How to Break Out Of a Food Rut
When does your favorite meal end up becoming the most dreaded bite-fulls you are going to have to eat? When you are stuck in a food rut! If limited by time, ideas and resources you are cooking yourself the same dishes day in and day out, then no matter how perfect your cooking your body and taste buds are bound to revolt sooner or later. But a food rut isn’t just experientially bland and boring; it actually might not be the healthiest way to eat either. If you are wondering how to break out of a food rut, here are a few tips to help you. 7 Ways to Break Out of a Food Rut 1. Plan Your Meals in Advance Last minute cooking usually means we end up mindlessly cooking the same meals over and over again. And why not- we have aced them by now and they are fast and non-fussy to whip up! But this is where your food rut begins; mixing up your menu through the week is essential to not just keeping your taste buds appeased, but also ensuring a nutritious and balanced diet. Plan your meals in advance- it doesn’t take long, helps you set out a shopping list as well as saves time when it comes to churning these dishes out. 2. Stop playing the role of Chef 24-7 You might be the only cooking member in your family and that might bring a bland predictability to your meals. I quite enjoy cooking, and love the added perks of the right nutrition, consistency and taste spectrum tailored to my fancies and needs. But every once in a while it is brilliant to be
cooked for and indulged by someone else. Both you and your palette deserve to be indulged with the sweet surprise of another person’s cooking- be it your mum, a friend, partner or a professional chef. There is no reason why someone else’s cooking can’t be just as healthy as your own, especially if you are vigilant. 3. Create a Recipe Board or Journal When planning your meals and stirring things up, creating a recipe board is a great way to break out of a food rut. You could pin recipes up in your kitchen, create a handy online board on Pinterest, or keep a journal of the best recipes you come across. Subscribing to food blogs and magazines too keeps a steady inflow of new dishes and ideas. The next time you find yourself standing in the aisles at your nearest mart, wondering just what to cook- you know where to look for answers! 4. Step outside Your Comfort Zone Try new cuisines, explore new spices and ingredients. It doesn’t matter if it didn’t work all those years ago- your palette and skills as a chef are sure to have evolved since then. Break out of a food rut by stepping away from all that is familiar and comfortable. Give new dishes and food palettes a try; you can explore within the safety of your home, on a day off, before incorporating these into your lunches at work and weekday meals. 5. Give Your Food the Time It Deserves I know we are all pressed for time; there is just always so much to do! But if you truly care about your health, then your cooking deserves time, attention and patience. Cooking in a rush or on the go doesn’t just rob you of the joy of cooking, it also makes for some pretty predictable efforts. Mindfulness isn’t just for the corporate seminars or your morning meditations; cooking mindfully helps you top up on both- your cooking and eating experience. 6. Get Inspired There are so many lovely people who have dedicated their lives to firing up our eating experience; you really have no excuse for being stuck in a food rut! When things begin to go bland and boring, look up and reach out for inspiration and answers. Join a cooking class, buy a recipe book or simply begin following the gustatory explorations of your favorite chef or blogger. There is a world of ideas out there to tantalize your taste buds- make sure you are plugged in. 7. Surprise Sundays! With work and life being just as demanding as it is, it is easy to get swept away in our list of chores and relegate our diet to the rut it already is in. To ensure you kick that rut, try dedicating a meal or day in the week to breaking out of it. I love Sundays most for this as I have all the time I need and no office calls to distract me. Every weekend thus, I spend time perusing through the resources available to whip up something completely new. It doesn’t matter how well I do- the idea is to experiment, and no matter how perfect the results it always seems to cheer me and my menu up!