QFE (Quest For Excellence) 2013 - Issue 1

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Editor’s Note Transformation is the new black. That’s why we decided to re-vamp this newsletter and take Quest

for Excellence in a bold new direction (and look), in line with the message of transformation spreading

throughout the entire public service including LTA. Provocative we may be, we will remain relevant and continue to add value to you, our dearest readers.

As with every first date, one of us has to start the ball rolling and introduce ourselves, so we’ll go first.

The team that’s bringing you this sexy newsletter comes from all over LTA, ranging from the Corporate

Transformation Office to Research & Publications, Road Infrastructure Management, Legal and Human

Resource. We even have a Data Scientist from the IT Application Services team to come up with the vital statistics of our content. The different perspectives and experiences from each of us complement one another and we leverage on that to bring you the juicy QFE.

Just as LTA is changing to become more customer-centric, to foster closer ties with the community and

to increase “ground-sensing”, we too want to do the equivalent and get to know YOU more intimately, so that we can cater to your taste and... um... desires... within reason, of course ;o)

So tell us more about your thoughts and comments on our new look and what you want to see more of in future issues. Feel free to drop us an email at Quest_For_Excellence@lta.gov.sg to spice up QFE! Just remember, You + Me = Opportunity. So email us. Now. We’ll be waiting.

Carolyn Tan

Nizam A Haja

Su Ying







Audrey Ow

Paulin Chan



We’re on a Transformation Journey! Janet Ma At the LTA Work Plan Seminar 2013, Chief Executive (CE) gave us a timely reminder: to always have

faith in ourselves and press on with confidence as we embark on our transformation journey into a new operating environment.

The momentum of transformation began at the 8th Public Service Leadership Advance (PSLA) 2012 during which PSLs were urged to lead internal conversations within their agencies to re-think their

approaches. At the Ministry level, the Ministry of Transport (MOT) family would adopt a more customercentric perspective, enhance ground-sensing capabilities, put in place enabling systems, processes

and structures to encourage officers to think out of the box (creative solution-ing) and enhance future sense-making capabilities.

In line with this new direction, CE envisions a transformed LTA: (1) Become more people-centric by incorporating stakeholders’ perspectives in all that we do, from planning to design, implementation and review;

(2) Grow trust with the community by improving our communications and increasing community involvement;

(3) Think and work Whole-of-Government through better inter-agency collaborations to provide more holistic and effective solutions for Singaporeans; and

(4) Empower all LTA officers as positive change agents that strive towards creating positive

differences within LTA and for Singapore. Every officer should take pride in his work, be creative and open to new ideas; and be willing to pass on his skills to younger officers.

To achieve this vision, CE committed that we will actively build new

capabilities in the Key Transformation Areas. With our strategy, processes, people & culture, and information

firmly in place, we can then see the


Future Sensing

flowers of ground-sensing and future sensing blossom, and harvest the

fruits of customer-centric services and public engagement.

Customercentric Services

Ground Sensing

Information Strategy

Processes People & Culture



Speaking of people (That’s us!), we have made improvement in Career Advancement as well as Learning & Development, according to the results collated from “Have Your Say 2012” employee engagement survey.

Moving forward, we will continue to strive in Job Motivation & Growth, Supervisory Practices, Teamwork, and Leadership & Culture, in order to strengthen our internal capabilities.

The Land Transport Master Plan (LTMP) 2013 revealed at the Workplan Seminar will guide us along this journey to provide customer-centric services. Building on LTMP 2008’s vision of a People-Centred Land Transport

System for Singapore, LTMP 2013 focuses on enhancing Singaporeans’ travel experience through (1) More

Connections; (2) Better Service; and (3) Building a more inclusive, liveable community. The finalised LTMP 2013 is expected to be launched later this year.

Moving forward, senior management, together with Human Resource (HR) divisions, will work with every Group to develop customized solutions based on its needs through six cross-functional ACT (Achieving Corporate Transformation) Teams.

Transformation is happening! Are you ready? To find out what happened during the Question & Answer segment, visit the website at


The yearly Work Plan Seminars are a constant

reminder to us on what our jobs are about and why

we are doing these. Sometimes we’ll just forget that what we are doing is for the people.

The videos and presentations drove home the message for our challenges ahead.

The sharing also helped us feel the pride

Staff Feedback

The presentations

gelled the organisation in a common direction to achieve the goal.

and attachment for our work, for LTA.

Although the reception area was relatively small, the

Working Committee came out with a creative solution to provide goodie bags and entertainment. Kudos to the Committee and performers!

FUN FACTS ABOUT THE LTA WORK PLAN SEMINAR 2013 1,030 – Number of participants at the Seminar 99

– Percentage of post-Seminar respondents who felt that the Seminar successfully helped them review FY2012’s highlights and informed them of LTA’s upcoming initiatives


– Number of LTA staff who helped out during the Seminar and made it possible


– Length of FY12 Achievement Video (in minutes)


– Number of laptops used for the Seminar


– Number of presentations


– Number of people in Work Plan Seminar 2013 Core Working Committee

View all Work Plan Seminar 2013 presentation slides and videos at http://cdd/ oe_workplan_2013. htm




1. Excited participants registering for the Seminar with their staff passes 2. GDPT Yeo Teck Guan offering his views during the Question and Answer segment



3. Smiling at the grit and wit of the Thai boys featured in The Story of Panyee FC video that GDCP showed 4. Staff enjoying themselves and clapping to the beat of the “Thank You LTA” song

“Thank You LTA” - Lyrics

to the tune of “Thank You for the Music” by Abba

We’re nothing special in fact we’re a bit of a bore

Watch The Story of Panyee FC video that GDCP showed

If we give them a reason, they’ve probably heard it before But we have a vision, a wonderful thing ‘cause everyone benefits from our buses and trains We’re so grateful and proud All we want is to sing it out loud Chorus So I say thank you LTA, for the trains we’re riding Thanks for all the convenience they’re bringing Who can live without it? I ask in all honesty, what would life be Without a bus or train, what are we? So I say thank you LTA, you keep our world moving Someone once said we’ll never make it, but we did They pull us apart but we rise up stronger than before I’ve often wondered, how we survived We found out that a listening ear could capture their hearts

I’ve been so happy that I am a part of the LTA team I wanna sing it out to ev’rybody We are committed, resilient and people-centric *Repeat Chorus Thank you LTA, for the trains we’re riding Thanks for all the convenience they’re bringing Who can live without it? I ask in all honesty, what would life be Without a bus or train, what are we?

Whoever they are


I’m an ambassador that will make them smile

So I say thank you LTA, you keep our world moving

*Repeat Chorus

http://www. youtube.com/ watch?v=jU4o A3kkAWU


Recharge! The new VTL Clubhouse has your well-being in mind.

Low Tian Leng & Su Ying

Over the years, LTA has been expanding our infrastructure to accommodate many new functions. In

February 2012, VTL opened a Customer Service Centre to centralize customer service. As we better our

service for external customers, we are equally committed to looking after the well-being of our staff, the key assets of our organisation!

1. Ribbon Cutting (From left to right: GDV, CE, Chairman and DCE - LSC President) 2. Chairman and DCE enjoyed a game of pool! 3. Senior Management playing Foosball! 4,5. Our talented super stars!

The new VTL Clubhouse at Level 1 of VTL Main Building at Sin Ming Office was officially opened on 17

April 2013. To promote work-life harmony, all LTA staff are welcomed to work out at the gymnasium or relax at the KTV rooms. There is also a new addition – the Foosball table.

Just moments prior to the ribbon-cutting ceremony, Chairman, Mr Michael Lim, and Deputy Chief Executive (DCE) & President of LSC, Mr Chua Chong Kheng, could not resist a game on the pool table. Everybody was on the upbeat!

At the Opening Ceremony, the President specially commended the VTL Management and Admin Service

Division for its efforts. The LTA Staff Club (LSC) Management Committee has also worked diligently to put together the operations.

LSC is motivated to continue organizing

engaging and stimulating sporting and social

events to make Clubhouses a fun place for you. Come and enjoy!


“As we better our service for our external customers, we are equally committed to looking after the wellbeing of our staff, the key assets of our organisation!”



5 4

Enterprise Risk Management ( ERM) Vision and Taglines Earlier this year, management developed the ERM vision statement and taglines to better permeate the risk-aware culture and enable staff to understand what ERM does and how it will help LTA. ERM Vision Statement

Effective and timely management of risks and opportunities within an enabling environment

Over-arching ERM Tagline

Risks and Opportunities: Anticipate, Identify & Act

Sub Taglines ( 3 Focus Areas) Safety & Health

Fraud & Misconduct


Think Safety, Act Safety

Exercise Integrity: Act fairly and Professionally

Be Pro-active Seize opportunities for better outcomes

Here is a refresher on the key steps in LTA’s ERM methodology.


Step 1 Risk Identification

m t

La ws &

Go ve rn



t ula

Risk Context

s ion

Capacit y

my on o c E

Stake hold ers ’ Ex pe c

Step 4 Risk Monitoring & Review

Step 3 Risk Treatment s ion


orate Governan ce R



ent liam

P ar

Step 2 Risk Analysis & Evaluation

t ta

eq uir e

m e

Janet Ma




How can you contribute to ERM? As easy as



What does this mean to me?


E.g. I am planning LTA’s Family Day. (Any resemblance to real persons or scenarios is purely coincidental.)

Be aware of LTA’s ERM policies and procedures

Refer to the ERM

Manual on the Intranet

• What types of risks are associated with my programme?

• How can I do my part to apply risk assessment to my daily work?

Proactively identify,

analyse and manage risks within your work


Risk Rating = Likelihood x Impact

• Operation Risk – What may derail my programme? Weather?

> What is the chance of rain? Is the Family Day happening during a monsoon season?

> What are my contingency plans if it rains? Shall I

put up a tent? Should I include ponchos in goodie bags?

• Safety – What sort of accidents can happen during the event?

> Which programmes have higher chances of accidents happening?

> How can I minimise the chances of accidents? Should I still proceed with the runathon?

> Do we have a first-aid-trained team on hand?

Do all my volunteers know where the first-aid tent is?

See Risks /


Report them…

Escalate “medium”/ “high” items

• To your supervisor

or Risk Management Group Rep, or

• Via e-Idea (Risk

Management: Risks &

Opportunities category)

There have always been a considerable number of first-aid cases during the Amazing Race segment.

> I should highlight this to my Working Committee

Chairman. Should we still have the Amazing Race again this year?

> We could have other fun but ‘safer’ family-

oriented events such as colouring or photography competition, fashion parade using recycled

materials, etc. Let me suggest to my Working Committee Chairman or through e-Idea.

Mystery Customer Audit Audrey Ow Lynnette Tay

Being one of the core public service agencies that touch the lives of Singaporeans very intimately, we unavoidably receive plenty of feedback everyday and have frequent interaction with the public. This means our service level must be maintained at an ooh-lah-lah standard.

To maintain a consistent service standard across all service touch-points, our colleagues who attended the Service Excellence Flagship Programme conducted a mystery customer audit as part of their pre-

programme learning. Such audit aims to help us maintain good service standards and stay true to our customer service promise stated in our Service Charter. They were conducted based on the revised Minimum Service Standards (MSS) set by Public Service Division (PSD) with an additional focus on qualitative aspects, such as our level of empathy and efficiency.

Results from the internal audits found service at our counters to be outstanding with a rating of 5 or more on the 6-point scale for all attributes in the categories of Courtesy, Empathy, Efficiency, and

Effectiveness (Keep up the good work!), while there is room for improvement in our handling of calls and emails, especially in accordance to some of the new criteria under the revised MSS.

Don’t sweat on the ongoing audit. Here are some tips on acing that Mystery Audit Call, Counter Visit, and Email:

Pick up that ringing phone within 3 seconds! Show your gleaming whites to every customer who walks in! Getting a big, warm smile can go a long way, for both you and your customers! Always send an interim reply to let customers know we need more time, so they will not send more emails to hound us! Practise No-Wrong-Door Policy: Keep a list of public agencies’ hotlines and email addresses within reach so that we can provide seamless service to our customers. Cultivate a sense of empathy. Make your customers feel that their comments are important by putting yourselves in their shoes and listening to them. Like what Barack Obama said, let’s all not have an empathy deficit but to see the world through those who are different from us. After all, aren’t we all customers who expect good service too? Whether or not you have resolved the queries, always thank customers and let them know that we have noted their feedback. Such acts, when done sincerely, assure customers. Seek your supervisor’s advice quickly if you are unsure of how to handle a feedback, instead of leaving the feedback open and keeping the customer waiting in vain. Two (or more) heads are better than one!




“I find Work in Life and Life in Work” QFE spoke to Group Director of Corporate Planning & Research (CP), Lew Yii Der, who recently celebrated his 25th year in public service.

QFE: Congratulations on crossing your 25th

QFE: How do you maintain work-life harmony?

memorable experience or project you have in the

Yii Der: Habit 3 of the ‘7 Habits’ says “First thing

year mark in Public Service! What’s your most past 2.5 decades?

first”. You need to prioritise the ‘Big Rocks’ – the

Yii Der: I have many memorable experiences

Big Rocks can be work, life or other matters.

and projects in the past quarter of a century

(OMG, has it been that long?). This is the wonder of being in the public service, especially in

LTA. There is never a dull moment. I have gone through engineering, project management,

policy, programme planning/ safety, and ITS.

Then, back to policy, research and now human resource. I treat each new job with the same

eagerness – each is a new learning opportunity and a chance to be better.

QFE: How have you transformed over this period

important things – before you do the others. The There is a time for everything and one should

respect that discipline. For example, if you think

that exercise is important (and you should), then set aside 2 hours every Saturday morning to go

to the gym or swimming pool. Make sure you do it diligently. Do not give up or give in to excuses that lure you away. I must confess that I am not a good role model when it comes to work-life

balance. Therefore, I prefer the phrase “work-life harmony” as I find work in life and life in work. I leave it to you to interpret this in your context.

of 25 years in LTA? What keeps your passion

QFE: “Transformation” seems to be the new hot

Yii Der: I joined the then Public Works

Yii Der: ‘Transformation’ essentially means

(Can you believe it?). I made the choice to be

in a new direction to be future-ready and to


Department (PWD) as a Temporary Engineer

bonded at the age of 18. Unlike many scholars

who made the same choice, I choose to stay on

because I am not bored with my work yet. I must

thank all my bosses, past and present, who have continued to challenge me with new tasks. In the early days of LTA (c. 1995-9), all staff had to go

through the ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’

programme and everyone had to write a personal

word in Public Service. What is this all about?

making changes to orientate the organisation attain higher level of effectiveness and customer service. To LTA, it means to become more

people-centric, to create better community

ownership, to raise the level of trust between us and the community, and to create a platform to

empower all LTA colleagues as agents of positive change.

mission statement. It was then that I set my

purpose in life. Once you have that established, the rest comes naturally. Each step you take should bring you closer to achieving that

mission, hence bringing immense satisfaction.

I cho os am n e to stay ot bo o red w n becau se I ith m y wo rk ye t

t ortan p m i ise is c 2 r e x side te a a t h t e s think to go , then ) g n d i l fi you n u r u sho urday mo o y d (an Sat pool. y g r n e i v m e swim hours r o gym to the


QFE: Why is transformation necessary for LTA?

QFE: What is the 1st step that you have taken,

Yii Der: LTA’s work touches the lives of everyone

transformation journey?

in Singapore. With recent economic and social changes, our operating environment has been

on a personal level, to play a part in LTA’s

Yii Der: On the first of June, along with the other

transformed rather significantly. Change is a

organisational changes in LTA, I took over the

and adaptable to changes. Nonetheless, we must

doubles the headcount of CP Group and can be

challenges include the need to enhance our capability

welcome this change for I see the greater synergy

of the constraints that we would face in delivering

Transformation Office. There are commonalities

aspirations and behaviours of our commuters by

planning, employee communications, service

We also need to cultivate a conducive and learning

staff well-being. The list goes on and new sparks

experiment new ideas.

This is a new learning experience for me – I need

QFE: How is LTA intending to embark on this

compassionate, and more understanding toward

constant, and our staff are already very resilient

responsibility of Human Resources. This change

transform to preserve our relevance. Some of the

a significant milestone in my career. However, I

to adjust plans and policies proactively in anticipation

between HR and the LTA Academy and Corporate

our projects, and to make better sense of the needs,

in learning & career development, manpower

leveraging on information technology and research.

mindset cultivation, knowledge management and

environment where staff feel safe to think, share and

may be ignited by rubbing the stones together.

Transformation Journey?

Yii Der: Transformation is not an overnight process

and we will probably see our first harvest only after

3 years. To mark the start of this journey, Corporate

Development Division has been renamed to Corporate Transformation Office with the higher purpose to

monitor and drive transformation initiatives across

the organisation. In the spirit of transformation, the ACT (Achieving Corporate Transformation) teams

to transform myself to be more humanistic, more staff concerns and aspirations.

The energy and passion in Yii Der is contagious.

t s no i n atio ess m c r o o r p sf Tran ernight v an o

QFE wishes Yii Der another 25 more years of making a difference at LTA.

have been tasked to propose strategic initiatives in 6 different dimensions: Leadership, Planning,

Information, People, Process, and Customers. More details will come your way.

What does Transformation mean to you? Tell us @ Quest_For_Excellence@lta.gov.sg.

“Try it, Experience it. You will Love it!” Once a student who benefited from the weekend tuition scheme provided by

Paulin Chan

the Malay Youth Literary Association (4PM), Mohamed Ismail Abdul Hakim, 1

Manager of Community Partnership at Road Operations & Community

Partnership, decided to give back by providing his services as a volunteer tutor upon the completion of his ‘O’ Levels in 1987. And he has not stopped...

Today, Mr. Ismail is a long-time volunteer and the Honorary Secretary

General for 4PM, an organization serving the community and youth. Over the last 26 years, he has helped in developing youth development programmes and social welfare projects that still remain relevant today. These include

Oratorical Debating Programmes for junior college and polytechnic students and the annual Ramadan on Wheels Programme. More tellingly, he was part 2

of the team that helped 4PM in clinching the prestigious ‘Singapore Youth Award (SYA)’ in 2006 and the ‘Commonwealth Youth Award’ in 2007.

His outstanding volunteer services to the community were recognized as he was conferred the ‘Excellent Dedication to Service Award’ for volunteerism by President Tony Tan on 2 June 2013. This award speaks volume for his

relentless spirit and significant contributions in volunteerism, exalting him to be a role model and leader amongst his peers.

But the true sense of achievement comes from helping the needy, says

Mr. Ismail, even if the results are not always tangible and immediate. He 3

recounted several occasions when young men came up to him to thank him for motivating them to complete their studies. “At times, I don’t even recall these youths, but they remember me!” he exclaimed, “Knowing that they

have succeeded in life, and that I have played a small part in it, makes all the time and effort spent worthwhile.”

Toward sustaining his commitments, Mr. Ismail is especially thankful to

have the strong backing and understanding from LTA and his immediate

bosses, both of whom value voluntary work and encourage involvement in community services.

He, too, expresses resounding belief that volunteering is innate in everyone. 1. Giving speech at ITE Top Student Award Ceremony 2. Giving out volunteer awards! 3. Receiving award from President Tony Tan.

Says the fervent volunteer: “It is a basic human instinct to help those in

need. It is from the heart. You just need to discover it, feel it and embrace it.” “Try it, experience it. You will love it!”



Carolyn Tan

es v i t c e p s r e P Gain Fresh t e k r a m b o J l a n r e t n I m o fr Career mobility within LTA has always been a topic of interest for our officers. Regardless of it being a lateral movement or an emplacement to a higher scheme of service, it is an avenue through which you can continue to pick up new skills and knowledge while continuing to contribute to the goals of LTA. Let’s hear from two of our colleagues about their internal transfer experience. I was formerly with the Human Resource (HR) Management Division

handling recruitment matters. After dealing with HR work for more than five years, I decided to expand my horizons by joining another Division, with a hope to find out more about LTA and its processes.

Thus, when I came across a timely opening in Corporate Marketing, I

gave it a shot. With support from my Reporting Officer (RO), Devin Lum, I submitted my application.

About a week after the submission, I was called for an informal interview SANGEETA RAJ

with the Deputy Director of Corporate Marketing, during which he explained

Current Designation: Senior Administrative Assistant

then, I was attracted by the interesting job scope and hoped to be

Current Division: Corporate Marketing, Corporate Communications Former Designation: Human Resource Assistant Former Division: Human Resource Management, Corporate Services Date of Transfer: 18 October 2010

the position as well as the functions of Corporate Marketing. Immediately

shortlisted. And alas! Three days later, I was invited to the formal interview chaired by Deputy Director Corporate Marketing, Director Marketing Communications, as well as the HR officer-in-charge.

The good news came two weeks after the interview, in June 2010. I was overwhelmed with joy! In preparing for the impending transfer, I cleared

most of the paperwork and did the necessary handover of my duties to HR colleagues. On 18 October 2010, I officially joined Corporate Marketing as an Administrative Assistant.

Internal transfer allows me to take charge of my own career. By being

independent and proactive, I have learnt many new things in this Division and enjoyed the opportunity to meet and know many Members of the

Parliament, Ministers, Grassroots Leaders, etc... This is an interesting and challenging Division, and I have had no regrets joining it at all.

uni Investigations m m o C te a r o p r o C I am sure everyone has moments when you feel the immense urge for

a break in routine. I was approaching my fifth anniversary in Corporate

Development, more endearingly known as CDD (currently CTO – Corporate

Transformation Office), when I had that feeling. I took this feeling positively as a callout for me to gain fresh perspectives and a chance for me to learn new things.

What struck me to look internally for job opportunities was really… out

of convenience. Amidst all the work-related emails, I would receive one SHIRLEY CHEW

occasional email from HR titled ‘Refer a Friend!’ advertising the available job

Current Designation: Deputy Manager, Investigations

Personally, I feel a strong attachment to the work we do at LTA. It is so

vacancies in LTA. So I thought, why not?

extensive, colourful and touches everyone in one way or another. I am happy

Current Division: Investigations, Vehicle Services Group

here, but I wanted a change.

Former Designation: Assistant Manager, Corporate Development

Investigations, and that was how the story started.

Former Division: Corporate Development, Corporate Planning and Research Group

had was whether to inform my RO on my intention to transfer, but since HR

Date of Transfer: 4 June 2012

I informed my RO, Angela Khoo, of my intention to transfer. She was

I moused over, clicked on the job posting for Assistant Manager,

The process was pretty straightforward. I put up my application to HR,

together with my updated resume in November 2011. The only struggle I

offered the flexibility of not doing so till further confirmation, I decided to wait and watch.

It was only until I was shortlisted for the second round of interview that supportive, though a little sad, as we enjoyed great rapport as a team. The experience during the two rounds of interviews was very different as it

Did You Know? Our internal transfer policy allows

was not to test my knowledge of the organisation’s objectives or division’s

functions. Rather, it was a two-way communication session that established expectations of the new position and clarified doubts.

you to apply for transfer directly

In February 2012, I received the good news! My transfer was to be effected

in your current capacity and role.

to facilitate CDD’s search for a replacement and proper handover for me.

to be open with your reporting

between VTL and HSO offices in the month of May. It was tiring but such

to HR after contributing two years

on 4 June 2012, an agreement between CDD and Investigation Division,

As officers, you are encouraged

Nonetheless, being eager to start my training in investigations, I shuffled

officers and inform them early of your intentions to transfer.

And as reporting officers, you

are encouraged to practise pro-

active management of our staff’s

development needs during annual appraisals discussions by finding

out their career aspirations and the areas they are interested to take

on (if any). Together, we can build a culture of open communication.

part-time arrangement helped both me and the new staff replacing me to ease into the new work and environment.

It has been slightly more than one year since my transfer to Investigations! I

am glad that I made the move to take charge of my own career development and in the process, discovered more about myself. It has been a very busy but fulfilling year for me, with newfound energy working with a great team.



Want to be Happier? Stop Doing these 10 Things Right Now!

Nizam A Haja

Today is the most precious asset you own—and is the one thing you should truly fear wasting. Blaming: Instead of blaming others for things that go wrong, sometimes things go wrong because we didn’t prepare enough. Take responsibility and focus on doing things better next time.

Impressing: No one really likes you for your title or for what you have. That’s not a real relationship. Form genuine relationships by trying to be yourself instead of trying to impress others.

Clinging: Holding on to what you think you need won’t make you happier; letting go so that you can reach for what you want, will. Even if you don’t succeed in

earning what you want, the act of trying will make you feel better about yourself. Interrupting: Want people to like you? Stop interrupting. Listen to what they say and ask questions to clarify and confirm. They’ll love you for it—and you’ll love how that makes you feel.

Whining: Don’t whine about what’s wrong. Talk about how you’ll make things

better. Don’t just be the shoulder they cry on. Friends don’t let friends whine— friends help friends make their lives better.

Controlling: Control is temporary at best, because it often requires force,

or fear, or authority, or some form of pressure. Develop ways to explain and

convince others of the common goal. They’ll work harder, have more fun and all of you will be happier.

Criticizing: Everyone is different: not better, not worse, just different. Appreciate the differences instead of the shortcomings and you’ll see people—and yourself—in a better light.

Preaching: Criticizing has a brother. His name is Preaching. They share the

same father: Judging. The higher you rise and the more you accomplish, the

more likely you are to think you know everything—and to tell people everything you think you know.

Dwelling: The past is just training; it doesn’t define you. Think about what went wrong, but only in terms of how you will make sure that, next time, you and the people around you will know how to make sure it goes right.

Fearing: Put your fears aside and get started on what you’ve planned, imagined or dreamt of. Once tomorrow comes, today is lost forever. Today is the most precious asset you own—and is the one thing you should truly fear wasting.


Coco Cares Jo-Anna Ong Hi there! My name is Coco and I was adopted by the Corporate Transformation Office this February. Every

week, I am brought home by a different officer and invited to join in fun adventures with his/ her family and friends. Over the past few months, I have flown to Hong Kong and Malaysia, tasted a wide variety of food (including ice cream, dim sum and even beer), learnt to make yoghurt and been hugged (squashed) by

numerous children! After each trip, my photos and adventures will be shared with the rest of the Division. Why did I come into existence? I was told that I am an OD (Organizational Development) tool and have the power to humanise the workplace even without the bulk of Superman. Once dignity, meaning and community become a reality in the workplace, economic success will follow. Within a month, I was adopted!

I know I work for peanuts. Nonetheless, I still decided to start this advisory column on any work-related monkey business – I’ll pose a question, and you can submit your comments/ solutions to Quest_For_ Excellence@lta.gov.sg.

For this inaugural issue, I’m thrilled by this question that came to me at one midnight...

Dear Coco, I have been idolizing a colleague for a long time. Is there a conflict of interest if I start dating him/ her?

Your constructive and/ or creative solutions will be

published in the following issue, but be rest assured that your identity will remain absolutely anonymous!

Have a question that has been bothering you? Let me help you to crowd-source solutions! Email me at Quest_For_ Excellence@lta.gov.sg now!


Top 10 Excuses for being Late


1. Stopped to take a photo of the python found at the office garden

2. Stopped to pluck low hanging fruits at nearby fruit trees

3. Stopped to queue up for N95 face masks


4. Went to buy teh halia from Tekka-shimaya

5. Lost my way in the HSO campus

6. Trapped in lift with bosses for 45 minutes

7. Stuck in the toilet when PSI reached 401

8. Tried to get inspiration to transform by watching Transformers movie series

9. Helped pregnant women cross the road to KK Hospital

10. Boarded the train at Central Green

Note: These excuses are not

sequenced in degree of lameness‌

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If You’re Around HSO... Foo Jong Ai & Paulin Chan



This is the beginning of our food trip as we explore around our offices.

Wilkie Edge is not popularly frequented by LTA

Staff during lunch hour. From HSO, it is not too far for us to walk over, but certainly not near enough for us to do so. We carpooled, took

a long drive (due to the many one-way roads around), passed through an ERP for $1, and

parked at Wilkie Edge for $1.20 per 30 minute.

Perhaps, it is better to take a 10-minute walk – it would aid digestion before you plonk your as* down on the office chair again.

Anyway, we found ourselves in a haven of small

eateries. Unanimously, we walked into a Korean eatery, Daebak. Four of us ordered a table of

food: Beef Bibimbap (Korean traditional mixed

rice) at $8, BBQ Hotplate Spicy Pork Set at $8,

BBQ Hotplate Chicken Set at $8, Ramyun (spicy Korean Ramen) at $7 and Topokki (Korean rice cake) at $6. For a small eatery, the prices are

We were taking a stroll when we stumbled upon Cups N Canvas, a contemporary and spacious cafe-studio that harmonizes arts and coffee, at

139 Selegie Road. Attracted by pretty things, we walked in... and were spoilt for choices!

But choices have to be made. A daring choice

slightly on the high side.

was Sweet Potato Latte made from freshly

Nonetheless, we were very pleased with the

an interesting deviation from caffeine, but we

succulent meat. The Gochujang, Korean spicy

sauce, is especially titillating – one that we have never tasted anywhere else – though it is too

pureed sweet potato and fresh milk. It was

thought it tastes like a thick Chinese sweet

We would very much like to have a second round

At the end of the meal, we were perspiring due to

2.30pm) or even a round of alcohol after work.


Will we go again?

(Bottom) Beef Bibimbap (Korean traditional mixed rice) at $8


sweet for our liking.

its minimal air-conditioning.

(From left to right) Latte ($4.80); Cappuccino ($4.80); Cold-Brewed Peach-Lychee Tea ($5.80); Sweet Potato Latte ($4.80); French-Apple Cake with Vanilla Ice-Cream ($6.50)

of lunch (lunch set at $7.90 from 11.30am to Yes, that many is its variety! Cups N Canvas

Will we go again?

We stretched our stomachs for you.

What’s next around VTL? If you have any suggestions, do write to us at



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