Can vedic astrology foretell the future or is it just a myth

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Can Vedic Astrology Foretell The Future Or Is It Just A Myth?

Whether you believe in astrology or not, the little horoscope box in the papers can provide an infinite source of amusement day after day. But for many, astrology is an avenue to turn to for help, answers and resolution to the grandest of their problems. It is therefore quite important to ask ourselves whether astrology is simply a matter of belief, or whether it indeed holds any validity and relevance in our twenty first century lifestyles. Vedic astrology, like yoga and Vastu Shastra is ancient, having being first developed as a structured system by the sage Parashar in approximately 1500 B.C. Over three centuries later, Vedic astrology is still here among us, popular with Indian and non-Indians across the globe. If the test of time is anything to go by, this system is here to stay. But does Vedic astrology indeed deliver on its promises? Can the astrology indeed foretell the future? Well, if you ask a Vedic astrologer, he will probably tell you that the future foretells itself. Vedic astrology is part the complex Vedic philosophy and way of life, and believes that the future is predetermined. This doesn’t mean every single step is measured and laid out, but that in the grander context the milestones, tendencies, challenges and lessons are mapped out for us to find our way between. In astrology thus, the planets and stars and their positions are used to read this information and the future it predetermines. How do the planets and stars give such information? In the Vedic perspective, since all creation is vibration- planets, stars, the earth, our environment, us- we are all made up of atoms vibrating at different frequencies. These frequencies are what make up our reality- an idea that isn’t at odds with the scientific perspective on reality. Vedic astrology works on this understanding and that the larger the body vibrating the greater its influence on a person. The planets and stars are thus considered just as vital a factor in a person’s life as his or her immediate environment. In Vedic astrology, the position of the planets relative to earth and each other set up an energetic gateway through which the soul enters our world and incarnates. Therefore the galactic configurations at the exact time of birth offer clear insight into the course of their lives and its outcomes. These not only held explain someone’s past or present, but help determine the most

probable outcome of their future. That is not to say everything is set in stone, and any efforts contrary to them are wasted. Infact Vedic astrology itself suggests methods to work with these planetary energies in an attempt to alter the course of events, or to make the journey a lot more pleasing and a lot less taxing. The key here, as with any wisdom or information system, is to not get dogmatic. The power of choice always lies with us, but it is helpful to know where our inherent tendencies and subconscious point to. Vedic astrology helps determine your future within the possibilities of your present; but remember it is you who makes these possibilities happen- at the end of the future is in your hands.

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