7 Ways to Cherish the Freedom of 'Mommy Alone Time'
Has the unthinkable finally happened? Have you managed to sneak in a whole hour or two to yourself today? No kids, no colleagues and no relatives to steal this most precious of luxuries? Well then, you better make the most of it! Plan your time out and enjoy it to the hilt; here are 7 ideas to make sure you do. 1. Get Some Real Time Out Sometimes all you need is some peace and quiet, not another movie or outing- you don’t want to replace one set of voices with another. Just sit back, relax and soak in the peace that comes from hearing absolutely nothing at all. You could meditate or just laze in your favorite lounge chair. 2. Inspire Yourself Remember how great it felt to be motivated and inspired, not as a mum or wife, but simply as you, as an individual. Well this is the perfect time to dive in and get another dose of perspective altering and passion fuelling ideas. Read a book, watch a documentary or visit a local art gallery- just follow your heart. 3. Dust off the old Guitar A lot of our own hobbies and interests begin taking a back seat once our kids begin developing theirs. Sure, you want to participate and help them in their lives, but when its mommy time you can actually turn the spotlight onto your own. So dust off that old guitar or unlock your paint box; it’s time to get creative. 4. Call a Girlfriend or two over
You don’t always have to escape your house to have a life; this is as much your home as it is your kids and you are allowed to have a life within its walls. If it isn’t very late, why not call a few friends over for some gentle and heartwarming conversation, catch-ups and bonding. 5. Unwind Right at Home Are you much too busy to find time for a salon or weekend break? Next time you find a spare hour or two on your hand, why not transform your home into a relaxing and indulgent spa. There are mobile spas that can do the trick for you, or just whip out some candles, aromatic oils and salts, a little body polish and some light music to detox your mind, body and spirit. 6. Get Down To Things Sometimes we are stressed not because we are working too hard, but because we are unable to get to a certain task on our list of things to do. Curtains that need changing, spider webs that need sweeping or a cupboard that needs to be reorganized- indulge yourself with some productive mommy time out. 7. Let Your Partner Pamper You Rotten Since you may well be spending all day giving and doing things for those around you, it isn’t such a bad idea to just sit back and receive now. Let your partner pamper you and cook you a meal or take care of the kids while you relax. Not only will this help you unwind, but also work wonders for your relationship.