Cargo Handling
Still riding the end of the boom uch is the longev ity of the older generation grab unloaders that the ZPMC 60t unloader installed at the OBA Amsterdam coal tem1inal last year replaced a 30t crane built in 19 57 and still performing front-line duties on a 24/7 basis_ However, the terminal wanted to increase unloading capacity, with the new crane more than doubling throughput ofthe older machine. EMO could have also opted for the same supplier when it decided to add a third 85t unloader to its existing two Krupp machines which operate alongside two similar SOt unloaders. However, the stevedore chose a more expensive option, to order the same wide; span design as the two earlier 8St units, arguing that the expense and dismption cau sed by constructing a second landside rai l to match the shorter raiI span of conventional grab unl oaders, outweighed the initial cost. Also, EMO wou ld have lost the flexibi lity of stacking between the crane legs, normally only used in an emergency ifthe main quayside conveyor systems fai ls, which allows ship unloading to continue.
High throughput grab unloaders serve a specific and relatively small market, focusing more on expansion and new terminal proiects than replacement, but automation may change this approach it could offer something they could not - its AGT reeving and drive system. This feature reduces weight, particularly on the boom, which in turn a llows a higher capacity w hile still keeping within the weight limits on the seaward and landside rails.
The 65t capacity un loadcr has a hoist and closing speed of 180m/min while trolley speed is also 180m/min.
Automated response Surprisingly, there has been little progress in grab unloader automa-
tion, despite the fact that the techno logy is readi ly avai lab le and proven.The world's first automated bulk cargo terminal comprising a SOt grab ship unloader, stacker/reclaimer ship loader, all operated remotely from a central control room was commissioned in 2009/2010 at the pott ofLuojing, Shanghai, but since then there has been little enthusiasm on the part of term inal operators to incorporate this feature. Luojing port serves several major steelworks including Baosteel's nearby Luojing
facility, to which it is connected by a belt conveyor system for fast and easy transport of ore _ ABB developed the automation solution for this project, with the automated grab ship lmloader incorporating an innovative ABB technology called Target Position Sensor (TPS), which detects the position of any object with centimeter accuracy and enables fast approach to target with optimum patb control and without collision between the grab and the sh ip. ABB modified this system for grab un loaders on behalf o f Shanghai fn tcmational Port Group (SIPG), operators of the terminal although Baosteel, which has a stake
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Building up
individual needs are our blueprint. At Terex"" Fuchs, your machine is equipped on request wit h t he special features you require.
Th e erection of the new 85t grab unloader, the largest of its kind in the world, is underway at EMO, Rotterdam, with the crane being assembled on the terminal in the Mississippi harbour, alongside EMO's existing unloaders. O nce commissioned , EMO, Europe's largest dry bulk terminal for coal and iron ore, will have access to three 85r grab unloaders, two SOt grab tmloaders and a 36t Lemniscate floati ng crane. The unloader sections, fabricated entirely in Europe, are being transported to the EMO terminal by barge from Stcttin in Po land, in a series of tra n sports. The n ew 85t grab unloader and accompanying transport conveyor belt system are expected to be put into service in the second half of 20 12. The decision was also recently taken to renovate one ofthe other 85t unloaders when the new crane is commissioned. Such is the structural strength of Krupp unl oaders, that thi s refurbishment programme will extend the useful life of this crane by a futther 15 to 20 years. The investment in th is new crane represents the final stage in EMO's current expansion programme, with the crane alone accounting for an increase in the tem1inal 's un loading capacity of some 10 mtpa.
The Terex速Fuchs programme: ., Mate rial handle rs from 19 to 90 tons weight and up to 22 meters reach ., Complete solutions honed for your specific purpose
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Break in Konecranes has now delivered its 3000t/h unloader to Nippon Steel's Yawata mill as part of the plant's upgrade.The crane was constmcted in China and shipped fully erect to Japan, where it was offloaded and placed directly on existing crane rails using N ippon Steel's floating crane. It is particularly difficult for European manufacturers to break into the Japanese market, as in addition to the competition of the local crane builders, such as Sumitomo, II-II, Mitsui and MHl, the Japanese procurement procedures arc particularly complex and expensive to overcome. However, Konecranes is confident that now it has one reference in Japan and has successfully mastered the procurement policies, other orders will follow. The main reason Konecranes was able to beat the competition was that BMI September/October 2012
[W TER 15
Cargo Handling in thi s facility and is its main customer, is believed to have prompted SIPG to investigate the automated approach. The TPS technology was adapted from the system employed by ABB to enable ship profiling, chassis align ment and obstacle surveillance dming loading and unloading operations at container terminals. ll is installed in more than l SO ship-to-shore and rail-mounted gantry cranes worldwide and will be employed in the world's
first container cranes not fitted with a cab and instead operated remotely.
Metso method Metso has also developed an automated system for its grab unloadcrs oiTcring a sophisticated but user-friendly control automated system that minimises operator fatigue. By completel y automating grab unloading operations, overall performance is maximised over longer periods of time
with minimal operator stress. The Automatic Bucket Control (ABC) system utilises state-of-the-art control system hardware and software wi th advanced features in grab control and features a Man-Machine Interface (MMI), where a computer-based ~rraphics system links the operator and the PLC control system in a userfriendly, on-screen format. The MMI system gives the operator the ability to control virtually all machine functions
ordered, althoug h ZPMC looks to be in a strong position as it has recently won the contract for two 65t cranes for Huanghua 's multi-purpose terminal development.
Replacement market
En route from its fabrication site in China to Japan, Konecrane's 3000tph unloader is the largest it has built to date
and provides detailed messages regarding machine status.
Bucket control
THE JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL CARGO INDUSTRY As the sector's leading international monthly journal, WorldCargo News carries regular, in-depth news & feature coverage of ICT products and services for the Port/Terminal/Cargo Handling and Logistics communities worldwide, focussing on the following areas: • • • • • • • • • •
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Prior to each tmloading cycle, the grab controller calculates the grab trajectory for the most efficient unloading cycle time. Continuous monitoring of this trajectory and modulated acceleration and deceleration rates of the hoist and trolley motions enables accurate unloading and delivery of material into the hopper while making use of the swing momennun of the grab. The microprocessor logic control improves overall operation and lends assistance in troubleshooting. Working in conjunction with theM MI, the control logic programme instantly pinpoints areas of the grab unloadcr system that require attention. Automatic Grab Closing provides the control capability to automatically close the grab while in the cargo, while the Grab Fill Control function varies the amount of torque on the grab closing drive during grab closing operation.
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A Grab Load Monitor System monitors bucket load at the beginning of each cycle and alerts the operator in the event of an overfill condition. While hoisting in manual, semi-automatic, and automatic modes, the Hold and Close Dri ve Coordination system and related circuitry, balances the loading on the hoisting equipment, thus eliminating long term rope and hoist damage from unbalanced drive loading.
ROPE GRABS MOTOR GRABS HYDRAULIC GRABS in all executions for each handling The perfect gr:Jb$ with unbeatable handling. The mos1 econornc solution In grab c•~on~s~tru~c~tio~n:_·--;;-;;-..::::::::::::::::::::..,
We proauce a top-quality ful. range of four rope grabs for 'Tledium and large h t1 g
capac1t1es 'or the lowest costs per ton of caryo Mndled.
nemag ~ handles your bulk 16
MRS Greifer GmbH Talweg 15-17 • 74921 Helmstadt/Germany Tel. +49-72 63-91 29·0 ·Fax +49-72 63-91 29 12 email: ·
A position sensor continuously monitors changes in the location ofthe ship's deck that resu lt from cargo removal and/or tide changes, allowing the contro l system to adjust for sh ip height without interrupting unloading operations.
Coastal migration Despite the current downturn in Chinese iron ore and coal imports due to a fall in steel output, its handling market remains relatively strong, particularly as the central government has been encouraging large state-owned mills to shift operations to the coast to reduce logistics costs and improve the environment in urban areas. ll aims to move 40% of total steel capacity to the coast by 20 15. However, it is un likely that European manufacturers will be able to penetrate this sector, despite successful contracts in the past, as domestic manufacturers such as ZPMC now have sufficient expertise in crane design and production and are eager to diversify away from the container crane market. In April, ZPMC announced it had won the handling equipment co ntract fo r the Zhanjiang Port project including five quaysidc cranes plus three bucket wheel stacker/ reclaimers, which will be delivered 12 months after the sale contract becomes effective. Shanghai-based Baosteel Group, the second-largest steel producer in the world measured by cmde steel output, plans to invest 63.SB yuan (US$9.98) to build a major iron and steel mill in Zhanjiang. Baosteel began construction in May, although reports that the project has been halted have been denied. The overall approved project, which also involves the construction of power plants and port facilities, will require a total investment of 69.688 yuan (US$ 10.988).
At the other end of the market, there is a significant replacement market potential for fixed ann grab cranes as older jib type level luffing cranes age and reach a stage where maintenance costs to keep them up to regulation standards start to become prohibitively high. While cranes based on excavator components are proving popular, they are limited in outreach and capacity. The E-crane design, however, does not have such restrictions with the larger machines able to handle Panamax bulkers. Th e E-Cranc des ign is based on a para ll elogram boom configuration that provides a direct mechanical connection between the counterweight and the load. This four bar mechanism system, which is similar in principle to a level luffing crane design, ensures that the E-Crane remains in near perfect balance throughout its workjng range. Compared to conventional hydraulic arm cranes that require as much as 80% of their available energy to move the boom, stick, and grab, the ECrane employs gravity to reduce horsepower requirements and power consumption by up ro 50% and significantly reducing maintenance and operating costs. The E-Crane series offers models with up to SOt duty cycle capacity due to their movable counterweight and fixed parallelogram linkage as well as up to 1SOfl:JSOm ofhorizontal and up to 100ft/30m reach below grade. Its modular design allows each E-Crane to be tailor made to the client's specific requirements.
In and out
More capacity
The Port of Kokkola has acquired a rail-mounted 2000 Series E-Crane for unloading iron ore, zinc concentrate, and coal. The crane has a maximum outreach of 35m and a duty cycle capacity of 21t and can reach capacities of up to l ,300tph with a cycle time of 40sec. Equipped with a 7.Sm hydraulic clamshell bucket grab, it has a net payload between 14t to l6t, and peak offloading capacities in the l, 150- l ,300tph range (zinc concentrate).
The pmt of Huanghua, some II Okm from Tianjin in Hebci Province, is also upgrading its faci lities with the constmction of a new iron ore terminal and deepening its access channel to allow 200,000dwt bulkers access to the port. Work is underway to construct four l OO,OOOdwt berths in the first phase, which can be upgraded to handle 200,000dwt bulkers once the main dredging work is comp leted. The second phase will see the addition of fo ur similar berths which will take the capacity of the terminal to 80- l 00 mtpa. No cranes have yet been
The E-Cranc Group of Companies has acquired the Polish company Famaba, whi ch gives it a strategic supplier of high l:,rradc steel constmctions for the crane industry. The existing co-operation between E-Crane and Famaba wi ll be intensified and it is thought that in the short-term this will result in a substantial increase in the capacity for assembling harbour cranes at its main plant in Adcgem, Belgium, as well as important savings in several logistics processes. Cl
Strategic expansion
BM I Septembe r/October 2012