Issue 4 e struct news

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e-struct News

June 2015

this issue Project Profile P.1 Dirt Diggers’ Corner P.2 Staff Profile P.2-3 Professional Development P.2-3

Code Breakers P.3 Community Corner P.4

Winter update from e-struct News

Project Profile: City West In early June, we were invited to the launch of Panorama, a stylish development by Airworx

Autumn has vanished and the year is

showcasing 20 exquisite townhouses and apart-

racing by. We have been very busy


in the field ensuring all testing is completed promptly so that projects can be constructed by the end of the year. We have enjoyed catching up with clients who are finalising their projects and have shared their elation at the end results.

It has also been a busy time for professional development. Energy rating qualifications have been reviewed nationally. Chris and James have been keenly working through the revised prerequisites to ensure that our clients gain the latest expertise in assessment.

We’re here to help you achieve your project goals by offering the latest advice, meeting the newest codes and recommending innovative materials.

These cleverly constructed townhouses are beautifully detailed, airy, bright and filled with light. The elegant streamlined living spaces are so appealing and the shapes and lines of the structure reveal how this divine architecture is both artful and thoughtful. e-struct has been heavily involved with this project from its inception. We have provided all the key services including: structural design, drainage designs, soil testing, energy rating and waste management design. By working closely with Airworx, everyone is on the same page. e-struct also gains depth of understanding by providing services across complimentary fields of expertise. This increased value of service eased the burden of tracking changes for the developer. In turn, this encouraged collaborative planning, forward thinking and quick responsiveness from our team in dealing with any hurdles encountered during construction. We would like to wish a happy house warming to all the lucky tenants - what a stunning place to call home.

Frame Australia

With a Maths teacher father and an English teacher mother, Bridie was a

Conference &

bit of a hybrid and couldn’t commit to

Exhibition 2015

pursuing one discipline over another.

“It wasn’t completely clear to We recently attended the

me what I would be when I

Frame Australia Confer-

grew up. People fascinate

ence & Exhibition held at

me, so I chose to pursue Psy-

the Park Hyatt Hotel in

chology, I love to read and

Melbourne. The confer-

write creatively, so I selected

ence provided an opportunity to listen to leaders in

Literature and I am always

the field of lightweight con-

intrigued by Science so, with

struction as to the latest

the support of the Applied

innovations available.

Science Faculty, managed to convince the Dean of SwinThe central topic of the day was the utilisation of timber structures for medium rise buildings. Speakers highlighted the Forte Apartment Building in

Staff Profile Bridie Briggs,

Growing up in the Dandenongs and experiencing the quiet of the bush gave Bridie the headspace to daydream




There’s so much that you can see

Business Manager

Melbourne’s Docklands as

in kids’ play that can provide a sneak preview of the adult life they

an example of the capabil-

Introducing Bridie, who has

will lead. In hindsight, it seems

ity of new timber technolo-

made a transition from the


gies, such as Cross Lami-

world of education to the world

nated Timber (CLT).

of office management.

Unfortunately these types of structures must be designed using alternative methods from those stated within the BCA, specifically, three storeys maximum




‘schools’ - playing the teacher and ‘offices’ - playing the boss, reveal her career aspirations.

burne to let me study Microbiology within an Arts degree.” Tutoring students throughout her university studies and co-teaching a teenage group for Gemco Theatre Company for a couple of years affirmed Bridie’s love of teaching. After completing her teaching Diploma, she was lucky to start her career at South Gippsland Secondary College and to continue it at Brentwood Secondary College before taking

Dirt Dirt Diggers’ Diggers’ Corner—What’s Corner—What’s the the Dirt Dirt on on LRMs? LRMs? Q: What is an LRM report? A: LRM stands for Landslide Risk Management. A landslide refers to any movement of a mass of rock, debris or earth down a slope.

for combustible structural

An LRM report examines the slope,

materials in order to meet

the subsurface profile, the shear

DTS compliance.

strengths, the groundwater levels and rainfall characteristics and evaluates safety factors of construction for your site. It specifically reveals the type of risks your proposed construction faces in terms of landslide, whether it be high, medium or low and then pro-

ceeds to provide design solutions for your structure’s foundation to mitigate the risk assessed. An LRM is needed when a specific planning overlay exists for your site. This is referred to as an Erosion Management Overlay (EMO). Typical areas where an EMO applies include any slope, cliff, cutting, or fill embankment deemed hazardous because of its potential to impact on people, property, roads and services. In these cases, council will require you to meet their planning requirements. A site visit, deep bore assessment and terrain information all assist in determining your landslide risk and foundation requirements. If you would like more information regarding LRMs or would like to arrange one for your property, please contact the office.

By James Blair, Geotechnical Manager

It’s your understand it… do it… Performance criteria applies to residential and commercial drainage systems. The revised code provides information and design criteria for all underground, box gutter and pumped drainage requirements.

some time away to become a mum.

“The loveliest aspects of teaching in the country were the amazing people in and out of the classroom and dealing with the important responsibility afforded to me within the close knit community. I still experience occasional pangs of homesickness for my life in Gippsland. The most wonderful part of suburban teaching was the comradery with students

An example of a criterion is the requirement for rain heads. Box gutters must have at least a 50mm setdown for all rain heads. A minimum box This installment of Code Breakers will gutter width of 200mm is also allowafocus on the revision made to AS/ ble for domestic construction. NZ3500.3NZ3500.3-2015 Plumbing & Drainage If you intend to specify drainage for Code, Part 3: Stormwater Drainage. Drainage preliminary purposes (as a nonThis Australian Standard sets out the requirements for all drainage systems nationwide. The update made to the drainage code has brought it into line with NCC, Vol 3— 3—Plumbing Code of Australia. This code is also referenced in the NCC, Vol 2, 2 & the Victorian Building Authority, Guide to Standards & Tolerances (2015).

and staff and having the free-

motherhood did not mix well for her and her growing family, Bridie wrote assessment matrices for teachers needing Year 10 Psychology re-

research, write resources, and solutions for their Year 12 Psychology texts. However, before all of this study and

ABCB to amend the BCA to allow up to eight storey buildings made from combustible structural materials.

To meet fire resistance

If you are unsure about this and any other Australian Standard relating to building, please contact us for advice on how it can affect your situation. One phone call can save a lot of time, stress and money.

major product featured at

work experience began, she met Chris

proaches strengthen the business,

became engaged to him in 1997, married in 2000 and supported him in

broaden the direction of its focus, aim for balance and innovation

launching e-struct that same year.

concerns, the provision of sprinkler systems for these buildings is proposed. A the conference was Tecbeam flooring system. It is well suited for low-rise allows structural support of upper floors without excessive steelwork being required.

when considering future directions

“We have been very lucky to find

and provide well rounded support

We have used this system

each other, grow up together,

for clients. e-struct is now 15 years

in apartment designs cou-

study together, form our goals,

old. It has grown with us and we

pled with Hebel floor pan-

plan and settle into family life to-

with it. We are both proud of its

gether. Now that we work togeth-

evolution and love what we do.”

sources published by Macmillan in 2010. Macmillan then invited her to

within discussions with the

apartment systems as it Rozycki in 1988, fell in love,

Deciding that full-time teaching and

Australia are currently

engineer) we suggest that you obtain advice as to whether what you are proposing will comply. We offer this design service as part of our drainage design services.

dom to explore creative ways of delivering curriculum.”

Forest & Wood Products

er, I see that our different ap-

els for acoustic, thermal and fire resistance. It is known as Tecslab. This system is structurally stiff and provides the feel of concrete with greater


Moorooduc Hwy Plan Printing


at our

acoustic and energy efficiency then reinforced slab

o ffice . We

print colour o r black &

white la rge fo rmat pla ns up to A0 , scan in black & white up to A0 and laminate up to A2 .

construction. It is also vastly cheaper to install; a domestic builder can do the work for you. Used by Australand and other developers, these materials

F o r fri e n d l y a n d p ro mp t se r vi ce , e ma i l yo u r p l a n s to

ma i l @ mh p l a n p ri n t. co m.a u o r d ro p i n to th e o ffi ce !

are the way of the future. By Chris Rozycki, General Manager

Prefer to receive e-struct News via email or as a hard copy? Let Jade know your preference and drop her a line at

Community Corner: Beauty Park, Frankston. Over the past few months, we have

called Modwood. This wood and plastic

been involved in a wonderful community

mix is sourced from 90% recyclable and

project with Tim from Eden Landscape

reclaimed materials, specifically plastic

and Frankston City Council, refurbishing

milk cartons and pine dust. This compa-

structural facilities at Beauty Park.

ny has a 'cradle to grave' policy so that

Beauty Park certainly lives up to its

eventually, when materials are worn out,

PO Box 7095

name. You might recognise the iconic

they are also able to be recycled. This

Karingal 3199

sculpture Power of the Community by

approach to greener building outcomes

Deborah Halpern that sits by the water,

sits beautifully with our own, Eden Land-

you might know the park for its water-

scapes’ and council’s. Frankston’s green

fowl, its friendly playground or its built in

approach to their community has been

cross training equipment. But it is time

acknowledged by the Keep Australia

for new decking and framing and that’s

Beautiful Victoria Sustainable Cities

where we come in. The old decking is

Award and was named as Sustainable

being replaced with a new product

City of the Year 2015. Congratulations!

Stay in touch

(03) 9770 1738 1300 E STRUCT (1300 378 782)

(03) 9770 1740


e-struct - one place, complete service, one choice @estructengineer


e-struct News Issue 04 June 2015

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