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Outplacement Firm - A Guide to a Better Co mpany Atmo sphere
Outplacement Firm - A Guide to a Better Company Atmosphere A
Art & Ent e rt ainme nt Aut o mo t ive B usine ss C are e rs C are e r Manag e me nt Int e rvie ws R e cruit me nt R e sume s C o mmunicat io ns
By Jo hn Martien o n August 0 2, 20 13 C 0a t e g o r i e s
The job market is very volatile these days. With organisational restructuring being one of the major features in the business world these days, one may have a job one day, and the next day, it could be gone. As a company manager or the Human Resource (HR) Manager, how does one deal with the moral of the employees who are departing, and the ones who are still around? How do we help them cope up with the situation of uncertainty and ambiguity, while you still want you employees to hold the fort and do the best for your company?
Ed ucat io n Finance
In such situations, we now have specialised outplacement consultants who take care of the ones who have
Fo o d & D rinks
been majorly affected by the restructuring of the company or by leaving the company.
G aming He alt h & Fit ne ss
The job of these outplacement firm is not only to support or take care of the employees leaving the company,
Ho b b ie s
but also to take care of the employees still present in the company. It is important for the retained employees to know that the company will look after them in future even if they were to leave the company at any point of time and also, while they are still in-house, they are of extreme value to the firm.
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It is necessary to have Outplacement Services in a company's HR policy as this endorses the fact that the employer is a responsible. It shows that the employer is concerned for the welfare of all its staff members, no matter they are joining, departing or have been working in the firm for a long time now. PDFmyURL.com
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The company that makes staff cutbacks need this policy the most. Such cutback spread a feeling throughout the firm that any staff could be the next to go, and such a feeling hampers the overall moral of the staff member. These Outplacement Consultants will help you fight these issues. The benefits of these Outplacement Firm go beyond what meets the eye.
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Such Outplacement services will reduce the possibility of separation related litigation by 25 percent. The likelihood of the productivity amongst the retained staff increases by 100 percent the profit could increase by
likelihood of the productivity amongst the retained staff increases by 100 percent the profit could increase by 50 percent in comparison to those companies which do not employ such outplacement services. At an individual level, an employee will find a safe environment where he can discuss with somebody the fear or anxiety over the possibility of losing his or her job. He can also engage into professional career analysis and can understand his personal strengths, interests, personality and aspirations. Out placement Firm is hired by organizations to provide career assistance and support to displaced employees. Due to major improvements in the economic system, many executive Out placement Consult ant s are now offering career changing services to their clients.
Executive Outplacement www.executiveoutplacement.com The Future of Outplacement Is Here! More Af f ordable & More Ef f ective
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Jo hn Martien has published 42 articles. Article submitted o n August 0 2, 20 13 . Wo rd co unt: 413
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