www.psoe.es www.inscribeteparavotar.es inscribeteparavotar@psoe.es twitter:@inmigracionPSOE
RIGHT TO VOTE IN MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS FOR CITIZENS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION If you are a European Union national, you can vote in the upcoming municipal elections on 24th May 2015. To exercise your right, you must register on the electoral roll.
IF YOU WANT TO VOTE YOU MUST BE REGISTERED IN THE ELECTORAL ROLL If you have already registered on the electoral roll in the previous elections, you do not need to register again to exercise your right to vote. HOW TO REGISTER?
OUR COMMITMENT Once More, thousands of citizens from other countries may exercise their right to vote. A right that became possible in 2011, thanks to the socialist government, as a result of our commitment to participation and integration.
MAKE YOUR VOICE BE HEARD, REGISTER TO VOTE Spain is also your country and your voice must be heard. In recent years the conservative Party has been jeopardizing and eliminating many of your rights. The elimination of health cards to those unlisted in our social security system is one of the most serious examples. Today, we cannot say that we all have the same rights and obligations. We want to hear your voice, therefore you have to register on the electoral roll. REQUIREMENTS UE Citizens: you must be 18 or over, being registered in the municipal census and had formally expressed your wish to vote (in the municipal council or directly at the census office).
If you have received a letter from the Electoral Census Office (INE) you should fill it out and send it by regular mail, or you can also use data provided by the letter to register via the INE website: https://sede.ine.gob.es Or at the Electoral Census Office 901 101 900 If you have not received the letter and you fulfill all the requirements to vote, go to your municipal council. Find out more information via: http://www.inscribeteparavotar.es PSOE: 915 820 000 REMEMBER THIS TIMELINE Registration in the municipal census and formal statements shall be made not later than the 30th of December 2014. REGISTER TO VOTE