Advent Of Web Data- Ways To Win Customers And Much More

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Advent Of Web Data- Ways To Win Customers And Much More

The travel industry is one of those sectors of the economy that has evolved with the changing times. With traveling becoming an everyday activity, customers shape these enterprises by setting new trends. These trends, in turn, redefine how traveling gets organized and managed. But how do travel companies tap the huge customer market? How do they convert potential customers into actual clients? How does data get collected and used by travel agencies?

Well, let's dive deeper and answer all the HOWs!

Web Data - Meaning, Types, and Sources

Today, Web data has made everything easier by acting as the backbone of the travel industry. It is through this data that travel agencies win customers and capture the market.

Web data refers to any information extracted from a website that acts as a database that records people's online activity. They showcase customers' likes and preferences.

There are several types of web data like text, audio, and video images. As for the travel industry, here are a few common data types and their sources:-

Location Data

Travelers search for suitable locations, including hotels, during their vacations. Travel companies use this data to offer customized options to customers.

Aviation Data

The data involves information about the traveler's flight ticket fares and routes. Airlines companies or marketers use aviation data to enhance customer experience.

Review and Feedback Data

Hotel and travel product reviews are other web data sources used by travel agencies. They get used to improving services, retaining old customers, and making new ones.

How do Travel Companies Extract Web Data- A Glimpse

One thing that might seem intriguing is how travel companies get hold of the vast data from the internet as countless pieces of information get searched every second!

Well, thanks to web data scraping, that has made the task easier. Web scraping or data scraping refers to gathering information from the internet. With various tools in place, web scraping is now a hassle-free procedure that facilitates several tasks in the travel sector. These tools search for essential data from diversified sources, assort them and store them in one place.

Scraping Airline Data

There are several sources of web data. Let's look at how travel companies extract this information from the internet:Travelers give out most of their information on airline portals about their departure dates, type of ticket booked (business, economy, premium economy), and much more. Web scraping bots extract these data and present them to travel agencies.

The tool selects a date range to gather information about the available flight tickets. The website's URL is then pasted into the bot and run to extract the data. The data help companies offer personalized prices to customers, understand market situations, and manage demands. With cut-throat competition, the data thus, aids travel agencies to be at par with their competitors. They even help them to work on their company's visibility in the market arena.

Scraping Hotel Reviews

Travel trends keep on changing with the advancement in years. As such, travelers' preferences, tastes and likings change or modify over time. This information gets tracked by the bots and provided to the travel companies for better services.

The data gets collected through target keywords, hashtags, post URLs, profile URLs, and much more. The bots scrape the particulars available on public platforms and present the same to travel agencies.

Extracting Real-time Travel And Location Data

Web scraping bots help travel companies scrape real-time dynamic data, such as product price and stock information. The tool extracts the ever-changing data from websites and tracks them for a specified period. Once there is a change in the pricing or stocking, the bot updates the information. The data thereby facilitates travel companies in giving better services to customers.

Travelers search for nearby food joints, hotels, and vacation rentals, thus sharing location-specific data. These get collected by the web scraping bots using specific keywords. Each search result page is then scraped individually by the tool. Finally, the travel companies download the data extracted from different categories for their perusal.

Extracting Travel Trends

Travel trends keep on changing with the advancement in years. As such, travelers' preferences, tastes and likings change or modify over time. This information gets tracked by the bots and provided to the travel companies for better services. The data gets collected through target keywords, hashtags, post URLs, profile URLs, and much more. The bots scrape the particulars available on public platforms and present the same to travel agencies.

Uses / Importance of Web Data for the Travel & Tourism Industry

Web data has positively impacted the travel and tourism sector over the years. As such, let's look at some benefits of web-based data collection in the travel industry.

Market Research and Analysis

Surviving in the industry requires keeping a hawk's eye over the competitor's products, services, and reputation in the market. The information gathered can help capture the target audience and improve one's services. Web scraping aids companies in extracting these data and using the same to stay abreast of the competition.

Price Tracking

Price mechanism plays an essential role in the travel industry. Offering the right price to the customer is a crucial task where overlooking the competitor's price may lead to the loss of the potential customer. As such, travel data scraping helps companies to keep track of the cost in the market and aid in developing the right and affordable pricing policy for all.

Enhancing Customer Experience

Since travel companies interact with people daily, a lot of information becomes handy that can generate a better customer experience. Here, web data comes into play by helping agencies make informed decisions, improve their services, and keep a check on offers that are no longer useful.

Nurturing Brand Reputation

Word of mouth is a crucial aspect for any travel agency. In other words, a good reputation in the market plays a huge role in the travel sector. Web data analysis assists travel companies in processing, examining, and analyzing data to fulfill future customer expectations, thus creating a good brand image.

Future of the Travel Industry through Web Data


Today, web scraping services serve as a watershed in the travel industry, boosting and aiding the same. The sector's future depends on web scraping as they help create a personalized customer experience, helping travel companies retain the end-users and benefit from the same. As such, creating seamless travel experiences has become simpler for travel agencies and will likely get enhanced further in the coming years.


Web data has invariably made a lasting impact on the travel sector, aiding it in adapting to the dynamic nature of the market. The benefits and advantages mentioned are the tip of the iceberg and include much more than one can understand in a go. With a data-driven approach, travel companies have improved their services, giving better output and garnering customers' attention over time.

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