, but was turned down both times.

Thrill of a lifetime It has been widely reported that Tweed finally managed to get into Playboy through the Canadian reality TV series Thrill of a Lifetime. She tells it a bit differently (see myth busting sidebar), but

the bottom line is her persistence finally paid off and, in November 1981, she was the magazine’s Playmate of the Month. In 1982 she became Playmate of the year, which netted her a Porsche and a brief stint as Hugh Hefner’s girlfriend. But was it the thrill of a lifetime? “No, I wouldn’t say that was my thrill of a lifetime,” she said. “I don’t think I’ve had my thrill of a lifetime yet. And I say that because everyone says that having their children was their thrill of a lifetime and I agree that that is so I won’t bore you with that. Having my kids is obviously the best thing that ever happened, but maybe my thrill of a lifetime aside from that hasn’t happened yet.” There have been some thrills along the way, though. Most recently, Saskatoon City Council announced in June it would name a street after her. Tweed

Lane will be near the Boychuk Drive entrance to Rosewood, a new neighbourhood currently under development in the southeast corner of the city. “That’s thrilling isn’t it?” Tweed enthused. “I was thinking about buying a house on that street. It could be Shannon Manor on Tweed Lane.”

The early years Shannon Tweed was born March 10, 1957 in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. “You remember as much as an 11 year old remembers,” she said. “You remember how your yard looked, the overall feeling. I had a happy childhood. “We all did what normal kids do, whatever our parents told us to do and were punished accordingly if we didn’t do it. In those years, in the 60s, there was capital punishment and you had to sit at the

INTERNET MYTHS BUSTED You started competing in beauty pageants when you were very young. No, I didn’t. I only did one. I only did Miss Ottawa, which ran into Miss Canada, which didn’t go anywhere. You moved to Ottawa to be with an Ottawa Rough Riders football player. No. You got into Playboy through the TV program Thrill of a Lifetime. No. Well, kind of. I tested for Playboy and I was rejected a couple of times. I don’t know who thought of it, but between me and my agent and Thrill of a Lifetime, it’s all kind of a blur, but the third try was combining the publicity that you would get from the show and competing in Thrill of a Lifetime and yada yada yada, then that sort of convinced Hef that ‘ok, we’ll do it.’ You are quoted as saying you were jaded by the time you were 24. Really? I don’t think I ever said that. I don’t even think I know what that means.

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table and finish your meal and all kinds of things we don’t do today. I remember having oatmeal and waiting for it to congeal so I could drop it on the floor so the dog could eat it so I could be let go.

the ranch without Donald’s knowledge, which led to an acrimonious divorce. Louise decided to move the family back to her hometown of Saskatoon. It was very difficult for 11-year-old Shannon.

“The trips to school were different then. The one I remember most was probably when I was a little older. It was a longer trip and we had to go through the town of Dildo. There was a fish plant there and when it was whaling season the smell was horrendous and, of course, the kids on the bus, we’d all roll up the windows and scream. Occasionally, you’d see an iceberg or a beached whale, so there were sights that normal kids don’t get to see.”

“We moved in shifts, my mom had seven kids and she had to move us [separately] so when we went to Saskatoon I lived with my aunt and cousins. And, as you ‘d probably expect, my cousins weren’t happy to share their accommodations so I didn’t feel that welcome and I missed everything I ever knew and had to make new friends, go to a new school, so it was an interesting time.”

It wasn’t to last though. Tweed’s father, Donald Tweed, a mink rancher, was in a bad car accident. In order to support the family, her mother, Louise Tweed, sold

After graduating from Mount Royal High School, she moved to Ottawa when the boy she was dating got transferred there for his job.


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KISS and tell For the past 28 years, Shannon Tweed has been with Kiss bass player Gene Simmons in a relationship they have described as “happily unmarried.” For fans of Gene Simmons Family Jewels, last season unveiled a kink in that happy armour, when Tweed got sick of Simmons’ behaviour of surrounding himself with beautiful young women. It came to a head on the Joy Behar Show when Tweed walked out on a live interview saying “it’s over.” Gossip blogs questioned whether the walk off was legitimate or a publicity stunt for the show. Tweed maintains she was legitimately fed up. A good segment of the last season saw Shannon staying in a hotel while Gene sought professional help for his part in their relationship problems. In the season finale, however, Shannon was

back at home and Gene proposed to her. At the time of the interview for this article, Tweed was still keeping it mum about whether she said ‘yes,’ but in September, the nuptials became official with the announcement of an October 1 wedding. Their entire relationship, though, was another aspect of Tweed’s life that almost didn’t happen. “We met at a party at the Playboy mansion,” she recalled. “He was there with some young ladies and I was alone. I didn’t think that was for me, but later on in the evening we got to talking a little bit more. He was an interesting guy, so we made a plan for the next day. I gave him a phone number to call me the next morning, but it turns out I gave him the wrong number. I gave him the number I give guys, you know, when I want them to go away.” She gave him a second shot, though. The

next morning she was getting ready to go to Toronto where she was to start filming a movie. She asked her older sister Tracy, also an actor, to take a picture with a note and her real number on it over to the Beverly Hills Hotel where Simmons was staying. “He came over in a car with a chauffeur because he couldn’t drive yet. He used to live in New York and didn’t have a driver’s licence. So he came by and was going to take me out for breakfast, but he forgot his wallet. So, those were two signs I probably should have walked.” She didn’t. While in Canada filming, the two kept in touch talking frequently on the phone. “Our first date, then, ended up being a few months later in New York. I flew to New York and then we stayed there for a couple of months.”

The family jewels The children of celebrities are notorious for being messed up. They are frequently fodder for tabloid headlines with their drinking, drugs, sexual exploits and just generally outlandish behaviour. But not Nick (22) and Sophie (19) Tweed-Simmons. By all accounts, Shannon’s and Gene’s offspring are the nicest, most levelheaded kids you’d ever want to meet. “Isn’t it weird?” Shannon asked. “I think partly they came out smart and partly they paid attention when I taught them things. I drove them to school every day, kept them held captive in the car for a couple of hours every day, brainwashed them really well. I knew a whole bunch about what not to do. I didn’t know a whole bunch about what to do for my-

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self, but I sure know what not to do, so I can help there, and they were listening.

Here, finally, comes the bride

“They have a good example in their father. He doesn’t drink or do drugs or do too many stupid things. He does some stupid things, but we all do. And they have my example of all the stupid things I used to do and I told them, ‘it’s not anything you need to experience on your own. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be so let’s just skip over that part and let’s just watch everybody else make fools of themselves,’ and they figured out that that’s a pretty good idea.”

As this issue of Fine Lifestyles Saskatoon hits the streets, Shannon Tweed and Gene Simmons will be tying the knot at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Nick is quick to credit his parents with helping him avoid the pitfalls that plague so many of his contemporaries.

So, what do you get the couple who has everything? Nothing. When they announced their impending nuptials they asked people to donate to the Saskatoon SPCA. If you want to wish the newlyweds well and help the animals the SPCA shelters, go to FLS

“Our parents always made sure to keep things in perspective,” he explained. “Any flashiness and “big-living” didn’t happen until late teen years—there were no designer baby clothes and very few “events,” premieres, etc.—that we went to as kids. We didn’t go on tour with dad for weeks at a time; at most we would fly out and see a couple shows. But we rarely missed school for anything like that. I went to a public elementary school and middle school. At every turn, my parents would hammer into my head the appropriate gratitude I should feel for the life I was born into. Other celebrity parents should probably take a page out of their book, honestly. I’ve seen too many other kids in my position grow up feeling invincible because of their economic and social position, and ironically this feeling of invincibility inevitably leads to, at the least, severe personality problems, or, at worst, their hitting rock bottom.” Nick is a recent graduate of Pitzer College, where Sophie just started attending classes toward a degree in computer engineering. He isn’t in any hurry to rush into his future. “I’m not sure... I’m still figuring it all out, really,” he said. I’m recently graduated, and the terrifying/exhilarating feeling of having an open future and an oyster-world at the ready is upon me. We’ll see what happens.


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“Mom’s going to kill me for saying this,” said Nick, “but as long as they are both happy and honest with each other, I don’t care what they do. That’s the most important thing for me. I think mom is due to get the ceremony she wants after all this time.”

W5 WHERE are you most happy I am most happy outside in a quiet wooded area or by a lake, so not any particular place, but in nature.

WHAT is you biggest regret Not having more children.

WHO has been the most influential person in your life? Gene

WHEN were you most scared in your life? Now. It’s a transitional time for me. Everything’s up in the air, I don’t know which direction my life is going. My kids are leaving me, my relationship isn’t stable. It’s a scary time.

WHY are you so publicly open about your private life? Because I have a bad memory, so I choose not to be a liar. If you’re going to lie, you have to have a really good memory.

The life and art of Yvette Moore BY SARAH MOORE rom painting the expressive skies to flying through them, Yvette Moore’s journey as an artist is far from conventional. Born and raised in Radville, Saskatchewan, Yvette learned the value of hard work early on the farm. Her roots may be ordinary, but her accomplishments are extraordinary. It is the age old inspirational tale of how hard work and perseverance pay off. Yvette’s mantra of ‘learn to do by doing’ rings true in every facet of her life and business. Though her success began with her exquisite capabilities with a paintbrush, the canvas of her life reveals a much larger and complex picture. When Yvette looks back on her life and her journey, she comments that it was “overwhelming, as the road was never straight. There were many obstacles and many challenges, but the opportunities were also there, so I never stopped and kept on trying.” Yvette began painting as a hobby while raising her four children in Radville. Showing her work at local craft and art shows, Yvette’s confidence as a budding local talent sparked her entrepreneurial

spirit. Her passion became her profession, but she has never forgotten her humble beginnings. From selling artwork from her home to welcoming thousands of guests through the doors of her award-winning gallery in Moose Jaw, her mantra has resonated in every step of her life. It may be the twenty-six illustrated

images from the widely popular “A Prairie Alphabet” written by Jo BannatyneCugnet that taught us the ABCs of the prairies and that has acquainted us with her work. Perhaps it was a visit with friends and family to the Yvette Moore Gallery, or maybe it was enjoying homemade specialties in the popular Gallery Café, but people have become

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accustomed to the attention to detail that appears in every aspect of Yvette’s creations.

my whole life in Saskatchewan – they have lived in many locations and have had experiences that we can’t even imagine.”

She wants to share what she finds so uniquely remarkable about Saskatchewan, whether it is in images or the tastes so distinctly reminiscent of home. Yvette has often said “it is so easy to paint the prairies—we have so much to share about who we are and where we live.” Her, and it has not gone unnoticed.

In 1999, Yvette had the opportunity to purchase the historic Land Titles building in downtown Moose Jaw. This venue provided her with the space to display her own work and to showcase the distinct and exceptional quality of Canadian and Saskatchewan artisans. Within the grand walls and heritage of the century old building, the doors have been opened to the world to view the art and craft from all corners of the province.

Yvette’s dedication and passion rings true in every detail of her work and business and has not gone unnoticed by those recognizing her entrepreneurial spirit, her advocacy of Saskatchewan and local art, and her community involvement. In November 2007, Yvette was awarded the great honour of being appointed the Honorary Colonel of 15 Wing Moose Jaw. A truly remarkable Canadian privilege bestowed on very few, the appointment honours those whose strong community support connects Canadians with the Canadian Forces. A privilege that has honoured outstanding citizens from across the nation, the appointment still surprises Yvette with every salute. Colonel Marc Bigaouette, Commander of 15 Wing explains that, ‘’the Air Force looks for role models, caring Canadians with strong values and ethics who have displayed leadership and a strong sense of community. Yvette Moore is all this and so much more.’’ The young girl on the farm may have never imagined herself in full military uniform, climbing aboard a Harvard II aircraft and taking flight, but just as she lives her life every day, she also knows dreams have no boundaries. The honour is one that Yvette respects profoundly: “It has opened up a whole new world for me to be part of the Canadian Forces in this capacity. To meet the men and women and their families that are in the military and learn about their struggles and joys has been overwhelming and humbling. I have lived


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Saskatchewan spirit. From small town prairie girl to Honorary Colonel of 15 Wing Moose Jaw, Yvette’s ethic of hard work has been her strongest asset in achieving new levels of success each and every day. FLS

The gallery often hosts exclusively designed events for such groups ranging from the Court of Queen’s Bench judges to the Premiers Conference—welcoming guests from around the world into what has become one of Saskatchewan’s premier galleries. The Yvette Moore Gallery offers a first class venue complete with a unique prairie charm and hospitality. Yvette remarks that, “it has been an amazing opportunity to have a gallery in such a beautiful historic building that encapsulates the heritage and the artistry of Saskatchewan.” The years of hard work and community commitment has led Yvette to many boards and organizations such as Tourism Moose Jaw, the Moose Jaw Chamber of Commerce, Southwest Tourism and Moose Jaw Arts in Motion, to name a few. Acting as an example of entrepreneurial endurance and creative capabilities, her voice and dedication to the local arts community encourages many to pursue their own interests in the arts. As a single mother of four with a paintbrush and a dream, to a respected business owner, a celebrated and accomplished artist, and an honorary liaison with Canada’s most valiant institution, Yvette has learned every day by doing. No matter the title or accomplishment or success that continues to come her way, Yvette never leaves her roots far behind— the roots that are deeply embedded in the

Honorary Colonel Yvette Moore & Colonel J.A.M. Bigaouette, Commander of 15 Wing Moose Jaw

FASHION WORLD THE ELITE, SECRETIVE, BIZARRE WORLD OF HAUTE COUTURE Saskatoon designer REBECCA KING explains the trickle down effect of fantastical, impractically unrealistic fashion design and how even the most ridiculous and unusual can influence every day wear.

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izarre. We’ve all seen the fashion shows. The models are draped in, well, they aren’t really clothes so much as over-the-top theatrical artwork that puts you in mind of Mardi Gras, Cirque du Soleil or Colleen Atwood’s Alice in Wonderland. People who aren’t in this world of high fashion design always ask the same question: “Who in the world would wear that?” Well, the short answer is, almost no one. Then what’s the point? The longer short answer is: Drama. Prestige. Art. Mystery. Haute couture is French, meaning “high sewing” or “high dressmaking” and, like a fine regionally-specific wine, can only be used to describe fashion houses that meet this designation by producing custom-made, often one-of-a-kind works using high-quality, expensive fabrics and materials. The designs are exquisitely executed, created with almost fanatical attention to detail and assembled by experienced garment makers in a process that means extreme painstaking work and hours of time. I highly recommend looking up “making of a haute couture garment.” You’ll be amazed. Those who actually purchase these unique and unusual pieces are few and far between. In fact, the elite ‘club’–not really a club at all, but a collection of buyers– is made up of perhaps 200 women worldwide. Like secretive collectors of Yuan Dynasty porcelain, black pearls or Chateau Lafite, all of these women are enormously wealthy. Few ever reveal they are members. Nor do haute couture houses ever, ever reveal their customers’ identities. It’s all part of the intrigue. Those celebrities you see parked so visibly beside the runways: members of the club? Nope. It’s not just about wealth; being ‘worthy’ of haute couture is as important. The elite who buy understand the real quality of the design and the craftsmanship involved. In fact, there’s a little cold war going on between celebs and haute couture elite. A couture fashion house usually invites a celeb to a show for the photo ops and sometimes will give a star a garment. This really irritates the ‘legitimate’ members because it somehow diminishes the product. There’s an unwritten rule that if a piece has been given to a celebrity or has been used in advertisements, it loses its exclusivity. Something else that’s mind-boggling is the price. In fact, just as people in this haute couture club of sorts are anonymous, there is another rule. Discussing price is taboo. But we mortals know the average cost of a couture dress is about $100,000. A suit may run $30,000. Even at that price point, given the extreme workmanship and quality of materials, de-


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signers are barely recouping their costs. The shaky economy apparently has hit the haute couture industry, which has downsized. Valentino, who used to produce 190 exits for his couture shows in the 1960s barely showed 40 by the end of his career. There were once 44 couture houses; now there are 11. They’ve not gone out of business, they’ve just ceased making those one-of-a-kind, highly collectible pieces. If you set aside the angst, tensions and drama of the haute couture world, most people still can’t imagine anyone wearing one of those creations to a gala, a dinner party or even to a night at the symphony. And they’re right. Despite the stunning beauty and the exquisite craftsmanship, what you see on the runway is never what you see actually worn by a client or on the store racks—not that couture is even sold in stores! So you ask again, what is the point of all this? Couture is the ultimate in custom design. It’s hand-made, so when a client picks out a look from the runway and later steps into a piece for a fitting, each client will have chosen the ultimate look for them. It’s a matter of deconstructing that fantastic creation that originally appeared on the catwalk. The garments are very wearable–remember we’re referring to that elite group of women who buy this–once you cut down the volume and rework them for the individual. The wonder of haute couture for people who understand fashion design and construction is the quality of the workmanship, the creativity of design, and how it inspires everyday wear. On the runways, garments are presented layered up and played up with loud hair and extravagant makeup and accessories. Un-layer the pieces and take off the bag, the shoes, the hats and dramatic jewellery. Look at each piece individually, it is very wearable. Haute couture fashion houses don’t really care if you buy anything at their shows and, of course, no one will wear that amazing and unusual piece. It’s all about creating a dream, a fantasy, a brand, a way of life that they hope the public will buy into at the “ready to wear” level. It’s the trickle down effect. Everything takes inspiration form the haute couture line. Step down to the still wildly expensive ready-to-wear line, then step down again to the level where more ordinary people can buy into that dream with perfume, a pair of sunglasses or a handbag. We can all taste a little corner of that compelling fantasy by bringing even a little haute couture drama into our own wardrobes. FLS

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EXPERTAdvice hAiR Why colouring is best left to the professionals

of your hair, elasticity, shine and comb ability. A colorist has an eye for color and will offer color suggestions that will compliment your eyes and skin tones. professional color will have special care ingredients to protect your hair and scalp. For example La Biosthetique color used at Angles SalonSpa contains premium care ingredients like coconut oil for moisture and shine, Bisabolol (active ingredients of camomile) for soothing of the scalp, aloe vera which is very healing, All the while offering outstanding coverage and minimal fading.

Now that I’ve committed to colouring my hair professionally what do I ask for when I book an appointment? Single process colour. This is the most basic and commonly referred to as permanent, demi or semi. This is done in one step, normally to the whole head to create a new “base color”

Tammy McLean

Angles Salon Spa 201, 1st Ave S. (Midtown Plaza) 306.653.4247

Colour correction is expensive when something goes wrong… and believe me, it will. It is true while anyone can sing we are not all singers… while anyone can dance, few can float across the stage with ultimate grace. True talent and expertise takes many years of study and experience. A colourist and colouring hair is no different. Stylist to the stars Robert Cromean says it best: “You wouldn’t cut your hair in a drugstore, so why would you colour it?”

What benefits does getting professional colour give you? A knowledgeable professional colourist can fix certain things as they are coloring your hair. They will improve the overall condition


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

How do I know which one to choose, permanent, semi or demi? If you want to cover grey 100 per cent, this requires a permanent colour. Most demis will blend or camouflage up to 80 per cent of grey hair, and semi barely at all.

lighten and brighten and lowlights deepen and darken. FoIls, cap, slIces, Weaves, balyage: In what pattern or amount needs to be determined prior to application in a thorough consultation. The sky is the limit. For example, at Angles in Midtown Plaza our colourists are trained every season with the latest in hair colour and make-up trends directly from the runways in Paris.

What should I ask in a consultation? What colour you choose is only a small part of the consultation. You should find out if what you want is reasonable. Do you have the time forthe desired result? Do you have the budget for it? What will your upkeep be? Will your hair handle the process with integrity? Be very leery if one salon turns you away because your hair will not handle the process, and another salon says no problem—they may not have your hair’s best interest in mind. Now you’re equipped with some basic information, have fun! Colour is the ultimate fashion accessory, whether you are a man or women, gone are the days of wondering if someone is coloring… we are! And we don’t care who knows! FLS

Double process colour: When you want to go lighter. Colour, as a rule, cannot lighten or lift colour so keep this in mind if you are someone who wants to change their look often or go lighter. This can only be done with an artificial colour remover, bleach or bleaching agent. After the natural or artificial color has been removed your stylist will suggest a toner. A toner is a conditioning semi or demi colour that will fill in any missing pigments in your hair shaft and create the desired level of lightness and tone you and your colourist have decided on. HIgHlIgHts aND loWlIgHts: highlights

pHoto provIDeD by la bIostHetIQue parIs

EXPERIENCE THE JOY OF FINE JEWELLERY Downtown shop steeped in both traditional and contemporary style BY FLS STAFF


here are few purchases capable of fostering joy like that of a fine piece of jewellery. These are frequently the markers of a person’s life, a graduation, the birth of a child, an anniversary, and, of course, an engagement. For 30 years, discerning shoppers in Saskatoon have known exactly where to go for such important occasions.

service. Led by owner Bryan Roset, the staff of knowledgeable, non-commissioned salespeople accommodates each visitor in a comfortable and relaxed manner. Attractive, well-organized displays and an elegant atmosphere add to the enjoyment of the Roset experience.

and platinum. Roset carries diamonds from all over the world, but was proud to be among the first jewellers in the country to offer genuine Canadian diamonds demonstrating the company’s commitment to innovation and continual search for new product lines.


Located on 2nd Avenue, the epicentre of the city’s fine shopping tradition since its founding, Roset by Reid exemplifies a commitment to excellence not only in the art of jewellery, but in the art of customer

The hallmark of Roset’s offerings is high-quality diamond engagement rings ranging from traditional settings to contemporary and even unusual pieces in 14K and 18K white and yellow gold

Roset by Reid’s innovation also extends to wedding bands. In addition to carrying 10K, 14K and 18K rings in yellow, white and rose gold, as well as, platinum in a stunning variety of styles, Roset boasts a selection of bands in titanium or tungsten carbide for those seeking the ultimate in

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durability. Looking for something unique? Celtic spirals are said to represent the lifeforce, the sun and the seasons of the year, a fitting choice to symbolize enduring commitment.

Exclusive Also establishing Roset by Reid as a market leader are the various exclusive products they carry. For 150 years, TAG Heuer has represented the pinnacle of Swiss precision in luxury watchmaking. Breuning—a designer line of fine silver and gold jewellery originating from Germany—offers an exquisite range of contemporary style in necklaces, earrings and rings. In addition to luxury European brands, the Roset by Reid collection ranges to the exotic. Also exclusive to the shop is Kibela, a line of hand-made silver jewellery from Bali, Indonesia. Kibela’s custom pieces are created from a wide range of exotic stones like Mongolian Turquoise, Moldavite— the deep green gem possibly formed by


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meteorite impact—and a whole range of fascinating and beautiful gems such as Jasper, Amber, Tiffany, Lapis, Rutilated Quartz, Pietersite and many more.

Classic Before diamonds became “a girl’s best friend,” the pearl was the loftiest symbol of luxury. Today, pearls are enjoying a renaissance and Roset by Reid stocks a full range of pearl jewellery from rings to strands. You’ll find everything from stunning strands of white South Sea pearls to lustrous black and chocolate tones in Tahitian pearls for the discriminating shopper. Of course, there are also high quality white Japanese cultured Akoya pearls representing the standard in the industry to colourful and fun freshwater pearls from China. Once regarded as an inexpensive alternative to “real” pearls, the Chinese culturing techniques have been refined to such a high degree that freshwater pearls now approach the round shapes and deep lustre of Japanese pearls, but still at a fraction of the price.

At Roset by Reid, the quality and variety does not end with traditional jewellery choices. For virtually any occasion, the store offers many possibilities for gifts. There is a wide selection of clocks— ranging from desk units to sound and motion wall clocks—functional lines of pocket tools from Swiss Army, opticallyprecise binoculars from Swarovski and superior leather jewellery boxes from Wolfe Design. And if you still haven’t found the perfect item, Roset by Reid also provides custom design services where personal dreams become reality and hand-drawn sketches become lifetime treasures Roset by Reid presents a friendly, professional atmosphere making for a delightful shopping experience. Currently, the shop is open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday. As the holiday season approaches, business hours will be extended. FLS

ADDITIONAL SERVICES: • Jewellery repairs • Custom design • Insurance appraisals • Marriage licences

Bryan Roset 167B 2nd Ave S 306.665.8665


For Everyone at Natalia Designs Unique boutique specializes in fashion-forward special event couture BY SUZANNE HUBER. PHOTOS BY HEATHER FRITZ. Lisa Hermez opened Natalia Designs in July 2010 after she decided during her maternity leave from an office job that she wanted to try something new to grow and challenge herself. After brainstorming

and researching ideas while caring for her newborn baby girl, Natalia, she decided she would bring Saskatoon a distinct boutique that special orders lavish glamour gowns for special events, offers satin

chair cover rentals and affordable boutique prices for casual clothing. The store carries fashions brought in from Chicago, New York and Los Angeles. From attention grabbing accessories, exclusive handbags

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and fancy footwear, to special order prom gowns and other lavish couture for all different kinds of events, Natalia Designs is a great addition to boutique shopping in Saskatoon located in College Park Mall.

MNM Couture, a fit for every body type Natalia Designs recently started carrying MNM Couture, a brand that specializes in a dress for everyone including: mother of the bride, evening gowns, pageant dresses, couture prom dresses, and other cocktail and red carpet calibre garment options. For the petite size zero to plus size couture dresses up to size 24, the large selection offers the perfect fit for every body type. Mermaid gowns, short and sexy dresses, sheath fit, column dresses and many others can be ordered in custom to your shape. Lisa is happy to special order in any requests you find online in MNM Couture.

TERANI Couture, as seen in Teen Vogue, Teen Prom, and COSMOgirl Exclusive to Natalia Designs in Saskatoon, TERANI Couture designs reflect the latest and most fashionable trends. Red carpet glam meets chic affordability with the lavish styling of Terani prom gowns. Celebrated for their unique spin on elegant evening wear, a Terani Prom Dress is the ultimate fashion-forward standout for the fashionconscious prom princess. The fabrics that compose a Terani gown infuse an elitist sensibility without the designer price tag. Research the dress of your choice and arrange with Lisa for it to be brought in just for you. Start placing grad and other special events orders as early as November so you can spend your time searching for the perfect shoes and accessories to match.

Stand out Bold earrings, flashy bangles, sparkly necklaces and party shoes can all be found at Natalia Designs. There is something for anyone who wants to stand out and look special. Lisa and her family come from the Middle East and traditionally weddings can be very elaborate and glamorous with


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women dressing their most fabulous. Attention grabbing jewellery and glittery party shoes are commonly seen. Natalia likes to offer a unique place for women to shop and find everything they need for weddings and any other special event.

Elegant and affordable, chair cover rentals Natalia Designs offers chair cover rentals with very affordable rates. The materials are made of a rich polyester fabric and with a silk sash connected to the back that adds elegance to any space. Reserve chair covers early for your weekend events to ensure availability.

Ordered in just for you Save yourself the hassle of shipping yourself and simply wait for Lisa’s phone call to let you know your dress has arrived! Lisa is happy to use her store to help you find the perfect gown for any of your special days. Bring in a picture, show Lisa your research, or shop through the in-house catalogues to special order your custom gowns.

See what’s in Lisa makes sure to update her Facebook page whenever she gets in a new shipment so her customers can check everything out at home before heading over to the boutique. Casual shirts, dresses, handbags, and other new styles from New York, Chicago and Los Angeles will be shared on the Natalia Designs Facebook page. Check back regularly!

Affordable boutique experience Natalia Designs offers the benefits of the boutique shopping experience, but at reasonable prices so anyone can shop there! With lots of free parking available, enjoy shopping in a relaxed atmosphere with reasonable prices. “Styles are limited to small batch orders to limit the likelihood of others having the same styles as my customers,” says Lisa. FLS Natalia Designs 104B - 3929 8th Street East., Saskatoon, SK S7H 5M2 Phone 306-955-3800

2011 Fall Collection Fresh. Exquisite. Unforgettable.

FASHION JEWELRY BOUTIQUE Suite 207 - 3521 8th St, East, Saskatoon • 306.933.2030 Thursday to Saturday 10am - 5pm

Anthonys fashion for men is celebrating 10 years of bringing good taste to Saskatoon. October is client appreciation month. Drop in to take advantage of premier specials on stunning new Fall arrivals.

600 234-1ST AVENUE S, l

SA SKATOON l 306.665.0181


Q&A WITH CHEF MICHAEL SMITH Recently named Canada’s Number 1 celebrity chef by – Canada’s Online Women’s Magazine and a perennial favourite of Food Network Canada viewers, CHEF MICHAEL SMITH recently shared his ideas on dream kitchens with Fine Lifestyles Saskatoon editor THOM BARKER.

What is the ideal layout for a home kitchen? I’m not sure there is an ideal layout. I know it’s the sort of thing that designers love to get into great depth and detail on, but every home is unique, every kitchen is unique and everybody’s food lifestyle is different, so, ideally, if it works for you, it’s ideal. I’m not really a kitchen designer, so I don’t have any two words of wisdom there other than to say an open kitchen that works for you and your family seems ideal to me. I think lots of space, lots of counter space, the gear that you think you need, some kind of island and some way of bringing the party into the kitchen, being able to dine in the kitchen, are all the kinds of things we seem to look for these days.

What are the elements you incorporated into your own kitchen? First and foremost, I’ve got a giant butcher block island with my cooktop in the centre of the kitchen and that tends to centre the cooking action right in the middle of the kitchen. The island works very well for traffic flow and multiple work stations. Beyond that, just randomly, in no particular order, I prefer wall ovens to range ovens; I just find them more functional. I’ve got a bank of refrigerators including a wine fridge. I strongly love my magnetic chalk board. It’s really useful for taking notes and just being sort of an information centre for the family. There’s a huge metal panel on the wall that we painted with chalk board paint and framed it out with wood. I’ve got this incredible custom-designed stainless steel sink that’s got lots of professional design touches that make it extremely functional for me. I use standard-issue restaurant grade containers that are inset into a bank of drawers that holds all kinds of flours and sugars and corn meal and things that I use regularly. I like a pantry. I’ve got this corner pantry unit with big open shelves so I can see

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all the ingredients I cook with. I’ve also got a spice library which is super cool. It’s basically a built-in shelving system that holds a whole bunch of mason jars with all my spices in them. I’ve got a super cool knife rack with about a hundred knives in it that stretches across one window expanse of the kitchen.

Who designed your kitchen? This kitchen was built by GCW in London, Ontario. They’re a custom cabinetry builder and they do custom work all over Canada. I’m very very proud of our relationship with these guys. They just did one hell of a job here, they’re just a joy to deal with and one of the neatest companies I’ve ever come across, really, in any enterprise.

I notice you use a gas range. For the average home cook, what do you recommend, gas or electric? I recommend patience. I don’t particularly favour one over the other; they’re both highly credible sources of heat. And really, the only reason people seem to pre-


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fer gas is because it’s instant on, instant off, but there’s nothing you can’t do with electric and electric is often much more precise. And if we’re going to talk about energy efficiency, then there’s nothing better than induction cooking and I’ve got some of that in my kitchen as well.

In your opinion, what is the ideal material for countertops? In my world, I prefer butcher block. It’s functional, it’s beautiful—it just works.

Is there one element of your kitchen that you absolutely could not do without? I would say my butcher block island with all the bar seating at it. It is quite literally the centre of this house. The functionality of this island just makes it the heart of the home.

Who is your favourite chef? My mom.

What is it about her that makes her your favourite? She cooks from scratch every single day.

Does she have any specialty dishes? Not really, she’s sort of good at everything. I think her specialty is that her approach to life includes cooking from scratch every single day.

Your TV shows [Food Network] are kind of the traditional instructional type, but cooking shows have taken on a different tack recently with competition shows, such as Hell’s Kitchen. What do you think of those shows? The bottom line is that reality-driven food programming has expanded Food Network’s audience dramatically, so I’m all for it. More and more people are engaging with food, enjoying food programming and I think that’s positive all around. I’m also proud to be one of the last remaining hosts on the network that does good oldfashioned instructional cooking shows.

MEDITERRANEAN BRAISED SALMON With Ripe Tomatoes, Olives, And Oregano Salmon is very versatile; there are as many ways to cook this fish as there are cooks. It easily accommodates elaborate preparations, but it’s just as enjoyable prepared simply with lots of familiar Mediterranean flavours. Serves 4.

INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of olive oil 1 red onion, thinly sliced 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced


With a cooking method like this one, you really don’t need to worry about overcooking the salmon because its juices will be absorbed by the tomato mixture and ultimately served with the fish.

2 cups (500 mL) of halved cherry tomatoes 1/2 cup (125 mL) of chopped pitted Kalamata olives 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of dried oregano 1 cup (250 mL) of orange juice 1 tablespoon (15 mL) of red wine vinegar 4 centre-cut salmon fillets (each about 6 ounces/175 g), patted dry A sprinkle or two of salt and lots of freshly ground pepper 2 green onions, thinly sliced

PREPARATION In your favourite large heavy sauté pan or frying pan, heat the oil over medium-high heat.Toss in the onion and garlic and sauté for a few minutes until lightly browned, soft, and aromatic. Add the tomatoes, olives, oregano, orange juice, and vinegar; cook until simmering, a few minutes longer. Lightly season the salmon fillets to your taste with salt and pepper, then nestle them in the tomato mixture. Lower the heat so the liquid is just barely simmering, cover, and simmer until the fish is cooked through but still juicy, 10 to 15 minutes. Serve and share, with lots of the tomato mixture spooned over the salmon.

Chef Michael Smith’s Kitchen by Chef Michael Smith. Copyright © Michael Smith 2011. Reprinted by Permission of Penguin Group (Canada), a division of Pearson Canada Inc. Food Photography: James Ingram, Jive Photographic.

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


INGREDIENTS 8 cups (2 L) of cherry tomatoes 1 large onion, thinly sliced 4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced 4 Italian sausages, sliced into 1/2-inch (1 cm) thick rounds 2 tablespoons (30 mL) of olive oil A sprinkle or two of salt and lots of freshly ground pepper 12 ounces (375 g) of penne Leaves from 1 large bunch of fresh basil 4 green onions

PREPARATION Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Toss the tomatoes, onions, garlic, sausages, and olive oil together. Season to your taste with salt and pepper.

ROASTED CHERRY TOMATO PENNE WITH ITALIAN SAUSAGE AND FRESH BASIL Every day, chefs bring out a wide range of flavours on the job. Few of those flavours seem to make it home, though. This deeply flavourful pasta dish is one that has. Long ago in a restaurant kitchen I discovered that slowly roasting a pan of fresh tomatoes with Italian sausage transformed the mix into an intensely flavoured rustic pasta sauce. Cooks’ food. Crew lunch. An old friend! Serves 4

Transfer to a roasting pan and place in the oven. Roast until the tomatoes, onion, and sausages are lightly brown and smell amazing, 30 to 45 minutes. When the tomatoes are nearly done, bring a large pot of salted water to a full rolling boil. Dump in the penne and cook until edible, stirring occasionally. After 10 minutes or so fish out a piece and bite it. At first it will be too firm, but in just a few minutes it will transform, so continue fishing and tasting until you like the texture. Pasta is best when it’s tender enough to eat but hasn’t become too soft. Great pasta retains lots of pleasing chewy texture. While the pasta is cooking, stack a tall pile of basil leaves, roll it into a tight cylinder, and slice as thinly as possible. Slice the green onions as well. As the pasta finishes cooking, add a ladleful of the pasta water to the roasting pan.The moisture will dissolve any caramelized brown bits of flavour on the bottom of the pan.When the pasta is done, drain it and return it to the pot. Add the roasted sausages, onions, and tomatoes, scraping along every last bit of roasted flavour from the pan. Toss in the basil leaves and green onions and stir everything together. Serve and share!



Busy restaurant cooks pay no attention to the clock. They simply watch their food. Keep an eye on it. Make decisions. Watch for flavour. Wait for flavour. Stay vigilant and patient. The dissolving tomatoes and browning sausage will reward you with a deeply flavoured rustic pasta dish. Chef Michael Smith’s Kitchen by Chef Michael Smith. Copyright © Michael Smith 2011. Reprinted by Permission of Penguin Group (Canada), a division of Pearson Canada Inc. Food Photography: James Ingram, Jive Photographic.

FineLifestyles SASKATOON

The first rule of making a disaster movie is making sure no disasters befall anyone in the filming. Quebec film company Cine-Scene came to Saskatchewan to get expert coaching and horse wrangling from former barrel racer and commercial barn owner, Korey Dunlop.


It’s not unusual to find Korey Dunlop, owner of Setting Sun Stables, just outside Regina, giving riding lessons on Saturday mornings, but on this day, Aug. 13, 2011, Dunlop is not just an instructor and her students, actors Catherine Allard and Marco Poulin, are attempting the impossible: learning in a day what most riders expect to learn in three months. Allard, star, co-writer and producer of a French-Language film, The Effect (L’effet) hired Regina-based Dunlop as animal wrangler and riding coach in order to execute a thrilling scene where she and costar Poulin gallop across the Alberta plains. Allard mounts up first. Dunlop calls out instructions: Heels down; hands even; reins short; back straight; shoulders squared; hips loose; sit deep; elbows in; arms forward. “It’s harder than I thought!” the petite 34-yearold actor said. “But my character, Alex, doesn’t know how to ride either and learns along the way so my acting will be easy!” “It’s a lot to take in all at once but she’s learning very fast,” Korey Dunlop says as Pete, Allard’s dark bay-coloured mount, jolts into a gambolling trot. Allard giggles and bounces like a ragdoll.

Catherine Allard rides Pete in the outdoor arena.

“But the arena is a controlled environment; outside, on the road or in a field, anything can happen,” Dunlop continued. “If a rider doesn’t know what they’re doing, it’s dangerous, for the horse and the rider. We’ll just see how it goes.” Riding skills aside, the planned high-

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speed riding scene, set to take place on a stretch of blacktop, leaves Dunlop uneasy for other reasons. Pete and Deuce, the matched bay-coloured horses chosen for the film were fitted with shoes to protect their hooves, but horseshoes have about the same traction on pavement as a fried egg in a Teflon pan. One thing is not of concern however. Poulin, 50, proves he’s a talented, confident rider after a few laps around the arena. “I learned when I was 30, to impress a girlfriend,” Poulin said. Allard made good use of her training day, spending about six hours in the saddle and on a plastic barrel practicing her ‘seat.’ It’s the most physically demanding role Allard has ever done, and the most ambitious film she and director Jocelyn Langlois, her creative and long-time romantic partner, have made. The Effect takes place in the wake of a world-wide, unexplained energy crisis. In order to travel from Quebec to Vancouver to find her lover, Allard’s character will have to walk, cycle, ride and paddle to get there. Langlois found Dunlop through her stable’s website. Dunlop’s family in Alberta are no strangers to film and television work, and the flame-haired, athletic, former police officer who stands nearly six feet tall in socks, is more than physically up to the challenges of wrangling, intensive coaching and 20-hour days on a film set. Still uneasy about the upcoming scene, Dunlop substituted Allard’s mount, Pete, for her own horse, Raider, counting on the more experienced horse to sense if his novice rider is in trouble and adjust his speed accordingly. There was brief talk of Dunlop substituting herself as a stunt double for Allard but the two women are as alike as chalk and cheese. “I’m about six inches taller, we have totally different body types; we looking nothing alike!” Dunlop laughed.

Korey Dunlop is pleased with actor Marco Poulin's riding skills. From left, Dunlop, Allard and Poulin in the outdoor riding arena

It stopped being a laughing matter three days later. The scene, which had been so carefully planned, nearly ended in disaster. “We prepared for the shot on Highway 524. They started at a trot and went into a gallop. Marco was fine, but the speed change… she wasn’t prepared for it and came right off,” Dunlop said. Fortunately, Allard was unharmed save for a sore neck and a mouthful of dirt. “She really wanted to do it, she’s a trooper and I admire her for it. It’s just inexperience; no one could learn enough in just a day.” Donning Allard’s costume over her Carhartt work clothes, Dunlop

Dunlop adjusts Poulin's stirrups

Stable client Riannon Bacon demonstrates leg and rein technique on Pete.

Pete peers out from his stall

Bacon and Dunlop in the stable

Dunlop explains the finer points of riding while Allard looks on. Poulin and Allard chat on horseback sat in for the final take. “It’s more of a distance shot now but they said you can’t tell it’s not Allard and they’re really happy with it.” The dangers of filmmaking in Alberta’s backcountry weren’t limited to riding falls. Dunlop spotted and steered the crew clear of rattlesnakes in two locations, and had to load the horses into their trailer in a jiffy as a black bear ambled into a scene, delaying shooting for two hours. The actors and director included Dunlop in all aspects of filming, and took an interest in her horse-related work, often helping with animal handling. “Some of my family are in movies and films, so I expected them to be a little more uppity,” Dunlop said. “Everyone was light-hearted, no one was cranky even through the day started at 4:30 a.m. People laughed and joked and told stories; they were an easy-going group of people who enjoy what they do.” The Effect, which is now in the editing stage, is due for release in 2012. The French-language film, which features scenes in nearly every province and territory, will be released in a version with English subtitles. FLS

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Oct 13 KATHY GRIFFIN 7:30 P.M.



Oct 19 SELENA GOMEZ 7:30 P.M.













Dec 9 DISNEY LIVE! 3:00 P.M. AND 6:00 P.M.


saskatoon jazz society Dec 16 Dec 7 STUART MCLEAN 7:00 P.M




GALLO’S WHITE HORSE BY BRIAN GOODELL The 1,500 acres just outside Healdsburg, California, that are MacMurray Ranch are as rich in history as any in Sonoma County. Including the original homesteader who settled the property in the 1850s, only three families have ever owned that parcel. “The whole history of agriculture in Northern California happened here,” says Kate MacMurray, who grew up on the ranch. Had the third owners been any other than the Gallo family, the current state of the ranch would be very much in doubt. The purchase by Gallo, as it turns out, was a friendly takeover, and Gallo’s financial power and long-term vision allowed MacMurray to become brand spokesperson and to keep her father’s dream alive—that the land remain one piece and remain in use for agricultural production. Kate’s father, actor Fred MacMurray, who appeared in more than 100 films and starred as Steve Douglas in the 1960s television comedy My Three Sons, first set his sights on the property in 1935 while on a flyfishing trip. Six years later, he convinced the owner to sell. The family of Colonel George Porter, the first to settle the property, grew hops and plums, which were dried into prunes. The MacMurrays re-allocated the land through periods of diversified farming and beef production. Fruit orchards replaced the hops, and trees were subsequently cleared to make room for cattle. Following Fred’s death in 1991, Kate and her mother began to discuss the future of the ranch and the inevitability of selling it. Enter the Gallo family. As the largest family-owned winery and largest exporter of California wines in the world, they could easily ignore history and traditions and



simply gobble up more and more land for themselves to increase their bottom line. Instead, they worked out a plan that not only turned MacMurray Ranch into a world-class winery, but included Kate MacMurray remaining intimately involved in the transformation and renovation of the land on which she was raised. Kate says Gallo’s respect for the ranch’s history and their environmentally responsible practices held great sway in the negotiation process. Gallo doesn’t do cattle, so today the livestock is gone. In its place are 450 acres of Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris. Combining this fruit with grapes sourced from other top vineyards, the MacMurray Sonoma Coast wines are wonderful expressions of the cool climate of the Russian River Valley.


The MacMurrays are not the only ones to benefit from Gallo’s history of friendly takeovers. A man who found himself in a situation similar to that of Kate MacMurray is David Mirassou, who represents the sixth generation of America’s oldest winemaking family. Emigrating from France in the 1850s, Pierre Pellier brought grape cuttings to California with no other intention than to produce wine. His daughter, Henrietta, married fellow Frenchman and vintner Pierre Mirassou, and the Mirassou name has been synonymous with innovation ever since. The family was among the first to see the potential of California’s Central Coast region, and they also pioneered steel fermentation, permanent vineyard irrigation and other practices that are widely used today. Purchased by the Gallo family in 2002, the brand was relocated to Modesto, and David Mirassou was hired on to help Gallo with marketing, embracing the role of spreading the word about the exciting and approachable varietal wines that would continue to bear his family’s name. For the Louis M. Martini Winery, the Gallo family has never been far removed. Since the repeal of Prohibition in 1933, when founder Louis M. Martini received the very next winery permit after Ernest and Julio Gallo, these two Italian families have made wine side by side through three generations. In 2002, the two family businesses joined, as Gallo took ownership of the Louis M. Martini winery. Instead of this being the end of the Martini wine tradition, it signalled a re-birth of sorts. There is certainly a great deal of large-production Cabernet from both Sonoma and Napa Counties that still bears the Martini label. Within that, a new program allows for hand-crafted, artisan winemaking from the best blocks available. Named as a play on the winery’s St. Helena address, Cellar 254 is a smaller winery within a winery, ac-cording to winemaker and Cellar 254 manager Mark Williams. It was founded in 2003, and it’s here that very small reserve lots are fermented, allowing specific blocks to be kept separate. Inside Cellar 254, micro-fermenters give the winemakers the flexibility to vinify even single rows of grapes separately in order to craft wines according to the unique characteristics of specific lots. Additionally, the capability of submerged-cap fermentation and the use of pneumatic punch down equipment further evidence the Gallo family’s commitment to creating the best possible expression of fruit and terroir in the wines. Courtesy of International Sommelier Guild


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Brian Goodell is the former wine columnist for Morris News Service. His column, “The Wine Guy,” has appeared in newspapers throughout the US since 2005.



Summer is gone and we are well into fall. Unfortunately, that means the supply of certain fresh fish, like wild salmon, is done for the season. But does that mean fish is out of question on your dinner table for the rest of the year? Not at all. Charlie’s Seafood Market has a wide variety of selections to keep meal time interesting throughout those cold winter months, including both fresh and frozen selections.

Charlie Wong Charlie’s Seafood Market College Park Mall 8th Street & Mckercher 306.955.7127

The season for fresh selections like wild salmon might be past but local favourites like pickerel, pike and white fish are still great, readily available again. Local fishermen will keep pulling them out of Saskatchewan lakes until the lakes starts to freeze, then they have to take a break until the ice is thick enough for the ice fishing season to begin. Never underestimate the great flavour of locally sourced fresh fish. But if you’re looking for something a little bit different, why not give mussels a shot? We have always been proud of the quality of mussels we stock at Charlie’s but we also never stop trying to find a way to improve that quality. And Charlie’s is

pleased to announce that we have found a new supplier for our mussels, one that can get them to us a lot faster which gives them a longer shelf life. These mussels are high quality and fresher than ever. Another big change for Charlie’s is our modified recipe for the rice we use in our fresh rolled sushi. Done in house daily, we never put an expiry date on our sushi longer than 24 hours; what you buy that day was rolled in house that day. We have always believed in doing it this way because sushi just does not taste as good as leftovers. Anyone who has let formerly-fresh sushi sit in the fridge for a couple of days knows what I mean. That being said, our new rice recipe is designed so that if you have leftovers, the second day will be as good as the first. Quality is always our first priority at Charlie’s Seafood Market. Always remember that just because the season for fish like wild salmon is over does not mean that there are not plenty of other great options at Charlie’s Seafood Market, so come on down and check us out!

FineLifestyles SASKATOON



SOUP Folklore or science? BY RYAN HOLOTA or most, the concept of soup as a healthy meal is one that we grew up with. For centuries, chicken soup, especially homemade chicken soup, has been seen as a cure-all for everything from the common cold to a broken heart. This reputation may not be all folklore. A 2000 study by the University of Nebraska Medical Center found that chicken soup may indeed have anti-inflammatory and mucous-thinning properties. Soups probably date back to the very beginning of human cooking, and were likely one of the very first foods that we began to cook. Every culture on Earth has soup as a staple meal, from Ukrainian Borscht to the Japanese Niboshi, and they were made with ingredients that were easy to find. Soup also allowed more nutrition to be gained from a piece of food – our early ancestors could not eat the bones of an animal, but boiling the bones provided not only a tasty and healthy broth, but also allowed the food to go further, a blessing in huntergatherer societies. Our early ancestors may have hit the jackpot with soups—they can be one of the healthiest foods that we eat. Soup is often served as a first course at meals, where the liquid fills your stomach and can contribute to a feeling of fullness. Some studies have shown that those who eat soup as a first course consume as many as 20 per cent fewer calories in their meal. In addition, the very nature of soup as a hot liquid encourages us to eat more slowly. This not only raises our enjoyment of a meal, but also gives our brains time to register how full we actually are and can prevent overeating. These benefits have long been realized by those who are seeking to lose weight; a Google search on Soup Diet returned almost nine million results. The number 1 result was the cabbage soup diet, a soup that


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

even Weight Watchers recommends to help the company’s clients shed pounds. The health benefits of soup depend, naturally, on the type of soup you are consuming. Those creamy soups that have bacon in them, probably aren’t the healthiest foods to eat, especially if they come from the grocery store. Many canned soups contain added ingredients that Grandma didn’t use in her recipes (Sodium phosphate? Soy Protein Isolate?), and many are loaded with as much as half of your daily recommended dose of sodium. Still, healthy soup choices abound. Soups are time-consuming to make, but often much of that time is spent letting the creation boil. Fast soup recipes that reduce the amount of chopping abound on the internet, and farmer’s markets and health food stores can often provide a mix of dehydrated soup stock that can quickly and easily be reconstituted into a delicious and healthy meal. For purists though, nothing beats spending an afternoon in the kitchen with a pot boiling away. Of the many benefits of soup, perhaps one of the most appealing for those with busy lives is how easy soup is to store. Simply pour the soup into serving sized containers and place them in the freezer. They can last for months in the freezer without tasking off, and are easy to heat in the microwave or in a pot on the stove. FLS

FineRecipes beautiful beety borscht • 1 and a half cups finely diced potato • 2 cups finely diced beets • 1 Tbsp vinegar • 1 tsp salt • 1 cup finely diced carrots • 1 cup cut green beans • 1 cup green peas • 2 cups shredded cabbage • 1 Tbsp chopped parsley • 2 Tbsp chopped dill • 1 Tbsp Sugar • 1 chopped onion • 1 qt tomatoes, chopped or 28oz can • 1 stalk celery, sliced

Combine potatoes and beets with water; add salt and vinegar. Put on stove to boil; add carrots, beans, and peas. Add water to cover vegetables. Boil 15 minutes. Add shredded cabbage, parsley, dill, onion, tomatoes, celery, and salt. Add more water to cover if necessary. Boil for 45 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Freezes beautifully in large or small containers. FineLifestyles 43 SASKATOON





Crisp country air fills your lungs as the pressures of life start to slip away with your first sip of aromatic, freshly-brewed coffee. You relax on the spacious ranch house deck, surrounded by nature, which encourages you to regroup and reconnect with your inner self. The endless sky and incomparable prairie landscape beckon while your mount awaits, ready to sweep you off your feet on a journey designed to enhance your emotional and spiritual wellbeing. You are instantly grateful you accepted Mable Elliott’s genuine Saskatchewan hospitality and invitation to step


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

away from your daily grind and ‘just be.’

People whisperers “Life interrupts people,” says Mable. “The love of and for horses and other animals lends much to living life with purpose, even giving it purpose.” A lifelong rider and certified level II coach/ trainer, Mable believes all people are horse people and can benefit from the majestic animal’s grounding and energizing spirit.

Of course, all people are different, possess varying levels of horsemanship experience and have unique needs. That is why the programs Mable Elliott Horsemanship Services & Guest Ranch offers are extensive and personalized. With a keen eye for reading both people and horses, Mable can tailor experiences to suit individuals or groups (see sidebar). You can “Simply just be”... from horseback riding and retreats, to a full range of ranch services including body-mind analysis and psychosomatic therapy.

Guest ranch services Professional Horsemanship and Riding Programs • Coach Assistant and Trainer’s Assistant Programs • Recreational Horseback Riding • All-Inclusive Retreats • Mini-retreats and Romantic Get-Aways • Extended Ranch Stays • Corporate Retreats • Body-Mind Analysis and Psychosomatics • Energetics Massage • More… just ask

Body, mind, soul Based on the teachings of Herman Müller, founder of the Australasian Institute of Body-Mind Analysis and Psychosomatic Therapy, Mable is now offering several new services that seek to release tension and create in-depth healing in mental, emotional and physical states by posture integration and awareness. Psychosomatic Therapy is the process between the psyche (mind) and soma (body) that we live in. Body-mind communication exists within us every moment of our life, inside us, and our awareness of our reactions outside us. This results in behaviours and attitudes through a lifetime of experience and our interaction with others. The cellular memory created within the body internally, affects the mental, emotional and physical structure of the body formation and its actions and reactions externally. The release of past redundant and restrictive patterns held in the physical structure by cellular memory in body tissue are replaced by correcting posture, improving body condition, physical shape and the desired psychological attitudes through experiential practice. These services are by appointment only and are a fabulous complement to your ranch retreat or horse riding program.

“So much more can be gained from a horse than on a couch,” Mable says.

Year-round With an indoor riding facility, even the most forbidding days of winter do not have to deter you from the soul-enriching interaction with Mable’s equine ambassadors of well-being and emotional energy.

Your re-invitation Whether you are a first-time rider, a foreign visitor, a former guest or a ranch regular, Mable personally invites you to step away from life’s demands and ‘just be’... balanced, centered and connected.

Horses are for health Guest Ranch services from a perspective of love, compassion and understanding for improved mental, emotional and physical health. Assisting with the primordial life desire to live in alignment and be at peace with our true God-Soul centered and grounded self. Have yourself a really great Saskatchewan Day!

Mable Elliott Horsemanship Services and Guest Ranch 306-283-4805 Visit Mable Elliott on Facebook

a Saskatchewan Treasure




FOR HEALTH BY TAMMY CEASER. PHOTOS BY BLACK BENCH PRODUCTIONS “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” ~Thomas Edison Hygeia was the Greek goddess of health and wellness, but how did a tribute to her end up in Saskatoon’s Stonebridge Business Centre? Inspired for a career change, Kathy Brinkmeier, founder of Hygeia Health Market, looked around at her life and recognized her passion for health and wellness. “I was researching other avenues, then realized that my coffee table was full of health magazines and books, wellness publications, and loose articles I gathered. I discovered this was definitely my passion, and what I wanted to bring to Saskatoonians.” Knowing every label in her store, Kathy is quick to point out best sellers in her gluten-free food section, forewarn you about items that aren’t truly gluten-free,


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

and knows carbohydrate and sugar levels for her diabetic shoppers to boot. The gluten-free food section is extensive; she has every meal covered. Breakfast treats include English muffins, veggie breakfast patties, pancake mixes, bagels, and more. Holy Crap and Skinny B cereals—as featured on Dragon’s Den—are also immensely popular. For lunch, enjoy instant mac and cheese, soup mixes, non-peanut peanut butter for those with nut allergies, and tortillas. Gluten-free suppers include veggie burgers, pasta noodles and sauces, and pizza. Chronic munchies? Kathy has granola bars, chips and cookies a-plenty. The shopping continues on the organic side; there are enough seeds, nuts and grains to make a squirrel do back flips! She also has fresh organic produce brought in every Thursday, a proud tribute to buying local whenever possible. Tackle your weighty issues with Hygeia’s various weight loss products. Featuring a

low sugar content and full serving of fruit and vegetable fibre in every shake, Visalus: Body by Vi is the best tasting meal supplement according to some customers. PGX is a great option for customers who want to lose 20 pounds or more; using PGX daily aids in weight loss without altering your lifestyle in any other way. This is a great alternative for diabetics to balance blood sugar, and the fibre provides a full feeling. Another weight loss product that flies off the shelves is Dr. Oz’s Miracle Noodles. A rice noodle (made from the shirataki mushroom) stored in water. It has zero calories, zero carbohydrates, and zero sugars, and takes on the flavour of whatever you cook with it. Hygeia Health Market provides natural solutions and sensible lifestyle advice for your most common health concerns, including diet and nutrition, natural cleansing, arthritis, healthy digestion, weight loss, increased energy, reduced stress, strengthened immunity, and safe sleep aids. Visit Hygeia today, and discover how you can reach optimal wellness! FLS Hygeia Health Market Owner Kathy Brinkmeier #40 – 304 Stonebridge Boulevard 306.933.4550

EXPERTAdvice CARING FOR A LOVED ONE When too much is enough Simply put, caregiving is a tough job! Since concern for others is such a central characteristic of being human, it’s not surprising that acting as family caregiver for a sick or disabled parent, spouse or someone else close to us would be a positive experience. But caregiving also presents significant emotional challenges. The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) recently reported that almost 40 per cent of family caregivers experience what is called “caregiver burnout,” a condition that takes a toll on the physical and emotional well-being of caregivers. Caregiver burnout manifests itself through a wide variety of symptoms, including:

Retire-at-Home Services Deanna Birdsall 306.384-HOME (4663)

• A sense of isolation • Worry or doubt about the quality of care they are providing • Guilt that they are not giving enough • Anger at the lack of time they have for themselves and their own families • Frustration that this is not what they planned to be doing at this time of their lives • Confusion about where to turn for help • Grief and a sense of loss that the person they love has changed so much. These emotions, along with physical fatigue and inadequate sleep, can lead to caregiver burnout. It’s important to be alert to the signs: feeling trapped, drained of time and energy, and a sense of being focused exclusively on caregiving. Stress arising from bottled up feelings of anger and frustration may even put caregivers at higher risk of depression, heart disease and memory problems. Many family caregivers—out of love or, sometimes, out of guilt—feel that they have to do it all alone. But think of it this

way: taking care of yourself is an important part of providing care for the person who depends on you. Says CIHI’s Nancy White, “While caring for a loved one can be fulfilling, it can also be quite challenging. It is important to identify caregivers who are at risk of burnout, which can result in the senior being institutionalized.” It is exceptionally important to recognize and acknowledge the feelings you are having as a caregiver. Experienced caregivers offer this advice to help prevent burnout: • Share the care tasks and decisionmaking with other family members. • Remember your own needs. • Learn all you can about your loved one’s condition. • Talk to someone outside the family, such as a counsellor or a support group. • Learn what help is available, and be willing to accept help. Elderly care services at home can provide the support that your family needs to balance your busy lives. Whether your loved one lives in their own home, with you, or in a senior living community, in-home care promotes a safe, secure environment. Knowing your loved one is well-cared for allows you to better focus on work and other responsibilities—and, just as important, to truly relax when on vacation or just enjoying some personal time. Remember: having a trained caregiver on hand allows everyone in the family to take positive steps for improving their own health and well-being. Caring for the caregiver is an important part of caring for loved ones. FLS

FineLifestyles SASKATOON



If you are looking for a one-stop-shop offering you a highly marketed, non-effective wrinkle cream, plus a pedicure on the side, please move along. But if you are looking for quality care to improve your body and face, then please, read on. Sandy Foord and Dr. Cynthia Nave at Ultrashape Saskatoon help clients decide what procedure may benefit them—if any at all. Offering the newest, proven technologies, Ultrashape Saskatoon provides non-invasive cosmetic procedures to achieve a youthful, healthy face and body.

Ultrashape Saskatoon Lakeview Medical Clinic #13 – 1945 McKercher Drive 306.244.5100


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The Ultrashape machine is intended to be used as a body contouring procedure for trouble areas on the body. The main areas requested for treatment are the abdomen, thighs, and flanks (love handles). Foord is happy to be able to offer people an alternative to invasive procedures or surgeries such as liposuction or tummy tucks and it’s so easy! The Ultrashape machine uses ultrasound waves to penetrate fat cells, break them down, and then our body removes fat cells metabolically. Foord recommends a series of three treatments, two weeks apart to achieve best results. Treatment does not require anesthesia, and is described by most patients as a painless and comfortable experience.

Endymed is a non-invasive skin tightening procedure that uses radio frequency waves. These waves are delivered into the deepest layer of the skin, stimulating collagen production. This is most popular to fight the signs of aging. Requested areas treated are jowl and neck, various areas of the face (similar to an actual face lift) and post baby belly. Several treatments are required to achieve desired results. It works wonders on cellulite at any location on the body, and often people see results after a single session. Painful tummy tucks and facelifts are a thing of the past, and you don’t have to worry about recovery time. Have a treatment and go on with your daily routine afterward. Ultrashape provides a pain-free, pleasant experience. Offering revolutionary and proven technology to improve your face and body, Ultrashape Saskatoon is located in Saskatoon’s Lakeview Medical Clinic, providing non-invasive cosmetic services, including Ultrashape, Endymed, Botox and Latisse, a prescription to encourage eyelash growth. They are available to answer any questions, providing complimentary consultations to discuss the correct treatment for every individual. FLS

EXPERTAdvice HEALTH, WELLNESS AND IMMUNITY Good health and performance begin with a great protein supplement.

As crisp fall weather takes over, Saskatoon families return to regular routines. Kids are back in school and back at their after school activities. For some kids that means sports training camps, and goals to compete at the next level. Many of the older kids return to a regular work schedule, with intentions to fit in a regular exercise program! We vow that although we didn’t look the way we hoped in our summer swimsuit, we will wow them for the winter getaway! No matter our age, many of us are thinking about the upcoming flu season, researching options to prevent illness for ourselves and loved ones. If this sounds like you and your family, you sound like many of the customers who come into my store during this season. My recommendation is to begin with a good quality protein supplement. And I emphasize a good quality protein supplement. I most often recommend Brad King’s Ultimate High-Alpha Whey. One of the most recognized and trusted names in the industry, Brad King’s protein supplement is formulated in a way to maximize results and use what our body needs from a protein supplement; it doesn’t include the many additives that inhibit them. For example, most of today’s popular proteins use a blend of protein sourced from concentrate and isolate whey. This is because concentrate is far less expensive, and less pure.


Nature’s Health Center Lovie Wesolowski Spicer, Owner 48 Grosvenor Park Mall 306.373.5322

quality over a few dollars on the price tag. Cheaper products are just that— cheaper. Better sourced, formulated, and natural products are easier to absorb, and will provide better results. Studies have shown that protein is essential for repairing and replacing body cells and muscle tissue, promoting healthy hair and nails, protecting skin from wrinkles, reducing stress, improving energy levels, supporting a healthy immune system, aiding in proper sleep, and even reducing belly fat! Now who doesn’t want that? *About Lovie Lovie Wesolowski Spicer is a certified natural health practitioner, registered nutritional counsellor, and a specialist in sports nutrition. Over three decades, Lovie has assisted and worked with numerous clients including Olympic athletes, CFL and NHL players, and celebrities. Lovie believes that a healthy lifestyle and a better quality of life is achieved by combining natural and effective products with sensible and caring advice to everyone who comes into her store.

The Brad King formula includes Alphalactalbumin, the most perfect form of protein possible. As well, compared to traditional proteins which use aspartame or sucralose (which actually is bound with chlorine), Brad Kings formula uses natural sweeteners and tastes fantastic! For those reasons alone, it’s one of the most demanded products in my store, and I feel the most confident recommending it. My customers also appreciate the fact that this top quality product costs less than a cup of coffee a day. Quality in our protein matters. Although our intentions are always the best, a good rule to follow is that when it comes to our kids, we should never skimp on

FineLifestyles SASKATOON



Atrium Eye Care A Division of FYidoctors 306-652-4374 407 1st Avenue North, Saskatoon, SK, S7K1X5

Customize your vision with Internal Freeform technology Dr. Kenton Fredlund

Customize your style with the perfect frame Dr. Kerry Bishop

Every time I bring up a progressive lens with patients, they all begin by telling me a story of a friend or relative that has had difficulties adapting to their lenses. Currently there are over 400 designs of progressive lenses on the market with very different optical qualities. Older technology (conventional and digital progressives) uses molded products and a “one size fits all” approach to use the same type of lens on every patient, even if their visual needs are quite different. This technology creates an increase in magnification and distortion, and a decrease in the amount of usable space in the lens; resulting in a less than perfect visual experience.

High quality optical lenses only perform well if they are set in properly fit frames. Like clothing, frames need to be tried on. A frame that looks good on the shelf or in a catalogue may not be a suitable choice for you and for this reason it is crucial that you experience them face-to-face. To make this process easier a trained professional can help ensure your frames suit your face shape and that you are optimizing the function of your lenses. Your frame choice and adjustment can make or break your eyewear experience, especially with higher technology progressive or bifocal lenses.

Newer technology called Internal Freeform allows your visual needs to be threedimensionally fused on to the back surface of the lens. This process limits that unwanted distortion and gives you more peripheral vision, making it much easier to adapt to. Internal Freeform lenses are custom-made to the frame that is selected, allowing many more frame styles to be available. The far, intermediate, and near parts of the lenses can be manipulated individually to custom design a lens that is suited to your individual needs. With this new technology many patients who could not wear or adapt to multifocal glasses in the past can now wear them comfortably. Talk to your optometrist about Internal Freeform lenses and how they could benefit you. Atrium Eyecare is a proud partner of FYIdoctors and currently offers more than 10 different designs of Internal Freeform products along with 2,500 designer frames and sunglasses.

It is important your glasses reflect your own personal style as well as feel comfortable. I personally prefer custom premium frames that are hand-made rather than mass-produced. These unique products are manufactured primarily in Europe and Japan. For example, the plastic used in our SALT frame line actually moulds to your face over time and has a long-lasting finish. High quality titanium frames are another great option. Titanium is an extremely durable and lightweight metal that allows today’s larger fashion frames to remain light and comfortable, as seen in the Bellinger, Orgreen, JF Rey and Silhouette frame lines. But be warned! Once you treat yourself to a quality pair of glasses, you will never be satisfied with generic products. If you are in the market for new eyewear, it is important to seek expert advice to ensure that your glasses are customized to your look and visual needs. FLS

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


EXPERTAdvice sTylE FAbuTAn sun TAn sTudios by Jamie Peterson PhoTos by blAck bEnch PRoducTions

saskatoon locations:

downtown 380C 2 Ave. N Saskatoon, SK 306.244.1001 Erindale 8 - 410 Ludlow St. Saskatoon, SK 306.956.3094

8th street 104 - 3521 8th St. Saskatoon, SK 306.934.7181 Millar Ave. 2 - 833 51 St. Saskatoon, SK 306.665.0002

Visit Fabutan today! Remember, your first tan is FRee!


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Don’t get the winter blues! The sun may not be shining outside, but it is always hot and sunny at Fabutan, and this is exactly why you should tan in the fall and winter months. Tanning in our UV beds helps you naturally produce Vitamin D, especially important in the winter months. Visit Fabutan today! Remember, your first tan is free! Halloween is just around the corner and as you prepare your fancy costume, get that natural glow from the Mystic sunless tan! Why be a ghost again this year? Winter doesn’t have to bring the blues, it brings travel season! When you escape our cold bitter winter in return for some tropical destination, make sure to establish your base tan so you can enjoy every day in the sun. Don’t hide indoors on your vacation,

get out there and blend in with the locals with help from Fabutan. Christmas parties, family get-togethers, and New Years Eve is a time to dress up and celebrate; give yourself a treat for the season and build up your natural base tan with Fabutan’s UV beds—or pop into our Mystic HD sunless spray tan booth to get instant colour for your special event! Fabutan on 8th street also offers the new Full Body RED light therapy. RED light therapy boosts collagen production, helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles, firms and tones the skin, increases circulation and helps with mild to moderate acne! Hand Held Blue Light or Red Light devices are carried at 8th Street and 2nd Avenue locations. FLS

MRI & CT scans – without the wait. • MRI and CT scans within 48 – 72 hours • Results sent to referring physicians within 48 hours • State-of-the-art imaging technology • Healthcare in a welcoming and comfortable environment

Calgary, Alberta For more information call 1.877.4CT.4MRI

YOUR SANDALS LUXURY INCLUDED® Romantic Getaway Awaits “Our first Sandals vacation was at Sandals Negril... it was everything we expected and more. The staff were great—nothing was too much trouble; the beach, food, entertainment... it was all amazing. We will be taking another Sandals Resorts vacation soon. Thanks Sharon, for recommending this to us.” - Leisure Travel 2000 clients Shelley & Brian In today’s busy world, it can be hard to find time for each other, so for Leisure Travel 2000 clients like Shelley and Brian, the award-winning Sandals Resorts was a perfect solution. Created exclusively for couples, each of the thirteen romantic paradise destinations are designed to hide away and get lost from the entire world.


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

With seven locations in Jamaica, three in Saint Lucia, one in Antigua, and two in The Bahamas, each offer endless white sand beaches or lush tropical gardens—ideal for the couple in love to slow down and relax. If you can dream it, a Sandals Luxury Included® Vacation experience can make it happen. Think luxurious accommodations, exquisite dining experiences, from tantalizing appetizers to decadent desserts, premium brand cocktails, recreation, golf, tennis, tips, gratuities, taxes and much more—all for one upfront price. “I like to recommend a Sandals vacation to those celebrating a special occasion, like weddings, honeymoons and anniversaries, or to those couples who just want a great vacation to be pampered,” says Sharon Kaendo, director and manager of Saskatoon’s Leisure Travel 2000 Inc. “Sandals

is a great product that I am always confident my clients will enjoy. There is no hassle, everything is included, even the tip.” Sandals Resorts has created the most stunning and unique accommodations the world has ever seen, right down to the smallest detail. From the mahogany furnishings to the plasma TVs, they set the highest standards for your own private paradise. To complete the package, you may decide to go for the unparalleled services of a personal butler (trained by the Guild of Professional English Butlers) available in top-category suites. With each resort boasting as many as fifteen exceptional dining experiences, you and your loved one will share an infinite diversity of gourmet cuisines, with a unique menu and ambiance in each. A different region each and every time you dine.

Sandals Whitehouse European Village & Spa

For the adventurous, Sandals Resorts vacations also include an extraordinary variety of exclusive sport activities. Every imaginable water sport is available, while snorkeling and scuba diving allow you to explore the seductive underwater seascapes of the Caribbean. Whether you prefer to rejuvenate with yoga or build strength in a state-of-the-art fitness center, Sandals Resorts keeps you in shape while you play.

“All you have to do is relax and enjoy,” continues Kaendo. “There is a Sandals resort that will fit the needs of virtually any couple looking for that special getaway.” FLS

Breathe new life into your mind, body and spirit inside Sandals’ exclusive award-winning Red Lane® Spa, where you will choose from a wide variety of healing spa experiences blending classic European traditions with the natural elements of the Caribbean. Treatments range from couples massages and tubs built for two…to an “in-each-others’ hands” massage, where you’ll learn basic techniques, then choose your own blend of custom massage oil to take back to your room and practice. This unforgettable lesson in love and laughter will be the ultimate reminder of your vacation, a shared skill you can enjoy for a lifetime.

- Leisure Travel 2000 clients Greg & Lorna

“Sandals Whitehouse was exactly what we were looking for; first class food and accommodations, great people, relaxing environment, and lots of fun! We plan to return again.”

For more information, please contact Leisure Travel 2000 Inc. #1 – 325 Third Avenue North, Sasaktoon Tel: 306-956-3000

Discover the untouched South Coast of Jamaica with Sandals Whitehouse European Village & Spa. Set on a 500-acre nature reserve, this Luxury Included® resort is a true exotic oasis. Three European-inspired villages—Italian, French and Dutch—are home to luxuriouslyappointed rooms and suites that each possess magnificent views overlooking the two-mile long beach. Top tier suites come with Sandals’ legendary Butler Service. Seven restaurants serve mouthwatering gourmet cuisine from around the world, with entertainment ranging from a sophisticated piano bar to bonfire beach parties and a chic nightclub. A world unto itself, Sandals Whitehouse is a place where time is all but forgotten and the only moment is now. Special group rate for one week 26 February 2012 departure from Saskatoon. Many room categories are available. Prices starting from $2500.00 per person.Includes round trip airfare, transfers and accommodations as selected. Call Sharon at Leisure Travel 2000 for more details, or visit our website at

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


It’s not a job you’ll see on career day, but the New York Times recently named it one of the coolest jobs in America. Saskatchewan’s Greg Johnson can attest to that. He is the


Tornado Hunter Greg Johnson does not take the road most travelled—a sentiment that applies not only to his journey through life so far, but literally. Having put over 50,000 kilometres on his sport utility vehicle (dubbed ‘The Tornado Truck’) over the spring and summer months of 2011, much of those kilometres were spent plowing down rutted, muddy dirt roads and flooded backwood country trails, chasing the elusive beauty and splendor of Mother Nature’s most impressive temper tantrums. As a young man growing up in Ontario,


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

a graduate of Nova Scotia’s prestigious Acadia University and a political staffer full of potential on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill, Johnson once didn’t appear to fit the mold of a future bold adventurer. Fast forward to January 2011, and Johnson has just sold his successful Regina-based marketing firm, freeing him up to pursue his longtime dream of photographing severe weather displays full-time. Johnson credits his mother and father as inspiring him to take a chance and run after his dream. “My parents are in their mid-sixties and they have travelled all over the world, recently hitting the sum-

mits of several mountain peaks in Peru,” explains Johnson. “My grandfather shared the same free spirit—until he was in his late 80’s he would rent a berth on a ship and then find out where it was sailing. He would take his bike to tour around whatever country he ended up in. At age 87 he was cycling 100 kilometres a day in New Zealand. This is the legacy that was passed on to me, and I am making damn sure that I set the same example for my children.” For his first professional storm-chasing season, Johnson couldn’t have asked for more material, which is not always a good thing for those on the ground. “As the 2011

thunderstorm season drew to a close on the northern plains I am looking back on a year of incredible and historic storms. There was the ‘Super Outbreak’ of April 27 in the southeast United States, the flooding in the Missouri and Mississippi watersheds, the driest and hottest year on record for Oklahoma and Texas, the deadliest tornado in United States’ history at Joplin, the numerous festival stage collapses and closer to home, the devastating floods in southeast Saskatchewan.” In May of this year, while traveling through the United States’ Tornado Alley at the peak of its severe weather season, he witnessed the highest of highs, and lowest of lows. “One day we intercepted two impressive, non-destructive tornadoes –there is a euphoric kind of high that comes with witnessing something like that. The next

day we heard about Joplin, and hours later were standing in its epicentre. Looking 360 degrees around you, everything is wiped out, and search and rescue teams are looking for bodies. It was life-changing, and gave me a whole new perspective on what I needed to do. It made sense for me to try and educate people—not only about the aftermath of these types of occurrences, but about what needs to happen, what warning systems we need.” Back in Saskatchewan, while Saskatoon residents have seen little to no severe weather action this summer (save two memorably intense cells), the southern half of the province, including the city of Regina, were plagued by intense systems tearing through almost daily. Elsewhere fared little better, says Johnson. “We’ve seen destructive tornados plough through Big River and Hafford. Residents,

tourists and businesses up at Waskesiu will never forget getting pounded with grapefruit-size hail for over an hour.” Beyond the goals of educating people on storm safety and emergency preparedness while raising awareness for better warning systems, it’s the love of the game— photography—that really keeps Johnson passionate. “I’m a photographer... for me, it’s all about the end result: the stunning pictures. For me, severe weather is one of the most elusive, magnificent and beautiful subjects I could photograph. There’s nothing quite as exhilarating as getting into the heart of the action... the adrenaline rush, and then coming out with the pictures to ensure the story never dies.” A proponent of the ‘bucket-list’ philosophy, Johnson uses this mindset as motivation to chase the benefits of everything

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


life has to offer him and his family. Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman immortalized this philosophy in the 2008 film of the same name, reinventing the notion of living life as if there was no tomorrow. Every individual has their own ideas and dreams they’d like to see reach fruition, but until they complete their own list, Johnson hopes to inspire others to begin living like every moment is precious, aspiring to accomplish whatever they wish. “I realized back in January that there was no time like the present to get started. I was ready to pursue my passion full-time. I had more to offer and that I wanted to do work that would allow me to travel, while ensuring my children will forever understand the value of setting goals, and appreciate the fullness of what life in Canada can offer. “I want to be able to say that I did something differently.”


PETS TRAINING YOUR DOG Happy Dog Acres staff believes that a dog should be obedient, as well as polite. This is possible for every dog, no matter the age or breed! Our obedience training focuses on a fun and structured environment where every dog and owner receives an individual approach. This means that not every dog or breed behaves the same way, and we recognize this. Happy Dog Acres offers an effective and thorough training program, starting with the basics and progressing to advanced obedience. All dogs are off leash in class and given ample opportunity to socialize and interact with the other dogs. Using the Cynologique training philosophy (study of canine behavior) as a basis, we use positive reinforcement and consistency in rewarding when dogs behave as the owner requires. Games during training are applied to create enthusiasm and enjoyment for both dog and handler. Dog obedience is a family affair, and any family member who wants to take part is welcome! Happy Dog Acres Urban Center 140 105th Street East 306.978.7278

Boarding and Day Care There are many things to take into consideration when looking for a place to board your furry friend. This has the potential to be a stressful scenario, so it is important to follow through on all requirements, and make this an enjoyable process for both you and your pet. • Ensure your pet has current standard vaccinations, and that you have proof of these vaccinations from your vet, complete with the date the vaccinations were administered as well as expiration.

• Make sure you have your pet’s collar, leash, name tag, and any medications they require. • Paperwork and information is essential. Your contact numbers are necessary and any special needs of your pet. • Bring in your dog’s food. Happy Dog Acres can provide food, but it is best for your dog to keep a steady diet and avoid an upset stomach. • Allow extra time when dropping your dog off for boarding or day care for the first time. Usually you will have pa perwork to fill out, and the staff may have questions for you. • Recognize that holidays are usually the busiest time, and booking in advance is a good idea. Also, keeping the booking or calling to cancel is expected and appreciated! • Keep in mind that your dog may be extremely tired when he/she comes home. They may not be accustomed to so much playing and social time. • Dogs can play rough, and minor cuts and scrapes can occur. There is no reason for alarm, it just means that they played hard and made new friends! Happy Dog Acres wants the best for your animal, and will always be concerned for their safety and happiness while under supervision. Make sure you feel comfortable with your boarding choice, and always ask the staff questions to understand what is expected of you and your pet while boarding for a holiday, or spending time at day care. At Happy Dog Acres, we strive to make this a fun and easy process for you and your furry friends! FLS

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Today’s campers eliminate any concept of ‘roughing it’ BY FLS STAFF


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

hey range from the simplest, pop-up camper-trailers to virtual luxury hotel rooms on wheels and Saskatchewanians are embracing the RV (recreational vehicle) lifestyle like no others.

New statistics from Go RVing Canada indicate Saskatchewan residents are buying more RVs per capita than citizens of any other province. In fact, this province’s recreationally-inclined were almost three times as likely to buy an RV as other Canadians in 2010. “I think Saskatchewan is special in its own way because 90 per cent of RV owners say it’s the best way see the country at its best and Saskatchewan is one of those great provinces where people just literally get out on the open road,” said Alana Fontaine, a spokesperson for Go RVing Canada who visited Saskatoon in September as part of a public relations tour. Go RVing Canada is a coalition representing RV dealers, manufacturers and campgrounds across the country to promote the RV lifestyle, of which, Fontaine says, there are many compelling benefits. “First and foremost it’s fun,” Fontaine said. “The freedom and flexibility that’s associated with RVing is what’s really appealing to those who want to get involved in the lifestyle, and also the affordability.”

She cited a study that indicated an RV vacation can cost as much as 75 per cent less than a traditional vacation, particularly for families, once you factor in the costs or air travel, hotels, eating out and rental cars. The affordability factor may be why the recent recession saw such a rapid increase in the popularity of RVs. Another factor is undoubtedly the variety and luxury of the modern versions of mobile accommodations. Today’s offerings ain’t your daddy’s VW camper. They feature slide-out kitchens and bedrooms, proper mattresses, showers and bathrooms, flatscreen HD TVs, satellite TV and radio and pretty much any other luxury you can think of. But, while we tend to think of motorhomes as a relatively recent concept, their history goes back a lot further than you might think. Last year marked the 100th anniversary of the first motorized campers. “The first motorized campers were built in 1910,” said David Woodworth, a preeminent American RV historian. “Before then, people camped in private rail cars that were pulled to sidings along train routes. The year 1910 brought a new

freedom to people who didn’t want to be limited by the rail system. RVs allowed them to go where they wanted, when they wanted.” Of course, the history of mobile living quarters goes back even further than that. They couldn’t really be described as recreational, perhaps, but wagons built for living in rather than just transporting people and goods appeared in France approximately 200 years ago. In England they were used by circus performers and showmen who travelled the countryside in search of audiences who would fill their hats with coins. And, of course, in the United States, the image of the ‘snake oil salesman’ in his horse-drawn caravan has become iconic of the laissez-faire capitalism of the old west. In 2011, of course, we enjoy more leisure time than any generation that has come before. That, coupled with the vast array of choices in RVs; the extensive paved highway systems of North America; and the thousands of national, provincial, state, and private parks with full hookups, it is little wonder RVing is more popular than ever. “There really is an RV for everyone,” said Fontaine. FLS

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EXPERTAdvice WINTERIZE YOUR RV TO PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT Unless you’re lucky enough to be heading south for the winter in your RV, you’ll need to winterize your vehicle for the long winter storage. There are a few essential steps that need to be taken to properly prepare your RV for winter. It’s a simple process, but it can cost you thousands of dollars in repairs if done improperly. If you’re unsure about anything in the process, be sure to check with a professional. All the water needs to be drained from the RV, including water in holding tanks—the fresh water and sewer tanks, and the hot water heater. Once this is done, you need to open the by-pass valve on the hot water heater, usually the centre valve found on the rear of the water heater. There are a number of different valve combinations, so talk to a professional if you’re unsure.

Ron Graham 8th Street RV Saskatoon 306.244.RVRV (7878) Toll Free: 1.866.953.7878

Once the water is drained, you are ready for the non-toxic antifreeze. Locate your fresh water pump and remove the suction line. Attach a separate hose to your pump and insert the opposite end into a jug of plumbing antifreeze. Turn the pump on and open all taps until the antifreeze flows through freely. Flush the toilet and open the valves on your outside shower as well. Once finished, pour a cup or so down each trap in the sinks and shower. Some RVs come from the factory with a separate suction hose built into the pump, so check your manual. Winter can be hard on the exterior sur-


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faces of your trailer. You should wash and wax the exterior to prevent any fading, and cover your tires and spare to prevent damage from UV rays. Check the vents and sealants on the roof so no snow and ice can get under the roof skin. Some roof repair sealants are not compatible with newer rubber roof systems, so always check with a professional. You’ll also want to remove and fully charge the deep cycle battery. It takes over 24 hours at a five-amp charge rate to fully charge the battery. Find a dry, cool space in your garage or basement to store it over the winter months and periodically re-charge it. Deep cycle batteries will lose some charge just from sitting, even if not hooked up to a source. If you can keep the battery fully charged at all times, it will last for years. If you can, store your RV inside. If storing outside, occasionally take time throughout the winter to check out your RV for damage. Snow storms, extreme cold, and high winds can cause unexpected damage, and misuse or neglect are not covered by your RV manufacturer’s warranty policy! Fall is also on minor new items, have great

a great time to catch up repairs, or to purchase as most manufacturers fall or winter discounts.

If you’re still unsure about any steps in the winterizing process, don’t hesitate to visit 8th Street RV and talk to one of our RV professionals. FLS




isit B.P. Banister first when remodeling or building a staircase. Always a step above in providing a specialized manufacturing service that is unique to Saskatoon, B.P. Banister has found its niche. Visit their showroom on Miners Avenue in Saskatoon to carefully select product for your railing masterpiece. Conveniently housed in the same building as the showroom is B.P. Banister’s manufacturing facility; this is where all of the wood components for your railing are designed. The highly accomplished manufacturing team has taken on-site training to update and hone their skills, as you will see in the finished product. Following the manufacturing, B.P. Banister has contracted a team of installers to work with the client and maintain con-

sistency. These installers work closely with their manufacturing counterparts to provide the best result possible. Assembling the product on site requires great skill and artistic ability, in which B.P. Banister succeeds time and time again. This, in turn, serves the customer better, and it shows through their work. Some of the finest homes in Saskatoon feature B.P. Banister creations. It goes to show that a great staircase can be a piece of art itself. Celebrating their tenth anniversary, Bernie and his staff are excited about the renovations to their own digs–the building exterior is complete with updated colours, beautiful stonework, and a new and improved showroom will be unveiled this fall. A professional, functional, and fresh space, with staff to match, the showroom will feature a multitude of

displays, samples and ideas that truly exemplify what B.P. Banister is all about. Their own extensive renovating doesn’t mean the client will take a backseat. Homeowners and builders will continue to trust B.P. Banister for the best staircases and railings in town. With a passion for banisters and a high standard for customer service, it’s easy to see this company will enjoy many more anniversaries.FHS

B.P. Banister 2941 Miners Avenue 306-955-6338

FineLifestyles SASKATOON



PARTNERSHIP Salon Style Comes Fast, Easy For Owner And Decorator Team BY KARIN MELBERG SCHWIER. PHOTOS BY HEATHER FRITZ “However you want to do it, that’s how we do it!” Interior decorator and design specialist Chantelle Butterfield of Funktional Space is one flexible and fun woman. Some of her clients want a slow, thoughtful approach to a change or update to their home style; others appreciate an efficient service that gets the job done quickly. Whatever the process, Chantelle promises a fresh look that exceeds expectations. When it came to creating a dynamic, modern look for Passions Beauty Studio in Warman, the visions of owner, master stylist and makeup artist Chelsey Kara and Chantelle matched perfectly. The two hit the ground running and the entire up-do was done faster than you can say ‘aromatic body butter.’ “Some people like to take their time as they create their new look or freshen up a space in their home or business,” says Ch-


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antelle, who has a considerable residential and commercial client list. “Some people I’ve worked with just need help with selecting some new paint and maybe some accessories to update a room. Others want to begin with a wide open space and that’s where we started with Passions.” Passions opened in 2009 and within a year, the popular salon outgrew its space. Staying in the same busy location was the top choice, so Chelsey bought an old house badly in need of gutting. An addition was put on and so began planning for a whole new look. The space needed to be both attractive and comfortable for spa and salon clientele and also very well laid out for efficient movement of Chelsey’s team of 12 stylists and estheticians. “I found Chantelle through a friend who read about her in Fine Lifestyles maga-

zine,” explains Chelsey. “I wanted very modern with a little bit of old classic touches. Now, for example, we have a modern crystal chandelier in the foyer with Victorian looking wallpaper behind it. Our clientele is a large one, so trying to please everyone was important to me.” Having Chantelle explain what moods would be triggered by various wall coverings and paint colours, Chelsey was “so happy I took her advice! She has a natural vision when she walks into a space and it’s amazing how she tweaked my ideas to make them work bigger and better.” “We started with two elements and drew our inspiration from there,” says Chantelle. “Chelsey and I seemed to be in-tune right away and we were able to talk about what she had in mind, where to get what she needed like paint, wall-

The motto for the salon is “your beauty, our passion.” Chantelle’s passion is to transform interiors into enjoyable, pleasing and completely “functional” spaces. “The easiest thing about working with her was that she loves what she does, too,” Chelsey says. “Chantelle listened to what I wanted and helped me achieve it,” she adds. “Before I hired her, I worried that someone would try to change my vision and I was on a tight budget. But when I hired Chantelle and went shopping with her, I found that she definitely saved me more money by finding deals and taking me to places she knew would work for me. In the end, she saved me more money than it cost to hire her. She made a stressful situation fun.” It’s clear this project was the start of a beautiful friendship. In fact, Chelsey plans to buy her own home in the near future. Guess whose card she has tucked away for future reference? “The people who come in our front door have the reaction that is exactly what we hoped for. Even men comment on the amazing job!” Chelsey laughs. “The space is perfect and even after working in it for four months, I wouldn’t change a thing. Chantelle nailed it.” Find Passions Beauty Studio at 106 Central Street East in Warman or visit: For your décor and design needs, contact Chantelle Butterfield, ph. (306) 227-3008 or visit:

paper, flooring, tile; we did the shopping, and wrapped it all up in just a few hours.”

FineLifestyles SASKATOON



he year: 1100 AD. In the heart of the Bavarian countryside, Ehrenburg Castle reigned over the landscape, a fortified, powerful and beautiful renaissance structure designed to both protect and comfort the levels of nobility seeking refuge inside. Fast forward to 1982, when Saskatoon homebuilder Joe Ehr (the family has been told the name was originally shortened from Ehrenburg) knew there was a market for homes of all sizes that exhibited the same qualities and features as the magnificent dwelling his ancestors enjoyed. Relying on his extensive background in the homebuilding industry, Joe was motivated to start Ehrenburg Homes—The Castle Company. Today Joe, who has now been in the home construction industry for almost 35 years, still believes that a family’s home is its castle—in fact, the company names all of theirhome models after actual castles in Germany. When you choose Ehrenburg Homes, you’re choosing one of the finest names in the business. For almost 30 years, Ehrenburg Homes has built its reputation as a family-owned custom home-building company, delivering superior quality housing without ever compromising the company’s dedication to quality. “We have built our business on referrals,” explains Joe. “We’re proud to be in a position to say that we have built homes for many families more than once over the years.”



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General manager Daryl Quesnel credits one factor as foremost in setting Ehrenburg Homes apart from the others in the industry. “Our people,” he says emphatically. “Our staff are among the best in the industry right from our construction manager through our carpenters, site personnel, safety coordinator, service staff, sales staff and our office staff. We are also very pleased to work with the best tradespeople in the industry and truly value our relationships with them. Our customers are treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve. All of our staff and tradespeople understand the importance of our customers and we provide them with a great experience from the start to the completion.“ When a client comes to us to purchase their custom home, they will deal with

FROM BACK LEFT Joe Ehr, President Daryl Quesnel, General Manager Joanne Cross, Sales Agent Jody Cross, Sales Agent BOTTOM ROW LEFT Bonnie Crozon, Sales Agent Conrad Ehr, Controller

the same salesperson throughout the entire process. The connection becomes very personal, working one-on-one with the client from the design phase to the move-in date. In many cases this creates a unique, long-lasting relationship that you just don’t see anywhere else.” “What makes Ehrenburg Homes different is a combination of the professionalism of our employees, as well as, the quality of our trades and suppliers, many of whom have been with Ehrenburg Homes for over 25 years,” says Joe. “Each and every Ehrenburg employee takes the extra time to work with the desires every customer brings forward, from lot selection and the initial design stages, to construction and after-sales service.” Ehrenburg Homes also leads the industry in cutting-edge, sophisticated building technology. “We are a Certified Professional Homebuilder with Saskatoon and Region Home Builders, as well as Certified Energy Star and R2000 builders,” Joe continues. “We also work very closely with all of our tradespeople and suppliers to make sure Ehrenburg is continually in front of what is new in the marketplace, taking the time to evaluate coming trends.” Ehrenburg Homes is not only a member of the Saskatchewan New Home Warranty Program, they enjoy the distinction of holding a Platinum Certificate thanks to providing 20 consecutive years of loyal customer service—a merit only held by Ehrenburg and a select few other homebuilders in Saskatchewan. Gorgeous and practical Lifestyle Specifications come standard on every new Ehrenburg home. “We use the finest building materials,” says Daryl. “We provide full eight-foot finished basement walls and feature larger basement windows to accommodate bedrooms in future devel-

opments. We only supply triple-glazed windows, fibreglass lifetime shingles, Kohler plumbing products, upgraded heat heating systems, efficient direct vent water heaters, heat recovery ventilation systems, upgraded interior trim packages, upgraded railings, maple/alder cabinets, granite counter tops, and upgraded flooring packages. These aren’t required by code, but, quite simply, give the customer a more pleasant and efficient home.” Additionally, they install a microwave and dishwasher in every Ehrenburg Home— a charming and thoughtful gift to the buyer who may not always opt to purchase these little luxuries for themselves. Despite being renowned as the builders of some of the most stunning, elegant homes on the Saskatoon market, Joe, Daryl and the staff at Ehrenburg Homes will never be too big or busy to lend a hand to those who need it most. “In early 2007 we began the design and construction process of an affordable housing project in conjunction with ANHDF, River Ridge and the City of Saskatoon,” Daryl explains proudly. “After two-plus years of planning and design we got to put our plan into motion and begin the 24-unit Pleasant Hill Condominium Project, Parkview Green. We honoured our commitment despite the fact that we had simultaneously just entered one of our busiest times in history, when the housing market was at its peak. At that important junction, when we could have backed out, Ehrenburg Homes decided that giving back to the community was going to be an integral part of our business philosophy. We did what we said we would do.” Regardless of whether you’re selecting a lot, a new development or a model home, Ehrenburg Homes keeps an inventory that rivals any European country’s stock of historic medieval castles.

In Saskatoon’s Stonebridge, Ehrenburg’s Langlois Way development boasts eight homes ranging in size from 1,219 – 1,332 square feet. Perfect for any size family, each home has a unique floor plan and a close proximity to gorgeous green spaces, shopping, and other amenities. The F15TEEN, as the name suggests, is a 15-home development located on Stonebridge Common. With floor plan sizes from 1,329 – 1,470 square feet, these 15 spectacularly-designed homes each possess a delightful, front-facing view of the park. You’ll spend peaceful summer evenings on the spacious front verandah watching the kids play in the park across the street. If the small community lifestyle is calling your name, Parkview Cove in the Town of Osler may be for you. A fifteen-minute drive from all the conveniences of the city, Ehrenburg Homes’ Parkview Cove development offers a blend of single homes, duplex lots, and even multifamily sites to choose from. “In Osler we’re excited to be presenting a tremendous mix of product,” says Daryl. “Our goal is to cater to absolutely everyone. The homes are designed around a large central park, and it’s considerably less expensive to live in smaller communities. However, you’re still only fifteen minutes from the city, with great access to the new Warman golf course.” Regardless of where you choose to live, Ehrenburg Home offers customers two choices: model homes or custom homes. After that, thanks to Joe Ehr and his company’s longevity in the industry, extensive inventory and keen, enthusiastic staff, the choices for your castle are endless. FLS Ehrenburg Homes 306.384.1473 1802 Ontario Ave

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FineLifestyles SASKATOON

“What I take home with me are a great many photos (thank goodness for digital) of doors, windows, gates, pergolas and laundry, yes laundry! “


ver the years I have been asked many times, in particular as it relates to garden design: “Where does your inspiration come from?” Family and friends seem to think that I am a bottomless pit of clever plant combinations, garden kitsch arrangements and a veritable Capability Brown when I come to visit their gardens. Like so many other professions, when invited to someone’s home there is an expectation that you will offer some advice, view an ailing plant or in some cases, design a new landscape on the back of a napkin. Truth is that I am blessed with a great memory (so far at least) and I have been so fortunate over my career to be able to travel the globe. Seeing the world through a gardener’s eyes provides a completely different paradigm I suspect than that of someone of another profession. By example, my

wife prefers to travel to locales that offer an historical theme, in particular WWII. On the other hand, I prefer the warm breath of Polynesia or the heady scents of a Mediterranean garden. There are naturally many courses of compromise under this scenario; I will toddle off and soak in the countryside villas, urban and public gardens as she plans a trip to a local war museum for the afternoon. Viewing gardens and landscapes in other regions of the world does have the potential of over-stimulating the creative juices, in particular, if your travels are in countries with dissimilar climatic conditions. Not a great stretch you might say, but I have seen it time and time again where folks have been to Victoria and return to a Saskatchewan garden all bubbly and glowing with rhododendrons planned for their gardens. I too have, and will most likely continue, to succumb to the “make it in my gar-

den” syndrome. I recall one trip to Tuscany many years back wherein all of the colours, scents and textures of this gorgeous region agreed with us tremendously. We tramped the vineyards, olive groves, gardens and, of course, the requisite museums and art galleries. Upon returning to our prairie home, we attempted to reconstruct these colours and textures in our rear gardens. This project was very successful and our little piece of Toscana had the power to transport us back there in a heartbeat. This was just the beginning! Sitting inside viewing our little garden through glass in February just didn’t have the same affect, but if we redecorated, changed the flooring, painted here, removed that wall, well you get the picture. Our little Tuscan garden was the catalyst for the redecorating of the entire house, all three floors. Caution is advised as well as sensibility. Tuscany, or for that matter, any region

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of Italy, will always be a rich and juicy repository of fantastic garden ideas. This region is much older than anything in Canada save the Canadian Shield. The residents have had lots of time to “get it right” when it comes to the garden. However, the approach to what we would call a landscape is profoundly different than our renditions. Casual elegance prevails and nothing seems to be performed or arranged. A term that I use from time to time is “sense of place” referring to incorporating materials of the region into the landscape. This is precisely what you will see in this and in many other countries of the world. Local stone installed by local craftspeople, local plants allowed to invade the remains of ancient buildings, huge timbered doors and gates built from local woods. This entire symphony of textures and materials just blends in such a natural and unassuming way that it may only be a few months old, but to your camera’s and mind’s eyes it is ancient. Above all it fits the local landscape as it is the local landscape. What I take home with me are a great many photos (thank goodness for digital) of doors, windows, gates, pergolas and laundry, yes laundry! One can tell a great deal about the regular goings on in a community by the laundry on the line perhaps even reaching the heart of the area. The compilation of photos for each region then provides me with the palette from which I can draw my inspiration. I’m used to the fact that many of my doors and gate photos represent eons of time and the countless numbers of people who have passed through them, so, in a way, I build a back story around each photo often times with this translated into a current garden design. In many ways the design of your home, the decking and the gardens along with adjunct buildings and the landscape all must work together to build your story.

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There is great tendency in North America to replicate landscapes, which by doing so can provide a rather bland streetscape. Understanding that most new residential projects have architectural guidelines, one way of personalizing your home is to build a unique landscape unlike the rest of the development. You might consider establishing a theme, in keeping with the home of course, that may allow you to incorporate some component of your favourite travel region or destination. Little hints of this destination throughout the landscape are also a clever way to induce a thematic strand, but be careful not to clutter the landscape or be the local “hoarder’s haven.” Too much kitsch in the garden, no matter how glorious or memorable each piece may be, makes for a poor overall impression. Travel is to my mind one of the best ways to stimulate the senses and, of course, gardening is one of the best ways to express this. Married together and tempered with a dash of reason, a pinch of good taste and simmered over time, your landscape or garden(s) will continue to bring you joy and re-kindle times spent abroad.FLS 824 Fleury Street, Regina, 306.781.8007 2206 Speers Avenue, Saskatoon, 306.244.2744

EXPERTAdvice WALK OUT BASEMENTS need thoughtful planning

That slippery slope can be a real problem, not just a metaphor if it’s not handled properly. If your home has a walkout basement, you’re lucky! You’ve got huge potential for not only more living space but also the opportunity to do some creative development to your yard that will ensure greater functionally. It can also provide a stunningly beautiful outdoor area that adds enjoyment for you and your family and is an investment in the value of your property. But you need to talk to someone who knows the right way to develop the area to make it the best it can be. A walkout basement is literally that: the basement exists within a sloping parcel of land so that you walk out through the doorway into your back yard. No one wants a yard that simply continues to slope. Garden parties aren’t fun if everyone has to stand like goats on the side of a hill! How and where you level it out is important, and there are some methods that just don’t work. It’s simply incorrect to backfill to level the area. Rather, dig out the area at the top end to ease the landscaping down, making creative use of stairs, landings, terraces, and retaining walls, working with the grade and different elevations.

By Luke Rempel, B.Sc. Horticulture, B.Comm. City Gardens Landscape Construction and Irrigation

Some people will pour concrete to create a patio outside the doors, but often don’t realize that drainage from the slope at the sides of the house may end up a serious problem. Aside from designing a grade plan to shed water away from the house, foundation and basement door area, there are a few other critical considerations. • Think creatively about your needs first: Do you want an entertainment space, a barbecue pit, a garden terrace, a play area for the kids?


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• Quality of materials: generic garden blocks are not designed to hold back a hillside and won’t last. Robust stone like Versa-Lok is sturdy enough to stay in place without cracking or slipping. • Aesthetics and safety: incorporate lights and railings into the build, don’t tack on after construction. Lighting, which adds dramatic nighttime effect, also provides for better vision on steps and landings. Railings can prevent a fall from a higher elevation. • Softscapes: at different levels, how will you use ground cover, shrubs, trees, grassed areas? Ensure what will need irrigation is placed away from the foundation. • Work with the grade, not against it. One of the most common mistakes is overbuilding the hardscape. Getting carried away with massive walls higher than grade and big staircases simply creates a forced and chunky look. Get the proportions of stone to slope right; add the right plant material and softscape to smooth out the hard lines. The slope always determines the height of the stone; the result will create that real wow result you’re after. At City Gardens we provide our customers with quality workmanship in a prompt, professional manner. We specialize in the integration of walkout basements with proper landscape design. Our customers receive creative consultation, quality construction, and a beautiful and lasting result. If you’re interested in developing your walkout basement area into a functional, attractive feature that enhances your landscaping and increases the value of your property, contact us for an estimate. FLS



NATHAN WURST END OF THE ROLL 74-33rd Street East 306.683.3600 End Of The Roll. Your Flooring... Right Here. Right Now. Right Price! Drop by End Of The Roll for all of your flooring requirements. Winner of the Consumer Choice Awards for Top Flooring Store 2010, Top Flooring Store 2011 and Top Flooring Distributor 2011. Given the thumbs up by Trusted We are a Preferred Company for Flood Restoration & Insurance Jobs.

With the many options available in tile, homeowners may quickly find themselves overwhelmed with the daunting task of choosing what’s right for their home. Ceramic and porcelain tile can look great in any home and in any number of settings, performing well under many different conditions. As a classic material that is still highly regarded in modern construction, tile in older homes can look every bit as good as it does in more contemporary homes. Aside from looks, tile is also one of the strongest and most versatile home improvement items around; able to go where other materials cannot, it is particularly well suited to moist environments like kitchens and bathrooms. Ceramic floor tile comes in many colours, finishes, and sizes – there’s little need to worry about finding a variety that looks good in your home.

Ceramic tile is made from natural materials that give way to unique characteristics. Natural stone, such as slate, granite or limestone, is (naturally) formed with no two pieces exactly alike; this gives floors a distinctive elegance. Whether it be a simple layout or a decorative patterned design, tile is important in defining the character of the home. The simple geometric design makes tile easy to design into different sized spaces and diverse home styles, and explains much of the popularity of tile. The extensive range of colours, textures, sizes and styles will allow you to reflect your personal style, to create a living space that is a true reflection of you and your lifestyle.

If you have never lived with ceramic or porcelain tile before or if it has been a long time since you have done so, you will be amazed at the wide selection of choices and benefits realized with choosing tile.

• Durable - a properly installed tile will outperform and outlast nearly any other floor covering product created for the same application.

• Easy care – Glazed tile resists stains, odours, and dirt and can be cleaned up with a damp mop or sponge or common household cleaners. Tiles are essentially a low maintenance material.

• Scratch resistant - Many tiles are extremely resistant to scratching and you never have to worry about a cut or tear like you do with some other types of floors.

• Environmentally friendly - Tile is manufactured using natural materials and does not retain odours, allergens, or bacteria.

• Beautiful and versatile - modern manufacturing technology has created virtually an unlimited number of colours, sizes, styles, shapes and textures that will add rich beauty and character to any room’s decor.

• Water resistant - most tile has a dense body that permits little or no accumulation of moisture. This means spills from common liquids found in a kitchen are not a big concern.

Ceramic and porcelain tiles are a practical, functional choice for your floor that offers you a unique opportunity for selfexpression because of its beauty, flexibility and design potential. Due to its tough but attractive surface and its ability to handle all the abuse of a hectic household, floor tile is one of the most practical tile installations you can buy. FLS

FineLifestyles SASKATOON



FineLifestyles SASKATOON

WHO LET THE BOXTERS OUT THE MAN BEHIND THE FIRST NAME IN SPORTS CARS BY FLS STAFF. Perhaps nothing underscores the affluence overtaking Saskatoon more than the number of luxury vehicles you now see on the streets. One of the nameplates making some serious noise is PORSCHE.

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irtually unseen a decade ago, the city now has its own dealership and drivers appear to be responding.

Synonymous with refinement, power, luxury and comfort, the Porsche name trades on the long-standing reputation of German engineering and European styling. Of course, the famous 911, Boxter and Cayman models, with their racing pedigrees and sex appeal, are some of the most admired sports cars ever built. Many people don’t realize, however, that Porsche also has a slightly more practical side. The Porsche Cayenne, originally released in 2002, is a five-seat sport utility vehicle that comes in a variety of models. In its first model year it proved itself as the performance vehicle in the SUV segment. With its excellent handling and powerful V8 engine, it was lauded as a sports car for the family.

a more powerful, higher performance alternative to other vehicles in its class.

volkswagon—literally, people’s car. The first Beetle was test-driven one year later.

With a beefy V8 under the hood and a choice 6-speed manual, 7-speed dual clutch or 8-speed Tiptronic transmission, it’s a sedan that handles like a sports car. Also, as with the Cayenne, Porsche later introduced V6, diesel and hybrid versions of the Panamera.

There is still a strong association between Porsche and Volkswagon. The Cayenne, for example, shares its platform with the Volkswagon Touareg.

The name Porsche has been associated with innovation in the automotive industry basically since day one. In 1900, at the World Fair in Paris, a 25-year-old Ferdinand Porsche garnered international attention with the Lohner-Porsche electric car, which featured wheel hub engines. In the same year, he developed the world’s first hybrid gasoline-electric vehicle.

Later in the model cycle, Porsche added V6 and diesel-powered versions to the line-up and, as of 2010 launched the Cayenne Hybrid in North America. In hybrid technology, Porsche is also proving itself to be a leader. In June, Porsche drivers posted the first endurance victory for a hybrid race car at the famous Nürburgring Endurance Races.

For the next 50 years, Ferdinand Porsche would be involved in some of the most significant events in automotive history. Named technical director of AustroDaimler 1906 at just 31 years of age, he became famous for winning races and designing legendary cars such as the Mercedes Compressor sports car and the S-Type Mercedes Benz, as well as, creating ground-breaking solutions such as the Porsche torsion-bar suspension.

Also perhaps slightly more practical than Porsche’s more famous offerings is the Panamera. The Panamera is a five-door luxury sedan with a coupe profile and rear hatch. But even though Porsche has entered the SUV and sedan segments, it remains true to its roots. Like the Cayenne, the company markets the Panamera as

Perhaps Porsche’s greatest claim to fame, however—aside from the legacy of worldclass vehicles that still bear his name—was designing what is now the longest-running and most-manufactured automobile of a single design platform in the world. In 1933, Adolf Hitler charged the Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche KG company to develop a


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Ferdinand Porsche has been quoted as saying: “I couldn’t find the sports car of my dreams, so I built it myself.” Judging from the number of 911s cruising Circle Drive these days, a lot of Saskatonians are thrilled he did. FLS


Custom Garages

Larry Westby

Saskatoon Custom Garage Interiors Inc. Elaine Westby 3122 A Miller Avenue 306.933.4320 When reclaiming the space in your garage, which is really the biggest room of your house, it’s important to keep storage and organization in mind. The garage often becomes cluttered with random objects throughout the different seasons and eventually becomes a space for stuff rather than your vehicle. Customizing your garage to fit your specific needs will not only keep things organized but will help you convert the space into a multi-functional room you will use, too. The first step to keeping things clean and tidy is eliminating the mess caused by salt, gas and oil stains by installing Polyaspartic flooring. Different than other flooring options, this one-time application will bond into the concrete and protect it from deterioration caused by freezing. It’s available in a variety of colours and can be

walked on only six hours after installation and driven on in just 24 hours. One of the biggest factors in keeping your garage continually organized is by incorporating storage options into the design of the room. If you have plenty of smaller items that you will need to access on a regular basis, regain square footage by keeping them hidden behind cabinet doors. With seasonal items, try to make use of the wasted space above eye level by using highloft storage systems to keep certain things until you will need them, or Handiwall PVC with assortment of hooks, baskets and shelving. Whether you have a need for modular, plywood cabinets or 16 gauge steel, you should be able to find a system that will work with your room, the space you have and your budget. Storage systems, including cabinets or overhead racks, can easily be installed by the determined Do-It-Yourselfer with minimal instruction or previous knowledge. If you prefer having the systems installed

by experts, it can—and should be—done quickly at a time that is convenient for you. Another great way to turn your garage into a recreational space for both you and your family to make use of is to convert the area into a three-season room. You can achieve this by installing a one-piece screen door behind your existing overhead garage door, like one of the products available from Breezy Living Screen Solutions. Completely independent of the current door, the Breezy Living system can be pulled into place by two small straps and has a retractable man door that will let you out without letting the bugs in. Factors that would usually force you inside, like bugs or cooler temperatures, will become a thing of the past. Available in virtually any size, the system is perfect for our variable climate. No matter what you’re looking for or the square-footage you have to work with, there are things you can incorporate into your garage to keep it tidy. Taking back the biggest room of your house is just a few steps away and can turn one of the messiest, most frustrating spaces into the most organized, multi-functional rooms you and your loved ones can enjoy. FHS

FineLifestyles SASKATOON



It’s that season again, unfortunately, where the leaves start accumulating in your truck box, and the mornings get colder, and you wish you would have got that remote start for your vehicle. My first part of expert advice is, it’s Saskatchewan people, winter always comes back, so be ready for it!

debris, leaves, and snow, it can also be a safe storage place for tools, hunting gear, and more. Box covers are available in a variety of styles, with retractable, hinged, roll-up and tool box styles. Construction is durable, and there’s a tonne of brands to choose from at the Tiger. For installation and models available, come visit us today!

Start Me Up Get your guard up There are a variety of remote starts, but its best to do a little research before you buy the cheapest one. The best remote starts are the two ways. These are the best simply because when you start your vehicle, the key fob tells you that you’re vehicle is running. There’s nothing worse than trying to remotely start your vehicle when it’s minus-20, and you get out to it only to see it never started, and it’s still freezing cold. The two ways eliminate all this hassle, and provide you with peace of mind in the cold winter months. Professional installation and a mile range make for a great winter investment! Cover Up

Tiger Automotive By Myron Meier 815 Circle Drive (on the corner of Circle Drive and Millar Avenue) 306.665.7766


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Another thing that is popular is a box cover. Box covers serve a variety of purposes, and can be a very wise investment before the snow flies as well. Box covers not only protect your truck box from

Here’s our little segment for hunters (and non-hunters): grill guards are in stock. Whether you need these because you’re looking to push a little bit of brush out of the way while you’re hunting, or have had a run-in with a deer on the highway and want the added buffer zone, a grill guard is the answer. They can look pretty impressive, and will provide the extra protection you’re aiming for. Lights can be attached as well without too much hassle for added detail. Grill guards can usually be bolted on to factory holes already on your truck, so they won’t alter any existing warranty. It’s important to make sure you get the right guard, though, because they all fit differently, so make sure you ask a lot of questions if you’re not sure exactly what you need. With grill guards, everyone should always make sure they have them professionally installed—always keep safety at the forefront! FLS


Betty Ann Heggie


etty Ann Heggie is a big believer in mentorships.

“Harry Potter has Professor Dumbledore, and Luke Skywalker had Obi Wan Kenobe, and Obi Wan Kenobe had Yoda; every mentor had a mentor before them,” she said. The founder and sponsor of the Betty Ann Heggie Womentorship Program at Edwards School of Business is the former senior vice-president of PotashCorp and one of the Hall of Fame of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women. This year, almost 100 business people have taken time out of their busy schedules to become mentors at the Edwards School of Business. “There are many reasons why people become mentors,” said Brent Wellman, director of Edwards Career Services. “One of them might be that they remember a time when someone gave them feedback and guidance and feel like it’s a time in their life where they have the opportunity to give that back to students.” The Edwards School of Business at the

University of Saskatchewan offers several different mentorship programs: the Undergraduate Edwards Mentorship Program, the Betty Ann Heggie Womentorship Program, and an online finance mentorship program. The benefit for the protege is clear: they have a chance to learn from the businessperson’s experience and to make professional connections. But Wellman says mentors have a chance to learn from their proteges as well. “We get some mentors who think [they] don’t have anything to provide, but it’s amazing what can be nurtured as you begin to relate to your protege and offer things,” he said. There are 50 pairs in the Undergraduate Edwards Mentorship Program. The college organizes the initial meeting between the mentor and protege, but leaves the rest of the mentorship up to them. This year, the Betty-Ann Heggie Womentorship Program has 33 matches between students and U of S alumni from a variety of backgrounds. This program is more structured than the undergradu-

ate program. It costs $500 to participate, a cost which includes the match with a mentor and six professional development workshops throughout the year. The first workshop this year included a speech from Heggie and Patricia Lovett Reid, senior vice-president of TD Waterhouse. “The morning that we all spent together, listening to Betty Ann talk and hearing Patricia speak on her experience, it was so enlightening and invigorating and exciting,” said Womentorship coordinator Maryann Ross. Heggie had been matching young business women to mentors on her own time, but when she got too busy to continue, she approached the business school, offering to sponsor the program if they administered it. “I believe that we need more women at the decision-making table,” said Heggie. “Our systems are designed by men for men and it’s difficult for women to navigate the system and they’re not given much room for error.” FLS

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WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS: Getting down to business

Sixteen years ago, Saskatchewan women told us they wanted a network and support to provide them with resources necessary to build and maintain successful businesses. As a non-profit, today we have over 1,000 members across the province and while we’re always looking at the next step, the next need, we still provide those valuable core basics to help women best achieve success in whatever kind of business, of whatever size and scope that fulfills their passion. Why just women? Actually, we have a number of husband and wife partnerships who access our services. But the key is that the business has majority ownership and control by women. The research done back in 1995 clearly showed there was a group of individuals–women–who didn’t fit within the existing business model. Women wanted a comfortable place to learn and ask questions, and they felt the traditional male dominated network wasn’t a place they could do that. Women also had difficulty accessing capital. Not because of any purposeful gender discrimination necessarily, but banks are asset based lenders and, traditionally, women had few assets they could use as collateral.

By Laura Small, M.B.A., CEO, Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan Inc. 108–502 Cope Way, Saskatoon, (306) 477-7173 100–1919 Rose Street, Regina, (306) 359-9732


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Saskatchewan is a different place today than it was 16 years ago as far as women being more integrated in the business community. But there still is an issue with access to capital and that will always be the case as long as women starting businesses have few assets to secure a loan. The majority of businesswomen are in the service industry, so financing inventory and working capital, for example, is more difficult to obtain. Also, women tend to be more relational in business; it’s a defining aspect that needs to be recognized and addressed.

It’s important that people acquire the support they need to work on their business rather than just in it. We provide support, services and the expertise required to make that business everything the owner wants it to be. There are questions we can help you answer. How do I grow the business? How do I get more customers or clients? How do I improve and enhance what I’m doing? Can I better manage the financials? You need to step back from the day to day and devote some time to the business itself so it can reach its true potential. What we offer has evolved, but the basics of marketing and financials are still there. We added a human resources piece as people were growing their businesses and needed support for dealing with employees. Now we’ve started Adventures in Attitude, a learning system that enables people to manage and value self and relationships. It also enhances intrapersonal and interpersonal skills and competencies, and examines how you can become a better leader in your business. Our fees for training seminars are very reasonable. Our business advising and access to our loan program is free; we just ask you be a member. We offer a number of free supports like networking and mentoring, and discounted conference fees. Our mandate is to offer accessible and affordable services for women entrepreneurs to make a business as successful as they envision it to be. FLS Next Expert Advice column: Boosting your business passion quotient

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Disclaimer: This document does not represent a solicitation to invest; whether used alone, or in combination with other materials. The rates of return are examples only, and are based on forwardlooking statements, which cannot be guaranteed. Review the Offering Memorandum and consult your investment, legal and accounting professionals prior to making an investment decision.

EXPERTAdvice DIVORCE Top 5 Questions Newly Separated Couples ask

Tracy Kendel, one of the owners and senior negotiators for the Saskatoon Fairway Divorce office was awarded Top Senior Negotiator in North America for 2010. She has worked with hundreds of couples in Saskatoon and area in helping them to reach resolution. From her experience, here are the Top 5 Questions newly separated couples ask her when they first come to the Fairway office: My spouse told me last night that he/ she wants a divorce, now what? Your emotions will be running high at this point and you may be left questioning where and why things went awry. You may feel anger, hurt, relief, resentment, instability and a multitude of other feelings. This is normal. Fairway Divorce Solutions® is there to help you take the emotion out of your decision-making process to ensure you are making future plans with a clear conscience and a sound mind. That’s why during negotiations, each spouse meets separate and apart from each other. It’s difficult to sit across from the person you’ve spent much of your life with without having a multitude of emotions rise up and this can cloud your judgment when making lifelong decisions for your well-being.

Fairway Divorce Solutions – Saskatoon 305 4th Ave N Saskatoon, SK S7K 2L8 (306) 664-3247 (FAIR) E:

How much will it cost me? Fairway Divorce Solutions® is unique in that we are able to charge our clients a flat fee and guarantee them a time frame. We aren’t paid by the hour so we have no reason to keep you in our office. Our goal is that during the process you become future-focused and get the clean break that you deserve. To get started with Fairway Divorce, we do not require a fee up front. We offer a free introductory meeting where couples can meet the senior negotiator to determine if Fairway Divorce Solutions® is the right fit for them. We will quote you a flat fee during that meeting based on the complexity of your file. We encourage you to get quotes from other traditional methods, however. Key questions


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to ask are: “How much will it cost?” and, “How long will it take from start to finish?” How long will it take? Our goal is to have you completed in 120 days from when we receive your full financial information. Who gets the kids at Christmas time? Our detailed parenting plans ensure that you know where the children will be during Christmas, Easter, long weekends and all other holidays and special occasions. Our parenting plans are so detailed that you will be able to determine your holiday and event plans for the next five years. I have/have not been involved in financial decisions. What will my financial future look like? During the negotiation stage of the Fairway Process, we help negotiate an interim plan that benefits both spouses to ensure your financial needs are being met while going through negotiation. During and after negotiation, Fairway Divorce Solutions® has aligned itself with financial advisors and planners to ensure that you are able to put a plan into place that allows your future-focussed goals to be met. If you want to learn more about separation and divorce, we invite you to contact Tracy at (306) 664-3247(FAIR) to set up a time for your free introductory meeting. Fairway Divorce Solutions Saskatoon also offers a Changing the Way Divorce Happens™ seminar where our goal is to educate you and your spouse on what you might face when going through a separation. For future dates, go to Fairway Divorce Solutions® was founded by Karen Stewart in 2006 after she went through her own embattled divorce that cost her over $500,000. She began franchising this new and fast-growing business in the Spring of 2008, opening her first flagship office in Calgary, Alberta. FLS





SASKATOON SHINES WITH THE BEST OF THE BEST Welcome to Canada’s fastest growing city! As of July, new demographic analysis from StatsCan pegged Saskatoon’s growth at 27.7 per 1,000 people leading Vancouver and Regina, both at 22.3. It should come as no surprise to residents of the city as it seems these days you can’t turn a corner in Saskatoon without bumping into a crane. In fact, the city’s current growth spurt is unprecedented since the post-World War II era jumping by 63,000 people over the past 10 years to a population of more than 265,000. In 2010, building permits issued by the city were up by more than 30 per cent. Mayor Don Atchison attributes Saskatoon’s good fortune to a confluence of factors including natural resources, agricultural heritage, multiculturalism, volunteerism and a rich cultural mosaic of festivals, special events, arts, sports and recreation. And, of course, the 7,000-plus businesses that support a standard of living second to none. “If you are looking for a place to establish or expand your business, you’ve come to the right place,” Atchison said. “Saskatoon is a national leader in economic growth.” And as Saskatchewan’s greatest city grows, so do the fortunes of its many great businesses making it a fantastic place for the best of the best to shine. In the following pages, Fine Lifestyles Saskatoon presents some of the city’s best businesses. Enjoy!


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Accounting Hergott Duval Stack Auto Dealer BEMA Autosport (BMW) Auto Repair/Detailing Glenwood Auto Automotive Upgrades (Custom) Speed Tech Bank Affinity Credit Union Charity Big Brothers Big Sisters Building Movers Neufeld Buying Local Sask Made Cleaning Service William’s Cleaning Consumer Buying Club DirectBuy Fair Trade Retailer Ten Thousand Villages Fine Dining The Ivy Fitness Facility Fitness Focus Flooring End of the Roll Floral CK Florals Footwear Swank Shoe Lounge Funeral Home Hillcrest Memorial Gardens Furniture Furniture World Glass Castle Designer Glass Hair Salon Capelli Salon Studio Hearing Quality Hearing Centre Home Builder Decora Home Decor Nebula Lighting and Home Decor Home Leisure Products Premium Spas Hotel d3H Insulation Poly Plus Jewellery South China Kitchen Cabinetry Huntwood Limousine Hayday Limo Men’s Fashion Ultimo Men’s Professional Dress – Elwood Flynn Mortgage Broker TMG Mortgage/Lori Emde Nightclub Tequila’s Oil Change Great Canadian Oil Change Optical Dispensary Optika Eclectic Eyewear Pet Boarding Happy Dog Acres Pet Products Pet Planet, University Heights Pub & Grill Somewhere Else Real Estate Ron Baliski Restaurant (New, Upscale/Casual) Rock Creek Spa and Esthetics Paramount Day Spa Team Training Pace Athletic Centre Ultrasound Baby UC Baby Weight Loss Weightloss Forever Window Covering Budget Blinds Windows and Doors Saskatoon Doors & More Women’s Fashion Dutch Growers


Best of the Best Building Movers

FineLifestyles SASKATOON



ust try to imagine moving a 3,000 square-foot, three-storey, luxury home into a tight, tree-lined, lakeside lot in the middle of winter. What would it take? At first glance, you might think a lot of brawny, specialized equipment. While that’s true, it is really a painstakingly intricate and precise process. There are a handful of people in the world who can pull off the kind of moves that Neufeld Building Movers out of Warman, Saskatchewan accomplish up to or beyond 300 times every year. What these guys do can only be described as incredible.

A 60-year legacy For Kerry Neufeld, president of Neufeld Building Movers, moving large structures is in his blood. Kerry’s grandfather, Klaus Neufeld, founded the business in 1951. “My grandpa loved any kind of unique business and challenge,” Kerry reminisces. Klaus’ son Peter, Kerry’s father, inherited that love for a challenge, as well as the family business and ran it up until 1994 when Kerry took over. Throughout the generations, the company has thrived on the simple business philosophy of delivering quality with professionalism. Since 1994, Neufeld Building Movers has expanded rapidly owing not


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only to an increased demand for building moves, but to Kerry’s innovative approach to problem-solving. “There are jobs that require equipment you can’t buy,” he explains. “We have become extremely efficient at creating the best, safest, custom equipment to do any job. There is nothing we won’t tackle.” Fabricating and manufacturing the right tools for the job has become even more efficient for Neufeld since the company recently moved into a brand new 10,000 square-foot facility in Warman just off South Railway Avenue. Although the Neufeld building was constructed onsite, there is little doubt if it had been more costeffective to build it elsewhere, Kerry and crew would have found a way to move it.

The crews Of course, having the right equipment is only part of the equation. The true strength of Neufeld Building Movers is its people, starting with Ben Fehr, who Kerry took on as a partner in 1998. “Ben is as good a building mover as anyone I’ve ever seen, he is amazing,” says Kerry. “But without our staff, we are nothing. Our guys are so good at what they do. Whatever situation arises, they remain calm and get the job done, whatever it takes. Every problem is solvable.”

Best of the Best Building Movers

Neufeld has established its long-term, professional staff with a very strategic hiring strategy. Because his movers are all trained in-house, passing down the wisdom of generations, he can concentrate on finding people with “the right stuff.” For Kerry these are people with a superior work ethic and positive attitude. With those two things, he says, come all the qualities that make a good building mover: level-headedness, cooperation, professionalism, problem-solving and passion. There also comes the capacity to achieve feats that border on the unfathomable. In their most productive year to date, the four, four-man crews logged enough miles while moving more than 400,000 square-feet of buildings to circle the Earth three times. “Actually, it’s pure amazement what they do, and they do it without damaging anything,” says Sherri Neufeld, Kerry’s wife and the company’s senior office administrator.

Expanding the marketplace Now, with the right equipment and the right staff, Neufeld Building Movers has set out to expand its customer base. “The number one question I get is, ‘Is it feasible,’” says Kerry. “Anything is feasible. I want people to know it’s not just small bungalows, entry-level homes and farm buildings that we can move. We can handle anything.” Traditionally, the very specialized field of building moving was limited to smaller, ready-to-move homes, usually bungalows and farm buildings. Today, Sherri explains there are numerous reasons someone might want to move a building including heritage, sentimentality and being environmentally conscious. Perhaps the fastest growing segment for Neufeld’s business, though, is high-end, luxury homes for placement in remote areas. Kerry estimates the cost of building a home in a remote location could be up to twice as much as building it, for example, in the city where you have ready access to trades. The other major benefit is quality control. Building in your own backyard then moving to your rural location is a cost-

effective and more worry-free alternative that most people simply don’t consider. Kerry even foresees a time when entire subdivisions could be handled this way. Imagine the economies of scale a developer could realize by building dozens of homes in a centralized location, then having them moved by a reliable, professional organization with a flawless track record. None of this is to say that Neufeld is above doing small jobs, though. “We’ll move your 14 by 20 foot garage across the street if that’s what you need done,” Kerry says. In fact, a staple part of his business is working with RTM builders throughout the prairies.

No stress But what about the hassle and stress of moving a half-million dollar home? Let Neufeld worry about that. “Having your house moved can be stressful enough,” says Kerry. “When people contact us to move their home, all I need to know is: where it is, how big it is, and where it needs to go. Then you can just sit back on your lawn chair and wait for us to arrive.”

Not just house movers A smaller, but also growing, aspect of

Neufeld’s business is industrial moves. Neufeld is perfectly positioned to capture this highly specialized segment. “We specialize in over-dimension projects,” Kerry says. In other words, if the thing you need to move is too heavy, too wide, too tall or too irregularly shaped for conventional techniques, Neufeld is the name that should be at the tip of your tongue. Kerry explains that relocating heavy industrial equipment—such as massive transformers or turbines— presents unique challenges. “Industrial machinery is concentrated weight,” he says. “Some things can’t be craned, so you have to use a hydraulic jack and load system to manoeuver them into place.”

Basement associates In 2008, Neufeld spun off a separate business, Canadian Basement Replacements Inc. (CBRI), when Neufeld Building Movers began assisting other companies with house lifts for basement replacement projects. CBRI handles the entire process from raising the house to rebuilding the basement quickly, efficiently and correctly extending the life of many homes. “We even recycle the old foundation so that we don’t have to put more

All of my worries dispelled into pure amazement as they wiggled the house off the existing foundation, transported it cross country, up and down steep hills and onto the new basement. They were efficient and professional. Their approach to the overall project and attention to the smallest details ensured the move went off without a hitch. Even their patience with gawking spectators asking questions was impressive. It was a pleasure doing business with your company. Amanda Gilmour past Neufeld Building Movers client

Best of the Best Building Movers

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


J&H Homes takes pride in partnering with service providers that are dedicated to consistent quality workmanship and professional customer care. We have been extremely pleased that Neufeld Building Movers has exceeded our expectations!” Lloyd Postnikoff, VP of Operations J&H Homes We have been working with Neufeld building movers for four years. They are very professional in every aspect of their work. We like to have them move our homes because for most customers getting a home built and moved is a once-ina-lifetime project, so it is very important for us to have a mover that does an excellent job. Travis Loewen, B&B Homes As a business owner myself, I completely sympathize with other owners who face the difficult task of finding quality personnel. You certainly have a great group of employees there. From the first email to the follow-up, it became evident that Neufeld Building Movers is a first-class operation. We appreciate the good quality equipment used in the moving process, which brought us our cabin in perfect condition. Curtis Korchinski, past client of Neufeld Building Movers. Nelson Ready to Move Homes and Neufeld Building Movers have been working together for several years moving houses all over northern Alberta and Saskatchewan. Neufeld takes great pride in the work they do and they treat our homes as if they are their own. Job well done and looking forward to working with them for many more years! Tim Rau, GM, Nelson Ready to Move Homes 88

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Best of the Best Building Movers

Warman Homes has been using Neufeld Building Movers, exclusively, to move our ready to move homes since 1998. We enjoy a mutually beneficial business relationship, with a lot of similar business beliefs. The care their crew leaders and employees take with our homes, during the entire moving process, contributes to our customers’ overall satisfaction with their homes. We constantly receive complimentary comments from our customers about the expertise, professionalism, and courteousness of the crews. They continually exceed our customers’ and our expectations. If you want to work with a building moving company that offers quality, service and integrity, we strongly suggest you use Neufeld Building Movers. Ken Wagar, Warman Homes We have been using Neufeld Building Movers to move our Ready To Moves homes for several years and find them to have the top of the line equipment and friendly experienced staff that ensure our homes arrive in the best possible condition. Pinnacle Builders Ltd

Watch for Neufeld Building Movers on Discovery Channel's "Monster Moves" this fall.

stress on our landfills,” says Kerry. “In fact, the house moving industry is the largest recycling industry in the world and we are quite proud of that!” A natural extension for the experts in building moving, CBRI customers enjoy the peace-of-mind that the project will be managed start-to-finish by a company that shares Neufeld’s commitment to quality with professionalism.

What’s good for the industry You might think that Kerry has enough on his plate running a hugely successful business of his own, but he is just as passionate about his industry as a whole. To that end, he was an integral part of establishing the Western Canadian Association of Structural Movers (WCASM). The new organization was a response to the announcement of the New West Partnership Agreement (NWP) between Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. Essentially NWP is a free trade deal, but it also seeks to standardize certain transportation regulations that may not work for the structural moving industry due to the vastly different conditions under which it operates in the various provinces. WCASM establishes a unified voice with which to work collaboratively with NWP to protect the interests of the industry. “Sharing knowledge and pooling resources has helped pave the way for structural movers from the west to have a strong, respected voice,” Kerry comments. Kerry also serves as the president of the

Best of the Best Building Movers

Saskatchewan Building Movers Association and Neufeld Building Movers is a member of that organization, as well as, the Alberta Movers Association and the International Association of Structural Movers.

The bottom line There are no jobs too small and simple nor too large and complicated for Neufeld Building Movers. If you’re considering moving a building of any kind, or even if you’re just wondering whether something might be possible, the friendly staff at Neufeld will be happy to answer any and all questions or provide you with a free estimate. FLS Neufeld Building Movers Phone: (306) 931-2249 Fax: (306) 931-6186 Kerry’s Cell: (306) 222-8118 Ben’s Cell: (306) 227-4439 Email:

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JOY IS LIVING VICARIOUSLY THROUGH YOURSELF. Having it all is now within reach. Introducing the all-new BMW X3. Its 300hp BMW TwinPower Turbo engine can power you from 0 to 100 km/h in 5.8 seconds. With a fuel consumption rating of just 7.7 L/100 km,* it also delivers best-in-class efficiency. And the BMW X3 takes design to new heights. Pronounced wheel arches set in motion powerful side contour lines that sweep across the door handles, tapering seamlessly into redesigned T-shaped LED tail lights. The all-new BMW X3 has too many class-leading features to list – so we invite you to experience it for yourself and see where it takes you.


Bema Autosport BMW | SASKATOON AUTO MALL 607 Brand Court | 1.306.955.0900 | Toll Free: 1.866.695.4269 (4BMW)

X3 xDrive35i

7.7 L/100 km*


*Refers to highway fuel consumption of the BMW X3 xDrive35i. ©2010 BMW Canada Inc. “BMW”, the BMW logo, BMW model designations and all other BMW related marks, images and symbols are the exclusive properties and/or trademarks of BMW AG, used under licence.



When the name is Bema Autosport BMW, expect the best!



BY NOLAN HAND. PHOTOS BY LISA LANDRIE There are certain expectations implicitly understood when a customer purchases a BMW. These expectations surround the car, and surround the brand itself, the BMW name—the driving experience, authenticity, youthful vitality, very high level quality, substance and reliability—all hallmarks of a sound investment. All these things, these standards, are attached to the car itself, unchanging. The only vari-


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able involved in such an investment is from whom the car is purchased, and this is where Saskatoon’s Bema Autosport BMW sets itself apart from competition. The bar is set high with the quality of the purchase itself, but Leslie Fenyes, retailer and general manager at Bema Autosport BMW, is swift to point out that the true joys of owning a BMW pur-

Best of the Best Auto Dealer

chased at Bema run far deeper than just the driving. The service relationship is of the utmost importance at Bema, and is carefully nurtured. “The true sales department is the service department,” says Fenyes, adding that the concept of proper service is a thing built over years of quality service and maintenance. “If service is strong, everything else falls


in place. We have the best BMW Parts and Service team now that we’ve had in our history over two decades. Our service survey results exceed national levels.” The standard, quite obviously, is superior at Bema Autosport BMW, but it is also continually being challenged and raised, a task impossible to undertake without full support from all the team involved, from sales to service to management—everyone at Bema aims to be the best, and, more importantly, works to get there. The mandate at Bema stems from a commitment to long-term and lasting effectiveness and that requires the best consumer experiences from step one of sales right through into a continual future of service at the retail facility, including some services that go well beyond the typical call of duty. The Bema Express Club Service is one offered only by Bema Autosport BMW, and can save any traveler a number of headaches. The process is simple:


drop off your keys at a pre-designated spot at the airport, and, while you are gone, Bema will pick up your vehicle to service and clean it, and will even arrange to have your BMW stored if your absence is an extended one. No waiting for cabs, no worrying about parking charges. It is the little things like these that set Bema Autosport BMW apart. There is a theme running consistently through its entirety at Bema Autosport BMW. From the first step in the front door, through the sales offices, and on into the service department, the theme is the desire to be the very best at what they do. And they follow through. Bema prides itself on its team being the strongest factor in its success, and success to them is a thing defined entirely by its customers. The approach taken is one that puts the customer at the heart of the matter, valuing results in terms of the customer benefits generated.

Best of the Best Auto Dealer

“Everything we do is inspired by that idea, that success isn’t just a sale” says Fenyes. “Our job doesn’t end when someone drives a car off our lot—it’s really just beginning.” That realization is an important one. The feeling of driving a new BMW off the lot is a fantastic one, undoubtedly, but it can be fleeting. Leslie Fenyes and the staff at Bema Autosport BMW, through unparalleled service, strive to take that feeling and extend it through the entire ownership experience. Saskatoon’s Bema Autosport BMW puts you not only in the best automobiles in the world, but in the best of hands as well. They offer “The Ultimate Customer Experience.” FLS Bema Autosport BMW Saskatoon Auto Mall 607 Brand Court 306.955.0900 Toll Free: 1.866.695.4269

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elf-confidence can be shaken by stressful events in everyday life. The important thing is not to let these situations take control of your life because once that happens they can have detrimental effects on how you see the world or feel about yourself. Take Hal Turner, for example. The 58-yearold Saskatonian spent years of his life yoyo dieting, never seeing permanent results. The lack of success made him frustrated and as his health issues became more serious, he felt as though he had no control over his well-being. It wasn’t until he got the Sleeve from Weight Loss Forever that his health started improving. Marilee Lowe, a registered nurse in Saskatoon, kept her procedure a secret for almost a year because she feared judgement. Once she started sharing her story about Weight Loss Forever, she began to feel better about her decision and about herself. Stephanie Dinsdale had her world turned upside down when she found out that her husband was having an affair and leaving her. Her self-esteem took a hit and through the support offered by Weight Loss Forever she now feels better than ever. Whether it’s health problems, relationship issues or simply the fear of judgement that is having a negative effect on your life, it’s important to find a way to take control and find your confidence. Because once you do, nothing can stand in your way.

The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do. ~Author Unknown 96

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loss goal with support from Weight Loss Forever and his facilitator. “It’s funny. After I lost the weight, everybody asks if I’m ok because I’m losing so quickly, but I’m actually much healthier already. I’m finally on the road to better health – my diabetes is gone and I’m off most of my medications,” he says. “Of course, going through this was never my first choice but I think it was my only choice. It’s extremely positive and encouraging to continue my journey on the path to getting to be who I was meant to be.”


“It’s funny. After I lost the weight, everybody asks if I’m ok because I’m losing so quickly, but I’m actually much healthier.”

Being overweight was a lifelong struggle for Hal Turner, a successful realtor from Saskatoon with CENTURY 21. For years his weight fluctuated, over time contributing to health issues—chronic knee problems, heart disease, and diabetes. He heard about Weight Loss Forever through several friends who had gone through the procedure and believed it was a possible solution to his obesity. He researched the Sleeve and found that it didn’t have complications like the LapBand, or the long waiting list and nutritional deficiencies that can be associated with gastric bypass surgery. “When I made the decision to go with Weight Loss Forever, my doctor did some research on the company and the procedure and backed me 100 per cent,” he says. Hal went for the procedure at the end of April, weighing close to 350 pounds. In just four months, he lost 80 pounds and continues working toward his weight

Best of the Best Weight Loss



anti-depressants,” she says, “I had known about weight loss surgery as a nurse and when I started investigating it, I thought Weight Loss Forever was the answer. I decided to do it and have never regretted it, not for a moment.” Marilee lost 118 pounds from her highest weight and 92 pounds from the day of her surgery in December 2009. She has kept all of it off for almost two years. For almost the entire first year, the 53-year-old never told anyone, except for her daughter, that she’d had the procedure because she feared what others would think or how they would react.

“To anyone struggling with obesity, at least consider this option. Don’t be afraid to look at weight loss surgery as a viable option for your situation,” she says. “And make sure you have your plastics done after because it’s so much fun to just look good! All my life I’ve hated shopping and I finally enjoy myself. I was never able to do that before because it was too hard.”

“It’s been a gift to me. Not one single person has said a negative thing to me about my choice.”

“I didn’t want anyone talking me out of it and didn’t want anyone to tell me I was doing the wrong thing,” she says. “I worried people were going to judge me and I struggled with feeling ashamed that I needed to have weight loss surgery.” Marilee says her feelings of shame have disappeared and she no longer wakes up wondering if today is the day that she gains it all back. She knows this is a permanent solution for her and since telling people, she’s had an incredible response. “It’s been a gift to me. Not one single person has said a negative thing to me about my choice.”

MARILEE LOWE BEFORE Having struggled with her weight all her life, Marilee Lowe, RN, MN, GNC(C) knows how frustrating it can be to have excess weight diminish your life. At eight years old, her family physician put her on a limited calorie diet and at age twelve, she was introduced to the world of Weight Watchers. For the next many years, she would feel the success of losing weight and then the dread that she’d gained it all back, and then some, just a short time later. When she was in her 30’s, she lost 100 pounds only to gain 120 back. “My biggest struggle was keeping it off and it wasn’t possible for me. I was at a point where I was 254 pounds and only 5’3”, I had high blood pressure, was on

Fuelled by the positive reactions, Marilee felt comfortable enough to get her plastic surgery with Weight Loss Forever; choosing to have a circular tummy tuck and arm reduction. “I have lot more self-confidence. I know I’m comfortable in my body now so I’m more outgoing than before. I also think it’s changed my understanding of obesity and how it affects people. As a nurse and as a facilitator, the more people I talk to and stories I hear, the more I understand how much obesity hurts people.” She adds that having gone through the journey herself helps her understand what others are going through and makes her better able to empathize with them.

Best of the Best Weight Loss


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Forever’s president and CEO—I knew this was the right choice for me.” Her husband was very sceptical so he and Stephanie went to several support group meetings. Says Stephanie, “The meetings were probably the most inspirational events I have ever been to.” Even after grilling Melanie with every question related to the weight loss procedure, Stephanie’s husband was still unsure, so he used his skills to research the doctor who would perform the surgery, even managing to uncover her high school exam marks and awards. He was impressed with Dr. Pompa’s credentials. The fact that she was board-certified in the US and trained at the internationally renowned MAYO Clinic was reassuring. He was finally satisfied with his wife’s choice and gave her the thumbs-up.

STEPHANIE DINSDALE BEFORE She was under the impression she had a very caring and loving marriage as they started their family together. Stephanie Dinsdale and her husband were married when she was 19. For the first six years she was a military wife and for the last 15, she was a police officer’s wife. Like many other women, she started gaining weight as their family grew. The weight, combined with the stress of losing both of her parents to cancer, continued piling up. For two years, Stephanie tried to lose the excess weight through methods like Herbal Magic, Weight Watchers, the gym, personal trainers and dieting. “I’d lose weight and gain it back and couldn’t keep it off. I got to the point where I just gave up,” she says. “I spent a lot of time thinking how very frustrated I was that the person I was and the personality I had on the inside didn’t show on the outside. I wasn’t able to be myself and was realizing it was time to make that change and do whatever I had to do. As soon as I started talking to Melanie—Weight Loss


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old. I have more confidence and selfesteem than I’ve ever had in my entire life. I want people to know that Weight Loss Forever is the real deal. It’s a life-changing experience; it’s everything it says it is and more,” she says. “I met Melanie, started talking to her and that one day started this amazing change in my life and I look as great on the outside as I feel on the inside. I would like to thank Weight Loss Forever with all my heart for giving me my smile back.”

“I want people to know that Weight Loss Forever is the real deal. It’s a life-changing experience; it’s everything it says it is and more.”

Three weeks before her weight loss surgery, Stephanie found out that her husband of 19 years was having an affair. “I had no idea what was going on.” she says, “I was blindsided and found myself scared and alone with three children.” On July 11, 2010, Stephanie—who was 238 pounds at the time—was sleeved. Since then, she has lost nearly 100 pounds. During her procedure, Dr. Pompa and the staff at the facility took care of Stephanie as if she were family, which is something she says she will never forget. “I was going through the most painful experience of my life. Weight Loss Forever was there for me when I needed them. There were doctors sitting on my bed at 2:00 a.m. telling me I was going to get through this.” Less than a year after her weight loss surgery, Stephanie underwent plastic surgery with Weight Loss Forever’s Chief Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Rodas, who performed a tummy tuck and breast augmentation. “I am now in better emotional, mental and physical shape than when I was 19 years

Best of the Best Weight Loss


Cosmetic Surgery

Why Weight Loss Forever? Hear what our patients are saying about dr. rodas: “The care I received was incredible and my own doctor in Saskatoon was so impressed with my results. Dr. Rodas is just wonderful and I am thrilled with the work he did - I feel years younger and I’m proud to say that at 73, my body is sleek!” Donna Garman, Saskatoon

“My family doctor marvels at my surgical lines and says it’s the most beautiful work he’s seen in his practice. I finally reflect on the outside how I always felt on the inside. Thank you Weight Loss Forever!” Kim Heddon, Meadow Lake

Dr. Marcus Rodas, MD, Ph.D Dr. Rodas, Weight Loss Forever’s Chief Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon, has over 17 years of experience. Dr. Rodas is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. He also has a fellowship in body contouring and novel techniques.

“I love, love, love my new breasts! You can’t even see the scars and the recovery was so fast! Not only is Dr. Rodas a terrific surgeon, he made me feel safe and secure about choosing to have plastic surgery. I tell everyone how fantastic my experience was!” Stephanie Dinsdale, Prince Albert


As low as



Per Month

* OAC Only. Based on a 5 year term with $1000 down payment. Rates may vary.

SASKATOON LOCATION 15-901 1st Ave N, Saskatoon Next to Liquidation World 1-306-665-8891

REGINA LOCATION 136-1621 Albert St, Regina In the Regina Crossing Building 1-306-352-8446

Weight Loss Forever LIMARP Hospital Weight Loss Forever’s beautiful and modern hospital is an International Center of Reference and is designated as an International Bariatric Center of Excellence.

CALGARY LOCATION 39-4620 Manilla Road SE Calgary, Alberta T2G 4B7 1-403-243-6333

LETHBRIDGE LOCATION 8-1274 3rd Ave S Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 0J9 1-403-381-3181

AT HEART OF NEW BOUTIQUE SALON Capelli Salon Studio offers pampering, luxury with an Italian flair.


Best of the Best Salon

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Photo by Heather Fritz

Photo by Heather Fritz

Photo by Heather Fritz

Photo by Alicia Austin


licia Austin never lets a client leave without a hug. She can’t help it, she’s Italian. ‘Capelli’ means hair, after all. So next to a good red sauce, making people feel like a welcome part of the family is in her blood. So is hairdressing. Within a few short years since graduating from Marca College, Alicia opened the very chic and up-scale Capelli Salon Studio on McOrmond Road. Since opening in April, creative and ar-


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

tistic director Alicia and her staff have welcomed not only a growing clientele in the University Heights/Willow Grove areas but boast a burgeoning loyal fan base from elsewhere in the city. It’s not just the sleek eye-popping European décor, crystal Italian-made chandeliers, custom-made roomy German chairs or adjustable and oh-so-comfortable sinks. It isn’t only the fact that Capelli is the newest (and one of only three in the city) concept salons exclusively carrying the environmentally

Best of the Best Salon

and socially aware Aveda product line. A big part of the draw is that welcoming atmosphere the staff projects the moment you push through the glass doors. Whether you’re there for a cut, colour, style, maybe to pick up Aveda’s tourmaline-charged radiance fluid or the Caribbean therapy body scrub, some perfume or cosmetics, sample some rosemary mint body lotion, or just to chat about ideas for changing your look, you know you’re going to have some quality “me time.”

“Per vedere il sorriso sul tuo volto significa il mondo a noi.” “This is all about the client,” Alicia insists. “We want to see that smile and our goal is to make everyone who comes in to see us feel beautiful. It’s very simple. I can read people and understand their energy and what they truly want. Sometimes people don’t know so they look to you for that confidence to try something. We want people to be comfortable and also develop some curiosity so when I suggest that next time, we might try spicing it up a bit, they trust me to move forward.” Alicia’s Italian heritage is a key influence in her life and her business. Everyone pitched in to create the salon space; husband Ryan Soulier built the interior along with family and friends to help create Alicia’s vision. “I’m Italian and family has always had the biggest influence on me. They made me an individual, bold and strong. I talk with my hands,” she laughs. “My parents taught me how important family support is and I realize how much they encouraged me to get to this point. My

grandparents really taught me family comes first, and then you eat! I enjoyed the salons I worked for and they gave me a lot of experience to start my own.” Alicia is the first in her family to become a business owner, so “this is really for everybody!” The salon studio isn’t a car wash, she says, but a place where people will feel special and welcome. “We’re not here to move clients through, in and out of the chair as fast as we can. When a person comes in for a cut, a style or colour, or just to talk about something they might like to try, they’re making an investment in themselves. We want to make that experience memorable each and every time they come here.”

“Vogliamo che lei si guarda e si sentono belle.” “A guiding philosophy I knew I wanted to have in my place, long before we ever opened, was that my clientele would feel like they’re getting a celebrity experience,” says Alicia. She knows how to make that

Best of the Best Salon

happen; she’s studied with the “celebrity stylists” like Tony Masciangelo, Canada’s leading editorial stylist who has done covers for Elle Canada, Vogue, Fashion and Flare. His clients include Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Hillary Duff, CTV’s eTalk team Tanya Kim and Ben Mulroney. And with Lisa Vann, a Seattle-based hairstylist and producer of 3 PLY Productions; Charlie Price, a five time nominee and winner of North American and International Hair Stylist of the Year; Babak, a Toronto-based leading fashion and editorial photographer. Ongoing education is a high priority for Alicia, who is keen for her staff to keep learning. A graduate of Marca College six years ago, Alicia credits her relationships from salon owners with whom she’s worked in the city for providing her with a firm foundation for business success and the ability to become a true mentor to her own staff. Being an Aveda Concept Studio ties in with that forward thinking since they offer a variety of educational classes and hair shows. Capelli was one of 16 out of over 650 salons chosen to be an Aveda Hero Salon, which means participation

Photo by Alicia Austin

in a variety of intensive professional development opportunities. Alicia and staff are intent to stay on the cutting edge of styles and products, and hone the business end of being an Aveda studio. The company, based in Minnesota, is considered one of the first of its kind to endorse and encourage greater environmental responsibility in business. Keeping that in mind, Alicia has a paperless salon. Instead of magazines for clients, an iPad at each chair offers entertainment, future online bookings, product purchases and also quick searches on that “must have” cut or style the client is hoping for. Capelli has no brochures and does no printing and microfibre towels use a fraction of the dryer time necessary. Low-energy hand-held hair dryers that hang like oxygen masks from the ceiling are on their own circuit and automatically shut off when the stylist releases them.

Photos by Alicia Austin

It’s that kind of attention to detail that makes Capelli different, Alicia insists. That attention is first and foremost on the client to provide individualized attention, quality service and a good ear. Alicia praises her “amazing mother” who taught her to love herself and those around her each day, something crucial to a successful salon. “We offer an intimate experience. I’ve had clients who’ve gone through chemo, divorce, marriage, births. People deal with a lot of stress and difficulty; we want to be an escape where people feel they can be open and talk and be themselves. We can help and support people. A good cut or style, a little pampering can be a good escape for people who might need to take some time to enjoy themselves.”

“Vogliamo che i nostri clienti si sentano come famiglia, quando sono qui.” Sharing in the life experiences of her clients is a privilege and Alicia appreciates the trust her clients have put in her over the years. Being part of graduations, weddings, and other special occasions strengthens those family ties. Hairdressers are in a very “lucky” position to have a front row seat for those important life passages.


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Best of the Best Salon Best of the Best

Photos by Alicia Austin

Operating Capelli Salon Studio is not just a dream come true for Alicia; it was sort of inevitable. Growing up in Prince Albert, she developed a focus on her career early. As a very small child, she announced to the family that she wanted to be a hairdresser. “I not only used to braid my Barbie’s hair, I corn-rowed my Barbie’s hair,” she laughs. “I don’t know how I knew how to do that! I would take toothpicks, wrap Barbie’s hair wet and set it so she’d have curly hair! I’ve always been artistic and it’s what I love so this salon is just a perfect fit for me.” Alicia is philosophical about her career, the business she’s built and the road she’s traveling. “Some of us put the mud on our tires by taking the off roads and some of us sail straight through to our goals and dreams,” she smiles. “I never want to stop. The only difference is that I now pick up people along the way to travel on this amazing journey with me.”

Meet the Capelli staff

Specialized services

Alicia Austin, Creative Director/Artistic Director Amie Dearing, Intermediate Designer Stylist Jenna Jullion, Hair Designer Tori Abrahamson, Hair Designer Kassy Moen, Director of Colour/Senior Team Mentor

Capelli is making a name for itself in editorial work, too. Hair styling and makeup for published fashion photography shoots, premieres and shows, and portfolio development requires a specialized skill set. Capelli’s award winning staff are available for bookings. FLS


1824 McOrmond Drive, Saskatoon. Open Monday 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Tue., Wed., Thurs. 10 a.m.–9 p.m.; Friday 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Saturdays, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. Capelli takes bridal party or special occasion bookings for early appointments on Saturdays. Call 306-374-2884. Or book online at

Women’s and Men’s Cuts Hairstyling and Blow Outs Colouring Treatments: Damage remedy spa moisture, strengthening Hair extensions Every cut and colour includes a complimentary scalp or hand massage.

Best of the Best Salon

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ou would be hard pressed to find a person who loves animals more than Brent Arstall. Operating a business with two vastly different facets, but possessing a common love that joins them, he is the most humble of heroes in town. With a pampering hotel ambiance for beloved pets on one side, and a rescue shelter for strays, surrendered, and horribly abused animals on the other, Brent and his amazing staff at Happy Dog Acres provide a safe haven for all furry friends.

Remote access


Being beaten and abused, burned or injured for sport, life as a stray is no life at all. How we can even call these abusers “human” is incomprehensible. While Brent and his dedicated staff save many animals from torturous conditions, there are always some poor creatures left behind that still need help. Brent would love to help all furry friends and it’s just not possible, but he couldn’t be more proud of giving the ones he can a second lease on life.

The rescues Rescued after a gunshot to the face, Blue was a well-known story in Saskatoon. He was originally housed at the Saskatoon SPCA where they took care of his physical needs, but since the beginning of April, Blue has been at Happy Dog Acres to heal his emotional scars. Blue is now doing well and even got to walk at Pets in the Park with Mayor Atchison in July. Found in a northern area and brought to Happy Dog Acres, Lumpy had large and extensive mammary tumors. One was the size of a grapefruit and dragged on the ground as she walked. Very sick upon arrival, this twelve-year-old sweetheart required several surgeries to remove many of the tumors, but not all could be removed because it would just be too much for her.

Lumpy 106

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Lumpy’s recovery was painstaking, and she lived with Brent for the first three months. In the following months, she still stayed with Brent or at one of the Happy Dog locations. Brent’s pack has great respect for her, and she is now known as the “matriarch.” Lumpy is wonderful with any puppies Brent brings home, as well as any injured or abused dogs. She teaches other dogs and even after all she’s been through, still contributes to the pack. She lives full time

Best of the Best Pet Boarding

with Brent, and went from being a stray without a bed, to having four—one being Brent’s bed. Severely abused, skinny and scared, Stealth also came from a remote area. Despite all he had been through when he met the Happy Dog team this Terrier X surrendered wholeheartedly, and loved his rescuers immediately. Stealth was severely matted, with dreadlocks that hung to the ground. He couldn’t see because the matting was so bad around his eyes, and he was covered with open wounds from other dogs and humans injuring him, including a large gash from his nose through his cheek. As they started to clean Stealth up and proceeded to remove the mats, they realized his condition was even worse, and his thick fur had concealed more trauma; he was covered in burns. It was at this point that residents stepped up, along with a prominent member of the community, and Stealth was surrendered to the care of Brent and his team. Stealth was shaved down to the skin, undoubtedly painful but necessary, and it was determined that he appeared to be burned repeatedly with a hot poker. With compassion, intensive vet care, and love, Stealth received immediate relief, and his new life began. Never showing aggression to people or animals, Stealth just wanted a little love and attention. A tad skittish when first meeting someone, he quickly warms up, and is a trusting little

soul. Now adopted, Stealth comes back to Happy Dog to visit, and it is clear how much he loves the staff. To see him now and how much he has changed shows the spirit and resilience of the canine form, and is a true inspiration. Aiden is a black lab that appeared to be run over, but wasn’t brought in to Brent and staff until several days after his injuries. He had serious infections, with damage so bad to one leg that it had to be amputated. Another long recovery, Aiden required many surgeries, blood transfusions, and months of treatment. Staying with Brent, their on-site vet, or staff members, Aiden received constant care and supervision while healing. He went home with someone every evening, and now has a place of care within Brent’s pack. He is now a happy dog, running and playing, unbeknownst to him that he should be slower, or have a handicap of any sort. Penny came to Happy Dog Acres as a senior dog. Over ten years old with a history of verbal and physical abuse, the staff were prepared to keep her, as senior dogs rarely get adopted. Luckily for Penny, CBC “interviewed” her, and that led her to a new family. After seeing the story on television with her family, seven-year-old Payton told her mom, “That’s the dog I want.” Payton’s mom came to the shelter several times, trying to decide if a senior pet was the right thing for a seven-yearold.

Aiden There are vet bills to consider with old age, as well as the emotional toll when the pet passes. But love won out, and Payton got to take her furry friend home. She understood what had happened to Penny, and accepted the hard truths of a senior pet. After a summer at the lake, and many good memories, Penny developed lung cancer and passed away. Payton was by her side the entire time, staying strong and resilient for her beloved pet, while staff at Happy Dog couldn’t maintain their own composure. There were many tears. Penny got a new start with her new family, receiving unconditional love from her young owner, finally loved like she deserved to be. Although it wasn’t long, it was a beautiful life. We can all learn from this girl, and rest assured that all dogs do indeed go to heaven. Brent and his team travel to remote areas of the province, providing aid to animals in need. These stories demonstrate the compassion and care they have for animals, and how senseless the abuse and torture is. “All they want is to love you, and be loved,” says Brent.


Penny Best of the Best Pet Boarding

The more the public knows, the better chance that people will get involved and help the cause. Happy Dog Acres goals include more education, and to help dogs province-wide. They want to show people how to feed, train, care, and live with a dog. “Everything is for the dogs,” Brent says. “We just want to help them. I truly love

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any dog, or cat—they’re my life. No matter who a dog is, or what they’ve done, they’re treated the same. Often you hear my staff say that dogs come first, people come second, and that’s pretty accurate.”

An Evening for

PAWS A true no-kill shelter, Happy Dog Acres receives recognition, thanks and praise, but there are many unsung heroes who help for the same reason, too; they just want to help dogs. With all the help, though, there’s always room for more in the financial aspect. For dogs such as Stealth or Aiden, vet bills and after care are costly, and love can only cover so much to bring these dogs back to life. At 6:00 pm on Friday, October 14, Happy Dog Acres is sponsoring the first ever “An Evening for PAWS” at the Saskatoon Wildlife Federation. The evening will include live and silent auctions, raffles, door prizes, and dinner. Funds raised will be used in the rescue and rehabilitation of dogs in Saskatchewan, and to find them loving and lasting homes. Tickets for the dinner are $50, and sponsorship opportunities range from $250 to $1,000.


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Best of the Best Pet Boarding

Happy Dog Acres’ staff, store and more From earlier days of selling a few bags of dog food and toys, to the present day onestop-shop for your dog or cat, Happy Dog Acres has come a long way. The largest facility of its kind in western Canada, Happy Dog Acres’ services include vet services, boarding, day care for both cats and dogs, retail store with quality Canadian pet foods and products, dog training and unique grooming services. Grooming includes day care for the day

(as long as your dog is day care approved), so when you pick up your pet at the end of the day, they’re not only clean, they’re tired from a day of fun with their furry friends. Happy Dog’s training methods are also unique to Saskatoon. They call it the “Happy Dog Way.” Happy Dog Acres can help you work through any issues your dog may have, and provide solutions to pave the way to a happier, healthier pet. The staff at Happy Dog Acres wants to make a difference, and their compassion, patience, and love are demonstrated on a daily basis. “We don’t dwell on the abuse or injuries of the dog, we keep it light and

happy with tough love, and some days are harder than others,” Brent says with conviction, “If it wasn’t for the quality of care my staff gives to the dogs, there wouldn’t be a Happy Dog Acres today.” Thankfully for Lumpy, Penny, Aiden, Stealth and 21 other dogs they rescued in one month, Happy Dog Acres is here today, and it’s here to stay. FLS Happy Dog Acres Urban Center 140 105th Street East Rural location Call for directions 306.978.7278

Brent and Staff at Happy Dog Acres

Best of the Best Pet Boarding

FineLifestyles SASKATOON 109


appiness held is the seed ;

happiness shared is the flower. ~ John Harrigan



er happiness is contagious. And, I suppose, if my office looked like a sweet scene from Snow White, surrounded with flowers, bunnies and romance, (minus the dwarfs), I would be that happy too. Connie Kenke at CK Florals is as cheerful as the bright daisies drinking away in the bucket by her feet. CK Florals opened in Stonebridge in


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

2010, but Kenke has played in the flower business for the past 20 years. Having taken courses in flower design in B.C., Ontario and California, Kenke is now thrilled to share her love of flowers with the public on a daily basis. All customers can enjoy an individualized arrangement at CK Florals—it’s Kenke’s specialty. “I always make it personal,

Best of the Best Floral

bringing in something that shows their characteristics and specific tastes,” she says. Kenke and her staff share the same creative flair; using different materials in arrangements and thinking outside the box to design one-of-a-kind arrangements. Even her suppliers know that she enjoys something unique; they will let her know if

they have specialty items coming in so she can get the juices flowing for alternative bouquet ideas. “I’m really thankful that my staff holds the same creativity and vision,” Kenke says earnestly. “It is wonderful that we’re on the same page.” “Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower” ~ Albert Camus Connie excitedly talks about the store getting an overhaul for the fall line. Any space in the store right now will soon be filled with sprays and sprigs of autumn. That’s not all that will keep her busy, though, CK Florals has some big parties to get ready for. For several years, Kenke has provided all the flower arrangements, boutonnieres, wrist corsages, and even hairpieces for the PotashCorp Mayor’s Cultural Gala. This year is no exception,

and leading up to September 24, Connie will be working like mad to one-up herself from last year. She also designs centerpieces time and again for the Homebuilders Banquet Awards. One particularly fun job for Connie is arranging bouquets for C95 Bachelor, a local radio station’s take on the hit TV show. She researches for details about each of the potential dates, making the bouquets personal to the girl, and reflecting the date they will be going on that night. “If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden.” ~ Claudia Grandi For many women, flowers are never more important than on their wedding day.

Best of the Best Floral

Always making time for her brides, Kenke does intensive interviews to get it just right. With a variety of things to consider like personality, location, dress, time of year, and personal flower favourites, her brides receive the detailed service required for the big day. Brides are also guaranteed confidentiality; no one sees their wedding arrangements before they do. The same rule goes for photos; no photos of any bouquets, boutonnieres or centerpieces are released until after the event. Kenke always meets with brides the day before the wedding for a viewing, so the bride has peace of mind that her flowers will be perfect the next day. Location is always taken into consideration, as some flowers thrive in outdoor settings, while others don’t hold up as well. CK Florals

FineLifestyles SASKATOON



n joy or sadness, flowers are our constant friends

~ Kozuko Okakura will also provide vases for bridesmaids’ bouquets at the head table for the supper if needed. “We will have a whole new bridal section available soon, using all kinds of different materials, we really like to mix it up, be creative and fun,” Kenke says, knowing she is up for the challenge. “The more brides want to be non-traditional, the better! We even personalize the bridesmaids’ bouquets a little; trying to bring out their traits while still blending with the whole wedding party.” Photos in the store display past wedding party arrangements; inspirational, new ideas always come up, though. “The pictures are just suggestions; we put a twist on anything in a picture. No arrangement ever leaves the store looking exactly like one I designed last week. They are always unique to that person.” Case in point: a thoughtful husband wanted to surprise his wife with plane tickets to a tropical paradise. The tickets were delivered to her in the same exotic fashion: in a beautiful live palm tree. CK Florals really kicks up the thoughtful gestures a notch! CK Florals constantly has new ideas for other special occasions as well.


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Valentine’s Day brings out true creative romance, and after Connie interviews a customer, she ends up keeping tonnes of secrets! “All clients and orders are kept confidential, any secret admirers will stay that way!” she says with a smile. “And just like always, all arrangements are customized for the individual.” Anniversaries are also fun when couples want to surprise each other, and with the history attached, Kenke and her team let the flowers do the talking. The same goes for “Get Well” bouquets. Anything cheerful is great, but the details and special additions that make it more unique to the person adds a much more thoughtful touch.

funeral tributes of all types, taking time in a private area to talk with the family, and follow through on their requests during a difficult time. Again, this shows the heart and soul Connie Kenke puts into her work. As fall swoops in and takes our sunshine away, there is an escape to greener pastimes. With heaven scents, sunny daisies and exotic Birds of Paradise to boost your spirits, just head South! For the most unique, thoughtful and fulfilling gifts, visit Connie Kenke and the staff of CK Florals in Stonebridge today. FLS

ConniE kEnkE

CK Florals also does weekly and monthly orders for corporate clients. Taking into consideration where the arrangement will be placed, Kenke has to use flowers and materials that work with low or high sunlight, warm areas, drafty areas, and more. The corporations also enjoy added incentives: employee gifts, promotions on specialty items, and more. Other occasions requiring flowers of a more sombre nature are funerals. While these are the most difficult to design because of the personal tone, they can be the most comforting. Kenke provides

Best of the Best Floral

CK Florals 110 – 3102 Clarence Avenue South 306.244.7572 Watch for our website coming soon!!

Left to right: CaroLyn genest, Mayor Jerrod sChafer, Candy MCBride, don rosten, don Urzada, edMUnd BeLLegarde, and Marty soLBerg. Photo By tayLor MCBride


n partnership with File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council, Saskatoon-based d3h Hotels Inc. announced the construction of the Home Inn & Suites hotel in Swift Current at the ground breaking celebration held July 22, 2011 in Swift Current.

Mayor Jerrod Schafer of Swift Current, City Councilors, Grand Chief Edmund Bellegarde of FHQTC, and the Director of Business Development for the City of Swift Current, Marty Solberg were in attendance showing their unwavering support of this new project. Mayor Jerrod Schafer noted, “The quality is something that our community should be proud of and I think it’s going to be a

real showcase housing for tourists or business people that are coming. People are stopping to make Swift Current more and more of a destination all the time, for many events like the Windscape Kite Festival, Broncos Hockey, all different events in Swift Current, so this is going to be a real feather in our cap.” The hotel will be located next to the Living Sky Casino and Sky Centre and the closest hotel to the Swift Current Mall. This innovative project is the first partnership between the owners of the Living Sky Casino and Sky Centre, File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council, and d3h Hotels. “I really want to acknowledge and thank d3h Hotels and their partners, their

Best of the Best Hotel

staff and construction crew for venturing forth with us in this unique partnership. I believe it’s one of the first of its kind for some of the partners within d3h Hotels and I’d really like to commend and thank them for their foresight and courage to get into partnerships with First Nations people,” said Chief Edmund Bellegarde, Grand Chief of the File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council. “Being a developer is not a traditional role that First Nations have always had in the economy. It is something that we need – strong partnerships – not only the First Nations business community but also the public in the City of Swift Current, so I really want to acknowledge that strength of those partnerships and the fostering that has

FineLifestyles SASKATOON




happened, not only in the short term but for many years.” d3h Hotels is very pleased to be coming to the City of Swift Current,” said Don Rosten, CEO of d3h Hotels Inc. “We decided that this would be a good fit as we have hotels along HWY#1 and it is a natural stopping point between our existing d3h Hotels in Regina and Medicine Hat. We believe Swift Current has a strong economy and we feel, in partnership with FHQTC, we can bring a unique product to the City of Swift Current.” The Home Inn & Suites brand philosophy is to provide the best mix of hotel amenities and home comforts to today’s traveller looking for an upgraded stay experience at a reasonable price point.

HOmE INN & SUITES Home Inn & Suites in Swift Current and Yorkton will house a combination of 80 limited service type rooms to larger suites with full kitchen. The limited service type rooms will feature 15ft desk unit, 42” plasma flat screen TV, mini-fridge, microwave, coffee maker, iHome Alarm clock with mp3 connect, and luxurious triple sheeting which is cleaned daily. The suites will include a kitchen with a fullsize fridge, induction cooktop, microwave, and upgraded granite countertops. Four of the suites will be extravagant high-end suites which include all the features of the regular suites plus dual sink, glass shower


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

and Jacuzzi tub, island and bar stools, pod coffee maker, separate living area with large work desk and much more. Other features of Home Inn & Suites include free HomeEssentials breakfast with hot items, relaxing indoor pool area with 2-story waterslide and whirlpool, and business centre with printing and faxing capabilities. New to the Home franchise is the addition of meeting/event space with capacity up to 30 people featuring built-in LCD projector and whiteboard, large windows and exquisite French door access to an outside patio, exceptional for small weddings, reunions, and small gatherings. The Home Inn & Suites will also feature a tranquil and serene full service salon and spa. This salon and spa is accessible from within and outside the hotel for all guests and locals and offers all types of treatments including facials, massages, waxing, manicures, pedicures, hair styling/colour/treatments and special occasion bookings and packages. The full-service salon and spa will also feature side by side massage tables for couples and open spa lounge area for small group bookings of 6 to 8 people.

ABOUT d3h HOTELS Based in Saskatoon, d3h Hotels is a hotel management company that owns and operates nine hotels across Western

Best of the Best Hotel

Canada with its two new and upcoming builds of Home Inn & Suites - Swift Current and Home Inn & Suites - Yorkton starting in the fall of 2011. Over the past 13 years, d3h Hotels has gained extensive knowledge and experience in the design and construction of hotels. The company recently celebrated its 10th build, pushing this young management company to retain the honour of being the largest franchisee of Days Inns in Canada. “d3h Hotels exemplifies the very best in hotel ownership and management,” said Irwin Prince, president and COO of Realstar Hospitality. “Every member of their team is fully engaged in providing ‘above-andbeyond’ service to their guests, and d3h’s ongoing focus on customer satisfaction and operational excellence is a testament to their success. Everyone in the company, from corporate office to hotel level, is truly a delight to work with!” Saskatchewan’s “best kept secret” not only builds, owns and manages hotels but also franchises the Home brand to potential hoteliers. The HomeSuites and Home Inn & Suites franchise offers hassle-free, turnkey solutions that will allow the franchisee to focus on running a profitable business from day one. For more information about d3h, and the Home Franchise, please visit its newly redesigned website at FLS

dh 3



Days Inn - Regina 3875 Eastgate Drive East Regina, SK S4Z 1A4 p: 306.522.3297 w: Days Inn - Regina Airport west 4899 Harbour Landing Drive Regina, SK S4w 0B7 p: 306.584.3297 w: Days Inn - Red Deer #1000, 5001 – 19th Street Red Deer, AB T4R 3R1 p: 403.340.3297 w: Days Inn - Calgary Airport 2799 Sunridge way NE Calgary, AB T1y 7K7 p: 403.250.3297 w: Days Inn - medicine Hat 24 Strachan Court SE medicine Hat, AB T1B 4R7 p: 403.580.3297 w: Days Inn - Edmonton South 10333 University Ave. Nw Edmonton, AB T6E 6N3 p: 780.430.0011 w: motel 6 - medicine Hat 20 Strachan Court SE medicine Hat, AB T1B 4R7 p: 403.527.1749 w: motel 6 - Red Deer #900, 5001 – 19th Street Red Deer, AB T4R 3R1 p: 403.340.1749 w: HomeSuites by d3h 3841 Eastgate Drive East Regina, SK S4Z 1A4 p: 306.522.4434 w:

CoMing sUMMer 2012



FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Home Inn & Suites – Swift Current Located next to the Living Sky Casino p: 306.778.7788 w: Home Inn & Suites – yorkton Located next to the painted Hand Casino p: 306.782.7829 w: FineLifestyles SASKATOON




FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Best of the Best Home Builder

phoTo BY liSA lAndRiE


very family wants an optimal home—one where they can have supper together, enjoy a movie in the cozy family room, and play ball in the backyard. What makes an optimal home are all the spectacular details, and no one knows this better than Decora Homes. With a fresh, new outlook on home building, Decora builds a limited number of homes a year. They do this because they want to uphold their reputation for characteristic design paired with fantastic detail. With a passion for creativity, the Decora team always looks for new ideas and concepts to make the homes personable. Modern and contemporary design is their niche, and these ideas are readily used when Decora meets with home buyers. Tying in the clients ideas and incorporating a plan that fits their complete lifestyle, the Decora group prides itself on a hands-on approach. Decora works closely with clients to ensure that the house that is constructed is one clients are proud to call home.

Building a place for you to call home No two homes should be exactly alike; they should be unique to reflect the warmth of the individuals who live there. The Decora family works hard to discover the personality and taste of each home buyer.

It starts with choosing a neighborhood that fits you and your family, and progresses through to final interior design touches, provided personally by owners Rhonda and Ricky Iula. At regular intervals throughout the build, members of the Decora team will meet with clients on site. They ensure that every detail is adhered to, and communicate closely with the tradespeople as well. Everything in the home is meant to reflect the wants and needs of the owners, from fixtures in the dining room to perfect flooring, to kitchen cabinetry and modern wall colours. Having established great relationships with tradespeople, they know they can rely on them to deliver the best product. Decora recognizes their good standing is based in part on quality of products and service, and only work with the most respectable companies. Establishing excellent relationships is the key to great business at Decora, and it shows through the quality of their work, and the happiness of their clients. “I love working with Ricky, Rhonda and the staff at Decora Homes! They’re my kind of people: good, honest, hardworking, creative, outside-the-box thinkers that listen to people and clients. I trust them with my clients and I look forward to

Best of the Best Home Builder

our next project together!” ~Chantelle Buttterfield, interior designer and owner of Funktional Space

Estate on the green One of the most desirable and prestigious neighborhoods known as Greenbrye Estates features homes built by Decora Homes and Evolution homes. A compatible blend of deluxe homes and natural landscape, these estate-sized, luxury, custom-built homes are being snapped up by Saskatoon families. Greenbrye Estates is an opportunity to live in newly established surroundings that will enhance the lifestyle and progression of family. The laid-back ambiance and golf course out your back door just increases the value even more. Feel at home as soon as you enter the Estates, enjoying relaxation and a smalltown, neighbourhood feel while having all the conveniences of the city just minutes away. Every lot walks out onto the golf course, with lot sizes boasting one-half to three-quarters of an acre in size. That is definitely enough space for that dream garden—and isn’t it handy there is a greenhouse just around the corner too! Other bonuses in this neighbourhood include the fact that it’s actually Corman

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


pHoTo By lisa lanDriE

“I love working with Ricky, Rhonda and the staff at Decora Homes! They’re my kind of people: good, honest, hardworking, creative, outside-the-box thinkers that listen to people and clients. I trust them with my clients and I look forward to our next project together!” ~ Chantelle Buttterfield, interior designer and owner of Funktional Space

Decora Homes believes people are the heart of every community, with residents becoming neighbours, and neighbours becoming friends. With the Estates just a short drive from Saskatoon’s downtown, this is every homeowners chance to live in the newest golf community. Phase I is available as soon as November 2011, with Phase II slated for completion in August of 2012. Few lots are available, so call today to move your family into this affluent neighborhood by Christmas.

ownERS: RiCkY And RhondA iulA Park land and not the City of Saskatoon. That gives the home buyer a break on taxes, all the while still enjoying the luxuries of city water and power resources. A few simple restrictions and rules at the Estates are in place to keep the community looking it’s best. Within two years of living there, driveways, as well as, all landscaping must be completed. This calms any concerns about neighbours’ rain run-off ruining your basement, or muddy and weed-covered front yards being an eyesore. Have confidence knowing that new trees, grass and landscaping rock will adorn yards, instead of lumpy gravel, muddy tire tracks, and plywood sidewalks. And like with any other project, Ricky Iula is at the building site on a regular basis to ensure that Decora is on par with the homeowner’s vision. Just like the homeowners, he wants to see the developing home, and keep up to date on what’s happening.


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

“Throughout the whole building process they were very professional, extremely helpful.... we were first time builders and had heard so many horror stories, but they made us comfortable and held our hand from beginning to end. We really can’t say enough good things about Decora – except thank you!” ~ Karen, Decora Homes homeowner

building with you. A proud member of the Saskatoon & Region Homebuilders Association, Progressive Home Warranty, and Energy Star Program, Decora is recognized as a reputable builder throughout Saskatoon. The involvement in these programs shows the company’s commitment to building excellence, and provides home buyers with peace of mind when choosing Decora as their builder. Decora Homes looks forward to building your dream home in a collaborative and stress-free fashion. Call them today! Watch for their booth at the Fall Homes Show taking place at Prairieland Park October 28 through 30, meet owners Rhonda and Ricky and their sales team to learn more about this modern builder. Also mark your calendar to visit their exquisitely detailed show home at Rosewood in the new year. FLS

The process when working with the Decora Homes team: Call to set up an appointment with a member of the sales team; Heather, Gilles, or owners Rhonda and Ricky. They will show you photos of homes and layouts of previously built by Decora Homes. They will discuss your needs, lifestyle, and whether you have a lot purchased, or if you would like to see lots they have available. Decora Homes is a custom builder that will always discuss the process of

Best of the Best Home Builder

Decora Homes 306.651.1750 Visit us on Facebook!

loCAllY ownEd And opERATEd BY: don EllioTT And doREEn gRAff



here is a place that is the key to your ultimate shopping experience. Everything is in your favor, providing most options you can dream up. Now for the best part: KNOWING in your heart of hearts that you got the best deal available.

BY TAMMY CEASER. phoToS BY CAndACE Epp This article is not for everyone - only continue reading if you want to know the secret to get what you want, and what you should REALLY be paying. You are welcome to read on as well if you attended a nice dinner at someone’s home, and marveled over their furnishings, flooring, and décor – and have a goal to get those things yourself.

Savings in membership Have you ever actually wondered how much that store is making in profit on your last purchase? Its a lot, and it’s probably way more than you really want to know, because it will just make you angry. If you were to think of the many consumer products that are available at DirectBuy – things that we purchase every day -

Best of the Best Consumer Buying Club

and total them up for an entire year, the money we are paying in hidden retail mark up could range into thousands of dollars, if not even tens of thousands of dollars! And that is only one year. DirectBuy members don’t just save today, or tomorrow, or even just this year for that matter; they have the opportunity to save thousands over their entire life.

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


Owner Don Elliott was a member first, “When I saw the opportunities DirectBuy could provide to me and my family, it was a no-brainer. I couldn’t believe the difference from retail settings. With all the things I was able to purchase, it amazed me. That’s when I decided to buy a franchise so that I could help other families just like mine. Simply put, it is the smartest way to purchase. Our members buy better quality products sooner because they are not paying retail mark up. This is for everyone who wants to enjoy a nice lifestyle but doesn’t have a grand budget, just grandiose ideas.”

DirectBuy: It is what it is, baby There are a lot of misconceptions of what DirectBuy is, and what it is not. DirectBuy provides access to some of the better brands and products we purchase every day, in packages large and small – with no retail mark up that we as consumers have become conditioned to pay elsewhere. DirectBuy provides access to some of the best brands and products we never imagined that we could get locally, at a much lower cost. And you’re not limited to only one brand; your membership allows you access, in many cases, to manufacturer’s complete lines. With this ability of choice and selection, DirectBuy takes the term “buying power” to new heights. DirectBuy is known to carry large ticket items, such as Electronics and Appliances, Home Decor, Home Accents, Furniture, and more. Remodeling is much, much easier with Don, Doreen and the staff; getting everything in one place saves you countless hours of driving time, tracking down quotes, searching for the perfect doesn’t have to be a chore. In one trip you can be matching up color chips, choosing laminate, picking out a new recliner and ordering lighting. But it doesn’t stop there, folks, that’s just scraping the (stylish) surface.

Cashmere Me Everyday, members purchase things that you would never have dreamed of at DirectBuy, such as posh jewelry, luggage,


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Best of the Best Consumer Buying Club

small household items, custom garage kits... and we can even help with the new car to go in the garage!! In all cases the manufacturer warranty still applies, and little things like extended warranty are more attractive, since they do not have the hidden retail markup either. DirectBuy members can also purchase wheelchairs and Foosball tables, kitchen sinks and vacuums, bedding and treadmills. The sheer volume of products they provide is incredibly impressive, many adorned with lush brand names that could even raise an impressed eyebrow on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. (Shout out to our stylish and shining Saskatoon Cover Girl!!)

Get Smart Enjoy a new kind of shopping! Say no to pushy sales people trying to encourage you to buy a certain brand! Say back off to a high-pressure salesperson trying to convince you that this was the time for you to buy because they were going to give you the “very best deal right now”! At DirectBuy, the associates assist you in purchasing the brands, styles and models YOU like best, and no matter what, you are always ensured of a great deal! Next time you are attending a cushy soiree at the boss’s house, look around. The cupboards are gorgeous, gleaming cherry wood, the shag carpet in the living room is to die for, the renos in the bathroom ARE something to brag about around the work water cooler, and even the ring on his finger exudes shiny prestige. Maybe you should ask him about it.... because either he’s a sucker and paid full price, or maybe he’s one smart cookie, and is a member at DirectBuy. FLS

Request your complimentary Visitor’s pass today! Saskatoon, SK 1.866.221.3582

Best of the Best Consumer Buying Club

FineLifestyles SASKATOON





FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Best of the Best Women’s Fashion

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


Ladies, it’s time to bring out your inner Fashionista. Saskatoon is home to a oneof-a-kind boutique found in Dutch Growers. The very popular Vero Moda clothing brand has transported a mini shop in the 1000-plus square foot area set aside specifically for their clothing and accessories. Unique to both Dutch Growers and Vero Moda, this concept was designed specifically to accommodate the size of Saskatoon and the city’s fashion ‘femme fatales.’ The European clothing brand is excited to offer more of its line and create a unique shopping experience that fits the brand and its fashion-forward and contemporary style of clothing. Making the sidewalk your runway this season will be ultra-easy with the latest Vero Moda fashions at Dutch Growers. With high demand from customers to offer more clothing options from the brand, Dutch Growers worked closely with Vero Moda, building the concept boutique within their location to offer fashion forward style to Saskatoon women. Vero Moda is excited to have teamed up with Dutch Growers to offer more of the brands clothing and bring a unique shopping experience that fits the brand and its fashion forward and contemporary style of clothing. The European clothing company is relatively new to the Canadian market and fashion scene, with a heavy presence previously seen only in Germany, China, Central Europe, Middle East, France and

suppliers and other stakeholders as to prothe expectations and realities of the pro duction of clothing and manufacturing in its various locations around the globe.

the UK. Saskatoon’s Vero Modafans can be assured they are wearing some of the most fashionable styles, prints and accessories available as the brand takes top priority in staying in step with international trends. The company is extremely customerfocused, providing contemporary fashions on a variety of style thresholds and preferences. Mixing and matching is key and collections from the brand focus on practicality while still maintaining a high level of fashion-forward style. Regardless of your personal flare, everyone can find pieces in the Vero Moda collection that suits their clothing palette. The brand has established its ability to provide today’s fashion-conscious female with a clothing line that takes risks while still remaining functional for work or play. The clothing company is also applauded for its environmental and sustainability endeavours, as the international brand is quite transparent with the general public, as well its colleagues,

Best of the Best Women’s Fashion

Dutch Growers is delighted to invite its femme fatale customers of all ages, sizes and style preferences to spend time with curits in-store stylists and check out the cur rent season’s arrivals from Vero Moda. easMixing and matching has never been eas ier, as Vero Moda has made sure clothing can be worn and enjoyed longer with the current season designed to match up to your previous season’s favourite items. Key pieces and prints from Spring/ Summer 2011 can easily be worn with a few more layers of Vero Moda’s Fall/ Winter line to make a whole new outfit. If you are not sure how to develop multiple outfits from each item, or transfer your day wear to an evening outfit, Dutch Growers has you covered. Trained stylists are available to assist you in your style quest for the perfect outfit, and can answer any of your questions specific to the brand or current fashion trends in general. Opting to hire style experts rather than sales staff has allowed Dutch Growers to create a whole new shopping experience, one that is tailored and specific to the fashion needs of the women shopping at their location. Consider them your personal stylists during your visit, because that is exactly what they are.

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


Trend Report: Hot Runway-Inspired Trends for Fall/Winter 2011 Colour Blocking: Bold colours on the top or the bottom are big this season. Make your outfit pop even more by pairing your bold piece with something more muted. Watch for lots of red, blue and yellow this season. Bold and Eye-Catching Prints: Make a statement with an interesting and unique print. Those who love bold animal prints will be excited to see exotic snake skin in the fashion mix this season. Also combining bold prints with some beautiful light fabrics will add a simple touch of femininity and soften the look. Raw and Edgy: Look for leather or faux leather leggings and rider inspired pants. Crop leather jackets are also a hot item this season. While still very sophisticated, this style is bold and fun. 70s Chic: This style era will be seen with a contemporary touch including up-to-date poncho style cover ups, earthy wardrobe tones and hues as well as some faux sheepskin to keep warm and cozy in. Not forgetting the return of the flair jean and anything and everything with a bit of fringe. Take your look to the next level with furs, velvets and silks for the winter season. Boy Meets Girl: Masculine and feminine styles combine to make bold blazers and pretty button-up boy-inspired tops and shirt dresses this fall/ winter. Included in this trend are oversized cardigans and sweaters paired with bold printed or coloured leggings. Bohemian or Gypsy Glam: You choose this season. Ethnic prints, layering, bright hues, dramatic accessories, furs—mixing and matching your favourite wardrobe essentials to bring to life your boho day look or gypsy evening glam. Fancy Footwear: Ladies can ex-


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

pect to find more wedge boots and booties this season. Platforms are back, along with thicker heel shoes and booties adding to the vintage 70s chic look. For those who prefer flats, riding boots continue to be in season, and expect to find more styles in your favourite winter shades. Personal Storage: Structured hand bags will be big this winter, adding an element of sophistication to any outfit. Boho chic and satchel bags are favourites this winter in soft leather and suede. Also be on the lookout for Luxe bags with detailing in faux fur, feathers and vintage jewels. Outfit Finishing: Accessories to notice this winter include feather hair pieces in muted colours or bright hues. Look for chunky oversized watches

Best of the Best Women’s Fashion

with a gypsy or vintage look. Hoop earrings, wrap bracelets, statement rings and rose gold jewellery top off the list of hot accessories for the 2011-2012 winter season. To learn more about the Vero Moda brand or to add this season’s most fashionable wardrobe essentials and accessories, visit Dutch Growers and let Pam and her team of personal stylists help you find exactly what you are looking for. FLS Dutch Growers Garden Centre Saskatoon 685 Reid Rd Saskatoon, SK S7N 3J4 306. 249.1222



ith the great many changes taking place in the world these days, we can be forgiven for being a little leery of any further changes. But, change is always good when it applies to the fluids in your vehicle. Like outdated ideas, those fluids can clog up the works and eventually halt the forward movement entirely. Kara Turtle, Darrel Nelson and the staff at the 519 Nelson Road location of the Great Canadian Oil Change are committed to positive change - ensuring your vehicle will continue to tick along into the future.

“Our experience is second to none,” says Turtle. “We can service virtually any make or model of vehicle, and all of our services are warranty approved.” Turtle bought into the franchise in 2006. After working together at a tax consulting firm Nelson joined her shortly before they opened the doors for business. The opportunity to buy the business was unexpected but timely and Turtle says it didn’t take long for them to get established. Since they opened in 2008, the pair estimates that roughly 33,000 vehicles have gone through their bay doors.

Best of the Best Oil Change

That commitment to super service extends to the six staff working at the location, including head pit technician Dustin Toovey. “He’s been with us since we opened and has worked on over 18,000 vehicles,” Nelson says. He and the rest of the staff, Daniel Meakin, Logan Bender, Regan Dupperon, Coltin Sonder and Kristine Kemmer all work on hourly wage— there’s no commission and, therefore, no pressure to add extra service. “The services we recommend for your vehicle are based solely on your manufacturer’s service intervals for your make and model of vehicle,” Nelson stresses.

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And, don’t let their youth fool you. “Although some of the part time staff are young, they are eager to learn about cars and enjoy this line of work,” Turtle says, adding “our staff is very knowledgeable, friendly, trustworthy and extremely conscientious as to their involvement with your vehicle.” That emphasis on trust is a priority, says Turtle. “Reputation is very important to us. Our clients can trust us. We live in the area and our children go to school here. We want our families to be proud of us and how we operate our business,” she says. Today’s vehicles, with their state of the art electronics and computer systems means you don’t have to be a total gearhead to ensure your vehicle is well maintained. You can count on the expertise of the folks at the Nelson Road location of the Great Canadian Oil Change to take care of business for you. “We change oil in so many vehicles, it becomes second nature,” says Nelson.

Oil changes can be performed on virtually any make or model of vehicle. They use Hastings filters, which meet original equipment manufacturers (OEM) standards. The “house” oil is Petro-Canada but a wide selection of other brands of oil is available, including those for vehicles with certain product specifications. For example, the location carries Volkswagen 502.00/ 505.00/ 505.01/ 504.00/ 507.00, BMW Longlife 01/LL-04, Mercedes 229.31, Porsche A40 and much more, such as Dexos for new General Motors’ vehicles. Other services available include automatic transmission flushes, manual transmission flushes, transfer case and differential flushes and radiator flushes. The staff also change wiper blades, and air and cabin filters, as well as performing service such as additives to stop leaks in your engine or transmission, and conducting engine flushes and oil treatments. According to Statistics Canada, in 2005 two-thirds of Canadian drivers were men.

Darrel and his daughter Taya, Kara with husband Aaron, daughter Emma Claire and son Logan. (Darrel’s son Dakota is missing from photo)


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Best of the Best Oil Change


Kara, Darrel and Dustin

Back: Daniel, Logan, Regan, Coltin, Dustin, Kristine Front Row: Darrel and Kara

But the majority of drivers doing those annoying multiple stop trips—StatsCan calls them “trip chains”—are women. In fact, in its December 2007 report, the agency states that the longer the trip chain, that is, the greater the number of stages involved in a complete trip, the more likely the driver is a woman. And, all that starting and stopping can be extra hard on both vehicles and soccer moms. It’s no surprise then that increasing numbers of women are using the services of oil change establishments like the one at 519 Nelson Road. It’s affordable and convenient, and you can even enjoy a

coffee and a newspaper in the comfort of your vehicle. Turtle says about half of their customers are women. “We’ve found a lot of ladies love coming to an oil change station and have their vehicle serviced by a woman. Although I now have a huge involvement with the businesses finances and human resources, I love to have a presence in the shop and get my hands dirty. Kristine, one of our full time staff, has a huge presence in the shop,” she says. For women or men, it’s easy to slot in an oil change between all the other running around. If there is a wait, it won’t be long. Most oil changes take 10 minutes or less.

Best of the Best Oil Change

Trucks, SUV’s, some European models or vehicles with skid plates sometimes require more time. Regardless, you’ll be out of there in no time. After all, change is good. FLS

Great Canadian Oil Change 519 Nelson Road Saskatoon, SK 306.665.3331

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TURN ANY CELEBRATION INTO A HAYDAY BY SHEENA KOOPS. PHOTOS BY AMANDA BAUDAIS A teacher climbs into the limo along with her preschool class, off to Saskatoon’s Enchanted Forest. This is the first time any of them have ridden in a limousine. The teacher points to Rudolf’s shining nose, Frosty’s hat, Santa’s sleigh—the evening aglow with sparkling lights—but the veteran educator is having trouble getting the kids to watch the show. One of the little princesses finally says, “But why can’t we watch the lights inside the limo. They’re just as good.”


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Wes Medernach, owner and operator of HayDay LIMO, beams as he remembers the story. “That’s what it’s all about,” he says, “making memories for people. The smiles on their faces and getting everyone home safe, that’s what I love about my business.”

In fact, the first time I rode in a limo was the same day I bought one,” Wes laughs good-naturedly. “My wife, Rachel, and I have always enjoyed luxurious nights out, grads, and weddings, so we decided we wanted to help people have the best experience possible.”

In June 2009, celebrating the birth of his second daughter, Medernach had a group of buddies over to his home. “By the end of the evening, I had decided to buy a limo.

Medernach’s pride in his family shouts loud and clear in the name of his limousine service. “My wife and I chose to use our daughter’s names, Haley and Danae, and

Best of the Best Limousine

we came up with HayDay LIMO. It’s really a family thing. We’ve bought the girls limo hats to match mine. Sometimes I take the girls and we pick up friends; everyone really loves it. I even took Haley’s preschool class through the Enchanted Forest.” Of course, it’s even better, when it’s all a surprise. “When I get to an arena and the coaches have set up a limousine ride for an ice-cream run, I love watching the kids come out of the rink, smiling ear-to-ear, and then watching the surprised faces as we pull in, that’s really worth it all.” What a great gift for a loved one, hard working team, valued employee, or that bride-andgroom-to-be. HayDay LIMO is reinventing Limousine service. “I love making young dreams come true, and my daughters are a real inspiration to me,” says Wes. “I remember it was October, and there was a little snow on the ground. I was chauffeuring a birthday party for a seven-year-old. They were dressed in Halloween costumes.

When they got inside the limo they were so excited, and you should have seen the crowd’s faces when I let the kids off at the movies.” Medernach is making dreams come true for all ages, chauffeuring weddings, grads, office parties, birthdays, airport transport, casino nights, concerts, Christmas light viewings, Enchanted Forrest tours, New Year’s, and, of course, dining excursions to Saskatoon’s finest spots. You name it, and they’ll take you there, getting you home safely, conveniently, and luxuriously. “I’m really looking forward to being a part of the Canadian Country Music Association Awards when they come to Saskatoon next year,” says Wes. “If it’s carrying the great Canadian fans or our own superstars, I’ll be there.” When the white and black, 2007 Ford Expedition 12-passenger stretch limousine pulls up beside a church, theatre, or stadium, people stop and watch. Some even sneak a peek through an open door to

Best of the Best Limousine

see the fully equipped interior with black leather seating, four television screens, IPod, CD and DVD player, with LED lighting, and a luxurious bar that runs the length of the limo. HayDay is fully licensed, so you can enjoy a beverage while riding in style. “The elegant experience doesn’t have to end at Saskatoon’s city limits,” says Wes. “We can take you out of town for golf trips, and don’t worry about the golf clubs, we’ll bring our matching, enclosed trailer.” HayDay LIMO will even drive you and your friends all the way to Regina to see the Riders. “You should see the fan’s faces as we pull up at the front entrance of Mosaic Stadium,” adds Wes. Weddings are an important part of the Medernach’s family business, and it’s not just style that clients enjoy with HayDay LIMO. “A wedding is the most special day in someone’s life. Making sure the bride and groom have a good time and a safe trip, and getting them to the church on time, that is what we do, every time,” says

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CALL NOW to reserve your ride for Christmas parties, Enchanted Forest tours, and New Years events!

260.6445 Medernach. The trailer is also handy if there are supplies or equipment that need to be transported between the service and the reception. HayDay LIMO is flourishing in the city of Saskatoon, and Wes is dreaming to expand in the not-too-distant future with a second limo. Simple and efficient on-line booking allows clients to check quotes and availability, and then book HayDay LIMO with the click of a mouse (www.haydaylimo.


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ca). Be sure to book early, especially for those hot seasons and special days, like your staff Christmas party. “I encourage everyone to book us on-line, because it streamlines communication,” says Wes. “I carry my blackberry with me everywhere, so I receive bookings immediately, and I always have the correct addresses and times for prompt pick-up.” With Wes Medernach in the driver’s seat, Rachel at his side, and their girls, Haley

Best of the Best Limousine

and Danae sending smiles and giggles from the back of the limo, the Medernach’s are really going places. They know how to make dreams come true. Indeed, they believe every day is worth celebrating, and any celebration can turn into a HayDay! FLS HayDay LIMO Wes Medernach 260.6445


Hillcrest takes the stress out of dealing with loss BY TAMMY CEASAR. PHOTOS BY CANDACE EPP If you’ve driven to the east end of 8th Street where the pavement turns to grid, just outside the Briarwood subdivision, then you may have seen one of the most beautiful places Saskatoon has to offer. With winding paths, mature elms and poplars, a quaint bridge and manicured grounds, it calms the soul of those who rest there, and lifts the spirit of those who come to visit. Since 1952, Hillcrest Memorial Gardens and Funeral Home has been Saskatoon’s hidden gem.

Within the walls of the building which stands on its grounds, you may find some of the most remarkable people working diligently inside. In this career, they see the world in a different way. They do not see death, but a celebration of life. No headstones and plots, but rather visiting places for loved ones. They don’t host services, they host tributes. Everyone who enters the grounds is guaranteed to be greeted with a warm and welcoming smile, and a sincere and compassionate heart.

Best of the Best Funeral Home

For nearly six decades, Hillcrest Memorial Gardens has served as the best choice for families when it comes to dealing with the loss of a loved one. Part of that continued success is the industry experience of the people behind the scenes. “Between Terry Bokshowan (property manager), Phil Fredette (funeral home manager), and myself, we have nearly 75 years’ of experience working with families,” says Sean Peters, cemetery manager. That alone lends merit to the dedication of the

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people, but some of the words with the most impact are when he speaks about families he has met. “Almost every day we are visited by a family member who just wanted to stop by to say “thank you” to me or one of our staff. When they go on to tell me what our support and compassion has meant to them and each member of their family, we are truly humbled and emotionally moved. All of our staff members are very thankful to have the opportunity to meet many wonderful people, and offer support and compassion when they need it most. These families, and their future generations, will be coming back to visit their loved ones for many years to come. We are honoured to be just a small part of that.”

All the little extras Hillcrest is able to provide all the services to families at their time of need such as funeral, chapel, cremation, cemetery and full reception facilities. Hillcrest really is the only place in Saskatoon that you can have everything looked after in one location. They are able to accommodate almost any request, hosting small and private graveside services, to elaborate, large groups of several hundred people, depending on the needs of the family. “In every instance, we try to cater to our families’ needs, and do what we can to help personalize the experience,” says Peters.


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Best of the Best Funeral Home

Hillcrest is able to meet the needs of any denomination and hosts many ethnic services as well. “We all choose to celebrate life in ways that are most meaningful to us as individuals,” Peters says. “We are very respectful of that.” Hillcrest takes care of everything inhouse—arranging flowers, meals, and offering an online obituary and tribute service. They are most proud of the “Aftercare” Program, which offers emotional support, guidance, and direction on finalizing the estate.

Final wishes For many of us who have recently known a family who has lost a loved one, we empathize with their burden, whether it is emotional, financial or the added stress placed upon them at an already difficult time. This is when it hits home for many of us, and we begin to thinking about pre-planning to make it easier on our loved ones. “Pre-planning is the final way that we’ll be able to tell our families how much we loved them,” comments Peters. “We insure so many things in our lives, in the event that we may have loss. Sometimes that insurance is used, but many times it’s not. Yet we still feel that it’s important to protect the ones we love most. Pre-planning is no different, and inevitably, will be used by us all.”

An ever-growing trend, many Hillcrest families agree it makes sense and lends peace of mind to their loved ones. “The burden to families is far less,” Peters explains. The costs are never unexpected. There is no trying to guess what our loved ones would have wanted; it’s decided ahead of time. The family can grieve, then move on to celebrate the deceased’s life exactly the way they would have wanted.” We plan our mortgages, our RSPs, we plan our education funds, we plan anything that is in our future. We like

to plan because it gives us the power of control over our lives. And final planning is no different. The power to plan one’s funeral and cemetery arrangements is a satisfying and valuable act that gives us the control over things that may otherwise seem uncontrollable. Purchasing final arrangements in advance is an equally important part of a comprehensive plan for your family’s security and well-being. Simply for this reason, you can experience the satisfaction of knowing it’s taken care of and experience the true power of planning.

Best of the Best Funeral Home

At the end of it all, where we end up, or how we went may not mean anything to us, but to those who loved us most, it means everything. How do you want to be remembered? FLS

Hillcrest Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home 8th St. East, first right past Briargate Road 306.477.2236

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Builders’ choice The Company That Sets The Standards For Cabinetry Opens In Saskatoon BY tammY roBert


he secret’s out. In a word? Huntwood—a name synonymous with time-honoured craftsmanship in exceptional custom cabinetry for over two decades, resulting in the company’s

standing as one of the industry’s leading custom cabinet manufacturers. Today, the finest builders in Saskatchewan and Alberta have discovered the virtually

endless list of advantages that come with teaming up with the leading builderdirect cabinet manufacturer in North America. “The market in this region is booming,” says Michael Ritz, sales and project manager for Huntwood. Based in the company’s head office in Spokane, we caught up with Michael in Saskatoon where he was spending time in the Saskatoon showroom, further educating staff on Huntwood’s superior quality and manufacturing standards. “Four years ago we started out in Calgary, then moved into Edmonton,” he continues. “It only made logical sense to branch out further to Saskatoon. The same key players we go up against here exist in Alberta, and we’ve done really well there. We know we can hold our own here.” The bottom line is: the increased benefits of working with Huntwood go on and on—choices, quality


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Best of the Best Kitchen Cabinetry

of quality, affordability, flexibility and customer service has made the company one of the fastest growing cabinet manufacturers over the past twenty years. With a state-of-the-art 567,000 square-foot manufacturing plant in Liberty Lake, WA, the company takes pride in what is the most advanced woodworking facility in the nation. By taking the very best of the most cutting edge, sophisticated global technology available—robotics, high-precision machinery and material processing— and blending it with timeless and tested woodworking techniques, Huntwood has revolutionized the art of cabinetmaking, while maintaining a serious commitment to the environment.

of craftsmanship, personalization, value, design expertise, and so much more. The kitchen is so often the heart of the home, and modern homeowners want one that reflects their distinct needs and lifestyles. You have a vision of a home that is uniquely yours, so a cabinetmaker with the expertise to make that vision a reality is imperative. At the heart of Saskatoon’s Huntwood showroom you’ll find LeeAnn Smith. “Lee-Ann, a certified kitchen designer, stays up on the trends and knows all of the proven ways to maximize the functionality of your new kitchen,” says Ritz. “Just as important, she goes above and beyond to put that extra effort in. A star player in our organization, she’s got great personality. You’ll never catch Lee-Ann on a down day.” Lee-Ann has been fully trained on every aspect of the Huntwood product and service. Having spent substantial time at the factory in Spokane learning about the manufacturing process, she’s been involved in and educated on every step

of seeing the product through from beginning to end. Rather than limiting choices with restricted product offerings, Huntwood prides itself in offering a level of customization historically unavailable in the industry—the ability to be able to say “yes” to virtually every request. An unsurpassed menu of custom modifications ensures your style and tastes can be accommodated down to the finest detail, while keeping your budget in check. “We don’t just do kitchen cabinets,” Ritz emphasizes. “Right now we’re working with a Saskatoon developer on gorgeous custom furniture for one of his new hotel’s lobby. For the homeowner, we offer endless options. We also work with small homebuilders, large- scale developers and those constructing their own homes. Come in and see Lee-Ann, who will work with you through the entire design process. Ultimately, if we can draw it, we can build it.” Huntwood’s



Best of the Best Kitchen Cabinetry

Superior craftsmanship is not just a policy, it is the Huntwood standard. They use quality materials and components that many manufacturers offer only as upgrades. Their Lasting Touch™ Finish is the toughest finish in the industry thanks to an exclusive thirteen-step conversion varnish finishing process that includes four coats of sealer and four cycles of oven baking. Working within any budget requirements, Huntwood helps homeowners and builders realize their dreams by offering one of the largest selections of door styles, wood species, colours, finishes, custom modifications, mouldings and accessories available. “It doesn’t matter how large or how small each client’s budget is,” explains Ritz. “Every product we sell is of the same highest standard of quality. We never, ever cut corners or skimp on value. Our product is never compromised based on price, so we can be confident in each and every piece that goes into the home—and so can our clients.” Driven by the mantra that no two kitchens are alike, Huntwood ensures every kitchen is built to order with your individual specifications, design elements and accessories. Backed by the Huntwood Lifetime Limited Warranty, a partnership with Huntwood provides the peace of

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mind you require when making that decision on such an important purchase. Entering a Huntwood showroom, it’s easy to allow your imagination to get carried away beyond the kitchen, which is why the company designs and builds custom furniture for every room in the home— from home offices, to entertainment centres, master suites, master closets, bars, wine cellars, outdoor kitchens and garages. Constructing heirloom pieces, both built-in and free-standing, that follow a defined theme, Huntwood produces furniture that adheres to classic techniques, undeniably destined to be enjoyed by generations to come. Experience the Huntwood difference— quality you’ll enjoy for years to come. FLS


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Saskatoon: 306.955.8252 Regina: 306.522.3734 Calgary: 403.724.9373 Edmonton: 780.450.1159

huNtWood headQuarters Liberty Lake, WA 800.873.7350

Best of the Best Kitchen Cabinetry

Huntwood Custom Cabinets Lee Ann Smith A-511 51st Street East 306.955.8252


FRESH FALL FLAVOURS The Ivy, a cozy, upscale dining experience in unique warehouse district BY KARIN MELBERG SCHWIER. PHOTOS BY BLACK BENCH PRODUCTIONS. Curtis Korchinski likes to watch. The owner of The Ivy in Saskatoon’s historic and up-and-coming warehouse district is a “hands on” restaurateur. Nothing makes him happier than seeing a full house enjoying the upscale, relaxing atmosphere, excellent food and attentive service. But there’s a time he enjoys al-

most as much and that’s when he’s reminded what he and his partner Jordan, along with their dedicated staff, have created since opening the doors in 2006. “When I lock up at night, I take a few minutes to look around and appreciate the environment that gives The Ivy such

Best of the Best Fine Dining

a cozy and comfortable atmosphere,” says Korchinski. “We love this city. We’re very proud of what we offer to our guests and that’s a high-end, quality dining experience.” Dedicated attention to ambiance, exceptional service, and a passion for serving excellent food and drink creates a memorable experience whether

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of a few critical elements to success. “Know who you are. Select the right menu and don’t try to be all things to all diners,” he explains. “Ensure you have well-trained, quality staff, both at front of the house and in the kitchen.” His mentor in the restaurant industry, Doug Stephen of Wow! Hospitality Concepts in Winnipeg, believes positive reinforcement creates a dedicated, committed staff. Korchinski remembered his advice. “Doug always said, ‘Rather than lighting a fire under someone’s ass, light the fire within.’ I really believe that. He’s definitely the person who gave me the tools and skills to do well.” Korchinski is visible and approachable to both his staff and guests. “You need the right people meeting your guests, making them feel comfortable and welcomed,” he explains. “We’re very proud of our menu. You don’t have to overwhelm guests with choice, just quality ingredients in the hands of an excellent chef is a winning combination.”

it’s for first time guests or loyal regulars. Korchinski, who has lived in Saskatoon all his life, grew up in an entrepreneurial family. Pulling weeds at age 10 for his parents at their Frontier Peterbilt dealership, then working his way up in the family business instilled a work ethic and appreciation for customer service. He took that into the restaurant business, first in the kitchen, then as a waiter. After


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graduation from Bishop James Mahoney High School, he worked in a variety of food establishment that gave him a solid foundation in the restaurant business. “I was a waiter, took reservations, tended bar. It taught me how to multitask!” He went on to managerial roles–at both The Granary and 2nd Avenue Grill– soaking up restaurant knowledge as he went. Now an owner, he is well aware

Best of the Best Fine Dining

Taken with a desire to open their own place, Curtis and Jordan found the building, formerly the site of The Keg Restaurant for 22 years, purchased it and began an 11-month renovation. “Absolutely determined” to make it work, Korchinski said he “wanted to do my mentor proud.” The Ivy concept was born as “west coast eclectic,” with a good balance of meat and potatoes fare for Saskatchewan traditionalists. Salads and pastas complement fish choices like wild salmon, Lake Diefenbaker steelhead trout and freshwater pickerel, a seafood selection with shrimp, scallops, lobster, and crab legs, with nightly specials and seasonal offerings like oysters and mussels. Occasionally, exotic and unique surprises like muskox, ostrich, kangaroo, even rattlesnake and python satisfy the more adventurous palate. Changing menus reflect the fresh flavours and moods of changing seasons. Matthew Sutherland has been with The Ivy for three years, now as executive chef. “He’s phenomenally talented, and he’s earned a great deal of respect from not just the kitchen but the front of the house as well. It’s such a pleasure to have him here. He makes every-

thing, all our dressings and sauces, from scratch.” Sous Chef Carlin Fillmore has been with The Ivy for nearly two years. “He complements Matt in a way I’ve never seen. They make a fantastic team.” Korchinski describes fall highlights the kitchen team has planned. “Wild game is a wonderful addition for autumn; in the past, we’ve brought in caribou, elk and rabbit. Our osso bucco is always a favourite with our guests. An exciting new addition is our duck breast, now served with chocolate mole and sour cherry glaze. On weekends, we feature marinated, slow roasted AAA prime rib of beef.” The Ivy’s open kitchen concept was an intentional design move. “I think it’s important that guests can see where, how and who is preparing their food. It’s critical that the kitchen staff are as polished as our servers. All those elements are part of the experience our guests enjoy.” A creative lounge menu can be paired with a drink at the bar, and a selection of starters and salads can begin a sumptuous lunch or dinner. The diversified wine list presents grape varietals from regions around the globe with over 70 labels to choose from. Great Western beer is offered at an appealing price to support the local brewery. The Ivy also carries Big Rock, Sleeman’s, and various imports from Europe, an assortment varied enough to satisfy any beer connoisseur. The Ivy décor features warm earth tones, understated and comfortable throughout. A corporate salon, with built-in multimedia capabilities, is popular for business lunches and working meetings with space for up to 35. The visually private solarium works for groups up to 30. The lounge, with its stunning back bar, is the place to enjoy an evening with coworkers and friends, and features highdefinition plasma TVs. An original fieldstone fireplace, built in 1979 for The Keg, is still a warm and inviting focal point. Keeping a clear vision as an upscale dining establishment has paid off. The Ivy tends to attract an age 30 and up demographic, often professional people, the double-income-no- kids type who want a higher end classic dining experience. Curtis and Jor-

dan adopted a three-year-old last year “so we know there are a lot of family restaurant options out there!” Korchinski laughs. “But we’re not one of them. We don’t have high chairs or a kid’s menu. By sticking with our vision, people know us and what kind of dining experience we offer.” Something else Korchinski says is important to offer is participation in the local community. The Ivy often contributes as a corporate sponsor in various events like the Mayor’s Gala and the Bishop’s Dinner and Gold Medal Plates. The Ivy donates and lends support to a number of causes. “We’re locally owned and operated, and we love Saskatoon. We live here so it’s important to us to be part of the community and we enjoy supporting the community that supports us. We’re excited that the warehouse district is being developed. We’d love to see another restaurant in this area. Competition is a really healthy thing,” Korchinski says. “We look forward to a long and happy life here. We will open up something new, a different concept entirely, but The Ivy will always be our baby.” The Ivy, 24th Street East and Ontario Avenue, Saskatoon. Lunch and dinner reservations are accepted, recommended for large groups. Ph. 306-384-4444. Hours: Monday–Friday, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.; 4:00 p.m.–11 p.m. Saturday, 4:00 p.m.– midnight, and Sunday, 5 p.m.–9 p.m. for the most current menu and wine list

Best of the Best Fine Dining

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Training centre keeps pace with kid and professional athletes alike BY TAMMY CEASER. PHOTOS BY BLACK BENCH PRODUCTIONS Time and time again Tiffany Armstrong was told she should open her own gym. After working in several facilities, she has learned what works and what doesn’t, and what Saskatoon was missing. It starts with the players’ lounge for kids who had to be dropped off early or wait late for a ride. It ends with college athletes coming back to their hometown of Saskatoon and enjoying a state-of-the-art facility. To call PACE a “gym” is a vast understatement. This isn’t a place where you show off your new yoga pants or shoot the breeze with a smoothie. It is for serious, goal-oriented people to stay on top of their game, perfect their skills, continue conditioning and further their sports education. The skate machine alone can correct a variety of bad habits, and features a large mir-


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ror to watch your form. The coaches also write notes directly on the mirror, so you have constant reminders in front of you listing what needs tweaking or correcting. There is ample space for team training as well, with a large garage door letting in sunshine and fresh air. Every staff member is approachable, positive, and energetic – you feel recharged just being there! “I think the skate treadmill is a great way to get ready for hockey season, and there’s a lot of things to do here, like weight and conditioning workouts. I think it’s great that it helps me improve my skating and at the same time we’re really having fun.” ~Tyler, 13 No matter if you’re a soccer mom, aspiring amateur athlete, or college athlete home for the summer holiday, you are

Best of the Best Team Training

treated with the same respect, positivity and motivation. PACE promotes safe and smart training that gets results and it is a step-up facility for any athlete striving to compete at the next level. PACE also features programs for those with special needs, or trying to bounce back from a sports-related injury with rehabilitation work. All athletes are welcome to book times with a mental therapist, dietician, and coach to excel in strength, endurance, and coordination. All equipment was researched and purchased locally at Flaman, featuring free-motion weight machines, and top-notch incumbent bikes. Even the treadmills raise the bar; not only do they go to an impressive incline of 30 (most only go to 12), they also decline, working different muscle groups. “In the short time PACE has been open I have been able to elevate my training. A facility like this would have been beneficial to my growth and development as an athlete when I was younger. PACE is on it’s way to being a one-stop-shop for the Saskatoon athlete.” ~Riley Armstrong, St. John Ice Caps Additional programs geared toward soccer moms and kids are available as well. Women and men can take part in HEAT (High Energy Athletic Training)—a boot

camp that works with the individual for optimal health and wellness, no matter what fitness level they’re starting at. Coaches will help you through different levels as you progress and achieve total body strength and endurance. And, once again, prepare for more “Tiffinspiration.” Girls aged 10 to 14 can attend “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” session. This hour is for girls to realize their full potential, and set the foundation for a life of confidence, leadership, and happiness. Including help from the dietician, mental trainer and fitness coach, this session can help girls struggling with body image and weight concerns. It can even help girls discover a way to stay active and gain camaraderie in life without being in an organized sport. “This place is just amazing. There’s nothing like this in Saskatoon. This is exactly what kids need today. Tiffany should trademark it. Copyright it. Franchise the **** out of it. That’s all I could think after meeting owner and coach Tiffany Armstrong, and seeing all PACE Athletics has to offer. Forget that it has the largest skate treadmill in the world. Forget that professional hockey player Riley Armstrong and his brother, NHL all-star Colby Armstrong

Best of the Best Team Training

work out here because their big sister is owner. It’s the kids who will get you. Don’t get me wrong, hockey is Canadian, and I love my hockey players. Especially the ones from Saskatoon. But when you see a 10-year-old come bounding into PACE, motivated, pumped and ready to get his butt handed to him by his coaches because he’s aspiring to be like Tiffany’s brothers, it’s pretty darn inspiring. However, it’s apparent why this future hockey star is so excited to be worked to the point of exhaustion—their coach. Not only is Tiffany Armstrong energetic, happy, and the epitome of cool, the drive and faith she has for her youngest athletes is prominent and she positively beams talking about them. These kids have found a mentor, and there’s no one else like her in Saskatoon. Although Armstrong grew up buried by hockey bags, pucks and shin pads, her forte was soccer. Traveling across the world playing then, eventually, coaching the sport, she learned a lot along the way. Provincials taught her a few tricks, playing with the Huskies amped her game up some more, then playing down under in Australia pushed the bar even higher. Coaching in Red Deer, she propelled that team to greatness in Denmark and Sweden. Meeting people along the way,

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more fun so they want to keep doing it. Our rules are simple: to have fun, learn something new every day, and gain strength.” Kids are even given homework, small exercises to help them reach their goals outside the weight room. It could be anything from improving posture to staying positive in a stressful situation. “This summer I was coming to PACE to get ready for city wide hockey tryouts, and I like the skate treadmill. It has improved my skating for the season. PACE is a great place for any sports training.” ~Dino, 12

Armstrong was continuously learning, taking in techniques from other coaches and players in Africa or Norway. Her drive for youth is exemplified through her continuous learning, and her designation as a Youth Leadership Facilitator for CAAWS, the Canadian Athletic Association of Women in Sport. She has also worked with Hockey Canada, which is why PACE has a special niche for that hockey crowd. “I love working with kids and educating them,” Armstrong says proudly. “It’s great working with parents, and showing them what their kids’ goals are, and how they can achieve them. Kids can’t wait to get here, they are excited about it all. Some can barely sleep the night before they’re so excited. It’s awesome!


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They have great motivation and we work them really hard. We’re not easy on them! “I think this gym is a very good way to stay in shape. The skate treadmill is great to develop your stride. In the time I have been doing this, it’s made me a way better skater.” ~Ashton, 12 Their work doesn’t stop at the gym floor. On the first visit every athlete has to do a fitness test. After this initial test, they meet with coaches then have additional access to a massage therapist, mental trainer, and dietician. “The coaches, therapists, and dietician are all here because we have similar values, we’re all driven to help everyone who comes through the door,” Armstrong explains. “Our goal is more than getting kids fit, it’s making it

Best of the Best Team Training

“I feel like I’m doing this for myself more than the kids; I love to see the kids succeed, and I’m so proud of them,” Armstrong says. She even goes to their tryouts, encouraging them from start to finish. She doesn’t see an end in sight though; she intends to have a lifelong clientele. With what she’s accomplished in a short amount of time, this won’t be a difficult task. Just take a look at the next generation of NHL hockey stars training next to the college alumni at PACE: 11-year-olds Ethan and Noah, focused, sweating, and smiling. Yes, indeed, Saskatoon, your sports inspiration has arrived, and it’s here to stay. FLS PACE Athletic Training Centre Owner Tiffany Armstrong 337 Edson Street 306.974.2134 Find us on Facebook and Twitter




Capelli Salon Studio offers pampering, luxury with an Italian flair.


Best of the Best Pet Products

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ur pets are part of our family, and they depend on us as their guardians to nourish and protect them. We want to give them the very best possible care—a healthy diet, toys to help them stay active and tasty, nutritious treats. Pet Planet University Heights has knowledgeable staff and a full range of products to meet your needs.

We’ll do it ourselves Pet Planet is a Canadian franchise started by a family in Calgary with roots in Saskatchewan. They lost two dogs to cancer, and their sadness prompted them to research ways in which they could protect their pets’ health. When they researched the pet food that is widely available in grocery and big box stores, they discovered that they contained undefined animal by-products, chemicals and artificial preservatives. That wasn’t satisfactory. They wanted to serve healthy food with natural in-


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gredients to their animals. When they couldn’t find what they were looking for, they opened their own store. Pet Planet now has 38 stores across Canada, and all of the franchise operators play an active role in their stores’ operations.

A new store in University Heights When Dennis Wehner walked into a Pet Planet store, he was looking for advice on nutrition for his two dogs. Who would have guessed that he would soon be operating his own Pet Planet franchise? Dennis was eager to move home to Saskatoon. After meeting with the founders of Pet Planet, he realized that opening a franchise in University Heights would be a valuable addition to the new neighbourhoods in northeast Saskatoon. Pet Planet University Heights opened in December 2010 and is open seven days a week, 363 days of the year. “We want to

Best of the Best Pet Products

be a neighbourhood store so that people won’t have to leave their community to get their pet food,” explains Dennis. “We’re open till 9 p.m. on weekdays, and we only close on Christmas Day and New Year’s.”

Healthy food and treats Pet Planet believes that superior nutrition is the key to preventing many health issues and improving the health and longevity of all pets. The store offers a wide range of carefully-selected products to suit every animal’s needs. Pet Planet sources as many products as possible from Canadian companies. Many of the producers own and operate their own plants. They are able to source their own ingredients and control the production process in order to provide a higher standard of pet food. The store stocks a wide range of products for different sizes and breeds of dogs and cats, as well as different ages.

There are whole-grain or grain-free foods for pets with allergies and low glycemic options for diabetic animals. The products come in many different formats, from frozen raw meat to kibbles, freeze-dried or canned foods. There are plenty of healthy treats as well. Large dogs will appreciate the enormous beef bones, while smaller dogs will spend happy hours chewing on a bully stick or an elk antler and cats will clamour for the freeze-dried cat treats. There are dental chews to keep your dog’s teeth in good condition. The store also carries a wide range of supplements. There are glucosamine and joint supplements for older dogs, and supplements to help animals cope with anxiety or digestive upsets. The store stocks bird seed from Alberta as well as a variety of products for rabbits and hamsters. There are also lots of toys, pet carriers and cat perches.

Nutritional consultations and education All Pet Planet employees receive training on pet health, nutrition and care. “We’re here to help people make sure that their pets are getting the right food and that the guardians are happy with that food,” Dennis says. Every animal’s needs are different, so Dennis and his staff have a comprehensive checklist that they use to help you choose the best food options for your pet. Your pet’s age, past health problems, activity level, skin and coat and possible allergy symptoms will all be taken into consideration in recommending the best possible diet for your family friend. In addition, an information wall carries a wide range of educational materials to help you choose the right kind of dog for your family’s lifestyle, address destructive behaviour, or manage a health problem.

Kali’s Wish Cancer Foundation The founders of Pet Planet know from per- sonal experience how devastating it can be to lose an animal companion to cancer. They founded Kali’s Wish, a non-profit foundation, to actively pursue programs to eliminate cancer in our animal friends. The foundation supports research, education and awareness programs to help people understand, prevent and treat cancer in animals. Its ultimate goal is to establish a world-class wellness facility that offers the latest in research, education and complementary healing programs for our beloved pets.

Healthy food at healthy prices As a franchise, Pet Planet is able to use its large-volume buying power to offer customers the lowest possible prices. “We offer everyone the best possible price right from the start,” Dennis says. In addition, The store offers an easy-to-use reward program on overall purchases and a frequent feeder program for dry kibble as well as vendor-supported specials. Pet Planet University Heights looks forward to getting to know you and to helping you make good health decisions for your pets. “At Pet Planet, nothing is more important to us than your pet’s health.” Be sure to stop by and visit. FLS Pet Planet University Heights 102-1824 McOrmond Drive (306) 242-7221

Best of the Best Pet Products

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l to r: (front row): cliff warlow, JiM huziek, Jacqueline herle, christian Brizard, danny pilon (Back row): chris krahn, curtis neufeld, scott kliewer, tyler Boisvert, Mark MaMchur

Martensville coMpany on the leading edge of insulation technology BY BRADEN DUPUIS. PhotoS BY BlAck BENch PRoDUctIoNS


t’s no secret that winters in Saskatchewan can sometimes be less than ideal. Sub-zero temperatures, endless snowfall and bone-chilling wind speeds all conspire to make the masses miserable for five months of every year. Though sometimes it’s inevitable that you face the frostbitten tundra of the arctic prairies outside, there’s no reason why you can’t spend the majority of the drawnout winter months seeking solstice inside your comfortable, fully insulated fortress.


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Jim Huziek knows full well the importance of a well insulated home. His company PolyPlus Insulators Inc. has been insulating homes and businesses around Saskatoon, Martensville and Warman for the better part of two decades. Started from his Martensville basement in September of 1996, PolyPlus began as a modest operation, initially serving just one contractor. Since then it has grown into a certified one-stop-shop for any and all insulation needs, and serves more than 30 contractors in the area.

Best of the Best Insulation

PolyPlus Insulators are fully equipped to handle all types of installations, whether it’s batt, blow, poly or foam. Huziek’s dedicated team has all the necessary ingredients at their disposal to get the job done, and there is no project too big or too small. With little need to sublet anything, PolyPlus is able to pass the savings down to the consumer. One of the most recent innovations in insulating technology is the use of spray foam, something that Huziek sees as

becoming the industry standard in five to eight years. The foam comes at a higher installation cost, but will save customers in the long run. Most home builders who choose foam insulation will see their investment returned within four to eight years, depending on the size of the home, and nearly all of PolyPlus’ foam customers have reported a significant drop in their heating bills, something that any Saskatchewan homeowner can appreciate. PolyPlus uses only the best foam insulation product on the market, a non-formaldehyde foam that is wind resistant, has a built in vapour barrier and poses no threats to the health of homeowners and their families. PolyPlus Insulators Inc. has found success through its back-to-basics customer appreciation. Open and honest with every detail, practical and efficient in every execution, Huziek and his employees treat every customer as if they were a life-long friend. Every house they work on, they treat as if it were their own home. In today’s age of information on-thego, consumers are more informed than ever before. They know what they want, when they need it, and have little time for excuses, which keeps Huziek and his charges constantly on their toes. In a world of fierce competition there is little room for error, and PolyPlus insulators are well aware of that fact, which is why they go above and beyond to fully satisfy the customer’s every request. Punctual and concise with their dealings, PolyPlus insulators keep the customer informed at every step. On the rare occasions that they may not be able to make an appointment on time, they make a point of notifying the customer beforehand.

PolyPlus Insulators are fully equipped to handle all types of installations, whether it’s batt, blow, poly or foam. huziek’s dedicated team has all the necessary ingredients at their disposal to get the job done, and there is no project too big or too small.

Best of the Best Insulation

Huziek and his company are also well aware that they owe a great deal of their success to the communities and homeowners they serve, which is why they take great pride in their ability to give back to the communities that support them. Every year, PolyPlus donates more than $30,000 to minor sports programs around Saskatoon such as minor hockey, junior fastball, and SASA softball Saskatchewan—anything to help keep

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kids active and involved. They also provide generous donations of money and food to various charities in and around Saskatoon. Huziek doesn’t hesitate to give credit where credit is due when it comes to the topic of his company’s success. “It’s not just me,” he says. “It’s the tradesmen that work for me. They’re the company.” PolyPlus now employs 13 full-time, fully qualified, knowledgeable and professional installers, who are ready and willing to adapt to anything the customer may need. Leading the team is Huziek’s longtime friend and new business partner Cliff Warlow, who has worked for PolyPlus for more than eight years and joined the ownership side of things in January 2009. Warlow is the type of veteran installer who


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companies and customers dream of, with the kind of knowledge and experience you can’t put a price on. Huziek and Warlow expect nothing but the best from their team of installers, and it shows in the quality of their work and their consistently stellar track record. Today, PolyPlus Insulators Inc. services 32 contractors in and around Saskatoon, and hasn’t lost a single one in 15 years of service, a true testament to the strength of the company’s unique brand of homegrown quality and service. Gross sales figures are an astonishing 200 times larger than what they were in the company’s first year of life, and the growth shows no signs of slowing. Huziek and his team are preparing to move their operation into a

Best of the Best Insulation

brand new, 4,000 square-foot warehouse that will house offices and employees and help them to better serve the needs of their many customers. But despite the continuing growth, Huziek and PolyPlus will never forget where they came from or what has made them into such a certified success: friendly, Saskatchewangrown service and an unprecedented commitment to the customer. FLS

Poly Plus Insulation Inc. Jim Huziek Box 4, Martensville 306.222.9332


Best of the Best Restaurant (new, upscale/casual)

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Saskatoon welcomes a new hot spot for contemporary and casual dining. Located just off Attridge Drive and steps away from the bustling communities of Willow Grove, Forest Grove, Sutherland, Erindale, Arbour Creek and now Evergreen, Rock Creek Tap & Grill has opened its doors to the Saskatoon public. This is the second location in Saskatchewan for the Rock Creek Restaurants Group. The concept was developed and opened in Regina in 2006 150

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by Stu Rathwell with the emphasis on bold southern and Asian flavours and has transformed into a fusion of west coast cuisine with southern influences. With word of mouth travelling fast, the restaurant and bar has seen a steady flow of curious foodies, after-work professionals, and neighbouring families. First time customers can expect to see, smell and taste some amazing menu items. Customers heading to the lounge can choose from a variety of draft beers, tasty cocktails or

Best of the Best Restaurant (new, upscale/casual)

a long list of wine by the glass and bottle. The restaurant’s doors have been open since mid-summer and franchise owners Jim Beck and Neeraj Naidu have already seen a bevy of familiar faces coming in regularly with friends, family and coworkers.

West Coast Food Infusion Enjoying the Rock Creek culinary experience is easy given everything on the menu sounds delicious, although choosing just

one thing could require some heavy consideration. Customers can expect to find a variety of seafood, fresh flavours and for some a little bit of sizzle and spice when considering their menu item of choice. Standard favourites are also found in the mix, including some large-and-in-charge burgers that include everyone’s favourite, yam fries. With most of the menu made from scratch, Rock Creek ensures their food quality is bar none. “High food quality is the standard for selecting menu items in addition to great taste and how distinct the flavours are and that is precisely how we think it should be,” Jim says. Now, getting Jim to choose his top items takes more than a few minutes of contemplation and discussion but he manages to finally decide: WOW Factor! Appetizers: Firecrackers A delicious sweet and savoury burger: Brie and berry turkey burger Something a little spicy: Hoodoo Jambalaya

Contemporary Dining Enjoy dining in Saskatoon’s kicked-up casual restaurant and bar. Upon entering Rock Creek visitors will notice the warmly lit walls, with a mixture of dark flooring, distinct stone features and cozy seating. Moving from the restaurant to lounge, unique paintings are featured by Saskatchewan Artist Jason Robins throughout and are well balanced against the clean lines and minimalistic feel of the whole space. Contrast and complementary colours flow between the various materials, including granite counter and table tops, faux alligator covered booth seating, and hard wood flooring used in both the restaurant and lounge side. The Rock Creek design was completed by Gisela Boersch, owner of Ambiente Interiors in Regina. She focused on making the restaurant an, “upscale neighbourhood restaurant and bar—a meeting place for all occasions to be enjoyed by all age groups.” With the initial design concept of the Regina Rock Creek to compare with the Saskatoon franchise wanted this location to stand out and be distinctly different.

“I think we accomplished what we had set out to do with the atmosphere,” states Jim. “Rock Creek is a place where people can hang out casually after work, for lunch on the weekends or dressed up for a night on the town.” Intimate seating and an abundance of booths and private corners helps maintain the warmth in the contemporary space, not to mention some help with a see-through, builtin fireplace. The restaurant and lounge clearly has created an area to suit many needs, appropriate and inviting to different customers, groups and events.

Additional Features Some additional features of Rock Creek Tap & Grill include their areas for group bookings. A contemporary semi-secluded space for meetings or private functions to the left of the restaurant offers a spacious area to enjoy your event. In the lounge, a raised seating area is available to reserve for any occasion, while still being open to enjoy the rest of bar area. What else is great at Rock Creek Tap & Grill? The service. From entry to exit, the staff at Rock Creek has been trained to exceed customers’ expectations of an overall dining experience. From years of experience in the hospitality industry, Jim knew exactly what he was looking for in staff. “We hired attitude first because I knew we could teach our staff the skills they needed to be successful in their roles.” Having that mentality has worked, Jim insists his management team and staff are some of the best qualified with “kicked-up casual” personality in Saskatoon and are part of the reason customers come back; they get the full service package—amazing food,

Best of the Best Restaurant (new, upscale/casual)

great ambiance and attentive and professional staff. “Everyone in our company is a CEO or Customer Experience Owner!” With many years of experience in the hospitality and service industry Jim, Neeraj and their partners are excited and confident about bringing Rock Creek to Saskatoon. “To our many new customers we extend a humble thank you for demonstrating your overwhelming support with your patronage. To those who have yet to visit we extend a warm invitation to experience Rock Creek. We look forward to an opportunity to earn your business.” Rock Creek Tap and Grill is open for lunch daily at 11:00 a.m. Rock Creek Tap & Grill #1021820 McOrmond Drive Saskatoon, SK 306-979-7337

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


l to r: allen Bussiere, ron sielski, kent mccullough, grant walters

Bring style and comfort to your home with quality doors and windows BY Ashleigh MAttern. photos BY cAndAce epp


on Sielski, part owner of Saskatoon Doors and More along with Tony Orosz, knows this better than anyone. The company has been replacing and installing doors and windows in Saskatoon homes since 1986. “With doors there’s a multitudes of different styles,” Sielski said. “It is the first thing people see when they come up to


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your home so it’s nice to have your own personal touch.” But the doors and windows you choose for you home don’t just have a aesthetic purpose. New technologies in doors and windows can save you time and money. Unlike the wooden window frames found in many old homes, the new PVC

Best of the Best Windows and Doors

or fibreglass frames don’t need to be repainted. Just wipe them down and you’re done. This is especially handy for those hard-to-reach second floor windows. And if you choose a warmer glass, that is to say a glass with more panes and the right coatings, you’ll save money on your energy bills.

Wrapping fiberglass door for shipping “I would recommend getting the warmest glass possible because it will reduce your energy costs and the amount of condensation that does form on the glass,” said Sielski. “Different coatings can be applied to the glass that will reflect the heat into your home during the winter and out of your home during the summertime. The space between the glass can also be filled with an argon gas to increase the warmth of the glass.” A triple pane glass not only encourages beneficial heat transfer, it also reduces outside noises. Making practical choices is always important, but so is personal style.

Bending cladding for exterior door frame “In the new home market, black is popular for colour, and having what we refer to as simulated divided grills,” he said. “[The grills] simulate the 1930s and ‘40s look, where you had individual panes of glass.” Saskatoon Doors and More does “pretty much anything you can see through or walk through,” and that includes interior doors. Some of the more popular trends in interior doors include molded face doors and traditional shaker panel style doors, which again harken back to the styles of the 1940s. “People want something that’s quite simple, with clean lines,” said Sielski.

Best of the Best Windows and Doors

“We’re seeing a little more resurgence in the stainable doors in the interiors. People are wanting the warmth of the wood look back. Their attention to detail puts Saskatoon Doors and More apart from the rest. Rather than ordering their doors exclusively from larger centres, they have the capability assemble doors right here in Saskatoon. This gives them the ability to create custom entry and interior doors. As anyone who’s had doors or windows replaced knows, the installation can be inconvenient, but Sielski says Doors and More keeps their thoughts on the customers’ comfort from the minute the consultation starts.

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“We try and fit the new windows and doors to the exiting openings rather than having to alter the openings to fit a standard size window or door, therefore it’s very little disturbance,” said Sielski. “We also make sure everything is cleaned up as we had found it when we’re finished.” Their customer-driven model has led them to win the Consumer Choice Award in the doors and windows contractor category two years in a row – in 2010 and 2011. They want to help customers find the right fit for their home and budget, and that often means sitting down with the customer to explain the different options in doors and windows, weighing benefits with costs. “We don’t try to sell them a Cadillac when all they can afford is an Impala,” said Sielski. “Everybody does have a budget; I haven’t met anybody who doesn’t.... We try to tailor to budgets and needs and show them pricing, and they can decide where they fit and what the advantages are.” No matter what your budget is, Doors and More literally guarantees quality work


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with their warranties, and this confidence in their work in due to their great team. Sielski and Orosz both have years of construction industry experience, and the majority of their staff members have been with them for five years or longer and are journeyman or apprentice carpenters. “They’re qualified not only by our standards but by the inter-provincial carpentry standards that they’re working towards or have certificates for,” said Sielski. “They take pride in their work.”

in Saskatoon proves they’re a contracting company you can trust. They’re competitively priced, and in addition to offering services for all windows and doors in a home, they also have a line of door hardware, like Wiser and Emtek locks. Visit their office at 2-859 60th Street East, just off of Millar Avenue, or check out their website at for more information. FLS

A house without windows and doors wouldn’t be much of a house at all, and in the crazy Saskatchewan climate, having quality windows and doors is incredibly important. Not only can they add style and class to your home, they also play a huge role in home comfort. “The way I look at it, is that it’s something that allows natural light into your home, and it’s the window to the outside world. The warmer your glass, the more comfortable you can be inside.” Whether you need windows and doors for new construction or renovation, Saskatoon Doors and More’s long history

Best of the Best Windows and Doors

Saskatoon Doors and More Tony Orosz 2 - 859 60th Street East 306. 242.7550




ow many times have you been trying to plan an outing, and nothing sounds particularly appealing? Enter the famous line from your outspoken friend, “Let’s just go somewhere else.” That place has been around since 2002. It’s always a good time!

Quality in the Neighborhood Located in the Avalon Shopping Centre on Broadway Avenue South, Somewhere Else Pub & Grill has a magnetic-like force that keeps drawing the community back and new customers in. With the business continuing to flourish, they attribute their success to several things, one of those being consistency.

While some restaurants can be a hit-andmiss for food, Somewhere Else serves up impressive cuisine time and time again, including beef and bison burgers made in-house and delicious prime rib for their beef dip. They are also famous for their great soups, especially their Seafood Chowder which is available on Fridays. Two daily soups are always on starting at 11 a.m. for the ravenous lunch crowd. Hopefully you come on a day when the ever popular turkey dinner soup is being served. It’s the staff favourite. One spoonful and you’ll think you’ve been transported back to grandma’s house for a thanksgiving feast. There are also daily specials that are just as tantalizing as the soup, and an array of fresh choices on the menu.

Best of the Best Pub & Grill

If you head there on Wing Wednesdays, be sure to go early as they are known to have the best wings in town. Fridays also provide a packed house, with the weekly Steak Special. Somewhere Else Pub & Grill’s AAA Sirloin is a wonderful way to end off the crazy work week, in a comfy atmosphere with keg taps flowing. With an intent focus on quality and presentation, you will always be pleased with your menu choice. Don’t forget to save room for their unique home-made desserts, like the peanut butter pie and the feature cheesecake—something you don’t normally find on a pub menu. Every dish is prep-intensive, with as much care added to the meal as every special ingredient. Customers have said that they are constantly inspired to try something

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Somewhere Else pub & Grill’s AAA Sirloin is a wonderful way to end off the crazy work week, in a comfy atmosphere with keg taps flowing.

new, because everything looks so darn good!

Serve with Verve Tending to the wide variety of beverages and the best pub food around are some of the greatest staff in Toon Town. With friendly and experienced team members at the front of the house and behind the scenes in the kitchen, owners Darwin and Nissa enjoy a low turnover rate. Kudos to them! All staff members are seasoned pros, and most of them have been employed with Somewhere Else for years. The philosophy for high staff retention? Pretty simple: just provide a working environment that is outright fun with an ambiance that is enjoyed by both the staff and the customers. Somewhere Else is definitely established as “The Place To Be.”

Always up to Something Now, where are you sitting when you enjoy that succulent steak or fajita’s for two? Home to various renovations— including the tropical patio—the 150seat restaurant is modern, comfortable,


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Best of the Best Pub & Grill

warm and inviting. The décor is unique to Saskatoon, and sets the laid-back, funlovin’ atmosphere as soon as you enter. Take note: if you go there when one of their many bands are performing, the main entrance can become a part of the show. If you happen to walk in when the band is between songs, don’t be surprised to become part of friendly banter from the stage! Even though the place looks great, Darwin and Nissa have plans for additional renovations in the near future. This transformation will include a new bar, and more space to house a ten-tap keg system.

kick it up a Notch Featuring live bands every Friday and Saturday with no cover charge, Somewhere Else is connected to the music scene of the city. Darwin and Nissa book both local and out-of-town players, bringing Saskatonians smooth blues, sexy jazz and classic rock favourites. There is even a dance floor that will get you up close and personal with the band so bring your dancing shoes. Other live music nights featured are the Jam Sessions every Tuesday night starting around 7 p.m.

Featuring live bands every Friday and Saturday with no cover charge


With this kind of music and entertainment, most assume that Somewhere Else is just a bar. In truth, it is actually a restaurant and lounge. Being designated as a restaurant allows families to bring the kids in until 9 p.m. It really appeals to the more mature crowd and young families. Within walking distance of several neighborhoods such as Avalon, Adelaide/Churchill and Queen Elizabeth and just a five minute drive from the new Stonebridge area, they recognize the importance of a night out for the entire family, and welcome everyone, with, of course, the exception of the family beagle.

of Saskatchewan festival, which they have been part of for the past two years. Serving up yam fries with chipotle dip, their pub spuds and mango chicken wrap was one of the highlights of the summer for everyone involved.

Somewhere Else Pub & Grill is open Monday through Saturday, and you can guarantee if the Riders are playing, there’s a cheering section in attendance, with the pints cooling. See You Somewhere Else! FLS Somewhere Else Pub & Grill Owners: Darwin and Nissa McMaster 2605 Broadway Avenue South (In the Avalon Shopping Centre) 306.652.3233

Darwin and Nissa are pros at keeping their eye on the ball, making every moment at their establishment a great experience for staff and customers alike. This positive attitude is one of the reasons they are a favourite booth at the Taste

Best of the Best Pub & Grill

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


FROM SOUTH CHINA TO 1ST AVENUE SOUTH Family gem business puts the shine in Saskatoon



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ong Kong, possessing heat and humidity that make skin glow around the clock, towering buildings housing thousands of companies, and millions of people. In this thriving metropolis over 10,000 kilometres away, one family began an adventure in the jewellery business. Now 42 years later, this fourth generation store has become the most dangerous corner in Saskatoon. Time and time again pedestrians slam on the brakes as they catch a flash of prismatic light through the window’s display case. South China Jewelry has, once again, caught someone’s eye.

Out of this world South China Jewelry boasts the largest inventory of gems in the province, with over 1,000 certified diamonds. Every ring you see is completed with the real deal; Canny Yeung and his staff know that diamonds, not cubic zirconias, are a girl’s best friend! Yeung is also excited to showcase two new additions for the diamond family: the Wonder Cut and Meteor Cut. The Meteor Cut diamond is literally cut like that of a meteor, with points and prisms of light shooting out like a band of playful laser beams. An amazing investment and completely unique, only 100 of these scintillating stones have been made. The only ten in all of Canada are featured in South China’s exquisite settings.

Family Jewels Knowing the best sources and where to shop is crucial, and buying internationally takes many years of experience. “After examining thousands of different gemstones thoroughly, I will only purchase the ones that meet my expectations in quality and price,” says Yeung pointedly. “Sometimes I will purchase all of them and the other times, none.” After showing a customer an exceptionally striking 2.5 carat emerald, he says he doesn’t necessarily have to sell it. Holding a true appreciation of gems, he bought it because he loves the stone. “And if I don’t sell it, I still have an exquisite gift for my wife!” Yeung says with a smile. This is really is a family business, and enjoying fine jewellery runs deep. He explains. “With all the ups and downs on the stock market, jewellery is one thing that remains constant or increases in value, and it continues to please the owner. Compare the price of gold from a few years ago. Wealthy people know.” And those wealthy people do know; they wouldn’t go anywhere else for a Rolex. With surpassed expectations in quality and beauty, Swiss designers, gem setters, watchmakers and chemists have been providing watches to the affluent for over 100 years. These luxurious timepieces are brought in by South China especially for Saskatchewan’s esteemed crowd. This is appreciated, as the sophisticated elegance of the Rolex cannot be equaled.

Plant a small seed and it will grow Diamonds take an extremely long time to form, requiring the perfect conditions and decades of patience to discover. Usually

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the largest stones have the richest history, and it’s a similar story for Yeung. From humble beginnings at his first store in Lanigan, Canny appreciates what he has today. Immigrating in 1985, he had relatives that went to larger metropolises across Canada, while he chose a much smaller centre in Saskatchewan. Today, he’s the only one left, and he proudly showcases this with his trademark, “LJCY,” which stands for “Lanigan Jewelry Canny Yeung.” This stamp—engraved on every piece of jewellery before it leaves the store—signifies more than entrepreneurial spirit; it expresses his family’s livelihood. With a family of goldsmiths, South China is more than a store with gems, it is a gem! South China features everything from classic engagement rings to custom work; repairs on your existing jewellery, appraisals, even diamond cutting. A couple is always welcome to walk in and look at the beautiful assortment of rings in the showcase; there’s a wonderful selection, and it’s a most enjoyable conundrum to only pick one. But like diamonds in their raw form, some of the real treasures remain hidden. Under the glittering showcases, Yeung houses a dazzling line-up of loose stones. Featuring spectacular diamonds boasting flawless clarity of up to two carats, the more creative buyer can design an incredibly unique ring with South China staff’s thoughtful guidance. Designing a setting, then choosing specific stones and engravings, each step is carefully considered


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and planned out, making the final product an extraordinary and perfect treasure.

Brilliance equals excellence Colour, clarity, cut, and carat: these are the elements that make a great diamond. These factors provide the sparkle, pushing

out rainbows of light, bringing the “wow” factor to the forefront. Most of the larger diamonds at South China are GIA (Gemological Institute of America) certified. While this wasn’t as common 15 years ago, now it is a regular occurrence for customers to receive a select amount of education in conjunction with their purchase. Established in 1931, GIA is known as the world’s authority on all gemstones, pearls, and diamonds. GIA provides lab services, research and education to the public. Because of its commitment to quality, South China is happy to show buyers how to read and understand an appraisal. For the well-travelled buyer, walking into South China is a delight. They see items unique to Saskatoon, are enthralled at the surprising high calibre of merchandise. Yeung has been told that his store belongs in Los Angeles, New York, or Las Vegas. He’s not concerned about that. What’s missing from your ring finger, or not decorating your décolletage is his concern. Since 1986, Yeung and his family have been bringing “ring bling” to the people of Toon Town, and we couldn’t be happier with the results. FLS

South China Jewelry Midtown Plaza 306.931.3328

Mike, Shawn & Jessy


FineLifestyles SASKATOON


Let’s face it, most cars on the road range from the ‘ho-hum’ to the ‘it’s nice enough.’ Occasionally, though, you’ll see a car that really turns heads. A car with the low growl of a finely-tuned performance engine, or after-market style that makes a statement people won’t soon forget. If you want your ride to be the latter, you owe yourself a trip to Speedtech Racing Development at 811 51st Street East. Yes, the expertise to turn the ordinary into the spectacular exists right here in Saskatoon. Whether you are just looking for a little bit of chrome or rubber to accent your wheels or you want to turbo-charge your baby with a fully-built forced induction setup, Speedtech has you covered. Owner Shawn Helmer, himself with many years of experience transforming the ‘ho-hum’ into the ‘oh-yeah!’ has hand-picked a team of some of the top technicians in Saskatoon who specialize in imports, trucks, diesel performance, forced induction, off-road performance, customization and all motorsports—drift, drag, slalom, road racing, time attack, etc. “We do everything from regular maintenance to custom fabrication, on any make or model,” says Shawn. “Turbo setups, engine swaps, lift kits, air ride, wheels and tires—you name it, we can do it. Apart from offering the widest variety of products in town—ranging from simple bolt-on solutions to fully-built forcedinduction setups—Speedtech strives to offer its customers the technical support and insight required to make informed decisions. They pride themselves on a high degree of customer satisfaction, and are continually striving to improve the range of products and services they offer. “I’ve had 16 vehicles done by Speedtech, everything from cars to sports cars to lifted trucks to bikes,” said Richard Worth, a longtime Speedtech customer and Saskatoon business owner. “Every time it’s the best of the best. I wouldn’t go anywhere else.” You might be tempted to think it would just be easier to get your dealer to do your upgrades. Maybe, but deal-


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ers offer a limited range of products and services. With Speedtech you can get exactly what you want versus what the dealer is able to sell you. “We not only carry and stock all of the top brand names at a competitive price, but we also have hundreds of special order brands available to fit every enthusiast’s needs,” says Shawn. Your imagination is really your only limitation because Speedtech also does custom fabrication. If what you’re looking for only exists in your head, the talented and skilled staff at Speedtech can probably make it. Furthermore, Speedtech’s in-house technicians are not just mechanics; they are motorsport enthusiasts and hands-on engine builders with a love for performance and a dedication to maximizing product potential. Having logged thousands of hours building and tuning engines, the team has also worked closely with many drag

and road race vehicles to further develop and test the products they offer. You will not be a guinea pig for novice workmanship at Speedtech. Of course, the depth of experience and services offered by Speedtech might seem like a little bit of overkill if you’re just thinking about adding a little flash to your ride. Not to worry, the friendly gang at Speedtech is just as happy to help you make the simplest modification as they are doing complete overhauls. And their expertise extends to knowing just what works and doesn’t work for any make and model. Speedtech was founded in 2007 by individuals with more than 25 years of combined experience in the sport compact/ European performance industry. The highly qualified team enables Speedtech to fulfill the growing need of a premier facility to offer high-performance products and expert installations, tuning and fabrication. With expanding product lines for all makes and models of sport compacts and SUVs, they are ready to meet the ever-

changing needs of the automotive industry. The trained staff offers years of acquired knowledge along with the latest technology available. Whether it is ecu-tuning or motor installations, Speedtech is in Saskatoon to raise the industry standard. They also have a spacious showroom that showcases all the newest products and lines. The expert staff can guide you to your first modification through to your comprehensive build. FLS

Speedtech #3 811 51st Street E Saskatoon Toll Free: 1.877.956.0077 Phone: 306.956.0077 Fax: 306.956.0074

FineLifestyles SASKATOON




FineLifestyles SASKATOON

In July 2010, Tequila Nightclub exploded onto the Saskatoon nightlife scene with a mix of upscale ambiance and high-class entertainment. The city’s trendsetters lined up along 33rd Street and around the corner down Alberta Avenue, to get a look at the posh digs and groove to the beat of some of the top celebrity DJs on the planet. Just over a year later, the buzz has not abated, as Tequila has solidified its niche as the pinnacle of Toon Town’s club scene. “We’re reinventing this space so that it’s unlike any club or ambiance in Saskatoon,” said Simon Papadopoulos. “It’s in the realm of clubs you’ll find in some of the world’s largest cities, like New York and Los Angeles. We wanted to create a club where the crowd can party with class.” With a culture and dress code Simon describes as “safe, sexy and stylish;” a litany of big name draws such as The Black Eyed Peas, Drake, Calvin Harris, Travis Barker,

Pauly D, Mix Master Mike and even Brent Butt; and a sophisticated, unrivalled drink menu, it appears they have succeeded.

Safe With all that, plus stunning architectural features, chic dÊcor, and great food, the tequila team has a lot to be proud of, but one of their greatest sources of pride might not be what you would expect from a nightclub—safety. It starts with clientele. Right from opening day, the club has courted a mature, classy crowd with its mature, classy atmosphere including VIP tables, champagne bottle service, red carpet and hardwood dance floor. Ample security in the form of suited doormen who, unlike traditional tough-guy bouncers, are trained in customer service foster a sense of ease. State-of-the-art outdoor lighting makes it seem like daylight around the club into the wee hours. Finally, as part of the makeover of the club, the owners brought everything in the building up to code, as well as, improved

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the fire exits and washroom capacity.

Sexy Nightclubs are, of course, for dancing. And nowhere in the City of Bridges can you get your groove on like Tequila. From the raised DJ booth where four in-house DJs spin a high energy mix of the hottest dance vibes, to flashy chrome lighting rising above the spacious, open dance floor, to the professional, attractive staff and fashionable dress code, it is the perfect atmosphere for strutting out your best moves.

Tequila seeks to create an experience that invites you to come back again and again.

Environmentally friendly And when it comes to details, Tequila’s owners spared no expense in making the entire building eco-conscious. Waterless urinals save water and LED lighting throughout dramatically cuts power usage. State-of-the-art exterior lighting also reduces their carbon footprint.

New for 2011

Visit for details

NIGHTS College nights Ladies’ nights Theme nights

EVENTS Large concerts

“We’re here to build a Tequila culture that includes a respected clientele who are being served by employees who feel like they are part of the Tequila team,” Brian explained.

Saskatchewan’s first Co2 smoke machine. VIP Mezzanine for high rollers. New LED lighting. Brand new 40” widescreen. New addition to Ladies Washroom.


Pumping up the volume

Style is in the details, and Tequila’s management has paid attention to the details since day one. From the polished elegance of LED chandeliers that greet guests as they enter the club to the open kitchen, visible from the dance floor, to a menu of light fare that tantalizes the taste buds,

Just entering its second year, Saskatoon’s hottest club has already established itself as the place to see and be seen. So, strap on your dancing shoes and let the music move you as the Tequila team ramps up for its greatest season yet. FLS


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Special shows

BOOKINGS VIP entrance for your entire party Regular table reservations Vegas-style bookings Special concert group parties

TMG ~ THE MORTGAGE GROUP Your national neighbourhood mortgage experts BY LORI EMDE. PHOTOS BY CANDACE EPP


ore and more people are benefiting from the savings a mortgage broker can provide them when financing their home. It doesn’t matter if it’s a new purchase or refinancing for their current home, if they are not getting the lowest rate possible they are paying too much— it’s that simple! Many Canadians are switching from their local “bank” and exploring what a mortgage broker can do for them. This is the reason why consumers today are using a mortgage broker; “it’s money in their pocket.” For example, if you have a rate of 4.5 per cent (or higher) on your current mortgage we can save you approximately $15,000 on that same mortgage just in five years alone! Why would you want to pay the bank more interest when you don’t have too? The good news is “you don’t have to pay more.” In addition to providing the lowest possible interest rates a broker will provide free financial advice. When a client comes in to discuss their financial affairs, we take a look at their entire debt load and show them ways to lower their overall payments and help them reduce credit card payments. Some clients may have impaired credit, we realize that sometimes bad things happen to good people and having access to more than 50 lenders, when one says no another may say yes. A mortgage broker studies all the banks’ products and offers their clients the best possible option. That’s what Lori Emde is all about. Her company, TMG The Mortgage Group does your research for you and matches you with the best option.

Lori Emde of TMG

Best of the Best Mortgage Broker

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


“What If” Comparison MORTGAGE CRITERIA




Mortgage Amount




Term (Yr/Mth)







0 0.00


Amortization 25 (Yrs)


Regular Payment













Principal Paid

Lori has worked in the banking industry since 1989. She discovered that making her customers happy by helping them to get a mortgage approved was her niche and decided to work specifically in the mortgage industry. After working 15 years for the bank, she was then offered a partnership in a privately-owned national mortgage company. The company was looking to expand its network across Canada and gave Lori the opportunity to grow Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In 2005, Lori took on a business partner to help grow the business. She continued brokering and her new business partner, Bud Jorgenson, became the broker manager and training mentor. They started with nothing and today have grown to 100 brokers and a fund in excess of half a billion dollars. TMG Canada is one of the largest privately-owned mortgage providers with over 800 brokers across Canada. Earlier this year, TMG was recognized as the “National Mortgage Broker Network of the Year” at the Canadian Mortgage Awards in Toronto. Lori says, “At TMG we create a culture of family as we spend special times together with our brokers and with our clients. Each year we take the top five per cent of our brokers across Canada to a warm destination along with their spouse. We also host a Christmas party and golf tournament. This year we dedicated our


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Lori Emde and Bud Jorgenson

golf tournament to help raise funds for one of our clients. “ TMG brokers care about their clients, and the following story shows how much they care. TMG broker, Marina Fedoroff , was helping a client, Trish Isherwood, who was suffering with MS. Trish needed to raise funds to undergo liberation treatment and has to travel to California for this surgery. The cost would be $20,000. Trish and her family had already raised $5,000 through another fund raising event. During the TMG Golf Tournament, we raised $4,000 through our sponsors and TMG brokers. TMG Charitable Foundation gave the remaining balance of cash that Marina’s client needed. Trish came by the TMG Office and picked up a cheque in the amount of $15,000. She and her husband are on their way to California to undergo her surgery. The TMG office is located at 506 Queen Street, and has undergone extensive renovations to make your visit more enjoyable. Built in 1914, the redesigned office retains its character, and provides a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere. At TMG, brokers not only look out for the best options financially for their clients but also do what they can for the families wellbeing. Please stop by for your financing options. The coffee is always on! FLS

Best of the Best Mortgage Broker

The Mortgage Group Lori Emde 506 Queen Street Saskatoon, SK 306.477.3987

Cheque presented to Brynn Boback-Lane (CEO) of the Children’s Hospital Foundation of Saskatchewan (white outfit), by L to R: Melissa Bodnar & Jana Raskob of Swank Shoe Lounge and Leslie Klassen (far right) of Leslie Klassen Realty Executives Saskatoon

LOCAL BUSINESSES SUPPORT CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Melissa Bodnar and Jana Raskob from Swank Shoe Lounge and Leslie Klassen of Realty Executives Saskatooon hosted a benefit for the Children’s Hospital Foundation on July 28, 2011. The event was held at the Radisson Hotel and the evening entailed appetizers, cocktails, a massive silent auction, a presentation from Tim Biggins, and musical entertainment featuring the duo We Were Lovers and musical artist Jordan Cook and Chris Cole. ‘Hearts For Our Hospital’ was a success with a grand total of $10,014 raised which will contribute to building Saskatchewan’s first children’s hospital! To those who attended the event, thank you for supporting this important cause and for your monetary donations. A big thank you to those individuals and businesses who donated auction items, services, time, and talent to make the benefit a success: The Radisson Hotel Saskatoon, Hillberg & Berk c/o Rachel Mielke, RSVP Weddings & Event Design, P.R. Productions, Karyn Kimberly Photography, Janes Floral Dreams, Blended Jive Paint & Decor, Rayacom Inc. Print & Design, Realty Executives Saskatoon c/o Wayne Zuk, Sous Chef, The Co-operators c/o Harvey Klassen, Mint Fashion Company, Lululemon Athletica, Wheaton GM, Midwest Cosmet-

ic & Laser Surgery Centre, Celestial Photography, Jason Bomboir, Dutch Growers Fashion, TD Canada Trust c/o Ebani Timmerman, Frank & Lucy, Bath Goddess , Mano’s Restaurant & Lounge, Momentum, Avocado Restaurant & Lounge, Stella & Dot c/o Aimee Morgan, The Parktown Hotel, Skin Deep Cosmetics, Serenity apparel, Frakas, North Shore Outfitters & Next Generation Outfitters, Cravings Kid’s Lifestyle Boutique, Salon Twist, Vaughn Wyant Automotive Group, Tequila Nightclub, J-Marquis Hair Design, Cupcake Conspiracy, O’Shea’s Irish Pub, Avalon Auto Service, NLT, Diaper Cake c/o Jodi Charles, Frankly Scarlett Boutique, Craig Leontowicz, and Realty Executives c/o Slade Desrochers. A special thank you to ‘We Were Lovers’ and ‘Jordan Cook’ and ‘Chris Cole’ for providing the wonderful entertainment! Lastly, a heartfelt thanks to Tim Biggins for sharing his story and connection to Saskatchewan’s first children’s hospital. We hope you can attend our next ‘Hearts For Our Hospital’ benefit 2012! Together, we CAN make Saskatchewan a better place for our children!” FLS




ince opening their doors in October 1989, Ultimo Euromoda has brought world-class fashion to the city of Saskatoon. When the store first opened it only sold men’s clothing and almost all products were European. At the time, Barry Flynn was not able to carry some of the collections already found in the city because other existing stores had exclusive rights; this forced Barry to find new labels that no one had heard of before in Saskatoon. What initially appeared to be a detriment eventually became Barry’s biggest asset distinguishing his store to what it is today. The ability to access new products and predict upcoming trends has helped Ultimo Euromoda earn the title of Best Men’s Clothing five years in a row in Saskatoon. In 1970, thirteen year old Flynn had the opportunity to work for his father when Elwood Flynn was getting ready to move into a new exciting location in Midtown Plaza mall. “In those days they didn’t have sidewalk sales to move out excess inventory and they had odds and ends in the storeroom just sitting, so they opened up the store room through the summer and I sold the merchandise” explains Flynn. It was during this period that he admittedly got hooked on the thrill of the sale. Flynn credits his father’s guidance as being the most important factor in his decision to make retail his chosen profession. “His friendly manor and quiet elegance put people at ease and their trust in his taste level was a wonder to behold. I watched how people interacted with him and I wanted to have that ability too” Barry reminisces. Flynn is also thankful for his relationship with his mother Joan who also owned a retail store that sold shoes until she retired in 2000. Flynn credits a lot the store’s success to the young men and women who have worked for him within the Ultimo family. “I like seeing them excel in their various fields and a lot of


what they learned at Ultimo, helped them sharpen their social skills and ability to communicate passion for what they do” says Barry. He believes what is important in life is family and close friends. “I love to come home to my family every night and when I leave the store, I try not to take work home with me” explains Barry. Flynn likes to turn to his wife, confidant and best friend whenever he has to face any big decisions because she has excellent intuition and reminds him of the practical elements that need to be considered. Barry and the team at Ultimo take calculated risks when choosing what selections to offer the city of Saskatoon. “Many of my customers travel worldwide for both pleasure and business, and they chose to spend their money with me, which I take as a huge compliment and I try to not let them down” comments Flynn. Ultimo Euromoda is a 1750 sq foot boutique that carries both mens and ladies’ collections and also shoes, bags, and accessories. Some of the key collections include Boss, Orange, Belstaff, Sand, J. Lindeberg, Andrew Marc, Leathers Religion, Ringspon, House of Gods, Karv, Andrew Marc Leathers and Will I Am.

Fashion Highlight Collections For the men Sand is a collection imported from Denmark and is known for having an exceptional fit and producing innovative styles. “It is very similar to Boss but a slightly sexier tone to the overall look” comments Flynn. It is the third year that the store has carried the collection and the following is really starting to increase in Saskatoon. Belstaff is a British company founded in 1924 and is the first clothing company to make waterproof riding coats for motorcyclists. It has since become the outerwear company of choice for Hollywood A-listers such Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Harrison Ford, George Clooney, Christian Bale, and Johnny Depp both on and off the big screen. J Lindeberg “In the year 2000 our store was the

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1st Canadian account to carry the brand” states Flynn. What he saw the original, athletic, and sexy collection at the Hardrock in Vegas; he knew instantly it would be perfect for his clients. 11 years later, the brand is known worldwide and is one of the most desirable. “I have had great luck sourcing from the Scandinavian countries and Germany because the clothes fit Canadian men better than any other European countries” explains Flynn. Bikkembergs Owned by a former pro soccer player from Belgium, this collection is Barry’s personal favourite to wear. Carefully crafted in Italian production, the militaristic and athletic brand accentuates a man’s build. Everything from shirts to suits can be found in Ultimo, only 1 of 10 Canadian stores carrying the collection. Andrew Marc New York This leather line has been carried in the boutique since the beginning in 1989 and is the only collection still carried from the original line up of designers. The leathers are soft and supple and really fit. The company reputably has the best quality leather for money spent.

For the ladies Mek Denim “In over 30 years in business, I have never had a jean line that fits more women and make curvy women as happy as this one” insists Barry. The repeat business on this line is the highest in the store. D.e.p.t A collection from Belgium, it is best described as being similar to Mexx but with an even higher quality of fabric and craftsmanship. “I like this collection because it is exclusively only sold to boutiques and is very affordable” Barry explains. D.E.P.T

Rudsack Rudsack’s signature look is one of sleek, minimalist, city-inspired dressing for women. The Canadian company has a great pulse for what is happening and has great product made here in Canada. House of Gods This line pays tribute to classic artists in vintage inspired styles by House of Gods. The British line features rock t-shirts featuring legends such as Clash, Debora Harry, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and others. Belstaff Women Ultimo is proud to be one of eight authorized dealers in Canada carrying Belstaff. Seen in music videos, the big screen and every day wear, the motorcycle inspired brand has been spotted on celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman and Hilary Swank . Flynn credits the store’s success and happy clientele with their formula for excellence: spend whatever it takes to fit every garment perfectly, give great wardrobe advice and not try to sell the most expensive items but the right items to each and every client. FLS Ultimo Euromoda 204 3 Avenue South Saskatoon, SK S7K 1L9 (306) 664-6640


ErasE thE chill factor this sEason with BudgEt Blinds BY TAMMY CEASER


linds, shutters and shades all provide a different style and function, but if you knew that a beautiful new set of shutters could save you heating costs, why are you still sitting there freezing, and not visiting Kim and the staff at Budget Blinds? Shutters have immense value, as they become a fixture in decorating, or “furniture” of the window. With options to recreate trim, a vast array of custom coloUrs, and PVC, WoodLore or wood finishes, customers can design to their heart’s content. Wood shutters can provide an impressive sound barrier too, absorbing a multitude of noises. WoodLore is an MDF product coated in polypropylene, an energy- and ecoconscious product. With no off-gassing,

this is popular choice for families with children or pets. Traditional or contemporary widen the design choices for every homeowner, and you can choose to accent with drapes. The openings between shutter panels can be custom set, with the norm being around two-and-a-half inches. However, people with a flair for design have the freedom to adjust that, with slats over three and four inches. Shutters are also a dream to clean, with wide, strong surfaces to wipe dust and debris with little effort. Keep in mind that shutters have the permanent factor, so if you prefer a wide open window this may not be the perfect option for you. Have no worries, the team at Budget Blinds have tonnes more to show you!

Best of the Best Window Covering

Eclipse/Trilight Blinds provide the best of both worlds, with one window covering incorporating a sheer, pleated shade and a cellular shade. With its endless color choices, energy efficiency attributes, glare reduction and bonus UV protection, the Eclipse/Trilight is considered a no-brainer by some clients. There is also the added factor of privacy from the sheer against daylight, so you can keep your eye on the little ones in the backyard without them even knowing! Diversity is another great product, keeping it cooler in the summer and warmer in winter. The noise muffling qualities could be compared to that of an inch barrier of Styrofoam, quite an impressive feature for those living in a high traffic area, near busy bus route, or are unfortunate enough

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


“Budget Blinds allowed us to put up practical blinds that have turned out to be a real show piece! You would not expect people to walk into your brand new home and the first thing they compliment is your blinds. After the blinds were installed we were literally in awe! Kim Lang’s casual expertise allowed us to make an informed decision without feeling pressured. And she had a lot of practical advice when it came to safety for our little boy. Kim asked all the right questions to ensure we got something that fit not only our taste, but our lifestyle. We felt she had our best interests at heart and respected our budget. A very positive experience.” ~ lisa & colin dutton, saskatoon, sK to have loud neighbors. Probably one of the favourite qualities of this shade is how easy it is to clean. There’s nowhere for dust to settle, so a pass with a vaccuum is all that’s required, and they are good as new. For families considering this option, Budget Blinds staff always suggest ordering the cord-free treatments, or even a motorized option. Your child’s safety is always at the forefront with Kim and her staff.

getting it done Budget Blinds has been around for 20 years, but they are a fresher face to locals here. Inspired by her brother who worked for the company in Alberta, it became a family affair when Kim’s parents bought in after seeing many benefits, and then the business brought Kim to Saskatoon in 2008. With a family of her own, Kim is proud of her staff, and works with them like an additional family unit.


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Sheri is the coordinator, keeping it all flowing smoothly, organizing 24/7. She can be relied on to answer the phone with a smile, direct customers and staff accordingly, and as her boss says, “is just fantastic.” Sheri also matches customers with salespeople who can help them the best, and is always friendly with customers.

A Budget Blinds installer, Vanessa is one meticulous gal. She pays strict attention to detail, being respectful of the clients and their home. Vanessa strives to do the job right the first time, and is the go-to gal for specialty work. A member of the Team Canada female wrestling team, Vanessa moved here from Calgary, and is known for her positive, goal-oriented nature.

Karen is described as the most patient person ever, which is a wonderful, albeit rare, trait for a salesperson. Featuring a background in interior decorating, Karen even trained others in the craft. She has designed and created soft drapery for years, and provides functional and stylish designs for each and every client. She treats each client professionally with understanding and finesse. Originally from North Battleford, Karen achieves fantastic results for customers time and time again.

Paul is originally from Saskatoon and wears many hats in the Budget Blinds business. He is a talented installer, as well as a great salesperson, and owner. Bringing many years to the team as an installer, Paul has a great eye for seeing a finished project before it’s even started, and has stylish success with customers.

Best of the Best Window Covering

As manager and owner, Kim has done it all. While she can even do installation, she’s mostly found in the office, or on the sales floor. She also operates the customer service end of things, and does

l to r: Paul, KiM shEri, VanEssa, KarEn

the office books. All staff is under her care and supervision, and she’s quick to keep them on task! Never resting until a job is done, she can be found working until the customer’s requests are fulfilled.

signature colours Budget Blinds’ private label, Signature Series offers the best pricing over big box stores because of their size and buying power. Their warranty is nothing short of amazing, with a five-year, no-questionsasked warranty, compared to the industry standard “limited lifetime warranty.” Kim also calls this the “life happens” warranty, as people who receive the warranty often thank her, but say they won’t need it. Little did they plan on the impromptu company with a pet that wrecked drapes, or splashed strawberry daiquiri that stained immediately. It’s a wonderful peace of mind option, and it doesn’t matter what happened. From excited pets to creative kids, party people to crazy cooks; it’s all covered!

Bringing the store to you

specialty items at Budget Blinds, visit their showroom to see more.

Budget Blinds’ in-home consultations are a delight for clients. It is low pressure meeting, with their consultants helping you reach your design goals, providing a plethora of colour chips and design ideas. In the comfort of your own home, you are provided with a new set of eyes, taking in lighting and décor. They will work with you to establish what designs will make the best impact, and be there to provide input and guidance, but you will always have the final say in what you want.

Budget Blinds is committed to Mother Earth, featuring “Green by Nature.” The combination of people striving to create a healthier environment, coupled with processes designed to divert as much waste back into production and keep it out of the landfills, and products that save energy, aid in UV reduction, and use recycled content in manufacturing are proud contributions. All of these factors benefit customers, and Budget Blinds is proud to be “Green by Nature.” FLS

Budget Blinds also provides a range of home accents, featuring throw pillows, area rugs, benches, headboards, valances, and other soft treatments. A very specialized product they carry is the Tableaux Faux Iron. This can be used as a designing centerpiece in the most unique areas, for example, a chandelier casing. Designers also incorporate Tableaux into window art, or use it as an elegant room divider. There is a number of

Kim Lang 102-2834 Millar Avenue 306.242.5706 1.888.98.BUDGET

Best of the Best Window Covering

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


Glenwood Auto proud of experienced stAff woman behind the service counter still unusual in male-dominated business colleen etter Service conSultant

BY Karin MelBerg Schwier. photoS BY heather fritz


t’s 2011. Still, Colleen Etter is a bit of an anomaly. As a service consultant at Glenwood Auto with 22 years of experience in the auto service industry, she still gets the odd look from some customers who assume there must be a man they need to speak to about their car. It doesn’t take them long, though, to realize the depth of her knowledge about what might be ailing their vehicle. “Sometimes I get someone who sees me at the counter and asks to speak to a service consultant,” says Colleen, who came to Glenwood four years ago after 18 years with Wheaton Pontiac. Her husband, Bob, works there as a technician and when family dynamics—they have two teenage daughters—called for more flexibility, Colleen found a smaller company a better fit. As the only female service consultant at Glenwood—five in total, including owner Rob Scott—Colleen doesn’t feel the need to represent her gender. Rather, she just focuses on helping customers.

Some Glenwood Customers Come In And Specifically Ask For Colleen’s Help. “She Is,” Rob Says, “One Of Our Lead People And Is As Competent And Qualified As Anyone On Our Staff.”


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Best of the Best Auto Repair/Detailing

“I don’t try to be anything but a service consultant,” she smiles. “As soon as we start to talk about throttle position sensors or exhaust gas recirculator valves, customers realize that I know my job. Sometimes, it takes customers who grew up in an era when women just didn’t have jobs like this a while to feel comfortable. I never take it personally if a customer would rather talk to one of the men.” Instead, Colleen retains a healthy sense of humour. As one customer picked up his freshly serviced car, he waved to the staff and

This fall, Glenwood offered a car clinic for women to familiarize them with the garage and service bays, and teach them basic survival skills like how to check the coolant, how to change a tire, and how to check the oil. yelled, “Thanks, fellas!” Colleen laughed and said, “Hey, you guys hear that? I’m one of the fellas!” Colleen’s father ran Eastside Autobody and she worked there after earning a university degree in Fine Arts. In the 1980s, she took the job with Wheaton. She learned so much there, but was happy with a move to Glenwood, a company with “a good reputation for honesty and fairness.” Glenwood Auto has been serving Saskatoon for almost 40 years. Owner Rob Scott took over the company from his father, Jim, and today there are 28 employees. Rob is “very proud” to have Colleen available to serve customers. “Nobody likes to get repairs done on their car. When something breaks down, you want to be confident in who fixes it. It’s like going to the dentist without the physical pain. With her experience and skill, Colleen has the respect of all our staff, including our technicians,” says Rob. “She is proficient in handling diagnostics and maintenance and translates ‘mechanic speak’ for our customers into terms they can understand.”

Colleen believes one of her roles as a consultant is to prioritize the vehicle repairs needed, particularly when cost exceeds budget. “Customers know their vehicle,” she explains. “Even if they don’t have mechanical skills, they know when something doesn’t feel right or doesn’t sound right. My job is to discuss their concerns so I can relay this information to the technician in order for them to make the right diagnosis.” This fall, Glenwood offered a car clinic for women to familiarize them with the garage and service bays, and teach them basic survival skills like how to check the coolant, how to change a tire, and how to check the oil.

worry, you’re in the right place!” So, I have to ask the question. Does Colleen work on her own car at home? Change the oil? Rotate the tires? Flush the cooling system? “Are you kidding?” she grins. “No way! My husband’s the technician. I could break a nail!” Glenwood Auto Service at 101 Jessop Avenue offers a full range of automotive services, including maintenance, diagnostics, repairs, windshields, and automotive detailing. They offer an on-demand Prius shuttle service with minimal wait time. Ph. 306-374-3551. Visit: FLS

Some Glenwood customers come in and specifically ask for Colleen’s help. “She is,” Rob says, “one of our lead people and is as competent and qualified as anyone on our staff.” This particular afternoon, an older customer put his elbows on the counter and put his faith in Colleen’s hands. “I’m sorry,” Felix said. “I just don’t know anything about mechanics, so I’m hoping you can tell me what’s wrong with my car.” Colleen smiled and said, as they headed out to the parking lot, “Not to

Rob Scott 101 Jessop Ave 306.374.3551

Best of the Best

FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Auto Repair/Detailing





s you walk into the local branch, they acknowledge and greet you with a smile; you are the focus of undivided attention. They listen, take suggestions and issues seriously. They take responsibility and refer you to experts, respond within time frames, go beyond, and exceed your expectations. It is no wonder that member-owners of Affinity Credit Union feel such, well, affinity with their financial institution. “We don’t just perform financial transactions, we establish and nurture relationships with our members. We want to see our members succeed so we work with them to realize their financial goals,” says Mark Lane, chief operating officer. With seven branches in Saskatoon alone, Affinity Credit Union is a


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

financial institution with style, and a different style it is. With 44 branches province-wide and 95,000 members, Affinity is the second largest Credit Union in the province, yet they still understand that “life comes first, and financial planning, stability, and security are just a means to an end.” They also promise to listen and then respond with honesty and respect. “We have exceptional employees, and our services and responsiveness are providing tremendous growth and market share, and people are taking notice!” added Lane. Affinity’s revolutionary vision, mission and values enshrine cooperation, accountability, communication, community impact, employee satisfaction, financial strength, product and service excellence, and professional conduct.

Best of the Best Bank

Affinity offers extensive services to their members including ATMs across the province, TeleBanking, TeleService, competitive products, free financial and investment planning and through the Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation, deposits are fully guaranteed. Member ownership, unique to credit unions, offers patronage allocation so that members share in the profits, voting rights, and eligibility to run for Board election. “We are delivering the products and services our memberowners not only expect and want, but are also meeting their needs now and in the future,” says Linda Moulin, senior vice president, corporate development. Affinity Credit Union is well aware of your busy lifestyle. To offer more

“We Are Delivering The Products And Services Our Member-Owners Not Only Expect And Want, But Are Also Meeting Their Needs Now And In The Future” ~ Linda Moulin, Senior Vice President, Corporate Development

convenient service to their members, Affinity is enhancing hours of operation at all Saskatoon and area locations. By staying open later and offering service on Saturdays at five branches, Affinity is responding to its members growing expectations and needs. With profits staying in the province, Affinity positions itself to give back to its community. Local district councils bring members’ voices to the decision making tables, ensuring that at least three per cent of pre-tax profits go directly into community causes, providing sponsorships, donations, and nontraditional loans. Affinity provides funding to community projects in the areas of health, youth, environment, affordable housing, and arts and culture. Employees also volunteer in a variety of ways to create positive change. Affinity has been the recipient of local and national awards and has been recognized for community investment. Most recently, Affinity was the recipient of the 2011 SABEX Award for Excellence in Community Involvement presented by the Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce. “We do share a common interest with all of our stakeholders – our members,

Best of the Best Bank

our community partners and our staff. We strive to partner with each of these groups in ways that promote success and well-being. We are committed to making a difference in the lives of our members and staff and in the communities we serve. That’s what Affinity is all about – service and commitment close to home,” says Moulin. At Affinity, they are not only working for their members, but with their members, to bring about growth and financial security for them and their families right across Saskatchewan. Affinity Credit Union’s commitment to the province is a breath of fresh air in our Land of Living Skies; 100 per cent member ownership ensures that this memberdriven philosophy will continue to thrive. FLS

Affinity Credit Union Corporate Office: 205-128, 4th Avenue South Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 306.934.4000

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


UniqUe WanUskeWin exhibit on throUgh october– Glass Forest Transports Viewers To Far North And Prairie Vistas by karin Melberg schWier. photos by black bench prodUctions


f glass could talk, you’d hear the wind rustle through poplar and pine as an eagle soars overhead, the slap of a jackfish leaping for a fly at the surface of cold water, the rumble of bison, the yip of a red fox at the water’s edge. You might hear the whispers of spirits deep in a quiet stand of white, peeling birch. A remarkable art exhibition on now at Wanuskewin Heritage Park might just transport you to places on the prairies and boreal forest you’ve always wanted to experience. Castle Designer Glass of Saskatoon is showcasing the work of two of their own artists who created 16 large one-of-akind painted glass panels and intricate pieces inspired by their heritage and youth in Saskatchewan’s north. The pieces honour wildlife, nature and the aboriginal perspective. Each artist has a distinct style, but the show has a complementary, cohesive sensibility. Owner/artist Janet Parkinson shares her artists’ passion for designing elegant and distinctive glass creations, each of which many consider a masterpiece. Castle’s architectural


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Best of the Best Glass

glass collection, slumping (kiln formed) and fine art airbrushing create stunning unique glass pieces. “I am proud of our glass art works and I was looking for an opportunity to showcase our work,” says Janet. “My desire was and is to approach galleries with a sampling of our art collection. Wanuskewin Heritage Park gave us that opportunity. Knowing the calibre of art both Gary and Erin can create, I suggested we create a collection of both foliage and animals, and so the Glass Forest was born. Both of them enjoy creating works reflecting nature. We want people to discover the endless possibilities in how glass can be transformed into stunning functional, architectural art pieces.” Artists Gary Natomagan and Erin LaLonde work at Castle and create both artistic and functional glass pieces like backsplashes, wall-mounted and freestanding art, glass walls, dividers, door inserts, signs, logos, raised counters and even furniture. It’s clear glass isn’t just something to look

through, but rather to experience as a creative expression. Castle has the talent, experience and creative motivation required to complement very specific environments and design elements, Janet explains. Virtually anything that can be conceived, drawn or described can be artfully incorporated into any space. “Our designs can be configured for most architectural applications to enhance the vision of architects, designers, business owners and homeowners who are seeking truly unique solutions,” she says. Gary grew up in Pinehouse. He always knew he wanted to be an artist. “I grew up with that talent.” He loved drawing northern wildlife and often was caught doodling in school instead of doing his assignments. “I got in trouble many times for that,” he laughs. “But it’s all there in my head.” He only began working in glass two years ago but has already has mastered techniques in glass slumping, fusing and back-painting. Erin LaLonde, who grew up in a “rustic lifestyle” around Big River, remembers drawing all the time as a child. Without a television, she entertained herself by

drawing animals and nature. When she went to work at Castle Designer Glass in January, she couldn’t believe that “I could do art as my job and get paid for it!” The Glass Forest exhibition was a cause for artistic abandon. “We did individual pieces, but worked on some of the pieces together. I would draw something and slump it, then Gary would paint it, or the other way around. We get along so good and work together really well.” Aside from the remarkable glass panels, some five feet high, Gary and Erin also contributed other pieces to the show. Gary’s compelling drawing, “Kokum” simply has to be a tribute to his own blood? “Nobody I know,” he admits. “She was just in my head.” What does Gary hope people will take away from the exhibition? “I don’t know,” he laughs. “It’s just something I like to do. I just hope people like it.” His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada , visited Wanuskewin recently and was presented with an art glass piece hand painted by Gary. “It was a stunning depiction of buffalo on the prairie,” Janet says. Erin’s favourite in the exhibition? She has

Best of the Best Glass

a soft spot for the three bison. “The calf I did by myself but Gary and I worked together on the male and female.” But it’s one of Gary’s pieces to which she feels the strongest connection. “I know Gary’s jackfish gives me such a homesick feeling,” she says a little wistfully. “It makes me want to go up north, go fishing and have that way of life again. I just hope people enjoy the show and discover what inspires them.” As for Janet, she wants people viewing the exhibit, and Castle’s other creations, “to discover the endless possibilities in how glass can be transformed into stunning functional architectural art pieces,” she says. “Creating art through glass is truly three-dimensional and breathtaking.” Visit the Glass Forest exhibit at Wanuskewin northeast of Saskatoon on Penner Road. FLS

Castle Designer Glass Janet Parkinson 840-47th Street East 306.477.0098

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


room, one of the largest in the city! Rodney and his staff go above and beyond with exceptional customer service. The staff is trained as trusted flooring advisors, with an emphasis on listening and helping, not selling. The staff will take the time to know you and understand what flooring styles will suit your lifestyle. They are excellent resources in the floor covering industry. Whether you need flooring for one tiny room or your entire house, End Of The Roll is sure to have a huge in-stock selection for you to come see and touch!


The in-stock inventory is what makes End Of The Roll different and it’s what makes us great. You don’t need to work with tiny samples, and wait weeks for your flooring to arrive. There are rolls and pallets of high quality, classic styles in stock today. You actually SEE what you will be getting. And you can take it home today.

wenty-five years ago, in 1986, an idea was born to create a flooring store specifically for cash and carry carpet and vinyl. The name that best suited the idea at that time was… End Of The Roll.

kets in western Canada penetrated, in 1997, it was time to expand into Ontario. The selection of flooring available to customers now includes hardwood, tile, cork, area rugs, laminates, vinyl, carpet and more!

The store had immediate success and within only a few years, there were four locations around the Vancouver, B.C. region. By 1995, 12 stores had opened in B.C. and Alberta. With many mar-

End Of The Roll in Saskatoon has been a great success since Rodney Mellquist took ownership in 2001. He has recently expanded to include a brand new Tile & Hardwood show-


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Best of the Best Flooring

End Of The Roll’s vision is to provide customers with a pleasant experience when purchasing flooring by having knowledgeable and friendly staff, an appealing warehouse filled with inventory, and the most competitive prices in the industry. Canada’s flooring leader has grown to over 50 locations across Canada with each one providing exceptional value on the latest flooring choices. Whether you are a home-

owner, builder, or contractor, our dedicated staff can help you with your flooring considerations. We invite you to drop by anytime to discuss your requirements!

in for our special 25th Anniversary Event and save big on hardwood, tiles, cork, area rugs, laminate, vinyl, carpet and more! They’re all in-stock right now. FLS

End Of The Roll works directly with North America’s leading manufacturers, ordering large quantities for our multiple store locations. And that means that we can pass the savings on to our customers. We have always operated with the customer in mind and built our business to be able to offer you, our valued customers, great prices on carpet and flooring. We have North America’s best brandname flooring at End Of The Roll prices!

End Of The Roll. Where brands, selection, and value come together.

Our Customer Service doesn’t end with you choosing your flooring; we will help you schedule your installation, provide product education, and choose accessories. End Of The Roll believes that your experience with us should be nothing but the best. We want you to tell your friends that we are a company that stands behind our products and services (each locally-owned franchise is part of the End Of The Roll family and being a part of each community is important to us). We invite you to come and experience the neighbourly feel our Saskatoon flooring store offers, and see what truly makes us different. Customer satisfaction is our number one priority!

Come visit us at: End Of The Roll - Saskatoon 74 - 33rd Street East Phone: (306) 683-3600 Store Hours: Mon–Wed: 9–5:30, Thurs: 9-8, Fri: 9-5:30, Sat: 9–5 Winner of the Consumer Choice Awards for Top Flooring Store 2010, Top Flooring Store 2011 & Top Flooring Distributor 2011. Given the thumbs up by We are a Preferred Company for Flood Restoration & Insurance Jobs and work with some of the top Home Builders in Saskatoon.

25 years and still going strong End Of The Roll is celebrating 25 years of brand name flooring, for less! Come

Best of the Best Flooring

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


foCUs on sUCCess A Gym With A Passion For Your Fitness BY danieL daLman. Photos BY BLaCK BenCh PRodUCtions


ne of the most crucial ingredients for success, in any endeavor, is almost universally agreed upon to be focus. Focus not on failure; focus on the positive. Focus on the end result. Focus on the task at hand. What the owners, trainers, and staff of one of the best gyms in Saskatoon have been reminding their clientele for years is to focus on fitness and have thus helped them meet their goals and succeed. Fitness Focus has been in business in the north end of Saskatoon for close to 10 years. In that time its dedicated team of trainers, managers and staff has transformed both their customers and their business, making it the go-to destination for fitness in Saskatoon. With a management team including owner Tammie Teneycke and managers Marla


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Andres and Garret Blackwell, the gym is delivering on expectations.

Family focus This family-oriented facility founded in 2002 by Tammie and her late husband Jason continues to operate with drive and passion, which is what has made Fitness Focus what it is today. After suffering the loss of Jason in 2010, the facility remains dedicated to providing a unique and wellrounded fitness experience. Team Wawryk provides professional personal training, an exclusive one-on-one training program run out of Fitness Focus spearheaded by Vince Wawryk. Offering elite personal training services, Vince’s team of trainers, both men and women, conduct one-onone sessions to help their clients achieve their goals.

Best of the Best Fitness Facility

The atmosphere in the nearly 20,000 square-foot space is friendly and inviting. Garret Blackwell, a manager for six years says the focus on maintaining a personal atmosphere within the gym creates meaningful relationships with each and every client. With a staff dedicated to creating this atmosphere,

L to R: owneR tammie with staff, maRLa and GaRRet

it is nearly impossible to enter the gym and not be recognized, encouraged, and supported by the staff. This sense of community is abundantly clear in their team of professionals and trainers, front desk, and office staff. They believe the key to their success is this idea of family and community. Whether participating in group fitness, sports training or childcare for members, those taking advantage of the gym know who they are working and training with and can take solace in the fact that they are in good hands. Extra bonuses this gym provides, such as tanning facilities, juice bar and pro shop are meant to give their customers everything they could ever ask for. Members have gone on to compete in iron man competitions, strong man competitions, complete marathons and endurance exams, all with the help and support of the Fitness Focus team.

No contract required The gym has high member retention because they believe they create an environment that will bring people back. This mentality of providing a space so irresistible to their clientele is why the gym operates without contracts. They understand that forcing a client to stay doesn’t work well for the client or for Fitness Focus. Providing an engaging atmosphere and second-to-none service encourages members to stay, and says a lot about the business. These factors benefit the client in many ways: no more waiting out contracts, no jumping through hoops, and you know the service will never suffer because they “have you locked in.� In addition to this policy, the gym offers drop-in options, senior rates, student rates, corporate and basic rates that are affordable and efficient, suited to every budget and lifestyle.

Best of the Best Fitness Facility

Through these special qualities and along with their work with various community organizations such as the Easter Seals and Cosmo Industries, the true spirit of this establishment shines though. By striving to be the best, and by focusing on the customer, the client, and the community, their members, in turn, can truly focus on fitness. FLS

Marla Andres 1250 Ontario Avenue 306.244.6413

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


Jeff Sorensen and Kristy Sorensen-McLauchlan


Furniture World is Not Your Average Furniture Store BY ASHLEIGH MATTERN. PHOTOS BY HEATHER FRITZ


urniture World opened its doors in August of 1990 and is celebrating their 21st anniversary in Saskatoon this year. They attribute their success to being a family owned and operated business. Jeff Sorensen says being family-owned and locally operated has everything to do with their great customer care. “We’re pretty proud of the fact that we are a family owned store,” he said. “We’re small town people in the city; our start all came from the small town of Meadow Lake.”


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

From the minute you walk into the store to the time your furniture is delivered, Sorensen aims to give customers a comfortable, stress-free experience. The sales staff is non-commissioned, so you “don’t have five salespeople clamouring over you to see how fast they can sell something.” And they personally deliver the furniture so they can control the entire buying experience and ensure the safety of the furniture. Sometimes salespeople can put a lot of pressure on consumers to buy something they don’t want, but at Furniture World,

Best of the Best Furniture

the focus is on the customer. “Our staff are more decorating consultants than they are salespeople,” said Jeff. “We want people to come into your home and say, “Wow, who helped you tie that together? Most of our customers are repeat customers, which says a lot about our ability to help people properly.” Staff will help you find furniture that is right for your home. Their 37,000 square-foot show room has furniture in every shape, shade and size you can imagine, and nearly all of it is customizable. Even better, customizing your furniture usually doesn’t

cost more and sometimes even costs less than buying what you see on the floor. Furniture gets a lot of wear and tear, so for Jeff, only offering quality furniture is key. Some of top brands they carry include Thomasville, Lexington, Hooker, Durham, Dinec, and Canadel. “We won’t bring a product into our store that as customers ourselves, we wouldn’t be comfortable buying,” said Sorensen. “A lot of people are under the assumption that you have to travel to the big cities to get those designer looks, but you can get it here, right in your own backyard. We resource the same suppliers that the big cities do. You don’t have to travel to Calgary and Edmonton to shop.” Furniture World has the widest selection of La-Z-Boy furniture available in the city,

and they have a large number of Canadianbuilt products and manufacturers. “Canadian-manufactured products are among the most respected for quality in the industry. If you deal only with imported products, those countries might not build it to meet a Saskatchewan winter.” Wood needs to be dried properly so that it won’t crack or warp in the cold, dry weather. A manufacturer in Quebec or Ontario understands harsh Canadian climates and builds their furniture to meet those demands. Buying Canadian-made furniture also means you’re supporting your fellow countrymen, and saving the environment by ensuring the furniture hasn’t travelled half way across the world to get to you. If you’re looking for a relaxed shopping experience where knowledgeable staff

Best of the Best Furniture

will help you find the styles that are right for you, Furniture World is the best place in the city to go. Their focus on individual design advice and customization means you’ll always find furniture that is a perfect fit. “We like to know we’ve done our job well,” said Jeff. “Even though we’re in retail furniture, our job isn’t just to sell furniture, it’s to help our customers decorate their home properly. We want them to feel that every time they walk into that room, they are more happy today than they were yesterday.” FLS

Furniture World 831 2nd Avenue North Saskatoon, SK 306.664.2323

FineLifestyles SASKATOON




FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Best of the Best Home Decor


hen people think about interior decorating, so many words are flung about. Modern, rustic, country, shabby chic, and mid-century are just a few of the numerous adjectives used to describe the styles of homes we live in. When it comes to Saskatoon’s interior furnishing market a new business has started which promises to have the word on everyone’s tongues be classic. While, in the past those searching for mid-century modern furniture have had to travel out of province to find the right pieces for their homes, Saskatoon now has its own source for such furnishings. The saying that good taste never goes out of style was coined because of businesses like Nebula Lighting and Home Décor. Bringing its own touch of fashion, high class, and affordable prices, this Saskatoon store is reminding the decorating masses of how to do things right. Think: classic style, quality craftsmanship, and competitive prices. Nebula Lighting and Home Décor offers all of this in its Broadway location. Bringing affordable luxury to every budget, this new store brings classic features and timeless design to Saskatoon.

This recently launched, locally owned, and family operated business gives customers a selection of iconic mid-century modern furniture reproduction, inspired by world famous designs, such as the Eames Lounger, Jacobsen Egg Chair and Barcelona Chair. Whether as a source for designers, as inspiration for architects or as a starting point for other businesses, these reproductions incorporate the timeless and unique features of the original designs with updates and modern elements. Incorporating their love of good design and their belief that superior design is not synonymous with high prices, the design dynamos at Nebula have created a business that brings their tastes to their home city. From conception of each piece throughout the construction process, and working alongside the production staff, Nebula is able to assure the highest quality merchandise is sold to its customers. Through this quality assurance process, the business is able to dictate the materials and craftsmanship in all products. It is through this process that they can bring such quality furnishings and stylish designs to the store.

Imbued with exemplary taste the store and its owners are able to pick and choose the finest reproductions making for high quality and high fashion products. Being the source of fashionable merchandise, and cutting out the middleman is how the store is able to achieve such affordable price points. And the salespeople work without commission, another way Nebula is able to keep prices low and the shopping experience hassle-free. With its cross-Canada price match system and complete customer satisfaction guarantee what makes the business attractive is not just the wares. So whether it is acting as a source for design savvy shoppers, or in partnership with architects, designers, house builders, or wholesalers, Nebula is there with favourable prices and affordable solutions be it renting, letting, or wholesale, and creating classic style for any space. Nebula Lighting & Home Decor 726 Broadway Ave. Saskatoon SK S7N 1B4 Tel: 306-978-6666 Website: (coming soon)


Best of the Best Home Decor

FineLifestyles SASKATOON



BY DANIEL DALMAN. photos BY BLAck BENch proDucIoNs


or people in Saskatoon, be they near-sighted or far, looking for fun, functional, or unique sets of specs, spotting Optika Eclectic Eyeware on Broadway is surely a sight for sore eyes. This hub of exclusive styles and immeasurable customer care has become an institution for those looking to express


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

themselves with their eyewear. Upon entering this establishment you need not look further to find the right pair, the right style and the right professional that suits you best. Deb Perry is the certified optician who is ready to meet your needs the moment

Best of the Best Optical Dispensary

you step through her shop door. Offering her customers the high quality eclectic and unique eyewear Saskatoon has come to appreciate and expect, while doing it all with due care and attention. Since purchasing the store in 2007 with her husband Chris, Deb took over the reigns from the business founder Bev Kernan,

DEBorAh pErrY carrying on the tradition of customer service and uncommon offerings that began in 1993. Voted as the best optical store in Saskatoon four years running, it is easy to see that Optika Eclectic Eyeware and its owner have a clear vision of what customers need. Deb sticks to the basics in this arena: giving customers selection, making them affordable, and, most importantly, making sure each and every pair functions correctly. Since the takeover of the store, Deb has added several new lines to the repertoire and has built upon the foundation of funky style, and impeccable service laid out by her predecessor. Deb guarantees that each and every customer will receive the utmost care and services she can provide. From fittings to repairs, to cleanings and orderings, every bit of the shop’s operations is under Deb’s supervision. Knowing that she passes along quality products to her customers gives her a sense of pride. Inspecting and assessing every piece of glass ordered is up to her standards ensures that nothing is out of place. As a licensed optician, trained to work with prescription eyewear, Deb can assess, fix, arrange, and fit a pair of glasses so that they perform to the best of their ability.

With constant training and technological advancements in the field, Deb works to stay ahead of the game, and up to speed with an ever-changing industry. As the Internet and other types of dealers have entered the market, Deb Perry believes they have made the skills of a licenced optician that much more relevant. With someone trained to work with their products, a specialist in their field is there to help you find your pair of glasses, the chances of getting the right pair, or the right quality is a guaranteed success. And as Deb notes: “You never know about a pair of glasses until you try them on.” Deb has also strived to match the rare styles of her wares to the uniqueness of her business environment. On hand to greet customers, and one assumes, assist in all matters pertaining to tummy-rubs and dog treats, is the store mascot Furnace. The boxer is a one dog welcome wagon in the store, and has gained a following of people who know and appreciate his gentle nature. From his reclined perch on his very own couch, Furnace can survey the shop and keep customers company during appointments. Another example of the singular nature of the store, and a sign of care and attention shown to all—K9 included. FLS

Best of the Best Optical Dispensary

So when looking to update your glasses, searching for something new, rare and different, feast your hungry eyes upon Broadway’s best: Optika Eclectic Eyeware.

Optika Eclectic Eyeware 702 B Broadway Avenue 306.664.4412 fax 306.664.4427

FineLifestyles SASKATOON




askatoon’s Paramount DaySpa & Salon has been indulging residents and city guests to the finest in skin care and hair care treatments for over 60 years. The spa has earned a reputation of delivering effective treatments and offering quality European products to groups of all sizes in a variety of rejuvenating options. Paramount’s private hosting facilities allow guests to relish in their spa experience while enjoying the benefits of working with trained staff in a relaxed group setting.

Treat your employees right Not sure what or how to show your appreciation to your staff? Paramount DaySpa & Salon is the perfect place


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

to refresh and renew your loyal team in a relaxed group setting. Show your employees you care by treating them to a morning or afternoon of luxury spa treatment. Enjoy the natural light in the spacious room that offers soft seating for your group. Everyone will enjoy getting pampered by a trained professional from Paramount. Feel right at home with your colleagues. For the past two years, we have used Paramount for our annual support staff appreciation events. Paramount has a fantastic facility, in that it has the space and experience to easily accommodate larger group bookings. Sarah works with me to effortlessly book in approximately 20 staff members for two spa services each. Paramount has a fantastic hospitality room for us to all relax, visit, and enjoy a beverage

Best of the Best Spa and Esthetics

and something to eat in between services. The treatments we receive are luxurious, on time, and always well done. Our staff love going to Paramount because they all leave feeling pampered, relaxed, and appreciated! I highly recommend a group booking at Paramount to anyone planning an appreciation or party event! - Gina Sundquist, Branch Administrator, RBC Dominion Securities Inc.

Special treatments for special occasions Christmas parties, spousal programs, windups, ladies weekends, wedding parties and showers are all perfect occasions to get together and enjoy some special treatment

with people you care about. The spa is able to accommodate groups of all sizes with treatment from their professionally trained staff. Contact Paramount DaySpa & Salon today to reserve and schedule your group outing. Enjoy the experience! Everything was perfect! The girls are saying it was the best AGM so far. Paramount had the event so well organized, it was flawless. The treatments were awesome; everyone is raving! - Tami Nykiforuk, Revive HOME Staging & Design

Referral rewards and gift cards Paramount rewards their guests with 50 per cent off a retail item at the DaySpa & Salon or purchase at their fashion boutique when they recommend a new friend or family member to the spa for treatment. Unsure what to get someone you care about? Paramount gift cards offer the flexible arrangement of using either spa services or fashions from Paramount Boutique located at 249 2nd Ave South.

Around the community Paramount and its staff members actively contribute to the local Saskatoon community through service and product donations that aid in fundraising efforts throughout the city. The Saskatoon Sexual Assault & Information Centre (SSAIC) is the key recipient of Paramount’s charitable efforts. Paramount DaySpa & Salon and Paramount Boutique proudly help organize and participate in the Annual Luncheon en Vogue Fashion Show with 100 per cent of the proceeds going to the SSAIC. Paramount DaySpa & Salon has been a Saskatoon staple for over 60 years. After serving generations of family members, the spa has made sure to evolve with their clientele. Paramount DaySpa & Salon is constantly updating their portfolio with new products and services. Paramount offers the momentary escapes and the self care you deserve. Call or visit Paramount DaySpa & Salon in person at 702 2nd Ave. N., 242-0017 or online at Be their fan on Facebook ParamountDaySpaSalon. FLS

Best of the Best Spa and Esthetics

Paramount DaySpa & Salon 702-2nd Avenue North Saskatoon, SK 306.242.0017

FineLifestyles SASKATOON



Kerry Fuchs


he concept of leisure time is something lost on far too many people, and especially that of leisure time well spent. The excuses come in multitudes, in different forms and from all directions: too much work, to-do lists sprawling like ancient scrolls—we’re all too busy. The trick seems to be finding a niche, that little part of your own time that allows you to sink in and enjoy. Kerry Fuchs and Rick Griffith at Premium Spas and Billiards aim to help with this.


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

The front of the store is an inviting sight, a veritable monument to all the best things barbecue-related. The selection doesn’t end at mere gas grills, though, ranging out to charcoal barbecues, wood pellet grills, and even to full custom outdoor kitchen sets—everything a person could possibly need to bring the idea of barbecue from its present cultural home of alternative-tostove to its rightful place, as seen through Europe and the low and slow-roast of the southern United States, as the culinary heart of a social experience.

Best of the Best Home Leisure Products

“Barbecue is a very social event,” says Kerry, co-owner of Premium Spas and Billiards. “It’s often thought of as simply another way to cook, but it’s not.” The evidence can be seen at the front of the store, housing not only that selection of barbecues, but a well-chosen assortment of spices, sauces, and rubs—the things that help to truly fill the experience, and always with the highest quality emphasized. The best names in barbecue are all there:

Alfresco, Jackson, Traeger, Kamado Joe— the synonyms for real barbecue. “We don’t want people to worry about what they’ve bought,” says Kerry. The point of everything carried in-store is centred on leisure time, relaxation, and backed by the best service. Premium Spas and Billiards has been in business for over nine years, and is locally owned and operated.

Quality is the theme everywhere: the Butterfly table tennis tables carried are of the same brand used in the Olympics; Performance Games offers a selection of dome and air hockey tables, as well as foosball, all built to withstand the rigours of family play. A selection of Saunas by Finnleo warms a person on eye contact, and a host of high-quality billiards by Canada Billiards invites you to have a challenging game of fun.

Perhaps the most fitting indicator of the Premium concept of quality is the ubiquitous presence in-store of the Jacuzzi name. Jacuzzi, the inventor of modern day hydrotherapy, holds over 250 worldwide patents on its technology. There is reason why the name Jacuzzi is synonymous with the word luxury.

Quality extends into the staff’s approach. “The thing we focus on is the customer making their proper buying decision, doing what’s right for that person,” says Kerry, concerned. “That is why we highly recommend a ‘wet test’ when considering a Jacuzzi hot tub. Try before you buy, so you really know.”

A poster on the wall shows a history of Jacuzzi as a product, complete with a photo of the brand’s first model released in the 1950s. Sitting nearby is the very same model, solid as ever, still fully-functional nearly sixty years after it was made, true testament to the quality of the Jacuzzi name, and only a sample of the quality one finds at Premium Spas and Billiards. New for 2011 is the ground-breaking JLX series of Jacuzzi hot tubs, boasting stunning style and the highest energy efficiency in its class.

Premium Spas and Billiards stands on its own as Saskatoon’s beacon of quality leisure products, stepping forward to provide the very best in products that help people to make the very most of what are sure to be the moments in life most warmly remembered. FLS Premium Spas and Billiards 101 Idylwyld Drive South Saskatoon, SK 306.955.5466

Best of the Best Home Leisure Products

Rick Griffith

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


YOU DON’T HAVE TO LIVE WITH HEARING LOSS Centre offers wide array of state-of-the-art technology in a professional, modern atmosphere BY TAMMY ROBERT. PHOTOS BY HEATHER FRITZ


hat?” “Pardon me?”

We’ve all been there—that friend or family member who just can’t seem to keep up to the conversation, whether from across the room or across the table. Enter Quality Hearing Centre. From the minute you walk into their offices and see the smiling faces on the receptionists, and modern refreshing décor and atmosphere, you know you’re in a for a quality customer-service experience. Quality Hearing Centre’s mantra is to ensure your satisfaction. Thanks to this recognition, combined with Ron and Jody’s extraordinary approach to the highest standard of executive-level customer-service, they have expanded their business to a new, bigger office location in Saskatoon, and an office in North Battleford with weekly service. “Most people don’t realize how bad their hearing is, because it’s been such a slow and gradual loss over many years,” explains Quality Hearing Centre co-owner Ron Villeneuve. “For example, we see many clients who have experienced high frequency hearing loss—they can still hear low tones, so their perception is that their hearing is not that bad. A hearing test is always the first step. Come in, get tested, and find out what is actually going on.” Your first visit to Quality Hearing Centre will encompass a two-hour hearing evaluation, beginning with a chat with Ron or Jody on your hearing and medical history,


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

and how you perceive your hearing loss, how it impacts your life, and, ultimately, how and where you would like to hear better. The hearing test itself lasts about forty-five minutes, including a physical examination of your ears and an audiological evaluation using the latest technology to determine your hearing thresholds. After a detailed explanation of your test results, the Villeneuves will then recommend the best way forward, as well as the best hearing device for your needs. “We’re able to offer such a wide range of products, because hearing aid technology has changed so much,” says Villeneuve. “From hearing aids that are virtually invisible to many more hearing device options than there have ever been before, for every type of loss.” What sets Quality Hearing Centre apart is their aftercare service program. “After receiving their new hearing device, we like our clients to come in every week for the first three or four weeks,” says Ron. “Follow-up is integral, because with new hearing aids you may go home and realize there are sounds coming in that you don’t like. Other hearing centres will follow up in a couple of weeks or a month, but that’s way too long to live with irritating noises. One week makes a lot more sense. It’s similar to buying a new pair of shoes—if they’re squeezing the heck out of your feet, you’re not going to wear them very long. The bottom line is that you can buy the most expensive hearing aids in the world—if you don’t get the follow-up service, they’re useless to you.”

The pride Ron and Jody Villeneuve have in their products, executive-level service and organization is abundantly apparent as soon as you walk in the door of Quality Hearing Centre. With no wait-times on appointment bookings, and the office always running on-time or even early when you arrive for your consultation, the lifetime of your relationship with the business is guaranteed to be a good one. Quality Hearing Centre is licensed by the Province of Saskatchewan under the Hearing Aid Sales and Services Act. Ron and Jody Villeneuve belong to various professional associations such as Saskatchewan Hearing Instrument Practitioners Society, Canadian Hearing Instrument Practitioners Society, and the International Hearing Society. Ron is currently the Vice President of Saskatchewan Hearing Instrument Practitioners Society and sits on the Board of Directors for the Better Business Bureau of Saskatchewan. FLS Quality Hearing Centre 620 33rd St. West Saskatoon, Sk, S7L 0W1 306.651.1606 Toll Free: 1.877.651.1606 E-Mail:

At Quality Hearing Centre, it’s not about the price, it’s about the results. It’s about providing what’s best for the client’s lifestyle. Their minimum-level service plan boasts a two year warranty and two years worth of batteries, combined with lifetime cleanings and adjustment for your device. Back that up with a 45-day guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied with your new hearing aids you’ll get your money back. “We’re the only local clinic that provides a 30-minute cleaning guarantee—drop-off your hearing aids and we’ll have them done in 30-minutes or it’s free—even if you’ve never been a customer, or purchased the hearing device somewhere else,” says Ron.

FineLifestyles SASKATOON


Clark Dziadyk

Ron Baliski

Dan Bader

Reagan Baliski







askatoon is growing, with a healthy economy and an influx of newcomers, the streets are busier and our city limits are expanding. With new jobs being created, commercial buildings under construction and new suburban neighbourhoods, Saskatoon is quickly becoming the place to be with many opportunities. “Saskatoon



FineLifestyles SASKATOON



Realty Inc. would like to send out a warm welcome to Saskatoon’s new visitors, neighbours and businesses. With a record number of houses being built and sold, keeping up with the demand of new Saskatoon residents, first time buyers or those building their dream homes means long hours and hard work. The Baliski team is honoured to be one of Saskatoon’s chosen realty expert teams and a vital contributor to the Saskatoon industry,

Best of the Best Real Estate

with team members varying in age and specialty, but combined bringing over 34 years of experience.

An investment in your future The Baliski team mantra is simple—work hard and exceed customers’ expectations of service and results. That is no sweat for one of the hardest working realty teams in

Saskatoon. “It goes beyond the 9 to 5, this is a passion for each one of us, and that is why it often does not feel like work,” states Reagan Baliski, who clearly caught the realty bug from dad and Baliski Realty owner and broker, Ron Baliski. The team is not afraid to invest real dollars into their customers, creating and implementing marketing and advertising campaigns to help their customers achieve their selling goals, while promoting new communities at the same time. The team goes that extra mile ensuring showings and open houses are well attended and enjoyed by prospective buyers and other agents. Baliski realtor Clark Dziadyk admits, “Our customers trust us because they see how much we are willing to invest in helping them buy or sell their homes, we work really hard for each of our customers.” The team members note their love of Saskatoon is another driver as they are all ‘home grown’—born, raised and educated in Saskatoon and surrounding area. “We are all so proud to be a part of Saskatoon, and to contribute to the positive changes while investing in the future of such a promising community; I think our customers see that,” states Ron.

Combined Success and Giving Back The success of the Baliski team is attributed to four extremely dedicated agents with different skill sets and specialties. With a variance of years in experience, the common bond is obvious as they all have a passion for the real estate industry. “We are really close, we treat each member of the team like they are a member of the family,” states Ron. That statement holds more truth as Ron’s family is quite integrated into the business with wife Mary Ann and daughter-in-law Cindy working behind the scenes. Along with real estate agent and son Reagan Baliski the team also includes realtor and Reagan’s brother-in-law, Clark Dziadyk. The only non-family member and newest

to the team is Dan Bader who is jokingly referred to as the adopted member of the Baliski family. Giving back to the Saskatoon community is paramount for the Baliski team. Ron and Mary Ann have ensured this message is echoed throughout the company, as they became involved with the Children’s Health Foundation in the early 1990s. Spending many hours volunteering for functions and raising money led to furthering their involvement as board members from 1994 to 1996. Being examples to other companies and their staff as to the importance of involvement, each team member continues to be a proud sponsor of the (now known as) Children’s Health and Hospital Foundation through the RE/MAX organization.

The “Saskatoon Associates” Team Ron Baliski has been involved in the Saskatoon real estate industry for 26 years. Deciding to attain his broker’s license under the RE/MAX umbrella, Ron wanted to better service the Saskatoon community. With his extensive knowledge of the resale market and the home construction and building industry, Ron is involved with one of the largest builders in Saskatoon, as well the next generation of young families seeking his advice and knowledge. Watching his team grow, and contribute to the high standard of customer service has been one of the greatest achievements for Ron. The fact he gets to share that with his family and close friends is even better. Reagan Baliski began his career with Baliski Realty Inc. in 2007 after graduating from the University of Saskatchewan with a major in marketing. Noting that his passion and interest began while gaining knowledge about the industry from his dad, it was a natural career choice. Reagan has quickly gained a reputation as a trusted real estate expert excited to take on new projects and clients while building on the trusted Baliski name and the “Saskatoon Associates” brand.

Clark Dziadyk knew early on that he would make a career out of his passion, real estate. Growing up watching his family’s business work with numerous developers in the commercial and residential sector allowed Clark to learn the industry first hand. With enormous drive, Clark is happy to be a member of such an ambitious team dedicated to exceeding industry standards and investing in helping customers achieve their buying and selling goals. The newest member of the Baliski Realty Inc. is dedicated realtor Dan Bader. Growing up in a small town, Dan farmed prior to beginning his career in real estate. With both an agriculture and residential real estate license Dan’s years of farming are an asset to his customers. Utilizing his favourite saying “I am just a call away,” Dan goes the extra mile for his clients ensuring he always has their best interest in mind. As a respected member of the team, Dan enjoys being a part of “Saskatoon Associates” and adding to their body of knowledge and expertise. Call “Saskatoon Associates” Ron Baliski Realty Inc. for any of your buying or selling real estate needs in Saskatoon. Their expert team will be happy to assist you. FLS

Ron Baliski Realty Inc. “Saskatoon Associates” Re/Max Saskatoon 306.242.6000 #250-1820 8th Street East

Best of the Best Real Estate

FineLifestyles SASKATOON 199



n today’s constantly fluctuating economy, it’s comforting to know that your financial matters are in good hands. It’s even more comforting when you know they are in the hands of a qualified and knowledgeable professional dedicated to advancing your monetary ambitions. Such is the case when dealing with Hergott Duval Stack Chartered Accountants. Their expert team is fully prepared to handle any and all financial matters and have the experience to take your business where you want it to go. With their unmatched expertise, personalized service and community-based ideals, Hergott Duval Stack is truly a home-grown practice with world-class qualifications. The firm was formed in 1982 when four

individuals, Joe Parker, Lee Hergott, Lyle Zdunich and Maurice Duval, left the national firm they were working for to start their own firm specializing in income tax planning. Their modest practice began with just four partners and ten staff members in total. These days the firm includes 14 partners and employs well over a hundred people, adding twelve new hires every year. The firm’s outstanding growth over the past 30 years coincides with the growth of the community they serve. As Saskatoon and the activity within it grows, so too does Hergott Duval Stack and its many clients. Today, Hergott Duval Stack is a full service, progressive accounting firm. They provide

Blair Davidson, FCA & Evan Shoforost , CA

200 FineLifestyles


Best of the Best Accounting

assistance to all sizes of clientele from individuals requiring the preparation of their personal tax forms to some of Saskatoon’s largest companies. There are three major specialties dealt with in the Hergott Duval Stack offices: tax services (they boast the largest tax group in the province), accounting and auditing (where the majority of their staff is focused) and a business valuation group. They are proud to offer services identical to those found at many national firms, while doing so as an entirely independent firm born and bred in the heart of Saskatoon. Though they provide service for a number of large public companies, the work they do for small business owners is at the heart of the firm. They also have a number of staff mem-

bers assigned to agricultural accounting, a major sector in the provincial economy. The main driving force behind Hergott Duval Stack’s success is the level of dedicated professionalism found in each and every staff member involved with the company. Hergott Duval Stack hires the best and brightest of up-and-coming accountants. The various development opportunities they offer, such as mentorship and training programs, help them to ensure that their employees maintain the high standard of quality they have set for themselves over the past 30 years. Hergott Duval Stack staff members are knowledgeable, hard-working, community-minded people dedicated to serving the clients who support them. By staying on top of evolving technologies and ever-changing rules, Hergott Duval Stack team members are able to expertly and efficiently maximize their clients’ potential for growth and prosperity. Paramount to their expectations of premium customer satisfaction is the manner with which they treat their employees and staff members. Where most companies use a hierarchical system of employee-employer relations, Hergott Duval Stack takes a much more horizontal approach. All staff members are encouraged to contribute at all levels and in all situations, and a partner’s door is always open for anyone to share ideas. Central to this community-minded culture is the inherent belief that everyone has something to add, and a genuine respect for the knowledge and skills that every individual brings to the table. Quality of life is crucial to employee well-being, and Hergott Duval Stack goes out of its way to remain flexible to the needs of staff. The community-driven, personalized approach they take with their staff blends seamlessly with their client-personnel relationships as well. Every client the firm takes on is treated to strong, personalized service backed by up-to-date financial expertise. Hergott Duval Stack staff members are working for you to help you realize your financial goals. Over the years, the company has watched many of its clients grow alongside them in a community that is seemingly forever on the move. Though Hergott Duval Stack provides ser-

vice to clients all across Canada, as well as some of the largest companies in Saskatoon, they will always maintain their strong commitment to the local businesses that got them where they are today. Hergott Duval Stack and its team are involved with nearly every community event in the city of Saskatoon. If you can think of it, they’ve probably been involved in some capacity or another. Every member of the firm’s staff is encouraged to get involved in community events in any way they can. Whether it is volunteer work for local food banks or participating in local charity drives, Hergott Duval Stack knows that there is no act too big or too small when it comes to supporting the community that made them who they are today. From its humble beginnings in the early 1980s to the premier accounting firm it is today, Hergott Duval Stack Chartered Accountants is a community-driven organization through and through. From their open-ended policies regarding staff participation, to their personalized approach to client building, to their all-hands-ondeck community involvement, Hergott Duval Stack is a dynamic accounting firm with a made-in-Saskatchewan mindset. Their expertise and dedication to the client may be on international levels of excellence, but their roots remain firmly planted in the wide open prairies of a constantly evolving province. FLS

Best of the Best Accounting

Hergott Duval Stack LLP Suite 1200, 410 - 22nd Street East Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7K 5T6 Phone: 306-934-8000 Fax: 306-653-5859

FineLifestyles SASKATOON 201

SASKMADE MARKETPLACE Bridging The Gap Between Producers And Consumers Saskatchewan is home to a wealth of resources—a healthy agriculture sector, talented artists, smart producers and creative business people. Bringing all those elements together are SaskMade owners and enthusiasts Candace Ippolito and April Nichol. Their love of everything Saskatchewan, whether it be grown, produced or manufactured has led them to becoming full-time owners of SaskMade Marketplace in Saskatoon. This Saskatchewan-dedicated and focused store will surprise and delight you with all the wonderful products grown or made right here at home. Focusing on

sustainability the SaskMade Marketplace is a central shopping arena for those interested in supporting local farmers, producers and artisans, as well as, having peace of mind in knowing where your food and non-food items are being produced.

Partners dedicated to sustainability Candace and April are not just supporters of local famers and producers, they are a part of the Saskatchewan agricultural landscape with farms of their own. Both are extremely proud of their agricultural backgrounds, attributing

much of their knowledge and interest to first-hand experience and education. Having studied plant and animal science with degrees in Agriculture from the University of Saskatchewan these ladies both have a love for the food industry and are determined to bridge the gap between consumer and producer. Proud shareholder in a third generation farm, Candace Ippolito describes the SaskMade Marketplace concept as a “365day farmer’s market where we are the linkage from farmer to fork and beyond.” With a husband who is just as passionate about their 3,000-acre grain farm and two



young children, April Nichol finds comfort in helping customers benefit from buying locally. “I feel good about creating an opportunity for people to make the connection to better understand where their food is coming from,” she says. Both owners agree SaskMade is offering customers a chance to learn more about the story behind food production and share in the positive experience of supporting and sustaining the local economy in the province.

maintains that “the story behind the product is just as important as the product itself.” The best part about buying locally is the support that is given back to Saskatchewan farmers, producers and artisans and the public’s knowledge of where their food and gift items are being made. In a world of globalization and mass production, more importance needs to be focused on sustainability of local businesses and that is what SaskMade is accomplishing.

Saskatchewan finds

SaskMade Online

Upon entering SaskMade you will quickly find items and products you never imagined would have come from our own province. Furthermore, you will experience an appreciation for all the wonderful things available or made in Saskatchewan and those who have made them. “We are not just a jam store,” insists Candace, who comments on the misconception previously held by the public. They do, in fact, sell jam, but that is just one of the many products available at SaskMade. Roll call for food items found at the speciality Marketplace includes coffee, ciders, vegetarian cuisine, frozen foods (including everyone’s favourite perogies), wild rice, chick peas, dainties, nuts, chocolate, jams and jelly, honey, soup mixes, pastas, curry and steelhead trout to name a few.

Not in Saskatoon? Not a problem, insist Candace and April. The SaskMade website has an online store for shoppers to peruse and purchase items, or send gifts to anyone, anywhere. Even for those Saskatonians who are curious about the store and want to learn more about SaskMade before venturing to their 8th Street location, the website has a bevy of information regarding vendors, products and the benefits of buying locally. Also make sure to check out the recipes featured on the site, which includes food items from the store in easy-to-make meals and snacks. You can catch updates about SaskMade on Facebook, follow them on Twitter or catch some informative videos on their Youtube channel. All are accessible via their website

Grand Opening Extravaganza Candace Ippolito and April Nichol send out a warm invite to their current customers, friends, family, vendors and, of course, ‘customers-to-be’ in helping them and their staff celebrate the grand opening of SaskMade Marketplace. The official celebration gets underway November 5, 2011 at 1621, 8th Street East in Saskatoon. The ladies encourage you to venture in and check out more than 1,000 diverse products they have available in their store. Manager Ken Neuman can answer any and all questions you might have about products and the vendors responsible for making all the food and non -food items in their store. Of course, you do not have to wait until November to stop in; they are open Monday to Saturday from 9:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. Check them out online at and for further information feel free to call 1.888.955.1832. FLS SaskMade Marketplace 1621 8th Street East P: 306.955.1832 T F: 1.888.955.1832

Gluten-free products are also available for those with food sensitivities and are indicated with labels for easy identification. In the non-food category, customers can expect to find bath and body products, Saskatchewan magazines, local art, books by Saskatchewan authors, kids’ toys, cook books, candles, pottery and a lot more. SaskMade is also featuring gift ‘buckets’ available as corporate gifts, or personal presents for both young and old. The children’s line of gift buckets has been a big hit, with such items as story books, child bath and body essentials and, of course, treats to satisfy any kid’s sweet tooth. Holiday items are also available including Christmas fare for those shoppers looking to give a uniquely Saskatchewan gift this season. SaskMade holds a host of unique and original products. Manager Ken Neuman

FineLifestyles SASKATOON 203



wank, meaning imposingly fashionable and elegant, is an apt name for one of Saskatoon’s most exclusive footwear boutiques. Located in the heart of downtown Saskatoon in the newly renovated historic King George Building with 18-foot ceilings, vast windows and clean decor. Swank Shoe Lounge brings the feeling of big city shopping to life. Inside abundant natural light showcases the carefully

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chosen selection of top-quality shoes. Owners Jana Raskob and Melissa Bodnar are passionate about shoes. They stay on top of all the current fashion news, following top fashion blogs including “Fashion Toast,” “We Heart It,” and “Lookbook.” They also keep tabs on style icons such as Nicole Ritchie, Kate Moss, Sarah Jessica Parker, Jessica Alba and

Best of the Best Footwear

Sienna Miller, all well-known for being couture-savvy. The drive and determination of the two young entrepreneurs to be at the leading edge of shoe style makes Swank the go-to destination in Saskatoon for fashion-forward brands. “We’re bringing a whole bunch of brands and trendy new styles to the city that might not already be offered or aren’t al-

ready offered,” said Jana. A few of those exclusive brands include Coach, Onitsuka Tiger, Bensimons and Juicy Couture. But while the beautiful displays of shoes in the store might be reminiscent of an art gallery, shoes are meant to be worn, and quality is paramount. “The quality of the product is one thing we really believe in,” said Melissa. “We stand behind our products.”

Passion for fashion Jana and Melissa have known each other for 10 years, and it was their passion for fashion that ignited their friendship in the first place. “Whenever we’d get together, we couldn’t get it out quick enough, talking about [fashion],” said Melissa. “We’d always have something to say; it was never a dull moment with regard to the latest trends and footwear” They had talked about opening a shoe boutique for years, and the idea took on speed when Jana moved back to Saskatoon from Edmonton a few years ago. Two years after opening Swank, it’s clear they made the right choice allowing their passion to guide them.

The latest for fall and winter Swank is currently packed with the latest fall trends, proving Jana and Melissa have done their homework well. Styles you’ll see on the street this fall include the wooden stacked heel, and lace-up detail on just about every style. Moccasin-style shoes are a trendy choice for a younger crowd, while the more mature set might splurge on a pair of knee-high leather boots from The Frye Company. For winter, they’re bringing in Mous boots, which are similar to Ugg boots, but have a little more structure and detail. “Mous are the up and coming new Ugg,” said Melissa. “It’s like a fashion-forward version of Ugg. You can mix and match the brocade (detail) and the leather.”

functional boots and they’re cool looking.”

Clearance on men’s fashion Swank currently carries both men’s and women’s fashions, but they recently decided to become a women-only boutique. That means from now until December, Jana and Melissa are offering incredible savings on all their stock for men. Starting in January, with the increased space, they will have even more styles for women.

Knowledgeable and friendly While the fashion and décor at Swank is big city all the way, the service is not. For guests of the lounge, the boutique experience means one-on-one style advice with some of the most knowledgeable and friendly fashionistas in the business. And while their stock changes every season, you need not be limited by what is on the shelf. Jana and Melissa will happily special-order something for you if it’s available. They also post all of their stock on their Facebook page, so you can do your own homework on all their current styles, as well as, everything they’ve carried in the past. If you’re the type of person who likes to make a statement with your shoes, Swank Shoe Lounge is the perfect place to shop. #1-157 2nd Ave N., Saskatoon, SK S7K 2A9 Mon-Wed & Fri: 10:30am-6pm Thurs: 10:30am-8pm Sat:10:30am-5:30pm Sun: 12pm-5pm 306.979.5775

BRANDS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Coach Onitsuka Tiger Bensimons Juicy Couture Michael Kors (Shoes and watches) The Frye Company Diesel Minnetonka Converse Toms Gravis Miss Sixty Steve Madden Bass Dolce Vita Hunter Tkees Mous Sorel Adidas Ax+Apple Uranium House of Harlow 1960

NEW FOR SPRING 2012 • • • •

Matiko Chinese Laundry Keds Birkenstock

They also carry women’s Sorel boots— perfect for Saskatchewan winters. “[Sorel] started doing a little bit more fashion-forward line and it’s really functional for our weather,” said Jana. “A lot of them are rated to minus-40. They’re super MELISSA BODNAR JANA RASKOB

Best of the Best Footwear

FineLifestyles SASKATOON 205


Every item at Ten Thousand Villages has a story. Earrings from the Philippines, a tea pot from Indonesia, a basket from Bangladesh. The items are handcrafted, and the staff and volunteers can tell you where it’s from and who made it. Carol Reimer-Wiebe is the store manager at the Centre Mall location. Four-and-a-half years ago, she went on a learning tour to meet some of the artisans in Kenya and Uganda.

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“I love the stones from Kenya, and I love the baskets from Uganda, because I was there,” she said. “I met the people who were part of it; for me it’s that personal connection.” All of the items at the store are bought at a fair price, and the artisans are paid in a timely manner. This ethos seems shockingly simple, but it’s not always a theory that businesses adhere to. Happily, the movement is growing. “There are other fair trade stores, there

are other people selling fair trade items, there are more people aware of it,” said Reimer-Wiebe. “Which is good. In the long run, it’s good for the people who need it.” Ten Thousand Villages was one of the first businesses to buy fair trade. Established in 1946 by American Edna Ruth Byler, they’re celebrating their 65th anniversary this year. Each store has special anniversary events planned for Oct. 1. Byler first sold embroidery from Puerto Rico, needlework from Palestine,

and wooden-ware from Haiti from the trunk of her car and out of her basement. Now there are hundreds of stores across North America, selling products from more than 30 countries. Ten Thousand Villages has grown from its modest roots in part because of its fair trade mission, but Reimer-Wiebe says its growth is also due to the unique products.

volved, ask about volunteering. Working at a non-profit with a good cause can be one of the best gifts you can give yourself. FLS Ten Thousand Villages Centre Mall: 306.955.0099 143 2nd Ave N: 306.242.2991 600 - 45th St W: 306.665.7525

Ten Thousand Villages is well known for its fair trade coffee and other food items like chocolate and tea, and they’re on the verge of expanding their line of food items to include more chocolate, juices, and other items. But the store is rich with a variety of beautiful items, from journals and other paper products, to kitchen and tableware. The Centre Mall location is only one of three stores located in Saskatoon; there’s also a store on 2nd Avenue and one on 45th Street. The stock differs slightly between each store, so you could visit all three and find unique items at each store. The items make for very special gifts, not only because they’re one of a kind, but because buying them benefits so many people. “It benefits more than just the person,” said Reimer-Wiebe. “If I gave you a gift, it would have been special because you received it, but it’s also special because it’s helped someone make a living.” At Christmas, they also offer “living gifts,” which is a donation to their parent company the Mennonite Central Committee. “They will make sure a goat is purchased for someone in a different country, or fish or seeds. It’s for the people who have everything and don’t really want to accumulate anything.” They also have “the gift of hope,” where you make a donation to Ten Thousand Villages and they use the money to buy needed items for artisan groups. Ten Thousand Villages is a non-profit. As such, the managers are paid, but everyone else is a volunteer. If you want to get in-

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YOUR TIME IS VALUABLE There’s nothing like the peace of mind a professional cleaning service brings BY LINDA EPSTEIN


hat relieves stress, puts more time in your life and life in your time, creates more beautiful living spaces and comes with a satisfaction guarantee? Why, William’s Cleaning Service, of course! In 1996, when Maher Jajjo first moved to Saskatoon from Iraq, his first job was an employee with a cleaning service. His hard work and entrepreneurial spirit soon led him to start a commercial cleaning business, cleaning carpets, waxing floors— whatever was needed. There was more

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than enough work for one man, and his reputation was growing. He hired a small staff and soon expanded to retail, and was also doing some residential buildings. For a number of years, Williams Cleaning continued its focus on commercial, industrial, new construction and renovation cleaning—everything from daily office cleaning to making new homes truly “move-in ready.” As word-of-mouth demand grew, so did the staff. Today, the company has grown to 65 bonded employees, some of which have over 30

Best of the Best Cleaning Service

years experience in the cleaning business. But Maher didn’t stop there. As he continues on the trajectory in commercial cleaning, he has turned his attention and his business to residential cleaning. “Most homeowners can better spend their time with their family than in cleaning,” he says. Leave that work to the experts and, with William’s Cleaning, you won’t be disappointed. That’s because with the first phone call, Maher meets with the homeowner, offers

references, and makes sure he understands what is needed whether it is a general cleaning that includes dusting, floors and washrooms, or something extra such as carpet steaming or washing walls. He creates a custom time estimate based on those needs and is clear about costs upfront. Once the details are agreed upon, a guarantee is put in place. “We want to do quality work and not just walk in and walk out,” he says. “Our customers are always first no matter what.” And, while there is rarely a complaint, Maher does not hesitate to roll up his sleeves or to make good on the guarantee if the customer is not happy. It is that personal service, quality work and hands-on attention that has helped grow the business. It is also the superior green products that Williams Cleaning Service uses that have enhanced its reputation. “If you use poor quality products, you’ll

just need to use more,” he says. “These products do a better job.”

don’t leave until the job is done properly,” Maher says. And that is guaranteed.

William’s is green

It has been said that nobody notices your housework until it isn’t done. After all, if the shelves are dusty and the pots don’t shine, it’s because you may have better things to do with your time.

Walk into your house after it has been cleaned by William’s Cleaning Service. Take in that cleaning odour…Wait a minute: There is no cleaning smell! That’s because, as quality green products became available, William’s embraced the green movement. Since 2004, William’s has used only green products or ionized water to clean your home. It is healthier and more likely to be allergen free. “It sometimes takes some education to assure the client that the home has been properly cleaned and yet there is no smell.” Above all, William’s Cleaning Service places the customer first. The service is professional, friendly and worry-free. “We

So let someone else get rid of those dust bunnies for you, give yourself peace of mind, be ready for visitors any time. Let William’s Cleaning Service put things in order and make your house as clean as it should be… it just feels right. FLS William’s Cleaning Maher Jajjo 315 Brookmore Crescent Saskatoon, SK 306.384.6379 or 306.241.6209


Best of the Best Cleaning Service

FineLifestyles SASKATOON 209

Celebrating Fifty Five Wonderful Years of Fashion TO SET A MAN APART






LIFE IS A REMARKABLE JOURNEY Since our inception in 1956, Elwood Flynn Ltd. has prided itself on people and integrity. Our enthusiasm coupled with the finest of suppliers, excellent staff and your invaluable support, has allowed us to evolve into one of Canada’s better men’s wear stores. Over the years, we have extended our efforts to seek out and provide outstanding apparel of the best values possible. We are constantly enhancing our vision and goals so we can adapt to the trends in retailing and fashion. Our dedicated passion for the apparel business and our customer’s loyalty should ensure us of a continued remarkable journey beyond our fifty-five years. Where fashion is a way of life and quality and style is a never ending tradition

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DO YOU BELIEVE SASKATOON IN THE VALUE SHINES AND VALUES OF WITH THE BEST OF THE BEST MENTORING? Spend a Little time, make a Big difference What if every child was sent on the right path? What if every child stayed in school? Graduated college or university? Got a job? Gave back to their communities? What if every child fulfilled their potential? It might become the start of something BIG. “There are 6 million children in Canada. 1 Million of them are at risk. Of falling behind. Of being overlooked. Of never making something of themselves.”

Be a Big Brother or Big Sister Becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do! The program is designed to build a match between you and a child based on shared interests, personalities and your volunteer preferences. Being a Big is fun and simple! It’s as easy as showing your Little how to play a favourite game, shoot hoops, bake an apple

pie or reading the funnies together. We’ve learned that being someone special to a child doesn’t take much more than that. But the impact is huge—for both of you! Children need the friendship and guidance of someone like YOU. And you can make a difference with as little as an hour a week. Children matched with mentors are: • 82% of kids with mentors go on to graduate, compared to the national average where 60% of kids graduate • 46% less likely to use drugs • 27% less likely to use alcohol • 52% less likely to skip school • 78% of children who come from a social assistance background don’t rely on this form of income as adults when matched with a mentor Last year, BBBS of Saskatoon had 490 children matched in mentoring relationships. That’s HUGE!

“Becoming a big brother has exceeded all expectations that I had. For one night a week, I get to laugh and have fun doing things that I would never get the chance to do. To me, it’s so much different than any other type of volunteer work out there. I get a chance to make a real connection with somebody, and feel that my little brother has taught me almost as much as I have taught him!” -Big Brother Brady B

When you create possibilities, good things happen. Sponsored by:

Saskatoon is a small city with a BIG heart. Do your part. Start new role models. Start new success stories. Become a Big Brother or Big Sister today.FLS

Best of the Best Charity

FineLifestyles SASKATOON 211

WORLD’S LEADER IN PRENATAL 3D ULTRASOUND AVAILABLE IN SASKATOON Ten years ago parents were only able to look at blurry black and white ultrasound pictures of their unborn babies and this is still the case in many hospitals and clinics. Today, thanks to amazing changes in computer technology they now can have “photo-like” clarity in video and photos of their unborn child with UC Baby 3D Ultrasounds. For the past eight years, tens of thousands of moms and moms-to-be across Canada each year have counted on UC Baby for amazing images of their new baby while still in the womb. UC Baby sets itself far ahead of other similar clinics—that have popped up in recent years attempting to copy UC Baby’s format—by utilizing the latest and top technology ultrasound machines, operated by sonographers with the same certifications that hospitals demand. Many UC Baby locations are actually owned by ARDMS registered technologists (American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers). In addition they offer services that others have not been able to develop, like the trademarked HeartBeat Bears, live Internet broadcasting, video on demand, DVD or USB recording, a very lucrative rewards program which is a favourite with moms, and so much more. Live Broadcasting is amazing at UC Baby. During your ultrasound you can invite up to six people into the room so you can share this experience with family on an HD big screen TV. UC Baby also makes available a high quality private live broadcast of the whole event to anyone, almost anywhere in the world you choose!

her husband was watching live in Afghanistan at the Canadian forces base there. What an amazing experience it was for them” VOD (Video on Demand) is UC Baby’s newest service that lets families watch their full session on the Internet for two months after it is completed at the UC Baby sites. The new Saskatoon location is conveniently located on 8th St E., a main transit route, which makes this location perfect for clientele who live or work in Saskatoon as well as for people coming from all over the province. UC Baby is Canada’s #1 choice for the best in 3D/4D elective ultrasounds, the original pioneer of 3D ultrasounds. They are the only 3D/4D ultrasound business founded and managed by a medical doctor, Dr. Tina Ureten. This is one of the main reasons moms seek out UC Baby and don’t settle for anything less. FLS UC Baby Saskatoon 3929 8th Street East, unit 210A, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7H 5M2 Phone: 306-979-3580, Fax: 306-979-3581, Find UC Baby Saskatoon on Facebook

“I can remember a recent military wife who had her 3D session with us,” says Terra Libke, owner of UC Baby in Saskatoon, “and


FineLifestyles SASKATOON

Best of the Best Ultra Sound Baby

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