Dyserth Times April-May 2020

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Dyserth Times is a not-for-profit community magazine published by Katie Baker & Liam Feaviour solely for the benefit of the communities of Dyserth & Cwm Email: dyserthtimeseditor@gmail.com Articles are published on the understanding that they are the original work of the contributor and the publisher reserves all rights on behalf of the authors.

*** Opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not reflect those of the editors or anyone else associated with the Dyserth Times magazine or it’s associated Facebook group. *** Whilst every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine the editors and publishers cannot be held responsible for information supplied by contributors and published in good faith. Readers are advised to check with the organiser of events listed within the magazine to ensure that dates and times have not been changed following publication. *** We publish on the 1st of August, October, December, February, April, June. The cut off date for articles is always the 10th of the month preceding publication date. Due to publishing deadlines we cannot guarantee that any articles received after this date will be included in the magazine. ***

We are happy to publish your contributions in either Welsh or English, whichever you chose to submit. ***

Articles may be typed, handwritten, USB key or e-mailed. We cannot guarantee to publish media or photographs. Whilst we understand and will respect a contributor’s request for anonymity we will publish only if we are provided with the author’s name and full address including post code. *** Dyserth Times complies with it’s obligations under GDPR 2018. A copy of the Dyserth Times Privacy Policy is available by request to the Editors on the contact details listed above.


Facebook Group: @dyserthtimes 2

Instagram: @dyserthtimes

The Editor’s Bit Well, we certainly find ourselves in some interesting times. How quickly the agenda changes – this year the stories in the headlines seemed to be nothing but Brexit then to nothing but severe floods and now, rightly, to nothing but Corona Virus. Our thoughts are with you all - follow the guidelines and stay safe. The uncertainty is unsettling and, aside from those who have lived in wartime, we have no experience of changes to our lifestyles on this scale and for such an extended period of time. It is at times like this that communities become even more important and knowing the strengths we have in our local community, we’re sure that between us all we’ll pull through. Let’s ensure that we keep to the safety advice and look after those in our society who need us most. To those key workers who put themselves at risk for the greater good of society we are all so grateful. Apologies for the late appearance of this issue. For a variety of reasons, including illness (thankfully not coronavirus), things are a little slower at the moment. Looking forward to reporting happier times in the next issue. Katie & Liam Scarecrow Competition Unfortunately, due to the ongoing government restrictions and the need to protect those most vulnerable in our society we have taken the decision not to hold the competition this year. The Scarecrow Competition is a significant part of the Dyserth Times and as such it is not a decision we have taken lightly but we cannot currently see a way of ensuring that they are created, displayed, photographed and voted for by all sections of the community without posing an unnecessary risk. We apologise for the disappointment. Content - Cynnwys Colouring Competition—Cystadleuaeth Lliwio Horeb United Reformed Church - Eglwys Unedig Diwygiedig Horeb St Bridget’s Chruch - Eglwys y Plwyf Santes Bridget Play & Stay Dyserth - Chwarae ac Aros Dyserth DTMCG - GCBDM Dyserth Community Council - Cynghor Cymunedol Dyserth Dyserth Environmental Group - Grwp Amgylcheddol Dyserth Dyserth Bowling Club - Clwb Bowlio Dyserth Welsh Medium Childcare in Dyserth - Gofal Plant Cyfrwng Cymraeg Kobe Bryant 1978 - 2020 Dyserth WI - SyM Dyserth General Knowledge Quiz Colin’s Crossword - Croesair Colin Easter Dates - Dyddiadau Pasg Nature Corner - Cornel Natur Formula 1 2019 Season Review - Adolygiad Tymor 2019 F1 Supporting Local Business - Cefnogi Busines Lleol Dyserth Junior Football Club - Clwb Peldroed Iau Dyserth


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Colouring Competition - Cystadleuaeth Lliwio With school closures and many clubs and social groups forced to stop their regular meetings for the time being, we appreciate that will be many quiet hours to fill. Whilst we can’t promise 12 weeks’ worth of entertainment, we can offer a colouring competition for those of school age. Courtesy of Paul Rad. The rules are simple:1. 2. 3.

You need to colour the image on page 5 You must be aged 3 - 18 years Hand colouring only - no digital assistance

To submit your entries, please either photograph or scan your finished masterpiece and email them to dyserthtimeseditor@gmail.com by no later than 12pm on 8th May 2020. Please ensure your name is clearly written on the picture where indicated so that we can ensure the winner is notified. Each entry will be acknowledged with an email to ensure no entries are missed. If you don’t receive an email acknowledging safe receipt of your entry please doublecheck the address and resubmit it. The best entry will receive some art supplies to further their talent and receive a mention in the next edition of the magazine. Good luck - Pob Lwc! Please be aware that at the time of printing, the advice surrounding coronavirus is changing on a daily basis. Many of the articles submitted to us refer to meetings or events that may since have been cancelled in accordance with government guidelines. As such, we would urge you to contact the group/author of the article to confirm the present position before attending.



Horeb United Reformed Church - Eglwys Unedig Diwygiedig Horeb We gather for worship every Sunday, either at 9.30 or 10.30 - our notice board always says which - there is a warm welcome for everyone to this service of hymns, prayers and a sermon, with communion on the first Sunday of every month. Tea and coffee are served after the service. Usually, following the English service there is a Welsh medium service at 11.00. Sometimes we meet for a bilingual service at 10.30. We aim to serve the community in a variety of ways; every Wednesday morning tea and coffee are available while the Fruit and Veg Coop offers excellent fruit and vegetables, local grown where possible, at very reasonable prices. It costs nothing to join and if you call in any Wednesday between 9.30 a.m. And 1 p.m. we will explain how it works. On the first Wednesday of each month (April 1st and May 6th) we serve a meal at 12.30: two courses plus tea or coffee costs just ÂŁ3.50 and it is cooked on the premises by our volunteers who all have the relevant Food Hygiene qualifications. Anyone can come; vegetarian options are available. A call beforehand to 570958 secures a place. We would love to see you. The Village Quiz is on Friday 24th April at 7.30. We hope lots of groups will field a team of up to six people to play for the Peter Morgan Shield. Contact Allan Morgan on 570364 if your group would like to take part. Then on Saturday 20th June is the Horeb Garden Party at Glanrafon, Pandy Lane. Rev. Colin Richards

Hair Culture By Natalie

All aspects of hairdressing inc. hair extensions Dermalogica facials Massage & Hot Stones Massage Reflexology Manicures & Pedicures Crystal Clear Microdermabrasion Lash Lifting Lash & Brow Tinting Semi-permanent Lash Extensions High Street, Dyserth

01745 571115 www.hair-culture.co.uk 6

St Bridget’s Chruch - Eglwys y Plwyf Santes Bridget By the time of publication we hope that the external redecoration of the Church Hall in the waterfall gardens will have been completed and its kitchen spruced up..We would ask for the cooperation of those who use those large plastic water containers to water the plants on their loved ones graves. Please take the containers away to be disposed of elsewhere and don’t leave them to litter the churchyard. We are still indebted to two members of our congregation, retired Canons Peter and Timothy, who have voluntarily taken it in turn to take e the services here and in Trelawnyd since the retirement of our Vicar. We are hopeful that we may have some more permanent arrangement in place soon. Services for Holy Week are as follows:

April 5: Palm Sunday we meet in the Church Hall at 9.30am for the distribution of Palms before processing to the Church April 6: 2.30pm we have Evening prayer with Bible exposition.

April 7: 7. 30pm Address and meditation. April 8: 7.00pm. Healing service and Taize. April 9: 7. 00pm. Holy Eucharist. April 10: Good Friday. 10.00am. Liturgy. 2.00pm Stations of the Cross In the Waterfall Gardens( weather permitting) April. 11th: 7.00pm. Easter Vigil April 12th: Easter. Day: Sunday service at 9.45am. Keith Sanderson PLEASE CHECK THAT THE ABOVE MEETINGS ARE PROCEEDING AS OUTLINED IN LIGHT OF THE ONGOING COVID-19 SITUATION


Play and Stay at Dyserth - Chwarae ac Aros Dyserth We have now been a charity for just over a year, which means that while we're waiting for the dry weather before the toddler section can be finished, we've got lots of paperwork to do! Alongside the report for the Charity Commission, we're working with Dyserth Junior Football Club on a VERY big funding application. We're hoping it will fund the new toilets.

The application form asks for evidence of support from the community. If you would be happy to write a short letter / note explaining why you support us looking to build new toilets / changing rooms, please shout! We would also be grateful for small donations made monthly. If you are happy to donate just £1 or £2 per month, those amounts will add up quickly, and further evidence the support we have for the building as well as helping us with match funding. If you can help with this please fill in the form below [change as appropriate] and put it through the door at Lorac, High Street (opposite the garage). Support letters would also be gratefully received. You can also email these to hello@playandstayatdyserth.org Thank you so much for reading.

Cathy, Lynne, Trebor, Louise and Jamie …………………………………………………………………………………………………

I agree there is a need for a toilet / changing facility in Upper Dyserth, because:

And / Or:

I would like to pledge: a single amount / a monthly amount of £ ________ to NatWest Bank account “Play and Stay at Dyserth”, Registered Charity No.: 1181695 Sort Code 601730 Account number 90961900 This dated the ____________ day of _______________ 20________ Signature ____________________________________________ This section is optional: Name Address Tel. No Email

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ (we won’t spam you)

Please return this form to Cathy Jackson, Lorac, High Street, Dyserth (opposite Garage) or email it to hello@playandstayatdyserth.org


Dyserth Tuesday Morning Community Group Grwp Cymunedol Bore Dydd Mawrth Firstly of course, I must again note the sad passing of three of our long-standing members: Our very popular late Chairman Dennis Bone, our committee member David Richards and of course the sad passing of our Door Secretary Gay Jones’s husband David Jones. Our Dyserth Tuesday Morning Community Group enjoyed a wonderful festive luncheon at The Faenol Fawr Hotel in December. The camaraderie and happiness of our group seems to be growing warmer and stronger each month. New members are appearing and joining and we feel it is ensuring another strong element to society and community in Dyserth and the surrounding areas. Think about visiting us and experiencing real friendship whilst listening to talks on some 20 plus interesting and very varied subjects. Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) said: “Learning is the one thing that never disappoints us”. It holds true and always will. I say this because our programme of speakers has informed us on many diverse subjects – things that we probably would never have sought out. From the work of Bloodbikes, Hedgehogs in Care, Animal Rescue and useful information on NEWCIS the charity devoted to carers - to major historical figures such as Freya Stark, Elgar and Kathleen Ferrier and intriguing facts about the sinking of the Titanic, Gardening, modern slavery and geology. We are always learning something new. We have to record our thanks to so many wonderful speakers throughout this season. Our group has all the ingredients to satisfy the enjoyment of people by entertaining, stimulating and entertaining, whilst also helping us to socialise and gain friendships. The past year has shown a small increase in our membership and we were very grateful to receive a very generous, anonymous donation of £250. We owe a big thankyou to that person. I applied to DONG for a community grant and they were very positive and helpful but all to no avail. Dyserth Community Council kindly granted us £100. I must personally thank all my fellow committee members for their help this year.

At our last committee meeting, it was noted that speaker’s fees are notably rising and so the committee have decided on a small increase of £1 in our membership fee. Photo courtesy of the in Daily This still represents extraordinarily good value for money thatPost each of our 22 meetings costs each member only about 82 pence. So, the new membership fees are £18 per full year or £10 per half year. It has been decided to remove the visitor fee but allow one free visit if people wish to ‘try us out’. Refreshments will be from 10.15 to 10.30am, notices and Speaker introduction at 10.40am and talks will begin at 10.45am. We look forward to seeing you on each Tuesday Morning from October to March at Dyserth Community Hall in Cwm Road. Contact me, Michael Corfe, on 01745 585110


Dyserth Community Council - Cynghor Cymunedol Dyserth Dog Fouling: Dyserth Community Council have receive numerous complaints in relation to dog fouling, especially in the Children’s play area, the football field, including the High Street and other areas in Dyserth. It is against the law to allow your dog to foul in public places and then fail to clean up the waste and dispose of it properly. Public places include roadways, footpaths, car parks and other people’s gardens. Denbighshire County Council have recently contracted a new enforcement Company to deal with dog fouling. The Officers have been asked to increase patrols to Dyserth. If you don’t clean up after your dog you could face a fine of at least £75. The person who is in charge of the dog at the time of the fouling is liable to pay the fine. If you don’t pay the fine within 28 days you could get a criminal record.

Please report instances of Dog Fouling direct to Denbighshire County Council; by either calling: 0800 2300 234; or report it on-line: www.denbighshire.gov.uk Community Council Budget – 2020 / 2021: At the budget setting meeting the Community Council agreed the following budget for the year – from the 1st April, 2020 to 31st March, 2021: To increase the precept for the forthcoming financial year to £45,500.00 – an increase of £3,250.00. The increase to the current Community Charge would be £1.79p a year (4.56% = 14p a month) – per Band D household – with the yearly figure of £41.06. Dyserth Criminal Offences - Reported to the North Wales Police: The following report had been received from North Wales Police, in relation to reported criminal offices within the Community Council area in 2019: August 10 crimes; September 10 crimes; October 32 crimes and November 10 crimes. The reported offences related to anti-social behaviour, burglary and theft, public order, vehicle crime, sexual offences, criminal damage and arson. Public Footpaths: The Community Council wish to increase the safe usage of footpaths within the Dyserth Council area, and have entered into an agreement with Denbighshire County Council to provide financial assistance for the installation of two handrails on footpaths in the Waterfall area. The first hand rail at a 50% cost to the Community Council will be £1,340.00 and the second installation will cost £2,190.00. The further 50% of the cost will be provided by Denbighshire County Council. The Community Council have also requested that all footpaths be cleaned to prevent any slippery surfaces. Speeding Concerns and Overweight Vehicles on Waterfall Road: Councillors’ Andy Hughes and David Jones attended a site meeting in Waterfall Road with a senior Highways Officer from Denbighshire County Council, to discuss traffic concerns. Denbighshire County Council have agreed the following actions: 10

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To request speed enforcement by the ‘Go Safe Vehicle’ on Waterfall Road To liaise with North Wales Police regarding enforcement of weight restriction To liaise with North Wales Police regarding Community Speed Watch Waterfall Road to be given consideration as a potential site for Denbighshire County Council’s portable ‘Speed indicator device’. To ask VOSA to consider enforcement on Waterfall Road

County Councillor David Williams: provided Members with the following update: (1) Traffic concerns in The Bryniau area. A new 7 tonne weight limit is to be introduced in the area (2) The illegally parked vehicle in the area of Maes Glas has been removed (3) School safety initiative by Denbighshire County Council. The area between the bottom gate of Ysgol Hiraddug onto Cwm Road has been requested to be added to the scheme (4) Pot holes and sweeping of Pandy Lane area has been completed (5) Extra safety bollards have been installed at the junction of High Street and Thomas Avenue. Members discussed the following concerns with Councillor Williams: (a) Dyserth High Street traffic improvement scheme. Councillor Williams advised that the scheme was still current, but was not able to provide a commencement date (b) Traffic Calming measures are required in Thomas Avenue – in the area of Ysgol Hiraddug (c) Concern was expressed in relation to the fencing that has been erected in the car park area of the former Anglia builders yard – together with the reduction of vehicle parking spaces adjacent to the Prestatyn walkway (d) Councillor David Jones referred to the previous discussions and site visit to the area in Tre Castell on Newmarket road, and in particular, the parking of vehicles on the grass verge. Councillor Jones advised, that under the Local Government Act, the County Council had a duty to keep the roadside banks in good order and have the power to tarmac. Whilst the County Council have placed a number of bollards along the road, the area opposite the residential properties has now become a quagmire and looks unsightly. The County Council also have the power to provide decent off road parking for residents on this stretch of road (e) Double yellow lines on Maes Hiraddug require extending around the corner (f) Concern expressed with the dog fouling on the Prestatyn Walkway. Planning Applications: The following planning applications have been commented upon by the Community Council: (1) Application number: 42/2019/0980 - for the erection of first floor extension and alterations to existing dwelling, at Clog y Berth, 105 Cwm Road, Dyserth (2) Application number: 42/2019/1010 Re: Details of appearance, landscaping, scale and layout of dwelling submitted in accordance with condition no. 1 of outline permission code no. 42/2016/1215 (Reserved Matters application) – at land at site of former Mill House, Waterfall Road, Dyserth (3) Application number: 42/2019/1027 - Erection of detached garage at side of dwelling (revised details of garage approved under 42/2015/0641) (partly retrospective), at 31 Cwm Road, Dyserth (4) Application number: 42/2019/0157 – for the erection of 1 dwelling, detached garage, formation of new vehicular access and associated works, at Land (part garden of) Mount House, Dyserth (5) Application number: 42/2019/1066 – for Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission number: 42/2018/0923 – to allow substitution of house type at plots 37 to 29, at Land off Meliden Road, Dyserth.


The following planning application has been granted by Denbighshire County Council: Application number: 42/2019/0930 – for alterations and construction of balcony deck at ground floor level to rear of existing dwelling. Granted. R. Phillip Parry, Clerk & Financial Officer to Dyserth Community Council Tel: 01352 720547 E-mail: dyserth.council@btinternet.com We,b Site: www.dyserthcouncil.org.uk


Dyserth Environmental Group - Grwp Amgylcheddol Dyserth Some of you will remember the late Lucy & Ronald Davies who published two books on Dyserth in the 1990s. Lucy also took many photographs around Dyserth and elsewhere in the 1980s and 90s. Several years ago, Lucy gave a large collection of her slides to David Richards of Dyserth Field Club and following David’s death last year these were passed on to me by his family. There are 8 boxes, numbered 1 to 5 and 7 to 9, each containing two to three hundred slides. Box 6 is missing. These 8 boxes only contain a few images of Dyserth so I suspect that the missing box No.6 may have photographs of Dyserth, I know she had a lot of them. Possibly she gave her Dyserth collection to someone else, or maybe David Richards lent or gave them to someone. If anyone does have these slides, I would be very grateful if I could borrow them for scanning, possibly for my website www.dyserth.com. North East Wales Digital Trails (by Locly) is a free App available for Android and iPhone. I am currently working on a Dyserth section and this will be launched on May 1st. In the meantime, download the App and have a look around. Peter J Robinson Chairman, Dyserth Environmental Group pete@dyserth.com 01745 570321 ************************************************************************************************* Dyserth Bowling Club - Clwb Bowlio Dyserth Well the winter is almost over and hopefully the rain will stop soon. The new season is almost upon us and the green , which is looking good, will open on March 28th with registration between 11am and 2pm. As long as the green keeper agrees we will be allowed a roll up. Any residents who would like to join us will be made welcome or if unable to make it on that day, just pop in whenever someone is on the green.


Welsh Medium Childcare in Dyserth Public meetings were held in Dyserth on 6 February 2020 to discuss Mudiad Meithrin’s plans to open a Cylch Meithrin (Welsh medium childcare setting) in Dyserth Community Hall from September 2020. The plans are part of Mudiad Meithrin’s new nationwide project to set up new Cylchoedd Meithrin across Wales in response to ‘Cymraeg 2050: a million Welsh speakers’, and the contribution that Welsh medium Early Years provision will make towards achieving the Welsh Government’s target of 1 million Welsh Speakers by 2050.

Cylchoedd Meithrin are operated by individual charities with voluntary management committees, the charity employs qualified childcare staff to work at the Cylch. The first step to open the new Cylch in Dyserth is to establish a voluntary management committee drawn from the local community who will become the first Trustees of the new charity. There is no need to be able to speak Welsh as all paperwork is bilingual, what we are looking for is people who have time and enthusiasm for the project to work with us to create this new facility for parents in the Dyserth area. The new committee would also take over the management of Ti a Fi Dyserth, the popular parent and toddler group, as the current volunteers who run Ti a Fi are stepping down in July. Anyone with an interest in joining the committee should contact either: Lois Roberts – lois.roberts@meithrin.cymru Sali Edwards – sali.edwards@meithrin.cymru For more information about Mudiad Meithrin’s work: www.meithrin.cymru Gofal Plant Cyfrwng Cymraeg ar Gyfer Dyserth Ar 6ed o Chwefror fe gynhalwyd gyfarfodydd cyhoeddus i drafod cynlluniau Mudiad Meithrin i agor Cylch Meithrin newydd yng Nghanolfan Gymunedol Dyserth o Medi 2020. Mae’r cynllun yn rhan o brosiect cenedlaethol Mudiad Meithrin i agor Cylchoedd Meithrin newydd ar draws Cymru mewn ymateb i ‘Cymraeg 2050: miliwn o siaradwyr’, a’r cyfraniad gall darpariaethau Blynyddoedd Cynnar cyfrwng Cymraeg wneud tuag at cyflawni targed Llywodraeth Cymru i gael 1 miliwn o siaradwyr Cymraeg erbyn 2050. Mae Cylchoedd Meithrin yn cael eu rhedeg gan elusennau unigol gyda pwyllgorau rheoli gwirfoddol, mae’r elusen yn cyflogi staff cymwys i weithio yn y Cylch. Y cam cyntaf i agor Cylch newydd i ardal Dyserth ydi i sefydlu Pwyllgor rheoli gwirfoddol o’r gymuned leol, a nhw fydd ymddiriedolwyr cyntaf yr elusen newydd. Does dim angen i aelodau’r Pwyllgor siarad Cymraeg gan bod y gwaith papur i gyd yn ddwyieithog, rydym yn chwilio am bobl sydd yn frwdfrydig a sydd gyda amser i weithio gyda ni ar y prosiect yma i greu gwasanaeth newydd i rieni ardal Dyserth. Fe fydd y Pwyllgor hefyd yn cymryd drosodd rheoli Cylch Ti a Fi Dyserth, sydd yn boblogaidd iawn, gan bod y gwirfoddolwyr presennol sydd yn rhedeg y Ti a Fi yn camu i lawr yn mis Gorffennaf.

Os oes ganddoch ddiddordeb mewn ymuno gyda’r Pwyllgor cysylltwch gyda: Lois Roberts – lois.roberts@meithrin.cymru Sali Edwards – sali.edwards@meithrin.cymru Am fwy o wybodaeth am waith Mudiad Meithrin: www.meithrin.cymru 14


Kobe Bryant 1978-2020 Kobe Bryant, one of the greatest ever NBA players and an icon who transcended the world of sport, sadly died in a helicopter crash at the age of 41. The crash claimed the lives of all nine people on board the helicopter; passengers included Bryant’s daughter Gianna, basketball coach Christina Mauser, baseball coach John Altobelli, his wife Keri Altobelli and their daughter Alyssa, who was a teammate of Gianna. Needless to say, Spectate sends sincere condolences to the families of all the victims of the crash.

Bryant, who retired in 2016 after a storied 20-year NBA career, is renowned as one of the greatest athletes of all time. He won five NBA Championships with the Los Angeles Lakers (for whom he played his entire career), was named Finals MVP twice, played in 18 All-Star teams and won two Olympic gold medals. Just a day before the crash, Bryant was passed by current Laker LeBron James for third in the NBA’s alltime scoring history and expressed his pride in James’s ability to ‘move the game forward’. The words ‘legend’ and ‘iconic’ are bandied about a lot in the sporting world, but in the global outpouring of grief following Bryant’s death, it’s clear that they’re very relevant here. On the court, over two decades, Bryant proved again and again why he’s one of the all-time basketball greats. Children around the world grew up shouting “Kobe!” when they made a basket - whether on the court or simply with a balled up piece of paper into a bin. His signature fadeaway jumper is one of the most copied and iconic shots in NBA history. His jersey – whether emblazoned with 8 or 24 – remains one of the most instantly iconic; indeed, Bryant was the first player in history to have two jerseys retired. On Sunday, as fans gathered at the Staples Center to honour their hero, both hung from the rafters as a symbol of the ‘Black Mamba’ legacy. In the hours after the tragic news broke, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban announced that his team would retire the number 24 too, in Bryant’s honour. After his retirement, Bryant was frequently spotted attending NBA and WNBA games, often with Gianna by his side. In interviews, he mentioned how it was her interest in the game that brought him back courtside even after he stopped playing. In the days before their death, a video of Bryant mentoring Gianna courtside went viral on Twitter. The helicopter was bound for a tournament at Bryant’s Mamba Sports Academy, which he co-founded in 2018. The news of Bryant’s death was made all the more shocking thanks to his visibility. He was an outspoken supporter of women’s sports, frequently championing female athletes and the WNBA. He was a published author; business owner; and, in 2018, became the first African American to win the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film, for his film Dear Basketball, which was adapted from a poem he wrote upon retiring. Part of why accepting and processing this news is so hard is that Kobe was an institution. He epitomised everything that was good about competitive sports; he accomplished virtually everything there is to accomplish in professional basketball and then some. He brought together multiple cultures and represented multitudes - he was 16

raised in Italy and spoke fluent Italian, he was an important figure in African American culture, and he was arguably the most beloved figure in Los Angeles. To lose someone who had so much to give is hard to take. Bryant was becoming as dominant in his second career - as a producer, writer and coach - as he was in his first. He had carved a niche for himself as a culture creator even away from the court. He was a notoriously hard worker, and spent his first morning after retiring (and after putting up a truly unbelievable 60 points for good measure in his final game) up at 5am for church, then the gym, then the office. What he represented for many of us is hard to put in to words for those who might not be NBA or US sports fans. For those of us who follow the NBA week in week out, it's truly painful to lose Bryant in this way. For me, he was always there. I was a childhood Laker fan, and Kobe's influence both on the court and off it as a cultural touchstone was huge on me. It doesn't seem like this news, and the shocking manner of his death, will ever be processed. That his last act was to travel with his daughter to help her thrive in the game they both love speaks volumes of the man he had become. He had become an incredibly present and tangibly good father. He was mentoring many of the league's most promising young players, including Kyrie Irving, who missed the Nets game on Sunday evening for personal reasons. Social media was awash with shock, disbelief and heartfelt tributes after the news broke on Sunday. Along with fans and celebrities from around the world, former and current NBA players struggled to process the abrupt and shocking news. The first game after the news saw both the Toronto Raptors and the San Antonio Spurs take a shot clock violation – 24 seconds – in Bryant’s honour. Multiple teams committed a deliberate backcourt violation - of 8 seconds - to commemorate his other jersey number. Close friends Caron Butler, Dwyane Wade and Tracy McGrady shared touching insights into the man Bryant was behind closed doors. Emotional tributes were released from the biggest names in sports, including Magic Johnson, Dwyane Wade, Michael Jordan, Neymar, Cristiano Ronaldo, LeBron James and Tiger Woods. NBA icon Shaquille O’Neal, with whom Bryant shared a famous partnership at the Lakers, posted a collection of photos of Bryant and his family, remembering him as “so much more than an athlete”. And it’s true – Kobe Bryant is one of the most recognisable names in US culture. He’s known around the world, among basketball and non-basketball fans alike. His sudden death came just months before he was due to be inducted into the basketball Hall of Fame. One of the most famous athletes of all time, Bryant will be remembered as a complex man; a committed father; a champion of women’s sports; a successful businessman; one of the very best athletes in any sport of all time; and an iconic figure in the NBA, across sport, in African American culture, and in worldwide pop culture. In short, he was a legend. Kumari Tilakawardane


Dyserth WI SyM Dyserth When we met up in February Mags Blythin told us all about the history of Rhyl from the early 20th century. Once we saw photographs from the 50s and 60s there were many cries of recognition... the Floral Hall, the Mono Rail, so many memories. The conversations went on long after her talk had finished. In March it was a Gin Fizz evening hosted by Matthew Rowland. That was fun!! April is our Easter meeting with competitions, good food and, as always great company. In May our speaker will be Jenny Pritchard with the topic of ‘My Woolley Life’, sounds interesting! On 8th March we celebrated Famous [Welsh] Women at an afternoon tea designed to celebrate and promote International Women’s Day and in April we will continue to contribute to the annual Dyserth Community Quiz. All our smaller groups are still going strong - the Singing and Craft Groups, the two Knit and Natter Groups and an informal Book Club, (Book and Banter) meeting at the Torrello Lounge. We are all looking forward to April when the National Federation of Women's Institutes (Cymru) holds its Annual Meeting at Theatr Clwyd. WI members from all over Wales will be coming to Mold and many Dyserth members will be joining them. If you would like to register an interest in becoming a member could you please contact our Membership Secretary Rita on royal2silence@live.co.uk. Keep up with our many activities on Facebook. Just type in Dyserth WI to see pictures and articles about past events or outings or, for further information please contact our President, Anne Sanderson, on 01745 859526. Sue Wright Advertising in the Dyserth Times

The magazine is prepared and distributed by a large number of hard-working volunteers. The adverts placed by local businesses in the Dyserth Times enable us to meet the printing costs and therefore ensure that the residents of Dyserth & Cwm continue to receive their magazine every couple of months and for this we are extremely grateful. As we rely on adverts being placed with us to fund the magazine we would kindly ask that if you utilise the services of any of business that advertise with us (either in the magazine itself or on the Facebok group) that you make them aware that you noticed their advert in the Dyserth Times in order that we can continue to ensure the magazine is circulated throughout our two villages.

For advertising enquiries, please email dyserthtimeseditor@gmail.com Thank you all for your continued support through this challenging time 18

General Knowledge Quiz (Answers on Page 27 ) 1.

What is the common name for the feature known as ‘Auora Borialis’?


What was the name of the first manned lunar landing mission?


Where in London is there a bronze statue of Charlie Chaplain?


Which ‘Bill’ played Compo in Last of the Summer Wine?


Which town in Norfolk was the first to adopt the post code system?


Which Rudyard Kipling poem ends with the line, “And which is more, you’ll be a man my son.”?


If you were getting off a train at Waverley Station, which British city would you

be in? 8.

In Monopoly, what colour are Bow Street, Marlborough Street and Vine Street?


What type of goat produces mohair?


What name is given to a word that can be spelt the same, both forwards and backwards? eg. level or madam


What is the family name of Jonathan and Alistair, the British triathlon brothers?


What would a Scotsman do with a ‘spurtle’?


What is the capital of New Zealand?


Which tropic lies 23.5 degrees north of the equator?


What is a young Kangaroo called?


In which South African city would you find Table Mountain?


Abertawe is the Welsh name for which city?


Which motorway runs between London and Southampton?


The A303 runs alongside which ancient British landmark?


Which airline did the British government recently help to avoid going into liquidation?

CELTIC CONNECT Gas Central Heating and Plumbing Maintenance Natural Gas and LPG. Gas Safe Registered. General Building Maintenance.

Tel: Shaun - 01745 851506 19

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Colin’s Crossword - Croesair Colin

ACROSS 1 Make a knee cushion from music north, south, east (8) 6 Being stiffly correct is of first importance out east (4) 8 Be extremely fond of small point especially first (4) 9 Being niggardly is about right for fighting (8) 10 Instrument has nothing on battery (5) 11 Homer is possibly scrumptious (7) 13 British mountaineer, naval man, in a pothole (6) 15 Cleaner becomes rusted (6) 17 Noticing the sound of a right hinge, maybe (7) 19 Lay odds on deity being carcinogenic palm nut (5) 21 Praised a new heaven (8) 23 Leap about to ring (4) 24 Garden party foreordained, they say (4) 25 Split up in teacher’s under educated class (8)


DOWN 2 Absolve former person with speed (9) 3 Lice foe acquires where it’s chilly (3,4) 4 Bash a hyperbolic function (4) 5 No left slip road can be like a sea bream (7) 6 Get rid of people using real gull eggs initially (5) 7 Moon getting new charged particle (3) 12 Villain orders eel crates (9) 14 Holy women embracing first Chief Information Officer become Vatican diplomats (7) 16 Props used in rebuilt temple (7) 18 Ever a new way to steal! (5) 20 Anxious to mourn (4) 22 Pea soup for primate (3) (Solution on page 27


Why do Easter Dates Differ Each Year? Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus on the same day, 25th December each year. Though the Bible does not refer to an actual date, the 25th December is generally accepted as the date that should be used. However, Easter Day for Western Christians is a moveable feast and can be any date between 22nd March and 25th April. The Venerable Bede (673 735AD) explained that Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the equinox. The Spring equinox (almost equal hours of daylight and darkness) is around 21st March each year. This year, the first full moon after the equinox is on 8th April and the first Sunday after that is 12th April hence, that will be Easter Sunday. Lots of business leaders and tourism chiefs have long been calling for Easter to be a fixed date, indeed The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby has urged Christian denominations to discuss the fixing of a date within ten years. Schools might welcome that also as the Spring and Summer Terms have differing numbers of weeks each year (though the total number of weeks is, of course, the same). Well, maybe one day Easter will be a fixed date but for now we need to check our calendars each year or use the ‘formula’ above to calculate it.



Call Dom on: M. 07850 451340 O. 01745 570136 or email: dom_wilkinsonsaws@outlook.com A polite, friendly and professional service based in Dyserth 22

Nature Corner – Pressures on nature – Urbanisation. The UK’s human population has risen steadily over the last century, mainly centred around urban areas. This has required large-scale infrastructure developments, to meet demands for food, goods and human movement. While the increasing intensity of development within specific urban zones potentially reduces impacts on the wider countryside, the biodiversity value of existing urban green spaces and wildlife-rich natural areas can be impacted. Urbanisation has direct consequences for wildlife in terms of land use and land cover changes, but it also acts to fragment landscapes by creating barriers between habitats, thus isolating some populations and in turn reducing their genetic fitness. A wide variety of green spaces exist within urban environments, the biodiversity value of which varies with the degree of fragmentation, management, local population density and surrounding land use. Increases in air, light and noise pollution, human disturbance and predation by domestic animals particularly affect biodiversity in urbanised areas. Nevertheless, most urban environments are not completely covered with built structures but contain a substantial area made up of domestic gardens, parks, allotments, cemeteries, ponds, road verges and brownfield sites. Detailed analysis of four British urban centres (Bristol, Edinburgh, Reading and Leeds) show that over 60% of the total landcover is “green” – with residential gardens making up 24–36% of each city. While much of this area is not managed for the benefit of nature, the value of green infrastructure for biodiversity is worthy of consideration and it is also important for the health and well-being of the human inhabitants. The chart shows the increase (top line) of urban population, the bottom line the reduction of the rural population between 1970 and 2018. Unsurprisingly, the UK’s urban areas are where most people make a connection with nature. There is therefore enormous potential for engaging people to take action in their own gardens or to act together in local green space projects. This is being supported by policy and planning regulations to ensure best practice in new developments and management of existing green spaces, as well as through empowering citizens to take individual and collective responsibility for the nature on their doorstep. (article extracts courtesy of “The State of Nature 2019” by State of nature partnership As a resident I am pleased to see that domestic and commercial developers are now paying attention to their responsibilities when covering the green areas with tarmac and concrete. More can be done and let us all hope this will happen. Have a great spring.



Formula 1 2019 Season Review - Adolygiad Tymor 2019 F1 Another year, another championship trophy for Lewis Hamilton. Another season of compelling drama, fascinating battles and unforgettable clashes. In a year that saw a host of new faces join the ranks, we’ve also said a few sad goodbyes, and there’s plenty more change to come. It was Hamilton’s year – yet again – and a winning season for Mercedes – yet again – but things aren’t quite as black and white in the world of F1 as the final standings might suggest. While the Silver Arrows swept up virtually all before them, there were plenty of movers and shakers elsewhere, as teams jostled for position and drivers set out to make a name for themselves. Hamilton’s Crowning Glory Hamilton becoming officially the second most successful F1 driver of all time is something that will live long in the memory… until he (almost) inevitably draws level with the great Michael Schumacher, of course. In the end Hamilton cantered to the title with relative ease, but it’s always a joy to see the Mercedes driver in full flow. Vettel’s Meltdown While Hamilton appeared almost entirely unflustered, would-be rival Sebastian Vettel’s season was slowly unravelling, and his composure went with it. As well as a few memorable tussles with teammate Charles Leclerc, Vettel’s meltdown came to a head in Canada. Leclerc had been dominating the points, and Seb knew he had to pull off something magical to get his season back on track. Ironically, it was going offtrack that spelled out the beginning of the end; approaching a chicane – and with Hamilton in his rear-view mirror – the Ferrari driver went off onto the grass, suddenly swerved back onto track and ended up with a five-second penalty and second place. All of this resulted in Seb swapping his ‘2’ board in parc fermé with Hamilton’s ‘1’ in a moment that generated countless social media memes and actually resulted in Vettel being voted driver of the day. Changing Faces At the start of the season, there were only two teams who actually retained both drivers from 2018 - aside from Mercedes and Haas, the grid had a very new look. At Ferrari, much-vaunted rookie Charles Leclerc was promoted from Sauber to take Kimi Raikkonen’s place, with the Finn heading to Alfa Romeo. Daniel Ricciardo’s headline switch to Renault, Lance Stroll’s predictable move to Racing Point, Daniil Kvyat’s resurrection at Toro Rosso, Gasly’s promotion to Red Bull and the new McLaren pairing of Lando Norris and Carlos Sainz were big talking points, though there was little more newsworthy than Robert Kubica’s seat alongside George Russell at Williams – the Pole making his return to F1 after being away for almost a decade. All Change Was it naive to expect line-ups to remain intact all season? Perhaps, but it was still a bit of a jolt for poor old Pierre Gasly, who was unceremoniously demoted down to Toro Rosso after a tepid start to the season, with Alex Albon completing the second half of his very first season in F1 in the fabled garages at Red Bull. The arrivals of Albon, Norris and Russell – and the ongoing success of drivers like Max Verstappen and Leclerc – mean that the future of F1 is clearly in good hands. The changing of the guard does mean saying goodbye to a few favourites though – Kubica’s return has 24

been short-lived, with Nicolas Latifi joining Williams for 2020, and Nico Hülkenberg’s long stint in F1 coming to a close as he’s replaced by Esteban Ocon. Irreplaceable Personalities The 2019 season was also marred by two crushing and monumental losses to the sport. Charlie Whiting, FIA F1 director, passed away the day before the season’s opening race in Australia. Known to all as Charlie, he managed to combine being incredibly popular with implementing the rules, a feat few could achieve. Then, as the eyes of the F1 world turned to Monaco, the news broke that one of the most iconic, celebrated and inspirational figures in all of sport had been lost; Niki Lauda, threetime World Champion, Mercedes non-executive director and beloved personality passed away peacefully surrounded by family in May, leaving the F1 world poorer. Looking ahead… We eagerly await the return of the F1, and can’t wait to see what the new-look teams and long-standing favourites will be able to do in what will presumably be a shortened and significantly altered season. As of the end of last season McLaren were (almost) back, Verstappen was raring to go as always, the mid-table teams looked more competitive than ever, and, of course, the battle at Ferrari is far from over – if nothing else, we can likely look forward to more Seb v Charles fireworks. And then there’s Valtteri 3.0 - we were promised a new and improved Bottas in 2019, though there simply has to be more to come for the Finnish driver to retain his seat. So, whenever and wherever we return to racing, we hope you’ll join us. Kumari Tilakawardane

Martin Leeds Electrical Services (Est. 2003) If you need a good electrician - look no further!

Local, Dyserth-based experienced electrician with almost 30 years’ experience and an NICEIC approved installer. Attend to emergency call outs – rapid inspection and isolation of fault service. When things go wrong, you want a professional to sort it and make things safe. Fit extra sockets and light fittings, kitchen alterations, security alarms , CCTV and data points.

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Contact Martin for a no obligation quote or discussion. Mobile 0788 4435410 or leedsmartin@hotmail.com 25

Supporting Local Business - Cefnogi Busines Lleol Without wanting to be too doom and gloom, we are facing uncertain times. Schools are closed, many meeting points such as pubs, cafes and restaurants have been forced to close their doors and many, many more of us find ourselves working from home. We all have our concerns about the times ahead and how this will impact our finances, our mental health and our family’s stability. It has therefore never been more important to support each other in any way we can. Many of our local businesses will be hit hard by the need to close or significantly alter their way of trading. Significant restrictions on people’s movements mean that there is less demand for a morning latte, a lunchtime sandwich or personalised gift for a loved one. However, that doesn’t mean that we need to turn our backs on local businesses. We can support them through these difficult times in a number of ways - for example, buying gift vouchers which can be spent when social distancing is over, ordering a delivery/collection from your local café or restaurant, ordering from their website or even just sharing some of their social media content. The smallest of actions can make a big difference. Tree Surgeon, Fencing, Gardening and Property Services. Covering all aspects of tree surgery, felling, pruning, formative crown, lifting, crown reduction, pollarding, deadwooding & ivy removal. Garden maintenance, hedge cutting, grass cutting, lawn treatments and scarification. Fencing - all varieties covered. Call 07796 546252


General Knowledge Quiz Answers 1 2

Northern Lights Apollo X1

11 12

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Leicester Square Owen Norwich If Edinburgh Orange Angora Palindrome

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Brownlee Stir food (it’s a wooden spoon) Wellington Tropic of Cancer Joey Cape Town Swansea M3 Stonehenge Flybe

Yoga Suitable for Beginners – In Dyserth Wednesdays Increase Fitness and Flexibility, Reduce Stress and Lower Blood Pressure Morning Class: Maes Esgob Community Room 10:30 to 12:00 - £4 per class Evening Class: Dyserth Community Centre, Cwm Road 5:30 to 6:45 - £5 per class

Contact Mike: 07854 773967

Cyngor Cymuned Dyserth Dyserth Community Council

Civic Service On Sunday 10th May at 11.00am

Chimney Sweep Minor roof work Guttering Certified & Insured

To Commemorate The 75th Anniversary of VE Day To be held in Horeb United Reformed Church

Tel: 07850522403 28

Dyserth Junior Football Club - Clwb Peldroed Iau Dyserth There’s not been a lot of football played these last few weeks due to the stormy weather we’ve been having. On the plus side it’s given our pitches time to grow and recover. Hopefully with the bad weather out of the way and spring here, we’ll all be able to continue our season and attend the various tournaments which take place this time of the year. However, sadly we’re finding a huge amount of dog mess on the field lately. This is extremely disappointing and needs to stop. In 4 weeks’ time we will have players from the age of 5 training on the grass every evening and we are having to sweep the field beforehand to clear any dog mess. There is no excuse for this as there is clear signage that dogs are to be kept on leads at ALL TIMES on the playing area. This area is now being closely monitored and we’ve been in touch with the local warden who has advised us to gather evidence through photos and videos to hopefully prevent any future messing of the playing area. Please help us to maintain a safe playing surface for all those in our clubs and the wider community. Also, if there are any coaches out there who would like to help out we currently have U6’s U7’s and U8’s teams which we would like to enter into the local league next season. For this to happen we desperately need some help at training and match days. Full Checks and courses are paid for anyone interested. As the season is coming to a close in the next month or so, we are also starting to look forward to next season and funding match kits for our new teams. To do this we are looking to our local community and businesses for donations through sponsorship. If you can help in any way, big or small - please get in touch. Lastly there’s just a few weeks left for the blue token campaign in our local Tesco Prestatyn. If you go shopping in Tesco before the end of March, make sure you ask for a blue token and pop it into the box that says ‘Play and Stay Dyserth’. We are working closely with this charity to try to secure funding to build a much-needed toilet and changing facility, in the area behind the bowling green pavilion. Watch this space for more details. Hopefully catch a few of you on the field at a game on Sunday mornings in the coming weeks. ⚽⚽⚽️


The Dyserth & Cwm Directory Councillors and Clerks County Councillor Dyserth

David Gwyn Williams

01745 570282 David.G.Williams @denbighshire.gov.uk

County Councillor Tremeirchion, Cwm & Waen

Christine Marston

01745 582842

Clerk to the Dyserth Community Council

Phillip Parry

01352 720547

Clerk to Tremeirchion, Cwm & Waen

Ian Jones

07746 789004

Local and National Services Childline


0800 1111

Community Police

PCSO2839 Alexandra Jones

07768 038842

Community Information Bus

Dave Haycocks

01745 339779

North Wales Police

Non-Emergency Line



Rhys Roberts

01745 570232

Quarry House Surgery


01745 572968

Rhuddlan Library

Mathew Baker

01745 590719

Welsh Water

Emergency Line

0800 052 0130

Ysbyty Glan Clwyd


01745 583910

Ysgol Hiraddug

Headteacher – Tristan Hughes

01745 570467

Young People’s Groups

Beavers, Cubs & Scouts

Carol Boyton

01745 591702

Dyserth Junior Football Club

Chairman—Brian Grocott Secretary & Welfare Officer – Sion Winter Treasurer – Simon Eames

Dyserthjfc@yahoo.com 07515352101 07771 800787

Karate Club

Shirley Smith

01745 342798

Ti a Fi (Parent & Toddler Group)

Sue Whieldon

07931 847134

After School Club

07789 495160

Hiraddug Childcare

07506 884812

Ysgol Hiraddug


Dyserth Community Groups Dyserth Environmental Group

Secretary - Jackie Parry

01745 571956

Dyserth Tuesday Morning Community Group

Michael Corfe

01745 585110

Dyserth Women’s Institute

Secretary – Linda Rees-Owen

01745 570668

Dyserth & District Field Club

Linda Wilkinson

Further details awaited

NSPCC Fund Raising Group

Joyce Marshall

01492 582152

Dyserth Sports & Activities Groups Bowling Club

Hazel Griffiths

01745 570376.

Irish Dancing

Emma Orhan

07920 728422

Line Dancing

Dorothy Evans

01745 888833

Religious Groups Cwm Parish Church


Further details awaited

Dyserth Parish Church

Church Warden – Harry Davies & Roger Peters

01745 570130

Dyserth United Reformed Church

Revd. Colin Richards

01745 889002

Venues for Hire Community Hall, Dyserth

Ruth Roberts


Old School Hall, Cwm

Rachel Goddard-Jones

01745 888 797

Paterson Hall, Dyserth

Barbara Tebbutt

01745 570793

Residential Hall, Maes Esgob

Sarah Jones

01824 706873 Sarah.Jones @denbighshire.gov.uk

Anne Cooper

01745 889886

Pam Williams

01745 570507

Mike Pritchard

01745 798741

St Bridget’s Hall, Waterfall Road The Blue Lion, Cwm



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