Ärisektori ootused riigi ja ettevõtete koostööks pilvtöötluse alal Pilvtöötlus Eestis / Cloud for Europe teabepäev
Mart Einpalu, Levira / ITL pilvetoimkond
DC space in Estonia
Eesti Telekom Levira Elisa
Total 3400m2
Private DCs
Government DCs
How to work together? 1. Visibility - > zero visibility not good for working together • Consolidate, upgrade, have a plan for inhouse/outsourced workflows; plans for investments • Build process and brokerage competence;
2. Standards, security • Service classes - security levels, DC and cloud certification; • Cloud that meets all needs does not fit anybody; 3. Non-compete with private sector using tax-payers’ funding • Tendency to build, hire and run - > cloud 1st, service1st; • Spend government money on EU/Estonian serviceproviders; Lets work together!