Sample Res SDA report

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PO Box7095,Kar i ngal3199 1300ESTRUCT( 378782) mai l @est r uct . com. au Resi dent i al&Commer ci alEnergyRat i ng

NCCDTSCompl i ance

6St arener gyr at i ng

Sust ai nabl eDesi gnAssessment s

Sust ai nabl eDesi gnAssessmentRepor t STEPS Repor tNo:R16020AR1 Pr oposedUni tDevel opment Si t eAddr ess:418Wat t l et r eeRoad,Mal ver nEast

Dat e:04/ 08/ 2015 Thi sr epor tconsi st sof 25 pagesandmustber epr oducedi nf ul l .I fyoudonothaveaf ul lcopyoft her epor tpl easecont actt hi sof f i ce.

Gr eat erMel bour ne

Par tofes t r uctp/ lConsul t i ngSer vi ces

Regi onalVi ct or i a

Repor t R16020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nabi l i t y

1. 0Tabl eofCont ent s 2. 0Cl i entDet ai l s 3. 0Ref er ences 4. 0Si t eI nf or mat i on 5. 0Obj ect i ve 5. 1St r at egi es

Page3 Page3 Page3 Page3 Page3

6. 0Sust ai nabl eTool sf orEnvi r onment alPer f or manceSt r at er gy( STEPS) 7. 0Ener gyEf f i ci encyTabl esf orFi xedI nst al l at i onAppl i ances

Page4 Page4

Appendi xA A1. 0Repor tTer msandCondi t i ons

Page7 Page7

Appendi xB B. 1. 0St epsRepor t

Page8 Page8

Appendi xC C. 1. 0St or m Repor t

Page18 Page18

Appendi xD D. 1. 0Nat her sCer t i f i cat e

Page19 Page19

1. 1Tabl e&Fi gur eCont ent s Tabl e6. 1-St epsSummar y Tabl e6. 2-Ener gyRat i ngSummar y Tabl e7. 1-Ar t i f i ci alLi ght i ng Tabl e7. 2-HotWat erSyst ems Tabl e7. 3-Cool i ngSyst ems Tabl e7. 3-Heat i ngSys t ems

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces

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Repor t R16020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nabi l i t y

1. 0Cl i entI nf or mat i on R&JDay 2/ 15Mont anaAv enue Si t eAddr ess :418Wat t l et r eeRoad,Mal v er n

2. 0Ref er ences Nat i onal Const r uct i onCode -Vol ume2,Sect i on3. 12-2015 Dept .ofPl anni ng&Communi t yDev el opment ,Vi c.-Pr ov i s i on15. 03 Sus t ai nabi l i t yVi c t or i a-Smar t erChoi c eI nf or mat i onBr oc hur es Bui l di ngCommi s si onPr ac t i c eNot es201155-Resi dent i als us t ai nabi l i t ymeas ur es Ci t yofMor el and,Vi c.-Sust ai nabl eTool sf orEnv i r onment al Per f or manceSt r at er gy( STEPS) Mel bour neWat er ,Vi c .-STORM Cal cul at or Dept .ofEnvi r onment ,Wat er&t heAr t s ,Aus-Ev al uat i ngOpt i onsf orWat erSensi t i v e Ur banDes i gn( WSUD) Fi r st Rat e5Hous eEner gyRat i ngSof t war e( HERS) BTF02-CSI ROBui l di ngt echnol ogyf i l eNo2-Ther mal I ns ul at i on

4. 0Si t eI nf or mat i on I ti swi t hi naGener alRes i dent i al Zone3( RZ3)ar ea.I ti swi t hi nCl i mat eZone6andi sa NewCl ass1Dev el opment

Counci lSt onni ngt onCi t yCounci l Cl i mat eZone Cl i mat eZone6 Bui l di ngCl ass Cl ass1

5. 0Obj ect i ve Toenc our agel andus eanddev el opmentt hati sc ons i s t entwi t ht heef f i c i entuseofener gy andt hemi ni mi sat i onofgr eenhousegasemi s si ons .Tomi ni mi s et heus eofr es our c esf or wat erconsumpt i onandsewer age.

5. 1St r at egi es Ensur et hatbui l di ngsandsubdi v i s i ondesi gni mpr ovesef f i ci encyi nener gyus e.Pr omot e consol i dat i onofur bandevel opmentandi nt egr at i onofl anduseandt r ans por t .Impr ov e ef f i c i encyi nener gyuset hr oughgr eat erus eofr enewabl eener gy .Suppor tl owener gy f or msoft r anspor ts uc haswal k i ngandcy cl i ng.

Par tofes t r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngs er vi ces


Repor R t16020A -R1

est r uctener gy&s ust ai nabi l i t y

6. 0Sust ai nabl eTool sf orEnvi r onment alPer f or manceSt r at er gy( STEPS) Tabl e6. 1-St epsSummar y Requi r ed%

Act ual%

Gr eenhouseEmmi ssi onsf r om Ener gyUse: PeakEner gyUse:

250 %

45 %

10 %

70 %

Mai ns( Dr i nki ng)Wat erUse:

25 %

29 %

St or mwat erQual i t y:

100 %

100 %

Bui l di ngMat er i al sI mpact s:

11 %

17 %

Wast eManagement-r ecycl abl es:

0. 75m 2

Wast eManagement-r ubbi sh:

0. 25m 2

Wast eManagement-gr eenwast e:

0. 25m 2

Wast eManagement-TOTAL:

1. 25m 2

Bi cycl ePar ksRequi r ed:

3Spaces( Sec ur ed)

Pr oj ectSust ai nabi l i t yScor e:

265. 3

Tabl e6. 2-Ener gyRat i ngSummar y 0. 0 St ar s Tot al 0. 0MJ/ m2

heat i ng

0. 0MJ/ m2

cool i ng

0. 0MJ/ m2

7. 0Ener gyEf f i ci encyTabl esf orFi xedI nst al l at i onAppl i ances Tabl e7. 1-Ar t i f i ci alLi ght i ng ( Sust ai nabl i l i t yVi ct or i a-Sust ai nabl eChoi cesBr ochur e)

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor t R16020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nabi l i t y Tabl e7. 2-HotWat erSyst ems ( Sust ai nabl i l i t yVi ct or i a-Sust ai nabl eChoi cesBr ochur e)

Tabl e7. 3-Cool i ngSyst ems ( Sust ai nabl i l i t yVi ct or i a-Sust ai nabl eChoi cesBr ochur e)

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor t R16020A -R1

es t r uctener gy&s ust ai nabi l i t y

Tabl e7. 4-Heat i ngSyst ems ( Sust ai nabl i l i t yVi ct or i a-Sust ai nabl eChoi cesBr ochur e)

Pr i c es i nal lt abl e sbas edupon2010l eve l s

Chr i sRozycki B. E. ( Ci vi l ) , MI EAustCPEng, NPER, RBP( EC) , RPEQ, AI st r uct ECEng( UK) , MASBCCPC Managi ngDi r ect orChar t er edPr of essi onalEngi neer

Par tofest r uctp/ lcons ul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo: R16020A-R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nabi l i t y

Appendi xA A1. 0Repor tTer msandCondi t i ons est r uc tener gy&sus t ai nabi l i t yi sat r adi ngnameofest r uc tPt yLt d( ACN097361898) .We r ef ert heBui l der / Ownert oourwebsi t e:www. est r uc t . com. au/ ener gys ust ai nandt hi spage ( Appendi xA1. 0)f ort er ms&condi t i onsf ort heus ageoft hi sr epor t .Thes er vi cespr ovi deddo noti ncl udeons i t ever i f i cat i onofc ompl i anc ewi t ht hi sr epor t .Pl eas er ef ert ot heRegi st er ed Bui l di ngSur v eyorf orsi t ev er i f i c at i ons&appr oval ss Pl easebeadv i sedt or ef ert ot heSus t ai nabl eTool sf orEnvi r onment alPer f or mance St r at er gy( STEPS)websi t e( www. sus t ai nabl es t eps. c om. au)f oral l speci f i c at i onsand ex pl anat i onsr el at i ngt ot heSTEPSs ust ai nabl edesi gnass es s ment s . Pl easebeadv i sedt or ef ert ot heMel bour neWat erwebs i t e ( www. s t or m. mel bour newat er . com. au)f oral l speci f i c at i onsandex pl anat i onsr el at i ngt ot he STORM Cal c ul at orf orst or mwat erbes tpr act i cequal i t yas sess ment s. Pl easebeadv i sedt or ef ert oNat i onalHous eEner gyRat i ngScheme( Nat HERS)websi t e ( www. nat her s . gov . au)f oral lr egul at or yr equi r ement si nr el at i ont oFi r st Rat e5HomeEner gy Rat i ngSc heme( HERS)as ses sment s. Thi sr epor tmustber eadi ni t sent i r et y.Af ul l r epr oduc t i onoft hi sr epor tmustbeut i l i s edatal l t i t r uc tPt yLt ddoesnott aker es ponsi bi l i t yf ordamageorl ossr esul t i ngi nt hi sr epor t bei ngmi s used,al t er edori t sf ul lr ecommendat i onsar enotadopt ed. Theus eoft hi sr epor ti sst r i c t l yf ort hepr oper t ynot edi nt hesi t eaddr ess .Thi sr epor ti snott o beus edi nanyot herwayot hert hent opr ov i des us t ai nabl edes i gnas ses smentf ort he st r uc t ur ei nquest i on.Anyt r ansf erorr eus eoft hi sr epor tf oranyot hersi t e( eveni fbui l di ng i ssi mi l ar )i ss t r i ct l yf or bi dden.Anymodi f i c at i onst ot hest r uc t ur ewi t houtnot i f i cat i onand ammendmentoft hi sr epor twi l lmak et hi ss ust ai nabl edesi gnas ses smentnul l &v oi d. TheBui l der / Cont r act ori sf ul l yr espons i bl et oi nst al lal ls pec i f i c at i onswi t hi nt hi sr epor tas st at ed.Est r uc tener gy&sus t ai nabi l i t ywi l l notac ceptsubs t i t ut i onofs pec i f i edr equi r ement s unl esswher eal l owabl eunderTownPl anni ngPer mi tcondi t i onsandNCCs peci f i c at i onsand St at ut or yRegul at i ons .Fai l ur et ocompl ywi t ht hi smayr esul ti nBui l der / Cont r act orr equi r i ng t or emedyt hes peci f i c at i onsatt hei rownex pense. Bui l der / Cont r ac t or&Owner sar eadvi sedt or ef ert ot heCSI RO i nf or mat i onser v i c e doc umentBTF02-CSI RO Bui l di ngt echnol ogyf i l eNo2-Ther mal I ns ul at i on" .Ac opyoft hi s doc umenti sav ai l abl ef r om CSI RO Publ i s hi ngwebsi t e.Thi sdoc umentmus tbeobt ai nedby t heBui l der / Cont r ac t or&Owner sandal lt hedoc ument sr ec ommendat i onss houl dbe adopt ed. I fy ouhav eanyquer i esi nr el at i ont ot hecont entoft hi sr epor tpl easec ont ac tt hi sof f i cepr i or t ol odgementf orpl anni ngper mi tass ess mentpur pos esf orc l ar i f i c at i on.

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor R1 t 6020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nab i l i t y

Appendi xB B1. 0St epsRepor t

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est r uctener gy&sust ai nab i l i t y

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est r uctener gy&sust ai nab i l i t y

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor R1 t 6020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nab i l i t y

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor R1 t 6020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nab i l i t y

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor R1 t 6020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nab i l i t y

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor R1 t 6020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nab i l i t y

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor R1 t 6020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nab i l i t y

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor R1 t 6020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nab i l i t y

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor R1 t 6020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nab i l i t y

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor R1 t 6020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nab i l i t y

Appendi xC C1. 0St or m Repor t

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo: R16020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nabi l i t y

Appendi xD D1. 0Nat her sCer t i f i cat e

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo: R16020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nabi l i t y

Par t of es t r uc t p/ l c o ns u l t i ngs er v i c es


Repor tNo: R16020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nabi l i t y

Par t of es t r uc t p/ l c o ns u l t i ngs er v i c es


Repor tNo: R16020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nabi l i t y

Par t of es t r uc t p/ l c o ns u l t i ngs er v i c es


Repor tNo: R16020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nabi l i t y

Par t of es t r uc t p/ l c o ns u l t i ngs er v i c es


Repor tNo: R16020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nabi l i t y

Par t of es t r uc t p/ l c o ns u l t i ngs er v i c es


Repor tNo: R16020A -R1

est r uctener gy&sust ai nabi l i t y

Par t of es t r uc t p/ l c o ns u l t i ngs er v i c es


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