10 Steps to Living a Good Life In Between Doctor's Appointments
Illness in the family or our inner circle can upset us not just emotionally, but also wreak havoc on the routine and rhythm of our life. But just because you are charged with the medical care of someone, does not mean your life comes to a complete standstill or that you can’t really have one. A few simple steps can ensure that you are living a good life in between doctor’s appointments, and the endless running around that comes with it. All it takes is a little foresight, organization and ability to fairly balance your own needs with those of people around you. The 10 Steps to Living a Good Life In Between Doctor's Appointments 1. Stay On Top of the Appointments Skipping an appointment might sneak in an hour or two for you, but actually causes more stress in the long run- especially when you are responsible for the care of your loved one. There are far too many questions that may remain unanswered or information voids that interfere with your care regime. Instead ensure you accompany the patient on all doctor’s appointments, and prepare beforehand by listing out questions, putting all paperwork in order and tying any loose threads together. 2. Don’t Try and Memorize it All Stop frying your brain with the volume of information that medical care entails. In trying to remember it all- you not only tax your mind and stress yourself out, but also increases the risk of
error as well! Instead, document or write it all out so that you are mentally at ease, and the information is more readily accessible to those around you. From the smallest details such as personal habits and dietary preferences to doctor’s instructions, keep a diary that lists it all outfor you and anyone else. 3. Organize Your Paperwork Your life in between doctor’s appointments is only as good as it is organized. Whether this is your strong suit or not, it is vital to your sanity. For starts, tame that paperwork. From prescriptions and test results to bills and receipts- the paper trail can be quite enormous and lengthy when it comes to extended illness. Create a singular spot in the house where all your documents are collated. File these chronologically and you are bound to spend a lot less time sifting through piles of paper when the doctor next calls. 4. Create a Support Network They say it takes a village to raise a child; I don’t think we can take care of the sick by ourselves either. Creating a support network is vital to not just your emotional, mental and physical wellbeing, but also to your patient’s (such as in an emergency or when you are unwell). Reach out for support from friends and family, or rope in professional help to ensure your life and care routine flow smoothly and without stress. Whether you need help with the non-stop medical care or just a shoulder to lament on- seek it instead of trying to tough it out on your own. 5. Use Technology Wisely Technology is a great lifesaver, but it is important to know how to use it. Researching every symptom and disease on the internet might not be as productive an idea as it sounds; this can actually cause a lot of confusion and unneeded stress on both- those who are well and those who are not. But technology can help you stay on top of things- from little gadgets that make routine care a lot simpler to apps that chalk out medical history, schedules and appointments, and personal planners, the possibilities and help at hand is abundant! These not only make life simpler while saving you time, they actually improve precision and efficiency. 6. Don’t Go At It All Alone Life in between doctor’s appointments is about a lot more than medical care; there are household chores, personal commitments and possibly even office work to catch up on. It’s a great feeling to be on top of it all, but in the interest of your own sanity and health let your family chip in. Get the kids to help with the washing or cleaning, or ask your partner to buy all the household groceriesno matter what the job at hand, every little helps. 7. Let those Tears Roll Taking care of someone you love, especially when they are unwell, can be emotionally demanding and often very upsetting. The fact that you are bound to be exhausted by the demands of your day only compounds your feelings, and these can get out of hand very easily. Your emotional wellbeing is important to ensuring you can deliver the best care and keep the ball rolling, even in the toughest of times. So make sure to emotionally unwind and offload. 8. Make Time for You It might sound next to impossible to stretch your day any further, but making time for yourself isn’t a luxury- it is a necessity. Keeping your life ticking and investing in your own wellbeing is often vital to providing the best possible care to someone else when they are unwell. From bills to
emotional support, medical care is a lot more than just medicines and doctors. So do not lose yourself to the illness of another. 9. Adapt and Evolve You might need to reinvent what you see as the ‘good life’ in order to find it between those appointments. If long holidays and late nights out were your idea of a good life, then you may always be left miffed and disappointed; caring for someone often makes these a distant possibility. Yet you can always get your support group to chip in, so you can enjoy a day off with friends or at the spa. Medical care is a responsibility, and you might need to adapt and evolve to accommodate it in your life. 10. Take Life One Day at a Time Be patient- not only with others, but also with yourself. The list of chores or responsibilities might seem endless, but there is no need to get overwhelmed. Instead take life one day at a time to keep your spirits in top shape.