Atelier cnS Portfolio

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cn S

城市 | 建筑 | 景观 | 室内 urbanism | architecture | landscape | interior

竖梁社的设计哲学 design philosophy of atelier-cns

technology 技术

fabrication 建造

context 文脉

urbanism 城市

landscape urbanism 景观城市主义

architecture 建筑

arch-scape 建筑化室内

竖梁社设计 cns design

interior 室内

inter-tecture 室内化家具

furniture 家具

数字建造实验室 数字建造工厂 dfl/dcf

竖梁社设计(广州) email: office(at)

竖梁社是一间植根于珠江三角洲的创意设计机构,主要设计 研究对象为新技术条件下的中国城市、建筑、景观与室内。

Atelier cnS (coenosis) is a creative industry institution based in the Pearl River Delta. The main targets and objectives are the cities, architectures, landscapes and interior environment with novel technologies in China.

“竖梁社"是拉丁文coenosis(群落)的中文译名, “coenosis"表着群体的积聚力量,隐喻着在新的技术和商 业条件下,设计创造力的无穷涌现和自我网罗。而coenosis 的简写为“cnS"。cnS(China's)代表着中国制造与创 造,“竖梁"则同时描述当下中国的建造活动。“cnS"与 “竖梁社"交叉强调着团队所必须应对的中国现实,以及对 这个现实所给予设计和技术约束与灵感的尊重。

Coenosis comes from Latin, meaning groups and communities. Coenosis represents the intensified power of the group, and encapsulates the perpetual emergence and self-expression of creativities under the possibilities provided by new technologies and commercial situations. The abbreviation of Coenosis is “cnS” (China’s), meaning made and created by China, while its Chinese name Shuliang describes the nowadays construction activities. Both of “cnS” and “Shuliang” emphasize the realities in China which the team must encounter, as well as the constraints of designs and technologies, along with the respects to such realities.

联合创始人宋刚,毕业美国康奈尔大学,拥有商业与艺术策 划和创意建筑设计经验,现任教于华南理工大学,客座于包 括清华大学、同济大学在内的著名建筑学院;联合创始人钟 冠球,毕业于南京大学,并入选中国四十位四十岁以下青年建 筑师联展,任教于华南理工大学。合伙人朱志远,毕业于清华 大学,具有多年建筑设计工作经验。合伙人戴小犇,毕业于 美国康奈尔大学,曾在香港大型商业事务所工作。

Gang Song, the cofounder, graduated from Cornell University in the U.S.A. and has profound experiences in commercial and arts planning, as well as creative architecture design. He is now teaching in South China University of Technology and as guest lecturer in famous architecture institutes like Tsinghua University, Tongji University and etc. Guanqiu Zhong, another cofounder, graduated from Nanjing University and is listed into the co-exhibition of 40 young architects under 40 years old in China. He is now teaching in South China University of Technology as well. Zhu Zhiyuan, the partner, studied architecture in Tsinghua, has years working experience in CCDI and AUS. Ben Dai, receiving matser of architecture degree from Cornell, worked in Aedas(Hong Kong) before joining cnS.

竖梁社不单致力于为快速发展的中国城市提供独特视角的设 计,也致力于数字化生成设计与数字建造技术的先锋探索。 联合创始人的设计与研究作品曾荣获2009年深圳香港双城双 年展组委会特别奖, 竖梁社的作品参加北京国际建筑艺术双 年展,并为Paramatric Prototypes、城市环境设计、城市空 间设计、时代建筑、城市建筑、新建筑等国内外媒体广泛报 道。

Atelier cnS puts its efforts not only in providing designs with unique views to the fast-developing cities in China, but also in the pioneer explorations in digital-generated designs and digital construction technologies. The designs and research works of the cofounders and partners have been awarded the Special Prize by the Shenzhen Hong Kong Biennale Committee. Atelier cnS has exhibited its works in Beijing Architecture Biennale and reported widely by domestic and foreign medias like Paramatric Prototypes, Urban Environment Design, Urban Flux, Time Architecture, Urban Architecture and New Architecture.


广州恩宁路临时景观设计 Enning Road Temporary Landscape, Guangzhou

项目状态:已建成 Status: Completed

项目面积:景观5000平米,建筑400平米 Area: Landscape 5000sqm, Architetcure 400sqm

项目周期:2010年3月-2010年10月 Period: March 2010-October 2010

在亚运会来临前,广州对老城进行了大规模的整治。其中恩宁 路及周边地区成为一个整治的重点。设计师被要求对拆除后的 街区进行景观整理,但是整个项目留给设计和建造的时间非常 短。因此在这个项目中,设计师面对的是如何在城市废墟上快 速建造短暂的应景景观。挑战不光来自较短的时间,还包括新 建的景观如何与周围环境呼应和和谐,以及如何建造一些可以 用作商业价值的建筑空间。

The authorities of the city of Guangzhou performed reconstruction on a great scale to the old urban area before the Asian Games started. Enning Road with its surroundings was a crucial part of such reconstructions. Designers were required to provide solutions of landscape designs to the demolished blocks. However, the time allocated for design and construction of this project was short, therefore in this project, what the designers had to face was how to set up a temporal landscape quickly based on the demolished areas. The challenge did not come solely from the short time allocated; it included creating harmony between the new constructed landscapes, the surrounding environment and the architecture space for commercial purpose.

最初的设计开始于对场地流线的整理。拆除后的老建筑留下的 基础和铺砌的石板限定了区域内弯弯曲曲的老城空街道间。新 的景观是在原有街道肌理上的叠加,同时通过引入新的流线, 创造了不同的景观形式体系。主要的景观基底为工厂预制的混 凝土块,通过混凝土块的不同砌法,得到了不同的景观肌理。 同时为了给亚运期间的商业提供了空间,在建造的时间非常短 暂的情况下,在场地上引入板房。板房的摆布和位置是根据营 造商业氛围以及视线、流线等进行确定的。板房立面的设计严 格遵循某些参数化的形式逻辑。

The initial design started from the arrangement of the streamline at the site. The demolished old constructions have left their bases, which constrained the streets in curves in this area together with the laid slab stones. The new landscape design was to be added on top of the original street textures to introduce new streamlines and in order to create a different system of landscape. The main landscape basis is the pre-manufactured concrete stones, whose different combinations would lead to different landscape textures. Meanwhile, to serve the commercial purpose of Asian Games, within very limited time of construction, the design introduced Plate Houses. The arrangement and locations of these Plate Houses are determined by the commercial atmosphere and the flow of views and streamlines. The designs of Plates houses fronts follow strictly the formal logics of certain parameters.


广州珠江啤酒水岸地景建筑及景观设计 Pear River Beer Factory Landscape, Guangzhou

项目状态:已建成 Status: Completed

项目面积:景观22000平米,建筑8000平米 Area: Landscape 22000sqm, Architetcure 8000sqm

项目周期:2009年3月-2010年10月 Period: March 2009-October 2010

为迎接亚运会,珠江沿线需要进行景观整治,在亚运会开幕式 场地-海心沙对面的珠江啤酒厂成为设计整治的重点。整治包 括两个部分:一部分是美化珠江啤酒厂沿珠江一线的城市景 观;另外一部分是创造城市活动空间。 设计的方法从地景式的建筑开始,由于珠江沿线有非常严格的 高度限制,意味着要将建筑体量进行消解。同时为了创造公众 活动的场所,希望能在珠江沿线线性的空间中增加具有集聚效 应的广场。因此最终的形式采用交错发生的折线形式,这个折 线形式形成一套形式系统,既呼应原有的珠江边的潮涨潮落, 有具有参数化的形式逻辑特征。这套形式系统不但将建筑体量 进行了消解,而且创造了不同的城市交往空间,以便于使用后 进行能够吸引各种商业活动。 在景观和建筑材料细节上的把握,设计师关注于在如何通过具 体的材料将复杂的功能与形式整合之外,还关心如何进行基于 本地材料的廉价建造。施工过程中,设计师与施工对进行了对 材料的各种实验。

For the preparation of Asian Games, landscape rearrangement was needed for the sides of the Pearl River. Pearl River Beer Factory has been the main target of this rearrangement, which is located just opposite of the Haixinsha Island, where the Asian Games Commencement Ceremony took place. This rearrangement consisted of 2 parts: one is to beautify the urban landscape along the Pearl River Beer Factory, the other one is to create activity space for the city. The design solution starts from landmark architecture. Due to strict constraints of heights of the architecture along the Pearl River, the amount of construction needed to be reduced. Also in order to create activity space of the public, a square in the space along the Pearl River was proposed use of the public. Therefore, the final solution adopted crossed curves, which created a formation system, not only corresponding to the tides of the Pearl River, but also possessing formal logic features of parameterization. This formation system successfully reduced the construction amount and created alternative communication space for the public and future commercial activities. Regarding the details of landscapes and construction materials, the designers focused on the actual combination of the complicated functions and forms of the materials. Besides, they focused on cost-effective construction with local materials. Thus, in the construction process, designers and the construction team performed various experiments and tests to the materials.


广州TIT创意产业园艺术家工作室设计 Arts Studio Area, TIT Creative Park, Guangzhou

项目状态:已建成 Status: Completed

项目面积:景观7000平米,建筑6500平米 Area: Landscape 7000sqm, Architetcure 6500sqm

项目周期:2010年8月-2011年12月 Period: August 2010-December 2011

TIT艺术工作室区位于TIT创意产业园内,约有10余栋200-1000 平米的小建筑以及小品设计。这些建筑和景观都试图从不同方 面探索形式建造的可能性。 其中建筑A1为工作室区的入口,主要具有产品展示,希望能够 以曲面的形式吸引行人视线上的注意,并且希望通过自身的设 计确定艺术工作室区的时尚气质。最终的形式是通过两条交错 的曲面完成。A4为旧厂房的改造,原有旧厂房一层,局部二 层,保留有二层加建的结构构件。A4的加建包括补齐二层和加 建轻质结构的三层,二层作为展览,三层作为办公。三层的形 式是由园区茂密生长的树枝所限制得到,采用轻钢结构,形成 曲折有致的第五立面效果。 艺术工作室区的小建筑形式都比较简单,但是建造过程都是探 索新的技术与当下中国实际交集可能性,具有强烈的实验性 质。

TIT Arts Studio is located in the TIT Creativity Park and possesses around 10 buildings and landscapes of 200-1000 square meters. These buildings and landscapes are attempts of possibility exploration from various aspects. Building A1 is the main entrance of the Studio and mainly serves the purpose of product display. It attempts to attract attentions by the curves and reassure the fashionable qualities of the Arts Studio. The final solution was done with 2 crossed curves. Building A4 is re-constructed from an old factory, which originally consisted of a factory of the first floor, some factions of the second floor, with some additional structures. The amended constructions of Building A4 include the expanding of the second floor and the construction of the third floor using light materials. The second floor is used for exhibition while the third for office use. The style of the third floor is the results of the thick branches in the park. The adoption of light steel structure can form the effect of delicate fifth face. The Cellar entrance is a paragon of the park, which serves the function of the Wine Cellar entrance and rest with flexibilities. The final design of the curves is formed by the changing cuts. The architecture of the Arts Studio is created with simple structures, but they are experimental attempts of the possibility exploration of the actual combination of new technologies and current realities in China through the construction process.



贵州百里杜鹃旅游服务中心 Tourist Center, Bailidujuan, Guizhou

项目状态:在建 Status: Under Construction

项目面积:建筑30000平米,室内30000平米 Area: Architecture 30000sqm, Interior 400sqm

项目周期:2010年8月Period: August 2010-

贵州百里杜鹃地区是彝族聚居的区域,需要在新城开发中心地 带建设旅游服务中心。旅游服务中心包括四栋建筑,形成围 合关系,同时建筑的布置考虑地形,减少土方量的同时,形 成彝族寨楼的特色,同时符合彝族文化中“九层楼"的理念。 四栋建筑各有特色。其中A楼为弧形,中庭空间借鉴彝族建筑 特色,形成富有冲击力的大堂。B楼则考虑使用当地常见的石 材,形成丰富的表面肌理。 (合作单位:华南理工大学建筑设计研究院)

Guizhou Baili Azalea area in Yi neighborhoods required construction of a tourist service center in the new town development center. The tourist service center consists of four buildings, which form a relationship with its surroundings. The construction arrangement also considers the terrain and reduces earthwork quantity. The formation of Yi Village building has characteristics of Yi culture in “the nine floor " concept. The Four buildings each have distinguishing feature. The A building is an arc with and atrium space with Yi architectural features. It forms a powerful lobby with. B using the common local stone, to form a rich surface texture. (cooperated with SCUT Institute of Design and Research)

Flower Plaza

Building B Plaza October Plaza Building A Plaza

Building A


Building B


佛山艺术村建筑及景观设计 Architecture and Landscape Design of Foshan Art Village

项目状态:施工图完成,待建 Status: In progress

项目面积:建筑面积3500平米,景观面积22000平米 Area: Architecture 3500sqm, Landscape 22000sqm

项目周期:2011年5月Period: May 2011-

佛山艺术村由十余个方形建筑体量沿河道两岸布置,设置艺术 家工作室,画廊,艺术博物馆,艺术商店,艺术广场等设施, 为市民提供户外户内休闲娱乐陶冶情操的好去处,是周边文化 建筑的补充。建筑表皮采用参数化设计,不同表皮提供不同的 建筑表情,增加艺术村的艺术特色。 (合作单位:华南理工大学建筑设计研究院)

Foshan art village has more than 10 square architectural layouts set along the river sides which serve as artist studios, galleries, art museums, art shops, Art Plaza and other facilities, to provide indoor and outdoor recreation and create good spaces in the periphery of the main building . Building surface was created using skins with parameteric designs to provide different architectural expression and add to the artistic characteristics of art village. (cooperated with SCUT Institute of Design and Research)


数字建造系列-2009深圳香港双年展夏昌世回顾展展台 Digital Fabrication-Exhibition Stand of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Biennale 2009

项目状态:建成 Status: Completed

项目面积:展台平面投影面积150平米 Area: 150sqm

项目周期:2009年10月-2009年12月 Period: October 2009-December 2009

这个展台是为岭南派老先生夏昌世设计的,最终建造是以一种 数字加工的方式完成的。所有拼接的几百块密度板板材都通过 数控机床进行切割和加工,由计算机模拟“物化"的模型能够 很好的与数控加工的过程结合,使整个流程无缝对接。操作具 体流程的总结:1.抽象几何形式的研究;2.在基本形的基础上 研究形式组织逻辑;3.通过新的组织逻辑重新生成抽象几何形 式;4.对抽象几何形式进行材料的研究;5.对获得“物化" 的几何形式进行建造方面的深入;6 .基于信息化模型的“出 图";7.数字化加工;8.现场拼装。

This exhibition stand is designed for Hsia Changshi, a great Lingnan Style architect. The final solution is based on digital processing. All of the hundreds of MDF boards are cut and processed with digital controlled machines. The materialized models by computers can work well with the digital process, which makes perfect procedure. The summary of the actual procedure: 1. Research on abstract geometry forms. 2. Research on the formal organization logics based on the basic shapes. 3. Recreate the abstract geometry forms with new organizational logics. 4. Research on the materials for the abstract geometry forms. 5. Deep explorations into the construction dimension of the materialized geometry forms. 6. Data based on the informational models. 7. Digital processing. 8. Construction at the site.


数字建造系列-华南理工大学建筑学院27号楼曲墙 Digital Fabrication-Curved Wall, Guangzhou

项目状态:建成 Status: Completed

项目面积:5米长,2.5米高 Area: length 5m, height 2.5m

项目周期:2009年12月-2010年2月 Period: December 2009-February 2010

通过分析凡‧艾克雕塑馆生成的"曲墙"作为建造的实施方案, 并放置在华南理工大学建筑系楼入口门厅,希望使用数字条件 下的重要工具--数控机床,去"物化"得到的数字形式。生成的 形式到建造之间有一个重要的设计转换。首先,把光滑曲墙变 成"等高线墙"的方式;其次,在选定的中密度板的最大尺寸之 内,把曲墙分段,并形成通透的连续肌理;再次,根据每两块 板可以两个点进行定位的原则,在两块板交接的地方预先设定 竖向钢筋的位置,那么钢筋既起了稳定作用,又起了定位的作 用,但由于曲墙在剖面上呈现变截面状态,中部钢筋就分一小 截一小截地安放。

This execution solution starts from the Curved Wall generated in Van Eyck’s sculpture museum. This works is located in the entrance hall of the Architecture Department in South China University of Technology, with an attempt to employ the digital controlled machine, a significant tool under the digital situations, to materialize the workshop for the digital form. There exists a crucial design conversion between this generated form and the construction. First of all, smooth curved walls are turned into contour line walls. Then, within the maximum size of the selected mid-density boards, the curved walls are divided into sections and therefore transparent and continuous textures are formed. After this, based on the principle that two points can be located for every two boards, steels are located in the preset positions vertically between the conjoint of two boards. This makes the steels reveal their usages of both stabilization and positioning. However as the curved walls are showing changing faces at the cut level, the steels in the middle are placed bit by bit.


广州北岸文化码头设计 North-Bank, Guangzhou

项目状态:概念 Status: Conceptual

项目面积:建筑面积180000平米,规划面积220000平米 Area: Architecture 180000sqm, Planning 220000sqm

项目周期:2010年7月-2010年8月 Period: July 2010- August 2010

北岸文化码头设计是与时代地产,天作规划合作的带方案拿地 的竞赛项目。目的是广州退二进三计划中,激活珠江边几个老 厂房,使之功能转变成为创意产业基地,包括前南方面粉厂, 前鹰金钱罐头厂,前员村热电厂等厂区。设计保留一部分特色 工业建筑并加以利用,如将圆拱形堆煤大棚改造成天幕大剧 场,将烟囱改造成100米高的北岸创意灯塔,将大型面粉灌改 造成为创意博览MALL等。使北岸文化码头成为广州乃至华南地 区最大的创意集群,并且成为广州的城市文化名片。

The North Bank of dock of culture is designed with the cooperation of the Time estate and Teamzero design institute. The aim is the activation of several old buildings to transform the area into a creative industry base within the Guangzhou Pearl River plan. The buildings included the former Southern Flour factory, former Ying jinqian canning factory, former Yuancun cogeneration power plant and other plant. Design retain some of the characteristics buildings and use. Such as the arched stack coal shed into sky theater,and the chimney into 100 metres north of creative Lighthouse,and tranformed the large flour into creative Expo Mall. The design thus transforms the North dock into one of the largest creative clusters in the Guangzhou and the Southern China region', and thus make it the Guangzhou City Cultural Name Card.


深圳湾科技城竞赛 B-Tech competition, Shenzhen

项目状态:概念 Status: Conceptual

项目面积:建筑面积20000平米,景观面积20000平米 Area: Architecture 20000sqm, Landscape 20000sqm

项目周期:2011年9月-2011年10月 Period: September 2011- October 2011

深圳湾科技城竞赛是深圳市城市促进中心召开的公开竞赛。概 念设计采用新城市山水的思路,探讨在城市街区中如何营造丰 富的城市山水景观。主要在三个平台上创造出曲折有致的城市 交往空间。建筑体的形态丰富但是基于基本模数展开。

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The Shenzhen B-Tech competition was a public competition held in Shenzhen City promotion Center . The concept uses the example of Shanshui New City to setup a discussion on how to create a city block in rich city landscape. It uses building blocks in three major platforms to create twists and turns in city space resulting in a rich morphology but based on the repetition of a basic module.

Section 1 N







Hotel entrance






[3] [8]











Factory entrance


Section 2

Section 2

[8] [11]









[1] [4]


Hotel entrance

Factory entrance


[11] [3]
















[8] [11]








[4] [8]






[11] [11]







Factory entrance [8]



[6] [2]


Factory entrance




[11] [11]


[4] [1]

Factory entrance






Factory entrance










[9] [3] [3] [11]








[1] Restraurant


[2] Kitchen

[1] [11]






[3] Office [9]


Five -star Hotel entrance


Hotel entrance



[4] Rest room [5] Newspaper room



[11] [11]





[6] Coffee room [7] Bar

Five -star Hotel entrance

[8] Open space [9] Meeting room [10] Reception room [11] Shop

Section 1

First floor plan 1:750

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贵州百里杜鹃石牛角居住区设计 Shiniujiao Residential Area, Bailidujuan, Guizhou

项目状态:概念设计 Status: Conceptual Deisgn

项目面积:景观70000平米,建筑70000平米 Area: Landscape70000sqm, Architetcure 70000sqm

项目周期:2011年4月-2011年8月 Period: August 2010-December 2011

贵州百里杜鹃地区是彝族聚居的区域,需要在新兴城镇周边地 区兴建移民安置区。移民安置区需要考虑与地形的结合,同时 需要考虑建筑平面布局的多样性。通过对当地传统的建筑形式 进行推敲研究,确定了一些基本原型。这些原型根据地形布 置,得到了丰富的居住区形态。

Guizhou Baili Azalea area is a region inhabited by people of the Yi nationality. It is in need of a new resettlement area in the periphery of the town. The building layout diversity and topography of the resettlement area was important in the design of the area. Through a research study of the local traditional architectural forms a number of prototypes were identified. The prototypes create a rich residential morphology according to the topography.


华南理工大学建筑学院系馆改造 Renovation of SCUT Architecture Hall, Guangzhou

项目状态:概念设计 Status: Conceptual Design

项目面积:新建建筑5000平米 Area: Addition 5000sqm

项目周期:2010年8月-2010年10月 Period: August 2010-October 2010

27号楼原设计于80年代,作为华南理工大学建筑系馆使用,现 在需要对其进行加建,在当时的条件下,结构设计较为经济, 原结构扩建的冗余度不大。同时扩建的面积约为5000平方米, 并且施工过程中药保持原有教学功能同时使用。主要的设计概 念是在确保经济性的前提下,扩建结构部分尽量独立于原有结 构之外,避免对原有结构产生影响,清晰定义新与旧的关系。 同时设计中重点考虑了中庭空间的营造,将校园环境与建筑内 外空间进行了有效的渗透。

Building 27 was originally designed in the 80's, as the department of architecture of South China University of Technology and is now in need of reconstruction. The structure design of the building in the 80’s was more economical; however, the original structure extension is based less on economical considerations. The expansion required addition of about 5000 square meters of space and maintaining of the original teaching functions and use. The main design concept is to ensure the economy of the premise, as far as possible expansion structure part is independent of the original structure, to avoid the original structure and to create a clear definition between the new and old. At the same time the design focuses on the atrium building, the campus environment and building space to create effective permeability.


广州信义会馆二期 2nd Phase of Xinyihuiguan, Guangzhou

项目状态:概念 Status: Conceptual

项目面积:建筑面积20000平米,景观面积20000平米 Area: Architecture 20000sqm, Landscape 20000sqm

项目周期:2011年11月Period: November 2011-

广州源天化工厂是最早一批进行厂区置换改造的企业,其沿江 一线目前为广州地区非常有活力的信义会馆。本概念设计则是 继续探讨厂区更新的可能性。主要的设计出发点:1.存留场地 50年以上的大树,以树林形成围合庭院空间;2.延续场地原有 记忆,新建建筑采用类似材料;3.建筑进行模块化处理,以满 足开放后各种可能的使用。


Transformation of the Guangzhou Yuantian Chemical Plant was the first plant replacement transformation exercise. It was done along the lines of the energetic Xinyi hall. The concept of the design is to continue to explore the possibility of plant update. The main design starting points were : 1,An enclosed courtyard space in the remaining site of 50 years old; 2,Continuation of the original memory on the new building site, using similar materials; 3, Using a modular system in the building, to meet the various possible use after opening.


佛山少年宫室内设计 Foshan Children's Palace, Foshan

项目状态:待建 Status: In Progress

项目面积:室内40000平米 Area: Interior 40000sqm

项目周期:2010年7月Period: July 2011-

佛山东平新城少年宫科技馆是东平新城文化MALL重要建筑,两 馆共用一个入口大堂,即共享大厅。少年宫及科技馆的使用人 群多为小孩子,于是室内设计以太空舱体为主题,以科普教育 为目的,设置白色调为主的主题共享大厅。两馆有艺术剧场, 4D影院,钢琴房,舞蹈训练厅,电子鼓乐室,陶艺室,美术课 室,信息科技室,数字多媒体室等二十多类功能用房,依照不 同的需求和特点进行设计。 (合作单位:华南理工大学建筑设计研究院)

Children’s Palace and Science Museum at the Cuture MALL of Dongping New Town,Foshan,acted as two important part. and share an entrance lobby.The children's palace and the science Museum are primarily for the use of children, so the interior design of the space was designed with science education as the goal. It was set in a primarily white tone theme shared hall. They have an art theater, cinema 4D, piano room, dancing hall, electronic drum room, pottery room, art room, information technology, digital multimedia rooms and other types of more than 20 function room which were designed according to different needs and design requirements. (cooperated with SCUT Institute of Design and Research)


韩国旅游发展局室内 Korean Tourism Bureau Guangzhou Office, Guangzhou

项目状态:概念 Status: Conceptual

项目面积:室内400平米 Area: Interior 400sqm

项目周期:2011年8月-2011年9月 Period: August 2011-September 2010

本项目是为韩国旅游发展局在广州的办事处概念设计,主要设 计出发点是处理办公与对外接待的人流。通过不同虚实变化的 墙面对人流进行有效组织。同时提取具有特色的韩国元素,特 别是一些抽象色彩的使用,形成具有文化特征的室内空间,切 合旅游发展局的主题。

This project is for Korea Tourism Bureau Guangzhou Office. The main concept of the design used as a starting point for office was the reception of stream of people. Through different changes in the walls, the flow of people is effectively organized. At the same time one can see the characteristics of Korean elements, especially some abstract use of colour, which forms a characteristic cultural indoor space theme for the tourism development bureau.


美的整体厨房展示空间 The Media Cabinet Exhibition Hall, Guangzhou

项目状态:概念 Status: Conceptual

项目面积:室内200平米 Area: Interior 200sqm

项目周期:2011年8月-2011年9月 Period: August 2011-September 2011

美的展厅是为美的整体橱柜推出作一个室内展陈空间,设计的 一个重要出发点,是如何在大型展场中吸引人流,因此设计 中,营造丰富的天花景观,形成连续的展厅内外界面,将展厅 外部人流代入展厅内部。接待台等室内展陈考虑数字化设计方 法,创造符合企业高新特色的展示形象。“美的"展示Logo则 通过材料数控加工,形成丰富的背景肌理。

The Midea exhibition hall is an interior exhibition space for Midea cabinet. Basic concept of design was to attract people.Therefore we created a rich interior-scape, forming a continuous space consisting an interface between the inside and the outside. The reception desk and indoor exhibition space modelled in digital tools introduced high-tech atmosphere of whole space.The logo of Media through was designed to be made by CNC tools, forming a complex background texture.

本作品集中大部分作品为竖梁社公司作 品,版权所有;另有部分作品为联合创始 人在相关设计单位作品,与相关单位共同 拥有设计权,但不归属于竖梁社。特此说 明。 This booklet is a portfolio of Atelier cnS, including some works of co-founders before cnS establishment and some joint works with other firms. cnS claims copyrights of its independent works.

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