Sample Res Soil report

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Geot echni calI nvest i gat i onRepor t Resi dent i alSoi lRepor t Repor tNo:S18074. Pr oposedExt ensi on Si t eAddr ess:24Sycamor eRoad,Fr ankst onSout h

Si t eCl as si f i c at i on Cl assS i nac cor dancewi t hNat i onalCons t r uct i onCode( NCC)2016 Vol ume2,Par t3. 2. 4andAS2870-2011Sec t i ons1and2speci f i c at i onsandAppendi xD. ABushf i r eAt t ac kLev el ( BAL)ass ess menthasnotbeeni ncl udedaspar toft hi sr epor t

ForRegi onAwi ndr egi ont hes i t ehasbeendet er mi nedt ohav eawi ndcl ass i f i cat i onofN1. Ul t i mat el i mi tst at edesi gnwi ndspeedi s34m/ s . Thesi t ei snotsubj ectt oaFl oodRi skAr ea underCl auses44. 03,44. 04&44. 05oft he Vi ct or i anPl anni ngRegul at i ons .

Dat e: 04/ 07/ 2016 Thi sr epor tconsi st sof30pagesandmustber epr oducedi nf ul l .I fyoudonothaveaf ul lcopyoft her epor tpl easecont actt hi sof f i ce.

Gr eat erMel bour ne

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces

Regi onalVi ct or i a

Repor tNo:S18074.

est r uctGeot echni cal

1. 0Tabl eofCont ent s 2. 0Cl i entDet ai l s 3. 0Ref er ences


4. 0Pr oposedSi t eConst r uct i on


5. 0Si t eI nf or mat i on



5. 1Si t eDes cr i pt i on


5. 2Wi ndZoneI nf or mat i on


5. 3Concr et eFoot i ngEx posur eI nf or mat i on


5. 4Bus hf i r eAt t ac kLevel ( BAL)


5. 5Sl o peSt abi l i t y


5. 6Fl oodHaz ar d


6. 0Si t eGeol ogi ca lDesc r i pt i on


7. 0Si t eI nv est i gat i onPr oc edur e


8. 0Abnor mal Si t eCondi t i ons


8. 1Abno r mal Soi lCondi t i ons


8. 2Abno r mal Moi s t ur eCondi t i ons


9. 0Dr ai nageCond i t i ons


10. 0Si t eCl as si f i cat i on


11. 0Foundat i onRec ommendat i ons


11. 1Sl abFoot i ngs


11. 1. 1St i f f enedRaf tSl abFoot i ngs


11. 1. 2Waf f l eRaf tSl abFoot i ng s


11. 2Exi st i ngFoundat i ons


11. 3St r i pFoot i ngs&PadFoot i ngs


12. 0Gener alTr eeEf f ect sI nf or mat i on


13. 0Ret ent i on( Ret ai ni ng)Sys t em Requi r ement s


14. 0Fl oodHaz ar dAr eaRequi r ement s


14. 1Fl oodHazar dAr eaAss ess ment 14. 2Fl oodHaz ar dAr eaAss ess mentLi mi t at i ons 15. 0Si t eLandsc api ngRequi r ement s

Page10 Page10 Page11

15. 1Si t eDr ai nage


15. 2Si t eLandsc api ng


16. 0Gener alRecomme ndat i ons&Condi t i ons


Appendi x


Appendi xA


A1. 0Repor tTer ms&Con di t i ons


A2. 0Si t eCl as si f i cat i onAs ses sment


A2. 1Si t eCl as si f i cat i onbas edonSoi lReact i vi t y


A2. 2Si t ess ubj ectt oAbnor malSoi l &Moi st ur eCondi t i o nsSoi l r el at ed


A2. 3Si t ess ubj ectt oAbnor malSoi l &Moi st ur eCondi t i o nsNonSoi l r el at ed


A2. 4Cal c ul at i onoft r eei nduc eds oi lmovement( y t )


A2. 5Geol ogi cal Maps


A3. 0Ret ai ni ngWal lDes i gnPar amet erRec ommendat i ons


A3. 1Ret ai ni ngWal lDesi gnLi veLoadSpec i f i c at i on s


A3. 2Ret ai ni ngWal lDesi gnAngl eofFr i ct i on&Den si t y


A3. 3St andar dRet ai ni ngSy st ems


A3. 4NonCont i guousPi l i ngRet ai ni ngSy st em


A4. 0Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orResi dent i alFoot i ngs


A4. 1Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orSt andar dRaf tSl abFoot i ngs


A4. 2Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orSt andar dRaf tSl abFoot i ngs


A4. 3Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orSt r i pFoot i ngs&PadFoot i ngs


A4. 4Compact edFi l lf orSt andar dRaf tSl abs


A4. 5Compact edFi l lf orWaf f l eRaf tSl abs


Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18074.

est r uctGeot echni cal

A4. 6Cont r ol l edFi l l


A4. 7Des cr i pt i on&Speci f i cat i onof Soi lHor i zons


A5. 0Pr ot ec t i o nWor ksRequi r ement s


A5. 1Tempor ar yBat t er i ngofEar t hwor ks


A5. 2Tempor ar yShor i ngofEar t hwor ks


A6. 0Des cr i pt i on&Cl ass i f i c at i onofSoi l s&Rock sf orGeot echni c alPur pos es


Appendi xB


B1. 0Si t eSoi l I nv est i gat i onDes cr i pt i on


B2. 0Si t ePhot oDesc r i pt i on


Appendi xC


C1. 0Test si t es


1. 1Tabl e&Fi gur eCont ent s Tabl e5. 1OnorI nGr oundConc r et eFoot i ngEx posur eCl ass i f i c at i on


Tabl e6. 1Geol ogi c alDesc r i pt i on


Fi g6. 2Geol ogi c alMap


Tabl e11. 1 . 1St andar dRaf tSl abFoundi ng


Tabl e11. 1 . 2Waf f l eRaf tSl abFoundi ng


Tabl e11. 2St r i pFoot i ng&PadFoot i ngFoundi ng


Fi g12. 1Tr eeEf f ect sMov ementf orAS28702011,Appendi xF&HDesi gnMet hod


Tabl e12. 2Det er mi ni ngf ound i ngdept hf ort r eeef f ec t edf oundat i ons( exc .AppHdesi gn)


Fi g12. 3De t er mi ni ngdi s t anc ef ort r eeef f ec t sas ses sment


Fi g14. 1Fl oodHazar dAr eaPl anni ngOver l ayMap


Fi g15. 1Foot i ngDr ai nageRequi r ement s-Dur i ngCon st r uct i on


Fi g15. 2Foot i ngDr ai nageRequi r ement s-PostConst r uc t i on


Fi gA2. 1Gener al Def i ni t i onsofSi t eCl ass es


Fi gA2. 2Cal c ul at i onofTr eeI nducedSoi lMovement( yt )


Fi gA3. 1Soi lAn gl eofFr i ct i on&Dens i t y


Fi gA4. 1. 1Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orSt andar dRaf tSl abs


Fi gA4. 1. 2Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orWaf f l eRaf tSl ab


Fi gA4. 2Fo undi ngSpec i f i c at i onsf orSt r i pFoot i ngs&PadFoot i ngs


Fi gA4. 3Soi lHor i z onDesc r i pt i ons


Fi gA5. 1Te mpor ar yEar t hwor k sBat t erI l l ust r at i on


Fi gA5. 2Shot cr et eTempor ar yShor i ng


Fi gA6. 1Roc k&Soi lCl ass i f i c at i on


Fi gB1. 1Si t eSoi l Sket ch


Fi gB2. 1Si t ePhot o1


Fi gB2. 2Si t ePhot o2


Fi gB2. 3Si t ePhot o3


Fi gB2. 6 t ePhot o6 4Si 4

Page27 6

Fi gB2. 5Si t ePhot o5 Tabl e C1. 2 Tes tSi t e2 Tabl e C1. 3 Tes tSi t e3 Tabl e C1. 1 Tes tSi t e1

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Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo: S18074.

est r uctGeot echni cal

2. 0Cl i entDet ai l s M.Rooney 24Syc amor eRoad Fr anks t onSout h 3199

3. 0Ref er ences Nat i onalCons t r uct i onCode( NCC)-2016,Vol ume2,Sect i on3. 2. 4( ABCB) Bui l di ngCommi ss i on( Vi c)I nt er i m Pr act i ceNot es200942-Bui l di ngCont r ol sf orBushf i r eSaf et y Bui l di ngCommi ss i on( Vi c )Pr ac t i c eNot e201365-Fl oodHazar dAr eas&Bui l di ngRegul at i ons AS1170. 42007 Ear t hquak eact i onsi nAust r al i a AS1289. 6. 3. 2&6. 3. 31997Soi l st r engt handc onsol i dat i ont est s-Det er mi nat i onoft he penet r at i onr esi st anc eofas oi l -9kgDy nami cConePenet r omet er&Per t hPenet r omet ert es t s AS17261993 Geot ec hni c al I nves t i gat i ons AS16842010 Ti mberFr ami ng AS2159-2009 Pi l i ng-Des i gn&I nst al l at i on AS2870-2011 Res i dent i al Sl abs&Foot i ngs AS3600-2009 Concr et eSt r uc t ur es AS3959-2009 Const r uct i onofbui l di ngsi nbushf i r epr onear eas AS4055-2006 Wi ndLoadsf orHousi ng AS4678-2002 Ear t hRet ai ni ngSt r uc t ur es AS4773. 1-2010 Masonr yi nSmal l Bui l di ngs Cons t r uc t i onofBui l di ngsi nFl oodHazar dAr eas-2012. 2,Aust r al i anBui l di ngCodesBoar d ( ABCB)-2012 Depar t mentofEnv i r onment&Pr i mar yI ndust r yVi c t or i a-Geol ogi calMaps Foundat i on&Foot i ngSoc i et yVi c.-Pr ac t i c eNot es15,2013 BTF18 CSI ROFoundat i onMai nt enanc eandFoot i ngPer f or manc e:AHomeOwner ' sGui de Googl eMaps( www. maps . googl e. com. au) NearMaps( www. near maps . c om. au)

4. 0Pr oposedSi t eConst r uct i on I ti spr opos edt oc onst r uc tanewex t ens i onat t achedt oanexi st i ngCl ass1ast r uc t ur e on t hes i t e.Si t ei swi t hi nt hemuni ci pal i t yofFr ank st onCi t yCounci l .I ti swi t hi naGener al Resi dent i alZone1( R1Z)ar ea.I ti ss ubj ec tt ot hef ol l owi ngTownPl anni ngOver l ay :SLO6.I t i snotwi t hi naBus hf i r ePr oneAr ea

5. 0Si t eI nf or mat i on 5. 1Si t eDescr i pt i on Ani nv est i gat i onoft hes i t edet er mi nedt hati twasoc cupi edbyanex i s t i ngr es i dent i al dwel l i ngaswel lasot hersmal l st r uct ur es .Thesi t ewasl oc at edi nCl i mat eZone2( Hs= 1. 8)-AS28702011,Appendi xD.I twasf oundt hatt hes i t eandadj oi ni ngsi t esc ont ai neda numberoft r eesr angi ngt o10met r esi nhei ght .Ref ert ot heacc ompany i ngs ket c hf or appr ox i mat el ocat i ons .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo: S18074.

est r uctGeot echni cal

5. 2Wi ndZoneI nf or mat i on ForRegi onAwi ndr egi ont hes i t ehasbeendet er mi nedt ohav eawi ndcl ass i f i cat i onofN1. Ul t i mat el i mi tst at edesi gnwi ndspeedi s34m/ s .

5. 3Concr et eFoot i ngExposur eI nf or mat i on Tabl e5. 1OnorI nGr oundConcr et eFoot i ngExposur eCl assi f i cat i on Exposur eCl ass


Exposur eAr ea

Mi nConcr et eGr ade

Mor et han1k m,butl esst han50 km f r om BassSt r ai t / Oc eanBay s, Por tPhi l i pBay ,Wes t er nPor t& Gi ppsl andLak es


5. 4Bushf i r eAt t ackLevel( BAL) ABushf i r eAt t ac kLev el ( BAL)ass ess menthasnotbeeni ncl udedaspar toft hi sr epor t

5. 5Sl opeSt abi l i t y I twasf oundt hatt hesi t esl opedgener al l y ,moder at el yt ot heeas t .Sl opeSt abi l i t yofsi t e doesnotneedt obeconsi der edorf ur t heras ses smentnotr equi r ed.

5. 6Fl oodHazar d Thesi t ei snots ubj ectt oaFl oodRi skAr ea underCl auses44. 03,44. 04&44. 05oft he Vi ct or i anPl anni ngRegul at i ons .

6. 0Si t eGeol ogi calDescr i pt i on Anal ys i soft hes oi l pr of i l eenc ount er edwi t hi nt het ests i t eswasf oundt obet hef ol l owi ng: Tabl e6. 1Geol ogi calDescr i pt i on Geol ogy Quat er nar y

Type Sedi ment ar y

For mat i on Aeol i an

Symbol Qd2

Fi g6. 2Geol ogi calMap S18074

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo: S18074.

est r uctGeot echni cal

7. 0Si t eI nvest i gat i onPr ocedur e Thesi t egeot ec hni cal i nv est i gat i onwasper f or med,cons i s t i ngof1t es thol esdr i l l edusi nga 50mm mec hani cal augerand2f oot i ngex pos ur esoft heexi st i ngf oundat i ons .Appr oxi mat e l oc at i onsoft heset es ts i t esar ei ndi cat edont heat t achedsk et chpl an.

8. 0Abnor malSi t eCondi t i ons 8. 1Abnor malSoi lCondi t i ons I twasdet er mi nedt hatnoabnor mal soi lc ondi t i onswer ef oundont hesi t e.

8. 2Abnor malMoi st ur eCondi t i ons I twasdet er mi nedt hatnoabnor mal moi st ur ec ondi t i onswer ef oundont hesi t e.

9. 0Dr ai nageCondi t i ons As ses smentoft hes i t ehasdet er mi nedt hatsur f ac edr ai nagewi l l bef ai r .Subsoi ldr ai nage wi l l bef ai rduet ononc ohes i venat ur eofsoi l .Nowat ert abl ewasenc ount er ed.

10. 0Si t eCl assi f i cat i on Ther es ul t soft hesoi li nves t i gat i onhasdet er mi neda Cl assS s oi l cl ass i f i cat i onf ort hes i t e. Thi scl ass i f i cat i oni si nacc or dancewi t hNat i onalConst r uct i onCode-Vol ume2( NCC)2016 Par t3. 2. 4andAS2870-2011Sect i ons1and2s peci f i c at i onsandAppendi xD. Bas edupont heNCC,Vol 2,Sec3. 2. 4Tab3. 2. 4. 1, Cl as sScl ass i f i cat i on,i ti sex pect edt hat bet ween020mm ofsur f ac edi f f er ent i almovement( y s)wi l loc curatt hesi t eduet os eas onal soi lmoi st ur ev ar i at i on. Thi scl ass i f i cat i oni sbas edupont het hes i t es oi l pr of i l eenc ount er eddur i ngt est i ng.Ass uch i sasampl eoft hesoi lpr of i l ei nt hes i t e.I fdur i ngexc avat i onoft hes i t e,t hes oi l pr of i l ei s f oundt ov ar ys i gni f i c ant l yast ot hati l l ust r at edwi t hi nt hebor el ogs,t hi smustber epor t edt o t hi sof f i c easf ur t hert est i ngmay ber equi r ed.Thi smayr esul ti nachangei nt hesoi lI f abnor mal soi lc ondi t i onsar ef oundont hes i t e,t hesur f ac edi f f er ent i al movementst at ed abovecanbegr eat er .Thi smayl eadt odamaget ot hes t r uct ur eandf ooot i ngs .( Ref ert o Appendi c es. )Thi scl ass i f i cat i oni sbas edupont het hes i t esoi lpr of i l eenc ount er eddur i ng cl ass i f i cat i ongi ven. Anychangest ot hesi t eduet oexc avat i onwor kort her emoval oft r eesandex i s t i ng st r uct ur esorexc es si v ewetanddr yper i odsdur i ngcons t r uct i onmayadver s el yef f ec tt he per f or manceofanypr opos edf oundat i on.I nt heev entofac hangeoc cur i ng,t hi sof f i cemus t benot i f i edt odet er mi nei fex t r as oi l t es t i ngi sr equi r ed.Thi smayl eadt oac hangei nt hes oi l cl ass i f i cat i onwhi c hmayr esul ti nc hangest of oot i ngdesi gnr equi r ement s .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18074.

est r uctGeot echni cal

11. 0Foundat i onRecommendat i ons 11. 1Sl abFoot i ngs 11. 1. 1St i f f enedRaf tSl abFoot i ngs I ti sr ecommendedt hats l abedge&i nt er nal beamst obef oundedasperCl assS spec i f i cat i onsi l l us t r at edi nAS28702011&Nat i onalConst r uct i onCode,Vol2,Sec .3. 2. 4or t abl ebel ow,whi cheveri sdeeper .I ti sr ec ommendedt hatal l f oundat i ondesi gnand spec i f i cat i onsbepr ovi dedbyas ui t abl yqual i f i eds t r uct ur al engi neer .Thi sof f i cecanpr ov i de f ul l st r uc t ur aldes i gns er vi ces Sl abedgebeams&l oadbear i ngi nt er nal beamsar et obef oundedmi n200mm i nt o f oundi ngmat er i als peci f i edi nt het abl e11. 1( exc l udi ngt r eeef f ec t sf oot i ngs ,Ref erSec .12. ) . Thef oundi ngmat er i al sdept hmayv ar yt hr oughoutsi t e.Ref ert oBor el ogsf ors oi l pr of i l eand i ndi c at i v ef oundi ngdept hs .Col ourmayv ar yduet omoi s t ur econt ent .NonLoadbear i ng I nt er nal beamsmaybef oundedi nt os andorcl ayl ev el l i ngf i l l mat er i al ,i ns t al l edi n acc or danc ewi t hSect i onA4. 1andpl ac eduponsoi lmat er i ali l l ust r at edi nt het abl e11. 1.A mi ni mum bear i ngc apaci t yi nt ot hi sl evel l i ngf i l lmat er i ali s50kPa.Pr epar at i onf ort hes l ab mus ti nc l udet her emoval ofal lmat er i als uchasf i l l ,or gani cmat er i al andanyot hermat er i al t hatc oul dhaveadet r i ment alef f ec tont hef oundat i onper f or mance( e. g.bui l di ng r ubbl e, r ubbi sh,et c. ) Ref ert oFi g.A4. 1. 1oft hi sr epor tf orf oundi ngi l l ust r at i onexampl e Foundi ngMat er i al f orSt andar fRaf tSl abf oot i ngsi sspeci f i edi nt abl e11. 1. 1 Tabl e11. 1. 1St andar dRaf tSl abFoundi ng TestSi t e 1

Hor i zon A

Foundi ng Mat er i al Gr ey/ Br ownSi l t ySAND

Bear i ngCapaci t y 80

11. 1. 2Waf f l eRaf tSl abFoot i ngs I ti sr ecommendedt hatsl abedge&i nt er nal beamst obef oundedasperCl as sS spec i f i cat i onsi l l us t r at edi nAS28702011&Nat i onalConst r uct i onCode,Vol2,Sec .3. 2. 4or t abl ebel ow,whi cheveri sdeeper . ' I ti sr ec ommendedt hatal lf oundat i ondesi gnand spec i f i cat i onsbepr ovi dedbyas ui t abl yqual i f i eds t r uct ur al engi neer .Thi sof f i cecanpr ov i de f ul l st r uc t ur aldes i gns er vi ces

Waf f l eRaf tSl abRi bsar et obef oundedmi n100mm i nt of oundi ngmat er i al speci f i edi nt he t abl e11. 2.Thef oundi ngmat er i al sdept hmayv ar yt hr oughoutsi t e.Ref ert oBor el ogsf ors oi l pr of i l eandi ndi c at i v ef oundi ngdept hs .Col ourmayv ar yduet omoi s t ur ec ont ent .r ec ont ent .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18074.

est r uctGeot echni cal

Foot i ngsmaybef oundedi nt os andorcl ayl ev el l i ngf i l l mat er i al ,i nst al l edi nac cor danc ewi t h Sect i onA4. 2andpl acedupons oi l mat er i al i l l us t r at edi nt het abl e11. 1. 2.Pr epar at i onf ort he s l abmusti ncl udet her emoval ofal lmat er i als uchasunc ont r ol l edf i l l ,or gani cmat er i al and anyot hermat er i alt hatcoul dhav eadet r i ment alef f ec tont hef oundat i onper f or mance( e. g. bui l di ngr ubbl e, r ubbi s h,et c ) Ref ert oFi g.A4. 1. 2oft hi sr epor tf orf oundi ngi l l us t r at i onexampl e Foundi ngMat er i alf orWaf f l eRaf tSl abf oot i ngsi ss pec i f i edi nt abl e11. 1. 2 Tabl e11. 1. 2-Waf f l eRaf tSl abFoundi ng TestSi t e 1

Hor i zon A

Foundi ng Mat er i al Gr ey/ Br ownSi l t ySAND

Bear i ngCapaci t ysoi lr epor tno 60 S 1

11. 2Exi st i ngFoundat i ons Exi st i ngedgebeamsandst r i pf oot i ngsar ef oundedi nt oanappr opr i at esoi lt y pe.Ref ert o t abl e11. 2f orf ur t herc ondi t i oni nf or mat i on.Ex i s t i ngs er vi ces( s uc hasdr ai nage&/ or Sewer agesy st ems, )wer ef oundwi t hi nt hepr oper t yort headj ac entpr oper t ynextt ot he c ommonboundar y.Cut&f i l l i ngoft hesi t emustcons i dert headj ac ents er v i c esdept hand s oi l st abi l i t ydur i ngc onst r uc t i on. Exi st i ngex t er nalmas onr ywal l swer edet er mi nedt ohav eupt oCl ass2c r ac ki ng&s houl d bemoni t or ed.I tshoul dbenot edt hatwi derc r ack i ngmays t i l loc curduet os eas onal movement .Ret ai ni ngwal l ss howedex cess i vepr ev i ouss eepage.

11. 3St r i pFoot i ngsandPadFoot i ngs St r i pandPadFoot i ngst obef ounded mi n200mm i nt of oundi ngmat er i als peci f i edi nt he t abl e11. 2( ex cl udi ngt r eeef f ec t sf oot i ngs ,Ref erSec .12. )Thef oundi ngmat er i al sdept h mayv ar yt hr oughouts i t e.Ref ert oBor el ogsf orsoi lpr of i l eandi ndi cat i vef oundi ngdept hs. Col ourmayvar yduet omoi st ur ec ont ent .Pr epar at i onf ort hef oot i ngsmus ti nc l udet he r emov alofal l mat er i al suc hasf i l l ,or gani cmat er i alandanyot hermat er i alt hatcoul dhav ea det r i ment al ef f ectont hef oundat i onper f or manc e( e. g.bui l di ngr ubbl e, r ubbi sh,et c) I ti sr ec ommendedt hats t r i pf oot i ngsandpadf oot i ngst obef oundedasperCl as sS s pec i f i cat i onsi l l ust r at edi nAS28702011&Nat i onalCons t r uc t i onCode,Vol2,Sec.3. 2. 4or t abl ebel ow,whi chev eri sdeeper .Fort r eeef f ect s ,r ef ert oSec t i on12.I ti sr ecommended t hatal l f oundat i ondes i gnandspeci f i c at i onsbepr ov i dedbyas ui t abl yqual i f i edst r uct ur al engi neer .Thi sof f i cec anpr ovi def ul ls t r uc t ur aldes i gnser vi ces .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:S18074.

est r uctGeot echni cal

Ref ert oFi g.A4. 2oft hi sr epor tf orf oundi ngi l l ust r at i onex ampl e Foundi ngMat er i alf orSt r i pFoot i ngsandPadFoot i ngsi ss peci f i edi nt abl e11. 2 Tabl e11. 2St r i pFoot i ng&PadFoot i ngFoundi ng TestSi t e 1

Hor i zon A

Foundi ng Mat er i al Gr ey S / B 1 r 8 o 0 wn 74Si l t ySAND

Bear i ngCapaci t y 100

12. 0Tr eeEf f ect sI nf or mat i on Wher eabnor malmoi s t ur econdi t i onsex i s tduet ot r eeef f ect s( r ef ert oSect i on8. 2) ,f oot i ngs s houl dbedesi gnedc ons i der i ngr equi r ement sspeci f i edi nSec t i on4&Appendi xF &H ( AS28702011. )I ti sr ec ommendedt hatt hef oot i ngsar edes i gnedi nac cor danc eAppendi xF &Hmet hods .Ref ert oFi g12. 1f orytmax .Fori s ol at edf oot i ngsorf oot i ngs ys t emsnot des i gnedi nac cor danc ewi t hAS28702011,Appendi xH,t hent hef oundi ngdept hsi nTabl e 12. 2mustbeadopt ed.Ref ert oFi g12. 3f ordet er mi ni ngt r eeef f ect si nf l uencedi s t ances . Fi g12. 1Tr eeEf f ect sMovementf orAS28702011,Appendi xF&HDesi gnMet hod = Max i mum Tr ee( onl y)i nduceds ur f acemovement( y tmax )( AS28702011,App.H) :yt ( max)

0 mm

Tabl e12. 2Det er mi ni ngf oundi ngdept hf ort r eeef f ect edf oundat i ons( exc.AppHdesi gn) Soi lCl ass

Foundi ngDept h*

Cl assA

NotRequi r ed

Cl assS

0. 83Hs

Cl assM

1. 12Hs

Cl assH1

1. 39Hs

Cl assH2

1. 39Hs

Cl assE

1. 66Hs

* Ref ert oSec.5. 1f orHsval ue Fi g12. 3Det er mi ni ngt r eedi st ancef ort r eeef f ect sassessment

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13. 0Ret ent i on( Ret ai ni ng)Syst em Requi r ement s Thedes i gnmet hodst hatar et obeadopt edar et obei nac cor danc ewi t hAS46782002 Ear t hRet ai ni ngSt r uct ur esSt andar d.I nf or mat i onf orass ess mentofear t hpr es sur ec oef f i ci ent sandot herdesi gnmet hodol ogi esi savai l abl ei nSec.A3. 0oft hi sr epor tI ti s ass umedt hatt hel evel oft hewat ert abl ei sbel owt hebot t om oft heex cav at i onbyt heus eof adequat edr ai nageandt hatanyadj acents ur char gel oadsar esuper i mposed. Dur i ngt heexc av at i onoft hesi t ef ol l owi ngpr ol ongedr ai nper i ods,s eepagewat ermaybe pr esenti nt heexc avat i on.Thei nst al l at i onoft empor ar ycut of fdr ai nsand/orpumpi ngf r om s umpsatt hebas eoft heexc avat i onmayber equi r ed.Al l suc hwor ksar et obenocl oser t hen0. 5t i mest hehei ghtofr et ai ni ng.Ref ert oSec .A3. 0f orr et ai ni ngwal l desi gn& c onst r uc t i ons pec i f i cat i ons

14. 0Fl oodHazar dAr eaRequi r ement s 14. 1Fl oodHazar dAr eaAssessment Theass es smentofasi t et odet er mi nei fi ti sl i k el yt obeef f ect edbyaFl oodHaz ar di sbased upondesi gnat edf l oodhaz ar dar eas.I nac cor danc ewi t hCl aus e44. 04oft heVi ct or i an Pl anni ngRegul at i ons ,as i t edesi gnat edt ohaveaSpeci al Bui l di ngOv er l ay ,LandSubj ec tt o I nundat i onOver l ayoraFl oodwayOver l ayar es i t est hatwi l lbecoi nsi der edt obeFl ood Hazar dAr eas. Fi g14. 1Fl oodHazar dAr eaPl anni ngOver l ayMap

Speci alBui l di ngOver l ay

LandSubj ectt oI nundat i on &Fl oodwayOver l ay

Fl oodwayOver l ay

14. 2Fl oodHazar dAr eaAssessmentLi mi t at i ons Theass es smentf orFl oodHaz ar dAr ea,i sbas eduponpl anni ngov er l ayi nf or mat i on.Thi s i nf or mat i onhasbeendet er mi nedi nac cor danc ewi t hMel bour neWat erOt herWat er Aut hor i t i esaswel l asVi c t or i anMuni ci pal i t yi nf or mat i on.Thi sas ses smenti sagener al one andi ncer t ai nci r c ums t ancespl acesnotnot edwi t hi nover l ayar eascoul dbedeemeda Fl oodHaz ar dAr ea.Wher easi t eappear st ohav el oc al i sedf l oodi ngi ss uesorhasahi st or y ( r ec entornot )t henFl oodHazar dAr eac ons i der at i onss houl dbei nc l udedwi t hi nt hef oot i ng des i gn.

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15. 0Si t eLandscapi ngRequi r ement s 15. 1Si t eDr ai nage Ther equi r ement sf orcol l ec t i ngsur f ac edr ai nagedur i ngc onst r uc t i onandaf t erc ompl et i on mus tbei nac cor dancewi t hAS28702011,Appendi xB2. 3( a) .Thesi t eshoul dbegr adedor dr ai neds ot hatwat erc annotpondagai nstorneart hebui l di ng.Thegr oundi mmedi at el y adj acentt ot hebui l di ngshoul dbegr adedt oauni f or mf al l of50mm mi ni mum awayf r om t he bui l di ngovert hef i r s tmet r e( mi n1: 20Sl ope. )Thesubf l oorspac ef orbui l di ngswi t h sus pendedf l oor sshoul dbegr adedordr ai nedt opr ev entpondi ngwher et hi smayaf f ec tt he per f or manceoft hef oot i ngsy st em.Thesi t edr ai nager ec ommendat i onsshoul dbe mai nt ai nedf ort heeconomi cl i f eoft hebui l di ng.Tempor ar yc onnec t i onsmustbei ns t al l ed bet weenr oofgut t er i ngandundergr ounddr ai nagepi pesunt i l i ns t al l at i onofdownpi pescan beenabl ed.

15. 2Si t eLandscapi ng Ther equi r ement sf orl ands capi ngaf t erf oot i ngcompl et i onmustbei nacc or dancewi t h AS28702011,Appendi xB2. 3( b)( c) . Thedev el opmentoft hegar denss houl dnoti nt er f er e wi t ht hedr ai nager equi r ement sort hesubf l oorvent i l at i onandweephol edr ai nagesy st ems . Gar denbedsadj acentt ot hebui l di ngs houl dbeavoi ded.Wat er i ngs ys t emsshoul dnotbe wi t hi nonemet r eoft hebui l di ngal s o.Car eshoul dbet akent oavoi dov er wat er i ngofgar dens cl oset ot hebui l di ngf oot i ngs.Thepl ant i ngoft r eesshoul dbeav oi dedneart hef oundat i onof abui l di ngornei ghbour i ngbui l di ngonr eac t i vesi t esast heycanc aus edamageduet o dr y i ngoft hec l ayatsubs t ant i aldi st ances .Ar est r i ct i onf orsi ngl et r eespl ant i ngdi st ance bei ngequalt ot het r eemat ur ehei ght .( 2t i mesmat ur ehei ghtpl ant i ngdi s t anc ef oragr oup oft r ees. )Ot her wi set hepr oposedf oot i ngsmus tbedes i gnedi nac cor danc ewi t ht r eeef f ect s r ec ommendat i onsi nSect i on11.

Fi g15. 1Si t eDr ai nageRequi r ement s-Dur i ngConst r uct i on

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est r uctGeot echni cal Fi g15. 2Si t eDr ai nageRequi r ement s-PostConst r uct i on

16. 0Gener alRecommendat i ons&Condi t i ons St r uct ur eswi t hs ubf l oors paces( e. gt i mberf l oor s )s houl dbepr ot ec t edbyensur i ngal l wat er i sdr ai nedadequat el yt opr ev entpondi ngwhi chmayr es ul ti nf oundat i onmovementnoti n t her angei ndi c at edf ort hi sc l as si f i c at i on. Thesedr ai nss houl dconv eyal l sur f ac ewat erawayf r om s t r uct ur ef ort heper i odof cons t r uct i on.Thesedr ai nsmustbeback f i l l edwi t hwel lc ompac t edi ns i t usoi l ,s oast o mi ni mi s et hel ongt er ms at ur at i onofs oi ladj acentt ost r uct ur e. Anysi t eexcav at i onordi st ur bancet hati nc l udest her emov alofexi st i ngs t r uc t ur esandt r ees t hatex t endsami ni mum of200mm bel owt hepr opos edf oundi ngdept hoft hes t r uct ur e shoul dber epor t edt ot hi sof f i c easf ur t hert est i ngmay ber equi r ed.Thi smayc hangei nt he soi lc l as si f i c at i on. Thesoi lpr of i l ei l l ust r at edi sbasedupont hepr of i l ef oundwi t hi nt hebor ehol est aken.I ti sa sampl eoft hesi t e,andmay v ar yi ndept handt hi c knes sov ert hes i t e.Thedept hsand bear i ngc apac i t i esgi venwi t ht es tl ogsar egi v enonl yasagui deonl y.

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I ft hes oi l pr of i l eenc ount er edons i t easi nt het es tl ogsf ort hi ss i t ev ar i escons i der abl yt o t hatenc ount eddur i ngc onst r uc t i on,t hi smustber epor t edt ot hi sof f i ceasf ur t hert es t i ng may ber equi r ed.Thi smayr es ul ti nac hangei nt hes oi l cl ass i f i cat i ongi ven. Thedes cr i pt i ons oft hes oi l mat er i al enc ount er edi nt het es thol escl osel yf ol l owt hoseout l i nedi nAS17261993.Col ourdes cr i pt i onsmayv ar ywi t ht hesoi lmoi s t ur ec ont entduet os easonalef f ec t s andc onst r uc t i onef f ect s .I ts houl dbenot edt her ef or e,c ol ourands hadedesc r i pt i ons ment i onedi nt hi sr epor tar emadewhent hes oi l i si namoi s tcondi t i on. Wher eanyf i l l i nghasbeenpl ac edov ert heal l orpar tofar ea( exc eptwher ei thasbeen pl acedasl ev el l i ngf i l li nst al l edi nac cor danc ewi t hs ect i on6. 4. 2ofAS28702011)wher et he st r uc t ur ei st obebui l t ,t hi smustber epor t edt ot hi sof f i ceasf ur t hert est i ngmay ber equi r ed. Thi smayr es ul ti nac hangei nt hes oi l cl ass i f i cat i ongi ven. Foot i ngsadj ac entt oeas ement st obef oundedbel owangl eofr epos et oal ls er v i c es( s ewer , dr ai nage,phoneet c. )Foot i ngsadj acentt ot heboundar yt obef oundedatequaldept ht o adj oi ni ngf oot i ngs .Theexi st enc eofal lex i s t i ngunder gr oundser v i ces( e. gdr ai nage,el ec . , phone, sewer ,et c )t obedet er mi nedonsi t eandf r om r el evantaut hor i t yr ec or dspr i ort o c ommenc ementofc ons t r uc t i on.Ex i s t i ngs er vi cesi nf or mat i onmus tbec heck edwhet heran eas ementex i s t sonorneart hepr oper t yornot .Per mi si ont oc onst r uc twi t hi n1000mm of s ewer / dr ai npi pemayneedt obeobt ai nedf r om r el ev antseweraut hor i t y/ c ounc i l pr i ort ot he c ommenc mentofc ons t r uc t i on.Ver t i c alCont r ol Joi nt s ,shal lbei ns t al l edi nacc or dancewi t h AS4773. 12010,Sect i on13f ornonr ei nf or cedmasonr ywal l sandal l r ender edl i ghtwei ght& mas onr ywal l saswel l . Thebehav i ouroft r eesi nr el at i ont ot hi eref f ectonf oundat i onsi snotf ul l yabl et obe pr edi c t ed.Thedes i gnoff oot i ngst ocount er ac tt heef f ec t soft r eesonf oundat i onsi s c onsi der ed' bes tpr act i ce' ,basedupont het es t i ngmet hodsavai l abl e&at r ee' s unpr edi ct abl ebehav i our( i nr el at i ont of oundat i ons . )TheOwnershoul dbemadeawar et hat c r ac ki ngoft hest r uct ur emays t i l loc cur .

Chr i sRoz ycki B. E. ( Ci vi l ) , MI EAust . CPEng, NER, RBP( EC) , RPEQ, AI st r uct E. CEng( UK) , MASBC, Nat HERS Managi ngDi r ect orChar t er edPr of essi onalEngi neer

Chr i sRoz ycki B. E. ( Ci vi l ) , MI EAust . CPEng, NER, RBP( EC) , RPEQ, AI st r uct E. CEng( UK) , MASBC, Nat HERS Managi ngDi r ect orChar t er edPr of essi onalEngi neer

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Appendi x

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Appendi xA A1. 0Repor tTer ms&Condi t i ons Wher et hef ol l owi ngt er ms&c ondi t i onsar ei nl egal conf l i c twi t hSt at eandFeder al St at ut or y Regul at i ons( att hedat eoft hi squot at i on) ,t hes er egul at i onswi l l t ak epr ecedentovert he t er msandcondi t i onsnot edbel ow.Al l r emai ni ngt er msandcondi t i onswi l l st i l l beval i d.Est r uctGeot echni cal i sat r adi ngnameofEs t r uctP/ L( ACN:97097361898) .Al ls er v i c es pr ovi dedhav eaPr of es si onall i abi l i t yl i mi t at i onofone( 1)mi l l i ondol l ar smax i mum.I fot her ser vi cesar epr ovi dedbyest r uctP/ L( underot hert r adi ngnamesnotl i st edher e)i n conj unc t i onwi t ht hes er vi c espr ovi dedwi t hi nt hi sr epor t ,t hec ombi nedpr of ess i onall i abi l i t y f oral l ser vi cespr ovi dedwi l lbel i mi t edt oonemi l l i ondol l ar sonl y .Pr of es si onalLi abi l i t ydoes notex t endt oanyot herCons ul t ant sorCont r act or si nv ol v edwi t ht hespec i f i cat i on,des i gnor cons t r uct i onofs peci f i cwor kst obeunder t ak en.Es t r uctPt yLt dt akesnor esponsi bi l i t y out si deoft hespec i f i ci nf or mat i on&r ecommendat i onswi t hi nt hi sr epor t . TheLabor at or yi nves t i gat i onofanys oi lmat er i alf r om t hesi t ei snotc over edi nt hes copeof t hi si nv est i gat i onandr epor t .Ther emov alofons i t esoi lmat er i alf r om t hes i t ef orl abor at or y i nv est i gat i oni snotc over edwi t hi nt hi si nv est i gat i onandr epor t . Thi sass ess mentdoesnotc ov ert hi ngssuc hasel ec t r i c alandpl umbi ngas set sc ondi t i on ass ess mentf orex i s t i ngs t r uct ur es .Thi sr epor tdoesnotc overt hegr adi ngoft heexi st i ng st r uct ur et i mbert oas cer t ai nt i mbert ypeaswel l asst r engt hgr adef ors t r uct ur al desi gn pur poses .Theasses smentoft hebr i c kwor kt odet er mi nei fi twasc onst r uc t edt oAus t r al i an St andar dswasnotwi t hi nt hes copeoft hi sRepor t .Theas ses smentoft hec ompl i anc eoft he exi st i ngst r uc t ur alwal landr ooff r ami ng,t i edowns,br ac i ngandt i mberc onnec t i onst o cur r entAus t r al i anSt andar dsandBui l di ngCodeofAus t r al i ai sal s onotc over edwi t hi nt he sc opeoft hi sRepor t . Owner sar eadvi sedt or ef ert ot heCSI RO i nf or mat i onser v i c edocumentBTF18," AGui de t oHomeOwner sonFoundat i onMai nt enanceandFoot i ngRecommendat i ons. " .Ac opyof t hi sdoc umenti sav ai l abl ef r eef r om t hi sof f i c euponr equestorf r om CSI ROPubl i s hi ng( ata f ee. )Thi sdocumentmus tbeobt ai nedbyt heOwnerandal l t her epor t sr ec ommendat i ons shoul dbeadopt ed. I fyouhaveanyquer i esi nr el at i ont ot hecont entoft hi sr epor tpl easec ont ac tt hi sof f i cepr i or t ocommenc i nganyengi neer i ngdesi gnorcommencementofc onst r uc t i onf orc l ar i f i cat i on. Thi sr epor tmustber eadi ni t sent i r et y.Af ul l r epr oduct i onoft hi sr epor tmus tbeut i l i sedatal l t i mes .est r uc tPt yLt ddoesnott ak er esponsi bi l i t yf ordamageorl ossr es ul t i ngi nt hes oi l r epor tbei ngmi sus ed,al t er edori t sf ul l r ec ommendat i onsar enotadopt ed. Thi sr epor ti spr ov i dedt ot heOwnerandt hei rCons ul t ant sf ort hei rsol eus et ous easa gui def orf oundat i ondesi gnandc ons t r uc t i oni nc ompl i anc ewi t hAS28702011.Thi sr epor t cannotbet r ansf er r edt oanyot hers i t eandwi l lnotbeval i dunl es sr epr oduc edi nf ul l .Thi s r epor t spr i meai mi st obeusedbyex per i enc edBui l di ngI ndus t r yCons ul t ant sand cons t r uct i onc ont r act or sandass uc ht hewor di ngoft hi sr epor ti sai medatpeopl eoft hei r knowl edgeandexper i encel evel . Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


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A2. 0Si t eCl assi f i cat i onAssessment Thi sr epor thasbeencl ass i f i edi nacc or dancewi t hNat i onal Const r uc t i onCode-Vol ume2 ( NCC) ,Par t3. 2. 4andAS2870-2011Sect i ons1and2andAppendi xD. AS28702011pr ov i descl ar i f i c at i onofs i t ec l as si f i c at i oni nSect i on2. 1.I tst at est hatSi t e cl ass i f i cat i oni sper f or medt oal l owt hesel ec t i onofst andar df oot i ngdesi gnspr es ent edi n Sec t i on3orf ort hedes i gnoff oot i ngsy st emsbyengi neer i ngpr i nc i pl esasdesc r i bedi n sect i on4.Si t ess hal lbec l as si f i edi nt ooneoft hec l as sesgi veni nTabl e2. 1i nacc or dance wi t hAS28702011r equi r ement sf orbot ht heexpec t edex t entofs oi l mov ementandt he dept ht owhi c ht hi smov ementex t endsbasedonsoi lr eac t i v i t y .I nCl aus e2. 1. 3( AS28702011) . t hec l as si f i c at i onofCl as sPshal lbegi v ent osi t ec ondi t i onsspec i f i edandi nCl aus e 1. 3. 3( AS28702011) .-Abnor mal moi s t ur econdi t i ons.Thef ol l owi ngi sas ummar i z at i onof t hes er equi r ement s .

A2. 1Si t eCl assi f i cat i onbasedonSoi lReact i vi t y Fr om Tabl e3. 2. 4. 1GENERALDEFI NI TI ONSOFSI TECLASSES( NCC-Vol ume2) ( Fr om Tabl e2. 1GENERALDEFI NI TI ONSOFSI TECLASSES( AS28702011) ) Fi gA2. 1Gener alDef i ni t i onsofSi t eCl asses

Cl ass

Foundat i on


Mos tsandandr ocksi t eswi t hl i t t l eornogr oundmov ementf r om moi st ur ec hanges .


Sl i ght l yr eact i vec l aysi t es,whi c hmayexper i enceonl ysl i ghtgr oundmovement f r om moi st ur ec hanges .( ys :020mm)


Moder at el yr eac t i v ecl ayors i l tsi t es,whi chmayex per i enc emoder at egr ound mov ementf r om moi s t ur ec hanges .( ys :2040mm)


Hi ghl yr eact i vec l aysi t eswhi c hcanexper i encehi ghgr oundmovementf r om moi st ur ec hanges .( y s:4060mm)


Hi ghl yr eact i vec l aysi t eswhi c hcanexper i encev er yhi ghgr oundmov ementf r om moi st ur ec hanges .( y s:6075mm)


Ex t r emel yr eact i vec l aysi t eswhi c hcanexper i enceext r emegr oundmovement f r om moi s t ur echanges.( y s:>75mm) Pr obl em Si t e-Al l ot hersi t esnotnot edabove


A2. 2Si t essubj ectt oAbnor malSoi l&Moi st ur eCondi t i ons-Soi lr el at ed f r om AS28702011,Cl ause2. 1. 3 CLASSI FI CATI ONOFOTHERSI TES

As i t es hal lbec l as si f i edasCl assPi f : ( a) Thebear i ngs t r engt hi sl esst hans peci f i edi nCl ause2. 4. 5( AS28702011)50kPami n. f ors l abs( def i nedi ns ec t i on3&4. )100k Pami n.f orst r i p&st umpf oot i ngsf oundedi n nat ur als oi l . ( b) exc ess i v ef oundat i ons et t l ementmayocc urduet ol oadi ngont hef oundat i on. ( c) t hes i t ec ont ai nsunc ont r ol l edorcont r ol l edf i l lasi ndent i f i edi nCl aus e2. 5. 3( AS28702011) ( d) Unusualmoi st ur ec ondi t i onscausedbydr ai ns ,c hannel s ,ponds,damsort ank swhi ch ar et obemai nt ai nedorr emovedf r om t hesi t e. ( e) t hes i t ec ont ai nsunc ont r ol l edorcont r ol l edf i l lasi ndent i f i edi nCl aus e2. 5. 3( AS28702011) ( f ) Unusualmoi st ur ec ondi t i onscausedbydr ai ns ,c hannel s ,ponds,damsort ank swhi ch ar et obemai nt ai nedorr emovedf r om t hesi t e.

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A2. 3Si t essubj ectt oAbnor malSoi l&Moi st ur eCondi t i ons-NonSoi lr el at ed f r om AS28702011,Cl ause1. 3. 3 ABNORMALMOI STURECONDI TI ONS

Ex ampl esofabnor malmoi st ur ec ondi t i onsex i st i ngpr i ort ocons t r uct i oni nc l udet hef ol l owi ng: ( a)Removal ofanexi st i ngbui l di ngorst r uct ur el i k el yt ohav es i gni f i c ant l ymodi f i edt hesoi l moi s t ur econdi t i ons( di s t ur bedsoi l aswel l )undert hef oot pr i ntsy st em oft hebui l di ng. ( b)Removal oft r eespr i ort oconst r uc t i on. ( c )Pr esenc eoft r eesont hebui l di ngs i t eoradj ac entsi t e. ( d)Unusual moi st ur ec ondi t i onscaus edbydr ai ns ,channel s ,ponds ,damsort ank swhi ch ar et obemai nt ai nedorr emov edf r om t hes i t e. Ex ampl esofabnor malmoi st ur ec ondi t i onsr esul t i ngf r om cons t r uct i oni ncl udet hef ol l owi ng: ( i ) Fai l ur et opr ov i deadequat es i t edr ai nage. ( i i )Fai l ur et odet ai l orcons t r uctdr ai nagei nacc or dancewi t ht hi sSt andar d. Ex ampl esofabnor malmoi st ur ec ondi t i onsdev el opi ngf r om c onst r uc t i oni nc l udet hef ol l owi ng: ( A)Theef f ec toft r eest oocl oset oaf oot i ng ( B)Ex ces si veori r r egul arwat er i ngofgar densadj ecentt ot hebui l di ng. ( C)Fai l ur et omai nt ai ns i t edr ai nage ( D)Fai l ur et or epai rpl umbi ngl eaks ( E)Lossofv eget at i onf r om neart hebui l di ng

A2. 4Cal cul at i onoft r eei nducedsoi lmovement( yt ) Thecal cul at i onoft r eei nducedmovementi sper f or medi nacc or dancewi t hAS28702011, Appendi xH.Thi ssy st em ut i l i sest heI deal i sedmoundMet hod( Wal s hMet hod)s etouti n Appendi xFt odet er mi net hedi f f er ent i al movementc ausedbyt r ees( y t ) .Fort hi sCal cul at i on, I ssi sest i mat edbaseduponf i el das ses smentr esul t s. Fi gA2. 2Cal cul at i onofTr eeI nducedSoi lMovement( yt ) Hs: Ht :

1. 80m 0. 00m y


t ( max )

NoofTr ees:NoAbnor malMoi st ur eCondi t i ons est i mat edI ss:0 1 100



0. 00x



0 mm

A2. 5Geol ogi calMaps Geol ogi cal mapspr ov i dedbyt heDepar t mentofEnvi r onment&Pr i mar yI ndust r y( DEPI ) ,ar e agr aphi c alr epr es ent at i onofgener al soi lc ondi t i onsi nt er pr et edf r om f i ni t es oi l sampl es t akent hr oughoutt her egi on.Geol ogymapsar eagui deonl y,boundar i esar enotdef i ni t i ve andmaybeof f s etbyasmuchasonek i l omet r e( ormor e)f r om act ualgeol ogi cal boundar i es. Ther ef or et hedet er mi nat i onoft hegeol ogi c al s oi lt y pef oundatt hesi t ewi l l ,i nt heopi ni onof t hi sof f i ce,bes tf i t st hepr of i l eonencount er edons i t e,ev ent hought hegeol ogi cal map over l aydoesnotc overt hes i t e( butnear by. )

A3. 0Ret ai ni ngWal lDesi gn&Const r uct i on A3. 1Ret ai ni ngWal lDesi gnLi veLoadSpeci f i cat i ons Ret ai ni ngWal l sdes i gnr equi r ement sshoul dbeappl i edi nacc or dancewi t hTabl e4. 1, AS4678-2002,Ear t hRet ai ni ngSt r uc t ur esCode.

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A3. 2Ret ai ni ngWal lDesi gnAngl eofFr i ct i on&Densi t y Thef ol l owi ngt abl ei sagui def orAngl eofFr i ct i on&Dens i t yval uesr equi r edt odet er mi ne Ac t i v eandPass i v ePr ess ur eCoef f i c i ent sf ort hedes i gnofsoi lef f ect sont her et ai ni ngwal l . Theuseofaf r eebodydi agr am t odet er mi net heper f or mt r i al wedgeas ses sment swi l l enabl et hespeci f i c at i onofr et ai ni ngf act or s .Ref ert oAS46782002f orf ur t heri nf or mat i on. Tabl eA3. 1-Soi lAngl eofFr i ct i on&Densi t y Hor i zon A1, 2

Soi lType Si l t ySAND

Angl eofFr i ct i on




Densi t y


18kN/ m3

A3. 3St andar dRet ai ni ngSyst ems St andar dRet ai ni ngWal ls ys t emssuc hasr ei nf or cedmasonr yandc oncr et ec ant i l ev erwal l s mustbedesi gnedt ocons i dert hes oi l t ypeands l opeaswel l ascont ai ni ngadequat eand ef f ect i v edr ai naget omi ni mi s ehydr os t at i csur c har ge.Ot hers ys t emssuc hassl eeper r et ai ni ngwal l sr equi r et obemanuf ac t ur er edusi ngappr opr i at el yt r eat edt i mber saswel las adequat el ygal v ani s eds t eelmember s .Ref ert oAS46782002f orf ur t heri nf or mat i on.

A3. 4NonCont i guousPi l i ngRet ai ni ngSyst em Noncont i guouspi l esc anbes pac edatamaxi mum spaci ngof23di amet er st akenf r om cent r et oc ent r eofadj ac entpi l es( dependi ngonsoi ldensi t y&cohesi on. )Thi si sequi val ent t oas paci ngofonedi amet erbet weent heout ermostc i r cumf er enceoft headj acentpi l es.At t hi sspaci ngt hear chi ngf or c esi nt hes oi l swhi chc ons i st soft hei nt er nal angl eoff r i ct i onand cohesi onwi l lr emai nst abl ef orshor tper i odsoft i met oal l owt hepl aci ngofs t eel r ei nf or cementands hot cr et et ocompl et et her et ai ni ngwal l i ns egment s .I ti sant i ci pat edt hat t hesi t ewi l lbeexc avat edi nonemet r esegment sandt her et ai ni ngwal l cons t r uct edi nt opdownconst r uct i oni n1met r es egment s .Spac i ngi nex ces sof23pi l edi amet er s( f r om t he cent r eofadj ac entpi l es )i snotr ecommendedduet ot hespaci ngbei ngi nexc essofwhi c h ef f ect i v ear c hi ngf or c esi nt hes oi l sc anber el i edont ocr eat eas af ewor ki ngenv i r onment .A saf ewor k i ngenvi r onmenti sonewher et her ei smi ni malr i s kt ogr oundl os sandt her i s kof ext er nal gr oundset t l ementf r om exc ess i v el at er al mov ementoft hecant i l ev er ednoncont i guouspi l esi skeptwi t hi nacc ept abl el i mi t s .Ref ert oAS46782002f orf ur t her i nf or mat i on.

A4. 0Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orResi dent i alFoot i ngs A4. 1Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orSt andar dRaf tSl abFoot i ngs Thespec i f i cat i onf ort hef oundi ngofst andar dr af tsl absasnomi nat edi nTabl e11. 1. 1i s expl ai nedusi ngFi gA4. 1. 1bel ow.I ti sconsi der edt ypi cal t hatat200mm i nt ot het opofasoi l l ay eri scons i der edbel owanyi nt er c hangez onebet weent hi ss oi l l ay erandt hes oi l l ay er above. Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


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est r uctGeot echni cal Fi gA4. 1. 1Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orSt andar dRaf tSl abs

A4. 2Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orWaf f l eRaf tSl abFoot i ngs Thespeci f i c at i onf ort hef oundi ngofwaf f l er af tsl absasnomi nat edi nTabl e11. 1. 2i s expl ai nedus i ngFi gA4. 1. 2bel ow.I ti sc onsi der edt ypi calt hatt hest ar toft hi sl ayeri swi t hi n t hei nt er changezonebet weent hi ss oi l l ay erandt hes oi l l ay erabov e. Fi gA4. 1. 2Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orWaf f l eRaf tSl abs

A4. 3Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orSt r i pFoot i ngs&PadFoot i ngs Thespeci f i c at i onf ort hef oundi ngofs t r i pf oot i ngsandpadf oot i ngsasnomi nat edi nTabl e 11. 3i sex pl ai nedus i ngFi gA4. 3bel ow.I ti sc ons i der edt y pi c alt hatat200mm i nt ot het opof as oi l l ay eri sc ons i der edbel owanyi nt er changezonebet weent hi ss oi l l ayerandt hes oi l l ay erabov e. Fi gA4. 2Foundi ngSpeci f i cat i onsf orSt r i pFoot i ngs&PadFoot i ngs

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A4. 4Compact edFi l lf orSt andar dRaf tSl abs Compac t edSandorCl ayf i l l ,c onsi st sofmat er i alc ompac t edi nl ay er sbyr epeat edr ol l i ng wi t hanexc avat orors i mi l arequi pment .Thedept hofr ol l eds andf i l ls hal l notex ceed0. 6m, compact edi nl ayer snotmor et han0. 2m t hi c k.Thedept hofCl ayorSi l tf i l l shal l notex c eed 0. 3m,c ompac t edi nl ay er snotmor et han0. 15m t hi ck .NOTE:Thedept hsoff i l l gi v eni nt hi s Sec t i onar et hedept hsmeas ur edaf t ercompact i ont onat ur al soi l( Hor i z onsE,B,CorR) .

A4. 5Compact edFi l lf orWaf f l eRaf tSl abs NoSpec i f i cat i oni spr ov i dedf ort hi st y peoff oot i ngsy st em f oot i ngs ys t em mustbe,i nour opi non,f oundedont onat ur al gr ound.

A4. 6Cont r ol l edFi l l Cont r ol l edFi l l i si nst al l edi nac cor danc ewi t hAS37982007,document at i onpr ovi di ng compl i ancewi t ht her equi r ement soft hecodei sr equi r edf ors oi l ass ess ment .Thougha spec i f i cs i t emaybedef i nedashavi ngcont r ol l edf i l l ,i tr emai nst heper ogat i veoft hi sof f i c e t ocl as s i f yt hi ss oi l i nac cor dancewi t hAS28702011bas eduponf i el dt est i ngunder t ak en. Thi smayr es ul ti ns oi l bei ngnotcl ass i f i edascont r ol l edf i l lf orpur pos esoff oot i ngdesi gn.

A4. 7Descr i pt i on&Speci f i cat i onofSoi lHor i zons Soi lHor i z onsar eusedt odi f f er ent i at ebet weendi f f er entt ypesandc ondi t i onsofs oi l .Thi s hel psdet er mi neappr opr i at ef oundi ngdept hsf orf oot i ngsaswel l asgi vi ngani ndi c at i onas t ot het y peofs oi l i ti s.Thougheachdesc r i best hes peci f i csoi lf or mat i onsf ound,t hes oi l l ay er sar enotal way sf oundf r om t hesamepar entr ock .I nt hec as ewher et hi scanbe di s t i nc t l ydet er mi ned,anumer i cal pr ef i xwi l l beus edt odi st i ngui s hbet weenl ay er sf r om di f f er entpar entr oc kt y pes( egB,2B)( Ref ert oFi gA4. 3) . Fi gA4. 3Soi lHor i zonDescr i pt i ons

Nat ur al l yDeposi t edHor i zonLayer s: Foral l' Fi l l ' ornonnat ur alsoi l l ayer s,t henFsymboli sused

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A5. 0Pr ot ect i onWor ksRequi r ement s I ti sr equi r edt oensur et hatanyc onst r uc t i onper f or medonas i t edoesnotc aus edamageor bl oc kegr es st oanys ur r oundi ngpr oper t i es.Thi si ncl udesensur i ngear t hwor k sper f or med adj ac entt ot heboundar yr emai ns t abl eatal l t i mes .I tal soi ncl udesensur i ngt hatt hes i t e compl i eswi t hocc upat i on,heal t hands af et ypr ovi s i onst oensur es af ewor ki ngcondi t i ons. Thef ol l owi ngs ec t i onsi l l us t r at emet hodst obeempl oyedt oenabl ecompl i ancewi t h pr ot ect i onwor ksr equi r ement s .

A5. 1Tempor ar yBat t er i ngofEar t hwor ks Tempor ar ybat t er i ngofear t hwor ksi sr equi r edt oensur es oi l sl opes t abi l i t yi snot compr omi sed.Thi si sespec i al l yneededwhenconst r uct i ngadj acentt oapr oper t yboundar y. Whenaear t hwor k scutand/ orf i l l i sper f or medonas i t e,t her ei sar equi r ementt omeet mi ni mum s t andar dsr el at i ngt opr ot ect i onofbat t er sandc ut s.Dependi ngont hesi t uat i on, t het y peofpr ot ec t i onwor k st obei ns t al l edcanbeenabl edbysuf f i ci ent l ybat t er i ngas l opet o ens ur es hor tt er m (andsomet i mesl ongt er m)s t abi l i t y.Mi ni mi si ngt hel i k ehoodofheavy er osi onorsoi ll andsl i pocc ur i ng. Thebat t erangl et oadopti sdependentont heangl eoff r i c t i onoft hes oi l i nv ol ved( seeSec . A3. 2. )I ti sgener al l yconsi der edt hatf orNat ur al Undi s t ur bedCl ay sc anhav eat empor ar y bat t erof45degr eesf r om hor i z ont al .Thi sc anbeust i l i s edf orappr ox i mat el yupt o23weeks bef or eat her i s kofl oc al i sedf ai l ur ebecomesamaj ori ss ue.ForNat ur alUndi st ur bedSands canhaveat empor ar ybat t erof30degr eesf r om hor i zont al .Thi scanbeus t i l i s edf or appr oxi mat el yupt o1weekbef or eat her i skofl ocal i s edf ai l ur ebec omesamaj ori ss ue.Thi s t i mef r amecanbesev er el yshor t enedt o23daysi ft hesoi ls howss i gnsofdet er i or at i onaf t er ear t hwor k sar eper f or med.I nt hecas eoff i l l bat t er sf ors andandc l aysoi l s ,i ti sc ons i der ed t hatabat t erofl es st hen26degr eesf r om hor i zont ali sr equi r ed.Thi st i mef r amec anbe sev er el yshor t enedt o23daysi fanyoft hebat t er sshowssi gnsofdet er i or at i onaf t er ear t hwor k sar eper f or med.Thi sof f i cec anbeengagedt opr ov i deons i t et echni cal adv i cet o t hecondi t i onoft heear t hwor k sper f or med.

Fi gA5. 1Tempor ar yEar t hwor ksBat t erI l l ust r at i on

A5. 2Tempor ar yShor i ngofEar t hwor ks Wher es i t uat i onsar i sewher et empor ar ybat t er scannotachei vet hemi ni mum saf es l opes spec i f i edabov e,t hent hei ns t al l at i onofpr ot ec t i onwor k ss ucht empor ar ys hor i ngi sr equi r ed. Thenumberofmet hodst hatcanbeappl i edc anr angef r om s pr ayc oat i ngt hr ought ononcont i guouspi l i ngwhi c hi nc or por at est empor ar yaswel lasper manentshor i ngcapac i t y .The r ec ommendedshor i ngsy st emsr equi r edi sdet er mi nedf r om t hecondi t i onsf oundonsi t e.

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Thef i r s tsy st em t hatcanbeus edi sf orsi t ec ut supt o23met r esi ndept hi npr edomi nat el y cohesi ves oi l ss uchasc l ay s.Thet echni quei nvol vespi nni ngl i ghtst eel mes ht ot hec utf ac e andt henshot c r et i ngal i ni ng( usual l y100mm)ont ot hec utf ace.Thi spr ov i dedsaner os i on bar r i ert ot hec utaswel lasi nsur i ngt hatt hes oi l doesnotdr youtt ooqui c kl y.Thi ss ys t em r el i esont hecohesi v enat ur eoft hesoi laswel l ask eepi ngt hemoi st ur ec ont entatan opt i mum l evel t omax i mi sec ohesi on.Thi ssy t em i shast headvant ageofnotex t endi ng muc hpastt hecutf ace,t her ef or ec r eat i ngmi ni mum i nt er f er anc edur i ngc ons t r uc t i on. Fi gA5. 2Shot cr et eTempor ar yShor i ng

Rei nf or cementFi xi ngSoi lGr out edBol t s

Shot cr et eLi ni ngt o St r uct ur alEngi neer s Desi gnSpeci f i cat i on, i ndi cat i veonl y

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A6. 0Descr i pt i on&Cl assi f i cat i onofSoi l sandRocksf orGeot echni calPur poses Tabl eA1-AS17261993,Appendi xA-Gui det ot heDescr i pt i oni dent i f i cat i onand Cl assi f i cat i onofSoi l s( f i el di dent i f i cat i ononl y) Fi gA6. 1Rock&Soi lCl assi f i cat i on

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Appendi xB B1. 0Si t eSoi lI nvest i gat i onDescr i pt i on Fi gB1. 1Si t eSoi lSket ch


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B2. 0Si t ePhot oDescr i pt i on Fi gB2. 1Si t ePhot o1

Vi ew t owar df r ontofr esi dence

Fi gB2. 2Si t ePhot o2

Vi ew t owar dr earofr esi dence

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es t r uctGeot echni cal

Fi gB2. 3Si t ePhot o3

Vi ew t owar df r ontboundar y

Fi gB2. 4Si t ePhot o4

Vi ew t owar dr earboundar y

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Fi gB2. 5Si t ePhot o5

Vi ew t owar dr earl ef tboundar y

Fi gB2. 6Si t ePhot o6

Vi ew t owar dr earr i ghtboundar y

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Appendi xC C1. 0TestSi t es Dept h Hor i zon ( mm) 0

Tabl e C1. 1

TestSi t e1

F 300

Bear i ng( kPa)

Soi lPr of i l eLayerDescr i pt i on


TestDat e 29/ 06/ 16

Gr ey

Br own

Or gani cs,gr assr oot s

Moi st ,Loose

( Wi t hi nLayer ) 0200mm: 0 bel ow200mm: 0

Pl ast i cst r i p

l t ySAND SM Si A1 1000

Gr ey

Br own Moi st ,Dense

( Wi t hi nLayer ) 0200mm: 80 bel ow200mm: 100

t r eer oot s

l t ySAND SM Si A2

Whi t e

Gr ey Moi st ,Dense

( Wi t hi nLayer ) 0200mm: 100 bel ow200mm: 100

1400 l t ySAND SM Si A3 1600

Br own

Bl ack Moi st ,Dense

( Wi t hi nLayer ) 0200mm: 100 bel ow200mm: 100

Test Si t e-Ter mi nat ed

Col our sshownwi t hi nbor el ogsar er epr esent i t i veonl yandmayv ar yonsi t eduet omoi s t ur econt entandsoi lcompos i t i onvar i at i ons

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Tabl e C1. 2 Dept h Hor i zon ( mm) 0

TestSi t e2


Bear i ng( kPa)

Soi lPr of i l eLayerDescr i pt i on


TestDat e 29/ 06/ 16

Gr ey

Br own

Or gani cs,gr assr oot s

Moi st ,Loose

( Wi t hi nLayer ) 0200mm: 0 bel ow200mm: 0

200 l t ySAND SM Si A1 900

Gr ey

Br own

Br ownsandyl ens

Moi st ,Dense

t r acegr a vel ,t r eer oot s

l t ySAND SM Si A2 1300

( Wi t hi nLayer ) 0200mm: 80 bel ow200mm: 100

Whi t e

Gr ey Moi st ,Dense

( Wi t hi nLayer ) 0200mm: 100 bel ow200mm: 100

Test Si t e-Ter mi nat ed

Col our sshownwi t hi nbor el ogsar er epr esent i t i veonl yandmayv ar yonsi t eduet omoi s t ur econt entandsoi lcompos i t i onvar i at i ons

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est r uctGeot echni cal

Tabl e C1. 3 Dept h Hor i zon ( mm) 0

TestSi t e3


Bear i ng( kPa)

Soi lPr of i l eLayerDescr i pt i on

l t ySANDFI LL SM Si Whi t e

TestDat e 29/ 06/ 16

Gr ey Moi st ,Loose

( Wi t hi nLayer ) 0200mm: 0 bel ow200mm: 0

100 l t ySAND SM Si A1 600

Gr ey

Br own

Tr acebr ownmot t l i ng

Moi st ,Dense

( Wi t hi nLayer ) 0200mm: 80 bel ow200mm: 100

Test Si t e-Ter mi nat ed

Col our sshownwi t hi nbor el ogsar er epr esent i t i veonl yandmayv ar yonsi t eduet omoi s t ur econt entandsoi lcompos i t i onvar i at i ons

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