Sample Res LCA report

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PO Box7095,Kar i ngal3199 1300ESTRUCT( 378782) mai l @est r uct . com. au

Geot echni calI nvest i gat i onRepor t Resi dent i al( Ksat )LCARepor t Repor tNo:S18067. Pr oposedResi dence Si t eAddr ess:54Shor eham Road,Shor eham

Ass es sedLev elofCons t r ai ntf orSi t e( ALCS) : Maj or

( seeTabl eB2. 1)

Thes i t ei ss ubj ectt oaLandSubj ectt oI nundat i onOver l ay( LSI O)Cl ause44. 04oft he Vi ct or i anPl anni ngRegul at i ons .

Mai nsEl ec t r i cal Poweri savai l abl e&Mai nsWat erSuppl yi sunav ai l abl e( TankWat er Ex i s t i ng)Poweri savai l abl ef ormec hani cal t r eat mentuni t s

ABus hf i r eAt t ackLev el ( BAL)as ses smenthasnotbeeni ncl udedaspar toft hi sr epor t

Ksat-Pe r meabi l i t yTest i ngi naccor dancewi t hAS15472012f orsat ur at edsoi lc ondi t i ons

Dat e:04/ 07/ 2016 Thi sr epor tconsi st sof37pagesandmustber epr oducedi nf ul l .I fy oudonothaveaf ul lcopyoft her epor tpl easecont actt hi sof f i ce.

Gr eat erMel bour ne

Par tofes t r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngs er vi ces

Regi onalVi ct or i a

Repor tNo: S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

1. 0Tabl eofCont ent s 2. 0Cl i e ntDet ai l s 3. 0Ref e r ences 4. 0Pr opos edSi t eCons t r uc t i on 5. 0Si t eI nf or mat i on 5. 1Si t eDe sc r i pt i on 5. 2Fl oodHaz ar d 5. 3Bushf i r eAt t ac kLevel ( BAL)Ass ess ment 5. 4Mai nsSer v i c esAvai l abi l i t y 6. 0Si t eGeol ogi calDes cr i pt i on 7. 0Si t eI nv es t i gat i onPr oc edur e 8. 0Abnor malSoi lCondi t i ons 9. 0Gr oundWat e r&Dr ai nageCondi t i ons 10. 0Si t ePer meabi l i t y 10. 1Si t ePe r meabi l i t yCl ass i f i cat i on 10. 2Per meabi l i t yTe stRes ul t s 11. 0LandCapabi l i t yAss ess ment 11. 1LandCapabi l i t yAss ess mentf orWas t ewat erManagement 11. 2Def i ni t i onofAsse ss edLev elofCons t r ai ntf orSi t e( ALCS) 12. 0Wast ewat erTr eat me ntSy st em Recommendat i ons 12. 1Was t ewat erTr eat ment 12. 2Was t ewat erSyst em 13. 0Fl oodHaz ar dAr eaRequi r ement s 13. 1Fl oodHaz ar dAr eaAsse ssment 13. 2Fl oodHaz ar dAr eaAsse ssmentLi mi t at i ons 14. 0Si t eLandsc api ngRequi r e ment s 14. 1Si t eDr ai nage 15. 0Gener alRecommendat i onsandCondi t i ons Appendi xA A. 1. 0 Re por tTer ms&Condi t i ons A. 2. 0 Onsi t eWast ewat erDi s posal A. 2. 1Gener al gui dl i nesf orons i t ewas t ewa t erdi sp osal A. 2. 2Desi gngui dl i nesf orons i t epl a ceme ntofwas t ewat e rdi s per s al l i ne s A2. 2. 1Di s t r i but i ons ys t em A2. 2. 2Nut r i ent s A2. 2. 3Rai nf al ls ur f ac ef l owc ont r ol A2. 2. 4Landuseact i vi t y A. 2. 3Desi gngui dl i nesf orWast e wat e rTr eat mentun i t s A. 3. 0 St or mwat erSys t ems A3. 1Met hodofPe r c ol at i ont est i ng&ass es smentofOns i t est or mwat erdi sposal A3. 2Appar at usf orPe r c ol at i ont e st i ngf orOnsi t edi sc har ge Appendi xB B1. 0Si t eI nves t i gat i onDes cr i pt i on B1. 1Si t eLocal i t yDi agr am B1. 2Si t eSke t chDi agr am B2. 0Ri skAss ess mentofSi t eChar act er i s t i c s B3. 0Wat e r&Nut r i entBal ance B3. 1Si t eAss es smentDat a B3. 2Wat e rBal ance B3. 3Ef f l uentDi sc har geCapaci t yRequi r ement s B3. 4Nut r i entBal anc e B3. 5Mi ni mum Ef f l ue ntDi sc har geAr ea B4. 0Si t eWas t ewat erSy st ems B4. 1Was t ewat erTr eat me ntSy st em B4. 2Ef f l uentDi sc har geSys t e m Spec i f i c at i on B4. 2. 1Ef f l uentDi s char geTr enc hSpec i f i cat i on B4. 2 . 2Ef f l uentDi sc har geTr enchSpe ci f i c at i on B4. 3Wast ewat e rSy st e m Pl an B4. 4Si t eEf f l uentDi s char gePl an B5. 0Subs ur f aceWast ewat erI r r i gat i onSyst ems B5. 1Soi lAbsor pt i onTr enc hI r r i gat i onDesi gnRequi r ement s B5. 2Dr i pI r r i gat i on B5. 3Set backDi s t anc es B5. 4SandFi l t erDes i gnSpeci f i c at i ons B6. 0Met eor ol ogi c alI nf or mat i on B7. 0As se ssmentCal cul at i onMet hodol ogy

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Repor tNo: S18067.

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B7. 1KsatFor mul at i onf orc onst antheadPer meamet er B7. 2Wat erBal anc eFor mul at i on B8. 0Tr eat mentofSodi csoi l s B8. 1Sodi ci t y B8. 2Tr e at i ngSodi cSoi l s B9. 0Si t ePhot oDes c r i pt i on Appendi xC

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1. 1Tabl e&Fi gur eCont ent s Fi g4. 1Pr opos edSi t euse Tabl e6. 1Geol ogi c alDes cr i pt i on Fi g6. 2Geol ogi cal Map Tabl e10. 1Ks atPe r c ol at i onTestSummar y Tabl e10. 2Soi l Per meabi l i t yI nf or mat i on Tabl e11. 1Ef f l uentDi s char geRequi r eme nt s Tabl e12. 1Was t ewat e rTr eat mentUni t Tabl e12. 2Was t ewat e rDi s char geRequi r ement s Tabl e13. 1Fl oodHaz ar dAr eaPl anni ngOv er l ayMap Tabl eA2. 1Ge ner alDe f i ni t i onsofSi t ePer me abi l i t yf orWast ewat er Tabl eA2. 2 Mi ni mum Des i gnFl ow&Or gani cRat es Tabl eA3. 1 Gener alDef i ni t i onsofSi t ePer meabi l i t yf orSt or mwat er Fi gA3. 2 Per meamet erAs sembl y Fi gB1. 1 Si t eLoc al i t yDi agr am Fi gB1. 2 Si t eLoc al i t yPho t o Fi gB1. 3 Si t eSk et c hDi agr am Tabl eB2. 1Asse ss edLev elofCons t r ai ntf orSi t e( ALCS) Tabl eB3. 1Wat erBal ance Tabl eB3. 2 Opt i onsf orWas t ewat erManageme ntSy st ems Tabl eB3. 3Nut r i entBal ance Fi gB4. 1Was t ewat erTr eat mentSyst em Fi gB4. 2Di sc har geSys t e m Tabl eB4. 3Acce pt abl eVe get at i onPl ant i ng Fi gB4. 4Wast ewat erSy st em Lay outPl an Fi gB4. 5Wast ewat erSy st em Si t ePl an Tabl eB5. 1 Re commende dDesi gnLoadi ngRat e s( DLR)f orSubsur f aceI r r i gat i on Tabl eB5. 2Rec ommendedSet bac ks Tabl eB5. 4SandFi l t e rRec ommende dDos ageRat es Fi gB5. 5SandFi l t erDes i gnCal c ul a t i on Tabl eB6. 1Met eor ol ogi c alSt at i onDat a Fi gB7. 1Ksa tFor mul at i onf orcons t anthe adPer me amet e r Tabl eB7. 2Ev apot r anspi r at i onCr opFact or s Fi gB7. 3Coef f i c i entofRunof ff orPer meabl eAr eas Tabl eB7. 3 Ef f l uen tDi s c har geCal c ul a t i on Tabl eB7. 5 Wat erBal anc eCal cul at i onMet hodol ogy Tabl eB7. 6 Ef f l uen tPi peLe ngt hCal cul at i on Tabl eB8. 1Gy psum Dos ageRat esf orSodi cSoi lTr eat me nt Fi gB9. 1Si t ePhot o1 Fi gB9. 2Si t ePhot o2 Fi gB9. 3Si t ePhot o3 Fi gB9. 4Si t ePhot o4 Fi gB9. 5Si t ePhot o5 Fi gB9. 6Si t ePhot o6 Tabl eC1. 1Tes tSi t e1 Tabl eC1. 2Tes tSi t e2 Tabl eC1. 3Tes tSi t e3 Tabl eC1. 4Tes tSi t e4

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Repor tNo:S18067.

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2. 0Cl i entI nf or mat i on A.O' Br i en POBox3348Domai nLPO Mel bour ne 3004

3. 0Ref er ences Nat i onal Cons t r uct i onCode( NCC)-Vol ume2,Sec t i on3. 2. 4-2016 Vi ct or i anBui l di ngAut hor i t yPr act i ceNot e201365-Fl oodHaz ar dAr eas&Bui l di ng Regul at i ons AS1170. 42007 Ear t hquak eac t i onsi nAust r al i a AS1289. 0-2000Met hodsoft es t i ngsoi l sf orengi neer i ngpur poses-Gener alr equi r ement s andl i s tofmet hod AS1547-2012Onsi t eDomest i cWas t ewat erManagement AS1726-1993Geot echni c ali nvest i gat i ons AS2870-2011 Resi dent i alSl absandFoot i ngs AS3500-2015,Pl umbi ng&Dr ai nage EPA( Vi c)Publ i cat i on168-1991Gui del i nesf orWast ewat erI r r i gat i on EPA( Vi c)Publ i cat i on746. 1-2003LandCapabi l i t yAs ses smentf orOnsi t eDomest i c Was t ewat erManagement EPA( Vi c)Publ i cat i on760-2002,CodeofPr ac t i c ef orOnsi t eWast ewat erManagement EPA( Vi c)Publ i cat i on891. 4-2016,Gui del i nesf orOns i t eWast ewat erTr eat mentSys t ems Muni ci palAss oc i at i onofVi c. &DeptofEnvi r onment&Pr i mar yI ndust r y-Vi ct or i anLand Capabi l i t yAs ses smentFr amewor k-Jan2014 Depar t mentofPr i mar yI ndus t r yVi ct or i a-Geol ogi c alMaps Foundat i on&Foot i ngSoc i et y( Vi c )-Pr act i ceNot es15,2013 BTF18-CSI ROFoundat i onMai nt enanc eandFoot i ngPer f or mance:AHomeOwner ' sGui d Googl eMaps( www. maps. googl e. com. au) NearMaps( www. near maps . com. au)

4. 0Pr oposedSi t eConst r uct i on I ti spr oposedt oc onst r uc tanewr esi dent i aldwel l i ngont hesi t e.Si t ei swi t hi nt he muni c i pal i t yofMor ni ngt onPeni nsul aShi r eCounci l .I ti swi t hi naGr eenWedgeAZone1 ( GWZA1)ar ea.I ti ssubj ectt ot hef ol l owi ngTownPl anni ngOv er l ays :ESO10/ 17/ 28, EMO1/ 2,LSI O,SLO1/6.VPO2.I ti swi t hi naBushf i r ePr oneAr ea Fi g4. 1Pr oposedSi t eUse

Pr oposedSi t eUse:Si ngl eDwel l i ng-Onsi t eTankSuppl y NoofBedr ooms:5Bedr ooms( +1) Ef f l uentDi schar geperDay: 750L/ d

(125L/ dperper s on) ( AS15472012,Tabl eH1)

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Repor tNo:S18067.

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5. 0Si t eI nf or mat i on 5. 1Si t eDescr i pt i on Ani nv es t i gat i onoft hesi t edet er mi nedt hati twasoc cupi edbyanex i s t i ngr es i dent i al dwel l i ngaswel l asot hers mal l st r uc t ur es .Thes i t ewasl ocat edi nSoi lCl i mat eZone2( Hs =1. 8)-AS28702011,Appendi xD.I twasf oundt hatt hes i t eandadj oi ni ngs i t esc ont ai ned anumberoft r eesr angi ngt o12met r esi nhei ght .Ref ert ot heacc ompanyi ngs ket chf or appr ox i mat el ocat i ons .I twasf oundt hatt hesi t es l opedgener al l y,c ons i der abl yt ot he nor t h.Sl opeSt abi l i t yofsi t edoesneedt obec ons i der edandf ur t heras sess mentr equi r ed. Thes i t ei ssubj ec tt oanEr os i onManagementOver l ay

5. 2Fl oodHazar d Thes i t ei ssubj ec tt oaLandSubj ec tt oI nundat i onOver l ay( LSI O)Cl ause44. 04oft he Vi ct or i anPl anni ngRegul at i ons.

5. 3Bushf i r eAt t ackLevel( BAL)Assessment ABus hf i r eAt t ac kLevel( BAL)ass ess menthasnotbeeni nc l udedaspar toft hi sr epor t

5. 4Mai nsSer vi cesAvai l abi l i t y Mai nsEl ec t r i calPoweri savai l abl e&Mai nsWat erSuppl yi sunav ai l abl e( TankWat er Ex i s t i ng)Poweri sav ai l abl ef ormec hani calt r eat mentuni t s

6. 0Si t eGeol ogi calDescr i pt i on Anal ysi soft hes oi lpr of i l eencount er edwi t hi nt het estbor ehol eswasf oundt obet he f ol l owi ng: Tabl e6. 1Geol ogi calDescr i pt i on Geol ogy Or dovi ci an

Type Sedi ment ar y

For mat i on Mar i ne

Symbol Ox

Fi g6. 2Geol ogi calMap S18067

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Repor tNo: S18067.

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7. 0Si t eI nvest i gat i onPr ocedur e Thesi t egeot ec hni cal i nv es t i gat i onwasper f or med,c ons i s t i ngof4t es thol es.A Per meamet erwast heni nst al l edi nt o3hol es .Appr oxi mat el oc at i onsoft heset esthol esar e i ndi cat edont heat t ac heds ket chpl an.

8. 0Abnor malSi t eCondi t i ons Abnor malmoi st ur ec ondi t i onswer ef oundt obeex i s t i ngont hesi t e.Thi si sduet oexi st i ng t r eeswi t hi noradj acentt ot hesi t ewhi chcoul dl eadt osoi l movementgr eat ert han st andar dcl as si f i c at i ons.

9. 0Gr oundWat er&Si t eDr ai nageCondi t i ons As ses smentoft hes i t ehasdet er mi nedt hats ur f acedr ai nagewi l lbef ai r .Subs oi l dr ai nage wi l l bepoorduet ocohes i v enat ur eofs oi l .

10. 0Si t ePer meabi l i t y 10. 1Si t ePer meabi l i t yCl assi f i cat i on Thi sSi t ehasbeendet er mi nedt ohav eas oi lper meabi l i t yt hati sconsi der eds ui t abl ef oronsi t ewas t ewat erdi sc har ge( subj ec tt omeet i ngLandCapabi l i t yAs sess mentCr i t er i a) .

10. 2Per meabi l i t yTestResul t s Tes tSi t eHor zn 1 A2

Tabl e10. 1KsatPer meabi l i t yTestSummar y Foundi ng Mat er i al dcm tmi nQ cm3/ mi nrcm Hcm Cor r ec K t i s o a n t cm/ mi n Or ange/ Br ownSi l t yCLAY 2. 00 62 2. 53 5. 0 10. 05 4. 4 11. 9x1003



Or ange/ Yel l owSi l t yCLAY

2. 00


2. 58

5. 0 10. 05 4. 4

12. 1x1003



Or ange/ RedSi l t yCLAY

2. 00


2. 58

5. 0 10. 05 4. 4

12. 1x1003

Ref ert oSect i onB7. 0f orKsatf or mul at i onspeci f i cat i ons

Tabl e10. 2Soi lPer meabi l i t yI nf or mat i on

Equi v al entMi ni mum KsatPer meabi l i t yRat es : cm/ mi n 11. 9x10

m/ s 2. 0x10

L/ day

mm/ hr

171. 36

7. 1

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Repor tNo:S18067.

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11. 0LandCapabi l i t yAssessment 11. 1LandCapabi l i t yAssessmentf orWast ewat erManagement Ther es ul t sf r om t heLandCapabi l i t yAs ses sment( LCA)det er mi net hatt hesi t ehadsome maj orconst r i c t i ons.Thi sr es ul tr equi r est heuseofaSec ondar yTr eat ments ys t em.The i t emst hatr es ul t edi namaj orl ev el ofc ons t r ai ntwer esl opegr adi entandKsatPer meabi l i t y .

11. 2Def i ni t i onofAssessedLevelofConst r ai ntf orSi t e( ALCS) ALCS-Ni lorMi nor I fal lc ons t r ai nt sar emi nor ,convent i onal / s t andar ddes i gnsar egener al l ys at i sf act or y .The ef f l uentenvel opei ssui t abl ef orons i t edi s pos al ofs ept i ct ankdi s char ge.Thel i mi t at i onsor envi r onment al haz ar df r om l ongt er m us ear ec ons i der edver ysl i ght .St andar d per f or mancemeas ur esf ordes i gn,i ns t al l at i onandmanagements houl dpr ovesat i s f ac t or y.

ALCS-Moder at e Foreachmoder at econst r ai ntanappr opr i at edes i gnmodi f i cat i onoverandabov et hatofa st andar ddesi gn,s houl dbeout l i ned.Thes i t ehasonl yaf ai rc apabi l i t yf oronsi t eef f l uent di spos al wi t hamoder at eas soc i at edenvi r onment al r i skal wayspr esent .Ver yc ar ef ul si t e sel ec t i on,pr epar at i onands peci al i seddes i gnwi l lber equi r edt oaddr es st hei dent i f i edl and const r ai nt s .Amanagementpr ogr am shoul dbedel i v er edt ot her espons i bl eaut hor i t ywi t h t hedevel opmentappl i cat i onandpr i ort oear t hwor ksc ommenc i ng.Buf f er i ngc onsi der at i ons t oenvi r onment alf eat ur esandt ot hepr oxi mi t yofnear bydwel l i ngswi l lbei mpor t anti nt he des i gnandsi t i ngoft hedev el opment .I ti sr ecommendedt hat ,i nor dert oac hi eveBPEM, t r eat mentsy st ems,whi c hcanat t ai nahi gherl ev el oft r eat mentwi t hbas i cmoni t or i ng, shoul dbec ons i der ed,asanal t er nat i vet os t andar dc onv ent i onalt r enc hdi sposal .

ALCS-Maj or Anymaj orconst r ai ntmi ghtpr ov eani mpedi mentt os uc ces sf ulonsi t ewast ewat er management ,oral t er nat i vel ywi l l r equi r ei ndept hi nv est i gat i onandi ncor por at i onof s ophi st i cat edmi t i gat i onmeas ur esi nt hedes i gnt oper mi tcompl i antonsi t ewas t ewat er management .Ar eashaveaver ypoorc apabi l i t yandt her ei sas ever eass oc i at ed envi r onment al r i sk .Thear easar enotgener al l yc ons i der edsui t abl ef ordi sposalofsept i c t ankef f l uentbyc onv ent i onal t r enchsy st ems.Ther ewi l l beaneedf orver yhi ghl evel sof engi neer i ngi nputandmanagementatal ls t agesofwast ewat ersy st em i ns t al l at i on. Gener al managementi sunl i kel yt oadequat el yaddr es st hei dent i f i edl andconst r ai nt sand ac hi eveasust ai nabl eout come.Forcl oserdevel opmentr et i c ul at eds ewer agei susual l yt he onl yacc ept abl eopt i on.I ndi cat est hatasi t ehasal i mi t edc apabi l i t yf ors ust ai nabl eonsi t e was t ewat ermanagement .I ti st hepr oponent ’ sr es pons i bi l i t yt odemonst r at et hat appr opr i at eengi neer i ngsol ut i onsandmor ei nt ensemanagementcoul dover comet hesi t e l i mi t at i ons.I ft hepr oponentf ai l st odemons t r at et hi s,dev el opments houl dnotpr oc eed.

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Repor tNo:S18067.

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12. 0Wast ewat erTr eat mentSyst em Recommendat i ons 12. 1Wast ewat erTr eat ment I ti sconsi der edt hataSec ondar yTr eat menti sr equi r edt obeadopt edduet ot heLand Capabi l i t yRat i ngi sofModer at e.( r ef ert oTabl eB2. 1. )

12. 2Wast ewat erSyst em I ti sr ecommendedt hatt hei nst al l at i onofanEPA( vi c)ac cr edi t edr esi dent i al sec ondar y t r eat mentsy st em di sc har gi ngi nt opr ess ur i s eddr i ppersy st em beadopt ed( Ref ert oFi g B4. 1)

Tabl e12. 1Wast ewat erTr eat mentUni t Uni tDescr i pt i on

Uni tName Sept i cSyst emsAust r al i aEnvi r os ep2000

Resi dent i alSecondar yWast ewat erTr eat mentSyst em ( EPA-CA125/ 14)

Tabl e12. 2Wast ewat erDi schar geRequi r ement s Tr eat mentAr ea 400 m 2

Ef f l uentDi schar geLengt h

Ef f l uentDi schar geDescr i pt i on

250 m

600Wi ckTr ench&1000Bed

13. 0Fl oodHazar dAr eaRequi r ement s 13. 1Fl oodHazar dAr eaAssessment Theas ses smentofas i t et odet er mi nei fi ti sl i kel yt obeef f ect edbyaFl oodHazar di s bas edupondesi gnat edf l oodhazar dar eas. I nac cor dancewi t hCl ause44. 04oft heVi ct or i anPl anni ngRegul at i ons,asi t edes i gnat ed t ohaveaSpeci alBui l di ngOver l ay ,LandSubj ectt oI nundat i onOv er l ayoraFl oodway Ov er l ayar es i t est hatwi l l becoi nsi der edt obeFl oodHaz ar dAr eas .

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Fi g13. 1Fl oodHazar dAr eaPl anni ngOver l ayMap

Speci alBui l di ngOver l ay

LandSubj ectt oI nundat i on &Fl oodwayOver l ay

Fl oodwayOver l ay

13. 2Fl oodHazar dAr eaAssessmentLi mi t at i ons Theas ses smentf orFl oodHazar dAr ea,i sbaseduponpl anni ngover l ayi nf or mat i on.Thi s i nf or mat i onhasbeendet er mi nedi nac cor dancewi t hMel bour neWat erOt herWat er Aut hor i t i esaswel lasVi ct or i anMuni ci pal i t yi nf or mat i on.Thi sas sess menti sagener al one andi nc er t ai nci r c ums t anc espl ac esnotnot edwi t hi nov er l ayar eascoul dbedeemeda Fl oodHazar dAr ea.Wher easi t eappear st ohav el ocal i sedf l oodi ngi s suesorhasa hi s t or y( r ecentornot )t henFl oodHaz ar dAr eaconsi der at i onss houl dbei nc l udedwi t hi n t hef oot i ngdesi gn.

14. 0Si t eLandscapi ngRequi r ement s 14. 1Si t eDr ai nage Ther equi r ement sf orcol l ect i ngs ur f ac edr ai nagedur i ngcons t r uct i onandaf t ercompl et i on mustbei nac cor dancewi t hAS28702011,Appendi xB2. 3( a) .Thesi t es houl dbegr adedor dr ai nedsot hatwat ercannotpondagai nstorneart hebui l di ng.Thegr oundi mmedi at el y adj acentt ot hebui l di ngshoul dbegr adedt oauni f or mf al lof50mm mi ni mum awayf r om t hebui l di ngov ert hef i r s tmet r e( mi n1: 20Sl ope. ) Thesubf l oors pacef orbui l di ngswi t hsus pendedf l oor sshoul dbegr adedordr ai nedt o pr eventpondi ngwher et hi smayaf f ectt heper f or manceoft hef oot i ngs y st em.Thes i t e dr ai nager ecommendat i onss houl dbemai nt ai nedf ort heeconomi cl i f eoft hebui l di ng. Tempor ar yc onnect i onsmus tbei ns t al l edbet weenr oofgut t er i ngandundergr ound dr ai nagepi pesunt i li ns t al l at i onofdownpi pesc anbeenabl ed.

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Repor tNo:S18067.

es t r uctGeot echni cal

15. 0Gener alRecommendat i ons&Condi t i ons Thes oi l pr of i l ei l l ust r at edi sbas edupont hepr of i l ef oundwi t hi nt hebor ehol est ak en.I ti sa sampl eoft hesi t e,andmay v ar yi ndept handt hi c knessov ert hes i t e.Thedept hsand per meabi l i t yr at esar egi v enwi t ht es tl ogsar egi v enonl yasagui deonl y .I ft hes oi l pr of i l e enc ount er edonsi t easi nt het es tl ogsf ort hi ss i t evar i esc ons i der abl yt ot hatenc ount ed dur i ngconst r uc t i on,t hi smustber epor t edt ot hi sof f i ceasf ur t hert est i ngmayber equi r ed. Thi smayr esul ti nachangei nt her ecommendat i ons. Thedesc r i pt i onsoft hesoi lmat er i al enc ount er edi nt het es thol escl osel yf ol l owt hose out l i nedi nAS17261993.Col ourdesc r i pt i onsmayv ar ywi t ht hesoi lmoi s t ur econt entdue t os eas onal ef f ect sandc onst r uc t i onef f ec t s.I tshoul dbenot edt her ef or e,c ol ourand shadedesc r i pt i onsment i onedi nt hi sr epor tar emadewhent hes oi l i si namoi stc ondi t i on. Thi sr epor ti spr ovi dedt ot heOwnerandt hei rCons ul t ant sf ort hei rsol eus et ouseasa gui def oronst ei nf i l t r at i ondesi gnandconst r uc t i oni ncompl i anc ewi t hAS1547.Thi sr epor t cannotbet r ans f er r edt oanyot hersi t eandwi l lnotbeval i dunl es sr epr oducedi nf ul l .Thi s r epor t spr i meai mi st obeus edbyBui l di ngI ndus t r yCons ul t ant sandconst r uct i on cont r act or sandass uc hwor di ngoft hi sr epor ti sai medatpeopl eoft hei rknowl edgeand ex per i encel evel .Thi sr epor tdoesnotpr oposet hatt heowneri st oper f or m dr ai nage des i gnorconst r uc t i ont hems el v esunl esst heyhaves ui t abl epr of ess i onalex per i encei nt he r equi r eddi s ci pl i nei nconst r uc t i on.Atal l t i meswest r ongl ys uggestt hats ui t abl yqual i f i ed Bui l di ngI ndust r ypr of es si onal s( e. gPl umber s)beengagedt odoal li nst al l at i onf ors ept i c sy st emsanddr ai nage. Cons t r uct i onadj ac entt oboundar i esorwi t hi neasement smus tbeass es s edf orser v i c es. Theex i s t enc eofal l ex i s t i ngunder gr oundser v i c es( e. gdr ai nage,el ec . ,phone, s ewer ,et c ) t obedet er mi nedont hesi t eandwi t hi nt her oadr eser v eandal sof r om r el ev antaut hor i t y r ecor dspr i ort oc ommencementofc onst r uc t i on.Ex i s t i ngser v i c esi nf or mat i onmus tbe check edwhet heraneasementexi st sonorneart hepr oper t yornot( 1100Di albef or ey ou di g) .Per mi s i ont oc ons t r uctwi t hi n1000mm ofsewer / dr ai npi pemayneedt obeobt ai ned f r om r el evantseweraut hor i t y/ c ounc i l pr i ort ot hec ommencmentofconst r uct i on.

JamesBl ai r B. E. ( Mech) ,MI EAus t Geot echni cal ,Ener gy&Sust ai nabi l i t yManager

Chr i sRozycki B. E. ( Ci vi l ) , MI EAust . CPEng, NER, RBP( EC) , RPEQ, AI st r uct E. CEng( UK) , MASBC, Nat HERS Managi ngDi r ect orChar t er edPr of essi onalEngi neer

Par tofes t r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngs er vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

Appendi xA A1. 0Repor tTer ms&Condi t i ons Wher et hef ol l owi ngt er ms&condi t i onsar ei nl egalconf l i ctwi t hSt at eandFeder al St at ut or yRegul at i ons( att hedat eoft hi squot at i on) ,t hes er egul at i onswi l l t akepr ecedent overt het er msandcondi t i onsnot edbel ow.Al lr emai ni ngt er msandcondi t i onswi l l st i l l be val i d.Est r uc tGeot ec hni cal i sat r adi ngnameofEst r uc tP/ L( ACN:97097361898) .Al l ser v i cespr ov i dedhaveaPr of es si onall i abi l i t yl i mi t at i onofone( 1)mi l l i ondol l ar smax i mum. I fot herser vi cesar epr ov i dedbyes t r uctP/ L( underot hert r adi ngnamesnotl i st edher e)i n conj unct i onwi t ht heser vi cespr ov i dedwi t hi nt hi sr epor t ,t hec ombi nedpr of es si onal l i abi l i t y f oral ls er vi c espr ovi dedwi l l bel i mi t edt oonemi l l i ondol l ar sonl y .Pr of ess i onalLi abi l i t ydoes notext endt oanyot herCons ul t ant sorCont r ac t or si nvol vedwi t ht hes pec i f i cat i on,des i gn orconst r uc t i onofs pec i f i cwor k st obeunder t ak en.Est r uctPt yLt dt akesnor esponsi bi l i t y out s i deoft hes pec i f i ci nf or mat i on&r ecommendat i onswi t hi nt hi sr epor t . TheLabor at or yi nvest i gat i onofanysoi lmat er i al f r om t hesi t ei snotcover edi nt hesc ope oft hi si nv es t i gat i onandr epor t .Ther emov alofons i t es oi lmat er i alf r om t hes i t ef or l abor at or yi nvest i gat i oni snotcover edwi t hi nt hi si nvest i gat i onandr epor t . Theas ses smentofsoi l cl ass i f i cat i oni nacc or danc ewi t hAS28702011i snotcov er ed wi t hi nt hi sr epor tandwi l l r equi r es eper at esoi lt est i ng.Thebor el ogspr ov i dedi nt hi sr epor t shoul dnotbeus edf orbui l di ngconst r uc t i on( ei t herRes i dent i alorCommer c i al . )Theus eof t hi sr epor tf ort hatpur posecoul dr esul ti ns t r uc t ur al damagewhi c hes t r uctp/ lwoul dnot t ak eanyr esponsi bi l i t yf or . Thi sass es smentdoesnotcovert hi ngssuc hasel ect r i cal andpl umbi ngass et scondi t i on asses smentf orexi s t i ngs t r uc t ur es .Thi sr epor tdoesnotcovert hegr adi ngoft heexi st i ng st r uc t ur et i mbert oas cer t ai nt i mbert y peaswel lasst r engt hgr adef ors t r uct ur al des i gn pur pos es.Theas ses smentoft hebr i ck wor kt odet er mi nei fi twasc ons t r uct edt oAust r al i an St andar dswasnotwi t hi nt hes copeoft hi sRepor t .Theass ess mentoft hec ompl i anc eof anyex i st i ngst r uct ur alwal landr ooff r ami ng,t i edowns ,br ac i ngandt i mberc onnec t i onst o cur r entAust r al i anSt andar dsandBui l di ngCodeofAust r al i aorf oranyt ypeofst r uc t ur al adequac yi sal sonotc ov er edwi t hi nt hes copeoft hi sRepor t . Owner sar eadvi s edt or ef ert ot heCSI ROi nf or mat i ons er v i c edocumentBTF18," AGui de t oHomeOwner sonFoundat i onMai nt enanceandFoot i ngRecommendat i ons. " .Acopyof t hi sdocumenti sav ai l abl ef r eef r om t hi sof f i c euponr equest .Thi sdocumentmustbe obt ai nedbyt heOwnerandal l t her epor t sr ecommendat i onss houl dbeadopt ed. I fy ouhaveanyquer i esi nr el at i ont ot hec ont entoft hi sr epor tpl easecont actt hi sof f i c e pr i ort oc ommenci nganyengi neer i ngdesi gnorc ommencementofconst r uc t i onf or Thi sr epor tmus tber eadi ni t sent i r et y .Af ul lr epr oduc t i onoft hi sr epor tmus tbeut i l i s edat al l t i t r uctPt yLt ddoesnott aker es pons i bi l i t yf ordamageorl ossr esul t i ngi nt he soi lr epor tbei ngmi s us ed,al t er edori t sf ul l r ecommendat i onsar enotadopt ed.

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

A. 2. 0 Onsi t eWast ewat erDi sposal A2. 1Gener algui dl i nesf oronsi t ewast ewat erdi sposal Ther egul armai nt enanc eofs i t ewast ewat erandi nf i l t r at i on( soakl i nes )sy st em i st obe per f or medonar egul arbasi s .Thei ns pec t i onofsoakl i nesshoul dbeper f or medannual l yso ast oas ses st hec ondi t i onoft hesoak l i nesi nr el at i ont os i l t i nga ndgener alc ondi t i on.The f ol l owi ngmayl eadt oei t hersi gni f i c anti npar mentorcompl et ef ai l ur eofyourst or mwat er sy st em: ( a)Recentr emovalofanexi st i ngbui l di ngorst r uct ur el i kel yt ohav es i gni f i cant l ymodi f i ed t hes oi l moi st ur ec ondi t i onsanddi st ur bsoi lwhi chwi l l ef f ectper meabi l i t y. ( b)Unusualmoi st ur econdi t i onscausedbydr ai ns ,c hannel s ,ponds,damsort ank swhi ch ar et obemai nt ai nedorr emov edf r om t hes i t emaycr eat esat ur at edz onest hatwi l l i nhi bi tper meabi l i t y. ( c )Ther emov aloft r eespr i ort oc ons t r uct i onl i k el yt ohaves i gni f i cant l ymodi f i edt hesoi l moi s t ur ec ondi t i onsanddi st ur bsoi lwhi chwi l l ef f ectsoakl i neper f or manc e. ( d)Gr owt hofex i st i ngornewl ypl ant edt r eest oocl os et os oak l i nesmaycauses i gni f i cant damageduet or ooti ngr essc ausi ngdamageandbl oc kages . ces si veori r r egul arwat er i ngofgar densmaycausesat ur at i onofs oi l st hatwi l lr educe ( e)Ex ef f ect i venessofsoakl i nes ( f )Lackofmai nt ai nanc eofsi t ewas t ewat erandi nf i l t r at i onsy st em coul dl eadt oex ces si ve s i l t i ngofs oak l i nes ,r educ i ngsi gni f i c ant l yt hei rper f or mance. ( g)Fai l ur et or epai rpl umbi ngl eak sc oul dr esul ti nbl ock agesandcost l yr epai r sor r epl ac ement

A2. 2Desi gngui dl i nesf oronsi t epl acementofWast ewat erDi sper salLi nes A2. 2. 1Di st r i but i onSyst em Theef f l uentdi st r i but i onsy st em s hal l bedes i gnedt oac ceptout f l owf r om t hewast ewat er t r eat mentuni tandt oconveyi ts ecur el yt ot hel an dappl i c at i ons ys t em wher ei tshal lbe di s t r i but eduni f or ml yandef f ec t i v el y.Whenapumps ys t em i sused,t hepumpc hamber shal lbef i t t edwi t hahi ghwat er l ev el al ar m andami ni mum s t or agev ol umeof12hour s f l owshal l bepr ov i dedwi t hi nt hewast ewat er t r eat mentandpumpi ngs ys t em.

A2. 2. 2Nut r i ent s Landappl i cat i onsy s t emsmaybesubj ec tt onut r i entdi s char ger est r i c t i onsunder env i r onment al cont r ol si mposedbyar egul at or yaut hor i t y .Thes i t eeval uat i onpr ocedur es shal li dent i f yt henat ur eanddegr eeofsuchr es t r i ct i onst hatshal l t henbei ncor por at edi nt o t hedesi gnoft hesy st em.

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

es t r uctGeot echni cal

A2. 2. 3Rai nf al lsur f acef l owcont r ol Landappl i cat i onsy st emsmaybesubj ec tt onut r i entdi s char ger est r i c t i onsunder env i r onment al cont r ol si mposedbyar egul at or yaut hor i t y .Thes i t eeval uat i onpr ocedur es shal l i dent i f yt henat ur eanddegr eeofsuchr es t r i ct i onst hatshal l t henbei ncor por at edi nt o t hedesi gnoft hesy st em.

A2. 2. 4Landuseact i vi t y Ac t i v i t i essuc hasr ecr eat i onal games,gar deni ngar easorgr azi ngani mal s,shal lbe cont r ol l edorpr ohi bi t edunl es sal l owedf orbyl andappl i cat i onar eashal l notbe: ( a)Pav edorSeal ed. ( b)Subj ectt ov ehi c ul art r af f i c( ot hert hanapedes t r i ancont r ol l edl awnmower . ) ( c )Subj ec tt or egul arf oott r af f i csuc haspat hwaysandcl ot hes l i near ea. Tabl eA2. 1Gener alDef i ni t i onsofSi t ePer meabi l i t yf orWast ewat er

Per meabi l i t y Descr i pt i on Rapi d Ty pi cal soi lpr of i l ei scoar s es andswi t hmi nors i l tcont ent . No gr oundwat erf ormi ni mum 3m dept h. Hi gh Medi um Low


Ty pi cal soi lpr of i l ei scoar s et of i nes andswi t hmoder at es i l t cont ent . Nogr oundwat erf ormi ni mum 2m dept h. Ty pi cal soi lpr of i l ei sf i nes andswi t hmoder at et ohi ghs i l t cont ent .Nogr oundwat erf ormi ni mum 2m dept h. Ty pi cal soi lpr of i l ei sf i nes andswi t hhi ghsi l torc l ay c ont ent . Gr oundwat erenc ount er edwi t hi n1m dept h.

A2. 3Desi gngui dl i nesf orWast ewat erTr eat mentuni t s Res i dent i al Was t ewat ers ys t emsbei ngadopt edmustbes pec i f i edandi nst al l edi n ac cor dancewi t hAS1546. 12008andl oc al EPAandot herr el evantaut hor i t ygui dl i nesand r egul at i ons.Thef ol l owi ngi sanext r ac tf or m EPA( v i c ) ,Pub.891. 4i l l us t r at i ngt hemi ni mum des i gnl oadi ngr at esf orwast ewat ert r eat ments ys t ems . Tabl eA2. 2 Mi ni mum Desi gnFl ow &Or gani cRat es Sour ce

t r oge nmg/ L. per son. dayPhosphor Li t r es/ Bedr oom. dayNi usmg/ L. per son. day

Domest i cDwel l i ng OnSi t eTankWat erSuppl y




Mai nsRet i cul at edSuppl y




2.Local aut hor i t i esmayhavedi f f er entmi ni mum r equi r ement s

Par tofes t r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngs er vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

A3. 0 St or mwat erSyst ems A3. 1Met hodofPer col at i ont est i ng&assessmentf oronst est or mwat erdi sposal Theus eofsoakwel l sasamet hodofsi t es t or mwat erdi sc har gei si nac cor dancewi t h Wat erSens i t i veUr banDesi gn( WSUD)i nac cor dancewi t ht her ecommendat i onsoft he Vi ct or i anSt or mwat erCommi t t ee:Ur banSt or mwat er-BestPr ac t i c eEnvi r onment al ManagementGui del i nesr ec ommendat i ons.Ther egul armai nt enanc eofsi t es t or mwat er andi nf i l t r at i on( s oak wel l s )sy st em i st obeper f or medonar egul arbasi s.Thei ns pec t i onof soakwel l sshoul dbeper f or medannual l ysoast oas ses st hec ondi t i onoft hes oak wel l si n r el at i ont osi l t i ngandgener alc ondi t i on.Thef ol l owi ngmayl eadt oei t hers i gni f i cant i npar mentorc ompl et ef ai l ur eofyours t or mwat ers ys t em. Tabl eA3. 1Gener alDef i ni t i onsofSi t ePer meabi l i t yf orSt or mwat er

Per meabi l i t y

Descr i pt i on

Hi gh

Typi cals oi l pr of i l ei sc oar sesandswi t hmi norsi l tc ont ent . No gr oundwat erf ormi ni mum 3m dept h.

Medi um

Typi cals oi l pr of i l ei sc oar set of i nes andswi t hmoder at esi l t cont ent . Nogr oundwat erf ormi ni mum 2m dept h.


Typi cals oi l pr of i l ei sf i nes andswi t hmoder at et ohi ghsi l t cont ent .Nogr oundwat erf ormi ni mum 2m dept h.


Typi cals oi l pr of i l ei sf i nes andswi t hhi ghs i l torcl ay c ont ent . Gr oundwat erencount er edwi t hi n1m dept h.


A3. 2Appar at usf orKsatPer col at i ont est i ngf orOnsi t edi schar ge Fi gA3. 2 Const antHeadPer meamet er

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

Appendi xB B1. 0Si t eSoi lI nvest i gat i onDescr i pt i on B1. 1Si t eLocal i t yDi agr am Fi gB1. 1 Si t eLocal i t yDi agr am

Fi gB1. 2 Si t eLocal i t yPhot o

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

es t r uctGeot echni cal

B1. 2Si t ePr oper t yDi agr am Fi gB1. 3 Si t eSket chDi agr am


Par tofes t r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngs er vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

B2. 0Ri skAssessmentofSi t eChar act er i st i cs Tabl eB2. 1AssessedLevelofConst r ai ntf orSi t e( ALCS) LevelofConst r ai nt

Char act er i st i c

Ni lorMi nor Nor t h/ Nor t hEast / Nor t hWes t

Aspect( af f ect s sol arr adi at i on r ecei ved) Cl i mat e( di f f er ence bet weenannual r ai nf al landpan evapor at i on)

Excessof evapor at i onover r ai nf al li nt he wet t estmont hs

Er osi on( orpot ent i al )

Ful lsunand/ or hi ghwi ndor mi ni malshadi ng

Exposur et osunand wi nd

Fi l l( i mpor t ed) )

Landar eaavai l abl e f orLAA Landsl i p( or pot ent i al ) Rockout cr ops( % ofsur f ace) Sl opeFor m( af f ect s wat ersheddi ng abi l i t y)

Maj or

East / West / Sout hWes t / Sout hEast Rai nf al l appr oxi mat est o evapor at i on

Excessof r ai nf al lover evapor at i oni n t hewet t est

Moder at e Dappl ed l i ght

<1i n100year s

Ni l lorMi nor

Evapor at i on

1225 Ni l lorMi no Moder at e

>1i n20yr s

Ni l lorMi no

Set backdi st ance Compl i e f r om bor enot compl i eswi t h EPA891. 3 I ns uf f i ci entar ea f orLAA

Ni l

Mi nort omoder at e

Hi ghorSever e

1020% St r ai ghts i desl opes


Ext ensi vepoor Moder at Moder at e qual i t yf i l land var i abl equal i t yf i l l

Meet sLAAand dupl i cat eLAAand buf f erdi st ance

Convexor di ver gentsi de-

Rai nf al l

Li mi t edpat chesof l i ghtandl i t t l ewi nd t oheavi l yshaded al lday

ExceedsLAAand dupl i cat eLAAand buf f erdi st ance


ALCS Moder at e

Sever e

Bet ween100&20yr s

Nobor esonsi t eor Set backdi st ance nei ghbour i ngsi t es f r om bor ecompl i es wi t hEPA891. 3

Resul t

Sout h

at ecover age Nof i l lormi ni malf i l l , Moder orf i l li sgoodqual i t y andf i l li sgood qual i t y t opsoi l

Fl oodf r equency( ARI Gr oundwat erbor es

Ni lormi nor

Moder at e



Ni l lorMi n

Moder at e None

Concaveor conver gentsi desl opes

Ni l lorMi no Ni l lorMi n

Sl opegr adi ent( %) ( a)f orabsor pt i on t r enchesandbeds





( b)f orsur f ace i r r i gat i on





Maj or





Moder at e

Novi s i bl esi gns orl i kel i hoodof dampness, eveni nwet seas on

Somesi gnsor l i kel i hoodof dampness

Wetsoi l , moi st ur el ovi ng pl ant s ,st andi ng wat eri npi t ; wat erpondi ngon sur f ace,soi lpi t f i l l swi t hwat er

( c)f orsubsur f ace i r r i gat i on Soi lDr ai nage ( qual i t at i ve)

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces

Moder at e

Moder at e


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

LevelofConst r ai nt

Char act er i st i c Ni lorMi nor St or mwat err unon

Sur f acewat er sset backdi st ance ( m)

Moder at e

Maj or Hi ghl i kel i hoodof i nundat i onby st or mwat err unon

Lowl i kel i hoodof st or mwat err unon

Pl ent i f ulveget at i on wi t hheal t hygr owt h andgoodpot ent i al f ornut r i entupt ake

Soi lDr ai nage ( Fi el dHandbook def i ni t i ons)

Wel ldr ai ned. Moder at el ywel l Poor l y/ Ver y dr ai ned.Wat er poor l ydr ai ned. Wat err emoved f r om t hesoi l r emovedsomewhat Wat err emai nsat r eadi l y,excess sl owl yi nr el at i ont o orneart he f l owsdownwar d. suppl y,s ome sur f acef ormos t Somehor i zons hor i zonsmayr emai n oft heyear ,st r ong mayr emai nwetf or wetf oraweekor gl eyi ng.Al l sever aldaysaf t er mor eaf t eraddi t i on hor i zonswetf or sever almont hs <0. 8 0. 8-2 >2

Emer sonCl ass Gl eyi ng

4,5,6,8 Ni l

Li mi t edvar i et yof veget at i on



RockFr ag.( si ze& vol%)




Soi lDept ht oRock orot her i mper meabl el ayer

>1. 5m

1. 5–1m


Hi ghl yor Moder at el y st r uct ur ed

Weakl ys t r uct ur ed

Wat er t abl eDept h ( m)bel ow t hebase oft heLAA

3. 0-1. 5

Ni l lorMi nor

Moder at e

0. 2

Ni l lorMi no


Ni l lorMi no

Someevi denceof Pr edomi nant gr eeni shgr ey/bl ack gr eeni shgr ey/ orbl ui shgr ey/bl ack bl ack,bl ui shgr ey soi lcol our s /bl ackcol our s

4. 5-8

Soi lPer meabi l i t y ( Ksat )( m/ d)

Ni l lorMi no

Spar se veget at i onorno veget at i on

pH( f avour ed r angef orpl ant s)

Soi lSt r uct ur e ( pedal i t y)


Set backdi st ance Compl i es Ni l lorMi no notcompl i eswi t h EPA891. 3

Set backdi st ance f compl i eswi t hEPA 891. 3

Veget at i on cover ageovert he si t e

El ect r i cal Conduct i vi t y ( ECe)( dS/ m)asa

Resul t

<4. 5,>8

1. 5-0. 5

Ni l lorMi no

5. 0

Ni l lorMi no

Ni l lorMi no 4. 0m

Ni l lorMi no

St r uct ur el es s, Moder at eNi l lorMi no Massi veor har dpan >3. 0

0. 17

Maj or

<0. 5 >2m

2–1. 5m

<1. 5m


Ni l lorMi no

AssessedLevelofConst r ai ntf orSi t e( ALCS) :Maj or Par tofes t r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

B3. 0Wat er&Nut r i entBal anc B3. 1Si t eAssessmentDat a Si ngl eDwel l i ng-Onsi t eTankSuppl y Pr oposedSi t eUse: NoofBedr ooms: 5Bedr ooms( +1) Ot herRoomsSt udy Ef f l uentDi schar geperDay:

d 750L/

Si t eSl ope:10%20%

Ef f l uentNConcent r at i onperDay: 30mg/ L

Soi lType:Si l t yCLAY

Ef f l uentPConcent r at i onperDay: 10 mg/ L

KsatRat e: 11. 9x10-3cm/ mi n

Rai nf al lRecor dSi t e:Shor eham

Coef f i ci entofRunof f( Cp) :0. 21

MeanMont hl yRai nf al l Evapot r anspi r at i onCr opType:Domes t i cGar den&Lawn

B3. 2Wat erBal ance Maxi mum Dai l yDi schar geVol umeCapaci t y( perm2) :

171L/ d. m2

( Fr om ofKsatPer meabi l i t y )

Al l owabl eDai l yDi schar geVol umeCapaci t y( perm2)f or : wat erbal ancet abl e

5 L/ d. m2

EPA( vi c)

Tabl eB3. 1 Wat erBal ance

Wat erBal anceTabl e-Secondar yTr eat mentSyst em Par amet er s

mm/ mont h










Evapor at i on( Cl assAPan)










Rai nf al l










1Cp 0. 79

0. 79

0. 79

0. 79

0. 79

0. 79

0. 79

Kc 0. 80

0. 80

0. 80

0. 70

0. 70

Ret ai nedRai nf al lCoef Cr opFact or

0. 70

0. 79













0. 79

0. 79

0. 79

0. 79

0. 70

0. 70

0. 70

0. 80

0. 80

0. 80

Out put s Evapot r anspi r at i on Per col at i onRat e













































































55. 3

55. 3

24. 1

2. 1

11. 1

16. 1

39. 1








Tot al I nput s Ret ai nedRai nf al l Ef f l uent Tot al

St or age


Ar eaf or di scharge

163. 1137. 4

91. 1 115. 1126. 1

2 m




Requi r edEf f l uentDi schar geAr eaf orWat erBal ance:




235m 2

Ref ert oSect i onB7. 0f orexpl anat i onsoncal cul at i onsshownabove

Par tofes t r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngs er vi ces


Repor tNo: S18067.

es t r uctGeot echni cal

B3. 3Ef f l uentDi schar geCapaci t yRequi r ement s Nomi nat edEf f l uentDi schar geSyst em: 600Wi c kTr enc h&1000Bed Dai l y Di schar geVol umeCapaci t y( perm2) :

5L/ d

( Tabl eB5. 1)

Mi ni mum Ar eaRequi r edf orDai l yDi schar ge: Tot alEf f l uentDi schar gePi peLengt h Requi r ed:

400 m2 250 m

Tabl eB3. 2 Opt i onsf orWast ewat erManagementSyst ems Tabl e2 Onsi t ewast e wat ermanagementopt i onsf orsewer ed&unse wer edar eas( EPAPub891. 32013)

Ref ert oSect i onB7. 0f orexpl anat i onsoncal cul at i onsshownabove

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

B3. 4Nut r i entBal anc Tabl eB3. 3 Nut r i entBal ance

Nut r i entBal anceTabl e-Secondar yTr eat mentSyst em

Pr i mar yHydr aul i cl oad: Pr i mar yEf f l uentNConcent r at i on:

Cr opNUpt ake:

%l osst oSoi lpr ocesses:

Secondar yTr eat ment :

Tot alNl osst oSoi l :

Mi nAr eaReq:

Kg/ ha/ yr Kg/ yr

AnnualNLosst oSoi l : Ef f l uentPConcent r at i on: Desi gnl i f eofSyst em: AnnualNLoad:

Kg/ yr


Ni t r ogen( N) :

Cr opPUpt ake:

Kg/ ha/ yr

Psor pt i on:

Kg/ ha/ yr

Tot alCr opPcapaci t y:

Kg/ ha/ yr

Secondar yTreat ment :

Kg/ yr

Mi nPUpt akeAr ea

Nomi nat edLAAsi ze:

62 m2

Phosphor us( P) : 164 m2 Mi ni mum Ar ea: 164 m2


Pr edi ct edNExpor tf rom LAA:

Kg/ yr

Pr edi ct edPExpor tf r om LAA:

Kg/ yr

Mi ni mum buf f err equi r edf or excessnut r i ent s:


Nomi nat edLAAsi ze: DayPLoad:

Kg/ day

Phosphor ousoverl i f esyst em:


DayUpt ake:

Kg/ day

Phosphor ousCr opupt akel i f e:

Kg/ m2

AssumedPsor pt i oncapaci t y:

Kg/ m2

( 50% Fai l ur e)Psor pt i oncapaci t y:

Kg/ m2

Phosphor ousabsor bt i on50yr s:

Kg/ m2

Si t ePsor pt i oncapaci t y:


Est i mat edAnnualPr at e: whi chequal st o:

PLoadt obesor bed:

Kg/ yr Kg/ day

Kg/ yr

B3. 5Mi ni mum Ef f l uentDi schar geAr ea Mi ni mum Ar eaRequi r edf orWat erBal ance:235 m2 Mi ni mum Ar eaRequi r edf orDai l yDi schar ge:400m2 Mi ni mum Ar eaRequi r edf orNut r i entBal ance:164 m2 Mi ni mum Ar eaf orEf f l uentDi schar ge:400m2

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

B4. 0Si t eWast ewat erSyst em B4. 1Wast ewat erTr eat mentUni t Fi gB4. 1 Wast ewat erTr eat mentSyst em

Syst em Name:Sept i cSy st emsAust r al i aEnvi r osep2000 TypeofRes i dent i al Sec ondar yWas t ewat erTr eat mentSy st em ( EPAPr ocess:CA125/ 14) Tr eat mentUni t

SandFi l t er

Hydr aul i cLoadCapaci t y:

day 2000 L/

Di schar geRequi r ed:

L/ day


500 g/ day


L/ day

5dayBi ochemi calOxygen Demand( BOD5)-Cl ay:

20 mg/ L

Requi r edDoseAr ea:

Tot alDesol vedSol i ds-Cl ay:

30 mg/ L

Lengt h:


5dayBi ochemi calOxygen Demand( BOD5)-Sand: Tot alDesol vedSol i ds-Sand:

L 20 mg/

Wi dt h:


E.col i : Resi dualChl or i ne: Uni tPower :

30mg/ L

SandFi l t erAr ea:

u/ 100ml 10cf

Dept h:


m2 1. 3m

2. 00mg/ L 753Wat t s

Uni tnomi nat edi sf orspec i f i cat i onpur posesonl y .Anyuni tt hatmeet sc ur r entEPA( vi c )acc r edi t at i onwi t h abovespec i f i cat i onsmay beuse d.Ref e rt oEPAwebsi t ese ct i onf orl i stofEPAendor s edse condar yt r eat ment uni t s.Re f ert omanuf act ur er ' ss peci f i cat i onsf ors pec i f i cr equi r eme nt s.

Par tofes t r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngs er vi ces


Repor tNo: S18067.

es t r uctGeot echni cal

B4. 2Ef f l uentDi schar geSyst em Speci f i cat i on B4. 2. 1Ef f l uentDi schar geSpeci f i cat i on Fi gB4. 2Di schar geSyst em

600Wi c kTr enc h&1000Bed

B4. 2. 2Accept abl eVeget at i onPl ant i ngwi t hi nEf f l uentFi el d Tabl eB4. 3Accept abl eVeget at i onPl ant i ng

Acc ept abl eVeget at i onf orTr anspi r at i onBeds-CommonNames St i c kyWat t l e

Commonf i s hbonef er n

My r t l ewat t l e

Commons pi k er ush

Cr i msonbot t l ebr us h

Ger ani um

Wool l yt eat r ee

Heder as

Tot empol es

Hydr angeas

Swamppaper bar k

Tal lwheatgr as s

Sal tpaper bar k

St r awber r yWhi t ecl over

Fl ower i ngt amar i sk

Per enni alr ye


Pr ai r i egr as s

War ni ng-Thepl ant i ngofv eget at i ons uchasf r ui tt r ees,v eget abl es &her bs ,shoul dnotbedoneasi tmayr es ul ti npoi soni ngor deseaset r ansmi ss i ont oHumans,Pet s&Li v est ock .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

B4. 3Wast ewat erSyst em Pl an Fi gB4. 4Wast ewat erSyst em LayoutPl an

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

B4. 5Wast ewat erEf f l uentAr eaSi t ePl an Fi gB4. 5Wast ewat erSyst em Si t ePl an

NOTTO SCALE Par tofes t r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngs er vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

es t r uctGeot echni cal

B5. 0Subsur f aceWast ewat erI r r i gat i onSyst ems B5. 1Soi lAbsor pt i onTr enchI r r i gat i onDesi gnRequi r ement s Absor pt i ont r enc hesf orpr i mar yt r eat edef f l uentshoul dbedesi gnedf orSandSi l t s ,Si l t s Cl ay eysi l t si nacc or danc ewi t hmont hl ywat erbal anc e andt hedes i gnl oadi ngr at es( DLR) i nTabl eB1. 5.Ev ent houghef f l uentwi l li nf i l t r at et hr ought hesi dewal l soft het r enc h,as wel last hebase,t het r enchl oadi ngonl ys houl dus et hebas eoft het r encht ocal cul at et he appl i c at i onar ea. Abs or pt i ont r enc hesshoul dnotbeusedi nGr av el sandSands&ver ySandySi l t s[ unl ess t hes oi ldoesnothav eahi ghper chedorseasonal ( wi nt er )wat er t abl e]duet ot hehi gh i nf i l t r at i onr at esofwas t ewat ert hatcanc ar r ypat hogens ,sal t sandnut r i ent st ot he gr oundwat er .I ti snotr ec ommendedt hatt r enchesar ei nst al l edi nDi s per si veCl ays . Howev er ,wher eanLCAhasbeenc onduct edi nacc or danc ewi t ht heModel LCARepor t [ MAV DSE2006( asamended) ]pr oc edur esandt hi sCode,abs or pt i ont r enc hesmaybe pr opos edf orSandyCl aysi fas ust ai nabl emanagementpr ogr am i sconsi der edf eas i bl e. Dependi ngont hesoi l t ype,t r enc hspaci ngsf r om s i dewal l t os i dewal l wi l l var ybet ween1 m( f orsandysi l t s )and2m ( f orcl ayeys oi l s) ,andmaybegr eat erwher er equi r ed.The mi ni mum s pac i ngof1m i si nac cor dancewi t hAS/ NZS1547andot herSt at er egul at i ons. Themax i mum t r enchl engt hf oragr avi t y-f l owt r enc hi s30m andt hebaseofal lt r enches mus tbel ev el .Landmustbeal l oc at edf oradupl i cat eabsor pt i ont r enc har ea[knownas t he‘ r eser vear ea’ ,whi c hc anbeut i l i s edi ft hei ni t i al l andappl i cat i onar eaf ai l sormor e t r enchesar er equi r edwhent hehous ei sex t endedoragr oundwat ers pr i ngi sf oundi nt he vi ci ni t ywhi c hwi l l i mpedet hepr operf unct i oni ngoft het r ench. Nei t hersoi labsor pt i ont r enc hes / bedsorpr i mar yt r eat edef f l uents houl dbeusedi nsands andgr avel sunl es st hes oi l doesnothav eahi ghper chedoras eas onal ( wi nt er ) wat er t abl e.Thebes tpr act i ceappl i c at i onsy st emsf orsandsandgr av el sar es ur f ac es pr ay i r r i gat i on,subs ur f acedr i pi r r i gat i on,moundsandWi ckTr ench&BedSys t ems

B5. 2Dr i pI r r i gat i on I r r i gat i onsy st emsi ncr eas eev apot r anspi r at i oni nt heshal l owt ops oi l l ayerofal and appl i c at i onar ear at hert hanr epl yi ngf ul l yonhy dr aul i cs eepagei nt hesubsoi l .Themost f av our edmet hodcur r ent l yi ss hal l ows ubs ur f ac edr i pi r r i gat i ons ys t em.Ef f l uentqual i t yf or shal l owsubs ur f ac edr i pi r r i gat i ons ys t emsshal l beofas econdar yt r eat ments t andar dand whent est edshal l compl ywi t ht hef ol l owi ng: Ni net yperc entoft est i ngs ampl ess hal lhaveaBOD5 l esst hanorequalt o20g/ m3wi t h nos ampl egr eat ert han30g/ m3;andni net ypercentoft ests ampl esshal l hav eTSSl es s t hanorequal t o30g/ m3wi t hnosampl egr eat ert han45g/ m3. Opt i mum per f or manc ef r om dr i pi r r i gat i onsy st emsi sobt ai nedus i ngef f l uenthav i nga secondar yef fuentqual i t yofBOD5:15g/ m 3andTSS15ofg/ m3orbet t er .Some r egul at or yaut hor i t i esr equi r et hatsecondar yef f l uentappl i edt ocover eds ur f ac edr i p sy st emst obedi si nf ect edpr i ort oappl i cat i on. Shal l ows ubs ur f ac edr i psy st emss hal lbei ns t al l edata100–150mm dept hi nt o150t o250 mm oft ops oi l i ngr ass edorot hersui t abl yv eget at edar eas.Sec ondar yt r eat edef f l uentshal l bedi st r i but edf r om as ys t em ofpr es sur ec ompensat i ngdr i pemi t t er si nt ot het opsoi ll ay er .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

Al l i r r i gat i onsy st emss hal l bedes i gnedt oensur et hatef f l uenti snotappl i edatr at eswhi c h ex ceedt heabsor pt i onc apaci t yoft hesoi l .Car eshal lbet ak ent oens ur et hatt he appl i c at i onr at edoesnotl eadt o:Adver s eef f ect sons oi lpr oper t i esandpl antgr owt h t hr oughexc es ss al tacc umul at i oni nt her ootzonedur i ngex t endeddr yper i ods ;Har mf ul l ongt er m envi r onment alef f ec t st ot hesoi l oft hel andappl i cat i onsy st em ort headj ac ent sur f acewat erandgr oundwat er ;orI ncr easedr i s kt opubl i cheal t hf r om sur f ac epondi ngi n t hel andappl i c at i onar eaorchannel l i n gors eepagebeyondt hel andappl i c at i onar ea.

Tabl eB5. 1 RecommendedDesi gnLoadi ngRat es( DLR)f orSubsur f aceI r r i gat i on Soi lText ur e

Absor pt i onTr enches( L/ d. m2) Pr i mar y Ef f l uent

Secondar y Ef f l uent

Dr i pper I r r i gat i on ( L/ d. m2)

Wi ck&BedTr enches ( l / d. m2) Pr i mar y Secondar y Ef f l uent Ef f l uent

Gr avel s&Sands


















Cl ayLoams



3. 5



Li ghtCl ays

4* *



4* *


Medi um t oHeavy Cl ays

4* *



4* *


* Maybeusedwher ehi ghwat ert abl edoesnotexi st( >2m dept h) * * Rat eadopt edt omi ni mi s esoi ls at ur at i ondur i ngWi nt ermont hs

B5. 3Set backDi st ances Set bac kdi st ancesf r om LAAsar er equi r edt ohel ppr eventhumanc ont act ,mai nt ai npubl i c ameni t yandpr ot ec ts ens i t i v eenv i r onment s.Tabl eB3. 2pr ovi desbuf f erzones mi ni mum di s t ancesf oral lef f l uentf i el ds.

Tabl eB5. 2 RecommendedSet backs Landscapef eat ur eorSt r uct ur e

Set backDi st ance( m) Pr i mar y

Secondar y

Upsl opePot abl e&NonPot abl eBor es( Cl ayeysoi l sonl y)



Upsl opeWat er cour s esorWat erf eat ur est hatar ef ornonpot abl euse





Upsl opeofBui l di ngsorPr oper t yBoundar y


1. 5

Upsl opef r om Cut t i ngs( >1. 5m)



Upsl opef r om swi mmi ngpool s.

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

B5. 4SandFi l t erDesi gnSpeci f i cat i ons Sandf i l t er sshal l bedesi gnedt omeetEPA( Vi c)publ i c at i on500.Dos ager at esmus tnot ex ceedt hef ol l owi ngt abl e. Tabl eB5. 4 SandFi l t erRecommendedDosageRat es TypeofWast ewat erbei ngTr eat ed

Maxi mum DosageRat e,L/ m2. day 50

Sept i cTankEf f l uent Fi gB5. 5SandFi l t erDesi gnCal cul at i on

Sandf i l t erAr eaRequi r ed=

Maxi mum Dai l yDi schar ge Al l owabl eDosageRat e

B6. 0Met eor ol ogi calI nf or mat i on Tabl eB6. 1Met eor ol ogi calSt at i onDat a Rai nf al lRecor dSi t e:Shor eham BOM*St at i onNo:086105

Lat i t ude:$38. 43

Recor dLengt h:91 Mont h

Longt i t ude:$145. 04

MeanRai nf al l ( mm/ mont h)

90%i l eRai nf al l ( mm/ mont h)

MeanPanEvapor at i on ( mm/ mont h)

Januar y:




Febr uar y:




Mar ch:




Apr i l :












Jul y:




August :




Sept ember :




Oct ober :




November :




December :




Year :




1i n10YearARI :

26mm/ hr( 60mi nSt or m)

Al lmet eor ol ogi caldat aobt ai nedf or m* Bur eauofMet eor ol ogy( Aust . )websi t e www. bom. gov. au

B7. 0AssessmentCal cul at i onMet hodol ogy B7. 1KsatFor mul at i onf orconst antheadPer meamet er I naconst antheadt es t ,t hewat ert hatr unsoutofanunl i nedt es thol ei nt hegr oundi s r epl eni s hedatt hesamer at ef r om ar eser v oi r ,sot hatt heheadofwat eri nt hehol e r emai nst hes ame.Thel os sofwat erf r om t her es er v oi ri smeasur edovert i meanda mat hemat i calmodeli susedt oc al c ul at et hesat ur at eds oi l per meabi l i t y ,Ks at,f r om t he measur ement( Ref ert oTabl eB7. 2) . Par tofes t r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngs er vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

es t r uctGeot echni cal

I ft hedept hSt oani mper meabl el ayeri sl esst han2Ht henconsi der at i onf ort hecapabi l i t y oft hes i t et obeusedf orons i t ewast ewat erdi s char geshoul dbedone.Al t er nat i v e met hodsshoul dbeadopt edi npr ef er enc et ot hi ssy st em.Ani mper meabl el ay eri sdef i ned asal ayerhav i ngper meabi l i t yl es st han10% oft headj ac ent( ov er l yi ng)l ayer . Fi gB7. 1 KsatFor mul at i onf orconst antheadPer meamet er

Q=3. 1412xrxdr t dr :Levelchangei nr eser voi r t :Ti met akenf orLevel changei nr eser voi r

B7. 2Wat erBal anceFor mul at i on

Tabl eB7. 2 Evapot r anspi r at i onCr opFact or s Evapt r anspi r at i onCropFact or( Kc)

Veget at i onCover ( bycr ownar ea)



Mar Apr May


Jul Aug





Past ur e

0. 70 0. 70

0. 70 0. 60 0. 50 0. 45 0. 40 0. 45 0. 55

0. 65

0. 70

0. 70

Mat ur eTr ees*

1. 00

1. 00

1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00 1. 00

1. 00

1. 00

1. 00

1. 00

Past ur e&10%Mat ur eTrees*

0. 73

0. 73

0. 73 0. 64 0. 54 0. 51 0. 46 0. 51


0. 69

0. 73

0. 73

Past ur e&20%Mat ur eTrees*

0. 76

0. 76

0. 76 0. 68 0. 60 0. 56 0. 52 0. 56

0. 64

0. 72

0. 76

0. 76

Past ur e&30%Mat ur eTrees*

0. 79

0. 79

0. 79 0. 72 0. 65 0. 62 0. 58 0. 62

0. 69

0. 76

0. 79

0. 79

Past ur e&40%Mat ur eTrees*

0. 82 0. 82

0. 82 0. 76 0. 70 0. 67 0. 64 0. 67 0. 73

0. 79

0. 82

0. 82

Past ur e&50%Mat ur eTrees*

0. 85 0. 85

0. 85 0. 80 0. 75 0. 73 0. 70 0. 73 0. 78

0. 83

0. 85

0. 85

Domest i cGar den&Lawn

0. 80 0. 80

0. 80 0. 70 0. 70 0. 70 0. 70 0. 70 0. 70

0. 80

0. 80

0. 80

Commer ci alLandscapi ng

0. 80 0. 80

0. 80 0. 70 0. 70 0. 70 0. 70 0. 70 0. 70

0. 80

0. 80

0. 80

* Eucal ypt usTr ees

Fi gB7. 3 Coef f i ci entofRunof ff orPer meabl eAr eas

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

Tabl eB7. 4 Ef f l uentDi schar geCal cul at i on Tot alEf f l uentDi schar ge/ Day= ( NoofBedr ooms+1)xEf f l uent / Per son. day* * SeeTabl eA2. 2ForDesi gnLoadi ngRat es

Tabl eB7. 5 Wat erBal anceCal cul at i onMet hodol ogy Par amet er s

mm/ mont h

Evapor at i on( Cl assAPan) Rai nf al l

For mul at i on

Sym E R 1Cp

Ret ai nedRai nf al lCoef Cr opFact or

1Cof f i ci entofRunof f( Per meabl ear eas)


Out put s Evapot r anspi r at i on Per col at i onRat e ( Pr i mary)


ExKc Desi gnI r r i gat i onRat exDays

Tot al


I nput s Ret ai nedRai nf al l


Ef f l uent( Pr i mar y)


Rx( 1C) ( Wast ewat erDesi gnFl owxDays)/L

Tot al


St orage


Ar eaf ordi schar ge m2

( RR+W)-( ET+B)


Tabl eB7. 6 Ef f l uentPi peLengt hCal cul at i on Absor pt i on&Wi ck&BedTr enchDi schar ge Tot alPi peLengt hRequi r ed=

Ef f l uentRat e

DLRxDi schar geTr enchWi dt h

Dr i pperPi peDi schar ge Tot alPi peLengt hRequi r ed=Requi r edEf f l uentAr ea 1dr i pperperm2

B8. 0Tr eat mentofSodi csoi l s B8. 1Sodi ci t y Sodi ci t yi sat er m gi vent odef i net heamountofsoi di um f oundi nagi vens oi l .Sodi um i n soi lc anr eac twi t hc l aypar t i c l esandcausedi s per si on( orunbi ndi ng)i nt hepr es enc eof wat er .Thi scanl eadt oer osi onoft hecl ays oi l swhi c hov ert i mewi l l causef ai l ur eoft he wast ewat ers y st em.

B8. 2Tr eat i ngSodi cSoi l s Ac ommont r eat mentf ors odi cs oi l si st heappl i cat i onofGyps um.Gypsum cont ai ns Cal c i um Sul phat et hatr epl ac est heSodi um andst opsi tr eac t i ngwi t ht heCl ay.Per i odi c Tr eat mentoft hesoi lar oundt heef f l uentf i el dwi l lmi ni mi set hi spr obl em.Dos ager at es appr opr i at ef ory ours i t eshoul dbeobt ai nedf r om y ourl ocal Counci l . Tabl eB8. 1 Gypsum DosageRat esf orSodi cSoi lTr eat ment Per i od 1year

Appl i edWat erDept h 60cm

Dosage 250g/ m2

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo: S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

B9. 0Si t ePhot oDescr i pt i on Fi gB9. 1Si t ePhot o1

Exi st i ngdwel l i ng

Fi gB9. 2Si t ePhot o2

Exi st i ngGar age

Par tofes t r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngs er vi ces


Repor tNo: S18067.

es t r uctGeot echni cal

Fi gB9. 3Si t ePhot o3

Vi ew t owar df r ontboundar y

Fi gB9. 4Si t ePhot o4

Vi ew t owar dr earboundar y

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

es t r uctGeot echni cal

Fi gB9. 5Si t ePhot o5

Vi ew t owar dl ef tboundar y

Fi gB9. 6Si t ePhot o6

Vi ewt owar dr i ghtboundar y

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal

Appendi xC

TestDat e 10/ 06/ 16

C1. 0TestSi t es Tabl e C1. 1 TestSi t e1 Dept h Hor zn ( mm)

TestEqui pment : 100mm HandAuger

Soi lPr of i l eDescr i pt i on

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal TestDat e 10/ 06/ 16

Tabl e C1. 2 TestSi t e2 Dept h Hor zn ( mm)

TestEqui pment : 100mm HandAuger

Soi lPr of i l eDescr i pt i on

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal TestDat e 10/ 06/ 16

Tabl e C1. 3 TestSi t e3 Dept h Hor zn ( mm)

TestEqui pment : 100mm HandAuger

Soi lPr of i l eDescr i pt i on

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18067.

est r uctGeot echni cal TestDat e 12/ 04/ 16

Tabl e C1. 4 TestSi t e4 Dept h Hor zn ( mm)

TestEqui pment : 100mm Mechani calAuger

Soi lPr of i l eDescr i pt i on

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