Sample Res WM report

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Wast eManagementPl ans

Si t eManagementPl ans

TreeRootProt ect i onAssessment s

Pl anni ngAssessmentRepor t Wast eManagementAssessment Repor tNo:P18002. Pr oposedApar t mentDevel opment Si t eAddr ess:179Car i ni shRoad,Cl ayt on


Dat e:18/ 02/ 2016 Thi sr epor tconsi st sof15pages&mustber epr oducedi nf ul l .I fyoudonothav eaf ul lcopyoft her epor tpl easecont actt hi sof f i ce.

Gr eat erMel bour ne

Par tofest r uctp/ l consul t i ngser vi ces

Regi onalVi ct or i a

Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

1. 0Tabl eofCont ent s 2. 0Cl i entDet ai l s


3. 0Ref er ences


4. 0Si t eI nf or mat i on


4. 1Pr oposedSi t eDevel opment


4. 2Pr oposedSi t eConst r uct i on


4. 3Si t eWast eManagementCr i t er i a


5. 0Wast eRequi r ement s


5. 1Wast eGener at i onRequi r ement s


5. 2Wast eGener at i onRequi r ement s


6. 0Wast eManagment


6. 1Wast eSt r eams


6. 2Gar bageDi sposal


6. 3Recycl i ngDi sposal


6. 4Gr eenWast eDi sposal



6. 5Gar bageCol l ect i on


6. 6Recycl i ngCol l ect i on


6. 7Gr eenWast eCol l ect i on


6. 8Bi nCl eani ng&Mai nt enance


7. 0Wast eMi ni mi sat i onSt r at egi es


8. 0Gener alWast eManagementRequi r ement s


8. 1Bi nAccesst oCol l ect i onPoi nt


8. 2Nonsui t abl eWast eDi sposal


8. 3Bi nSt or es


8. 4Har dRubbi shCol l ect i on


Appendi xA


A1. 0Repor tTer msandCondi t i ons


A2. 0Wast eBi nSpeci f i cat i ons


Appendi xB


B1. 0Wast eManagementSi t ePl an


Appendi xC


C1. 0Wast eBi nSt or ageAr ea


Par tofest r uctp/ l consul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

1. 1Tabl e&Fi gur eCont ent s Tabl e5. 1Wast eGener at i on


Tabl e5. 2Wast eCapaci t y


Fi g7. 1Wast eMi ni mi sat i onPyr ami d


Fi gA2. 1240Li t r eCapaci t yBi ns


Fi gA2. 2120Li t r eCapaci t y2WheelBi ns


Fi gA2. 31100Li t r eCapaci t y4WheelBi ns



Fi gB1. 1Wast eManagementSi t ePl an


Fi gC1. nAr ea 1 1 Bi


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Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

2. 0Cl i entI nf or mat i on Gr andGal ax y 22Car sonSt r eet Kew 3101

3. 0Ref er ences Pl an ni n g&Env i r on mentAct Vi c1987,Pl anni ngPr ov i s i ons-2006 Ci t yofMar i by r nong-Wast eMi n i mi s at i onSt r at er gy-2004 WHAr chi t ec t s-11014-TPP10, Pl an _wast eman ag emen t-26/ 06/ 2013 Su st ai n ab i l i t yVi c t or i a-www. get i t r i ght bi n ni g ht . v i c. gov . au/ what cani r ec yc l e


Dept .ofPl ann i ng&Commun i t yDevel opmen t-Pl anni ngRepor t

4. 0Si t eI nf or mat i on

4. 1Pr oposedSi t eDevel opment

I t i spr oposedt oc on st r uc tanewCl ass2r esi dent i al dev el op mentont hesi t e.Thes i t ei s l ocat edwi t hi nCl i mat eZone6( Nat i on al Cons t r uc t i onCode,Vol ume1, Fi g ur eA1. 1)Ther e ar e17Apar t ment s .Eachapar t men twi l l haveacombi n edsy st em wh i chwi l l b ecommi ng l ed gar b ag e& r ecy cl i ngb i nsf orAp ar t ment s .

4. 2Pr oposedSi t eConst r uct i on Th epr oposeds t r uct u r ear et obebui l tf r om h eb el veneer&FCc l adext er n al wal l s .Roofi st o bec l ad dedwi t hst eel s heet .Thes t r uct u r ei st obef oundedonasusp en dedconc r et esl ab ov erbasement . Thewi n dowsar et obeal umi ni umf r amed

4. 3Si t eWast eManagementCr i t er i a Si t ei swi t hi nt hemun i ci pal i t yofMonashCi t yCounc i l .I ti swi t h i naGener al Resi d en t i al Zon e2( GRZ2)ar ea.I ti snots ubj ect t oan yTownPl an ni ngOver l ay s.I ti snotwi t hi na Bus hf i r ePr oneAr ea

Par tofest r uctp/ l consul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

5. 0Wast eRequi r ement s 5. 1Wast eGener at i onRequi r ement s Tabl e5. 1Wast eGener at i on Bui l di ngType

Si t e Gar bage( L/ wk) Recycl i ng( L/ wk )Gr eenWast e( L/ wk)

Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom

1 2

120 120

120 120

60 60

Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom

3 4 5

120 120 120

120 120 120

60 60 60

Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom

6 7 8 9

120 120 120 120

120 120 120 120

60 60 60 60

Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom

10 11 12

120 120 120

120 120 120

60 60 60

Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse2Bedr oom

13 14 15

120 120 90

120 120 70

60 60 60

Townhouse2Bedr oom Townhouse2Bedr oom Townhouse2Bedr oom Townhouse2Bedr oom

16 17 18 19

90 90 90 90

70 70 70 70

60 60 60 60

Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom

20 21

120 120

120 120

60 60

Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom

22 23 24

120 120 120

120 120 120

60 60 60

Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom

25 26 27 28

120 120 120 120

120 120 120 120

60 60 60 60

Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom

29 30 31

120 120 120

120 120 120

60 60 60

Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom

32 33

120 120

120 120

60 60

Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Townhouse3Bedr oom Apar t ment2Bedr oom

34 35 36 37 38

120 120 120 120 90

120 120 120 120 70

60 60 60 60 60

Apar t ment2Bedr oom Apar t ment2Bedr oom

39 40

90 90

70 70

60 60

Apar t ment2Bedr oom Apar t ment2Bedr oom Apar t ment2Bedr oom

41 42 43

90 90 90

70 70 70

60 60 60

90 90 5010

70 70 4750

60 60 2700


Apar t ment2Bedr oom 44 Apar t ment2Bedr oom 45 Tot al Ref use:

Par tofest r uctp/ l consul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

5. 2Wast eCapaci t yRequi r ement s Bui l di ngType

Si t e

Tabl e5. 2Wast eCapaci t y Gar bageBi nType VolL/ w

Recycl i ngBi nType

Vol L/ w

Apa r t men t2Be dr oom

1 1100Li t r eGa r ba ge4WheelBi n 1100

Apa r t men t2Be dr oom




1100Li t r eRecy cl e4WheelBi n 1100 SeeAbove


Apa r t men t1Be dr oom






Apa r t men t1Be dr oom






Apa r t men t2Be dr oom






Apa r t men t2Be dr oom






Apa r t men t2Be dr oom






Apa r t men t1Be dr oom






Apa r t men t1Be dr oom






Apa r t men t2Be dr oom




Apa r t men t2Be dr oom






Apa r t men t2Be dr oom






Apa r t men t2Be dr oom






Apa r t men t2Be dr oom

14 1100Li t r eGa r ba ge4WheelBi n 1100



Apa r t men t2Be dr oom






Apa r t men t1Be dr oom






Apa r t men t2Be dr oom






1100Li t r eRecy cl e4WheelBi n 1100

SAMPLE Tot alCapaci t y: 2200

Par tofest r uctp/ lcon sul t i ngser vi ces



Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

6. 0Wast eManagment 6. 1Wast eSt r eams Resi dent i al wast es hal l besor t edwi t hb yt her esi dent si nt ot hef ol l owi ngst r eamsan d assoc i at edbi ns .Gar bageb i nsshal l c on t ai nal l or gani cwas t e&Rec yc l i ngBi n swi l l cont ai n Gl as s,PET,HDPE,al umi ni um, st eel copper&p ap er / car db oar d .Thei ndi v i d ual own er sand t enant sshal l di s poseofr ec yc l i n gi nt ot hecommunal b i n s.BodyCor por at eMan ag ershoul d mon i t ord i s posal ar easf ori nc or r ec tr ecy cl i ngd i s posal .

6. 2Gar bageDi sposal Resi dent i al ap ar t ment sshal l bef ur n i sh edwi t hpl ast i cl i nedun derbenchst or agebi ns, wi t ha mi ni mu m capaci t yof15l i t r es, f ort h et empor ar yhol di ngofgar b ag ewast e.Resi dent sshal l t r an sf erbaggedgar b ag et obi nst or age.Thei n di vi dual owner san dt enant sshal l d i sp os eof gar b ag ei nt ot hecommunal bi ns .Bod yCor p or at eManagershoul dmoni t ordi sposal ar easf or i ncor r ect gar bagedi sposal .

6. 3Recycl i ngDi sposal Resi dent i al ap ar t ment sshal l bef ur n i sh edwi t hunderb en chs t or ag eb i n s,wi t hami ni mum capaci t yof10l i t r es,f ort h et empor ar yhol di ngofgar bagewast e.Resi d en t ss halt r ansf er


bagg edgar baget ob i nst or age.Th ei nd i v i dual owner sandt enant sshal l di sp os eofr ecy cl i ng i nt ot hec ommun al bi n s.BodyCor por at eManagershoul dmoni t ordi sposal ar easf ori nc or r ect r ecy cl i ngdi s posal .

6. 4Gr eenWast eDi sposal

6. 5Gar bageCol l ect i on AWast eManagement Con t r act oror gani sedb yt he Owner sCor p or at i onwi l l ber esp on si bl e f ormov i n gt hecommun al gar ab ag ebi nst oaposi t i onwher eac cessabl ef orenmp t yi ngby t h ei rg ar b ag ecol l ect i onv eh i cl e.

6. 6Recycl i ngCol l ect i on AWast eManagement Con t r act oror gani sedb yt he Owner sCor p or at i onwi l l ber esp on si bl e f ormov i n gt hecommun al gar ab ag ebi nst oaposi t i onwher eac cessabl ef orenmp t yi ngby t h ei rg ar b ag ecol l ect i onv eh i cl e.

6. 7Gr eenWast eCol l ect i on Resi dent i al Gr eenwast ef r omgar densshal l b ec ol ec t edanddi sp os edofb yGar den Mai n t enancecont r ac t oror gani sedbyOwner sCor por at i on.

Par tofest r uctp/ l consul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

6. 8Bi nCl eani ng&Mai nt enance Resi dent i al Gr eenwast ef r om gar densshal l b ecol l ec t edandd i sp os edofb yGar den Mai nt enancecont r ac t oror gani sedbyOwn er sCor por at i on.

7. 0Wast eMi ni mi sat i onSt r at egi es Theoper at or( BodyCor por at e)wi l l ber espons i bl ef ort h eedu cat i onofr esi dent i al and commer c i al t enant si nt hepr ac t i c esofwast er educ t i on/ mi ni mi s at i ont odi v er twast ef r om l andf i l l .Thi swi l l beachi ev edbyt hef ol l owi ng: Fi g7. 1Wast eMi ni mi sat i onPyr ami d

SAMPLE Docu mentanddi st r i but edet ai l soft hewas t emanagement sy st em t h at i si np l aceonsi t et oal l t enant s.Di st r i bu t i onofnot i cest oal l t en an t sandr esi d en t senc ou r agi n gwast esepar at i on .Al l bi n st obel abel l edan dcol ourcodedst at i ngt yp esofwast et hatcanbed ep os i t edi . e. paper / car db oar dbi ns, cont ai n err ecycl i ngb i n s,gar b ag eb i n s.Resi dent i al t enant swi l l be pr ov i dedwi t hai nf or mat i on,up onr esi dency ,d et ai l i ngi t emst hatcanb edi s posedofvi at he gar bageandr ec yc l i n gbi nsi nac cor dancewi t ht h eCou nci l speci f i c at i ons. Anyf u t ur ech an ge t or egul at or yr equi r ement sort ot hed ev el opment s’ wast eg en er at i onr at eswi l l r eq ui r et he op er at ort oconduc tawas t eau di tandr ev i set hewast emanagement sy st em t h ati si npl ace ac cor di ngl y .

8. 0Gener alWast eManagementRequi r e 8. 1Bi nAccesst oCol l ect i onPoi nt Asbi nsmustwoul dbe“ wheel ed”t h r ou ghoutt hesi t et ot heCol l ect i onPoi nt . An yp at hway san d r ampsr eq ui r eamaxi mu m gr adi entof1: 14t omeetr eg ul at or yr equi r ement s.

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

8. 2Nonsui t abl eWast eDi sposal I t emsunsu i t abl ef ordi sp os al vi agar bageorr ec yc l i n gbi nswoul dneedt obed i sp os edi n accor danc ewi t hEPAr egu l at or yr eq ui r emen t s.TheBod yCor p or at eManagerc ou l dor gani se was t ecol l ect i onper i od i c al l yf oral l t enant sbydedi cat edwast eman ag ementcont r ac t or s. .Thi s wou l di ncl u de:l ar ge,h eav y ,andTox i cWast ei t emss uchasCarbat t er i es.

8. 3Bi nSt or es Bi nst or eswi l l b esecur eandver mi npr oofan dv en t i l at edi nac cor dancewi t hAust r al i an St and ar dAS1668. 2.Eachs t or emust havemi n i mum s pacet oal l oweasyr emov al and p l acementofal l wheel edbi ns.

8. 4Har dRubbi shCol l ect i on TheBod yCor p or at eManagerwi l l pr ov i deeac hr esi denceahar dr ubb i shcol l ect i onser v i c e


asr equi r ed.Ach ar gewi l l b epayabl eateachc ol l ec t i onon l y.

Chr i sRoz ycki B. E. ( Ci vi l ) , MI EAustCPEng, NER( C&S) , RBP( EC) , RPEQ( C&S) , AI st r uct ECEng( UK) , MASBCCPC Managi ngDi r ect orChar t er edPr of essi onalEngi neer

Par tofest r uctp/ lcon sul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

Appendi xA A1. 0Repor tTer msandCondi t i ons Pl an wayBui l di ngConsu l t ant si sat r ad i ngnameofest r uc tPt yLt d( ACN097361898) . The ser v i cespr ovi dedd onoti n cl udeons i t ev er i f i cat i onofi nst al l at i oncomp l i anc ewi t ht hi sr epor t . Pl easer ef ert ot heRegi st er edBui l di ngSu r vey orf orsi t ever i f i c at i ons&ap pr oval s . Thi swast emanagemen tassessmentdoesn ot covert hi n gss uchasel ect r i c al an dpl u mbi ng speci f i cat i on s.Theas sessmen tofar c hi t ec t ur al sp ec i f i c at i onsoren gi n eer i ngspeci f i cat i on s r el at i ngt ot hi spr oj ect . Owner sar eadv i sedt or ef ert ot heEnv i r on ment al Pr ot ect i onAgency( Vi c) ,Thel ocal Ci t y Coun ci l andt h eDepar t men tofPl ann i n gandCommuni t yDev el opmentf oral l r egu l at or y r equi r ement si nr el at i ont owast emanagement compl i ances.I n f or mat i onabout wast e management speci f i cat i on scanb ef oun dal soatt hi erwebsi t es.


I fyouh av eanyquer i esi nr el at i ont ot hec on t entoft hi sr epor tp l eas ec ont actt h i sof f i c ep r i or t ocommenc i n gofcommenc ementofconst r uct i onf orcl ar i f i cat i on .

Thi sr epor t must ber eadi ni t sent i r et y .Af u l l r epr odu ct i onoft h i sr epor tmu stbeu t i l i sedatal l t i mes.est r uctPt yLt dd oesnott ak er es ponsi bi l i t yf ordamag eorl os sr esu l t i n gi nt hi sr ep or t bei n gmi sus ed ,al t er edori t sf ul l r ecommend at i onsar enotadopt ed. Theus eoft hi sr ep or ti sst r i ct l yf ort hepr op er t ynot edi nt hesi t eaddr es s.Th i sr epor ti snott o beusedi nan yot h erwayot hert hent opr ov i dewas t emanagement speci f i cat i onsoft he st r ut u r ei nquest i on.Anyt r ans f erorr euseoft hi sr epor tf oranyot hersi t e( eveni fpr oj ecti s si mi l ar )i sst r i ct l yf or bi dden.Anymod i f i c at i onst ot hepr oj ectwi t houtn ot i f i c at i onand ammendmentoft hi sr epor twi l l mak et hi swast eman ag emen tassess mentnu l l &v oi d. TheBui l der / Cont r act ori sf ul yr es ponsi bl et oi nst al l al l c omponentmat er i al sspeci f i edwi t hi n t hi sr epor tasst at ed.est r uctp / l wi l l notaccept subs t i t ut i onofs peci f i edmat er i al sun l es s wh er eal l owabl eun derSt at ut or yRegul at i ons.Fai l ur et oc ompl ywi t ht hi smayr es ul ti n Bu i l d er / Con t r act orr equ i r i ngt or emedyt hesp ec i f i cat i onsatt hei rownexp en se. I fyouh av eanyquer i esi nr el at i ont ot hec on t entoft hi sr epor tp l eas ec ont actt h i sof f i c ep r i or t ocommenc i n gofconst r u ct i onf orcl ar i f i cat i on .

Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

A2. 0Wast eBi nSpeci f i cat i ons Fi gA2. 1240Li t r eCapaci t y2WheelBi ns


Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

Fi gA2. 2120Li t r eCapaci t y2WheelBi ns


Par tofest r uctp/ lcon sul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s Fi gA2. 31100Li t r eCapaci t y4WheelBi ns


Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

Appendi xB B1. 0Wast eManagementSi t ePl an Fi gB1. 1Wast eManagementSi t ePl an


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Repor tNo:P18002

Pl anWayBui l di ngConsul t ant s

Appendi xC C1. 0Wast eBi nSt or age C1. nAr ea 1 1Bi

Fi gC1. 1

Si t eNo:1 Resi denceNo:Apar t ment s117 Descr i pt i on:2NoCommunal 1100Li t r eWheel edGar bageBi nsand2No Communal 1100Li t r eWheel edRecycl eBi ns.

Bi nar ea:


Par tofest r uctp/ lconsul t i ngser vi ces


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