Autumn 2014 Impact Report

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Academy Support Package Impact Report Autumn Term 2014

E-ACT Academy Support Package – Impact Report

Education Our service offer this term All academies Professional development • 3 core subject leader forums were held for all

secondary middle leaders in mathematics, English and science.

“The English CPD session was fantastic; I am buzzing with enthusiasm and next steps.” - E-ACT English subject leader • 6 new E-ACT Principals completed the Myers-Briggs

coaching programme (part 1).

“I very much enjoyed the session. Karin was very clear, explaining the process well and providing some very interesting points for discussion. I would recommend it and am interested in exploring the possibiliy of extending it to the rest of my leadership team.” - E-ACT Principal participant

Impact: Our leaders at every level are growing professionally - continually improving their teaching in the classroom and developing as future leaders of E-ACT.

academy is robust, that all of our staff are data-literate, and that data use throughout the Trust supports decision-making and improving outcomes.

Key documentation support • The Education team has provided ongoing,

structured support with drafting and revising key school improvement documents. These include AcademyImprovementPlans(AIPs),Self-Evaluation Frameworks (SEFs), Sponsor Statements of Actions (SoAs) and Post-Ofsted Action Plans (POAPs).

• Insight now stores the E-ACT academy library of

AIPs, SEFs, SoAs POAPs and pre-RAISE reports. Visit the ELT section of Insight to look at these documents across the group.

Impact: We’re bringing consistency to our key document templates, which are quality-assured and are shared across the group so that we can keep learning from our great examples in the Trust.

• Phil Bourne, E-ACT’s data specialist, has carried out

‘Rebuild’ and ‘Need to Secure’ academies

• The School Data reporting portal has been

System Leader support

Data support data visits to every E-ACT academy.

built. Senior leaders and data teams have been introduced to the system.

• The Data Manager visited NBA, DSLV, the Crest

Academies and Parker to validate submissions and provide specific data support.

• A Progress 8 & curriculum seminar for 2 members of

each secondary academy was held in November.

• The Education team conducted pre-ABPD visits

to Forest, North Birmingham, Willenhall and Pathways to scrutinise data and documentation and to provide support with data validation and triangulation for senior and middle leaders.

Impact: We now know how our academies use data and information. We’re working to make sure that data in every E-ACT 2

• This term, E-ACT’s new approach to school

improvement has supported the following academies:


No. of System Leader visits



Burnham Park




North Birmingham


West Walsall




E-ACT Academy Support Package – Impact Report



The Oldham Academy North


The Crest Academies






Mansfield Green


“The use of System Leaders is an excellent way forward. Successful current practitioners inspire confidence in those receiving support.” “System leadership had a very positive impact on provision at Willenhall E-ACT Academy. This has been in multiple areas, in challenging all stakeholders to improve an all areas and in terms of working to develop colleagues to become more effective practitioners. It has also provided a valuable and accessible network of support and good practice. In short, it has provided welcome challenge and support to improve the life chances of the splendid young people of Willenhall E-ACT Academy.” - Tom Ashley, Principal

two and a half days per week until the end of term. • An additional appointment of an interim

Inclusion and Behaviour Vice-Principal – four days per week from the beginning of November

• A staff meeting that resulted in a re-framing

and re-developmentof the Behaviour Policy, requiring staff to take ownership of behaviour across the academy. Early impact data shows a reduction regarding phone-use and coats as examples of policy into action

• The commissioning of Humanutopia across the

academy. The expected impact will be improved behaviour, lesson punctuality and fixed-term exclusion reduction.

• A curriculum audit, resulting in £100,000 of cost

savings. and a new fit for purpose timetable that will meet the needs of all students.

Impact: Specialist, targeted support is commissioned at our academies to give support in areas where it is needed most.

Commissioned reviews Impact: We’re using E-ACT’s outstanding leaders to provide intensive support to our Rebuild and Need to Secure academies so that we can raise outcomes for our pupils across the Trust at pace. At the same time, we’re providing opportunities for our senior leaders to learn from each other and to take on more leadership opportunities from within E-ACT.

• Teaching and Learning reviews have been

commissioned and undertaken at Forest, Nechells, Mansfield Green, Chalfont Valley, St Ursula’s and Willenhall, coordinated by E-ACT System Leaders.

• External Post-16 reviews have been held at Parker,

West Walsall, and Willenhall.

• An external review of Year 7 and 8 provision has

been held at City Heights.

Impact: E-ACT has provided external validation to our academies which Commissioned specialist support is specifically set against the Ofsted • Terry James, Headteacher of Queen’s School, Bushey, and Julie Price Grimshaw, System Leader, framework. We can now work on the areas have supported the Crest Academies with: highlighted for improvement. • An audit of the leadership structure resulted

in the advertisement and interview process of a substantive Principal for January 2015. The incoming Principal has visited the academy for six half-days and from 8 December will visit for 3

23 visits from the Finance team

5 People Plans for E-ACT academies established

9 external reviews of teaching & learning, governance and Post-16 provision held

8 training forums and induction sessions held for business managers, Chairs of Governors and HR business managers

24 condition

17 FOI requests processed

surveys completed

3 core subject

leader forums held

22 Raising Achievement Board meetings held

179 Year 6 pupils currently



attaining L4 in reading, writing and maths - 127 to go to meet our target

546 Year 11 pupils currently

attaining 5 + A*-C GCSEs, including English and maths - 332 to go to meet our target

17 new users to Insight -


13 System Leaders providing intensive support

6 Principal

induction sessions held

8 Chairs of Governors appointed

23 specialist data visits

44 attendees at joint briefing session

E-ACT Academy Support Package – Impact Report

Governance, Communications & Projects Our service offer this term All academies

Guidance and support • The Governance team launched the following

Training • 93 Local Governors have received training from

Incyte, representing a 78% attendance rate from Local Governors on data, Ofsted preparation, or effective governance.

“We had the chance to really discuss data and what we need to do as a governing body as a result.” “Excellentpresenters(knowledgeableandcreditable).” “Interaction between governors and facilitators was very useful. Well delivered and effective discussion.” • The Governance team and Incyte have made

improvements to the training based on additional feedback. From November, the sessions will • Condense content to improve presentation


• Reorder slides to prioritise time for governors to

discuss what they are learning; and

• Replace trainers whose style of delivery was

not well-received. Governors who attended these sessions will receive an additional training session.

• 12 E-ACT Local Governors attended an E-ACT

training session at North Birmingham Academy on the new safeguarding framework, the new SEND framework and how to handle parental complaints.

“Thank you for the wonderful training on the 18th. I actually gained a better understanding of SEND reforms than when I had attended my local authority trainings. I feel I have a much better understanding now.” • 8 new E-ACT Chairs of Governors attended a Chair’s

induction session in September.

initiatives this term:

• The Academy Support Package to provide

transparency and clarity across the Trust;

• The new E-ACT Governance Framework to

provide a clear framework of how E-ACT allocates support and intervention to its academies;

• E-ACT’s new Local Governor Guidance to

support E-ACT Local Governors in all areas of local governance, including being part of a multi-academy trust, the role of the LGB, understanding education data, and planning & reporting.

• The Autumn term Governance Newsletter,

keeping E-ACT Local Governors up to date with key governance developments inside and outside of E-ACT.

• The Governance team recruited and appointed

8 new Chairs of Governors and 34 E-ACT Local Governors.

• 44 Principals and Chairs of Governors attended the

Autumn term briefing session at Shenley to hear from Sir David Carter on the role of the RSCs and the latest policy updates from Bill Watkin, SSAT. • 90% of attendees felt that the preparation for

the event was excellent

• 100% of attendees felt that Sir David Carter’s

presentation was either ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’

• 100% of attendees felt that Bill Watkin’s

presentation was either ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’

• 70% of attendees felt that the networking

session was either ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’, with the remaining 30% stating that it was ‘good’

• The Governance team aimed to respond to every

Impact: E-ACT is bringing consistent and high quality training for all our Local Governors. This means that our Local Governors are fully aware of the responsibilities of their role and are kept up to date with the most recent legislation and can make informed decisions which will improve the academies they serve. 6

Governance, Communications & Projects query within 48 hours.

Impact: Greater clarity and transparency about the roles, responsibilities and expectations of Local Governors now exist alongside better communications so that we can promote and share great practice within the Trust. Greater engagement of

E-ACT Academy Support Package – Impact Report

Local Governors will result in sustainable networks.

Impact: Academy leaders and Local Governors are provided with enhanced scrutiny, challenge and support every 6 weeks so that we can ensure that Communications plans are implemented with fidelity and • The E-ACT Weekly Roundup has been created, outcomes for pupils are the best they containing key news, staff updates and links to Insight blog posts. It is published every Friday and possibly can be. We now have an in-depth is now received by every Principal, Local Governor, knowledge of the performance of the Business Manager, and Clerk to Governors. One academies, the support allocated to them, reader commented, “I can’t express how much I and a constant focus on the impact this is love this! Thank you.” having in raising standards. • Recruitmentpacksweredesignedfor5recruitment

campaigns, creating templates for future use.

• Insight has had a 22% increase in users, a 31%

increase in individual page users, and a 30% increase in the average session duration. The most frequently accessed pages are the Policies page and the ELT area. More site development will take place in January, including building individual academy pages.

• Communications and media support has been

provided to the Oldham Academy North, Greenfield, West Walsall, DSLV, Nechells and Mansfield Green.

External governance reviews • External governance reviews have been carried out

in Nechells, Mansfield Green and the Oldham Academy North.

Impact: Clear action plans have been developed to ensure that the right processes, behaviours, meetings and structures are implemented for maximum effectiveness within our Local Governing Bodies.

Impact: A platform now exists for everyone in One E-ACT to communicate, share, learn and improve together.

‘Rebuild’ and ‘Need to Secure’ academies Raising Achievement Boards • Raising Achievement Boards have been

established and administered by E-ACT’s Governance team in Crests, DSLV, North Birmingham, Nechells, Mansfield Green, Parker, West Walsall, Willenhall, the Oldham Academy North, Pathways and Burnham Park, in line with the Academy Support Package.

• Alongside the RAB at the Crest Academies, a

dedicated Project Manager has been assigned to assist in coordinating all educational and estates issues during the move to the new building. 7

E-ACT Academy Support Package – Impact Report

Finance & Resources Our service offer this term All academies Finance team intervention & support • Specific Finance team support was provided

on issues at Shenley and St Ursula’s E-ACT academies.

Impact: Academies with identified financial concerns have been supported, achieving clarity on the situation and developing a future balanced spending plan to ensure that expenditure is in line with budget.

enabling early identification and management of any areas for improvement.

Corporate accounting • E-ACT’s group statutory accounts have been

prepared ahead of formal approval by the Board on 11 December.

Impact: We have met E-ACT’s statutory compliance obligations.

Risk management and Health & Safety Inductions, forums and training • A monthly Finance Bulletin has been circulated. • 1 Finance Director forum has been held at City


• 1 Chair of Governor induction to Trust finance has

been held.

• 1 training session on year-end procedures has been


• 1 forum has been held in each of the following

areas: Finance, Risk and Health & Safety, Procurement and IT.

• Handsam, Health & Safety advisors to E-ACT, have

visited 6 academies to provide bespoke support and presented at the Finance Director forum in October.

• Recruitment for an internal assurance lead is in


Impact: We have promoted best practice in Health & Safety across E-ACT, and supported academies to meet these standards.

Impact: Awareness of key E-ACT financial, Procurement risk, Health & Safety and procurement • E-ACT has negotiated a contract with a single processes has been raised, ensuring electricity provider for all academies. consistency in application across the Trust. • A contract for a single payroll provider is in the tendering process.

Finance Business Partners • Every academy has been visited by either the

Director of Finance and Resources, Academy Finance Manager, or Academy Finance Officer.

• A recent review of Crests’ insurance cover resulted

in a 23% reduction in premium, whilst maintaining all necessary levels of coverage.

Impact: We have secured better value for and will visit each academy a minimum of two money for the Trust, enabling more funds times per half term to offer challenge and support to be released back into our classrooms.

• From January, the Business Partners will be in place

with budget setting, forecasting and reporting.

Impact: We are building trusted relationships with all E-ACT academies, 8

Premises and estates • 24 condition surveys have been completed for

E-ACT Academy Support Package – Impact Report

E-ACT academies, which will enable the Capital team to prioritise funding for building works.

Impact: We’ve worked closely with the Crest Academies to make sure that the • Emergency repairs at Merritts Brook were move to the new building has caused authorised to ensure no disruption to the learning minimal disruption or distraction for staff environment. and students. • The Capital team continues to advise academies

in preparing bids for the improvement and maintenance of their premises. Merritts Brook has submitted a bid for funding under the Priority Schools Building Programme.

Impact: We now know all of our estates management requirements across E-ACT, and can actively work towards ensuring that those works are carried our so that all of our academies’ capital needs are met.

Legal claims, queries and complaints • E-ACT has worked closely with Forest, North

Birmingham, the Oldham Academy North, the Crest Academies and Parkwood to negotiate, resolve and respond to queries on behalf of the academies.

• 8 insurance claims have been managed by E-ACT. • 1 Subject Access Request has been processed. • 17 requests made under the Freedom of

Information Act have been responded to.

Impact: We have worked on behalf of our academies on a number of legal, insurance and Freedom of Information Act enquiries so that academy staff can focus on the core activity of improving outcomes for our learners.

‘Rebuild’ and ‘Need to Secure’ academies Premises and estates • The Capital team has been working intensively with

the Crest Academies to resolve ongoing building issues. 9

E-ACT Academy Support Package – Impact Report

Human Resources Our service offer this term All academies

Impact: We are developing trusting relationships with all of E-ACT’s academies, alongside early intervention and high HR Service quality, consistent advice being offered on • An HR conference was held for HR and academy HR and management issues. Business Managers.

• HR audits were completed in 4 academies. • 3 new Principals were appointed: Mohsen Ojja,

Associate Principal at the Globe ARK Academy in London, will begin at the Crest Academies in January 2015. Martin Knowles, Acting Principal at the Oldham Academy North, has been appointed as substantivePrincipal.MatthewWynne,Headteacher at Yarnfield Primary School in Birmingham, has been appointed as Executive Principal of Nechells and Mansfield Green academies and will begin in December 2014.

Impact: We have provided clarity around E-ACT systems and HR practice at each academy, linking skills across the network and identifying where early HR intervention is required.

Employee relations • The JNC was consulted on policies on behalf of

E-ACT and academies.

• A biannual staff survey was developed, supported

by ‘mini’ surveys as appropriate across E-ACT.

Impact: We are maintaining good employee relations with trade unions and have compliant policies in place. This has reduced the potential for industrial action and dispute.

Pay & reward • Policies and procedures are in place at each

academy for all pay and reward matters to ensure parity, consistency and accuracy.

Impact: We have improved parity in pay decisions and clarity of policy implementation.

Safeguarding • A Single Central Record template has been issued to

all academies.

Impact: We are ensuring compliance with statutory timeframes and ensuring academies have a clear understanding of their obligations and rights.

‘Rebuild’ and ‘Need to Secure’ academies People Plan • A People Plan is in place for the majority of ‘Rebuild’

and ‘Need to Secure’ academies.

Impact: We know the actions and level of support we need to provide in each academy, ensuring that we get the right Performance people in place to support academies’ • A named HR Business Partner is now in place for each academy, with a specific tariff based on the improvement at pace. new governance framework allocation. • HR has attended Raising Achievement Board

meetings and taken action as identified.


E-ACT Academy Support Package – Impact Report

E-ACT Governance Framework Academy allocation: Autumn 2014 Heartlands Parkwood

Sustain and Share

Ilminster Avenue Blackley Greenfield Shenley City Heights St Ursula’s


Merritts Brook Reedswood Denham Green Chalfont Valley Burnham Park

Need to Secure

The Oldham Academy North Pathways North Birmingham Academy Parker DSLV Willenhall


West Walsall The Crest Academies Forest Nechells Mansfield Green


E-ACT 3rd Floor 10 Whitfield Street London W1T 2RE T +44 (0) 203 176 3882 E F +44 (0) 203 176 3880 W

CEO: David Moran Registered Office: E-ACT 2-6 Cannon Street London EC4M 6YH Company No. 652 6376 E-ACT is a charitable company limited by guarantee

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