Renewal Veterans for Fidelity & Chastity a Specialized Ministry of Presbyterians for Renewal NORTHEAST REGION
We, the following signers of this covenant, pledge to stand, in prayer and dependence upon God’s Spirit, for our current constitutional ordination standards calling for “fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman (W-4.9001), or chastity in singleness,” Believing: •
that our Heavenly Father provided the pattern for the covenant of marriage in Gen. 2:24: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh;”
that our Lord Jesus Christ reaffirmed this divine plan (Matt. 19-5-6; Mk. 10:7-8);
that the Apostle Paul continued calling Christ’s followers to this God-given understanding of marriage (I Cor. 6:16; Eph. 5:31);
that both Scripture (Acts 15:29) and our Confessions (6.131-132; 7:248-249; 9.47) teach us to honor marriage and to shun immorality;
that the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) presently describes both the character of marriage (W-9.001) and the conditions for ordained service within our Presbyterian family (G-6.0106b);
that the recent General Assembly has once again given to our presbyteries the privilege and obligation to confirm or deny its wisdom regarding altering these requirements for ordained service within our Presbyterian family; and
that our present constitutional standards should be retained.
Signatories below
RVFC Cabinet Larry Ballinger, Pasadena, CA; Doug Harper, Houston, TX; Harold Kurtz, Portland, OR; Paul Lundell, Omaha, NE; Matt McGowan, Gainesville, GA; Betty Moore, Florence, SC; Matt Welde, Willow Street, PA; Dwight White, Ryegate, VT; Ken Working, Santa Barbara, SC; Coordinator Harry Hassall, Brentwood, TN; PFR Executive Director Paul Detterman, Louisville, KY.
RVFC Board of Reference John Anderson, Dallas, TX; Peggy Bell, Dallas, TX; Bill Bryant, Fairview, TN; Don Buteyn, Holland, MI; Marj Carpenter, Big Spring, TX; Youngil Cho, Raleigh, NC; Frank Diaz, Lewisville, TX; David Dobler; Sitka, AK; Louie & Coke Evans, Fresno, CA; Scott Farmer, Danville, CA; Tom Gillespie, Princeton, NJ; Rick & Toby Gillespie-Mobley, Cleveland, OH; Price Gwynn, Charlotte, NC; Pete Hammond, Madison, WI; Charles Hammond, Banning, CA; Bob Henderson, Tucker, GA; John Huffman, Newport Beach, CA; Jin Kim, Brooklyn Center, MN; Jerry Kirk, Cincinnati, OH; Randolph Kowalski, Piedmont, SC; Jim Kraft, Eastampton, NJ; Bruce Larson, Seattle, WA; Dick Leon, Redmond, WA; Bob Lewis, Scottsdale, AZ; Sam & Eileen Moffett, Princeton, NJ; Lloyd Ogilvie, Los Angeles, CA; Juan Perez-Alda, Bayamon, PR; Bob Pitman, San Mateo, CA; David Poling, Albuquerque, NM; Andrew Purves, Pittsburgh, PA; Joe Rightmyer, Austin, TX; Doug Rumford, Santa Ana, CA; Elinor Smith, Evanston, IL; John Stevens, Colorado Springs, CO; Bill & Nancy Warlick, Orlando, FL; Bill Welch, Tulsa, OK; and Louis Zbinden, San Antonio, TX.
NORTHEAST REGION CANADA: James W. L. Hills; CT: J. Jey Deifell; DE: John A. Gilmore, Randall Otto, Everett W. Sahrbeck, Timothy R. Woodruff; MD: Earl M. Brooks, Barry M. Gray, Bumsoo Kim, David JungDo Park, Eun Woo Park, Jacob Rodawla, Mark W. Sinnett; MA: Richard F. Brondyke, Stan Johnson, Peter Marshall, Sang Kun Park, Aida, Besancon & William David Spencer, Jeffrey Winter; NH: Dong Seung Lee, Jim Stuart; NJ: Richard A. Carter, Jeffrey Ebert, Patricia B. Fish, William W. Gaskill, Thomas W. Gillespie, Barry Gruver, Bong Kee Huh, Kee Won Huh, David Joynt, Kinam Ko, Barbara D. Kotora, James H. Kraft, Chang Woo Lee, Myung Jong Lee, Paul Leggett, Thomas A. Litteer, John H. Maltby, Laurence E. Miller, Eileen F. & Samuel H. Moffett, Victor J. Moon, Horace M. Patton, Jong Jen David Peng, David A. Ramsey, Hal Thornton, William H. Walker, Roger Weir, Je Sun Yoo, Myung Ho Yoon; NY: John R. Aldridge, Gary A. Chorpenning, Paul S. Chun, Robert E. Duncan, Harry J. Heintz, Allen V. Kemp, Joon Suk Kim, Sarah Young Ju Lee, Sung Hee Lee,
Richard S. McConnell, C. Herbert Oliver, Jeff Prey, Shang Yil Rhee, Charles M. Roberts, Alec B. & Laura L. Wendell, Soo Hwan Woo, J. Perry Wootten; PA: Lois A. & Mark D. Atkinson, Kenneth E. Bailey, David L. Barrett, Wayne P. Barrett, Marc G. Benton, William M. Blackie, Bill Blacksmith, William J. Bovard, R. Geoffrey Brown, C. Brown Caldwell, Clarence N. Camara, Ellen L. Campbell, J. William Carpenter, Martha Cartmell, Kenneth B. Cragg, John W. Culp, Robert D. Cummings, LaVerne A. Davenport, Arthur R. Day, John C. Dean, Douglas A. Dunderdale, Christopher C. Edwards, Brian E. Gawf, Stephen P. Gutridge, Douglas M. & Kristine W. Hileman, Donald C. Hoagland, Joseph Hopkins, Richard E. Hurley, Raymond Hylton, F. Stanley Keehlwetter, Richard L. Kellett, James C. King, Jeffrey P. Lampl, Robert E. Larson, Sung H. Lee, Carlisle V. Lloyd, Robert J. Maravalli, Kari McClellan, William P. McKinney, Thomas R. McNutt, Raymond R. Meute, William M. Meyer, William D. Milligan, James K. Moelk, Daniel R. Moore, F. Leon Morgan, Daniel W. Reid, David R. Reichard, R. Douglas Reinard, Paul E. Roberts, Lloyd A.
Sewdin, Harold [Hal] E. Shafer, Andrew C. Shaffer, Benjamin E. Sheldon, Patricia L. Smock, Jonathan Speck, Paul W. Stauning, Robert G. Stier, E. Vincent Stratton, James R. Thomas, Paul H. Thwaite, Paul E. Toms, Charles Van Dyne, Stephen N. Weed, Matthew J. Welde, Yung-bae Yang; PR: Jose R. Colon-Rodriguez, Samuel Corchado-Ortega, Juan J. Perez, Otilio Polanco, Rafael Riquelme, Wilton Vincenty; RI: Robert J. Wiley; VT: Dwight A. White; WV: F. Dewitt Furrow, Brian M. Kilbert, W. Lawrence [Lang] Kline, Symon Satow, Steven L. Seng.
Kalsbeek, Jerry R. Kirk, Peter Larson, Bill N. Lawrence, Christian W. Matthews, Tim McQuade, M. Stephen Merold, Edward R. Mooney, Robert M. Offerdahl, W. Donald Pendell, Jerry W. Pitman, Martha & William H. Popa, David A. Redding, Marion T. Redding, Thomas P. Sweets, Donald D. Swift, Velis Vais, John A. Watson, Michael Wheatley, Hyung C. Yang; SD: Webster P. Brower, Florence Hoff; WI: E. Wayne Adcock, Amy Flack, Walter W. Hackney, J. Pete Hammond, Lloyd Makool, Caroline & Ted Tromble.
IL: Jerry Andrews, Edward A. Borycz, Hassell Bullock, Bok Kee Chae, Beung Hoon Choi, Matt Ferguson, Melanie D. & John G. Hamilton, Tom Hobson, Geoffrey A. Huish, Lisle J. Kauffman, Eric Keller, Steven L. King, Donald E. Kinloch, Robert R. Kopp, Charles C. Legvold, Jay Sang Lo, Joan I. McKenzie, Greg Ogden, Joon Hee Park, Daniel H. Patterson, Robert L. Phillips, Carl D. Polstra, Harold H. Shin, Elinor L. Smith, Jim Tilley, James R. Tony; IN: Nancy Becker, William F. Burd, James A. Capps, William W. Carr, James G. Cramer, Henry S. Date, M. Rex Espiritu, L. John Gable, DuWayne Hintz, Richard Kim, Robert Lorimer, Jack Masters, Leonel R. Pech, Walter J. Ungerer; IA: Lorena & Ross Blount, Thomas J. Bower, David B. Castrodale, Don Freeman, Donald W. Gibson, Kyle Otterbein, Marcia C. Rich, Terry P. Simm; KS: A. Keith Allison, John C. & Shirley P. Barnum, Jeffrey L. Cochran, Dick Glasgow, Gerald Hallberg, Eric Laverentz; MI: Elizabeth Arakelian, Donald P. Buteyn, R. John Harris, Kenneth G. Hetzel, Earl Kragt, John H. Pavelko, Parker E. Smith; MN: Roger Anderson, David L. Bierschwale, Robert W. Dickson, E. James Elvig, John W. Goertz, Dwight Johnson, Glenn E. Polzine, Byung Chun Yoo, Bill Young; MO: Robert E. Bailey, Paul Currie, David Danford, Courtney Furman, Paul A. Gaug, Munn Hinds, Jennifer A. Jennings, William L. Luce, J. Bruce Melton, Joseph Pallikkathayil, Fred M. Seba, Patrick J. Southam; NE: James W. Crelin, Silas G. Kessler, Paul M. Lundell, George Moore, Dee J. Reiff, Richard H. Skelley, Wesley E. Stevens, Earl F. Underwood; OH: Kim Alten, David E. Bickett, David R. Black, Dennis Braun, Richard D. Ellsworth, Stephen Eyre, Ronald V. Fleming, James W. Gear, Andrew Gerhart, Rick & Toby Gillespie-Mobley, Gordon Jewett, Ted
AL: J. Frank Alexander, Samuel G. Andreasen, M. Pierre Burns, Edward C. Gartrell, Victor D. Haas, Robert Inman, Sung-Woong Kim, Sidney L. Leak, Mark Looyenga, David C. Mauldin, Robert G. McGehee, Glenn A. Ruggles, Charles E. Van Devender, Howard C. Walton, Cody U. Watson, Douglas D. Webster; FL: Dana S. Allin, Michael L. Andrews, Paul Aughinbaugh, J. Andrew Barr, Thomas A. Beech, Philip B. Bliss, William L. Bowers, David Bridgman, Harold B. Brown, Jose A. Cintron-Arroyo, Robert W. Cousar, Gregory M. Cruice, Donald E. Davis, William J. Davis, G. Richard Doerbaum, Thomas R. Evans, Joseph J. Gasper, Peter C. Hauser, Russell [Rusty] O. Hays, C. Thomas Hilton, Tully Hunter, Choong H. Kim, Francis Kinney, Ken Kleidon, James M. Knight, Keun Ryang Kwak, George Lashley, Nae Yong Lee, John B. [Mike] Loudon, Brenda K. L o y a l , S a n d r a L u c i a n o - A n d u j a r, M y l e s MacDonald, George J. McIlrath, Paul S. Mixon, Michael A. Moore, Mardoqueo Munoz, Kevin Pound, Kenneth D. Shick, Ron Smith, David Swanson, Nancy W. & William Warlick, Bryan L. Wenger, Elbert M. Williamson, Clyde M. Wray, James C. Yearsley, Eric Young; GA: Earl A. Bland, John S. Byerly, Byeongho Choi, William D. Coker, George E. Dameron, Archie Davis, James A. DeCamp, C. Phil Esty, David W. Fahner, Spencer R. Frye, Robert T. Henderson, R. Leslie Holmes, Robert M. Holmes, Stephen M. Huntley, Leon Jeffords, George C. Kaulbach, Sam Y. Kim, Roger A. Kvam, Benton E. Laughlin, Billy Joe Martin, G. Daniel McCall, Matthew McGowan, Kenneth B. McKenzie, William P. McKinnon, Stephen A. Murray, Yoon Sang Nam, Seong Joo Park, Charles W. [Chuck] Roberts, Carl D. Smith, Charles R. Taber, Donald D. Wade, Donald L. Wilson; KY: Robert H. Camenisch, Paul E.
Detterman, Lemuel Johnson, Lionel R. Lindsay, Patrick E. Napier, John C. Sanderson, Thomas L. Sale; MS: Lionel Cable, Knox Chamblin, Tim A. Erskine, Joseph Etua, Michael S. Herrin, Paul L. Kendall, Gordon L. Lyle, Joseph M. Martin, Clint Regen, David Snellgrove, Richard K. Swayze, Sr., J. Kelly Unger; NC: Will Ackles, Wyatt Aiken, Robert Austell, R. Carter Blaisdell, Ladson M. Brearley, James A. Bulthuis, S. David Carriker, Youngil Cho, L. Raymond Cobb, John W. [Jay] Coker, Thomas W. Currie, Vernon H. Dodd, David A. Dunderdale, James W. Eller, K. J. Foreman, Claude D. Gamble, J. William Giles, Price H. Gwynn, Peter R. Hale, Steven E. Hein, Anne T. & Scott Hilborn, Robert F. Hinman, Edsel Huffstetler, George Hutchins, Robert Jack, David Jenkins, William G. Katibah, Hank Keating, John R. & Leslie Kerr, J. Wendell Ligon, David A. Long, Hershey J. Longenecker, Billy T. Lowe, Andrew Martinez, Lardner Moore, Allen E. Morrison, Stephen A. Moss, Chad & Cynthia Neal, Herman W. Nodine, J. William Orders, Robert E. Palisin, David L. Parks, Don Patchel, Allan Poole, Bruce M. Powell, James W. Randall, Russell Ritchel, A. Don Robb, J. Julius Scott, Bill Serjak, Albert D. & Betty W. Shaw, W. Wirt Skinner, Trevor Smith, Nelson B. Soggs, Robert H. Teed, Gary & Marlene Van Brocklin, William A. Watson; SC: Eugene G. Bach, Marion B. Boozer, Michael Bush, Kevin T. Cauley, Paul J. Coblentz, Herbert E. Codington, R. Don Cooke, Robin P. Dill, Charles J. Dougherty, Albert E. Eads, Carmen Fowler, Robert F. Fuller, Bob Gant, James D. Glatz, William Green, Christopher Handley, Garland S. Hart, Bill Hayes, Kenneth M. Hicks, Frank Holsclaw, Charles H. Horne, Barry L. Jenkins, Stan Johnson, Robert H. Jones, Randolph Kowalski, Tim Leslie, Martin Lifer, Deborah P. & Don Marshall, Robert M. Marvin, Monroe McIntyre, Betty K. Moore, O. Guy Oliver, French B. O Shields, John W. Parks, Paul M. Petersen, Sanders G. Read, P. David Reynolds, J. Mickey Rice, Beryl G. Rosenberger, J. Ben Sloan, William P. Tarbell, Charles E. von Rosenberg, David L. Waters; TN: David A. Bell, William T. Bryant, Andy Carrick, James W. Cawood, R. Alan Chapman, John T. Cheetham, Coleman L. Coates, Nancy & Robert T. Crumpton, Herman Dam, Tim Diffenderfer, Tracy Edwards. Craig N. Fairall, Mike Gibson, Donald E. Grady, James P. Hall, David C. Hambrick, Charles D. Harvey, Harry S. Hassall, John Hinkle, John F. Horn, Se Bong Kang, Mark L. Knisley, Frank G. Ladner, David Maude, Charles L. Moffatt, H.
Gudger Nichols, Richard W. Paddon, Dan W. Park, A. Guy Patterson, Paul Picard, Tom Pickering, George K. [Pete] Preston, R. Steve Rembert, Jefferson Ritchie, Daniel N. Sansbury, G. Christopher Scruggs, Angus R. Shaw, Andrew E. Spence, Charles S. Sydnor, Bev Talbott, Tom Tyndall, Robert N. Watkin, Rob Weingartner, H. Stewart White, Sam Suk Yang; VA: John N. Ashenfelder, Hyun Chan Bae, Robert Burns, Chin Fang Chen, Billy Craig, John W. Daniel, Curry W. Davis, Laura Grace Eisenhower, Merle L. Fisher, Ernest L. Gardner, Marina Gopadze, Steve Hartman, Keith Hill, Catherine C. Hutton, ZunGee Jun, W. J. B. Livingston, William R. Long, Robert A. McRae, L. Wayne Meredith, William S. Metzel, Larry Mills, Charles K. Murray, Sung-Joo Park, Zolton J. Phillips, Charles N. Pickell, Sidney Pinch, D. Edward Renegar, Shane Roberson, Louis A. Skidmore, John F. Sloop, Robert D. Smith, Shawn Smith, John D. Sterrett, Bill Teng, Douglas Van Niel, James R. M. Young.
SOUTHWEST REGION AZ: Robert L. Bigler, Josephine Dickson, Charlie Fox, John A. Fredrick, Darren Hawkins, Victor Joe, Bruce R. Johnson, Edmund A. Loew, Hipolito N. Melendez, James Noble, Seok Min Song, W. Gale Watkins; AR: Breck Castleman, David B. Davies, Milton B. Davis, William T. Grimstead, Rebecca Spooner, Frederick A. Taylor, H. Warren Wilkewitz, J. Q. Williams; LA: William J. Brown, W. Edmund Carver, Bruce M. Rux, Robert Weathersby, Chandler M. Willis; NM: Newton P. Cox, Ralph Hensley, N. Scott King, C. Louis Pattison, David Poling; OK: Edwin Bernard, Dale DePue, O. Kelly Dowd, Carl P. Hamilton, Dale F. Nielsen, William J. Welch; TX: Clay Allard, John F. Anderson, Agustin & Rosario deLugo Batlle, L. Nelson Bell, Peggy Bell, Jack K. Bennett, Milton C. Bierschwale, John Blacklock, Bert Bronaugh, Bryan J. Cannon, Tomas Chavez, James C. Coone, Robert R. Covington, Jim Davis, Andy Dearman, Joseph E. Delgatto, Frank Diaz, Eugene B. Edwards, Baron Eliason, Jose & Fanny Fajardo, Robert W. Field, Susan FinckLockhart, Murray Gossett, Roger O. Green, Howard Griffin, Cyprian Guchienda, James B. Harper, M. Douglas Harper, J. Robert Hawkins, John R. Hendrick, Richard Hom, Shen-Hung Hsu, Russell Jonas, Winfield Casey Jones, Faith Jongewaard, Ok-Kee Kim, Calvin Koomey, Jon E. Kotchavar, Cecil H. Lang, Jay W. Lee, Peter S.
Lee, Won J. Lim, Jack Livingston, David G. McKechnie, Debbie C. Measells, Matt Mitchell, C. Ellis Nelson, Stephen E. Newton, Stephen Oglesbee, Bill O Neal, William J. Parr, Dave Peterson, Tim Phillips, William P. Proctor, Hector Reynoso, W. Samuel Rice, F. Ray Riddle, Joseph B. Rightmyer, Ed Robertson, Kevin C. Rudolph, Mark E. Salmon, Ronald W. Scates, David A. Sparks, Cliff Stewart, George R. Stewart, Woody Strodel, Robert H. Thompson, Fred Thrower, Jerry R. Tompkins, Alan P. Trafford, Larry S. Tyler, Lachlan C. Vass, Michael R. Walker, John Watson, Tom Wilbanks, Ho In Yu, Jay Won Yu, Louis Zbinden, Marshall Zieman.
WEST REGION AK: Deanna Bertrand, Charles C. Bovee, David Dobler, Andrew Ekblad, Youl Rhee, Heather Smith; CA: Noel K. Anderson, Timothy P. Avazian, Jack W. Baca, Donald H. Baird, Larry D. Ballenger, Arthur Beals, John C. Bonner, Jeffrey G. Bridgeman, John S. Bristol, Durwood Busse, Peggy T. Cantwell, Charles Castles, Jae Hong Choi, Samuel J. Choi, John J. Choo, Paul Young Choo, Sean Chow, V. Ralph Conrad, Robert Coppock, Steven H. Craig, Arcesio Cruz, Denn Denning, Alvin Desterhaft, Louie & Colleen [Coke] T. Evans, Daryl Fisher-Ogden, William L. Flanagan, Osvaldo B. Garcia, Douglas Garrard, Chris & Margaret Gelini, George Gilchrist, Henry B. Greene, James W. Hagelganz, Jae Sin Han, Bill Hansen, Rich Hansen, Roberta Hestenes, Mayasa Hibino, James R. Howe, Winston R. Hull, Gerald B. Hurst, Seung Bo Jeon, Jarrett A. Johnson, David Kwang Kim, Gukgene Kim, Kwang Sun Kim, Kyung Jae Kim, Peter C. Kim, Sei Hoon Kim, Soo Shin Kim, Dou Sub Lee, John P. Lee, Kyu H. Lee, Peter B. Lo, Don Maddox, Archie E. Marston, Joshua McPaul, Kent Meads, Nancy C. Moore, John R. Moser, George A. Munzing, Mary H. Naegeli, Mark Nazarian, Steve Nesheim, Cuong H. Nguyen, Aahmes E. Overton, Jung K. Pahn, Eun Kyu Park, Brent Patterson, Dale E. Paulsen, Geoffrey M. Pfaff, Paul Pierson, John Paul & Pamela Powell, Alan G. Reutter, Dean F. Rowley, Douglas J. Rumford, Ted K. Shin, Jerry Tabler, Jerry Tankersley, Jeanie M. Thorndike, Larry Thorson, John B. Toay, Richard A. Todd, Thomas G. Tripp, Mike Wallman, Peter C. Wang, David M. Watson, Robert Wedaa, David Weidlich, James Wheeler, Robert C. Whitaker, Jon Wilson, Wayland Wong, Kenneth C. Working,
David A. Worth, Mark Wright, Stanley Yin, Randy Young; CO: John S. Baird, Peter Barnes, Joshua Change, Bob & Sylvia Dooling, Steven Frank, David Freehling, John M. Geiter, Jeffrey J. Harmeling, Jan E. Heeringa, Ron Holmes, David Kang, Gary LeTourneau, Hyung Tae Lim, Robert Mitchell, Dale L. Powell, Ivan Rymes, Richard A. Spinner, John H. Stevens, Elwyn Tedford, James E. Vincent; HI: Byong Kie Choi, Kyung Hynb Hyun, Joseph Jongyoup Kim, Timothy W. T. Lee; ID: Dennis Falasco, Richard A. Green, Robert W. Henley, Phil Moran, Bruce D. Swanson, Stephen Wilbraham; MT: John Bruington, James E. [Jed] Cauffman, Wayne A. Fisher, Debbie Funke, Richard I. McNeely; NV: Vernon Towne; OR: Todd Bensel, Deborah Blair, Richard A. Brown, John S. Carpenter, John & Sylvia Dilworth, Jim Hazlett, Alan W. Jackson, Kwang Ho Kim, Harold E. Kurtz, Charles E. Poling; UT: Luke Choi, Michael J. Imperiale, Richard P. Minnich; WA: Gerald M. Allin, Bruce D. Becker, James D. Berkley, Joe Bettridge, Gary A. Bowker, Doug Bunnell, Kolinus Buntaran, Frank Burgess, Young Karl Choi, James L. Christianson, Nam S. Chung, Pyung S. Chung, Albert M. Damon, Fred D. Davis, David Diehl, James R. Edwards, Robert Eyman, Karen & Kevin Finch, Paul Fredericks, Martin J. B. Geisel, Albert L. Gillin. David R. Hackett, Robin G. Hagen, Yoon Gi Jang, R. Hunter Keen, Timothy Lann, Hyungsak Samuel Lee, Richard H. Leon, Scott Mann, James E. Mead, Don Meekhof, Fitz & Laurel S. Neal, Earl F. Palmer, Paul Pankey, Jack Peebles, Kenneth D. Peterson, James L. Probert, Ronald B. Rice, Al Sandalow, Ellen & Jeffrey Schulz, Arnold F. Stueckle, Mark Toone, Skip Viau, Mark Wheeler, Mark S. White, John F. Williams, Lance Williamson, Lance F. Ziegler.