Sample Res Perc report

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POBox7095,Kar i ngal3199 1300ESTRUCT( 378782) mai l @est r uct . com. au Soi lTest i ng

Dr ai nageSi t eAssessment s Feat ure/LevelSur veys LRM Assessment s

BAL Assessment s

LCATest i ng

Geot echni calI nvest i gat i onRepor t Resi dent i al( Ksat )Per col at i onRepor t Repor tNo:S18015. Pr oposedResi dence Si t eAddr ess:2Knol l sLane,Si l van

Ks atPer meabi l i t yhasbeenass es sedi naccor danc ewi t hAS15472012. Thi sSi t ehasbeendet er mi nedt ohav eaMedi um s oi l per meabi l i t yandi sconsi der ed s ui t abl ef orons i t est or mwat erdi sc har ge.Thi sSi t ehasbeendet er mi nedt ohav eas oi l per meabi l i t yt hati sconsi der edsui t abl ef oronsi t ewast ewat erdi sc har ge( subj ec tt o meet i ngLandCapabi l i t yAss ess mentCr i t er i a) .

ABushf i r eAt t ackLevel ( BAL)as ses smenthasnotbeeni nc l udedaspar toft hi sr epor t

ForRegi onAwi ndr egi ont hesi t ehasbeendet er mi nedt ohaveawi ndc l as si f i c at i onof N2.Ul t i mat el i mi ts t at edesi gnwi ndspeedi s40m/ s . Ksat-Per meabi l i t yTest i ngi naccor dancewi t hAS15472012f orsat ur at edsoi lcondi t i ons

Dat e:09/ 02/ 2016 Thi sr epor tconsi st sof 18pagesandmustber epr oducedi nf ul l .I fyoudonothaveaf ul lcopyoft her epor tpl easecont actt hi sof f i ce.

Gr eat erMel bour ne

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Regi onalVi ct or i a

Repor tNo:Repor tNo:S18015.

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1. 0Tabl eofCont ent s 2. 0Cl i entDet ai l s 3. 0Ref er ences 4. 0Pr oposedSi t eConst r uct i on

Page3 Page3 Page3

5. 0Si t eI nf or mat i on 5. 1Si t eDescr i pt i on 5. 2Wi ndZoneI nf or mat i on 5. 3Bushf i r eAt t ackLevel( BAL) 5. 4Sl opeSt abi l i t y 6. 0Si t eGeol ogi calDescr i pt i on 7. 0Si t eI nv est i gat i onPr ocedur e

Page3 Page3 Page3 Page3 Page3 Page3 Page4

8. 0Abnor malSoi lCondi t i ons 9. 0Gr oundWat er / Dr ai nageCondi t i ons 10. 0Si t ePer col at i onCl assi f i cat i on 11. 0Per col at i onTest i ng 12. 0Fl oodHazar dAr eaRequi r ement s 12. 1Fl oodHazar dAr eaAssessment 12. 2Fl oodHazar dAr eaAssessmentLi mi t at i on

Page4 Page4 Page4 Page4 Page5 Page5 Page5 Page5

13. 0Gener alRecommendat i ons&Condi t i ons Appendi xA A1. 0Repor tTer ms&Condi t i ons A2. 0Met hodol ogyofPer col at i ont est i ngandassessment A2. 1Met hodol ogyofSt or mwat erPer col at i ont est i ngandassessmen A2. 2Met hodol ogyofWast ewat erPer col at i ont est i ngandassessmen A3. 0Mai nt enanceofOnsi t eSt or mwat erSy st ems A4. 0KsatFor mul at i onf orcons t antheadPer meamet er A5. 0Const antHeadPer meamet er Appendi xB

Page7 Page7 Page7 Page7 Page8 Page8

B1. 0Si t eSoi lI nvest i gat i onDescr i pt i on B2. 0Si t ePhot oDescr i pt i on

Page9 Page10 Page11 Page11 Page12

Appendi xC C1. 0TestSi t es

Page15 Page15

1. 1Tabl e&Fi gur eCont ent s Tabl e11. 1KsatPer meabi l i t yResul t s Tabl e11. 2-KsatSoi lPer meabi l i t ySummar y Tabl eA2. 1 Gener alDef i ni t i onsofKsatPer meabi l i t yf orSt or mwat er Tabl eA2. 2 Gener alDef i ni t i onsofKsatPer meabi l i t yf orWast ewat er Fi gA4. 1 KsatFor mul at i onf orconst antheadPer meamet er Fi gA5. 1 Const antHeadPer meamet er Fi gB1. 1Si t eSoi lSket ch Fi gB2. 1Si t ePhot o1 Fi gB2. 2Si t ePhot o2 Fi gB2. 3Si t ePhot o3 Fi gB2. 4Si t ePhot o4 Fi gB2. 5Si t ePhot o5 Fi gB2. 6Si t ePhot o6 Tabl eC1. 1TestSi t e1 Tabl eC1. 2TestSi t e2 Tabl eC1. 3TestSi t e3 Tabl eC1. T e s t S i t e4 4

Page4 Page4 Page7 Page8 Page9 Page10 Page11 Page12 Page12 Page13 Page13 Page14 Page14 Page15 Page16 Page17 Page18

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2. 0Cl i entI nf or mat i on R&SDewi t 57Wi s emanRoad Si l van 3795

3. 0Ref er ences Nat i onalConst r uc t i onCode2015 , Vol ume2,Sect i on3. 2. 4 AS2870-2011 Resi dent i alSl absandFoot i ngs AS1289. 0-2000Met hodsoft es t i ngsoi l sf orengi neer i ngpur poses-Gener al r equi r ement s andl i s tofmet hod AS1547-2012Onsi t edomest i cwast ewat ermanagement AS1726-1993Geot ec hni cal i nv est i gat i ons Depar t mentofPr i mar yI ndust r yVi c t or i a-Geol ogi calMaps EPA891. 3-CodeofPr ac t i c eOnsi t eWast ewat erManagement Googl eMaps( www. maps . googl e. c om. au) NearMaps( www. near maps. c om. au)

4. 0Pr oposedSi t eConst r uct i on I ti spr oposedt oconst r uc tanewr esi dent i aldwel l i ngont hesi t e.Si t ei swi t hi nt he muni c i pal i t yofYar r aRangesShi r eCounc i l .I ti swi t hi naGr eenWedgeAZone1( GWZA1) ar ea.I ti ssubj ec tt ot hef ol l owi ngTownPl anni ngOver l ay s:EMO,SLO.I ti swi t hi na

5. 0Si t eI nf or mat i on 5. 1Si t eDescr i pt i on Ani nv est i gat i onoft hesi t edet er mi nedt hati twasocc upi edbyanex i s t i ngr es i dent i al dwel l i ng.Thes i t ewasl oc at edi nSoi lCl i mat eZone2( Hs=1. 8)-AS28702011,Appendi x D.I twasf oundt hatt hesi t eandadj oi ni ngsi t escont ai nedanumberoft r eesr angi ngt o12 met r esi nhei ght .Ref ert ot heac company i ngs ket chf orappr oxi mat el ocat i ons .

5. 2Wi ndZoneI nf or mat i ForRegi onAwi ndr egi ont hes i t ehasbeendet er mi nedt ohav eawi ndcl ass i f i cat i onofN2. Ul t i mat el i mi ts t at edesi gnwi nds peedi s40m/ s .

5. 3Bushf i r eAt t ackLevel( BAL) ABushf i r eAt t ac kLevel ( BAL)as ses smenthasnotbeeni nc l udedaspar toft hi sr epor t

5. 4Sl opeSt abi l i t y I twasf oundt hatt hesi t es l opedgener al l y,moder at el yt ot hesout h.Sl opeSt abi l i t yofsi t e doesnotneedt obecons i der edorf ur t herass ess mentnotr equi r ed.

6. 0Si t eGeol ogi calDescr i pt i on Anal y s i soft hesoi lpr of i l eenc ount er edwi t hi nt het es tbor ehol eswasf oundt obet hef ol l owi n Ter t i ar y

I gneous

Ext r us i ve


Ref er enc et oGeol ogi c alSur v eyMapsi ndi c at et hatt hi ssoi lpr of i l ei scons i s t entwi t ht hat f oundwi t hi nt hatr ef er enc es our c e.

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7. 0Si t eI nvest i gat i onPr ocedur e Thes i t egeot echn i cal i nv est i gat i onwasper f or med,cons i st i ngof4t est hol es.A Per meamet erwast heni ns t al edi n t o3hol es .Appr ox i mat el ocat i onsoft h eset esthol esar e i n di c at edont heat t achedsk et c hpl an.

8. 0Abnor malSi t eCondi t i ons Abnor mal moi st ur econdi t i onswer ef ou ndt obeex i st i ngont h esi t e. Thi si sdu et oex i st i ng t r eeswi t hi noradj acentt ot hesi t ewh i c hcoul dl eadt osoi l mov ementgr eat ert h anst andar d cl assi f i c at i onsev eni ft het r eesar er emoved. Ref ert oSec12.

9. 0Gr oundWat er / Dr ai nageCondi t i ons Assessmentoft hesi t ehasd et er mi n edt hatsu r f ac ed r ai n ag ewi l l bef ai r .Subs oi l dr ai nage wi l l bef ai rdu et on on cohesi v en at ur eofsoi l .Nowat ert abl ewasenc oun t er ed.

10. 0Si t ePer col at i onCl assi f i cat i on Thi sSi t ehasbeend et er mi n edt ohav eaMedi umsoi l per meabi l i t yandi sconsi der edsu i t abl e f oron si t est or mwat erdi sch ar ge.Thi sSi t ehasbeend et er mi n edt ohav eas oi l per meab i l i t y t hati scon si d er edsui t abl ef oronsi t ewast ewat erdi s char ge( s ubj ect t omeet i n gLand Cap ab i l i t yAssess mentCr i t er i a) .

11. 0Per col at i onTest i ng Tabl e11. 1KsatPer meabi l i t yResul t s TestSi t eHor z n 1 B

Foundi ng Mat er i al Red/ Br ownSi l t yCLAY

dcm tmi n Qcm3/ mi n rcm Hcm Cor r ec K t s i o a n t cm/ mi n 5. 50 17 25. 41 5. 0 10. 05 4. 4 119. 3x1003



Red/ Br ownSi l t yCLAY

9. 00


44. 18

5. 0 10. 05 4. 4 207. 4x1003



Red/ Br ownSi l t yCLAY

11. 00


54. 00

5. 0 10. 05 4. 4 253. 5x1003

Ref ert oSect i onB4. 0f orKsa tCal c ul at i onSpeci f i ca t i ons

Tabl e11. 2-KsatSoi lPer meabi l i t ySummar y

Equ i v al entMi ni mumKsatPer meabi l i t yRat es: cm/ mi n 119. 3x10

m/ s 19. 9 x10

L/ day

mm/ h r

1, 718

71. 58

Theper meabi l i t yr at esdet er mi nedandt her ecommend at i onsmade,r el at epur el yt ot h e r esu l t sf r om t h econst anth eadper meamet er( r ef ert of i gur eA5. 1. )Theser esul t sdonot con si d erot herf act or snor mal l yass oc i at edwi t hal andc ap ab i l i t yassessmentandt her ef or e sh oul dnotb eusedf oranyot herpur poseot hert henf orons i t est or mwat erdesi g n.

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12. 0Fl oodHazar dAr eaRequi r ement s 12. 1Fl oodHazar dAr eaAssessment Th eass essment ofasi t et odet er mi nei fi ti sl i k el yt obeef f ect edbyaFl oodHaz ar di sbased up ondesi gnat edf l oodhaz ar dar eas.I nac cor dancewi t hCl aus e44. 04oft heVi ct or i an Pl anni ngRegu l at i ons, asi t ed esi g nat edt ohav eaSp ec i al Bui l di ngOv er l ay ,LandSu bj ectt o I nu ndat i onOv er l ayoraFl oodwayOver l ayar esi t est hat wi l l bec oi ns i der edt obeFl ood Hazar dAr eas. Fi g14. 1Fl oodHazar dAr eaPl anni ngOver l ayMap

Speci alBui l di ngOver l ay

LandSubj ectt oI nundat i on &Fl oodwayOver l ay

Fl oodwayOver l ay

12. 2Fl oodHazar dAr eaAssessmentLi mi t at i ons Th eass essment f orFl oodHaz ar dAr ea,i sbaseduponp l an ni n gov er l ayi nf or mat i onav ai l ab l e att i meofr epor t .Th i si n f or mat i onhasbeendet er mi nedi naccor d an cewi t hMel b ou r neWat er Ot h erWat erAut hor i t i esaswelasVi c t or i anMu ni c i p al i t yi nf or mat i on. Thi sassess menti sa gener al oneandi ncer t ai nci r cumst ancespl acesnotn ot edwi t h i nov er l ayar eascoul dbe deemedaFl oodHaz ar dAr ea.Wher easi t eappear st ohavel oc al i sedf l oodi ngi ssu esorhas ahi st or y( r ecent ornot )t h enFl oodHazar dAr eac on si der at i onsshoul dbei n cl ud edwi t hi nt he f oot i ngdesi g n.

13. 0Gener alRecommendat i onsandCondi t i ons Anysi t eexc av at i onordi st ur bancet hati nc l udest h er emoval ofexi st i ngst r uc t ur esandt r ees t hatex t endsami ni mumof200mm b el owt h epr oposedf oundi ngdept hoft hes t r uct ur eshoul d ber epor t edt ot hi sof f i ceasf ur t h ert est i ngmay ber eq ui r ed .Th i smayr es ul ti nac hangei nt he soi l cl assi f i c at i ongi v en.

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Thesoi l pr of i l ei l l ust r at edi sbasedupont hepr of i l ef oundwi t hi nt hebor ehol est ak en .I ti sa sampl eoft hesi t e, an dmayv ar yi ndept handt hi ck nessov ert hesi t e.Th ed ep t hsand p er meab i l i t yr at esar egi v enwi t ht estl ogsar egi venon l yasagui deonl y .I ft hes oi l pr of i l e enc ou nt er edonsi t easi nt h et es tl ogsf ort h i ssi t ev ar i esconsi der abl yt ot h at en count ed d ur i ngcons t r uc t i on, t hi smu stber ep or t edt ot hi sof f i ceasf ur t hert est i ngmayb er equi r ed.Thi s mayr esu l ti nachang ei nt her ecommen dat i ons . Thedescr i pt i onsoft hesoi l mat er i al encount er edi nt het esth ol escl osel yf ol l owt hoseout l i ned i nAS17261993.Col ourdescr i pt i onsmayv ar ywi t ht hesoi l moi st ur ec on t entdu et o seasonal ef f ect sandcons t r uc t i onef f ec t s.I t shoul dbenot edt her ef or e, col ou rands hade d es cr i pt i on sment i onedi nt hi sr epor tar emad ewh ent hesoi l i si namoi stcond i t i on.

JamesBl ai r B. E. ( Mech) ,MI EAust Geot echni cal ,Ener gy&Sust ai nabi l i t yManager

Chr i sRozycki B. E. ( Ci vi l ) , MI EAustCPEng, NER( C&S) , RBP( EC) , RPEQ( C&S) , AI st r uct ECEng( UK) , MAS Managi ngDi r ect orChar t er edPr of essi onal Engi neer

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Appendi xA A1. 0Repor tTer ms&Condi t i ons Thi sr epor t i spr ov i dedt ot heOwnerandt hei rCon sul t ant sf ort hei rsol euset ous easagui de f oronst ei n f i l t r at i ondesi gnan dconst r uct i oni ncomp l i anc ewi t hAS3500. Thi sr epor tc an not bet r ans f er r edt oan yot h ersi t ean dwi l l notbev al i dunl es sr epr odu cedi nf ul l .Thi sr epor t s pr i meai mi st obeus edbyBui l di ngI n dus t r yCon sul t ant sandc on st r uc t i oncont r act or sandas suchwor di n goft hi sr epor ti sai medatpeopl eoft hei rkn owl edg ean dexp er i encel ev el .Th i s r epor tdoesnotp r oposet hatt heowneri st oper f or md r ai naged es i gnorconst r uct i on t hems el v esu nl esst h eyh av esu i t abl ep r of ess i onal ex per i enc ei nt her equi r edd i s ci p l i n ei n const r uct i on.Atal l t i meswest r on gl ysug gestt hats ui t ab l yqual i f i edBui l di ngI nd ust r y pr of es si on al s( e. gPl umber s/ Bu i l d er s )beeng ag edt odoal l cons t r uct i onf ordr ai nage.

Thi sass es sment doesnotcov ert hi ngssuchasel ect r i cal andp l umb i ngasset sc on di t i on assessmen tf orexi st i ngs t r uc t ur es.Thi sr epor td oesnotcov ert hegr ad i ngoft h eex i st i ng st r u ct ur et i mb ert oas cer t ai nt i mbert y peaswel l asst r en gt hg r adef ors t r uct ur al desi gn pur p os es.Th eas sessmen toft hebr i ck wor kt od et er mi nei fi twascons t r uct edt oAust r al i an St an dar dswasnotwi t h i nt hescopeoft hi sRepor t .Theassess mentoft hecomp l i anc eoft h e exi st i ngs t r uc t ur al wal l andr ooff r ami n g,t i edowns,b r aci ngandt i mberconn ec t i onst ocur r en t Aust r al i anSt andar dsandNat i on al const r u ct i onCodei sal sonotcov er edwi t h i nt hescopeof t hi sRepor t . I fyouhaveanyqu er i esi nr el at i ont ot hec on t entoft hi sr epor t pl eas econt actt h i sof f i c epr i or t ocommen ci n ganyengi neer i ngdesi gnorcommen cementofconst r uct i onf orcl ar i f i cat i on. Thi sr epor t mus tber eadi ni t sent i r et y .Af ul l r epr odu ct i onoft hi sr epor tmustbeu t i l i sedat al l t i mes.ESt r u ctPt yLt ddoesn ot t aker esp on si bi l i t yf ordamageorl ossr esul t i ngi nt hesoi l r epor tbei ngmi su sed,al t er edori t sf ul l r ecommendat i onsar enotadopt ed .

A2. 0Met hodol ogyofPer col at i ont est i ngandassessment A2. 1Met hodol ogyofSt or mwat erPer col at i ont est i ngandassessment Theus eofsoak wel l sasamet hodofsi t est or mwat erdi s char gei si naccor d an cewi t hWat er Sen si t i v eUr banDesi gn( WSUD)s houl db ei nac cor dancewi t ht h er ec ommend at i onsoft he Vi ct or i anSt or mwat erCommi t t ee:Ur b anSt or mwat er-BestPr act i ceEnv i r onment al Man ag ementGu i d el i nesr ec ommendat i ons. Tabl eA2. 1 Gener alDef i ni t i onsofKsatPer meabi l i t yf orSt or mwat er

Per meabi l i t y

Descr i pt i on

Hi gh

Ty pi cal soi l pr of i l ei sc oar s esandswi t hmi n orsi l tcont ent . No gr ou ndwat erf ormi ni mum3mdept h .

Medi um

Ty pi cal soi l pr of i l ei sc oar s et of i nesand swi t hmoder at esi l t cont en t . Nog r oundwat erf ormi ni mum2m dept h .


Ty pi cal soi l pr of i l ei sf i nesandswi t hmoder at et ohi ghs i l t cont en t .Nogr ound wat erf ormi ni mum2m dept h.


Ty pi cal soi l pr of i l ei sf i nesandswi t hhi ghsi l torc l aycont ent . Gr ou ndwat erencoun t er edwi t h i n1mdept h.

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A2. 2Met hodol ogyofWast ewat erPer col at i ont est i ngandassessment Th eu seofv ar i ou smet h od sofon si t ewast ewat erdi sc har gei si naccor danc ewi t hAS15472012andEPAPub l i cat i on891. 3. Ther equi r ement f oraLandCapabi l i t yAssessmentf ora si t ef al l unders peci f i cMuni ci pal Counci l Regul at i ons. Ref ert oCou nci l f oron si t ewas t ewat er comp l i anc er eq ui r ement s. Tabl eA2. 2 Gener alDef i ni t i onsofSi t ePer meabi l i t yf orWast ewat er

Per meabi l i t y

Descr i pt i on

Rap i d

Typ i cal s oi l p r of i l ei scoar sesandswi t hmi norsi l tcont en t . No g r oundwat erf ormi ni mum3m dep t h.

Hi gh

Typ i cal s oi l p r of i l ei scoar set of i nes an dswi t hmod er at es i l t c on t ent . Nogr ound wat erf ormi ni mu m 2m d ep t h.

Medi um Low


Typ i cal s oi l p r of i l ei sf i nesand swi t hmoder at et ohi ghsi l t c on t ent .Nogr oun dwat erf ormi ni mu m 2m d ep t h. Typ i cal s oi l p r of i l ei sf i nesand swi t hhi ghs i l t orcl aycont ent . Gr oundwat erenc ou nt er edwi t hi n1m dept h .

A3. 0Mai nt enanceofOnsi t eDi schar geSyst ems Th emai nt en an ceofonsi t ed i s char gesy st emi st obeper f or medonar eg ul arbasi s.The i nspect i onofi n f i l t r at i onpl umbi ngs houl dbep er f or medan nual l ysoast oass es st hei rcondi t i on i nr el at i ont obl ock ag es ,si l t i ngandgener al condi t i on .Thef ol l owi ngmayl eadt oei t her si gni f i cant i n par mentorc ompl et ef ai l ur eofy ou ri n f i l t r at i onsy st em: ( a)Recentr emoval ofanexi st i ngbui l di ngorst r uct u r el i k el yt ohaves i gn i f i cant l ymodi f i edt h e s oi l moi st u r econdi t i onsanddi st u r bsoi l whi chwi l l ef f ectp er meab i l i t y . ( b)Unu sual moi st u r econdi t i onscausedb ychannel s, ponds, damsort an kswhi c har et obe mai nt ai nedorr emov edf r om t hesi t emaycr eat esat ur at edz onest h at wi l l i nhi bi t p er meabi l i t y . ( c)Ther emov al oft r eesp r i ort oconst r u ct i onl i k el yt ohav esi g ni f i cant l ymodi f i edt hesoi l moi st u r econdi t i on sanddi s t ur bsoi l whi chwi l l ef f ec ti n f i l t r at i onper f or mance. ( d)Gr owt hofex i st i ngorn ewl ypl an t edt r eest oocl oset oi nf i l t r at i ons ys t emmaycaus e s i gn i f i cantdamaged uet or oot i n gr essc au si n gdamageandbl ock ages. ( e)Ex cessi v eori r r egul arwat er i ngofgar densmaycausesat ur at i onofsoi l st hatwi l l r edu ce ef f ect i v enessofi nf i l t r at i on. ( f ) Lac kofmai n t ai nanceofpl umbi ngandi nf i l t r at i onsy st em c ou l dl eadt oex cessi v esi l t i ng , r educ i n gs i gni f i cant l yt h ei rper f or manc e.

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A4. 0KsatFor mul at i onf orconst antheadPer meamet er I ft h ed ept hSt oani mp er meabl el ayeri sl es st han2Ht h enconsi der at i onf ort hecapabi l i t yof t h esi t et ob eusedf orons i t ewast ewat erdi schar g eshoul dbedone.Al t er nat i v emet hods sh oul dbeadopt edi npr ef er enc et ot hi ssy st em. Ani mper meabl el ay eri sdef i nedasal ay er h av i ngp er meab i l i t yl esst han10% oft headj acent ( over l y i ng)l ay er . I naconst ant headt est ,t hewat ert hatr un soutofanun l i nedt esthol ei nt heg r oundi s r epl en i sh edat t hesamer at ef r om ar eser v oi r , sot hatt h eh eadofwat eri nt hehol er emai ns t h esame.Th el os sofwat erf r om t her eser v oi ri smeas ur edov ert i meandamat h emat i c al mod el i susedt oc al c ul at et hesat u r at edsoi l per meabi l i t y ,Ksat ,f r omt hemeasu r ement ( Ref ert oTabl eB7. 1) .

Fi gA4. 1 KsatFor mul at i onf orconst antheadPer meamet er

Q=3. 1412xrxdr t dr :Levelchangei nr eservoi r t :Ti met akenf orLevel changei nr eser voi r

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A5. 0Const antHeadPer meamet er Fi gA4. 2 Const antHeadPer meamet er

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Appendi xB B1. 0Si t eSket ch


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B2. 0Si t ePhot oDescr i pt i on Fi gB2. 1Si t ePhot o1

Vi ew t owar df r ontofr esi dence

Fi gB2. 2Si t ePhot o2

Vi ew t owar dr earofr esi dence

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est r uctGeot echni cal

Fi gB2. 3Si t ePhot o3

Vi ewt owar df r ontboundar y

Fi gB2. 4Si t ePhot o4

Vi ewt owar dr earboundar y

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18015.

est r uctGeot echni cal

Fi gB2. 5Si t ePhot o5

Vi ew t owar dl ef tboundar y

Fi gB2. 6Si t ePhot o6

Vi ew t owar dr i ghtboundar y

Par tofes t r uctp/ lconsul t i ngs er vi ces


Repor tNo:S18015

est r uctGeot echni cal

Appendi xC

TestDat e 29/ 01/ 16

C1. 0TestSi t es

TestEqui pment : 100mmHandAuger Tabl e C1. 1 TestSi t e1

Dept h( mm) Hor zn

KsatConst antHeadPer meamet er

Soi lPr of i l eDescr i pt i on



Cl ayeySI LTFI LL Br own Dr y

Red Or gani cs,gr assr oot s


A 400

Si l t yCLAY Br own Red Dr y TestSi t e-Ter mi nat ed

B 600

Si l t yCLAY Red Br own Dr y TestSi t e-Ter mi nat ed

Col our sshownwi t hi nbor el ogsar er epr esent i t i veonl yandmayv ar yonsi t eduet omoi st ur econt entandsoi lt yper at i os .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18015

est r uctGeot echni cal TestDat e 29/ 01/ 16 TestEqui pment : 100mmHandAuger Tabl e C1. 2 TestSi t e2

Dept h( mm) Hor zn

KsatConst antHeadPer meamet er

Soi lPr of i l eDescr i pt i on



Si l t yCLAY Br own Dr y

Red t r eer oot s




Br own


Col our sshownwi t hi nbor el ogsar er epr esent i t i veonl yandmayv ar yonsi t eduet omoi st ur econt entandsoi lt yper at i os .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18015

est r uctGeot echni cal TestDat e 29/ 01/ 16 TestEqui pment : 100mmHandAuger Tabl e C1. 3 TestSi t e3

Dept h( mm) Hor zn

KsatConst antHeadPer meamet er

Soi lPr of i l eDescr i pt i on

0 Si l t yCLAYFI LL Br own Dr y

Red Or gani cs,gr assr oot s


B 600

Si l t yCLAY Red Br own Dr y Tr eer oot s,t r acegr av TestSi t e-Ter mi nat ed

Col our sshownwi t hi nbor el ogsar er epr esent i t i veonl yandmayv ar yonsi t eduet omoi st ur econt entandsoi lt yper at i os .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18015

est r uctGeot echni cal TestDat e 29/ 01/ 16 TestEqui pment : 50mm Mechani cal Auger Tabl e C1. 4 TestSi t e4

Dept h( mm) Hor zn

KsatConst antHeadPer meamet er

Soi lPr of i l eDescr i pt i on



Si l t yCLAYFI LL Red Dr y

Br own Or gani cs,gr assr oot s


B 1600

Si l t yCLAY Red Br own Dr y Becomesyel l owmot t l TestSi t e-Ter mi nat ed

Col our sshownwi t hi nbor el ogsar er epr esent i t i veonl yandmayv ar yonsi t eduet omoi st ur econt entandsoi lt yper at i os .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


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