03 04 07
Author’s note
08 09
Our target population
11 12 13 14 17
Foreign affiliations
19 20
Bué Fixe Founders
Bué Fixe - Youth association Goals/ purpose/directives of Bué Fixe association
National and international partnerships
Media and activities held Prizes and awards Programs and projects Coordinators of projects and programs
24 28
Bué Fixe and the media
How to help decrease cases of new infections
Real testimony, advice and recommendations on how to live with HIV
Testimonials of friends and members of Bué Fixe
41 45
Bué Fixe Chronology
Testimony from members of Bué Fixe
Special acknowledgment to entities and individuals
Author’s Note
Bué Fixe is a youth association that started in Portuguese speaking African countries. Registered in August 13th 2010, but working since September 2003 with an initial group of young people from São Tomé e Príncipe and Portugal, Bué Fixe association was founded based on the need to produce information in a magazine format, in order to raise awareness on the risk of HIV infection. “Celebrating 10 years of Bué Fixe social projects is for us a huge achievement and we’re proud of ourselves for all the work we’ve been
doing with others over the years. Whether by workshops for HIV awareness or social activities for young people, we have been implementing new activities and tools to better achieve our goal. Although not always through the easiest paths, we have been enjoying our learning and maturing as a solid youth association; the recognition received at a national and international level encourages us to keep going forward without foreseeing the end. This edition’s purpose is to describe Bué Fixe’s journey, its birth, evolution and
consolidation. Testimonies, pictures, newspapers and other materials will trace the historical process of this project that has been considered by the UN as a «good practice with immigrants within the health area». Thus, we want to give a special thank you to everyone who worked hard on this important task. Thanks to that Bué Fixe is to be congratulated for 10 whole years of hard work!”
Bue FixeYouth Association What is it, its origin, why, how and by whom
Cultural Português” also known as “Instituto de Camões” in that time, decided to advertise and promote the work for HIV developed by United Nations. To achieve this goal Bué Fixe magazine was formed, with its first edition officially released in São Tomé city on September 13th 2003. Supervised and produced by Mrs. Ana Filgueiras with her own contributions, the first edition was finally released and presented to the world. The launch included a debate about HIV and with the participation of many young athletes and young people from every region of São Tomé e Príncipe.
he first issue of Bué Fixe magazine was produced by a group of five people: Dynka Amorim, Nelson Tiny, Yáqueson Zacarias and Cadinácia Costa. The magazine was created in 2003 in São Tomé e Príncipe to inform young people on how to protect themselves from HIV - the virus that causes AIDS. Mrs. Ana Filgueiras, a consultant for the World Bank in the São Tomé e Príncipe, accepted to support São Tomé e Príncipe’s government in creating a strategic plan to tackle HIV, given that it was affecting the population on a large scale. Consequently a group of young people encouraged by Mrs. Ana Filgueiras and supported by the Centro
From that day onward, everyone could have access to a free magazine with content ranging from news about soccer, to music, to tips on how to use the internet, etc. with its main focus raising awareness on how to prevent HIV infections, and provide information to those living with the virus. Places like “Centro Cultural Portugês , Biblioteca Nacional, Liceu Nacional, Mediateca National, Aliança Francesa” among others provided a way to easily access Bué Fixe issues, making it possible for the magazine to be distributed quickly and steadily. In 2005, Bué Fixe began a new journey as a few members of the organisation moved to Portugal to pursue their studies. Despite the obstacles the project continued to grow. The Bué Fixe team were working with no financial support except from Cidadãos do Mundo and others partners. The support from rom these organisations allowed for the printing of Bué Fixe magazines which were later circulated in strategic locations such as libraries, Amadora City neighbourhood and others like Vale das Amoreiras. The target group was then extended, including every Portuguese speaking young immigrant – i.e. young people from Portuguese speaking countries or with African heritage. After that, Bué Fixe magazine started being produced both in a digital format and paper format and distributed in schools, libraries, youth centres, hairdressers, neighbourhoods and other
places attended by young people in the city area of Lisbon, Portugal. Progressing forward with the support of Cidadãos do Mundo NGO, in 2008, we were blessed with the additional support of the Youth Action program that enabled us to generate more channels and disseminate our purpose. This enabled Bué Fixe to have radio interviews in universities, create a space to hold enlightening meetings/ sessions about STI/ HIV/ AIDS, and to distribute educational brochures about HIV, and condoms for young people.
Motivated by results achieved in different projects at a national and international level, the members decided to legally register Bué Fixe Association. On August 13th 2010, this was achieved as Bué Fixe became formally recognized as a youth association. Today, Bué Fixe is headquartered in Amadora county, as a local and nonprofit association mostly composed of young African immigrants or young people with African heritage (PALOP) living in Portugal. As a youth association, Bué Fixe’s priority is to encourage and help young people to solve their own problems, such as unemployment, social exclusion, discrimination and lack of proper around prevention on HIV/AIDS and other STIs.
Goals/ purpose/ directives of BuĂŠ Fixe association Our main goals are to:
a) Inspire young people to be active citizens by empowering them to be responsible for everything that affect them politically or not.
d) Establish partnerships that would allow us to expand our network to other youth organizations.
b) Enhance activities and projects about youth’s health focusing on HIV prevention, drug abuse, early pregnancy, and domestic violence among others.
f) Promote activities for young people to help children and elderly spend their leisure/free time effectively.
c) Stimulate initiatives/ activities within communities at a national and international level.
e) Stimulate youth volunteering.
h) Promote social inclusion for young people living with HIV, enabling them to actively exercise their human, cultural, social and economic rights. i) In particular, cultivate gender equality amongst our target groups.
g) Expand activities and initiatives that promote formal and non-formal education.
Our target population
ur main focus is young people 16-30 years old, coming from Portuguese speaking countries or with a similar ascent. We also target Portuguese speaking young people who live abroad primarily through the internet.
• Cidadãos do Mundo – Our main partner, supervise content, workshops and evaluate every project we take part in. • MTV Portugal - A partner that helps us publicize our projects in its own television channel and website.
National and international partnerships We are partners with the following institutions:
• “Associação Moinho da Juventude”, project “bem passa ku nós” Amadora A partner who promotes activities to sensitize people to the risk of HIV infection. • “Associação Espaço Jovem”, also operating in Amadora - Promoting activities to sensitize people to the risk of HIV infection. • “Salão de Cabelereiro Africano-Pablo” , Amadora A partner in distributing free condoms. • “Grupo de Jovens Owena”, Amadora - A partner in promoting activities to sensitize people to the risk of HIV infection. • “Associação Sapana”, Lisboa - A partner to promote activities for children and young people.
• “Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Ciências e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa” - Promoting activities to sensitize people to the risk of HIV infection. • “Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa” - A partner to help create resources and promote our message on radio, television and other media. • “Projecto A Rodar”, Amadora - Promoting activities to sensitize people to the risk of HIV infection. • “Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude” A partner to help us define our structure and our radio program content. • Mediação Intercultural em Serviços Públicos (MISP)Promoting activities to sensitize people to the risk of HIV infection.
• “Rede Internet Segura” - A partner that help us with ideas to feature in our magazine and in our broadcasts focusing on a safer internet for everyone. • “Mén Nón, Associação das Mulheres de S.Tomé e Príncipe em Portugal” - Supporting vulnerable people within Bué Fixe support/protection system. • “Associação Juvenil Espírito de Mudança”, Amadora Promoting activities to sensitize people to the risk of HIV infection. • “Plano Nacional da Ética no Desporto”- Partner in actions on ethics in sport among young • “Campanha Movimento contra o Discurso do Ódio”Partner in actions to combat hate speech and discrimination. • “Centro Social 6 de Maio”, Amadora - Promoting activities to sensitize people to the risk of HIV infection. • “Associação de Solidariedade do Alto da Cova da Moura”, Amadora - Promoting activities to sensitize people to the risk of HIV infection. • “Conselho Nacional da Juventude de São Tomé e Príncipe” - Promoting spaces where young people can exchange life experiences. • “Federação Cabo-verdiana da Juventude” - Promoting spaces where young people can exchange life experiences.
• “ViraçãoEducomunicação”, Brazil - Promoting spaces where young people can exchange life experiences.
- Federação Nacional das Associações Juvenis (National Federation of Youth Associations) - Fórum Nacional da Sociedade Civil do VIH/SIDA, (National Forum of Civil So-ciety on HIV/Aids) - Registo Nacional do Associativismo Jovem do Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude( National Register of Youth Associations of the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth
National and Foreign Filliations Bué Fixe Association is affiliated with the following entities:
- Program Support of Associative Movement from Amadora Municipality - Global Alliance on Media and Gender of UNESCO - European Youth Foundation of Council of Europe
Media and Activities held We produce and broadcast a radio show for young people on RDP Africa, every Wednesday at 9.30 pm on 101.5FM BuĂŠ Fixe Magazine is temporarily only produced in a digital format, due to finances. From 2008 to 2010 the magazine was printed. Previously, we produced one single copy that was then photocopied. We send weekly updates via text message detailing important information on how to prevent STI/HIV/AIDS infections to more than 500 young people. We also deliver activities to sensitize people to the risk of HIV infection, unwanted pregnancy and how to have a safe pregnancy in youth. BuĂŠ Fixe also promotes and attends workshops, training courses, conferences, seminars and discussion sessions with/for young people at a national and international level.
Prizes and Awards
Recognition by Fondazione Mondo Digitale (Italy) for a nomination in the following category: “use of new information and communication technologies towards immigrants and refugees inclusion” for the international award of “Global Junior Challenge” due to Bué Fixe/Cidadãos do Mundo partnership, with “Media Jovem, Nossa Resposta ao VIH/SIDA” project.
Since 2011, Bué Fixe has received a high distinction of acknowledgement from “MTV Linked pela Solidariedade” granted through the initiative “MTV Linked pelo Talento” - MTV Portugal.
European winner for “Young Social Entrepreneurs Aids & Mobility” awarded to the president of Bué Fixe, Dynka Amorim.
Projects and Programs
Radio Show Bué Fixe 2007 - As a segment of radio broadcasts “Vidas Alternativas”, “ Radio Bué Fixe” was aired fortnightly. 2010 – Radio Bué Fixe started being aired weekly for an hour as a segment of “ Linha Africana” radio show transmitted by RDP Africa. The content included social, economic and cultural issues related to being a young person in today’s society with focus on STI/HIV/AIDS infections awareness.
Main goals are: 1. To encourage dialogue and cooperation between young people as a way to inspire respect for diversity and promote social cohesion. 2. Use media to change public perception of young people so that they can exercise their social rights. It started in 2009 with the creation of project “Enter” funded by the European Council. This project allowed young people from several European countries to find strategies to exercise and develop in a sustainable way their social rights. Its range of action was particularly addressed to young people living in deprived areas. The project then stimulated mechanisms and means of communication amongst young people, in order to have them acknowledge their basic rights, prioritizing health and education services in deprived neighbourhoods of Lisbon and Vale to Tejo area.
Media to promote the Access of Young People to Social Rights 2009 - Este programa surgiu na sequência do Projeto “ENTER”, do Conselho da Europa, que capacitou jovens de diversas origens europeias para o desenvolvimento, adequado esustentável, de estratégias de acesso e exercício dos seus direitos sociais, sobretudo, por parte dos jovens que vivem em bairros desfavorecidos no continente europeu. O programa criou mecanismos e instrumentos de comunicação entre jovens capazes de os apoiar no processo de conhecimento e efetivo acesso aos seus direitos básicos, priorizando os serviços disponíveis na área da saúde e educação em bairros desfavorecidos da região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo.
Youth Media, How Response to STI/HIV/AIDS 2009/2013 -This program aims to spread information and facilitate access to treatments for STI/HIV/AIDS related diseases. By using media and I.C.E (information, communication, education) as a tool, young African immigrants from Portuguese speaking countries could help others living in disadvantaged areas in Amadora city area.
Bué Fixe TV 2013 - The aim of the programme is to post videos on YouTube with educational content for young people. Every video will include most subjects that are currently trendy among youth. It will also be posting videos in a Q & A (questions and answers) format. The intention is to mobilize people’s attention to youth and their social rights as humans and individuals.
BuĂŠ Fixe Opportunities Initiated informally in 2011, BuĂŠ Fixe Opportunities program was then legalized in 2013 with the main goal of disclosing and share opportunities benefitting young people, particularly in job opportunities, internships, conferences and seminars that aimed to social integration.
Healthy Life 2013 - This program started as a specific training for a selected team involved in editing/producing videos. As of now, it is a program that utilizes audio-visual tools to make interesting and informative videos for and from young people. The overall objective is to educate citizens on issues that directly affect health (food health, sexual health, reproductive health) and other factors that may cause concern or need clarification.
Art and Life 2013 - Aiming to find different approaches to the young public, this program promoted dance workshops and other artistic expressions. Its main goal is to help young people achieve social inclusion and help them deal with obstacles as a way to prevent STI/HIV/AIDS among other
issues that affect them. The program will continue making cultural events in a more effective manner, by involving dance, music, art exhibitions, literature, gastronomy, theatre, and fashion within people from Portuguese speaking countries.
Therefore, Arte e Vida program is meant to promote culture through several dance workshops and other cultural events.
Coordinators of projects and programs Dynka Amorim General Coordinator
Ajala Carvalho Coordinator of Bué Fixe TV
Carla Santos Editor in Chief of Bué Fixe Magazine
Ivanira Tchuda/ Maura Sousa Editor in Chief of Bué Fixe Magazine
Coordinators of projects and programs Maria Manuel In charge of sending text messages about IST/HIV/AIDS
Mário Silva In charge of condoms distribution
Raquel Moreno Coordinator of Healthy Life Program
Wilson Almeida Coordinator of radio show “Bué Fixe”
Bué Fixe Founders
Testemonies Testimony of Ana Filgueiras
elebrating 10 years of Bué Fixe is for me the real honor any technician from any field can offer to their partners, co-workers and in this case to the association’s young people who are nothing but resilient people, honest worker in the hope of a better world. I worked as a Consultant for the “Banco Mundial” in São Tomé e Príncipe to support its government fights IST/HIV/ AIDS infections by 2002. In my free time I would visit schools to motivate young people protect themselves from these diseases. Thus, I eventually met Dynka
Amorim in one of those schools and along with others we end up producing the first issue of Bué Fixe magazine. I later returned to S. Tomé e Principe as a consultant for World Health Organization (WHO) and I preserve ‘till this day, my role as a facilitator for viable information, national and international internship opportunities, guidance, collective initiatives and most importantly I ought to reinforce the importance of educational courses for youth which will later enable them to teach others (peer education methodology). For every initiative I still have the
responsibility to revise activities together with the rest of the team, and correct any content, by supervising educational activities which have been multiplying each day and gaining autonomy, allowing young people to innovate and use new methods/strategies to make sure Bué Fixe’s work is sustainable even in times of crisis.
Testemony of Dynka Amorim
ince I can remember, I always enjoyed participating in several initiatives with children and young people. That is how in 2003 freshly graduated from high-school I decided to start a social project made by and for young people that could help youth be more informed about HIV. I always had a soft spot for this initiative because it is a required
and essential project, given the growing rate of HIV cases and due to the lack of proper information around infections. At the beginning it was really hard to make the project come to fruition since there was a huge absence of support, with the exception of Mrs. Filgueiras. Nonetheless, little by little I was able to face the adversities and mobilize friends, co-workers and together we were capable to produce not only Bué Fixe magazine but also the Redesida project. That was how it all started. In 2005, being in Portugal,
I decided to pitch the same idea and after a while I was finally able to succeed, overcoming most obstacles and extending the work I was doing in S.Tomé e Príncipe by creating Bué Fixe association and Bué Fixe magazine in Portugal. Today I’m proud to say that we’re doing a work that affects many other initiatives. Whether it’s in Portugal or overseas, we’re pioneers in our way to promote an active participation of and between every subject involved in this process that can be perceived as peer education methodology.
Testemony of Nelson Tiny
probably started being aware of associations by taking part in Bué Fixe magazine, its creation/ circulation and distribution. The idea of making the magazine emerged in São Tomé e Príncipe as an opposing force to the high HIV/AIDS incidence rate. In fact, it was urgent to decrease the incidence rate of HIV/AIDS infections and not only at a political point level.
It was fundamental to actively involve everyone in this issue, particular young people since they were the primary age range to be affected by HIV/AIDS infections. Bué Fixe magazine started because of that and so did my involvement. Bué Fixe magazine, as a method of interaction, information and a means to help fight and prevent discrimination against people living with HIV was an important phase of this project I regard as brilliant”. Today, Bué Fixe is so much more than a magazine. It’s
an association, a radio show and a place that develop workshops of internships for young people. It operates in several areas within the health department and provides various events to support other partnerships in a local and international level. This remarkable progress that reflects a very positive international image of Bué Fixe program, had also a positive impact in my personal growth which allowed me to stretch my horizons and to contribute to a more supportive and righteous society.
Testemony of Yáqueson Zacarias
found myself involved in Bué Fixe in its early stage, when it was necessary that someone edit the first issue of Bué Fixe magazine. I’m the director of the edition department because it was exactly my accountability in the group, to compile its contents and make the final edition of the first issue. I write “Magazine” with a capital M letter because this Magazine personifies us and it has been the only way of propagating our message. At that time, means of information were very scarce but thanks to Mrs Filgueiras we were able to start this Magazine which later expanded into an association. Going 10 years into its creation we divided Bué Fixe in two phases. First phase occurred in S.
Tomé e Principe and deals with national and international work plan. Second phase started in Portugal and consists on the accomplishment of many other initiatives. Both phases carved Bué Fixe’s path and the members’ life giving more importance to the second phase because only then were we able to evolve and progress to the point of getting national and international recognition. In this time of crisis where poor people are the most affected, it should be noted that I never received “a penny” for my hard work, which I’m proud of and grateful since I believe that Bué Fixe magazine and association helps a lot of young people and who knows maybe even saved some lives.
Being socially responsible, it was important for me and my co-workers to take on this kind of task and guide our spirits to embrace social causes. Sadly, we’ll never change completely the vicious cycle of injustice but I know we’ll always do our best to minimize the effects, particularly among young people whom we interact with. Like many others, I was forced to leave Portugal and therefore I won’t be able to take part in celebrating 10 years of Bué Fixe. I wish happiness and that the next 10 years can bring positive changes in youth behaviour concerning HIV/AIDS infections. My best regards to the entire team and congratulations to us all!
Bué Fixe in the media
web site of UNESCO
MTV Portugal web site
newspaper “Jornal da Região- Am
newspaper “Jornal da Região- Amadora
Audácia Magazine
UN web site
RTP Ă frica and RTP Internacional
aids information
TV Amadora
Communication Platform of Students form Cape Verde
MTV Portugal web site TV Amadora
Testimony from Bué Fixe members “When Dynka first invited me to be part of Bué Fixe, I never imagined how it would later become my family. I’m glad I got involved with this project because not only was I able to make friends for a lifetime, but I also gained relevant experience. This is all thanks to everyone who gave me the opportunity to be involved as a professional, a citizen and as a human being by working/ helping others, which is without a doubt an upright cause. All that’s left now is to wish success for us in this struggle against HIV/AIDS and that we can gather more members to Bué Fixe causes.” Carla Santos – Degree in Communication Sciences from «Universidade Nova de Lisboa», São Tomé e Príncipe.
“Bué Fixe is a necessity, there is nothing like it in this country.” Fernanda Queirós (Former representative of Instituto Camoes, Portugal)
Bué Fixe is young, dynamic and aware of its social obligation. Bué Fixe is a family devoted to give its best to those in need. Bué Fixe is you, me, it is all of us.” - Ivanira Tchuda -Student, Guinea Bissau
“Bué Fixe is an association that has given advice to young people about HIV/ AIDS as main goal. It also has a huge impact especially in Portuguese speaking disadvantaged communities. The work carried out by the volunteers is admirable because they always look for the best way to get the message across to the citizens (particularly young people and children). I’m sure it will continue to rise and make a difference.” Ana Paula Varela Blogger, Portugal.
Bué Fixe is the result of a union between several young people born in S. Tomé e Principe that decided to create a magazine with the aim to promote awareness about HIV/AIDS. With motivation, will and perseverance this project was able to expand due to its members’ ability to override countless obstacles. Today, with 10 years of activities, Bué Fixe is able to assist and aid a tremendous amount of young people living in Portugal and abroad.” - Wilson Almeida Student, São Tomé e Príncipe.
“Bué Fixe is an association that focuses on innovation for channels of communication and in activities, this being the fastest way for young African people to get information about HIV/AIDS infection. Bué Fixe encourages them to act upon this issue by being properly advised and by promoting social inclusion and well-being for people living with HIV. Long live Bué Fixe! Bué Fixe is on the path to success! “ Sofia Embaló - Student, Guinea Bissau.
“B-rutal U-nifying E-xtraordinary F-ascinating I-ntelligent X-hilarant E-special” Raquel Moreno (Psychologist, S.Tomé e Príncipe)
“Bué Fixe is another family of mine. I always gave my best to it and never regretted because I have also received a lot, friendship, fellowship, excellent entourage and just the fulfilment of knowing we are active and useful for society. I’m sure Bué Fixe will continue to grow and I will also continue to give my best effort alongside with my co-workers. Happy Birthday Bué Fixe! Congratulations to us all! “ Mário Jorge Silva Student, São Tomé e Príncipe.
“Bué Fixe is an association that has a lot of ramifications and because of that, in my opinion, many interesting areas of action. As a young woman, knowing that Bué Fixe target population is young people, I have been motivated to work harder and help this age bracket understand better the lack of information surrounding us and the actions we should take in changing that. I like to think that each and every single activity we hosted has helped to make a difference in people’s life.” Andreia Vaz Student, Guinea Bissau.
“I saw a copy of Bué Fixe magazine while taking the subway and decided to suggest a new graphical version to Dynka Amorim since I had to draft something similar for my college project. Despite the idea not being used, I started presenting a lot of other projects to Bué Fixe which ended with me designing brochures and posters later on. I sincerely hope that Bué Fixe can grow up enough to have a better design/graphic, a better space in a public channels and a lot of success amongst those supported by the program. Most of all, I hope that Bué Fixe goals can be achieved and that it continues to properly spread to the young people, information about ways to prevent HIV/AIDS.” João Gonçalves Graphical designer, Portugal.
How to help decrease cases of new infections Contribution from Ana Filgueiras
Giving a honest opinion of what changed on the political ways of drawing attention to HIV/AIDS epidemic, I can only speak of my professional experience at an international level and in Portuguese speaking communities. It was 1986 and I was living in Brazil when I first got involved with this issue. It all started when I was attending to two young people in my NGO at “Centro Brasileiro de Defesa dos Direitos das Crianças e Adolescentes”. They got very sick and died after only a few months, even though they were first attended at Instituto Fernandes Figueiras hospital, which is a great hospital with a generous team that worked alongside us in the streets of Rio de Janeiro. At that time, I was called to Brasília city by the Minister of Health who told me I was formally forbidden to take part in any initiative in the health field because I was not a doctor. My answer was that the only way for her to prevent it was to arrest me right there and then. On the other hand, medical team and researchers of Fernando Figueira hospital came to the conclusion that those two patients were the first diagnosed cases of AIDS in Brazil.
Because of that I created a program, “Mão na Mão” (hand in hand) and tried to organize a network of public services to quickly support and aid these boys and girls. In that time there was only one single medicine available called AZT, and AIDS was considered a fatal disease. With such a threat, I decided that the most important thing was to protect children from getting infected and therefore it originated a program internationally considered as a pioneer.
International press started to notice us and started to circulate our work and cooperate with us, to the point that the New York Times bought a van, with the help of international journalists living in Rio de Janeiro. I do consider us to be pioneers and I think we still are, with the work we are performing in Portugal. Our methodology is based in our conviction of knowing we only succeed when our population target – youth – is receiving information, is being proactive, is expressing their doubts and fears and above all is finding solutions in their own way . We must motivate them to think about the consequences a chronic disease like HIV would bring to their lives. In the specific context of their culture, we have the obligation to help them identify the right information about protection against HIV infection.
Our work in Brazil is still seen as pioneer for improving the process of education; that was, modesty apart, our biggest contribution for a change. A change in the Brazilian politics, a change in Portuguese speaking countries, a change in worldwide politics and even a change the ethos of hundreds NGOs spread around the world, that witnessed the operation done by “Mão-naMão” network. This is still the best and the most important tool to protect any population group from getting infected. Last words for the educators: listen, listen and yes, listen! Educators should always search the safest way of preventing the risk of infection as well as searching the best way to manage the treatment of iterant diseases.» Ana Filgueiras, (ex-member of “Conselho Mundial de Sida/Organização Mundial da Saúde” , with a three-year mandate.
Real testimony, advices and recommendations on how to live with HIV
Dear Friends, In September of 1996, after a very difficult year, I was taken to the ER (emergency room) were I was interned for a week to be thoroughly analysed, with full body check-ups; I slept like never before. The doctors wouldn’t say a thing to me until the seventh day when a doctor told me that my condition was bad and very serious. He told me that my lungs were affected, that my immune system was weak (white cells count was extremely low), that I had a complicated anaemia and an oral infection, a very resistant one. This doctor also told me that because I had complaints about seeing everything blurry, they were also worries about my eyesight and that I would be receiving in the next morning an urgent ophthalmology check. I thought to myself, that’s very strange! But then, I clicked and everything started to make sense, I have AIDS! That’s it! I makes sense, everything fits, the tiredness, my lungs, eyes, my viral diseases, my infections and even the unwitting but joyful loss of weight. Was I promiscuous?? Because truth is, I did use condoms most of the times, but not always! I can recall one or two occasions where I didn’t!
1st Advice Use condoms, ALWAYS!!! 2ND Advice Never use or borrow needles and syringes already used by someone else.
Plea If you had high-risk behaviour, even if a few times, get tested because if you’re infected, it’s vital to start the treatment when told by the doctor. Treatment exists and works! This is the reason why a lot of infected people manage to stay alive for many years. The next day came, and sight test with the optician tested positive for retinitis in both eyes. I found myself in a deadend thinking, now what? The only option I had was to live while I could, to live with dignity by defining priorities, by staying clearheaded, by loving life and by being attentive to others. First step was to tell my friends, family and most important my lovers. Their reaction was amazing except for one friend. The wait for test results of my lovers was really hard because even though I knew I had taken precautions there was always the fear of having infected them.
My biggest fear was to turn myself into a source of disease and death for them, but one by one they all turned out to be negative. 3rd Advice We are not, not obliged to have sex or use drugs. The important thing to do is to be safe when having sex, “safesex” by using condoms and also never borrow someone else’s needle. I searched for information so I could be more “aware” about this disease, not to hope in vain but to understand how much time I had left and what I could expect from this disease. My tests in September and October of 1996 showed that I had AIDS, 2 CD4 count and a viral load of 890,000. I had between six months to one year left to live. When the doctor asked me what my expectations were, I told him that I wanted the rest of autumn and winter to deal
with my pending issues, spring to say goodbye to the ones I love, and summer as a happy bonus. I think he wrote it down, and then asked me if I was able to rigorously take treatment and never miss a session. My answer was yes. Two months later I had 211 CD4 count and a viral load undetectable (which means a serious improvement). 4th Advice Treatment is effective! Treating yourself as recommended by the doctor is of utter importance. If you’re infected, discuss it with your doctor before beginning the treatment. Today in the year of 2013, I have 720 CD4 count e viral load undetectable almost 20 years since. I take medicine twice a day, I’m old, tired, sick and I work a lot but I still love people and life!» Luís Mendão - activist.
Testimonials of friends and members of Bué Fixe
“My name is Óscar Alves, I’m 35 years old and a web designer. My part in Bué Fixe was to do the design of Bué Fixe youth association’s website. Two years ago, I received a request to develop a platform that would effectively circulate through the internet all the information about Bué Fixe activities and projects. At that time, I took it as another project from a regular client, however, later on, after I realized how important and supportive Bué Fixe work was, I decided to be more active in the website platform development and look for the best way to publicize Bué Fixe association’s goals on the internet. I congratulate Bué Fixe and the member for the impeccable work they cultivated through these 10 years.” Óscar Alves - web designer
“I got acquainted to Bué Fixe through Dynka Amorim, when our paths crossed at “Universidade de Verão”, in Molina. At that time, Bué Fixe association hadn’t been created yet, so I can definitely say that I’ve been following Bué Fixe ever since its inception, keeping up with the hard work done by them, particularly the radio show program. It’s “Bué Fixe”(which means very cool) to see young people so engaged in a beautiful project like this”. Ana Tica, activist and sociocultural animator- Portugal.
“Fellow partners, colleagues and friends of Bué Fixe, On behalf of team “Sapana”, congratulations on your 10 years anniversary. Ever since the beginning of Sapana, we’ve been working alongside Bué Fixe and our wish is to continue sharing new projects, moments and experiences. Moments like 22nd December, 2012 when together we took a little bit of Christmas “flavour” to children of Quinta da Lage. So happy birthday Bué Fixe, we shall continue our work together! A warm embrace from team Sapana”. Association Sapana
“In my opinion it is an extremely valuable work with and it should be pushed forward. When we were giving free condoms in “ Quinta da Lage” on world AIDS day in 2012, I felt myself being useful to society and at the end of the day that’s what counts. The feeling which I had when I got home - that I was possibly making a difference is something that I’ll cherish for the rest of my life. Thank you Bué Fixe for inviting us in this wonderful project! I only wished that in Portugal there could be more associations like Bué Fixe.” Ana Sofia, Model and VJ of MTV Portugal.
“Bué Fixe is considered by us, during the last 5 years and ever since the beginning, as a great partner. Brazil, Portugal, S. Tomé e Príncipe, Cape Verde, Angola, Guinea Bissau and Mozambique’s youth are more united thanks to them. They started to be involved in activities of social mobilization and to exchange life experiences through several means of communication. Between “Viração” association and Bué Fixe there is a feeling of fraternity because we both have 10 years or more of achievements. In the future I’m sure we will proudly strengthen our partnership not only by exchanging contents for projects, but also by sharing experiences and people. For the next 10 years we’ll strengthen our relationship by having more projects in common, with activities in both countries (Brazil and Portugal) plus *mama Africa* “. Paulo Lima, founder and CEO of “Viração Educomunicação” NGO, in Brasil.
“MTV’s relationship with Bué Fixe was born in 2011 with “MTV Linked pela solidariedade” project and since then, MTV has been following, supporting and publicizing the work done by this association. For many times we’ve been on the field, side by side, working hard for the right of information, education, social inclusion and exercised of citizenship for youth community. MTV is proud to be “linked” and we believe that our entire community (artists, fans and collaborators) support this cause. So, in the name of team MTV Portugal I congratulate Bué Fixe for 10 amazing years.” Victor Mourão, Chief Executive of MTV- Portugal.
“Ten years is an important age for anyone, for associations too. Ten years is the beginning of the end for childhood and the start for responsibilities. Búe Fixe didn’t need 10 year to take ownership of experiences and assume responsibilities because when it evolved it was already great. Great at willpower, generosity and great at having a vision for education, participation and accountability of young people living in Portugal and beyond. Youth has no boundaries, even if being young means facing problems, obstacles and hard situations all the time. Europe Council had the privilege of knowing Bué Fixe from several years since many participants have been giving major contributions to diverse activities from youth section, using European youth centres or other spaces where young people can meet to build their own idea of Europe. Most memorable participation is, without a doubt, project “ENTER” on access to social rights of young people of disadvantaged areas. Bué Fixe contribution to Europe Council activities secured worldwide visibility for questions, issues and solutions about young people living in Portugal. Bué Fixe is by any standard an example and inspiration for education and for an active citizenship. Therefore congratulations to every member, leader and founder of Bué Fixe for all the work done and all the work still left to do. Ten years is indeed a very young age! Good luck in this new stage!” Rui Gomes – Head of Education and Training Division, Youth Department of Council of Europe
“Centro Internet Segura started cooperating with Bué Fixe with the purpose of bringing information on how to safely surf online, for an audience that wouldn’t normally have access to this type of information. For starters, we often take part on Bué Fixe radio show where we create several contests. In future, other activities will follow with more success from our partnership.” Nuno Moreira - Manager of Centro Internet Segura
“Bué Fixe and “Associação de Jovens Espírito de Mudança” have been cooperating in many ways such as food collecting projects and art contests with focus on HIV. It is fundamental to preserve our partnership since HIV prevention is a topic we want to approach and bring to the attention of the youth population. We hope we can keep this strong union with Bué Fixe by cooperating in future initiatives.” The team of “Associação de Jovens Espírito de Mudança”.
“By associating ourselves with Bué Fixe 10 years anniversary celebration, we do it with the most absolute conviction that Bué Fixe has been, over the years, a reference as an association within the youth movement in Lisbon district. During this 10 years Bué Fixe has been able to meet the requirements set out by youth, to keep up with the new times revealing tenacity, innovation and creativity. Bué Fixe is noted by civic and social conscience from those who build up the association to become an example for the development of other youth associations of several communities and of this country. It’s because we know Bué Fixe’s work and because we recognise it as impeccable, particularly its president Dynka Amorim, with whom we’ve been working, that we can vision a bright future full of new projects and triumphs for this association. Bué Fixe has contributed for a common cause: the promotion of youth associations. Representing FNAJ team, I congratulate Bué Fixe for ten years of motion, of vitality and visibility. Congratulations Bué Fixe!” Júlio Oliveira - President of “Federação Nacional de Associações Juvenis”.
“I am extremely pleased to congratulate Bué Fixe on its tenth anniversary! For those involved with associations it is easy to tell how time passes too fast without notice and on the actually day of birthday, the tendency is to look back and reminisce. But, for those with critical spirit and insatiable desire to do more and better, the results were never fully reached. However, the most important thing is to assess and review this past ten years by recognizing what’s left to do and celebrating
every single achievement. I’m sure Bué Fixe has a lot to commemorate, so let’s celebrate together because the world is built by partnerships and cooperation’s. And since this is a happy moment, on behalf of “Conexão Lusófona” I will admit how proud I am for knowing that more and more young people of CPLP are helping and making a huge difference by manifesting empathy, team spirit and partnership, distinctive characteristics of our generation! To Bué Fixe,
“The Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa wishes a happy Birthday to Bué Fixe! Congrats on ten years anniversary! AEFCSH partnership with Bué Fixe has a lot of significance for FCSH students. On one hand, free condoms distribution system organized by Bué Fixe allow the students to protect
themselves, avoiding sexually transmitted infections like HIV or unwanted pregnancy. On the other hand, monthly stalls of Bué Fixe in front of Faculdade de Ciências Sociais Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa’ s canteen has an essential part in susceptibility and in raising awareness of academic students to these problems. For us, Bué Fixe activities
I wish a path overflowing with success, motivation, dedication and effort on this great adventure. “ Laura Vidal Conexão Lusófona
are of major importance to youth and it has been proved so far by ten years of several useful projects. AEFCSH partnership with Bué Fixe has been nothing but beneficial for the student community of FCSH.” Team “Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais Humanas”
“As mayor of Amadora city, I want to salute Bué Fixe on celebrating its tenth anniversary. It’s a must to compliment Bué Fixe association on its activities within Amadora city, particularly activities concerning young peoples’ problems of social exclusion, discrimination, unemployment and HIV risk of infection. I must compliment also on the social view and on the promotional of harmonious coexistence among different cultures and different nations cultivated by Bué Fixe association. Hopefully, celebrating 10 years is only the start of a long path in Bué Fixe’s destiny. Happy anniversary!” Carla Tavares – Mayor of Amadora City
“It’s my great pleasure to say a few words about Bué Fixe , which was known to me at its early stage when its members started doing community service within the county. Our relationship is based in a serious friendship and collaboration that translates into several successful activities, especially in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, on issues mainly related to youth. We’ve been working together to help prevent AIDS and to enlighten young people about HIV infections and many other questions associated to youth. Perhaps 10 years is fairly young but the work provided by Bué Fixe is major, and my opinion is that Bué Fixe alongside other associations will achieve greatness by fulfilling more common goals. Bué Fixe’s work is appreciated by our community, particularly among young people and that is why we congratulate ourselves on having such an association for partner and friend.” Manuel Afilhado Rodrigues – Former President of Falagueira’s Municipal Council, in Amadora.
“MTV Staying Alive Foundation has been a proud and strong supporter of Bué Fixe for almost four years now. Ever since the first day, I was very impressed with Dynka Amorim’s capacity for leadership as well as Bué Fixe ability to creatively approach young people of Amadora city in addition to effectively spread vital information on HIV/AIDS to that particular age group. Happy anniversary Bué Fixe!” Sara Piot - MTV Staying Alive Foundation
Bué Fixe Chronology
- July-August 2003 - Beginning of social project “Bué Fixe” creation, São Tomé e Príncipe. - September 13th 2003 - Official release of Bué Fixe magazine, São Tomé e Príncipe. - May-June 2005 - Members of Bué Fixe goes in an exchange visit alongside with “movimento associativo juvenil”, Portugal. - November 2005 - Bué Fixe project is relocated to Portugal. - November 2008 to March 2010 - Accomplishment of first project operating in Portugal, “Media e Comunicação entre Jovens Imigrantes e Luso Africanos”. - July 2009 to March 2010 - Implementation of “Rádio Jovem Bué Fixe” project, Portugal. - September 2009 to 2011 - Attending to project “Enter” in European Council. A project focused on promoting access to social rights for young people living in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Europe.
- December 2009 - Beginning of project “Media Jovem, Nossa Resposta ao VIH/sida”, Portugal. - January, 12th 2010 - Broadcasting of “Radio Jovem Bué Fixe” segment in Linha Africana radio show, RDP-Africa, Portugal. - August 2010 to 2011 - Focusing on the International Year of Youth, connected to the theme: dialogue and mutual understanding, proclaimed by United Nations assembly. - August,13th 2010 - Legal formalisation of “Bué Fixe” as a youth association. - December 2010 - European prize “Jovem Empreendedor Social Aids and Mobility” winning, handed to president and founder of Bué Fixe, Dynka Amorim. - August 2011 - Launch of Bué Fixe Website, a Facebook page and a new layout for the magazine. - September 2011 – Bué Fixe becomes member of “Federação Nacional das Associações Juvenis”. - November 2011 - Bué Fixe integration as a member of “Rede Social da Junta de Freguesia da Falagueira, Amadora”- Portugal. - November 2011 - Admission to the support system of “Fundação Europeia da Juventude do Conselho da Europa”, in Strasbourg, France. - December 2011 - Admission to “ Registo Nacional dos Associativismos Juvenil (RNAJ), Portugal. - June 2012 - Admission as a member of the “Forum Nacional da Sociedade Civil- VIH/SIDA” , Portugal
Cronologia/ historial da Bué Fixe
- August 2012 - Formal acceptance to “Programa de Apoio ao Movimento Associativo da Câmara Municipal da Amadora”, Portugal. - April 2012 - 4 day exchange visit of 4 a group of French young people from Nantes, France. - March 2012 - Bué Fixe logo creation with LABDESIGN and MTV support. - October 2012 - Recognition by Fondazione Mondo Digitale (Italy) for a nomination in the following category: “use of new information and communication technologies towards immigrants and refugees inclusion” for the international award of “Global Junior Challenge” due to Bué Fixe/Cidadãos do Mundo partnership, with “Media Jovem, Nossa Resposta ao VIH/SIDA” project. - February 2013 - Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial grant the patent for Bué Fixe logo.
- March 2013 - Signing ceremony of Bué Fixe partnership with “Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa”, Portugal. - May 2013 - Formalisation of Bué Fixe cooperation with Brazilian NGO “Viração, Educomunicação”, Brasil. - June, 20th 2013 - Bué Fixe president and founder, Dynka Amorim, took part in TED-S.Tomé, in S.Tómé e Príncipe. - June, 27th 2013 - Formalisation of Bué Fixe cooperation with “ Conselho Nacional da Juventude”, S.Tomé e Principe. - July, 2nd 2013 - Signing Ceremony of Bué Fixe cooperation with “Federação Cabo Verdiana da Juventude”. - July, 8th 2013 - Signing ceremony of Bué Fixe partnership with “Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa”, Portugal.
Special acknowledgment to entities and Individuals
AJPAS- Associação de Intervenção Comunitária, Desenvolvimento Social e de Saúde
B2 Design
Aliança Francesa - São Tomé
Carlos Menezes
Drª Ana Filgueiras
Carlos Pedro
Associação da Comunidade de São Tomé e Príncipe em Portugal
Centro Cultural Português/ Instituto Camões - São Tomé
Associação Galo Cantá Associação Nacional da Diáspora Juvenil Africana em Portugal Associação Nacional de Famílias para a integração de pessoa deficiente (AFID) Associação Santomense de Promoção da Família
Câmara Municipal da Amadora
Centro Norte-sul Cidadãos do Mundo Conselho da Europa Conselho Nacional da Juventude de Portugal Conselho Nacional da Juventude de São Tomé e Príncipe
Departamento dos Assuntos Económicos e Sociais das Nações Unidas Divisão da Juventude da União Africana Divisão de Política Social e Desenvolvimento das Nações Unidas Domingas Mandinga Embaixada de Cabo Verde em Portugal Embaixada de Portugal em São Tomé e Príncipe Faculdade Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Federação Cabo-Verdiana da Juventude Federação Nacional das Associações Juvenis (FNAJ) Fernanda Almeida Fórum Europeu da Juventude Forum Nacional da Sociedade do VIH/SIDA
Fundação MTV Staying Alive Fundação Portugal – África Fundação Pró- Dignitate Global Dialogue Grupo Português de Ativistas sobre Tratamentos de VIH/SIDA Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude Ismael Sequeira João Pedro Martins Jornal da Região- Amadora Junta de Freguesia da Falagueira Lab Design Maria Celina Mediação Intercultural em Serviços Públicos Médicos do Mundo - São Tomé Membros da Bué Fixe
Ministério da Saúde de São Tomé e Príncipe MTV Portugal
Rádio BBC Rádio França Internacional
Neusa de Melo
Rádio Nacional de São Tomé e Príncipe
Nilton Medeiros
Rádio Renascença
Nós Por Lá
One Young World
REFERRede Ferroviária Nacional
Opusgay Organização Internacional da Francofonia Organização Mundial de Saúde- São Tomé Óscar Alves Paula Borges Paulo Jorge Loureiro Peace Child International Programa Juventude em Ação Programa Nacional de Luta Contra Sida de São Tome e Príncipe Programa Nacional para a Infeção pelo VIH/sida
Ricardo Pestana RATO- ADCC RTP- Internacional RTP-África Sapo Angola Sapo Cabo Verde Sapo Moçambique Sapo Portugal Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras SIC Televisão Santomense
UNICEF- Fundo das Nações Unidas para a InfânciaSão Tomé
The Bue Fixe, thanks all the aforementioned by collaboration, because without the help of all these names organizations and the association would never get that far.
Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
A thank you and a well there.
TV Amadora
Vidas Alternativas Viração- Educomunicação
FINAL CREDITS Title| Bué Fixe: Youth Serving Youth for 10 Years Editing: Bué Fixe - Associação de Jovens, 2013 Editorial Coordinator: Ajala Carvalho and Dynka Amorim Graphic Design and Editing: João Gonçalves
Revision and Supervision: Ana Filgueiras, Fernanda Queirós, Cidadãos do Mundo/ Rede Sida All rights reserved to: Bué Fixe - Associação de Jovens Adress: Rua António Correia, 1º C, 2 Esquerdo. Postal Colde: 2700-067, Amadora, Portugal Contacts: Tel: 926007149 grupobuefixe@gmail.com www.buefixe.com.pt facebook.com/associaçãobuefixe