E-CAM Final Report
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disseminate current E-CAM produced software. They establish the current state-of-the-art and highlight the immediate developments required. During the lifetime of the project we organized 7 SCOWs and 8 SAWs, listed in the sections dedicated to each of the scientific WPs. Industry acted as co-organizer of 5 scoping workshops. In total, 66 industrial researchers had access to discussions and expertise at these events. Workshop reports from these events are stored on our website at this location.
Pilot projects E-CAM supported academic and industrial research via a set of pilot projects focused on industrially oriented problems, sustained by funded PDRAs supervised by scientists in the team. During the EU funding period E-CAM ran 17 pilot projects, 10 of which included in an industrial collaboration and 7 that enabled HPC best practices with potential transfer to industry. The E-CAM website hosts webpages for each of the pilot projects in the project. These pages provide detailed information about the work description, list of tasks, list of developed modules, and all material disseminated in the context of the pilot projects. The PDRAs working on the pilot projects produced 116 software modules, accessible to users beyond the specific partners via the E-CAM website and our repository. Software is licensed for re-use and re-distribution, with specific restrictions, where necessary, dependent on the particular licence of the specific software. License information is available in the documentation of every software module.
Training courses for industrialists In the original E-CAM proposal, two main vehicles to promote innovative and effective interactions with industries were indicated: collaborative pilot projects focused on industrially oriented problems and scoping workshops. To further expand the portfolio of activities targeted at industrialists, E-CAM has established a series of new events targeted at training interested industrial researchers on the simulation and modelling techniques implemented in specific codes and in the direct use of this software for their industrial applications. E-CAM wishes to provide an opportunity for large companies and SMEs to broaden their scientific expertise by organizing training courses for industrialists on specific families of computational methods, scientific software and HPC tools. In these training courses, E-CAM provides the experts, delivering training on the methods. That is combined with hands-on training on software development. The first event of this kind happened in April 2021, and focused on the area of meso– and multiscale simulations (WP 4) and on the flagship code DL_MESO (see event website).
3.9 WP9, Dissemination WP9 is concerned with the promotion of E-CAM’s activities via all relevant media to both the academic and industrial communities. Dissemination efforts towards the general public have also been pursued. The public face of E-CAM is the E-CAM primary landing website. On our website we disseminate projects results in the following formats: • Success stories reporting successful industrial-academic collaboration; • Case studies with software developed in E-CAM and their potential applications; • News items reporting E-CAM activities and results; • Interviews with industrialists and academics in the E-CAM community on topics of general interest for our target groups; • Featured software in the "modules of the month" category; • Results associated to our pilot projects, on the dedicated Pilot project webpages;