Sample Res BMO report

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Pl anWayAssessmentRepor t Bushf i r eManagementSt at ement Repor tNo:P18001. 1 Pr oposedResi dence Si t eAddr ess:21BenCr uachanPar ade,Coongul l a

Dat e:09/ 02/ 2016 Thi sr epor tconsi st sof12pages&At t achment s&mustber epr oducedi nf ul l .I fyoudonothaveaf ul lcopyoft her epor tpl easecont actt hi sof f i ce.

Gr eat erMel bour ne

Par tofest r uctp/ l consul t i ngser vi ces

Regi onalVi ct or i a

Repor tNo:P18001. 1

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

1. 0Tabl eofCont ent s 2. 0Cl i entDet ai l s 3. 0Ref er ences 4. 0Bushf i r eManagementOver l ay-Cl ause44. 5. 0Appl i cat i onDet ai l s

Page3 Page3 Page3 Page4 Page4 Page5

6. 0Si t eDescr i pt i on 7. 0Bushf i r eHaz ar dAssessment 7. 1Bushf i r eHaz ar dFi r eDangerI ndex 7. 2Bushf i r eHaz ar dVeget at i onCl assi f i cat i on 7. 3Ef f ect i veDi st ancet oBushf i r eHazar d 7. 4Ef f ect i veSl opet oBushf i r eHaz ar d 7. 5Bushf i r eAt t ackLevel( BAL) 7. 6Bushf i r eHaz zar dSi t eAssessmentConcl usi on

Page5 Page5 Page5 Page5 Page5 Page5

8. 0Bushf i r eManagementSt at ement 8. 1Landscape,si t i ng&desi gnobj ect i ves( 52. 472. 1)

Page6 Page6

8. 1. 1AM 2. 1Landscape 8. 1. 2AM 2. 2Si t i ng 8. 1. 3AM 2. 3Bui l di ngDesi gn 8. 2Def endabl espaceandconst r uct i onobj ect i ve( 52. 472. 2) 8. 2. 1AM 3. 1Bushf i r eConst r uct i on&def endabl espace 8. 2. 2Al t M 3. 3Def endabl espaceonadj oi ni ngl and

Page6 Page6 Page6 Page7 Page7 Page7

8. 2. 3Al t M 3. 4Cal cul at edef endabl espaceusi ngMet hod2ofAS3959200 8. 2. 4Al t M 3. 5Dwel l i ngssubj ectt odi r ectf l amecont act 8. 3Wat erSuppl y&AccessObj ect i ve 8. 3. 1AM 4. 1Wat erSuppl y 8. 3. 2AM 4. 1Access 9. 0Ot herRel evantPl anni ngPr ovi si ons 10. 0Over al lConcl usi on 11. 0Gener alRecommendat i ons&Condi t i ons Appendi xA A1. 0Repor tTer ms&Condi t i ons A2. 0Def endabl eSpaceRequi r ement s Appendi xB B1. 0Ext er nal At t achment s B1. 1Bushf i r eLandscapeAssessmentPl an B1. 2Bushf i r eSi t eHazar dPl an B1. 3Bushf i r eManagementPl an B1. 4Bushf i r eAt t ackLevelBALRepor t-Met hod2

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At t achment1 At t achment2 At t achment3 At t achment4


Repor tNo:P18001. 1

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

2. 0Cl i entI nf or mat i on J. Lu kac 15/ 19Ar ab i nSt r eet Kei l or3036

3. 0Ref er ences Nat i onal Const r u ct i onCod e-2016 , Vol ume2, Sec t i on3. 7. 4 Pl anni ng&En vi r onmen tActVi c1987, Cl aus e52. 47-2014( VC109) ,Bus hf i r ePr ot ect i on: Pl anni ngRequ i r emen t s Pl an ni n g&Env i r on mentAct Vi c1987,Cl auses44. 06-2014( VC109) ,Bush f i r eManagement Ov er l ayPr ov i si ons Bui l di ngCommi s si onVi cPr ac t i c eNot eP65-2011,Bus hf i r eManagement Ov er l ay& Bus hf i r epr ot ect i onp l an ni ngr equ i r emen t s Bus hf i r eAt t ackLevel ( BAL)Ass es sment Repor t No:S18008 ,es t r uct Geot echni cal , 01/ 16 Dat e:28/ Sout hEast Wat er , Yar r aVal l eyWat er&, Wes t er npor tWat erAss et sI nf or mat i on

4. 0Bushf i r eManagementOver l ay-Cl ause44. 06

44. 061 Per mi tRequi r ement

Aper mi ti sr equi r edf ort hedevel opment .Asanew si ngl er esi dencei spr oposedwi t hs i t eover l ays.

44. 062 Requi r ementofCl ause52. 47

Cl ause52. 47appl i est odevel opmentasanew si ngl er esi dencei spr oposedwi t hs i t eover l ays.

44. 063 Mandat or yCondi t i onSubdi vi si on

Si t edev el opmentr el at est oani nd i vi dualpr oper t y onl y.

44. 063 Mandat or yCondi t i onBui l di ngWor ks

ASect i on173agr eementi sr equi r edbet weent he l andowner&counci l r el at i ngt oc onst r uct i on r equi r ement sspeci f i edf ort heBALr at i ngf r om AS39592009.

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Repor tNo:P18001. 1

Pl anW ayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

5. 0Appl i cat i onDet ai l s Muni ci pal i t y:

W el l i ngt onShi r eCounci l

Ti t l eDescr i pt i on

I ti spr oposedt oconst r uctanewCl ass1r esi denceont he si t e.Thesi t ei sl ocat edwi t hi nCl i mat eZone6( Nat i onal Const r uct i onCode,Vol ume1,Fi gur eA1. 1)

Thezoni ngoft hesi t ei s:

Si t ei sl ocat edi nTownshi pZone( TZ) ,SeePl anni ngPr oper t y Repor tAt t achment

Theover l ayst hatappl yt ot hesi t ear e:

BMO,SeePl anni ngPr oper t yRepor tAt t achment

6. 0Si t eDescr i pt i on Theshapeoft hesi t ei s:

Pr oposeddevel opmenti sofat r apaz oi dalshape

Thedi mensi onsoft hesi t ear e:

Ref ert oSi t ePl anAt t achment s

Thes i t ehasat ot alar eaof :


Exi st i nguseandsi t i ngofbui l di ng wor ksonandneart hel and

Thesi t ei scur r ent l yvacant

Thesi t ei scur r ent l yvacant .

Exi st i ngVehi cl ear r angement s

Mai nvehi cul araccessi sf r omBenCr uachanPar ade

Thepr oposedvehi cul araccessi sasi ngl ecar r i agewaygr avel dr i vewayofupt o25met r esi nl engt h

Locat i onofNear estFi r eHydr ant

Thesi t ei spr edomi nant l ycl ear edwi t hnat i veveget at i on conf i nedt ot heper i met eroft hesi t e,orover hangi ngt hesi t e. Ref ert oex i st i ngsi t epl anat t achment

Anyot herf f eat ur esoft hesi t er el avantt o bushf i r econsi der at i ons

Thesi t ei ssubj ectst andar dz onesi t eset backr equi r ement s.

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Repor tNo:P18001. 1

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

7. 0Bushf i r eHazar dAssessment 7. 1Bushf i r eHazar dFi r eDangerI ndex Cl ause2. 2. 2-AS39592009 FDI :


7. 2Bushf i r eHazar dVeget at i onCl assi f i cat i on Cl ause2. 2. 3-AS39592009 Veget at i oncl ass Lowwoodl and

7. 3Ef f ect i veDi st ancet oBushf i r eHazar d Cl ause2. 2. 4-AS39592009 Vegi t at i onDi st ance 20. 0m

7. 4Ef f ect i veSl opet oBushf i r eHazar d Cl ause2. 2. 5-AS39592009 Sl ope:

degr ee 8(

Sl opeDi r ect i on:Downsl ope

7. 5Bushf i r eAt t ackLevel( BAL) Over al lBAL: Di r ect i on:Sout hEast

7. 6Bushf i r eHazar dSi t eAssessmentConcl usi on Ast heover al l s i t eBus hf i r eAt t ackLev el ( BAL)i sBAL40i nt hedi r ect i onoft hepossi bl e b ushf i r ehaz ar d,i ti scons i der edt obeofah i ght hr eatt ot h esi t e.

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Repor tNo:P18001. 1

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

8. 0Bushf i r eManagementSt at ement 8. 1Landscape,si t i ng&desi gnobj ect i ves( 52. 472. 1) Dev el opmenti sapp r opr i at eh av i ngr egar dt ot henat ur eoft hebu shf i r er i s kar i si ngf r om t he sur r oun di ngl ands cape.Devel opmen ti ssi t edt omi ni mi set her i skf r om bu shf i r e.Dev el op ment i ssi t edt opr ov i des af eaccessf orv ehi cl es,i ncl u di ngemer g en cyvehi cl es. Bu i l d i ngdesi gn mi ni mi s esv ul ner abi l i t yt ob ushf i r eat t ack .

8. 1. 1AM 2. 1Landscape Thebu shf i r er i skt ot h edevel opmen tf r omt hel and scapebey ondt h es i t ec anbemi t i gat edt o anaccept abl el ev el . Th ebush f i r er i skt ot hedev el opmentf r omt hel andsc ap ebeyondt hesi t ecanb emi t i gat edt o anacc ep t abl el evel .

HasAppr ovedMeasur eAM 2, 1beenmet ?



8. 1. 2AM 2. 2Si t i ng Themax i mum s ep ar at i ondi s t ancebet we ent h ebui l di ngandt he bush f i r ehaz ar d,t hebui l di ngi si nc l os ep r ox i mi t yt oapu bl i cr oadandac cessc anb epr ovi d ed t ot h ebui l di ngf oremer g en cyser v i c ev ehi cl es. Th emaxi mu m sep ar at i ondi st anc ebet weent hebui l di ngandt hebu shf i r eh az ar dp os si bl ehas beenadopt ed .Theb ui l di n gi si ncl os et oap ubl i cr oad. Ac cessc anbepr ov i d edt ot heb ui l di n g f oremer gencys er vi ces. HasAppr ovedMeasur eAM 2, 2beenmet ?



8. 1. 3AM 2. 3Bui l di ngDesi gn Abui l di ngi sdes i gn edt or educ et heac cumul at i onofdebr i san dent r yofember s. Th ebui l di ngwi l l bedesi gnedt oi n cor por at eBAL40f i r er esi st an cer equi r ement s. Ref ert o AS39592009andAt t achmen t4f ord et ai l s.

HasAppr ovedMeasur eAM 2, 3beenmet ?


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Repor tNo:P18001. 1

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

8. 2Def endabl espaceandconst r uct i onobj ect i ve( 52. 472. 2) Def endabl esp acean dbu i l di ngconst r u ct i onmi t i gat et heef f ectoff l amec on t act ,r adi antheat andemb er sont heb ui l d i n g. 8. 2. 1AM 3. 1Bushf i r eConst r uct i on&def endabl espace Abui l di ngp r ovi dest h edef end ab l espacei naccor d an cewi t hCol u mnA,B,CofTabl e2 t oCl ause52. 47-3whol l ywi t hi nt het i t l eb ou ndar i esoft h el and. Thebu i l d i ngwi l l bepr ov i dedwi t hdef endabl es pacei naccor danc ewi t hSel ect t hedef en dabl esp ac ei nac cor dancewi t hTab l e2t oCl aus e52. 47-3. Thedef endabl esp ac edi s t ancer equi r edi s 20 met r esi naccor danc ewi t hTabl e2t oCl ause 52. 47-3.Ar et h er es i g ni f i cantsi t i ngc on st r ai nt st hatwou l dal l owCol umnD ofTabl e2t o Cl au se52. 47-3? Yes


NotAppl i cabl e

Ab ui l di n gi scons t r uct edt ot heb ushf i r eat t ackl ev el :

40 Thatc or r es pondst ot hed ef en dabl espacep r o vi dedi nacc or danc ewi t hTabl e1t oCl au se 52. 47-3.Th ebui l di ngwi l l bec on st r uc t edt ot heBus hf i r eAt t ackLev el i nac cor dancewi t h Tabl e2t oCl ause52 . 47-3. Yes


HasAppr ovedMeasur eAM 3, 1beenmet ?



8. 2. 2Al t M 3. 3Def endabl espaceonadj oi ni ngl and Adj oi n i ngl andmayb ei nc l udedasd ef endabl es pacewher et her ei sr easonabl eassu r ance t hatt h el an dwi l l r emai norcont i nuet ob emanagedi nt h at condi t i onaspar toft hedef endabl e space. Adj oi ni ngl andmay bei ncl ud edasdef en dabl espaceassi t ei sc on si der edamanagedg ar den andcanbemai nt ai nedi nacond i t i onsu i t abl easpar toft hedef en dabl espace.

Ref ert oSect i onB2f orPhot oI nf or mat i on HasAppr ovedMeasur eAl t M 3, 3beenmet ?



N/ A

8. 2. 3Al t M 3. 4Cal cul at edef endabl espaceusi ngMet hod2ofAS39592009 Ref ert ot hef ol l owi ngr epor tf orMet h od2def end ab l espacecal cu l at i onsf r omAS39592009 Bushf i r eAt t ackLev el ( BAL)AssessmentRepor tNo:S18008 ,est r u ctGeot ech ni c al , 2 8 / 0 1 / 1 6 Dat e:

HasAppr ovedMeasur eAl t M 3, 3beenmet ?


Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


N/ A


Repor tNo:P18001. 1

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

8. 2. 4Al t M 3. 5Dwel l i ngssubj ectt odi r ectf l amecont act Abui l di ngu sedf oradwel l i n g( i ncl u di nganex t ensi onoral t er at i ont oadwel i n g)maypr ov i de def en dabl espacet ot hepr oper t yboun dar ywher ei t canbed emon st r at edt hat : Thel oth asaccesst our ban, t owns hi porot herar easwher e:Pr ot ect i oncanb epr ovi dedf r om t hei mpact ofex t r emebu shf i r ebehavi our ,f uel i sman agedi nami ni mumf u el condi t i onand t her ei ssu f f i ci ent di st anceors hi el d i ngt opr ot ectp eop l ef r omdi r ec tf l ame cont act orhar mf ul l ev el sofr ad i ant heatLes sdef en dabl espaceandhi g herconst r uct i on st and ar di sappr opr i at ehav i ngr egar dt ot h eb ushf i r ehazar dl andsc ap eas sessment Thed wel l i ngi sconst r u ct edt oabu shf i r eat t ackl ev el ofBAL-FZ.Thi sal t er n at i v emeasur e onl yappl i eswher et her equ i r emen t sofAp pr ov edMeasu r e3. 1cannotbemet . Adj oi n i n gl andmayb ei nc l udedasdef endab l espaceassi t ei scons i der edamanagedgar den andc anbemai nt ai n edi nacondi t i onsui t abl easpar t oft h ed ef endabl es pace.

HasAppr ovedMeasur eAl t M 3, 5beenmet ?



N/ A

8. 3AM 4. 1Wat erSuppl y&AccessObj ect i ves( 52. 472. 3) Ast at i cwat ersup pl yi spr ov i d edt oassi sti np r ot ec t i n gpr op er t y. Vehi cl eacc es si sdesi gned andc on st r uc t edt oenhanc es af et yi nt heev en tofab ushf i r e. 8. 3. 1AM 4. 1Wat erSuppl y Ab ui l di n gus edf orad wel l i ng( i n cl udi nganext ens i onoral t er at i ont oadwel l i ng) , adependant p er son’ suni t ,i nd ust r y ,of fi c eorr et ai l p r emi sesi spr ov i dedwi t hast ati cwat ersu ppl yf orfi r e f i ght i ngan dpr oper t yp r ot ec t i onp ur posesasspeci fi edi nTabl e4 t oCl aus e52. 47-3.Thewat ersupp l ymaybei nt hesamet an kasot h erwat ersupp l i es p r ovi dedt hatasepar at eout l eti sr eser v edf orfi r efi ght i n gwat ersupp l i es. A5000Li t r et ankwi l l bei nst al l edwi t hi n20m oft hedwel l i ng&ahy dr an ti swi t h i n120moft he r earoft hebu i l d i ngi sav ai l ab l ef orf i r ef i ght i ngpur p os esi nac cor dancewi t hCl ause52. 473, Tabl e4r equi r ement s. HasAppr ovedMeasur eAM 4. 1( wat ersuppl y )beenmet ?



8. 3. 2AM 4. 1Access Abui l di ngu sedf oradwel l i n g( i ncl u di nganex t ensi onoral t er at i ont oadwel i n g) ,adepend an t per son’ su ni t ,i ndus t r y ,of f i ceorr et ai l pr emi sesi spr ov i dedwi t hv ehi cl eaccessi sdesi g ned andc on st r uc t edassp ec i f i edi nTabl e5t oCl ause52. 47-3. Ad r i v ewayofl esst hen30m ser v i cest hes i t e.Acc es st owi t hi n4m oft hewat ersup pl yi s ach ei v abl e

HasAppr ovedMeasur eAM 4. 1( acce ss)beenmet ?

Par tofest r uctp/ lc onsul t i ngser vi ces




Repor tNo:P18001. 1

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

9. 0Ot herRel evantPl anni ngPr ovi si ons Cl ause44. 06-Bushf i r eMan ag ementOv er l ay( BMO)hasbeenap pl i edt ot hi ssi t e.An agr eement underSect i on173t hatsp ec i f i est her equi r ement f ori nst al l at i onofbush f i r e measu r esi ncl ud i n gconst r uct i onst an dar ds, def endabl es pace,wat ersup pl y&ac cess. Th eSt at ePl ann i ngPol i cyFr amewor k( SPPF)p r ovi dest h ebr oadf r amewor kf orbus hf i r e pr ot ec t i onp ol i cyandpr ov i s i onsi nt hepl ann i ngsch eme.Thep r oposal hasb eendesi g ned hav i ngr egar dt ot heov er ar chi ngp ol i cyobj ect i v esoft heSPPF. Cl ause65–Dec i s i onGui d el i nesr equi r est hatb ef or edeci di n gonanapp l i cat i on,t h eCFA mustc on si d er ,amongot h ert hi ngs, whet hert hep r opos al wi l l ‘ pr od uceaccept abl eout comes' f ort hepr op os edl andus e. Thi spr op os al meet st hi sb ymi ni mi s i ngr i sk .

10. 0Over al lConcl usi on Over al l ,t hepr oposedd wel l i ngmeet st her eq ui r ement soft heBMO andCl au se52. 47– Bus hf i r ePr ot ect i on:Pl anni ngr eq ui r ement s. Th esi t i ngoft h epr oposedd wel l i nghashadr eg ar dt obus hf i r ehaz ar dandt henecess ar yar ea ofdef end ab l espacer equ i r ed. Th epr oposedd wel l i ngad di t i onhasbeensi t edandd es i g nedt oavoi donandof f -si t e cons t r ai n t s,par t i cu l ar l ysepar at i onf r om t hel owwoodl andt ot hesout heast oft h es i t e

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo: P18001. 1

Pl anW ayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

11. 0Gener alRecommendat i ons&Condi t i ons Th ebush f i r emanagemen tover l ayassessmenti sv al i dat t hedat eofi ss ue.Forp ur posesof pl ann i n gappl i cat i on,noc hangest ot h esi t eshoul doc curot h ert hann or mal mai nt enanceand r epai r s.Anymod er at eorl ar g erchangest osi t ewi l l r esul ti nanamendmen t snei ghbour hood ch ar ac t erassessmen tatt heowner ’ sexp en se,t obeper f or med. Th eex i st enceofal l exi st i ngunder g r ou nds er vi ces( e. gdr ai n age,el ec . ,ph on e, sewer , et c )t o bed et er mi n edonsi t eandf r omr el ev antaut hor i t yr ec or dspr i ort oc ommenc emen tof cons t r uct i on.Ex i st i n gser v i cesi nf or mat i onmust becheck edwhet heraneasement ex i st son orneart h epr oper t yornot .Per mi s i ont oc on st r uc twi t h i n1000mmofsewer / dr ai np i pemay needt ob eob t ai nedf r omr el evant sewerau t hor i t y/ counci l pr i ort of i nal pl ann i ngappr ov al . Wher eex i st i ngsi gni f i cantv eget at i oni sf oundt oaf f ectt h es i t eornei ghb ou r i n gsi t e,i t i s r ecommendedt h at aq ual i f i edar bor i s tbeengagedt op r ovi deanar bor i str ep or t .Thi sr epor t mu stcon t ai ni nf or mat i onsuc hassp eci es, condi t i on ,di mensi onsandr oot spr eadi nf or mat i on .

Chr i sRoz ycki B. E. ( Ci vi l ) , MI EAust . CPEng, NER( C&S) , RBP( EC) , RPEQ( C&S) , AI st r uct E. CEng( UK) , MASBC, C4Nat H Managi ngDi r ect orChar t er edPr of essi onalEngi neer

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Repor tNo:P18001. 1

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

Appendi xA A1. 0Repor tTer ms&Condi t i ons Thi sr epor t i spr ov i dedt ot heown erandt h ei rConsu l t ant sf ort hei rsol eus et ouseasagu i de f orp l anni ngandconst r u ct i oni ncompl i ance.Thi sr epor tc an notbet r ans f er r edt oanyot her si t ean dwi l l notbev al i dunl essr epr oducedi nf ul .Thi sr ep or t ' spr i meai mi st obeus edby exper i encedBu i l d i ngI ndu st r yConsul t an t sandconst r u ct i oncont r act or sandassucht he wor di n goft hi sr epor ti sai medatp eopl eoft hei rk nowl ed geandex per i en cel evel .Thi sr epor t doesnotp r op oset hatt h eowneri st op er f or manypl anni ngorconst r uct i ont hemsel vesunl ess t heyar easui t abl yqual i f i edpr of essi onal wi t hexp er i enc ei nt her equi r eddi sc i pl i nei nd es i gnor const r uct i on.Atal l t i meswest r on gl ysug gestt hats ui t ab l yqual i f i edpl anni ngan dcons t r uct i on I ndu st r ypr of essi onal sbeeng ag edt odoal l pl ann i n gandc on st r uc t i on . Theser epor t sshal l b er eadi nconj un ct i onwi t hr el ev antar c hi t ec t ur al dr awi ngsan d speci f i cat i ons.Nor esp on si bi l i t ywi l l bet akenf ori ncor r ect ormi sl eadi n gi nf or mat i onpr ovi ded byt heCl i entorper s on sact i ngont heCl i en t ' sbeh al ff ort hepu r posesofest r uct Geot echni cal per f or mi ngaNei ghb ou r hoodFeat ur eAss es sment . Anyl evel sp r ovi dedar eofar bi t r ar yt y peonl y .Thes el ev el sar ecu r r entf ort hed at et h att he l evel s ur v eywasp er f or med .Anysubs equentc hangest ot h esi t ewi l l i nv al i dat et h i sr epor t , r equi r i n gf ur t h ersi t eass es sment ( atOwner ' sex pens e)t oad eq uat el yi nc or p or at et h ese chang esi nt oan yamen dedr epor t . Thi sass es sment doesnotcov ert hi ngssuchasel ect r i cal andp l umb i ngasset sc on di t i on assessmen tf orexi st i ngs t r uc t ur es.Thi sr epor td oesnotcov erandi snott ob eusedf orany pr oper t yt i t l er equ i r emen t sasdef i nedbyt heLandAc t( Vi c)-1958( e. gr eest ab l i s hment sur v ey . )Anysur veyal sohasn ot beenper f or medi naccor danc ewi t ht hecur r en tSur v ey i ng Act( Vi c) .Thei n f or mat i onp r ovi dedi sf orGener al p ur poseson l y. I fyouhaveanyqu er i esi nr el at i ont ot hec on t entoft hi sr epor t pl eas econt actt h i sof f i c epr i or t ocommen ci n ganypl ann i ngappl i cat i ont oCounci l orcommencement ofc on st r uc t i onf or cl ar i f i cat i on . Thi sr epor t mus tber eadi ni t sent i r et y .Af ul l r epr odu ct i onoft hi sr epor tmustbeu t i l i sedat al l t i mes.est r uctPt yLt ddoesnott ak er esponsi bi l i t yf ord amag eorl ossr esu l t i ngi nt h er ep or t bei n gmi su sed,al t er edori t sf ul l r ecommend at i onsar enotadopt ed.

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Repor tNo:P18001. 1

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

A2. 0Def endabl eSpaceRequi r ement s Gr assmus tbesh or tcr opp edandmai nt ai neddu r i n gt hedec l ar edf i r edang erper i od . Al l l eavesan dv eg et at i ond eb r i smus tber emov edatr egu l ari n t er val sdur i ngt hedecl ar edf i r e dangerper i od. Wi t hi n10met r esofab ui l d i n g,f l ammabl eobj ect smus tnotbel ocat edc l os et ot hev ul ner abl e par t soft h eb ui l di ng. Pl ant sg r eat ert han10cent i met r esi nh ei gh tmus tnotbep l ac edwi t h i n3mofawi ndowor gl assf eat ur eoft hebu i l d i n g. Shr ub smu stnotb el oc at edundert hecanopyoft r ees . I ndi v i d ual andc l ump sofshr u bsmustn ot ex ceed5s q.met r esi nar eaandmus tbesepar at ed byatl east5met r es . Tr eesmustn ot ov er hangort ouchan yel emen t soft hebui l di ng. Thec an op yoft r eesmustb esepar at edbyatl east5met r es . Ther emustb eac l ear an ceofatl east2met r esbet weent hel owestt r eebr anc hesandgr ound l evel .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Exi st i ngReducedLevel NewReducedLevel NewDownpi pe NewDownpi peSpr eader Exi st i ngDownpi pe

10 10 EX DP SP DP .00 .00



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Exi st i ngSewerMai n


NewDr ai nagePi tNo.


Exi st i ngDr ai nagePi t


Exi st i ngEl ect r i calPol e

I G.


Exi st i ngSewerPi t

Pr oposedSt or mwat erDr ai n Exi st i ngFi r eHydr ant


NewGr at edI nl et

Exi st i ngTr ee( Hei ghtnotspeci f i ed)

Exi st i ngSt or mwat erDr ai n

Pr oposedSt or mwat erDr ai n


NewI nspect i onOpeni ng


Exi st i ngTel ephonePi t HYD


Exi si t ngEl ect r i calPi t














Dat e


18/ 7/ 16

Remar ks


Cl i ent

M.TORDA Cl i entRef


Det ai l s


Desi gn Dr awn

C. R C. R

Dat e Scal e



FEB16 1: 500@ A3 Rev


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