FedEx: Visual Merchandising

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D.Handy Visual Merchandising Book

Do Yeon Stacey Park IED Level 6 Marketing Bav Tailor


D.handy for FedEx is a fashionable and disposable essential wear products designed with maximum convenience. Targeting travellers who are limited in baggage space or forgetful of their essential daily wear. The flow chart below explains how consumers purchase D.handy products and on the right side is the reusable packaging of the delivering D.handy product by FedEx and the summary of the process below.

Search on Airline websites or search sites

Book Flight

Book Accomodation

Purchase of D.Handy

Book Rental Car

Total Checkout

They may or not either book a hotel or car.

OR Booking .com search


Book Accomodation

Purchase of D.Handy

Total Checkout

FedEx Website

FedEx Website



Table of contents Mission and objective 7 Location 8 Moodboards 10 Pop Up store floor layout 14 Mannequin layout 16 Products and codes Mannequin display - by each action

18 20

Back view layout 26 Consumer pathway 28 - Floor stickers External layout 30 Staff uniform 32 Staff regulations 34 Mobility 36 Contact details 38


Executive summary The Visual Merchandising Project was undertaken for the company FedEx for their new business unit in the apparel market. FedEx as a well established and internationally recognised freight company is entering the apparel market with a new differentiated product offer under the name ‘D.handy’. Thus, a visual merchandising book was developed in order to clearly define and explain the functions and organisation of a pop up store to take place at the London Heathrow airport as a part of the opening event of this new business unit. D.handy stands for ‘disposable yet handy with a touch of dandy’ offering disposable essential fashionable wear delivered to the destination of low cost flight travellers who have limited baggage restrictions as a sequel of flying cheap. The pop up store is designed to communicate the value of D.handy and its competences as a new convenient product in which, the following visual merchandising book delivers all the core communicational aspects of the brand, the display of the products as well as the details of staff uniform and behaviour at the pop up store.


Mission To visually communicate the convenience of the brand, by breaking the insight of disposable products in relation to fashion and travel. Pop up store should communicate D.handy as a commercial, convenient and essential underwear product that is easily accessible for all travellers to consume.

Visual Merchandising

Objective The aim: is not to maximise sales from the pop up

store but to communicate the service and products of D.handy focusing on the strategy to change the insight of consumers on ‘Disposable wear’.



London Heathrow Airport

Europe’s most busiest airport: London Heathrow Airport. A European country is most potential as it makes up for 60% of the world’s online ticket purchases for low cost flights. London will be hosting the rugby world cup this September. And it is in the top 10 most popular destinations for both the leading low cost airlines Ryanair and Easyjet as well as the fact that London is already advanced in adopting delivery service specially ones advertising speed and free service. Foreigner’s first destination will be this airport and then move on to the other airports in London hosting the low costs flights. Moreover, those that use the other airports in London are likely to be communicated D.handy when purchasing their tickets online and are more attracted to the concept that they themselves search and order D.handy. The Heathrow airport is the hub of London and where most natioanlities are present thus, it is the most potential location to set up the very first pop up store of D.handy.


social media

Smart Devices

free delivery

lingerie socks

Fast Fashion

Quality panties

D.handy words to communicate


convenience Fast Ethical

Disposable goods


Moodboard: exterior


Screen fitted truck The FedEx Truck will be the store’s main exterior, FedEx represents a delivery service often referred to the parcel or delivery truck. Thus, to have the main identity of FedEx present at the pop up store communicating fashionable disposable essential wear. The clarity of FedEx being behind D.handy should be present.

To fulfil the maximum potential out of using the idea of a truck, a truck with a digital screen attached on one side, with the abilty to open upwards so that the content inside the truck can also be seen. The screen can be seen from a far distance and work as an attracting feature of the store.

The back of the truck will thus, look as such on the left, the other side of the digital screen can also be used for banner printings or campaign printings. Even the space of the top of the truck will be used to visually merchandise and communicate D.handy’s products.


Moodboard: interior


D.handy products will be worn by mannequins characterising an action to show that all those actions can be undertaken even when wearing disposable products. To clearly communicate the action, relevant props and fixtures will be used to complete each mannequin, including the externally merchandised mannequins.

Apart from the internal visual merchandise of many different mannequins, external display are crucial for leading consumers towards the pop up store. The external display will included light boxes to screen the key messages of D.handy as well as the special seasonal trend products.




Underpants are garments where size is necessary to check, consumers can easily identify their size for D.handy underpants simply by using their earphones from Apple devices otherwise from the measuring tapes held by the staff.


layout: Pop up store

Front View

Truck Model: Freightliner P1000 Size: 18’’L x 93”W x 85”H ( 549cm / 236cm / 216cm)

1. Deliver 2. Drive 3. Cook 4. Sleep 5. Eat 6. Read 7. Share 8. Date 9. Propose 10. Photograph

160c m 265c m

120c m 80c m

20c m

1 1 . Tour 12. Hike

120c m 180c m 220c m


120c m

Bird’s eye view

Lightbox for those without time Size: 150cm L x 210cm H Screening the QR code to download FedEx app to browse and order D.handy products.

70c m

Front View

70c m

370c m 470c m


manniquins display The FedEx logo and the current time will be continuoulsy displayed on the screen regardless of the slide show video of the concept of D.handy from how to order the product and receive it.


is a fundamental information all travellers need to be aware of thus, providing the time should give convenience as well as drive interest towards the truck.


Colour & focus rule The gradation of the colour should go from dark to light from the left as showed in the diplay picture on the left. Besides the mannequins number 1 and 10 which will wear the trend pieces and stand out from the group of mannequins. The focus is central though these two mannequins wearing the seasonal trend pieces should also be the focus within the overal central focus of the whole display. Moreover the space between mannequins 7,8,9 and 10 is the photozone in which the consumers can stand in for the whole truck to be in the picture.


The Collection FEMALE FRONT

















The Codes The table on the left are all the code names for each product and colours avaliable from the D.handy collection this season. Staff should try and memorise all these codes as there are not many and are strictly related to each product, either it is the first two letters of the product and colour name or the first letter plus another letter within the word of the product or colour in order to create codes without any similarity to each other that could cause confusion. Prints are only avaliable for mens underpants thus, the codes GS and WS are strictly related to men’s underpants. In all the mannequin display explainantions these codes are used to indicate the exact product model, colour is usually guided by the tone.


layout: Mannequins



layout: Mannequins



layout: Mannequins



layout: back view 1 3 . Tan 14. Drink The back should also be visually merchandised as the airport has people coming from all directions and the pop up store will be standing alone in the middle of an open space at the terminal. The QR code for downloading the FedEx App will be printed on the truck, for those passing by in a hurry but want to be informed and check later.


The back side of the digital screen will have printed the key message ‘Free delivery to destination as well as a beach back drop to support the two mannequins number 13 & 14 charaterising tanning and drinking

13 tan & 14 drink


Sticker Pathway


Convenience Not all travellers at the airport that are potential to order D.handy have the time to browse through products and learn the concept and procedure of this new free delivered disposable and fashionable essential wear. Thus, to appraoch all potential consumers by providing maximum convenience through offering two methods of accessing D.handy, both the time conscious and free time travellers can access and and get to know D.handy in hoping to conclude with an order.

In a rush ?? These floor stickers will lead the travellers that are interested in free delivered underwear but in a hurry with time, to the booth section where they can simply download the mobile Application of FedEx to take a look at later or to receiver a brochure with all the information needed to be able to understand the procedure of D.handy and proccess of it. On their way they will pass the truck with all the displayed mannequins to visually influence their perception of D.handy products.

got time ?? These floor stickers will lead the travellers that are interested in free delivered underwear and have more time, to the booth section where they can browse on iPads to see the collection as well as to proceed with orders to their destinated accomodation. On their way they will pass the truck with all the displayed mannequins to visually influence their perception of D.handy products.


layout: External


To lead the consumers towards the Pop Up store, 2 lightboxes screening the products of D.handy as well as the words “Free Delivery� will be set up in the most crowded places of the airport with mannequins on each side wearing D.handy products and accessories to characterise their action. All listed colours, tones and groups must be followed. as well the location of the props.

I m p o rta nt: Make sure all props used have no visible brand logo or are fake imitated products of existing brands. Moreover, the stickers above must be placed in a pathway leading to the pop up store for both time conscious and time free consumers.


staff regulations The pop up store at the airport is a location crowded with many consumers of different nationalities thus, it is important that the staff on the floor are able to speak a variety of basic languages so that they are able to help as many travellers as possible with the additional languages they speak to give more convenience in communication to a diverse consumer group. The floor staff should be able to speak english at the level of fluency as well as another language within the list below:

- German - Italian - Spanish - Chinese (Manderin) - Russian IMPORTANT: Among the assigned staff all these languages should be covered. And the flag badge of the country of the language they are able to speak should be worn on their top.

Other than the language requirements the staff should also be well educated with all the products of D.handy as well as the system of it from the ordering to the delivery to the door step of the consumer. They should study specific phrases and terms to use when explaining D.handy and how it works. As the terminology and dialogue is another key representation of the brand at the pop up store and for the consumers to related the product to. The names of each product should be used to clearly communicate the terms used for describing D.handy Key words and phrases below should be continuously used to emphasis them

- Convenient - Fast - Easy - Fashionable - Comfortable - Free delivery - Experience - Modify time - Mobile Application - no pack or repack - more luggage space - Diposable yet handy The use of Slang is acceptable to a certain level to evoke friendliness. However, swearing or shouting or any offensive Terms should be avoided in speech.


With a touch of the “travel feeling� All staff are welcome to add on logoless accessories that represent the mood of travel without covering their eyes so that eye contact is possible, or in appropricate cultural products that may offend someone.


staff regulations Uniform Rules All original uniform pieces will be provided. The travel accessories are required by individuals regarding the statement below the uniform picture. Uniform should be iron after every wash and nothing should be worn under the FedEx uniform besides essential underwear. Note: Names will be printed on the back of the top so that customers can approach the staff by their name to create a more friendly closer environment. Thus, staff must provide their first name or preferably called name that they will respond to prior to receiving the uniform in order for the name to be printed.

Hygiene Rules Staff should all have showered at least the night before working at the pop up store, if deodrant is needed it must be brought along to the store to use when needed in private away from the customers, especially during this summer season. Nothing strong but able to cover the unfavoured smell. It can be that during summer the customers bring in the unfavoured smell around the pop up store, in this case fresh floral fragrance sprays should be sprayed around as clandestinely as possible. Moreover, most importantly the screens of the iPads should be wiped every hour so that fingers prints of cosumers throughout the day do not accumulate and create disgust or uncomfortablity to easily touch the iPads. Upon request all staff should also have in hand a wipe so that they can wipe the screen.


Make up should be basic so that it does not end up on any of the displayed products or the screens of the iPads. Hair should not have any visible products such as gell or exceesive use of hair spray. Uniforms must be washed after each day during summer and after every 3 days during winter unless there are visible stains that need instant removement.

Posture Staff should visit an Apple store and observe how the staff there appraoch their customers. As tech savvy and speakers of multi languages the staff should maintain a friendly yet professional posture, even in the way they approach the consumers, giving space to them as well as staying nearby and open for anyone needing assistance. When standing alone on duty at the pop up store, all staff must stand up right and be light on their feet to move around or approach consumers.

Etiquette Staff must answer to all questions if they are unsure they must ask another staff memeber and conclude the question with satisfaction. Juat as much as answering to questions it is important the staff are also listeners and wait until the consumer if finished speaking and proceed with replies and advising. Staff must greet all people that they have eye contact with, with a friendly smile and approach them if they look like they require assistance.

Pictures were taken inside Apple Stores


keyword: mobility The truck can fit all displayed Mannequins in side, thus the truck display can

PACK AND GO elsewhere where it needs to communicate.


Next destinations Because the exterior of the pop up store is based around an actual mobile truck, all displayed mannequins including the external displayed mannequins and light boxes can be packed into the truck to head to another airport or open space where consumers are. Low cost flights are most popular in the European region and all cities are reachable by roads. Thus, the following is an ordered list of cities in which this truck can drive to for the first wave of D.handy product launch. As listed in the Marketing Plan of FeDex D.handy project:

- London - Milan - Paris - Madrid - Barcelona - Rome - Berlin All these cities were selected in the first wave as they all hold international events in the coming months.


contact details FedE x D.handy Representative: Stacey Park +39 123 4567890

Head office Daisy Park +39 098 7654321

Human resources Do Yeon Park +39 567 8901234 38

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