Foorum 2015 Lise Corwin: How to encourage and support locally owned initiatives

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How to encourage and support locally owned ini3a3ves?

Lise Corwin, Association of NGOs in Norway

ASSOCIATION OF NGOs IN NORWAY • Cross-sectoral national umbrella • Member of ENNA and CIVICUS • 300 organizations representing more than 50 000 local chapters • Funded by the state and the voluntary sector itself • Founded in 2005 • Independent from party politics and religion


•  •  •  •  •

=115 000 employees 10 mill memberships, 5 mill citizen 64 % participate 36 % minority population participate 100 000 local chapters


DEVELOPMENT OF CIVIL SOCIETY ca. 1850 First NGOs Religion, sobriety organizations, labor organizations, humanitarian organizations fighting poverty, enlighten-ment/ education, �outdoor life�, sports

ca. 1900

ca. 1950

Health, social sector as well as humanitarian work. Women`s liberation movement.

Sports, culture/nature, environment and leisure organizations. Humanitarian and social work is progressively taken over by the state, the voluntary sector continues to be pioneers. Grasroot-movements.

Comparison: Norway and the average EU-country Norway

(Kilde: St. meld. nr 39 (2006-2007) Frivillighet for alle)


WHERE ARE THE VOLUNTEERS ACTIVE? Type of organization Culture/recreation Education/research Health Social Services Environment Development and Housing Law, advocacy and politics Religion Philantrophy Business and Prof. ass. unions, Others

Norway 51% 2% 3% 6% 1%

Sweden 51% 2% 0 8% 2%

Denmark 49% 5% 3% 8% 1%

United Kingdom 21% 3% 9% 13% 3%





7% 11% 0%

12% -

5% 6% -

2% 33% 1%

10% 0

16% 2%

6% 7%


Source: Salamon, Sokolowski and associates ”Global Civil Society: Dimensions of the Non-profit sector, Vol. 2 2004 og Johns Hopkins University ”Global Civil Society At-a- Glance”

Collabora3ons •  NGOs / local GOV •  •  •  •

Partnerships Big organisa6ons Units Need for structure

•  Between NGOs •  Commercial / NGO

Need for local NGO policies

•  Civil society has huge potential –if we can grow on our own premises •  Local cross-sectoral policies can facilitate half a million more volunteers!!! •  Every municipality has a good commercial policy, but only 13 % have a good NGO policy

Greater civic space!

Challenges: •  Competition on members and funders •  Volunteers demand more facilitation to contribute •  Increased bureaucracy •  Need of employees who can facilitate •  Harder to recruit members and volunteers than before

NGOs are sought a=er!

Maintain the synergies! •  Facilitate growth •  Do not outsource! –through strengthening us, the GOV will achieve own goals.


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The 10 NGO political commandments 1.  Gather knowledge on local NGOs •  Who, what, how? •  What are their resources and challenges? •  Would they like to collaborate more with NGOs, local governments and businesses?

The 10 NGO political commandments 2. Conduct a cross-sectoral NGO policy •  Invite the entire scope of NGOs •  NGOs in all policies –not only health and culture

The 10 NGO political commandments 3. Recognise NGOs intrinsic value •  Volunteers are free and willing •  Do not let them expire!

The 10 NGO political commandments 4. Simplifying facilitates volunteerism •  Time spent on bureaucracy can be spent on more volunteerism •  Simplify funding applications / reports •  Simplify time spent with local government

The 10 NGO political commandments 5. Facilitate for NGOs own growth •  Help the organisation achieve their goals •  The local government will then achieve more of their goals

The 10 NGO political commandments 6. Create dialog with NGOs •  Create regular venues •  Ask NGOs for advice •  Educate all GOV employees •  Remember that we work daytime

The 10 NGO political commandments 7. Recognise NGOs synergies •  The organisations create synergies beyond their main aim •  Social venues •  Democracy education •  Social capital •  Local development, etc.

The 10 NGO political commandments 8. Provide free funding •  Let NGOs grow on their own premises •  Free the time we need to spend on bureaucracy

The 10 NGO political commandments 9. Do not compete with the NGOs •  Check if NGOs are already doing / want to do the aim •  Do not take volunteers from NGOs

The 10 NGO political commandments 10. Create predictability for NGOs •  Meeting points •  Funding •  One door to the local government •  Places to be

Need for local NGO policies

•  Civil society has huge potential –if we can grow on our own premises •  Local cross-sectoral policies can facilitate half a million more volunteers!!! •  Every municipality has a good commercial policy, but only 13 % have a good NGO policy


Foto: Haakon Broder Lund, Camilla Orten, Gisle Bjørneby, Sissel Larsen, Olav A. Saltbones, Arve Tvedt, Bente Asphaug, Espen Willersrud, Ingvar Johnsen

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